#Free my man (he did all that shit and is very guilty. but it would be funny if he had to live a normal ish life)
daxwormzz · 3 months
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Catabolic Seed
(more Piter, this time depicting my friend’s design for him. I like a little variety sometimes)
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fatal-thoughts · 4 days
Just thinking about a toxic !Katsuki that fucking wants you, despite you being with his bestfriend... Kirishima.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
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Before you could even decide, the door bursts open.
Revealing a very strained Kirishima.
You could practically see his blood boil from here. Of course you instinctively push Katsuki away from you, he stumbles back a bit, catching himself before his fall.
You backed away slowly when Kirishima started walking towards the both of you, his lips still glued shut. Shit.
You and him stared at Eijirou but while you were terrified, Katsuki on the other hand was pissed.
Pissed that he interrupted you two.
The tension in the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. But Kirishima was surprisingly silent, his anger was obvious but it scared you that he wasn't saying anything.
"Kiri! I can expla-"
"What shitty-hair?"
What? What the fuck did he just say? You couldn't even believe him at this point. Not only did Katsuki lead you to such a risky position right now, he still has to inflame his huge ego.
Katsuki looked at you before looking back at Eijirou, his shit-eating grin appearing on his face before he speaks.
"Not gonna say anything? Even after you saw me and Y/n-"
Before Katsuki could finish, Eijirou threw a punch to his jaw, sending him towards the wall. Katsuki grunts in pain, he picks himself up, sparks flying from his palms.
But before he could even fight back, Kirishima grabs Katsuki's collar, his other hand hardening ready to break the asshole's face.
You tried to interfere but Kiri stopped you from even trying.
"Get the fuck off of me shitty-hair!"
Katsuki tried to pry Eijirou's hands off him.
"What the fuck, Katsuki."
Kiri's voice was so... cold. Something you didn't expect to ever come out of him. Even Katsuki was shocked by his words.
"How... How could you do this to me, man?! What the fuck! I fucking trusted you!"
Katsuki could care less, and Kiri knew it. But he just needed to know why would he even do this to him. Why would he betray him like this? He knew how much he loved you..
Katsuki managed to escape Kirishima's grip. As angry as he was, Kiri felt so betrayed.
"Tsk, whatever, I'm leaving. I don't have time to deal with this bullshit. Don't fucking blame me for your girlfriend looking like that, Eijirou."
Kiri's fist were shaking, ready to send another punch to his used-to-be-bestbud's face. But as fast as it all happened, Katsuki left. Not caring for what just happened between the three of you.
But after the dispute with Katsuki, you knew it was your turn.
Kirishima faced you, his hands free from any preparing punch. You knew he'd never hurt you, he wasn't even capable of doing anything to you.
But you sure as hell hurt him. He was just so dumbfounded about it. So fucking distraught that you would do this to him.
He shakes his head, putting his tongue to his cheek.
"Was it worth it?"
His words pierce you like a knife. Was it really worth it with Katsuki? To just break Eijirou's trust like that?
"I... I fucked up... I know."
Your voice unsure, your words just slipping out of your mouth.
"I gave everything to you, Y/n."
Kirishima approaches you, his tone a bit guilty. You were about to break down then and there. It was stupid, it was so fucking stupid!
He waits for a response from you but when you couldn't muster anything, he lost his patience.
"Tell me."
Kirishima was now in front of you, his head leaning towards yours. His eyes searching yours for answers.
"Does he touch you like i do?"
He was serious. He leaned closer to you, making sure he can clearly see your face when he asks you.
"Is that it? Does his hands feel the same as mine do?"
He touches your back, caressing your skin with his big slightly rough hands.
You hesitate, shaking your head. Feeling his hands on you pull you closer to him. You could barely look at him, guilt still pouring through you veins.
"Is that why you went behind my back?"
Your voice is in the back of your throat, unable to come out. He lifts your chin, making it easier for you to face him.
"Answer me, Y/n. Tell me the truth."
You tell him the truth..
"... No. I never wanted to hurt you, Eiji. I was just-, I made a mistake. I'll make it up to you! I swear!"
Kiri knew you regretted what you did. As much as he knows that you also wanted Katsuki in that moment, he still forgives you.
What can he say? He has too much of a soft spot for you. Especially when you look vulnerable like this. He bites his lip holding back his urges, trying to take this seriously.
He leans back, crossing his arms.
"How do you plan on making it up to me, hm?"
Eijirou tilts his head, you lift yours, curious as to what he's going with.
"'Cause, i already have an idea in mind."
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(And as midnight strikes, so does my post.)
(The fact you all by majority voted to just scream made me cackle so plus points to you.)
(I wasn't quite sure how to end this post so maybe i'll do a smut-oneshot in the future with Kiri, what do you guys think?)
(But for now this mini oneshot comes to an open end.)
(Thanks for the love on this, i appreciate you all so much<33)
(Btw, i appreciate any messages/comments about my writing. It's just that i don't really respond due to my anxiety of interacting with people online. But be assured that i love and am grateful for all of them.)
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randomfanner · 7 months
Spawn Astarion + His Siblings Headcanons
Time for Spawn Astartion, his headcanons are probably going to be the lightest this far, mind you I am writing this before I actual write the headcanons so this is subject to change. Unless of course it doesn't!
When I do Ascended Astarion, there is going to be a lot of warnings but that is Ascended Astarion. We are letting this vampire man be happy five minutes before we go into what happens if his life gets ruined.
There is a mention of the slimmest piece of shit. The rattest of rat bastard: Cazador. Only mentioned.
Discussing Astarion's relationship with sex. Not sex itself, there is nothing safe for work, just how Astarion is most definitely demi-sexual.
This is going to be tooth rotting:
Astarion is trying so fucking hard to be a good boyfriend. Do you have idea how much he is trying? He has no idea what he is doing, he meant that so he tries to figure it out by doing everything he can for you.
This man will wait on you hand and foot and I am serious.
He loves to do it too. You are the first thing to make this man feel safe, loved and wanted in 200 years. You have aided him in getting free from the tadpole in his head, the Absolute nonsense, his past, his tormentor, that ritual and, perhaps most importantly:
"So by all means dear, sit down, relax," he guides you to sit down on the couch. "This is the least you deserve. Besides I do think you have a few friend who would be happy to be lathered in your lovely attention well I make dinner," of course he is referring to Scratch and Owlbear cub. He will give you a kiss on the cheek as he goes to make you dinner.
Of course afterward he is done with dinner, he joins the cuddle pile. giving you kisses and praises... If you are gracious enough to allow him a nibble he certainly will not deny though.
This to be said even after all this time he is not used to receiving affection and positive attention back. Not anything genuine at least and so it can take him... time to get used to receiving your touch.
Oh the man loves it. Do not get it right you make him feel... wanted. He is just not used to that feeling. So sometimes he may flinch away from you when you try to be soft with him. He doesn't want you to feel offended and does assure you "It is in no way you, my beloved, it is all me."
Give him time and he always does come seek out your touch eventually. He does thrive on the warm you make him feel with your softer moments.
Astarion notices he is slowly becoming... good. He hates it. He does like it, but he really hates it
One day he was walking home after getting groceries from the night market and saw someone dropped their wallet, and with out thinking, he returned the wallet. He got thanked and walked away with out even realizing what he did and then he just.
He debates on going back and stealing the wallet back. He can, he knows he can... but he just.... doesn't. He just goes home and isn't sure what he just did and man may have a crisis.
"Don't worry about me, dearest!" if you try check on him. "I just did a good thing with out reason and I am not taking it well- give me a minute. I do want to discuss this!"
He becomes very clear with his emotions and tries not to hide them with you at all. He will tell you what he is thinking, when he is thinking and makes sure you expect complete honesty from him. You have shown him all and more trust in the world.
He did try to kill you at minimum twice and he was fully intent on using you. He still feels... guilty about those things as much as he tries to deny it. And he does talk with you about it when it comes up. Because he trusts you.
He honestly trusts you. It means the world to him that despite how little he deserves it, you showed him trust. And he is so happy you are here with him.
Astarion tends to go hunting a lot in peaceful times. He is still a vampire and even with out the blood lust of hunger he sometimes just... needs to kill something. A predator instinct that is going to be with him as long as he is a vampire.
Not that he minds. Going hunting for animals, sometimes monsters, and any nasties who are stupid enough to try and attack him make him feel excited.
He keeps his promise not to attack innocent of course and has saved a few lives by his hunting. Whether it be a child who got lost in the woods at night, or perhaps a foolhardy adventurer. A lot of these you wouldn't have known about if it weren't for the fact the people he has saved have stopped by during the day, bringing by gold or gifts as a reward.
Astarion never expects it but it makes him... happy. It makes him really happy.
Take him shopping when you get to Baldur's Gate. Like, do it, please. Take him to the Facemake Boutique and let him pick out his own, nice clothes and maybe some dye.
Oh the man is more than ecstatic. His appearances matters to him, it makes to him a lot. If you have no, read the description on his clothes: it made me cry.
He does cry about it afterwards . He will just be sitting on his bed at the Elf Song, staring at his old clothing , clothes he struggled to keep nice and now he has nice clothes from someone he cares about that he got to pick out.
It gets and makes you so many gifts. He will go to Halsin, whether you are in a relationship with him or not, and ask him to help him learn how to skin animals and begin using the pelts and leathers of animals he kills. (if you are also dating Halsin, it is a wonderful bonding activity for the two of them).
Man does sew and has been stitching up your clothes during the adventure. Even before he realized he was in love. He noticed a rip on your camp outfit and "Give that here, I will fix it for you."
He fixes your clothes with embroidery. He adds something that reminds you of him to your outfit and just hands it over to you, muttering how you need to be more careful with your clothing. And now he will ask if he can add a bit more flare to your outfits.
Man has a lot of fears that he doesn't realize are fears until they come up again. They were things that he accepted as life and now he doesn't have too, he is terrified of them. Please protect him.
So this is you decided to not kill the vampires. I personally could not kill the vampires:
Knocking on the door is never an expected sound. Most people tended to leave you, Astarion(and Halsin) alone. Especially when it is the middle of the night. But when Astarion answered the door well.
"May... may we come in?"
"What in the bloody hells are you doing here?"
He never expected to see his brother or sisters again after you had convinced him to spare them. And if he did see them again he didn't expect them to show up at his house! He.... debates before he lets them in.
He is on edge about it as he officially introduces you to his family. You all really did not have any time for names or such when Cazador was still alive but now you are. He allows them to stay for dinner.
His siblings wanted to come thank you, officially and more completely than last time. And also get to know whoever the hell managed to give Astarion hope again.
It is extremely awkward at first, there isn't even enough room for them at the dinning table but.... you guys just start chatting about how life has been since things ended.
You hear about the vampires, how they are doing, and you get to meet his siblings. They are all damaged people but they are... nice people. Astarion is... kind of glad that they came.
Perhaps... they can have a relationships. Not forced siblings but... friends.
Willing friends.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
The aphrodisiac fic for sanji was so good 💖💖💖 could I possibly request (if you're down for it) like the aftermath of it where the reader is exhausted and like very dazed and he does the aftercare, I feel like he'd feel lowkey guilty for being so rough and forceful he would be so sweet right after when things calm down 😭
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Aftercare with Sanji (Post Aphrodisiac Sex)(FLUFFY AF)
This is a continuation of THIS fic of the aphrodisiac fiasco so if you would like to get up to speed feel free to read that first! I will be Doing Luffy and Zoro later!
CW: A whole LOTTA fluff, post sex regret, a bit of crying, Sanji being a sorrow’ed mess, amazing aftercare, lots of love, kisses
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It was 1:30am, and it’s been about almost an hour since Sanji’s drug wore off and you both finally passed out from what you believed as probably the best sex you ever had.
However your body felt otherwise, you were laying on your back, eyes parted slightly, to look up at the blurred ceiling and the moonlight shinning through your window, hearing the water of the sea crash against the Sunny, you didn’t even have to move to feel the sting in your neck and the soreness on your limbs. Your lips were a bit swollen, your breast were sensitive, and you felt incredibly sticky and wet under and between your thighs.
You decided to worry about cleaning yourself up in the morning, but both of your sides felt cold since you were laying in the middle of the bed. Usually you smelled Sanji’s natural scent beside you, holding you close making sure you don’t completely fall asleep before you take your routine bath. You winced a little to turn your head and he wasn’t there, but you heard subtle footsteps hit his door and in came Sanji. With nothing, but some pj pants on carrying snacks, drinks, warm towels and an ice pack.
“Sanji…” You choked speaking out not realizing your voice was nearly gone, it was raspy and a bit itchy. Sanji nearly dropped the cigarette in his mouth seeing you holding yourself with your elbows giving him a weak smile. He threw a clean bed sheet over your body to cover yourself just in case someone busted in while you were knocked out.
“A-angel…” He urgently placed the tray down and rushed over to you helping you sit up. “I got you.”
His voice was so soft, and his touch to your body was so delicate your barely felt him move you compared to a few hours ago. You let the sheet drop off of your torso to see the damage on your body—-
It scared you both honestly.
You had many bruises on your neck from when he choked you, your breast, arms, thighs, ass and tummy for when he was giving you hickies,and a few bite marks on your shoulder. You’ve actually gotten into fights with people that left you with less marks.
You admired your body for a moment and grinned; somehow you really liked how he marked you up.
Sanji however couldn’t be more disgusted with himself.
He always viewed your body as a temple. He wasn’t the most religious man, but he did agree with the statement of what God said: “To treat your body as a temple.” Even though he smokes like a train.
And that’s what he wanted to do with you. He wanted to take care of your body, love it, and more importantly have you trust him with it.
He woke up 30 minutes before you, feeling a tad sore himself, “Y—oh shit—Y/N?!”
You were face down beside him and your breathing was pretty shallow. He turned you over too quickly and you shrieked in your sleep making Sanji flinch.
“I’m so sorry, Angel!…let me…let me move you a little closer okay?”
“‘M tired, Sanji….”
Guilt couldn’t even describe how he felt, you looked lifeless in his eyes. Your body was so beautiful, but the bruises ruined it and it was all caused by him.
He couldn’t believe the lack of self control he had with you, drugged or not he should have been able to managed himself correctly.
He carefully pulled you over to the middle of the bed seeing as you were leaning off the edge, after that he got up to put on his underwear and went into the drawer he had of fresh bed sheets and flew one on top of your body.
“I’m …so sorry.” He caressed your head, it was almost as if he betrayed you somehow by being so rough with you—his memory was even blurred a bit on how he started to have sex with you; but he got a few flashbacks of you screaming his name, tears coming through your eyes.
It wasnt long until he seen a tear drop fall onto your flustered cheek. He quickly wiped it away before grabbing your hand to kiss it.
“I’m such a piece of shit for this, I’m so sorry.”
“Feel better?” You coo’ed at him breaking out of his thoughts he looked back up at your tired face, your hair was disheveled, your eyes were drowsy but you smiled at him again waiting for him to respond, but his lips began to quiver. “Sanji..?”
“I’m so sorry!” He bursted into tears leaning over his knees , covering his face. “Im so sorry!”
Sanji was broken, his chest was heavy, you haven’t seen him cry like this ever. It wasn’t tears of him usually being his dramatic self it was real tears of pain and regret. You felt your heart sink seeing him look so distraught at you. It was as if he broke his own morals that Zeff taught him and he knew he couldn’t forgive himself if he ever did.
“Sanji…” Holding your breath slightly to not whine in pain to further his guilt, you used all the strength you had to grab him close to you, but he wouldn’t budge. “Sanji please look at me… you don’t have to apologize.”
“I don’t deserve you! I hurt you! Look at your bruises!? I caused this! I heard your cries and ignored them, i can’t believe I—I did this to you! I—I—“
His cries were paused when you wrapped your arms around his neck tightly to then rub his cheek. He has tears falling and his eyes were so pink and puffy. This was a serious issue for him, he really believed he hurt you in a bad way.
“Sanji…you didn’t betray me. You didn’t hurt me…—“
“But I did! look at you—- I put my hands around your neck, what if I would have really— I—“ His voice kept cracking trying to fight back anymore tears but he failed and broke down again, and it stung you in the heart. You didn’t want to cry in front of him seeing as you may begin to have him start feeling more guilt so you brought him back into your embrace, he couldn’t even hug you back feeling like he wasn’t worthy of touching you again.
“Please don’t apologize Sanji… everything you did under my consent and was amazing I wouldn’t have had it any other way..you didn’t hurt me. I really did love it. I should have threw out those stupid cigarettes anyways….” You rubbed the back of his head pushing it down gently so he can rest it on your shoulders, “I’m not mad at you either…there is no reason why you shouldn’t feel like you could have been anything less than respectful towards my body, baby…” As you were kneeled beside him on the edge of the bed you held up his wet face, “Remember before we started? You gave me a safe word? If I thought you went to far I would have used it. And I didn’t. You were perfect Sanji…in every way….”
He looked up into your eyes, he actually had no recollection of telling you about a safe word so he didn’t believe you for a moment, but the memory began to flash back. “Safe word?”
