#Focus Brasil
deennes · 1 year
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Mantodae Mantis/Louva-a-deus- 14/04/2023
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mensagemcompoesia · 2 years
In the absence of clarity, focus on the main objective
In the absence of clarity, focus on the main objective
In the absence of clarity, focus on the main objective Leave it as is But never lose hope What today perishes far away Tomorrow will be your joy. Fatigue can even appear Limiting us to understanding Denying is not accepting That life is not always the way we want. Life is full of instabilities are numerous inconsistencies We can't be stuck with it Life is what it is. Stay focused on the main…
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savebylou · 3 months
Hi, sending you love and chaos, love ya, bye :) 💚💙🇮🇪
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Sam!! what a perfect gift to start my day. I love this so much, thank you, love you too. You are always so thoughtful and sweet thank you for this. You always bring joy to the fandom and beautiful content and it makes me smile seeing your posts.
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jornale · 1 year
#mercadofinanceiro #inflacao #economia #bancocentral #boletimfocus #dinheiro #economy #brasil #noticias #news #jornale
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pedradagamer · 1 year
The new episode of our Dordogne saga is available! In this video Mimi, a young woman who returns to her grandmother's house in the Dordogne region of France after her death. There, she finds objects and places that awaken her memories of childhood, when he spent a summer with his grandmother and his friends…
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tioxao · 1 year
Entendendo o Relatório Focus do Banco Central do Brasil
Eis que entramos no LinkedIn, e sempre na segunda tem a publicação do Relatório Focus do Banco Central do Brasil. O que é Relatório Focus? O relatório Focus é uma publicação semanal do Banco Central do Brasil que apresenta uma análise das expectativas do mercado financeiro em relação à economia brasileira. O documento traz projeções para indicadores como inflação, taxa de juros, crescimento do…
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rtrevisan · 1 year
Expectativa de inflação em alta
O relatório Focus do Banco Central publicado nesta segunda-feira (30/01) voltou a apresentar elevação na expectativa de inflação doméstica brasileira. A pesquisa de expectativa de IPCA 2023 passou de 5,48% para 5,74% em apenas uma semana. (more…) “”
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soloesunmundial · 2 years
Focus* Daichi Kamada, Danilo
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Daichi Kamada era el nombre más importante en el fútbol japonés en este momento, junto con el de Kubo y Minamino, pues fue parte de la campaña ganadora de la Europa League de Eintracht Frankfurt en 2021-22. Sin embargo, no ha podido demostrar su calidad en este Mundial en fase de grupos. ¿Se destapará contra Croacia?
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Danilo, la buena noticia para Brasil no solo es el regreso de Neymar Junior contra Corea del Sur, sino la de Danilo. El lateral derecho de la Juventus se ha hecho extrañar tanto como Neymar, lesionado desde el primer partido contra Croacia. Nadie lo ha podido reemplazar. Es probable que su compañero de Juve, Alek Sandro, también esté recuperado. 
Eso sí, la mala noticia es que Gabriel Jesús no jugará más. Tampoco Alex Telles.
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designmiss · 10 years
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Adidas Samba Boots https://www.design-miss.com/adidas-samba-boots/ Per i #mondiali2014 in #Brasile, #Adidas ha rilasciato quattro nuovi modelli di #scarpe da #calcio con caratteristiche uniche per i diversi stili di gioco.
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milaisreading · 2 years
Yandere!MSBY 4 x Kageyama Twin!Reader Side couple: Komori Motoya x Reader
Warnings: Yandere behavior, possessive and obsessive behavior. Manga spoilers. Takes place during the Nationals and post timeskip. Minors don't interact!!! I made the reader 176 cm tall here, btw.
Part 2:
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"Woohooo! Nice kill,Suna-san!" (Y/n) cheered along with the crowd, trying to be as loud as possible. Due to her busy schedule with Uni, she didn't have a lot of free time to watch Raijin's games in real life, so when she did have those opportunities, she used them to the fullest. Suna and Komori, hearing her familiar voice, turned and sent her a grin, along with Watari, who just waved at her. 'Amazing... They already won the 1st set, and only 5 more points are needed to finish this one!' (Y/n) blushed in excitement as she kept watching her boyfriend's team, not noticing four pairs of eyes watching her every move.
Hinata was having a great day, he really was. He woke up feeling refreshed, went to train with the rest of the MSBY, and later on they drove to Shizuoka City for their match against one of their long time rival team.Everything was ok for the professional player, until he saw the youngest Kageyama walking down the hallway of the gymnasium.Now, Hinata did like and enjoy (Y/n)'s company, he has been in love with her since before they entered Karasuno. And the moment he saw her, he wanted to run up to the taller woman and hug her, confess the feelings he never had the chance to.
But what made him stop was nobody other than Komori run up to her, kissing her cheek as soon as he reached her side.Hinata would have found the display of affection cute, if it wasn't for the fact that it was between (Y/n) and that libero. The rage and bitterness was slowly taking over his body as he watched the unsuspecting couple.
The orange haired man was aware of them dating. Heck it all went down in their final year at Karasuno, and magazines in Japan and even some in Brasil were fawning over how cute they were, once they found this out.No matter what Hinata did, he couldn't escape it, and the sadness he felt over time became something dark. Something twisted...something nobody would dare to call love...well except for him and 3 of his other teammates.
He will forever remember the rage and betrayal he felt when he found out about them.
Hinata remembered the day he met (Y/n) very clearly. It was the day he made a long term frenemy with her brother. He remembered how kind and sweet she was to him when he promised Tobio he would defeat him on court. Hinata was flabbergasted when he found out the tall beauty was not only the king's twin, but also went to the same high school as he did. Ever since he joined the club as the middle blocker, and (Y/n) as their manager, he went above and beyond to prove how good he was. Which pissed her brother off at times, since Hinata would jump at random moments and not watch where the ball would fly. (Y/n) would of course try and calm them both down, so that they can focus back on either training or on a match.
