#For a whole day of crying...my makeup has stayed impressively in place. I was shocked tbh
satans-knitwear · 1 year
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Im home at a sensible time ✨
Treat me ~ Tip me ~ More of me
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emixion · 4 years
School Dance - Day 25 - Maribat March
here’s some fluff after making you all cry yesterday. @maribatmarch-2k21 ao3 link To say that Mme Bustier’s class was excited was an understatement. The students were absolutely ecstatic.
Their class trip to Gotham and tour of Gotham Academy led to an invitation to the school’s upcoming dance while they visited. A school dance at Gotham Academy was no laughing matter, and everyone in Bustier’s class knew it. They’d all packed their very best clothes and accessories, eager to fit in at the fancy affair.
Marinette was excited to wear the new dress she’d designed, but that was about it.
Don’t get her wrong, she loved visiting Gotham and she loved the dress that she made, a baby pink ruffled gown with her signature floral design embroidered on the bodice, but she didn’t anticipate having much fun at this dance.
She didn’t know anyone in Gotham, and her whole class was still enamored by Lila, they barely had any time for her. The only person not hanging onto the liar’s every word was Chloe, and she wasn’t exactly the company Marinette wanted to keep.
Nevertheless, when the night of the dance arrived, Marinette put her dress on and got ready alone.
The other girls were all getting ready together, but she really didn’t want to be around Lila. Besides, she was sure she wasn’t welcome after Lila had tried to frame her for spilling her coffee the other day.
After getting dressed, she had Tikki help her put her hair in a low messy bun, letting a few wavy locks of midnight hair stick around to frame her face.
She applied her makeup, a neutral brown smokey eye and peachy pink lip gloss, as well as her accessories, a rose gold headband and a bracelet to match.
After slipping on her heels, she was ready to go.
Tikki smiled at her chosen as she stood before her.
“Oh, Marinette! You look so beautiful! And so grown up!” The tiny goddess wiped a small tear from her eye.
Marinette giggled, pulling Tikki close to nuzzle her against her cheek. “Thank you, Tikki. I hope tonight goes well.”
“Anything can happen in a new city. Keep an open mind tonight!” Tikki advised.
“Thanks, I will.” Marinette replied, opening her small cross body for Tikki to fly into.
With a sigh, she turned off the light and left her hotel room.
The hotel lobby was full of hustle and bustle as the students of Francis Dupont chattered excitedly about the dance, all dressed in their very best.
Marinette stayed towards the back and kept to herself, waiting patiently for the transportation to arrive.
Suddenly, yells of surprise rang out from her classmates as a stretch limo pulled up in front of the hotel.
Marinette strained a bit to see it, shocked as her class that an actual limo was picking them up instead of a bus.
“Courtesy of the Waynes.” The driver announced as the students stepped into the limo.
“I can’t believe the Waynes did this for us!”
“That’s so cool!”
“We get to ride in a limo?”
Marinette got in last, wondering who these Waynes were that everyone was talking about.
The hall rented for the dance was, in a word, big.
It was decorated to the nines and full of Gotham Academy students, all dressed for the occasion.
Music was already playing and tables were already full of refreshments.
The ecstatic class practically skipped into the hall, all except Marinette.
The miraculous wielder stuck behind, slowly walking in as opposed to her eager peers. She was nervous to be here.
While the rest of her friends stuck close to Lila or danced with their partners, Marinette stayed at one of the tables on the outer edge of the hall, sitting by herself.
She smiled as she watched Nino spin Alya around as the couple laughed. She was glad at least they were having fun.
She was so focused on watching her friends, she didn’t notice the boy walking up to her until he sat down in the chair next to her.
“Excuse me?” The boy called, nearly startling her. She whipped her head over to look at him. He had dark hair, tan skin and the greenest eyes she’d ever seen.
“Yes?” Her voice was a little hoarse as it came out. Clearly she wasn’t expecting to use it.
“I normally don’t approach strangers, but it didn’t sit right with me to watch you sit here all alone. May I keep you company?” The boy asked. Marinette blinked at him.
“Oh, um, sure!” She gave him a smile. “That’s very nice of you. I’m Marinette.” She offered her hand for a shake.
“Damian.” He introduced himself, taking her offered hand and pulling it to his lips. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Y-you too!” She squeaked, her face tinting pink. Damian smiled at her.
“May I ask what a beautiful young lady like yourself is doing by herself at a dance?” He asked, gently putting her hand down.
“Oh, well…” Marinette trailed off, glancing downward. “Um, my class and I aren’t as close as we used to be, and most of my friends are with their partners, so I didn’t want to bother them.”
Damian frowned. “I’m sure you wouldn’t be bothering them if you are their friend, but I understand wanting to sit away from all of the action.”
“Are you not a fan of dances?” She asked.
“More the crowd. I try not to draw too much attention to myself. I find it unamusing.” His face twisted in distaste.
Marinette giggled. “I get that. I try to stay under the radar too.”
“Well, I’m glad I decided to stick to the shadows tonight. I got to meet you.” His face softened when he looked back at her.
Marinette flushed deeper, bowing her head shyly. “Yeah, I-I’m glad I did too.”
The two spent a while talking to each other, staying in their own bubble away from the noise of their peers. Eventually they walked over to the refreshments to get themselves some punch and continued to talk over there.
“What’s your favorite piece that you’ve designed?” Damian asked, continuing their conversation about hobbies.
Marinette pointed sheepishly as her gown.
Damian’s eyes widened. “You made this?”
She nodded. “From scratch.”
“That is..quite impressive.” He mused, admiring the dress for the millionth time that night. “My brother would lose his mind over you. He is always keeping track of up and coming designers.”
“Oh yeah?” She smiled. “I’d love to meet him sometime. Is he your only brother?”
Damian snorted. “Hardly. I have three brothers and a sister. And on top of that, two pseudo sisters and a pseudo brother.”
“Wow,” Marinette laughed. “That’s such a big family.”
“Tell me about it.” Damian muttered. “Do you have any siblings?”
She shook her head. “No, just me. I’d love to have some, though. You’re very lucky.”
“You haven’t tried living with them, Angel.”
She laughed again, taking a small sip of punch.
She’d nearly finished her cup when the music slowed down and the students on the dance floor either stepped back or grabbed partners to dance with.
Marinette watched as Nino and Alya, Juleka and Rose, and Ivan and Mylene all paired up on the floor.
“Marinette,” Damian’s voice pulled her attention back.
He extended his hand to her. “May I have this dance?”
Marinette stared at him a moment, a smile slowly working its way to her face. “I would love to.” And with that she set down her cup and took the boy’s hand, letting him lead her to the dance floor.
Once on the floor, Damian placed his free hand on her waist, his other still grasping hers. Marinette moved her free hand to his shoulder.
“I might step on your feet.” She whispered guiltily. Damian chuckled softly.
“That’s fine by me.” He pulled her a bit closer.
Unbeknownst to the pair, who were too wrapped up in each other, they had formed quite an audience.
“Is that Marinette with Damian Wayne..?”
“Oh my gosh, look at the way he’s looking at her.”
“The Ice Prince has a girlfriend?”
“Who is that girl? Her dress is stunning.”
Whispers from both of their peers filled the hall, as the other couples stepped back to watch Damian and Marinette.
“You’re beautiful.” Damian murmured, momentarily moving his hand from her waist to brush her bangs out of her eyes.
Marinette gazed back at him, completely captivated. “Thank you.” She breathed.
The slow song played its final cords and the tempo sped up again.
Spell broken, Marinette finally noticed all of the staring, looking around self consciously. “Damian..?” She said his name cautiously.
“C’mon.” Damian said, taking her hand and leading her off the dance floor.
“Why were they staring at us?” She asked once they were in a quieter part of the hall. Damian sighed.
“Because I’m a Wayne.” His voice sounded dejected.
“A..Wayne?” She asked, tilting her head to the side.
“Yes, as in Bruce Wayne’s son, The CEO of Wayne Enterprises? The biggest sponsor of Gotham Academy? Any of that sound familiar?”
Marinette just shook her head.
Damian stared at her for a long moment before he began to chuckle.
“Wait, so, you don’t know who I am?” He asked.
She shook her head again, shrugging. “Sorry?”
“No, no, don’t be.” He quickly took her hands. “I just thought that was the only reason you kept my company tonight. Because of who my family is.”
“Of course not.” She said softly, squeezing his hands in her own. “I spent all this time with you because I like you…” Her voice went quiet and shy near the end.
“I like you, too..” He murmured, squeezing her hands back. “Would you, erm, like to do something while you’re here? Maybe on your free day?”
Marinette smiled, leaning in to kiss his cheek. “I would be glad to.”
Once the dance was over and the pair bid farewell for the night, Marinette made her way out front to the waiting limo.
Her class, suddenly having more than enough time for her, swarmed her as she approached, asking her various questions about Damian.
Marinette just grinned and brushed them off.
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eideticmemory · 4 years
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Description: I was messaged saying: “If you don’t write a young Matthew enemies to lovers fic featuring an obsession with sucking on boobs then what’s the point 😔.” So, here it is, folks! The ultimate College!Matthew fic.
PART 8! Read Part 7 here!
Cry Baby - The Neighbourhood.
Past Lives - Børns.
The Few Things - JP Saxe.
Word Count: 2,832.
Rating: M.
Warning/Includes: Sexual intercourse, drinking, recreational drug use, a bit of angst.
Spring, Senior Year.
Los Angeles, 
“Not pregnant.”
You fell to your knees, grasping at the air in a fit of relief. You clutched your stomach and gasped for breath. 
“Not pregnant.” Claire repeated, looking at the second test. “Not pregnant.” 
“Fuck!” You shouted. “Thank God!”
Claire broke out into nervous laughter, “Not pregnant! You’re not pregnant!” She squealed. She dropped the tests and ran over to you, kneeling down to embrace you. 
You held each other in a deep hug for a long time. You missed her. You missed her so much. She was your rock. You once thought that when things were going to shit, you wanted Matthew. 
But who you needed was Claire. 
“I’m sorry.” You whispered to her. 
“You’re sorry? I’m sorry!”
“I was stupid.”
“I was more stupid!”
“I love you, Claire,” you told her. 
“Aw,” she smiled. “I can’t even say...how much...”
“I know,” you nodded. “I know.”
You didn’t go back to Matthew’s. You threw those terrible tests in the trash, scheduled an appointment at the student health center, and subsequently spent all day with your best friend. You spilled your guts. Told her the full Matthew story from beginning to end. It was like a rush of information, a physical rush of word after word after word. And Claire just listened. She chomped down on some twizzlers, dressed in her pajamas, drowning out the movie on in the background. She didn’t speak a word until you were completely finished. 
“Pass the oreos,” she said.
“That’s it?” You laughed. “I tell you all of that and all you say is pass the oreos?”
“I need oreos to properly digest all of this information, duh.” 
You handed her the blue package, which she gladly took and ripped open. Oreo in hand, a little caught between her teeth, she said, “If he hurts you, I’ll kill him.”
“I know. He knows.”
“I mean it, kid,” she looked you in the eye. “Matthew and I...we just fooled around. You guys passed fooling around a long time ago.”
“I guess...” you shrugged. 
“You guess? [y/n], I know you better than anyone. There’s never been a guy like this. Why...why aren’t you dating?”
You gulped, “Oh.” You looked down at your fingers, “Neither of us ever brought it up. It’s just...too messy. Don’t wanna deal with it. It’s fine.”
“So, you don’t wanna be his girlfriend?”
“I—“ you were cut off by the sound of your phone ringing against the couch. You picked it up to see Matthew’s name flashing on the screen. You declined the call.
Claire watched you set your phone back down, and you recognized the somber look on your face. “Well?” She continued. “Do you?”
After that, you simply refused to continue any kind of Matthew conversation. Claire noticed your sudden urge to keep quiet, and she pulled back on all the questions. 
“So,” you said. “What about you? Seeing anyone?”
She cleared her throat, awkwardly shuffling in her seat.
“I’ll take that as a yes!” You giggled. “Who is it? What’s his name?”
You sighed, “I’ve been meaning to tell you...but you can’t tell anyone, okay? Especially Matthew!”
You put up your hand, palm facing her. “You have my word. Who is it?”
You sat back against the couch, physically moved by shock. “R-did I hear you right?”
Claire nodded, “Veronica.” 
“Um...yeah...I’m gonna need you to explain.”
She chuckled nervously, “There’s nothing really to explain. Um, we were drunk...and...you were out with Matthew, and I brought her back here. It—it was a total fling. Until...it wasn’t.”
“Holy shit, Claire!” You exclaimed. 
“I know! But, Veronica, she’s so cool. She’s so hot. She likes classic films, and—and she makes jewelry, and...I don’t know, I like her.”
You smiled at Claire, “I can tell.”
“Y’know, her and I are going to LA this spring break. You should come! You and Matthew!”
You cringed, “I don’t know...you want me to ask Matthew to come on a trip with three girls he’s fucked? Can you say awkward?” 
“Just ask him! We’ll invite more people to make it less awkward, and it’s not like we need to be a foursome the whole time. Just, ask. If he says no, he says no. But promise me you’ll ask?”
You sighed, “I promise.”
For the rest of the semester, you spent a very little amount of time with Matthew. Not only did the whole pregnancy scare shake you up, but you also had a lot of lost time to make up with Claire. She kept her distance from Veronica, as well. Both Matthew and her were very understanding, just taking it to means that the best friends needed some alone time. 
You spent winter break with Claire’s family, and came back with a new, restored friendship. She continued to ask if you’d invited Matthew to Los Angeles, and you always found subtle ways to say no. The trip was quickly approaching, but so was your final ballet performance. You channeled all your energy into practicing, perfecting, all while juggling class and Matthew. 
He brought you flowers on opening night, gave you a secret kiss in your dressing room, and told you to go kill it. You did. You put your soul into the performance, everything you had, everything you were. Until you were so tired that you could collapse on stage. Your ballet friends cheered you on as you exited the stage, and you stayed with them briefly before going into your dressing room. 
Beginning to take your makeup off, you heard a knock at the door. You expected Matthew, but your ballet instructor entered. “Oh. Hey! You happy?” You asked her, stepping up to give her a hug. 
“I’m very happy! You did amazing, [y/n], I’m so proud of you. Proud of everything you’ve accomplished here.”
“Thank you, Ms. Oak,” you whispered. 
“And I’m not the only one impressed by you.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes...the dean of the department has had her eye on you for a while.”
You tilted your head, “Should I be nervous?”
“No, no, not at all. Actually, she wants to offer you a job.”
You looked at her, stunned, blinking slowly. “A job?”
“Yep. Assistant ballet instructor. It’s a paid position, you’d be working under me. And if you choose to accept, NYU will pay for you to attend their graduate school.”
You jaw dropped, “You’re telling me I take this job, I can attend the graduate film school for free?” 
“Yes, ma’am,” she nodded. “What do you think?”
“I—“ you stuttered. “What do I think? I think it’s amazing! Thank you so much!” You pulled her into an excited hug. “Um, when do I have to decide?” 
“You don’t have to decide until graduation. But, the sooner, the better.”
You nodded, “Okay. Okay, I’ll get back to you.”
The first person you told was Claire. She jumped up and down in your dressing room, squealing with you. “Oh, my God! Oh, my God! Oh, my God! [y/n], this is huge! This is huger than huge! We gotta celebrate. Go find Matthew, we’re going out for drinks.” 
The three of you went out to a bar, and Claire proposed a toast to you. “To our superstar, [y/n], the baddest bitch, the best ballerina, and soon to be assistant—“
“Hey, Matthew,” you interrupted her, turning to Matthew. “Do you want to go to Los Angeles this spring break?”
“LA?” he replied. 
“Yeah, Claire and I are going. We want you to come.” You nodded, cutting your eyes at Claire. She was eyeing you suspiciously. 
“Claire’s okay third wheeling? I mean, you and I kind of come as a package.”
“Well, Claire’s, uh, bringing a friend.” 
Matthew looked at Claire, his arm tight around you. “Really?” He said. “Nice. Do I know him?”
“Yeah,” Claire and you said at the same time. “You do.”
Claire slapped your shoulder once you two got home. “Ow!” You winced.
“Why didn’t you tell Matthew?” She snapped.
“Tell Matthew what?”
“Everything! About LA, Roni, your job offer?” 
You sighed, “I’m going to tell him. Just not tonight.”
Or the night after that. Or the night after that. Or the night after that. 
Matthew didn’t know about Roni until the four of you met at the airport. Awkward doesn’t begin to sum it up. Matthew and Veronica didn’t talk at all. They only acknowledged you, Claire, and other friends, never each other. You didn’t bother asking Matthew what was up, but Claire filled you in. The last split had been bad. It was easier on them now that Matthew and you were...whatever you were. And Claire and Veronica were doing their own thing.
The group of you walked around like typical tourists. It was your first time in California, and you loved every second of it. Matthew and you stuck together like peas in a pod. He showed you around, paid for your dinners, held your hand. He was a perfect gentleman.
Until he got you into bed. Then he was the same old, horny Matthew. He wore you out with a bunch of orgasms. First, sliding underneath the covers and eating you, gripping your thighs, humming against you. Then, he used his cock to fuck you until your legs turned to jello and you came twice. When he told you to get on all fours, you froze.
“Okay, dude,” you giggled. “You have never lasted this long. Ever. What was in your drink tonight?”
“Viagra,” he said simply.
“Yeah, right,” you rolled onto your stomach. When Matthew stayed silent, you turned your head to face him. “Wait. Deadass?”
He laughed, “Yeah, me and some of the guys bought some as a joke. But I took one and now the little guy won’t go down.” 
You glanced down at his rock hard dick, your jaw dropped. You shook your head at him, and placed yourself on all fours, arching your bed into the mattress. “You’re insane, Matthew Gray Gubler.” You giggled.
“Fuck, you didn’t have to say my whole name,” he laughed. He slapped your ass lightly and knelt behind you, lining himself up at your entrance. 
“Why not—ah!” You were cut off by the sensation of him pushing into you. “I—I like Matthew Gray Gubler. Good, strong name.”
“Yeah?” He bit down on his lip, taking long, slow strokes in and out of you. “I like the way you say it.”
“I like...when you pound me.” You whispered, a sly smile on your face. 
He said nothing, just slammed himself into you. Over and over, until you were trembling and gasping. “Fuck,” you huffed, biting down on the pillow. He watched you writh beneath him, held your hips as you pushed yourself back on his cock. Your bodies moved in perfect unison with one another, and it was so good for both of you, even Matthew viagra-boy Gubler was nearing his orgasm. 
He reached around and rubbed on your clit, making sure to keep up his rhythm. You held onto his wrist tightly, calling out his name and beginning to melt into the mattress. You eagerly pushed your ass back, trying to get him as deep inside of you as possible, and make yourself come. Matthew placed sloppy kisses between your shoulder blades. 
“Come on, princess, come on,” he whispered. 
You fell helpless against the bed, your toes curled, your mouth was wide open. He licked the sweat off of your skin and it sent you over the edge. Your pussy tightened around him, and his finished you off with one final thrust. He followed right behind you, finally releasing himself, loudly, into the condom.
Yes, condoms. They’re your new best friend. 
Matthew held you against his chest, the two of you entangled in a soft cuddle session. He kissed your forehead, “My dick’s still hard.” He told you.
You burst out laughing, “Oh, God. Dumb boy, silly boy.” 
“Hey, [y/n]?” He called. 
You looked up at him, “Yes?” 
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something, but I just want you to listen. Just hear me out.” 
You sat up, nervous already. “Yeah?”
He sighed, “Okay,” he whispered to himself. “Okay. When I went out with the guys, we obviously got y’know condoms, viagra—“
“The essentials,” you shrugged.
“Right. But we also went to this film expo. And we’re just walking around, looking for jobs and...this modeling agent walks up to me. Tells me I’m very handsome, duh, and that I, uh, should come work for them.” 
You tilted your head at him, a smug smile on your face. “Modeling, huh?”
“Yeah...yeah...it’s legit. And if I take it, it’ll finally be my chance.”
“Chance to what?” You asked.
“To move to LA.”
You sat back, shocked at his words. “Hey, hey, don’t freak out on me,” he said. “Because that’s not all.”
“Oh?” Your voice came out small, weak.
“Yeah...I, um...I—“ he stuttered. “I want you to come with me.”
Talk about a double shot. You sat in utter surprise, your mouth opened slightly, your body numb. “Come...with...you?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Let’s just do it. After graduation, you and I, on a plane, going to live in Los Angeles. How does that sound?” 
You stared at him for a long time, “That...that sounds...perfect, actually.”
You shook your head, “No but...let’s do it.”
Matthew broke out into a huge, bright smile, “Holy shit! Really? Really?”
He tackled you onto the bed, both of you erupting into a fit of laughter and joy. “[y/n]...” he whispered.
You looked him in the eye, your thumb tracing his jaw. “Yeah?”