“Mmhm! It was blue. And I didn’t use it because I didn’t need to…i really enjoyed myself Sanji. I’m a big girl I can handle a bit of roughness from my Prince.” You let out an airy giggle, but Sanji was still looking into your eyes trying find any tinge of lies in your words, but just like any other thing you tell him; it was the truth. Sanji looked down with your hands still cupping him so you made him look back up, “Do you trust me?”
“…I do.” He whispered. “I just…I wasnt myself….and I’m sorry.”
“I know you weren’t, but I still trusted you and that’s why I allowed you to use me….so no harm no foul.” You wiped the rest of his tears as he sniffed and cleared his throat. He probably would have felt so self conscious crying in front of you like a baby, but he was comfortable, he felt judged free, and that was because he was around you. “I love you, Sanji.”
“…Please…” he grabbed your hand, “Please can I take care of you tonight…?”
You knew you couldn’t protest, catering to you was what he loved as much as cooking so you nodded. Sanji knew it was going to take sometime for him to let go of the resentment he had for what he did, but he believed you would be with him every step of the way for it.
“Common…” He pulled off the remainder sheets from your body to then wrap around you. “Let me draw you a bath.”
You hummed feeling him carefully hold you up bridal style and headed to the bathroom.
He sat you on the clean counter to turn on the water and adjust it to your liking. He placed some fancy soap on the side he got and even pulled some of the fresh lavender in the corner of the bathroom and placed it inside.
“Lavender?” You questioned looking at him from afar.
“It’s good for sore muscles.”
He walked over to your happy smile and curled his lip. You seemed to be still so happy and full of energy so he managed to feel himself breath a little bit more easily. “You okay?”
“Mmhm!” You hummed, He unwrapped the sheet from your body and gave a shaky exhale at the bruises once again, you noticed this and touched his bare chest, “Sanji ….can you give me a kiss please?…I missed them.”
This was the first time he hesitated on physical contact with you. What if he kisses too hard? What if you don’t like it?
“No.” You say as if you were reading his mind, “I want a kiss.”
Sanji leaned in and pecked your lips, they were so soft and plump so he went in for a another, but then pull back. You mentally sighed wanting a little more but you did not mind having to go slow with him.
“Common..” He carried you to the bath and you realized this was the first time he held you as you were naked and didn’t even make eye contact with your body, let alone drool over it. It kind of shocked you.
You let out a loud sigh feeling the hot water touch your cold aching skin. The smell of lavender put your lingering headache at ease and you smiled brightly at your Prince as if you were thanking him through your eyes.
It was a comfortable silence as Sanji sat over the tub to massage and scrub your body. He quickly looked on the counter and found your bonnet. He ended up putting your wild hair in two braids and putting the bonnet on you, kissing your temple in the process.
“Thank you, Sanji…I love you.”
“I love you too, so much.” He exhaled rubbing your shoulders. He gave your left shoulder a small kiss before rubbing it over with some soap on the wash cloth.
“Sanji…can you come in here with me? Please?” You almost didn’t ask, you wasn’t sure if Sanji wanted to but you had no sexual intention behind it. You just wanted to hold him. “We can just talk like we usually do. I know you feel kinda sore too.”
“Y-yes.” He stuttered, You kept your back turned, hearing his bottoms hit the floor to eventually hear his body drop in the water beside you. “Better?”
“No.” You moved yourself over between his legs to lower your back onto his damp chiseled chest. “Now it’s better.”
Sanji hummed in content and finished washing you, some of your bruises and bite marks began to fade a bit giving him some relief. It was nothing but the echoes of the water being moved around for a moment until you looked down to see his hand awkwardly on his own thigh, so you grabbed it to intertwine your fingers with his.
“You’re so special, Sanji…” You played with his fingers. You don’t why why you always do it, but it gave you a form of comfort when you were close to him. “Your are my special babyboy. My Prince….my…future husband.”
You felt him pause his circular motions he was rubbing on your tummy, marriage has always been a big topic between you both. He always ask you to marry him and you always playfully agreed to make him happy but deep down you could see it.
You can see being his wife, carrying his children.
You can see yourself being Y/N Vinsmoke, and even if he doesn’t want you with that terrible name he can have yours.
You continued since Sanji now had your full attention, “I don’t want you…to ever think that I couldn’t love you any less. No matter what you do. You’re stuck with me.” You giggled, “And I want to be stuck with you…You’ve been my first everything…and I want you to be my last and only everything….and…”
You don’t know why, but you started to get emotional yourself. Was the guilt you subtly felt? Was it your telling Sanji the truth? Was it the atmosphere? You didn’t know but you just swallowed hard and sniffed, “and I do love you, Sanji…I’m in love with you…all of you. Your flaws, your strengths your weaknesses…I love it all so don’t ever think I feel the opposite….don’t ever change Sanji..”
You turned to him in one fell motion to kiss him, this was probably the most realest kiss you’ve ever given this man, it was needy and hungrily, but passionate. Eventually both of you had small tears fall down pulling back, but you didn’t care. You brushed back his bangs revealing both of his pretty eyes and kissed his eyebrows. It was an insecurity he had but you didn’t care they were beautiful to you.
Sanji didn’t have much to say. He felt so overwhelmed with feelings. You sighed happily feeling his arms curl into your waist. In head was in your neck as you felt his tears drop onto your collarbone. In this very moment It was Just you and him. In this moment Sanji felt loved, he felt comfortable, he felt safe, and he felt forgiven for his actions.
“I don’t know what id do without you…” His voice Just above a whisper, rubbing circles on your back. You stayed like that for a while lightly rocking back at fourth. the water began to still and get cold so you both decided to clean up a bit more and go back to the bedroom and sleep for the last bit of hours you had left before everybody woke up again.
Sanji cleaned the sheets and carried you back on the bed which you felt much less sore but he still insisted you don’t walk for the rest of the night.
He brought over the snacks and drinks for you. You both were refreshed and happier so it was nothing but mindless chatter for a little bit as you ate.
“Shit..” Sanji huffed seeing the subtle light of the sun crack through the window above you both noticing y’all have talked almost all night. “I have to head to the kitchen in like an hour.”
“That’s okay.” You giggled laying flat on your back on the bed reaching your arms out, “Let me hold you for a second.”
His cheeks were a bit pink as your suggestion. Especially since you were wearing his button down shirt and your breast spilled through it showing your unerect nipples. You laughed at his reaction and just grabbed him to lay atop of your chest.
“S-so soft!” Sanji sung a little with excitement rubbing his head on you, you could feel the subtle heart eyes he had and you smiled warmly knowing your Sanji was better.
“I love you, my Prince.” You hummed kissing his head. He squeezed you a little,
“I love you, too, my love.”
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moonstruckme · 8 months
IN a week - what I’ve never seen in a Steve 80’s pop star AU!!! his hair? joes actual voice? THE FACE? He’s always giving pop star to me
Yessss thanks sm for requesting honey!
join the party
popstar!Steve x fem!reader ♡ 705 words
“Oh wow.” You swipe a magazine from the rack by the checkout. “The sexual exploits of heartthrob Steve Harringon? Inside source tells all?” You raise an eyebrow at your boyfriend. “Stevie, is there anything you’d like to tell me? Has Robin sold you out?” 
“She would,” Steve allows, not even looking at the magazine as he sets your groceries on the conveyor belt. Nancy has told him a million times to not risk being out in public like this, but he says he misses the mundanity of it. I just want to go to the mall and shit like that with my girlfriend, that shouldn’t be a big ask. So they’d compromised; Steve sacrifices the volume of his hair every time he goes out by squishing it under a baseball cap, and Nancy gets the peace of mind knowing that there’s no chance of her most big-time client being recognized while his hair (practically trademarked, at this point) is covered. “But she has even more fun with feeding them ridiculous stories. She says my real life is too boring.” He wraps his arm around you, drawing you away from the magazine rack. “Monogamy, you know?”
“Such a drag,” you agree, gratified when he presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Wanna see what she told them?”
Steve makes a noncommittal humming sound, but he leans over to watch as you leaf through to find his page. “Ooh, this is a good picture of you, babe.” Steve winks at you from the page, skin glossy and laminate. “Okay, so you slept with every single girl at Hawkins High while you were there, you…apparently had a very passionate fling with an heiress on vacation in Bora Bora, and you were found in a closet, completely naked with two girls at a party…in uptown?” You gawp at him, feigning betrayal. “Stevie, was that the party last week? When did you slip away?”
He jostles you by the shoulder. “Shut up.” 
“You’re so sweet to me. Hey, look—” you pick up another magazine, reading off the cover, “The seven-step regiment Steve ‘The Hair’ Harrington doesn’t want you to know.” 
“You’re joking.” He scrambles to see over your shoulder, and you laugh, showing it to him.
“I am,” you confess, and Steve actually sighs in relief. “It says five steps.” 
“Suckers,” he scoffs. “Don’t fuck with me like that, babe, that’s my income you’re joking about.” 
You laugh again, reaching up to take his hand where it’s slung over your shoulder. “Don’t sell yourself short,” you say, intertwining your fingers. “It’s only like, ninety percent of your income. You’ve got some talent.” 
Steve looks at you, eyebrows rising nearly to the brim of his hat. “Oh yeah? Changing our tune from the car this morning, are we?”
You scoff, but he only wrestles you closer, pulling you tight against his side. “I didn’t say you were a bad singer, I said you couldn’t hit the same notes as Madonna.” 
“But I did,” he says smugly, taking out his wallet as you approach the checkout. 
“Well, you tried.” 
Steve hums disappointedly. “M’gonna have to rethink all these free, private concerts if my audience doesn’t appreciate them,” he says. 
You smother a laugh, pressing a hand to your chest in a show of dismay. “What? No, please, Mr. Harrington, you can’t do that. I’m your biggest fan!”
“Harrington?” The cashier, a man not much older than you or Steve, looks up from the groceries. “Like, Steve Harrington?”
Steve tenses, and you feel instantly guilty for your dramatics. “Yup,” you say quickly. “I’m a big fan of his.” 
The man nods. “Me too. Heard he’s back in town for a bit.” 
“You don’t say.” 
“Yeah, but I mean, we probably won’t be seeing him around much,” he says matter-of-factly, shrugging his shoulders. Steve looks down as subtly as he can, hiding his face under the brim of his cap. “When you get that famous, you can’t just be going out in public like the rest of us. Poor dude would probably get mobbed.” 
“Probably,” you agree, smiling as you squeeze Steve’s hand in your grip. He sneaks his other hand to your waist where the cashier can’t see, pinching scoldingly at your side. “Wouldn’t want that.”
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creedslove · 8 months
We need Joel meet his new sweetheart at a gym. He was helping her with heavy equipment, because some assholes left heavy weight on a poll for lifting and left her yoga corner filled with weights she can't move without straining herself. (Sorry my English is lacking here as you see 😂)
So she is like coffee, as a thank you?
And Joel said sure. He has girlfriend at home, but love is not there between them for a while now. So he is not feeling very guilty about it. And rumors says, she was planning on dumping him anyway, but is with him by convince. So he is just... Not very hesitant, when you two ended up on a little date after gym two times a week. 😉
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: cheating, infidelity, mentions of smut, Joel being soft
A/N: bestie, this wonderful idea has been living rent-free in my mind for days!!! Bless you for it honey ❤️
O.8k words
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Your soft breathing against his skin while Joel tried not to doze off after his orgasm haze and the peace and tiredness that took over his body showed that unlike him, you'd successfully managed to relax and fell asleep on him. He rubbed your skin gently, kissing your neck as his rough fingers ran up and down your arm and Joel thought of what he was doing in his life.
Tess would probably be waiting for him back home, it was Saturday, she was probably making them meatloaf, and her meatloaf was really bad. Not that it even mattered to Joel, lately anything that had to do with her was bad and sour to him. He didn't care about her or her stupid efforts anymore, just as he didn't feel any regret towards his little affair with you. If some months ago someone had told him he would be cheating on his girlfriend, Joel would probably punch whoever made that accusation, but then, he wouldn't believe it if someone told him his girlfriend Tess, would be having an affair with her co-worker.
Ever since he grabbed her phone to order them some pizza and he came across some steamy messages she was exchanging with a guy named 'Tom' he stopped caring about her, her feelings, her presence. He knew Tim, thinking back a year or so ago, when he reluctantly accepted Tess's invitation to be her plus one at her office's Christmas party, he remembered that annoying guy from accounting who wouldn't keep his eyes off her. Unlike Joel, who only threw some jeans, flannels and a jacket on, Tim always wore a pathetic suit; when they shook hands and greeted each other, he noticed how soft the other man's hand was compared to his. He didn't actually know when his girlfriend's affair had started, probably when Tess - who used to climb Joel and ride him at every single opportunity, simply stopped coming after him, making up excuses not to touch or be touched by him.
It was around the same time he found out about the texts that Joel met you. He had seen you before, of course he had, he wasn't blind after all, it would be nearly damn impossible for him to pretend not to see you in your stupidly tight yoga clothes, or how you would flash your beautiful smile around, greeting everyone you saw - him included. You had never interacted further than that until the day you found the place you usually trained clogged with a bunch of equipment people left behind. You felt so annoyed at that, why did people have to do that? If it weren't for the handsome gentleman whose name was Joel - you learned later - who helped you get those shit out of your way, you wouldn't have been able to train. Not that at that point it mattered something at all, because all you could focus was on Joel. He was so handsome, devilish handsome. But he was also sexy, rough and you couldn't help yourself but check on him at every opportunity, catching him stealing glances at you every so often, it wasn't a surprise when he asked you out for a coffee, that quickly turned into more than just one coffee and before either of you realized what was happening, you were sleeping together. Twice a week, after working out, you'd hop into his truck and be driven to a cheap motel where Joel Miller would fuck you exactly the way you deserved it. You thought the thrill and the lust would fade eventually, but it didn't, and even if you weren't happy to learn he had a girlfriend, it didn't bother you as much as you knew it should. Joel on the other hand, had made plans of breaking up with Tess, but as his affair with you progressed, he thought it would be more suitable to just simply give her a taste of her own medicine, find out for herself what it felt like to be betrayed and cheated on by someone who supposedly loved her. He just didn't think he would be too attached to you, just like you ended up getting attached to him.
As you moved on top of Joel, you nuzzled his naked chest, opening your eyes lazily and smiling to see him there. His hands traveled through your body, making you relaxed under his touch, it felt pretty good.
"It's time to go?" You asked him with a hint of sadness, you knew he would have to go back to his girlfriend and you'd go home, thinking of the man who was yours at the same time he really wasn't. However, this time Joel stroked your cheek, shaking his head softly
"We can stay a little longer, darlin'..." He closed his eyes the moment your lips traced your way along his shoulder going to his arms. You sank your teeth into his biceps, giving it a love bite and giggling to yourself. It was impossible to resist Joel.
In return, he swatted your ass cheeks, spanking you and making you squeal.
"Let's stay the night Joel… forget about her, you have me now" you asked him with pleading eyes
"I've already forgotten about her, you are all I care"
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 4 months
Drabble request (feel free to say no :) )
(Comic) due to the after events of the book, Ambrosius is in the hospital and feels horrible, physically and mentally, and the treatments they are giving him are making him sick and very anxious, so he asks ballister to visit him in hospital, and plays the whole “hopeless romantic” so that he stays and Ambrosius feels better, but ballister can see right through it, and doesn’t want to admit it, but he visits him anyways.
Yippieee!!! Loved this request as I'm working on a longer Ambrosius Hospital Fic rn \(^^)/
I currently still have one req still in the works because I'm struggling to get it started, but it is on it's way! Anyway I hope you enjoy this drabble :,)
Ambrosius groaned softly. He had no idea how long he'd been here. The doctors said it had been four days, but he didn't really believe that. The painkillers and heavy antibiotics– and maybe also the brain injury– made time melt together. All he ever really looked forward to were visits from Ballister. Ballister had visited him often when he was still hospitalized, but he was discharged at some point. 
Not like he had any reason to visit Ambrosius. Fuck. Everything was such dogshit. The Institution, the thing he dedicated his whole life to, was gone. The King to whom he swore allegiance was dead. Not that any of that mattered, he'd already been demoted to a grunt rank in the Institution because he fucked up at doing the only thing he was supposed to be good at. 
Nobody respected him. Nobody liked him. Certainly nobody loved him. And on top of that, he felt nothing but pain and nausea and confusion all the time. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to vomit, but he did it often. The antibiotics were tearing his guts apart. The beta blockers made him even more weak and exhausted than he was already. The painkillers disoriented him and didn't even seem to do much, and also worked together with the anticonvulsants to make him sick as a dog. He couldn't help but wish that Ballister had just left him in that facility to be disintegrated instantly.
Why did Ballister save him if he wasn't even gonna be here? Was it just to punish him? What was going to happen to him after all this? With no job, unable to walk, unable to see out of one eye, no home, he'd end up back on the streets. He was terrified and woke up crying constantly. He wanted his Ballister here. He wanted Ballister to hold his hand and kiss his forehead and tell him everything would be okay. As if he had any claim to Ballister at all. 
Eventually he couldn't take it anymore, and he weakly dialed the number in his phone.
