#Fletcher Strand
nuitthegoddess · 1 year
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Omg guys I cannot believe this has been leaked about part 3 omgggg
It's tru my RSA bois are in this episode and are gonna frickin fight mal and save everyone ommgggg
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since luna is azul sister i think that once she meets rielle they would like argue and have a fight since rielle dislikes azul and luna would dislike rielle and melonie would not fight fletcher but headpat him if he sad
oc of @nuitthegoddess
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oldfangirl81 · 2 months
Fic Idea- Murder She Wrote x 911
I'm on one of my many rewatches of the entire Murder She Wrote series. All the crossover ideas have started again.
Keeping Murder She Wrote mostly the same but just moving it up 30+ years.
During her time living in New York maybe Jessica helped catch an arsonist who destroyed a library or school. During that adventure she meets and becomes friends with the Strands.
She was unable to come to the wedding but sent a lovely gift.
Months pass and TK notices his mother-in-law is still struggling with grief. He wants to help but isn't sure how. He already feels like he isn't helping Carlos enough either.
Then he notices Andrea reading a JB Fletcher book. TK then discovers Jessica will be doing a book signing in El Paso in two weeks. He calls asking if she'd stop in Austin for a visit after. Explaining what happened just before his wedding.
Of course Jessica agrees and adds an Austin book signing to make her publisher happy. Being a widow after a long happy marriage Jessica is very equipped to be an understanding shoulder to Andrea.
Nobody is surprised how quickly they bond. Andrea ends up asking her to look at the case. Carlos is initially angry and against it. Conversation where both TK and Andrea tell Carlos how worried they are about his growing obsession with finding who killed Gabriel, including joining the Texas Rangers, changes his mind.
During the two weeks Jessica is visiting they do manage to solve the case with only one more additional body.
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phoenix--flying · 1 year
The curse of the apollo cabin I want details, seriously it sounds too great to.
YEAHHHH!!!! everyone talks about the Cabin Nine curse but I like to think about the cabins I think were actually cursed by a god; Cabin Seven and Cabin Ten >:D
Cabin Ten is for another time so lets talk ab Cabin Seven!!
The reason for the curse is shaky, I like to think it came from Hades, perhaps over the Oracle and Maria. Maybe Apollo brings up the curse on his Oracle, gets into an argument with Hades that ends with the Apollo Cabin getting cursed. Hades couldn't hurt Apollo, but he could hurt his children!
What is the curse, exactly? It's against the Head Counselor of the Cabin! Specifically, the counselor is destined to die, no matter what they do, no matter how safe they are. They will die. It becomes more prominent during the Titan War with Lee Fletcher and Michael Yew dying just shy of a year apart, but nobody thinks anything of it. Its a war, people are bound to die, right?
If we wanna look at it as a curse in the same strand of the oracle, it could be lifted after Nico is accepted into camp, no longer ostracized.
To add some ✨ spice ✨ I have four head counselors before canon who died/went missing because of the curse >:D
Cecilia Ford, the Counselor ~1992-1996, she was seventeen when she died as a result of a plague that broke out in camp :) also wiped out the entire cabin but we don't talk ab that
Lilian Gray, the Counselor ~1998-2000, she was eighteen when she died during the final chariot race. The Apollo cabin mentions the last time they held the races resulted in three deaths, making it likely that at lest one of them was around for said chariot race. She was the fighter for her team, when she got thrown off her chariot she stabbed herself with her own arrow :)
Riley Wilson, the Counselor ~2000-2001, she was sixteen when she went missing during Capture the Flag alongside another camper. Nobody knows what happened to them (they stumbled across the Myrmekes hill)
Kyrene Dawson, the counselor ~2001-2004, she was twenty when she died during a hellhound attack. She was the first counselor in a while who actually managed to leave camp and died a few months after
also the irony of the current counselors bfs dad having cursed his cabin and technically being the cause of countless of his sibs death :D
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fivelasanctum · 4 days
Time Commission Handbook Notes
Bought this book recently and it bred life into the Founder Five character more than any personal headcanons. A tragic version of Five to be sure. I'll just around and list things I noticed while perusing the book. Spoilers ahead if you haven't read the book.
Auggie fletcher narrarates most of the book. Kinda cute xD He has a crush on lila. Describing her as 'pure' despite her being the secret weapon of the time commission and the handler's enforcer. Apparently lila felt bad for him when he would have unseemly grunt work. Like cleaning the bathrooms and helping to pick up shattered plates. Most likely from the handler's tantrum. Like her rage when she flung five's item off his old desk.
Five does a flow chart for his mission when he pretended to join back up with the commission. Herb and Gloria also made ones. Five's was the shortest since he could figure out the expedient way to solve it with less factors involved.
Founder five did a foreward about working in the shadows, why he created the commission. To fix a universe that kept breaking. How he is in the passenger's seat but more along for the ride. By the time of writing in the handbook he is more hands off and tired. Yet still is trying to give hope to prospect agents wanting to be part of the well oiled machine. Doesn't feel he is needed as much. Hero/god complex with feeling what they do is to help humans continue living. Saving the world. Then ended it by thanking the would-be prospects.
Margot Archfield is Auggie's supervisor. The one writing in the margins of the book. Trying to edit and silence Auggie.
bar graph of statistics with special op deaths. 26 percent for marital strife xD 3 Percent for faulty briefcases. Makes sense why lila was pissed when hers wasn't working because you are stuck completely. Stranded. Explains the impact of five seeing both suitcases drained of time juice.
Auggie is kind of a five fan boy lol ♥ Their is a new character introduced named Cassidy -'the tragedy' Cartwight. Cassidy was a mother whom lost her son when he tried to save her from being mugged. He ended up getting murdered. She joined the time commission in order to find a way to go back in time to save his life. She was bullied severely because she never killed anyone. Had no successes with her missions. She used the times she was deployed in, to try to go back in time to save her son to no avail. What I found shocking is that she was sent out to kill a FLOWER MERCHANT. Being told it would trigger the events of pearl harbor. She didn't care about it. So I'm thinking the Handler first sent her out to take out one of Lila's parents to make things easier for her with her goal to kidnap lila if she had no attachments. Handler was still in power around that time of the narration. It failed since it was cassidy. So Handler then sent the 'legendary assassin' five out to clear the way. Killing Lila's parent with no questions.
Cassidy was someone founder five felt sadness over. She had apparently died three years before the writing of this version of the handbook. Founder actually met her in person at the behest of the board to reach out to the younger generation. He admired her for her steadfast pursuit to try to save her son. In terms of trying to change the past and future, they understood each other in that capacity. Apparently he tried to quell her bullying from the shadows but didn't work since he was trapped in the bunker. He likens himself to rapunzel. Hurt his heart because she reminded him of himself. Determined to save her family like him. Clawing and hitting their heads on the wall to find a solution. Respected her gusto. Saw her as better than him in the pursuit to get back to the past and change the events for the better but she failed. So that must have propelled Founder's depression further. Not seeing the point of it all by the end of season 3.
He mentioned that he hopes 'their experiement works' so their isn't a need for people like cassidy to struggle so hard to have a loved one back. Thanking Auggie for mentioning her.
My take on her connection to founder: Was that they were acquaintances' but that founder was protective of her due to her still having been steadfast in her goal. Whereas he lost his way from time with failures and depression.
Unfortunate news that took the wind out of my sails while reading. Apparently their is an alternate five that becomes a stay at home husband in Dublin, Ireland. Married to his fashion model wife Delores. Initially reading that pissed me off. Dolores is real to Five's mind but she is an imaginary companion formed from a part of his psyche to cope with years of solitude and madness. Representing his conscious most likely. >.>; Having never been a person born to a mother I fail how that would work. Unless he bonded with someone having that name. Lingering memories from the alpha(main) timeline.
After I had time to process, I figured the author wanted to put lila there but since this came out right before season 4 was released it wouldn't do to mention Five and Lila being romantically linked. That would have spoiled the last two episodes of season 4. They went to great pains to keep things hush-hush. Late night filming, separate filming crew for the lila/five scenes. Couldn't show much in trailers etc.. Might be biased but I think that makes the most sense. Another take on it is that in that timeline it was the reverse situation. Where lila and five had their obstacles in the main storyline. With her being married with kids. Unhappy in the marriage because she had to do everything with the responsibilities with kids, maybe the house work as well. In the alternate timeline, five was in her position with being a stay at home dad and his wife focusing on her career. Interesting fanfic ideas lol
Their is something to my theory of founder five creating paradox psychosis. Auggie says the flatulence side effect was approved of from the founder. Questioned if he was a prankster regarding that stage but added it in the book all the same.
Was a small blurb about the would-be pursuers of Five to take handcuffs with them since he apparently can't blink unless his hands are free. Though auggie's supervisor pipes up it's not verified. (S and M fivelila confirmed? xD)
Alternate timeline lila is in a rock band called the Mimics where they have basement shows in east London. Soo the rock band AU fics can be semi canon since alt version is in a band. * Founder five mentions how his health is failing him (We don't know his true age since founded the commission) How the commission was a failure despite their minor victories. Comes in line with his message to Five to not save the world and to just lay down their sword quietly. Founder could have known about the end result with the ben/jennifer situation outside of addressing the Kugelblitz one. Thanking those that helped him with the commission as he basically tries to make peace with the inevitability of death and to not bother anymore. Was the second to last passage in the book. Founder five deserves a hug at this point Q~Q
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Silver Springs Part 1
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Word count: ~11k
Summary: Wanda tries to leave her mob life behind to start a family with you. 
A/N: This is a crack-ish fic that I wrote because I got bored. Reposting from Ao3 Enjoy.
Warnings: Eventual violence, blood, death, angst, and smut. Not in that order. 
The sound of your alarm blaring makes you roll over with an annoyed groan. You often felt you could never get enough sleep, but lately it’s been particularly bad. You’re typically a solid 8-hour a night person, but you have learned to settle on 6 when you had to, and operate on 5 if the situation called for it.
Last night you’d gotten closer to 5 than 6, but luckily it was a short work day for you since it was Saturday. You also weren’t going to complain when your reason for staying up later involved your beautiful wife. Speaking of your wife, you noticed she wasn’t in bed and you sigh in defeat as you realize she’s already up and working.
You lie in bed for a few minutes to stare out at the spectacular view from your bedroom window. You’re still getting used to living in what is quite possibly your favorite place in the world. You’ve always loved the mountains. You loved the fresh air, the ability to walk for miles without seeing a single road, and the snow. You loved the snow. You couldn’t wait to see it cover everything in sight.
You’re considering a hike later this afternoon when you hear the tell-tale sound of your wife coming up the stairs. Despite only living here for a couple of months, you’ve learned what Wanda sounds like when she walks around the house. Your new modern mountain home was huge with three-levels and way more space than you four needed. The windows practically went to the ceiling in every room, and the rustic touches as well as the outdoor areas made it perfect for you to appreciate the amazing view all around.
“Good morning, detka.”
You smile at the sight of Wanda still dressed in her long t-shirt, one she’d borrowed from you that you never got to wear anymore, and too short shorts. Her hair is thrown up into a messy bun with strands of her red hair falling out, but you swear she’s never looked more breathtaking. You love seeing her relaxed like this and the fact that she’s been more relaxed since your move away from the city makes you even happier. You take the offered coffee with a kiss and sit up before eying her questioningly.
“Morning, Wands. Have you been up long?”
Wanda sighs as she moves to sit next to you on the bed with a nod and you’re reaching out for her before she even gets a chance to answer.
“Only for a couple of hours. Just needed to sort a few things out.”
You hum in acknowledgement but don’t have a chance to say anything in response before the door is opened wider by the other two occupants of your home.
Boone is your 2-year-old German Shepherd that you’ve had since he was a puppy. He was a gift from Wanda who had rescued him from a sketchy situation. She’d never told you the details, but you hadn’t cared when she came home with the 6-month-old, and you’d fallen in love immediately. He’s your baby and you spoil him rotten. Wanda often teases you for it, but she’s honestly no better when it comes to their cat, Fletcher. The grey tabby is another rescue that you brought home from work that Wanda didn’t want anything to do with. This only lasted until the cat fell asleep in her lap one night, and now they’re inseparable.
You greet Boone with a smile and a quick scratch before you realize you need to get out of bed. It’s 7:15, and you need to be at work by 9 for your first appointment. You take a long swig from your cup before you set it on the bedside table as you stand up. You’re thinking of everything you have to do to get ready, but as always Wanda seems to read your mind.
“I already walked Boone, and breakfast is downstairs.”
You stop short of the bathroom to circle back to the bed where Wanda’s still sitting. You have always been grateful that your wife loves to cook because although you’re pretty good at it, you usual prefer to sleep later than take the time to make a decent breakfast.
“You’re the best. Thank you.”
Wanda’s smile widens as you kiss her again, this time you linger for a bit longer but she’s still left chasing after you when you pull away.
“I need to shower. Do you want to join me?”
Your wife smirks and is already standing up to follow you when her phone starts to ring from downstairs. She immediately scowls and despite wanting to ignore it she knows she shouldn’t. You sigh in defeat before shooting her a teasing look as you retreat into the bathroom.
“Maybe next time.”
Wanda simply nods before she hurries downstairs to answer her phone. She’s already wondering who is calling this early, but she doesn’t have to wonder long when she arrives downstairs and sees the caller ID.
She pinches the bridge of her nose as she picks up with an annoyed huff. “What is it, Vision?”
Only he called this early, and only he gave her useless updates that could be given to anyone else. She often complained about him to Nat and of course this led to her teasing the redhead about the blonde’s massive crush on her.
When Vision had initially started working for her father, she’d been 18. The older man had immediately taken an interest in her, but she had no desire to have anything but a working relationship with him. He was both socially awkward yet overly confident, and just not her type. She met her type only few years later when she’d been running an errand for her work the local university.
Y/N had been 21 and in her last year of undergrad when she’d met Wanda. She’d been studying animal science and was leaving one of her classes when she’d noticed a stunning brunette with dark make up and piercing green eyes. She’d never been one for subtlety, and she’d run into a door not two feet from the older girl. Wanda had been intensely concerned until she realized that the poor student was blushing furiously. Y/N’s not sure how it even happened from there, but next thing she knows, Wanda was abandoning her boring recon job for the bashful, slightly bruised y/h/c.
Wanda barely listens to Vision as she watches Boone hurry down the stairs after he’s been locked out of the bathroom while you shower. Fletcher’s not in as much of a rush, but unlike the shepherd who takes a detour, she makes her way over to Wanda quickly. The redhead smiles as she watches her cat rub up against her legs.
“-is that alright, Wanda?”
Wanda’s frowning in a matter of milliseconds when she hears the last part of Vision’s question. She tries not to sigh in annoyance because it is too early to lose her temper, and she did promise Nat she’d try to be nicer to him.
“Is what alright?”  
Vision starts describing the staff changes at one of the businesses she owns downtown before she cuts him off with a groan. He did not bother her before 8 am for this. Sometimes she regretted giving him her number all those years ago.
“Vision, you know Kate is the one who decides all of that. Talk to her about it. I have to go.”
She doesn’t give him time to respond before she hangs up on him and promptly drops her phone on the counter. The sound startles Fletcher and she coos in apology before she kneels down to pick up the tabby. She kisses her face and tells her how much she loves her before she has to put her back down. She’s trying to get to your breakfast that Wanda’s set out on the kitchen island, and since she knows how much you hate cat hair in your food, she makes sure to keep Fletcher from it.
Wanda heads to the living room with a sigh, and drops down onto the couch. She listens to the muffled sound of water running upstairs and closes her eyes as she considers her day. She knows that she’ll only have a couple things that need her attention today. She needs to check in with her brother, and then Nat to see how things are going in her absence.
She’s tried to remove herself from the life that she’s known for the better part of 15 years. She practically grew up with the mob, but since her parents’ death, taking over, and meeting you she’s become tired. Wanda didn’t want to live that life anymore. She didn’t want to always be looking over her shoulder, and she didn’t want to put you at risk. After things had become serious between you two, she’d really begun to fear that you’d get caught in the crossfire. She’s made a lot of enemies in the years she’s been in charge of her father’s empire, and the last thing she wanted was them coming after you.
Despite making sure that you could take care of yourself and that you remain vigilant, she still worries about you. You still meet with Nat once a week to train, and Wanda makes a point of taking you to the shooting range once every other month. She hates that she’s had to prepare you for war which is why she decided to leave.
It was a long conversation with you and then an even longer one with her brother, Natasha, Yelena, Steve, basically their entire family. They’d been supportive yet cautiously optimistic because there was no telling how well their rivals would take this. Their tenuous truce with their top rival relied on the flimsy trust they had in one another to stick to their word and pre-arranged dealings.
Once Wanda handed over everything to Pietro, she moved to the mountains with Y/N and truly never wanted to look back. This of course was impossible because her entire family was still there, and she couldn’t simply go cold turkey on something she’d dedicated her life to for years.
You were glad to create a little distance between yourself and Wanda’s enemies, but you knew how difficult it was for Wanda to truly separate herself. You’re understanding of her need to check in frequently and go to meetings still to make sure the transition for Pietro is as smooth as possible.
Wanda’s eyes open at the sound of footsteps on the stairs and she sits up just in time to see you greet your excited dog. You laugh as you pet him and head toward Wanda despite the smell of breakfast that makes you want to go immediately to the kitchen.
“All okay, love?”
