#Fox has been hard to write but I'm nervous about how i did!
deejadabbles · 1 year
The Handmaiden's Fox (Fox x Fem!Reader) Chapter One
Summary: You have been by Amidala’s side since she was the queen of Naboo and no one will shake you from your duty. Not even a handsome, red-clad commander who seems quite taken with the friendship you’ve forged. Commander Fox x fem handmaiden reader. Slow burn, friends to lovers. Rating: Mature A.N: So for those of you who don't know: all of Padmé's handmaidens take new names ending with " é " as a sign of loyalty to her. I never mentioned the reader's é name as I want that to be personal, but I wanted to mention it since it comes into play in the story <3
I've also made a playlist for this series, in case you want to set the mood with tunes. Word Count: 6,284 Warnings: just some blaster fire and canon typical danger Masterlist /// Tag List Sign Up  /// AO3
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Prologue /// Part One /// Part Two /// [part three coming soon]
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Chapter one
The roaring of the senate chamber was deafening. You had thought that years of exposure to it would harden your hearing, but no petty debate between dozens of senators could have prepared you for the screaming of the last two weeks. Two weeks. Not even fourteen rotations had passed since the battle of Geonosis. Since the start of the Clone War. Every day more and more planets were leaving to join the Separatists, and the destruction of chaos was spreading fast. So, you supposed it was little surprise that every single debate in the Senate was automatically a vibrant verbal brawl now.
And here you had hoped that fewer senators in the hall would lessen the noise.
As always, you stood sentry behind your lady, your Amidala, who had fought in the first battle of the war. Who had been thrown into a pit for execution, and blasted her way out like a warrior. Now, she was in a whole new type of pit, instead of fighting starved beasts, she was now fighting numerous senators who seemed content to throw out any shred of decency in favor of war.
You watched as the senator from Corellia made their argument, that they needed to cut off relief aid funding in favor of the cloning facilities. Just two weeks in, and the need for more clones was already apparent. In the seat in front of you, you watched Padmé stiffen at the way the other senator implied that ‘lesser’ worlds needed to help themselves before asking the Republic for aid. She was raring for a fight, and fight she did.
You never got tired of watching Padmé put someone in place with a few carefully chosen words. Never tired of the way she fought for others…even if it didn’t always work in the end.
“Motion passed,” came Chancellor Palpatine’s voice. 
You closed your eyes with the smallest sigh, knowing that even more suffering would come to pass now. At least this was only a motion to start talking about cutting funding. Padmé would do everything she could to make sure the next bill was as fair as she could manage.
When the sound that indicated the end of the day’s session rang through the chamber, you almost slumped with relief. You didn’t of course, no handmaiden ever lost her composure under the watchful eye of the senate. But you were glad that it was finally time to return to your lady’s office. A headache was coming on strong.
Padmé had more grace than to storm out of the chamber like a woman on a war path, but your trained eye could see she was exactly that as she walked calmly out into the hall. She didn’t try to hide her expressions nearly as much now, her queen persona having faded quite a lot in the passing years, but she still knew the value of looking calm to her colleagues.
The hallways were a buzz with activity, aids and senators alike calling for associates and running here and there for their next task. That, and it was filled with the sounds of armored boots. 
As you and the Naboo guards followed Padmé, several groups of the new clone trooper units passed by. All of it was still a little disconcerting, having such heavily armed men tramping around. It brought back memories, wounds a decade old still felt fresh as the sound of marching feet reminded you of droids taking over Theed. 
You were proud that you had fought for your home world all those years ago, fought the Trade Federation (who now were now ironically a head of the Separatists) and took back your planet and your people. But that didn’t mean the battle was easy. 
And these men, these soldiers bred for war, would see far worse in the coming days. 
It might be easy, to look at their identical armor and expressionless helmets, and see them as something akin to droids, but they weren’t. They were flesh and blood under all that plastoid and, while their new and overbearing presence may be unsettling for now, you refused to dehumanize them in your mind like that.
A call of your name drew your attention back to the present, just as Padmé reached the door to her office.
“I have that meeting with Bail and Mon in about an hour, but there’s still so much work to do,” she sighed as the door closed behind her, “I hate to ask, but-”
“I will stay here and file anything you need, my lady.” You had anticipated this, things were still adjusting to the new war-time normal, and Padmé’s workload was more overwhelming than ever, and that was saying something. To ensure she got any rest at all right now, you had to do much of the paperwork she would see to personally while the committees and meeting ate up her time.
She sighed with relief and gave you that small smile that always held her deepest affection. “Thank you, I’ll get a head start on it for you at least, since I still need you to research the Chabrill and Cordia incidences.”
And so the two of you got to work. Your first tasks were easy enough, you’d lost count of the number of info packs you’d written for her on import events over the years, and they were done by the time she and the guards left for that meeting. You stayed behind in the office, her atmosphere controlls set to play your favorite soothing sounds for white noise as you worked.
Padmé trusted you to answer most of her mail and requests the way she would and save the dire ones for her personal attention. You polished up and filed her pending motions, and a dozen other mundane things that made you want to pull your hair out despite your never waving composure. God, you hated politics sometimes. More or less than paperwork, you couldn’t say, but it was always a close running between the two.
You were just answering a far too flirtatious message from Senator Dobo and almost, almost, missed the way the sound of armored feet got louder just outside the door.
Eyes flashed up to the entrance, just as it was slid open without so much as a knock.
Three clone troopers came charging in as you jumped to your feet behind the desk.
“What is the meaning of this?” you demanded in a cool tone, hands slipping into the sleeves of your tunic in a neutral dignified posture. “Troopers are not permitted in here without permission.”
“Are you Senator Amidala?” The one in front asked, tone clipped, not the monotone you had heard a few clones use over the past weeks.
“I am her aid, and I demand you answer my question, trooper.” 
You saw it, the barely-there way his shoulders stiffen, before he clasped his hands behind his back, and feel the eyes behind the visor bore into you.
“We need to see the senator immediately, we’ve received intelligence that there’s been a threat made on her life.”
…Oh, was that all? You almost laughed. Though you did appreciate the man’s obvious dedication to his job.
Your eyes took in the freshly painted red on the white armor, having heard that the higher ranks of clones had adopted the marking to indicate their legions and ranks. This one had the vaguely sword-like symbol of Coruscant emblazoned boldly on his chest, while the two at attention behind him had simpler red markings.
“You must be the new Commander of the Coruscant Guard,” you said.
“I am.”
“Then, Commander, you will soon learn that there is always a threat made on Senator Amidala’s life. It comes hand in hand with her tendency to put dangerous people in their place.”
Again your keen eyes picked up on the tightening of his arms, so subtle under the armor even you almost missed it. One talent you’d learned in the Naboo royal court, was reading body language, especially the body language of those who always hid theirs. It was an even more useful skill in your new position, though you’d never thought to use it on these men. The clone was either shocked at the candor in which you spoke about the danger, or annoyed with how you were talking to him. Maybe both.
“All the same,” his tone was measured now, but you heard the hint of gritted teeth behind the polite words, “I must speak with Amidala about the threat. Personally.”
Had you not been schooling your expression like you always did here, you would have raised your eyebrows at him. You weren’t annoyed, not really, in fact, you found the way he stood his ground almost admirable. He cared about his job but…maybe it was more than that. Maybe he cared about the safety of others on a more personal level. You weren’t sure yet, but, the commander had made his way onto your list of potential allies, one you may pursue in the future.
If he was annoyed with you, there was no need to vex him further. You gave a small, respectful incline of your head. “Very well, Commander. I will escort you to her.” 
He did not thank you as you made your way around the desk and walked past them through the door, but he fell in step behind you without protest. You sent a quick message from your small wrist unit, using a code phrase that would warn Padmé to be alert.
You could practically feel the tension in the troopers behind you and normally, you would ignore it, but, if you were being honest, you liked the opportunity this gave you. To learn more about the men who were now protecting the senate.
“I did not catch your name, Commander,” you said, keeping your eyes forward.
You actually faltered a little at that, “Excuse me?” This time you actually looked over your shoulder at him, and let your brow lift up in question. You didn’t miss the way his body shifted under your gaze.
“It’s the only name they gave me, ma’am.” His tone was just a notch lower now, another thing of note.
A number. A number, like a droid. 
That didn’t sit well with you, not one bit, but, you supposed it was none of your business, for now. “I see,” you said after a moment, then turned your eyes back in front of you. “Well, Commander, if you ever decide to take another name, please do let me know.”
“I didn’t get your name either.”
You almost smiled at that, and gave him the name you had taken when you took on the role of handmaiden all those years ago. Very few people here on Coruscant knew your birth name, and none used it. The commander would have to become an extremely close friend to ever earn that honor.
A few minutes of silent walking passed before you finally reached Bail Organa’s office. To his credit, CC-10- ugh, no, you were not calling him that, even in your head, unless he asked you to. To his credit, the Commander listened to your advice when you asked him to ring the doorbell before barging in on a private meeting.
You graciously gave an apology for the interruption when the four of you entered, then swept out of the way as the clones gave their report to Amidala. Admittedly, the threat was not quite as laughable as you had first thought it was, but it was hardly the worst one Padmé had faced, even just in the last year. Apparently a small-time thug in the mid-rim thought he might ingratiate himself to the Trade Federation by ‘taking out’ their most hated senator. He couldn’t afford the prices of the Bounty Hunter Guild and  so, had posted smaller sums of money for anyone to take should they manage the job.
Considering Padmé had survived actual guild level assassin’s for a few years now, you weren’t that concerned.
Still, you admired the troops doing their jobs to the letter, and your lady accepted the Commander’s advice of a personal Corrie Guard escort as a precaution for the coming days. It was hardly needed. You, Dormé, and Captain Typho had always been more than enough security, but, it made the clone Commander feel better, than it couldn’t hurt.
All in all the conversation was somewhat short, and soon enough the man took his leave, ordering the other two clones to stay behind with Amidala. After that, Bail, who was amused at Padmé collecting yet another enemy, said that the rest of their meeting could wait until next time. The senators bade each other a good night and you followed your lady out of the office along with the new red painted guards.
Neither of them had said a word this whole time, but you supposed that was their right. That didn’t stop Typho from giving the clones a run down of how his guard details worked, and how he wanted the clones to integrate into that routine. 
As they talked, Padmé fell back to meet your steps. “So, you’ve met the Commander of the new Coruscant Guard,” she started, tone quiet so no one would overhear you. “Did you talk to him at all while escorting him?”
“A little, he wasn’t much of a conversationalist.”
“And? What’s your opinion of him so far? Besides his lack of extroverted tendencies, that is.”
You felt the urge to bite your lip. Overall, you hadn’t spent enough time to get a decent read on him yet, but it was still odd how much of a blank slate you were drawing when thinking up your opinion. Maybe it was his armor and helmet, how not seeing his face made it harder to gauge his reactions and thoughts. Or maybe, he was almost as good as the handmaidens when it came to hiding himself through stoicism. 
The fact that you couldn’t decide which was more likely annoyed you a little.
“Honestly? I’m…not sure what I think of him yet.”
That sentiment continued over the following week. You hadn’t expected to see the man in red quite so soon, after scheduling shifts for his men to rotate in and out of Padmé’s service, you had assumed he would move on to other tasks and concerns. 
So, imagine your surprise when you found yourself once again in the Commander’s company without Padmé. 
Once again you were in her office, working on her latest project while she and Dormé attended a charity dinner, when there was a chime indicating someone at the door. Your eyes needed a break in any case, so you pulled yourself out of your favorite armchair and rubbed your eyes as you walked to the door. Then, you felt your interest piqued when you checked the security cam and saw that red and white helmet staring expectantly at the lens. Well, at least he knocked this time. He should be glad of that for his own sake, as you were in no mood for rudeness tonight.
After straightening your back and putting on that stoic mask, you opened the door. “Good evening, Commander, what may I help you with?”
“May I speak with the Senator?”
“I’m afraid she’s out for the evening, but I should be able to help with whatever you need.”
“Very well,” He reached behind him and slid a datapad from a pouch on his belt. “I’ve reviewed the Senator’s security details based on reports my men have given me. I have some changes I’d like to make.”
A sarcastic, ‘oh you do, do you?’ almost left your mouth, but you held it in, you really must be well past tired now. He held the data pad out to you and you began reading it before you even took it in hand.
“Please, come in,” you offered with a wave, “take a seat if you’d like.” You had a feeling this was going to be a long back and forth.
He said a polite “Thank you, ma’am,” as he stepped in, but did not even glance at the various chairs in the room, opting instead to stand at attention in the center of it all.
“She won’t agree to this,” you concluded after a moment, not having even scrolled halfway through the document. “She would be appalled by the mere idea of you searching her staff’s rooms without probable cause.” Another tap on the screen. “She’d also deny the proposal to lengthen guard shifts, she tries to keep them down to 7 hours to avoid stress and,” you almost laughed at this one, “and she has never allowed guards to stay in her room at night.”
“My men would never do anything inappropriate-”
“I did not say they would,” you assured with a raise of your hand, “Amidala doesn’t even let handmaidens such as myself stay in her room anymore, it’s nothing personal.” The last thing anyone needed was a corrie guard to shoot Skywalker the next time he thought he was sneaking into her room unnoticed.
The clone was silent for just a moment, his unreadable visor trained on you as you stared back. “Are there any of my suggestions that meet your approval?”
You didn’t know if he meant to say ‘her’ and mentioned you by mistake, or if he thought that you were making it your personal mission to thwart him at every turn. He meant well, you knew that, but you could picture exactly how the conversation would go if you gave this over for her to review, and you respected his time too much to waste it.
“How about this, Commander, would you allow me to tweak these suggestions into ones my lady will consider? I will try my best to keep the heart of them intact for you.”
He shifted on his feet a little, before clasping his hands behind his back. A faint crackle of his vocator said that he might have been holding in a sigh. “I suppose that’s an agreeable compromise.”