Ballister had been a wreck ever since he was discharged. He felt guilty about Nimona and Ambrosius and the town and everything. He wanted to be there for Ambrosius, who at this point was all he had left, but in addition to the pain and mixed feelings he suffered whenever he was around, he feared his presence didn't even help. Whenever he sat with Ambrosius, the man looked so guilty and miserable he couldn't meet his eyes. Making Ambrosius feel like shit about himself certainly wouldn't aid in his recovery. Plus, being in hospitals was more than a little triggering for him. He didn't like to see the pain from the worst day of his life reflecting off Ambrosius's face.
But standing around this empty warehouse, without Nimona's snark or laughter, barely felt like anything either.
He jumped when his phone rang with Ambrosius's number. “Hello?” 
“Hiii…” the voice on the other end was weak. “I've missed you, darling.” 
Ballister cleared his throat. “Ambrosius, you should be resting.” 
“How can I possibly rest without you here? I'm sick and in dreadful shape, and the object of my affection isn't even here to distract me with his handsome face.” 
Blushing, Ballister looked down. More guilt, fun. Obviously he was high as a kite while also being at rock bottom. It was obvious what he was doing. He was playing it like he was being cute and flirty, but he was groveling. He was prone on the floor groveling for Ballister’s attention. For him to be there, to hold his hand.
“My darling, if only I could hear your voice and see your face, I certainly would feel better. If you're not busy, that is.” 
Ballister snorted. He never could resist Ambrosius's begging. 
He arrived at the hospital an hour later, and he swore a blue light flickered behind Ambrosius's eye when he saw him. “You came!” He smiled as broadly as he could without ripping the stitches in his cheek. 
“Of course, I couldn't leave my… my beloved gentleman caller all by himself, could I?” He smiled and took his hand. Ambrosius squeezed it.
“I'm happy you're here.” His voice was exhausted. His face said so many things his mouth couldn't.
Ballister stroked his hair. “I'm not going anywhere. You don't have to be afraid.”
“If I go to sleep, will you stay? Will you hold my hand until I wake up?” 
A lump caught in Ballister's throat. “Of course I will.”
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daegall · 2 years
Tell me everything.
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↳ Best friends are supposed to tell each other everything, but Donghyuck isn't all that sure if he can tell you about his feelings. (He obviously also doesn't know that you have a big fat crush on him too)
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pairing: best friend!hyuck x reader
genre: fluff, crack, slight angst, best friends to lovers!AU
warnings: um parties, mentions of alcohol, reader and hyuck are so fucking oblivious, bro idk i dont rmember writing this fic im so sorry
word count: 8.8k words
a/n: oh my fucking god the rollercoaster this fic has been to me. i swear to god i have never ever been so blocked EVER im sos ososososoooo sorry this is SO overdue man i feel so guilty and at the same time i feel so disappointed in this fic but its ok ^^ i'll just grow out of it in the future and look back and laugh (with tears &lt;/3)
anw BIG HUGE thank you to the godess of editing herself, @jenotapes ! thank you so so sooo much aisha for the beautiful header, i cannot express how much i love it and how thankful i am, it's so gorgeous it's liek theonly good thing about this whole thing HAHA
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The first real friend you've ever had, you have to say, is your mother, but really that's another situation.
Other than her, you'd have to say it would be Hung Renjun, someone you've known since middle school. You were inseparable during middle school, and sure you had a few crushes on him, but it's a lot different now.
You grew apart, but it doesn't seem like any of you minded it that much. 
Your best friend after that, would be Lee Donghyuck. Someone you met through Renjun. 
It was during Renjun's cousin's wedding where you met him. (You were only invited because this certain cousin used to be like a sister to you when you were younger. You like to remember all the tea parties you had together.)
But man, would you like to thank, and scold, both Renjun and his cousin for inviting you. Because of them, you found Donghyuck.
It was quite a unique way to find your best friend.
"You've got some moves!" 
You turn around at the unexpected, and unfamiliar voice, alarmed at a (very cute) stranger with a light smile on his lips. Your lips go from a gape of surprise, to a bright smile that slips a laugh, "Thank you!"
"Do you have a phone number too?"
Yes, he had tried asking you out. Not only did you end up giving up your number, but you did go hang out a while after that. 
You most certainly did (and still do) have the biggest crush on him, finding him so very charming and cute and, well, your type.
But for some apparent reason, he never asked if you wanted to actually date. You're not sure if he forgot, or he thinks you weren't interested or something, but he just didn't. You suspect he didn't have any more interest anymore. Not that you minded, (now. You minded a lot back then.) but it's getting a lot harder to keep in with every day that you get closer to Donghyuck.
It's gotten to the point where you don't even want to think of him, fearing that it would show and your whole friendship would be ruined.
Instead, you bake, as you always did when you had something particular on your mind.
Chocolate chip cookies, you had decided about 20 minutes ago, the soft and chewy ones that Donghyuck like—
"Holy shit," you whisper to yourself, voice hushed with realization. "did I just make Lee Donghyuck's favorite fucking snack without realizing?!" 
Yeah, your crush on him has gotten a lot worse. You suspect this happened when he took you out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner when he noticed your dull state last week. He even paid for all the food! 
You decide to let all your thoughts go as you close the oven with your fist batch of cookies, the rustiness of the screws more than enough to distract you. Gosh, nobody in your dorm building takes care of the poor thing. You remember when Yoo Jimin and Kim Minjeong attempted to roast a whole turkey but it came out way undercooked because the oven broke down within 30 minutes.
Just as you thought your mind was Lee Donghyuck-free, the door to the kitchen opens, and in comes all your thoughts once again, as your best friend enters.
"Hey there," he greets.
"What are you doing?"
You shrug, turning around as you continue mixing the cookie dough. "I don't know, what does it seem like I'm doing?"
A chuckle slips from Donghyuck's lips as he approaches you, choosing to take a seat on the counter, next to the cooling rack. "Cookies?"
You only him in approval, placing the bowl back down on the counter.
To Donghyuck, your baking is one of the best he knows. First, would be his mother, of course, but you’re close to beating her, especially with the cake you baked for Renjun’s birthday a few months ago. He particularly likes your baking when you two are awake at midnight, and instead of using the oven, you choose to use the microwave, to make simple 2 minute microwave cookies or brownies. They’re the best for midnight snacks to have while writing an essay, or having an existential crisis together.
A moment later, Donghyuck finds you rummaging through the many drawers to find something. Once you finally find it, you go straight back to the dough, before you stick the object in, and scoop it back out.
In front of Donghyuck, is a teaspoon, scooped with your cookie dough. He mumbles a few words of gratitude, before taking the spoon from you and shoving it in his mouth. 
While Jaemin and Jeno are your favorite taste testers, (due to their immaculate opinions of how much salt and/or sugar you put into your recipes) Donghyuck always somehow finds his way to become number one. Maybe it’s because you like to hear the compliments from him. (or your big fat crush on him. Both, most likely.)
"Oh, yum! This is really good," Donghyuck smacks his lips, savouring each second of the taste melting on his tongue, and gets a small sense of... nostalgia.
"Hey, did you put some—"
"—cinnamon? Yes I did, I remember you telling me how your mom would do it, so I decided to try it myself too. Good to know you like it,"
It was a simple mention during a debate of if cupcakes or cookies were better, but the very random fact stuck to the back of your mind whenever you thought of baking. You’ve been meaning to make some, but never had the time to until now. (Though, you do have a few assignments begging to be finished as you bake.)
While Donghyuck is so very thankful, and delighted, he's a tiny bit worried. He knows you only bake when you have a mind full of things you don't want it to be filled with. This happened when you flunked that one assignment and you baked a whole birthday cake to get your mind off it.
"Are you okay?"
You're surprised at Donghyuck's words, instantly halting your actions to turn to him with shock written in every part of your face. "Huh?"
"I mean," Donghyuck passes you the spoon back, wiping your hand when he sees its got some flour stuck to it, "you're baking. Cookies. A lot of them. You only bake when you're thinking a lot, what's up? I'm your best friend, tell me everything!"
And that is exactly what you've been thinking about. How attentive he is, how caring and kind he is. Gosh he almost makes you go crazy just by doing things like this to you, you might just tell him what's wrong to have him stop completely.
"Nothing," you breathe out, going back to check on the cookies in the oven, "just bored, I guess."
Donghyuck doesn't buy a single bit of it, and you know he doesn't. So instead, you decide to lie a little, hoping he wouldn't catch it.
"I was so busy yesterday, I guess I just wanted to relax. Decided to make some cookies for you."
At this, Donghyuck can't help but chuckle. Cookies? For him? "Just for me?" 
Oh shit, did you say that? Silently, you panic, unconsciously shifting away from Donghyuck to hide your growing nose scrunch of embarrassment. "Uhh, f-for us...?" You hope he lets it go, you hope with your entire soul that he lets it go and accepts your stupid and poorly made excused for once. 
Alas, he is Lee Donghyuck, your best friend who will never let you live down a single thing if you make a mistake. (You always question why you even like him.) There was a time you accidentally switched the names of two of your upperclassmen. The most embarrassing 2 weeks of your life when he would remind you every other day.
Donghyuck's head throws back with laughter, gripping the edge of the counter for balance. He's always looked so cute while laughing, and you don't miss the way your heart stutters. And neither does Donghyuck. His own heart feels like it's soaring, jumping all around his body, swirling and spinning all because of you. "Oh my god, you're so cute!"
Oh my god, he's driving you crazy.
To shut him up, you grab a cookie from the cooling rack, before shoving it in his mouth, flicking at his forehead. "Shut up or these cookies are going to Chenle." 
Donghyuck nods, though laughing and chewing, winking and blowing a kiss at you. Once again, he feels his heart somersault when you reach over to wipe the few crumbs at the corner of his lips.
Lee Donghyuck never liked business management. Sure, it’s where he realized that the person he hit on at Renjun’s cousin’s party sat 2 rows in front of him, and yeah, Professor Lee is his favorite teacher, and sure, he sometimes likes the lessons–okay, maybe he just hates it today. 
Or maybe today is complete shit to him. Yes, he hates today. None of your nagging during breakfast, or even lunch, due to your sudden cold you got overnight. He’s had to go through classes without you, only get one cup of coffee, and he didn’t even get one text from you. What’s up with that?
He feels completely relieved to be going back to his beloved room, expecting to do nothing but sleep for the rest of the day, and maybe watch some of his favorite reality shows. He just… he really needs to rest. 
You know what he would kill for right now? Your cookies. The ones you made the other day for him, the ones you added cinnamon to and made him feel all warm inside. In his opinion, those are the best cookies he’s ever eaten. But he won’t tell his mom. 
Yeah, one of those would not be bad for this shitty, shitty day. Or maybe you yourself, there to accompany him and cheer him up, but you’ve got a sickness, and need to rest. Him feeling down in the dumps is a lot less important than your health. 
But apparently, that’s not exactly your own priorities. 
Donghyuck doesn’t expect to see you here, when he swings open his dorm door, but there you are, with a mask on and a duster in hand. You seem to be cleaning out the bookshelf by the window, the one Donghyuck installed with you just for the aesthetics. 
Why are you dusting it? Heck, why are you even here?!
“Y/n? What the fuck are you doing here? You need to rest right this second!”
You were just about to say something, to explain why you’re in his room in the first place, but your best friend beats you to it, rushing up to you, before he grabs gently at your arms. You drop the duster in your hand at this, gaping at the way Donghyuck tugs you to his bed.
It’s like every time you’re about to say something, anything, Donghyuck interrupts you with an action, pressing his hand to your forehead. “God, you’re still burning up. Have you taken your meds yet?”
FInally, you’re able to speak, as Donghyuck shuts up to hear you. Instead of words, a light laugh slips through your lips, as you shake your head in disbelief. “No, yeah, I took them right before coming here.” Donghyuck doesn’t say anything, but you can already practically feel the curiosity radiating off him, the frustration he’s about to spew out into words. 
“I came here to clean your room,” You say, brushing Donghyuck’s hands off your arms, only to take them in yours softly. Instantly, his thumbs run over your knuckles carefully. You can’t deny the way your heart swirls with love. “since my dusty ass room is what gave me my morning cold.” Suddenly, you grow a bit conscious of how ridiculous you might seem to him, getting up to clean up your best friend’s room. 
“Didn’t want you to get one, or something.” You can’t look Donghyuck in the eye, afraid that it would be the last thing to set you off into a hot, shy mess. 
But unbeknownst to you, Donghyuck looks at you so gently, so lovingly and softly. He’s so very thankful for you, in so many ways. Just being in your presence has him instantly calming down, and forgetting about every single bad thing he’s had come across him today. Just the thought of you caring so much for him has him forgiving every single thing that’s ever hurt him in his life. 
As if looking Donghyuck in the eye wasn’t enough to make you go crazy, Donghyuck’s hands suddenly slide up your arms, his fingertips brushing against your skin, before he wraps his arms around your shoulders, securing you tightly to him. 
You feel, and practically memorize every time Donghyuck’s skin comes in contact with yours, touching, brushing, leaving trails of goosebumps. The best kind. 
You feel so many things when Donghyuck hugs you. You feel shocked, and surprised, and at the same time so flustered. But those aren’t the strangers feelings in you. Others being worry, and dread. 
This hug isn’t the typical ones that Donghyuck usually gives you. It’s tighter, tenser, he’s not giggling, and neither are you. Another thing that makes you feel awfully concerned about this hug, is the fact that Donghyuck has stuffed his head in your neck, and is breathing awfully heavily. It takes you one moment, then two, before you feel the tears and hear the sobs. 
Instantly, your arms wrap around him instantly, tucking him closer to you, before you feel tears spring to your eyes as well. You don’t say anything, despite having so many questions, and Donghyuck is so very thankful for that. Sometimes asking for a reason and wanting to understand someone fully isn’t the best, in his opinion, but you don’t even have to ask to understand him. You’ve never had to. Just with an expression on his face, you can tell instantly what he’s feeling. 
“One day without me and you’re already struggling, what would you do without me?”
Oh, how Donghyuck feels so safe around you. He pulls away from your shoulder, slightly grimacing at the sight of a damp spt, before a laugh chokes through his sniffling. “Nothing, so you better stick to me for the rest of our lives, alright?”
You do nothing but nod, and chuckle, before you start to wipe away Donghyuck’s tears with the sleeves of your sweater. Not the best choice for wiping someone’s eyes, but that doesn’t really matter right now. Donghyuck needs you, and you’ll be there for him.
“You wanna talk about it?” You mumble softly, brushing his hair from his face. Your best friend finds his heart swelling and thumping erratically with so much love at the look on your face. He’s always liked it when you take care of him. You don’t judge him, not at all. His needs are what you focus on, and it feels good to finally be loved for once. 
“Can I?” He whispers in reply, falling into the warmth of your hands. His own grip at your wrists, holding them up to his face.
You smile, and it tells him everything. You’re not going anywhere until he feels better, no matter how long, or how hard the task will be. “Tell me everything.”
And that’s exactly what Donghyuck does. He tells you of how his morning was thoroughly mundane and how he seemed to have struggled to stay awake during class, and how Professor  Lee even told him off for dozing off. He tells you each detail, every word and action, and you practically feel like you’re in the scene with how he describes it. 
One thing he leaves out, however, is every feeling he’s felt. How could he? He’s sure to blurt out how incredibly safe he feels with you, how worried he was because of your cold, how all he could think about today was just you. Not to mention, how he really believes he cares for you, way more than a best friend should. 
Just your presence, the sight of you, it makes him feel somehow inside. Like having a warm picnic late in the afternoon, the warm rays of the sunshine feeling oh so relaxing. 
Like watching one of your favorite chick flicks or romantic movies with you after his breakdown, but not even paying attention to the movie because of the way you look so immersed and mesmerized with it has him himself in a daze. That one spark in your eye you always have when you’re so interested, the smile on your lips when you sigh with delight, the way your hands curl around Donghyuck’s wrist to bring you closer. 
Donghyuck loves these moments. Donghyuck loves you. 
Alright, Donghyuck does not love you. At least, he doesn’t think he does.
Not in these moments, when you bug him constantly when you very much know he needs to be focusing and finishing his essay. 
But hey, in your defence, he’s got 2 weeks to finish it, and it’s not like he doesn’t have everything planned out for it. He’s been ready, much to your surprise. And as much as you are proud of him, you’re not so proud when he’s chosen to use the time where you two usually go to the grocery store near campus to do some assignment. 
And it’s not like he doesn’t bug you every time you’re doing literally anything other than hanging out with him. There was a time you had to tutor Jung Sungchan (who will always remain your favorite student) but Donghyuck was around the corner, whispering (not so) quietly at you about how you should totally ditch math and accompany him wherever.
“Please, Y/n,” Donghyuck finally says after attempting to ignore you for 20 straight minutes. His hands are holding at yours, shaking them with the most desperate expression you’ve ever seen on Lee Donghyuck. “I’m begging you to just let me work. 30 minutes. Then we can go get frozen yoghurt from the dining hall, how’s that?”
You really can’t help but snort, and he can’t help but feel all his frustration flutter away just at the sight of your smile. Strange, he’s been feeling things. “What happened to the Donghyuck I knew last week? When I was sick? That made me swear not to leave each other because you couldn’t even last a day without me?”
