#Frasier MBTI
phillip-nashrp · 1 year
Character Profile
Basic Information:
Birth Name: Phillip David Nash Full Legal Name: Phillip David Nash Preferred Name: Phillip David Nash Nickname: Phil Age: Forty-Two Birthdate: September 15, 1980 Birthplace: Oslo, Norway Sex: Male Gender: Male Nationality: Norwegian, English Race: White Religion: Atheist Relationship Status: Single
Physical Attributes:
FC: Tom Hiddleston Height: 6′4′‘ Weight: 178 lbs. Build: Slim Measurements: Chest 43; Bicep 14; Waist 33 Hair Color: Auburn Eye Color: Blue Voice Claim: Tom Hiddleston Tattoos: N/A Marks: N/A Scars: [1] Vertical, one inch scar above right eyebrow. Piercings: N/A Clothing Style: Casual, Business Casual Blood Type: O+
Background Info:
Hometown: London, England Past Towns: Oslo, Norway; Languages: Norwegian, French, German, English, Spanish  Financial Status: Wealthy Educational History:  MBBS from St. Georges, University of London Occupational History:      -Chief of Surgery, Lake Sapphire Hospital, June 2016-Present      -Head of Neurosurgery, St. Georges, November 2013-June 2016      -Neurosurgeon, St. Georges, October 2008-November 2013
Mother:  Emma Elizabeth Nielson Father: Benjamin David Nash Children: N/A Romantic Relationships:      -Charlotte Bryne, Dated, January 2014- June 2016      -Allison Craig, Dated, February 2011-April 2013      -Juliette Frasier: Dated, May 2008-September 2010
Positive Traits: Intelligent, Dependable, Observant, Ambitious, Confident Negative Traits: Inpatient, Aloof, Cynical, Arrogant, Judgmental, Likes: Johnny Walker Blue Label, Whittling, Autumn Afternoons, The History of Medicine, Fiction Novels. Dislikes: Disorganization, Procrastination, Slow Drivers, Morality: Chaotic Neutral MBTI: INTJ Ennegram: Type Five; Wing Six Temperament: Melancholic
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bookish-mbti · 4 years
Some Frasier MBTI types
Scott has gotten me into watching Frasier and these characters are satisfyingly typable, so I wanted to make a post elaborating on the MBTI types of the Crane brothers.
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Frasier Crane | ENFJ
Frasier’s functional stack is easily readable and because of it, he is a fantastic example of an ENFJ. The outer world and social structures are what defines Frasier’s reality.
Frasier exists in the outer world of established external structures, measurements of value, and social status. He appreciates things that can be thought of as impressive based on external reference, even such as the items he so values in his apartment: “This lamp by Corbusier, the chair by Eames, and this couch is an exact replica of the one Coco Chanel had in her Paris atelier.” He likes things that are socially recognized to be impressive or renowned.
ENFJs also use auxiliary Ni, and as such, Frasier is very insightful and thrives when guiding individuals towards their best path and potential. His radio show allows him to do this on a broader scale with a wider audience, while also allowing him to fulfill his role in a way noticeable externally within the societal structure he values. Fe-Ni tends to work with groups of people such as a classroom as a teacher, and in Frasier’s case, it is his radio show.
Se is tertiary in Frasier. ENJs, though they are not Se dominant, are often very action-based. This advice from Frasier, in my opinion, exemplifies healthy use of an ENFJ’s functions: “Six months ago, I was living in Boston. My wife had left me, which was very painful. Then she came back to me, which was excruciating. On top of that, my practice had grown stagnant, and my social life consisted of... hanging around a bar night after night. You see, I was clinging to a life that wasn’t working anymore, and I knew I had to do something, anything. So, I ended the marriage once and for all, packed up my things, and moved back here to my hometown of Seattle. I took action. And you can, too. Move, change, do something; if it’s a mistake, do something else.”
Tertiary Se is more noticeable than inferior and ENJs may score surprisingly high on Se, caught between their penchant for deriving meaning and passion for making their dreams realities.
Frasier is sensitive to criticism, which comes from inferior Ti. When he is criticized in a column in the Times with the simple statement “I hate Frasier Crane,” he can’t help but feel as though it is an unwarranted personal attack. Ti is a function based in impartial analysis and criticism of structures or methods, completely independent of people and in conflict with an Extraverted Feeling approach.
Further, after he is sold a false piece of artwork, he is infuriated by the injustice, the blatant lack of regard for ethics. His idealism that people are good, respectful, and care for the well-being of others (Fe-Ni) is shattered. He keeps grasping for some way others and systems may help him—first through calling the police, and then by considering hiring a lawyer. When both Martin and Niles say it isn’t worth it and when Martin tells him that sometimes bad things happen in life and there’s nothing you can do, Frasier has immense trouble coping with the concept. Feeling dominants often run into conflict with the approaches of the Thinking functions, which they perceive to be cold, heartless, and, in the more extreme, immoral.
