#lost heacanons
simptasia · 11 months
What are some of your favourite lost theories? Like you said once, Jack could be the smoke monster, and I went and looked it up, and you did convert me holy shit makes sense so I'd love to hear what other theories you believe/really like
oooh, fun! thank you!
let's see here... here are some theories i've fond of
you already mentioned it but jack turning into a smoke creature post-finale. because like, yeah, his death is very fucking similar to what happened to turn smokey into... smokey
david shephard being david austen-littleton when he was alive. the theory that when kate and jack banged before coming back to the island, they conceived a baby. they had a son which kate and claire then raise. along with aaron (making aaron and david brother-cousins!). the limbo world just repurposed david's parentage for the sake of symbolism and stuff, since jack and juliet were a couple in that world. okay so, in limboverse, i believe jack and juliet were made a couple, who then divorced, because in real life they were divorcees but it was like, bad soul crushing divorces. in limbo world, the universe saw fit to be like "what if divorced but amicably? as a treat?" so yeah. and david was given to them to fit that narrative. that and it came across like juliet longed to be a mother in real life but it never happened. so yeah, the universe did some shuffling of david for emotional reasons. but in real life, kate was his bio mom. what helps this is that david is a mini-jack so either one of them could be mama kjhfsjhk. also also! the amount of time between jack and kate banging and the finale? two weeks. thats not enough time to even notice a missed period yet let alone know you're pregnant. so she's in for a surprise when she gets home. i love this because it's like beautiful and angsty. oh, as a side note, evie lilly was actually pregnant in season 6 so her noticeable bloating/pudging up is only helping me!
on this note, the theory that juliet was pregnant when she died. i know it's fucked up but it makes sense. i'm basing this on that one scene where bernard offers her tea with a knowing look on his face and juliet has her hand on her stomach. listen, in media language, a woman resting her hand on her tummy = pregnant
daniel was the one who programmed the looking glass code to be good vibrations. they said a musician did it and he was in dharma. it's not that deep, it's a natural leap to make
i've very fond of the idea that richard is daniel's real biological dad. i have done an essay on this, heres a link. this could never be the case in-universe or at least i wouldn't want it to be because jeremy davies is hella white. buuut in the version of lost in my head? i hold fast to it like it's a fact
it's so hard to reconcile the way eloise is in "flashes before your eyes" and the rest of the show, like they may as well be different characters. so to mildly patch this up, i imagine eloise is one of the people in lost who has powers and hers is to do with... time. or something. i dunno. and maybe the reason the others got her in the first place is because she was a Special Kid, like with walt
that's all i can think of right now
oh and theres all the people i consider bi, trans and/or autistic but that's less a theory thing than like, headcanons
thank you for your time
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slugass · 6 months
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it is "my headcanons about the sentient bottle of ink" time because the disabled vibes inky gives off are RADIANT
he's got social anxiety and autism
he has sensory processing disorder
he has ptsd
he has dysgraphia
his friends let him heal from trauma and be autistic all he wants bc they love him and he needs a break from all the bullying and ableism he gets
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strykingshot · 11 months
I love the idea that Kat in her half eikon form is just covered in scales, has little fins on the side of her head and has a long tail that she smacks people around with. I know Leviathan is a sea serpent but paired with being a dragoon I accidentally gave her Nidhogg possessed Estinien vibes XD
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
And they were Roommates (part 5)
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A/N: MY OH MY. This tag list has grown so much it makes me so happy! Thanks to the anonymous ask, i indulged myself and added a little self care on reader being sick. It honestly comforted me.
Again you are all entirely welcome to send some heacanons, tropes or ideas to add to this.
and yes. You'll have the slowest burn ever.
Warnings: some 18+ inuendos, swearing.
You were exhausted. It had been an awfully long week. To your demise, sickness had entered your ranks. Sergeant McTavish was first. Whaling like a wounded soldier every time he felt a cough erupting. The drama queen had soon infected the others. 
"We should have taken him out when I said to." 
You had rolled your eyes at Ghost's remark. 