He stared at you, sighed, and leaned in to kiss you. Softly, gently, sweetly. “My dick’s still hard,” he mumbled.
You didn’t tell Claire until after spring break. It was an accident really. She caught you cruising LA apartments online, and you cracked. Spilled the truth.
“Are you...” Claire started. “Are you dumb?”
“[y/n], you can’t move to LA with him. You will regret that shit. You’ll end up pregnant for real, he’ll leave, and you’ll be on your own.”
“Claire, what the fuck?”
“Well, it’s true! Matthew’s not even your boyfriend—“
“Stop!” You shouted. “I don’t want to argue! I don’t wanna fight with you! I love you, Claire! But I love Matthew, too, and I want to be with him!”
Holy shit. Did you just...you did. You said you loved Matthew. Out loud. And you meant every word. 
All of your attention left Claire, and you simply continued your apartment search. You spent that night at Matthew’s, cuddled up and showing him your favorite affordable places. It felt right. Real. Being in his arms, planning a future with him. 
Right. Real.
Claire swallowed her tongue a lot on the subject. She had her opinion, she made it clear. But she didn’t want to spend your last year together in a fight. So, you both ignored the situation. Even when you began to pack up your room. Even when Matthew sent you your plane ticket. Even when the future became painfully clear. 
You stuck together all of graduation day. You partied the night before, had a small movie marathon, and fell asleep on the couch. Your families harassed you two with cameras and orders and their sheer excitement bouncing everywhere. 
You did it.
After four long years, you had your degree. Holding it was everything you imagined and more. And as you wandered through the crowd, you came face to face with the best thing NYU had brought you: Matthew Gray Gubler. 
The two of you smiled at each other across the courtyard, and subsequently ran into each others arms. Matthew picked you up and spun you around in your cap and gown. 
“We did it!” He exclaimed. 
“We sure did, and fashionably, too!” You giggled. 
Matthew pulled you into a steamy kiss, one that nearly made you entirely weak in the knees. “Tomorrow morning,” he whispered, pressing his forehead against yours. “I will be in that airport, waiting for you.”
“I’ll be there,” you smiled. 
The next day, you woke up promptly at 7 o’clock in the morning. Your bags were packed, locked, and ready to go. So were you. You hopped up out of bed, dolled yourself up. You took one last look at the room you were leaving behind. And you left. 
You arrived at the airport at eight, after getting some breakfast and saying goodbye to a few friends. You saw the plane. 
You sat outside of the airport, on the bare grass, suitcases at your side. Tears rolled down your cheeks, and you saw the aircraft rise into the sky. And something in your stomach told you that he was on it. That, in another life, you would’ve been on it, too.
You sighed, followed by another slow breath.
“Goodbye, Matthew.” 
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wordsandshawn · 4 years
Maybe Someday
Requested: A blurb where Shawn and the reader ended up breaking up on good terms and insisted in the future of getting back together when the times right, but the reader gets a little bitter at a red carpet and sees another girl with him and Shawn reassures she’s the one he wants.
A/N: This was requested a loooonnnggg time ago and I’ve had it on my list to do for a while. Mostly unedited, I kind of just wrote this all at once, which i haven’t done in so long, but I hope you enjoy! 
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The timing was off. You both had more growing up to do. With individual budding careers and conflicting travel schedules, it was just too hard to make a relationship work. These were all things that you knew were true, but it didn’t make breaking up any easier. It was a mutual breakup, both you and Shawn knew that things weren’t working out, and you wanted to end the relationship in hopes of not ruining the good parts of what you had together. You both chose to end the relationship and take your positive memories with you. You wished each other the best and moved on, or at least tried to move on.
That breakup was over a year ago, and even though you’ve dated different guys since then, no one has even come close to making you feel the way Shawn did. It could also be the fact that there wasn’t anything really wrong with your relationship with Shawn. You never had a big fight, you never disliked him, not even at the very end. But you were tired of not seeing your boyfriend. You were tired of feeling like you might be holding him back in his career and tired of hearing that he was holding you back in your career because the two of you were always attempting to cancel studio sessions or interviews in order to make time to see each other. That seemed like it was the only way to get to be together, but no one understood it, and eventually, it started taking a toll on you both. 
Shawn was based out of Toronto at the time, but he was on tour more often than not. You’re an actress, which means you’re mostly in LA. You occasionally filmed in Canada, but it was always Vancouver and not Toronto. Other than that, your work kept you in California more often than not.
You’re attending an award show, meaning you’re all glammed up, something that took an outrageous amount of time. When you hit the carpet, you smile and pretend like you didn’t just waste your entire day getting ready for this. After fielding some interviews, you finally are finished with the carpet and ready to head inside. You’re waiting to find your publicist in this sea of people when you catch sight of a familiar brown head of hair.
Your heart immediately jumps in your chest at the sight of him. He’s every bit as handsome as you remember. He’s smiling for the camera, and then he turns and you follow his line of sight to see a beautiful girl. You’ve seen her before, but you don’t know where. This feeling happens often, so you’re not shocked that you know her but don’t really know her. What you are shocked at is the way she walks right up to him. His arm slides around her and his hand rests on her hip.
The sight causes you to freeze for a second, or maybe longer than a second because suddenly they’re walking toward you. After making eye contact with Shawn, you know you can’t run away, even though you want to right now.
“Hi Y/n,” Shawn says with a smile, and you try to at least force a neutral look onto your face, but his smile falters and you know you’ve failed.
“Hey Shawn,” You respond, this time actually succeeding in forcing a fake smile.
“This is my date, Kiara.” He says, and you shake her hand, acutely aware that there are many people around, and many people listening or watching this interaction, even if they’re pretending not to.
“Nice to meet you.” You keep the fake smile on your face. “I have to go,” You say, not even caring that you’re being rude right now. Seeing Shawn in person after so long is breaking your heart. Seeing him with a date, although you have no idea if there is any romantic interest at all, shatters your heart completely. He’s moved on. He’s over you, and the only way you can think to describe it is that it hurts.
For the rest of the evening, you feel just a little off. You go through the motions, making small talk, smiling, laughing, clapping, and doing everything expected of you. However, inside, you feel like you’re crumbling and all you want to do is get back home. You want to eat ice cream in your house that feels too big when you’re alone and cry over Shawn.
You won an award at the show, but honestly, you don’t even feel that usual high you get from winning. Some of your friends are going to an afterparty, and they try to convince you to go along, but you decline in favor of going home. When you’re finally back in the car, you slump against the window, watching the city lights fly by. You can’t wait to just get home, take off your makeup, and get out of this dress.
You’re almost home when your phone buzzes with a text. Hey, just wanted to say you looked great tonight and congrats on your award.
Your first instinct is to text him back something snarky about how he shouldn’t be texting you if he has a girlfriend, but you decide against it, choosing to not let your own bitterness and jealousy out on Shawn. You’re broken up and you have been for a long time, so you have no right to be upset with him about this.
Since you don’t have anything nice to say at the moment, you don’t respond right away. After getting home, showering and getting into comfy clothes, you settle down on the couch with your ice cream. You finally decide to text Shawn back. Thank you, same to you. Hope you’re doing well.
His response comes almost immediately: Thanks, are you at an afterparty? I haven’t seen you much.
Even though you broke up on good terms, you and Shawn never really made it to the friend stage. It honestly hurt too much and if you couldn’t be together, you both agreed you needed some space, so it seems a little odd to you that he asked that. You type your response. No, I’m back home.
Your phone starts ringing shortly after sending the text and you almost drop it in shock when you see Shawn’s name on the screen. He knows you’re on your phone, because you literally just texted him. “Hello?”
“Hey, Y/n,” Shawn says.
“Hi?” You say, wondering what he wants.  
“Hey, so uh, do you want pizza?” He questions, sounding nervous and unsure, and you’re feeling exactly the same way because you have no idea why Shawn is doing this.
“Don’t you have a girlfriend?” You blurt somewhat accidentally. It is the question on your mind, but you aren’t sure if you should have been so forward about it.
“No, Kiara is just a friend. Our publicists made us walk the carpet together, but I swear there’s nothing going on between us. I just—if it’s okay, do you want to catch up?” He questions.  
“Bring pizza,” You respond. “I have ice cream.”
“I’ll see you soon, y/n.”
“Sounds good. Bye, Shawn.”
“Bye.” He says before the line goes dead.
Suddenly, you don’t feel like crying over Shawn anymore. Your heart feels like it’s going to leap out of your chest, but in a good way this time. When you and Shawn were together and had an event to go to, you’d always duck out of the afterparty as soon as possible and pick up pizza on the way back to wherever you were staying, it was kind of a tradition.  
You put your ice cream back in the freezer to enjoy after the pizza. Shawn arrives less than thirty minutes later, which is impressive timing.
“Delivery.” He says holding up the pizza, and you can’t help but smile.
You hug him tightly and he returns the hug enthusiastically before the two of you walk over to the couch and sit down. You both dig into the pizza and make small talk about the award show and catch up on life since it had been a while.
“I bought a place in LA.” Shawn says, seemingly out of nowhere.
Your jaw drops open, “What? No way!” You respond. When you were together, Shawn had been adamant about not living in LA, something that had put a strain on your relationship, since you had very little option to moving anywhere else.
“Yeah, I thought it was time.” He says.
“What finally changed your mind?” You ask curiously.
He just shrugs and stays silent for a few seconds before finally answering. “There are a lot of producers and songwriters out here and it’s easy to film music videos out here too. It kind of just made sense.”
You nod, chewing on your pizza thoughtfully. “Do you ever think about our breakup?” You finally break the silence.
He nods. “Do you?”
You nod too.
“Do you ever regret it?” He questions.
“Sometimes. But I think we had too much working against us at the time.” You admit honestly.
He nods. “Are you seeing anyone else?”
“No.” You answer. This whole night has felt different. You know why you asked Shawn if Kiara was his girlfriend earlier, and you know why he’s asking if you’re seeing anyone else now. Even though you were so mad at Shawn earlier tonight, you realize now the reason why.
“I’ve missed you, y/n, really missed you.” He says.
“I missed you too.” You respond.
“Do you remember what we said when we broke up?” He questions.
Of course, you remember. They are two words that have gone through your mind over and over since the break-up. “Maybe someday?”
“Do you still believe that?” He questions.
You nod, “Yeah, do you?”
He nods too. “I’ll be back in LA for a while now. I’ll be here a lot more than before.” He says.
Those words give you hope. The distance and lack of time together is something that put a huge strain on your relationship the first time.
“We’ll actually hang out now.” You respond with a smile, and you mean it. This, all of it feels different than it did the first time around, and yhou can’  t help but let yourself believe that maybe this is your someday. 
“Remember that night when I came over for pizza?” Shawn asks.
You were half asleep in his bed, but you open your eyes and look at him. “Yeah, of course.”
“Do you remember asking me about what changed my mind to finally get me to buy a place here.”
“Yeah?” You respond, wondering why this matters and why he’s bringing this up now.  
“I said it was because of work, but I really moved back to be closer to you. I didn’t want to tell you because we weren’t even back together, and I didn’t want to freak you out.”
You’re suddenly more awake because you remember asking that question and the way he hesitated before answering. After you got back together, you had completely forgotten about that.
“Really?” You ask.
He nods. “Yes.”
“It took you long enough,” You joke, and he smiles, leaning over to kiss you, and you just pull him closer to you.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Forty Eight.
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I will come back to Jamaica and that will be for sure, I have created memories with people, got to know the locals within these three days. I mean of course they came over to me because of Robyn but they are so kind, they remind me of the Barbadian people, very kind and made us feel at home. I am ready to leave though, I want Robyn to get her check-ups, I think it’s been a while since we found out and so much as happened since, I feel so refreshed and happy, I am so happy to be married to the love of my life first of all, but I needed this break away, I needed to just live I guess. From being shot, from having the recovery and I needed that time to recover before going back to California to work, and I feel I am ready for that now and I want to do this rather than later because I want to be a good father to my child once it is born. And I kind know that once Robyn has the baby I feel like I would be the one to be at home with it more and to me that doesn’t bother me because my base is in California now but I am just glad we had this time to spend together, I had my time with her but I feel like she will be a little busy when we get California because she has been away for so long but I will just support Robyn in this, I have too and I won’t ever be on her case about spending time with me because I am only being the cause of her pain. I am just glad that I am going home now I guess, home is California and I have expected that to be the place even though it kind of scares me because of what happened, but Robyn assured me it will be gated “you seem in deep thought, are you ok?” Robyn asked, her head looking over her laptop “erm yeah, I am I guess. Just thinking, from VA to California. It’s a big step, but you been through an even bigger thing then me” I chuckled “you will be ok Chris. I will make sure of it” smiling lightly at her, she means that.
Stretching my body out, we have finally landed in LAX “good to be home? Our new home now, you better get used to it too. We decided this together right?” Robyn is questioning me like I am regretting it, maybe I am but it’s better for work “yeah; you said we will get a place that is very safe right?” She nodded her head while grabbing her bags “let me take that for you, I will hold them” she needs to relax with all that “aww thank you, you wanting your dick sucked again” I busted out laughing “I am being a good husband, but also being a good wife means dick sucking?” Robyn hit my arm laughing as she walked off “I like that you know” grabbing her bags from the table “what?” She questioned “your hair like that” whatever they call it “oh you like my hair in a high ponytail? Really? That’s random for you, so you prefer this? And let me guess with no makeup?” Nodding my head laughing following behind Robyn “how do you know that?” She guessed it “because you got a thing for no makeup Rihanna but thank you. I appreciate it” stepping off the jet slowly “aye! He’s back!” I spat, Rich broke into a smile “welcome back” he laughed, looking around the airport “paparazzi” I pointed, I mean they behind the fence but how did they know “someone must have leaked your landing time” Rich took the bags from me, that is odd. I mean people really go to extreme measures to leak this kind of information, to me it makes no sense to why they would do that. Walking towards the SUV, half of my stuff is still actually in Barbados so I will have to go and get that at some point.
Staring out of the car window, it’s nice being back I think anyways but still. Being away from this place was nice “I was looking at my schedule, it’s kind of busy. I pushed back the Puma meeting in London because of the house hunting and the appointment, Tina is meeting us at the apartment” looking over at Robyn “apartment? I just thought it would be a hotel” she shook her head “no, I told Tina an apartment until we can find something. She has contacted a realtor already and they are searching for us and I said it’s important, that it needs to be done and we both need to research hospitals, so we can book it in” clasping my hands together “you seem really uneasy, why?” Robyn noticed that “you know what, I felt the same when I came here first time again after VA, I just get that flashback, I guess it’s just my PTSD about everything, but I’m ok. I’m happy” I smiled “I want you to take a bodyguard with you when you go anywhere, I think you need it” I chuckled shaking my head “nah I don’t need that Robyn, honestly. But I’ll be ok, it is what it is. God put that in my path, and it happened, I have to accept it and I build from it Robyn. I can’t just sit here and be upset about it either” Robyn held her hand out for me to take, holding on to her hand “how was the wedding newlyweds?” Rich asked, he turned in his seat to look at us “it was nice, can’t you see the tan on us” I pointed out “you two have done too much relaxing” he waved his finger at us “good, I’m glad to know you both had a good time anyways” he turned back in his seat “crazy, I can’t believe Rihanna is a married woman now, I didn’t think she would actually. I remember she was telling me that she is in her wild and free phase, love. It’s such a blessing” Rich went on a little rant there “I am happy for you both, it’s nice to see my boss happy too” he added “thank you Rich, more work for you anyways” he chuckled, he has two people he needs to take care of.
Placing the suitcase in the corner of the lobby to the apartment “this is nice, wow” this is so impressive, I am shocked “yeah, it’s until we get our home which will be soon. I promise, explore” Robyn waved her arm around “have you stayed here before? I feel like you have” she turned to me “yes I have stayed here before, so I know how nice it is, it’s like this place keeps this main place here just for me, the view is amazing. I recorded a few songs here, I don’t know. It just puts me in that zone, come. Look” Robyn waved me over as she made her way to the window “I like it already, it’s very stylish this little layout” walking around the couch “it is, look at the scenery. We are just looking down at downtown LA. Crazy right?” stuffing my hands in my pockets and making my way to the window, looking down from the apartment “yo that is crazy, we are so high up aren’t we? Wow” I grinned “I understand why you like it here, it’s nice. I am actually very tired though. It was a long night wasn’t it” I grinned walking over to Robyn “mhmm you could say that all your fault” hugging Robyn close “you enjoyed it too” pressing a kiss to her head.
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I feel like shit this morning, like I feel just busy and tired, and I am constipated. I feel like crying “why are you staring at me like that?” I asked Tina, I kind of snapped at her but she is staring at me like I am crazy “erm because you made me go to Starbucks just to have bottled water and ice in a Starbucks cup, you know how crazy I looked!?” grabbing my Starbucks cup “I googled that I cannot have my usual, I really wanted Starbucks, it makes me feel close to them. Stop judging me and making me sad!” I spat, placing the straw between my lips “you see this Chris? She made me go to Starbucks to get a bottle water and put it in a cup of ice but it had to be Starbucks” looking over at Chris topless, frowning at him “she is weird isn’t she, I bought the devil in her” placing my drink down “first of all it’s making me feel comfortable and second of all stop judging a pregnant woman and why is your top off? You look a little chubby actually” I had to judge him, he judged me. Watching him pull open the fridge door “I am going to the gym and also tap water is free you bougie ass, you out here making her do that, poor Tina” Chris grabbed a bottle of water, he placed his hand on Tina’ shoulders “poor, poor Tina. You made her do such a thing, how could you” shaking my head, my phone started to ring “it’s Matt” answering the call “who is Matt?” Chris questioned “realtor” Tina answered him “Rihanna, I got your email from your assistant. How are you? It’s been a while and you want to buy? You not leasing no more” Matt is shocked I am buying this time “no, things have changed Matt, I am married and also pregnant” he gasped “no way, not Rihanna!? Really, I read you’re engaged but pregnant, god. Things have changed for you so no more leasing?” shaking my head “no, I need a home. A forever home for my family, it needs to be a good home and also a secret for now” I added “you know I give you privacy for everything, so ok, I have a few” he added “Matt, it needs to be a gated community. I want the place to be so secure, you know the hell I went through with the lease I had” the line went quiet “I know, I understand. You said I don’t want to live around the famous people, they are annoying” I chuckled “yes I said that then, but things change, I have a family” Chris is looking at me intently I don’t know why “you have a budget Rihanna?” shaking my head “no but not ridiculous but gated please, security there twenty four seven. I know I will end up with a Kardashian as a neighbour or whatever, but it needs to happen” I keep adding this “not too big” Chris said “huh, one minute” looking at Chris “I don’t want eight bedrooms, just keep it to five the most and I want the bedrooms upstairs” nodding my head understanding “yeah so keep the bedrooms to five or below, bedrooms upstairs please, I require that. Matt I know you can help me” he will pull through “you know it, I got you. Speak soon Rihanna” he disconnected the call.
Eyeing up Tina to go, I just want to speak to Chris. He still has his fears and it’s coming up a lot with him “I am going to fix your clothes” Tina made up something, I smiled at her “I love a man that can cook” I grinned, he is making himself some eggs before he goes gym “I did ask if you want something” shaking my head “I am constipated right now, I feel not good. I think I need more fibre, can you buy me some whole wheat bread when you come home” Chris turned to me “of course, so you can’t poop?” watching him put his eggs on the toast “uh nope, I don’t want to strain myself either. Surprised you didn’t hear me straining” Chris pulled a face “stop being nasty” he laughed a little “Chris, I wanted to ask how are you? Just in general, just to be back in California” Chris picked his plate up making his way over to me “uhm ok, I don’t know. Like I said I still feel like I get those feelings from that moment, wow” he breathed out placing his plate in front of me “it was horrible, I could have died and not seen this, like marry you at all or even have a baby so yeah. I do get PTSD, I mean I have got PTSD so yeah I want a smaller house and I want the bedrooms on the top floor because I feel like you know, the bottom floor it’s easy access. Anyways changing the subject, I am sure you will pull through with a beautiful home but you leased that home and not bought?” this makes me sad that he still has this sadness within him, that he has this PTSD, and he thinks of these things “uh yeah, I was trying to shut you up about not having a home” he’s annoying.
Chris wants me to change the subject so I will “so about the bundle of joy, our baby. Have you seen any hospitals, what you think?” I want him to be involved in this even though I doubt he will know “erm no, I want it to be a place where it’s private enough for you, I am sure you would have researched it by now” he knows me well enough “yes actually, I think I am going to choose Cedar’s Sinai, it’s private enough for us. I am going to get Tina to book us in, will you be free any day?” I asked “yeah of course, any day for you and the baby. I am going to go Gym now, just downstairs but I will get the bread for you, you need anything else to make you poop?” rolling my eyes shaking my head “no, be quiet. Just please don’t tell anyone, I am going to miss you anyways, but I will make some calls” Chris is here taking about my poop, the nasty ass “and I was thinking” he stood “sell the pictures, I think we should and we can put the money into a fund for our child” my eyes widened “really? So you want us to sell them? I can get that sorted out but listen, let’s not put it into no fund. We will open a joint account and put it in there” I really wanted to say is you have the money “why you need to do that, you have an account, just say you want me to have the money, but I don’t want it so a fund for the baby ok?” nodding my head, he is stubborn.