Another characteristic of Frasier’s inferior Ti can be seen in the second episode, when he is still adjusting to his father and Daphne moving in with him. In the case of an inferior Ti eruption episode, Fe dominants become uncharacteristically cold and withdrawn. In this episode, Frasier is perturbed by all of the ways Martin and Daphne have infiltrated the life he worked to build for himself. He is uncharacteristically in a bad mood, seeking solitude, and short with understanding; his tertiary Se is used defensively to defend his uncharacteristic, self-based need for solitude by saying that since the situation isn’t working out now in the present moment, then there is no hope of it getting better and he should change something about it.
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Niles Crane | INFJ
Niles’ function stack is also one that is very readable and makes him a great example of an INFJ.
While he is similar to his older brother, there are some distinct differences. Where Frasier’s typical impulse is to seek out others and talk to them, in need of feedback, Niles is more private and withdrawn, mulling over things internally before externally voicing a conclusion. Where Frasier thrives navigating the social world and being a prominent face in the community, Niles considers his radio show “pop psychiatry” and values a more typical setting where he can see patients one-on-one rather than seeking a broad audience and outward recognition. This is not to say that Extraversion and Introversion have to do with sociability or ability to perform in front of an audience—Niles frequently holds group therapy sessions and workshops etc.—but than IFJs and EFJs tend to differ in their natural preferences. EFJs like to immerse themselves actively in a society and have engagement and involvement. IFJs don’t require this external feedback or engagement, and many times like to help others in more controlled, individual sessions.
One example Niles’ Ni is evident is after he and Frasier see their father having dinner with an old family acquaintance. They remember that her family used to be close to theirs until one summer they had a falling out and were no longer acquainted. The next day, Niles arrives at Frasier’s apartment and announces he had been doing some thinking, wondering why their father was with that woman, so he dug up his old childhood journal and an old photo album their late mother had put together. In the journal around the time they remembered the family friends having a falling out, Niles had written that he had seen his father and her in each other’s arms. In the photo album photos from that summer, there were multiple photos with a woman cut out of them. With these things brought to attention, Niles suggests a theory that their father had an affair. This is Ni—seeing something, mulling it over, connecting separate pieces, and arriving at a conclusion. Frasier first strikes down the accusation, saying there isn’t enough evidence. Again, this is Niles’ Ni—the connections he has made are based on internal thought processes, not totally tangible, but make sense in his linear internal logical deductions based on a couple of pieces of evidence. Ni can derive insight and theory based on minimal things in reality and is not dependent exclusively on what is experienced through the senses.
Another example of Niles’ being his type, and perhaps a good example of how INFJs tend to offer advice in general, can be seen in this conversation between him and Frasier in episode 2.
Frasier: Niles, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Dad and I had another fight. I’m afraid if we stay under the same roof together we’ll do irreparable harm to the relationship we have as it is.
Niles: Well, what are the alternatives?
Frasier: Well, if I didn’t feel so guilty I’d, I’d do what I should have done in the first place: just move dad and Daphne into their own apartment.
Niles: Oh, for goodness sake, Frasier. It hasn’t been that long, you have to give it a chance. And you might remember why you moved him in in the first place.
Frasier: Refresh me.
Niles: You wanted to get closer to dad.
Frasier: I still do. There isn’t anything I’d like more, but he makes it impossible. I can’t read my book, I can’t have my coffee, I can’t have any peace in my own home.
Niles: So what you’re saying is, you want to be closer to dad, but you don’t actually want him around. Ask yourself Frasier, have you tried to sit down and talk to him—I mean, really talk to him?
Frasier: Well, I... Maybe I haven’t done my best. I guess I owe that to the old man, don’t I? Well, ah, thanks for the chat, Niles. You’re a good brother, and a credit to the psychiatric profession.
Niles’ dominant Ni urges Frasier to see past the interpersonal rifts and down to the heart of what matters most, which was Frasier’s original goal: to become closer to his father. Conflict that seems unsolvable through talking it out is a trigger to Fe dominants, and as such, it was hard for Frasier to see past it. Niles’ Ni reminds him of the goal despite this conflict, as Ni as a dominant function is more zoomed out and big-picture; while Niles too uses Fe and is people-focused, he primarily views the world through Ni, which sees things outside of the framework of relationships, whereas Frasier’s dominant Fe was stuck seeing only the relationships and the conflict within them and he forgot the original goal. Additionally, Niles’ use of Ni prompts Frasier to point his own auxiliary Ni at himself and remind himself of his personal responsibility and purpose to the situation with his father.
Niles’ inferior Se is noticed more comically, such as how he doesn’t remember meeting Roz even after he has met her multiple times, nor does he remember where they met. Ni is a very internally-based function, and with inferior Sensation, Ni dominants can have trouble recalling concrete information about their surroundings or people they come into contact with in the external world. Another example of an INJ’s inferior Se can be seen when Niles is gripping shortly after his divorce. He begins to date someone completely opposite from his normal temperament and is impulsive, spontaneous, and doesn’t give any deep thought to his actions or the purpose for these actions. He stays out all night, drinks more, plans a trip with his new girlfriend to another country. It is all very out of character for him, which happens when an INJ is gripping—usually notoriously inert and cerebrally-based, they become active and spontaneous in the outer world, over-indulging in sensory activities.
