#Follower Milestone: 100
ax-y10 · 1 year
"I'm Just Tired"
In which- Your boyfriend looks increasingly tired and run down, and he finally breaks when he gets back from his tour.
A/n: you know that clip of young Wilbur saying "I don't thank myself for any of my accomplishments. That's why I'm not happy", this is entirely based off of an edit vid I saw of it. If any of you aren't happy, plsss dm me and I'll help you as best I can. Pls don't suffer in silence.
Chapter info: sad little pouty Wilbur, Wilbur not having faith in his abilities, kissing (cute little nose kissessssss), phone calls, exhaustion, nicknames (Wilbur from Lovejoy, sweetheart blah blah blah)
Pronouns: None (You/Yours)
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Every call you had while he was on tour, he looked increasingly tired. Of course he was going to be tired, it was essentially a new city every night and you were going to allow that. But when he started looking exhausted, that was when your suspicion arose. He looked like he wasn't getting proper sleep, his texts were shorter, and his bandmates were messaging you asking questions. He wouldn't be losing interest, you knew him too well. But when he got back from tour, you asked him about it.
When you met him at the gate at the airport, you were almost taken aback by his appearance. He look disheveled to say the least. His hair in each and every direction, his shirt buttons buttoned wrong, his string on his sweatpants left undone, his socks mismatched, and the bags under his eyes dark and heavy.
"Hello, my little Wilbur from Lovejoy! How are you, sweetheart?" You spoke excitedly.
You were met with a strained smile, a low mumble, and arms wrapped loosely around your waist. You waved to Ash, Mark and Joe as they walked up to you, and Wilbur's loose hold on your waist tightened, desperate to get back home and lay in your arms.
You squeezed his shoulders reassuringly, letting him know you'd be home soon. You peeled him off of you and walked out to the car, him trailing behind like a lost puppy, Ash, Mark and Joe following.
It felt like the longest 45 minutes of your life driving home, telling the boys that they can stay for the night so Wilbur could stop whining, despite how adorable it was when he whined at each inconvenience. Every turn you took, Wilbur didn't bother holding himself up and let himself flop onto you. Every red light you stopped at he leaned against you and mumbled at his bandmates when they poked fun at him.
The smile on his face when you all got home and he got settled in bed was enough to warm up your entire day, even if it was a lopsided smile and a strained mumble of appreciation of a comfortable bed and his favourite person. The last thing on his mind was confrontation, so you left it for the morning when he felt better.
"Good morning sweet. How'd you sleep?" You asked, voice raspy and broken up from sleep, as you looked up at Wilbur staring at your sleepy face.
"I slept better with you here."
"Are you alright? You seem more exhausted lately?"
"Eh, I don't thank myself for any of my accomplishments. That's why I'm not happy. I don't thank myself for getting here, and being up on these stages and performing at festivals. I don't thank myself for my streaming success. I don't even thank myself for my friends and I feel horrible about it." Tears welling up and brimming his eyes, you pulled him back down to lay against you, squeezing him tightly.
"Darling, you are absolutely amazing. If you can't thank yourself, I can always assure you. And we can make sure we can fix it," a smile spread across his face and a nudge of his hand against your own was enough to tell you he loved you but wanted more sleep. You pressed a bunch of kisses along the bridge of his nose and the tip before fully relaxing.
"Alright, goodnight lovely. Get a bit more sleep and you'll feel better," You whispered and fell asleep with him.
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flower-boi16 · 7 months
Hellaverse's World Building Problems (100 Follower Special!)
World-building is one of the most important things in any fantasy show, it fleshes out the setting the characters live in and tells you how things work. Unfortunately, Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss have several issues when it comes to they're world-building that harm both series and in this post, I'm going to discuss them.
1. Obsession with Pride
An issue I have with Hellaverse's world-building is that, for some reason, sinners aren't allowed in any other ring outside of the pride ring. So, this creates a few problems. The first is that Hazbin Hotel can now only use one setting rather than the other six it has because the characters are forced to be stuck there, so we'll have to use the same exact setting in a world with six more.
