#Fuck Daniel Penny.
cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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“Protesters in New York City exhibit unwavering resolve to bring the metropolis to a standstill in response to the state-sanctioned execution of Jordan Neely. The vigilant citizens of Gotham City possess a profound comprehension that, despite the presence of a Black Mayor and Police Chief holding esteemed positions, it is the insidious and overpowering force of white supremacy that dictates the course of justice and whether it shall prevail.” -Rahiem Shabazz
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intrepid-fearos · 1 year
The Seven came out a while ago and has already been talked about, but I was so unprepared for the feral feminine energy of this campaign! It’s been so long since I was in a group of girls all excited and screaming over each other and riffing on each others jokes while being wildly inappropriate, and this campaign throws me back to it. It’s so chaotic and delightful and scattered. It feels like watching a loud runaway train that Brennan is trying and only sometimes succeeding to steer.
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I think the age-old question of how to get the bad kids and the seven into a season together without it being a production nightmare could be solved with a little compromise.
Instead of having all twelve of them in the dome at a time, the best thing to do would be to split both groups in half by keeping the seating arrangement continuity!
In group A you have the left side of The Seven table (Antiope, Katja, and Penny) and the right side of The Bad Kids table (Fabian, Kristen, and Riz).
And then, in group B, you have the left side of the Bad Kids table (Fig, Gorgug, and Adaine) and the right side of The Seven table (Danielle, Ostentatia, and Sam)!
Have it be a twenty-episode season like Neverafter so each group gets ten-ish episodes to complete their part of the quest with the first and last episodes being the ones with everyone in them, somehow.
In my mind, episode one would start with the bad kids and then they'd switch over to the seven, only for them to come together for the last half hour. And the same thing, only reverse for the finale. I think that could work while keeping production sane.
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
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The media,
tried to protect a murderer.
These two “leaders” in New York need to either step down or get voted out of office
NYC I love you but you could have Tish James as your governor and Maya Wiley as your mayor.
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voxmilia · 7 months
The Seven 🤝 Fantasy High Sophomore Year
Campaigns of teenagers featuring scenes of them on their way to the finale, having to confront their greatest fears and traumas and choosing time and time again to cast aside fear and pain in favor of love and friendship and warmth and self care and hope and kindness and
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callese · 1 year
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simptasia · 1 year
I really think its so funny how one-sided Desmond/Daniel is, like I'm so sorry but even if you take Penny out of the equation he's still not choosing Daniel. He'd be choosing Charlie! Like, I'm so sorry, but it's so funny to me how Sad Daniel must feel, loosing one of the sexiest men alive to fucking Charlie pace. Like loosing Desmond to Penny makes sense, Penny is so Great you couldn't even be mad BUT CHARLIE? You would be so angry, even if you really like his music. Also, the fact you take both Penny and Charlie out of it HE STILL WOULNDT CHOOSE DAN HDUEIDHWIUDHW Im so sorry dan but that is so funny to me
desmond's visit to daniel is one of the most important and defining moments of daniel's life
it genuinely comes across like daniel's existence does not enter desmond's mind at all until the plot makes it so
i love des/dan as a concept but in-universe it would be so fucking one sided, i remember realising this a few years ago
also bless you because this made me realise something that i can't believe never clicked for me before:
daniel faraday was born to be a middle and good lord, he'd love to be in the middle of that sandwich
there are five people total that dan has been attracted to and those are two of them [doing equations in my head] now, if charlotte and miles could be added to this,,, would dan cum instantly or last 12 hours? truely, these are complexities of LOST worth discussing
"the fact that if you take penny and charlie out of the equation, he still wouldn't choose dan" big oof. yeah in that world, he'd probably go with jack. or sayid. or claire. oh, daniel, my love, you're 7th place. 6th place is desmond's own hand, btw
i prefer my version where i fuck with the finale just a tad so daniel can be squished between his sexual awakening and only celeb crush
thank you very much for your time and for yet another combination of lost characters to make fuck in my head
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18catsreading · 7 months
Koda: I am better than horse. I will carry you.
