#Foster Connections
shahcommunications · 2 months
Cross-Cultural Connections: Communication Tips
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In a world that thrives on diversity, effective communication stands as the cornerstone of understanding, whether in business or personal relationships. We understand the importance of clear and meaningful interaction, transcending language barriers. If you find yourself in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and in need of interpretation and translation services, look no further.
Learn More: https://www.shahcommunications.org/cross-cultural-connections-communication-tips
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Working for a healthcare agency opens up a dynamic and flexible avenue for professionals seeking diverse healthcare employment opportunities and a balanced work-life experience. Healthcare agencies serve as intermediaries between skilled professionals and healthcare institutions, offering a range of advantages that contribute to a fulfilling career.
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gayclubsoap · 8 months
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genuinely can't believe that these two are played by the same person
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notbecauseofvictories · 3 months
It's interesting, because at my last job my boss was good---very good---about creating and fostering relationships. At the time I was horrified, because why are you texting our general counsel? Why are you calling someone up and asking them to opine on something that's just showed up on your radar?? This is business, we need to do business-y things in a business way!!!
It took me a long time to recognize what this approach bought him. He was terrible at data entry, yes. I don't think he once ever approved my vacation time, just said "sure, put your out of office message on." (He hated approving vacation time, so he just....didn't.) But he was looped in, hooked in, always consulted. Everyone picked up his calls, because if he was calling it wasn't going to be a haranguing, he wanted to work with you to achieve both your goals, and honestly? you could call him out of the blue too. It worked both ways. He was crystal clear when things were handed down from the top (usually because we'd get a beer and he'd complain about it) and when requests were coming from him/our team. And he was always, always very clear that we were his people, and it was Us against The Company; he was consistently, unequivocally and completely on our side.
(........this did not stop The Company from pulling its shenanigans, but it always felt like he was siding with Us when it did.)
I know this, because now I'm in an organization where my boss isn't on our side, where things aren't explained---even when explanations would make the boss' requests more reasonable. I'm aware of other situations too, where members of the team have been what seems like deliberately insulted or attacked by our boss, which is frankly unnecessary.
I don't have a conclusion to draw from all of this, and god knows that bad bosses are ten a penny, each terrible in their own way. Still, I do think about it more and more, particularly as I stare down 1 year with the company.
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cerealforkart · 2 months
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It’s very difficult to explain, but in my brain Nark is identical to Zosan
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biggestgirlfailure · 3 months
i am actually so normal about the hatchetfield siblings
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ithinkdogshouldvote2 · 7 months
Hey, just realized something,,,
Do you guys think that hermies crush on scary could be connected to the whole battle axe of hatred thing Jodie had going on with Ron? Like that devotion passed down through the generations and hermie feels it for scary but doesn't know what it is and thinks it's a crush?
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millidew · 1 month
maizuru and milsiril are my favorite fucked up dungeon meshi mother figures
#dungeon meshi#maizuru#milsiril#my post#both were involved in some kind of highly skilled group (espionage/ninja work and the canaries)#maizuru and milsiril both have some aspect that makes their relationship with their sort of son innately complicated.\#maizuru has been having and affair and milsiril has biases towards short lived races#both dote heavily on them but milsiril does it more clearly in an overprotective way#their sons have complicated emotions towards them. and they’re right for that#lets see… toshiro always eats the food maizuru makes due to the love in its preparation. he doesn’t seem to have a relationship with his mok#*mom#so he was very close to maizuru#but after finding out she and his dad was having an affair he closed off from her. maizuru still heavily dotes on him however#maizuru also invented a spell to scare his child self into returning to her#and trained ninja techniques into him (I believe?)#and milsiril (though she did train him) didn’t like the idea of kabru going into dangerous dungeons#she ended up coddling him in that regard. he doesn’t know how to do household chores (but I doubt toshiro knows either LMAO)#(he probably has servants or maizuru who do it for him)#but in fighting specifically:#milsiril also trained kabru in sword fighting but unlike maizuru’s training it’s not very useful in the dungeon#now back to food:#unlike maizuru’s food the elven foods milsiril gave kabru weren’t as well received#that has to do with the different culture he’s from though#he thinks of his birth mom’s food more and had a stringer relationship with her#*stronger#despite some issues kabru says that he’s grateful for her as his foster mom (iirc)#I imagine toshiro’s probably the same way even if he wouldn’t admit it (BECAUSE MAIZURU IS FUCKING HIS DAD???)#toshiro doesn’t feel close to any of his family so his biggest connections as a kid probably would’ve been maizuru and hien.#kabru has milsiril and rin and all anyone could ever want but would never want to return to#anyways. end of essay. tldr: milfs are messy
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Here are the Thoughts™️I promised @discordkittenterumi
This post is a much longer follow to this post from last night as I was listening to episode 60.
