#Florida assassin bugs
whatnext10 · 1 year
Milkweed Assassin Bugs are Great Hunters and Pest Controllers
Milkweed Assassin Bugs are Great Hunters and Pest Controllers features a milkweed assassin bug that was found hunting in a patch of tickseed flowers. It describes the bug’s range, diet, hunting styles, and the author/artist’s feelings about the bug.
Searching Inside I really love the abundance of tickseed flowers that we have all over the place right now. Not only are the flowers themselves really pretty, but the pollinators adore them. So if I want to see and photograph bees, wasps, butterflies, and heaven knows what else, all I have to do is find a patch of these flowers. The other day I stopped at a bunch of them and as well as…
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bigpappahope · 1 month
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A World of Green
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greenwallflower · 10 months
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libraryofmoths · 1 year
Moth of the Week
Salt Marsh Moth
Estigmene acrea
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The salt marsh moth is a part of the family Erebidae. This species was first described in 1773 by Dru Drury. It is also known as the acrea moth.
Description Both male and female moths have white heads, thoraxes, and forewings with a varying pattern of black spots on the forewings, with some moths having no pattern at all. They also share an orange-yellow abdomen with a vertical line of back dots. On the male, the hindwings are the same organge yellow while on females the hindwings are white. Both males and females have three or four black dots on each hindwing.
Wingspan Range: 4.5 - 6.8 cm (≈1.77 - 2.68 in)
Diet and Habitat The caterpillar was first thought to be a pest to salt-grass, but in fact it prefers weeds, vegetables, and field crops such as dandelions, cabbage, cotton, walnuts, apple, tobacco, pea, potato, clovers, and maize. Adults do not feed.
This moth is found in North America, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Colombia, and Mexico. It prefers open habitats such as openings in woods, thickets, farm fields, grasslands, and marshes. It is called the “salt marsh moth” because it is common in coastal salt marshes (tidal marshes) along Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf coasts.
Mating This species of moth does not emit pheromones from the tip of its abdomen but instead from its throat or the to of its abdomen. These moths are seen from May to August but can be seen all year in southern Florida and Texas. It is presumably during May and August they mate in most parts of their range while they mate all year round in Florida and Texas.
Yellowish eggs are laid in clusters on the host plant leaves. Females usually produce 400 to 1000 eggs in one or more clusters. It is possible to find a single egg cluster containing 1200 eggs. Eggs hatch in four to five days.
Predators This species is frequently parasitized as larvae, usually by flies in the Tachinidae family. In Arizona, the most common parasites were Exorista mellea and Leschenaultia adusta while two other parasitic flies were also seen: Gymnocarcelia ricinorum and Lespesia archippivora.
Both the larval and egg stages are oararzitized by Hymenopteran parasitoids such as Apanteles diacrisiae; Therion fuscipenne, T. morio, Casinaria genuina, Hyposoter rivalis; Psychophagus omnivorus, Tritneptis hemerocampae Vierick; Anastatus reduvii; and Trichogramma semifumatum.
A cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus is known to harm this species but there are little data on its importance and effect.
General predators such as lady beetles, softwinged flower beetles, and assassin bugs prey on these caterpillars, but are not thought to have a large impact on population.
Fun Fact This species has 4 subspecies: Estigmene acrea acrea, Estigmene acrea arizonensis (Rothschild, (1910)) (Arizona), Estigmene acrea mexicana (Walker, (1865)) (Mexico), Estigmene acrea columbiana (Rothschild, (1910)) (Colombia).
(Source: Wikipedia, University of Florida, Missouri Department of Conservation)
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darkmaga-retard · 7 days
By Monica Showalter
A would-be assassin takes aim at a leading presidential contender and former president, and all the federal attorney can come up with as a charge are a couple of gun violations?
Something seems fishy out in Florida where the crime happened, home to a lot of federal officials who hate Trump.
According to the Associated Press:
During an eight-minute hearing, prosecutors levied two charges against him: possessing a firearm despite a prior felony conviction and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number. Officials said Routh could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted on the first charge, and a possible five-year sentence on the second charge. A bond hearing has been scheduled for Sept. 23, and a probable cause hearing or arraignment has been set for Sept. 30, depending on whether the government secures an indictment on the charges.