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autisticreigen · 6 years
Frasier MBTI (based on observations)
Frasier: ENFJ caring, controlling, manipulative, warm, social, helpful, optimistic, kind, self-centered, parental, loving
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Niles: INFP emotional, reserved, sensitive, selfish, refined, hoity-toity, ethical, loyal, neurotic, forgiving, shy
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Daphne Moon: ISFP kind, witty, empathetic, logical, resilient, creative, helpful, indecisive, anxious, strong, loyal
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Roz Doyle: ESTP powerful, helpful, inventive, creative, entrepreneurial, caring, agressive, warm, loud, intellegent, smug
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Martin: ISTP: resourceful, self-reliant, bitter, reserved, repressed, loyal, witty, quiet, old-fashioned, short-sighted, judgmental
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Eddie: ????
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mayalaen · 3 years
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After posting about how my mom and I like to watch shows knowing what characters match with family members’ personalities, I decided to make a collage of my matching characters from my favorite shows.
Billie/Death - Supernatural Hannibal Lecter - Hannibal Dexter Morgan - Dexter Mr. Kaplan - The Blacklist Lilith Sternin - Frasier Deep Throat - X-Files Dr. Oliver Thredson - American Horror Story Scorpius - Farscape River Tam - Firefly Picard - Star Trek Joan Ferguson - Wentworth Laverne Holt - Brooklyn Nine-NIne Gregory House - House Giles - Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel the Series Nathan Ford - Leverage Walter White - Breaking Bad Samantha Carter - Stargate SG1 Nicholas Rush - Stargate Universe
This doesn’t include all of my favorite shows, but my personality is odd and not very popular, so it doesn’t show up in a lot of TV shows, especially as a main character and especially in comedies or lighthearted shows.
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musicalinfj · 7 years
Frasier MBTI and Enneagram
Frasier Crane ENFJ 3w4 6w7 8w9 (The Justice Fighter) so/sp
Niles Crane INFJ 4w3 6w5 9w1 (The Seeker/The Hesitant) sp/so
Martin Crane ESTP 6w7 3w2 9w1 (The Mediator) sp/sx
Daphne Moon ENFP 7w6 9w1 4w5 (The Gentle Spirit) sp/so
Roz Doyle ESTP 7w8 2w3 8w9 (The Free Spirit) sx/so
Lilith INTJ 5w4 1w9 4w5 (The Researcher) so/sp
Bulldog ESTP 8w7 7w9 2w3 (The Freedom Lover) sx/sp
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infpgarden · 5 years
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Myers Briggs Personality Type #3
Judy Hopps (Zootopia)
Geraldine Granger (The Vicar of Dibley)
Leslie Knope (Parks and Recreation)
Moana (Moana)
Tracy Turnblad (Hairspray)
Emma Woodhouse (Emma)
Frasier Crane (Frasier)
Elle Woods (Legally Blonde)
Peeta Mellark (The Hunger Games)
Bel Rowley (The Hour)
Do you relate to these characters? If so, you may be an ENFJ.
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funkymbtifiction · 6 years
MBTI’ing the OTP: Valentine’s Day Special
By Mysterylover123
These are just my personal ships, FYI - you don’t like em, no problem. Just thought I’d analyze the MBTI types of all my faves. Happy Valentine’s Day.
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Friends: Chandler and Monica - ISFJ & ESFJ
If I had to pick my idea of a great IRL romance, this would be it. Best friends who fall in love. Chandler is the ISFJ, hesitant, eager to be liked, sticking to his guns and more practical in some ways than Monica. Monica has been typed as both ESTJ & ESFJ, and I can see a case for both - she’s ESFJ on this site and ESTJ on others. Either way, she’s more controlling and uptight than Chandler, but in some ways less practical and more emotion-driven. They make an interesting couple that works surprisingly well, who manage to balance out each others’ strengths and weaknesses nicely.
Steven Universe: Ruby and Sapphire - ESTP & INFJ
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The OTP to end them all, Ruby and Sapphire are an interesting case of opposites attracting. They have the exact inverted functions of each other, Se-Ti-Fe-Ni, and combine to form the ISTP Garnet. Ruby is impulsive and Sapphire sees the future. Ruby is aggressive and Sapphire patient. They’re a great match, though potentially volatile since they’re so opposite and yet so similar. It makes crazy sense for characters with inverted functions to form a permafusion.
Harry/Ginny (ISFP/ESTP)
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Everyone has a HP OTP, it seems, and mine is HG. These two have a pretty classic MBTI romance combination - both SP artisans, who like living in the moment and are often impulsive. Harry is more emotional and broody and Ginny is more logical and practical. One interesting point that I think makes these two compatible is that Harry’s Fi makes him hard to talk to and comfort easily; it takes someone with extraordinary tact and patience to get him to communicate, and Ginny has that as a Ti/Fe user - a strong perception of others’ needs. Makes them pretty perfect for each other.