This post is also in conversation with with something @peppedstep mentioned about Neil’s loyalty to the coterie, which I touch on briefly.
Everything sort of solidified in my brain after finishing 60 at like 2 am last night.
In 60, we see Neil wake up in a strange place with Weathers and Amara with him. The last thing he remembers is running from his sire which seems to be several days ago.
Neil also does not remember much of Baghdad (which is a whole separate post that is coming. I have many thoughts about Nara and Neil in that situation).
He routinely has panic attacks, some of which lead to dissociation. For example, before his trial in 37 and 38, we see him go catatonic when he realizes his haven is under attack. Dissociation is not usually something that happens to someone once and then never again. It’s a coping mechanism, and I don’t think it’s a stretch to say it’s something he experiences, perhaps not regularly, but with some sort of frequency.
In addition, many of his rituals require his mind to be separated from his body, and we know kalif also impacts his cognitive function as also seen in Baghdad. He has the capability of astral projecting which leaves his body behind, defenseless. The ritual with the bull in 6, he had others stay nearby just in case something were to happen. The second time he completes the ritual, Johnny escorts him.
Neil is often dependent on the people around him to keep him safe, and we see him repeatedly look to others for their judgement before he makes a decision on his own. He looks to Nara to trust Jubair, and he looks to Amara to trust Catherine and this mission. In these two cases in particular, he’s forced to rely on others’ assessments of the situation because he cannot make his own. In addition, relies on Britta and Miles to defend him in court while Johnny and Wynn take care of his haven. He also places an immense amount of trust in the coterie and their decisions, generally speaking.
Peppedstep mentioned that family is important to Neil, the coterie is important to Neil. He consistently revolves around the idea of keeping them together and spending their final nights together. I agree, but to add another layer to that, Neil trusts everyone in the coterie, and as has often been discussed, trust is an extremely rare commodity for Kindred, and in some cases doesn’t exist at all. What Neil has with the coterie almost seems to be unprecedented given the general picture of the Camarilla and Kindred society the audience is presented with. He knows these people will protect him and/or his body when he is unable to.
I would imagine, without them, his quality of life would be diminished, and all it would take is one mistake, one bad episode, for him to meet final death or another horrible fate, especially considering his abilities. It was a stroke of luck that Amara and Weathers picked Neil up.
His drug use, mental health issues, and magical abilities all work closely together to form a complex web of memory loss and a distrust of his own opinions. Even further, I would argue that his memory loss contributes to his lack of a sense of identity.
I believe it’s been mentioned a few times that Neil doesn’t really have a strong sense of identity (I am not going to sort through all 60 episodes to find those sources though, sorry! I do think it might have been brought up at the party when Fester was preparing him?), and that’s proven by how he talks about his worth early on when Wynn confronts him after the bull ritual. He, and I am paraphrasing here, believes he is useful because he can provide the coterie with knowledge. Later on, he mentions that Miles kept him around because of his specific abilities which again, his worth is tied up in his usefulness to people.
This mentality is compounded by his early history with his sire. In 51 or 52 (I can’t remember which and I’m not going to look it up), it’s described that Neil looks at his sire the way one might look at an abusive parent. Neil is absolutely terrified of this person even now. Based on Neil’s nonconfrontational personality, some of his coping mechanisms in the face of this abuse could easily be making himself small, agreeing with his sire, etc. leading to the people-pleasing nature we see in Neil now. Peppedstep also posited that Neil could have been Embraced to be made in his sire’s image. We know he is a loner, we know he has visions, and maybe he also feels the need for family in his own demented way. Regardless of if that is true, Neil’s sire had a massive effect on who Neil became as a Kindred and without question would influence his sense of identity. If Peppedsteps’s theory is true, then Neil’s sire would have stripped away any sense of who he was to remake him in his image.