A snaggle-toothed, bug-eyed freak attempts to assassinate a former president and leading presidential contender, and for the second time in two months, and all they can come up with is a gun charge? It's strange stuff indeed given that he pointed what was reportedly a Dragunov SVD sniper rifle with a scope at his target from an easy 305 yards away, he somehow had the president's schedule, he had the money to make the trip despite not having any savings, he'd made crazed social media posts about hating the president and threatened to kill others, he had a backpack full of ceramic tiles to deflect return fire, and he had a fancy camera to record his act so that he could get it onto the television news.
There's no reasonable doubt that he had the intent to kill Trump, had done the planning to kill Trump, and went there to kill Trump.
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
I saw these guys devouring a poor ladybug larva. Any idea what they are? I thought they might be some kind of assassin bug. Found in Eastern coast United states
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young native predatory stinkbugs Euthyrhynchus floridanus feeding on invasive Harmonia axyridis larva!
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ejzah · 2 years
Could you do a short fic like where kensi is sick and deeks takes care of her like "Even the Strong Fall Now and Then" but set in the present, season 13 or 14?
A/N: I’ll never say no to a good sick fic. Hopefully this counts as one.
It’s Going Around
Deeks rolled over to the beeping of his phone, and jabbed at it until it stopped. The first hints of daylight were peeking through the edges of the curtains. Kensi lay face down on her pillow beside him, completely out. He dropped a kiss on her t-shirt covered shoulder, nudging her gently.
“Nng,” she groaned, burrowing further under the covers.
“Babe, it’s time to get up,” he murmured, smiling when Kensi groaned again, and blindly pushed at his shoulder.
“You can shower first.” She sounded like she was already back to sleep before she even finished speaking. Tucking the quilt around her shoulders, Deeks slid out of bed, heading for the bathroom.
Typically, Kensi showered first while he caught a little more beauty sleep, or went for an early run. But they’d had back-to-back cases the last few weeks, with both of them going undercover a few times and taking the lead while both Sam and Callen were out unexpectedly.
Deeks took a little extra time to trim his beard up, anticipating Kensi’s mocking jokes when she saw him. When he walked back into the bedroom with a towel draped around his neck and boxers, Kensi was still fast asleep though.
“Hey, baby, your turn!” he called out on his way to grab clothes. By the time he’d pulled on a shirt and jeans, she’d pushed herself up on her elbows, eyes just barely open. Her hair hung around her face in an impressive mane, which she didn’t brush out of her eyes. “Whoa, you got some serious bed head going on there.”
Kensi gave him a baleful glare, brushing clumsily at her face.
“You’re hilarious,” she croaked out. Deeks crossed over to the bed, instantly concerned by the scratchiness in her voice.
“Are you feeling ok?” Without waiting for an answer, he brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “Hm, you’re kind of warm.”
“That’s because I was under the covers,” she told him, failing to conceal a weak cough.
“Uh-huh, I bet you have that cold that’s been going around the office the last week,” he said, which earned him another glare from Kensi.
“I am not sick.” Her argument might have been a little more believable if she didn’t list to the side a second later. Her arm shook with the effort of keeping herself upright.
“Right. You know, it’s not the end of the world to admit that Ninja Assassin Kensi Blye occasionally gets sick.” Deeks brushed her hair back lovingly despite his joking tone. “Ok, I’m going to get you some tea, medicine, and toast,” he added, kissing her heated temple.
Kensi made a token noise of protest, and then flopped back down on the bed. Yeah, there was no way she was coming in today. Luckily, Callen was back, and if needed, they could pull Fatima into the field.
When he returned a few minutes later with a tray loaded up with cups and bottles, Kensi grudgingly accepted a glass of water and two ibuprofen. She washed them down without a word, hand shaking as she handed the glass of water back.
“Ugh, I hate being sick,” she groaned pitifully. “It should be outlawed once you turn 21.”
Deeks bit back a smile, fluffing her pillows and pulling the covers back around her. “I’ll be sure to send a letter of complaint,” he teased.
After seven years together, he’d learned that Kensi handled the common cold as well as any doctor. She usually avoided the yearly colds and flus, but when she did catch a bug, they hit pretty hard.
“Alright, I’m going to go to work, because I’m pretty sure Kilbride will either actually burst a blood vessel this time or abandon us and retire to Florida.”
Kensi managed a weak smile, already drifting towards sleep.
“Thanks,” she murmured.
“Of course.” He kissed her forehead again. “Call if you need anything. Love you.”