It was during the Nationals in their 1st year that Hinata felt threatened. Sure, he did see other boys from their school and other schools try to approach (Y/n), but their advances were either ignored, or Tobio would shoo them away with a glare. But this time was different, not only did Tobio greet the newcomer so openly, but (Y/n) also was more talkative than she usually was with strangers. That day, Hinata came across the boy who would cause him so much pain and anguish for years to come.
"Hinata, maybe you should slow down with the food? Nobody will steal it from you, and your stomach will hurt." (Y/n) warned the shorter boy, who kept showing the onigiri into his mouth.
"I am really hungry and nervous! I can't help it! This match against Nekoma that is coming up is making me nervous." Hinata whined. (Y/n) smiled softly at the boy and patted his head, causing Hinata to smile at the affection he was receiving.
"You worry too much. Tobio, you and the rest of the team prepared for so long, there is no way you will lose. Believe in yourself a little more." (Y/n) said softly, shortly after returning back to her own food.
Hinata sighed, blushing brightly as he looked at (Y/n), who was concentrating on the Fukurodani match.
'So pretty...'
"Stop doing that." Kageyama commented as he pinched Hinata's cheek, to which the shorter cried out in pain.
"What was that for?!"
"You know exactly, Boke!"
"Bakayama not making sense, like always!"
"Keep it down you two! Everyone is looking!" (Y/n) shushed them, returning back to the match as the two boys sent each other side glances.
"Ahh Kageyama, I knew that was your voice I heard!" Komori said as he approached the trio.
"Yeah sorry, he can be an idiot at times." Tobio commented, pointing at Hinata.
(Y/n) looked up at the brown aired boy, taken aback by his cute appearance.
"Oh! I am Komori Motoya, libero from the Itachiyama Institute!" The boy said cheerfully to Hinata and (Y/n).
"Komori-san was in the same youth camp like me." Tobio added as (Y/n) nodded her head.
"A libero? And you were at the youth camp, you must be among the best ones in the country then!" (Y/n) spoke up, Komori sending her a grin.
"Well I wouldn't say that, but I try my best. You are Kageyama's twin, (Y/n)? We heard about you from him."
"Yeah, my cousin Sakusa, he is our ace, was with us during the camp."
"Oh I see... Wait, Sakusa Kiyoomi, the no 1 ace in the country?!"
Hinata watched with an empty look in his eyes as the duo chatted. This was the first time he witnessed (Y/n) be so open with a stranger, and that Tobio didn't say a word or even glare a the older boy.
Slowly but surely, he came to realize that a rival finally arrived, and it was in the form of this boy, who not even Tobio can dislike.
"You seem to really like this Komori guy." Hinata comments bitterly as Tobio shrugged his shoulders.
"Komori-san is a good guy. He is fine, in my opinion."
The basically direct approval made Hinata nervous, hoping that nothing big or important will come out of this small talk.
In his final Nationals game, Hinata felt on top of the world. They made it to the Nationals for a 3rd time and placed 3rd in the match. The orange haired boy felt like he could move a mountain.
"Hinata you were amazing as always! I am so proud of you 4!"
The said boy grinned brightly as he felt (Y/n)'s arms wrap around him.
"We wouldn't be here without your help, you know."  Hinata spoke softly, hugging back, drowning in the scent (Y/n) carried.
'Now is my time...' The boy gulped, letting go of the girl. Over the years she got even more beautiful to him, and he wasn't sure how to speak for a moment.
"Hey uh...(Y/n)..."
"Yes?" She asked.
"You know how we are graduating all in a few months and...well I wanted to say... that...I am-"
Just as Hinata was about to confess, Tobio's voice interrupted him.
"(Y/n), Komori-san is here." Kageyama said boredly from behind Hinata. Quickly looking up, (Y/n) grinned as she saw the older boy approaching them.
"Sorry Hinata, just a second."  She said and left the boy's side.
In horror, orange haired boy watched as (Y/n) jumped into the libero's arms, kissing him on the cheek.
"Woah! Well that's one way to be greeted." Komori joked as Hinata, along with Tsukishima and Yamaguchi watched their exchange.
"The two are dating?" The tallest of the three wondered, turning to look at Kageyama.
"Yeah, since summer or so."
"Since summer?!"
While the three were talking, Hinata kept silent, watching as the girl he loved, heck even worshiped was laughing in another guy's arms. His heart broke on that day, but his sanity was in for a long ride.
Since then, Hinata tried, he really did, to get over his feelings for the younger twin. He made sure to work on his volleyball skill, left for Brasil to learn and became a better player. And he thought he got over her, he thought he could be happy for his friend. It was selfish for him to think she dated Komori to hurt his feelings, since he was never clear with them. But, he just couldn't, (Y/n) was the one he loved, wanted and needed. And during his flight back to Japan, he made a promise to himself. He will do anything in his power to get his (Y/n) back. Hinata was more than willing to share with his other 3 teammates, they loved her equally and would keep her safe.
Hinata clenched his fists as he watched Komori and (Y/n) kiss, and Suna tease them both.
'(Y/n)...it should have been me who you said that to...Not HIM!'
Now Bokuto wasn't a smart person when it came to love. His intelligence when it came to studying was average, his game sense was top notch, his social skills were on par with Hinata and Atsumu, but love... that wasn't smth on his plan.
Well, or so he thought till his 3rd year at Fukurodani. Not only did he meet the Karasuno team, people he considered today as close friends or rivals on court, but also her.
(Y/n) was pretty shy back then, and stayed mostly around her brother, Kiyoko, Hinata or Tsukishima, basically anyone from her team... well, she was pretty close to Kenma, but that's besides the point.
In short, Bokuto saw her as a potentially good friend at the time, and he would try to get a few conversations out of her, ignoring the other Kageyama's glares at times.
And the few conversations he had with her were nice, great even. Not only was she nice, but her game and strategy senses were beyond what he would expect from a high school manager. And the more time passed, the more he grew interested. His heart would beat faster, his breath grew shallower and his hands shaking when he felt her watch his games during the Nationals. It was this way even during the qualifications, because he knew she would be watching this game on her TV, she was making Karasuno's strategies, and it was only normal for her to watch the possible rivals. Later on, his sister told him what he felt was love and gave him some advices on how to handle his emotions and confess.