A part of you had hoped for a thank you, after all, you were taking time out of your already heavy workload to help, but you supposed the polite nod of his helmet would do. You knew you wouldn’t be able to get comfortable in your oversized chair with him standing there like a tall armored gargoyle, so instead you sat at Padmé’s desk and began typing.
Looking back, you probably should have read the whole proposal through the first time, if you had, the last bit of it wouldn't have come as such a shock.
“I’m a subject of one of your new plans?” you asked, looking up at him and allowing just a sprinkle of incredulity onto your expression.
“Care to explain why I need a clone guard of my own?”
A slight roll of his shoulders, arms still behind his back. “I researched you. You’ve been in the Senator’s employ since before she came here.”
“I have.”
“And you don’t live in the senatorial apartments like the other staff. You live alone.”
“I do.”
He was silent, which only made your annoyance flare.
“And?” it came out far more snapping than you’d meant it to, and immediately you reeled the annoyance back in. Then, much more kindly, you added, “Please, Commander, speak your mind with me.”
At that, you noticed his shoulders actually lower just a bit, a controlled version of relaxing. “Isn’t it obvious? Your close relationship with the Senator makes you a target. If any of these thugs realized how close you are to her, they’d use you to get to her. I’ll have one of my troops escort you home every night and stand guard at your apartment to ensure your safety.”
Well, wasn’t that sweet. 
In truth, his suggestion actually took you by surprise. You hadn’t thought much about what living alone for the first time in a decade might mean. The condo was a new gift from Padmé, a token of her ‘thanks’ for all your years of service, a chance to have something of your own since you had lived with her since the day you stepped foot in her palace. In truth, you knew it was a peace offering, she had to change so much of her life to accommodate that tempestuous young Jedi of hers now. 
It didn’t matter that you knew the basics of their relationship, Padmé still couldn’t hold her handmaidens as close as she once did, or the secret of her marriage might be jeopardized. So she offered you your own space, your own home while she had to push you away. It had hurt, it still hurt a little, but you understood, and loved her too much to complain. She loved that Jedi and, if putting space between you and her was what she needed, then you would give it to her without question.
You hadn’t even had time to think about what living away from her might mean regarding safety.
“I’m very impressed with your work, Commander,” you admitted eventually. “You obviously take your role to heart and Amidala herself would appreciate your thoroughness. But, I promise you, there isn’t any need to waste one of your men on me. I can take care of myself.”
“I disagree.”
The annoyance came back with a vengeance- how dare he assume that-!
“Disagree about there not being a need, ma’am,” he quickly amended, and you realized your anger must have flashed across your face. “I don’t know what your personal training has been like, but all the same, my men are trained to protect and serve. Let them do their jobs.”
You allowed yourself a calming sigh. For all his stiffness, he really was trying to be polite and you supposed you could tap into your inner politician for him. 
“Please take a seat, Commander, I see no reason for you not to be comfortable while we hash this out.”
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It had been nearly a month since he, the head of the Coruscant Guard, warned that senator about the threat on her life, and the way she made no changes to her daily routine was, frankly, starting to piss him off.
“What do you mean she’s still going to attend that rally!?” He hadn’t meant to yell, especially at the brother who had just gotten off a twelve hour watch shift outside Amidala’s residence. But damn it, was he annoyed.
At least the trooper didn’t seem shaken, “Sir, I expressed my concern, but she just reiterated that-”
“That ‘no one is going to scare me into hiding’ right right, so she’s said,” the Commander finished, having heard that same line several times from the woman- and her bossy little handmaiden, over the last month. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, mind wandering over the dozens of security weaknesses this rally was sure to have. Why was it so damn important that she make some speech at a gathering for- kriff, he didn’t even remember what the topic was. Not that it mattered in the end. He was quickly realizing that this willful senator was going to give him endless migraines.
“Perhaps, assigning more troops to her will help, sir?” the shinny offered, obviously trying his best to help.
“No, we’re already stretched thin, even if I hadn’t made up the schedules for the week.” At least he managed to sound less grumpy that time, it wasn’t the kid’s fault that his new job wasn’t what he’d expected. He thought he’d be out putting blaster holes in droids right now, freeing innocent civies from seppie control in a blaze of glory. Instead, he was bowing to the simpering pleas of the chancellor and corralling feral senators like cadets in their first shooting lesson.
Alright, maybe ‘feral’ was a little harsh for Amidala, and her bossy aid. Truthfully, despite their tendencies to brush off his concerns, they at least showed some respect to him and his men, more than a lot of the politicians in the building. Not that it was his place to care about said things in the first place, he had to follow orders no matter who treated him in whatever way.
He let out a sigh. “I’ll escort her personally,” he eventually concluded. 
It was the best answer, he could put off reports or the couple of hours the rally took, and his skills were more finely honed than a majority of his men, meaning he’d more than enough. 
“Dismissed, trooper, you’re off duty.”
An attentive ‘yes, sir!’ followed that, with the familiar sound of armored feet marching out his office door. The Commander rolled his shoulders and picked up his personal data pad to double check Amidala’s schedule. He’d have to let Thorn know he wasn’t going to be in during that time slot, and ask him to take on any in-house emergencies, but, other than that, it shouldn’t be an issue.
This was going to be an interesting day.
About two hours later, his shuttle was landing on the platform outside Amidala’s residence. Always vigilant, he was greeted by her personal guard dressed in traditional Naboo attire- how nat-borns felt safe wearing nothing but cloth, he’d never know.
“Commander,” Typho, the captain of her guard, greeted, “what brings you here this time?”
“I was informed of the Senator’s plans to attend that rally,” despite my warnings and advice, “I’m here as extra security,” since, apparently, I care more about her safety than she does!
Typho smirked, the skin near his roguish eye patch crinkling, “If you insist, though, if you have more important duties to tend to, I assure you, we have everything under control.”
“If my other duties were an issue, I wouldn't be here.” The words came out more flatly than he’d intended, but Typho didn’t seem bothered as he led him through the transparisteel doors into the apartment proper.
As always there were aids and household staff running about, along with that gold protocol droid who seemed to find something to fret and cry about at all hours, according to his men. This wasn’t the first time he’d been in the residence himself in the last month and, just when a particular handmaiden came striding out of the bedroom chamber with that cool collected expression, the memory of the previous time came flooding back. 
Not many people stood their ground against a man like him, but you seemed to do it as if it were nothing. He had been demanding to see Amidala, to update her on his latest information regarding the mercenaries, but you had planted yourself between him and her door like a statue. He still remembered that blank stare you gave him, that told him everything and nothing at the same time- that somehow said a rude ‘take a hike, boy’ and a polite ‘the senator will answer your concerns at a later date’ simultaneously. It was only when he had made to shove past you a third time that you told him why he couldn’t go inside yet. Honestly, if you had just said that Amidala was undressed in the first place, he would have understood! He wasn’t that unfamiliar with nat-borns and their boundaries.
Standing in the same room again now, he felt his face get a little warm at the memory, especially when you approached him.
“Good evening, Commander,” you greeted in that smooth, even tone of yours. “Senator Amidala is getting ready for the evening’s events, and wants me to thank you for your offer of extra security.”
How did she- how would you- how could either of you possibly know why he was here already? He recovered quickly enough, clasping his hands behind his back. “Just, doing my job, ma’am.”
“Would you like anything while you wait? Something to drink perhaps? Or…a lengthy report on the event hall and its security weaknesses?”
He blinked behind his helmet, unable to tell if you were joking. Ever since that late night of debating security in Amidala’s office, you seemed a little less careful with your words when talking to him. Even if he still couldn’t always discern their actual meaning.
That was another thing about you that he noticed, his own inability to puzzle you out sometimes. One moment you were all bossy, demanding answers and actions out of him in a cooler tone than most of his COs, the next you were rather pleasant, all respectful nods and considerate questions. Like asking about his name. His name, you were the first nat-born to ever ask him if he even had one.
Even after these little encounters, he still couldn’t quite figure you out, and it was honestly starting to annoy him a little.
“I already did thorough research on the venue, so there’s no need for that,” was the answer he finally settled on.
There was that polite bow of your head again, “Of course, Commander.”
He almost saw your face twitch in confusion as you looked back up at him. “Pardon?”
“You said that if I ever chose another name, to tell you. I’m Commander Fox now.”
There was the smallest little lift at the corner of your mouth. “Then, I am pleased to reacquaint myself with your name, Commander Fox.”
Fox wasn’t sure if that was some particular Naboo saying or not, but he didn’t have time to wonder as Amidala came striding out of the bedchamber. Fox snapped back to attention fast, and put everything except for protocol out of his thoughts as the evening went on.
All in all, the rally had gone… well. 
Fox stood on the sidelines, scanning the perimeter, repeatedly checking the entry points, and when Amidala gave her speech he made sure no one got even an arm’s length from the podium. You and the other handmaidens were at the woman’s side the whole time, never wavering, always at attention, always watching. Seeing all four women together for the first time, and noting how they positioned themselves around the Senator, made him realize something. 
When the handmaidens moved together, they used a formation that he and his men often did. A military formation. He’d recognize it anywhere, even if the bodies were swathed in velvety cloth instead of hard armor and the hands were tucked into sleeves instead of gripping blasters. Maybe he had more to learn about the training nat-borns went through on various planets.
Oh and…had he said the rally went well? There was an amendment to that: it went well until it all went to shit.
The meeting was over and Fox waved for the senator’s group to follow him through the back room of the venue, to where the transport was waiting outside. His eyes were keen, as always, watching, searching, but even when he didn’t spot anything, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right.
His fingers were just about to open the door to the outside landing pad, when your voice called out behind him. He turned and saw your brows pinched together as you pressed your finger to your ear.
“I’m not getting a response from our driver,” you said, “I think somethi-” 
He saw your eyes go wide in shock before he registered the door sliding open behind him. Fox’s body was turning on instinct, but he thought he saw a flash of silver being pulled from the velvet of your sleeve before he came face to face with a thug lifting a rifle.
Hands went to his pistols a second before the goon fired, but it was still too slow- until the thug got hit square in the chest from shot fired somewhere behind Fox. That left the Commander free to fire at the two others who where closing in on the door. The second they fell he slammed his elbow on the control panel, eyes darting across the platform to assess, even as the door slid shut.
Another punch with his hand and the door resealed itself, but it wouldn’t hold them for long. 
“I counted five,” there was your voice again, as you crouched opposite him of the entrance, holding a elegant silver blaster at the ready, “five, besides the ones we already stunned.”
“Obviously they thought they could overwhelm us with numbers instead of skill,” he heard Amidala say, completely surrounded by her guards and other handmaidens, all with blasters in hand. 
“This door won’t hold them for long,” Fox could already hear shouts and feet closing in.
That’s when he saw a mischievous kind of determination glimmer in your eyes. “Commander, if they want to trap themselves on that small platform while we hold a choke point, I say: let them.”
Despite himself, Fox smirked behind his helmet. He liked the way you thought.
“We’ll watch your back,” Typho offered, signaling his own guards to cover the only other door in the room.
“I take the left, you right?” you asked, face set, ready.
Fox gave you a second’s long look, and nodded, before he opened the door. 
The moment it hissed open there was chaos. Thankfully, the idiots on the other side couldn’t aim worth a shit. Fox had to trust that you could cover the left, which was, admittedly, not easy for him, but you had been quick enough to shoot the first gunman over his shoulder, and that gave him a little confidence.
Instead, Fox made himself focus on the two who had been trying to get the door open, their closeness making them easy pickings. Later, he might actually laugh at the sheer lack of skill and coordination the group had. He couldn't laugh, though, idiots with guns were their own kind of dangerous and he shouldn't underestimate that.
“Fox, straight ahead!” he heard you shout over the blasterfire, just as his second target fell. 
He looked up and saw a mountain sized lassat, charging at the door with a riot shield in hand, taking all their blaster shot. With barely enough time to dive out of the way, Fox didn’t even see that you had jumped up to grab a shelving unit beside the door.
Your timing was perfect.
The lassat had just barely cleared the door as you pulled on the shelf and sent it slamming into his side, the shield falling useless from his grasp. It wasn’t quite enough to fell the large man, though, and Fox- as well as the other handmaidens in the room, opened fire as the enemy rounded on you with a shout. You ducked under his large fist as the first volley of stun bolts hit him.
By Fox’s count, it took 17 shots to bring him down, and when he fell it was with a resounding thud.
Everyone held their breath for a moment, heart beat thudding in his ears. Not another shot sounded, even as you moved to sweep the doorway one last time. When you confirmed that all was clear, the room breathed again.
Fox was just about to clamber to his feet, when you walked up and extended your hand. “Are you alright, Commander?”
He grunted in reply, taking your offered hand, and felt a jolt of surprise when you hauled him up with almost no effort. A quick scan of your body assured him that you hadn’t been hit, so he turned to the room at large.
“Is everyone else alright?” Fox asked, just as he heard sirens closing in.
“We’re fine,” Amidala announced with pride, “it takes far more than a few would-be bandits to shake us, Fox.” 
“Our driver was finally able to reach us,” Typho interjected, “she managed to escape their ambush and call for back up.”
That explained the sirens. Fox pulled out the wrist binders from his belt pouch and knelt to cuff the lassat. He would have to give his report to the others when they landed, but, before they did, he had one other duty to tend to.
He straightened up, standing practically chest to chest with you as you finally relaxed and lowered your blaster. Fox liked your fire, and hadn’t misplaced his trust when he let you help him. Honestly, if today was any indicator, he’d be proud to fight beside you any day. But, rules were rules.
“I’m sorry, ma’am,” his hand shot out to snatch your blaster before you could react, “but you’re in violation of code 187-24.”
“E-excuse me?!”
Fox had never seen a strong emotion on your face to date, so the look of completely anger and incredulity that crossed your face almost made him laugh.