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clareisa · 4 years
I’ll protect my Queen - mafia!AU -「I.M - Im Changkyun」
Request (requested by @xxkittenbebexx): Changkyun mafia Au, a death threat is aiming his S/O during their fiancee celebration party. Fluff could lead to smut as you want
A/N: Hope you like this one as well!♥
- gifs are not mine, credits to rightful owners
- English is not my first language, so please, excuse my mistakes
♥AUs Special Writing Season ♥
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  The mansion of MX family, how they were calling themselves, was today busier than it normally is at regular days. People, that could be only dreaming to take a look into the most beautiful villa in the neighbourhood, were today running around, stress taking over them, decorating the massive building for the special event that will be taking a place this evening. The French villa was impressive by itself with all of the luxury details on walls, heavy and expensive furniture from all around the world but the exotic flowers, shinning chandeliers and the live orchestra practising for the evening were creating extraordinary and blissful atmosphere. 
  And why such a madhouse and need of everything to be perfect? Well, one of the founders and the youngest brother in MX family was going to announce that he choose a woman that will be next to his side from now on until they’ll meet again in the afterlife. That he is finally ready to officially introduce the fourth queen of the underworld of Seoul, after his three older brothers Hyungwon, Kihyun and Minhyuk did as well. And this one is going to be the biggest and the best party in the world that is highly hiding from innocent society.
  The veil of the night dropped on the city of Seoul and the villa of MX family opened the gates for special guests from all around the country and world as well. The air was filled with mystery and excitement. No one besides the seven founders and house servants ever saw the future wife of the youngest brother. 
  You were looking out of the window behind the curtain carefully so no one could see your face. Nervously you retracted the curtains fully, put your hand on your heart trying to calm down the fast beating of your heart and the buddle on nerves in your stomach. Carefully you moved in front of the golden mirror. Your eyes ran up and down your form trying to get used to the view in front of you.
   Hair slicked back making your face and neck perfectly visible and serious looking. Scarlet red lipstick making your lips plump, eyeshadow making your eyes bigger and more cat-like and highlighted cheekbones was perfectly complementing each other perfectly. Looking at the choker-like pearl necklace made you smile because it was hiding the deep red Changkyn’s marks from last night. The long off-shoulders dark emerald green dress was hugging your figure perfectly. The Bardot neckline was showing your prominent collarbones and the slit starting in the middle of your thigh was making your right leg visible. Covered in luxury but you somehow felt naked. 
  The sound of the big mahogany door of your shared bedroom slowly opened and your lover peeked throught the gap. You turned to him, he fully opened them, entered the room and closed behind him. 
  Dark midnight black hair falling to his forehead, sharp eyes and perfectly fitting suit on his lean but defined muscular body made him the man that every woman desired but he was only yours and you both couldn’t be happier about it. The big smile appearing on his handsome face makes you a little more confident in your own skin. His dreamy gaze eyeing you up and down in complete trance made all the stress disappear in a second. 
  “You are absolutely gorgeous, my love.” he said looking back into your eyes. He slowly walked to you and as he was close enough, his hands wrapped around your waist gently while your arms wrapped around his neck. 
  “You really think so?” you asked giving him a small smile. 
  “Of course, my love. I can’t wait how all women will be jealous of your beauty and grace, all men jealous of me because I’m the one who has angel by his side and just all people being blinded by your dazzling aura.” Changkyun slowly caressed your cheek in a loving manner. 
  You chuckled and looked away for a moment trying to avoid the tears, “You should stop being this perfect or I’ll ruin my makeup.” you looked at him again with, now, bright smile. 
  “You can’t cry now. Save that tears for tonight when all guests will leave.” he winked showing that arrogant sly smirk of his that could drive crazy. You playfully hit his chest but avoided eye contact by hiding your face to the curve of his neck. Changkyun chuckled and kissed the top of your head while caressing your neck saying: “You don’t need to worry. I’ll protect you for the rest of my life. I would be happier if none of that people would ever see you but I can’t make you isolated.” 
  He leaned a little back and took your cheeks to his palms, “You gave up on your daily life because of me and my lifestyle. So at least I’ll make the best of this lifestyle for you.” you nodded smiling at him and he kissed your forehead. 
  “Let’s go, shall we?” he offered you his hand which you gladly took. You swallowed all your nervousness. In the end, you were with Changkyun, nothing bad can happen to you with him by your side. 
  The walk through the corridors was surprisingly quick and you both were already on the top of the staircase ready to walk down like a royal couple. You took a deep breath looked to Changkyun’s eyes and nodded with a small smile. Changkyun gave the small orchestra a signal with nodding and they started playing some classical piece. All heads immediately turned to your direction and you two started walking down the grand staircase. As your lover said earlier, almost all women were eyeing you with jealousy that you were the one standing next to Changkyun. Some were even poking their men in a jealous manner to stop them from starring at you. The only gazes that were calming you down belonged to other six brothers and wives of three of them that become your best friends since Changkyun introduced you to them. 
  All guests followed you to the garden where the grand dinner was prepared. They all sat down only you two were standing. “Let me introduce you all to the woman I’m planning to stay beside until the day I die. As you all know we got engaged just yesterday.” he said and everyone immediately cheered. Family expansion was always a big event in the mafia world.  
  Changkyun looked at you, holding his glass of champagne. “I fell for her dearly. I was never this happy in my whole life.” you smiled at each others, “And I’m even more careful than before. I’m ready to protect this woman with all of my life and since she’ll be soon part of your family as well I expect the same from all of you.” his face smile but voice colder than ice. 
  “So now please welcome my queen, the fourth queen of Seoul underworld. Cheers!” he lifted up the glass and everyone shouted the sam response with raised glasses. You both took a sip from the expensive liquor and bowed to all people in front of you in 90 degrees as act of respect. They bowed back as a symbol of welcoming you gladly in the family. 
  The dinner was going smoothly. Everyone enjoyed the food and now they were dancing on the build dancefloor in the garden after you and Changkyun got the first song just for yourself as the official new engaged couple. You were enjoying the celebration a lot so far. People who you were introduced to you were despite their high-class snobby looks were very warm-hearted and gladly welcomed you. 
  One of the waiters came to you two and put a beautiful cake, “Mr Im, this was sent as a gift from guests that couldn’t come tonight. Please enjoy. It should be a favourite flavour of our queen, red velvet.” he smiled and slowly walked back to the mansion. You were looking at him as he was walking. You knew all employees of the mansion but you never saw this one. 
  “You should cut the cake. It is your favourite so let’s cut it and eat it until Hoseok hyung and Hyunwoo hyung will come and eat it all.” he chuckled. You nodded, still not so sure about the waiter. You stood up and started cutting the dessert. It was really weird, it felt like it was filled with something else than the normal cake. As you finished the first cut you wanted to peak what was inside. As you pulled with the knife to the side something red wet and sticky immediately leaked out of the cake right on your leg. 
  You shouted in shock and jumped back when you saw the intestines leaking out and streaming down your revealed leg. You froze, your bottom lip was shaking, you couldn’t move. It wasn’t, of course, a real cake. It was just a top of the cake with carved inside where someone put a lot of rotten human intestines. 
  Changkyun was immediately standing up. “Close all the gates! All the doors! Now! No one will get out of here until I’ll find that jerk and stuff his mouth with this!” his voice was scary and angry. Everything immediately closed and everyone stopped talking and dancing. 
  “Babe?” you heard your lovers voice next to your ear. You looked with teary eyes at him. “It will be okay...Just look at me right now, okay?” he said and you slowly nodded. He took the napkins and slowly, still looking into your eyes, took off the parts of the intestines still stuck on your leg down. You could feel some of the rotten flesh slowly sliding down your skin. But the smell... the smell almost made you gag but the calming eyes of your fiancee were keeping you from breaking down. 
  “Now we will go and wash you, okay?” he smiled a little. You swallowed and nodded. He softly lifted you up and bridal style, not caring about your legs being bloody. As he was walking he called for Jooheon and told him: “Don’t let anyone leave. Check everyone and their invitation card and find that fucker who brought that cake to us.” Jooheon nodded and all the security, all brother and even their wives started searching for the culprit. 
  You hid your face to his shoulder gripping his suit tightly in your shaking hands. He quickly took you to your bedroom and entered your bathroom. He quickly helped you out of the blood-stained dress and helped you to stand in the shower. He took the showerhead and carefully cleaned you three times, especially your legs. 
  After he finished he dressed you into your favourite pyjamas and tucked you into your shared bed between the fluffy nice smelling sheets. Your breath became calmer but your eyes were still closed tightly not wanting to open them. You felt how Changkyun sat next to you on the left side. He was looking at you with a sad expression. His phone rang and he picked the call seeing Jooheon’s name on the screen. 
  “Yeah?” he asked. 
  Jooheon on the other end said, “We found him. It was a spy from our Busan rival.” he said. You could hear it all and you choose to focus on their voices instead of the vivid memory of this evening. 
  “Good. You know what to do... change up with others every two hours. I’ll take the final shot in the morning. I think we will be sending the same gift our Busan friends sent to us. But our package will be fresher.” your lover said in a cold voice and hanged up. You gulped. You knew what he meant by that and you were always kinda scared of him when he took care of such a “businesses”. 
  You felt his body came closer to you, wrapping his hands around you tightly and put your head on his chest. He took your still shaking hand and started placing butterfly kisses all over your palm and fingers and then he put it on his hot soft cheek. 
  “Love, you can open your eyes it’s just me.” he whispered but you shook your head no. “Please baby. It’s just us two.” he said and slowly placed a gentle kiss on both of your closed eyelids. As if his lips were magical you slowly opened your eyes and saw his handsome face with a sweet smile. He was still holding your palm against his cheek, kissing it occasionally. 
  “I’m sorry, it’s my fault, love. I should have known better.” he sighed sadly.
  “It’s not your fault, Changkyun.” you smiled at him a little.
  “They will get what they deserve. Don’t worry. But I should have known something would happen.” he tried to contain his anger. 
  “You did everything, love. I’m okay. I should start getting used to this. I know it will get only worse and I want to be ready, not break down like today.” you said in now much calmer voice.  
  The man next to you couldn’t help himself and kissed you. Maybe it was partly from pity or anger but most of it was from pure love and intentions to help you feel better. You gladly welcomed his soft lips on yours and kissed him back with the burning love you have for him. Your hands went to his dark locks and gripped the roots. His hands went to your thighs and started massaging them intensely. His skilled hands went under your silk top sending shivers because his cold hands touched the hot skin of your tummy. 
  He broke the kiss and looked into your eyes, “I just wanna make you feel good, love. You don’t have to agree. I just want you to forget everything and focus on just the feeling, the pleasure. Be greedy tonight and don’t care about anything but you. What do you think?” he asked carefully. 
  You didn’t know if it’s right but you would welcome to think about something else than what happened. And Changkyun always knew what you need. So you slowly nodded making your man smile. He kissed you once again and when he broke the kiss he already got that playful but lewd spark in his eyes along with his suggestive smirk. Changkyun laid on his side, his hand slowly going between your legs and gently separated your legs apart, holding your inner thigh. His fingers started ghosting around your sensitive area, pulling the material of silky shorts to the side making you gasp a little when the tip of his fingers brushed your folds.
  “Let me take you from hell to heaven, my love.”
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andiandyandee · 4 years
We Are Going to Be Friends Pt. 10
I’m not crying, you’re crying, shut up
Words: 1,978
Tag List: @datfearlessfangirl @princemesscharming @illogicalthinking @holliberries
Ask if you want added!
This is part of an Ongoing Parental Logince/ Punk AU. This is a prequel to the main stories, which can be found in several places. You don’t need the rest of the AU to read this, but it will give you some insight.
Here’s a link to the series on Ao3 
Here’s a link to the last part, In case you missed it
Here’s a link to the First Part, If you’re new here.
 Aaaannnd.... here’s the fic. 
    Friday sleepovers became just as much of a tradition as Saturdays on the lake or Sundays in the den once the Sanders moved into their new house, but Logan finds himself curled up in Remus’s bay window, watching the stars and listening to Remus talk for hours most nights. Which is why it really shouldn’t have come as a surprise when someone finally asked the question that so many had assumed.
    “So, are you two, like, dating now? Should we invest in soundproofing?” Roman asked one night in late March when Logan came stumbling into the kitchen in search of water.
    “Who, Remus and I?” Logan was too tired to hide his surprise. He and Remus were close, they spent most days together, and he was really one of the only people Logan referred to as ‘friend’ (best friend, even), but there had never been any inkling towards romance. “Of course not.” Roman did look surprised at that. Logan was trying to deal with both the fact that someone thought that he and Remus were romantically involved and that Roman, who almost always avoided Logan, looking uncomfortable and confused whenever Logan sought him out for conversation, was capable of being a normal human being. “Remus and I are friends, he’s my best friend, but He’s.. not exactly my type.”
    “Oh, I, sorry, I guess. I didn’t mean to offend, I just know you said you were queer, I assumed you were into guys.”
    “I am.” Roman looked even more confused at that, “just not Remus. One, I Iook for someone who shares important core beliefs with me, but otherwise is an opposition to my personality. Where I am relatively quiet, I prefer someone loud, but not just chaotically, like Remus. I prefer a partner who is confident. Someone who is intelligent, but not necessarily in the same way I am. Remus and I share too many interests to be compatible romantically. The dynamic would just be as it is now, chaos and humor, but not romance.” Logan shrugged. “Why are you awake, anyhow? It’s quite late, Roman. Don’t you have weight training in the morning?”
    “I can’t sleep. Too many thoughts for that.”
    “Oh? If you want to share, I’m all ears. Figuratively, of course.”
    “Would.. would you go to prom with me? If I asked?” Roman blurted out, immediately turning red. “I- oh my god I can’t believe I said that out loud, I’m sorry- I can go”
    “ Are you asking?” Logan replied in a voice that was completely neutral.
    “Y-yes? If that is.. okay?” Roman squeaked, looking like he might faint.
    “I would, er, enjoy that, I believe,” Logan replied, tugging at the collar of his NASA t-shirt. “Though, I am surprised you would ask me of all people. I was under the impression you were not particularly... fond of me.” Logan admitted, his cheeks and ears slightly pink.
    “I’ve been hopelessly and all-consumingly in love with you since you came stomping into school in that leather jacket on the first day.” Roman shrugged. “I thought you liked Remus, so I tried to avoid it, which probably just made me sound like a moron most of the time.”
    “Only some of the time.” Logan counter-argued.
    “That first time you slept over I almost died several times just because you looked at me.” Roman looked faint. “When you and Remus came in I was actually talking about how hopelessly in love with you I was, which is why Elliot almost died laughing, and I nearly died of embarrassment. Then when you were talking about your rebel shit, about music and rioting I actually thought I was gonna pass out because you had this fire in your eyes like you were single-handedly going to fix all the shit that was broken. Every time you answered a question in truth or dare, you answered it like it was the most important thing in the world, and you sang and I thought I would die then .
    Then Dahlia did your makeup, and you looked so pretty , and your eyes were sparkling and I wanted to flirt but instead, I choked and dumped soda on myself and then sat in the shower for twenty minutes wishing I would be struck by lightning so I didn’t have to face you and oh my god I’m rambling,”
    Logan was smiling. It wasn’t something he did much, but the more Roman talked, the more his face pulled up, his heart rose to his throat, he could practically feel the waves of adoration pouring off of Roman, so open and sincere, and it was only then that Logan realized that the reason he was so disappointed when Roman was awkward around him was that he wanted this, this conversation, so desperately it ached, and he didn’t know what came over him, but he stepped forward, his hands gently cradling Romans like he was the most precious thing in the world, because he was, wasn’t he? He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Roman’s lips, a little beyond ‘gentle’ but he didn’t have the words to express how he felt, so he did his best with what was at his disposal. Roman just let out a breathless laugh when Logan pulled away, staring up at him with his warm, cinnamon eyes just a little glassy. The air around them buzzed, not quite fireworks, but something more than what was there before.
    The moment was shattered by Remus, who pretended to gag in the doorway behind them. Logan and Roman jumped, turning to stare at him with identical shocked expressions, but he was beaming. “Thank god you two idiots figured out how talking worked, I was afraid Lo was gonna short circuit. But if you two are done, we need to go back to sleep because we really do have weight training at 4:45 am, Ro, and I am not going to be late again.”
    Lunch was an endeavor, the two close but previously separated tables now pushed together, Logan’s group and Roman and Remus’s group making awkward small talk, with the exception of October and Kai hitting it off immediately, finding solace in having someone to talk doctors with, finally. The rest were dealing with the others, all of them occasionally laughing at the way Roman and Logan were caught up in flirting. It was a Friday, which meant it was sleepover night, which Roman and Remus’s father had agreed to on the caveat that they stayed in the living room now that Logan and Roman were... whatever they were, which had not been discussed.
    “Lo, Toby and I are gonna get tattoos next weekend. You down?” Micheal asked with a grin. “Toby’s cousin got a gun and said he’d do ‘em for free.” Logan instinctively wanted to say no, because that was a horrible idea, why on earth would he want a mediocre tattoo permanently on his skin, but what came out of his mouth was,
    “Fuck yeah I am.”  Roman and Remus, as well as several others from both groups, looked nervous about that, but none of them said anything. It was a discussion for another time.
    “Larry! We have to have flowers!” Dot whined, which made Logan chuckle quietly. “I am not getting married and throwing a bouquet of Ferns.”
    “You don’t even like flowers! You actually told me, when we started dating, to never buy you flowers. Why would we have them at the wedding if you don’t like them?”
    “Well- well because you like them, L.” Dot had that soft expression on her face again, the one that said she would do anything for his happiness. “Maybe we can do some violets or something, and the rest can be foliage. Compromise.”
    “If I may interject, and frankly even if you said no I would anyway, I think you’re both the most disgustingly romantic nightmare couple I’ve ever met, and I hate you.” Logan was color coding binders on the floor with seating charts and schedules, pointedly ignoring the way his whole body hurt to move. “Also, are we inviting all of Dot’s brothers? Because if so we’ll have to dedicate them two tables, and I need to know which sets will get along best.” Larry and Dot grinned, both tackling L, pulling his from the binder and into a hug.
    “How is it that I have six brothers and somehow my favorite is the one that I have to sign a contract for?” Dot teased, ruffling Logan’s hair. Her hand paused when he flinched and the smile immediately dissolved. “Sorry, sweetheart.”
    “No, you don’t need to apologize. You know that.” Logan smiled sadly at her. His brother cut the tension.
    “On the subject of disgustingly Roman -tic things, how's that boyfriend of yours?” Larry grinned at the blush.
     “We have a wedding to plan. I know you’ve already booked the venue, but the caterer has not been confirmed. You’re getting married in four months and 9 days. We need to make these decisions now, or we’re going to have to learn how to cook and bake.”
     “When you and Roman get married, do you think you’ll be older than 21? As your best man, I think I’d like to take you to Vegas.”
     “Dot is going to be my best man.” Logan deadpanned, biting back a laugh at Larry’s faux hurt expression. Dot ‘whooped’ beside them.
     “Nice, I definitely want to take you to Vegas.”
     “Also, who’s to say I’ll marry Roman. Maybe by then I’ll have lost my mind and marry Alex.” Logan shrugged. “Or that new girl, Terra. Though I think she may be interested in Remus, actually.” Larry was loudly laughing now.
     “Logan… you know you’re gay, right?” Dot asked with false concern.
    “Preposterous. I’ve never had a molecule of serotonin in my life.” Larry laughed at that, but then got a serious look on his face.
     “You know, Lo, We’re renting a house right outside of town starting in June.” Dot looked at L with raised eyebrows.
     “I thought we were waiting until the paperwork was done to tell him?”
     “Tell me what? I already knew you were getting a house, Dot.” L shook his head.
     “ We’re getting a house.”
     “That’s what I just said.”
     “A three-bedroom house.”
     “Oh, I didn’t realize it was so large. Were you planning on having children, then? I thought you were waiting until after you had finished your degrees.”
    “One of the rooms is going to be a study, the other is going to be for family.”
    “Oh, that’s a good idea. Having so many siblings-in-law I assume you two will have regular visitors.” Dot was laughing lightly at L’s expression and the rapid way his hands were flailing.
    “Logan, the room isn’t for my side of the family.” Dot was looking at him pointedly. He still did not understand.