“My god, Y/n!” Donghyuck exclaims, and at that moment, his fingers intertwine with yours. Great, let’s play a round of ‘how many times can your best friend make you feel things a best friend shouldn’t’ shall we?
“Yes, my love,” There goes one. God do you hate (read: love) when Donghyuck calls you that.
Donghyuck breathes out, trying to suppress a laugh. (it fails.) “I know I said that, and I still don’t take it back! I really mean it, I really do,” That’s two!
“But please, just let me finish this, and then we can go grab a snack, yeah?” Okay, that wasn’t that bad.
“My treat.” And that’s three.
This comment has you shutting up with a small smile, a swirling sensation of excitement stirring in you. This is the only indication your best friend needs to know you’ve agreed to his terms.
And finally, some peace and quiet. At least, that’s what Donghyuck thought.
“What’s your favorite color?” Donghyuck sighs when you start up after promising him you wouldn’t. He glances at you only momentarily, across from him with your arms tightly wrapped around the pillow Jeong Jaehyun left accidentally when he moved out. You have a small, almost mischievous smirk on your lips, as you lightly nudge at your best friend’s knee with your foot. 
“I dunno,” he mumbles out, going back to his work, “never thought of it.”
And then he’s back to typing and ignoring you. Oh, how boring this was. It’s not all that fair, in your opinion, how Donghyuck is ignoring you when every time you’ve wanted to work he’s coming over with Chenle’s dog and a bunch of your favorite movies. 
“Okay then, what’s your favorite thing to do?” 
“Right now?” Donghyuck murmurs, and can’t help the jumping of his heart or curl at his lips when you crawl closer to him to bump your head against his side. “It would be working on this essay.” 
“You’re so boring!” 
Donghyuck simply dismisses your words, though you can see the slight smirk at the corner of his lips. He’s amused, and though he claims he wants to finish his essay, you know he very much does not mind your presence with him. 
“Fine,” You huff out, “I guess I’ll just go and bother Jaemin or something.”
At this, Donghyuck perks up, eyes wide as he watches you roll off the couch next to him. His hand instinctively reaches out to grab at your wrist before you could leave, tugging you back to stumble back next to him on the couch. 
Just as you expected.
“Oh? What’s this? The person who has been completely ignoring me is suddenly giving me so much attention?”
“Uh–” Donghyuck stumbles over his words, racking his brain to find a witty enough response to keep you here with him. Alas, as much as he tries, as hard as he searches, his mind becomes completely blank. It’s been happening lately, actually. Whenever he stares into your eyes, he’s struggling to find all the stupid witty comments, his heart feels like it’s being tugged at, it’s so strange. 
“God, okay fine! Yeah, I want you here, but please, just don’t ask me stupid shit, okay?” Donghyuck proceeds to pat the space next to him, his gaze turning shy as he looks away bashfully. “Just–just accompany me, please.”
And surprisingly, you comply, for here you are, next to him, staring at his screen. Your head rests on his shoulder, hands playing with the pillows in your arms. You’re bored, but you can suck it up, just for Donghyuck, you suppose.
A sudden thought pops up in your mind, amd before you can stop yourself, you’re blurting it out.
“What do you want for your birthday?”
You notice how Donghyuck’s fingers completely stop typing, his work put on hold. “What?”
“I mean,” You start, your voice growing quieter, “your birthday’s coming up soon, right?”
All the other years you’ve celebrated it, it was always you throwing a big surprise party for him. It was always your gift for him. But since this year Jeno and Jaemin promised they would do it for him this year, it would mean you’re gonna have to get him a present too. 
Donghyuck’s never heard this question, and strangely, he doesn’t really like it coming from you. He doesn’t want to demand things like he does with his other friends (read: Rich kid Chenle). He knows that whatever it is, he’s gonna love it. 
“Your love?” 
Your breath hitches in your throat at the response you receive, before you fly away from his shoulder to throw him a confused look. 
Donghyuck’s face is… incredibly cute. He has a teasing smile, cheeks pulled up with his eyes bright. His chuckles are soft, though they resonate repetitively in your ears, and you can’t help but start chuckling as well. 
“Oh really?” 
When Donghyuck shrugs with a nod, you can finally come up with an equally witty response. “You better not complain if my gift is a kiss.”
To be honest, Donghyuck doesn’t mind. In fact, he kind of–holy shit Lee Donghyuck wants to kiss you!
Hyuck 🐻: Hey [22:10] Hey [22:10] Hey [22:11]
You: What [22:11]
Hyuck 🐻: Can we call [22:12]
You: Why [22:12]
Hyuck 🐻:  Need help with an assignment [22:12]
You: Okay fine yeah sure [22:13]
Only you did anything but an assignment Donghyuck was struggling on. You went on a video call, he showed you a bit of the equations, and then you don't remember anything about any assignment after that.
The only thing you can recall talking about is literally anything other than it. Like Donghyuck's story of how his pinkie apparently stopped growing. (He's told you about 6 times already, but it's got to be your favorite story to hear.) 
Nonetheless, you can't say you mind it. Donghyuck has been a bit distant lately, you're not sure why, but it's great to hear from him again.
Unbeknownst to you, Donghyuck is avoiding you just a little bit. Ever since the time on the couch where he quite wanted you to kiss him, he's not sure where his heart lies. In your palms, probably.
And he definitely feels like it is, especially when you start laughing at one of his stupid jokes through the screen. It's a tiny bit lagged, with your smile coming only a few seconds after your laughs, but it still shakes Donghyuck's heart. He can't even remember the joke. 
He can't remember anything when he's with you, all he wants to remember is the curl of your lips, the sound of your laughter, the warmth you emit. Well, the warmth his laptop emits. 
"Hey," Donghyuck starts. He picks on the bracelet you gave him last year, after you got it from some kiosk you found when you went on vacation with your family. It was the first real gift from you, and he cherishes it with all his heart.
"Didn't get to ask how your week was, how was it?"
Right, because he's been quite clearly ignoring you all week.
You visibly shift in Donghyuck's screen, going unseen for a moment, before you adjust your laptop on your lap. "It's been okay, got extra free time since Sungchan couldn't come to this week's meeting. Been sleeping a lot more."
"That's good," Donghyuck replies to your summary. It really is, because God knows how little sleep you get. Sometimes it's because of studying, or watching some movie just because you felt like it, or someone (read: Donghyuck) is occupying your time. 
Your smile flashes on the screen, and it causes Donghyuck to smile himself, tugging his blankets closer to him.
"How about your week? What have you been doing to not call me every other hour?"
Let's see, thinking of you, staring at your contact photo for some reason, contemplating whether to call you or not, and, well, sleeping. And babbling about you to Lee Jeno. 
"Not much, really."
His answer is definitely not what you expected, nor was it really what you wanted. You expected a whole rant, story time until the most ungodly hour of the morning, heck, even a witty little comment like how he's been thinking of you would be okay. (He would totally, but just scared if he would sound too serious because it's literally what he's been doing.)
And this clearly shows through your facial expressions, as your nose scrunches in dissatisfaction. "Really? Why didn't you call me then?"
Your words set a zoo that even Donghyuck has no idea of running around his body, sensations of happiness and giddiness ripple through his whole soul, and he has to physically hold back a grin. 
"Why didn't you call me? Why does it always have to be me calling you?"
Donghyuck is lucky enough to come up with a natural and witty comment, a pout playing at his lips. They dangerously threaten to curl when you click your tongue, leaning in closer to your camera. "Fine," you mumble, "I'll call you next time."
Geez, and Donghyuck thought the zoo was enough for him. Now he has his heart shaking, bearing and clenching and buzzing with adoration for you. Holy shit... what was this feeling?
"Oh, by the way," these words once again capture all of your best friend's attention, it has him humming intently, unconsciously bringing his laptop closer to him. 
"had this conversation with Chenle the other day," you explain the context, though you clearly know this was a lie. There was no conversation with Zhong Chenle, it was just a scheme. 
"What's a random thing you have never had?" 
Yes, a scheme to find him a birthday present.
"For example, I never had a gemstone before. Pebbles, rocks, sure. But like rubies and all that jazz? Never."
At first, Donghyuck was a little bit suspicious of your actions and words, but the moment you mention the gemstone and have you've never had it, his mind drifts off from the suspiciousness, instead racking his brain to find a thing.
It takes him a solid minute, one minute of a cute little thoughtful pout, one moment of his low focused humming, one minute of staring at his cute habits. God, perhaps you have it bad for Lee Donghyuck. 
As you stare at him, you can't help but wonder what this certain object might be. Donghyuck's been gifted very random things by lots of people. There was a time he got a whole pack of chopsticks for Christmas. It was the craziest shit ever.
You barely get to process his words, before you burst out laughing, very amused by his words. Though Donghyuck is confused, and shocked, he can't help but laugh along with you. He always found your laughter very contagious and enlightening. 
"What?" He asks softly between chuckles, eyes glued to the screen, where you attempt to stop your laughter, but fail miserably.
"N-nothing," you snort, "that was just the last thing I expected."
And honestly, Donghyuck gets it. He gets it completely. Snowglobe, of all things, but it’s the truth, it really is. 
Donghyuck leans in closer to his screen, if that is even possible, smiling fondly as you quiet down from your laughing fit. You have your face stuffed into a pillow, eyes shut as you try to regain and steady your breath. “It is pretty random, isn’t it?” 
Your best friend can’t help but think you look… so precious. How many people in the world get to make you smile this much, how many people can get you to laugh as hard? For some reason, he can’t help but feel almost so special to get to have you in his life. To have you listen to his god awful jokes and to have you accompany him in a call. God, how did he even manage to get you to bake his favorite cookies?
And suddenly, when he glances at you, closing the window to his (finished and submitted) essay, you look way too good for a best friend. Grinning down at your laptop as your favorite part of your comfort movie plays, when have you ever looked so good before?
Considering the fact that Donghyuck was okay with you kissing you just a few days ago, and how you seem absolutely ethereal to him, he’s pretty concerned. What is going on? Why is he feeling this way towards you, after months of being so close, why has he only noticed now?
When Donghyuck softly smiles at the sight of you already mouthing along to your favorite dialogue of the whole movie, he realized that not only is he okay with you kissing him, he wants you to kiss him.
It’s been weeks since you’ve actually hung out properly with Lee Donghyuck, and after all this time spent without him, you realize how painfully boring life could be without him and how incredibly boring Lee Jeno is. 
You spent a couple of days with him, and you agree with everyone when they say Na Jaemin truly might be his soulmate, because you don’t know how he can deal with such boringness. (Oh my god has Lee Donghyuck been influencing you too much?!)
Strangely, Jeno and Jaemin have been avoiding you too, but you know why. Even if they didn’t tell you, you know it’s because they would accidentally slip up and tell you their plans for Donghyuck’s birthday party and you would go scurrying off and telling him.
False, they are, because Donghyuck doesn’t…. want to talk to you. At least, that’s what you think, and that’s what you fear. What have you done wrong? What went wrong? The last time you spoke was… about 2 and a half weeks ago, when you had gone over to drop off one of his sweaters he left in your dorm.
He was quite awkward, to say the least. Fidgeting, nervous mumbling, he didn’t even hug you once, he was surely fishy. Ever since then, it’s only been texts, no meet ups or calls. Just texts. And you were initiating and continuing them all by yourself.
A pit of fear lies within you at the thought of you doing something to have Donghyuck stray away from you. Anxiety courses through your veins at the thought of him telling you that you should stop talking or something.
Nobody knows how you feel about him. Fear and love, or whatever you feel for him, nobody knows. 
Nobody but Mark Lee. That guy’s great at getting you to spill your beans. Just an ‘Are you sure?’ and you’re going on and on about how confused you feel, how scared and how much you adore Donghyuck. 
Thankfully, unlike Jisung or Chenle (or both together), he doesn’t have certain days where he’s making fun or not, he’s always 100% considerate. You’re surprised he doesn’t have a significant other yet, he really deserves one. 
And here you are, once again, in front of him, but instead of the library, or his dormitory lounge room, you find yourselves in front of a lake Mark had found recently. You might bring Donghyuck here someday.
“Damn, really? I thought this was gonna be our spot, but I guess you always have to show Donghyuck everything.”
“Well sorry, Mark,” You murmur, as you attempt to skip a rock. It bounces 4 times. “I’m sorry I have a big fat huge crush on my own best friend.”
Mark whistles at your 4 skips, nudging your arm with an impressed smirk. “You say he’s ignoring you?”
“Yeah.” You don’t want to be reminded of the fact. Mark can tell, but you do have to face it either way.
“I know these words might be said like, a thousand times to a thousand people, but it’s really what you should do. Give him some time, maybe he’s going through something–”
“–Mark if he’s going through something he would tell me, he always does! He calls me, usually right before he’s going to sleep, and when I hear his sigh I know. I would know instantly. And I’d be over at his in less than 6 minutes, and he would scold me for wasting my breath for him, and I would always counter how he would do the same thing, because he would!”
Mark isn’t exactly surprised to see you’ve finally cracked. Neither did he expect it, but he knew it would be possible. He lets you rant, he wants you to rant. Get all of it out, until it’s all gone.
“And the thing is, I don’t even fucking know if he would at this point.” You groan and grimace at the tears starting to bead at the corner of your eyes, throwing another rock at the lake. “Did I do something?”
“Y/n,” Mark calls out softly. You almost forget you have company, but with Mark’s hand on your shoulder, moving you in front of him, you know you can trust this company. “even if Hyuck did feel that way, he wouldn’t lead you on, you know he wouldn’t.”
He was right, Donghyuck always called out the bad people in his life and didn’t even hesitate to turn them away. It’s a trait you love about him, he warned you about one of your exes, and instead of scolding you, like he usually does, he went to have a full on conversation with him and full on punched him. 
“But if he was leading you on, you’d be okay. He might mean a lot to you now, and in the near future, but there will be people there for you.” Mark has now wrapped you in his arms, patting comfortingly. He mumbles softly, as if he knew the perfect tone to make someone calm down. He does have the perfect tone to calm someone down.
“That’s not gonna happen, though. He loves you way too much to do that.”
Mark Lee is crazy good at comforting, he should probably do it as a job, or something. 
“Yeah,” You laugh (with a quiet sniffle that follows), burying yourself in his embrace. You wipe at the small tears on your cheeks, laughing embarrassingly, but Mark assures there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. “God, you’re a really good listener,”
“I know.”
“And advice giver.”
“I know that too,”
You pick up one more rock, turn to the lake, before you toss it. “I think I’m gonna confess. I don’t want this to fester into something really bad.”
Mark nods, joining you in rock skipping. His rock bounces 5 times. “Alright, but if he says anything bad I’m beating the shit out of him.”
You laugh at his comment. Mark Lee is like the brother you always wanted. 
It’s June sixth, Donghyuck’s birthday. 
You had texted him a quick birthday text this morning, strike at midnight, like you promised. You haven’t texted him since then, only staring at the ‘thanks y/n <3’ he had sent you about 20 minutes after you sent the text. 
At first, you were pretty surprised to see that he was up that late, and then the worry came and started getting you just a little anxious, before you brushed it off, concluding that he was only just playing some more video games with Lee Jeno on his birthday. 
And then after that, nothing. No texts, no calls, no nothing. It makes you a little sad, but you’re way too scared to do anything about it. You plan to confess to Donghyuck. Today, at his birthday party Jaemin and Jeno are hosting.
It’s only about an hour and a half away, but you have no plans on getting ready for it. Not at all. For now, you have his wrapped gift in your hands as you stare at your ceiling and practice your confession in your head. 
You were always good at memorizing things, speeches, formulas, anything. It was a little thing you enjoyed. 
But now, trying to clear your head and recite the confession you plan to tell him, you can’t recall a single word. Just the thought of it going to your best friend, who has been ignoring you for god knows how long, it’s got your heart hammering in your chest and your hands shaking, your nervousness spiking. 
You check the clock. 40 minutes until the party.
You’ve got to get your shit together. 
Before you know it, you’ve found yourself at the party, Jeno and Jaemin both embracing you at the same time. 
“A little late, but nothing too bad! Good to see you again, Y/n!” Jaemin mumbles, before planting a playful kiss on your cheek. You fake a grimace, wiping it off your skin. Jeno only giggles at the situation, before ruffling your hair and nudging his head inside. “You’ll be able to find Hyuck somewhere in there. Can’t be that hard, he’s the birthday boy!”
His words are meant to mean well, nothing with generous intent, but it makes you nervous. Just in a matter of time, you’re about to spill all the beans about all your feelings towards your best friend who probably doesn’t even want to be your best friend anymore. (He wants to be so much more, but you don’t know that.)
The party is busy, busier than you thought, with many people from your classes and some other people they brought, probably for free food and a chance of finding love. Or maybe Jaemin and Jeno are just immensely popular. 
All these people, and yet no sign of Donghyuck yet. 
His gift is tight in your grip, your fingers bouncing and tapping against it quickly. 
The first few people you bump into are your close friends, Huang Renjun and Mark Lee, and you don’t miss the hopeful glint in Mark’s eyes. You shake your head quickly with a slight frown, which tells him everything he needs to know. 