Swarkles Robin/Barney (ISTP/ENTP)
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These two have a rather unusual combination of MBTI - Both high Ti users but different perceiving functions. Robin, the ISTP, is a clear pragmatist who has difficulty with emotions. Barney is a big idea guy who bounces from one thing to the next endlessly, with the philosophy that new is always better. Both are a bit on the impulse, fun-loving side in this case, making for a very whacky couple with lots of sitcom adventures. Favorite line between them: “I’m such a mess, why do you even like me?” “I guess cause you’re almost as messed up as I am.”
Buffy/Faith (ESFP/ESTP)
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Time to put my Buffy-verse OTPs out there! Once upon a time, I did ship Spuffy, but I’ve turned to the Fuffy side of things as time went by. Anyway, Buffy and Faith are both Se noms who love action and living in the moment. This goes badly for them in “Bad Girls” but there is a certain degree of mutual understanding between two Se doms. The difference is their T/F functions - Faith is utilitarian and Buffy inwardly moral. However, as the series goes on they come to a better understanding of each other. I always enjoy their chemistry, even if they don’t get to be canon.
Angel/Cordelia (ISFJ/ESTJ)
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My biggest Buffy-verse OTP, one most people don’t get into without seeing the spinoff show Angel. But Cangel has my heart. I love slow-burn friendship ships. Anyway, the MBTI. Both strong Si users, but with a nice balance between them; Angel has the ideals and empathy that influence Cordelia to be a kinder person with his Si/Fe;  Cordy has the grounded practicality to keep Angel from disappearing into broodiness, and they balance each other out perfectly for the first 3 seasons of the show. Definitely love this one and always angry at Whedon for not letting it happen.
Daria/Jane (INFP/ISFP)
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Don’t know if  y’all have seen Daria, but check it out of you have the time. It’s great. Anyway, another one with two of the same dominant functions: Both Fi’s. This means they’re both highly moral introverts who love artistic expression but struggle with expressing feelings aloud. That’s Daria and Jane, all right. The contrasting perceiving functions show in how Jane is more willing to engage in the world and give stuff (cheerleading at one point) a try, while Daria is more hesitant and less engaged. I do ship them - they’re best friends and the show wasn’t shy about teasing them. Noncanon ship here.
Clois - Clark Kent/Lois Lane (ISFP/ESTP)
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I love these two in any incarnation - I’m a sucker for bickering friends to lovers - but my favorite is Smallville. The same MBTI makeup as Harry/Ginny earlier - I guess I like this combination. Again, part of what makes it work is the similar perceiving functions, but nicely balanced TF opposites. FI can get a little brooding and introverted on itself, while Ti/Fe can sometimes become too pragmatic and insensitive, so they help each other out in a lot of ways. Something about Clark/Lois just works for me - another pairing of a sweetheart dreamer and a snarky pragmatist who bicker because they care.
Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy (ESFP/ENFJ)
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My favorite incarnation of these two is the animated series version - they have such great chemistry there and Timm says they are canon here. Anyway, this combo is rather frequent in fiction, ENFJ often paired off with high Se users for some reason. Ivy as the ENFJ has a lot of tact, perception and motherly behavior that helps her sweet-talk and care for the impulsive and damaged Harley. Harley, the ESFP, has a certain knack for connecting to others, and helps Ivy avoid becoming too misanthropic, since Ivy kinda hates humans in general. Great pair of wicked gal pals.
Frasier’s Niles/Daphne (INFJ/ENFP)
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One of my rare pairings with complete opposite functions. But in some ways my very first OTP. They’re both Intuitive dominants, dreamers with their minds in the clouds, who are attracted to each other but take forever to act on it in any way. Both are emotionally driven - Niles outwardly, Daphne inwardly - with strong personal ethics; tertiary Thinking functions, and inferior Sensing functions. They’re definitely opposites attract, but with a caveat of perfectly aligning functions. I love this ship so damn much; it’s such a great mix of hot chemistry and tender love.
Spider-Man and Mary Jane Watson (INTP/ENFP)
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Peter and MJ have many different incarnations, with varying functions. The consistent seems to be that Peter uses some kind of Ti (ISFJ, ISTP, ESTP, INTP) and is usually an introvert, while MJ is an extrovert with a strong intuitive function (ENFP/ENFJ) or occasionally adapted into an ISFP. Either way, my favorite version is the comics, which lean towards the first interpretation. As an iNTP I get along well with the ENFPs in my life, but more importantly I love this pairing too. High Ne combo that sees the possibilities in the world, and the classic Ti/Te balance.
MCU Stucky - Steve/Bucky (ISFJ/ESTP)
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I have some other MM slash pairs, but they’re mostly from anime so they’re not on this list. Anyway, Stucky. Both Fe/Ti users, with dominant sensing functions of different perceptions. Steve is more of a stick-to-it kinda guy, Bucky is more willing to try other options (this pops up a lot in their interactions, with Bucky suggestion different Paths and Steve not backing down. Who says Se’s are more stubborn than Si’s?). There is a great devotion between the two, though. I know it won’t be canon but that never stopped anyone from shipping before.