Katja: wmWhat. Did. You. Fucking. Say?
Koda: I am Better than Horse.
Rekha: Katja squares up.
Aabria/Antiope: I immediately grab Katja like 'nope, nope!'
Katja: let me take him don't you hold me back!
Antiope: Bear back up, back up! You don't want me to let her go.
Koda: okay.
Becca/Penny: I hug the bear. Just don't say, we know it's true, don't say it again.
Katja: what?!
Koda: oh yeah, what, what, what?
Antiope: Girl you wanna get let go?
Katja: Am I gonna fight a bear?
Antiope: go fucking get him! Aabria/Antiope: I let go and push her forward. Kill this bear!
Izzy/Ostentatia: can I cast enhance ability and give her beat shit?
Antiope: smoke this bear, Katja!
Brennan: I'm gonna pull up bear --
Becca/Penny: no, not Koda, please, I'll give my life for Koda!
Sam: Koda, I believe in you. And I give Koda bardic inspiration.
Katja: what! Against me?!
*overlapping chatter*
Brennan: okay, so you have enhanced ability, I'm gonna need an athletics check with advantage from you.
Sephie/Sam: my first time bardic inspiration!
Brennan: what did you roll?
Rekha/Katja: I rolled an 18, which plus my athletics is a 27.
Aabria: let's go
Becca/Penny: come on Koda
Brennan: I'm gonna roll.
Sephie/Sam: remember that bardic inspiration!
Brennan: yes, bardic inspiration.
*overlapping chatter*
Rekha/Katja: Absolutely psychotic
Aabria/Antiope: I want Hunter's Sense on this bear. What is his weakness?
Rekha/Katja: fuck yes
Antiope: I'm whispering in your ear like, 'go for his nuts.'
Becca/Penny: I get an acrobatics check as I spin the bear on my feet?
Rekha/Katja: this is unreal you created, and then brought back this bear.
Penny: Koda is a circus trained bear and I have acrobatics.
Brennan: so I'm gonna roll. Here's, here's Koda's athletics check.
*math happens* Katja: 27, Koda: 24
Erika/Yelle: before this resolves --
Katja: and it will never resolve!
Erika/Yelle: everyone hears a voice in the back of their heads that says: 'Everybody knock it off and grow the fuck up.'
Rekha: gasps
Penny: yeah, Koda
Yelle: you too Koda
Sam: especially Koda
Brennan: Katja you've got --
Ostentatia: who just fucking cursed at me?
Brennan: so you all -- so Danielle just communicated telepathically. You gently release Koda from the arm bar that you have Koda in.
Rekha/Katja: yea it was an arm bar and I was about to grab him like *gestures with a clenched fist* like this is his shirt and put him up against the --
Izzy: shirt?
Rekha/Katja: yea, but this is fur, against the thing. And go like a 'why I oughta!'
Becca/Penny: no Koda wears a tiny T-shirt, that's right.
Rekha: *something I can't catch* really small.
Izzy: is it Paddington?
*overlapping chatter and laughing*
Brennan: a talking Kodiak Bear with an enormous rain jacket and hat. Less cute that size. Cool. So, so Katja you were clearly about to tie this bear in a knot.
Aabria/Antiope: kick this bear's ass.
Brennan: and Danielle grabs everyone's attention. Zelda looks at Yelle and goes [as Zelda]: cool. Yeah, we need to head to the Baronies. We should go.
Katja: yeah, yeah. Are you cool, Koda? Are you fucking cool?
Koda: if you are cool, I am cool. We have no problem. Maybe next time we go there's no sucker punches, and we sort of, you know?
Yelle: okay, you know what. This is what we call, in the industry, bear baiting. And you're not going to fall for it.
Izzy: what industry?
Aabria/Antiope: we're getting baited by a bear that's fucked.
Katja: I am not falling for this
Penny: the nature industry
Katja: I am strong, I am strong, and you are weak
*overlapping chatter*
Brennan: uh, amazing. So it kicks off a little bit again, and you guys head off from here. Katja and Koda, the tension is palpable.
Rekha/Katja: and we're sitting next to each other!
