brf-rumortrackinganon · 8 months
One more thing I forgot to post re: Eugenie vs the Sussexes.
During the Platinum Jubilee when the Sussexes were doing the most to try to get pictures with the other royals or even to get them to Frogmore for LilD’s birthday, Eugenie would have been their natural and easy target ally.
Instead the Sussexes made a very public play for the Philips/ Tindalls. All the cousins were in the same room at Horse Guards, but the Sussexes were photographed variously with the junior Philips/ Tindalls and The Duke of Kent. The few Long lens pics into the room showed that no one was talking to Meghan or Harold except for one pic of Harold with Kent.
Then the Sussexes leave Horse Guards presumably to return to Frogmore, and miss the flypast. Eugenie posts lots of pics from the flypast which show that Zara, Beatrice are with her on a rooftop at SJP.
Later that afternoon/ early evening Zara, Mike, Beatrice, Edo, Jack and Eugenie are papped coming out of a London restaurant following group lunch, which Mike later revealed involved all the royal cousins+ spouses who weren’t on the balcony. Only the Sussexes don’t attend because they’d gone back to Frogmore. 
The next day the Sussexes put out PR about a birthday party for LilD which they claim was attended by the Philips/ Tindalls and their children, but the two families were very visibly at the races most of that day and the distance between locations to attend both events would have been impossible especially as the Philips/ Tindall families had booked London hotels for Jubilee weekend and centred all their activities in/ around London give or take afew miles outside it. 
I do remember these well. 
I don’t think Harry and Meghan not being in Eugenie’s Trooping video (remember how pissed everyone got at her because Wolfie’s face was visible, when Beatrice and Edo hadn’t been showing his face? ah, good times) is because of the falling out. I think it was just the logistics the Queen/Charles had put in place for handling the Sussexes. It was implied that Harry and Meghan were only invited to the official ceremonial events, and once something ended, they were herded back to their car and sent home to FrogCott to wait for tomorrow’s event. So what happened at the service of thanksgiving (where they left in a car that took them to FrogCott while everyone else bussed over to the guildhall for the reception) is what happened after Trooping: everyone else was carriaged/bussed back to Buckingham while the Sussexes were sent home and then all the cousins decided to go out for lunch.
Supposedly that’s why they left early  - they were upset by how closely they were being controlled by palace handlers regarding the events, but knew they couldn’t complain (publicly at least) because they needed the optics of being with Lili for her first birthday so they could use the public spotlight to pressure the BRF into giving them the Lilibet Meets Lilibet photo.
Also it has been alleged that Anne was livid the Sussexes got the photo ops they did with her grandchildren. I have also heard that Autumn and Zara were upset too, which is allegedly why they bailed on the birthday party after promising to go (I’m not sure I believe this one because Zara absolutely would’ve already had plans with her family for the weekend). I think what really happened with the birthday party is Harry invited them, they said “we’ll let you know,” which the Sussexes interpreted as “yes” and thus all the PR.
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Do you think Harry is aware of this current and on going strategy? and that divorce is on the table?
Yes, I think they’ve been effectively separated for a while.
I base that on the brf reactions. I suspect the family knew they were separated in January. I think the end of the FrogCott lease was a message to Harry that he wasn’t welcome post divorce. That was announced in March, but it apparently happened in January.
And Tom Sykes had a Daily Beast article where the royal staff essentially said Harry didn’t have a place in the family post divorce.
That was May 31st of this year.
If you look back, you realize she started to detach herself from his book last year. I’ll look for the articles and add them after posting. EDITED: it was actually January of this year.
And she started individual pr in March [EDITED: Actually, it was August. Oops] of last year with her disastrous The Cut interview. [Ditto on adding the articles later. I just don’t want to lose this post and Tumblr is eating my drafts. ]
So I think this has been in the works for a while. Of course, this is just my opinion and people can disagree. I guess we will all find out eventually.
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I don’t think Harry can even lawfully act as a CoS at the moment, as he lost his UK domicile when he lost FrogCott. Unless it hasn’t yet gone through the official channels and that is still listed as his address. In any case, there are always two people appointed, so it was almost definitely decided already which two that would be.
harry isn't here for the sake of it, he wanted to show his dad that people are more interested in him than the king. Except, that Harry like his wife do not pay attention to the newspapers, the strikes on Tuesday and the violence currently in France and therefore the cancellation highlights France and not his little person.
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houseofbrat · 2 years
Meghan left her diaries in FC, the diaries detailing her "torture" in UK at the hands of royals, media and general public, all the while Eugenie and her family were living there for multiple months???? I can't even think of leaving my journal openly in my own room, and she left it just like that when an entire third family was living there all alone?
She didn't really leaver her "journal" in FrogCott. That was her attempt at threatening the BRF with "details" in her "journal" for later publication during her interview for The Cut.
That threat didn't work though.
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
The 2 grifters insisted on their choices, own decorator etc in FrogCott, no one owes them for their lies about committing to live there. I do not believe they paid anything back to the taxpayer rather Charles did. I also believe as has been alleged Charles gave them millions for their claimed down payment for Casa Olive Garden. Also, word is they haven’t paid any rent on FrogCott for a year
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onheirpodcast · 2 years
RE Frogcott Royal musings blog says that it’s not part of the crown estate that it’s part of Windsor Castle and was part of the annex in 1841 and is owned by the monarch. What does this mean? Is this like Sandringham? Or is there now a third class of royal properties. (Also thoughts on the maybe pap walk??)