This wouldn't be such a problem if it weren't for the fact that the pride ring itself is an extremely boring setting, it just looks like our world except red, and there's nothing unique or interesting about it aside from there being demons there.
The only place in the pride ring that has any potential to be interesting is cannibal town, and even then, it just looks like a normal town, there isn't exactly any cannibalization in it to be seen.
The other rings at least have interesting themes to them that make them distinct from each other, the pride ring is just some boring city painted in red. Then there's the issue of why sinners are even kept in the pride ring at all?
I'll go into this more later but the hierarchy in hell is very inconsistent at times. Imps are supposed to be lower class than sinners yet they have access to all the rings while sinners can only be in one. So why would Lucifer keep the sinners in the pride ring and only in the pride ring? The show doesn't bother giving an explanation for this at all.
I've seen the argument go around that it makes the exorcists do their job more effectively which while does make sense...it also doesn't exactly do very well for Lucifer as a character if he intentionally kept his own people in one ring so killing them would be easier. It loses a lot of sympathy points for him for me.
Besides, the show itself still needs to explain these plot holes rather than forcing fans to make fan theories over it. Seriously, I searched this question up on Google and I found so many people asking this, and all of the responses to the posts were people just making educated guesses because the show itself never bothered to actually EXPLAIN this.
So it's not even all of Hell having an overpopulation problem, it's just the pride ring specifically because sinners are confined there forever. If Charlie wants to solve Hell's overpopulation problem, why not ask her daddy to let sinners into other rings? (Assuming she doesn't know the actual reason why Heaven does this which totally does create serious issues with the show) Again, it's just the pride ring having an overpopulation problem, not all of Hell, so why Charlie never figured this out is beyond me.
But confining the characters to the pride ring creates more issues than just that, because now the show can't flesh out the other rings because it forces the characters to be stuck in just one.
So, you get the next issue with Hellaverse's world-building...
2. Packing World Building in a spin-off
Because Hazbin Hotel can't flesh out its world itself, it needs to rely on its spin-off, Helluva Boss, to flesh it out instead. This becomes a problem when you look at Hazbin as a stand-alone show separate from Helluva Boss; if you did not watch Helluva Boss, Hazbin's world-building would come across as fairly underdeveloped due to the characters being confined to one ring, so the other rings wouldn't get much fleshing out or development causing Hell as a setting to feel underdeveloped.
Hazbin Hotel is the main series of Hellaverse, it should be able to stand on its own as a stand-alone show and should not need a spin-off to flesh out its world-building. A new viewer should not have to watch a spin-off show to get more out of the main show's world-building, the main show should've fleshed out its world itself rather than rely on a spin-off for it.
This is why confining the characters to just the pride ring is a bad idea, the show can't flesh out its world now and it has to rely on a spin-off series to do that, so in order for a new viewer to experience more of the other rings, they would need to watch a spin-off show which is entirely supplemental material that one normally does not need to watch to understand things about a story.
Without HB, the other rings in Hazbin are very underexplored and underdeveloped, because we never get to see them or flesh them out. It needs to rely on its spin-off to flesh out its world, and that's bad because a spin-off is SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL. A viewer should not need to watch supplemental stuff to understand things about the main show, it should not be a required watch to get more of the world-building fleshed out.
Though, if anything, Helluva Boss just creates more world-building problems within the franchise, such as...
3. Hell's Hierarchy
So, in the Hazbin Hotel, there is a hierarchy in Hell. The order from most power to least is...
Charlie and Lilith
The Seven Deadly Sins
Ars Goetias
Hell Borns
Imps and Hell-Hounds
The problem here is that Hell's hierarchy is constantly ignored or broken by both of the shows. For example, Sinners and Overlords are confined to only the pride ring, meanwhile, Imps and Hell hounds, who are LOWER CLASS than Sinners and Overlords, are allowed to go to any ring that they like.