Penny: I hope on Koda's back
Izzy: they're gonna fuck!
Penny: I'm whispering to Koda what a good boy he is, and how he's better than a horse.
Katja: I'm whispering to cinnamon "you know there's nothing on earth that's better than a horse, you know that right?
Cinnamon: I didn't let that bear get to me. I didn't let that bear get to me.
Brennan: so you all move along
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syd-djarin · 4 months
private eyes - jack daniels x private investigator!f!reader (18+ MDNI)
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this is for @iamasaddie little lady kinky may challenge! congrats on 2.5k! <333 I was paired with Jack / Voyeurism.
banner by: @cafekitsune
tags: voyeurism (reader watches jack), masturbation (m & f), reader is a private investigator, gratuitous descriptions of my fav cowboy stroking his big cock, dub-con a little? reader masturbates in her car but there isn't anyone around so public but private
a/n: this is the first fic I've completed in months. it's short and to the point, idk how i feel about it but it pushed me out of my writing slump! kinda want to do a part 2 for this, what do y'all think 👀
wc: ~1.6k
smut below the cut
 “I want you to catch that son of a bitch in the act.”
The visibly scorned woman, Camilla, sitting across from you asks through tears, ones that she hasn’t allowed to escape down her cheeks; catching them right at the waterline with an overused tissue.
This isn’t the first time a disgruntled, mistreated, or betrayed lover has sought out your services — no shortage of shitty men leaving trails of destruction while they pillage and greedily chase their own interests. She’s no different, seeking closure from the broken-off engagement from her now ex-fiancée, Jack Daniels. The pair had been together for a year, engaged for three months and one day, out of the blue, Jack broke it off. According to her, he didn’t give a concrete reason, something vague about being consumed with his job and that “she deserved a better life than that”. 
Of course you get paid a pretty penny for your work, but you take great pleasure in catching a man in the act. Whether the woman needs proof for divorce settlements, custody battles, or to just have leverage. Whatever the case may be, you find a gratification you don’t get anywhere else; the upheaval of a man trying to have his cake and eat it too. 
The conventionally attractive woman you couldn’t pick out of a line-up slides her homemade dossier across the coffee shop table, tacky & sticky from previous patrons. You flip through the information presented to you, taking mental notes as you go. You can’t deny the heat that rises up your face as you study the picture of your next target. The deep sable eyes resembling a baby calf’s are staring at you through the glossy photo paper. He’s sporting a mustache reminiscent of Burt Reynolds that is calling your name. His smirk is laced with a charming cockiness. 
“He’s quite the looker, I know. Hell of a lay, too,” her words snap you out of your daydream. Her words feel hollow, his looks are the only attributes she’s mentioned during the duration of the consultation. You're not getting paid for moral judgements and you remind yourself you don’t know the whole story. 
“Which is why I want to know who he’s fucking. I know there’s another woman, or maybe even a guy… he’d answer calls in the middle of the night and step into another room and I swear I could hear a woman’s voice on the other end, he’d tell me he’s going on work trips… he works at a whiskey distillery, why the hell does he need to go on all these trips?” She explains, putting air quotes around ‘trips’ with her dainty, well-manicured hands, “he’d stay late at work a few nights a week, and then it turned into a nightly thing… Anyways, you come highly recommended, so I’m trusting you won’t let me down,” she adds. You’re not a fan of the passive aggressive, back-handed compliment she gives you, but ultimately you give her an understanding smile as you both rise from the table. 
“I’ll be in touch,” you tell her, as you exit. As cliche as that line is, you love saying it every time. 
Days of following Jack around have proven to be fruitless. The man has a simple routine: wakes up at six, traipses to the bathroom to begin his morning regimen of a showering, shaving and grooming his beloved mustache, and to conclude,  adorns his body in his tight denim jeans, a crisp button-down, a cowboy hat, and boots to match. You hate to admit it, and someone would have to waterboard this information out of you, but the hat is doing something for him. 
Or you. 