Colonel Vargas was second. It had been slightly less complicated. He seemed to handle the flu much better. Gaz, he, had sung the song of his people with Soap, acting as if they've been shot. Though as per Price's comment, they complained far less when they had actually been shot. 
Of course they had all nested in the apartment, Ghost highly irritated, asking them to go die somewhere else where they wouldn't bother him. 
Being a medic had never been your dream. Yet you had to improvise yourself as a nurse for the week, giving medication and hot beverages to the wounded soldiers, or as you affectionately called them, pussies. 
Price had followed, he had acted as if nothing was wrong, the obvious raspiness of his voice betraying him. He had kindly refused your offer to take care of him, but gave in at the warm soup for dinner. Your best patient so far.
Now to your worst patient. Ghost. He had entirely avoided any care package thrown his way, resulting in a lot of bickering to the amusement of the rest of the healing squad. 
"Take your fucking meds." You said annoyed.
"Fucking make me." He dared. 
You threw him your most annoyed glance. 
"I will punch you." You threatened. 
"Sure thing gremlin, reach my face first." He answered in the same tone. 
You had kindly thrown every pillow in the living room at him, taking the one underneath soap's head, earning a 'hey!' from the agonizing man. 
He had still accepted warm beverages, and after a very long fight and a threat to get drunk again, he had taken his meds. 
It was finally over. Everyone was on the path of healing. Your duty was done. 
Unfortunately for you, on this fine Sunday morning, you woke up with a raging headache and a sore throat. 
You had been infected by the zombies. The game was over. You sighed. You had hoped very very strongly that you might escape the plague but the fight had been lost. You groaned as you sat up in bed. The warmth radiating from your body couldn't betray the obvious. You had a fever. You closed your eyes, cursing every baby man in the apartment because, OF COURSE, they were still camping around. Price was the only one who went back home for the night and came back in the morning to babysit his men. 
You tried to stand, grabbing the black hoodie laying on your desk chair. You'd be fucking damned if you gave him back his hoodie. And he'd have to deal with you stealing the others too. Throwing it on, you tried to walk out of your room, the men complaining in the living room were being way too noisy for your pounding head. Finally appearing in the doorway the men turned to you. 
"Oh god… you got sick." Price said. 
The look of annoyance on your face couldn't betray it. You walked to the counter where Ghost was eyeing you carefully. You stared into his eyes. 
"Johnny, make some tea." Ghost ordered, not dropping his gaze.
"Copy." Soap said jumping from the couch and jogging to the kitchen. 
"Gaz go get some meds" he ordered again. "Copy" Gaz spoke out loud, walking to the front door. You felt your cheeks color. 
"I'll go buy some snacks." Alejandro said, walking behind Gaz. 
"You should get her to bed." Price said, walking next to soap probably to stop him from burning the kitchen down. 
Ghost stood, extending his hand. You sighed before grabbing it, letting him walk you back to your room. 
"Get in bed." He ordered. 
"Like that? Not even a date first?" You teased dropping to your knees on the mattress. 
"Stop taking your fantasies for reality." He snickered. 
You let yourself slip under the covers again. He turned on the TV in your room, putting Netflix on. 
"Ghost…" you asked, unsure of what you're going to say next. 
He turned to you. 
"Can… you stay…?" You asked. 
"Can you give me back my hoodie?" 
"No "
"Fuckin hell…" 
So here you were. Cup of warm tea in hand, various snacks dropped around the bed, chocolate, candy, chips, sliced fruit and other things. Ghost laid next to you, slightly sitting against the headboard. Community was playing on the wide screen. It was peaceful. You, laying in bed, with your scary dog of a roommate next to you on the bed, his teammates half laying at the feet of the bed and around the room. 
You sighed of content. Price had to run off to get some things done, but he promised to drop by in the evening again. Your eyelids felt heavy, the sickness getting you tired. A large hand came to slowly grab the half empty mug from your hands, putting it down on your night stand. You tried keeping track of the show on TV or the boys commenting or snickering at the jokes, but your eyes were fighting against your will. 