Then there's Beelzebub, whose mere existence causes issues. Let's get the obvious out of the way; why is a HELLHOUND one of the deadly sins when those are supposed to be just as lower class as imps? This could work if Beelzebub specifically had the least amount of power of the sins, but she doesn't.
FURTHERMORE, once we just ignore the fact that Beelzebub is a sin despite being a hellhound, we then have to open the can of worms that is her having a boyfriend who is also a hellhound, and...nobody cares about this?
I'm sorry, if a sin is perfectly allowed to date a hell hound in public, then why is it such a big deal when Stolas and Ozzie are caught fucking imps? Do the other sins not know about this??? Does Lucifer not know about this??? If so, why not??? Surely one of them being in a relationship with a hellhound would get they're attention...right?
And if they do know about this then again, why is it such a big deal that a Goetia Prince is sleeping with an imp and a sin, who is ABOVE HIM IN TERMS OF POWER, being in a relationship with a hellhound, who are just as if not MORE lower-class than imps, not? It's a confusing inconsistency.
Also, and I JUST REALIZED THIS, but what even happens when a sin or goetia is found out to be fucking an imp or hell hound? Seriously, what consequences does that sin or goetia even face? Stolas has been exposed for fucking Blitz ever since the end of season 1 yet he has received NO consequences at all, and like I said, Beezlebulb is allowed to be in a relationship with someone who is on the SAME LEVEL AS IMPS.
So why would Ozzie even need to hide his relationship with Fizz at all? What are the consequences for being in a relationship with a hellhound or imp? So far, there appears to be absolutely none! So why is it even that big of a deal when Stolas gets found out? Why does Ozzie need to hide his relationship with Fizz if there aren't going to be any consequences for it?
These plot holes hurt my BRAIN to think about. There is no consistency here, Hell's Hierarchy barely fucking matters in either of the shows, and characters higher up in the hierarchy are allowed to do SEVERAL things with lower classes and face no consequences despite the show trying to say they would. Oh, but all of what I just mentioned are just issues with HELL's world-building, now it's time to get into...
4. Heaven
I already talked about the problems with Heaven in the show so I won't dwell on the issues I've already talked about too much, however, Heaven still has many world-building issues like Hell does. For one, as I've already pointed out, we don't even know how Heaven even WORKS.
I already asked these questions before but like. How does one get into Heaven? What are the requirements for what make a good or bad person? We don't actually know and we never will because Heaven for SOME REASON doesn't have it's own criteria for what does or doesn't make a good person...
...WHY??!? Why don't they have this??? So how does one even GET into Heaven at all???? We have no idea of how Heaven works because the show never actually bothers putting in the effort to explain that.
Who even decides whether or not to get into Heaven??? Who is in charge of that??? Answer: We don't fucking know. Sera mentions the "divine judgment", which, after a quick Google search, says "the action of God's retributive justice by which the destiny of rational creatures is decided according to their merits and demerits"
So basically god decides who goes into Heaven or Hell, which would make sense...if it weren't for the fact, from what I've heard from other blogs...Viv said that god doesn't exist in HH or HB...so...
...divine judgment by WHO EXACTLY???? The lack of explanation of what does or doesn't get somebody into Heaven is made worse with Pentious getting into Heaven in the season finale.
I have already complained about this multiple times but like. HOW DID PENTIOUS GET INTO HEAVEN???? WHY DID HE GET INTO HEAVEN???????? He literally got killed by Adam! He should be a bunch of energy right out according to the wiki! Yet he makes it into Heaven anyway???? WHY????? The show never explains this at all! The only thing resembling a logical explanation I could find was on the wiki and even then the article was just speculating because again, the show didn't bother to actually explain this.
Viv. Can you PLEASE for the love of god (no pun intended) actually explain the rules of your world and its world-building? People should not have to create theories to patch up plot holes in your world-building, actually, EXPLAIN this shit for once.