Next, are Chene and Jisung, who seem… strange. They’re giggling, which is normal, but they keep nudging at each other and they had started… poking and screeching at you when you asked where Donghyuck was. You had no choice but to check if they were tipsy, or something, only to find their drinks were just mixtures of a bunch of sodas. Gross.
About 25 minutes have passed, no sign of Donghyuck. How are you supposed to give him your gift? (read: how are you supposed to tell him you’re head over heels in love with him?) Is he seriously ignoring you in his own birthday party too?
You’re getting agitated, almost anxious as the time passes. 
You run up to Jeno, when you spot him near you. “Hey, have you seen Hyuck around?” You yell over the loud music. 
His face twists, and the smile on his face is wiped off and replaced with a slight frown. “You haven’t seen him at all tonight?”
You shake your head. 
“That’s weird, he would have been the most excited to see you,”
You excuse yourself, the moment you feel a stir in your stomach. You had a slice of cake, and some apple juice, and you don’t think your stomach is agreeing to the combination. Or the thought of Donghyuck completely ignoring you. 
It’s not too long of a walk to the bathroom, after all you could make your way through Donghyuck’s place with your eyes closed. Not a good idea right now, you could bump into that guy with 5 plates of birthday cake. 
You finally make your way into the bathroom, quickly shutting the door behind you. Instantly, the music is blurred out, and you close your eyes with a sigh when you feel your nerves calm down just a little bit.
Just a little bit. 
They double in amount, however, when you realize that none other than Donghyuck is in the bathroom himself, sitting at the corner by the corner.
You both stare at each other, wide eyes of surprise, clearly unsuspecting of finding one another in the bathroom. 
“Hyuck? What the fuck are you doing in the bathroom?” 
“Uhhh,” Donghyuck desperately racks his head back and forth for a reason, any kind of reason. “Taking a shit?”
No, he was not taking a shit. Obviously.
You feel a whole whirlwind of emotions hit you suddenly, it strikes at your chest, your heart, before it tingles and moves to your fingers, where you squeeze Donghyucl's birthday present, before it moves onto your feet, as you take one step. 
That's as far as it goes, however, and you stop very awkwardly in the middle of the bathroom. There's no point in stopping now, he's right here, you both have nowhere to go, and really it's now or never. 
You take another step, and another, and before you know it, you're kneeling and plopping down next to Donghyuck. 
It's awkward, at least you think it is. You don't dare look at your best friend, afraid that the moment you do, you'djust blurt out how much you love him. 
Donghyuck, however, feels nothing but longing towards you. He longs for you, after weeks of ignoring you. But he doesn't let himself, it's his fault, he should deal with the consequences himself. 
"Um—happy birthday!" You blurt out, and stick out your hand with the birthday present in it. It alarms Donghyuck, only for a moment, before he reaches out to it with a grin. You missed his smile. 
Instantly, Donghyuck has an urge to unwrap it, to see what it is and treasure it with his whole being, to thank you and hug you and finally just be normal with you once again. 
And so he rips open the wrapping paper, finding a snow globe sitting in his palm now. Donghyuck's heart follows each and every artificial snowflake floating about in the glass, swelling and swirling at the gift. 
You're nervous for Donghyuck's reaction, seeing him gape at the globe with such wide eyes. Did he not like it? Was it too much? Maybe he wanted to get a snow globe himself. 
But, it's nothing short of perfect to him. It's got a polar bear in it, with a santa hat and a christmas tree only half its size, there's nothing in it he could ever point out as a flaw. 
"Thank you," Donghyuck finallu breathes out, "fuck, this is perfect—thank you so much, Y/n, really." 
"I, uh, wanted to put a picture of us, but I didn't know how to do it so I bought a normal one instead" For the second time that night, Donghyuck's heart goes into a frenzy, just at the sight of your smile of pure happiness and eyes of relief. It pains him to think you could doubt yourself over something as silly as a present. You shouldn't ever worry about what you do to him, he's going to love you no matter what. 
The atmosphere lifts a little but after that, as you both shyly smile at the situation. 
However, it's not a clear sky just yet. There are grey clouds in the way, grey clouds you can't simply ignore. 
And at those clouds, you ought to curse at. You haven't brought an umbrella, or a raincoat, even if you knew it was gonna rain. Here you are, sitting in the shade, knowing that if you step out, it'll start pouring. 
But at that, you say fuck it! May it be a drizzle worth of rain, a hailstorm, heck a blizzard couldn't stop you. 
"Hey, Hyuck?" You take a step out of the shade. 
He simply hums back, gaze never leaving the snow globe. 
You take a deep breathe, feeling the first droplet of rain on your skin. "Did… did I do anything?"
And when Donghyuck whips around at you with a shocked expression, you feel the winds of confusion kicking in, growing stronger as he rapidly shakes his head and denies it quickly. "What? No, it's just a snow globe,"
"No, no," You can't help but chuckle at his panicked tone, leaning your hand on your palm. "Not that. Just in general, you know?"
In comes heavier rain, feeling so weighted against your skin. It's cold, harsh, and wet, but you know it's going to be worse. 
"If I'm doi g anything wrong, please don't keep it in, please tell me," Your words do more than just surprise Donghyuck, a stinging guilt pains him. Is this what you've been thinking about the whole time he's been gone? 
"If I'm making you uncomfortable in any way, tell me. If I did something, tell me my mistake." Your voice is laced with more than hurt, or guilt, it has fear, desperation, and Donghyuck wants to punch himself because of all this.
You can't bring yourself to look at Donghyuck, just merely talking to  him about the things you've been worried about is already a whole hurricane for you ti deal with, to fight. "If I'm lacking in any way, tell me what I'm lacking. Just please, tell me, Hyuck. You're one of the most important people in my life and I don't want to hurt you or make you feel bad in any way—" 
“—Shut up and look at me!"
You hadn't even noticed Donghyuck calling out to you, not until he's grasped your hands in his, inteetwinign your fingers together. 
"God, Y/n, I'm sorry. I made you think the exact opposite. I…" Donghyuck's sentence trails off, and before he knows it, he feels himself choking up once again. Just at the sight of you, so desperate, sorry for nothing, feeling bad, he can't get himself to say anything.
Despite that, he tries, shifting on the floor to face you, "Remember when we met? Two years ago, at Renjun's birthday party? Remember what I first said to you?"
It takes you a moment, but you do remember, how could you ever forget?
'You got some moves! Do you have a phone number too?'
Just by the look on your face, Donghyuck knows you remember. "I still stand by my words."
"...I got good dance moves?"
"Wha—No! After that,"
"...I have a phone number?"
"Oh my fucking god, no. I mean what I meant in general. Like—I was hitting on you," Realization rushed in you, and it hits you like a truck once the words roll off Donghyuck's tongue and register in your brain. Lee Donghyuck was hitting on you. 
Donghyuck's heartbeat beats in his ears, terrifyingly loud, and his insides twist in fear and anticipation as he mumbles, "I... I fucking love you, Y/n. I love you so much it hurts, and it terrifies me."
"At first, I just thought friends would be enough. But then we became best friends, which I thought would be better, but god was I wrong. Realizing your feelings for your best friend is crazy, because you're scared of every little thing they do! When you asked me what I wanted for my birthday, you... I just really wanted to kiss you right then and there. When you gave me a hug when I had a bad day, I was so afraid that I would accidentally blurt out the words 'I love you', and when you started looking at me differently, longingly, I realized that I had been ignoring you without realizing. And I feel like an absolute bitch about it. I'm so sorry, for everything. For making you feel terrible just because I was being a fool, for neglecting you, and being an asshole and... and for my feelings. I understand if you feel weirded out, or disgusted, or anything, really. I'm just sorry." 
The storm you once thought you'd try fighting away is now drying away, replaced by nothing but the sun after the storm, absolute gid and relief waving over you at his words. 
Donghyuck looks so fucking ethereal right now, blushing shyly as he stares at the snow globe you gifted him, and as much as he feels embarassed, there's nothing in him telling him to stop holding your hands. He's holding them so dearly, running the pads of his thumb over your skin, his touch warm and comforting. 
"Hyuck," You mumble softly. He doesn't look up. "I think I love you too, Hyuck." 
In an instant, Donghyuck's head whips up to stare at you, blinking repeatedly and mouth gaping continuously at you. 
"Wait—fuck, wait really?!"
You laugh at Donghyuck's shocked expression, leaning forward to bump your forehead against his shoulder. 
"Wait—no—Y/n don't play with me. You love me?!"
"Yes, Donghyuck!"
"Fuck, wait, you said you think you love me. Do you love me or not?"
"Oh my god, I love you! I love you, okay? I don't think your feelings are weird, I think it's dope,"
Donghyuck still continues to gape at you, with what seems like the whole galaxy in his eyes, staring at you as if you were his sun and moon and stars and every beautiful thing out there.  
Donghyuck gently shurgs you off his shoulder, before he automatically finds his hands on your skin, caressing your face ever so dearly. The look in his eyes do not change, nor do they falter, desperately staring into yours. 
"Are you sure you love me?" 
You lean forward to bump your forehead against his, "One hundred percent. You sure you love me?"
Donghyuck shifts to brush your noses together, and you can practically feel his grin against yours. "One hundred percent,"
With that, Donghyuck's lips lock with yours, so softly you feel almost lightheaded. His hands on your face still trace their ways through each inch to your jaw and neck, memorizing each part of you. Donghyuck's lips feel soft, taste of birthday cake you can only assume is from when he blew the candle earlier. 
Each peck, each push and pull of your lips feel almost like a dream, but the small smiles and occasional laughs bring you back to reality. 
When you pull away, Donghyuck instantly brings you into his arms, planting kisses on every free spot he can find on your cheeks 
"When did you realize you love me?"
You hum at the question, "Few months ago."
"All those weeks I've wasted… pining over something I already had?!"
"I quite like it, it adds to the yearning, don't you think?"
Donghyuck only huffs, bringing you closer to him. 
"Oh right, speaking of all those weeks we've wasted, care to fill me in on those weeks?"
"What should I tell you?" Donghyuck mumbles, pulling your fingers between his. He reaches down to press a kiss to each of your knuckles. 
"Tell me everything?"
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navibluebees · 1 year
I love your writing and was wondering your take on which of the recoms would be most and least likely to fall for a native na’vi and what would it take or involve. ❣️
Please read before interacting.
AHHH Thank youuuu & I love this one! Something about me is that I can talk about Avatar all damn day, so getting these asks is the best things ever. Here we go~
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*Grading these on a scale of 1-10, Least-Most. Also idk how other recom creators choose personalities, but I just stare at their faces and reactions in gifs. It's entirely based off ~vibes~. I love that for us lol
Brown - 6
Not the first guy to jump at the chance. He's lighthearted, but holds very tightly to his roots. Probably wouldn't if the others weren't approving. I think he'd have to find a Na'vi who was more sympathetic to some humans, which I don't think would be super likely to happen. Potentially somebody from the Omaticaya if they had interacted a lot with the scientists like Max and Norm and hd a good experience being around them.
Fike - 4
He seems really uncertain. I think he's nervous in Pandora. When he told Kiri to shut up while she was praying in the hostage scene, it felt like there was a tremor in his voice and I don't think he's grown out of that initial fear of Pandora that he got as a human. It would probably take fully separating from RDA and being alone to mentally separate his two lives before he could learn to live in that world with another person.
Ja - 7
This baby. I think as a med service marine, he is very used to taking care of people. With spending his whole initial life up until his first death taking care of humans and being so woven into their lives, it would be hard for him, but I have this picture in my mind of working alongside other Na'vi and gaining their trust, working with their Tsahìk and finding a mate that way.
Lopez - 8
I think he'd be really drawn in by the beauty of Pandora. He might be similar to Jake in that he sees an assertive Na'vi and is like ooh I want them. Definitely has to prove himself, but he seems really adaptable. Would also enjoy teaching them Spanish and having cutie trilingual babies.
Mansk - 10
Send this man straight to the Tawkami clan. Surround him with many beautiful flowers and give him a life of peace, he deserves it. Sticking with my head canon that he saw some rough shit in the military and he just wants somewhere that he can be calm. His mate will weave him flower crowns and he can just live carefree and be happy always.
Prager - 7
He seems like a younger guy when he initially joined so I think it would be a difficult transition out of military life, but I think he would enjoy being a hunter in the Tayrangi clan. Just to fly often and feel so free. I think his mate would be a kind person. Very curious. He's exhausted from his previous life but would be open to answering any questions they have for him.
Quaritch - 6
At this very moment, boy needs to work on himself before bring another person into the mix, but I think once stuff is worked out with Spider, he'd be open to having a Na'vi mate. They would have to be strong. If not physically, then mentally. I think he needs someone to help share his burdens and someone that can keep up with him. Someone more okay with humans, obviously because of Spider.
Wainfleet - 10
I think he needs a partner. He seems like someone who would thrive in a romantic partnership with someone who could take care of him emotionally. He gives big softie vibes and I love him so much lol. But I think he would wait to see what Quaritch did. He might feel badly if he found a mate first and maybe let that guilt prevent him from being with someone.
Walker - 3
I don't really think so. She strikes me as someone who went to Pandora to provide for her family and fought like hell to get back to them. I think she'd feel guilty if she had another family on Pandora even if she won't ever be able to go back to her original family. Most likely would live with other recoms if they chose not to have mates either.
Warren - 3
I'm getting same vibes from him as Walker, with having a family he came to provide for. He gives off the vibe that he's been in the military a long time and was just finishing up his contract, and this was his last thing to do to bring home some money before he retired. Just vibing with the other recoms for companionship.
Zdinarsk - 9
Would do best mated to a gentler Na'vi. Similar to Quaritch, she needs someone who can match her wit and challenge her mentally, but not someone so similar that she butts heads. Similar to Wainfleet, I think she would wait to see what Quaritch did. I think she'd be likely to find a mate, but not necessarily feel like she had to have one.
Zhang - 2
He gives me more lone wolf vibes. Might join a clan to survive, but I think he would feel so set apart from the Na'vi that he isn't very likely to initiate a relationship with another person. He might carry a lot of guilt from his initial life. Otherwise, I see him, Warren, and Walker just vibing in the forest, living out their days.
Damn, this one was hard lol Thank you so much for requesting it, though. I love thinking about things like this, adding to the world lore and building the recoms into full characters.
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choke-me-joey · 1 year
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Ch1/ Ch2 /
Summary: As Joe's long-term girlfriend, you reflect on your relationship over the last 4 years.
Content warning: 18+ so minors are not welcome, real person fiction (don't like, don't read, don't bitch), smut, fluff, angst, probably inaccurate timelines and processes but does anyone really care?, alcohol use, smoking...if I've missed anything please let me know!!
Author's note: okay so I was not expecting people to like this as much as they did 🥹 so here is chapter 2!! I'm currently juggling this, Hoe-vember and Matching Tattoos part 2 sp bear with if there are mistakes! I originally wrote this in first person (ick) so if you see any 'I' or 'my'.....mind ya business 🫣
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London, England
September 2018
"-mum, I've really got to go, I'm running late...yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll make sure to call her, okay? Bye, mum, love you!"
You hang up the call and groan in frustration, shoving your phone in your bag with one hand, balancing your coffee and your Oyster card in the other. You manage to get through the gate without causing too much of a hold up, bolting down the escalator to the platform.
"Fuck!" You growl, as the train you were running for left the platform within seconds of your feet touching the ground. You sigh, taking a seat on the grubby bench and waiting for the next one, which, thankfully what with this being London and all, wasn't long.
You jump up, protecting your bag and coffee as you get on the already insanely crowded train. You look around desperately for a seat, of which there were none, so you stand in between a very miserable looking middle aged woman and a taller guy with curly brown hair. He has his back to you, engulfed on his phone. You squeezed in and took a hold of the bar above your head as the train began to move.
You stare awkwardly ahead of you, sipping your coffee with your free hand, being careful not to bump curly haired guy with your arm. As the train approaches your station and slows, people scramble towards the door. You wait patiently rather than getting caught in the sea of people.
You don't notice curly hair guy next to you moving his arm to put his phone in his back pocket, and before you know it you’ve been elbowed in the boob at a rather vicious velocity. The pain that follows makes you want to cry.
"Fuck!" You hiss, and the knee jerk reaction to jump away from whatever has just hit you causes you to spill your 'travel friendly' coffee cup and its contents all over your jacket. The cup crashes to the floor and everyone stares. "Oh shit!" You curse, staring down at your stained jacket.
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Oh shit, here let me-"
The guy bends down and picks up your cup, handing it back to you. You look up from the damage to your jacket and into the most beautiful pair of big, brown eyes you have ever seen.
"Thanks," you mumble, taking the cup back from him. The next thing you know the doors have closed and the train is moving again. "Oh goddamn it!"
"I am so, so sorry." The guy next to you says again, looking extremely guilty as coffee practically drips off you. Luckily, a sweet old man hands you a pack of tissues, and you thank him, dabbing away at your clothes as best you can with the hand that wasn't holding your cup and bag. "Please, let me help, it's the least I can-"
"It's fine, really," you say, a little too quickly, and he looks a little hurt. You sigh, passing him your cup and bag. "If you run off with my stuff, I can't be held accountable for what I do." You warn him, and he chuckles, shooting you a smile that literally makes your knees go weak. Even though he almost de-boobed you and potentially ruined your favourite jacket, you can't help but think he is fucking gorgeous.