Bokuto listened carefully, and over the years tried to come up with the perfect confession strategy. And just when he built up the needed courage,it all crashed when he saw the haunting scene playing out in front of him.
It all happened during Karasuno's last game at the Nationals, when they placed 3rd with Yamaguchi as their captain. Bokuto was impressed with his skills and how much he grew from the 1st year, as well as the other four. He would grin whenever (Y/n) would yell some encouraging words or warnings at the boys. He loved seeing how well she took care of the younger ones in the team, watching as she calmed some down over the loss. The rest, were more than happy with the results of their hard work.
As everyone was leaving or going to congratulate the players, Bokuto gripped onto the flowers he got for (Y/n). He decided to be nonchalant in his approach, after all, they weren't strangers to each other.
But the college student stopped in his tracks as he watched (Y/n), the girl of his dreams, run into the arms of the familiar Itachiyama libero.
In horror, Bokuto saw how she kissed him on the cheek, saw the love he held for her and overall, the strong relationship they shared.
Bokuto wasn't stupid, he knew what was going on, but he couldn't help his thoughts.
'What is going on?'
Slowly, he turned around and left.
Throwing the flowers into the garbage, he walked home. Ignoring his sister's questioning, Bokuto went into his room and finally let all the tears,he held back fall.
That night, something inside of Bokuto switched, the thought of (Y/n) being with someone caused anger and resentment in his heart. Every time Bokuto saw anything remotely about the couple in the magazines, he would rip those pages apart.
Hurt, anger, envy and his love for the younger girl clouding his mind.
And now,with a successful career as a athlete, with all the money, fame and fans, Bokuto felt like the helpless and heartbroken boy all those years ago as he watched Komori run up to (Y/n) after the last point was made.
Bokuto held his tears back, keeping a neutral as possible way as he watched the (h/c) woman kiss the man.
'Why him? Of all men, why did it have to be him?' Bokuto clenched his fists, opting to follow Meian as he solemnly told them to go and change, clearly upset with the loss of the game.
Atsumu wouldn't consider himself as a jealous person. Competitive? He sure was. With his twin, which was their thing since forever, with rival players during Junior High, and with his newest addition being Kageyama Tobio.
But now, now he for sure can say the gnawing feeling in his chest, and it took everything in him to not go where Komori and (Y/n) were standing, take her in his arms and show the brown haired man who she belonged to. Who could treat her right. And that was him, Atsumu Miya. One of Japan's top athletes.
It was during the time he was supposed to serve. Before that, everyone witnessed the ace of Karasuno being booed by Inarizaki's crowd, causing him to mess up and losing the point.
(Y/n) didn't initially say anything, seeing as the crowd from Karasuno and Kiyoko kept quiet, and she only heard Ukai and Takeda comment about the ordeal.
'They do that to EVERY team?! How is that fair? And Asahi-san looks genuinely upset over this too...' (Y/n) thought, sending a thumbs up at the ace, hoping he won't beat himself up over this.
The girl kept quiet tho, she didn't know how to even respond to this, and her shyness held her back from standing out from the crowd.
But what broke the camel's back, was when it was the Atsumu's turn to serve.
She watched in confusion as he held his fist up, and the whole crowd from Inarizaki grew quiet.
"They shut up?" (Y/n) questioned, catching Ukai's attention.
"Yeah, I heard of this anomaly from them. They will boo the opponents, but will be quiet as a mouse when it's their team's turn. Something about them needing to concentrate." Ukai explained, causing rage to grow in the girl as she watched the setter score a point.
The same was about to repeat itself, but (Y/n) wasn't going to let that happen. They all, especially the boys worked too hard to get here, and she won't let foul play stop their journey at the 2nd match.
Taking a deep breath, and with adrenaline pumping high, (Y/n) got up from her seat, causing Kiyoko to look up in surprise.
Kiyoko jumped up, just like Takeda, to calm the girl down, but Ukai stopped them both from doing so.
Karasuno looked at their usually quiet manager in shock, never seeing her raise her voice before or glare.
Tobio looked at his twin, then at Inarizaki, being on the lookout if something happens.
Atsumu stopped in his tracks, sending a dirty look towards the girl as she interrupted him.
"(Y/n), calm down-"
"I will not calm down! Otherwise they will treat you guys this way for the rest of the game!" The younger interrupted Daichi, glaring at the referees.
"This can't be called fairness in any way! They are booing our players and causing them to mess up! Who can possibly concentrate when all the cheers are drowned out by them?! Inarizaki is not in any shape of form above us on this court for you to let this slide!"
Taking a deep breath, (Y/n) turned to look at her team, face red, but the same angry look in her eyes was present, scaring the team a little.
"And you guys better get it together! I know we are all nervous, but you all trained for too long to let some cowards run this show! You played against Ushijima of all people, so get it together! You can do just as good against Mustard hair and Co!Please, Karasuno has your back... right?" (Y/n) finished, sounding a little softer as she turned to look at the cheer squad.
Ukai looked af his friends, who quickly got out of their shocked state, and nodded their heads fast.
(Y/n) smiled thankfully at the two men, then looked back at the court, sending a thumbs up and nervous smile at her team.
"You got this. Show them what Karasuno is made of."
Daichi's shocked expression softened and he nodded his head, turning back to his teammates.
"Alright. Let's do this,swift!"
"Sure thing, Daichi-san!"
"Oi Boke, stop making googly eyes at my sister and focus on the game." Tobio commented, causing the orange haired boy to look away from the flustered twin, and glare at the setter.
"Shut! I wasn't! Let's finish this and move on to the next game!"
"Are you doing alright? Your face is quite red." Sugawara asked, giving the girl a unused water bottle. (Y/n) took it and nodded her head, the realization of what just happened finally hit her.