Oh, and I'm still not done, because now there's the fact that the entirety of Heaven and most of Heaven's higher-ups except for Sera never knew of the exterminations, which creates MORE plot holes.
Did none of Heaven's citizens or other higher-ups question why the exorcists had BLOOD on them when they came back from Hell? Wouldn't have any of them put two and two together and think "Hey so they are probably killing people down there". Did none of them even question what was the point of the exorcists at all? How was Sera able to hide this stuff? Once again, the show doesn't answer ANY OF THIS.
Oh, and I'm STILL not done, because now, it's time to open the can of worms that apparently does not exist in this universe.....WHY?!?!? According to Google, the angels were created BY GOD. So, if he doesn't exist, how did the angels exist either? Who created them??? Heck, who even created HEAVEN ITSELF?????? Removing god from this universe creates so many issues and breaks the entire show. sigh, ok, I think that's enough....
5. Conclusion
So, Hellaverse's world-building has MANY issues. There are a lot of plot holes and thoughts about it that don't get answered, as well as hell itself, specifically the pride ring being incredibly boring visually. Not to mention a lot of the world-building is packed into a SPIN-OFF SHOW. So...ya, hope you liked my post, and thank y'all for 100 followers! So...bye.
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winded-wolf · 9 months
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starangela · 5 months
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Oh Snappers!!...Over 100 followers!!!! Here's an existential Mumbo to celebrate the occasion👨🏻
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determinedfanartist · 4 months
100 FOLLOWERS DTYS!!!1!1!!
Thank you everyone for getting me to 100 Followers! As promised, it’s DTYS time!
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No AI art or tracing
Gacha submissions won’t be legible for prizes (sorry, but it’d be unfair to the artists)
You can change the pose to however you feel comfortable drawing as long as it keeps the overall feel (does that even make sense?)
You can change the color pallet (just no drastic changes)
Deadline for prizes is July 6th.
Have fun :D
1st place: full body color + minor shading of a sans or oc of your choice
2nd place: full body color (no shading) of a sans or oc of your choice
3rd place: half body color + minor shading of a sans or oc of your choice
Use the tag #DTys100 or @ me on the post so I can see it!
Have fun, and thank you again!
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minigirl87 · 8 months
Damaged goods & no returns Chp.1
Steven Grant x Female reader
You're invited to an exclusive party that will change your life by your best friend. It turns out to be an auction for high society women to by sex slaves. While having a walk around, you find a shy and nervous man in the library. The man turns out to be Steven Grant. There are no mentions of Marc or Jake, but that they will appear in the future. I had this idea after reading a book about women's sexual fantasies as I just saw Steven in my mind.
I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to like, comment, and reblog.
Warnings:- ⚠️🔞
Do not interact if under 18. Mentions of sex. Talk of sex slavery. I wanted to explore something darker as I've got over 100 followers. No sex in this chapter.
Word Count:- 1460
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Everyone knows money runs the world, and money brings privileges. But old money is a different world entirely. it's a strange world of antiquum, eccentricity, and rules. Like a private members club where nothing is spoken about outside the members' walls.
Mrs Bradley is the epiphany of being an eccentric of New York society, an 84 year old woman who dresses and behaves like a 1960s southern belle with her favourite word if she liked you being “Darlin”. Very few times, it is an old and new mix, but between you and your friend Rebecca Mrs Bradleys, the great niece it has. Your Father had been a very successful with a transport company that had travelled all over the world now.
 You and Rebecca had a solid friendship of a few years, having met at a dinner party that your dad had held to celebrate a deal with Rebecca’s dad. You both clicked, and friendship blossomed from a dinner party conversation to crying on the phone at 2 am. About both your exes and everyone in between building love and trust leading to this moment.