Deeks was kept busy by a combination of paperwork, and a request from LAPD to assist with a brief undercover op. It turned out to be relatively simple.
He’d texted Kensi periodically to check in, who responded with single words or the occasional rude emoji. That reassured him enough that she wasn’t too sick. Still, he felt bad about leaving her to fend for herself. Whenever he was sick, he just wanted to curl up and die.
The image of Kensi’s shakiness ran through his mind. He doubted she’d made it to the kitchen to get more food, probably limiting trips to the bathroom.
With that in mind, he asked to leave a bit early, and stopped off at their local deli for some fresh tomato soup and bread.
“Hey, Kens, I’m home,” he announced as he kicked his shoes off, and pushed them to the side of the door. All the blinds were drawn just as when he’d left, and he didn’t hear any sounds of movement. “Kensi?” he repeated more quietly, stepping into their bedroom.
In the dark, he just made out a Kensi-sized lump took a up the center of the bed. He set the food to the side, and turned on a low light, noting the empty glass on the table, and cold medicine scattered across the floor, the little white bottle wedged under the bed.
Sliding onto the bed beside her, he gently brushed her hair back from her temple. Kensi inhaled sharply, peeling on eye open to look at him. Even in the poor light, he could see her eyes were glassy and her normal coloring was off.
“Hey baby.”
“Deeks,” she muttered, licking her dry lips. She coughed a couple times, curling in on herself as a shiver racked her body. “What time is it? Didn’t you just leave?”
Deeks winced at her strained, cracked voice.
“It’s just after five. I promise I’m not playing hooky,” he said. “You’re looking kind of rough.”
She just shrugged, sighing when he pressed his hand to her forehead. Her skin was hot. Not emergency room level hot, but definitely enough to explain her listlessness and shivering.
“Well, you definitely have a fever, so I’m going to get some more medicine that isn’t covered in dust bunnies. He grabbed a couple bottles of Gatorade, water, and fever reducer from downstairs, bringing them all up to the bedroom.
Kensi had dozed off again, and seemed vaguely annoyed at being woken up, which Deeks took as a relatively good sign. She swallowed two small white pills with a couple sips of Gatorade before trying to hand it back to Deeks.
“Ah, ah, you gotta drink at least half of that,” he told her, pushing the bottle back. It took considerably less effort than it normally would. “Nobody gets dehydrated on my watch.”
Kensi rolled her eyes, but dutifully drank exactly half of the bottle bit by bit.
“Happy now?” she asked sarcastically, slumping back down on her bed of pillows.
“Ecstatic. I brought some tomato soup, you want some?”
Kensi grimaced, unconsciously dropping a hand to her stomach. “No.” She shook her head quickly. “Not even a little bit.”
“Ok, then what can I do?”
“Hold me? I’m freezing,” she said, giving him a pleading look.
Yeah, he’d run into a burning building for that look. Shucking off his t-shirt while he walked around to the other side of the bed, he slipped under the covers, careful not to let too much warmth escape. Kensi flinched when his skin first made contact with hers, then relaxed as he curled around her back, enfolding her in his arms.
“Thank you,” she sighed in relief, melting against his chest. She reached for his forearm, and turned her head just enough to press a clumsy kiss to his cheek. Within a few minutes, her shivers had subsided, and she fell into a deep sleep.
“Anything for my, Ladybird,” he whispered, barely kissing her shoulder.
Thanks for the prompt!
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doubleddenden · 2 years
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I posted 12,226 times in 2022
That's 13 more posts than 2021!
2,292 posts created (19%)
9,934 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,127 of my posts in 2022
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#one piece - 521 posts
#nart - 321 posts
#assassination classroom - 243 posts
#lupin the 3rd part 6 - 214 posts
#made in abyss - 158 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#especially assholes who want to take your very trivial and non important/impactful opinion and want to use it as an excuse to virtue signal
My Top Posts in 2022:
Most Pokémon NPCs: oh, you took a step! What a big boy! Here's 5 Max Revives! Here's a free heal! You're so cool and great! You're the greatest trainer ever! Here's a TM! You're doing so good! You want my house? You want this Pokémon I've had since I was a kid? God, You're so great!