Thank you for leading us down a very interesting rabbit hole which we talk about early on in our most recent episode. You can hear your shout out here :)
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formerlyroyal · 5 years
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So I had asked of anyone knew if the path that runs behind their house is public or private, not the roads that goes on 3 sides of FrogShack but the path, above pic in yellow.
And what do you know, it’s public! Look at the pics below and the path in top one and the baby that someone took whole on their walk. 
They have NO privacy on 4 sides does 😂😂😂😂😂
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causeiwanttoandican · 5 years
Another hit. They have to be reeling from this.
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celticcrossanon · 2 years
With reference to the commute -what commute? Meghan isn't working anywhere to have a commute.
>>>there was an article earlier this week that said Meghan preferred to hold her meetings for Archewell and record her podcasts in the conference rooms of posh Beverly Hills hotels, rather than the Montecito mansion. The article also said that Meghan loves hiking in LA and will often drive down with the babies and dogs to hike on the old trails she grew up hiking on.
Harry also loves to drive her around and is always picking her up/dropping her off at these hotels for her meetings. He never stays because he misses the children so deeply and can’t bear to leave them with the nanny for more than 5 minutes. (Of course what the article doesn’t mention is that this “commute” between the mansion and the Beverly Hills hotels is about 2 hours ONE WAY with all the LA traffic. So you’re telling me that Harry gladly spends 8 hours in traffic chauffeuring his wife around? Someone’s definitely smoking something!
It’s a very obvious attempt by Meghan’s PR to set the stage for an eventual move from Montecito/Santa Barbara. My guess is that the Harkles have burned all their bridges in Montecito and now Meghan’s looking to bail out before she gets kicked out and trying to spin it in a way that makes her more favorable and innocent. We’ve already seen this formula before: this is exactly what happened when the Harkles bailed on London for Windsor and FrogCott and tried to spin the story in their favor before it leaked that William kicked them out of KP (and again with Tyler Perry).
Hi Nonny,
Thank you for that information and the analysis. I agree that this looks like a PR attempt to set the stage for a move. It also could be a PR attempt to deflect from any information in the Tom Bower book that reflects badly on Meghan (she drives all that way to work, she is so hard working and dedicated; she goes out in nature with the kids, she is such a hands on mum etc). Two birds with one stone and so on.
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sassyfrassboss · 2 years
What are the Sussexes claiming now that the Palace is biting back on?
I can't find anything. Is it the "Game of Homes" article on the Daily Mail threatening to kick the Sussexes out of FrogCott?
Sussexes aren't claiming anything. BP hit back at the claims Harry was the last to know. Said that all family members knew before the public was announced.
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
Don't forget, the "official" story of Archie's birth is that Meghan wanted a homebirth at FrogCott. Except she was a week overdue and her doctors wanted to induce so she reluctantly went to the Portland and had Archie there.
Just to add to the insanity.
(Reading between the lines, I think Meghan fully wanted a homebirth because it's the trendy thing in Hollywood and as soon as Archie was born, Harry would run out to the stables where that one random news crew was to make the announcement.)
I still can't with an interview in front of the stables 😒
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When M&H were dating, a big part of Meghan’s appeal was that she seemed like someone you might want to be friends with. She was a normal, pretty, American girl with an interesting career and a nice life. It was very Princess Diaries, a fairytale but relatable too. Fast forward to now and she’s become very unrelatable, but far too messy to be aspirational. I think an under discussed aspect of her psychology is that she saw herself as an ugly duckling and a nerd. Iirc she said that more than once on her podcast, and judging by the childhood photos, I don’t think she’s lying. She will always be desperate to project a cool girl image, which is why I think we see the weird pr about things like Barbie and TS.
That’s an insightful take. She didn’t seem to like it when the palace pr stressed the more relatable aspects of her bio, by sending her to a radio station or dressing her in Marks & Spencer for example. She liked the glamorous settings and expensive clothes.
Ditto during their documentary. I thought that segment where she traveled to her old neighborhood in a huge luxury bus was truly bizarre. It made her very unrelatable.
But I guess she didn’t want to just drive there or walk around. That’s not how she wants to be perceived because of the insecurities you describe. Ditto with the constant use of San Ysidro Ranch instead of her yard or living room, and the borrowed apartments in Manhattan. It just detaches her more from real life.
Weirdly enough, their old footage from NottCott and FrogCott was a lot more relatable than anything we’ve seen from Montecito.
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catalina503 · 2 years
Sussexes Worry Lili's Being Written Out of Royal History
1. Granny wouldn't take a (marketable) photo? Boo hoo!
2. You two have kept your hooks in FrogCott, have you not? You always have a place to stay.
3. Aren't you wealthy beyond most people's imaginings? You have the means, so go already.
3. There's a very large family over there that if you extended yourselves openly and honestly, would eventually extend that olive branch you keep banging on about.
4. You won't do any of it, just keep posting how ill done by you've been, to Scobie.
5. Just stop.
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skippyv20 · 4 years
I wonder if the Windsor Anon has any new info on the parking lot near FrogCott that was suddenly off-limits to employees? Are they still required to park far away from work site?
Oh yes....I wonder....😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Did you see H&M new house?! They need 11 years to pay 2 mill pounds of FrogCott but now they buy 14mill house!! While the UK is in the recession!!
I’m having so many Cristina and Iñaki buying the palacete in Pedralbes vibes, and you know what that means xDD
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formerlyroyal · 5 years
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look how close to the road and path! 
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