    “So it...is for you two to have kids? Again- I thought you wanted to wait unti-”
    “It’s for you, dumbass!” Larry looked like he was going to explode, and Logan was quite sure he was imploding. “We’re getting a three-bedroom house outside of town because we want you to live there, not because Dot has a big family or because we are going to have kids. We’re going to get you out of here, kiddo.”
    Logan couldn’t breathe. He wanted to argue, to tell them it was too much, that he could never accept, but what came out of his mouth, small and broken and just a little bit afraid was, “you are?” Which was all that they needed before the floodgates were broken, and the two brothers were crying and hugging. Despite the height difference, Logan had never felt smaller than when his brother wrapped him in his arms and whispered,
    “I’m never going to leave you alone with them again, Logan. I promise.”
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Matchup ♥
Heyo!! Hope you are all doing well! and I HOPE YOURE TAKING GOOD CARE OF YOURSELVES ♡︎ 
Heyooo! I would like to request matchups for Inuyasha, Fairytail, and Fire Force, please!♡´・ᴗ・`♡
I am a heterosexual female!
I’m a Leo, and a combination of ENFP/ENTP (if that helps with characterization), but I’m becoming more ambivert as the days go by. But I still act like a crackhead (making up new words, making random sound effects out of boredom and roasting people playfully, having airhead moments, for examples) and a lot of people irl do get put off at how “obnoxious” I can get, but I do know when to “flip the switch” and become serious/quiet.
I have really low standards for humor idk I laugh at my own jokes it’s honestly astounding, but cursed memes/images are somethin else💀 Dark jokes are always open in my ally👀
Ironically, I canNOT stand horror, I will legit be so paranoid or freaked out and start overthinking and just cry and DIE—
I’m very open, almost TOO open, but ask me literally anything and I’ll usually tell everyone my honest opinions/thoughts, but I know how to deliver words tactfully and articulately. Debating, (public) speaking, writing, and understanding concepts are my strong suits; likewise I suck ass at math (I have no idea how tf I passed my Calc ap exams, I just— 😭)
Speaking of writing, I write poems whenever I feel like it, I have a whole collection HAH. My love of expressing comes from my tendency to play the devil’s advocate in interpreting and arguing for almost all perspectives in topics. So you can probably guess how I don’t get offended really easily and welcome both playful and serious banter (despite the crackhead persona, I’m very observant of people and their values expressed and how they tick, so I know when to back off especially when they get uncomfortable with my aggressive debating/personality). Need advice? I can use what I’ve gathered from different people and help anyone in their particular situations.
I know I can be overwhelming to alot of people at first impressions and I CAN get very passionate when talking about many things that might scare the hell out of people, but if they tell me to tone it down, I’ll gladly do so; again, I’ll honestly notice if they’re not comfy with it/are overwhelmed based on body language and even from the way they text…. super intuition or something?
And speaking of expression, I love fashion and makeup! I love being able to express myself through use of presentation and have fun while doing it! hehe (k-fashion, asian beauty 👀) HELL YEAH I’M DOWN FOR SHOPPING—
I like to dance yeehaw, and I was on a competitive dance team (well that was before when the corona hit the milly rock a little TOO hard and put all the dancers out of commission😔🤝😭) I’ve also been in my own highschool’s dance club for 4 years!!
I’m a console gamer :0 Big fan of winding down with video games, but books are the best if games aren’t an option.
Music is a huge part of my life; I played the flute and the viola for years before and been surrounded by music through dancing as well; while I’ve been in a choir before, my vocals aren’t stellar oof, but at least I’m not tone-deaf.
Can’t cook to save a life ooooof, that’s where my airheadness REALLY kicks in. I literally burn myself making instant :>
I’m not phased by sexual innuendos/conversations/kinks because I see them objectively as unique characteristics of every person, but I’ll crack up at a sex joke or a cringe flirt line with friends. And like I’ve said, I’ll share them myself without objection if ANYONE asks. But the moment someone actually TRIES to make a move on me (like what!!¡¿), I’ll first play it casual but then bolt for the door because it’s hard for me to actually imagine that ANY guy would see me in a romantic light LOL but i’d get used to the advances quick and if it’s someone i liked back, i’d tease them the same or raise up the antics ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
Hello and thank you for submitting with us! I hope that you are also taking good care of yourself as well, and I also sincerely hope that you like who I match you up with!
I’m sorry this is so late!
>Admin 𝕋
𝐼 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽…
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I ship you with the sweet Arthur! I feel as though with your energetic personality and his somewhat energetic yet dimwitted personality could really mesh well! If your humor is everywhere and lowbrow, then you should see Arthur’s! Your and his sense of humor are quite alike, and you both can definitely laugh at the weirdest things, but it’s cute! He will think you are cute because of it! And Arthur, he is open minded too, he is a very accepting person, and he would be very accepting of you and your quirks! And he will also be impressed that you can be so articulate, unlike him lolol. 
He will think it is so cool that you write poetry for fun, and how you love expressing yourself through the arts. He may not fully understand the extent of your content, but he will understand that they are very important to you, and will cherish them too! Arthur will love the fact that you are so intuitive and observant of people, because well, he isn’t. That’s why he think you are so cool, because he wouldn’t be able to pick up on those types of cues! He will also be so impressed with your fashion and how you express yourself through clothes! Arthur will definitely like if you wear medieval inspired clothing! A queen for his king!
He will think being in a dance group would be so cool! He himself can’t dance to save his life, but he would love for you to teach him, so that he can get good enough for you to dance with him! Arthur will also love the fact that you love games! He loves playing them, and would like to play with you! He would show off his favorite video games to you! 
You’d tell him that music is important to you, and how you play the flute, and he’d definitely relate it to the medieval times in some way, and would want to hear you play something from that time. And when you do, he would find it amazing, impressed with how well you play!
All in all, with his own airheadedness and bravery, Arthur would be such a good fit for you! He is kind, and warm, and someone that you can rely on when you need someone to lean on! He will be impressed with everything you can do that he can’t! Arthur will treasure you as his Queen!
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I choose manly and chivalrous Koga as your Inuyasha boyfriend! I know this might seem like a good pair, but when I was reading through your description the first person that came to mind was Koga. He is someone that can be super serious in one second and super lighthearted in the next! He will see your airheadedness as something that is cute and charming, but he will also appreciate the fact that you are super observant and have great intuition! He would love for someone like that to be his wolf tribe leader wife! He would love to use your power to help the tribe communicate better! He will see it as a very beneficial characteristic and will be quite impressed!
Koga wouldn’t understand the notion of poetry, or reading, or writing, but when you explain to him, he will then think that it is pretty cool. Something that he wouldn’t actively pursue, but he will see that it is something that you very much enjoy and will do anything in his power to make sure that you have the tools you need so that you can properly be artistic! He will also see that your artistic expression also goes to your clothes and makeup and would be very impressed with the fact that you work it so well! He would comment saying that he could never look that good in makeup, saying you are the most beautiful he has ever seen in it, you just do it so well!
I believe that once Koga founds out that you dance and play flute, he will get super happy. Seeing as he the leader of a big demon tribe, he will have the need for entertainment in his down time, and guess what! You’re the entertainment, but in a good way! He will want to listen to you play the flute, and see what kind of melodies you play! Later on, he will have someone else who can play, so he can dance and teach you traditional demon wolf tribe dances!
All in all, Koga is more serious and calm, but with your loud energy and kind-hearted soul, he will just be sucked in by it. You will be the one to show him how to really have a good time, and you will be able to show him that sometimes you just need to take a breather and forget about the difficulties in life, especially when you are a demon leader!
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I chose the loud and energetic Natsu of Fairy Tail to be your boyfriend! Seeing as you are super energetic and he is super energetic and loud, you guys would be the perfect pair! Natsu will see that you are so boisterous and can’t stay in the same place for a long time, because he is the same. So he will feel a sense of bonding! When it comes to you being serious and quiet, and knowing when to be, he will think it is really cool of you, only because he doesn’t have a filter, and doesn’t know when to shut up, so maybe you can teach him a few tricks! 
When he sees how open you are, he will feel happy about that! He has been in dark times, and so have many of his friends, so when he knows that you are accepting of any type of person, he will love that, and would feel comfortable introducing you to his friends! Natsu will also be surprised yet impressed with the fact that you are so observant. He is only really observant when it comes to battle, and not really when it comes to people in everyday settings, so when you show him what you can do, he will have a shocked expression the entire time! He will also love the fact that on the other end of the spectrum you can be very loud and passionate!
When he sees you are very artistic with poetry, writing, and reading, and even with your makeup and fashion, it would show him that you aren’t afraid to express yourself and be yourself, and he would absolutely love that! He will want to see the things you write, and the things you read, and the things that make you you, so he can get a better understanding of you! And when it comes to the dancing and the music, and the fact that you can play the flute, he would be impressed and hella jealous that you can do such amazing things! He would definitely ask you teach him in the future!
All in all, I think that he would be a very loving and very accepting boyfriend for you! He will take you on all of his adventures and tell you all of his secrets, and treat you like treasure, like you deserve to be treated!
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dogboy-willgraham · 5 years
Hmm...otp of your choosing and misunderstandings/confession? :3c or argument/makeup-cuddling?
(Thank you for the ask, I’ll be doing misunderstanding/confession for Ineffable Husbands) 
Aziraphale squeezes the dust rag in his hand. He’s cleaning again. Not because he wants to, or needs to, but because he needs something, anything to do besides think about Crowley right now.
The demon’s been like a flashing light recently. In and present one moment, gone the next. 
It’s driving Aziraphale insane, and if he didn’t know better, he’d beg Crowley to explain. But he does know better, and that’s what makes it worse. He knows why Crowley is dropping dinners and wine nights like moths in flames. And Aziraphale tries to tell himself that it’s his fault he’s not told Crowley, but he can’t help but feel hurt, was some random human more important than him?
And Aziraphale squeezes the rag harder, the frustration and pain threatening to pour out again. 
But he doesn’t let it, instead, going back to dusting his first editions with a bit more force than he thinks he’s using. 
Crowley wipes his brow with the back of his dirt-stained hand. England finally decided to be hot for once, quite inconveniently. Of course, he could theorectically make the weather obey his will, but that would take energy that he can’t spare right now.
It might suck balls, but once it was finished, it would hopefully all be worth it. 
The demon knows he’s playing with fire, doing all of this before telling Aziraphale the thing, but if he had to go out, he’d rather go out in style. 
He grabs the red roses, placing them in between the red tulips. 
Crowley might’ve slept through the Victorian Era, but he still picked up on the trend of flowers having secret meanings, saying what he couldn’t say.
He thinks it almost pathetic really, he had it so bad he had to use plants to confess.
At the very least he could hope for is that Aziraphale didn’t see the nervous desprateness of it. That it would charm the angel instead of scaring him off or producing some bad result-
Crowley was drug out of his thoughts by his phone ringing. 
Fuck, he was late again. He should’ve been there over twenty minutes ago.
He gets up and miracles himself dressed appropriately and the dirt off of him, not noticing that he’s left the sweat on himself.
“We can wrap up for the day Fern,” Crowley says to the woman in the violets and yellow tulips. “Thanks for all the help,”
Fern turns around, smiling and covered in dirt. “No problem Anthony, always been a sucker for your love-story, couldn’t not help you,”
Fern has been a lifeline for Crowley recently, not that he’d admit. She’d been giving him the confidence to not give up on this whole infernal plan. 
“Whatever, s’didn’t have to help,” Crowley hates when Fern talks about it like that.
“Doesn’t look like you could’ve done it yourself. Thought you were going to have a blessed panic attack when you told me what you were planning,”  Fern snickers. “And who am I to let this be less than perfect for angel,”
“Don’t sssay that,” Crowley hisses, but it has no power. “Just get some tea or something, I’ve got to rush to the Ritz,” He power-walks into the cottage, out of sight.
“Good luck lover-boy!” Fern calls after him. 
Aziraphale stares into his wine glass. Crowley is now twenty minutes late. 
Envy may be a sin, but how could he not envy the woman who lies with Crowley? How could he not envy the woman who got to feel that forked tongue or thin lips or rough but gentle hands or-
A loud bang breaks him from thought. He turns to see Crowley practically running to him. 
“A-angel,” The demon pants as he slides into his chair, trying to sit like he doesn’t care while he catches his breath. “I-I was busy with...something, lost track of time,”
Aziraphale doesn’t fight him on that. “Of course, not a problem,”
The demon smiles, and Aziraphale can feel his heart clench. “So what do you want angel? I’m paying,”
By the end of dinner Aziraphale feels sick. He can see the dried sweat on Crowley, the unnatural smokiness of it could smell nice, if it wasn’t for where Aziraphale thought why the demon had been sweating. 
How had he pleasured that woman? Did he enjoy it? Did he think of doing it to Azira-
“Ready to go drink ourselves silly angel?” Crowley asked, already pulling his car-keys out.
“I think I’ll walk home,” Aziraphale says flatly. 
Crowley seems confused. “Come one, I missed the last wine night and I said I’d make up for it, I even found the good shit from Greece,” He tries. 
“I’m not in the mood for it Crowley, maybe another night,” Aziraphale stands up and begins to walk to the door.
“Hey, angel! I know I’ve been a real prick for the last few weeks, but let me make it up to you,” Crowley pleaded running after Aziraphale. 
“I’m sure you’re quite busy dear boy, so I won’t interfere,” Aziraphale spits, sounding more bitter than he intends, but doesn’t apologize. 
“Really angel, I swear, I’m sorry for being such a cock! I’ve just been really busy and-”
Aziraphale snaps around to stare at Crowley with icy eyes. “I’m sure she requires a lot of your time,” He bites, expecting Crowley to come clean or try and cover it up.
But instead, the ginger only looks confused. “She? Who’s she angel? I’m not following,
“Don’t play dumb Crowley! I know about the woman you keep picking up from your flat building, smiling at her like she’s the most important thing in you life!” Aziraphale tries to sound angry, but instead he sound hurt and sad. 
A dawing look of realization begins to cross Crowley’s face. Quickly turning his confused grimace to one of shock. 
“You-You think I’m, that I’m, I’m sleeping with her?” Crowley stammers. 
“Yes! What else are you doing with her?!” The angel whimpers through the tears that are beginning to slide down his face.
Crowley frowns deeply, saddened by the information. Wordlessly he wraps his arms around Aziraphale, squeezing like it’d push the thought out of the angel’s head.
“Oh, I’m so sorry angel, so sorry angel,” Crowley whispers into Aziraphale’s ear. “I’m sorry that you got that impression,” 
“W-what?” Aziraphale croaks. 
“I’m going to show you something, I didn’t want you to see before it was ready, but I think it’s about time now,” The demon doesn’t let Aziraphale protest before he’s snapping his fingers, sending the two into the garden in the South Downs Cottage.
When Aziraphale opens his eyes. He’s in an unfamiliar place. It smells earthy and wet here, not the polluted air of London.
He looks around, and sees that he’s standing in the middle of a garden of flowers. It’s lit dimly with amber bulbs strung up in crawling vines on a stone fence.
He looks back to Crowley. “What is this?”
Crowley laughs nervously. “I’d like it to be the Eden that never was. Forever happy and loved. But I’m missing something in it,”
“What are you missing?” 
“You. It’s always been you. You are everything that makes anything worth it. That’s why I was bringing that woman around in my car, I wanted Eden to be perfect for you,” Crowley blushes and looks away.
“Oh, Crowley,” Aziraphale crumples, he buries his face into the demon’s neck and sobs. 
“Shhh, don’t cry angel, there’s no need. All is forgiven angel,” Crowley pets Aziraphale’s hair. “Just need to ask you one question,”
Aziraphale sucks back a sob. Looking up with watery eyes and asks, “Yes?”
The demon drops to one knee and pulls out a small black box. “Forgive me if this is too fast angel, but I’m madly in love with you. Have been for six thousand years. I’d be eternally grateful if you would stay with me for eternity,” Crowley admits, opening the black box to reveal a silver ring. The design of a snake wrapped around it with bright yellow gem eyes staring at him. 
“So, what do you say angel?”
Aziraphale chokes on his words for minutes, but when he’s collected himself as best as he can, “Yes,” Is all he can say.
Crowley, in a flash, slips the ring on Aziraphale and kisses him like a drowning man finding air. 
They kiss for what feels like eternity, but ends in what feels like a second.
“I love you Crowley,” Aziraphale whispers. “I’m sorry for accusing you of such things. Especially when I never told you how I feel,” 
Crowley kisses him again. “All is forgiven angel,”
(Thanks for reading!)
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v-le · 5 years
Ktravels / Klife: Three quarters of the way through Thoughts
Foreword: I hate myself for basically posting this a whole half-a-semester later than planned. But i still believe in better late than never. Here is my journey up until midterms of semester two at Yonsei.
Who wouldve thought that this day would come…. Jk we all knew it was coming. But it has surely crept up onto me must faster than I would’ve liked… I knew that this semester here in Korea, at Yonsei University, was going to be vastly different than my previous one, but before coming into it, there was no way of gauging exactly HOW different things would be.
And yes, it has ended up being quite different indeed…. Almost every day, even with just the smallest of activities and places, I can’t help but compare to last semester. It’s just habitual at this point. “I went here last semester, I ate there last semester, we did that last semester”. Etc etc. But last semester already feels like it is worlds away. In fact, it really is.
The biggest change that I want to address is the subtle yet undeniable feeling of intensifying alienation as I stay here longer and longer. I know it sounds quite… dark. But I think it is a reality that is really worth exploring for all people that dream of different places around, that wish to create a future in the great unknown. Because once that unknown starts to become more known, how would you react? How do you deal with a society that seems to be unhealthy for your own mental standards? How do you grow in a foreign environment that is becoming less and less foreign to you as the days go by?
There have definitely been several added factors that combine together for me to come to such a conclusion…. Or no. Nothing is necessarily concluded yet. Just…a finding, a discovery thus far. As of today, I have lived in Korea for about 210 days. That’s well over half a year, that’s a pretty good chunk of my life, I would say. And just very blatantly, I want to say that I can feel how unwelcoming the Korean society is to things that it is unfamiliar with. I can feel parts of its hidden heartlessness and prejudice and condescension. The Korean society as a whole has inflicted these feelings onto me throughout the past few months. As briefly as I can, here is why:
Badminton team
Korean beauty
Air pollution
The situation with Roy is one that I can go on and on about, in all honesty… it is something that will haunt me for a long time and will leave a lasting impression on my heart. I’ve put a lot of my feelings onto a separate piece of writing, one that discloses a pain I wish I never had to spill into that text. What is most certain is that Roy’s case of facing public scrutiny was my firsthand experience of witnessing, almost essentially experiencing, how brutal, cruel, and hateful Korean netizens can be. For years, I have been aware of this online community’s relentlessness. But I never imagined in a million years that the poison of these toxic hate comments would actually affect me. I never thought there would be a day I would actually care about what these people were saying, that their words literally ended up hurting me. Even though no one was actually cussing me out, telling me to rot in jail, yelling at me to never lift my head in public again…No, I mean those malicious comments weren’t for me. They were all aimed straight for Roy, straight for his heart, straight for his life. These people were attacking his entire life like there was no tomorrow. These people spit words without even blinking once, without even thinking about the consequences of their actions, without considering how damaging. For weeks now, I have been witnessing this vicious chain of hate grow and grow. I am sick of it. It makes me cry sometimes. I cannot bear to read what so many people are saying to him now. They are sickening, they are heartless, they are pure evil. It is unfair. It is all so unfair. Just 1 picture, but a lack of knowledge, name mix-ups, and a heightened level of ignorance fuels all these terrible people’s fingers to type away behind their screens and literally ruin someone’s life. And right before my eyes, as all of this happens, I cannot do anything. I can try to manage to report some of the especially derogatory comments, I can try to support the supportive comments. But that is the most. All I can really do, what I have no other choice to do, is to just sit and watch. I’ve been watching and waiting, watching and monitoring, waiting for something more to come out, waiting for some form of reassurance. But no, ever since that day, even though today marks a month since then, nothing has changed. My heart remains shattered, I am lost, I don’t know what to do. But the hate comments continue. They will continue to be fueled by spitefulness.
And what I particularly hate about all of this are Korean news reporters’ terrible, despicable way of pulling his name into things he never had an involvement with, adding pictures and names that are irrelevant, and just their entire lack of professionalism from a factual point of view. I can tell that they are playing on people’s emotions and anger to get more publicity, to stir up more baseless hate and unnecessary misunderstandings. It is so extremely frustrating and painful to watch. I don’t understand. I don’t understand why they must be so cruel and inconsiderate. Is it amusing to watch someone’s life fall apart? Does it make you happy? Is your article’s publicity worth the entire wellbeing of an another human? I don’t understand it, I will never understand it.
The official fan organizations have never stated their removal of support for Roy. The fans never asked for his forest to get destroyed. But why does the media report these things as if they’re true? Why are they lying, literally creating false information, when they don’t even know how we actually feel or what we’ve been saying? It is so flabbergasting, and it makes me feel even more hopeless at the end of the day. Mere months ago, I saw him. He was okay. And now the entire nation hates him.