He shops weekly on Wednesdays (he always puts the cart back inside the store, not the cart returns in the parking lot), takes the same route home everyday, watches Jeopardy while he eats dinner – you caught on quickly that he cooks during Wheel of Fortune, it appears he isn’t a big fan of Pat and Vanna, dishes promptly following Final Jeopardy and bed by nine. In three weeks Jack hasn’t had a single visitor, of any gender, leaves work at five like everyone else, the man isn’t adding up to be a cheating womanizer like Camilla had set him out to be. Not to say that he isn’t, but you’re not finding any evidence to support that claim. You’ve actually found yourself developing a crush on the man. He’s undoubtedly handsome, seemingly laid back despite his strict routine, and there’s something mysterious that lies beneath that you’re itching to unearth.
You’re parked discreetly across the street from his house. It’s a nice quiet street, with only two lamps to illuminate the surrounding neighborhoods, allowing you to stay shrouded in the night. 
You’re about to call it a night, exhaustion settling deep into your bones, when you notice a lamp turned on in the living room. Fortunately, the window faces the street, making your job that much easier for you. You pick up your binoculars to peer in, adjusting the focus for your prying eyes. Thank the universe he left his blinds open. 
He sits on the couch with his back facing you. It looks like he’s reaching for the remote, like maybe he’s having trouble sleeping, but when he settles back into the couch, you notice he’s butt ass naked, in all his glory. Even through the binoculars, you can see how big his cock is. Your mouth salivates at the sight, wanting to feel the stretch of him in all your holes. 
You’re not supposed to see this. Not at all. Usually in your assignments, you don’t get the full X-rated view, just the PG-13 suggestive one, and you are more than grateful for that. 
But not now.
You’re getting your own private peep show from the man you’re getting paid to spy on. You’re feeling like a grade-A pervert right about now but the sight is too glorious to look away. He spits on his hand, and languidly begins stroking his cock. He runs his other hand through his hair, his toned arms flexing with his movements, his chest heaving. 
It shouldn’t turn you on like it does. For one, it’s highly unprofessional. Secondly, he’s unaware he’s got an audience. Morally speaking, it’s definitely not your shining moment. But it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen, watching him tease and work himself up. You couldn’t pry your eyes away if you wanted to. 
Jack’s not the only one getting worked up; your clit throbs so hard you feel like it’ll go numb. Your heartbeat echoes in your ears thump-thump thump-thump. You let out a whine when Jack massages his tip, precum dribbling out like a sweet nectar you’d like to feast on. He continues his slow movements, dragging out his pleasure at a delicious and excruciating pace. Somehow, this makes the whole scene that much hotter; the display of restraint and discipline. You wonder if he does that with his lovers. Teasing, teasing, teasing, giving just enough to drive you insane before slowing almost to a stop. 
Possessed by desire, you haphazardly look for any lingering people outside before unbuttoning your pants to shove your hand to where it's needed most. You gasp at the cool air hitting your thinly clothed pussy, you can smell your own arousal seeped into your panties and it spurs you on further. You mirror Jack’s pace - teasing your lips with a featherlight touch, inching closer and closer to your needy clit, stopping just shy of it, to tease yourself more. It’s agonizing in the best way, taking your time like this. Normally, you like efficiency when making yourself come, rarely going the extra mile to turn the pleasure dial up, but this makes you question why you’re ever in a hurry. 
You reach your clit, going in gentle circles to match Jack’s unhurried pace. You wish you could hear the sounds he’s making, all the grunts and whimpers escaping his plush lips. 
He speeds up his strokes, now ravenous for his delayed release and so are you. Overtaken by the need to come, you drop the binoculars, letting them fall to the floorboard. You’re not even watching him anymore, having seen more than enough to commit to your spank bank. With your eyes closed and head pushing into the headrest, your mind is flooded with images of Jack fucking you slow, hard and deep, absolutely destroying your pussy – legs over his shoulders, hitting the spot that makes you scream and cry in euphoria. The image of him spilling into you, filling you up with his come is what tips you over the edge, your body shivers in bliss and you rock against your hand to ride out the high, feeling faint from the intensity. 