Cylene: pull your weight or die in the wild. Your choice. Oh, you caught some powerful Pokémon and nearly died several times over to do it? Great, here's a recipe. Now get back to work, asshole
492 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
I knew Pokémon would have a tumblr sexyman in Scarlet and Violet, and I really thought it would be this
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Or this
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But of course, PokeTumblr's new babygirl is this sad man
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846 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
A quick look at the timeline since we last checked in
Sonic Frontiers has a song by ONE OK GO and one version says "Fuck the pain away"
Disney proves it truly listens to what fans do not want by making live action Pinocchio, Little Mermaid, and Mufasa, which is a prequel to the much behated live action Lion King
HBO Max nuked a bunch of its animated shows for tax write offs
Uncle Grandpa almost survived with one episode called "Fleas Help Us" before being deleted
Summer Camp Island literally had a whole season ready
WB canned a completed Batgirl movie after spending $98 million. For tax write offs.
FBI raided Trump's Florida home and found hundreds of stolen top secret files, and one includes nuclear defense details on a foreign nation. Yeah he's in very hot shit
Biden administration opens the path for forgiveness for $10k-$20k of student loans, MS decides to tax anyone that gets it
When the Republicans got offended the White House Official Twitter Account revealed the MILLIONS of PPP loans the nay sayers had forgiven individually
NASA Is trying to GET US BACK ON THE MOON BABEY WOOOOOOOOO but unfortunately they had to scrub 2 launches because of engine troubles and a leak
But it's cool! It's cool! They gotta get it right because the end goal is to try and establish a MOTHERFUCKING MOON BASE!!! SOMEBODY HIGH FIVE ME
A machine on Mars the size of a lunch box made about as much oxygen as a small tree, prompting some to think we could have oxygen mines for future manned Marsian missions
Leonardo DiCaprio breaks up with another woman who just turned 25
JK Rowling wrote a book about totally not her being harassed by the very people she demonizes every day as a racist antisemitic ableist TERF and embarrassed herself in front of God and the internet again
After years of failing to sell on the market, Sony makes the decision to INCREASE the price of the PS5 despite only 5 people other than Crypto Dorks having them
Nintendo follows up by revealing they have no plans to change prices, which we all been knew because they still sell years old ports for $60
Gendy Tartokovsky's Primal aired a Dinosaur literally laying eggs up close and personal from its cloaca (side note do dinosaurs have those?)
Gendy is also apparently at the helm of a second PPG reboot in the works
She-Hulk Twerked
Looney Tunes officially ships Bugs X Daffy
3 Avatar Movies in the works. No not the blue people- well yes those too but I meant the one about the bald kid, the second one about Zuko, and the third about Korra
Blue people avatar has a movie coming in December
Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100 wins Twitter poll for Twink Supreme
Reigen does absolutely nothing and wins Ultimate DILF
In an ultimate final clash, Reigen just barely loses to Sans Undertale for Tumblr Sexyman
Tobyfox wrote fanfic about it and posted it to Twitter
On the same exact fucking day Sans defeats Reigen, the Queen of England DIED. Tv stations in mourning across the globe. Meanwhile Irish people and other people directly negatively impacted by colonization by the crown cheered and partied and tumblr and twitter released the crabs 🦀
This is as of September 10th, 2022, not told in any particular chronological order
This has been the look at the timeline, and no, the year is not over yet
See the full post
954 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
Pokemon: we made the darkest Pokemon game ever, Legends Arceus, where wild Pokemon will try to knock you out, you're forced to work or die in the wild, you're stripped away from your home and everything you love, and you're forced to live in a strange and uninhabited land. Don't worry, you'll be able to befriend the Pokemon, befriend the locals, and just maybe you'll make it :)
Digimon: hold my beer, because I'm about to toss 8 kids and a grandpa into an unfamiliar world, kill a few of them on screen very painfully with no room for misinterpretation, and psychologically scar the shit out of them AND the player
Pokemon: W-WHY???