This semester, I decided to challenge myself and join the badminton team at Yonsei. It may not sound like that much of a big deal, but it is actually quite intimidating simply because my Korean is still far from perfect, and I am already a pretty introverted person to begin with. I wasn’t sure how I could even come close to making friends there. I really just wanted to play because it felt so terrible not playing for 4 months last semester. The first “friend” I made literally only ever talked to me in English (and he still occasionally continues to do so), but he actually talks about the most useless and dumb shit that, if I were to be quite honest, do not really care about. The conversations I had were just… weird… But at one point, I finally met another foreigner who is from Taiwan. And since the day we first met, we became extremely close & we actually only communicate in Korean so it’s been amazing practice for me.
But through lots of talking with her, I have discovered that she is not a newbie to the team as I am: she is a pretty long-term member but with no Korean friends. Because no one has ever once approached her. And to be honestly I was thoroughly shocked by this. She has been on the team long enough to recognize members and even some names. But before I met her, no one ever asked her to play with them, no one ever approached her & talked to her, even though her Korean is literally FLAWLESS. She is studying Korean in grad school right now! So, communication-wise she has absolutely no issues. Yet, she has never received acknowledgement from the team. And that sort of left me scarred, even though these things never personally happened to me? Before meeting her, I had at least had many decent interactions with the other members of the team and the only way I ever played a game in the first place was because someone else asked me. I never asked others first because I am just too shy. But to hear that my friend had been that sort of figure on the team for so long, was just…. Shockingly sad. I could’ve never imagined that prejudice was that real. Granted, I highly doubt the other teammates’ ever acted cold purposefully. I can tell it’s just a problem of ignorance. But that is still very serious and very.. disheartening. I think the entire situation has gotten a lot better now that I have been trying to bridge all of us together, to the best of my ability. But it is definitely not simple. As much as I enjoy playing badminton with Yonsei, I can still feel some pain on her part, too.
Being extremely skinny, wearing makeup every day, dressing nicely and in a way that is similar to everyone else, is a norm here. People strategically look a certain way in order to fit in. And that’s understandable, it is a homogenous society after all. But for me, I literally feel fat. I feel stressed every day because I feel like I should be losing weight, I should be skinnier, I should be more like everyone else. To be quite frank, it is just hard. All of these social appearance norms take a big toll on my mental health, but at the same time I can never actually bring myself to change drastically because that also would not feel natural. So I tend to stay stuck in this uncomfortable state of not knowing where I belong, not knowing where I can try to fit it in, or if I could ever been accepted in the first place. And honestly, I probably never will.
This year marks 5 years since the Sewol Fairy accident and I had the opportunity to be here in Korea during its anniversary, on 4/16. To be honest, I didn’t know much about the accident for a while. I always just assumed it was a really unfortunate occurrence. But this time, since I was really here in Korea and I could witness the people’s efforts to continue to pay their respects to the victims and their families, I ended up watching a few documentaries and videos on the event. And it was a lot worse, much deeper, and more painful than I could have ever imagined. I know all the political tensions and social questions behind this accident are extremely DEEP, so I won’t explain too much. But it just gave me a very vivid, new perspective on Korean society, in so many interesting, different ways. There is so much to ask and discuss about behind the Sewol tragedy.
Welp, life kinda smacked me right in the face so I had to take a break from this piece for a quite a while.. but here I am again in attempts to finally put it out there.
Nice on the outside, fantastic weather and kind people and an area that is very easy to walk through within a few hours. But, it very quickly dawned on me that this place is just a capitalism hotspot where I couldn’t get even a small glimpse of local traditions or just… normal life. Everything in that town was pretty much centered around tourism that it made me feel quite sad ☹ even the things that seemed like they should house normal life…. They didn’t. they were empty. Im not sure why I originally found this necessary to mention but I guess it really bothered me to a certain extent.
It’s absolute ass. Just know that. Its very very very terrible.
So…. I know im cheating, like cheating really badly by typing out all these feelings during the wrong timing, but I have no choice. A lot has been happening, and I guess I have to save that shitfest of my life for my final wrap-up piece…. Damn I don’t even want to think about that. O well. I think all I really should say for now is that… things have not been as easy as I would have liked them to be. There have been many occurrences that are just unnecessarily exhausting, stressful, and ridiculous. There are people around me that have been making my life really hard, for various reasons and in various ways. None of this even has to do with Korea or my lifestyle or school. It’s just a literal mess.
It’s all a mess and it’s kicking butt. Life is winning well ahead of me at this rate. Im overwhelmed like every day and it sucks ass but it’s okay. I am!!! Trying!! There are still many things left to be done and plans to be fulfilled. I am not giving up. Im just… crawling forward LMAO. Aight. Till next time.
끝까지 가자.
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moonbeambucky · 7 years
Pairing: Bartender!Bucky Barnes x Reader [AU] Word Count: 4305 Warnings: Slight angst, cheating, fluff
Summary: A charming bartender comes to your rescue after a night out leads to a broken heart.
A/N: This is my submission for @marvelous-fvcks 3k writing challenge. My prompt was Bartender AU. Reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated! gif source (x)
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Natasha smiled as you slipped behind her, checking the mirror to see that your makeup didn’t look awful. You had been out with her all day and didn’t feel like reapplying anything. There was no one to impress anyway considering you were already taken, in a fairly new relationship with your boyfriend Grant.
You watch with an envious stare as the redhead effortlessly applied her eyeliner, painting her lids with a smooth swipe and a simple flick at the ends to make perfect, even wings. Witchcraft!
“It’ll be fun tonight,” Natasha said, her mouth hanging open as she applied mascara. “Clint’s heard them before, they’re pretty good.”
She was referring to the band playing at a bar near her boyfriend Clint’s apartment. With Grant being away on a business trip this weekend you were lonely but thankfully your best friend came through with plans.
You took an Uber to Clint’s apartment, coming upstairs for a bit because he was running late. Clint opened the door clutching the towel around his waist.
“Hey Nat, Y/N,” he said, welcoming you inside.
Natasha kissed him and sighed, “You didn’t even get in the shower yet?”
Clint chuckled. “Nah, I over–”
“–Slept,” she said in unison. “Uh huh, what else is new?” She laughed under her breath and told him to hurry up.
Natasha made space on the couch for you to sit, clearing away clothes and video game controllers, and placing the empty pizza boxes on the kitchen counter.
“He’s a mess but I love him,” she said, plopping next to you.
Within ten minutes Clint was out of the shower and dressed in some jeans, a t-shirt that definitely looked like it had come from a crumpled pile on the floor and a denim jacket over it. Natasha rolled her eyes as she laced her fingers with his and the three of you made your way to the bar.
It was a short walk to The Captain, the bar appropriately named after its owner, a former army Captain. It was a pretty popular place with live music every weekend. You got there early enough to grab a table in the back before the band started.
Heading to the bar with Natasha you squeezed your way in between the boisterous patrons crowding around the high top counter. The bartender locked his eyes with yours, wordlessly letting you know he’ll be right with you though you didn’t mind the wait, not if it meant you could ogle him for longer.
He was tall and broad, with long brown hair falling just above his shoulders and stubble peppering a sharp jawline. Even in the dim bar lighting you could see his sparkling blue eyes. There was no harm in looking you reminded yourself as you thought of Grant.
“What can I get you doll?” he asked, his voice as smooth as silk, leaning over to you.
You’re taken back by his presence, lost in his wide bright smile. Heat simmered on your cheeks as you stood there awkwardly, before remembering your intention of ordering drinks.
“That’s a lot for one person,” the bartender said, grabbing three glasses from underneath the counter.
“Oh, no,” you giggled nervously, “They’re not all for me.”
“I was just kidding,” he said, flashing that gorgeous smile again and winking while you stood there feeling like a complete idiot.
When he turned around to grab the liquor bottles you found yourself in a trance, watching the way his muscles threatened the integrity of his shirt with every movement. A rough tap on your shoulder broke you from your focused gaze, startling you enough to yelp loudly; your scream blending into the loud rock music blasting from the jukebox.
It was Natasha, her face twisted in confusion as to why you look so scared. She held money out to you for the drinks, awkwardly grabbing it as you tried to shake off your nerves before you realized the bartender was chuckling with light laughter having seen the whole thing. As if you weren’t embarrassed enough already.
He placed the drinks on the counter and your nervous hands shook as you paid and tipped him, wanting to rush back to the table as quickly as possible.
Clint was sitting in a booth, rocking his head and air drumming to the music blasting.
“Slide over,” Nat urged and you both sat down.
The drink went down smooth, perfectly made by the handsome bartender, and you were able to relax as you listened to Clint in his attempt to convince Nat to try archery with him.
“Just because my hair is red it does not make me Merida,” she joked, speaking loudly to make up for the large crowd that began to pile around the stage.
Soon the band Star-Lord came on and the place was electric. There’s something about the energy you get from live music, with everyone drinking, dancing and just letting go to have a good time. They played an awesome mix of 70s and 80s music from all genres and you were having the best time.
“If you like Piña Coladas…”
“And getting caught in the rain!” you and Natasha enthusiastically sang.
You finished your drink a while ago but didn’t feel like getting up for a refill as you were enjoying the band. During a slower song you shimmied out of the booth and asked if anyone else wanted something. Natasha and Clint both declined and so you made your way upfront. A smile found its way to your face as you watched the bartender mixing drinks and laughing with the other patrons.
You turned your gaze around to the other side of the bar watching people at the row of pool tables. Seeing an unexpected face caused your smile to drop as your brows knit together in confusion.
You spotted Grant standing behind a beautiful brunette, and even across the room you can see the lustful look in eyes. With a smirk plastered on his face he slowly pushed her forward, leaning over her body leaving no room in between. One hand gripped her waist as the other slowly glided down her forearm until his hand was stroking her fingers between the pool stick.
You can feel your blood boiling beneath your skin as you marched towards them, “Away for work, huh?!”
Grant looked up in shock not expecting to see you, “Y/N. I-I can explain.”
The tall woman beside him looks at you and laughed. “This is Y/N? Ha, wow babe, seriously?”
If you weren’t shocked before this definitely put you over the edge as you felt your heart testing the strength of your ribcage with its furious pounding, “Excuse me?”
“Aida stop,” he said, putting his arm out in front of her before she answered you. “Listen Y/N it just wasn’t working out.”
Your head shook in disbelief. “Since when Grant? Since yesterday?” Instead of responding he simply pressed his lips together into a tight line. “Did you just want to cheat or are you not man enough to actually break up with me?”
Grant’s face twisted with anger. “I’m more man than you’ll ever have so shut your fucking mouth bitch!” he shouted, taking an aggressive step towards you while Aida smirked with sickening pride.
Your altercation had already gained the attention of the people around you but now the bartender had looked up. He quickly got the attention of another man to tend to the bar in his place while he rushed to your side.
“Don’t you dare talk to her life that,” a voice from behind you commanded.
You looked around, surprised to see the bartender next to you.
“Whatever I need to say to Y/N is none of your business so back the fuck off,” Grant snarled.
“Y/N what is Grant doing here?” You turned around to see Natasha who looked just as confused as you first did.
“When you threaten someone it is my business,” the bartender snapped back.
Grant’s jaw clenched as anger soared through him. Puffing his chest up he clenched his fists. The bartender noticed this and took a protective step in front of you in case the idiot in front of him dared to do something stupid.
A blond man marched over, vehemently insisting that Grant leave. “This is my bar and you’re not welcome here anymore.”
He made sure Grant and Aida left without trouble and nodded back to the bartender, asking if everything was alright. The bartender made a face, knowing things were better now that the jerk was gone but as he saw the bewildered look on your face he knew things may not be alright.
“Y/N is it?” he asked gently. You picked your head up from Natasha’s shoulder to look at him. “Are you okay?”
“If by ‘okay’ you mean completely humiliated then yeah, I’m okay,” you sighed. He gave a sympathetic smile in return.
“Do you wanna get out of here?” Natasha asked as she rubbed your back.
No, you didn’t. Sure you were upset and completely embarrassed but if you left you know you would just go home and cry. You and Grant hadn’t been together for long, you hadn’t said “I love you” yet which is good because you didn’t love him, but to be cheated on and disrespected like this hurt all the same. What other option is there but to stay and drink? Drink tonight and cry tomorrow, that sounded like the best plan.
Natasha walked you back to the table, filling in Clint on what happened. “I’ll kill him!” he said. Nat hushed him, knowing you’d rather not talk about it anymore.
He mimed drawing a bow back, adding a swooshing noise as he let go, “Nobody would know.”
Natasha flared her eyes at him and he shut up. “Clint get us a round of something,” she told him.
“Make it strong!” you insisted.
He came back with a full pitcher of Long Island Iced Tea and placed the glasses down on the table. After settling into the booth Clint excitedly rubbed his hands together, anxious to pour the drinks.
“Cheers!” he said, holding his glass up as you and Natasha clinked your drinks together with his.
You sat back in the booth watching Star-Lord continue their set not paying attention to the amount of drinks you had, just refilling your glass almost as quickly as you emptied it. You didn’t realize how drunk you were until you tried to stand up to dance and stumbled back down into the booth laughing hysterically.
You lied to Natasha and told her you were fine, but your heated cheeks and glossy eyes told a different story. She let it go, preferring to see her friend smiling even if it would be short lived as she knew the wicked hangover you were in for.
You took a few deep breaths before attempting to get up again, telling her that you were going to the bathroom. You insisted on going alone despite her protests but promised to be right back.
The walls echoed with the pumping music making every step you took feel more off balanced than you already were. Heading to the sink you ran the cold water, splashing it against your fiery skin feeling temporary relief. You stared at your reflection in the empty room feeling the crushing weight of the emptiness in your life. What’s wrong with me?
Suddenly all of your insecure feelings came rushing in. You pictured Aida, tall, thin and beautiful with big green eyes. It’s like somebody built her she was so perfect, and you, well, you’re not her. Tears stung your eyes as they threatened to drop. It felt like the small room was closing in on you and you needed fresh air. Stumbling out of the bathroom you saw a door in the back leading outside and quickly walked through it.
As soon as the cool air hit your skin you let your tears drop, gently brushing them away as you walked to the side of the building. You were too embarrassed to face the street, feeling as if every passerby would be able to read the details of what happened on your face. You leaned against the building and shut your eyes, hoping that the world would stop spinning before you went back inside.
Natasha was worried when you didn’t come back. She checked the bathroom and even had Clint search the men’s room as she called and texted you to no avail. They searched the whole bar but you weren’t there.
“Hey!” She waved her hands frantically to get the bartender’s attention. “Have you seen Y/N?”
He shook his head no, furrowing his brows with worry. Natasha told him they were going outside to look for you, “If you see her please have her call me!”
He poured drinks with less enthusiasm since your friend told him you were missing, constantly looking past the faces sitting as his bar hoping he found yours. His concern caught the eye of the blond who was restocking some liquor bottles.
“Hey Steve, do you mind if I take a few minutes?” he asked.
“Sure Buck. Is everything okay?”
“I’m not sure,” he vaguely responded.
The bartender went through the kitchen doors, rubbing his temples, hoping that you were okay. He headed for the back door to clear his mind when relief washed over him as he saw you slumped on the floor.
“Y/N! Are you okay?”
“Heyyyy issyou!” you slurred. “I can’t get up,” you humphed, raising your arms up over your head.
He helped stand you up, gripping your waist to steady you on your feet. “I’m okay, ‘mokay,” you repeated. “I can’t find the bar, the door moved.”
“You found it doll. Are—” you interrupted him, catching him off guard as you leaned forward into his chest.
“She’s so pretty. How could he do that?” you drunkenly sobbed.
He gently wrapped his arms around you, feeling terrible that you were crying over that asshole.
“Anyone that would treat you that way isn’t worth your tears.”
You wiped your cheeks, and sniffed a few times, wiping your snotty nose with the back of your hand. Looking up at the bartender your lips pulled to a slight smile as you thanked him.
“You’re sooo nice. Wha’s your name?” you slurred again, feeling the alcohol take over once more.
“Bucky,” he said, flashing a smile that was even more stunning up close. “Your friend was lookin’ for you, the redhead.”
A stupid smile spread across your face as you giggled, “Oh yeah… Tasha… Tanasha Ronamoff. Wait… Nasasha…”
As you continued to ramble and butcher her name you pulled out your phone but it slipped from your grasp. Bucky bent down to reach it for you and thankfully the screen hadn’t cracked. He wiped away pebbles of dirt from the front before holding it out to you.
“Natasha?” he guessed, as you stood still, staring off to the side of the building without answering him.
The sound of Bucky’s voice faded into the background as you focused on the uneasy rumble in the pit of your stomach. Your mouth watered uncomfortably as the trembling sensation you felt began to rise to the surface like an erupting volcano and then you emptied the contents of your stomach that burned their way through your body like lava.
Bucky jumped back but not before you had christened his boots with vomit. Despite that, he bravely moved beside you and grabbed your hair, this time avoiding the stream coming from your mouth, to hold it back as your body continued to expunge itself of the alcohol.
You rubbed the tears from your eyes when you were finished and moved to lean against the wall as you struggled for breath feeling the stinging after burn in your throat.
With your phone still in his hand Bucky scrolled to find Natasha in your contacts, calling her a few times before deciding to leave a message since she didn’t answer, mentioning something about Uber. He pulled his own phone out and asked for your address.
The world felt like it was covered in a haze and before you realized it Bucky was ushering you to the sidewalk. His strong frame kept you from stumbling as he got your safely into the car.
“This is my buddy Scott, he’ll take you home,” Bucky said. He leaned in through the passenger’s side window to talk to Scott, knowing he could trust him to make sure you made it home without trouble.
“Get home safe doll,” he said before seeing the car drive off.
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Bright sunlight burned its way in through the window, reaching your swollen, tired eyes. You groaned, turning onto your side, barely able to lift your heavy head from the pillow. Opening your mouth was a difficult task as your tongue felt so dry it seemed as if it was fused to the roof of your mouth. Somehow you managed to sit up in bed, hanging your head low as you dragged your hands down your face.
The buzzing of your phone startled you and looking around your bed and nightstand you’re relieved to see a light shining in the darkness of your handbag on the floor. Reaching your foot out you hooked it onto the straps and pulled the bag towards you.
Natasha called you over twenty times and left text messages that seemed like they went on longer than War and Peace. Clint had called a couple of times too, plus there was a voicemail from your Mom and a text from a number that wasn’t in your contacts.
“Hey doll, how are you feeling?”
You responded by asking who it was from, quickly seeing the bubbles of the mystery texter responding back, “Bucky.”
“Who the hell is Bucky?” you said out loud before it hit you, before everything hit you, every stupid and regretful thing you did last night.
The entire night was embarrassing, from finding your now ex-boyfriend cheating on you, drinking too much and vomiting on Bucky, the hot bartender.
You frantically apologized with too many exclamation points. You noticed he was writing back but you were too ashamed to look. Throwing your phone on the bed you jumped off the mattress and headed to the bathroom to wash your face.
“What the fuck!” you screamed, examining the whites of your eyes that now sported a rosy tint to them, with a disgusting broken blood vessel beside your pupil.
Note to self, don’t ever drink again unless you want to become a permanent extra on The Walking Dead.
Popping open the bottle of aspirin you took two pills to the kitchen, swallowing them down with a tall glass of water before shuffling back to your bedroom.
After shutting your blinds you crawled back under the covers, back into the shameful hole you feel that you belong in. Your phone buzzed again with Bucky’s response and taking a deep breath you braced yourself for what his text said.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Don’t worry about it? You vomited on a person, of course you’re going to worry about it!
Remembering to respond to Natasha first you let her know you’re okay but you feel like human garbage. You continued to exchange texts back and forth with Bucky, learning he was surprisingly cool with being thrown up on, a risk he was used to in his line of work. He told you he rinsed his boots off, but you still felt terrible, offering to buy him new shoes. He asked for something else in exchange, coffee.
Your head began to spin and not just because you might still be drunk. The incredibly hot bartender that witnessed the disaster that was your evening, who you’ve thrown up on, wants to go out for coffee. You can’t quite place your finger on how you feel, happy you guess, a little weird, hmm and definitely still drunk. You’ll have to talk to Natasha about this after she undoubtedly yells at you for disappearing.
A few days go by before your meet up with Bucky. You had continued to message each other, quickly falling into a routine where his was the first message you saw when you woke up and the last before you went to bed, often wishing you sweet dreams. Thinking about Bucky definitely gave you some sweet dreams. Natasha had encouraged you to pursue whatever this was, even though you insisted it was only coffee.
You spotted Bucky from across the street, running his fingers through his hair. The sun illuminated his bright white t-shirt, which showed off his bulging biceps. It was truly unfair how someone could look so good in casual clothing. Inhaling a stiff breath you gathered yourself together and crossed the street.