"Y-yeah... I don't know what came over me to be honest."
"Well whatever it was, it sure helped us. The boys seem more determinated now." Ukai commented with a satisfied smile as the game resumed, with Karasuno's cheer squad now louder than ever.
"Good job, (Y/n)! But now let's sit down and watch the game." Kiyoko said, guiding the girl to the bench.
"Yes! This will all end well, I trust them to win." (Y/n) cheered smiling as she watched Tanaka score a point.
The whole time, as she cheered and assisted Kiyoko during breaks, Atsumu kept glaring at her.
'Stupid squealing pig, not only did I mess up my serve, but now Karasuno won't stop cheering when we serve...'
Atsumu took a sip from his water bottle, and looked over at Osamu and Suna, who were chit-chating quietly.
"What are you two planning now?" Kita questioned.
"You know... Karasuno's manager had a point."
"Which is?" Omimi asked, Aran already knowing what this might be about.
"Tsumu's hair looks like mustard. Not even the good quality one at that."
"SAMU YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Atsumu yelled as the third years tried to stop the fight.
"What is going on over there?" (Y/n) rose an eyebrow as she handed Hinata his water bottle.
"Who know..."
The game ended with Karasuno taking the win, everyone cheered loudly in happiness and relief. The game was tiring for everyone, and seeing it end was sweet for some and saddening for the others.
"What?" Tobio grumbled as he noticed Atsumu glaring at him, clearly disappointed with the outcome.
"Ya know, I honestly underestimated you, scrub. Thought you were some goody-two shoes, but you are up for dirty tactics."
"What is he even talking about?" Hinata questioned, confused with the whole interaction.
"Doesn't matter, but Shoyo-kun." The orange haired boy looked up at the loud blonde.
"One day, I will be the one setting for you, but until then, I will defeat you at the Interhigh and make sure to outdo you in your own tricks."
Atsumu was about to turn around and leave, only for Hinata's question to stop him.
"How is he going to do that, when (Y/n) came up with those?"
"Hm? Who?" Atsumu questioned, causing the two boys to look at him.
"(Y/n), she is our manager and mostly works with the two of us-"
"Tobio! Hinata! You two were amazing!"
Hinata's explaining got interrupted by the said girl cheering and jumping to hug them both, causing them nearly to fall over.
Atsumu looked at the scene in front of him, glaring harder as he noticed it was the same girl who yelled at him during his serve.
"I am so proud of you two! That was amazing, especially the final point!"
(Y/n) cheered as she let go of the two. Hinata blushed a little from all the praise, but kept his cool. Tobio, seeing how silent Atsumu was, turned to look at him.
"Is there something else you wanted?"
Atsumu snorted and shook his head. The other two looked at him now as well, wondering what he wanted to say.
"No. Just mark my words, during the next match, I will make sure you regret for underestimating my team."
Atsumu pointed at (Y/n), before he eventually turned around and left.
"He is weird..."
(Y/n) said, holding Hinata back, who tried to attack Atsumu over pointing at her.
"Weird, yes. But an awfully good player."
Her twin said back.
A year later, at the Nationals the story was a little different. Atsumu kept on grinning as he watched the defeated Karasuno team packing. He felt elated, nearly satisfied with showing Tobio and Shoyo who the better setter, the better team was.
But his satisfaction wasn't to the fullest without seeing the loud mouthed manager crying.
"Atsumu, where are you going?" Ginjima asked as he watched the captain walk towards the exit door.
"I need to use the bathroom." He simply answered.
"More like going off to see if the Karasuno manager from last year is upset." Osamu commented as Suna snickers.
"Still holding a grudge? You are pretty childish, Atsumu."
"Shut up! You won't understand!"
The trio watched the blonde walk off, a little concerned over the younger girl.
"Atsumu seems... a little obsessed with her, don't you think?"
Ginjima wondered, looking over at Osamu.
"More like seeing her upset above anything. He just won't shut up."
'Where is that squealing nonsense-'
"Yeah, the game was quite tense and really everyone was playing well...No, we are leaving tomorrow, Ukai-sensei said we will have dinner tonight and leave tomorrow during noon. Yeah, we asked to watch Nekoma's match before leaving." Atsumu grinned as he heard the girl talk behind the corner.
He waited behind the wall, hoping to hear her cry or whimper during the phone call.
"Hmm? Our opponents were from Inarizaki tonight, man they came a lot stronger this year. Guess the loss last year hurt their ego a little." (Y/n) chuckled.
'Why...why is she joking and not crying?!'
"Huh? I am a little bit upset, but nothing major. In volleyball you win or lose, and that's fine. Besides, I was pretty impressed with how well the Inarizaki team played this year, it was nice seeing them not relay on their cheer squad..."
Atsumu had about enough at that point, ready to make his presence clear and yell at her.
"Their twins tho...they were quite something. Yeah, the gray haired Miya had some nice strikes, and as much as that blonde one annoys me, I have to admit he is a good player. I can see why he is one of the best setters in the nation."
Atsumu stopped in his tracks and looked at the girl in shock, face slowly turning red from her words. Well, more like how she was saying it, with absolutely no malice or envy. Just pure honesty.
"Yeah I will tell Tobio that, see ya tomorrow!"
The blonde shook his head as (Y/n) walked back to the court, but stopped when she noticed Atsumu standing in front of her.
"Did you need something?" The girl wondered. When she didn't get an answer, she shrugged her shoulders, walking off to her destination,only to be interrupted by Atsumu.
"You aren't upset? On the verge of crying? Your team lost."
"Hmmm... I am upset, but not to that extent. Besides, volleyball is meant to be enjoyed, at leat to me. You take this too seriously, and it doesn't seem healthy for you. There is more to the game, ya know!" (Y/n) said, looking at the older in boredom for one last time, before going back to her previous attempts to get back to her team.
Atsumu watched her silently as his face grew warmer and warmer. The indifference when she talked about the loss was disappointing, but also... refreshing?
