#Free refreshements
automatonknight · 1 year
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id: two digital drawings of a humanoid character and an old, beige desktop computer on a solid, black background. the humanoid creature has a sort of spiky ball of light for a head and its body is covered in wings-they’re on its ankles and arms, as well as two pairs on its back. floating around its head there are smaller, yellow and orange stars. the crature itself is white with light pink and blue accents.
on the first drawing, to the left, the winged creature is holding the computer in its lap, leaning its head close to its monitor, which is displaying a drawing of the sun. its wallpaper shows grassy fields and a blue sky. the computer tower is floating neraby and the computer’s mouse is swung over the creature’s shoulder. one of the wires forms a heart and the computer is shown singing four notes. the characters are slightly turned away from the viewer.
on the other drawing, the creature is upside down, laying on its back with its legs propped up on the monitor. one of its arms is under its head, holding the computer mouse and the other is touching the monitor. this time, the computer’s wallpaper is an abstract drawing showing dark blue waves. there are two windows open-one is playing a song and the other is displaying a photo of a daisy in a grassy field. the computer tower is once again nearby. here, the characters are facing the viewer. end id
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phantom-0-writer · 9 months
prompt 01: gotham academy's mentorship program
“Mr. Wayne, thank you so much for finding the time to meet with me.” Principal Carson, someone Bruce, became more and more familiar with as the years passed, welcomed him into his office. 
“I hope my children aren’t causing you too much trouble, Mr. Carson.” Bruce chuckled lightly, sitting in the guest seat. 
“After your generous donations to the school, I would find that difficult to believe.” Mr. Carson laughed conversationally, before getting right to business. “Actually, the reason I wanted to meet with you in person rather than over the phone despite, I’m sure, your busy schedule was to discuss Damian.” 
Damian had come to the Manor about a year and a half ago, and had been attending Gotham Academy for almost 9 months. Bruce had hoped that going to school with other kids his age would help Damian become more sociable and learn about larger society outside of the Bat, Birds, and League, but that was proving to be difficult considering the almost regular calls Alfred received from the school about Damian’s behavior or actions. 
Bruce couldn’t help the weary sigh that escaped him, “I assure you Principal Carson, we-” 
“I think you're misunderstanding, Mr. Wayne. Damian is not in any kind of trouble.” Mr. Carson reassured, “Well, for now that is.” He chuckled dryly. 
“Ah.” Bruce nodded, letting his airhead persona take the lead, while still showing that he was paying careful attention. 
“In the last few years, Gotham Academy started a mentorship program, where the younger kids usually between the grades of 5-8 can get mentored by their seniors. Damian is a brilliant child, concerningly so I believe. His peers often can’t keep up with him in terms of academics, but he lags far behind them in social skills. I think Damian would benefit from the mentorship program, where he can have someone who can truly keep up with him intellectually as well as guide him socially.” Mr. Carson explained. 
Bruce considered this, letting the idea turn over in his mind. Perhaps this is what Damian would need. “You sound like you have someone in mind.” 
“I believe the best candidate for the job would be Daniel Fenton.” Mr. Carson handed him the student profile. “He’s here on a Wayne Scholarship, which he’s held for the past year. Mr. Fenton is currently in the 11th grade, his chosen career path is astrophysics, which he plans to pursue into college. His grades are outstanding despite his difficult classes, and his professors all share the same sentiment that Mr. Fenton holds one of the greatest minds in the Academy. He shares many of the same classes with Tim as well. He has a friendly personality and gets along well with most people, pretty athletically inclined as well. All around Mr. Fenton is what Gotham Academy hopes our student to be.” 
Bruce looked over the profile in his hand. Daniel James Fenton seemed like an outstanding student. Perhaps it was time to put him to the test with Damian Wayne. 
When Danny had been called to the office, because apparently they had assigned him a mentee, he had been expecting the worst. All the scholarship students had to sign up for the mentorship program to be on standby if a mentee ever applied. All the other scholarship kids had said it was just a formality and that none of them ever got called for it. But classic Fenton Luck. 