Bucky’s eyes lit up when he saw you and you couldn’t help but to smile from ear to ear.
“Hey Y/N,” he said, leaning in to hug you.
You let yourself enjoy being enveloped by his large frame for as long as you could. His embrace felt like being wrapped in a blanket on a cold winter day, with warmth spreading throughout your body.
“Hi Bucky,” you greeted, not quite making eye contact with him as the thoughts of your last encounter were on your mind.
“You look great.”
You burst out laughing a bit more than you had intended. “Yeah, well, anything is better than when you last saw me. That wasn’t my finest moment.” Bucky laughed at your admission.
He held the door open as you walked inside the crowded cafe. Grabbing a small table in the corner you sat down and looked over the menu, occasionally lifting your eyes to get a quick glance at Bucky whose gaze was staring firmly at you.
His lips were pulled into a smile, one he couldn’t help but wear as he was taking in all the beautiful features of your face that were highlighted by the soft daylight that filtered in through the window. His stomach twisted when he saw the splotch of red in your eye, a remnant from the last time he saw you.
It was understandable after what happened that you wanted to distract yourself by drinking. If that happened at any other bar Bucky would have loved to punch the smirk right off the face of your ex.
He was happy in a strange way, that the jerk who certainly didn’t deserve you was no longer the recipient of your sweet messages. Each time Bucky’s phone buzzed his heart began to beat a little faster in anticipation of seeing your name. The messages were simple, asking how each other’s day was or wondering if you binged the same shows on Netflix. Conversation was easy and Bucky couldn’t wait to get to know you more.
A server came by to take your order of coffee and pastries, taking away the menu you were not-so secretly hiding your face behind to compose yourself. Looking at Bucky was dangerous, knowing the longer your sober mind took in his perfect smile and sparkling eyes the more you would have to acknowledge the fluttering of your heart.
As you waited for your food to arrive Bucky broke the silence and you both opened up, finding out more and more that you had in common. You tried not to let your mind run wild; this was coffee and nothing more, but then again he hasn’t stopped smiling.
The fork slowly pulled out of Bucky’s lips. “Mmmm, this is so good,” he moaned, electrifying your already fragile mind with dirty thoughts. “You have to try it.”
Before you could protest he held his fork in front of you, offering you a piece of his cinnamon roll. You licked your lips before opening your mouth, he smirked watching the fork disappear between your lips, humming in satisfaction as the warm dough and sugary icing deliciously exploded along your tongue.
“Just a sec,” he said, swiping his thumb by the top of your lip to brush away a bit of icing. Your body tingled under his soft touch and you dropped your head down as you felt heat rush to your cheeks.
Clearing your throat, you brushed a strand of hair behind your ears, “I never thanked you for helping me and making sure I got home safe.”
Bucky sat back and smiled deeply. “You’re welcome. It was the least I could do.”
“A lot of people wouldn’t have been as…” you paused for a moment, thinking about the vulnerable situation you were in, drunk off your ass with a stranger, “…Respectful as you were.”
“Decency shouldn’t be a surprise,” he lamented, knowing how many times he’s had to personally intervene when he saw others trying to take advantage of drunk people. “Though I will apologize if Scott started talking to you about his ant farm.”
You burst out laughing, catching the side eyed look of the table next to you. “I wouldn’t have remembered if he did!”
When the server brought the check you insisted on paying, “Bucky, please it’s the least I can do.”
“Fine, but I’m paying on our next date,” he said, cocking his head to the side and smiling.
“Oh, this was a date?” you asked, as sarcasm and hopefulness combined in your tone.
Bucky rubbed the back of his neck, sporting a coy smile. “Well, maybe, maybe not, but I’d love to take you on a real date Y/N.”
You bit your lip to hold back the full smile you felt forming on your face. Taking a breath to calm your fluttering heart, “I’ll drink to that.”
“Please don’t,” he pleaded, laughing.
Putting your hands up defensively you chuckled, “Okay okay!”
“I’m just teasing,” he said. Bucky lifted his coffee cup up to yours, “Cheers!”
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xalmasyx · 7 years
Retail Hell - Chapter 6
Words: 1,758
Series: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Pairings: Seto Kaiba/OFC
Warnings: Just a few swears.
AO3 Link
Rose stared at the receipt in her hands impassively.
Surely they couldn’t be this stupid.
“What seems to be the problem?”
She stood corrected.
Adjust glasses to bridge of nose. Deep breath in, and then out. Okay, you got this Rose.
“Ma’am, this receipt is not from our store, it’s from the Armani store in Tokyo. And we don’t even stock this suit.”
The woman glared at her as if she insulted her first born child.
Oh, if only that were the case. The woman was most definitely using her husband’s credit card to fill her face with plastic. Their kids must be hideous.
“What is the problem with that? It’s an Armani, you sell those here!”
“Not that particular style. I can’t refund it.”
Rose could sense it, those eight words that usually rung true with every difficult housewife she encountered.
“I would like to speak to your manager.”
And there it was! Right on time.
“Sure thing. Just one moment.”
And with a passive aggressive smile she was able to free herself from another insufferable customer that could not fathom that you just cannot return goods to any store of your choosing.
It left her thinking what kind of suits Kaiba’s now fired stylist had made him wear during meetings and press conferences. Suits that were so bad that he disposed of them.
Did he actually dispose of them? Or donate them?
Maybe she could salvage them and make tacky dog suits for Gloria if the pattern designs were horrible enough.
Pfft, nah. That would be asking too much to ask Seto Kaiba to donate his shitty old suits to be made into dog clothes.
Loud barking echoed through the halls of Rose’s shared unit as Gloria actively lost her shit at the doorbell chiming ‘Au Calire De La Lune’ in its high pitched entirety and she was just about ready for her date.
‘I’ll be at your door at 7:30, be ready.’ Kaiba’s text message said, lighting her phone up ostentatiously at her vanity as she put on the finishing touches of her light makeup. The clock on the top right hand corner of the screen only said 7:15.
He was early.
She would have to entrust that Veronica held the common sense not to answer the door wearing what she was last seen in; a pair of tight fitting booty shorts and a tank top, completely braless and nipples free to do as they please whilst the air conditioner was going on full blast in their living room. The damn American just loved frigid temperatures inside the house and Rose could never understand why.
Sighing, she moved to her closet to pick out her dress. Whilst she had many formal outfits, many of them clashed with her deep purple locks; which she had meticulously styled in a bun, leaving her bangs to frame her face, so she chose to wear a lilac knee length, low cut maxi dress that she had sewn for one of her assessments earlier in the year. It accentuated her curves perfectly and would do even more so once she put on her white kitten heels at the front door, the chiffon and polyester draped over her body mirroring the A+ she had received for such a well designed and well fitted item.
It showed more of the Blue Eyes White Dragon tattoo on her breast than she would have liked, but it was better than nothing.
She clasped a dainty silver chain around her neck with a single teardrop diamond that sat at her clavicle before exiting her bedroom to face the music, suddenly becoming nervous about what Kaiba would think of her choice of outfit.
Surely he can’t be expecting brand names from a university student.
Her fears were short lived as she made her way into the living room. Kaiba had snapped up from the couch, mouth slightly agape as he took in her features. He scrubbed up quite nicely too in the navy blue Calvin Klein suit that she picked out for him earlier in the day.
And it looked like Gloria had made a new friend, the Corgi gazing up adoringly at Kaiba as he regarded Rose in an impressed silence.
Veronica was too engrossed in playing the Dante Must Die mode in Devil May Cry 4 to care.
“Uh, you look nice Kaiba.”
Oh yeah, this date was going to go swimmingly.
The first half of the limo ride was filled with an awkward silence. It left Rose wondering about the legality in the tinted windows that adorned the car, she could see the passing cityscape into the CBD of Downtown Domino, but she doubted that anyone could see in.
That alleviated her worries about her face being in photos, at least.
The only other problem was…
“Hey Kaiba.”
“What is it?” He seemed particularly unphased by her breaking the silence.
“Well… I don’t want my face in photos. You know- I uh. Well, I don’t want the whole world knowing that we’re dating just yet.” She began fiddling with her freshly manicured fingernails, her damn nervous habit of saying ‘well’ way too much rearing its ugly head.
Please be nice, please be nice, please be nice.
“Has this got something to do with the fact that none of your pictures on your online profiles lack your face?” Perceptive, as always.
“Uh yeah, I suppose.” She shifted her gaze to see his sapphire eyes watching her curiously. He had every right to question her; she wasn’t being particularly honest with her origins.
With time she would be. She hoped.
He looked like he was about to respond, until a familiar game’s victory theme chimed in the air, coming from Rose’s purse.
“Uh, do you mind if I answer that?” He shook his head no so she reached into her purse to find that her grandmother was calling her.
Such perfect timing Grandma.
It didn’t stop her face from lighting up though. It had been a long time since she last spoke to her grandparents.
“Hi Grandma.” Kaiba raised his eyebrow at her and she just smiled back.
‘An- Rose! How are you my dear?’
“Good, good. And how are you and Grandpa?”
‘Oh you know… we just keep on keeping on.’
“And the animals?”
‘Oh they’re fine as always. The hens are laying quite well considering the horrendous weather.’
“Ah that’s right, it snowed in Ballarat last month, didn’t it?”
‘Yes, quite interesting indeed. Your grandfather and I would have made snow angels but I’m afraid you would not be able to get us back up!’
Rose laughed, but she shouldn’t really ignore her date much longer. She looked to Kaiba with a mischievous glint in here eye which he returned with his own look of confusion.
“Hey Grandma…”
‘Yes Rose?’
“I’m actually on my way out to dinner with my new boyfriend.”
She was certain Kaiba heard that.
‘Who is he? How old is he? He better be well behaved! You are the only thing of your mother’s we have le-’
“Grandma. Stop.” Best to nip that in the bud quickly. “Why don’t you say hello? His English is quite good.”
He’s most certainly never met anyone like Rose Brikmore, otherwise he probably would have kicked her out of the car the very moment she suggested such a thing. Instead, he wordlessly reached out his hand to take her phone.
“Nuh uh, Grandma is a trouble maker. I’m putting her on speaker.”
He smirked at her, “At least I know where you get it from.”
“Oh ha, ha.”
‘Come on kids, English. My old ears can’t understand much else!’
“Oh alright, Grandma say hello to Seto Kaiba.”
‘Hello Seto Kaiba, you can call me Bernie, everybody around here does.’
“Understood, Bernie. Seto is fine by me.”
So her Grandma is allowed to call him by his first name?
Still, his pronunciation was quite impressive. But he was the CEO of Kaiba Corp. She shouldn’t be surprised.
‘Hmm Seto. What do you do? You better not be some cheap delinquent!’ Was he really going to entertain that notion?
Oh no, he’s smirking. Was it time to abort?
Yeah let’s do that.
Let’s just-
“I’m afraid not. I’m actually the CEO of Japan’s biggest gaming technology company.”
Then there was silence.
‘How old are you?’ She didn’t believe him.
Silence, again.
Oh Grandma.
“Grandma, do me a favour and get Grandpa to Google Kaiba.”
‘You best not be joking around young lady… TREVOR! Turn your hearing aid up! No I will not come over, turn that bloody thing up! Rose is asking you to Google Seto Kaiba. Why? He’s her boyfriend apparently. I don’t know I haven’t asked yet. Rose dear, how long have the two of you been together?’
“Just today, Grandma.”
‘Just today Trevor!’
Rose was hoping Kaiba wasn’t getting annoyed, but when she looked at him, he was actually amused.
This was so out of character from what she expected of him. Not once did she imagine that he would entertain the thought of speaking to her grandparents over the phone before they commenced their second date.
But here they were.
‘Oh… not bullshit.’
“No Bernie, it’s not.”
‘You’re quite handsome, for a Japanese bloke.’
“You flatter me.”
‘Are my great gandbabies going to look like you?’
“GRANDMA!” Rose nearly dropped her phone in shock and she heard her grandmother laugh. Even Kaiba looked shocked at her forwardness.
That sly old woman.
‘I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I suppose I should leave you two to your date.’
Coincidentally, at that very moment the driver announced that they had arrived at their destination. It was a place that the affluent frequented, Rose could immediately tell by the amount of flashes pointed at the limo. The paparazzi were everywhere.
“Yeah, thanks Grandma. I’ll speak to you later.”
‘Goodbye Seto, look after my little girl for me will you?’
“Of course I will Bernie, goodbye.”
Rose didn’t notice Kaiba slip off his jacket. She was too busy looking out at all the cameras flashing at the car. How the hell was she supposed to get past that?
“Rose,” She turned around for him to drape the jacket over her head. “It’s not perfect, but they won’t see your face. Just stay close to me.”
Somehow, through practiced precision, Kaiba was able to get her through the sea of reporters and photographers without showing her face once.
Just another thing to thank him for, she guessed.
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chimsmybestfriend · 8 years
Stay With Me
Pairing: Sehun x Reader x Jimin
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut (not too detailed but it’s there)
Words: 6k+
First fanfic warning. Please don’t mind the smut scene too much since it’s my first time writing smut ahah. I would also deeply appreciate some feedback :)
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You rush to Sehun’s house as quickly as possible after returning from the mall with a brand new expensive watch you knew he had always been eyeing and a delicious red velvet cake which your boyfriend of two years has always loved – since it was his birthday today.
You had asked your boss if you could leave work earlier a day before, making sure to do a little extra work so he’d give in to your request. Thankfully enough he did, as he seemed to be in quite a good mood today as well.
You finally reach his front door and begin to unlock it, stepping into his apartment as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake him up since he was always asleep around this time. Since he was always out late at night due to his hectic job as a doctor, he had the whole morning until evening to sleep.
You set the cake down onto the kitchen counter and proceed to tiptoe quietly towards his bedroom with a wide grin over your face. You push the door open gently and are about to walk over to him when you see a sight that makes your heart drop to your stomach – your smile faltering completely.
He’s not alone.
You see long tufts of curly brown hair and a milky bare shoulder peeking out through the bedsheet, right next to his head.
You feel all emotions crash down onto you instantly.
Feelings of betrayal, sadness and grief wash over you as if it were a massive wave slamming into you, making you feel as if you were drowning and unable to breath – asphyxiated.
Two years of a relationship – gone.
All the love and trust you built together on what seemed like a solid foundation came crumbling down. Seeing his peaceful figure right beside hers was a cold steely punch directly to your heart, shattering it into tiny fragments you weren’t sure you’d ever be able to fix back together.
You know you should walk away or wake him up and slap him, but your feet are stuck firmly to the ground as if you were standing in cement.
You taste something salty enter your mouth and you realise that you are crying, tears stream down your face uncontrollably like rain.
You blink your eyes repeatedly and shake your head, getting yourself out of your daze. You suck in a deep, shaky breath, the air making your nostrils and lungs burn as you turn around and head back out to the living room.
You take one final look around before wiping your face of dried tears and head back to your car. You sit in it for about ten minutes, thinking of everything that’s just happened. You thought you trusted him, you thought he loved you enough – especially to not cheat.  
Guess you were wrong.
You yell out in frustration as you suddenly feel anger course through your veins like adrenaline as if you were in a flight or fight response – completely taking over you as you storm back into his apartment, not even bothering to be quiet or sneaky this time as you pick up the cake from the counter.
You head over to his bedroom and stand over your now ex-boyfriend and bitch, raising the cake over your head, your hands trembling in anger.
You throw it down as hard as you can with the aid of your newly found energy, chunks of red velvet cream splattering everywhere over his bed and over the two of them.
They sit up immediately, completely oblivious to the fact that you were the one who threw the cake at them.
Sehun then sees you standing in front of him and his eyes widen in utter shock as his mouth falls wide open, “Y/N, what the hell?!”
You narrow your eyes at him, crossing your arms over your chest tightly as if they would help prevent you from exploding or committing murder right in front of them.
You slip the promise ring off your finger which he gave to you on your first anniversary and throw it at him square in his forehead, earning a loud “Ow!” from him. You turn around on your heels and rush to leave his apartment, desperate to leave his apartment, hearing him cry out your name as he stumbles after you, begging you to give him a chance and listen, but you knew better than to tolerate his useless reasoning.
Once a cheater, always a cheater.
You slam the door in his face before he could reach you only to hear a loud, sickening crunch.
You come to an immediate halt and turn around slowly, gasping at the sight before you. Sehun’s face is morphed into pain and shock as he cradles his hand with a finger that’s bent at an odd angle. At first you’re in shock but you quickly regain your composure when you see the woman he was with run up to him to help him, a look of utter shock and disgust portrayed on her face, probably thinking that you did it intentionally.
Sehun however looks at you directly, guilt and sadness evident in his eyes as he quietly murmurs, “I’m sorry, Y/N – I really am.”
You feel tears prick your eyes once again as you struggle to keep them from falling down onto your cheeks. You give him one last look before you head back to your car, driving away as fast as possible to put miles of space between you and him.
You don’t feel like going home so you decide to go over to Seulgi’s, your best friend’s place knowing that you could easily count on her during times like these.
She opens the door and immediately pulls you into a big, warm hug when she sees your puffy eyes and blotchy face.
She closes the door behind her and leads you to her sofa, her arm still around you when she asks, “Y/N, what’s going on?” and you instantly start to sob into her shoulder. She responds by rubbing your back soothingly and pulls you closer to her, the action making you feel slightly better.
“Baby, I’m here for you, you can tell me whenever you’re ready, alright?”
After what seems like half an hour and your tear ducts couldn’t release any more tears, you pull away from her and she hands you a tissue to wipe your face with. You let out a shaky breath and tell her about everything that’s happened today. She doesn’t rush you to finish, instead she sits with you patiently as you take your time to speak.
When you’re done talking, she pulls you into another hug and whispers, “I’m so sorry, Y/N.” She places both hands on your cheeks. “I just hope you know that he doesn’t deserve you. You’re kind, amazing, lovable and you don’t deserve any of that. Not all relationships work out, Y/N, sometimes they end for the better.”
“I know,” you croaked. She gives you a small smile before leaving, only to come back moments later with a towel and some clothes.
“Y/N, go take a bath, you’ll feel better. I’m also going to make some of your favorite chicken soup, and then we’ll have ice cream and watch a comedy movie, okay?” You nod at her and manage a weak smile before heading to the bathroom.
You strip out of your clothes and turn up the heat to it’s maximum setting. The water is hot – so hot that it’s cold, but you enjoy it. You scrub your body harshly until it’s red and raw, visualising that you were washing your emotions away. You change into the clothes Seulgi gave you and join her for dinner in her kitchen. You then help her clear the table and you both head back to the living room to watch a movie and enjoy some chocolate ice cream.
It’s strangely silent between you two due to the fact that you didn’t feel like talking, however you were so grateful for Seulgi being there for you, that you decide to speak.
“Seulgi, thank you,” you murmur quietly, glancing in her direction. She reaches out to hold your hand and smiles warmly at you. “Anything for you, Y/N.”
You lay on her sofa, feeling depression wash over you once again as you think about today’s events. What was it about her that he liked which you didn’t have? Was she more attractive to him than you were? Was she more interesting than you were? What is it that she had, which you didn’t have? You feel insecurity start creeping over you, knowing that you’ll never be good enough for anyone.  Knowing that something you will never be is different; and different is all they want.
Seulgi suddenly gets up and switches the TV off. She stands right in front of you with her hands on her hips as she says, “Alright, that’s enough. I am not going to watch you mope around in sadness. I am not going to watch you lose yourself over an idiot. Get up.” She yanks you up on your feet and you’re still in a daze.
“How did yo-“ you begin but she interrupts you, “I saw it on your face, duh. Now get up and go get dressed, we’re going out.”
You were not in the mood to go out, but you can never reject Seulgi or else she’ll go ballistic, so you sigh in defeat and march to her room unwillingly with her right behind you.
You plop down onto her bed as she digs around her closet to pick an outfit for you. After a while, she throws out a purple turtleneck and a short leather skirt at you. She points at it, “Get dressed now.” You have to oblige, so you put the clothes on, surprised at how well they fitted you and how nicely it emphasized your curvy figure. The skirt stopped right above your mid-thigh, and you were glad that Seulgi didn’t pick out something too short for you.
She ushers you towards her dressing table and commands you to sit. You close your eyes as she starts putting makeup on your face, feeling smooth lipstick slide over your lips and your lashes being curled with mascara.
You open your eyes and you can’t help but to feel impressed by Seulgi’s skills. She applied purple lipstick onto your lips, the colour contrasting nicely against your skin and also matching your purple turtleneck. You stand up to admire how you look in the mirror while smoothening your skirt and you see Seulgi beaming at your reaction.
“You look gorgeous, Y/N – I’m sure you know it. Feel better?” she asks. You grumble a yes in response as she hurries to get ready. Once she’s done, she links her arms through yours and pulls you out into the night.
About half an hour later, she pulls up in the parking lot of your town’s hottest club, and you can’t help but to think of how crappy Seulgi’s idea is.