He was used to seeing his opponents pissed, distraught or straight up crying, this was something new. Something he was willing to change.
Atsumu wanted to see her...break, be distraught and look at him in awe while crying.
He liked that thought, but for now he will have to work harder for that to happen.
Atsumu smirked and took his phone out, looking at some of the pictures he made Suna find for him.
'Just like that Goody-two shoes of her brother...absolutely no social media or posts. Well, better for me. At least I know that no unknown guys can see her.'
Atsumu wasn't jealous in the past, but now... ever since Suna told him (Y/n) was dating Komori, jealousy was his closest friend. He waited, hoped that the libero would slip up eventually, look at a woman long enough for paparazzi to see, but nothing. The man was fully loyal and devoted to (Y/n), and the she to him. It pissed him off, but also made him fawn over how cute she is by playing the loyal girlfriend.
'I will find a way to break you two up. No relationship is perfect and then... then she will be all mine. As it should have been a long time ago.'
Sakusa wasn't much of a people person, well for loud people like Atsumu and Bokuto maybe, but he did have his fair share of friends, his cousin Komori being one of them.
Love wasn't something he was looking for, nor was he interested in it much. He had volleyball and his studies, and that was enough for him.
Well, until his 2nd year at the Nationals.
He heard of (Y/n) from her brother at the youth camp, thanks to Komori's shenanigans.
Back then he didn't know that the same exact girl would cause him so many sleepless nights and resentment for someone.
Sakusa thought over the past as he glared at his cousinp, who was chatting away with with Suna over God knows what.
'He should be with (Y/n)...protect her and make sure she doesn't get sick. What kind of a boyfriend is he?'
Sakusa's stone cold eyes then turned to gaze at (Y/n), who was talking with a woman he came to know as her older sister. Probably decided to accompany her, he guessed.
His first impression of Tobio wasn't much, a very skilled player who seemed to mostly mind his business. Nothing unusual or special. He wanted to know just one thing, and that was how a no name school like Karasuno, won against Ushijima.
But he could sadly not get a word of interest out of the raven haired boy, only that Ushijima was on top of his game that day, and so was Karasuno.
Komori, being a little uncomfortable with the situation his cousin caused, jumped in and defused the situation.
Sakusa honestly would have gladly stayed away from the setter after, but Komori wasn't having the same idea.
So now he was forced to eat lunch with Komori, Tobio and Chigaya, a middle blocker from Shinzen.
While him and Tobio stayed quiet for the most part, Chigaya and Komori kept on talking about anything that came to their minds.
"Kageyama, you have been a lot on your phone. A secret lover or something?" Komori teased, causing the said boy to quickly look up from his device.
"Huh? I didn't know you were dating." Chigaya commented, surprised by Komori's words, meanwhile Sakusa kept quiet as he ate his lunch.
"No...this is just my sister texting me. She usually does that when going home alone."
"Ah (Y/n)? How is she doing? I am surprised they didn't invite her as a manager."
Chigaya commented, remembering the younger twin from the Tokyo training camp.
"Sister?" Komori wondered as Sakusa looked over at the two.
"Yeah, she is my younger twin and one of Karasuno's managers. I need to call her, sorry." Tobio quickly got up from his seat and went to the hallway.
"I didn't take Kageyama to have a twin, he seems kind of a loner." Komori commented.
"Really? Didn't look like that back with Karasuno. But yeah, she is also really nice, helped out our manager as often as she could. But is pretty quiet." Chigaya said, recalling the memory of the girl.
"So pretty much a copy of Kageyama, except the nice part." Sakusa suddenly said, surprising the libero and middle blocker.
"Well... I guess. The two are both passionate about volleyball, I can say that. While he is more involved in the play on court, (Y/n) manages the tactics and tricks to confuse the other players. As far as I can remember,she came up with some of the tactics used on the court with Shiratorizawa."
That part caught Sakusa's attention, thinking that maybe he is finally on the right track on figuring out what made Karasuno so resilient against the elite school.
'I will have to watch some of their other matches...seems like there was a miracle force from outside, working for them.'
Sakusa thought, watching Kageyama approach their table.
"Ahh...I made a mistake of calling Kageyama over..." Komori commented as he watches his cousin glare at the said setter.
With all the teams arriving at Tokyo's Metropolitan Gymnasium,he did expect Kageyama to show up sooner or later, but not when Sakusa was already in a foul mood.
"Tobio, we need to go. Daichi-san will get upset if we make them wait for too long."
A girl's voice was heard from behind the libero, and he turned around to look at a fairly tall girl, clad in Karasuno's black tracksuit.
Komori blushed a little, finding the girl quite cute, not noticing
"Huh? Oh yeah, sorry (Y/n)." Tobio sounded, turning to look at his sister, who looked nervous with Komori's and now Sakusa's staring as well.
"Well anyways, good luck with your games today."
Tobio said his goodbye and followed his sister to where the rest of Karasuno were.
Sakusa kept looking at (Y/n) retreating figure, his heart beating a little faster than usually.
'So that's the person behind all of those tricks...' The black haired boy thought, then turning his attention to Komori.
The boy, to Sakusa's surprise and disdain, kept on looking at (Y/n)'s figure with a red face.
"What's with that look?"The ace grumbled.
"Kiyoomi...she is beautiful."
'She sure is...' Sakusa thought as he shrugged his shoulders, not liking the way his libero cousin talked about her.
'I need to know more about her!'
And a sure lot he did find out thanks to some of his connections with Fukurodani and Nekoma. The more he found out about her, the more some type of weird and unhealthy love grew in his heart.
Sakusa would do his best to attend as many games Karasuno had after the Nationals. Watchin (Y/n) grow from a shy girl who barely spoke, unless spoken to, into a girl not afraid to speak her mind when needed. While he was displeased with all the boys giving her attention, especially the orange haired boy, he will deal with it soon enough.