After you’ve recovered and fumbled your chance of ever seeing The Pearly Gates, you dare to look back to his house, to find all the lights back off. It’s a bit of a relief, feeling less shameful of what you’ve done now that you can’t see him at the moment. 
You button your pants backup and lean over to retrieve the forgotten binoculars from the floorboard, as your fingers grab them you hear a knock on the window. The sudden rap on the glass makes you flinch, feeling your skeleton attempt to flee from your corporeal body. Your heart drops to your stomach when you see Jack standing outside your car, leaning one forearm against the body so his face is level with yours. Fuck fuck fuck. You’ve been caught. Dizziness and nausea war within you as you roll down the window. You open your mouth to explain the situation, but words never escape your mouth. 
“You like watchin’ people don’t ya?” he asks, his tone is dark, but not angry. No, it’s something else entirely. 
“‘S’alright. Caught onto ya pretty quick. A pretty face like yours ain’t hard to miss.”
“I– i’m sorry, um,” you scramble to find words, any words but Jack interjects again. 
“You like watchin’, but darlin’ I want to know, do ya like bein’ watched?”
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andcars · 26 days
★ 𝗖𝗛𝗘𝗠𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗥𝗬 𝗢𝗡 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗧𝗥𝗔𝗖𝗞𝗦 daniel ricciardo x f!reader
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SUMMARY . . . # during the summer break , you and daniel decide to make it official . what better way than for both you and him to feature on each other's tracks ? daniel plays as the drummer and you are invited to an f1 race.
TAGS . . . # female reader , reader is part of a band , established relationship , softlaunching , slight suggestive content , the band is based of pre-existing ocs FIC STYLE. . . # social media (instagram + tiktok)
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liked by @ ynyn_unofficial @ ollieq._x @ jacoblorde @ penn4pennies @ danielricciardo and 154 others
We're getting the band back together!!
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olli4.jpg eating this shit up
lijahl4ves63 been bored as an f1 fan at least i can get content elsewhere
under_hitt FUCK YEAH!! LET'S GO
ynsfavetoe YN about to drop another hit we love herr
ric3.kiki wait danny ric is a fan of the hit band ??
   dannyricxpodium @ ric3.kiki he's just like me
ollieq._x So... About the drummer 🤔
   ynyn_unofficial he's finee don't worry about him
   ollieq._x Uh huh...
   ols_thb why they speaking like that what happened to penn ??
   XOXloserclub didn't penny say she's taking a break?
   lightsoutt33 @ ynyn_unofficial WHO'S "HE", PENNY USES SHE/HER?!?!
ynyn_unofficial i'm ready to go again
   penn4pennies EWWW
   ynyn_unofficial I SAID NOTHING WRONG??
   penn4pennies That no one but us knows 🙄
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visacashapprb ✔ Hang on in there everyone 💙 #Daniel Ricciardo #VCARB
racer4hire WE LOVE YOU DANNY RIC!!
georgiepig give us some more daniel content is the real challenge
danielsshoe3 what's he refering to when he says challenging
   graveyardx_x maybe he finally took up riding a jetski like he claimed all those years ago
   LanaDRIV3 Yea he probably doesn't struggle doing that
ynyn_tikkitok danny ric ric
   cashedouthit YOU'RE AN F1 FAN TOO??
   ynyn_tikkitok ki ki ki
   visacashapprb Aye Aye Aye! 🤣🤣
   georgiepig i cannot tell if that's an intern or daniel himself @ themiddleway
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liked by @ ynyn_unofficial @ ollieq._x @ jacoblorde @ penn4pennies @ danielricciardo and 564 others
'LIGHTS OUT AND AWAY' is out now! Watch the MV and the Behind-The-Scenes on the official Youtube channel 😘😘
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   under_hitt WHAT!? I DIDN'T SEE HIM IN THE MV
   lijahl4ves63 @ XOXloserclub two of my favourite things collabing is crazy 😭
ynsfavetoe what the fuck is a formula 1
ric3.kiki maybe its the f1 brainrot but the amt of racing/formula 1 references in this album... crazy
   dannyricxpodium right like what the fuck is 'can't leave me baby i'm no rosberg to your hamilton' it's so ON THE NOSE
penn4pennies My recovery will be fast 👍can't let anyone take my seat
   ynyn_unofficial chill . no one is taking your sticks away
danielricciardo It was so fun filming with you guys 😁😊👊Hope to see you again 😉
   rodethewaves4hits WHAT DOES THAT MEAN..?
   penn4pennies Respectfully, sir. I hope you don't touch my drums again. Take Ols' guitar next time.
   ollieq._x You're just bitter that YN was nicest to him lmaoo
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YN LN was spotted in the Dutch '24 GP in front and inside the Visa CashApp RB Garage!