Gravity falls Dipper/Pacifica (INTJ/ESTJ)
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Another noncanon one. This is a very unusual combo, I can’t think of many stories that even have these two types. Both are high Te users, which in this case practically guarantees a Bickering Sexual Tension kind of relationship. Both are pragmatic and long-term planners, with Dipper being an Ni-dom who overplans and over-thinks everything, Pacifica a strong pragmatist. Both are Type A’s with a lot in common, who learn from each other. His stronger Fi function helps her come to terms with her lower Fi, and act morally. It’s very sweet.
Parks and Recreation Andy/April (ENFP/INTP?)
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I’m a little uncertain of April’s type, since I’ve seen lots of different typings for her across the board. My best guess for now is INTP. Another pairing I just adore, this time canon and married. They’ve got just a great balance, both being impulsive dreamers but one more openly affectionate and the other more reticent and practical. These two just work well together - balanced and loving and supportive. The strong Ne they both share (I think they do) makes for some great vague and impractical connections. I fell in love with this ship right away, as soon as my cousin showed me the episode where they move in with Ben.
CSI Grissom/Catherine (INTP/ESTP)
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Grillows is another ship that I regret not being Canon, since they have some serious chemistry. Both are strong Ti users, practical and analytical, but with contrasting perceiving functions. He likes theories, she likes to go out and do. This creates that kind of contrasting Holmes and Watson style duo between them, though Grissom is not always right, and Catherine tends to balance out his more theoretical and distant attitude nicely. She can make mistakes too, like being too impulsive or emotional, but it always feels like there’s good points on each side.
Pride and Prejudice: Elizabeth/Darcy (ENFP/INTJ)
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One ship that me and Charity (and let’s face it, most people) share. They just work so perfectly together. Two intuitive dominants with big ideas, similarly blunt Te manners of analyzing and addressing logic, and reticent Fi that makes it hard for them to just talk about their feelings. The journey from bad first impression to happy ending is so enthralling every time. Austen definitely created a timeless winner with this one.
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hellaintp · 7 years
“xxxx, at Cornell University they have an incredibly piece of scientific equipment known as the Tunneling Electron Microscope. Now, this microscope is so powerful that by firing electrons you can actually see images of the atom, the infinitesimally minute building blocks of our universe. xxxx, if I were using that microscope right now, I still wouldn’t be able to locate my interest in your problem.”
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dimplcsandcurls · 4 years
Full Name: Leslie Noah Jacobs
Nickname: Les
Age: Twenty One
Date of Birth: August 13
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Astrological Sign: Aries
Ethnicity: Jewish
Citizenship: English 
Orientation: Pansexual
Hometown: London, England
Residence: Emerald Apts. , London
Occupation: Student / Club Dancer
Family Members:  David Jacobs ( brother ) , Sarah Jacobs, ( Sister ) 
Weight:  175 lbs. 
Height:  6′0″
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: Short
Coloring:  Pale / slight Olive Complexion
Build: Athletic
Scar(s): None. 
Distinguishing Feature(s):  Eyebrows, smile.
Dominant Hand: Left 
Positive: Confident, Charismatic, Brave, Loyal,  Creative, Positive
Negative: Selfish, Attention Seeking, Impatient, Impulsive, Reckless
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
MBTI: ISFP-A  Temperament: Sanguine
Label: The Fool, The wannabe cassanova, The Peter Pan. 
Food: McDonald’s
Drink: Strawberry Milk
Snack: Gushers
Color: Blue
Season: Summer
Memory: Hanging out with David when he was a kid. 
Band: AJR
Song: “Some Kind of Disaster” by ATL
Book: Johnathan Livingston Seagull  by Richard Bach
Movie: The End
TV Show: Frasier
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katahnisharma · 5 years
about me ✨
name: soph
birthday: april 8
located in: atlanta
star sign: aries
hogwarts house: ravenclaw
mbti: infj-p
aesthetic: flower fields, english countryside, dreamy dresses, fairy lights, glittery stars, old books, soft sweaters, wildflowers, loose hair, wanderlust, art museums, airy scents, small cottages, little bookstores
likes: reading, writing, traveling, listening to music, pretty landscapes, candles and perfumes, the color red, period dramas, old hollywood movies, bollywood and india, star gazing, minimalist jewelry, eating in hole in the wall restaurants, painting, poetry, soft things
dislikes: racism, sexism, homophobia, tr*mp, rude people, writer’s block, anxiety, getting rained on, horror movies, too hot weather, cultural appropriation, body shaming, chunky necklaces, the “mom” haircut, failing at things
fav. musicians: marina, sigrid, khalid, beyonce, taylor swift, ellie goulding, troye sivan, lorde, kehlani, lizzo, labrinth, ariana grande, ybn cordae, kendrick lamar, lana del rey, normani, jaden, chance the rapper, charli xcx, m.i.a.
fav. shows: gilmore girls, frasier, queer eye, suits, jane the virgin, the politician, greenleaf
fav. books: the queen of the tearling, pride and prejudice, rebecca, tar baby, the bell jar, the great gatsby, a room with a view, 1984, to kill a mockingbird, the color purple, little women, smart girls get what they want, jane eyre, the giver, hercule poirot, the hunger games, hp, shakespeare
fav. marvel movies: the avengers, iron man 1, spiderman hoco, spiderman far from home, black panther, captain marvel, thor ragnarok, captain america tws, ant man and the wasp
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jaimeaster · 3 years
Cody’s personality
What is their favorite thing about their personality? His sense of adventure
What is their least favorite thing about their personality? His overly trusting nature
Do they get lonely easily? Sometimes
Do you know their MBTI type? Virtuoso.