When Danny walked into Principal Carson’s office he was prepared to be faces with some snot-nosed brat who wouldn’t know how to take no for an answer and didn’t care about classes because they would just inherit their parents big shot company was what he was expecting. 
So imagine his surprise when he walks into a room to a liminal kid, probably around 12, who looks like he wants to be there as much as Danny does. Danny takes one look at the kid who’s trying to project himself as angry and menacing, but Danny could easily read the kid's true emotions of nervous-scared-anxious thanks to their shared less-alive-than-one-would-expect status. 
“Daniel, welcome. This is Damian Wayne. He’ll be your new mentee from now on.” Mr. Carson smiled kindly, gesturing for Danny to sit down. The liminal kid - Damian - scowled at him, projecting irritation. But all Danny could feel off of him was nervousness.
Danny was screwed, wasn’t he?
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tizzymcwizzy · 1 year
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yet again, chat noir has gotten me out of art block, and become my default for when i don't know what character to draw,,,,, HE'S JUST STANDING THERE! BEING PRETTY!!! IDK MAN
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egophiliac · 1 year
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personally, what made me most gleeful about the update news is that the part 2 description implies that they forgot to invite Malleus to Lilia's farewell party. god yes rub that salt into the wound, Monday can't come soon enough
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squiddcakes · 3 months
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Going back to my roots ☁️
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butterfly Howdy... he must be the prettiest girl at the party.... also so so tired
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therepublicofletters · 8 months
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26.10.23 || Having a caffeine-induced archive high from the tiramisù I had at dinner, hoping it lasts me the next three years
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brattylikestoeat · 2 months
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beartitled · 2 months
Hi Bear!
I bring a weapon idea for you! (or your sona I'm not sure lmao)
I present to youuuuu
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The first one has HIVE-ish colour and the second one has colours that would go better with ur sona's colours (I think-)
I originally had idea that your sona could have a hammer but brain said nuh uh and went BATTLE AXE
I'm not very familiar with drawing weapons so it's very simplified skkskskksk
Feel free to add some details if you would like to :D
I can't get this out of my head so there's a chance I might doodle more ideas lmao
Now I shall dissappear and hyperfixate on weapons
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@braisedhoney @insomniphic @idunnowhattowriteheretbh
I’m so happy I was able to finish it and take my time to experiment with colours ✨✨
Big thanks to you CR2868✨
This was such a fun ask to answer, I hope you enjoyed the comic ❤️
Just letting you guys know
🐝Hive asks are always welcome🐝
I always enjoy doing fan content for the Hive, I love this cozy honey ship 🫵❤️
(They will take time to answer most of the time, but ya know 💥 art time comics lost of time 💥💥)
Reminding ppl that
Hive belongs to @braisedhoney
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If you’re new here and have no idea what Hive is
👉Check out @talesaboardthehive👈
Also in my navigation header you can find a bunch of silly comics I did for the Hive
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❗️smol reminder, my comics are not canon to the official Hive lore (only if Ney decides they are 🫡/ silly)
bumblebee puppy 🐝
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(I love him)
(he’s stinky, but I love him)
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
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watchingtheearthrise · 9 months
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softguarnere · 1 month
Dove got her degree!!!!!!!!
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ctntduotism · 4 months
If anyone is wondering if I'll keep any of my tntduo art up still I know I've said this before but taking this from my twt
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I think it'll still take time before I draw him again though
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jewishicequeen · 3 months
Jewish OCs save me...
Jewish OCs...
Save me Jewish OCs...
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milkbreadtoast · 5 months
im rereading the twsb novel from the beginning and its so so good... and every single minute detail of cedric's slowburn developing crush on prince jesse(yeseo) makes me feel like im lit on fire...... also its even better on 2nd read im catching more details and that i missed/forgot and AAAAAH
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also: 🫠🫠🫠🔥🔥🔥 (not posting excerpts but this is all from ch 15)
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siickwithsadness · 1 day
Me whenever this scene comes up
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