Wanda doesn’t realize that you’re asking about the phone call immediately and she frowns. Her eyebrows squish together and you can’t help but laugh at how cute she looks. You smile as you reach the couch she’s sitting on, and carefully straddle her lap with a slight head tilt.
“The call?”
Wanda immediately groans in annoyance before shaking her head and muttering something resembling ‘unimportant’ under her breath. You’re about to argue when she leans forward to kiss you and immediately, you’re a goner once her soft lips meet yours.
You honestly knew you were a goner the second you saw her. Wanda was someone you hadn’t seen before. You knew you went to a large university with over 40,000 students, but it was well into the semester, and you went to all of your classes. This meant that you knew who you’d see when you went somewhere at a particular time. Sure, there would sometimes be unfamiliar people here and there, but for the most part you knew what to expect. You were thoroughly convinced that you couldn’t have known who Wanda was just by looking at her, but you knew she wasn’t a student. Not only did she have a backpack with nothing in it, but she’d eventually claimed to be just coming out of a math class that you knew for a fact wouldn’t take place in the building you were in.
Instead of being weirded out or afraid by her piercing stare and her impassive expression, you were curious. You wanted to know more about this woman who was trying so hard to blend in. You’d had no idea what you were getting into of course, but you hadn’t regretted introducing yourself to her for a second. Not even when you got caught in that shootout…
Eventually, you manage to pull free from Wanda, not that you really want to, but you know it’s getting close to time to go to work. You sigh as you shoot her a knowing smile.
“It must be bad if you’re trying this hard to distract me.”
Wanda scoffs at this but doesn’t comment immediately as she runs her fingers through your wet hair. She’s regretting missing her chance to join you even more as she shakes her head with a smile.
“This isn’t me trying very hard, but I can show you what that looks like?”
You groan for multiple reasons. Mostly at the thought of what Wanda’s proposing, but also because you don’t have time for it before you have to go to work. You’re already pushing it, and you can tell from her teasing smile that Wanda knows it too. Eventually you sigh before grabbing her hand to pull her toward the kitchen with you. You want to at least get a chance to eat the food she’s made before you need to rush off to the hospital.
You had been working as a veterinarian at a local animal hospital for the past 6 years. After finishing school nearby, you’d found a job you loved and you worked 4 days a week. You only found it a little difficult to separate your professional life from your personal life at first. You’d never told anyone who you were married to because Wanda was very well known, and not for good reasons, so for your safety and hers, you lied. You still wore your ring, but your wife worked in business if anyone asked, and her name was Linda. She’d made fun of you for that one for a while, but it was the closest thing to Wanda that wasn’t obvious and that wouldn’t confuse you whenever you heard it at work.
“You know, we still need to replace that.”
When Wanda frowns you gesture to the living room and she doesn’t even have to look to know what you’re talking about. She rolls her eyes before smiling at you sweetly as you practically scowl at the picture.
When you first moved into this house, you’d loved nearly everything about it. The high ceilings, the open floor plan, the two sprawling decks on the second and third floor, and above all else, the view. You had access to the outside practically in every room and you loved it. Most of the time, if the weather was nice, you’d be outside on the decks or one of the many balconies with your dog reading, sleeping, or just taking in the view.
Your dreamhouse was near perfect. The only wrinkle was the ten-foot-tall horse painting that sat above the fireplace. It blended in with the stone behind it, but still sometimes you’d look up at the painting and roll your eyes. You were not a fan of horses because of the poor experiences you’d had with them while in school. For this reason, each time you saw it you joked about replacing it with an equally large painting of Boone. Wanda had just laughed at that, but she’d made a note to figure out if that would be possible.
“You know you love it, detka.”
Wanda watches amused as you just scoff before stuffing the last bit of your breakfast in your mouth. You look at your watch and sigh before chugging the rest of your coffee.
“I don’t have time to tell you how much I don’t love it.”
Wanda laughs before she accepts a quick kiss on the cheek as you make your way to the sink. You clean your dish quickly and start to put everything up, but Wanda stops you despite your protests. You usually clean because she ends up cooking, but you both know you don’t have time today.
“Don’t worry about it. Go get ready.”
You eventually sigh in defeat before accepting that Wanda’s not going to let you clean. You retreat up the stairs with Boone on your heels, leaving Wanda to clean the kitchen. Fletcher decides to help by jumping on the counters once again, but Wanda is quick to relocate all of the food before the tabby can get to it. She doesn’t seem to mind as she moves to the sink to drink directly from the faucet. Wanda just smiles at the adorable sight before grabbing her phone again. She’s agreed to meet with Nat later this morning, and she’s trying not to stress too much about it.
She hasn’t seen her friend in a couple of weeks. Work had been busy for her while things were transitioning and the older redhead wasn’t able to break away. For this reason, Wanda is going to her instead of meeting in neutral territory. She was only a little nervous about appearing at the compound for the first time since she’d handed over everything to Pietro. She knew that there had been some discord when news had first spread of her leaving. Most were confused and skeptical because really, who had ever successfully cut ties with the mob? Better yet, what mob leader had ever successfully left unscathed?
For all of the risk that being associated with the mob brought her, Wanda wasn’t ignorant to the dangers of leaving.  She reminds herself that she’s being as safe as possible without uprooting her entire life and making both of them leave everything behind. Wanda is grateful that Steve and Bucky still live almost within shouting distance. They’re about 3 miles down the road, and they’re still a large part of her security detail for you, even if you’re unaware of it. She knows you’d be mad about, but she’s not about to let you out of the house without a way to track you if necessary.
She doesn’t think about how upset you’d be if you found out as she shoots Nat a text. She’d agreed to meet at their headquarters, the compound, because she knew that on a Saturday morning that’s where Nat would be. Most likely by this time she’s finished training with her sister and was already working. Wanda was just getting used to sleeping in for the first time in years, and she realizes how spoiled she is when the idea of already working makes her cringe.
“Is it still alright to leave Boone with you?”
Wanda nearly jumps at the sound of your voice, and she spins around to see you at the bottom of the stairs dressed and ready for work. You’re finishing up your hair as you hold your shoes in between your knees. You’re in a hurry because you wanted to have time to read up on your first appointment, and you look to Wanda expectantly as you finish getting ready.
You’re wearing scrubs which are honestly some of the least flattering clothes you’re ever in, but Wanda is staring at you like she wholeheartedly disagrees.
Wanda’s eyes snap to yours when she realizes that she hadn’t responded. She shakes her head before she remembers what you’d asked. She watches as you grab your keys and place them in your purse. You didn’t pack a lunch because you’re supposed to be back in time for that.
“Not at all. I mean yes. Boone can keep me company.”
You smile knowingly before kissing your wife quickly. You know if you linger, you’ll certainly be late. Wanda’s small pout as you pull away though is almost enough to make you stop caring.
“Thank you. I’ll see you soon.”
Wanda nods before watching you say goodbye to Boone with a kiss on top of his furry head. Boone follows you as you head to the garage, but you close the door before he can escape. He sometimes comes to work with you depending on what Wanda has planned for the day. He honestly enjoys seeing the other pets there and you like when you can have him at your desk with you after hours.
When Boone hears the garage door open and then close, he realizes he’s been left alone. He whines before turning back to Wanda. She can’t help but smile sadly at him as he comes to stand next to her. He really would follow you anywhere, and while he doesn’t dislike Wanda, he certainly doesn’t love her as much as he loves his Y/N. She decides that she needs to try and cheer him up, so she reaches out to scratch him behind the ears. He tilts his head back panting so he’s looking at the redhead with his tongue hanging out. Wanda just smiles wider.
“Do you want to go visit your second favorite person?”
Natasha sighs as she reads the file in front of her for the third time. She’s usually not this unfocused, but there have been a lot of changes recently. Not only have there been changes at the compound, the most notable being Wanda’s departure, but their rivals are starting to stir up trouble that she knows can’t be ignored. She’s currently reading up on an op that’s supposed to happen early next week, but she’s done this before and it’s routine for everyone involved. Even newbies can’t fuck up a simple weapons deal that badly.
Joining Wanda’s, now Pietro’s mob had been an easy decision. The twins were mourning the loss of their parents when she’d met them, but they’d been so welcoming and reassuring that they could protect her. Nat’s childhood hadn’t been the best and she’d ended up on the street fairly young, along with her sister, struggling to survive. They’d learned to steal and con people with too much money, and this had lasted for almost a year before it backfired. They’d accidentally chosen a mark that hadn’t taken well to getting swindled. He’d tried to hunt them down and even hired someone to take them out. They’d needed protection from him and Wanda had offered them both jobs after learning of their skillset.
She’d promised them they wouldn’t have to do anything they’d done while on the streets unless they wanted to. Since that day, Nat had been mostly focused on weapons and training new recruits, and Yelena dealt with the many, many drugs that traded hands.
Over the years, they’d grown close with the twins, and considered them part of their unconventional family. Wanda had introduced them to Y/n after they’d dated for close to a year and they’d both attended their wedding. Up until they moved, Yelena and Nat spent a lot of time with the couple, and Y/N came to think of the duo as her chaotic, older sisters. Not seeing them as regularly was hard to adjust to, but Wanda assured you that once things settle, you can visit the compound again.
Nat closes the file that she’s practically memorized at this point before she sits back in her chair with a sigh. She’s exhausted and the day has barely begun. There are always things to do, but since Pietro is still figuring out how to balance each arm of the extensive empire, there are fewer active operations happening.
In all honesty, there’s not much for Pietro to do when it comes to this. Wanda had trusted her staff to handle things and report back to her. Sure, she’d sometimes organize a hit or show up to a particularly important meeting, but overall, she made a lot of the behind-the-scenes decisions. She wasn’t often seen because she had other people who did the work for her, and then those people had people. It was an intricate web of employees she’d had to oversee, and now that was Pietro’s job.
Luckily everything was established, and he’d assisted Wanda for years so there wasn’t much for him to learn. He’d always had a hot head though and he was quickly learning that he couldn’t make rash decisions without there being unpleasant consequences.
“Has my brother killed anyone else since I left?”
Wanda knocks on Nat’s open door and the redhead sits up with a laugh at her predictable question. When news first started to spread of Wanda’s departure, some people had some rather nasty things to say about her. Some had called her weak and unfit, while others had decided to take it a step further and suggest she’d be better suited for a completely different line of work.
Being the overprotective brother that he was, Pietro had beat the men responsible within an inch of their lives. The message was clear, but this just made people underestimate the twin’s ability to lead when he is so easily provoked.
Nat stands up at the sight of her friend and her excited dog. Boone runs over to her and she’s quick to love on the shepherd as she shakes her head in response to Wanda’s legitimate question. Pietro had been too busy touching base with all of his department heads, aka his family, to listen to any new rumors that were spreading.
“Nah, he’s too busy right now.”
Wanda nods in understanding as she looks around the office while Nat’s still distracted by her slobbering dog. She notices the many reports that Nat’s gone through and the several stacks of ongoing ops that she’s still working through. She doesn’t get a chance to consider what these are for before the redhead notices her train of thought. She shakes her head as she moves away from Boone who’s leaning against her legs at this point to block Wanda’s view.
“What about you?”
Wanda frowns in confusion. She’s not sure what Nat’s getting at, but the redhead’s not in any rush to fill her in. She reaches down to scratch Boone’s ears before she turns back to the other redhead.
“What do you mean?”
Nat does her best not to laugh, but she ends up breaking when Wanda shoots her a glare after she fills the younger girl in. On her last day before Pietro took over, she’d visited the compound to make sure her brother didn’t need anything else. While she was there, she’d heard one of her employees speaking rather loudly about her, and speculating wildly on her personal life. That wasn’t new for her and she could easily ignore that despite how annoying. However, as soon as one of them mentioned her wife, she didn’t hesitate to storm over there and give him a piece of her mind. She’d grabbed him by his shirt and practically growled in his face as she threatened him against even thinking about you again.
She hadn’t seen him since, and for some reason she hadn’t even fired him.
“As far as I’m aware he’s still alive.”
Nat just rolls her eyes before she nods in agreement. She saw him the other day and just one look sent him running. It was well known that those close to Wanda were well-respected, but it was easy for some to forget that just because you weren’t present as often didn’t mean you weren’t included in that group.
“That’s good. I’m sure that makes Y/n happy. How is she?”
Wanda smiles as she sits in one of the chairs in front of Nat’s desk while the redhead watches her carefully. She hasn’t spoken to you in a while, and she missed seeing you around the compound. You were a calming presence wherever you went and it really helped everyone on rough days when Wanda was a little more on edge. Nat also knew that Yelena missed you a lot. She missed binge watching horror movies with you, and getting you into trouble with your wife when you do something too impulsive. The four of you, plus anyone else who was free, had dinner on Sundays together that were both relaxing and chaotic depending on who was cooking. They needed to have another one of those soon. Maybe tomorrow.
“She’s doing well. She loves the new house, but she misses everyone a lot.”
Nat smiles at the thought of how excited Y/n had been when she’d first seen the house that Wanda had finally chosen for the two of you. She’d been looking for something remote, but not too remote, secure and beautiful, and she believes she’d found it. The fact that you had been so head-over-heels for it made it that much better. Nat and Wanda had watched as you and Yelena ran to every balcony and on the top decks shouting excitedly to each other. It had been adorable, but almost disastrous as Boone chased after you too and you nearly toppled down the spiral staircase when you’d tripped over him.
“We miss her too. We need to get together soon.”
Wanda nodded in agreement because she certainly missed the weekly family dinners. She hadn’t realized how difficult it would be to leave a majority of her family behind to try and start a new one of her own with Y/n. She didn’t regret it, but she wished she could have found a better balance. Maybe with time they will be able to bring the two together again.         
“We do.”
Wanda sits up a little bit before she turns her attention to the reason why she dropped in. She glances again to Nat’s work on her desk before crossing her legs with a sigh. Boone lays down at her feet and starts to lick his paws as Nat returns to her chair to sit down.
“So, tell me how things have been going since I left.”
When you arrive at work, you’re surprised to find that your first appointment is already here. 15 minutes early. You sigh in defeat because you’d pushed the speed limit, exceeded it really, to get here in enough time, but it seems as if it wasn’t enough. You are equally disappointed to find out that the first appointment of the day is a very sick, geriatric dog that may or may not leave the hospital today.
You rush to put your things upstairs and speed read this dog’s medical records. Cancer. Of course. That would explain the sickly, skin-and-bones dog that you saw in the lobby. You sigh in defeat before you head back downstairs to chat with your assistant for the day.
The practice you worked at had three other doctors, but on the weekend, only one of you worked. You loved working with a team and especially during moments like this you enjoyed being able to discuss difficult cases. You knew that this wasn’t an option today, and after getting a rundown of what was going on with the patient from your assistant, you knew you had to go in there and figure out what the parents wanted to do.
You hated to start the day with a euthanasia, but it could only get better from here, right?
You couldn’t have been right, just this once? Your day continued to get worse after that first appointment that ended up being a euthanasia. For such a short day, you were surprised by how many moribund patients you were seeing. You had a couple of walk ins, one hit-by-car and a sick kitten come in within an hour of closing. You were definitely missing lunch and you felt bad about it, but you couldn’t get a free minute to let Wanda know.
Hopefully she was too busy with her own day to notice.
Wanda left her meeting with her brother with a sigh and a long hug to the slightly older Maximoff. She was pleased to hear how he was doing since she’d left, and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little relieved to see how well their empire still ran without her in charge.
She knew that Pietro was capable of taking over, that wasn’t the issue. She just wanted to make sure that his first weeks went well and that he was accepted by their business partners. So far there were no issues, and Wanda was keeping her fingers crossed that this continued to be the case.
She didn’t realize how late it was until she left Pietro’s office and headed back downstairs. She saw the horde of people that congregated around the lobby eating and catching up with friends. Wanda held Boone a little closer as she waded through the crowd to find Steve waiting for her near the exit. She hadn’t asked him to come along and she wasn’t quite sure how he figured out she was leaving, but she didn’t bother asking.
As a member of her personal security team, it was his job to follow her around and make sure she didn’t end up killed. For years he’d succeeded, and Wanda was grateful to have had his loyalty, and friendship for so long.
“All ready?”
Wanda nods as she follows Steve’s lead down the stairwell to the private garage in the basement. She lets Boone go first because he always runs down stairs, before she turns to the blonde with a curious look.
“Have you heard anything from Y/n?’
It was almost 2 o’clock, and given that her workday finished at 1, she figured that her wife would be home by now. She frowns when Steve shakes his head as he turns back to meet her gaze. They arrive to the bottom floor and Steve’s pulling the keys out of his pocket as he walks into the garage. He unlocks the door but just turns to her as she goes to her car beside his.
“No. Bucky said that she’s still at work.”
Wanda opens the back door for Boone and the shepherd jumps in quickly. He loves riding in the car and Wanda has to hurry to get into her seat so he doesn’t try and steal it from her. You let him ride in the front seat once, and since then he’s always tried to call shotgun.
Steve just nods before mentioning that he’d checked in about 10 minutes ago. Bucky was your personal security, but unlike Steve, he didn’t stick as close to you. In fact, 90% of the time you didn’t even know he was there. It was no secret who Wanda was married to, but she didn’t like to advertise it and put you at higher risk. She’d insisted that you give your maiden name to your employer, your friends who weren’t directly involved in her work, and anyone else who asked. It was best that people didn’t know about your ties to Wanda Maximoff.
You’re exhausted by the time you arrive home. You’re not sure how you did it, but every patient you saw in the last hour survived in your care. Most of them were transferred to an emergency hospital that could take care of them long term, but you’re just grateful that they didn’t die before they made it there.