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981 notes - Posted August 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
5,280 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Did they really find this in the lake? 😱#lakeladoga #radioactive
This is a strange talk you're talking about giant monsters and here's a giant monster and it's below but for real it's a different topic and these radioactive sites have monsters near them and people want to go there and study what we say is actually go there and they think it's warm and we know about it so be careful there's a bunch of these old plants all of them are contaminated very badly including the one in Japan fukushimi. And there you too muto and muto are formed and they create a new race and they emerge as the Phoenix is two of them and you see both in the movie One destroys the city and one flying around being chased by the jet and they're in there together and they also had babies as a giant mutated Phoenix and they are changed and they escaped to Las Vegas and they eat up a lot of assassin bugs and then they have to leave and they go to fukishami. The reason this was brought up is they are going to find these two Phoenix and they're very big and they are not dinosaur like the lizards there only part lizard believe it or not and they are mostly bird but they are mutant and they are part dinosaur which is a lizard I need to find them in an odd place although Daniel has seen it people think it's around here and two of them they thought it was a dragon and now they don't and they find it and they change it to Mexico and yeah you'll never believe where they can withstand a lottery and they keep eating people who are trying to get into Florida through the southern tip
Zues Hera
We need a lot more of this stuff and we need people of ours to start moving on it and I'm handing out assignments
Thor Freya
And of course we're willing to kick it off and if you need it and just contact us and it makes sense to these people and things like that
We shall we have a big list and we're going to get going on it and cocaine bear kicks off a whole bunch of events up north and I think that's embarrassed mutated and had kids so they go after that
Frank Castle hardcastle
It's not far from the truth no it really isn't
Dude can you come and Blockbuster Duke nukem
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The Shield
The Tyre Nichols situation is an absolute clown-show to me, for a myriad of reasons, but, specifically, how fast these cops were arrested and indicted for straight up murder charges. Don’t misunderstand my blase reaction to another police assassination as me dismissing the fact that Tyre lost his life. I would never do that and, please believe, i am violently incensed that we keep coming back here. However, it's not lost on me that these cops were swiftly thrown under the bus when every other case that makes the news, gets diminished or outright dismissed. I wonder why? You know EXACTLY why. I’ve seen outlets framing this as black-on-black crime and i don’t even understand how that is relevant to this case. So what if the cops were black, they were COPS. Police Officers did this. Individuals charged to protect and serve, brutalized a young black man to death, over a goddamn traffic stop. This is deadly abuse of police power, violent cop egos out of control, who just happen to be black because, in this circumstance, they are very much blue. Until they’re not.
Police brutality is rampant in Tennessee. Cops overreach all of the time, be it intimidation at a routine traffic stop because you don’t have the Jesus license plate or outright murder in more cases than you’d think, and it's kind of gotten worse. You don’t hear about a lot of these situations because Tennessee is experiencing a bit of a “Conservative Renaissance”. There is substantial White Flight from the Coasts to places like the Middle and Southern US because, you know, the white people. Tennessee happens to be one of the most prominent. That and Idaho for some reason. I don’t understand it, I'm black as f*ck, so it’s whatever to me. But so is Tennessee. There are A LOT of black folks in the sate and most of them are severely impoverished. Most people there, are. That’s why everything is so cheap and so ripe for the whitewash. Race relations in Tennessee were already dog sh*t but, with the influx of new white people comes new white money and, more to the point, new white fears. When Ben Shapiro moves his entire Daily Wire hate machine to Tennessee, you gotta protect that investment aggressively, even if Ben’s wife’s puss is as dry as Death Valley. Or, at least, keep up appearances that you’re “policing” and you do that by beating the sh*t out of the blacks.
The death of Tyre Nichols isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. Policing in Tennessee has been this violent and cruel among the black communities for years. Those cops really adhere to their runaway slave catching roots in that sense. The fact that these cops were black, doesn’t matter. There is a distinct delineation between those with a badge and those without, in Tennessee. The Blue Wall of Silence is one of the hardiest in the Volunteer State. That’s why it’s macabrely hilarious that these five cops were snatched up, fired, and locked up so quickly. That fact, alone, proves the racial divide so goddamn clearly, you’d have to willfully look away from reality in order to disingenuously frame this situation any other way. These black cops thought they would get the white cop treatment for killing a young black kid, but found out that they are still just n*ggas in a coupe. We all know if white cops did this, they’d be out on administrative leave, the police fraternity would close ranks and “investigate” themselves, only for the offending officers to either be cleared of all charges or quietly dismissed with their full benefits, just to resurface as an active duty officer in some other state. Probably Florida. That’s where the rest of the country apparently jettisons their trash lately. The cops who committed this horror were black, yes, but now that they traded in their Dress Blues for Felony Orange, they’re just more examples of why Ben Shapiro needs such a strong police presence in his newfound hometown. Gotta protect Mrs. Sahara Shapiro from all the n*gga boogie men with the most excessive force possible, even if they were once protected by that ever present Blue Shield.