You glance at her and roll your eyes. “Really, Seulgi?” She grins at you in response, “Hey, I’ve got a good feeling about this place okay?” “Ugh, whatever. Let’s go.”
Then both of you are out of her car and stepping into the nightclub booming with loud music and flashing lights radiating in every color, thrashing in all directions. The familiar smell of alcohol mixed with expensive perfume and sweat assaults your nostrils as you grimace. You do not want to be here. At all. You do not want to socialize with people. You do not want to have a one night stand with a random guy who’ll only treat you right for one night, only to throw you away like trash the next day.
Seulgi is leading you over to the dance floor, but you tell her that you do not have any energy to dance, so you pull her over to the bar instead and plop down on a bar stool.  She orders a gin and tonic while you order one of the simplest drinks ever – water. The bartender smirks at your order and Seulgi’s eyes are wide open, her mouth formed in a big ‘o’ at your choice of drink.
You stare at her with a bored expression on your face and shrug casually. “Well then, your drink’s on me,” she mumbles and you can’t help but to chuckle quietly at her. “I don’t want to end up calling Sehun all drunk and beg him to come back, Seulgi,” you mutter. She nods in agreement, completely understanding your reasoning.
You both then talk about everything and anything except for Sehun, cracking jokes and you ask Seulgi about what’s going on in her life, wanting nothing more than to distract yourself of what’s going on in yours.
You suddenly hear some insanely loud cheering coming from the dance floor and you feel irritation creep into you when you turn your head to find the source of noise.
Five well-dressed men are standing in the middle, surrounding what seems to be two other men having a dance battle. One man’s got a larger frame, well-built and a little brawny compared to the other who’s a little smaller but leaner. It seems to be the smaller man’s turn now and you can’t help but to find yourself watching him in awe.
You feel all traces of irritation melt away when you’re completely mesmerised and enchanted by the way he moves his body along to the beat, clearly immersing himself into the music and letting it take over his senses. His dancing was majestic and like water – fluid-like and smooth, all moves executed perfectly and gracefully. You couldn’t take your eyes off him as they were glued to him and his body.
His body. He wore a black short sleeved t-shirt which attached to the right places of his torso, easily defining the curves and crooks of his body. His jeans were skin-tight, displaying the bulging muscles of his thighs, making you want to worship them. You feel your face get a little warm, shame taking over you as you stare him down.
Then he stops dancing to catch his breath, all his friends around him cheering him on. Clearly, he won the battle.
He then looks in your direction, his eyes meeting yours which makes you freeze in your spot, your heart pounding rapidly in your chest.
“I see you staring, Y/N,” Seulgi says, snapping you out of your daze. “Shut up!” you hit her playfully and she looks back over to him. What she says next almost makes your heart stop.
“He’s coming here, babe. You totally got his attention.” You feel Seulgi get up to leave before flashing you a wink.
And he is. He’s walking towards you, and you feel time slow down around you, everything is blurred out of your line of vision except for him.
He comes to a halt in front of you and you finally get to see his face.
It was beautiful.
His hair is blonde with black roots showing through which reach the top of his eyes, messy and drenched with sweat, but you didn’t care. His skin is perfectly smooth and youthful without any trace of a blemish, in fact he had the most beautiful skin you had ever seen.
Your eyes scan his face, adoring the rich copper color of his eyes which make you swoon, his lips were the pinkest lips you have ever seen, plump and luscious and you wondered how they would feel against yours.
You noticed that he, too, was taking in all your features, and amused yet kind expression portrayed on his face.
“Hello there,” he said softly, those two words enough to give your whole body goosebumps. His voice itself was soothing, smooth and sweet like honey. 
“Hi,” you squeaked. You were never ever unable to speak in front of a person, but for some reason, this man - took your breath away.
“Do you mind if I join you?” he asks. You shake your head and swallow your saliva as he sits down next to you.
“My name’s Jimin, by the way. Do you normally come here? I’ve never seen you around before.” He orders a martini while keeping his soft gaze on you. Jimin.
“I’m Y/N. I don’t. In fact, it’s my first time being here. My friend sort of dragged me here and I had no choice but to follow her command.” He quirks up an eyebrow and lets out a small smile which sends little tingles all over your body. Stay composed, Y/N, stay composed. Don’t scare him away, you just met him.
“Ah, I see. Well it’s definitely lovely to see a face like yours here.” You feel a small blush creep onto your cheeks and you’re thankful that the club is dark enough to hide it. He faces you, and you can feel his knee brush against yours gently.
“You’re really good at dancing – where did you learn to dance like that?” you ask. Your compliment makes him smile widely and you felt your heart beat just a little faster. You decide to order a vodka, just to loosen up a little bit. Seulgi would’ve been angry, the fact that you’d drink alcohol with a stranger instead of with her.
He then tells you that he’s always had a passion for dancing and decided to open up his own dance studio to share his passion with others. You talk about your hopes and dreams, your craziest theories about life and the weirdest things you both have ever done. You don’t know why, but it’s easy – talking to Jimin. He was so friendly and despite being a stranger to you, your mind felt completely at ease around him and all thoughts of Sehun have disappeared. Perhaps it was due to the alcohol present in your bloodstream?
Time goes by so fast and about an hour later, Jimin clears his throat.
“I honestly don’t think that this is the right place to get to know someone, so would you like to grab some dinner with me? I know of a really cool place we could go.” He looks slightly nervous so he adds quickly, “Of course, only if you want to.”
“Are you asking me out on a date already, Jimin?” you ask, teasing him a little. He seems a little flustered at your question but says, “It can be whatever you want it to be, Y/N.”
You let out a happy laugh and he asks, “Is that a yes?”
“Yes, Jimin.” You follow him as he leads you to his car.
Jimin drives you both to ‘dinner’ though you don’t know where he’s bringing you, since he doesn’t tell you. The ride is silent with only music from the radio playing, but you don’t find it awkward or uncomfortable. He drives for what seems like twenty minutes and you both finally arrive at the destination. He pulls up into the parking lot of what seems to be a giant field and you notice that it was crowded with people and many tents littered the field, simple, not too loud music playing in the distance.
It was a food festival.
He gets out of his seat and walks over to your side to open the door for you.
“A food festival? Where did you get this idea?” you ask him. He looks at you sheepishly and says “I actually planned to come here with my friends today but I met you and I thought I’d take you instead.” His cheeks turn slightly pink at his confession. You don’t care that he doesn’t bring you to an expensive restaurant. This is good enough for you. The fact that he thought of you, the fact that he chose you over his friends makes happiness cloud your mind.
“Hey,” you say, smiling warmly at him. “I don’t mind it at all. In fact, there’s more food here than in any restaurant.” He looks relieved, and you both head over towards the tents.
The festival was hustling and bustling with people, the atmosphere lively and joyful. The smell of delicious food from various stalls linger in the air, making your mouth water and your stomach rumble.
“I heard that,” Jimin says. You let out a small giggle and smack his arm playfully. “Hey, I haven’t eaten much today, okay?” He chuckles quietly and his mouth forms into an adorable grin which makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
You both walk around the field together, stopping at each stall to try out the food they had, all tasting deliciously unique and flavorful. Even though all you did was eat and talk, you feel content just by being with him. You’re both enjoying this time spent together, cracking jokes and goofing around as you both use it as an opportunity to learn more about each other. It almost feels as if you’ve known each other for years, and you’re amazed at how many things can happen in a span of only a few hours.
You both finally grow tired of meandering around and stuffing your faces with food, so Jimin leads you away from the field and you walk down a few blocks before arriving at a garden.
There are so many different kinds of plants and flowers growing everywhere, the bright light of the moon shining down upon the flowers so you could see their vibrant, attractive colors. You inhale deeply and you smell sweet honeysuckle in the distance, overpowering the fragrance of other flowers. There were large, trees of different heights and sizes all around the garden, making it look somewhat magical. As if you were in a secret garden. You absolutely adored nature – how it existed in its own ways, how it still manages to thrive and survive in a planet in which humans constantly try to destroy for their own greedy benefits.
The night is quiet and peaceful and the stars are shining brightly in the sky. You prefer to be here rather than the noisy club full of drunk and smelly people. You then remember the reason why you’re here, and you turn to face the person who’s made your night a thousand times better simply by being with you.
“Jimin, I love this place,” you breathed. “Thank you for bringing me here, it’s absolutely beautiful.” He sits down on a bench and gestures for you to join him, which you do. He’s giving you a shy, adorable smile which you have come to love.
“I could tell that you didn’t want to be there, Y/N. I can see right through you.” You look at him and notice that his eyes are twinkling under the starry sky. You don’t know what to say, so you just remain silent and scoot a little closer to him. You don’t know whether it’s the alcohol in your bloodstream or if it’s just you, but you place your hand over Jimin’s and lay your head against his shoulder.
He stiffens next to you momentarily, surprised at your sudden contact but quickly relaxes and laces his fingers through yours. You let out a sigh of relief. You feel nice, holding his hand. It’s chilly outside but Jimin’s body keeps you warm and toasty. You shut your eyes, enjoying the feel of the cool wind blowing gently against your face.
Jimin has been with you for a while, but you’re already insanely comfortable with him. He just made things seem so much easier, as if he were a breath of fresh air into your life.
“Jimin, I had a really rough day today. I went home early to surprise my now ex-boyfriend on his birthday, but he was in bed with someone else,” you suddenly decide to blurt out.
He straightens up immediately, shock and anger taking over his features and he’s about to say something but you cut him off.
“I don’t know why, but you made me not think about him – not even once, and I’m really grateful. You made me have so much fun in a night, just by eating and talking. So thank you.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry about that, but what he did was blatantly stupid. You don’t deserve that at all. You’re an amazingly wonderful person who I’ve gotten the pleasure to know, and despite knowing you only for a while, I already do not want to let you go. I want to keep you. I want you to stay with me,” he says, his expression immediately softening.
Butterflies fly around madly in your stomach, your heart almost exploding out of your chest at his confession. You are so lucky to be with this man, you’re actually thankful that Seulgi brought you to the club.
You look up at him through your eyelashes. The moonlight illuminates his skin and he looks ethereal.
“Y/N, you deserve to be treated right,” he whispers.
You suddenly realize how close his face is to yours, your lips only an inch away from each other’s and the thought makes your head spin.
Without even thinking, you close the gap between your lips and press yours to his.
You feel sparks go off somewhere inside your body and butterflies are flying around madly in your stomach. You melt against him as you enjoy the feeling of his lips, soft and smooth against yours. Your heart is hammering against your rib cage as you feel him place his hands onto your cheeks, cradling your face gently as if you were a fragile and would break at any moment. You place your hands at the nape of his neck, just below his hair. You’re kissing each other slowly and softly, relishing in the feel of each other’s lips. His lips seem to fit perfectly with yours and after what seems like an eternity, he pulls away from you reluctantly only to gaze into your eyes as the both of you catch your breaths, making you feel something click into place.
He leans down again to kiss you but this time it’s more intense and your lips move against each other’s in a heated manner. You feel his tongue graze your bottom lip lightly, asking for entrance and you let out a soft moan as you graciously accept his tongue. The kiss becomes more passionate then, your tongues are dancing together, searching and exploring each other’s mouths as you arch your back, your torso pressed against his chest. He hums into your mouth and your heart is beating furiously against your chest as you pull away from him to catch your breath once again. Jimin too is breathing heavily, and he places a soft kiss right below your earlobe, his hot breath fanning gently against your skin.
Even though you’ve had many first kisses, this felt completely new to you. It felt as if you were having one of the greatest first kisses in your life, it felt special to you.
“Jimin.. how long have you been wanting to do that?” you murmur.
“Ever since I laid my eyes on you, Y/N,” he whispers into your ear, sending chills down your spine.
You lean into him again and bite his bottom lip gently, earning a moan from him. You feel his hands rub up and down your waist gently, making your waist feel tingly and numb.
“Do you.. do you want to come to my place?” he asks as he rubs his noise against yours, making you giggle.
“Yes,” you mutter under your breath. “Let’s go.” And then you both are up and back into his car as he drives back to his house. During the entire ride, he’s holding onto your hand and rubbing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb. The action is simple, but it makes your heart yearn for Jimin even more.
You realise that you’re already falling for this man.
You both reach his apartment and he guides you to his unit, opening the door for you as you both rush in to finish what you started.
He presses your body against the door, capturing your lips once again, your bodies pressed tightly against each other. You place your hands on his shoulders and jump onto him, straddling his waist and pushing your core against his growing bulge, making him groan into your mouth. Your lips never disconnect as he walks to his bedroom, his hands gripping your waist tightly and you feel yourself growing wet, this man’s presence alone enough to make you aroused.
He slowly places you down onto his bed and climbs over you as he takes his shirt off, and you can’t help but to gawk at him.
He looked like a god.
His body was a beautiful tan color, clearly indicating that he liked to be under the sun. He had a wide, muscular chest and washboard abs which looked rock hard, curved beautifully into his skin. You wanted to worship this man right here and right now.
You reach your hands out tentatively and place them over his chest, feeling his heart beat rapidly below the palm of your left hand as you trail your right hand down to feel his abs which he flexes for you, turning you on even more. Your hands rub against his abdomen, enjoying the feel of his muscles as he leans down to kiss your neck, instantly making you moan under him.
You tilt your head to the side, giving him more access as he starts to suckling the skin above your collarbone, giving it a small bite before licking it soothingly. You feel his hands kneading into your waist as he’s slowly lifting your top over your head, his hands inching higher and higher up your stomach.
He pulls your top over your head, and you suddenly become shy underneath him. He notices your change of expression, and immediately caresses your face with his thumb as he gazes into your eyes softly.
“Y/N, you’re beautiful – the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. You deserve to be treated right.” His words make your heart soar and you pull his head down to yours to attack his lips in another frenzy.
“Jimin..” you whisper. “I want you, I need you.”
Something inside of him snaps, seeing you look at him like that, seeing you ask for him like that, and his innocent eyes are now laced with desire. For you. He’s going to do this right. He’s going to make you feel good. He’s going to make you his.
He unclasps your bra and throws it to the other side of the room, latching his mouth onto your nipple. His other hand is massaging your other breast gently, making your head spin as wetness pools at your core. He’s kissing around your chest and gets dangerously lower, pressing kisses all over your stomach, and you feel your core start to throb.
He unzips your skirt, pulling your soaked panties down along with it and throwing it aside, and you help him pull his jeans and boxers down, his erection smacking against his stomach.
He leans away from you only to look down at you with utter adoration. “Y/N, I’m going to treat you right. I’m going to take care of you,” he whispers as his eyes display affection and you can’t help but to feel happy, instantly knowing that he’s not going to throw you away the next day. You know that this isn’t simply a one night stand for him. You know that he too, wants you as much as you do.
He caresses your cheek as he spreads your legs a little and presses the tip of his member to the entrance of your core. He looks at you one more time for your approval, pressing a soft kiss to your lips and you nod at him, urging him to continue.
He slides into you slowly, making you both cry out in pleasure as your hands immediately make their way to his muscular back. He places his face into the crook of your neck, giving you a kiss there.
“Y/N.. you feel so good,” he murmurs, already making you feel the familiar coil form in your stomach.
“Jimin, move.”
And he does.
His pace is slow and tentative at first until you want more of him, so you wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you, trying to not leave any space between you two.
You both are a mess of moans, your hands tangled in Jimin’ss hair as he leans down to capture your lips with his, moaning and grunting into your mouth.
The way he moves is magical, his body grinding against yours in such a sensual and erotic manner as he hits you in places you never thought possible, causing you to moan out his name repeatedly as though it were a beautiful mantra.
Your bodies are molded together beautifully, your breasts pressed hard against his chest leaving no space in between, your bodies fitting together perfectly as though two puzzle pieces were found and fixed together. You want your chests to crack open, your heartstrings to combine with each other to become one.
“Jimin, harder,” you gasp, your nails digging into his back, causing him to grip both sides of your hips tightly, probably leaving marks on them as he picks up his pace, pounding into you harder and faster. With every thrust of his hips, you feel your high approaching and you can tell that Jimin’s is too by the way his movements are getting slightly slower – though still making you feel an immense amount of pleasure.
“Jimin - I - I’m coming,” you manage to stutter and you feel his hand snake it’s way down and press onto your clit, adding even more to the pressure building in your stomach.
“Come for me, Y/N,” he whispers, his voice breaking apart as he loses himself in you. And you do.
You finally reach your climax, screaming out Jimin’s name and your vision goes completely white as you feel fireworks explode inside of your head, feeling absolute bliss and pleasure spread throughout your body.
Jimin reaches his climax soon after, coming all over your stomach and you both are panting, catching your breaths as he presses his forehead against yours, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
“That was amazing, Y/N,” Jimin sighed, giving you a quick kiss on top of your head, bringing your body close to his before getting up and walking to his bathroom. He returned moments later with a damp towel to clean your body and you mumble a thank you to him. He tosses the towel away and then joins you back on the bed.
“Jimin,” you whisper, snuggling into his chest, feeling the drowsiness take over. He’s caressing your hair, your back, and keeping you close to him. You hear him whisper a “good night” to you before you both fall asleep in each other’s arms.
You wake up the next morning finding a beautiful face next to yours, and you smile brightly, reaching over to trace his features. You trace his eyes, his eyelashes, his nose and his lips, appreciating how they were all combined together to make him look like he does now. He moves a bit next to you, and then his eyes are open and the first thing he does is smile.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he says, giving you a quick peck on your lips. You close your eyes, thinking of everything that’s happened yesterday. 
“Y/N?” Jimin nudges you gently. “Mmm?” He pulls you against him, holding you flush against his body as you tangle your fingers in his hair.
“There’s something I’d like to say.” You open your eyes and smile at him. “What is it, Jimin?” He blushes, a beautiful pink tinting his adorable cheeks.
“I’ve never felt like this with anyone else before, ever. Please stay with me.”
Your heart warms up at that and you lean into him, kissing him softly.
You trust that he won’t leave you. You trust that he won’t do anything to intentionally hurt you. You trust that he means it when he says he wants to take care of you. You believe in him, you believe that you were both brought together for a reason, and so you let yourself fall into him.
“I will.”
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vigilumumbra · 3 years
Dance Away The Birthday Blues
Syd: Well I stayed up most the night but managed to have the prenup. I fired it off to Mharcus before 10am. Surely he would be impressed.
I texted Aja about my job and she didn’t respond. I poured myself a glass of wine and stood in the kitchen and looked out over the balcony. Aja finally responded- she was getting off the train and on her way to my temporary condo.
I read the message several times. I went to take a shower and set my hair for soft curls, when that was finally done I heard a knock.
She was here. I pulled her into a hug. She demanded I tell her the whole story about Mharcus and I told her most of it, redacting the legal and contractual parts.
“Is he hot?” She asked
“On a 1-10 he’s probably a 15.” I let her know.
“And you didn’t sleep with him because?”
“I’m not good enough, just me. You know what Jared said… and did.” I left out the part of me ever being good enough.
She smacked my ass. “OW!” I complained
“Slut it up, we’re going dancing and drinking.” She demanded.
I knew better than to question her. She had a way of always getting what she wanted, and I wanted to get my head off the mistake I made.
“Fine… let's do this.” I went to the bathroom and started to do my makeup.
Once we were both ready we left for one of the local bars. We were ushered to the front of the queue and soon were at the bar and taking shots.
{After the mess from yesterday. After I saw the lawyer, Sydney, I went to see Irina and her family. I put forth my conditions on uniting our families- but my heart wasn’t in it. I picked up a Tiffany’s ring. I had one that was my Nonna’s but I wasn’t letting that go out of the family unless it was for love. I really didn't want to get another lawyer. The redhead was skilled and flipped the contract fast. After a quick review I sent it off for other signatures needed. Well, everything is falling into place. It was time for a bachelor party. I tell Nhico to get ready and end up getting dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black polo shirt. I pulled on my black leather biker boots and my leather jacket. I had text Ahlex about Syd, the spitfire and he tells me to come to the club.
Once I got there we were sitting at a table near the back hitting back drinks. We were talking, I looked up and saw you walk into the club. I turn to Ahlex and have him look your way. He tells me that he will see me later because we need to have a meeting about some things that have to do with drugs being dealt in the club.}
After several shots I feel good enough to dance. Aja pulls me to the dance floor and we begin dancing. Two guys come over and ask to dance.
“We already are!” I laugh.
“Can I dance with you beautiful?” The taller one asks me.
I ignore the question and he begins dancing with me. When he puts his hands on my hips and tries to let them travel, I move his hands off of me.
I think of Mharcus, I wanted him, maybe… even though it was dangerous and he had someone else in mind to be his wife. The man was fine and exuded confidence.
My mind wanders to what it would be like to have sex with him, my body throbs with arousal. I had never had an orgasm before but I wanted one. From Him. The alcohol allows my brain to venture further. I didn’t notice the male putting his hands back on me and on my ass and thighs. In my imagination it was Mharcus touching me and I liked that. It wasn’t till Aja coughs that I even remember I’m in public.