TLDR: Neil has memory loss from a combination of drug use, mental health issues, and magical abilities which make him reliant on others for his safety in certain circumstances and further exacerbate his lack of a sense of identity.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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synonymroll648 · 11 months
y’know that feeling when you realize hanahaki disease could actually be canon compliant thanks to the worldbuilding surrounding the gnomes? and then you remember that sophie is technically part gnome? 
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zkretchy · 6 months
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I finally also watched the Angels of Death anime and considering I am unable to do anything else because the internet hates me and doesn't connect to anything these past 3 days
I decided to draw Zack and Ray because A: i got nothing else to do and B: as thanks for helping me through boredom v.v
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flymmsy · 6 months
Fraternal ‘twins’ Orin and Durge - a ready womb was needed to prepare the way for Bhaal’s creation. Helena carried Durge and Orin together, with Orin as the ‘necessary side effect’ for Durge to be brought into the world.
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solarisgod · 25 days
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              ⁽ ─ - ㅤ٬٬ THE YOUNGEST . ✰ ₊˚. ₎
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THEY TALK DOWN TO YOU , as though you couldn't possibly understand . They speak down to you in a language consisting only of simple, happy concepts , unaware that you hear their whispered conversations in the dark . Funnily enough , they don’t know how much they miss , that the many voices that call to you from elsewhere are standing right in front of them . They don’t see , but you do . You will make these overlooked souls into friends ⅋ they will soak up the loneliness that has seeped into your world . You miss when it was easy to spend time with those you love , when it was a given , as sure as the sun rising in the morning . But still , they think you don’t understand . How can they think that when you love them so ? ⅋ after all , love is just understanding .
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────────────────────── AS TAGGED : @sovrenyi ! ♡ ₊˚. TAGGING : @lunarisdog , @vulpesse , @devouraes , @lifesver , ⅋ you ! ───
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oksanas-sun · 5 months
in an alternate universe an eve in her midtwenties, still relatively new to mi5, is offered an once-in-a-lifetime chance to go to russia with mi6's head of the russia desk carolyn martens. for reasons unbeknownst to her, they go to an orphanage - a dreadful place, really, cold and dirty and neglected. where they meet a nine year old, blonde little girl, clearly troubled.
something about the girl, who's name she finds out is oksana, draws eve in. she doesn't know if it's the lost look in her eye or the profound sadness and loneliness she can see beneath the arrogant, rather aggressive facade. all she knows is oksana doesn't need the punishment the orphanage workers put her through for every misstep, she needs gentle guidance and support. she makes an effort to be kind to the girl and gain her trust, going as far as extending her stay in russia for longer than necessary, ignoring carolyn martens' raised eyebrow and her fiancé niko's complaints.
she finds she has a connection with the little girl, discovering her assumptions are correct; the reason for the trouble oksana causes regularly aren't the personality disorders which the psychologists diagnosed her with. it's a desperate cry for any sort of attention, may it be good or bad, after years of neglect and a load of childhood trauma making her lash out whenever faced with a trigger. she doesn't seem to have ever been taught to regulate her emotions, ever been shown what the safety & love of a home really feels like.
eve knows it's crazy. she's just about to get married, she's just starting to make a name for herself in her job. she can’t possibly take care of a child. she never really even thought about wanting children at all. but something about oksana is different. something about her wakes something in eve that she didn’t know existed.
it's not the easiest progress but she goes through the paperwork for the permission to foster the girl and take her back to the uk with her. she wants to give her the chance to grow up happy and healthy. oksana's so young, eve's still able to give her childhood memories that feel good and warm. she's able to let her grow up with a family who loves her. eve wants to be that family for her and she won't let anyone stop her.
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3cookies4u · 9 months
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[ID: A piece of digital fanart depicting Hiroto/Tatsuya Kiyama from Inazuma Eleven in the Inazuma Japan uniform. He's drawn from the waist up, smiling at the viewer with his eyes closed and mouth open. His right hand is placed over his heart and his head it tilted slightly. The background consists of a light blue sky, the sun and two sunflowers that all seem to have been doodled with crayons. The text "Happy birthday, Hiroto! 09.16" is written in white at the top of the image. End ID]
happy bday to this wonderful boy!! i hope he has a great time celebrating the date with his teammates and the other ohisama en children :]
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sadpanda · 24 days
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Walk with me… the councilwoman comes back to get revenge on the 118… we end season 7 with them all split up at different houses
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