Sakusa had already a whole plan set, first he would get to know her, become friends, and he will slowly start isolating her from everyone. Then she will be his, and his only. But one thing he didn't take into account, was her getting close to Komori during the Nationals in their 3rd year, exchanging phone numbers when he wasn't paying attention. And with them both seeing each other less, he was less aware of the little meetings they would have, where Komori would either travel to Miyagi,or (Y/n) to Tokyo.
It was during the last match Karasuno had with his former school. They became a lot stronger, and placed 3rd this year. And while everyone was cheering for the players, Sakusa was watching (Y/n) congratulate her friends and calming the two younger managers down.
It was cute, she reminded him lot of a mother.
'How may kids could we have...maybe 5? That sounds like a good number, she will be so cute carrying my kids.' Sakusa sighed.
Komori looked over at his cousin, and with a heavy heart finally spoke up.
"You like (Y/n), don't you?"
The black haired college student jumped up at the statement and looked at his cousin, not saying a single word.
"Thought so..." Komori grumbled as Sakusa rolled his eyes.
"And if I am? What does it mean to you?"
There was a pregnant pause, and Sakusa stared at his cousin, who was clenching his fists,before he slowly looked up. And the look in Komori's eyes said everything he needed to know.
"(Y/n)...she and I have been going out for the past 6 months. And I am serious about her, I want to spend the rest of my life with this girl."
Sakusa felt his world shatter as he listened to Komori's words. His sweet, beautiful (Y/n)... going out with a germ like Komori?! He saw red, but kept his calm.
Komori got up as the people slowly walked away from the area, nobody paying much attention to them.
"With this, I am not asking for your forgiveness or anything, just... Have some respect and move on. One day, you will find someone who will love you...but (Y/n) is mine, got it?"
Sakusa clenched his fists as he finally spoke up.
"Why...why (Y/n)? You couldn't have picked anyone else?"
"I didn't realize your feelings for her till a month or two ago. The way you would bring her up from time to time and... the look you had on your face when she would show up for a second on the TV..." Komori sighed and looked down at (Y/n) again, his glare turning into a soft smile.
"I can understand why you like her, who wouldn't, but it has to stop. I want to bring her over to meet aunt and uncle one day. She is my dream girl."
Komori finished his speech and walked down the stairs to where (Y/n) was.
Sakusa, heartbroken and enraged watched as (Y/n) jumped into the Itachiyama alumni's arms, kissing him on the cheek.
Punching the seat in front of him, the black haired boy got up and walked into the closest washroom.
Since that day, Sakusa was just counting the days a slip up or a crack in the relationship would show, but nothing of those sorts happened. Eventually, Komori introduced (Y/n) to his and Sakusa's parents, the day that happened was his darkest one. She looked so angelic and... ethereal really, Sakusa wanted to yell how much he loved her and how much he deserved to be with her, but he needed to keep his calm. He needed to earn (Y/n)'s trust, because one day something might come up, and he will be there to hold her.
'Motoya...' Sakusa growled as all four glared at his form leading (Y/n) away from them.
"What's so special about your cousin,Omi? What could he possibly have that I don't?" Atsumu growled as they waited for their team to change.
Sakusa shrugged his shoulders, not having an answer either. There was nothing special about Motoya! Sure, he was a professional athlete, but so was he! A even better and more recognized one, so how (Y/n) could pick his annoying cousin was beyond him.
Bokuto kept quiet, the sight of (Y/n) and the libero kissing just killed his already bad mood, and now he just wanted to sit somewhere and cry.
"We need to do something!" Hinata spoke up, all the pent up jealousy, anger and lovesickness, that he built up over the years was killing him.
"And what would that be?" Sakusa wondered.
"Anything! Listen, there is no say if Komori will propose to (Y/n), all those gossip magazines and be himself keep hinting to it! We need to make him loom bad in (Y/n)'s eyes or else..."
Hinata shuddered at the thought of the love of his life marrying someone else.
Atsumu got up from the bench, smirking as an idea finally hit him.
"And I have the perfect plan. Omi, you and your cousin will have a nice long night out." Atsumu giggled as Sakusa looked at the setter in worry, but at this point he'd do anything to break those two up.
Tag list(Idk, it's the people who liked the previous post. If anyone else wants to be added,pls telle me):
@kei-tsuki21 @thebrunetteavenger @sicklyinlove @kittykatiekat @torriblack97 @locogvrl
Thanks for reading,part 2 will be up in a few days! Have a great day/night!
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wyn-n-tonic · 1 year
Guys, I know a lot of you who follow me on here maybe don't really care about soccer all that much and I get it, that's totally fair. It's not for everybody! But this sport is so so so important to me. Over the last 24 hours I have watched soccer supporters raise money to send small journalistic efforts to Australia and New Zealand to cover the Women's World Cup IN ONE MONTH. Most legacy news media outlets have not been investing in platforms and reporters who genuinely love the women's game. In fact, many of our small platforms have been defunded by parental organizations since the end of the Men's World Cup in Qatar. Even the host platform will, again, be fronting a misogynistic, ultra conservative, anti abortion, hateful human being as the main correspondent to this competition. But soccer fans are working to change that! And they've done so much already!
Another thing that soccer fans are working to change is helping to make sure that the Reggae Girlz (Jamaican Women's National Team) is able, as well, to go to the Women's World Cup and able to focus solely on training and performing their best at this competition for only their second appearance ever.
If you're able, I'd encourage you to donate to their fundraiser to help them in their endeavors. And, if you don't really watch soccer, I really encourage you to watch the Women's World Cup. The Reggae Girlz have immaculate vibes and they are in a group going against France, Brasil and Panama, which I am promising you will be fun.
Anyway, please reblog if you can!
And if you want to follow along with some absolutely incredible coverage of the Women's World Cup, please follow Diaspora United, Shea Butter FC and Gal Pal Sports.
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deennes · 1 year
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05 mar 2023.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
The carnival
Cillian Murphy x reader (Brazilian)
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So I got a request that @gypsy-girl-08 kindly tagged me in (thank you for your generosity Liv) 🌷, and to the anon who sent it, I think it’s a good thing I didn’t post this earlier, since it’s very fitting now that you guys celebrated the Carnival in Brasil. You will find the translation to both Portuguese and English respectively between […] in italics 😉🇧🇷 I hope you enjoy it!