He pushed the thought away as he waved his hands at the other handmaidens, “Neither you, or any of them are registered as personal guards in our records. Under the new Coruscant Guard Regulations, aids are not permitted to carry firearms. Now, given the newness of the codes, I can let all of you off with a warning, but this is a serious violation and further investigation may be needed.”
“Now wait just a moment, Commander!” Amidala said through her teeth as she rushed forward.
Quite a bit of squabbling now mixed with the sounds of sirens, all of it giving Fox a headache. He sighed through he helmet, honestly, he was just doing his job.
And, it was only because he was nice that he wasn’t forcing you into cuffs right there. But no one thought of that while he cleaned up this mess- the mess that also could have been avoid, had everyone just listened to him in the first place!
No one ever listened to Fox.
You should definitely be thanking him for not arresting you.
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Tag list: @blueink-bluesoul @anxiouspineapple99 @starrylothcat @lightwise
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hitomisuzuya · 2 years
Fatui! Scaramouche x Fatui!fem! reader. How Scaramouche would confess his feelings to the reader.
a/n: before I start answering requests, I wanted to write something first. There was something @xxventiswindblumexx said to me last night that stirred my brain a bit. Follow along with me as a get self indulgent about this and don't laugh😋 I know none of you would though, I'm just saying😭 Enjoy everyone! @kichikichiko @ech4writesthings @nikibeloved
Scaramouche froze, his eyes widening when he saw you coming. He knew that look on your face well. You were pissed.
No, scratch that. You were livid.
Scaramouche had never seen you look so pissed off, except for one time when you'd found he was going through your things without asking and stealing them so you would give him attention.
Even though you walked right passed Scaramouche, he had feeling that he was going to be drug into your anger. He would stand there and wait while he enjoyed the show.
It was a new member of your team. He'd only joined about a month ago, being placed under your leadership for the reason that being around someone like you would calm him down about being nervous.
And it had. Until today.
This recruit in particular would never forget the lesson you taught him. Scaramouche knew the recruit wouldn't quit after this, being painfully aware and absolutely annoyed that this recruit was simping hard for you. Scaramouche couldn't help but cross his arms and glare while he watched.
"Ma'am! Ma'am, please," he heard the recruit all but stammer when you came to stand in front of him. "It was an accident. I didn't see the fox in time.."
Scaramouche was impressed with the swift roundhouse kick you delivered to his chest. But then again, your kicks had always had force in them. He couldn't but feel a little bad for that recruit. You rarely ever did something like this, unlike himself.
"I have one rule, especially in these joint operations!" Which were becoming more and more frequent lately. "Kill anyone of the enemy that you like. I don't care! People are shitheads anyways. I barely got that fox out of the way of in time because your reckless behavior."
You planted the heel of your shoe firmly onto the recruit's hand, turning it. "Consider this a warning. So help me, I will kill you myself next time, I don't care how fast things happen. See to it it that there isn't." you finished, your voice sounded so cold and serious.
It was a drastic hard left turn from how you normally acted.
Scaramouche pulled the brim of his hat slightly over his face. He knew you were coming for him next. And he was excited. And maybe, just maybe but not really, a little scared of you. That didn't reflect on his demeanor in the slightest.
"And you!" You said, turning to stride over to him. You were so furious that you tried to slap him with a slap that you would never let connect.
Scaramouche caught your wrist, glaring at you, offended. He let you speak though. He always wanted to hear your voice, angry or not.
"You didn't have to do that. I don't need someone protecting me. I could've handled it myself! Do you really think I am that weak?!" You continued, gritting your teeth over the sound of your pounding heart. "Why did you do that?"
His glare increased in intensity. Both his squad and yours gawked at how much guts you had talking to Scaramouche like this.
Of course he didn't think that way. Truthfully, Scaramouche's body has moved on it's own when he saw you scramble to scoop the fox up out of the line of fire. You had injuries to prove it. That Kairagi was been right on top you as soon as you hit the ground. Scaramouche had to do something. Not only was someone close to you in a threatening manner but you could've easily been taken away from him, no matter how strong or capable you were.
And you were so concerned for the fox as you clutched the animal against your chest to protect him that you had flippant regard for your life. He thought it was stupid that you'd recklessly thrown yourself into the line of fire. But somehow charming.
And you looked so beautiful when you were angry.
It always pissed him off him when you tried to talk over him. You always did that when you were nervous and he could tell you were. Oh and, please try to hit him again. It turned him on.
"Look, y/n, I--"
You didn't let him finish. "What kind of girl do you take me for?"
Scaramouche suddenly had enough. Glaring at your subordinates and his, he growled at them to leave. He was sick of this shit, and he would damned if anyone but you heard what he was about to say to you.
"You shut your mouth and listen because I am only going to say this once. I'd better not hear one word come out of your pretty mouth until I am finished," he said, grasping your chin to make you look up at him.
"I am not sorry if it causes you inconvenience while I struggle to deal with my feelings for you," he continued, putting a hand over your mouth when you tried to talk. "Nope, what did I say, y/n?" He loved how you stopped, instantly compliant. You'd always been that way around him. It didn't matter that he held a higher rank than you as a Harbinger.
"I am difficult to deal with, this you know. But then again, so are you sometimes. I..and I hate how I feel when I say this, but I'm..." He trailed off. Cut him a break, this was hard for him. "I'm falling in love with you." That last part was spoken quiet and almost sounded gentle despite how angry he sounded.
Scaramouche took his hand off your mouth. "You may speak now."
Ha! Your expression was priceless. He would remember it forever. He'd thrown you off so badly that you couldn't even speak.
His confession had gone smoother than he anticipated.
And what he didn't know that you already considered yourself his a long time ago. He sure took his time about this. He didn't have to take so long.
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moss-bride · 1 year
The lie of human kindness
Ren Hana x fem artist reader
1/3 chapters
She's covered in paint and hates the crusted splashes it left on her skin.
The garage her neighbors so kindly allowed her to use is a bit tight but she can't complain. This is the first time she's had a space outside her bedroom.
No. Not when there are so many artists out there that empty the living room of their dingy apartments to make their works.
She needs to make a trip to the hardware store to buy paint thinner and rounded tip brushes. She writes down her supplies on a notepad when her phone rings, the screen flashes to that familiar name. It causes a burst of nervous enthusiasm
to her most constant buyer.
She answers. "Mr Fox! What did you think of the photos I emailed you? Would you like to change anything? I'm finished with the base so by this Thursday will be your last chance to make edits." she's babbling. Something that happens often in their conversations
"No, it's coming out perfectly! " the smooth voice replies. He continually has nothing but compliments for her work. It makes her a little worried he's too afraid to give her criticism. 
Which is silly because a person wouldn't spend as much as he did on a work that isn't perfect. Right? 
In her doubt, she almost doesn't hear his next words. "I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to a gala."
"Me?" she's speechless for a moment. Unsure of what to say. "I…" The schedule in her notepad is empty as it's been since first started. Between work and … Work, time for clubbing is rare and she finds she hates the loud noise of clubs unlike some women her age.
She doesn't have to flip the page to know her time slot is open. Yet she hesitates. Having one on one time with Mr. Fox as his partner at a party with people she doesn't know is a daunting thing to consider.
"I'd love to go, Mr Fox but I don't exactly have proper clothes for a fancy party."
"I'll send you some!" he chirps. Ever the supportive fan. There goes her one reason. He often reminded her of a favorite uncle
She's honored that he would consider her so promising at her craft that he would show her off to acquaintances. Reminds herself that these are rich friends that could potentially commission and buy. 
This is an amazing opportunity to network. She shouldn't be so wary! nonetheless, her heart frets in her chest. She chews her lip. "I don't know if I'm comfortable being in your debt like that."
"Don't sweat it. Consider it an investment for how big a splash I envision you'll make for the scene." 
The easy grin of his is palpable through the phone.
he's always talking about culture, movements, and postmodernism. "Just knowing I'll be part of fostering such an artist is enough." she knew he would say something like that.
She doesn't know how to respond. Another thing that happens frequently between the two of them. Her eyes stare out the garage window. "I-"
Mr. Fox refuses to take the beginning of her stuttered refusal. "Perfect! I'll send someone to pick you up. Bye-bye." The tone rings and she's staring at the ended phone call in shock.
She shouldn't be upset with Mr. Fox,  oftentimes he was the lone benefactor to her works and he's a kind man. There's no malice to his intentions, in fact, he's looking out for her by doing this.
Yes, there are skeevy men, people in general, in the art world that take advantage of others. She has heard of their predatory moves from forums and community posts. 
But Mr. Fox was not one of them. She is fortunate to have met him so early in her career. An enthusiastic client is hard to come by.
On the day of the gala, a black expensive model car is sent to wait for her on the street, while she is climbing down the stairs, embarrassed to sit on the spotless leather seats inside. Neighbors gawk as she climbs in with her plain day clothes. Some wave as she leaves.
The ride to Mr. Fox's home is long. Perfect to recite her manners.
She printed out business cards and brought her satchel, a big green bag full of 'sketches' (finished works made to seem effortless), and her necessities. Keys, wallet, wipes for her glasses, and chapstick. She rustles through the items to make sure she has everything before the car starts driving.
Slowly she watches the apartments become brighter, luxury apartments, then comes a bit of suburbia, then the gated ones, the big mansions with obnoxious features and long driveways. 
These people love their privacy.
When they arrive she's almost asleep, forehead pressed against the window. The driver wakes her. 
The front of his home is as beautiful as she imagined. Not the ugly McMansions that she saw on the way but an elegant building with manicured trees and a welcoming structure. Not too showy and with the right amount of architecture to give taste. 
Clutching her bag protectively over herself she gathers her courage and follows the butler.
There are people in uniform doing chores around the place. Maids and servers that work for him. Gosh, even their professional uniforms make her feel underdressed. They scurry to put together any final preparations for the party. White tablecloths are set
No one's here yet. She might be a little earlier than expected.
When Mr Fox emerges from the upper doorway she breathes a sigh of relief and allows her shoulders to lax. He calls her name and warmly greets her. A smile displaying his sharp canine. "Ready for the big day?"
She gives a shaky confirmation in an attempt to appear confident but he sees through it and chuckles. Clasping a hand on her shoulder as they walk into one of the wings.
"You can get dressed here."
She looks around the well-furnished room. There's a bathroom connected to the far side. A spacious bed and draped on top, wrapped in plastic must be her dress.
"I'll be out in a minute."
He makes no motion to leave, she thinks that he is scanning her body from top to bottom. It makes her face heat.
She laughs. "I'm fine Mr Fox, you can go now."
He stands there for a moment then clears his throat and adjusts his tie. "Of course!"
He's about to shut the door when he pauses and motions her close. "Before I leave…." He snatched the lenses off her face. "You won't be needing these."
"My glasses?" she's unsure about him taking them. Everything is blurry, her eyesight is poor, barely above the legal limit to be considered blind.
He sighs. "There. Much better."
"I don't have contacts on…" but he already shut the door. A small click sounds. She should call him back and ask for them more firmly…. 
Instead, she lets the issue go. Later she'll explain how important they are and ask for them back.
The dress that Mr. Fox had handed her feels airy. Light as a feather and lacking the weight of material. She takes a bit of it in her hand and squints to her best ability trying to test if it's see-through. But that's just her right? It must be the draft. It is a bit cold.
Oh gosh. He really considered everything for this night. Mr Fox is nothing if not thorough but She doesn't need it. Her own underwear will be fine. And this level of planning is a bit unsettling.
she notices how delicate the garments are. Expensive. Did he put a lot of thought into her underwear?! She shakes that thought away. Feeling ashamed for associating it as creepy.
Slipping the dress over her head she struggles for it to settle around her chest.
The dress doesn't fit with the padding of her bra. She should have worn a strapless adhesive for tonight instead of a pushup. 
With much consideration she forgoes the bra since the gown is long and flowing, It should cover everything. There's a shawl to go along with the outfit and she's insanely grateful.
Next, she turns to the vanity. Huffing an exasperated breath at her smudged image. 
Everything's so smeared. Edges bleed into each other. 
On the desk, there are blobs of what must be a hairbrush and makeup. All new and unused. She does her best in thirty minutes and is blind as a bat. Utilizing muscle memory to do most of the work. She chooses to leave her hair down instead of clipped back from her face as it usually is when working. 
With that the effect is nerve-wracking. She feels like an entirely different person. A real Cinderella moment.
A knock sounds and they announce that people have begun to arrive.
"I'll be out in a minute!" she can't see the result. She'll trust Mr. Fox to inform her if her makeup is uneven.
Deep breaths. The lightness of the material makes her anxious again. However, they are waiting for her outside. She can't disappoint.
She slides into the heels and opens the door. Peeking out the hall. "Mr. Fox?"
No sign of the slight redhead. Instead, his bodyguards stand outside. Two of them as a unit. One is a big bald man to the left and a shorter, blond to the right. Hard lines of straight shoulders with no-nonsense
She smiles at them. "Nice to meet you."
They offer polite greetings but little else. She learns their names are Rhino and Roo. They sound like fake names, silly nicknames likely, but she doesn't want to make them uncomfortable by asking for real names. 
They have been so nice in guiding her.
The cool wind brushes her legs as she walks down the stairs, sliding her hand on the wood railing. It's like a scene from a movie!
She hears him before she can see him. At the bottom of the stairs waiting for her to descend.
His words make her feel naked. There's an underlying heat to them. "You look ravishing." her heart hammers at the thought of what his expression looks like now. Maybe it's a good thing she can't see because his face would leave her a stuttering mess.
"It's a beautiful dress." she bashfully gazes at a corner. The heels add height to her, making him four inches shorter but she never minded being taller. She stays at his side, enjoying the smell of his cologne. He's so warm. "You're very handsome yourself ." His suit is a deep burgundy with black accents. Lapels clean cut and hugging the waist.