"I wouldn't blame you, to be honest," he says, still smiling. "Is it fucked?" He asks, his eyes flicking to your jacket.
"I dunno, if I'd have gotten off at my stop I would have been able to get home quicker to throw it in the washing machine and hope for the best," you sigh, almost reaching the end of the pack of tissues. A look of guilt flashes across his face again. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"No, it's fine, I just feel really bad, it's a nice jacket." He bites his lip as you give up trying to dry yourself with the tissues, and take your stuff back from him. The train pulls into another station, and you figure you might as well get off here, and try to get home another way.
"Yeah, it is, but don't beat yourself up about it, accidents happen," you give him a reassuring smile, before getting off the train.
"Wait!" He yells, and you turn around on the platform, seeing him fight his way through the crowd of boarding and departing passengers. He stands in front of you awkwardly. "Um, listen, let me get your jacket dry cleaned for you, to apologise?"
You frown slightly.
"Honestly, it's fine..." you trail off, realising you don't know his name.
"Joe. And please, it'll make me feel less guilty for basically assaulting you."
You sigh, unable to stop a smile spreading across your face. He really was too adorable.
And hot as fuck.
"You're not going to take no for an answer, are you?" You smirk, and he returns it.
"Fine," you roll my eyes dramatically, peeling off your jacket and handing it to him.
"Can I get your number?" He asks, and you're a little taken aback at his confidence.
"Excuse me?"
"I-I'll need to let you know when it's clean and stuff, so I can return it to you," he's blushing now, and you swear your heart is melting. "That's all, i swear I'm not some pervy creep."
"Hmm, I'm pretty sure a pervy creep would say he's not a pervy creep to try and persuade people he's not a pervy creep," you muse, and he laughs, loudly. "But, I'll trust you."
He grins, handing you his phone for ypu to put your number in, under the name "Underground Boob Victim". Once you're done, you pass it back to him, he laughs loudly at the name and then puts his phone back in his pocket. "Okay, well, i should really get going, but thank you, Joe. Just drop me a text or something and I'll meet you to grab my jacket back. It was nice to meet you, despite the whole GBH thing." You tease, hitching your bag up on your shoulder, offering your hand out to him. "I'm Y/N, by the way."
"You mean to tell me Underground Boob Victim isn't your real name?" He smirks and I shrug.
"It's a bit of a mouthful so Y/N is a much easier nickname." You wink, and he laughs again, making you giggle.
"Well, was nice to meet you too, Y/N, sorry again." He takes your hand and shakes it, and you can feel your heart speeding up. "I'll speak to you soon."
--a few days later--
'Hey, it's Joe. Just to let you know your jacket is ready to pick up from the dry cleaner's, if you wanted to meet me in about 30 minutes?'
'Hi! Yeah that's great, thank you so much!'
'It's cool. If you don't mind, i was thinking (ironically) maybe we could go for a coffee or a drink or something after we pick your jacket up? It's okay if you don't want to though!'
'Hmm i dont know if i trust you around any liquids that can stain fabric...but clear alcohol sounds life a safe bet. I'll be there soon!'
-- a week later, still September 2018--
"I'm freaking the fuck out."
"It's just dinner, Y/N. It's not like you've never been out with a guy before! Besides, you've already been out for drinks with him, technically this is your second date" Your best friend and flat mate Zoe is laid on your bed, currently watching you pace up and down your bedroom, chewing your nails as you do. "I swear to god if you don't stop chewing those nails I slaved over, I will end you."
"Sorry, sorry!" You quickly stick your hands in your pockets, sparing Zoe's hard work. "Well, firstly the drinks thing wasnt really a date, he was just giving me my jacket back and just so happened to ask me out. Amd secondly, this isn't just some guy, Zoe, he's like...really hot. And cute. And funny. And he's so easy to talk to. We ended up just chatting shit for two hours in a Starbucks the other day, totally unplanned. He was walking in as I was walking out."
"Cute, maybe you guys can move in together and I won't have to listen to you chat shit for hours every day." Zoe teases and you let out a sarcastic laugh.
"You're just jealous because you dont have anyone to chat your own brand of shit with right now." You tease back, laughing as she flips you off. "He lives with his best friend, maybe if tonight goes well we can double date?"
"If you set me up with a complete and utter loser whilst you make off with the hot one, I'm going to hurt you."
"I've seen a picture or two, he's pretty cute," you laugh, holding up a black roll neck jumper and black skinny jeans. "With my black heeled boots?"
"Perfect, it shows him just how soulless and depressing you really are. You know it wouldn't kill you to wear colour just once."
"Ugh, I would rather die." You mock retch before heading into the bathroom to change.
Forty minutes later, you're dressed and ready and in the back of a taxi headed to the restaurant you and Joe had agreed on, your heart feeling like it's going to burst out of your chest and your stomach churning with nerves. Your phone vibrates in your hand, it's Joe just texting to say he was already at the restaurant, waiting for you in the lobby. You swallow hard, before texting him back that you were on your way.
The taxi gets you to the restaurant exactly three minutes before 7.30pm, when your table was booked for. You spot Joe immediately as you step inside, dressed in a shirt and trousers. He looks up from his phone when he hears the door open and his eyes meet yours, and you both simultaneously break out into a grin.
"Hey," you walk over to him and give him a hug, as per your usual greeting. His usual cologne surrounds you, but it smells a little stronger tonight. He hugs you back just as tight. "Now I feel like I should have dressed up a bit more."
"Don't worry about it, you look really good." Joe assures me.
"Thank you, so do you." You can feel your cheeks warming a little to your utter frustration. Something about Joe always turned you into a fucking giggly schoolgirl on the inside, but on the outside thankfully, you managed to play it off. "Can we go get food now? I'm fucking starving."
Joe laughs loudly.
"I knew there was a reason I liked you."
"So, seeing as all our interactions have been totally random and unplanned, I think I should be totally cliché and say, tell me about yourself?" Joe smiles as you pass your menus back to the waiter, having just ordered your food.
"Well, I mean, I don't wanna send you to sleep before the food gets here." You joke, sipping on my glass of water. Joe chuckles, doing the same.
"That's fine, just wake me up when it does get here," he winks and you roll your eyes laughing. "No, I'm just joking, come on, I wanna know stuff about you. Like, what do you do for work? How long have you been living in London?"
"So basically you wanna play 20 Questions?"
"Yep, now go."
"Ugh, fine. I'm a freelance photographer but currently I'm doing a stint as a retoucher for a studio in Central London, I've been living here for a few years as I went to Uni here, but my friend Zoe and I have been renting a flat from her uncle since we graduated. I have a degree in Editorial Photography, I like horror movies and music...that's all I can think of right now...what about you?"
"Um, I'm an actor." He says, looking almost embarrassed. Your eyebrows raise.
"No way?! That's so cool! Anything I'd have seen you in?"
"Uh, maybe, I've been in a couple of TV series, I was in something called Dickensian a couple of years ago, a show called Timewasters, and then last year I was in Game Of Thrones and another series called Howard's End."
"Game of Thrones?? Holy shit, that...wait a minute, Dickensian...shit, I think I watched that with my parents over Christmas when it came out. Oh my god I can't believe I didn't recognise you!"
"Honestly, it's nice that you didn't." Joe admits. "I'm not that well known but I've had a couple of people stop me in the street and it's...bloody weird. Flattering, but weird."
You nod. "I can understand that. So, are you working on anything cool right now?"
"Well not right this second, but this year has been mental. I've done a couple of series and a got a lead in a small film." He grins, clearly less embarassed now.
You can't help but mirror his smile. The waiter comes back with your food and tells you to enjoy.
"So, I'm having dinner with a celebrity right now?" You tease, raising your eyebrow and smirking at him. He rolls his eyes and tells you to shut up, but he's smiling.
A few hours later, your main courses and desserts long gone, you're still sat in the restaurant, deep in conversation. You've covered everything from your childhoods, your favourite movies, tv shows, your families, music, food...the list was endless. As the restaurant closes, you call the waiter over to pay the bill. You rummage around in your bag, pulling out your purse.
"Don't let her pay you." Joe says to the waiter and you glare at him.
"Joe, its fine-"
"Hey, I asked you to come out with me right? Therefore I am paying." He argues, handing over his card to the extremely bored looking waiter, who disappears to get the card machine. "Don't look at me like that, what kind of prick would I be if I expected you to pay on a date?"
You say nothing, but you smile at him, putting your purse away. "If you really want to, you can pay next time."
"There's going to be a next time?" You ask, a teasing tone to your voice, but your inner giggly schoolgirl has practically dropped dead from excitement.
"Well, only if you want, I've had a really good time tonight." He admits, quickly pausing as the waiter comes back and prompts him to enter his card details. "Plus, I still feel guilty for the whole tube thing. But that's not why I asked you out. Fuck, that came out wrong-"
"Joe, its fine, I know what you meant," you laugh, as you stand up, ready to leave. You head outside, and he offers to walk you home, and you continue your discussion about everything under the sun, and more. The whole time, your heart would not calm the fuck down, and you were actually worried he could hear how hard it was beating, especially when his hand accidentally brushed yours.
He pulled his hand back quickly as if he'd been burnt.
"Sorry!" He mumbles, looking as guilty as he did when he elbowed me on the Tube. You can't help but laugh, reaching out and linking your fingers through his.
"There, the scary part's over." You wink at him and he immediately looks relieved, giving your hand a small squeeze. You continue to walk hand in hand to your flat, stopping in front of the steps when you inform him that this was your apartment building. "Thank you for tonight, it was really nice."
"You're welcome," Joe smiles, his fingers still laced with yours. His eyes drift upwards and slightly to the side. "I'm gonna guess that's your roommate?"
You follow his eyeline and sure enough, Zoe is sat in your bedroom window, waving down at you both, a shit eating grin on her face. You groan, rolling your eyes and flipping her off.
"I'm so sorry, I'm gonna murder her," you sigh, feeling mortified as Joe waves back, laughing loudly. "Don't encourage her!" You grab his waving hand and hold it by his side, failing to keep an angry face as you start laughing along with him. "Fuck, I'm sorry, you must think I'm so weird."
Joe raises an eyebrow at me.
"You do realise you're speaking with someone who makes a living from being dressed in bloody period clothing half the time, right?"
"Well actually no, I don't as I've not watched most of your stuff, so there," you grin, poking your tongue out at him. You eventually say goodnight, and he gives you a hug, which you note lasts a few seconds longer than usual. He lets you go, and you slowly walk up the steps to the main door. "Oh, Joe?" You call out as he begins to walk away. He stops and turns.
"I'll pay next time." You smile, before heading inside and closing the door.
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drchenquill · 24 days
Foliè ~ Chapter 5
(Chapter 1, chapter 2, Chapter 3, chapter 4)
The Curse
The world fell silent as the now dead man lay at my feet. My breathing was so loud that it even pushed the woman's voice into the background. I had killed someone. I wanted to scream again, but I couldn't find the strength. I fell to the floor, just as my tears rolled down my cheeks. I tried to force my shaking fingers to clutch the handle of the dagger, to pull it out, but my muscles wouldn't listen. I sat next to him and looked at his lifeless face, my thoughts plagued with guilt, when suddenly he tore his eyes open with a loud intake of breath. I shrieked and fell backwards. What the fuck? As if he'd been replaced, his gray-green eyes turned dark and lifeless again. His dark hair turned back to blond and became sickly. His skin lost its shine. With a grunt, he yanked the dagger from his stomach and straightened up. “Shit, I always forget how much it hurts.” His eyes met mine. He smiled. “So, did you like my little demonstration?”
“Let him feel your anger. I know you'd love to.”
As much as I wanted to, I hadn't sunk to the point of taking my frustration out on someone else.
“I know you want to. I'm in your thoughts, I'm your thoughts”
She was wrong. My thoughts were mine, my feelings were mine. She was just an insect that had nested in my mind. I just had to find a way to kill this insect and then I would be free. “Say, are you all right? You're kind of staring past me, which is very creepy.” My eyes twitched to the now living man in front of me. One thing was true, I was angry, furious, with him. “You're a fucking heartless asshole.” I pressed through my teeth. For a second he looked shocked, but he covered it up with a stupid joke. “Are you flirting with me?” I felt an eyebrow twitch, but I held back.
“Do it. Let out your frustration.”
I shook my head and stood up. I'd had enough. The whine of the machine's alarm could still be heard in the background, and if they had seen me, it didn't take long for them to put the puzzle together. “I don't have time or desire to play games with you. I don't give a shit about what's wrong with you, but one thing is for sure, it is not and will not be my problem, I have my own baggage to carry. If you wanted to tell me, you missed your chance with that fucking show you put on.” I didn't even wait to decipher the chaos of emotions flitting through his dead eyes. I turned away, but he grabbed me painfully hard by the ankle. “Don't…don't go.”
“This is a show, don't think for a second he's serious. This is the punishment I gave him, for succumbing to madness before I arrived.”
“I've been alone for so long… please don't go.” Something stirred inside me, making me pause for a moment. The woman's words and the man's begging made me feel guilty for some reason, but I pushed that feeling aside. He continued to speak, this time accusingly. “Do you know how difficult it is to be accepted anywhere with the way I look? No one wants to be around someone who looks like someone recently murdered them.” he snarled now. “Why do you even look like that?” slipped out of me. Silence surrounded us as these words escaped my mouth. Why had I asked that? Why was I interested in what was going on with this stranger? “You really want to know?”
He smiled and for the first time it looked like a genuine smile. I felt something in my chest again, a thumping, something warm coursing through my body, but I ignored it. “This is the first time I've ever told anyone about this,” he said quietly. “How should I start?” he mumbled. I rolled my eyes and glanced briefly over his shoulders. The city could be seen in the distance, thick clouds of smoke rising from the machine and seeming to engulf everything. I heard sirens, screams. At some point they would have to question my group and they would explain that they had last seen me there and then I could only start praying that they would give me a painless death if they caught me. I turned away again and looked into the man's dead eyes. “Speak,” I said, and he did. “I have been cursed to wear the face of the man whose life I took.”
~~~ Tag List 🥰: @theink-stainedfolk , @frostedlemonwriter
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hellcheer-heaven · 9 months
90s!Pregnant Hellcheer: Milk, It Does a Body Good (NSFW)
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Thank you to @phoenixwrites for proofreading.
Eddie photo edit created by @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
Summary: Drinking milk is supposed to guarantee strong bones. Chrissy’s milk will very likely guarantee a stronger bond between her and Eddie.
Sequel to my fic Tenderness. Click here to read it.
“Eddie Munson, are you even listening?”
He was supposed to focus on Chrissy and whatever she was talking about. What was it again? Her feet hurting? Getting more strawberries? Or deciding a name for the baby? He needed to be an attentive husband while his beloved mentioned something. His attention however was on the buxom pair of breasts resting on the dining room table. How is it that her chest had grown this much was still such a mystery to him. Well obviously it wasn’t some kind of magical curse that an evil wizard placed on her; although to her it certainly felt like one. Her cleavage looked so soft and inviting, Eddie could only imagine what it would be like to be the size of Tom Thumb so that way he could dive in and drown in her skin. What was that about Chrissy being the freak again, Munson?
Then again, it’s not like he hasn’t seen her in the nude before. Not only her breasts, in fact everything was a treat to his eyes. They had done it once before just last month, pregnancy sex was absolutely fantastic for the two of them. Chrissy’s mind was plagued with troubling thoughts about herself and her body. Eddie was at her side the whole time, caring for her needs in more ways than one. Clearly that night had awakened something within him. The fantasies involving her in this stage of her pregnancy had only grown stronger after that night. One aspect that he didn’t expect to enjoy, well maybe he did but was too guilty to admit it, was her ability to produce milk. Well Munson, did it really come as a surprise to you that you would happen to have a thing for your pregnant wife and also want to drink from her milk engorged breasts too? Her whole development these past eight months turned him on and he felt deeply ashamed for it.
Chrissy had her own detailed and very pleasing fantasies as well. She too felt great shame for them, that is until that wonderful night when they could both indulge themselves. Her entire being was much more sensitive and having all of that extra attention from her considerate husband helped to quell her dark thoughts. Freeing herself from the unfair and cruel beliefs that she had bombarded herself with. Still she wasn’t stupid, she knows that he loves boobs, specifically her boobs. They’re a part of her body just like her face, hands, stomach, and feet; he just loves to give them a little more love. He had showered them with kisses and sucklings when she was small and currently now that she is large.
Still there was the matter of her milk production that just seemed to get in the way for her. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that it was a natural process of her body preparing itself for their newborn. As beautiful as it was, the constant staining of her blouses and dresses was becoming increasingly annoying. When Eddie was around during those moments when it did occur, he just couldn’t keep his eyes off of her. As she went off to clean herself, he quickly locked himself in the bathroom and jerked off to such an incredible sight. Having to silently plead to her if he could have a little. It was getting harder to keep those feelings at bay. The man couldn’t even purchase milk from the store without his amorous thoughts sinking in. He didn’t want to take advantage of Chrissy, not when she was so vulnerable.