You hadn’t expected today to be so brutal, and the stress of it made you just want to lie down. You arrive home and find that Wanda is still gone and you can’t help but feel disappointed. You could use an hour or two long cuddle session after the day you’d had.
Instead, you make your way upstairs and shed your dirty scrubs and throw them in the laundry. You change into the most comfortable clothes you can find before you head upstairs to the third floor. You want to sit outside and get some fresh air while you nap, and you don’t even bother to bring your phone as you open the sliding door to one of your favorite views.
This view is from the back of the house, but the mountains in the distance, and the field of green before you provide you with the calm you need right now. You plop down on the couch and stretch out with a groan. Your back aches slightly and you’re reminded once again of how you started your period. You noticed at work and it had only added to your poor mood. Now that you had a moment to breathe and really consider it, you realize what it means.
You wiped the tears that threatened to fall from your eyes before you curled up and attempted to get comfortable. It took a while, but you fell asleep only a few minutes before Wanda returns home with Boone and Steve.
Wanda had tried calling you once she knew you were home, but you hadn’t responded. She figured you were in the shower, and since Bucky had checked in, she wasn’t worried. At times like these, she just hated how far away they lived from the compound. It was almost an hour drive on good days.
When she finally arrived home, she thanked Steve and headed inside with Boone as the blonde drove off. Wanda hurried inside and looked around the kitchen only to see that you weren’t there. If she’d had to guess she would have figured you’d be eating by now. She noticed how quiet it was and figured you must be sleeping. She reaches out to Boone after he’s returned from his water bowl to tap him on the nose.
“Go find Y/n, Boone.”
The shepherd immediately leaves in search of his mom, and Wanda follows him up the stairs with a sigh. She watches as Fletcher comes strutting out of the bedroom before stopping to stretch in the middle of the hallway. Boone moves past the bedroom once he realizes you’re not there, and continues toward the next set of stairs. Wanda leaves Fletcher to her own devices as she follows Boone up the stairs to the third floor.
The third level of the house was mostly outside. There was a loft with access to a patio area on both sides of the house. You usually liked to look out behind the house which is why Wanda wasn’t surprised when Boone headed that way. He headed toward the left where there was a sitting area with a couple of couches before he started to paw at the sliding door as he sat down.
“Good boy.”  
Wanda rewards the shepherd with a scratch before opening the door to let him out. He’s on his way to you quickly, but he doesn’t wake you up and instead lies down in front of the couch you’re currently on. Wanda shuts the door behind her before following Boone’s lead. She smiles at the sight of you sleeping soundly, but it turns down quickly once she’s close enough to see your face.
You have tears running down your cheeks, and the thought of something being wrong has Wanda waking you up.
She sits down next to you before carefully reaching out to shake you awake. She’s learned the hard way that you don’t always wake up peacefully, and she’d hate to trigger your fight or flight after you’d clearly had a difficult day.
“Y/n? Wake up detka.”
You begin to stir at the sound of wife’s voice, and the gentle shake that brings you back to consciousness. You haven’t been out long, but you still feel groggy as you open your eyes and start to sit up. You don’t notice Wanda’s concerned look immediately as you look down and see Boone lying in front of you. You smile slightly before you turn to Wanda who is reaching out for you. You hold out your hand only to realize that she’s reaching for your face.
She wipes at your dried tears with a frown as she shoots you a questioning look.
“What’s wrong, Y/n? Did something happen at work today?”
You’re immediately reminded of why you came up here to hide in the first place. You’d been trying to find solitude to just rest and not think about this morning, but it was no use now. You knew from Wanda’s expression and how antsy she was that she’s nervous. She’s afraid that something bad happened, and you wish you could tell her that she was wrong.
You take a deep breath before you motion for her to sit closer to you.
“Today was awful. It was busy and depressing.”
Wanda frowns at the expected news. She knew that some days were worse than others for you. Sometimes days were filled with sick and suffering patients. It couldn’t be cute puppies and kittens all of the time. She’s about to speak up, but you cut her off with the other, honestly more upsetting part of your day.
“I also started my period.”
Your wife doesn’t say anything immediately, but you watch her face fall at the news and you have to look away. You hate the idea that you’ve disappointed her. You knew how much Wanda wanted children and you wanted to give them to her, but it seemed that it wasn’t in the cards for you right now. She reached out for your hand and squeezes it comfortingly. You had an appointment scheduled for a couple of days from now to confirm whether or not the IVF procedure had worked, but you both seemed to realize that you probably had your answer.
Despite how disappointed Wanda is by this news she isn’t mad at you and she wants to make sure you know this. She reaches out to turn you back towards her with a small smile.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I know you were excited.”
You shake your head as your eyes start to tear up again. You swear you thought it would take this time because you were feeling a little off, but apparently that was just your usual monthly.
“I was, and I know you were too. I’m sorry it didn’t work again. I’m just--.”
Wanda cuts you off with a kiss that she pours all of her love into. She doesn’t want you to blame yourself. Sometimes these things just don’t work out. She says this to you and waits for you to nod before she decides on her next move.
“You don’t have to apologize, love. Sometimes it just doesn’t take, but we’ll find out for sure in a couple of days. We can always try again if you still want to.”
You sigh heavily before nodding in agreement. Wanda’s right. She usually is. You hug her tightly as you consider how many times it might take before you can finally give your wife the family she wants so badly. You ignore the voice in your head that warns you that she might lose patience. That if you can’t give her what she wants, maybe someone else can.
As if reading your mind, Wanda pulls away and gives you a sweet smile before kissing your forehead.
“If IVF doesn’t work, there are always other options. Don’t lose faith, Y/n. We’ll figure this out together.”
The smell of cigarette smoke and old beer filled the room where Strucker sat with his boots up on the desk in front of him. The backroom of an old bar was hardly his first choice of places to conduct business, but sometime he didn’t have a choice. He could smell the rain at this distance from the drafty window and he breaths out another puff of smoke as he thinks about where he’ll go next.
He’s deeply paranoid and doesn’t dare stay in the same place for too long. He’s a man with several targets on his back, and he knows that even within his own territory, he’s only so safe. He’s heard whispers of Maximoff having people planted within his ranks, and he only trusts those closest to him with his safety.
Speaking of his right-hand man, he turns back to the stoic brunette with a frown. He had come bearing news that wasn’t surprising, but still a little concerning when he thought too much about it. He took another drag of his cigarette before snuffing it out in an already full ashtray.
“You say that she’s gone for good?”
He receives only a nod in reply before he elaborates on his answer.
“She’s no longer in charge, but she still checks in every now and then. The latest being this afternoon.”
Strucker takes a moment to consider this. He’d heard that Wanda was leaving for personal reasons, and despite the opportunity that this presented, not much has changed for him. The Maximoffs still kept to their territory and continued to conduct their business without interfering in his, but something didn’t sit right with him about this new arrangement.
He knew of Pietro, it was impossible not to, but he had never believed the older twin would get the chance to take over. Wanda had lorded over her father’s empire for the better part of 13 years, and she’s done an exceptional job of not only keeping it afloat after her parents’ untimely demise, but growing the business to almost twice its original size. Their reach extended throughout the city and he’d only lost territory as a result. Although stable right now, Strucker had a feeling that things will continue to change in their favor, and he had to act quickly if he was to put a stop to it.
Pietro was different than his twin in a lot of ways. Wanda was known for her smarts, business acumen, and her ability to project calmness whenever there was heat at the door. Pietro was the more unpredictable one. Although both Maximoffs were responsible for their own share of bloodshed, Wanda’s was more calculated while Pietro seemed to strike when provoked. He was too much of a loose cannon for Strucker to have much faith in him, and he knew their history put him at risk of being screwed over.
“What do you think about this new development, Brock?”
The brunette scowls as he thinks about the twins that he’s spent most of his life hating. If not for who they were now, then for their parents and how they’d treated him. He shakes his head as he crosses his arms and mutters something about it ‘not sitting right with him’. Strucker nods in agreement happy to hear that they are on the same page.
Neither of them wanted to see things change for the better of the Maximoffs. Wanda couldn’t leave her brother in charge and expect them not to have something to say about it.
Strucker swings his feet off the desk and his boots hit the ground with a loud thud. He sits up and takes a deep breath before he eyes his companion with a small smile. He knows about Brock’s feelings about the twins and how his loyalty to him is only strengthened by this hatred.
“What do you suppose we should do about it, dear friend?”
Rumlow barely hesitates as he had decided what he’d like done only days after hearing about Wanda’s retirement.
“I think we should send her a message.”
The next two days were near agony for you and Wanda. You’d been disheartened by your body’s failure to cooperate, and Wanda didn’t know how to help you when you insisted you were fine. You just needed to get through these next few hours until your doctor’s appointment so you can have the official word. Once you both have that, you can start to plan for the next steps instead of being stuck in limbo. You are almost certain you’re not pregnant, but you need a medical professional to tell you this.
You’re currently with Boone at the highest point of the house staring up at the sky. It’s a beautiful day out. The sky is clear except for a few white puffy clouds that remind you of cotton candy. It’s cool but not too cold, and you and Boone are lying on the couch just relaxing.
Well Boone is relaxing. He’s practically lying on top of you as you try to take your mind off of the past couple of days. You think about your family that you haven’t seen in too long.
You miss Yelena and Nat the most because you saw them the most when you still lived at the compound. You used to train with Nat twice weekly, and as much as you hated getting your ass kicked, it was nice to spend time with the redhead in her element. She truly was impressive and you’d find her scary if she wasn’t on your side.
Yelena would sometimes stop in while you were with Nat, and goad you into sparring with her next. That went about as well as with Nat, but at least afterwards you’d typically catch up over the most recent horror movie find.
You hadn’t seen them in a couple of weeks, and you missed them a lot. You missed them being just down the hall. You missed snuggling with Yelena’s dog Fanny, and teasing her about her not serious, but very serious relationship with Kate.
You close your eyes and take a deep calming breath. You will get to see them soon, and you hadn’t told them you were trying to get pregnant, so there was no pressure of having to break the news to them.
You and Boone turn at the sound of Wanda’s quiet voice coming from behind you. You sit up and smile at the sight of your wife. She’s wearing her hair up and the sleeves of her shirt are rolled up above her elbows. She’s clearly been cooking and just the idea of food right now makes you feel a little bit better.
“I made lunch if you’re hungry?”
She knew from the look on your face that she didn’t really have to ask. She smiled as she watched your face light up as you smiled widely and hurried to stand. You nudged Boone off of the couch before you jumped to your feet. You realize you moved too quickly because your head spins a little when you take your first step.
The fuzziness disappears quickly, but not before Wanda takes notice of it. She’s by your side in an instant, and you feel her hands holding your arms as she steadies you. She shoots you a worried look that you just shake your head at. You’re fine. Just a little lightheaded.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, don’t worry. I just stood up too quickly.”
Wanda shoots you a skeptical look, but you just smile as you squeeze her hand before leading her back inside.
“Are you sure you don’t want to sit down?”
You nod as you wave Boone over and point to the stairs so he’ll go ahead of you two. He is sometimes a little too overzealous on stairs and has run you over multiple times.
“I do, but not here. In the kitchen. Where there’s food.”
Wanda rolls her eyes at how adamant you are about eating, but decides not to argue any further. She knows how stubborn you are, and she just makes a mental note to watch you carefully until your appointment later.
Once you’re downstairs you can already smell what Wanda’s cooked for lunch. You walk a little faster when in search of your favorite meal, and Wanda chuckles under her breath as she follows you, albeit more slowly, down the last set of stairs.
“My favorite! Oh, I love you so much.”
Wanda smiles as she watches you grab two plates and pile some food onto them. Once you’ve grabbed silverware and napkins, you’re heading back over to her with a wide smile. You hand her one before shooting her a questioning look as you glance to the dining room table you usually eat at.
“Can we eat in the den?”
Your wife just smiles before nodding in agreement and following you out of the kitchen. Just off the living room, there’s another sitting room with a huge couch and a television. It opens up into the backyard, and eating in here seemed cozier than staying out in the living room. That and you didn’t have to worry about Fletcher jumping onto your food once you shut the door behind you.
You eat relatively quickly, and mostly in silence as you’re lost in your thoughts about what your appointment will hold. You feel guilty for being such a downer and you want to apologize again but it seems silly to before you know whether or not your foul mood will continue.
You look to Wanda who’s staring at her mostly empty plate lost in thought. You place yours on the table in front of you before reaching out for hers with a questioning look. You figure she’s done since she hadn’t taken a bite in almost 5 minutes, but you want to be sure.
“You done?”
Wanda is pulled from her thoughts by your question, and she just nods before she watches you free up her lap. Boone eyes the plates on the table but he knows better than to go after them. You shoot him a look before turning back to your wife. You reach out for her hand and pull her a little closer.
“What’s on your mind, beautiful?”
Wanda smiles half-heartedly at your question before she considers how she wants to answer. She wants to be honest with you. She hates lying and she knows that talking about this is the best way to get past it and figure out next steps. She doesn’t mind admitting to you that she’s upset about you not being pregnant. She really wants children, you both do, and this is the second time you’ve tried IVF.
“I was just thinking that if this next time doesn’t work, maybe I can try?”
You’re a little surprised by her offer because when you’d initially talked about having children, you both were adamant that it would be you to carry them. Wanda’s lifestyle was far too dangerous for her to walk around pregnant and less able to protect herself as the months went on. You hadn’t wanted to put her at risk, so you’d agreed to be the one to get pregnant.
Now that Wanda wasn’t working any more, she wouldn’t be in as much danger, but you still didn’t like the idea. Wanda can tell that you’re not entirely on board, and she’s not either, but she doesn’t want all of the pressure to be on you. She knows how it stresses you, and you’ve both been told how that’s not going to be good for you or the baby.
“I don’t know if that’s a great idea.”
There’s a lot more you can say, but you don’t want to argue right now, and neither of you know what the next best move is yet. You and Wanda will have an easier time figuring this out after your appointment today. Right now, you just wanted to relax. You tell Wanda at least the first part of this, and she nods because she realizes you’re right. You move closer to her before you pull back to grab the remote and hand it to her. You wrap your arms around your wife before kissing her cheek.
“Thank you for lunch. It was delicious.”
Wanda smiles at you lovingly before meeting you for a kiss. She drops the remote in her lap so her hands are free to wrap around your hips. She pulls you closer as she deepens the kiss and you moan at the feeling of her tongue against yours. You shift so you’re on your knees and can get better access to your wife. You move the remote off her lap before crawling into it with a sigh.
Wanda groans as you shift against her hips, the friction making her hold onto you tighter. You gasp at the feeling of nails digging into your skin, and Wanda takes the opportunity to break away from your lips and kiss down your neck. You squirm again and start rocking your hips against Wanda’s in a way that immediately has her tightening her hold on you and helping you move faster.
Your breath catches as Wanda continues to attack your neck. As her teeth tug at your skin, you grab a fistful of her hair to hold her there. Wanda growls as she moves to kiss behind your ear. Her hands find their way to your ass and she holds you still while she rocks her hips against yours making both of you moan.
“God, you’re so pretty, detka.”
You pull Wanda away from your neck and meet her for a bruising kiss. You release your hold on your hair as she grasps at your shoulders to bring you as close as possible. You start to unbutton her shirt and only just push it from her shoulders when you hear a loud yowl from outside the door. You ignore it and encourage Wanda to do the same as you sneak a hand down toward her shorts.
Your hand brushes her inner thigh before Fletcher yowls again, but this time it’s loud enough to draw Boone’s attention to the door. Up until this point the shepherd was ignoring you, but now he found someone to interact with and he starts to whine as he tries to open the door.
You groan under your breath, breaking away from your wife with a scowl as you look to your pets.
“I should have never gotten you that cat.”
Wanda slaps you playfully on the arm before she sits up and turns her attention to her still-screaming cat. She really did love Fletcher, but sometimes she was a bit much.
“Stop it, she’s just lonely. Poor baby.”
You roll your eyes before sliding off of Wanda’s lap despite your desire to stay put. Your pets have effectively killed the mood by yowling and whining for attention. Plus, Wanda would never refuse her precious baby of anything which is why she’s the one who gets to feed her when she comes calling at 4am.
You grab the discarded remote while Wanda opens the doors and lets the pair greet each other. Boone gets in Fletcher’s face and licks her while the cat’s attention is purely on your wife. You turn on the television letting them have their moment before you pat the space on the couch next to you.
“Boone, come here.”
“Don’t you dare, Y/n.”
Boone wasn’t allowed on the indoor furniture unless he sat on one of his blankets. He was relatively clean today, so you were going to try and get away with it, but one look at your wife who was shooting you a warning look all while hugging her cat made you second guess this decision. You sigh as you stand up and walk past your wife and into the hallway. You disappear for a minute to go find Boone a blanket, and you return with one of his favorites. You smile as he jumps up on you and starts to pant happily.
“Here you go, buddy.”
Wanda watches as you set the blanket down on the other end of the couch before patting it encouragingly. Boone jumps up immediately and lies down to face you as you collapse back onto the couch. You look to Wanda who’s still cuddling with the grey tabby and gesture to the space beside you.
“Are you going to join me?”
Wanda pretends to think about it before she returns to her spot beside you with a sigh. She sits down so you’re shoulder to shoulder before placing Fletcher down on the ground. She grabs one of the blankets on the arm of the couch and throws it over the both of you as you grab the remote again. You turn on the television and immediately go to one of Wanda’s favorite shows. She’s about to argue because she knows you don’t really like it, but you just shake your head as you lean against her with a sigh.