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ub4nforthis NO WAY.
   ub4nforthis wait okay not that unexpected daniel and yn are apparently friends
   lijahl4ves63 the friendship came out of nowhere but honestly go off <333
lightsoutt33 guys theyre so cute tgt 🥺🥺😭 i saw a clip of yn in the garage talking with daniel
   schecorat omg wait link?
   lightsoutt33 I'LL TAG YOU
   goattifi Kinda weird to say... Daniel's a pretty happy guy overall
ric3.kiki she's the only celebrity i accept on the paddock
   kickedatp5 she's barely a celebrity IN A WAY THAT SHE'S KINDA UNDERRATED
   theshoeyshoe i didn't actually know about the hit band earlier but their music... kinda fire
   under_hitt @ theshoeyshoe congratulations you are now part of the beaters
   theshoeyshoe What did you just call me..?
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liked by @ thehitbandofficial @ ollieq._x @ jacoblorde @ penn4pennies @ danielricciardo and 3,523 others
Wherever you end up in, I think you're going straight to my heart
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thehitbandofficial can't wait for another hit song from this duo <3
   ynyn_unofficial stfu jay . also , did u lose your main pw or something?
   thehitbandofficial ...no
   ynyn_unofficial i'll text it to u
   penn4pennies @ thehitbandofficial Is that why you never responded to the memes I've been sending you? Bad.
ollieq._x Crazy how I never asked to hear about this 🤔
   penn4pennies I think they would be cute if I was blind and deaf.
   ynyn_unofficial you guys remember the fifth member..? yeah , no one does anymore .
   danielricciardo I'm sure you can scare them more than that, baby!
   thehitbandofficial @ danielricciardo alr fuck off with that mate 😭
   ollieq._x @ thehitbandofficial Lmao
penn4pennies So... him back on the drums would be unprofessional, right?
   ynyn_unofficial ugh
danielricciardo If I could, I would post you on my instagram too! ♥😚
   ynyn_unofficial what's stopping you?
   danielricciardo PR would have me for the ungodly paragraphs I would say about you in the caption! 😢🙌 I would profess my love to you all over again and they'll hate it!
   ynyn_unofficial huh , that wasn't where i thought that was going.
   danielricciardo The rest are reserved for the bedroom 😉😊
   penn4pennies Okay, you're banned from ever stepping foot near the studio.
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you support me best on tumblr with reblogs and comments !    by andcar
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
newsone_official The still-unidentified white man who killed #JordanNeely by placing the homeless and hungry Black man in a deadly chokehold on a #NewYorkCity subway train for a reported 15 minutes on Monday is rightfully getting the brunt of attention for the brazen vigilante killing.
But to be sure, he was not alone. Far from it.
In fact, it’s safe to say that the reported 24-year-old #Marine veteran who took the law into his own hands by fatally attacking Neely was aided and abetted by at least two men, video footage from the #homicide scene in the D-line subway car confirms.
Other people are shown standing by and doing nothing, but the aforementioned two men actively assisted the prime suspect by helping to restrain Neely, likely making it easier for him to be killed.
Little has been said about them.
UPDATE [Swipe ↔️]:
Multiple social media accounts claim to have identified the man who killed a homeless Black man aboard a New York City subway train on Monday.
Reports began surfacing late Thursday night that a man named #DanielPenny from #LongIsland is the same person who employed a deadly chokehold on Jordan Neely on the F-line subway car in lower #Manhattan.