Eddie suddenly felt the gentle tap of a balled up napkin touch his forehead, “Huh? What?”
Chrissy tried to cross her arms, but she remembered that was challenging as well, she opted to cover her cleavage with her hands instead, “You were staring again.”
He looked away, “I’m sorry Chrissy. Shit, I feel like such an asshole for looking.”
She sighed, her curiosity poking at her, “Eddie, what is it about my breasts that causes you to stare?”
Oh boy, how was he going to be honest without coming off as a disgusting pervert?
He took a deep breath, followed up with a long exhale through his nostrils. “I don’t know… I just… I think your breasts are just really, really beautiful. They’re just so soft and they look so cuddly.” He scratched the back of his head, gulping down his embarrassment, “Sometimes I just kinda… wanna put my head on them.”
Chrissy’s face started to soften up a little, her intrigue still piqued, “You do? Why exactly?”
He looked deeply into her eyes, “I mean… you know… after a long day of fixing up cars and getting yelled at by customers. Coming home to be with you is the best part of my whole day. Same thing when I wake up next to you.” He took a quick sip of his coffee, “I mean, I can’t lie to you when I say that I just love boobies. Only your boobies.” He walked over and proceeded to kneel before her, “And if my Queen will allow it, I would very much love to show thee how much my adoration is for thine soft, supple bosoms.”
In the past his little play on ye olde English never failed to charm her, but they’ve been married for nearly a decade now and she wasn’t so easily fooled. “Okay Eddie, what’s your real plan?”
Well it was worth a shot Munson, “Damn, I thought that would work. Okay fine, you really wanna know what’s been going through my mind? I’ll tell you, but you need to promise me that you won’t laugh.”
She held his pinkie finger with hers, “I promise.”
There was no turning back now, all he had to do was speak the truth, “Chrissy, remember last month when we had sex? It was amazing, crazy, and so fucking hot! I mean really hot. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.”
A faint blush spread across her face and neck, “Y-Yes, it was really amazing.”
He leaned in, his large hands resting on her thighs, his voice now a gentle whisper, “Do you remember what you told me to do to you?”
His delicate tone made her heart race, a little tingling began to spark between her legs, “I… I… I don’t remember.”
Eddie’s hands trailed along her sides, staying put on her belly, his long fingers just centimeters below her chest; his earthy eyes searched into her blue orbs. He chuckled, imitating her breathy tone, “I want you to drink from me.” His palms cradled the sides of her large breasts, giving them a very careful squeeze, “Eddie, suck on my tits. Please.”
Chrissy quietly groaned as she watched the way his hands held them. Delicately rubbing and motioning her heaving skin, pushing them together before slowly letting them slide back into place. He reached down to kiss her eternally soft flesh, his wet tongue dipping into her never ending cleavage; moaning her name in the process. His face relishing the sensation of her against his cheeks, pushing himself deeper until his sights were engulfed in the warmth of her tits. Chrissy fluttered her eyelashes, licking her lips as she playfully shimmied her shoulders.
“Ooh, Eddie. Babe, that tickles,” she giggled.
His hands cradled the abundant mounds, flesh spilling over the top of her nightgown. She played with his curls, laughing as he motioned his head from side to side. He buried himself deeper between her boobs, squeezing them just a bit more around his face. He was in heaven: Soft and squishy heaven. He emerged from her, his face a lovely shade of pink. Chrissy felt a bit out of breath from laughing, absentmindedly pushing away his bangs with that serene smile of hers. There was that glint of want in those eyes of his, a sort of pleading look that guaranteed that she would easily fall for him all over again. She reached in and placed her hand in her massive cleavage, the thing practically vanished, surrounded by the softest bundles to ever exist. She freed her left breast and the right soon followed, so big and round, so engorged and ready to be feasted on. It didn’t take much to leave Eddie speechless. All she needed to do was raise her arms and shake them, biting down on her bottom lip to stop another series of laughter from tumbling out. Seeing him so bewitched by such an easy motion never failed to make her smile. Eddie was a simple man, well simpleton was more like it.
Chrissy gingerly cradled her heavy breasts, giving him the bedroom eyes as she rubbed them. Exhaling slowly through her nose, massaging herself as if he wasn’t just an inch or two away from her.
“You like them, don’t you?”
Jesus, that tone in her voice was all that would have taken to make him cum on the spot. Having the visual of such a big and beautiful woman feel herself was a pleasant add on of course. Eddie’s mind took detailed notes of everything: The size, the shape, the circumference, the difference in color of her areola and her flesh, and the weight. Chrissy watched the way that snake-like tongue of his stuck out, slithering and running along the darkened areolas. Lathering up her skin, tracing all over her warm and bumpy flesh, just barely missing her nipples.
Chrissy could only handle so much teasing, attempting to glare at Eddie for purposefully avoiding her teats. Yet she could not prevent herself from moaning. She enticed him by shaking herself, holding them up as an offering. He opted to kiss one nipple, a soft and sweet kiss. It wasn’t enough, she needed more and she wanted it now.
“Eddie,” she whined, jiggling her mounds in her palms. “Please, I can't wait. Oh fuck, I need you.”
She was so cute when she begged like that. He smiled and kissed her nipple again, offering his flattened tongue to the pebbled nub. It may not have been much, but to Chrissy it was worth it. His tiny licks were a blessing for her, but it wasn’t enough to scratch that itch. Eddie could sense her impatience, letting his long tongue flick and circle the shape of her protruding nipple. The tip of it rubbing along the underside, letting his puffy lips hold it graciously as he gave her the smallest of suckles. She whimpered and moaned, pressing her lower half upon her chair. Those pulsations were getting much harder to control.
“Eddie! Please Eddie!”
His lips continued to shallowly suck from her, hardly putting enough effort, yet still managing to make her squirm and bounce. He figured that she’s suffered enough and so it was time to really put that mouth of his to the test. One hand held up her bosom, shaking it very carefully as if he was weighing her supply. He waited for just a moment more, staring into her needy eyes, looking at her perfectly stretched out and droopy skin; gazing at her again. He never broke eye contact with her, widening his jaw as far as he could until finally her warm nipple was in his mouth. He began with a steady rhythm, soft and gentle, listening and watching her the entire time.
All Chrissy could hear was his mouth, so deliciously wet, her rapidly beating heart counteracting the pressure of his hunger. She could feel droplets of sweat start to form along her forehead, her painted toes curling in her slippers. Jesus Christ, Eddie knew exactly what made her tick. When it came to showing love to Chrissy, he would do everything in his power to please her in any way, shape, or form.
He mumbled against her skin, “Mmm, mmm Chrissy. Mmm, sweet girl.” He popped from her, “Come on pretty mama. Don’t hold back, let go Chrissy.” His mouth returned, “Come on baby, mmm.”
That’s when she felt it, the trickle of her breast milk emerging from her nipple. Eddie observed the way the snowy liquid leaked out and cascaded down, staining the material of her morning gown. She was so elegant, her body pleading for more love and more affection. Chrissy sighed blissfully as she gently caressed herself, collecting the trail of her milk along her fingers. She held Eddie’s chin and proceeded to paint those luscious lips of his with her stained digits. It only took the first drop to get his blood pumping, just one small taste and he was hooked. He cradled her nipple with his tongue, teasing her slowly before he wrapped his mouth around it. Fuck, she still tasted so astoundingly delicious. She grabbed onto his chocolate curls, refusing to hold back her lovely moans and whimpers. The slight tightening of his hollowed out cheeks and vibrating throat made her shiver. Her flowing milk emitted in a steady stream, spilling onto his tongue and cascading down his throat. His pink lips kept a very good seal around her weeping nub, sucking just a little harder and harder until he could feel more of her milk coming out. So warm, so sweet, so addictive.
“Ed-Eddie…” she mewled, the air from her lungs getting pushed out as she observed the way he drank from her. “Yes Eddie, ooh… mmm… so good…”
He never broke away from her, even as his head tugged and lifted her heaving breast, only to press his face into it. God he looked so pretty like that. Squishing himself into her skin, those big innocent eyes of his staring back at her longingly. He was good to her, always so good to her. Of course he’d be lying if he also wasn’t doing this to satisfy his own sexual prowess. Yet despite his libido, he knew that she was hurting. Her body was aching, not just from the physical changes, but from her desire to be loved. Chrissy wanted Eddie, she needed him to gratify her in the way that she wanted. Fingers rubbing her dripping quim, famished mouth at her sensitive nipple, veiny cock slowly thrusting into as she laid her upon her pillowed throne. All while that gruff voice of his groaned in her blushing ear. Eddie would worship every inch of her gorgeously large body, kissing each stretch mark that he could find. He didn’t want Chrissy to think for one second that she would never be loved again, then, now, and post pregnancy.
If Eddie could only experience the same erotic jolts that sparked within her. Every sucking and tongue flick from him only heightened the charges. The bolts rushed everywhere, aiming up to her head and soon returning to her seeping nipples and onward to her pussy. The cycle of pleasure was ongoing, a never ending loop that made her body tremble. She loved it, she wanted it. The oral pumping only further increased her desire for more. Chrissy held his peaceful face, urging him to take heed and please her other neglected nipple. Eddie went right back to work, softly latching on with no need to tease her. He was in tune with her body, her being, her soul. He could recognize the exact tone of her whimpers and moans. She felt no pain, rather she enjoyed the thrill of his handiwork.
Lips firmly shut around her second engorged teat, tongue resting beneath the surface as he sunk in his cheeks again. Even as he drank from her, he couldn’t just let the other one leak like that. Chrissy worked too damn hard to make such a meal, what a crime to let it go to waste. Well no use in crying over spilled milk and he was certainly sure of that.
“Eddie,” she cooed, shaking herself playfully, her bouncing was so hypnotic.
Even as he watched the lovely display of motioning flesh, he realized that his Queen deserved better than having to sit on a chair. Chrissy nibbled her bottom lip at the sight of his prominent tent in his gray sweatpants when he stood up. Ooh, what she wouldn’t give to have a piece of that succulent sausage. Why wait? She reached out and touched it, giggling and scrunching up her nose when he grunted. She licked her lips and smiled as her eager hands pulled down his pants, his erection stood firm just for her. She quickly grabbed his hips and let her jaw hang low, ready to savor him. Miraculously Eddie held back her hungry mouth, his face cherry red.
Despite the nervousness, he was still able to give an order, “Bedroom. Now.”
Eddie shed himself of his band t-shirt, doting Chrissy with delicate kisses upon her hand as he helped her stand up. The man’s nude body was covered in such elaborate and detailed tattoos. Everything from the roses and weeping angels on his thigh, the snake slithering through a skull on his forearm, and the heart with her name around it on his bicep. She watched the way his back muscles moved beneath his flesh, the black angel wings appearing as if they were fluttering with every little motion as he led her to the bedroom. She could feel and hear the sound of her squelching thighs with every step that she took. She glanced at herself briefly in the mirror, no shame or regret, nothing but love and wanting. Eddie fixed up her pillows the way she liked it before seating her upon the edge of their bed. His body was no longer that of a wild and lanky boy, the years had given him some muscle with a touch of darkened hair across his arms, legs, and chest. His hair was just as long and luscious as it was back then. Chrissy Cunningham, soon to be mother, had her very own dilf that would do anything and everything to please her.
She stuck out her tongue and slowly licked the weeping head, sweetly kissing the shaft. He kept his feet planted to the carpet, having to tightly ball up his fists as he witnessed the way her bubblegum pink lips ravished him. Her fingers tracing the way the veins pulsated, humming low and long. Eddie had to hold on, he just had to. Chrissy wanted to test him and test him she certainly would. She batted her eyes, teasingly kissing the hard cock as she attempted to close the gap between them as much as she could. Eddie caressed her big and beautiful belly, shyly smirking as he watched her work her magic. She held up her breasts and engulfed his cock between them, cooing his name with such a pretty smile. He practically disappeared in a bundle of warm and jiggling flesh, gasping at the sensation and watching the way she squeezed him. Eddie’s jaw dropped at the most incredible sight, struggling to keep his eyes open as she teased him.
Chrissy chuckled, “You like that Eddie? You like it when I squeeze your cock with my titties?”
She squished herself around him, moving her buxom flesh along his dick. Eddie used every bit of his willpower to not cum, he didn’t want to finish yet, but having such a playful little minx only made things much harder. Words could not describe the feeling, all he could do was nod and loudly moan. Chrissy couldn’t deny the fact that she loved how he could go from taking control to losing himself within seconds. She knew that he was close, very, very close. If she had to be teased to the point of no return, then he was deserving of that as well. Chrissy released his twitching cock, gingerly holding it within her palm and letting her tongue lick the tip clean.
“Fuck! Fuck, babe… ooh Chrissy…”
She decided to give him a little reward for his efforts, she knew what he wanted, but she had to give him just one more surprise. Chrissy sweetly asked him to hold his cock, taking both of her breasts up and squeezing her leaky nipples until he was coated. Eddie groped himself, grunting at the sensation of the droplets hitting his sensitive organ.
“Chrissy, holy shit! I love y- Fuck!”
Her hands grasped his thighs again, her lips and tongue embraced the milk drizzled cock. She made a bit of a mess and it was only right to clean it up. Eddie could feel his knees start to wobble, his skin glowing with sweat, blood rushing through his veins.
He was going to burst, “Chrissy, baby I- I-”
She loudly popped him out, her sing-song tone one part mischievous and one part adorable, “Yes?”
Fuck it, Eddie thought to himself. He went on his knees, right back to finishing what he started. This time holding her tits and squeezing them together until her nipples touched. Eddie gave her pretty teats loving and lasciviously long licks, twirling them carefully before placing them into his mouth. He was going to have quite a big, full belly by the time he was finished with her.
“Yes! Yes, oh fuck Eddie… mmm just like that… oh yeah!” Chrissy pleaded, her own hands siphoning the supply as she rubbed her boobs. “That’s it, ooh my sweet boy.”
Her words were as sweet as her milk, touching his heart in a way that never failed to make his eyes light up. His hums made her nipples vibrate, tickling her in a way that she really enjoyed. He never once broke the bond between them, slowly and steadily sucking from her. Her nipples were pulled and prodded by his famished appetite, pushed up against the roof of his mouth, squeezed between his hollowed out cheeks, and then given some mercy as he licked them clean before starting it all again. Chrissy let her fingers drift down and relieve herself of the building pressure between her legs, twirling her aching clitoris. She closed her eyes and just let the feeling of absolute pleasure wash over her body and her soul. Chrissy felt so desired, so free, and so loved by her husband. That’s all she ever wanted and of course he would alway provide.
Eddie freed her puckered up teats, helping his wife onto the pillows. Neither of them would last very much longer, might as well make the most of what little stamina their bodies had left. Chrissy laid comfortably on her side, letting Eddie cradle her large body and place her leg around his waist. He pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her neck, licking off the beads of sweat as his hand safely held onto her womb. Spooning always felt so good for them, giving them a chance to be very close and wonderfully intimate. His hard cock prodded her pussy from behind, carefully easing himself between her petals. Gently rocking her at a steady rhythm that was both comforting and satisfying. Their slow and easy fucking made their bodies pulsate and quiver, just letting themselves fall deeper into the waves of ecstasy. Neither of them held back their groans, their lower halves edging closer and closer; rocking just a little faster. Chrissy placed her hand upon Eddie’s hand, nails digging into his skin as she called out his name. He nuzzled into her neck, her name tumbling into her ear, deep and amorous.
Suddenly they stopped, jaws hanging low as they laid there frozen in place. All they could hear was their own heartbeat and quiet breathing. Eddie’s hips soon continued to hump her with just a few more thrusts, Chrissy reciprocated pushing back into him. The pleasure had become too much for their bodies before letting it take over once again. Their bedroom was filled with the most precious and loudest of moans, a mixture of high and low bounced along the walls before hitting their eardrums. Their shared erotic concoction stirring and coating each other and the mattress below them, so hot and oh so wet.
Two bodies were exhausted, two pairs of eyes barely able to stay open. Yet Eddie still used whatever strength he had left to ease her onto her back. She was an angel of love and sex, surrounded by a soft glow that illuminated her whole being. She turned her tired face to him, giving him a little smile and holding up her arms. He snuggled up with her, spoiling her with many, many kisses and a comforting massage all over her figure.
She giggled in between his affectionate pecks on her face, “Eddie, that was… oh my god… that was fucking amazing.”
He just couldn’t stop doting her, upholding his duty and need to please her in the most generous and gentlest ways possible, “I love you princess. I love you so much baby girl. You mean the whole fucking world to me, Chrissy.”
“I love you too, Eddie,” she whispered, her smile growing.
He returned to her breasts, only letting his tongue and lips savor her eternally soft flesh. He avoided her nipples, believing that his little escapade was too much for her, and yet he still begged with his eyes. His chocolate brown eyes were simply irresistible and Chrissy couldn’t deny the love behind them.
She shuffled his curly bangs, “Aww, do you want more Eddie? Come here.”