“It’s okay. I just want to sit here with you.”
So you and Wanda watch one of the redhead’s favorite sitcoms for the next hour. You end up lying down with your head in your wife’s lap, and you take a much-needed nap while Wanda manages to relax for a little while. She didn’t realize how stressed she was until now, and she’s grateful for the time away from her thoughts.
Your doctor is about 20 minutes away, and Wanda knows that it will take both of you at least that long to get ready. It took a while to find a doctor that was both good enough, and willing to be discrete for them. Wanda usually went with you to these appointments, but she had done her best to make sure she wasn’t recognized by anyone else that might be there.
You still go by your maiden name there even though you took Wanda’s when you got married. So far there hadn’t been any issues, but Wanda wasn’t one to slack on something as important as your safety, so she got her annoying disguise together while simultaneously texting both Steve and Bucky.
They wouldn’t be by their side for this because that would be too obvious, but Wanda wanted to make sure they were at least in the same area. She stifles a yawn as she pulls into the parking lot of the clinic, and you sit up straighter as if you weren’t just falling asleep. Wanda smiles as you hurry to get unbuckled and go inside. She places a hand on your arm to still you, and you turn to her to ask what’s wrong but she beats you to it.
“I just wanted to say something before we go in.”
You’re a little too high strung at the moment to give Wanda your complete attention, but you try to take a deep breath and focus on your wife who’s looking at you like you hung the moon.
Wanda squeezes your hand before bringing it to her lips as she looks you in the eye.
“I want you to know that no matter what they tell us in there, I still love you more than anything.”
You offer Wanda a teary smile before kissing her deeply. You want to pull her over into your seat and show her how much you love her, but you can’t right now. You’re no longer exactly early for your appointment, and you both have been waiting for this for days. You break away from your wife with a sigh before kissing her heated cheek.
“Thank you. I love you too. You’re too good for me.”
The two of you make your way into the clinic and are greeted by your regular nurse within seconds. You still forget sometimes how quickly people wait on Wanda and how she has a way of making things happen. You lead her into your normal exam room and sit down next to her while Jessica gets things together.
“So how are we feeling today?”
The redhead had a feeling she knew based on just how silent the couple was being. She hated being the bearer of bad news, but she knew when she started in this field that things like this took time. You couldn’t rush them no matter how much you wanted to.
You decided to take the lead on this and Wanda just sat silently holding your hand as you spoke.
“Not great actually. I started my period the other day.”
From there you tell her about how you didn’t think you were pregnant and how you wanted to figure out next steps if this was in fact the case. You hadn’t taken a pregnancy test because well there weren’t any at your house and you hadn’t wanted to make a special, depressing trip to go get some. After saying this, Jessica digs around one of the cabinets and hands you one.
“Let’s make sure. We’ll get some blood from you in a minute, but taking this won’t hurt.”
You nod before you shoot Wanda a look before leaving the room. You make your way to the bathroom at the end of the hall with the test held tightly in your hand. This seems a little silly considering the different time frame for detection with this test, but you suppose Jessica may just be trying to help you out. Getting an answer today will certainly make it easier to accept the fact that you’re not having a baby.
Wanda watches as the other redhead grabs the supplies that she needs to collect your blood. She has a sinking feeling that you’re going to come back in here and confirm their suspicions, and she trying to mentally prepare herself for that.
“I’m sorry it’s not working out for you two yet, but you know what they say. Third time’s the charm.”
This is what Wanda thinks about as the two of you drive home after the appointment. You haven’t said much as you consider what you’re going to do for the rest of the day. You don’t want to spend the rest of your day off moping around. You work tomorrow, and you’d rather spend time with your wife and dog than go to bed and sleep your feelings away. You sigh as you look over to Wanda who’s been trying to figure out how to tell Nat that you’re not pregnant.
She’d told her friend that the two of you were trying, you hadn’t wanted to get their hopes up, but Wanda had wanted to confide in her best friend. For this reason, she’d told Nat when you started the most recent treatment and the redhead had known about this appointment today.
“We should have Nat and Yelena over.”
Wanda’s train of thought is cut off by your suggestion, and she has to remind herself not to give anything away. She shoots you a curious look because she’s not sure where you’re going with this. You’ve always loved a good dinner party, but given recent events, she’s not sure what kind of mood you’re in.
You nod as you smile at the thought of your friends coming over. You would ask Yelena to bring Fanny so she and Boone could play. Maybe even Natasha would bring her cat…You realize quickly that it’s already 4pm, and the duo is probably busy and most likely won’t be able to come. You know how busy Mondays usually were for Wanda, so you can only assume it will be busy for them as well.
“Never mind, it’s probably too last minute.”
Wanda called Nat the moment she got home. She let you go off and find Boone while she hurried to the kitchen to see what they had to throw together for dinner tonight. She knew how important food was to you, but you didn’t go grocery shopping like you normally would yesterday, and the fridge was severely lacking. She sighed and just started to brainstorm when Nat picked up.
“Hey, what’s up?”
Wanda checks to make sure that you’re not nearby before she retreats to the den. She slides the door shut behind her before she sighs in exhaustion. Nat immediately knows that something’s up, but she didn’t get a chance to ask.
“We just got back from the appointment. Y/n’s not pregnant.”
Nat curses herself for forgetting that this was happening today. She’d had a very busy weekend and she had forgotten how important today was for her friends. She hated that they didn’t have any luck this time, and she was trying to figure out what she could do to make them both feel better.
“Shit, I’m sorry. That really sucks.”
Wanda sighs in defeat as she nods in agreement. It really does suck. She had gotten her hopes up again, and despite knowing that this wasn’t going to happen easily she wanted you to be an exception. She supposed it wasn’t fair to put this pressure on you when she knew there wasn’t much you could do to make this happen any faster.
She shakes her head at the thought before she moves to sit down at the counter. She’s exhausted and could fall asleep right now.
“Thanks. We’re both disappointed, but I think Y/n is feeling guilty.”
Nat frowns at the thought of you taking the blame for this. It’s so like you, but it’s definitely not warranted in this situation. Granted, sometimes you should take blame for things, like Yelena getting a dog, but this isn’t one of those times.
“That’s no good. What can we do to help?”
Wanda smiles immediately at the redhead’s question. She knows she doesn’t have much time when she hears your and Boone’s footsteps on the second floor.
“What are you and Yelena doing tonight?”
Part 2
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historicrad39a · 1 year
3. Frontier Rescue Rangers
Unnamed system - 135ly from Earth
Frontier Rescue Rangers Carrier Zuikaku after action report: July 13th 2538
It had been a month since the Human-Tathrax alliance had been attacked by an unknown alien civilization (henceforth known as the “Theta Aliens”). Whilst there was an initial panic about possible follow up attacks, it wasn’t until yesterday that we had any further contact. A small exploration vessel surveying systems just outside of Alliance space had been ambushed and captured by the Theta Aliens. Due to the proximity to frontier space, and the fact that this was a rescue mission, the Frontier Rescue Rangers were dispatched.
Two months ago, had you told me I would make history by being the first half-human half-Tathrax to command of one of the admiralty’s newest and largest carriers, with two brand new Kongō-class Fast Battleships (specifically modified for Frontier Defense fleet use) in tow as the head of a squadron with more firepower than the entire Frontier Defense Fleet up until that point - especially for a rescue mission of all things - I would have called you crazy. In fact, once the FDS Frontier’s captain, Zack, told me he was planning to request the admiralty’s newest toys, I called him an idiot. He had asked me if, assuming he succeeded, I would want to command one of the new ships - and if so, which type. I told him, somewhat jokingly, that I wanted to be in command of a massive voidcraft carrier. Come two weeks later and the Shōkaku-class carrier Zuikaku has been delivered to us direct from Akatsuki Shipyards, with myself named as her captain.
Unlike most people in the Frontier Defense fleet, I was here willingly. My parents were explorers, and when I was a young girl I frequently accompanied them on their journeys. On one such journey, we were in the AR Scorpii system preparing to return home when one of the relativistic beams from the system’s White Dwarf just barely skimmed by our ship. The hyperdrive went haywire and within a matter of seconds we ended up at the outer edge of the MilkyWay - having just travelled some 26,300ly in under 20 seconds. Hyperspace has a maximum speed limit of ~1 light year per second, most ships can only manage a light year per ten seconds at most. Yet somehow we managed to move at some 1,000 light years per second.
We were stranded for around a week in a near functionless ship slowly starving to death before we heard the distinct roar of a large vessel approaching in hyperspace. The Rescue Rangers had successfully requisitioned the Casablanca-class carrier ship Gambier Bay and made the week-long trip out here non-stop. Needless to say I was greatly inspired by their bravery and decided I would become a Rescue Ranger when I grew up.
By the time I was of eligible age to join the Rescue Rangers, things had rapidly deteriorated. When I was a child, the hyperdrive was just barely 50 years old. But by the time I had joined it was nearing 70 years old. Consequently, random failures, mis-jumps, and fuel exhaustion due to unpredictable fuel usage were all but things of the past. The Rescue Rangers weren’t nearly as crucial anymore, and as a result in my 2nd year the Rescue Rangers were disbanded as an independent branch and the remnants were folded into the Frontier Defense Fleet. Along with our independence, almost all of our ships were taken - including the carrier Gambier Bay I so desperately wanted to serve on.
Eight years later and the Frontier Rescue Rangers did little more than refuel stranded ships that had misjudged their remaining fuel. That is, until a month ago, when the Frontier Rescue Rangers were suddenly given 30 modified Fletcher class destroyers along with the promises of several capital ships and a massive budget increase. In addition to our normal duties, we were to combat the alien threat and rescue any individuals captured by them.
My first mission in command of the FDCV Zuikaku was to lead a task force of 18 vessels to rescue some captured explorers. As it would turn out, this was overkill. In addition to the Zuikaku we had the FDBB Hiei and Haruna - two modified Kongō-class battle cruisers which had been re-designated as Fast Battleships - and fifteen Ted Fujita-class Destroyers (modified Fletcher-class). While the main armament on the Kongōs and the torpedo launchers on the Ted Fujitas were of Alliance design, the 23cm double-barreled turrets were created using borrowed technology from the Theta Aliens.
The aliens, on the other hand, had a mere five cruisers guarding the transport vessel holding the captured explorers. The 40cm guns on the Hiei and Haruna and the Samuel B. Robert’s four 720mm torpedos practically atomized the cruisers. The Hiei’s 76cm “crew incapacitation” rounds also proved to be complete overkill. Of the three rounds fired at the transport, one hit the engines, one atomized the fuel tanker behind the transport, and the third round penetrated into the reactor room before detonating. We had included extra oxidizer in the bursting charge in case the ship’s atmosphere limited the spread of fires.
This turned out not to be the case, as the third shell set almost the entire ship’s insides on fire - killing 60% of the crew instantly. Frankly, we got lucky. Via neural implants on one of the explorers we knew they were locked inside a holding cell of sorts, but it’s very likely that had the “crew incapacitation” round been any more powerful there may have been no explorers left to rescue. Needless to say I’m prohibiting the use of these rounds until they can be fixed.
The boarding action was also very successful - there was not a single Alliance casualty during the firefight. One of the commandos transferred from the Anti-piracy force was quite amused at the 600 year old M2 Browning machine guns the Frontier Defense Force had been issued, and apparently thought it would be hilarious to bring it as his primary weapon. As it turns out, despite being 600 years old at this point, the M2 Browning was extremely effective - so much so that we have received no fewer than twenty requests to make the M2 Browning part of the standard loadout.
In terms of our primary objective, we were a bit too successful. Our orders were “to rescue as many of the five captured individuals as possible from the Theta Aliens.” When all was said and done, we had achieved a 1700% success rate - having rescued 85 of the 5 individuals captured. In addition to this, we had made first contact with three additional alien species aside from those comprising the Alliance. As it had turned out, the explorers we were sent to rescue had made friends - and upon being rescued, they demanded that we take on all 80 of the other individuals onboard the vessel. Leave it to the humans to make friends wherever they go…
Naturally, I was opposed to this request - we had nowhere near the resources necessary to care for 80 additional people, let alone 80 individuals from a variety of species we knew nothing about. It wasn’t until the explorers’ captain, Hanako, threatened to refuse rescue that I finally relented. Such is the stubbornness of humans. This is the same species that, upon seeing my Mother’s (recent) ancestors in person for the first time - a species known for being an apex predator - said “Awww, they look like kitties!” Before attempting to pet their heads, followed by sulking when my mother’s ancestors refused to allow it. I suppose it’s the human blood that flows through my veins that makes it hard to be too mad at them.
In any case, one individual was of particular interest to us due to Hanako’s claims that she had communicated with them. Naturally, we were skeptical. We had barely made any progress on decoding the Theta Aliens’ language after a month, it seemed impossible that a human could communicate with a completely different alien species after less than a day. Imagine our surprise when the alien spoke (admittedly limited, and broken) English.
I quickly discovered the secret behind their supernatural ability to learn languages, it was quite literally “supernatural” in nature. They are capable of communicating telepathically, and on rare occasions they can communicate with individuals from different species. This ability is extremely limited however, as there are many complications associated with communicating with an individual who does not share a language, and most individuals are not compatible. We had the individual attempt to communicate with everyone on the Zuikaku, and of the Human and Tathrax crew, only Hanako could hear them.
Despite this limitation, this individual would likely be very useful. According to Hanako, the individual served as a diplomat for some time, and knew many languages as a result. In addition to this, they knew a lot about the Theta Aliens (who they referred to as something like K’Lagreth). This would no doubt be extremely useful, both for information gathering, and for deciphering the Theta Aliens’ language. Given how none of the 1,500 some crew on the Zuikaku were compatible with the individual’s ability, it’s nothing short of a miracle that any of the five captured explorers were compatible.
Before returning to the Frontier to refuel and rearm, we decided to ask the individual for their name, as referring to them as “the/that alien,” or “the/that individual” was quite tiresome. Unfortunately, neither human nor tathrax vocal chords could actually pronounce their name, and I’m not certain that letters exist in any alliance language that could accurately transcribe it. In addition, their name was long, very long. Assuming that any of us could even pronounce it, most would struggle to remember. However, humans will do as humans will do, and upon hearing a part of their name that sounded vaguely like “Gregg,” the humans immediately took to calling them by that name. I suppose referring to them as “Gregg” is easier than referring to them in the 3rd person all the time…
After (slowly) providing basic accommodations for the numerous species onboard, we prepared to depart on the return journey to the Frontier. Due to the limited bandwidth for FTL communications, our transmission to the Frontier was extremely limited (speeds capped out at around 12 bits per second). This meant that most of the details regarding our new guests could not be included. I’m sure that Zack will be happy to hear that he’ll need to fill his precious space station with a wide variety of flammable gases, toxic gases, and strong oxidizers in order to provide for our unexpected rescuees.
Moving forward, the admiralty will need to make a decision on how to proceed from here. Clearly, the Alliance aren’t the only ones threatened by the Theta aliens. If Gregg’s reports are to be believed, the Theta Aliens have subjected no fewer than ten different civilizations, possibly more. They also noted that the exact location of the Theta Aliens’ homeworld is unknown to most, if not all outsiders. Originally our goal was to protect Alliance interests from the Alien threat, and negotiate a ceasefire as soon as possible. However, I now feel this is unlikely to work. The Mylr’s (Gregg’s species) were supposedly able to fend off the Theta Aliens for some time, but eventually, they too fell.
I feel a military campaign is necessary. There is much we could learn from these captured civilizations, and depriving the Theta Aliens of their resources, both living and non-living, would make it very unlikely that they could continue to attack us. In addition, it would ultimately be beneficial for us to free those countless individuals who are suffering at the hands of the Theta Aliens… Y’know, from a objective standpoint of course. Definitely nothing as ambiguous or illogical as feeling moral obligation to help them just because they’re in need. Nothing like that at all.
In any case, the sooner we can get the individuals we rescued back to their homeworlds, the better. While it’s true they were no longer in what could only be described as slavery, they hadn’t exactly returned to a normal life either. It would be best for them to return to their homeworlds. But as those homeworlds were supposedly under occupation, it would be hard to just bring them back and expect things to turn out fine.
I’ll chat with Zack about this once we return. I’m unwilling to just abandon the individuals we rescued today, and I’m sure Zack will feel the same (once he’s done complaining about having to fill the Frontier with a variety of dangerous gases). I don’t care how long or what it takes, but I swear on my ancestors that we will wage total war against the Theta Aliens - and we will free those unduly oppressed by them. Even if the admiralty refuses my plan, I will not allow the Theta Aliens to exploit any civilization any longer. The Theta Aliens’ empire’s collapse begins today.
Log end
Hey y’all. So as it turns out I’m physically incapable of sticking to schedules, so here’s this entry a day or so early. The next entry will probably be from Gregg’s perspective and may end up being a bit shorter (although I’ve thought this about literally every chapter so far) as it won’t be as focused on the larger plot. It will be a little more in the spirit of “humans are fucking weird” as it deals with Gregg adapting to the *ahem* oddities of living with humans.
Depending on how long it is, the next chapter/intermission may come out as early as next week. Like I said, apparently I’m incapable of sticking to a schedule. In the meantime, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed it. See y’all in anywhere from a few days to two weeks!