Everyone knew about Mrs Bradleys eccentric parties that only women attended. Rumours were abound about what happened at these ladies parties, did she run a male brothel, or was it just a bunch of women getting drunk and loose without their partners. Women from ages  20 to 100 would be seen entering the Bradley mansion. So tonight you would see for yourself.
 Standing waiting, look out your lounge window for the car to collect you. Smoothing out your plum velvet cocktail dress, the scent of black opium filling the air as you do so. Your phone beeps with a message from Rebecca saying that they’d be their in 5 minutes. Putting your phone in your matching plum clutch you grab your silver grey faux fur coat and checking you have everything and head outside locking your front door and head to the car as the driver stands at the open door waiting for you to enter.
The car door clicks shut as your body melts into the buff leather of cars interior as the vehicle moves along the road. Rebecca sits smiling lips, matching her fuchsia silk evening dress
“Nervous about this evening” her voice brings you back to reality as you notice that you're fiddling with your fingers.
“A little bit, I’ve heard a lot about your Aunts parties. I don’t want to make a fool of myself” you reply softly. Rebecca giggles, taking your hand, giving it a little squeeze of assurance. “My aunt loves you, she thinks you’re the sweetest little thing and insisted you come tonight” you blush in response, you had only met Mrs Bradley a few times and you were surprised by the comments. Sitting back quietly, contemplating the evening ahead, it was as if Rebecca could read your mind.
“I must tell you about the party. It's a....well, it's a sex slave auction” she stares at you awaiting your reaction. You face drains, and your mouth hangs open a few seconds before recovering your composure “A what?” the anger and disgust evident in your voice. Rebecca stares, thinking on how to respond without this blowing up.
“Yes as I said, my aunt deals with male sex slave for women who can afford their own private little pet. She’s done it for years and is successful at it. The men are trained to do other things so no one gets suspicious” The nonchalant way Rebecca responds is horrid as though she’s talking about a piece of dirt, not a human.
 The car pulls to a halt in front of the mansion. The large oak and iron doors are illuminated by flaming torches and two men dressed in moss green and gold livery great the guests as they arrive. You and Rebecca leave the car and grace the steps to go inside. Your heart is thumping in your chest, and bile rises in your throat. A man in the same livery carries a sliver tray of champagne, lifting a sparkling crystal flute of the golden bubbles in a white gloved hand passing one to both you and Rebecca nodding as you said thank you.
 The entrance hall was extremely extravagant, and you now know you’ve entered a different world. As you look around, you see various men aged 20-40 dressed smartly and conversing with various female guests. You imagine they're doing this to get the best bids and get to the wealthiest woman there. Rebecca looks at you sipping her champagne
“Please understand this is how our world works. They are well looked after men” You only nod in response to her. Mrs Bradley comes over and embraces her great niece and you. Telling you to enjoy yourselves and hoping that someone catches your eye.
You smile in response before asking if you may go look around at the art. In a flamboyant manner, she agrees and walks, taking Rebecca to talk in private about something. You wander off along a oak panelled hall into the library your about to walk over to study the painting above the fireplace when you notice a nervous looking man slightly hunched over in the chair his chocolates curls bouncing as he fidgets with his fingers.
 “Hello” You speak softly so as not to scare him. He looks up at you with massive chocolate eyes his reply is barely audible as he sits curled into himself. “Is everything OK?” You slowly walk over to him. A fat tear runs down his cheek as he shakes his head as his curls swaying about.
Kneeling in front of him “Are you one of Mrs Bradleys slaves? All the man does is whimper in response. You want to cuddle him and protect him. He’s nothing like the other men who appear happy in this arrangement. You’re about to ask him his name when Mrs Bradley heels clacking along the floor into the room and angrily looking at the man.
“STEVEN” she says through gritted teeth “why are you in hear you should be out mingling try to find a forever home again” You raise your eyebrows at the word again as the man known as Steven grabs your arm. You finally hear him speak he has a London accent and sounds so soft.