Her hand brought him to her right breast, his suckling was gentle, hands continuing to rub her body as he satisfied his thirst. He looked up and noticed the way she licked her lips, he then held up her left breast so Chrissy could join in as well. They continued to drink in tandem, letting their bodies relax as their bellies filled up. How sweet her milk tasted on their tongues, rich and delicious streams tumbling down their parched throats. Chrissy let out a cute whine when Eddie’s hand suddenly lost the careful grip at her breast. She was so busy with herself that she didn’t notice that Eddie struggled to stay awake. He had fallen asleep, face squished against her bosom, his wet lips detached from her. She chuckled at the sweetest sight that she ever laid her eyes on, her dearest Eddie Munson out like a light. She wiped off the trail of white drool with her fingers, sampling it herself and loving the taste. Chrissy stared at him briefly, slowly blinking her eyes to enjoy the endearing moment before letting herself fall asleep as well.
Her clothes would always succumb to staining, thankfully she had someone that was more than happy to assist her with the clean up.
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merriclo · 1 year
y’all know how i made a joke abt how i shouldn’t make a linkverse based off of how i play each game? well. i’m having thoughts so here’s how i think each link would be based off of how i played their games:
warning i have not played every zelda game (or completed any aside from botw at this point) so these are just the ones that i actually have my hands on or have watched several play throughs of
Skyward Sword:
very much a reluctant hero at the start
“i’m not gonna find ur fuckin kikwi— fuck ok fine whatever ur lucky fi is on ur side.”
he does want to help and he likes doing side quests, but he was just so worried about Zelda that he became irritated and just wanted to get on with it
has no rupees ever definitely not because of impulse spending how dare u even imply such a thing
violently in love with Zelda
in the scene in the beginning where he realized Groose locked up his bird, he was livid. if Zelda didn’t step in he would’ve thrown hands
actually such a bafoon he is so confused
horrified of spiders. he just about sobbed the moment he saw the big ones in the skyward temple
loves his birdie so much. they are besties beyond comprehension. they talk shit.
so so bad with directions. dude is lost constantly.
has a lot of emotional maturity but still struggles with bursts of frustration, especially when confused
felt so guilty for knocking down the chandelier in the Lumpy Pumpkin
Ocarina of Time/Majora’s Mask:
very confused very often
he tries his very hardest but still needs help
“……..” “link. link do u n—“ “no no i’ve got it i know what to do” “……” “ok fine navi what do i do” “throw bombs in the eyes” “FUCK”
that being said he gets so happy every time he figures it out himself it’s great
first time he saw a peahat he just about sobbed
ready to slap Mido at any time
will sit and listen to malon sing for hours
very self conscious and doubtful that he has what it takes to be the hero. after Majora’s Mask he’d be more confident in his abilities but still scared he’s not as skilled or smart as the other Links
the biggest worrier. he does everything out of fear of other people getting hurt
if i do a whole linkverse thing i’d want him to be in the awkward teenage stage and attempt to be a big brother figure to the younger ones, but be awkward abt it and fumble a lot
fucking hates bowling
i have so many thoughts about what happened during Hyrule Warriors. so fucking many.
Wind Waker:
so fuckin lonely. dude is on the seas constantly with only a boat to talk to. he is so alone.
Aryll is his number 1 bestie and he really struggled with being without her lively presence at first
medley and him are also really good friends !! he thinks she’s so neat and just. nice
thinks Tetra is literally so cool. the coolest. she’s so cool no he definitely doesn’t have a crush on her what are you taking abt
thought the barrel was the funniest shit ever and always giggles at the memory of it
got so annoyed when the king tried to parent or guide him at all. excuse you big man let him travel the oceans. don’t stop him from sailing at that point. let him be free.
that being said li’l guy Roams. he got to places he didn’t have the proper equipment for way too early and only got the proper equipment because he realized that it could help solve that puzzle or something
so into the side quests. he loved going about and helping people at every turn, it reminded him of going about the village and helping his neighbors
that being said the joy pendents were like pulling teeth. he did it just because he like things to be complete, but it sucked. he was so annoyed the entire time.
loves the koroks so much they’re wonderful
if i actually end up doing the linkverse i think he’d be about 15, maybe 14, but unlike oot and mm link he already went through his shithead stage and has practice with being a big brother
definitely doesn’t hum sea shanties to himself when he thinks he’s alone. definitely not. never.
Tri-Force Heroes:
in my head tfh link is the same as albw link so. =)
mostly used dopples
he’s very quick to react and is very aware of his surroundings, but struggles with focusing or honing in on any one element
very good at solving the puzzles
the combat, however? not so much. the totem system was really something to get used to and he prefers not to fight with it. using it to get to places is no big deal (though annoying at times) but the fighting is just plain aggravating
super fashion forward (obviously)
he LOVES Madame Couture and her apprentice, and has a soft spot for all of the townsfolk
he became to attached to townsfolk so quickly actually. like he loves the people of Hytopia so much.
his self esteem was put through the goddamn ringer and he has a lot of self worth issues because of it yes i was personally insulted by the mass amount of bear sweater insults. it was a cute sweater fuck off
that being said he covers it up with an egotistical front, taking on aspects of Madame Couture’s personality in an attempt to be more accepted in Hytopia
he’s still a total diva btw. don’t let the self esteem issues fool you he knows he looks good now
he’s also probably one of the nicer Links, even if he might slip up and call ur gloves tacky on accident every once in a while
if he tries to help someone outfit wise it’s just because he really cares and wants them to be respected, not because he thinks he’s better than them
gets frustrated really easily and quits what he’s doing only to come back ten minutes later and try again
emotions wise he’s sort of all over the place, very theatrical (both because of Ravio and all of Hytopia)
Hytopia made him realize he wasn’t cis or straight. he doesn’t know if he wants to be with Madame Couture’s apprentice or Princess Styla, or if he wants to be them.
yes princess styla was part of my gay awakening leave me alone
if i do go through with this i’d def want to explore this link’s dynamic with both Ravio and botw link. ravio because the constant praises would be such a contrast to the critiquing of Hytopia, and botw link because gender
Cadence of Hyrule:
k i’m not gonna lie i don’t know this one too well But i really wanted to include it. idc if it’s not canon. fuck you.
gets so upset with himself when he misses a beat. like unreasonably so.
hums a lot !!
in the linkverse i like the idea of him being like 10 and adoring oot/mm link because of the ocarina. despite how much he fumbles, i think coh link would love him and think he’s so cool. imagine a little kid admiring their older sibling even if the older sib is lame as hell
k that’s it for coh link lmao sorry it’s so short. i love him i do i’m just new to the game
Breath of The Wild:
dlc is canon idc what nintendo says. the zelda encyclopedia said the timeline is up to my imagination and i’m imagining very intently.
relatively calm and peaceful aside from the bursts of extreme anxiety and sadness
will sit for hours and listen to Kass
rlly wants to be great pals with Sidon (and they are, to an extent) but gets a little overwhelmed by all of the compliments and praise
he will fight anyone who insults him though (looking at you, traveler who called him creepy. fuck you.)
literally just wants to be some guy, and to an extent he is (to the townspeople at least). he’s just some rlly skilled fighter who likes to cook and is kind of quiet and odd to them. but hey he’s really helpful and is always looking for something to do
loves Kakariko village!! he’s basically Cottla and Koko’s older sibling and is trying to get Paya to be more relaxed.
speaking of Paya, their dynamic is a bit weird? there’s definitely something there, but at that moment neither of them are ready for any kind of relationship
loves the great fairies, thinks they’re so pretty and nice we’re ignoring the weird cutscenes. i hate them.
the one hit obliterator quest was a one of the most anxiety inducing things in his life and he hated it. as soon as it was over they just laid facedown in the dirt for a while
is a horse girl
Teba became their father figure but neither of them will ever admit that
head over heals for his Zelda. thinks she’s so sweet and smart and just wants to make sure she’s okay
while Gerudo Town was definitely the place he realized he wasn’t cis, he always had the thought in the back of their mind, and even though Bozai really creeped him out, that’s what solidified the non-cis realization
i love the genderfluid botw link headcanon can u tell
loves all of the champion’s descendants so much. they visit them whenever they’re in town.
feels so guilty about burning things. like yes he can and will do it but he’ll be upset about it. he tries to protect the environment ok?
koroks 🤝 botw link
pondering the idea of him being kind of non human and a little magic because of the Sheika tub. if so he’d be even closer with the koroks because they have some connection to sheika magic i think (korok seeds = inventory expansion and all that stuff)
LOVES PURAH. THEY’RE BESTIES. they have dinner together and link’s her lil test subject <3
he needs his map. he is lost without it. he’ll happily be lost don’t get me wrong but he will take 10 extra hours to get somewhere
oh also ADHD incarnate. cannot stay focused for shit.
if i actually do this they’d be besties with tfh link. fashion and genderqueer buddies.
OKAY SO THATS IT FOR NOW !! special thank you to @astral-catastrophe for encouraging me to do this, it’s actually so fun to think about !
ignore how halfway through i actually started developing characters and then got tired and stopped. shh. don’t worry abt that.
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mkx-francis · 2 months
Part 2 of DBF Leon, gift for @ezvkll
Cw: fucking is the plot, I'm mentally not well so this is probably shit and short but needa feed y'all, legal age gap, bondage.
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So that happened, You finally found your dad’s best friend again. Took you long enough, you were now like a lovesick puppy. Following him around since your dumbass has an orientation sin of a baby. “So you said you want to become like me?” He suddenly asked, stopping in his tracks, damm he looked good. “Well..yes” you answered, looking up at him ad he smiled down at you cupping your cheeks, “I could train you, love. Sure they teached you something at the academy” Damm those words made your panties wet, you felt yourself burning up. “that's very nice of you..I would love to” you faked a smile, feeling guilty for lusting after your dad's best friend. “Did they teach you how to tie a man to a chair properly?” he suddenly asked, in response you nodded, flustered in the face at the thought. He smiled, leading you to a house. Sitting down on a chair, “didn't clean up, been a while somebody visited me.” “it's fine.. Really-” you almost squealed while saying that. “Come on love, tie me to the chair and try to make it so I can't escape” He told you, calm as ever still smiling sweetly at you.
You did as told. You tied him up pretty firm. “Now.. Let me tell you something, alright sweetheart?” you nodded. “you're a sweet thing, I love you dearly but I know that your father's gonna kill both you and me. But I think he's gonna torture me before that” he sighed, “and I know you've been lusting after me like a damm demon so I'm doing you a favor, you can ride me all ya want, but be a dear and use a condom... Don't plan to get my friend's daughter pregnant yet” he chuckled, letting you unzip his pants and pull down his boxers. You pulled a condom on his dick before undressing yourself, “it's okay love, you can do it in your own pace, no rush” he comforts you, tied up and forced to just watch but not able to guide your hips. You positioned yourself over his dick, slowly lowering yourself and taking in every inch. Slowly bouncing up and down, whimpering into his ear as you grip his shoulders for Support. Hearing him groan made you fasten your pace, his dick stretched you so good, he felt so good, you were practically making out with him and slamming yourself down on him. There was this sensation, you felt it in your stomach. Your Orgasm was close, making you moan up. “You're doing good... Very good, good” he groaned, throwing his head back, you came. Your cum dripped down to the floor, you felt guilty that he didn't finish. Looking at him sadly when he suddenly cut himself free. What an asshole, he could have freed himself all this time!? “it's okay, we can try again another time” he chuckled stroking your hips.
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judebilation · 1 year
none of my friends listen to me when i talk about malevolent, which is the true tragedy. anyways episode 31 was a thing that happened.
arthur why do you make noises when you wake up.
omg kellin throwback. why the FUCK IS HE HERE.
was the sister always called samantha
we love john in the background trying to wake arthur up
what did we expect from an episode called ‘the nightmare’
ooo are we going to see the butcher again ??? thatd be cool
arthur wdym did you kill your wife. do we get bella lore.
“i cant SEE anything”
oh dear. i could write a full essay on faroe and her role in the development of arthur’s character
graveyards are Not Fun when your wife, your best friend and your child are all dead and 2/3 you had a direct hand in.
mr scratch?? damn okay.
even in dreams, john disapproves of arthurs choices
are we going through all of the trauma this man has. if so, im surprised this episode isnt three times the length.
for antagonists this season we have the butcher, whatever the fuck marie has in her house, larson indirectly and now mr scratch. how fun
i know its still harlan, but harlan-as-john and harlan-as-kellin are so different
we love arthur and all of his self denying internal monologues
the entire episdoe is just arthur’s guilty conscience.
anna stanzyck again? ooooo
AHA FUCK. WE GET BELLA LORE BUT AT WHAT COST. shit. that makes faroes death even worse tbh.
will i relisten to this entire podcast to find more connections?? yes.
i fucking knew that baby would be important.
what do you mean you knew what he looked like. you are blind.
is this some weird form of catharsis?
fucking GOD. literally everyone in this guys life is dead. his parents?? fucking hell.
arthur lester do not make me cry on the 8:47 bus.
:((( dont make me feel sad about kellin again.
awwwh they care about each other <3333 they are friends!
if arthur and john get separated again i am going to riot.
there was a poll about this and why arthur and bella were married. ig this is canon
AHA. aromantic headcanon more confirmed by the day.
do we actually know james or did i just forget him
so this is why he feels guilty over bella’s death.
shit shit shit shit shit
god FUCKING damnit harlan why must you hurt us so.
parallels between arthur not knowing about faroe at first when she was born, and then not knowing where she was when she died. i may make a post on this.
okay i want to see how scratch ties into marie.
i hate larsons srupid fucking accent
do i have to make fanart of arthur and faroe at the park now. it feels obligatory.
those were the happiest days of your life and then she died and it was your fault and after that you wanted to kill yourself and oh my god im sobbing
yeah fuck you, scratch.
its so disconcerting that scratch sounds like john
the eldritch figure will in fact, stab you.
i think jts funny that the voices in arthurs head always narrate when arthur gets stabbed. like. i think he may realise that he has been stabbed.
aha this is Not Good. Not Good At All.
she is free?? who is she??? wha
shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit
this is very very bad.
yeah well. mans can never get a break. ever. what did we expect.
is this the song kellin was singing. maybe.
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originemesis · 3 months
@lucifertxt cont. from xxx
The fallen angel lowered his hand as he watched Adam get up and finally accept for one night. Good news, at least he got him into his castle for a day. He supposed he would let him go if he wanted to get away from him so badly. He did not blame him either, he could not help but feel guilty.
After a slight sigh, Lucifer waited for Adam to come in before he went through as well and closed the door. The gate was going to be a mess from the angelic blood, condoms, and any other foul liquid on the floor. Nothing new to the king of hell, who had been watching sinners rejoice in their own shit for so long.
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❝ One night it is! But are you sure you want to be only near the door? I think you should shower. But because you're a stubborn idiot, let me tell you where is everything. ❞ After making his cane disappear, he started pointing down the corridors. ❝ The first door leads to a living room. The second door is an art area, you can ignore it. Then you have the bathroom. There is a large bathtub, what it lacks is towels. But don't worry, I'll prepare some clean clothes and towels for you. ❞
After telling him that, he started walking. ❝ On the left side you have the kitchen in case you get hungry. And up the stairs are the bedrooms, another bathroom, an instrument room and my work area. I know you've said you're not interested in going into the place, but if you get curious, you can take a look. ❞ He looked at him for a moment and waved. ❝ You heard? Alright, I'll be right back then. ❞
Not much after, Lucifer disappeared. Maybe he went for those towels he said. He did not even let him deny anything of what he said, the man was being genuinely kind to him.
It's the sound of the door clicking shut behind him that gave him a broody pause, and after lowering his head, he'd peek around the pit of his arm for confirmation. Though he supposed being closed in to the devil's house was a tad worse than being shut out of the garden all that time ago, he noted that he was at the very least not on fire...yet. Such were the blessings he supposed he'd encounter here. His gaze eventually returned to the foyer's path ahead, but was met with the first fallen cutting paths across the way.
Annnnnd- he was already running his mouth. Fucking perfect.
If there was any indication Adam understood half of what he was on about through the haze of blood loss, it was indicated with a slow, somewhat irate of a blink. It was in such a delayed response that had Lucifer there one moment and poofed off to wherever in the hell he'd gone that Adam issued a wet cough. "-bro runs mouth like sluts to this dick slaughter." In other words: too fast.
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He really did just want to slump down where he was and continue his petty power nap, but he'd very likely just lay there in his filth and fury without Lute around to get him on some sort of a productive schedule. Not that there was anything to be productive about in literal hell. You were supposed to suffer in your filth and fury. And be on fire. With the latter still not true, he relented a sigh of sorts in line with how a goose might exhale before he slugged his way further down the first of the conjoining hallways.
An attempt to escape his tent of robes while the bath filled was doomed at the point he had to try and maneuver the impressive span of his remaining wing out of its holster. His flock usually helped him as it was a nightmare getting both wild and prone to flapping appendages free of his outer layer, but even one proved difficult alone. Particularly when he didn't really want to be doing anything and when he noticed the robe had come off one shoulder with little resistance. A gnawed off stub with few remaining frazzled feathers sat sadly exposed when he gave up the attempt at disrobing and sat huddled up against the side of the tub, squeezing his knees under puddled robe ends.
Eventually, via some hesitant rocking, he shifted forwards enough, head bowed, and left his head under the sizeable faucet while he stewed in place.
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