Fox's voice resonates with a playfulness she hasn't had the pleasure of noticing before. "Are you flirting with me?"
She rears her head back and says, embarrassed. "Of course not. I don't mix business with pleasure." He chuckles at that.
He wants to be the exception.
A guest comes up to them with a steady tap of no doubt expensive shoes. "Fox, who is this gorgeous lady you are keeping to yourself?"
Mr. Fox introduces them. " She's the creator of paintings you see on my walls."
This man is blond with deeply tanned skin. If she had to guess he's a corporate type. "Fox here talks quite a bit about your talents."
The older man grins over the rim of a glass as she shoots him a look. He's all 'I told you so.' 
Her art unnerved most people and to discuss it so openly 
Human suffering plain to the eye. They only see that pain. Not the beauty in their panicked stares. White straining, turning pink with shocks of red worms until they become bloodshot. 
She paints that freedom. A study of human anatomy to remind everyone what they are. What will come.
Death is her inspiration, there is beauty in the midst of suffering angelic or from hell.
"Deserved flattery. Your images are visceral. Gut-wrenching." god the flattened is too much, she could get used to being complimented. "I did not expect such a sweet lady would be behind this gruesome work."
She laughed. "Never judge a book by its cover."
Talks and talks about a variety of things that go on in her life, and acts amazed at the news of his vacation to Jamaica. Then other guests join their conversation. Mr Fox is marching her from one acquaintance to the next and she knows she should be writing down names and information. Telling when she's open to commissions. Yet, all she could register is Mr. Fox beside her and his chuckling puffs when she says something funny.
She tries her best to be funny to hear it again and again.
An endless stream of beautiful guests that are interested in her work and admire it is refreshing to be around. The shame and secrecy of having to skip around the subject of her art gets tiring 
Hiding her muse is tiring, Death and the human form is the subject of her imagining and here they are celebrated.
When the evening is getting late he walks her to a patio, brushing past breezy curtains of red. The cool wind is a godsend on her hair.
He hands her a glass of wine and cups his own elegantly. He's so at home among the fortune and excess. She wishes at that moment for her phone, the way he looks is a divine masculine aura. He could be on the cover of a men's magazine.
"To our partnership."
She takes the offered cup and sips. Smiling softly at him as the burst of flavorful red wine spreads on her tongue.
He's gazing at her in the dark, illuminated by the orange glow of the light from one side and the soft pale of the moon on the other. "What is it?" 
His eyes must be keener than hers to see in the shadowy night. Does he notice her flushed shoulders and nervous tick? She's woozy from the drink already.
"I'm lucky to have met you, Mr. Fox." She tucks a strand behind her ear and is about to do the same to her other ear when she feels the warm pad of his thumb tuck it for her.
A polished claw gently scrapes her scalp.
Even with her blurry vision, the flaming orange flicker to his eyes catches her own. She tilts her head into the touch.
"My family and friends think what I draw is terrible. Satanic and devil worshiping, even." she gives a sardonic laugh. "I couldn't ever show them my sketchbook. No one wants to order family portraits from a gore artist. I didn't have anyone. But you…and the people here …understand."
Her admission gets her a sharp glimpse of teeth. A pearly fang. "Horror and shock are things to be celebrated, people scare easily on such subjects."
She's breathless as his nail slides against her brow. 'Exactly." 
She tries to take a step to him and she stumbles in the heels. Falling forward. His grip tightens on her arm. Without it, she would have face-planted. She laughs. "I don't feel very stable." without another thought she shucks them off, her bare feet flat on the floor.
"It's alright." he supports her with a surprising amount of strength. She wraps her arms around his waist and buries her face into his neck. Without her heels, she's back to being two inches taller than him. Chest to chest. 
She doesn't know she is being drugged. He can feel her pebbled breasts
"What happened to not mixing business with pleasure?" it's a husky whisper
She leans into his palm and closes her eyes. "You're not business. You're my friend." her only friend in this city. Her arms pull him closer for a hug. She pours her gratitude into her grasping arms, squeezing hard. Her friend…Who supports her and makes her feel appreciated.
It's easy to kiss him. She's intoxicated and forgetful of how intimidating his aura can be. The pit of nervous butterflies that she gets at meeting his eyes is gone, replaced by her need to share how much she feels for him. Laying three pecks on his lips after. The tenderness of each peck overwhelms him.
He's unresponsive. Horrified, she attempts to step away, about to utter an apology. Yet his hands refuse to let her go.
"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable," she says in a sudden moment of shame.
"Shh. Let's get you home." he tightens his jacket at her neck. It's laughable really, her shoulders are a bit ticker and it fits over almost like a shawl. 
"I want to stay with you," she mumbles against his skin. She kisses him again and this time he opens his mouth. With the first touch of tongues, she made a sound filled with need.
His breath is ragged and hot on her bruised lips.
"That's not a good idea…"
He's struggling with a decision she's not privy to. Muttering silent words in displeasure, smoothing his hair down with a right hand. She tries to hear what he's saying but her wine-drunk brain can't zero in on his meaning. Is he alright?
"Please, Fox." She both does and doesn't know what she's asking for
He pushes her away and she tumbles into the arms of Roo. For a slight figure, he has surprising strength.
She wants to dive back into his arms but the blond holds her still. Mr. Fox turns away. A growl threatened his words. "Go home."
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myalchod · 11 months
Fic asks 4, 10, and 27! Pleeeeeease. 🦊
Attacked by Fox! Must answer! (Thank youuuuuuuuu 💙💙💙)
4. How many WIPs do you have right now? Are you calling me out, Jen? I feel like you're calling me out. This one has multiple answers, but if I don't count the various prompts I've been negligent on and have a line or an idea or two scribbled down ... somewhere around 28, according to my spreadsheet. 💀 And I'm sure there are at least a few that didn't make that list. Those are anything from under 100 words to 14,336 last time I checked Alfieverse's wordcount. In summary? Too godsdamned many, why am I so distractible?
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting? Most of them, on some level or another! But for sheer uncontrolled snowballing as a result of that response, let's say Lessons, which started out as a single AU prompt for Musketeers that got entirely derailed and grew into a thing all of its own due to further asks and prompts. I did not expect to ever enjoy writing something like that, but it's hard not to enjoy it when you get positive feedback like that did. (Still not in any way my favourite Musketeers fic, or even close to the top, but it makes me smile to this day, and I'm grateful for the engagement that prompted it.)
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why? I am nervous about literally everything I post. I am actually a bunch of feathered balls of anxiety disguised in a meat suit. Not even joking. But in the ongoing spirit of HEX activities, and for slight nostalgic amusment, I'm gonna go with Believe Me In This. It was longer than most of what I wrote back then, in addition to being the first fic exchange piece I ever wrote. (The giftee told me that she hoped I'd get her prompt, since part of her ask was "character death with angst as a result", and ... okay, look, clearly I was already typecast. 😂)
[ ask me another | all answers ]
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soullikethesea · 2 years
Update on the T saga
T replied!
Well, I had actually deleted my message about what happened with Fox/fox and my questions about containment. And how hard I found it to deal with feeling attachment cry.
But I did write a short message about how I'm afraid I'm getting into a reenactment of what happened with my previous T and how I'm afraid to get attached to her because she'll go away. How I want to evaluate how to get the most out of this therapeutic relationship and how I felt kind of abandoned after she hadn't read the email before last session.
T replied that she hasn't seen the first message, but that we can talk more about the second one. That she understands that I felt hurt after she hadn't read the email and that she is sorry that she sometimes falls short in keeping up with the emails. And that she looks forward to seeing me this week.
I like her response, because it feels kind of solid. I don't think she has any idea of how my week has been, but how could she? I'm not sure how to tell her. Today my whole digestive system hurts and I have a headache again and I suppose it's just my nervous system saying that I need to up my self-regulation game.
I'm really glad she did reply, though.
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palpipeen · 2 years
Caf Delivery Service Part 3 - CC-1010 Fox/Reader
Your job should be easy, in theory. Take caf orders once a week for the Coruscant Guard, make the orders, and deliver them. Simple as can be. So long as you don’t count the Commander, that is.
Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Sexual Content, Dry Humping, Vaginal Fingering, Frotting, Handjob, Come Eating, Sloppy Makeouts, Dirty Talk, Reader overthinking everything AGAIN, Fox has a lot of emotions and not enough sleep to navigate them, Helmet Kink (?), They have to talk like adults and woh that's scary, The seggsy times happens in a utility closet haha oops Reader is AFAB and uses She/Her Pronouns Word Count: 6507 (oops) AN: Based on the increase in word count, I'm going to operate under the assumption that we all know stuff is going down in this chapter! I didn't want to split it up bc it didn't read right when I did. The next few chapters might be this long, they might be the same length as previous ones. Anyway. Expect more spice but also A LOT OF ANGST in the next chapter~ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
NSFW/18+ Under the Cut! MINORS DNI
If there was a word in Basic that could describe a thousand times worse than nervous, you were fairly certain you’d be the definition of it. Cited as the source of it. They could write research papers about you and advance the study of mental health in a day, with the leaps and bounds of logic your brain was making.
Needless to say, you’re kind of terrified. You’re pretty sure you’ve worn down your nails to the quick. (You haven’t, it just feels like it.) The only reason why you’re okay with this in the first place is Thorn and Hound assured you they’d be right outside. Not that their assurances insinuated the Commander would do anything untoward - just to prevent anyone from thinking something like that would happen.
But let’s be honest here, part of you wished something like that would happen.
It’s difficult to unpack everything, but you can’t help it. You’ve been obsessing over every minute detail the entire twenty-four hours before you’re supposed to be at Fox’s office. And it’s been difficult because everything with Fox is so up-and-down. It’s been an exhausting day even if you didn’t do much at work or at home. But does that stop you from worrying about how intense your feelings for him are?
Sure as shit doesn’t.
You have a crush on him. Okay, the idea of him, since you knew next to nothing about him besides his name a little over a month ago. He’s competent, a hard worker, and the awkward inability to stumble through small-talk was something you could relate to. But he was also abrasive at times, even a little hostile. None of which you deserved, which you hope you’ll be able to tell him when you arrive at his office.
Just because all of Coruscant walked all over him didn’t give him the right to walk all over you .
The drive there is a little jarring. Everything is so different in darkness. Well, relative darkness. You’re still thankful you put aside some credits to buy black-out curtains. The neon lights are a bit more garish and while there’s not as much rush-hour traffic, people are still impatient to get to where they’re going. Seeing crashes in Coruscant is fairly commonplace, but you see and nearly get clipped in about a dozen by the time you get to the Department building. Which does nothing for your already shot nerves.
You’re glad you showered before you came here, but you wonder if it did you any good with how much you’re sweating.
Standing at the stairs to the entryway makes you feel incredibly small. More than the senate buildings and businesses you’ve been to. It makes you feel insignificant, which is ironic in the worst way. The Guard has filled the role of protecting the Coruscant public - there are so many of them, and yet the Republic treats them like next to nothing. You’ve heard a few of them recounting the horrific interactions with senators or civilians. And you wonder if this is how all of them feel when filing into this building to report for duty.
It boils your blood. Sure, you get to have a little more one-on-one conversations with Hound and Thorn - but there are so many others you’ve come to know. There’s one with an auburesh tattoo on his left jaw who has to eat his croissants a certain way, and has to finish it before he’s even made it to his table or else he’ll catch hell from his brothers. And there’s the one with the sweet tooth who has striking gray eyes. ‘Something went wrong in my tube,’ he told you once, when he caught you staring. But you always make sure there’s an extra cherry pastry for him, and he’s one of the few who always takes time from his orders to make sure he holds the door open for you on your way out.
There’s more than a dozen who wait to hear your recommendations for the day. And half of them always go with whatever they’re familiar with, a little sheepish as they do it. But you know they enjoy hearing your suggestions. You’ve been told so many times by them that they appreciate what you do that you’ve lost count. And each time it’s so earnest . They mean it. And it’s unspoken, but when they tell you this, it feels like there’s some underlying words.
You see us , they say. You see us as living, breathing, bleeding individuals . The fact that they all share the same face and genetic material has become an afterthought to you by now. And their individuality means a lot to you. More than you’d realized until you’re on the lift to the right floor. Sometimes you swear they treat you like family, which is a rarity in your life you’ve come to cherish. You really hope that you can keep helping them feel seen. 
But that’s all on Commander Fox now.
By the time you’ve reached the floor his office is in, you’ve chewed a spot on your bottom lip raw. So you’ve got that going for you. It’s a good thing you didn’t have any caf this morning, because your stomach is in such a state of upset you’d book it for the fresher the second the doors open. But Thorn and Hound are there waiting for you, so - so -
You swallow, hard, and it feels like you just took a bite out of some sandpaper and thought it was a good idea to digest it. So everything sucks, that’s where you’re at.
“Thanks,” you eventually say as you step out of the elevator. When they don’t reply, you gesture vaguely in the direction of his office. “For this. Look, I’m sorry for being demanding, but —“
“You have no reason to apologize,” Hound says when you just. Stop talking. He shrugs when you look at him incredulously. “Commander’s a dick sometimes, but he has to deal with folks outside the senate sometimes. He’s gotta learn there’s consequences for being — “
“ — the way he is,” Thorn finishes when Hound seems to be at a loss for words.
“Right. Being like that. If you’re out, we’re out of decent caf for however long it takes for another shop to sling some out way.”
“Hopefully it won’t come to that.” Even as much as you've thought Fox's up-and-down behavior made this not worth it, you know deep down you want this to work. For them. You take in a deep breath, and with a curt nod to them both you stride up to the door. It hisses open at your approach, and you step inside.
His helmet is off. That’s what you notice first, because of course you do. You’d been trying to ignore the butterflies in your gut the entire way here, and you’d done a decent job. But they come back with a vengeance the moment you see the unruly curls, the unshaven beginning of a beard along his jaw, and the deep circles under his eyes. Eyes that haven’t looked up from the datapad on his desk.