The reports were accompanied by a number of old photos and screenshots purportedly of the reported 24-year-old Marine and at least one apparent online bio.
Independent journalist #TaliaJane tweeted that “Daniel Penny, 24, a Queens resident from West Islip, NY, choked Jordan Neely, 30, on a northbound F train on Monday afternoon.”
Get MORE on this story right now at #NewsOne.com | 🔗 in bio
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rockyteriyaki · 2 months
s/o to @powerful-owl for starting this meme and @disarmd for the insanely funny contribution, it’s such a delightful thought exercise! here’s my attempt:
american sports have hella mascots, so every team is tasked to create a marketable mascot that could represent them for u.s fans. they also have to build a little model to pitch the concept. there’s the williams whale sharks. the aston martin martinis. lando and oscar devise a walking papaya named penny who looks so much like a vulva oscar backs out almost instantly.
GUESS THE GRID based on clothing choices: drivers assemble an outfit they’d wear and then everyone else tries to guess who picked what. the catch is that the f1a girls did the same challenge and their answers are mixed in as well. everybody thinks doriane’s mercedes-themed picks are george’s and maya gets confused for charles even though there’s no ferrari branding to be seen. chloe’s picked a haas cap with a black skirt and we watch nico hulkenberg go through every emotion known to man trying to figure out why kevin would—???
(meanwhile the academy grid is absolutely ripping everybody’s style choices to shreds, accusing hamda of being the most basic bitch on the planet bc max chose to wear basketball shorts, etc)
5 teams are in on it and the other 5 can’t know what’s going on, otherwise they lose points. charles pretends that he’s too tired to walk when pierre catches him searching the top of a cabinet on carlos’ shoulders. oscar distracts williams while lando tries to get a picture of logan with red, white and blue objects in the background. yuki gets stranded on top of the rbr motorhome because daniel won’t stop using him for reconnaissance and the whole thing gets called off because max sees them squabbling on the roof and thinks the rapture has arrived.
ib george’s natural talent for graphic design. the audience gets to see what a communications team actually does in motorsport (educational!) and george and alex get free reign of the entire library of press photos of eachother. george is hunting for a terrible picture of alex to edit onto a podium but ends up having a very verbal crisis about how none of the pap shots are appropriately bad and then spends the next half an hour digging himself into theeee deepest hole talking about how it’s just not as FUNNY if alex looks TOO GOOD on the podium! it would be UNFAIR! alex is squirming and trying to remember where tf he was planning on going with this zoomed-in great-gatsby-esque picture of george’s eyelids on his screen right now. george silently edits alex’s teeth out of his mouth and tries to erase the fact that he just called alex handsome like 47 times.
im talking full immersion. sherbet land is ice fucking cold. every time they drive over some kind of giant clock or railroad or something the sim porpoises like a jackhammer. someone is standing behind them with a full tank of water for the splash sections. there’s a legitimate epilepsy warning at the start of the video. bowser puts the fear of god into lando norris.
i’m hesitant to allow them access to a bowl of water but i have an extremely clear vision of daniel slapping tats all over the blank spaces on his skin to the point where they overlap and he’s just got shiny plasticky tattoo skin everywhere. max would find this unappealing and also stupid until he realizes all the fake tattoos on his side of the table are replicas of daniel’s actual ones. cut to: daniel with a snake tattoo stuck in his eyebrow hairs hiking his shorts up so max can mirror the placement on his own inner thigh. daniel resembling a concussed post malone, watching max’s careful application of the ‘3’ tattoo. max does a horrible aussie accent and daniel looks like a chimpanzee seeing its own reflection for the first time. cinema.
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ortofosforico · 17 days
If different vampire worlds were connected and we didn't know just because they don't like eachother part 2.
Part one
Part 3, Nadja.
The Vampire Viago Von Dorna Schmarten Scheden Heimburg.
Your maker? Ya, I met the Vampire Armand in 1845. I was a young 200 something vampire full of hope and juvenile disillusionment, and I wanted to be a star. I auditioned at the Theatre des Vampires as a musician and he, Armand, said to me and I quote "I didn't know there was a way to put a face to mediocre music, Viago. Thank you for the inspiring glimpse of what my troupe would sound like if they were performing for pennies and fighting the rats living under the bridges of the Seine for a place to sleep."