Muito obrigado @shelbydelrey for your help!!! 🥰 it wouldn’t be the same without your support! Muitos beijos! xx
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Cillian touched his passport and his wallet, both items inside his backpack, he was always forgetting something somewhere but he was determined to make things right, make it perfect.
Feeling a hand squeeze his arm, he turned to the Brazilian beauty next to him, still not knowing how he got so damn lucky, after a divorce and a battle in court to share the custody of his daughter and a few complicated relationships afterwards he thought he was done in the love department, with his age and the crazy schedules of filming, he simply gave up dating, he was disappointed.
Until one day he was invited to do a radio show, in the small cabin several people were invited, you never knew the program or the topics they would be talking, one day it could be politics or globalization and they could invite a priest, a lawyer or anyone who could bring an interesting conversation to the table, they wanted to focus on having different points of views. So that very same day someone foreigner was invited to talk about the importance and impact of the mind while making a crucial decision in our lives and how sometimes it’s just the fears of being judged what keeps us from following our dreams.
Y/N talked about her own experience when she volunteered for an NGO in Europe and never went back to her hometown in Brasil, she packed her bags and followed her heart. And yes, several people criticized her decision, told her she was out of her mind for ruining her life that way, but back then she felt it was what she needed and she had come a long way, she never stopped to think about the barriers that could have stopped her, like language or the cultural shock, her own family thought it was something temporary, but with the years she proved them, proved herself that this life was all she wanted to have.
Cillian wasn’t just captivated by her physical beauty -she was a fucking gorgeous Amazonian- but by her heart, she devoted her life to help other people, gave up her stability back home because she felt she had done enough in Brasil, she helped people build schools, worked to help women in need, saved natural reserves… she wanted to do it worldwide. He was so grateful he decided to ask her right away if she wanted to have dinner that day, they had the greatest night of their lives. There was a magnet about her that kept him coming back for more, they talked about everything and after several dates, they became official, deciding to take the chance to open up to love once more was the right thing to do, he learned something new every day. And being honest, one of his favorite things was when Y/N got overexcited or mad, she would start speaking in Portuguese, leaving him not understanding anything she said.
“I need you to tell me again how to introduce myself in Portuguese.” Cillian asked nervously.
“Amor da minha vida, you don’t have to worry about that.” [Love of my life.] She smiled gently.
That he totally understood what she meant, since she was always calling him that.
Taking out his cellphone, he decided to type what he wanted to say and let the translator help him.
“Eu não posso acreditar que estamos aqui.” [I can’t believe that we’re here] Y/N sighed linking her hand to Cillian’s as they walked through the airport to the exit.
“Meu amor, you know I don’t understand anything you said.” [My love].
“Oh, before I forget, we don’t live together… my parents are very traditionalist, and you will have to take the guest room.” Y/N stated, her Portuguese accent was more evident now.
Before he could ask why, a loud music and confetti exploded around them.
“I didn’t mention my family is the walking version of the carnival did I?”
There were feathers and people dancing holding signs with Bem-vindo [welcome] written in bright colors, Y/N was pulled by a sea of people who wrapped her in hugs and love, he knew she had eight sisters and one brother and everyone were expecting to see her after along time overseas.
Cillian was moved by the love they were showing her and he saw other people joining the traditional samba dance, completely strangers passing by united by the moves that every single person there knew by heart. Y/N had tried to show him some, but he was a lousy dancer and he didn’t want to embarrass himself.
“Me deixa apresentar meu namorado, Cillian.” Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder and wrapped her hands around his waist. [Let me introduce you to my boyfriend]
Feeling his palm sweat, he smiled at her family. “Plasher e-e conusherlo” He stuttered, shaking his head. “Prazer em conhecê-lo.” He repeated. [It’s nice to meet you.]
“Bem vindo a familiaf.” [Welcome to the family]. A woman that looked just like Y/N walked towards him to greet him in a warm hug. “Você está pronto para o carnaval?” [Are you ready for the carnival?]
Cillian looked at Y/N mortified, he didn’t understand a single thing but the last word.
“She welcomed you into the family and asked if you’re ready for the carnival.”
“Muito obrigado.” He looked at Y/N’s mum, feeling proud of the very few words he knew. “As long as you don’t make me dance.” He chuckled then.
“After a few caipirinhas we all become trilingual.” A man approached them.
“Cill this is my brother Marcus.” He saw Y/N hugging him.
“Why didn’t you let me drink a caipirinha in the flight?” He laughed nervously, but grateful to know that her brother spoke English as well.
After kissing and hugging at least a dozen of people, they drove away from the airport and it was a funny dynamic since it was him or her family waiting for the translation.
The family had decorated the house with colorful flags and balloons, there was a huge table set with all kinds of foods, Y/N named them all for him; feijoada, moqueca de Camarão, empadão, he was particularly fascinated by the brigadeiro.
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After several caipirinhas, he started to speak more fluently, asking whoever was in front of him of how to say something, his cheeks were turning a bit red from the alcohol and he was really enjoying himself that he didn’t even noticed Y/N was gone until Marcus made him a sign and Cillian turned his head to find her with the rest of her sisters in typical carnival customs, a loud cheering in the background as they started to dance samba to the music.
Cillian’s eyes popping almost from his head, his mouth hanging open as the sequins and feathers hugged her body beautifully. Her hips shaking to the rhythm and her face glowing from the happiness.
Everyone from the kids to the adults joined them, and he even ended up dancing with Y/N’s mother.
Once the sun went down and the spirits calmed, Cillian winked at Y/N across the room, joining her soon.
“I’m hoping for a samba private dance later.”
“Maybe if you’re lucky.” Y/N winked as his hands squeezed her hips.
“Te amo muitíssimo.” Cillian declared clearly.
Y/N secured her arms around his neck, it was the first time that he said I love you so much in her mother language.