It felt comfy. Warm. The man next to you seemed to radiate so much warmth. Your head had slightly fallen to the side, resting on his shoulder. You convinced yourself you'd close your eyes just for a minute. Just… a little… minute… 
It felt… good… comfy… against his chest… his arm… around you… maybe… you could… sleep… for a bit…
"Sleep little bunny… we're here." He whispered, finally letting you completely give in to your exhaustion. 
You groaned at the sound of someone repeatedly knocking and ringing at the front door. You peeked at the clock on your phone. 6:20 am. Who ? What? 
It couldn't be Ghost. He did go for his morning runs, but… maybe he had forgotten his keys? 
You got up, finally giving in. The knocking was non stop. 
"I'm coming! God! Just a minute!"  You yelled. 
The pijamas you were wearing didn't help the cold hair from making you shiver as you walked to the front door. 
You opened it, trying to focus your brain on what was happening. 
"Oh darling! I'm soooo sorry to wake you up but I really need you!" 
You stared at the woman in front of you. Sergeant Melisa Gallegos stood there. You had met her in one of the previous missions, you had gotten friendly with her. She was kind and sweet. You sometimes get coffee and gossip with her. That's how you had gotten to know each other. You had learned that she was a single mother of a 3 years old little girl named Amy. 
Which was sitting in her mother's arms, eyes fighting to stay open at the obvious early rise she had to go through. 
"I need you to babysit."
"I am SO sorry to ask you this. I have a big emergency at the base, and her babysitter is on vacation… " she explained. 
"But… I… I haven't taken care of a kid in a long time!" You debated. 
"You know Amy! She loves you, you did this before." She tried smiling at you. 
You stood before her, looking at her shift from one foot to another, and at Amy just begging to fall asleep. 
You sighed. 
"Oh thank you thank you thank you!!" She said, handing the little girl into your arms. 
"Wait!- I-" you tried. 
Unfortunately she had already dropped the two little bags in front of the door and ran off. 
You looked at the little girl in your arms, not bothered by the change of person. She did know you after all, you had already babysat for her a few times. 
"Alright little monkey. Let's go back to bed. It's way too early." You said, pushing the bags inside with your feet and closing the front door. 
When Amy had woken up again, it was around 9 am. You were fine by it as it was the normal time you'd wake up. You two had played a bit on the bed, tickling her, and creating stories with the little plushie she dragged around everywhere with her. 
After a good laugh you had decided to get up, peeking at your phone. One notification.
"I'm bringing breakfast, just got to pass at the base first. Be there at 10." 
Alright. Gave you time to get dressed with Amy and make her a hot chocolate, with the usual tea for you and him. You had walked into the living room, dropping her on the couch softly turning on some cartoons, leaving you to start on the beverages. You heard the front door unlock, Ghost walking in with the usual breakfast. 
"I got-" 
He glanced at the couch. Freezing on the spot. The staring match in between the toddler and the man in a skull balaclava was almost comical if you weren't so anxious of Amy's reaction at the masked man. You hadn't thought that she might be scared of Ghost. 
"Awe you a supew hewo?" She asked, eyes shining with happiness. 
Your heart melted on the spot. You smiled at Ghost who suddenly turned to you. 
"How the fuck did a kid spawn here?" He asked, confusion clearly visible in his eyes. 
You gasped ready to reprimand him from cursing in front of the child. 
You both turned to the toddler who had a wide smile on her face. 
"No. No. Nonononoo… Amy sweety no.." you freaked out a bit. God Melisa was going to kill you. 
You walked to the toddler kneeling in front of her. 
"Darling, that's a bad word… only grown ups can use it… alright?" You tried to explain. Throwing a dark look at the man still standing at the doorstep. 
"Ok!" She happily conceded. 
You smiled. 
"Perfect! Do you want to meet the big man?" You asked. She frantically nodded. You picked her up, walking around the couch to stand in front of Ghost who looked almost terrified. 
"Amy, this is Lieutenant Riley. You can call him Ghost. He's my roommate… hum, my friend!" You explained. 
You turned to ghost who's eyes shifted from the child to you. 