What is their biggest flaw? His overly trusting nature.
Are they aware of their flaws? Yes
What is their biggest strength? His sense of adventure
Are they aware of their strengths? Yes
How would they describe their own personality? Caring. But with limits.
When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”? Fight
Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this? Yes. Animals. A lot
What is their self esteem like? High
What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it? Seeing an animal die in his arms. He would completely and utterly break down
How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives? With mid level difficulty on both counts
What is the easiest way to annoy them? Be Kal Kent
What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous. Smart. Any joke from Frasier
How easy is it for them to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it? N//A
What do others admire most about their personality? His loyalty
What does their happily ever after look like? Living in peace with loads of animal friends
Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual? Animals. And yes.
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oceanwriter · 6 years
Get to know the writer (tag)
I was tagged by @writingonjupiter -- Thanks a bunch!! Sorry for the delay!
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 (or less) people to do the same!
Name: Audrey
Sign: Pisces
Alignment: I have no idea?
Native language: English
Favorite book: Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
Favorite films: I love Audrey Hepburn's films.
Favorite tv shows: Taxi, Mork and Mindy, Frasier, Cheers, Night Court... old sitcoms.
Favorite broadway shows: OH BOY. WHERE DO I START? Bandstand, Annie, Anastasia, Matilda, Rocky, Bonnie and Clyde, Come From Away, The Sound of Music... SO. MANY.
Favorite operas: Not familiar with any particular opera.
Favorite plays: Noises Off. I haven’t seen many.
Favorite songs: Showtunes aside, Comin’ Back To Me by Jefferson Airplane, Vienna by Billy Joel, and a lot of oldies.
Favorite artists: Elvis Presley, Simon and Garfunkle, and Sting.
Rural or urban? I have to learn more towards urban.
Do you enjoy politics? Not at all. They stress me out to no end.
Classic or Romantic? Classic, I guess.
Do you have a type? Probably.
What are your aspirations? To have a family and travel.
What is your philosophy in life? I don’t know if this is exactly philosophy, but this quote comes to mind whenever the question arises.
“I would call it the ultimate Christian gift. It’s that idea of you are back and you realize that the things that matter are others way beyond yourself. Self goes away. Ego, bye bye. You realize that there are a lot of amazing people out there to be grateful for, and a loving God. And other than that, good luck. That’s what life is about. -Robin Williams
I tag (if you’d like) @astralysis @marydreamy and @violet-clouds-and-skies
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Tag, you’re it! Tagged by: I stole it from @usurpxrregalis Rules! Tag 15 people you want to get to know! Name: Kiki, Lucille, Lucy Gender: Female Star Sign: Taurus Height: 5′9″ Sexuality: I tend to not like labels. I like anyone as long as we have chemistry or get along. MBTI: Your typical INFP, books, animals, fantasy realms, brooding poetry and writing, lots of writing.  What image do you have as your lock screen: My current lockscreen is a picture of the Nightwing symbol. I love Nightwing. For a wallpaper I have my favorite quote from Harry Potter. Though I will also use the Hufflepuff house sign too if I feel like it. 
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher: Not really, I thought a few were cute, but I don’t really crush on anyone that often. Their mind, personality? Heck yeah. Where do you see yourself in 10 years: I can’t think that far ahead, and anything I think of is probably going to be extremely starry-eyed and hopeful. I do see writing in that, and maybe a few private goals, but other than that, I’m not too sure. If you could go anywhere else right now where would it be: Somewhere warm, and cozy with lots of friendly animals and tea. A dog or a cat would suffice for me.
What was your coolest Halloween costume or cosplay?: I haven’t really done much of this in awhile, but I always have loved dressing up as a black cat or something scary.  What was your favorite 90′s TV show?: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Frasier, The X-Files, Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z (well, the one that aired during that time) Whose Line Is It Anyway? Last Kiss?: I’m not a very touchy person, and talking about this makes me feel a bit flustered.. so pass? Favorite book?:Harry Potter series, Kiss the Girls by James Patterson, The Stand by Stephen King, Beatrix Potter (don’t judge me, I like Peter Rabbit and it helps me sleep) Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C.S Lewis.. hm probably too many to name. Have you ever been stood up?: No. But I have been invited out without being told someone I didn’t like would be there, and that person always tried getting in my personal space, so..
Have you ever been to Las Vegas?: No, but it sounds fun possibly.
Favorite pair of shoes: Favorite worn pair of sneakers or flats
Favorite fruit?: Apple, Banana, Watermelon, Strawberry Stupidest thing you have ever done?: Though it has been years, and years ago.. I tried shaving my tongue with a razor when I was 4 years old. I have done a few dumb things since then as I have an innate curiosity, and love finding things out for myself. Most recent I can’t really think of as I try to watch what I do as a major ditz. Probably something dumb I said since I can parrot memes with the best of em. Yes, I am well aware I am boring. x3 tagging: whoever wants to can go ahead!