“Yes mistress, I won’t be returned again”
“three times Steven you’ve been returned to me. I can’t keep you if you’re returned again” The venom in Mrs. Bradleys word makes Steven shake against you. You make a decision right there and then, and you’ll deal with everything later.
“Mrs Bradley. How much for Steven?”
Mrs Bradley looks taken aback “You want him out all the other handsome and more socially astute men you want him?” Steven shakes behind you his grip on your arm tightening. “yes. How much?” You felt disgusted talking like this, but you wanted to help Steven.
“Well he’s damaged goods, and I need rid of him. No returns, and he’s $20.000” Closing your eyes and shaking your head at Mrs Bradleys words. “Bank transfer, okay?” You reach into your clutch for your phone. Realising that you’re seriou, Mrs Bradley switches her southern charm back on.
“course Darlin” she walks over to the roll top desk in the library, sitting down her bangles jingling as she sorts paperwork and a tablet. You sign and transfer the money over to her, and she gives you a receipt. You look at the receipt and see it describes the painting that’s above the fireplace. You look shocked as she nods at Steven, and Steven shakily gets up and walks to the fireplace, lifting the painting off the wall and walking up to you.
You realise what Mrs Bradleys doing covering herself so that she can’t get into trouble. You look at her and force a smile.
“I think it’s best I leave now, Mrs Bradley. Have a good evening” You walk away with Steven behind you, clutching the painting or clutching his pain you can’t decide. Mrs Bradley nods with a smile, bidding good evening as she walks along the hall in front of both you and Steven as a car pulls up at the entrance to take you home. She says something about Stevens' belongings being brought to yours tomorrow. You only nod in response as you get in the car behind Steven.
 The chauffeur closes the door with a click before getting in and driving away from Bradley Manor. You look at Steven who’s sitting looking out the car window at the passing street lights. You feel nothing but pure love for Steven, and  you vow to help and protect him. Steven senses you, looking at him he turns to look at you with a gentle smile.
To be continued........
@melodygatesauthor @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @my-secret-shame @missdictatorme @jake-g-lockley @steven-grants-world @romanarose @campingwiththecharmings @writingforcurrentobsessions2 @welcometostayingawake @guruan-is-not-here @ivystoryweaver @whirlybirbs @whatthefishh @missscarlettangel @missdictatorme @lonelyisamyw-0love @madlittlecriminal @midgardian-witch @saturn-rings-writes @madlittlecriminal @gigachadcowboy @draggolblackthorn @he-burnt-my-shake @musicsavedme98 @mess-of-fandom @hon3yboy @ominoose @jayke0 @theaussiedragon @reallyrallyauthor @romanarose @romana-after-dark
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Banners and deviders by @cafekitsune
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kibacju · 17 days
I'm getting pretty close to a 100 followers so I'm wondering what I should draw to celebrate when I hit that milestone!
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ax-y10 · 1 year
Imagine playing Geoguesser with Wilbur where reader is better than him so he gets angry and pouts like a kid, then reader told him that it's okay and they end up cuddling since he was in a bad humor😭😋
Sore loser
In which- he didn't know you were better than him at geoguessr, so he gets a little upset
A/n: I got carried away and I know this isn't exactly what you asked for but it's the best I could do. I'm super caught up with school and I just barely finished my agriculture and chemistry assessments. I love your stuff (and please respond to my messages 😂)
Headcanon info: Swearing, sad and pouty Wilbur, hurt/comfort, fluff, Geoguessr Wilbur because why not, cuddling, idk sorry
Pronouns: None (You/Yours)
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He would be super cocky at the start just to annoy you and show off, but would be immediately shut down when you win 5 in a row.
He would be so confused when you win the first round and claimed it was rigged.
"THIS IS RIGGED WHAT THE HELL!" "Wilbur, darling, have another round with me and we'll see, alright?" "Okay"
You'd go easy on him in the second round to not hurt his feelings, and to give him the satisfaction.
But when the third and final round came up, you went hard mode.