There’s a lot of silence. You stand there in it - drowning in it. Mired in it. The quiet is maddening. You can hear the pops in your jaw as you grind your teeth, the jingling of the zipper on your jacket is deafening. But worst of all, you can hear your thoughts.
This is so fucking stupid. He’s going to tell you to fuck yourself. He’s going to say you’re crazy for thinking he was flirting with you. Look at you, you just deliver caf - why would a man like him stoop that low? He’s going to he mad, he’s going to yell at you, he’s —
“Almost didn’t recognize you without the cart.” You nearly jump out of your skin, and there’s that quiet snort again. Definitely a laugh. His eyes flick up from the datapad to give you a quick look. And joy of joys, you can tell exactly nothing about what he’s thinking from that look. Just that he’s acknowledging your presence.
Sort of. Because after that, he goes quiet again. But he did break the seal, so…
“It wouldn’t fit in my speeder,” you say with a shrug. He snorts again, but it turns into a surprised laugh. Your eyebrows lift up at the sound. “Wow, did you actually sleep, or is laughing something that you’re capable of when you’re well rested?”
“Define ‘well rested.’”
“A solid eight standard hours that go uninterrupted?” He scoffs at you, and you fold your arms with an exasperated groan. “Let me guess, you don’t have time?”
“No. I don’t. And I really don’t have time for this,” he gestures between the two of you, “either. So make it quick.”
“Thanks ever so much for taking time out of your busy schedule,” you say, rolling your eyes. You’ve just about had it, so you close the distance between you and his desk. Bracing your weight on your palms, you lean down so your eyes are level with his. “Look. The elevator thing. That wasn’t cool.”
“What, the boys not telling you about the others?”
“No, don’t play stupid, Commander. The whole — “ you glance away from him as you feel a blush creeping up your neck “ — when we were talking about what you wanted, and I accidentally…I mean when you said, but I’m sure you were just joking — “
“Oh, you mean when I came onto you.” You reel back from the desk, and he stands up. Slowly. He’s…huge. He’s broad - more than his brothers. How didn’t you notice?! You did, but it's just the context of this conversation that makes it really sink in. Fox’s eyes remain locked onto yours as he continues. “I wasn’t joking.”
“O-okay, cool!” Fuck’s sake, since when did your voice get that high? “Good to know, alright I, didn’t think - I didn’t want to make any stupid assumptions, I mean you’re - you’re a very busy man and you, you’ve got the entire Guard to run and I can’t even imagine how much that takes out of you, and how many people probably throw themselves at you so I — I think I’m just gonna go.”
A lot happens at once. You think you managed to get halfway to the door before he caught up to you, and he grabbed your wrist, but then you’re slumped against him? Did you two trip? You’re not sure, but he’s close enough that you can feel the rise and fall of his chest, and fuck he’s out of breath and suddenly you can see he’s freaked out and wow that’s hot. Less the last part, but it’s that kind of vulnerability that makes you feel like maybe he’s not fucking with you?
“Stay.” His voice is a growl again, and you shiver. He sees it, because of course he does, there’s nothing that happens in Coruscant that he misses. But you can’t think as his hand reaches out to your face. The fabric of his gloves makes you jump as he strokes your cheek with the back of two fingers. “I’ve got time. If you’re willing.”
“Oh I am.” Wow, you sure did shout that, huh? Screwing your eyes shut, you let out a frustrated sound and plant your hands on his cuirass and push . “Wait, hold on. This isn’t - okay, rewind. Please.” He moves, quickly, backing away from you with his hands held up. Running your hands down your face, you glance around the office, and without thinking you grab him by the wrist and drag him to the two chairs in front of his desk. “Sit.” He does, but he looks like he’d rather not until you sit across from him. Holding up your hands, you notice he stops leaning towards you. “Look. You’re all over the place. And you’re clearly very, very sleep deprived. You’ve kind of been a dick to me, a lot, and whatever happens - if anything at all - it depends on you at least trying not to be that way.”
“I can. I will . But I’m not - I wasn’t made for this.” He gestures between the two of you, and your heart breaks a little. Not for you - the validation that he was hitting on you is enough. For now. At least that’s what you tell yourself. “I was created to be a soldier, and now I’m nothing but the Chancellor’s glorified errand runner. I’ve got to watch out for the entire fucking planet, my men, a Republic that thinks of us as little more than goddamn meat shields .” He spits the last part out, standing up so abruptly his chair falls back with a loud clatter. You would have jumped if you didn’t know that none of this was aimed at you. “And all they can manage to give us for fighting this war for them, for keeping them safe from the hundreds of terrorist attacks and assassination attempts that happen every fucking hour is…is caf ?!” The Commander wheels around, pacing like a caged animal. “They’re my men. My brothers. They’re all I have, and I’m supposed to keep them safe. Trying to figure out where you fit in this mix - if at all - it's impossible.”
“I know.” Two words. They’re simple, but they’re true. You see something in his eyes when he turns to face you, something like…well, it’s like hope and fear and dread and elation all wrapped into one. It’s difficult to name, but even his carefully put-together mask can’t hide it when you say the first thing you can think of. “I see you, Commander.” The sigh you let out is tired as you stand up, picking up the chair and leaning against the back for support. “I see all of you - and I wish I could do more than just caf. But I’m just one person and I know that. But so are you.”
“I can’t afford to be just one man.” He sounds furious with himself, and you glance over your shoulder at him. Disgust drips from his words as he continues. “Don’t give me that look - you and I both know it’s true. I have to be in a dozen different places at any and all given times, any order given I have to be there, for the Republic.”
Slowly, you tilt your head at him. All of this has been really weird. He’s still up-and-down, and just when it seems like you’re making headway, he backpedals. Folding your arms, you wander over to his desk, leaning your hip against it with your back to the Coruscant skyscape. Your head falls back as you let out a noisy sigh, lips pursed in thought, before you roll your head to one side and stare at him. Commander Fox stares back at you. Hands flexing at his sides, balling into fists, clenching and unfurling. You see his throat bob with a hard swallow. And you can recognize anxiety in another person when you see it, but he doesn’t look away from you. It’s funny. It’s almost like now that you’ve seen one emotion, you can see the rest.
When you pat the space on the ledge of his desk next to you, he crosses the space in two strides. Just two. And you have to take a moment to reel in the fact that he’s just -
He’s fucking huge.
“How long do we have?”
“...for?” It’s just one word, but it’s heavy with implications. You make a face at him, swatting gently at the side of his arm with the back of your hand. He looks away and has the decency to look a little ashamed, running a hand down the length of his face. When he speaks it’s slightly muffled behind his hand. “Alright, if not for that, I guess…half an hour?”
“Wow. You thought you and I could…that we were gonna…but Thorn and Hound, can’t they --” You turn to squint at him incredulously. “Half an hour?”
“I’ve had less time.”
“I -- wow, okay.” That’s a lot to unpack. You push off the desk, fingers steepled in front of your chin. “Interesting. Anyway! I have a proposition for you.”
“Now who’s being hot and cold?”
“Okay, smartass, but this isn’t about that.” Not yet anyway.
“Then what?”
“So,” you turn to him, and you can’t help but beam at him. This idea - it’s just too good. “Y’know how I said there’s not enough room for my cart on my speeder?”
“...yeah.” He tilts his head slightly, staring you down and giving you the side-eye at the same time. “What’re you getting at?”
“Five minutes - that’s all the time it’ll take to get there. And I know a shortcut if we need to get back sooner. So that’ll give us - what - twenty-ish minutes? Twenty minutes. Outside the office.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Oh come on, Commander --”
“What, think I don’t know how to keep track of time?” Hands on your hips, you step into his space again. "I work in the service industry, honey, keeping track of time is as necessary as breathing in this industry."
“I doubt your ability to get us there and back in that amount of time, because you don’t have the clearances to drive that fast, or the training to fly like that in open-air traffic.” You lift an eyebrow at him, your lips curling slowly at the corners. His brow furrows in confusion, then exasperation as he rolls his eyes at you. “Maker, don’t tell me --”
“I might’ve borrowed my speeder from work and have the delivery settings on, yes. And before you ask, I know how to roll it back so none of this will get tracked back to us. And you don’t know me and my ability to drive a speeder, mister.”
“Ugh.” The frustration in the sound is at complete odds with how he looks at you, and you try not to let yourself think too much about it. But it’s hard not to as he chuckles, warm and fondly, shaking his head. “Why do I get the feeling you’ve done this before?”
“I’m terrible at lying so I’m not gonna say I haven’t.”
“Most of you civs are terrible liars.” He sighs, picking up his helmet from his desk and putting it back on with practiced, confident motions. Huh . Who knew seeing him cover back up would make your stomach twist in knots? “Alright. Lead the way.”
Under the cover of his helmet, Fox watches your face break out into another one of those grins. He’s never seen this side of you, and that’s the only reason he’s taking such a huge risk. No. Really. It’s all he can think about as he follows you down to ground level, and the short ride that seems to last eons. If you smiled at him like that more, Fox was certain he could move mountains for you. And as tired as he was, he was grateful the helmet kept his face hidden.
If he’d gone without, you’d see just how much seeing you this happy was affecting him. And he'd never be able to go back from that point.
Time isn’t on your side, and later, you’ll regret that. Much, much later. Because not a lot of talking will be going on. But for whatever reason, you feel like you’re both on even footing.
…even footing standing on top of the neighboring skyscraper’s roof.
“How the hell did you get up here the first time?!” Fox sounds a little impressed. But mostly pissed. You don’t take your helmet off, knowing the air is thinner and your filters are the only things keeping you from passing out. A lesson you’d learned and nearly died for the first time.
That is not a part of this story you’ll be telling the Commander, of course. Not yet at least.
“Before the war,” you shout to be heard above the howling winds, “someone was trying to steal the credit chits for deliveries. I lost them up here.” You keep the speeder on - the familiar rumble just barely heard, but keeping the engine on is necessary. The winds would knock it clean off. Stepping off carefully, you stretch out. Having him pressed in tight against your back was something, but damn if you hadn’t wound yourself up tight. Turning, you jerk your head towards one of the utility exits. It's one you've been to more than a few times - the door doesn't close right so there's no actual protection from the wind or air quality, but it'll give you both some privacy. “C’mon - bit more sheltered over here.”
The Commander follows you, slowly. It’s a bit funny watching him shuffle the first few steps, arms outstretched like that’ll keep him from falling. Does he not know there are automatic gravity fields on these roofs? You decide that’s something you’d rather tell him later. It can wait. But this can’t. You hold the door open for him and lurch back when it slams shut from the force of the wind, both of you watching it for a moment as it slaps against the frame. How the hell this door hasn't been upgraded to something automatic is beyond you, but it speaks to the level of actual consideration architects gave utility workers.
Eventually the two of you look at each other, waiting. Then you lean against the nearest wall and sink down.
You see his head moving as he sinks down next to you, but you can’t hear him. It's a little more muffled, but you can both only make out half-sentences and words. A glance at your HUD tells you it might be the signal, but you don't feel like it would be smart to take your helmet off. After a few precious seconds of trying to hear each other, his head moves in a way that tells you he’s probably groaning again. He taps at one vanbrace, then pulls something out of his belt’s many pockets. The Commander holds out a microchip to you, no bigger than your pinky fingernail, and you manage to hold onto it as his hands reach out to feel around the underside of your helmet. A few more seconds pass as his fingers search and prod, until he finds something just under your jaw. You feel something click, and you’re quick to slide the chip into the slot.
“-- hear me?” His voice echoes around your ears, inside the helmet. You flinch, and you hear him chuckle. You can hear him breathing, too. “Our buckets are mass produced - malfunctions are bound to happen. The commlink channels don’t go often, but we usually carry extra links just in case.” It’s jarring down to your shoulders when he thunks his knuckles against your helmet, twice. “Lucky for us, yours is pretty versatile.”
“Neat,” you say, glancing nervously at the timer readout in your HUD. “Cheap store bought helmet has many uses. Anyway. So - I didn’t bring you up here just to uh, chat. I think.”
“You think?”
“I mean - urgh. Fox.” You turn so you’re facing him, kneeling next to him. One hand reaches out, gripping the hard edges of his knee-guard. “We don’t have to talk, if you want.” Your throat nearly closes up at that last word. Fuck, you’re so nervous. And you can feel the tension in his leg under your hand, but knowing he’s wound up doesn’t exactly put you at ease. “There’s not a lot of time, I know. But we have some time - and no, there aren’t any cameras up here. So no one will see us. It’s just us. So.” You slide your hand just slightly, so you can drag your fingertips against the fabric of his blacks in the gaps between his armor. “Do whatever you want. I’m more than willing.”
For a moment - much too long, in your opinion - he’s silent. You can’t hear him breathing. Not until he speaks again, a soft pop of feedback and then his voice is flooding the inside of your helmet again. 
“Get up here.” He takes your hand off of his knee, placing it on his shoulder instead. Broad hands bracket your hips, guiding you so you’re straddling him. You almost sit down but he squeezes, keeping you hovering for a moment while he reaches down, under you and between his legs. When he pushes you down, it’s fabric on fabric, not armor on fabric. And it’s not a lot, but it is. Because it’s fucking freezing even with your flight jacket and trousers on, but you can feel the heat of him.
You both groan, clinging to each other, as recognition floods you both. That this is real, and it’s happening, and it’s not just some one-sided desire for the other person. The two of you barely know each other. But it feels safer up here, under the cover of darkness and the fact that no one else ever comes here. Safer to address those unexplored feelings and just…
Let go.
When your head falls forward, it clips the side of his helmet. Fox guides you with a hand on the back of your neck, but even so it’s awkward at first. His armor still digs into you, his grip is vicelike and you can feel your skin bruising already, but eventually it all clicks into place. You’re soaked through, and that does nothing to help the fact that grinding on him fully clothed hasn’t been doing anything. Right up until he angles his hips just right, and his shaft grinds against your cunt.