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hummingbirdsalt · 6 years
rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions
Tagged by the wonderful @rocanono !  Thanks so much :D
I’m gonna tag - @yersifanel  @oddly-drawn-thoughtss  @dixiethumbelina  @ezzryme  @zexeos-gx  and @consultingzoologist
1. coke or pepsi: Pepsi
2. disney or dreamworks: Love both but... Disney <3
3. coffee or tea: I don’t drink either of them, but I do like some coffee-flavored things
4. books or movies: Movies.  They’re what inspired me to start drawing, and I love seeing so many different elements come together to create a story
5. windows or mac: Windows
6. dc or marvel: Marvel
7. x-box or playstation: Playstation
8. dragon age or mass effect: *cough*I’ve actually never played either*cough*
9. night owl or early riser: Night owl
10. cards or chess: I can’t remember the last time I played a game of chess or a card game... but I like shuffling cards, haha
11. chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
12. vans or converse: Converse
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar:  lol, idk
14. fluff or angst: -insert “why don’t we have both?” taco shell commercial gif-
15. beach or forest: Can’t choose
16. dogs or cats: Again, can’t choose!  
17. clear skies or rain: This answer changes for me depending on the time of year.  I love rain, but I live in Washington, so I get more than enough :P
18. cooking or eating out: Eating out
19. spicy food or mild food: Mild, my tongue is a coward
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Like, I LOVE the whole vibe of Halloween, but I rarely do anything on the actual day/night.  around Christmas, I have a nice time with my family and a lot of good food, so I’ll have to go with Christmas
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too cold.  That’s basically my life already
22. if you could have any superpower, what would it be?: Teleportation!  
23. animation or live action: gaaaahhhh this is impossible for me to answer!
24. paragon or renegade: idk
25. baths or showers: Showers
26. team cap or team ironman: I’m not “team” anyone, but Tony is my fave by just a little bit
27: fantasy or sci-fi: Can’t choose
28. do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they:  Just a couple funny ones that come to mind...
“Macklin... you son of a bitch.”  (Parks & Rec)
“Dishonor on YOU, dishonor on your COW.”  (Mulan)
“Well, well, well.  How the turntables...”  (The Office)
“I’ll do you one better:  WHY is Gamora???”  (Avengers: Infinity War)
29. netflix or youtube: I think I watch an equal amount of both
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: Lord of the Rings (I’m keeping this here.)
31. when do you feel accomplished: When I finish an art project, when I clean an entire room, when I cook a good meal, when I write a sentence that doesn’t make me want to shut my laptop forever
32. star wars or star trek: Star Wars
33. paperback or hardback: Hardback
34. horror or rom-com: I’m kind of a wimp, so rom-com
35: Tv shows or movies: Movies
36. spotify or pandora: Don’t use either enough to have a preference
37. zootopia or inside out: Zootopia by a tiiiiny bit
38. favorite book: Not sure
39. favourite flower: No specific type comes to mind, but I LOVE orange flowers
40. what field of study are you in (or aspire to be in): I’m in a very aimless stage of my life right now
41. song lyric you really love?: “Is it raining in heaven?  Do you want us to cry?” - Queen
42. what’s your MBTI type?: Either ISFP or ISFJ... can’t quite remember
43. fave movie: What a terrible question for an indecisive, film-obsessed person like me  :P  I’ll never have one ultimate favorite, or even a top ten list that stays the same for very long.  I get really into movie series, like LOTR, Star Wars, Marvel, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park/World.  To name a current fixation, I’d say Magnificent Seven.    
44. favourite tv show(s)?: This one’s a little easier, because I have a set of shows I always seem to come back to, haha..  The Office, Parks & Rec, Frasier, Star Trek: TNG, Brooklyn Nine Nine.... also Drunk History :P
45. top three authors?: To be completely honest, I’ve always had a very low level of reading energy.  I don’t know why, but even when I’m super invested in a story, I can only read so much at a time.  I spend a lot of this energy reading fanfiction, so I feel like my answer to this question would be more honest if I listed three fanfic authors.
CoffeeAndTin  ;)
46. favorite season?: I love all of them, though I always end up longing for the next one
47. favorite high school musical?: First one, I guess
48. silver or gold?: Silver
49. Favorite director(s)?: Steven Spielberg is the first to come to mind
50.  Fries or baked potato?:  Fries
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
Frasier Enneatypes
Frasier Crane: 2w3
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“Twos are empathetic, sincere, and warm-hearted. They are friendly, generous, and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering, and people-pleasing. They are well-meaning and driven to be close to others, but can slip into doing things for others in order to be needed. They typically have problems with possessiveness and with acknowledging their own needs. At their Best: unselfish and altruistic, they have unconditional love for others.
Basic Fear: Of being unwanted, unworthy of being loved
Basic Desire: To feel loved
Enneagram Two with a Three-Wing: "The Host/Hostess"
Key Motivations: Want to be loved, to express their feelings for others, to be needed and appreciated, to get others to respond to them, to vindicate their claims about themselves.”