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gordon-freeman-phd · 11 months
My Half-Life OC's (will be updated occasionally)
Brock Fuentes: A headstrong but cowardly guard working at black mesa with a mean streak to compensate
Richard Montague: A mycologist working at black mesa who dorms with Gordon. he is anxious, reserved, and very lonely
Jill Pobst: A guard working at black mesa, she is overly stern and aggressive to better fit in with the largely male guard population
Isiah Poole: A janitor working at black mesa, he minds his business (somethign that saves his life when it comes to the borrowers living at black mesa) and is generally a chill guy with a fondness for pet rats
Knipex: a borrower living at black mesa, theyre an engineer and eventually become friends with Isiah after being helped by him
Timmy: A young boy born during the 7 hour war, hes adventurous but is learning caution as he grows up under the combine and has a pet cat named Bagels
Bagels: Seemingly a regular cat, bagels is suspisciously intelligent with reddish eyes that seem to glow under certain contexts and seems rather fond of fucking over the combine at any given opportunity
Angus: A scientist on a xen exploration team, he becomes very lonely after getting stranded in xen after the rescas and becomes reliant on the zombified corpse of his lover Ed
Ed: A zombified scientist who is taken care of by Angus, over time he becomes a gonome
Lazăr: A combine worker/construction strider handler, during the rebellion he takes his assigned strider and skedaddles 🏃‍♂️
Galvanizer: A rollermine that got shocked just enough to scramble its programming so that it doesnt target much of anyone, eventually becomes somewhat of a pet to a rebel aligned walhammer oc named 1020 of one of my friends, its name is it (made up) combine technical term which 1020 calls it
Fred Otten: a long suffering guard who just before the resonance cascade lost his temper with a plaintive scientist and shot him dead, as the resonancr cascade begins, he pairs up with the now murdered scientists timid friend (an oc of one of my friends) to escape the facility
Robert Briggs: a nurse working at black mesa, just a stand up guy who loves his wife and makes it a habit to befriend lonely folks, richard included
V-8751: an alien grunt who survived black mesa and after many years of wandering by itself now resides on a outlander farm caring for cattle and doing its best to make nice with the outlanders despite the social differences between their two species and its growing guilt and feelings of isolation
Fletcher Lamb: a outlander living on the same farm as V-8751, born in scotland with a background in cow hoofing but now spends most of her time sewing and repairing clothes given his difficulties standing due to a spimal injury during a portal storm following the rescas, but he uses his hoofing skills as an excuse to socialize with V-8751
Cicada: a vortigaunt also living at the same farm as V-8751 who due to a brain injury at the hands of a crowbar weilding maniac during the resonance cascade, often struggles with catatonia as it withdraws into the vortesence
Felix Kessler and Alexis: a pair of metrocops who perform above standard but are perpetually disliked and skipped over for promotions due to their obnoxiously toxic attitudes to others and eachother but refuse to be paired with anyone but eachother because everyone else is worse
Antoine-Valery Veilleux: A resistance allied outlander who travels been outposts with supplies and any communicaes that cant go over radio waves. He has an ever growing collection of chihuahuas who cruises at every settlement and outpost he goes to, taken woman or not
Damned Crows: a sapient crow living at white forest who enjoys fucking with the resident humans, in particular a man named Magnusson
Rafał Lewkowicz: A citizen in city 17. His job is keeping the advisors being held in the citadel healthy. He has a developed an obsession with the advisors after having been shown visions of worlds and knowledge far beyond the comprehension of humans and longs to understand them
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thecalminside · 2 months
As the fletcher whittles
And makes straight his arrows,
So the master directs
His straying thoughts.
Like a fish out of water,
Stranded on the shore,
Thoughts thrash and quiver.
For how can they shake off desire?
-The Dhammapada
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intoduskoutofdawn · 10 months
Traces & Trouble
| Jake x Phil
| The FBI is too late or early. It depends...
The idea came from a request and ran from there, I hope it fulfills in parts what was requested. Just had to post (the damn thing) now before it takes any longer.
CW: not sure as always, there is sexual content but I'm not too explicit.
A dash of dark fluid diving in the glass clouded up in the clear liquid, the long silver bar spoon flickered in the dim light as a slender hand stirred the drink slowly. Captivated, the young woman sitting at the counter kept her eyes pinned on every move of those hands. They belonged to the bar owner, who now set down the glass right in front of her. She lifted her look up to his face, a strand of dark hair parted his left eye, pointing down to a half smile.
"I think - you are going to love this," Phil Hawkins said with calm confidence, nodding encouraging towards the glass. The young woman threw a bunch of curly hair to the side and took a sip of the drink. Her eyes fell shut for a second and then she smiled back at the bar owner. "This is perfection. Freshness followed by a sweet ...and somewhat savory note. Perfect. So what's it called?"
"Oh, I'm not sure yet," the bar owner answered, "You just witnessed it's creation. But I kinda love the way you described it, so why don't I name it after you?" The young woman tilted her head and laughed. "Oh my, I never had anything named after me. Don't you think Tracy would be a strange name for a drink?"
"I think it sounds lovely. Could be 'Tracy's delight'. 'Fury Tracy'. 'Tracy's secret' -..."
Two men entered the Aurora Bar and caught Phil's attention.Tracy sour.
One man was tall, very thin with short blond hair, partet in the middle by an aggressively straight line. The other was shorter with patchy mudbrown hair, scowling eyes under bushy brows - while the blond was wearing an expensive looking dark coat, the other poked out of a fighter pilot jacket that made him look old.
"And there they are..." Phil muttered followed by a sharp exhale. He straightned and said with a firm voice, "Tracy, you will have to excuse me. Enjoy your drink and your night." The young woman blinked a few times in confusion, "I thought -" , she started to protest but was interrupted by the two men appearing right next to her with cold smiling faces - she took the glass and left the bar.
"How nice to see you again, Mr. Hawkins. I am sorry to interrupt your work," the blond man said with a strange voice that was both soft and sharp.
A voice like a carpet knife, Phil thought and leaned on the counter - taking the position of a watchful cat. "Somehow, I'm having trouble believing that you are truly sorry, Mr. Fletcher." A thin smirk appeared on Agent Fletchers face.
"Have you met my colleague Agent Byron Mills?" Phil reached out and shook the sweaty hand of the bushy browed man, "I don't believe I have."
Agent Fletcher kept talking while his eyes were darting across the room. The few customers of this quiet evening seemed to pick up on something and started leaving the bar one by one.
"Byron here doesn't live far from Duskwood. His wife was your tenth grade math teacher, if you remember?"
Phil decided it to be appropriate to imitate the cold smiles he was confronted with, as he answered,
"Ah yes, Mrs. Mills. Aren't you a lucky man... how is she doing?" The mean little eyes of Agent Mills slithered over to Fletcher, who apparently was the one assigned to do the talking.
"Mr. Hawkins, do you know why we are here?"
The bar owner stood up straight and took a deep breath,
"Well, I cannot be certain. But if I have to guess... for the same reason you were here the last time, for the same reason you confiscated my phone and my computer? - Another attempt to get information I don't have. Although - I'm wondering why you came here all this way and didn't bring me in instead. That seems rather strange to me."
Fletcher turned to Mills and whispered loud enough so Phil could hear every word,
"Do you hear that, Byron? There is that sharp wit, I warned you about," he stepped towards Phil and leaned his elbows on the counter. After focusing the bar owners face with a stern look, he spoke again,
"Mr. Hawkins, we have reason to believe that you are still - or at least recently have been in contact with the hacker named Jake."
The bar owner drove his thumb over his lower lip and chuckled. Fletcher continued,
"I could just come out straight and ask you where he is but I'm sure it would be in vain. So I am simply going to remind you, this whole affair could cause you a lot more trouble than it already has - in fact, I think it is about to inconvenience you a lot. Once more, I would like to urge you to be cooperative."
"And yet, you didn't ask me anything," Phil leaned back on the tall shelf behind him, "Pardon me saying this, detectives - but you showing up here, trying to be intimidating before you even start questioning me... - it is an awful lot of gesturing. So why don't you start asking before you accuse me of not being cooperative?"
Agent Mill's face had turned to an unhealthy shade of purple but he remained stubbornly silent. Fletcher nodded slowly as if he estimated the extend of Phil's intrepidity and then continued in a down-to-buisness like tone,
"Alright then, Mr.Hawkins, as I said - we know, that you are in contact with the hacker called Jake."
"Was. Correct," Phil stated.
"Jake was here - recently. We can establish that from the communication we recovered from your cell phone."
"Still - was. Past tense. As in 'isn't anymore'."
"You didn't give us a lot of information about that the last time we spoke,"
"Again, I answered and continue answering your questions."
"So correct me, if I'm wrong - this contact between you two dates back two weeks now?"
Phil's smile returned and his eyes lit up with a spark, "I like it how you say 'contact'- as if there is a less appropriate version of that word. But yes, two weeks, that sounds correct."
"The communication broke off at that point? With Jake's disappearance?"
- "Yes."
"And Jake did not try to contact you since then?"
Phil raised his shoulders shoving his hands into his pockets, "No. At least I wouldn't know. After all, you took away my ways of communication, Mr. Fletcher. I'm enduring a very reduced life style in that department. "
"Did you try to contact him?"
- "No." the bar owner met and held the piercing look the agent shot at him.
Agent Mills reached into his puffy jacket and pulled out a phone that he passed on to Fletcher. Phil could see that it was his own phone - the FBI had confiscated it a few days after Jake disappeared. Fletcher put it down on the counter and tapped on it with his long pale fingers.
"Mr. Hawkins, the reassembled content of the correspondence between Jake and you suggests a certain 'intensity' of your relationship at the time. We would like to explore our conclusion that you, Philip, would most likely be the person, who might know something about Jake's whereabouts."
Slowly Phil tilted his head,
"Oh I see...'making conclusions' about the 'intensity' of the relationship between the wanted hacker and the bar owner. Kinky." His eyes lit up again for a second, "But what are you asking specifically? If I know where Jake is? I do not."
Agent Mills eyes where bulging with contempt, he chewed "cocky bastard..." under his breath, but Agent Fletcher remained calm and composed- he believed him too, still lurking for something else.
"Philip, may I ask, how exactly it came to pass that the contact broke off so abruptly?"
Scratching his chin Phil answered,
"I assumed it had something to do with you but probably you are not interested in my speculations. He disappeared, quite literally. There is not more to it."
"All of the sudden? Without a word?"
"Where were you when he 'literally' vanished?"
- "Asleep, I suppose."
"He didn't leave you a message? He didn't say goodbye, he didn't tell you anything?"
"Of course he didn't. You have been trying to find him for a while now and quite frankly - it's not going well. Do you really think, Jake would be so dumb and leave traces like that?" Phil shook his head.
For some reason, Fletcher started smiling again.
"Recklessness happens sometimes, Philip. Like getting involved with the wrong person. It just happens, unintentionally. Getting attached to someone always leaves traces, you know. Don't get me wrong - I'm quite sure Jake is aware of that and maybe we are indeed too late - but then, maybe he couldn't help himself, leaving you at least with some reassurance that he is safe."
With a shrugging sigh Phil muttered, "Reassurance and safety, yes - you really don't know much about that hacker. "
Of course they expected to find the right strings to pull but it wasn't as easy as that.
Getting attached to someone leaves traces.
The echo of this sentence, spoken by a carpet knife voice, oscillated in the bar owners head. With an abscent gaze, he repeated, "I don't know where the damn hacker is, even if he is alive or not. I do not have any further information for you."
Fletcher intertwined his fingers and softened his voice,
"I'm sorry that this is happening to you, Philip. It must be hard for you. Jake vanishing just like that, without a word, after risking a lot - leaving you with the aftermath. And now... here we are." He pushed the phone over the counter, Phil didn't move to pick it up - he chuckled again, but it was a weary and breathless sound this time.
"So this is what you are counting on? Appealing to my resentfulness, Mr. Fletcher?" the bar owner asked, hardening his tone, "can I just ask - is there some chapter like this in the FBI textbook? Something called maybe 'The investigation of the abandoned lover'?"
Fletcher didn't answer right away, still assessing the bar owners expression.
- "In my time, it was called 'The rejected mistress', these books are very old and outdated, Mr.Hawkins", the agent answered cold, retracting to the last name base.
"So we can conclude this conversation with the statement that you don't have any information for us. Jake was here, vanished with no intention to come back." Fletcher folded his hands and lifted them weirdly towards Phil, who just nodded this time.
"Well...then I hope you won't mind if we check that for ourselves. Maybe you have missed something, Mr. Hawkins. I think our colleagues might be almost done with your apartment upstairs by now. We thought it to be appropriate to have this little chat here, while giving your customers some time to leave before we check these rooms as well."
Baffled, the bar owner drove a hand through his hair, closing his eyes and shaking his head,
"You got to be kidding! What exactly are you hoping to find here?" Fletcher had turned around on his heels, reassuring himself that there were no more customers inside the bar and waved a finger doorwards to signal the other investigators to enter.
"Traces, Mr.Hawkins", Fletcher twisted his lips into a half smile.
"Byron", he motioned his head towards Phil and Agent Mills reached into his jacket again, pulled out an envelope - most certainly containing the warrant - and handed it over the counter. Slowly Phil reached out, taking the envelope without looking at it.
"Who are you? His purse?!" he hissed sharply at Mills and turned away, walking outside the front door - not intending to stand and watch his bar getting turned upside down.
They wouldn't find anything. There was nothing here, that would lead them to the hacker. And why would they...?
Getting attached to someone leaves traces.
Maybe they overestimated his capability to get attached to someone, he wasn't exactly known for that. Neither was Jake, for different reasons - but still. How could they be sure, despite of the alleged 'intensity' of their contact, that there would be traces? What traces? Intensity - that was one! Intensity, memories, passion, withdrawal, ...traces. Damn it, Jake!
No. Wait. Not traces... - imprints. Leading nowhere. That is it.
Phil waited outside until it was over, until they all returned to their cars and slammed the doors. He shook the thin bundle of Agent Fletchers fingers without looking at him again.
Back inside the Aurora Bar it was solemnly silent. The bar owner stood still in the middle of the room for a while, considering if he should face the chaos they left behind. He didn't feel like it. Something was strange about all this. It didn't make any sense, why did they even come here?
"No fucking traces!" Phil shouted out to no one stretching out his arms.
Finally, he locked the front door, grabbed his phone and the envelope from the counter and turned off the lights.
As he walked up the stairs to his apartment, he couldn't shake the urge to understand the meaning of this - also there was an uneasiness creeping up on him and he stopped on the stairs. It all felt - unresolved somehow. There had to be more to it. But what could he do, standing alone in the stairwell? The door of the apartment was wide open, Phil walked inside and kicked it shut. Undecided he stood still again for a moment in the dark.
He didn't turn on the lights. The street light streaming through the windows drenched the rooms in a dim orange tone. It didn't look as bad as he thought, not like a tornado went through - fair enough, they had searched thoroughly. All his belongings were spread on tables, chairs and the floor - but in a sort of neat way, stacked and sorted. Turned inside out. Maybe they had taken some things, but there were no traces of the hacker, no messages, no photos. Of course not. They probably still didn't even know what he looked like in the flesh.
Slowly Phil set himself in motion towards the kitchen, that had a large window overlooking the street. All quiet now. Still staring out on the dark street, he put down the unopened envelope and phone on the kitchen counter.
Getting attached to someone leaves traces.
Phil crossed his arms and kept his look pinned out of the window. There was a slight prickle on the back of his neck...
No - fucking - way.
He felt a motion somewhere in the room behind him. Of course. The trace leads here.
"Why is it so dark in here?" a voice asked softly. Phil didn't answer, didn't turn around. The small lamp on the kitchen table lit up with a clicking and he could hear the creaking sound the chair made whenever someone was sitting down.
The bar owner lowered his head but didn't move otherwise. Stubbornly he tried to restrain his heart from throwing itself against his ribcage. His arms firmly locked around himself, he took slow, deep breaths fighting against his own anger, confusion and the longing to just turn around and let it all melt away.
"The door was open...I hope you don't mind," the voice had grown even softer, more hesitant as if testing the temperature.
Jake kept his bright eyes pinned on Phil's back and waited. He pulled the hood off his head and without an idea what else to do, he started straightening his hair - a rather useless effort, the dark strands curling up again.
It had all worked out - until this point. The hacker went over it again step by step. Changing the pattern of running to actually following the investigators - it was simple, simplistic even. And it had worked swimmingly, he just had to pick up the information and they led him right back here. In fact, they were not too late to catch him - but too early. Absurd, really. The hacker shook his head and smiled in disbelief.
So he had actually managed to come back - that's were the plan ended. In success. Yet it was now merely deflated by the fact, that he had not the slightest idea what to do next.
Jake's eyes were darting around. They really had taken this place apart. He bit his lower lip as the extend of the ramifications of his simple plan hit him with a sinking feeling in his stomach. What the hell was he thinking? Nothing much clearly, he cringed... No wonder Phil just stood there, silent and frozen.
Only now, the hacker started to question his own need to be back here - and it might be an entirely selfish one. He raised a hand to touch his temple as he always did when he sat contemplating. It was uncomfortably ambiguous, Jake had experienced an unknown stage of both exhilaration and mindsease - here with him. Somehow, it was all connected to that silent figure standing there.