“Fucking Maker.” He practically spits the words out, and you hear the words turn to a groan as you bare down on him, circling your hips just-so. “Fu-uhhhck, right there. Right fuckin’ there mesh’la . Gods I can feel how wet you are.” 
You whimper for him, and his fingers slide from your hips to grab a handful of your ass and squeeze. Hard. You let out a surprised sound as his other hand grabs the other side, and you know there will be some really interesting bruises there tomorrow. Arms sliding up from where you’d been clinging to his shoulders, you wrap them tight around the back of his neck, letting him guide you.
It’s not enough and too much at the same time. You both rut against each other, gasping and moaning into your helmets, in a channel only the two of you can hear. It somehow makes things that much more intense, at least for you. Hearing every sound, every gasped breath, every hissed out oath and half-word. Knowing you had this affect on him, and knowing he wanted you to feel just as good. It made you dizzy, and with every deliberate drag of his cock against you you could feel pressure building.
It seemed like that was the same conclusion Fox had just come to, because in the next half-second he was moving. Turning you both so you were flat on your back, his body still slotted between your thighs, desperately trying to open up the front of his blacks. You got the idea and immediately hooked your fingers into the waistline of your trousers, pushing them down, reaching for his. The two of you fumbled and struggled until both of you had the most important parts bare, though you were the one less covered with your pants pulled down past your knees.
“Shit it’s fucking - freezing up here.” 
His voice is tight, and cracks near the end when he brushes the head of his cock against your pussy. It’s still awkward, and you’re about to suggest he let you turn around when his fingers slide through the arousal that’s dripping from you. You’re about to protest when he moves his hand away, but quickly replaces it by covering your cunt with his other hand. And you’re not sure when he took his gloves off, but the sensation of his skin on yours is a welcome one. Calloused fingertips tease at your entrance and you push your hips up, your movements and his blending seamlessly so two of his fingers slide into you at the perfect angle.
“Fuck, Fox,” you whine, your hands immediately reaching out to clutch at him. He struggles to pry your dominant hand off of him, bringing it to close around his shaft. It’s slick somehow, and realization dawns on you. Your laugh is breathless as you start working your hand up and down his cock. “What, no lube?”
“Didn’t - nnh - didn’t want to presume anything, mesh’la.” 
After he  grits out every word he begins to fuck you with his fingers, moving with the kind of precise motions that tells you he’s done this before. Enough times to open you up for him and get you worked up quickly enough that you’re already close. But how could you not be? When you factor in his voice and how easily he pushes all of your buttons, and the fact that it’s been a long time. Plus the fact that all you can hear is him all while not being able to see his face is doing things for you. You can see him of course. But with the speakers of your helmet only picking up his voice, it’s practically drowned out everything else.
Also, he’s huge , too. Turns out that just seems to be a running theme for Fox. You can’t wrap your fingers all the way around him. You think about having all of that inside you and whine in the back of your throat as you stroke him, from base to tip. He’s already leaking, and you wish you didn’t have your helmet on. When you rub the pad of your thumb around the head, his breathing stutters as he lets a punched out moan. So you do it again. And again. Eventually you grab him with your free hand and pump his shaft, using the hitches in his breath and the way his hips twitch to guide your motions.
It isn’t perfect. And it isn’t what either of you wanted - okay, so it is. But all you can think about is him fucking you. And even if he’s working you quickly towards your climax and you’re doing your best to do the same for him, it’s not quite there .
“I wish we had m-more time,” you gasp out. He tilts his helmet at you slightly, an invitation to elaborate as he focuses on wringing every ounce of pleasure out of you. You laugh breathlessly again, and the sound twists with the almost cruel twist of his fingers as he works a third finger into you. As you struggle to put your thoughts to words, he seems content to distract you: sliding in and out, quirking his fingers at your inner walls as he pulls every noise out of you.
“For?” His voice is gruff, the quiet grunts and hitches of breath the only hint that the way you’re working him up is having an affect on him. “C’mon, mesh’la . Tell me.”
“Want you to fuck me.” His cock twitches in your hand, and you laugh again. This time low and in the back of your throat, and that seems to do things for Fox. His hips surge forward, rocking into your hands, and you keep a steady grip on him as you let him use you. “I uh - mi-might’ve thought about you - fuck , fucking me on that elevator. All day. Mmh, a lot.”
“Fuck.” He shoves his fingers in until his knuckles are digging into you, and you can feel the tremor in his arm. All the while his hips move, thrusting into you, and you can hear him panting in his helmet. “Fuck, you - nnh, don’t know how badly I wanted to. Wanted to get down on my knees and - “ His hand starts moving again, but instead of the in and out motions, it’s up and down. The warm coil of pleasure in your gut jumps, burning you from the inside out as the pressure starts to become unbearable. And he’s been talking the whole time, but you only manage to catch some of it when your head catches up to your body. “ - taste you, make you scream for me, see h-how much of me you could handle - “
“All of it,” You don’t know how you manage to get the words out as your hips uselessly try to rock into the way he’s absolutely destroying you. In the best way. “Give me all of it Commander.”
So - turns out, the whole growling quality of his voice thing. You'd already decided you found that very attractive. And then that’s all you can hear, Fox growling, and you can feel it when his whole body bears down on you even through his cuirass. His hand is relentless between your legs, and you’re so close, the sounds he’s making and the stretch of his fingers filling you up, but you’re not quite there.
“Come for me.” At some point his helmet got tucked into the crook of your neck - as best as he can, anyway, with your helmet and all of your clothes still mostly on and his hips messily thrusting into your hands still. But gods does it all feel so good, especially knowing this man is out of his mind for you. “C’mon - come for me, haven’t got much ti-ime left baby, come for me - come for me - “
The way he’s pleading for you is what does it. That and when he twists his hand just so, and he reaches his thumb up to rub it against your clit. Spots of black flood your vision as your body tenses up, and you clench around him as the pleasure pushes all other senses out. All you can feel is him, all you can hear are the rough, short grunts he lets out as he wrings every last ounce of your climax out of you, his body caging you in. The reality of it makes this all the more jarring, knowing that this is Fox, the Commander of the Coruscant Guard, the man you've been bringing caf to for months. Now reduced to a shuddering, incoherent mess as he works you through one of the best orgasms of your entire life.
It lasts for a while. Which is honestly alright with you.
Though it makes the mess in your hands a little bit confusing.
“When did you --?”
“When you called me ‘Commander.’” You both grunt when he sits up, one elbow braced on the floor above your head. Slowly, he pulls his hand from you, and you whine at the loss of him. Even if he’s still there. It’s still so good though, even if it’s freezing, even if your helmets are still on. Made even better when he looks at his hand, splaying his fingers open so a thin sheen of your arousal spreads between them. He swears in a language you don’t know - it’s similar to when he called you ‘mesh’la.’ “Fucks sake, how the hell am I gonna - “
“Here.” You rip your helmet off. It’s not a smart idea - your ears pop and you can immediately feel the thinner air quality, plus all the smog making your head spin. But the way he goes completely still as you grab him by the wrist and wrap your mouth around his fingers, one by one, makes it all worth it. And there’s also the mess on your hands from him, which you have to clean up. So you get to taste him anyway. A lot of him. Halfway through licking the bittersweet mess he left you with, you hum. “Damn, been a while, Fox?”
He doesn’t answer you. Instead he rips his helmet off too, and he’s on you again, his mouth covering yours. But you have a moment, just a moment, where you see how wrecked he looks. And gods does he really wreck you as he kisses you. He’s tasting you, and himself, thoroughly . It’s rough at first. He shoves his tongue into your mouth, moaning into you, stealing the breath from your lungs. But that roughness is sort of something you’ve come to associate with him. Even when your teeth knock and his stubble scratches, or when he bites at your lip a little too hard, it’s good. It’s so good. Getting to be privy to this side of him, even if you couldn’t see his face at first. Knowing he’s just as affected by you is more than you could have ever imagined.
Eventually, though, all good things must come to an end. You both jump when an alarm starts going off in both your helmets. Then you’re both scrambling to get your clothes on, gasping for air after you shove your helmets back on to breathe in clean, filtered air once you both tumbled out of the utility exit. You’re not sure where he put his codpiece or his gloves, but by the time he mounts the speeder behind you it’s like nothing has happened. It’s a little jarring. But you don’t have much time to dwell on it as you rev the engine and take off, using the shortcut just like you’d said.
The shortcut which ends with the bike hovering just outside the window to his office.
“This is your shortcut?!” You wince - the two of you are still on the same channel, but he’s yelling like you’re still both unable to hear each other over the wind. Fox lets out a frustrated sound that almost makes you shiver again, but it’s the cold from when he opens one of the windows with a control on his vanbrace. Paper and datapads go flying, and you wince. He sighs, clearly exasperated, and gives you a curt warning to ‘keep her steady.’
It’s terrifying to see him leap over the open air with such confidence, but one second he’s on the bike behind you, then he lands easily in his office. Well, mostly easily. He stumbles a bit. You can’t help but feel a small thrill of pride, wondering if you’ve reduced him to such a state. Shaking that thought off, you watch as the window starts to close, then wave your hand frantically at him.
“Don’t you want this back?” You tap at the underside of your helmet when he tilts his in confusion. A second passes and he shakes his head.
“Keep it.” He pauses. “Just - keep it between us.”
“Sure,” you say, grinning behind your helmet as you turn the bike towards the sector you live in. “It’ll be our little secret, Commander. See ya next week.”
“Yeah,” he says. And when you’re out of range, well out of range, is when he finally turns away from the window. Back in his office again, with his men, his brothers, in familiar territory. With a hollow pit of dread slowly opening up inside him, with fear and anger and frustration slowly crawling out of it. Fists clenched tightly at his sides, the Commander stalks to the door.
“Next week.”
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mistaeq · 3 years
the stardust crusaders' hogwarts adventure: HCs
tw // none
dora's note: is this dora posting? what the hell? yes it is, i'm finally working. hopefully. i promise i'm doing by best yes ^^ i felt like doing this today, so... finally got to finish a draft that has been there for quite a while.
DISCLAIMER !! y/n is NOT a student in joseph's HCs, they're a GROWN ADULT with a JOB. !!
taglist: @fragolaaaaaaa @outofthiszawarudo @sky1mercy @cheemerthebebopfreak @berryvalentine @yandere-lovebites @catboy-kira @komaeda-kinnie [if you wanna be removed or added, all it requires is a dm or an ask !!]
kujo jotaro
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♥︎ when he first sat down under the sorting hat, he didn't know what to expect and did not care in which house he would have ended up. everyone in his family, though, always had been one of two precise houses: slytherin or hufflepuff. so, very deep down, he hoped in one of them. but a different one would have been cool with him too, he would have been the first in his family with a different house sorting. he waited for a time that seemed neverending, but earlier than expected, the sorting hat said: "slytherin."
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time during a quidditch tournament. jotaro was a seeker, one of the most precise ones hogwarts had ever had. you caused him an accident, running over him with your broom, causing the two of you to fall to the ground. needless to say, he held a grudge on you for several days, until you had to get along to train for quidditch again.
♥︎ you wouldn't expect it from a wizard like him, but his favourite subjects are care of magical creatures, to study them, protect them, and get on an empathetic level with them, and muggle studies, to get to know more about muggles, in honor of his father, kujo sadao, who's not a wizard.
♥︎ it didn't take long for jotaro to manage to manifest his patronus. he had tried to practice that spell, since before the arrival of the dementors at the school. the two of you used to practice together after quidditch trainings, making you the first person - apart from him, of course - to witness the awaking of his patronus: a beautiful dolphin, a symbol of intelligence and protection.
♥︎ you will probably have to be the one to ask him first out on a date. he's not the best one when it comes to grades, and he spends quite a lot of time with his friends, trying not to think about it. no, he doesn't really care about having the best marks. you should ask one of his best friends, kakyoin noriaki, about what to do to convince him to go out on a date with you. most likely, he'll say yes because he trusts you enough to feel safe.
♥︎ jotaro does not underestimate your powers and doesn't feel the need to constantly protect you, but he must admit that as soon as the teachers of defense against the dark arts start disappearing every year or try to attack the students themselves, he's a little bit worried about you. he starts showing up outside your classroom at the end of every lesson, to check on you and keep you company until you get to you next lesson's classroom.
kakyoin noriaki
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♥︎ when he sat down under the sorting hat, he was really nervous. what if it said that he wasn't even a wizard? what if he ended up in a house that would have disappointed his family? the redhead was shaking like a leaf, even at the point that the sorting hat itself asked him to calm down to allow it to examinate him better. noriaki's terror soon disappeared, as soon as the hat spoke. "okay, okay, my guy. you can calm down. ravenclaw!"
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time in the library of the school. you were looking for a specific book, the one about the fantastic beasts of the wizarding world and where to find them, when a guy who wasn't looking where he was going, hit the ladder you were standing on, making you fall, right... in his arms. ugh, that sounded like a pathetic love story beginning. until you heard a giggle from the corner of the room. the guy that was making fun of that scene was kakyoin.
♥︎ noriaki's favourite subjects are transfiguration, since he always says he has a talent in transforming objects in what he wants, and defence against the dark arts, since he wishes to become a professor one day. why is it related to that? well, since the professors of defence against the dark arts seem to change every year for some reason, his turn will come sooner or later, or not?
♥︎ for kakyoin, it was a little bit more complicated to manifest his patronus. he kept on focusing on the technique and the way he had to move his wand, instead of focusing on his inner power and mind. but after many efforts, it finally showed up: a beautiful fox, symbol of wisdom and guidance. he told you first thing.
♥︎ noriaki will probably be the one to ask you out for a date first. but he would do it through a letter. he's smart enough to write one that will convince you that he's worth it and that he's perfect for you. the redhead can't imagine you already think of him as such. either way, the letter will be very sweer and heartfelt, even if a little bit awkward sometimes. but you'll say yes regardless, he put a lot of effort in it, and has always been respectful towards you.