Niles Crane: 6w5
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The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent "troubleshooters," they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it. They can be cautious and indecisive, but also reactive, defiant and rebellious. They typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. At their Best: internally stable and self-reliant, courageously championing themselves and others.
Basic Fear: Of being without support and guidance
Basic Desire: To have security and support
Enneagram Six with a Five-Wing: "The Defender"
Key Motivations: Want to have security, to feel supported by others, to have certitude and reassurance, to test the attitudes of others toward them, to fight against anxiety and insecurity.
Daphne Moon: 9w1
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Nines are accepting, trusting, and stable. They are usually creative, optimistic, and supportive, but can also be too willing to go along with others to keep the peace. They want everything to go smoothly and be without conflict, but they can also tend to be complacent, simplifying problems and minimizing anything upsetting. They typically have problems with inertia and stubbornness. At their Best: indomitable and all-embracing, they are able to bring people together and heal conflicts.
Basic Fear: Of loss and separation
Basic Desire: To have inner stability "peace of mind"
Enneagram Nine with a One-Wing: "The Dreamer"
Key Motivations: Want to create harmony in their environment, to avoid conflicts and tension, to preserve things as they are, to resist whatever would upset or disturb them.
Martin Crane: 1w2 
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Ones are conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. They are teachers, crusaders, and advocates for change: always striving to improve things, but afraid of making a mistake. Well-organized, orderly, and fastidious, they try to maintain high standards, but can slip into being critical and perfectionistic. They typically have problems with resentment and impatience. At their Best: wise, discerning, realistic, and noble. Can be morally heroic.
Basic Fear: Of being corrupt/evil, defective
Basic Desire: To be good, to have integrity, to be balance
Enneagram One with a Two-Wing: "The Advocate"
Key Motivations: Want to be right, to strive higher and improve everything, to be consistent with their ideals, to justify themselves, to be beyond criticism so as not to be condemned by anyone.
Roz Doyle: 7w8
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Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. At their Best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, joyous, and satisfied.
Basic Fear: Of being deprived and in pain
Basic Desire: To be satisfied and content—to have their needs fulfilled 
Enneagram Seven with an Eight-Wing: "The Realist"
Key Motivations: Want to maintain their freedom and happiness, to avoid missing out on worthwhile experiences, to keep themselves excited and occupied, to avoid and discharge pain.
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biblical-musings · 7 years
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
Tagged by: @quietlysought Thanks girl! I’m so excited to do one of these :)
1. Nicknames: My friend’s 4yo son calls me “Old Sara” because I’m the first Sara he’s ever met and now we know another one
2. Gender: Female
3. Star sign: Gemini (MBTI- ENFP, Enneagram- 2)
4. Height: 5'3
5. Time: 8:10pm
6. Birthday: June 17
7. Favorite bands: Christian- Kings Kaleidoscope, the Oh Hellos, Gungor, Tow’rs, Relient K Secular- Death Cab for Cutie, Big Scary, the Decemberists
8. Favorite solo artists: Christian- Josh Garrels, John Lucas, Sleeping at Last, Liz Vice Secular- Philemon Cimon, Ben Howard, Ólafur Arnalds
9. Song stuck in my head: Pieces by Amanda Cook
10. Last movie watched: honestly it’s been so long I can’t remember
11. Last show watched: Frasier!
12. When did i create my blog: 2015? Maybe?
13: What i post: the things that inspire me, strengthen my faith, and challenge me to be a better me
14. Last thing i googled: peanut fried rice (ya girl cooking)
15. Do you have other blogs? technically my secular blog (@kebobaras) is my main (bc it’s the first one I made lol) but I put more energy here.
16. Do you get asks? Rarely
17. Why did you choose your url? My main is just my name, this blog I started later as a place for me to muse about biblical things
18. Following blogs: wholesome content, good design, social justice, Christian bloggers, strong supportive women, anyone who brings joy to my heart
19. Followers: I’m so blessed y’all exist I love you
20. Favorite colors: orange, mustard yellow, burgundy, millennial pink 21. Average hours of sleep: 9ish
22. Lucky number: 7?
23. Instruments: the lord has not gifted me in this area
24. What am I wearing? Black mock neck sweater, black wool coat, black heeled leather boots, and dark green skinny pants (because I have some color)
25. How many blankets i sleep with: 1-3, does a sheet count?
26. Dream job: women’s pastor, Christian writer and blogger
27. Dream trip: a small bed and breakfast in the Alps, drinking lots of coffee and reading all the books in the sunshine
28. Favorite food: Pad Thai !!
29. Nationality: Caucasian (German, Dutch, Czech)
30. Favorite song now: Be kind to yourself by Andrew Peterson
Tagging some mutuals! (Sorry if any of you have done it already!)
@annasknight @temperanceconstancevirtue @megschook @pursuit-of-faith @ahopefulcollectionofideas @rimap41 @hewillholdmefast @faithduringreality @awake-love-think-speak @littlechristianthings @mfloortje @aboutthisgrace @sam-meetsworld @beautyandgraceandcoffee @redemptioncollection @ohcomeholyspirit @hayleyebell @obsessionsilove @sabs-kor @chip-rockets
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