0 notes
smokeybrand · 2 years
The Shield
The Tyre Nichols situation is an absolute clown-show to me, for a myriad of reasons, but, specifically, how fast these cops were arrested and indicted for straight up murder charges. Don’t misunderstand my blase reaction to another police assassination as me dismissing the fact that Tyre lost his life. I would never do that and, please believe, i am violently incensed that we keep coming back here. However, it's not lost on me that these cops were swiftly thrown under the bus when every other case that makes the news, gets diminished or outright dismissed. I wonder why? You know EXACTLY why. I’ve seen outlets framing this as black-on-black crime and i don’t even understand how that is relevant to this case. So what if the cops were black, they were COPS. Police Officers did this. Individuals charged to protect and serve, brutalized a young black man to death, over a goddamn traffic stop. This is deadly abuse of police power, violent cop egos out of control, who just happen to be black because, in this circumstance, they are very much blue. Until they’re not.
Police brutality is rampant in Tennessee. Cops overreach all of the time, be it intimidation at a routine traffic stop because you don’t have the Jesus license plate or outright murder in more cases than you’d think, and it's kind of gotten worse. You don’t hear about a lot of these situations because Tennessee is experiencing a bit of a “Conservative Renaissance”. There is substantial White Flight from the Coasts to places like the Middle and Southern US because, you know, the white people. Tennessee happens to be one of the most prominent. That and Idaho for some reason. I don’t understand it, I'm black as f*ck, so it’s whatever to me. But so is Tennessee. There are A LOT of black folks in the sate and most of them are severely impoverished. Most people there, are. That’s why everything is so cheap and so ripe for the whitewash. Race relations in Tennessee were already dog sh*t but, with the influx of new white people comes new white money and, more to the point, new white fears. When Ben Shapiro moves his entire Daily Wire hate machine to Tennessee, you gotta protect that investment aggressively, even if Ben’s wife’s puss is as dry as Death Valley. Or, at least, keep up appearances that you’re “policing” and you do that by beating the sh*t out of the blacks.
The death of Tyre Nichols isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. Policing in Tennessee has been this violent and cruel among the black communities for years. Those cops really adhere to their runaway slave catching roots in that sense. The fact that these cops were black, doesn’t matter. There is a distinct delineation between those with a badge and those without, in Tennessee. The Blue Wall of Silence is one of the hardiest in the Volunteer State. That’s why it’s macabrely hilarious that these five cops were snatched up, fired, and locked up so quickly. That fact, alone, proves the racial divide so goddamn clearly, you’d have to willfully look away from reality in order to disingenuously frame this situation any other way. These black cops thought they would get the white cop treatment for killing a young black kid, but found out that they are still just n*ggas in a coupe. We all know if white cops did this, they’d be out on administrative leave, the police fraternity would close ranks and “investigate” themselves, only for the offending officers to either be cleared of all charges or quietly dismissed with their full benefits, just to resurface as an active duty officer in some other state. Probably Florida. That’s where the rest of the country apparently jettisons their trash lately. The cops who committed this horror were black, yes, but now that they traded in their Dress Blues for Felony Orange, they’re just more examples of why Ben Shapiro needs such a strong police presence in his newfound hometown. Gotta protect Mrs. Sahara Shapiro from all the n*gga boogie men with the most excessive force possible, even if they were once protected by that ever present Blue Shield.
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crystalkleure · 4 years
I am now the proud owner of a deceased assassin bug in a jar!
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neocurio · 4 years
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cantankerouscatfish · 5 years
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assassin bug (?) feeding on oleander aphid. coworker took photos bc her phone has a decent camera!
I’m assuming this is a young whatever-it-is because it was only maybe 1cm long. those are Sedoro ‘Blue Elf’ leaves it’s standing on.
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onenicebugperday · 3 years
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Hi! I seen this neat bud outside my job when I went out to make a phone call. I'm sure my suddenly crouching outside going WOW ORANGE was completely normal. Anywho, what kinda bug is this? I'm in South Florida, USA.
Hello! It's a milkweed assassin bug. I think we've all looked out of our minds while viewing or talking to a bug and that's okay :)
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the-bug-dealer · 4 years
Dez my favorite babies.but not really I love them allll.
This is pea puffer getting snicky snacky and
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Female golden wonder killifish
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Male golden wonder killifish
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Gomez the flowerhorn
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My pair of morons axel and lotle
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Gorgeous redsided garter I found with my girl
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Florida bark scorpion
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Spiny orb weaver
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Colony of horrid king assassins bugs
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