Every city that popped up, you almost immediately knew where it was, with the off chance of Wilbur knowing first.
Was he pissed off? Yes. Was he angry with you? Why would he be?
He had stormed out of the room to calm himself down from the game and recollect his thoughts. You put up a tough match and you were hard to beat. He didn't know you were that good at Geoguessr. "Alright, chat. I'm going to end it here and check on Wil. Have a great day or night wherever you are and remember to take care of yourselves. Bye bye," He heard from his office, your soft voice very obviously worried about him. You walked out as soon as you finished your last sentence and found him on the couch, running his hands through his hair and messing it up even further. "Wil? What's wron-" "Can you just go to the bedroom and I'll be there soon." His words cut you off, and you swiftly moved yourself to the bedroom to get changed. You'd obviously gone way too hard on Wilbur and challenged him too much, but you also wanted to have some fun.
He wasn't going to lie but you calm him down.
When he gets stressed, you're always there will a bowl of fruit and a drink of water.
When he's angry, you welcome him with a long hug and a kiss on the cheek.
When he's upset, you're there with a comforting smile on your face and a shoulder to cry on.
when he's anxious, you're offering him your hand to squeeze on and a small fidget toy for him to play with.
He couldn't deny that you were a grounding force for him, and he felt bad leaving you on your own, and always wanted to be there with you to reciprocate the things you did for him.
Small footsteps pulled you out of your thoughts, waiting for your boyfriend to come into the room and sit on the other end of the bed and lay down, ready to watch a movie. But when he entered the room, his hair was severely messed up, his Doomed sweater crinkled and his fingers holding a pinkish shade from picking at them. He didn't sit down the other end of the bed, but he slowly laid down on your outstretched body, moving until he was comfortable, and wrapping his arms around your torso. "I'm sorry for getting so pissed. I didn't mean to get angry when you were asking me what was wrong. I feel really bad now. Can you just cuddle for a while?" He apologised. You didn't know what for, as nothing really bothered you. "Just admit I'm better at Geoguessr and then I can sleep peacefully." You joked, and he shook his head against your chest. At least he's going to get a good night sleep.
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seou-l · 7 months
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♡   ❛🧱 thank you so much!  ⁺ 
last year, i remember i was bored at home and decided to surf on tumblr, i originally jusy got it to find stupid dividers for my discord server but ended up discovering moodboards, i thought it looked cool and tried making one, my first post ever was this, and its crazy to think how much i improved and gained a following, thank you so so much, like actually i never thought id get this far, especially since i am quite inactive here, but likke GHANK YOU??? especially to… @chavws! YOU REALLY HELPED ME ON MY JOURNEY, kane(chavws) giving me ideas and so other for my mbs even if i started before her, and genuinely being a good friend, ilysm <3 and i love all 103 one of u, THANK UUU SOO MUCH FOR 100!! lab y… bye bye…
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some of my fav blogs: @iluvrei @chavws @egorls @umiena @w-onyoo/@wonyela @7hyein @tyunlouv @baesol @yeojly @7ves @thsv @y-unjins @yoonitos @i-nabi @iyunjin @miunote @9society @i04rei @haewrin @y-urios and so much moree!