It was true, Jake was never one to get attached to someone, he even seemed to have lost the need for it over the years. But then something about that Hawkins guy drew his attention and the hacker couldn't wrap his mind around it. Phil had met him with an unusual interest, not for what he did but for what he was apart from that - something even Jake himself had no grasp on. Though confusing and in a way challenging, it was easy to talk to him. The bar owner was never intimidated or even utterly impressed, like it usually happened on the rare occasions Jake actually talked to someone about himself.
It was annoying at first, the damn smugness! He tried hard not to care, but it was just too infuriating. And then intriguing. Jake found himself enjoying the attention, something he had always resented and kept meticulously away from him. Now, it put him at ease and excited him at the same time. Though Phil - confident at all times and seemingly fearless - wasn't impressed by the hacker, he sure was captivated somehow - by him, Jake. Strange. The hacker felt compelled to trust this guy. Even stranger.
And then something else had happened - a slight blush spread over the face of the brooding Jake. In fact, his memories were fractured and hazy. He remembered a kiss, smiling abscently as he did - it had taken him by surprise and then taken him over, taken him whole. And..., Jake shuddered - everything was blurred, too intense to recall what actually had happened. The world went away. Imploding, exploding - both...
"So..." ,
Phil's voice, though not harshly spoken, chopped into Jake's trail of thought like a hatchet. He winced, startled - almost forgotten that Phil was standing there. With wide eyes, the hacker stared at the other man, who had lifted his head but still refused to face him.
"... this was an announcement then," Phil stated, tapping a finger on the envelope. Jake frowned, took a breath to speak but then refrained, snorting.
"Now, now, Jake. You really should say something..."
Jake leaned himself on the table, scratching his scruffy chin. "You are mad. I should have considered that. I must say, I really didn't," he would have added an apology but thought it might sound too pitiful, also he wasn't sorry.
"In fact, I was merely working out a way to come back here. Worked well enough...", he paused and flinched, "you know, this would be easier if you turned around. At least you can tell me to go to hell to my face," his lips twitched a bit and the hacker wondered if that was even true.
"Oh don't mind me, I prefer to hold on to my anger for a while here," came the answer in a sarcastic tone and the hacker frowned.
Truth be told, Phil wasn't even mad. He felt he should and tried to be - that damn hacker just sitting there, after they shut down his business for the night and rummaged through his place on the look for ...traces. And there he was, trapsing in, accompanied by a whole lot of trouble. But Phil couldn't be mad. Jake had a way in, no matter how much Phil tried to shield himself and cutting himself off from everyone, Jake just stumbled through it all.
"Well... fuck it."
Phil snorted and with a swift motion, he spun around, hoisting himself up to sit on the kitchen counter. He rubbed his eyes, wavering, before he finally fixed them on the hacker.
"You look like hell," Phil said after a while.
"Thanks," Jake smiled against his will.
The hacker's dark hair was messy and curling up in all directions, his face was pale with dark shadows under the eyes, on the collar of the black hoodie was a grayish streak of dust or paint. But Jake's gaze was sharp as ever, his eyes glistening with awareness.
"Aren't you going to throw me out?" Jake asked tilting his head.
"Very possible," the lack of conviction in Phil's voice made the hacker's ears prickle with raised attention, "first tell me, what exactly brings you back?"
"I'm actually not sure,"Jake leaned back on the chair and added, "some urge, I don't understand yet. Felt like a strong pull with you being the source of it," he held Phil's gaze with a glint in his eyes.
"May I observe," Jake lifted a finger towards the bar owner, "...you don't seem entirely unhappy to see me," a grin flickering on his lips.
"How endearing. And also - how full of yourself," Phil meant to sound indifferent but was smiling, wearily shaking his head. His dark hair fell over his face, sliding down from the counter - he looked annoyed and defeated.
"You think you are worth the trouble, huh?"
"I didn't say that," Jake frowned again and stood up from the chair, slowly dragging his feet he walked over to Phil.
"No, you don't think like that," the bar owner said pensivley, he lifted his head and looked at the hacker who came to a halt in front of him.
Jake could feel an apprehensive throbbing in his throat - understanding it was on him to overcome the distance, but how? The last time, he remembered, it was just sweeping him away. He didn't have to do a damn thing. But Jake understood that it had to be different now, his fault really - the air seemed weirdly charged.
Avoiding Phil's intense but stern look, the hacker pinned his eyes instead on the notch between his collarbone. Not knowing what he was doing, Jake lifted a hand and placed it right on this spot, a finger softly pressing down on the tail of the tattooed bat. He could feel the calm breathing of the other man, a steady heartbeat, and Jake was quite sure Phil's expression didn't even change a little.
"Didn't even realize that I got this far out of line," Jake murmured, grasped by disbelief over his own audacity.
"No, you don't think like that," Phil repeated. There was a smile somewhere in his eyes but Jake didn't look up.
"Too much trouble...," Jake shook his head and with a frustrated snort, he retrieved his hand. Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain and winced in surprise as Phil harshly clasped his wrist.
"See, the thing about trouble is...- you have to see it through, Jake." He wrenched the hacker's hand around and released it at the same spot where it was before - finger on the bat's tail.
With narrowed eyes Jake glanced back at the bar owner, trying to read his expression - he didn't give away much. In a way, he looked like someone ready for a fight. The hacker pondered the situation, which was new and utterly unexpected. Again he searched his memories, only finding a very different set of circumstances. It had started with a kiss and then? Whatever had shattered his mind with an impact of sensation just...happened. Jake didn't cause it. At least he wouldn't know how he did it. A sinister smile appeared on the hacker's face - so that was it. He had to find the detonator.
Hesitant Jake placed his other hand just below Phil's chest bringing himself closer. Breathing in that familiar scent caused a compulsing glitch in the hacker's keen mind but he didn't let himself slip. It was important that he remained focused now. Phil was a tad taller than Jake and held his chin slightly up, deliberately keeping his lips out of reach. The hacker chuckled. Of course, he wouldn't make this easy. Gathering his will, he moved his fingers from the bat's tail up the left wing, feeling a pulse that was annoyingly steady - not matching his own shaking breath.
His fingers wandered further up and suddenly stopped at a spot between jaw and ear - feeling a very soft patch of skin. There was a twitch of the muscles underneath Jake's other hand on Phil's stomach, elevating the hacker's senses. His eyes fixed on the spot - where he struck gold.
A mischievous grin painted the premonition of success on Jake's face as he moved closer, letting his breath stream against the sensitive skin on the bar owners neck. Another eruption of tensening muscles reassured the hacker and he pressed his lips down on the spot, sucking the skin between his tongue and teeth, causing a sharp hissing sound to escape from Phil's lips. Jake moved his head back to take in what he had sparked off - only for a brief moment...
Like black ink pouring in, Phil's eyes grew wide, intensly darkening. The next thing Jake could feel was his own back crushing against a door frame and being claimed by furious lips, blazing a scalding trail down his neck and returning even hungrier to Jake's mouth, the taste of the tongue slipping in was sweet. There was that paradox again - a longing that had built up inside of him was finally eased and Jake wished he could linger in this kiss...why not forever? But at the same time, something fierce was waking up, an urge for more, for being consumed. The world seemed to have slipped away in the distance.
For another second, Jake fought for his mind not to leave him, but his will combusted under the rising heat and the sensation of eager hands digging under his clothes. Again, it all shattered, melted - Jake felt himself stumbling over something on the floor, an undeniable force shoving him backward. There was the sound of fabric stretching before it got torn away - leaving the bare skin at the mercy of hands, lips and teeth. Jake tried to hold on to something, clasping around but everything was moving, slipping away - the fall on the floor knocked the wind out of him for a second and he wasn't given time to catch his breath. His blood rushed out of his head and his nerves vibrated with pleasure that was almost painful, Jake was yielding to be devoured by this extasy.
A desperate sigh shook his chest, and suddenly, it seemed that the lips, which incinerated every single nerve in Jake's body, started smiling against his skin. The hands that held him down softened their touch - though it gave him the chance to take a breath, putting his scattered mind back together, Jake's body kept quivering, trying to contain what needed release.
Phil let his hands travel back up from the waist and left them on Jake's chest for a moment - it was a tender and soothing touch, he bend over the hacker's face that was turned to the side, grazing his ear with his lips. The pressure Phil playfully put on the pelvis of the body lying underneath him caused it to squirm, and the pleading moans coming from Jake were too delicious. But as he felt the heart under his hands beating faster and faster, Phil let off him, leaning over Jake's ear again,
"Shh, shh..." he breathed, "I'm sorry, Jake - I'm sorry...can't let you get away that fast," he straightned and sat back on his heels smiling down on the hacker, who turned his face and opened his eyes. Jake blinked a few times until his vision was clear. Of course, he wouldn't make this easy. Jake lifted his head, understanding he furrowed his brows,
"You want me to put up a fight, huh?" his voice hoarse but steady.
Phil tilted his head, tracing muscles on Jake's stomach with his fingers, one by one - his touch growing less gentle again.
"If you think you can..."
The bathroom mirror was still foggy but clearing up slowly while Phil stood there contemplating his reflection. He touched a bruised spot on his rips that had turned purple.
"Huh...it does leave traces."
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richincolor · 11 months
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New Releases
We've got four new YA books on our radar this week! Check out what's on deck for launch this Tuesday:
The Lotus Flower Champion by Pintip Dunn and Love Dunn
It looks like paradise…only it’s not. This was supposed to be a once-in-a-lifetime family trip to Thailand. One last wish for my dying mama. Instead, we’re stranded on a lush, stunning island with ten strangers—held captive as Thai mythology unfolds around us…and within us.
Now we’re being tested. We’re expected to face our greatest fears—and possible deaths—in hopes of awakening some kind of dormant gift…or curse. One by one, we’re transforming, echoing the strange and sometimes wondrous abilities found in Thai folktales. But my mama has only days to live, my papa is missing, and I’m forced to trust a group of strangers…including our evasive, dark-eyed tour guide, who resembles a minor god. Toss me in the ocean and feed me to the naga now.
Only I’m no hero. My days are managed by numbers and the compulsions that used to keep me safe. I have to prove how far I can go. To survive. To protect my family. And to find a way off this perilous island where everything is a lie…including reality.
Carry My Secret to Your Grave (Murder, She Wrote #2) by Stephanie Kuehn
Small town murders. Big time thrills. The second installment in the suspenseful, modern update of the classic mystery TV series. Perfect for fans of One of Us Is Lying, Sadie, and Gossip Girl.
“Someone knows where you live. And whoever they are, they want you to know… you’re next.” Bea Fletcher never met a cold case she didn’t want to solve. So when she finds herself staying with family near Lake Paloma, she’s torn. Sure, she’s not thrilled to be bunking with her moody, taciturn uncle and his wife while her father’s out of town. Being away from Cabot Cove means less time for Bea to work on her true crime blog, visit her great-aunt Jessica, and spend time with new friends Leisl, Leif, and Carlos and the mysterious underground treasure hunting game they’ve been playing.
But Lake Paloma has mysteries of its own, including the unsolved drowning of teenaged Eden Vicente the year before. And when Bea starts to ask questions about Eden’s death, the answers lead her closer to home than she ever imagined. If Bea isn’t careful, she could be the next girl to end up at the bottom of the lake.
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Bolivian-Argentinian Inez Olivera belongs to the glittering upper society of nineteenth century Buenos Aires, and like the rest of the world, the town is steeped in old world magic that’s been largely left behind or forgotten. Inez has everything a girl might want, except for the one thing she yearns the most: her globetrotting parents—who frequently leave her behind.
When she receives word of their tragic deaths, Inez inherits their massive fortune and a mysterious guardian, an archeologist in partnership with his Egyptian brother-in-law. Yearning for answers, Inez sails to Cairo, bringing her sketch pads and an ancient golden ring her father sent to her for safekeeping before he died. But upon her arrival, the old world magic tethered to the ring pulls her down a path where she soon discovers there’s more to her parent’s disappearance than what her guardian led her to believe.
With her guardian’s infuriatingly handsome assistant thwarting her at every turn, Inez must rely on ancient magic to uncover the truth about her parent’s disappearance—or risk becoming a pawn in a larger game that will kill her.
The Space Between Here and Now by Sarah Suk
Seventeen-year-old Aimee Roh has Sensory Time Warp Syndrome, a rare condition that causes her to time travel to a moment in her life when she smells something linked to that memory. Her dad is convinced she’ll simply grow out of it if she tries hard enough, but Aimee’s fear of vanishing at random has kept her from living a normal life.
When Aimee disappears for nine hours into a memory of her estranged mom–a moment Aimee has never remembered before–she becomes distraught. Not only was this her longest disappearance yet, but the memory doesn’t match up with the story of how her mom left–at least, not the version she’s always heard from her dad.
Desperate for answers, Aimee travels to Korea, where she unravels the mystery of her memories, the truth about her mother, and the reason she keeps returning to certain moments in her life. Along the way, she realizes she’ll need to reconcile her past in order to save her present.
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nuitthegoddess · 2 years
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fullstcp · 7 months
"Girl Of My Dreams" by Fletcher Sentence Starters
"If you wanna see my face again grab some paper and a pen."
"Lately I've been feeling kinda lonely."
"It's kinda like nobody knows me anymore."
"Maybe I've been looking for a stranger."
"Maybe I've been living for the danger of the fall."
"But, oh, aren't we all?
"Everybody says these are the best years of our lives."
"Then why does everyone around me look so lost tonight?"
"With us it's all or nothing."
"Scared of what's next so we keep on running."
"Kiss me, we won't remember."
"I've traveled so many places in my head."
"So insecure, so quick to fight."
"I didn't know I was so co-dependent."
"I didn't know I had so much resentment."
"She/he/they could've been the one."
"Forever only made a couple trips around the sun."
"Tequila doesn't hit no more."
"I got a new rebound."
"I'm falling for me now."
"I'm over being cynical."
"I was lost in transit, you found me stranded."
"Guess I didn't know that love could hit me this hard."
"What you gonna put your lips on now at midnight?"
"Do you think of me?"
"Do you wish you didn't, but you have to?"
"I don't know myself without you and I want to."
"Something can be wrong even if nothing's wrong."
"I know those seem like shitty reasons for calling it off."
"There were so many things I couldn't be for you."
"I was kind, I was warm, I was patient."
"Look at you, you're a star, I'm the reason."
"Honestly, you're new girlfriend/boyfriend should thank me."
"Do you think of me when you fuck her/him/them?"
"It's always the next person that gets the better version."
"I loved you at your worst."
"I fixed your heart, but mine still hurts."
"We were young, we were dumb, we had issues."
"God knows that we tried."
"I did the heavy lifting, but she'll/he'll/they'll get the happy ending."
"Now the credits are rolling, I played my part."
"You were kind, you were warm, you were patient."
"Look at me, I'm a star, you're the reason."
"Now some other person is gonna get the better version of me."
"Do you ever miss me?"
"You chose brand new over history."
"Don't you wish I was your girlfriend/boyfriend still?"
"Don't you wish it worked and we were on again?"
"Why does it sting?"
"Why am I still hung up on things?"
"Are you gonna give that diamond ring that's meant for me to her/him/them?"
"It's all I got left of you and me."
"Do you ever rewind?"
"I've been hurting from the goodbye."
"Feelings, do they ever die?"
"I wish we were on again."
"I still feel you right here every now and then."
"How much longer will it sting?"
"What if we could start clean with no hard feelings between us?"
"What if we could go back and take it all back?"
"Are you in love like we were?"
"If I were you I'd probably keep her/him/them."
"My head and my heart are at war and I'm stuck in the crossfire."
"I make things complicated."
"Here we go again."
"We're not friends, no, we're not lovers."
"You got a new life in just six seasons."
"I only know you in bits and pieces."
"I'm losing my head trying to hold onto something."
"If you're gonna lie, do it in my bed."
"If you're gonna lie to me, make it worth it."
"I guess you didn't tell the truth."
"Just tell me you don't need me."
"Break my heart and make it easy."
"I heard you're better off and you're doing fine."
"I heard that you're in love, good fucking try."
"I know we said forever but I guess we lied."
"I tend to overcomplicate."
"I overlove, I underplay."
"I'm not the best at breaking up."
"A sucker for the fuck me up."
"I like my alone time."
"I want somebody to hold."
"I tend to contradict a lot."
"I love you more, I love you not."
"I hate it when you're there for me."
"I found God the moment that I put my lips on yours."
"You're so hot, I'm freaking out."
"I get lost in the moment."
"I'm constantly dating, cause I crave validation."
"I've confessed to girls and boys and to strangers on the internet."
"I'm kinda impatient."
"I'm fun when I'm wasted."
"I feel things in my bones."
"Everybody's trying to make me someone else."
"I know sometimes I'm too hard to love."
"I've been drinking, so I'm gonna speak my mind."
"I'll say 'fuck you' to the bad vibes."
"I'm a bad bitch and nothing can scare me."
"Had a lot of feelings but none like this before."
"I am what I am and I ain't nothing more."
"This city's too big for the small things I need."
"I'm done losing sleep over things I can't be."
"I pleased everybody, so this one's for me."
BETTER VERSION (feat Kelsea Ballerini)
"I grew up for our difference in ages."
"I never thought we were subject to changes."
"I did my best to fix it."
"Til death cause then I meant it."
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[skitters in] the entire emoji themed ask game for Eleazar and Lazarus please and thank you ::3
waaaah. utc its SO long.
Ask Game!
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🍼 [BABY BOTTLE] What's your OC's first memory?
Lazarus: Waking up in the burnt down ruins of its home, completely detached from life.
Eleazar: A birthday party when he was five.