It was quite embarrassing to go back to my coven in Germany after I'd told them to get fucked. He's been trying to get a spot in the vampiric council as ambassador for Dubai for the last ten years or so... guess I should consider it, bury the hatchet like the responsible 389 year old vampire I am.
Not in Dubai anymore you say? Oh... Oh that is quite the news. No Daniel this is my normal smile, nothing devious whatsoever about it. Now excuse me, I have to make a call. No not through the ether, through the Skype.
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
Tumblr media
MAGA - Jordan Neely had it coming.
Also MAGA- Ashli Babbitt is a martyr.
Racists will continuously move the goalpost.
Because they just want a reason to be racist.
They will never be satisfied.
They will praise the evil that yts do and would rather eat glass than condemn the hateful actions their fellow children of the chalk do
Because if they truly hated Black people they would leave us the fcuk alone.
We don't fcuk with them. They bother us!
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lost-in-fandoms · 13 days
how do we feel about maxiel in 10 things I hate about you?
10 things I hate about you is one of my top comfort movies ever so this is very fun to think about!
Max would obviously be the nerd who's too blunt and has too many opinions, who gets sent to the counselor (...FIA) regularly and who is considered too aggressive and prickly to be approachable.
Daniel doesn't really care about school, he's there to do his thing, maybe hang out with a few buddies, get high behind the bleachers, scare a few freshmen for the fun of it.
And maybe instead of a siblings situation we have his reluctant best friend Charles as Bianca? The popular and very pretty one, who gets to roll his eyes a lot about Max's behavior and who just wants to do his thing, but his parents and Max's parents are close and they don't let him do anything without dragging Max around otherwise "poor Max will be sad" as if they were still five?
Carlos just wants to date Charles but man, that's hard to do when Max is always around, judging your every move, so since Charles doesn't go anywhere without Max and Max is a really annoying third wheel who refuses to walk behind you on the sidewalk without commenting on every thing you say (very loudly), he obviously needs to find someone to date Max too.
Daniel has a bit of a dirtbag reputation, but he accepts (for quite a pretty penny...not that Carlos can't afford it), and asks Max out.
I'm thinking he takes Max go karting at some point, because Max must be at least a little bit interested in racing in every universe, and Max rolls his eyes while fixing Daniel's helmet, but then blushes when Daniel pulls him close by the waist.
And Daniel really is a goofy sweetheart underneath it all, so he 100% does the singing scene and Max 100% breaks him out of detention by showing boobs with some clever trick.
But I don't feel like making Carlos as much of a bad guy, so maybe he really did just want to date Charles in peace, even if Max does tell Charles that they had fucked back in the (toro rosso) days and maybe Carlos had been a bit of a dick about it, but has now changed.
And then he finds out that Daniel had been paid to hang out with him and he gets rightfully angry, but they have both fallen for each other, so he is heartbroken about it, but Daniel wins him back by properly apologizing and...idk buying him a new playstation or something.
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littlebitofdnd · 7 months
am i the only one watching fhjy wondering what the seven are up to?? bc like im SURE those girls have opinions on the rat grinders.
I started thinking about this cause Brennan keeps reminding me that Antiope's sister is the fighter teacher any time she talks to Fabian and I miss Antiope every day and now I can't stop thinking about my girls.
how is Penny doing and does she have tips on how riz can find the rogue teacher? does she have a long, one-sided hatred of Kipperlily because their vibes are very similar except Kipperlily is bitchy instead of high strung.
Ostentatia is probably cheering that the year might get changed to pass/fail so I'm not worried about her.
Were Danielle and Sam at Frosty Fair? I hope they were because that's fucking hilarious.
No way Danielle was cool with Grix being around AT ALL.
Sam thinks all the rat grinders are tacky and beneath her notice (especially now that she's graduated like??)
Danielle and Lucy knew each other. To Me.
also they may want Gorgug dead atm bc of Zelda but yk.
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