#Forrest fire
witchpussy42069 · 7 months
Financially Fucked and Dealing with Climate Change (Tips On How To Survive Wildfire Season):
I'm not an expert, I'm just poor and the trees are on fire again❤️. Please reblog/add on your own tips or any information regarding fire safety, smoke safety, health, etc.
Before we get to how to clean the air, let's start with how to keep yourself safe. I can tell you to stay inside and avoid being out in all that smoke, but most of us are selling our souls to corporations and have jobs we have to go to. bummer.
1. Masks
Anyways, the ideal mask for this would be an N95, but a scarf or any kind of mask will also help you a little. Significantly less effectively than an N95 but it's better than no mask. Definitely wear while out and about, and consider wearing inside depending on how the air is in your home. Wash regularly if you're using a reusable mask or a scarf.
2. Washing
When you get home after being outside, take a shower and change your clothes. Wash all those pollutants out of your clothing, wash all the smoke particles off of your skin, and moisten up that air!! You're gonna want the air wet, I'll explain why in a minute. Not so wet that mold could begin to grow in your house though, to be clear.
3. Stay away from chemicals
Your lungs are tired. You've been working all day, breathing polluted air all day, your throat is sore and your head is killing you. You know what WON'T make you feel better? Breathing in the fumes of bleach, Lysol, Febreze, ammonia, etc. when you need to clean, stick to white vinegar or lemon juice, or something else natural, since you can't ventilate the house with all that smoke outside.
4. Honey & Ginger
Inevitably, your throat is sore and your head hurts. Honey and ginger will help you with that. Tea would be perfect. Peppermint tea will help too, any warm liquid with honey in it actually. Ginger is full of antioxidants, honey is full of probiotics, and mint soothes the throat and mouth.
5. Limit Excersize
Isn't excersize supposed to be good for my lungs? Yeah, it is. But your lungs are already working overtime just to survive the smoke with minimal damage if possible. So don't put extra strain on them now. Wait until the air is clear to play any sports or do any strenuous excersize.
6. Water (pt. 1)
Drink sooooo much water. Drink all of the water. And then drink even more water. Your body has this magical way of flushing out toxins and magically healing just by drinking water, and by magical I mean very scientific. I'm not a scientist tho, or a doctor, but its something something about kidneys and the liver idk, just drink water...
7. Public Places
Maybe a window in your home is broken. Maybe the vents don't work. Maybe you don't have a home. Whatever the reason, public spaces are a safe bet if you need somewhere to go with filtered air. City hall, libraries, and malls are all good options. Don't stay by the doors, especially if there's lots of people going in and out and smoke is wafting in. Go find somewhere away from unsealed windows and doors that doesn't smell or look hazy.
Okay, that's all I know about that. I'm not an expert. Now we're gonna talk about ways to clean ur air WITHOUT BUYING AN AIR PURIFIER, BECAUSE SOME OF US ARE POOR GOD DAMN IT. I cannot count how many results on the internet have told me to just buy an air purifier. I am EXTREMELY POOR 😎
Ways to clean the air in your home from wildfire smoke with things you probably either already have or can easily acquire:
Water(pt. 2):
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Good ol' plain ol' water. I'm not a scientist, so forgive me for my lack of perfect articulation, but basically water absorbs smoke particles. Makes em clump together and coagulate so they're not just floating everywhere in the air. Also, as the water clings to the pollutants, it cools them down, which causes them to fall to the ground/floor. So unless you're army crawling everywhere, this is something to look into. Just get a spray bottle and mist water everywhere, aiming for just, like, the air and stuff. Or get a bowl of water and leave it to sit out and absorb toxins throughout the day. Maybe don't drink the water afterwards, but you can use it to water your plants. And speaking of plants~
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plants are your best friends when it comes to cleaning the air! We all know they take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, but did you also know that some of them absorb mold and smoke particles from the air too? Well you do now! A list of plants that are especially good at cleaning the air include, but are not limited to:
-Aloe Vera
-Rubber Plant
-Any kind of Ivy (pothos, english, etc)
-Bamboo! (Cat safe)
-Snake Plant
-Spider Plant (Cat safe)
NASA on spider plants:
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Yeah spider plants are amazing. I want 20.
Baking Soda:
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Baking soda works much like activated charcoal in this scenario, what with its ability to absorb so many impurities! And baking soda's best buddy in every 5th grade science project ever, white vinegar, can help you out too! Leaving a bowl of baking soda out, or leaving a bowl of white vinegar out, will deodorize the air; but it's not just making things smell less horrible, it doesn't just mask scents, it absorbs and 🔥ELIMINATES🔥them.
Okay now everybody say thank you Tay Tay!! And thank you Mr Bezos!! And thank you to alllll the other beloved private jet owners and billionaires❤️ now I don't have to wear my mittens anymore, teehee🤭
Anyways reblog and add on your own tips for fire season safety!
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petirep · 2 years
Of all the animations I've done with Treatment, this animated PSA we made for the Spokane Valley Fire Department raising awareness about wildfires is my favorite! I really got to flex my artistic muscle a bit and get really granular with the vast beautiful paintings of the Spokane/Spokane Valley area. It was a lot of fun, and a little bizarre, portraying locations I see on a regular basis in a semi-apocalyptic context. Not only did I do the art and animation in this piece, I also got to write, pitch, and storyboard out the whole thing - so it really feels like my baby. I also tagged in my buddy Glacier to to the sound mixing this to really make the peice POP.
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goodprospects · 9 months
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Rhodos, island on fire, july 2023
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thingsmk1120sayz · 1 year
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aclkplm208-blog · 1 year
Work in Progress: Walking in the Chinle Formation
Work in Progress: Walking in the Chinle Formation.
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academic-vampire · 10 days
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𝔦𝔣 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔱𝔯𝔶 𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔡 𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥, 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔰𝔪𝔢𝔩𝔩 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔰𝔢 𝔭𝔦𝔠𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢𝔰. 🍂🪵🕯️
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kraftwerk113 · 2 years
Life´s too short for weird music - Tagesempfehlung 10.02.2023
Cole_Lloyd and the Commotions / Forrest fire
Ich bin immer wieder angetan von der Magie, welche das Debüt-Album von Lloyd Cole and the Commotions Rattlesnake versprüht. Als am heutigen Morgen ganz früh im Programm von Six Music der hochgeschätzte Chris Hawkins zu Forrest Fire griff, schien die Welt einmal mehr für einen Moment purer Schönheit inne zu halten. Neben Steve McQueen von Prefab Sprout ist das in 1984 veröffentlichte Rattlesnake das vermutlich genialste Songwriter- Indiealbum des Jahrzehnts.
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kori-senpai · 4 months
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Fanart for @honeydots Fire Emblem fanfic. I've been using it as a reason to fluke out of social interactions for the last two weeks and boy oh boy I will continue to do so >:)
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cupofcolors · 3 months
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gifts for the coolest retainers in the world!
raffle info!
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swordarmsaxelegs · 2 years
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The Fire Emblem series has come so far in the last eight years
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rescuedrop · 4 months
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Daily drawing practice day 778 (5/16/24)
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fiery-emblems · 7 months
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And on today's episode of Mocking Your Favorite Characters:
Ike can't grow a beard but Soren can, and neither of them likes that.
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tecchiii · 1 year
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Some FE character requests from twitter!
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diakamu · 3 months
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thank you @asakano for commissioning me🥺🫶
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thingsmk1120sayz · 1 year
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aclkplm208-blog · 2 years
Walking in the Wessex Formation
Walking in the Wessex Formation, Isle of Wight England during the early Cretaceous Period.
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