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pizzarink · 4 months
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Y’ALL 🥹🫶
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I couldn’t have done this w/o my wonderful mutuals
@dreamicloudz @bamthefox @bl33d1ngt00th @bingo-dingo @bigboybird @arrowfox1 @clowngoober @casinodogg @comfy-pink-666 @chaotichyperfixations @dizzy-soda101 @ender-draws-things776 @eggsforbrunch @eyeoflemon @fluffygiraffe @fuzzywormmedic @hamsterrodent @high-ass-zombie-angel-statue @junos-the-confused @jamfleecy @keylimepizzapie @luigigirl12 @mrfellsans @m3lon-c @mattplatonic @oreshkintv @oddpizza @p3ppin0oncr4ck @pizzatowet13 @rachlaw7 @squ1dd @rfxn-emulator @thebigjinx @thatsparadise @thenoiseagreste @w00den-h3ad @walterthejoseph @yo-kai123 ♥️♥️♥️
(To my mutuals seeing this, please let me know if I forgot you!! There’s so many of you /pos ♥️)
Thank you, EVERYONE for getting me to this amazing milestone in such a short period of time (a little longer than a month)! I love you all (/p) and thank you for liking my au, and making it known ^^!!! I appreciate all the love and support from every one of you, it makes me so happy that I can share my art and make friends bc of it! Thank you all, have an amazing day/night :]
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beompercar · 1 month
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ahhh 😭😭😭😭
thank you all so much for 100 followers. i am EXTREMELY grateful and happy 🥹 id like to thank my moots for their love n support
(srs u guys r so amazing ❤️❤️❤️😞😞)
Tysm my followers u guys are so awesome!!!!!!!! 😸
i as beompercar will continue to make cute moodboards for you all!!! 😸😸😸😸
TAGSSS ❤️❤️❤️ (sorry hahhhh)
@4uarterlife @vilakei @qqmariztwsse @minjixxluvss @webrkii
@daddldee @luvcsbn @n-americano @taroism @yawnznn
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frnkiebby · 7 months
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F is for Fun Ghoul
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once-ina-blue-moon · 8 months
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oi, watch it, spaceman!
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crevvington · 1 year
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I thought I told all of you to leave me alone. Why are there a hundred of you here.
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slei-o · 6 months
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Hello! this is slei-o also known as Konomi, I just want to say thank you! thank you for helping me reach this milestone in 1 month and 25 days. Happy 100 followers everyone! i actually didn't expect this will happened in 1month 😭, this is such a great gift for me, thank you so much everyone!
I promise to post more cute, coquette, and adorable moodboard soon, I'm sorry if i didn't reply on your requests. 💕
@i-kyujin @p-oisn @plutism @wiotas @y-vna @y2qi @yeossemble @umiena @f-eori @fleuris @h-anis @haesite @h-aewo @koosuvi @coqiito @chaehrtz @censire @baesol @mazeui @mafleur @miphys @agsthv @b4dobee @chaefilm @dulceries ++ many moree
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ax-y10 · 1 year
“So, darling, how has your day been?”
“Dude we are literally about to die.”
But can it be f!reader? :D
Shut up
In which- Your best friend is a little too flirtatious in bad situations
A/n: Omg my dad force-fed me Spiderman and Marvel so ofc I can do this. I love this idea so much. Sorry it's really short, I had school work to do and it's due today.
Chapter info: Shitty flirting, near-death situations, probably completely off of the plot because I haven't watched spiderman in literally forever, swearing
Pronouns: Mainly you/yours (small use of she/her)
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"Look! You've got me swinging for you," Wilbur shouted from his distance away from you. This entire time while you were trying to get out of this situation, Wilbur was just hanging off of buildings, swinging over next to you, hanging upside down, all the while trying to get your attention. Were you paying attention to it? No. Was he trying to get your attention? Yes. Was it working? Maybe.
"WILBUR! You need to shut up and help me get out of this situation and then you can do all the flirting you want," You reasoned, the man beside you smirking and slowly nodding his head.
And the next day wasn't any better. You were trying to help civilians get out of the rubble from an attack that had happened about half an hour before, when something pushed you from behind and into the rubble you were searching through. Wilbur spotted you and decided to take some weight off the situation.
"So darling, how's your day been?" He teased, the reaction in you slowly bubbling up to the top.
"Quite shit, actually. We are literally about to die, so if you wouldn't mind, can you help me out of this?" Luckily for you, Phil came around and yelled at Wilbur, saying-
"Stop flirting with her and help the poor girl out. Nothing will get done if she can't save people, Wil!"
You best believe the flirting only escalated once you both went back to school the next day
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