I opened my eyes, they were hazy for a moment before focusing in. I was drunk, very drunk. I nearly fell over, after my stumble I looked at him and shoved the stranger away, moving my head and looking for an escape I freeze and see Mharcus staring back at me.
{I was watching you drink and then you dance with some other female on the floor. Then some other males came over to you both and started to dance with you both. One of the males placed his hands on your body, I nearly ran over to you but I stayed where I was drinking my whiskey.
I was reading your mind and saw that I was there on the forefront of it, then you turned to face me and we locked eyes. I really didn't want to speak to you but we were at a club but I could always disappear but Ahlex would kick my ass for leaving before our meeting. I waited for you to make your first move which was towards me.}
Syd: I was on the move. Liquid courage in my veins- having lost count of how many shots by this point. I moved quickly through the crowd and came up to you, ignoring when the guard mentioned it was VIP and try to block me. As far as he was concerned, I was a VIP and I needed to see my VIP.
I grip the whiskey bottle and take a drink from it.
“Shhhhh.” Before you even speak.
I essentially straddle you in your seat and pull your head back slightly and kiss you hard. My tongue slips past your lips and I move closer to you. The alcohol evident.
While I kiss you my arms wrap around your neck and I grind my hips on your thigh and lap.
{I nodded to Nhico to let you pass. I watch you closely as you grab the bottle I had on the table and you took a swig from it. Hearing you shh me I knew you were up to something.
You straddle my thighs, pull my head back as you kiss me hard. My tongue was dancing with your tongue trying to keep you away from my fangs in my mouth.
I wrap my arms around you as you started to grind against my thigh as I tried to keep my purr at bay but it wasn’t helping}
Syd: moaning softly into the kiss. The pleasure was building, there was a delicious friction between your jeans and my own. I keep my hips grinding against you.
My lips dance with yours. I feel a sharp point on your tooth. It must have been a canine. I licked it and shuddered. I was in need. I encourage your hold on me by moving closer with each thrust of my hips.
My moan is louder, but still drowned out by the music. It was so incredible and pleasurable. I wanted more.
My eyes closed as I rode the pleasure waves. The orgasm came swiftly and my hips bucked as I came just from grinding against you. I cry out and hold myself against you. Breathing hard. I couldn’t believe that.
{I had picked up on your scent changing around us I knew what it meant. We were kissing deeply as I felt your tongue lick one of my fangs which sent an electric shock hit my cock making me hard as you kept on grinding on my thigh.
Hearing your moans and your tight grip on me I knew you just cum in your jeans and wet against mine. I held you on my lap till Ahlex walked over. I knew that he smelled us but when I shook my head no he knew not to say anything.
Slowly I moved you off my lap so I could talk to Ahlex about the drugs showing up in the club and more people buying it but he didn’t know if it was being sold in the club or they are walking in with it.
I told Ahlex that I will look into the cameras in the club at another time. I pick you up and carry you out the back door into my car. I told Nhico to get your best friend and bring her to the guest house. I drove us to my place, once there I gently picked you up and carried you inside. I take you up to the guest room next to my room and lay you on the bed and just as you wrap your arms around my neck as to keep me there.}
I grumped slightly when moved off your lap. I grabbed the whiskey and took another drink or two. My head was spinning. Just as I am about to pass out, you grab and lift me. I nestle into your arms and mumble about you smelling nice.
I sleep the entire way to your house and through you picking me up again. I hold onto the lapels of your jacket. I hadn’t been this drunk for a long time, if ever.
When you laid me in bed I tried to hold onto you and move my arms around your neck and whimper when you tried to leave.
I may not have been coherent or understandable, but I wanted him nearby. I closed my eyes but still held onto you, my world flowed and ebbed over and over. I was trying to still it but was unsuccessful.
I pulled myself flush against you.
{I had wanted to get you out of your clothes but since I didn’t have any of your clothes here I took off your shoes.
Before you pulled me closer, I changed out of my clothes and got on the bed again. You pulled yourself closer to me. I held you in my arms as you fell asleep. I thought over what has happened the past few days and what is in store for us both}
Syd: Whimpering in my sleep. I wake up slightly and kiss your lips again. Nuzzling your chest. My eyes open, and I feel hazy. I reach up and caress your face.
I hold my hand to your face and smile. “I’m sorry. I will.” My head flops back down the alcohol forcing me back under.
{kiss you back when you kiss me. I held you close to me}
Yes Syd?
{I was puzzled by your answer. When I looked back down I saw you were asleep again. I just rub your back as you sleep in my arms again.}
0 notes
megairishrose · 7 years
Put a Patch on it chapter 7
Tara took the quickest shower of her life; she had to get the smell of drugs off of her. She got dressed and looked at herself in the mirror. Navy blue dress paired with nude pumps. She wasn't ready to look completely like she was in mourning; she had to be professional now. The real mourning was saved for the wake and the funeral. She just had to hold it together on camera.
She redid her makeup and replaced her jewelry. Now she felt human and like she could take on the world. And she could, as long as Killian was by her side.
Tara left her room and knocked on Killian's door, they were supposed to meet Regina at the town hall in twenty minutes for a run through.
Killian opened the door; at least he was mostly dressed. "Do I have to wear a tie?" He whined, holding up said article of clothing.
"Yes you do." Came the stern answer.
He rolled his eyes and threw it around his neck. He stared at himself in the mirror and actually began to play with it. Tara heaved a sigh.
"You forgot how to tie one?"
"Being a rock star doesn't call for ties." Killian reasoned.
"But they call for head to toe leather?" She took the tie from his hand and did it for him. She had a ton of practice, Neal wasn't the best at ties.
"Tara, you and me, we never did a press conference before. At the one after… Dad died, we let Liam do all the talking." He was sweating bullets.
"I know, we let him do the hard work while we just stood there. The easy days are over." Tara remarked sadly. She finished the knot and smoothed out his shirt.
"How's Roxanne?" Killian asked.
That made Tara pause. Their almost sister in law was a complete wreck when Liam died. "She's in a bad place. Robin was the one who told her. I had her staying with me and Neal until I left. Her mother is with her now. No one wants to her to be alone yet."
"She's going to need support to get through the wake and the funeral." Killian remarked.
"That's what we are there for. To lean on each other. Grab your jacket, let's go."
They exited the inn and walked down the street to the town hall. It had a retro feel to it. They entered the building and saw the place was buzzing with the media. They were immediately greeted by Regina Mills.
"There you two are. I have your script ready." The public relations officer handed a sheet of paper to Tara.
"Thank you, Regina." Tara said, taking the sheet and reading it over.
"Regina?" Killian asked. It was never just Regina, it had always been Miss Mills, the woman who looked at him like a disobedient child. And Tara had never been her biggest fan.
"Nice to see you too Killian." Regina greeted him.
"Are we all friends now?" Killian was confused.
"A lot has changed since you left." Tara responded then turned to Regina. "This works, I just do not want to do a question and answer part.
"Did not think you would. Are you ready?"
Yes, wait no. Oh, could you make sure none of Killian's fan girls are able to come in. And also the sheriff." Tara asked Regina.
The look on Regina's face told Killian had not that much had changed. "What did you do?"
"Nothing, I was my normal charming self." Tara shrugged her shoulders.
"Alright, people, you heard her. No fan girls and no sheriff." Regina was very good at taking control.
There was a podium, the Storybrooke town crest had been removed and replaced with the Jewel of the World logo. Regina placed Tara behind it and Killian was pulled to her right side. The cameras were a few feet away, behind the handful of audience members, all from the press.
"And we are live in three… two…" Regina mouthed one and pointed to Tara.
Tara looked at the bright light in her eyes and knew the whole world could see her. "Good afternoon, I would like to thank you all for attending this press conference." She began to read from the script. "As you are all aware, my brother Liam was shot and killed two days ago." She sounded so robotic, well she had to be or she would start crying again. "We are launching a full scale internal investigation to understand the motive behind this horrific act." Now for the part that scared her. "I have taken full control of the Jewel of the World shipping as CEO and will try to lead the company with the same integrity into the future. I ask for your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. I will not be taking any questions at this time." Tara nodded and moved to leave her post.
"Is it true that you and Killian were in jail this morning?" One of the reporters asked.
"Was the killing for something in your past?"
"What happened to the shooter?"
"Is it true it was a board member?"
"What part of no questions do you people not understand?" Tara felt her self-control and her patience wearing dangerously thin.
Killian had stood by his sister's side during that whole speech without a single word, he was stone. But he saw her distress and jumped in to save her. He touched her arm and moved into her place behind the podium. "To follow up with what my sister said…" He started. Tara only stared, unsure what he would say.
"Rock on Killian." Apparently, the reporters were fans.
"Thank you for that but that is not why we are here today. This company, my family, suffered a tragedy. One that will force us to rebuild and grow. It's times like this that reminds us to treasure our family and friends. You may not know this, but I had a falling out with my siblings three years ago. The last time we spoke, it was memorable for all the wrong reasons. I fully regret how my brother and I parted ways. So take our experience as a lesson. Don't wait until it is too late to tell someone how much you love them how much you care. Because when they are gone, no matter how loud you shout and cry, they won't hear you. Thank you." Killian ended his speech with a nod before placing a hand on Tara's shoulder and leading her off the make shift stage.
They went into a side room. Tara just stared at him. "Wow. She said softly.
"Did that surprise you?" He asked, already loosening his tie.
"Yes, I know you have a way with words, just not usually those kinds of words. Thank you."
"For you, anything."
Regina joined them and had a shocked look on her face. "Killian, that was impressive." Maybe he wasn't such a screw up.
Killian nodded.
Tara's phone rang and she quickly answered it. She paused then handed it out to Killian. "It's Roxanne; she wants to talk to you."
0 notes
calypsoff · 4 years
Thirty Eight.
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A month into the overseas tour and I can honestly say I am enjoying it; I am enjoying it way more than I did for my American tour dates. Everything is ever so relaxed, we are going country to country very fluid, I have been happy, it’s been nice to visit these places and get to see more countries. Overseas fan love is just so much more different, I feel the love from them, but I am most excited to be landing in England, I just love the place. I feel like the place has close connections to France and Germany where I can expand my horizons in the fashion industry and makeup line, I just want to spend some time here again and just get a feel for the place. Maybe move here with Chris obviously but the base in England will be so much better, the connections I can build. I did my river island deal here so I can do it, I just need to see how I can do it, but I will eventually. I am currently on the jet to England now, get to the hotel and then I’m out again for dinner with the managing director of Puma, I am trying to make moves and it will happen. Chris has been so good, like I think my happiness stems from the fact Chris is happy. He’s just positive vibes, he misses me a lot though but he’s very upbeats. He wants to do a lot; he is showing improvements. I tend to go through his therapist talk with him, ask him what they spoke about because I want him to know I care and I listen, which I do. He’s drawing again, and I warned him about making any type of mess in that home, it’s rented. I am not paying out for the damages, so he said I got a book, and he will show me soon “oh we about to land soon” Yusuf announced “thank god, I need to get to the hotel and get ready. Big night for me, if I can pull this off I am untouchable” not to be big headed “I am telling you they will want you” Yusuf sounds so confident in that, not so much me.
“Bitch move your phone, I can’t do your hair” Yusuf complained, looking up at him “one minute please” I pleaded with him “fine” he walked off, I am trying to talk to Chris while getting ready and I can say it’s not going well because I’m trying to speak to him while they are trying to make me look pretty “I’m happy you got there safely anyways, I guess you got to go but will you call me once done? I will be waiting. Maybe FaceTime if you would like, I can show you my two step” I laughed out “boy please, I don’t want you spraining your ankle, but we shall FaceTime. I miss your beard; I am going to murder you if I come back and you’re still the same. We are going onto a month into this tour Chris. Please” I think he’s now doing it on purpose, I have a feeling “soon, I keep saying this twin. But goodluck with Puma, get me some freebies while you’re there, joking. I know you’ll kill it out there baby, I really do. But talk soon, take care yeah. Love you” I do like this Chris, such a calm soul “I love you more baby, don’t worry I’ll haggle some freebies for you, talk soon. Bye” I hate saying bye to him, disconnecting the call “oh my heart, splitting up the lovebirds. But time is of the essence, we need to get the hair done” he has a point “did you tell Chris how you were being proposed too by these Arab princes” I snorted “hell nah, I wouldn’t because it will play on his mind but it was funny. Imagine me being a princess? But anyways I’ll pass on that” my phone buzzed on my lap, looking down at the message “bitch!” Yusuf spat “let me see, it’s Chris” opening the message.
From: Chris
To: Robyn
What hotel are you at? I’m not coming I just want to know ❤️
To: Chris
From: Robyn
Corinthia London I got a little excited then..... lol
From: Chris
To: Robyn
So did I 😕
He’s stupid “anyways proceed” let me stop playing around because this is becoming a longer process for me right now.
Walking into the restaurant alone, I mean Rich did walk me to the door but the waiter let me follow them to the table, I am a little nervous about it all. I am just hoping I can do this; I really want to get into fashion “right here madam” seeing this bald Middle aged white man, always white of course. He shot up from his seat “you look beautiful, pleased to meet you Rihanna” he shook my hand “likewise Bjorn, I have been counting down the days until I meet you” he gestured for me to sit “the people are going to think how did I get someone so beautiful to eat with me, my lonely self. But please” I smiled sitting down, my nerves are kicking in “we saw your River Island set, we saw the demand. The queues, the love. We absolutely loved it and we do feel that you will bring that creation to Puma, when our mutual friend reached out and said Rihanna is interesting I said set up the meeting, I wanted it ASAP. I feel like you create things that is with the times and it sells, you sell. So yeah, I am grateful you came” I cooed out “little old me, stop it but this is literally a dream for me. When I were asked I said of course I will meet him and I’m glad I have” I am excited “shall we start going into detail now?” Nodding my head “why not” I want to get over with the whole small talk, I want to start the business talk already.
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Closing my book ever so quickly “what was that baby?” my mother questioned, she is so damn nosey “mom stop creeping up on me like that, it’s not nice” that was annoying, I am testing myself, I thought I would draw Robyn naked, see if I remember every curve of her body and then see if I got it right, hand on my heart I know I am right. The picture is not degrading at all, not like she got her legs open; I mean I know her coochie off by heart but it’s more tasteful, a little side boob showing. It’s my imagination anyways but I like it “I was just asking baby, you seem so quiet in your book now” watching my mom sit down “yeah because I am designing for my clothing so stop being nosey” rolling my eyes, I lied but it’s whatever “guess what I did anyways” I cheesed “what did you do?” my dad asked “I sent roses to Robyn’ hotel, she has like this big meeting with Puma, I know she’s going to do well so I sent her congratulation roses and I miss you” my dad didn’t look impressed even though I am happy about it “and what if she don’t get it?” waving my dad off “do you not know Robyn? She gets what she wants, they set up the meeting. They worked around her schedule; I know she has. But what you think?” I think he was concerned she might not have got it “if you believe that then I am fine with it, it’s the sweetest thing you can do. She will love it son” I grinned so wide; I can’t wait for her to call me all excited now.
I need to tell Robyn that I am not on crutches anymore, I mean I feel stupid, but I am using a walking frame now. I can shuffle to places, I don’t hop anymore “I was telling your mother how proud I am of you, watching you sweat. You are pushing yourself to get the leg better more than ever” nodding my head smiling “yeah, I am getting a six pack too. You see those leg exercises” lifting my tee up “six pack!” I spat “six pack Joyce, he is doing the most but with Robyn how come you didn’t do that? Just a question, you seemed maybe a little laid back I suppose” good question “erm, because I made a promise to Robyn, I promised I would be better. I would do better for her, and just seeing her on tour and how beautiful she looks, I said to the therapist. I said I get a little jealous, like I don’t feel I can compare to her and he made me feel better, he really did, and it made me realise that Robyn is with me looking a whole mess, she didn’t care. She took care of me a lot, something I wish she didn’t, but she did. The therapist every week, I just feel more and more positive. The things that happened to me wasn’t my fault, I am just in a good place. And then this, I can literally shuffle, I am slowly being able to pick my foot up while walking. I am happy” my mom looks so emotional “and the beard will remain until she is coming back because I want to annoy her” I laughed to myself “you love stressing her out, Chris I am so sorry we never took you to therapy, we just didn’t know. We are sorry” shaking my head “don’t be. But I am going to propose to her” I said smiling “what!?” my mother shouted, “really son?” my dad is a little shocked “you work faster then I did, wow boy” my dad said, I chuckled “yeah well, it’s time. She has been nothing but be a wife to me, she wants that title, and I am going to give it her soon, I will let you know when I figure it out but it’s closer then you both think. But I am going to propose to her, I am going to wife that up on sight” my mother gushed “my daughter in law, god. I wished for someone to be loving towards you, and she is perfect. I am so over the moon Chris; I love you son. A wedding!” my mother got up from the couch running to me “mon, this stays between us. I am telling you both first, just keep it quiet until I get permission, doing it like a man” I am doing it the proper way.
My mom keeps on looking at me in awe “what?” I questioned placing my fork down “I can’t believe my son wants to get married, I am just shocked. All I ever wanted was for you to happy, to see you smile and I always saw that when you were with Robyn but it’s just so emotional, you are marrying the love of your life Chris, it’s just so emotional” here we go, my mom would cry “yeah I know, so did you” I grinned “that honestly made me want love, to see you both at home. You both have set that goal in my life; this is why I had to find out. I had to see if Robyn did remember me, she did. I knew it was love then” I mumbled “it is baby, it’s love. She loves you so much Chris, I see it in her eyes. but marriage? I am just so happy for you both” my mom is not going to drop this “mom, this needs to be a secret. Please stop speaking on it” she needs to calm down, my phone pinged on the table. Picking my phone up and opening the message.
From: Robyn
To: Chris
OMG! I am calling you in 5 minsss
I chuckled, she has seen the roses then “I think Robyn has seen the roses, that is me though. I will be going to sleep after the call, tired after today” getting up from the chair steady “careful son” my dad said, he worries about me walking but I am getting there “I know” grabbing my phone and placing it in my pocket, grabbing my walking frame “I hate this shit, I look like some old man. Mom, you don’t need to get up” she does the most “it’s making you better boy, you can do this” my mother placed her hands over my cheeks “I am so happy for your progress, the happiness you are showing. It reminds me of my son that I knew” I laughed “thank you mom, I love you” she kissed my cheek “I love you too, goodnight baby. See you in the morning” nodding my had, let me shuffle myself to the bedroom, I will get there.
Sitting on the bed, I just got into the room. Robyn has tried to facetime me twice, but I have been trying so hard to get to the bedroom, takes me a little while to get here. Tapping on Robyn’ to facetime her back, I hope she picks up and she did “Christopher!! Oh my god, poppa. I am literally so emotional right now Chris, oh my god. These are beautiful, I came into my room and this” Robyn turned the camera showing the roses “I am so happy you like them; I know it’s not me but still. Oh my god, is that my bear? That is so cute, look how he is just sat laid out on the bed. Missing me that much huh” I laughed “oh I really do, I posted the roses on my Instagram, thank you Chris. It bought a smile to my face, I love, love, love you so much poppa” I cooed out “I love you too, I just wanted you to smile, and I got it. To see your happiness is my happiness” Robyn really can’t stop smiling, I love that for her “and I got it baby, Fenty x Puma!!!!!” Robyn shouted “oh my god, really!? Robyn that is amazing, see I knew it. You read the card? I predicted this; I am proud of you baby. I love you and your smile” Robyn giggled “thank you” she is so happy “so this is a secret for now? I just want to make sure” Robyn nodded her head “keep it between us until we can release the actual announcement, I can’t wait Chris. The managing director said he wanted me to work with them, they love my vibe so yeah. I can’t wait, you can help me too or I can seal your clothing ideas” I gasped “you better not” it’s so refreshing to see her like this.
I made Robyn close her eyes, I propped the phone up for this “ok, I am ready. You can look now, I mean it’s nothing much, but I am using a walking frame now and look” I shuffled ahead a little “oh my god, Chris! The progress!!! I have only been gone a month, oh wow. You’re going to be walking in no time, I am so proud of you” I laughed at my stupidity, it’s really nothing “also, look at this” turning slowly “six pack too, I kept this a little secret” I hope she can see “my panties are wet Chris, you working out there? You are doing this while I am gone?” Robyn looks offended, shuffling over to the bed carefully “I do a lot of leg exercises at home, remember they said it takes a lot of strength, it’s building my muscle I guess” sitting on the bed and grabbing my phone “you about to look handsome for me?” raising an eyebrow “with my beard yes” Robyn rolled her eyes “I will accept for now because of the roses, Chris you really made my day. You really did, thank you. I miss you poppa, I sniff the bear now and then, it smells like you of course” I miss her face so much, I just want to touch her so bad “I love you” I smiled down the phone.
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