#Flu is a bitch
navithescribe · 7 months
Remember a little while ago when I "proved" I wasn't dead? 😅😅😅
Well, I didn't die, but I got an insane flu at the end of January and was sick for like three weeks and was not able to have any presence in any social media... I just laid in bed, watching cartoons on my computer.
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The floor was indeed made of lava...
I had the most sore throat ever, and even after my fever was gone, I kept coughing like crazy.
It was pretty horrible.
I wish had a stage 6 like rat-flu, because I could neither write or read any fan fiction, so now I'm even more behind with reading fanfics as well as writing more than I already was before I got sick. 😆
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So that's why I have shown absolutely no presence in over a month. Even after I got better, I had a lot of things to catch up on, so I still couldn't find the time for writing until last week.
BUT with that said, my Yan!Donnie oneshot is almost finished and will be posted either tomorrow or the day after, so please look forward to it. 💜
(And mayyyybe I will soon be able to finally continue writing TKTM)
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floydsglasses · 8 months
It feels like a kid is taking a tiny tack Hammer to my head and it's just pounding away
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sairitaikutsu · 10 months
Dad, driving us to the venue of our family christmas party: How are you feeling, sai? Do you still feel sick?
Me: Yes.
Me: Why did you take me?
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fujin-s · 1 year
this week's chapter is late cos i was sick for a bit! will post maybe around friday?? or i'll do a double post next week instead, depending on the situation
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nocofamilyau · 4 months
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I sure hope Hijotee is doing well wherever they may be... (21/24)
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dootznbootz · 5 months
Hi. I'm cyberbullying a long dead poet because of his shitty fanfic. Enjoy. I'd love it if you joined me.
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(Before you get mad at me, yes, I know Eugammon of Cyrene is an important figure and all that. I'm sick with some sort of flu. Let me cyberbully an ancient dead fanfic writer in peace.)
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arctixout · 6 months
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fuck it, kris sipping tea
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wilcze-kudly · 6 months
So fun fact when I was a kid and I vaguely knew the premise of Avatar (the way I learnt about avatar was actually that one flash game where Aang, Toph and Katara are trapped on Zuko's ship and you have to escape before the time limit runs out. Does anyone else remember that game it was sick) but I wasn't a fan, but I knew the names of the characters. So in Polish, the word "sok" means "juice", so for a huge part of my childhood I would call Sokka "juice boy" in my head. Eventually I got into Avatar and Sokka became more then juice boy to me.
And then book 2 came around and lo and behold
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Juice Boy
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autoneurotic · 7 months
it should be acceptable to beat the shit out of people insane style for coughing without covering their mouth
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madebycoffee · 6 months
hmng ever since i sat down to eat breakfast i've had a very familiar soreness in the back of my throat creeping in ;__;
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ohello0 · 4 months
Ok so…. H5N1 Bird Flu has spread to house mice in New Mexico…. a week after chicken and egg farms in Iowa plan to slaughter ~4 million contaminated chickens… and after bird flu has spread across dairy farms in 9 different states (so far)
But surely no humans have ever caught it—what was that? There have been 4 human cases in the US, 3 in this year alone (all 3 from dairy cows)? Lemme just check the CDCs summary and recommendations on bird flu real quick.. oh. Um . Clap if you’re scared
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felinefamiliars · 1 year
Echo: Do you believe in ghosts?
Rex: Depends on who you’re talking about
Echo: Fives
Rex: That’s not a ghost, that’s a demon
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silverspleen · 7 months
102.6 F I’m being fucking baked inside my own skin.
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heyy-dont-mind-me · 7 days
"Every b*tch can't be your son!"
Feat. Artic by @articskele
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ezlo-x · 2 years
kinda late for me to say this but I ever told you guys when the direct was going on and they did that last minute reveal of totk trailer and got to hear Ganondorf's voice? I was so disappointed on his voice that an hour later I got sick with the flu
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therexasher · 5 months
Soooo… I’m fucking sick… again!!!
(Bro my temp is 107, I’m cooked☠️)
Guys if I die, I’ll haunt all of you in the afterlife 🤩 (I’m in your walls🤭)
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