🥛 [MILK] What is your OC's relationship with their biological parents like? What about their relationship with any non-biological parental figures?
Lazarus: Strained.
Eleazar: Really good! He relies on them a lot.
🍨 [ICE CREAM] How does your OC compose themselves in stressful situations?
Lazarus: Disappears lol.. It's abilities are very much ghostlike, so it tends to just disappear. It will come back when its calmed down, yk?
Eleazar: Nervously plays with his hair. He'll twist the strands.
🍦 [SOFT CONE] Where does your OC work? How much are they paid, and would they prefer a different job? Why?
Lazarus: "Lazarus Fletcher, Reaper of Phantom Fade." It is death. One of 'em at least. It doesn't get paid anything, thankless job really. It would prefer being a historian, they both wanted to be historians.
Eleazar: He has a part time job at the college library (,: it doesn't pay that much but it helps with his education. One day he'll be a Preservationist! He wants to work with the HEA to preserve sorcerer society and finalism. Especially after WW2 wiped so much out.
🍬 [LOLLY/CANDY] What would your OC like to receive for Valentine's Day/as a token of love?
Lazarus: Nothing? It doesn't really care.
Eleazar: Cupcakes! Strawberry ones.
🥤 [PARTY CUP] How does your OC feel about drama? Do they start any themselves?
Lazarus: It won't start any but it WILL listen. :eyes: and all
Eleazar: He says he won't get involved in drama but he's so gossipy lol
🍷 [WINE] Where on the 'wine aunt scale' is your OC?
Lazarus: Gags trying to drink wine.
Eleazar: Also.. gags trying to drink wine.. But he's cool
🥀 [WILTED ROSE] How good is your OC at meeting deadlines? What motivates them?
Lazarus: It literally has an easier time dispatching of lost souls than traditionally reaping a soul. It will fuck up ON PURPOSE. So BAD. AWFUL. LMAO??
Eleazar: Really good!! He's gotta be for that degree :triumph:
🌹 [ROSE] Does your OC believe in true love? Why?
Lazarus: It hopes so.
Eleazar: YES.
🍄 [MUSHROOM] How likely is your OC to eat random berries/mushrooms they find?
Lazarus: Very likely, it gets bored.
Eleazar: Well wars are super cool for making food scarce. He's quite good at identifying random berries and mushrooms.
🍁 [MAPLE LEAF] What is your OC's favourite season? Why and what do they do during it?
Lazarus: Summer. Nice, warm. Sunbathe...
Eleazar: Winter. Its the season opposite to the one he lost his twin in. Skiing!
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else?
Lazarus: It's twin.
Eleazar: His twin.
🍒 [CHERRY] Who is your OC's perfect companion?
Lazarus: A bird, perhaps a little mouse.
Eleazar: Doggy!! Probably a big fluffy one.
🍓 [STRAWBERRY] How do they feel about 'cute' things?
Lazarus: Doesn't pay attention.
Eleazar: Coo
🍅 [TOMATO] How misunderstood is your OC? In-universe or IRL.
Lazarus: Especially at the time period it's in, probably pretty misunderstood? IRL I think people would be down bad for it.
Eleazar: Same situation as Laz.
🌶️ [HOT PEPPER] Who would your OC declare their sworn enemy if they could meet them?
Uhm well Laz died as a result of WW2 and Eleazar lost his twin as a result of WW2 so. Hitler????
🍉 [WATERMELON] What will your OC take to the grave?
Lazarus: WELL YOU SEE.
Eleazar: That he's partially to blame for his twin dying.
🍟 [CHIPS/FRIES] How much junk food/sometimes food does your OC eat? Has it affected their health?
Lazarus: It has no need to eat, so most of the food it consumes is junkfood lol. It doesn't have an affect, yk, death.
Eleazar: He eats as healthy as possible but he loves sweets...
🍂 [AUTUMN LEAVES] Does your OC view piles of dead leaves as a mess or as fun?
Both: Fun!!
🥕 [CARROT] How tough is your OC against certain situations? How weak are they against others?
Lazarus: Literally invincible. ONE GUY can kill it and that guy has not yet been born. Well and the Fates can erase it, but they have no reason to.
Eleazar: Anything that counters his umbramancy. Too bright an area can absolutely fuck him over because he won't be able to use his magic properly. That being said, he's pretty good in most situations thanks to the abundance of shadows.
🍊 [ORANGE] Does your OC have a prophecy surrounding them? If they don't, what would it be?
Lazarus: Nope! If they did it'd be the "died for another to prevail" type prophecy.
Eleazar: Also no. But one could argue he is the other half of the "lost someone important in order to prevail" trope. And his twin's death did directly lead to him insisting on the preservation of magical society so as to prevent a future erasure. But it isn't a prophecy because he alone wasn't enough for that. I think Rowan said the last one was the 60s?
🥭 [MANGO] What colours best represent them and why? Does this differ from their favourites?
Lazarus: Blue and silver. I don't have a why, it just does. Anyways it's favourite colour is orange.
Eleazar: White and black. His favourite colour is red.
🌰 [CHESTNUT] What food group does your OC mostly eat (e.g., grains, fruits)?
Lazarus: Candy.
Eleazar: Vegetables.
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
Lazarus: It isn't very kind because it doesn't have much opportunity to be. It doesn't even really grant the souls it reaps any sort of kindness. Watching them become monster in order to hunt them down.
Eleazar: He always remembers people's interests or things they point out. He likes to think he's pretty kind.
🧅 [ONION] What is surefire to make your OC cry? Who knows of this information?
Lazarus: Hurt its brother.
Eleazar: Remind him of his childhood.
🍍 [PINEAPPLE] Pineapple on pizza or not?
Pineapple on pizza doesn't exist in their time rn LOL. Neither will care in the future though.
🍋 [LEMON] What is their kryptonite/ultimate weakness?
Lazarus: Boredom..
Eleazar: Honestly too many things. He's a soft guy.
🌽 [CORN] How good are they at hiding and finding their way?
Lazarus: It IS its whole thing..
Eleazar: VERY GOOD.
🍕 [PIZZA SLICE] How good is your OC at sharing? How do they share something if there's not enough supply?
Lazarus: It won't want to, but it will. Because there's very little it needs to sustain itself.
Eleazar: Will make sure everyone else has their share before him.
🧈 [BUTTER] How soft is your OC? In what sense are they soft?
Lazarus: Has really soft hair, thats about it.
Eleazar: He's very soft. He refuses to let the horrors he's experienced turn him to stone.
🍌 [BANANA] Have parts of your OC been lost to time (in-universe)? What do they wish they could lose from themselves?
In the future, yes. Eleazar's efforts will be forgotten and those who knew sans it's family will know Laz.
🏵️ [ROSETTE] What flower symbolises your OC best and why? What does the flower mean in floriography?
Lazarus: Forget-Me-Not. I mean. Lol.
Eleazar: Purple hydrangea. A deep desire to understand.
🍪 [BUSCUIT/COOKIE] Does your OC prefer things simple or extravagant?
Both: Simple.
🍻 [BEER CHEERS] Is your OC typically on the louder or quieter side?
Lazarus: Quiet.
Eleazar: Loud.
🥂 [GLASS CHEERS] What is your OC's 'aesthetic?'
Lazarus: doesn't really have one?
🥃 [MATE] What does your OC look for in a friend? What do they find is a turn-off?
Lazarus: Would run screaming if forced to make a friend.
Eleazar: Kindness to animals is a must! If you don't like animals, he won't like you lol
🍯 [HONEY] At what point does someone seem sickly sweet to your OC?
Lazarus: It is really good at reading people. As if it can tell if someone is lying. Using kindness as a front, even slightly, it will know.
Eleazar: Too many compliments...
🍞 [BREAD] Does your OC have any allergies? How severe are they? Do they require equipment to help them?
Lazarus: Not anymore.
Eleazar: He's allergic to bees..
🥐 [CROISSANT] Where is your OC from? How do they feel about their homeland? Where are they now?
Their family is originally from England, however both of them were born in Germany in the 1930s. Their family is now back in England. Lazarus, drifts..
🥖 [BAGUETTE BREAD] Where is your OC's favourite food from? Is it a variety of places?
(sounds of lane googling where cake was invented)
"The first documented strawberry shortcake recipe appeared in a 1588 British cookbook." there.
🥨 [PRETZEL] How complicated is your OC's backstory? Who does it entwine with?
See it isn't necessarily complicated, but it is HEAVILY related to /actual world history/ which makes it just really fucking grim. Its accepted Ad Vitam canon that there were genocides of sorcerer children before they came into their powers, and complete wipes of their religion from history.
Lazarus and Eleazar's stories heavily have to do with these genocides and that comes in combination with WW2 being a big part of their lives. Not complicated at all. Just sad.
🥯 [BAGEL] What does/has your OC have/had an unhealthy obsession over? What caused this obsession? How do they deal with it? Do they seek help?
Lazarus: It thinks its normal (You couldn't face your family for years because you couldn't stand the fact you wear your brother's face.)
Eleazar: Food hoarding... He can't help it..
🥞 [PANCAKES] What's the most your OC can eat in one sitting? At what point do they get sick?
Lazarus: Like a normal plate?
Eleazar: He has a bottomless stomach...
🧇 [WAFFLE] Using shape language, how would you redesign your OC?
fuck if I know.
🧀 [CHEESE WEDGE] How often does your OC get into situations that rely on pure luck/miracles happening?
Lazarus: Way too often..
🍹 [TROPICAL BEVERAGE] If your OC could go anywhere, where would it be?
Lazarus: Ancient Greece!
Eleazar: Ancient Greece. (for his twin)
🍔 [BURGER] What would your OC put on their burger?
Lazarus: so many pickles...
Eleazar: Whatever you are offering, he will put on it.
🍰 [CAKE SLICE] How does your OC change as you get to know them?
Lazarus: A little less awkward, more open. Softer than it seems.
Eleazar: He has more anxiety than you'd originally think...
🥧 [PIE] What's the longest journey your OC has gone on? What was it for? Did they succeed?
Lazarus: It went to Denmark one time that was neat.
Eleazar: IRELAND. For survival, and he survived so I'd say he succeeded.
🌻 [SUNFLOWER] Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place?
Botanical garden, both of em.
💐 [BOUQUET] If you could send your OC a bouquet, what flowers would make it up and what is the overall message
I would send Eleazar a bouquet that represents forgiveness and new beginnings and I would send Lazarus all the pink flowers in the world cause it needs some colour in its life.
🌾 [RICE SHEAF] How picky is your OC with food? What will and won't they eat?
Neither are picky.
🍈 [MELON] If they had to be put into a box, what box would it be and why?
Lazarus: Resurrection.
Eleazar: Like a nice soft velvet box maybe..
🍏 [GREEN APPLE] How do they differ from the norm and how are they punished for it?
Lazarus literally died on account of being magical. Eleazar has to hide and suppress his magic and religion even now that he IS immortal just because its safer.
🍐 [PEAR] What is their current social standing? If they could change it, would they, and to what?
Lazarus: ????
Eleazar: Poor but he's managing. He'd like to be a nice middle upperclass but alas.
🥒 [CUCUMBER] How innocent are they (unaware to the bad happenings around them)?
LOL. They are not. They're both VERY aware. Lazarus is only innocent in the sex sense.
🥬 [LEAFY GREEN] How mundane are they? Do they like it that way?
Lazarus: Not very, but kind of hard to be when you're blue.
Eleazar: He tries to come off as mundane but he definitely isn't lol
🥦 [BROCCOLI] What do they hate about humanity/their species?
Lazarus: Humanity's inability to understand those unlike them + it has met some egotistical reapers. SHUT UP about being better than others.
Eleazar: Humanity's greed.
🥑 [AVOCADO] What will they never back down about, even if it makes them seem bad?
Lazarus: It doesn't care man I'm ngl.
Eleazar: That reapers and fate know nothing of the woes of the people who Actually contribute to the universe.
🥝 [KIWI FRUIT] How does their outside appearance differ from who they are?
Lazarus: It looks unapproachable, it is.
Eleazar: He looks very nice and calm, he is very nice and calm (lying)
🌿 [HERB] Is your OC religious? What do they believe in?
Yes, Finalism.
☘️ [SHAMROCK] How passionate is your OC about things they love/hate?
Lazarus: Not Very.
Eleazar: TOO MUCH.
🍀 [FOUR LEAF CLOVER] Would your OC spend hours looking for a four leaf clover?
🌲 [EVERGREEN] What does your OC's dream treehouse look like? What tree is it built upon?
They have the same dream treehouse: One of those really old really tall oak trees and the treehouse would have a bunk bed for them to share and a nice window view.
🌳 [DECIDUOUS] What's your OC's favourite thing to do at the park?
Lazarus: Nap
Eleazar: Feed the ducks!
🍾 [POPPING CORK] How does your OC celebrate special occasions? With whom?
Lazarus: Eh.
Eleazar: Family and with lots of food!
🍃 [FALLEN LEAF] What's the darkest period of time your OC has been through?
Lmaooo I feel like I'm a broken record atp.
🌵 [CACTUS] How physically resilient is your OC?
Lazarus: Very!
Eleazar: Immortal yes, but still kinda weak
🍵 [GREEN TEA] What's your OC's preferred flavour of tea, if they even drink it?
Lazarus: As sweet as possible.
Eleazar: Fruit teas.
🍸 [COCKTAIL] When was the first time your OC had an alcoholic beverage? What did they think of it?
Lazarus: Recently, it was fine.. It didn't like it that much.
Eleazar: For his fifteenth birthday and he had rum and it was so gross.
🌱 [SEEDLING] What new passions/hates is your OC discovering?
Lazarus: It hates woodworking, don't ask.
Eleazar: Religious history.. And sewing.
🌴 [PALM TREE] What are the stops on your OC's dream cruise? What boat are they on?
They have never thought about this whatsoever.
🌸 [CHERRY BLOSSOM] Does your OC believe in legends/myths?
Lazarus: Only the ones that are actually real. But it used to love the Greek myths..
Eleazar: Some!
💮 [WHITE FLOWER] Has your OC ever kissed someone? Who, when, and where?
Lazarus: Nope.
Eleazar: A few times! Cheek, nose, lips, collarbone.
🌺 [HIBISCUS] What does your OC think is the prettiest name?
Lazarus: Annabella.
Eleazar: Amelia
🌷 [TULIP] What is your OC's favourite flower and colour?
Lazarus: Orange tulips.
Eleazar: red amaryllis
🍧 [SHAVED ICE] What's your OC's favourite flavour of edible thing (e.g., strawberry)?
Both is strawberry LOL
🧁 [CUPCAKE] If you had to describe your OC using flavours, how would you (e.g., 'they're very sweet')?
Lazarus: Bitter with a sweet inside.
Eleazar: Cotton candy..
🍭 [LOLLIPOP] Would your OC ever share food with someone?
🍆 [EGGPLANT] How are they used by others? How easily are they tricked into this?
Lazarus: It is not tricked into this at all anymore.
Eleazar: A little easily.. He tries to keep an eye out but he just wants to help people.
🍇 [GRAPES] What's their circle of people/their species like? What dynamic would they be called?
Lazarus: Does not have one.
Eleazar: He keeps a close group of friends and he's very close to his family. But he bounces around groups and talks to lots of people.
🍩 [DONUT] What is your OC's biggest flaw? How do they deal with it? Do they deal with it?
Lazarus: It's apathy. It doesn't care.
Eleazar: The fact he holds grudges easily.. And he tries to deal with it! Its just really hard.
🍮 [CUSTARD] Expensive restaurants or cheap store-brand microwave meals?
Cheaper better.
🎂 [BIRTHDAY CAKE] How does your OC celebrate their birthday? With who, and where?
Lazarus: Every year, it would celebrate its birthday by changing its face to reflect its twin's growing up. So that they'd always match, looks the same in age.
Eleazar: He spends it with his parents usually, sometimes a few friends.
🥔 [POTATO] What do they have that others see as a flaw, but they don't care about?
Lazarus: Also its apathy.
Eleazar: I think he would have a panic attack if someone pointed out his flaws.
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Road Kill
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~2.1k
Summary: You learn something new about Wanda
A/N: Hello. I'm back. Wtf happened to the desktop layout while I was gone?? Anyways, here's a random thing that came to mind as I got my car washed the other day. Enjoy.
Warnings: brief depiction of road kill, blood, anxiety, and claustrophobia
It was an unfortunate series of events that landed you and Wanda at the car wash. You left work a little later than usual, and at this time of year that meant it was already dark. You didn’t like driving at night because it made the last ten minutes or so of your trip up the mountain treacherous and a little anxiety-inducing. You’ve had many animals run in front of your car, and tonight is one of those unfortunate times where you hit one of them.
Well to be fair, you hadn’t hit the poor deer, but the car that had, threw him in front of you, and you weren’t able to avoid running him over. You cursed and then cursed again when you stopped but the other driver didn’t, and you tried to look at the damage. It was difficult in the dark, and you didn’t want to really see it all. The smell was overwhelming as you stepped out of the car. When you look around and see that you truly are in the dark alone, you realize you’ll be even later getting home.
“Shit. “
Wanda’s finishing up dinner when she hears her phone ring from the living room. She sets her spoon down before hurrying past Boone and Fletcher to see who was calling her. She figured it was you since you’d told her that you were going to leave late tonight, and maybe you were letting her know that you would be home soon. She hates that you were still working late despite having such a difficult week, but she is glad that your weekend was starting now. She sees that it’s you calling, and she smiles widely before sliding her finger across the screen with a sigh.