Brigadeiro* is a traditional dessert in Brazil, a type of chocolate
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Brazilian anon, I hope you like this! I wish you could see me listening to the pronunciation several times 😂 I hope you guys are having fun! 💃🏻 x
If you want to be added to my tag list, let me know!
Tag list: @lyarr24 @runnning-outof-time @cillmequick @gypsy-girl-08 @datewithgianni @cloudofdisney @gretelshelby @lespendy @onlydeadcells @fastfan @stevie75 @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @esposadomd @strayrockette @forbidden-forest-witch @ange-thoughts @elenavampire21 @forgottenpeakywriter @peakyscillian @moral-terpitude @babaohhhriley @hyperfixationsonshuffle @shelbydelrey @shaddixlife @sloanexx @cilliansangel @rangerelik @sydneyyyya
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andy-paleoart · 3 months
Great women in Paleontology: Margot Guerra-Sommer | Grandes mulheres na paleontologia: Margot Guerra-Sommer
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Margot Guerra-Sommer, born in Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on March 12, 1948, is a renowned Brazilian paleontologist and paleobotanist. Recognized as a pioneer in paleobotanical studies in the southern region of Brazil, she is also an emeritus professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Since graduating in Natural History, Margot has dedicated her career to the study of fossilized plants, with a special focus on the southern region of the country.
As a milestone in her academic history, Margot was the first woman from the Institute of Geosciences at UFRGS to be awarded the title of emeritus professor. In addition to her academic work, she strengthened the ties between the community and the university by establishing the Municipal Paleontological Museum of São Pedro do Sul in 1980. This museum served as the starting point for an extensive study of fossilized wood in the state of Rio Grande do Sul and was instrumental in the decree of protection for Fossil Reserves in the municipalities of Mata and São Pedro do Sul.
Margot's work connects events on regional and global scales, investigating sedimentary basins not only in Brazil but also in other countries. Her research was fundamental in identifying the source and origin of the biomass responsible for coal formation in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina. Throughout her career, she led 14 research projects on coal layers and phytofossils, contributing to the understanding of moments of intense global and regional climatic crisis in the geological history of Brazil and the world.
Margot has more than 80 scientific articles published in national and international journals and was honored with the "Irajá Damiani Pinto Medal - Golden Jubilee Edition" by the Institute of Geosciences at UFRGS. In addition to her academic achievements, she is a tireless advocate for scientific research and access to free public higher education.
In her own words:
"Recent media manifestations, based on a misunderstanding of the role of public universities and their interaction with Brazilian social reality, are challenges that cannot be ignored. They demand a decisive response from our academic community."
Margot Guerra-Sommer, nascida em Bento Gonçalves, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em 12 de março de 1948, é uma renomada paleontóloga e paleobotânica brasileira. Reconhecida como pioneira nos estudos de paleobotânica na região sul do Brasil, ela é também professora emérita da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Desde sua graduação em História Natural, Margot tem dedicado sua carreira ao estudo dos vegetais fósseis, com especial enfoque na região sul do país.
Como um marco na sua história acadêmica, Margot foi a primeira mulher do Instituto de Geociências da UFRGS a ser agraciada com o título de professora emérita. Além de seu trabalho acadêmico, ela expandiu os laços entre a comunidade e a universidade, estabelecendo o Museu Paleontológico Municipal de São Pedro do Sul em 1980. Esse museu foi o ponto de partida para um amplo estudo de lenhos fósseis no estado do Rio Grande do Sul e foi instrumental para o decreto de tombamento das Reservas Fossilíferas nos municípios de Mata e São Pedro do Sul.
O trabalho de Margot conecta eventos em escalas regionais e globais, investigando bacias sedimentares não apenas no Brasil, mas também em outros países. Suas pesquisas foram fundamentais na identificação da fonte e origem da biomassa responsável pela formação de carvão nos estados do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina. Ao longo de sua carreira, liderou 14 projetos de pesquisa sobre camadas de carvão e fitofósseis, contribuindo para a compreensão de momentos de intensa crise climática global e regional na história geológica do Brasil e do mundo.
Margot tem mais de 80 artigos científicos publicados em revistas nacionais e internacionais e foi honrada com a "Medalha Irajá Damiani Pinto - edição Jubileu de Ouro" pelo Instituto de Geociências da UFRGS. Além de seus feitos acadêmicos, ela é uma defensora incansável da pesquisa científica e do acesso à educação superior pública e gratuita.
Em suas palavras:
“As recentes manifestações midiáticas, baseadas em uma incompreensão do papel da universidade pública e sua interação com a realidade social brasileira, são desafios que não podem ser ignorados. Exigem uma resposta incisiva de nossa comunidade acadêmica".
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Brazil's Food Purchase Program re-launched
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Brazil's government Wednesday re-launched the Food Purchase Program (PAA) that used to exist in President Luiz Inàcio Lula Da Silva's previous administrations. The new format will focus on expanding production from minority groups and land reform measures, Agencia Brasil reported.
In a ceremony in Recife, Lula said that the re-launch of the program was an important step towards improving the quality of Brazilian food and the income of those who live in the countryside. “These people have to eat three times a day, these people have to work. We don't just want to eat three times a day, we want to dress well, we want to study well, we want to have a car, a refrigerator, we want to travel, everything that we are capable of producing... If we made it ourselves, we have the right to have it. That's why we have to fight because nobody will give it to us for free,” he said in the capital of Pernambuco.
Agrarian Development and Family Agriculture Minister Paulo Teixeira explained that federal agencies will be oriented to buy at least 30% of the food from family farmers. “We will advance a lot to take Brazil out of hunger,” he said.
Continue reading.
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redladydeath · 10 months
*Jaelle was initially cast as A/C/P before it was decided that she would focus solely on Aragon. **Sadie was cast as the onboard A/B/C in the cancelled Breakaway 2.0 production; she was later cast as a rehearsal B/S/C before switching to B/S/H in the final Breakaway 2.0 production.
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