♥︎ he wouldn't be much worried about you at first, hogwarts is a safe place for the students, after all, right? right? oh, what? in a bathroom the little hermione granger almost got killed by a troll? you know what, nevermind? the guy is gonna be glued to you the whole time, he'll even skip lessons for it, despite how much they mean for him. you're not gonna get attacked by anything, with him by your side.
muhammad avdol
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♥︎ everyone envied him when he sat down under the sorting hat, because despite the young age at the time, he looked absolutely calm and collected. he had no anxiety, and his eyes were closed, in complete relaxation, as if him and the sorting hat had some sort of mental communication going on. his smile was endearing, his fingers intertwined in front of his chest. but the hat seemed to take a lot of time sorting him. "your heart said gryffindor, my dear boy. but your soul spoke hufflepuff to me." the hat declared. but then... "hufflepuff!"
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time on the stairs. yes, the ones that like to change. your books had fallen from your arms on the stairs, and since he was passing by, he decided to lend a helping hand. what you didn't notice, was that you were standing right between the stairs and the floor. when the stairs changed, hadn't it been for muhammad's quick reflex of pulling you on his side, you would have probably fallen down several floors.
♥︎ avdol is naturally gifted, when it comes to subjects like astronomy, or his favourite one, divination. he seems to be the only student who doesn't stare at mrs. trelawney as if she were completely crazy. the majority of the ravenclaws, his friend noriaki included, sometimes don't even listen to her. but avdol does, and he's completely in love with the subject.
♥︎ it hadn't been difficult at all for avdol, to manifest his patronus. almost natural, for him. you weren't there to witness it, but you studied and practiced with him for it several times. the last time he tried, a beautiful and graceful phoenix escaped muhammad's wand, symbol of resurrection and life after death, a patronus that the student took as a symbol of hope.
♥︎ none of you two will ask the other out for a date. the love between you and avdol would bloom spontaneously, without the need of dating. you would find yourselves behaving like a couple just naturally. he likes to give you tarot readings and to stargaze with you. the stargazing sessions are the ones that get the two of you closer to each other.
♥︎ avdol would be protective over you since the very beginning. he can sense something's off in the school, and his tarot readings about hogwarts's future keep getting darker and more mysterious everytime. but every single reading hints at an upcoming source of danger, that most likely would be voldemort, he supposes. he has to keep an eye on you. he's scared.
jean pierre polnareff
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♥︎ oh boy, this guy was mad nervous when he sat down under the sorting hat. everything but slytherin, everything but slytherin. surely, he knew he wouldn't have ended up in ravenclaw. he wasn't that much of a smart guy, but he did his best. either way, everything would have been cool to him, apart from slytherin. it just didn't sit right to him. but luckily, before jean could ask the sorting hat why was it taking so long, it spoke. "okay, okay, i get it. gryffindor, no doubts!" it said, making the young wizard feel relieved.
♥︎ the two of you met for the first time while he was trying so hard to find his way to the next classroom he had to be in. the school was huge, and polnareff couldn't help but to get confused in the corridors. you offered him your help, but he tried to play it cool, running away and dropping a book. well, you would have brought it to him.
♥︎ polnareff's favourite subjects are charms and flying. they're pretty basic, but he finds them the coolest things about being a wizard. he's a huge fan of quidditch too, but he wouldn't see himself playing. flying lessons give him the same feeling of freedom though, and he loves it so much.
♥︎ it took pretty long for jean pierre to manifest his patronus. he just couldn't focus enough. you've been practising with him, and you manifested it first, so it would have been good to try to help him. until he managed to do it. from his wand, a beautiful horse was freed, a symbol of power, independence, freedom, and nobleness. you could tell jean was satisfied, and grateful to you for helping him in manifesting it.
♥︎ he'll definitely be the one to ask you out first, probably not much time after you helped him to manifest his patronus. that event made him so happy and made him grow so fond of you, that he genuinely wants to improve your relationship, and hopefully, get something more from it. hopefully your heart, hopefully a kiss. but he means it genuinely. he's not trying to exploit you to get your help with assignments. for real.
♥︎ as the years go by, polnareff would start noticing hogwarts isn't the same place that it's always been, or that dumbledore claimed it was. he grows more and more protective of you, every year a worse mess happens, and it's always connected to voldemort. he's not liking it at all. not to mention you're worried, since the gryffindors seem to be pretty involved in it. more than you and jean pierre like to admit. he knows something he's not telling.
joseph joestar
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♥︎ in his youth, when he sat down under the sorting hat, he didn't give a shit of what house he would have been sorted in, all he wanted was just start learning magic stuff. joseph was laughing with some handsome boys and pretty girls at the table, and was hoping it wouldn't take long to sort him, his adventure had just started. but the hat actually took really little time to figure out where he was gonna go. "slytherin." it announced, almost immediately.
♥︎ going through the corridors of hogwarts reminds him of many years ago, when you first met. he would never forget the way you told him to go fuck himself, while he was just standing on a chair, reminding everyone that him and his best friend of the time, a young lucius malfoy, were the best kind of wizards because they were purebloods. that was a bunch of bullshit he truly used to believe. luckily, he grew up to understand it wasn't true.
♥︎ now, joseph is a teacher. the last student you would have expected to become one, but he did. a teacher of defense against the dark arts, and he's not planning on leaving anytime soon. he'll keep his eyes open, he heard teachers have been disappearing every year. not to mention a lot of scary stuff is happening at hogwarts. he didn't choose a good time to work.
♥︎ he's always been a quick learner, and he managed to manifest his patronus quicker than many of his classmates. a really cool eagle, a symbol of truth, majesty, strength. despite his attitude, it was clear that joseph was a good wizard, it had to be given to him. and you grew to be into it. to admire it. he secretly liked you, too.
♥︎ joseph took the first step towards you, but he didn't quite ask you out, let's say that to keep his cool, he TOLD you that you and him were gonna date. as if to announce you. you were okay with it, and didn't accept just because you were feeling forced. you accepted because you liked him, and recognized it as a great opportunity to get closer to him. you would have worked on improving the romantic field throughout your relationship.
♥︎ now that he's a teacher, he has to recognize that there's so much going on, that the students do not see. joseph is acknowledged about how dangerous the situation is getting, and more than ever, he reaches out to you, or phones you, no matter the fact that you're working. everyone is talking about voldemort, and he doesn't like the smallest bit of it. he just wants to make sure you're safe.
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cutiekassie · 3 years
𝓜𝓮, 1/4 𝓸𝓯 𝓶𝔂 𝓵𝓲𝓯𝓮
(𝘒𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘳𝘢 𝘕𝘪𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘦 𝘈. 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘶𝘱,
𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘰𝘣𝘪𝘰𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘺)
In the month of September, 4th day in 2005, a dreamer has been born.
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"Life is short, so make sure to do things that will make you happy and will not make you regret."-Kassie 2022
Kassandra Nicole A. Salacup, it's my name, I'm currently 16 years old and will be at my 17th on September 4, I was born in Quezon city and my mom gave birth to me in Quirino Hospital. I am the eldest and has one little brother.
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When I was 2 years old and my brother is 1 years old my dad left us to work abroad, so my mom raised us two with her own.
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When I enter Kindergarten in New Eastern Valley a private school, I was 4 years old, I already knew how to read and write, and I entered Kindergarten with chicken fox, so I remember everyone making fun of me, but because I'm just a kid I just accepted their laughs and everything they said, I was wearing a jacket for a whole week and our school that time has no air conditioner, so it's really hot.
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(This picture was captured when I finished my kindergarten)
I finished Kindergarten with flying colors because I have a mom who is teaching me when I'm having a hard time with a subject. I'm lucky, I can say.
I entered Elementary School in Bagong Silangan Elementary School, my mom and dad was scared at first because the stairs are slippery, but they both agreed to make sure that mom will company me until I'm in front of our school and they talked to me that I should be careful or ask my teacher if she can go with me when I go to the comfort room. So, everything is settled, and I adjusted so well in a public school because I made a lot of friends and always in the rank too.
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(this is me in my elementary days, I don't look like someone who's experiencing bullying.)
In my grade 5, I started to experienced bullying, I was bullied with my boy’s classmates because of my nose, and I can say that I do really have a big nose, but because of the bullies I find myself ugly too. That I wanted to ask my mom to get my nose done, but I didn't tell her that because I know what's our status in life, and I just told myself that I will work hard to fix my nose. My mom doesn't know about the bullied part of my life because I don't want her to get hurt. I hid it with my mom and dad until now.
I can’t really forget my grade 6 days, because a lot of things happened our parents got divorced, I’m still being bullied and I was sent to the guidance just because I fought back with a teacher’s son which is one of my bullies and my classmate it is really unfair at first because he is with his mom while me I’m just alone and kind of scared if my mom will be called, but I told the guidance teacher why did I do that and show her some of my bruised in my arms that was caused by my classmate, which is the son of a teacher.
The best thing that happened in my Grade 6 is that when I join the soft ball team, it is the best because I made a lot of friends and family, I learned how to control myself when I became the pitcher and kind of forget about the pain that was caused by my parents divorced.
I finished my Elementary School with flying colors and entered the new phase of my life, I entered junior high school in Bagong Silangan High school, I can remember that I’m really nervous because it is another step and I heard a lot of rumors that junior high school is really hard and full of terror teachers, in my Grade 7 it’s hard because I’m surrounded by new faces, and the subjects are really hard at first, I didn’t take grade 7 seriously so I didn’t made it to the lift of the with honors students.
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When I’m in my Grade 8 everything changed, as I met my adviser who became my role model, because she is really a god adviser, who has love and care to her students, she made me a matured person she’s the reason why my view in life has changed, and that I became a great leader in our classroom. She really did become my second mom, as she is the one who I talked too when I have a problem.
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In my Grade 9 I got my biggest glow up because I got to meet a good circle of friend I met the most awesome girls, they help me to be more matured and see things with the reality they also made me realized that loving myself must come first, we also achieved our goals together and dream together. I’m so lucky that I met them. They made my Grade 9 more memorable as we discovered things together.
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Although the pandemic came and ruined our Grade 10, it should be the most memorable year in our junior high school, but it came and really challenged my mental health.
I experienced stress because of family problems and because of myself, that I almost ended everything, but God’s love me and showed me how important my life is, He made me realized that I’m almost there and everything happened for a reason, that the better days will coming.
I finished Junior High school with flying colors, with my friends. But we separated ways but didn’t forget each other, we chose different paths as we have different dreams in life. And I chose to be a nurse even though my dream is to become a Doctor, although I enrolled with the strand Humss because I'm confused about what I'm getting and my mom wants me to become a teacher I enrolled at Humss and finally decided to become a nurse when my kuya told me that I can still choose the course that I want in my college without worrying about the strand that I enrolled now.
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And I’m in my senior high I enrolled in New Era University at first it is really hard because it’s online class, but I still do my very best everyday and met my classmates whoa re really unique and cool, I just hope that we’re still classmate in our Grade 12 and hoping that it will be a faced to face class. I didn’t even realize after so many struggles and bad experiences that we’re on our 3rd grading and will make a step again to Grade 12.
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I can’t believe that I’m almost there and I’m still here alive and still dreaming, and I will continue dreaming until I achieve it one by one, I will make myself the happiest person and will end my book with no regrets in life.
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whosaskingwrites · 4 years
Lost Without You (Sakusa x Reader)
A/N: People visited today so I had to write between interactions. No uploads tomorrow as I'm going to a theme park and this one was cute to write ngl. Its one of my favorites so far.
WARNINGS: Loss of senses, angst, lowkey fluff end
Date: Sunday October 25th, 2020
Details: 5.6 pages 2,070 words
Theme: Senses- you slowly begin to lose all of your senses. Most people die quickly after the loss of their fifth sense. To gain them back one has to admit their love or forget about them.
Angst Masterlist
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Smell was the first to go.
I hadn’t even noticed at first nor do I really know how long it’d been gone. I didn’t notice until one day my mother asked me about perfume.
“Y/n what do you think?” I turned my mom had two glass bottles in her hands. One was a pale blue the other a mint green. “About what?” I asked “Which should I get? We are going to see the Sakusa family today,” I blinked. “We are?” “Yes Y/n now which one?” I hummed “Can I smell them?”
“Sure,” She spritzed the blue one first “This one’s Ocean Wonder,” I sniffed and shrugged when it didn’t smell like anything. She then sprayed the green one “This is Mahogany Apple,” I sniffed and realized I couldn’t smell it either. “Umm Ocean Wonder,” I said “Something wrong?” My mom asked me. “Nope!” I chirped sending her a small smile.
As we continued I discreetly smelled things freezing when I realized I couldn’t smell at all.
Taste was next it happened quickly after smell since they were linked together.
“Thanks for the food!” I said with everyone else a smile on my face. I sat next to Sakusa doing my best to avoid touching him as I knew he didn’t like it. I hummed as I ate the food was bland it had no taste only texture. I blinked schooling my features so I didn’t make a face. “How is it?” I looked at Sakusa's father as he asked “Its good!” I said matching the smile he sent me. “Im glad,” he went back to quietly discussing something with my mom.
I took small bites of the food not really paying attention to what was going on. That was until a hand touched my thigh under the table. I jumped slightly my eyes shifting to Sakusa's he was studying me dark eyes watching my moves.
“What’s wrong?” He whispered trying to avoid drawing the adults attention towards us. I turned red the longer he stared “I don’t know Omi,” I whispered back. He hummed the adults had stopped talking so he didn’t bring it up again.
Touch was third to go I had noticed that one quite quickly.
“Hey Omi where are we going?” I was trying to keep up my feet hitting the ground at a quicker pace then him. He stopped letting me catch up to him “A park,” I reached him with a smile “Even with all the germs?” He rolled his eyes at my statement. “I only see one germ,” he stated flicking me in the forehead. I scrunched my nose as he took my hand “Let’s go,” I held on as he gently pulled me along.