“Hey, detka. Are you on your way?”
You can’t help but smile widely as you glance down toward your headlights that are a little splattered and look like a scene out of a horror movie. You still can’t force yourself to look down at the remainder of the deer that was under your fender, and you grimace at the starry sky with a loud sigh.
“Yeah, I was almost home, but someone hit a deer and it’s hit me, so I’m just going to be a little bit later.”
Wanda’s somehow never hit anything on the way home since they lived in the house. She’d gotten into plenty of accidents that were work-related, but otherwise she was pretty lucky. You had gotten a couple of speeding tickets that you hid from Wanda, and maybe three fender benders, but you’d somehow avoided hitting a deer, until now. You hear Wanda curse and she’s already looking for her keys when she responds. You hear her slight panic, and you’re already shaking your head as she asks the predictable question.
“Really? Are you okay? Do you need me to come and get you?”
Despite insisting that it was fine, Wanda’s already told you that she’s calling Bucky to come pick you up. You mention hosing off the car, and Wanda cringes but agrees as she goes outside to stand and wait for Bucky to arrive. She keeps you on the phone since it’s dark and you’re literally stranded in the mountains. You back your car up and try to get most of the deer off of it. You have already warned both your wife and friend to not look too closely unless they didn’t want to eat dinner tonight.
“We’re almost there, Y/n.”
You just make an affirmative noise before you continue to stare up at the few stars you can see through the trees. Tonight would be a good night to sit on the top deck of your house and stargaze with your wife and dog. You could do it later if you wanted to, but first you had to get your car cleaned. A couple of minutes later you hear a car come around the corner, and you stand up from where you’d been sitting at the sight of a familiar face. You smile when Bucky turns on his hazards before parking in front of you with a grimace. Wanda studiously ignores the grizzly scene as she rushes out of the car to meet you.
“Hey Wands. Hey Bucky.”
Wanda’s a little surprised when you mention how you wanted to take the car to the wash now instead of just going home to rinse it off. You mention how you don’t want to bring the smells back to the house, and Wanda kind of understands this, and she lets you thank and hug Bucky before she gets into the passenger seat to go with you. You sigh as you get buckled and quickly turn the car around and head back down the road.
“Hopefully this won’t take very long. We’ll be home eating dinner before you know it.”
Wanda smiles but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes as she considers what she’s gotten herself into. She decides to focus on you and she reaches out for one of your hands as you continue to drive back toward town.
“How was your day, detka?”
You spend the next ten minutes telling Wanda about your day, and her telling you about hers. She had made sure that tomorrow would be free for her since you both have been so busy and you haven’t had a lot of time together. You are glad to hear this and by the time you arrive at the carwash, you’re ready to blow through it and get home quickly.
“Okay, let’s see.”
You pull up to the pay station and look at the vaguely familiar wash options. You are mumbling to yourself so you don’t realize that Wanda’s a little distracted as she looks to the dark tunnel that you’re going to drive through in less than a minute. She takes a deep breath and reminds herself that it’s going to be fine as you pay and roll the window back up.
“Alright, ready Wands?”
You’re pulling the car forward on the track as you ask this, not really expecting an answer, but when Wanda’s grip on the door and her seat tighten as she nods stiffly, you realize you should have paid more attention. The lights in the tunnel are a bright, dark blue and they come on as a loud beep signals you should put the car in neutral. You do and you only get to focus on the lights and how they look through the water that’s rushing down and from the side sprayers in front of you for a moment before your wife steals your attention.
Wanda’s focusing on her breathing as she keeps her eyes closed and tries not to think about being enclosed in such a small space with all of the noise around her. You reach out for her hand quickly as the car rolls into the first jets of water and the sound of it hitting the hood is almost deafening.
“Wands? What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
Wanda squeezes your hand before she shakes her head and turns to you with a slightly panicked expression. She’s only been in a car wash like this one time before, and she’d had a full-blown panic attack. She didn’t realize she was claustrophobic until she was inside surrounded by water without any way to get out. At least without getting drenched and covered in soap. She didn’t like feeling trapped, and as the water gets louder and the entire car is bathed in an eerie blue light, Wanda feels her breathing get shallow.
“No, I-I don’t like this. I need to get out.”
Wanda’s hand goes to the door, but she doesn’t open it as you slowly begin to realize what’s wrong. You honestly enjoyed car washes. Your car got clean, and you got 30 to 40 seconds of sitting in your car surrounded by the sound of rain and pretty lights. You love it, but apparently, it’s not everyone’s thing. You’re not sure how you didn’t know this before, but you’re quick to try and distract your wife since you can’t exactly get out right now.
“Hey, it’s alright. We’ll be out in a minute, and then we can go home and see the kids.”
Wanda offers you a small smile that you can tell is only a gesture, and not really sincere. You turn toward her and try to figure out how to best approach this. You didn’t know that Wanda was claustrophobic, but this is not the ideal time to figure it out. You unbuckle yourself before you reach over and lean Wanda’s seat back so she’s lying down. You unbuckle her too so she doesn’t feel so trapped, and you sit up and lean over the console with a small smile.
“Can you close your eyes for me, really quick?”
This is easy for Wanda to do, and she squeezes them shut as she takes your hands and holds them to her chest. She takes a deep breath and you start talking as you glance to the windows that are still being doused in suds. You admire the lights for a second before turning your attention back to Wanda.
“Do you remember our first date? Well rather our first time? It was maybe our tenth date, and you went all out and it was amazing. Do you remember what I’m talking about?”
Wanda struggles to focus on you at first as she tries to block out the sound of water thundering against the roof. When she realizes what you’re talking about, she can’t help but smile at the memory of it. She nods and she keeps her eyes closed as she breathes out barely loud enough for you to hear.
“Yeah, I do.”
You smile in response as you kiss your wife’s forehead and think back on one of the most romantic nights of your life. This was probably the date that convinced you that there was no leaving Wanda. She was going to be it for you, and you’d hoped that she would feel the same way.
“It was probably one of my favorite dates, Wands. You were so sweet, and you spent what I’m sure was an obscene amount of money to make me happy.”
You realize that you’re getting close to the end of the tunnel because the car’s getting hit by air now to dry it off, and you try to speak louder so Wanda doesn’t hear it. She almost looks peaceful as she lies back with her eyes shut, and you just hope she’s thinking about your time together as fondly as you are.
“I was so nervous. I’d put a lot of effort…or at least money into it, and I was very worried you’d find it too cheesy.”
You shake your head as you shift slightly so you can pull the car up and out of the tunnel and back into the parking lot. You carefully park near the vacuums before humming in contemplation as you recall that Wanda was right. She had sat in the car for nearly ten minutes after she’d driven you to the club, and you’d been confused and a little worried.
“It wasn’t cheesy, my love. It was perfect. Really beautiful.”
Wanda was thinking of the decorations that she’d paid tens of thousands for, but you were mostly thinking about how the rest of the night had gone after leaving the club. It had been beautifully decorated, and it was the memory of the lights that made you think of it now, The lights have since gone out, and you and Wanda really are in the dark with just your cleaner headlights and a couple of lamp posts illuminating the parking lot.
“I’m glad you liked it.”
Wanda’s eyes open to see you smiling at her, and she sits up a little so she can kiss you. You smile against her lips and only pull away a few seconds later when Wanda seems to realize where you are. She looks around briefly before she opens the window and watches as the last remaining drops of water disappear. She puts her seat back up and sticks her arm out the window and sighs heavily. She’s still looking outside as you put your seatbelt back on and start to pull out of the parking lot.
“Ready to go eat?”
Wanda turns to you with a smile before she nods in agreement. She’s starving and she’d almost forgotten as her anxiety seemed to overrule everything else. Now that she was calm, she was hungry again and she reaches over for your arm. She squeezes it gently and you turn to her when you come to a red light.
“Thank you, detka.”
You smile and kiss her cheek before continuing down the road. It’s time to get home and enjoy the rest of the night, and then tomorrow you and Wanda will have the entire day together. She keeps her hand on your arm for the rest of the ride home, and she’s already feeling the urge to go to sleep after this stress. Maybe she can convince you to eat on the couch in front of the television tonight.
“Of course, Wands.”
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knivestothroats · 1 year
uuuuuuuhhhh here’s a part 2 to the noncon au of itws. nasty and nsfw, dead dove, etc. once again behave re: fletcher’s body and gender and stuff or die by my blade. (part 1 here)
Fletcher had sprung a chore list on Buck after lunch. 
Do the dishes, clean the bathroom, collect fallen sticks for kindling, and move the chopped wood into the shed. And get it done before sundown.
Buck set to work. No one else in the house really did dishes when they knew they could make Buck do them, so they tended to pile up. He spent a while bent over the kitchen sink, and then a while bent further over the bathtub, scrubbing it out. By the time he was collecting sticks from the clearing around the house, his back was killing him. He paced in long lines through the grass, bending over to pick up a stick whenever he found one. When his hands got too full to hold any more, he took them to a bin in the shed, and then had to find his place again.
Fletcher, meanwhile, was chopping wood and keeping an eye on him. The pile of logs, already enough to last quite a few fires, was steadily growing.
Once he had collected a sufficient amount of kindling, all he had to do was move the heaps and heaps of logs.
Buck was dragging his feet across the clearing, trudging back and forth with armloads of wood, by the time the vibrant colors of the sunset faded away into a pale dusky blue. His clothes stuck to his sweat, cooled by the evening air to leave him clammy. 
He shouldered his way into the shed and dropped the logs onto the pile. A couple of them bounced and fell to the floor. With a groan, Buck bent down to pick them up and place them back on the stack. 
Buck startled when he turned around to see Fletcher standing in the doorway. He stumbled back, jagged edges of the coarse chopped wood digging into his spine. 
“The sun’s down,” Fletcher said. “There’s still a bunch of wood out there.” 
Buck swallowed dryly. “I’ll get it done.”
“No,” Fletcher said in a scolding tone. They stepped into the shed, pulling the door shut behind them. “I told you to get it done before sundown.”
“I can - I can keep working…” Buck began.
Fletcher closed the distance between them. Buck flinched as they reached up to brush a strand of hair off his sweaty forehead. He couldn’t meet their eyes.
“Buck,” Fletcher said softly, coldly. “I am telling you that you are not allowed outside at night, and that you have to get things done in the timeframe I give you.”
“I… I can’t,” Buck said.
“Excuse me?”
“I can’t,” Buck repeated. “You gave me too many things to do with not enough time to-”
Fletcher grabbed Buck’s upper arm and spun him around, throwing him against a workbench. The edge collided with his gut, forcing him to bend forward.
Fletcher grabbed a fistful of Buck’s hair and pulled his head back. “It seems like you still need a lesson on how you don’t have a choice in the matter.”
“Wait, wait, I can - I can -”
Fletcher shoved his head back forward, and their other hand grabbed the waistband of his pants.
“I can blow you!” Buck cried out.
Fletcher paused. “Excuse me?”
“I can - I can suck your dick,” Buck said in a small, miserable voice.
Fletcher flipped Buck around. They put their hands on the workbench, one arm on either side of Buck’s body, caging him in. 
“Thought you said you’d never been with a guy.”
Buck stammered. “W- I- j- not - not all the way… before, but…”
“Oh, but you’re good at taking cocks down your throat, huh?”
Buck’s face burned, and he looked away. But, if that’s what it was going to take to convince Fletcher to go easy on him… he mustered out a, “Yes.”
“Hm.” Fletcher gave Buck a once over, then straightened up, pulling their arms away from where they were blocking him in. 
“Then get on your knees and prove it.”
Fletcher was not taller than Buck, but Buck spent enough time trying to slouch into submission or just being knocked prone, that he felt like he was always having to look up to meet Fletcher’s gaze. This time was no different as he was leaning backwards as far as he could over the surface of the workbench. 
Fletcher looked down on him as he lowered to his knees on the cold floor of the shed. They folded their arms and waited. Buck couldn’t keep his hands from shaking as he reached for their belt.
“Wait.” Fletcher put a hand up. Buck froze.
“Stay there,” Fletcher said. They walked to the other side of the shed and removed their belt themselves, placing it, along with their holstered gun and sheathed knife, on a shelf before returning to stand in front of Buck once more.
“Okay. Proceed.”
Buck swallowed. He hadn’t exactly let his hopes rise when Fletcher stopped him, but there was still a twinge of disappointment. Pushing all feelings down, Buck pulled open the button on Fletcher’s pants, then slid down the zipper.
He glanced up at Fletcher as he shimmied their pants down. They were watching with a hardened expression. Buck looked back to the task at hand. He could see their outline through their boxers. Not hard yet, but starting to get there. He imagined Fletcher getting aroused from watching him squirm in fear beneath them. He pushed the feelings down again.
Hesitantly, he reached out and began to palm Fletcher over their boxers. He glanced up again. Fletcher was still just watching. Buck tucked his fingers over the waistband of their boxers and pulled them down.
Panic rose from Buck’s stomach, creeping up his neck. Last time he had seen Fletcher’s dick, it had been a painful, horrible experience for him. And now, he reached for it, delicately wrapping his palm around its length. He began to stroke it, feeling it grow harder in his grasp.
It was probably good enough by now. He knew it was. But he couldn’t bring himself to go through with the next step.
“You really gonna take all night when being slow is what got you in this mess?” Fletcher growled.
Buck closed his eyes and took a breath. He ran his tongue over his lips, then slowly stuck it out of his mouth, letting his jaw hang loose.
Buck ran his tongue over the head. Okay, not so bad. Then he ran his tongue up the length of it. Fletcher didn’t give much of a reaction. Buck did it again, waiting for some sign he was appeasing them. Finally, he slid the cock over his tongue, and took Fletcher into his mouth.
He bobbed his head once, then twice, wrapping his lips around them. Buck couldn’t help but keep his eyes up on Fletcher’s face, trying to read their expression.
Fletcher’s lip twitched suddenly in an angry snarl. They grabbed a fistful of hair at the back of Buck’s head and shoved down.
“Stop fucking staring at me,” they growled.
Fletcher’s cock hit the back of Buck’s throat too rough too fast, and his body shuddered as he tried not to choke and gag. Tears sprung to his eyes, now cinched closed, and he did his best to lave his tongue against the cock. 
Fletcher hissed out a breath - finally, something. They rolled their hips against Buck’s face, and he tightened his hands into fists as he tried to breathe through it. 
Fletcher finally eased their grasp and let Buck take back over. He firstly pulled away and gasped for air, coughing out and trying to breathe deeply in. He knew he didn’t have much time to spare on things like “breathing” if he was going to keep Fletcher happy, so he dove back in as quickly as he could manage.  
Buck bobbed his head diligently as he drooled over Fletcher’s cock, too spurred on by fear to let up on his speed. Fletcher was almost surprisingly gentle at first, letting Buck set his own pace and depth. But the better it felt for them, the more they began to participate. Soon Buck did little more than let his head be bounced up and down as Fletcher held him by the hair, moving him opposite to the ebb and flow of their hips. He mostly focused on using his tongue as best he could. That, and not gagging.
Finally, Fletcher put both hands on Buck's head as they slammed their hips against his face in a fast, unrelenting rhythm until Buck felt his mouth fill with their cum. They held their pose for a moment, Buck twitching in their grip, before pulling out. 
Buck doubled over, coughing and hacking onto the floor. He wanted to throw up, but he swallowed down as best he could. 
“Yeah, that was pretty good,” Fletcher said dismissively. They reached down and took one of Buck’s arms, hauling him up. “Better when I take the lead, though.”
Once Buck was more or less on his feet, Fletcher spun him back around against the workbench.
“What are you doing?” Buck asked hurriedly, half turning around to look back at Fletcher.
“Still need to teach you that lesson,” Fletcher said, firm hand on his back to keep him in place.
“But I - but I… sucked your dick…” Buck said lamely.
“And you thought that would get you out of this?” It was rhetorical. “You need to be precise with your language, Buck. We never made a deal. I never agreed not to fuck you if you did a good enough job sucking me off. Plus…” They leaned in close. “I can do whatever I want to you. That’s the point.”
Fletcher gave Buck a shove, bending him over the surface. They reached around to undo his belt.
“No, no, no, Fletcher, please…”
“Again with the begging,” they said as they pulled down his pants.
Fresh tears breached Buck’s eyes. 
“Why are you doing this to me?” 
“There will come a day when you don’t argue with me,” Fletcher said. “And, honestly? I’m having fun.”
Fletcher kicked Buck’s feet apart. They spit in their hand and pressed two fingers into Buck’s ass.
Buck groaned in pain at the intrusion. He folded his arms over the workbench and pressed his forehead against them. All he could do was try to breathe. 
Fletcher didn’t waste much time with prep before forcing their cock into Buck’s ass. They didn’t care if it hurt him. If anything, that made it better.
Buck couldn’t help but cry out. He slammed a fist against the table, and he could hear Fletcher chuckle at him. 
Fletcher pulled out a little and pushed back in, slowly forcing their whole length. 
Buck groaned in pain again. There was no point in trying not to make noise, no point in hiding his discomfort. He just hoped he could keep from sobbing.
Fletcher was all the way in. They pulled Buck’s hips back to their own, running their hands over his thighs and then his back in a faux display of intimacy. Then they started moving.
Buck let himself be buffeted against the bench as Fletcher thrust unrelentingly into him. He dug his teeth into his own arm and closed his eyes, and let Fletcher do whatever they wanted to him.
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