We reached the park fairly quick and I realized he’d taken me to the cherry blossom park. I watched the petals fall as we walked around but I blinked when I noticed multiple petals stuck to me. “I didn’t even feel those land on me,” I whispered swiping the pale pink petals off.
“Y/n?” I turned Sakusa stood behind me with an eyebrow raised “Yeah?” I asked blinking. “Did you not feel my hand on your shoulder?” I hummed as I thought “No I guess I didn’t,” I shrugged holding out my hand towards him. His eyes narrowed slightly before he took my hand it was weird I saw his hand clutched in mine and yet I couldn’t feel it.
We walked slowly and in silence for awhile before he spoke up “You’re losing your senses aren’t you?” he asked suddenly. “How did you-?” I trailed off. “At dinner you hardly ate and kept making a face. I also caught you sniffing things before making a face,” I hummed “I am losing my senses,” I whispered “That’s okay I am too,” I looked at him wide eyed “Omi you’re in love!?” I whispered shouted avoiding attracting attention to us. He rolled his eyes “I am yes and so are you,” I frowned.
“It’s too bad we can’t do anything about it though,” I said looking forward and this time he hummed. “Yeah it is too bad,”
I didn’t lose my hearing until a few months later it was a few days after my wedding when my hearing went.
I woke up stretching my muscles waiting for the popping of my back but nothing happened. I shrugged at that slipping out of the covers of my bed. I skipped to the kitchen I had grown used to my missing senses they didn’t bother me anymore as I knew they were unrecoverable. Unless I found a new love or told my current one but I couldn’t I had no way of contacting my love anymore and even if I did the world knew I was married.
Sakusa suddenly appeared in front of me causing me to jump. I placed a hand over my heart and noticed his mouth moving as his eyebrows furrowed in concern. My eyes widened when I realized I couldn’t hear him. I tried telling him as much but I couldn’t hear myself either. He nodded his head at me despite that I began panicking Sakusa reached forward pulling me towards him. It made me feel better even though I couldn’t feel it he pulled back and lifted his hands ‘sign language’ I thought as I watched his hands move
“It’s okay We’ll be fine,” I nodded at him “Find something to focus on and calm down okay?” I moved forward hugging him. It provided comfort for us both even if neither of us could actually feel it. I focused on the gold ring on Sakusa's finger it matched my own but it brought joy to neither of us.
Merely a sign that we had no choice in the manner they felt more like weights to us. I took a deep breath and pulled away looking at him I raised my hands “I have to find him. Just to clear everything,” He nodded “I understand,” Sakusa told me he had to go and I reached out and pulled him back suddenly. He turned to look at me with a questioning look “Im sorry I never told you,” He shook his head then “Don’t say sorry…Just come back,”
Sight was the last to go. I had never found my love and I couldn’t see Sakusa anymore. I knew he was there he'd been giving me medicine keeping me alive. Things were different now. My life was fading and I thought of my memories causing me to smile.
“Hey Omi what’s your favorite animal?” I asked getting ready for dinner with my parents. He hummed before he answered “I don’t know I’ve never really thought about it,” He said fixing his tie before a smirk settled on my face “Is it a fox?” He snapped his head towards me and narrowed his eyes. “Don’t you dare suggest that again,” He stated and I just smiled at him mischief in my eyes. “Ooo what about an Owl?” I watched him stand up and head to the door. “Im leaving,” He said walking out of the room as I started laughing. “Wait Omi what about a crow!” I heard him sigh from the hallway before he answered “Im divorcing you,”
That was one of my favorite memories another one was from Sakusa’s first game on the Black Jackals team.
I looked at my phone ringing noting the caller I.D from the stands. I picked up the phone immediately “Omi? What’s wrong?” I asked into the phone “Nothing…I just wanted to talk to you,” I frowned “Omi…You’re five minutes from your debut game you never want to talk before a game,” I stated. I heard a deep sigh on the other line and I knew it was instinct at this point knowing what was wrong with Omi. “Its okay to be nervous Omi. I still get nervous just watching your games,” I chuckled. “You get nervous watching? Why?” I shrugged “I’m scared you’ll get hurt or something will happen,” I said “You should have more faith in me then that,” Sakusa said. “I’ve got plenty of faith in you Omi. It sounds like you don’t have faith in yourself,”
He was silent for a moment before he chuckled “I guess you’re right. Thanks Y/n,” I smiled “You’re welcome Omi! Make a service ace for me okay?” I chirped “Will do,” he stated back hanging up the phone.
I smiled he did make a service ace that day even going as far as to look at me afterwards. Ever since he started volleyball he dedicated one service ace to me and I was always in the audience cheering him on. I blinked or at least I think I did choosing to bask in one last memory.
“Hey Omi?” I hummed from the couch. I heard a noise from the kitchen before he hummed letting me know he was listening. “Do you think our parents would have cared if we had said something about the marriage?” I voiced twisting the gold ring on my finger. I heard footsteps before Sakusa crouched in front of me he looked at my hands before taking them preventing me from messing with the ring.
“Honestly? No I don’t think they would have and gone forward anyway. I know what your thinking…That guy you love he wasn’t good for you he left as soon as he found out not even bothering to ask you and instead chose to leave with no notice. He’s making you suffer right now,” Sakusa spoke and I stayed quiet he rarely talked this much unless he was making a point.
“What about the person you love Omi?” I whispered “They left too…But I’m glad our parents did this we might not love each other but…We at least know each other,” He sent me the faintest hint of a smile and I smiled back “You’re right Omi…Thanks,” He let go and stood up heading back to the kitchen “You’re welcome,” He said quietly.
I realized then that all of my favorite memories had Sakusa in them but never the person I loved. The longer I thought about it the more I realized that I couldn’t even remember their name and just like that it hit me hard. I didn’t love that person anymore. I loved Sakusa I hadn’t used my voice in a while but I knew I had to say it so I did. I couldn’t hear myself but I knew what I said “I love you Omi,” only four words but they were enough.
I felt something touch my hand and I flinched before I realized that I could feel. I relaxed again in curiosity and I realized it was Omi's hand he was using his fingers to write letters into my hand and that was enough to know what he was saying. “I love you too Y/n,” I smiled feeling Omi grab my hand. I tangled our fingers together and the smell of Lemon hit my nose and my smile got wider knowing my senses were coming back.
That’s when the unexpected happened I felt something soft hit my lips and vaguely tasted mint before I realized that Sakusa had kissed me. He pulled away letting my senses come back slowly and hoping to not overwhelm me. I heard a faint buzzing noise that got louder before it vanished. I listened there wasn’t any noise besides the fan moving and Sakusa’s breathing and the occasional shuffle.
“Can you hear me Y/n?” Sakusa asked quietly. “I can hear you Omi,” I heard how scratchy my voice was and I flinched. He chuckled quietly and helped me sit up he pressed a glass into my hand helping guide it to my mouth as I drank. I closed my eyes as the cold water traveled down my throat when I opened them again I realized I could see. The edges of my vision were blurry but I could see everything again.
I turned my head looking at Sakusa the sunlight was dying outside casting him in an orange glow. The lights in the room were off probably so my eyes didn’t suffer when I opened them. He smiled at me then one of his rare smiles and holding on to my hand before he spoke.
“Welcome back Y/n,” and suddenly those rings on our fingers felt weightless.
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dreamingwithbts · 5 years
Not everything is what it seems - Chapter 2
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Genre: Poly!Au; Hybrid!Au; Fluff; Angst
Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x Female!Reader; Human!Reader; Wolf! Namjoon, Peacock! Seokjin; Siamese Cat Hybrid! Yoongi; Golden Retriever Dog Hybrid! Hoseok; Munchkin Cat Hybrid Jimin; Fox! Taehyung; Bunny! Jungkook
Summary: Y/N is the youngest CEO from a big company, and she has to adopt a hybrid in order to make her figure good between others companies since her cold attitude makes everyone go away for her, but when she adopts seven hybrids is it for the good of the company or it's something else?
"I see, well, I'm Y/N and I'm gonna be your owner. I guess."
" The paper work is done miss." The worker says. "Very well then. Let's go." I say to the seven hybrids and I leave the centre with them following me.
I get to my car and I see my driver, Mochu, ready opening me the door and looking shock at the seven hybrids. "I thought it would be only one hybrid miss." He says to me. "So did I." I say entering the car without looking at him. "Hello, I'm Mochu, Miss Y/N driver. It's nice to meet you please enter." Mochu introduces themself with the door still open to them, and they enter the car after introducing themselfs.
"How rich are you?" The fox hybrid asks, Taehyung I think, looking at me innocent. "Taehyung!" The peacock screams incredulous. "Very rich," I say with a serious face looking at the fox hybrid. "Cool!" The fox says smiling big.
"I'm sorry Miss." I hear the cute cat hybrid speak half hiding beside the angry cat hybrid." Who exactly are you?" He asks. "What? Cute cat speak up I can't hear you because how low you talk!" I say coldly making him embarrassed and hide more. "He asked who exactly are you." The angry cat says instead glaring at me. "Was that hard?" I ask with my eyebrow up looking at the two cats. "I'm Y/N L/N, the CEO of C/N." I say head up looking at the hybrids who seem to, breath in relief. I look at them still with my eyebrow up silently asking why the relief. "I'm sorry... we thought we here buy for the mafia or something." The wolf hybrid says. I looked yet again confused at them. "Why?" "NOTHING!" They all answer too quickly.
"It's because you're mean and look like you're going to kill someone." The bunny says very low but I hear him and give him my death glare making everyone stiff and the bunny hybrid sweat not looking at me in fear.
"Miss, we arrived home." Mochu says interrupting my bunny kill making them breath in relief again and to the bunny receive a head slap by the peacock hybrid.
"Let's go." I say leaving the car and go straight to my mansion door. "Wow!" I hear the hybrids. "Let's go! Don't stay there staring!" I say not looking behind. "She has eyes in her back!" "She's a witch!" I hear being follow by head slaps. "Shut up Taehyung, Jungkook!"
"Welcome home miss." My maids greeting me when I enter but looking at the hybrids behind me.
"Is all the people here?" I ask one of the maids. "Yes miss." She says and I nod. " For now on these seven hybrids will live with us so treated them well. This is the nice wolf hybrid, the strange peacock hybrid, the smiling dog hybrid, the angry cat hybrid, the cute cat hybrid, the dumb fox and the stupid bunny." I introduce them not remembering their names. The hybrids look at me shocked but not surprise except to from the angry cat that glares at me and the cute hybrid that blushes and smiles at me. "Now we know that her favourites are Namjoon and Jimin." I hear the dog hybrid say making all nod in agreement. "That is all." I say and start walking to my office. "Wait! What do we do now?" I hear the wolf hybrid. I sight and turn to one maid. "Show them their rooms." And I look back to the hybrids. "After do whatever you want. I'm going to my office, don't disturb me." I say and left.
I was doing my paperwork like always, I stop writing and sigh resting my back on my office chair and look at the time. "It's only have been one hour since I started." I think to myself until my thoughts were interrupted by a small timid bang on my door. "Enter." I say and a small blonde hair appears behind the door. "Hi!" He says smiling making his eyes disappear and me almost sit up and hug him. "Just enter." I hear behind the cute cat hybrid making him enter the office and behind him was, of course, the angry cat hybrid. "Something happen?" I ask glaring at both. "Well...eh...can we...." The cute cat hybrid tries saying but every time he looks at me he stops talking, I look at angry cat hybrid waiting for a translation. "What he means is can we stay here? The others are too loud, and they are too afraid to come near here." He finally says. I look at both of them, studying them. "Okay." I say returning my attention to the papers. "We're sorry were leaving now we....what?" The cute cat says confused looking at me with his cute eyes. "Thank you." The angry cat says and takes the other hybrid to the couch.
Minutes later I sense someone sit in front of me and I see the cute hybrid trying to help me by organizing the papers, I look to the couch there and see the other hybrid sound asleep I almost laugh at the sight, I look back to the cute hybrid and nod in thank you making him give one again one of his leather smiles.
For the first time I liked being in my office.
More hours passed, I was still working with the help of the cute hybrid listening to the light snores of the angry cat that's when suddenly my door was open with force I look up angry seeing the peacock hybrid in panic without letting me talk he started screaming. "MISS JIMIN AND YOONGI ARE MISSING! WHE SEARCH EVERYWHERE BUT..." "Hyung!" The cute hybrid tries graving his attention but the peacock just rant and rant. "SEOKJIN!" The angry cat screams finally graving his attention. "WHERE ARE YOUR MANNERS MIN YOONGI! I'M YOUR HYUNG! YOU...Oh...Yoongi...Jimin!" He says finally noticing the two hybrids. He quickly looks at me in fear. "Hahahahah! Sorry! Sorry!" He says with a loud nervous laugh. I look at him angry but amused. "Anything else?" I ask. "Oh yes. Dinner is ready." He says calmer. "Very well. Let's go." I say getting up making the other two hybrids get up too, and we left the office with me in the front.
"You were so brave Jin Hyung." I hear the cute hybrid saying. "How did you guys enter there?" I hear the peacock hybrid ask but I couldn't listen to the answer.
The dinner went normal, with them looking at the food like it was a dream and ate everything that was in the table.
"Tomorrow I'm going to take all of you shopping so be ready for it." I say making everyone nod. "Now if you let me I need to finish some last papers." I say getting up making the cute hybrid get up too. "I'll help." "No. It's okay I can finish it. Thank you." I say, and he sits again and I leave the dining room leaving four hybrids shock.
I enter again in my office and sit sighing again thinking about how everything is going to be tomorrow.
Tag List: @beach-bitch-bitch-beach @petitbeans @ky-is-the-name @kokomaesadie @classybouquetsworld @daydreamindollie
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