"Ghost. This is Amy. She's my friend's kid, and I had to babysit at the last minute. She'll be spending the day with me." 
He nodded. 
"Why you wwear a mask?" She asked. 
He frowned for a second. 
"Hmm… it's for my job." He answered. 
"Can I touwch it?" She asked, extending her little hand. 
Ghost stared at it for a few seconds before looking back at you. 
"Hum, sweety, maybe-" you started trying to defuse the situation. 
To your shock he stopped closer, lowering his face, letting the little girl touch his mask. His eyes were on you, and yours were glued to his.
What was that funny feeling spreading through you? The burning sensation coursing through you? God.. 
The little girl giggled. Before letting her hand drop. 
She then turned to you. 
"Can I watch SpongewBob?" She asked. 
You cleared your throat. Looking away embarrassed. 
"Of course darling. We'll prepare breakfast." 
You turned away, walking back to the couch and sitting her down, leaving her to watch 'SpongewBob' on tv. 
You walked to the kitchen Ghost closely following you. 
"I'm sorry. I wasn't expecting -" you began in a low voice.
"It's… ok. It was surprising." He whispered back.. 
God, why was he so close to you? Why were you so HOT?! 
"I'm not used to kids." He admitted. 
"It's alright. I'm the babysitter. You don't have to stay." You smiled. 
"Didn't we have to go grocery shopping?" He reminded you. 
You closed your eyes at the sudden realization.
"Oh… fu-.. I mean… yeah… I forgot." You said. 
"We can take her. It'll be ok, right?" He asked. 
"Why wouldn't it be?" You questioned back. 
"I don't know. It's not too cold for her?" He asked. 
God can he stop being so FUCKIN cute?! You bit your lip, keeping the wide smile from being too visible and failing miserably. 
"She'll be fine." 
Breakfast had been, calm. You were thankful that Amy was one of the calmest kid's you knew. She was well behaved, calm, and sweet. She was, unfortunately for Ghost, extremely curious. And again, to his dismay, she had taken a liking to him. She had been fascinated at the way he raised his mask to his nose to eat. 
His lips were one of the things you were used to. 
On another hand, Ghost had seemed very thoughtful during the morning. 
He had eclipsed himself for half an hour while you battled with the toddler to get both of you ready to go grocery shopping. She kept questioning everything, sometimes wondering about things that never ever crossed your mind. You found it funny. It was incredibly adorable. 
Zipping her little coat, making sure she had her scarf, you received a text from Ghost. 
"I'm here." 
You walked out of the door, the little girl holding your hand as you were walking down. You made sure to walk down the stairs at her pace, eyes never leaving her, too scared she might fall even though her tiny hand was secured in yours.
You pushed the building's door to the underground parking lot where you immediately saw Ghost, arms crossed over his chest, all dressed in black leaning against his black jeep. Amy squealed as she saw him. Jumping. 
You smiled. You walked to him. 
"Where did you go?" You asked. 
"We were missing something." He said.
"Really? What?" You inquired, confused. 
He moved, opening the back door. You blinked. A FUCKING CAR SEAT. You closed your eyes, sighing. 
"Thank you… it had completely escaped my mind…" you apologized. 
Amy had let go of your hand, skipping her way to Ghost, hands up in the air for him to pick her up and sit her in the back. 
Ghost froze. You were quick to make a move but you stopped as he slowly bent forward. You stood there in shock, watching him pick up the child. She was so small in his arms.
Fuck… was this awakening something in you? 
He sat her very softly in the car seat, being extremely careful to make sure she wouldn't hit her head. He moved as if Amy was a little porcelain doll. You saw him fidget to buckle her up, again surprising you. The little 'click' was heard, and he pulled a little on the belts, making sure it was safe. Amy was holding her little plushie babbling about whatever new thing she had learned this morning to the soft thing.
Ghost looked back at you, leaning on his arm  against the car. As if taking your opinion on his handy work. You bit your lip. And his eyes fell on the movement, forearms flexing. 
"Thanks…" you whispered. 
"You're welcome." He answered voice deeper than usual. You finally moved, opening the passenger door, he closed the back door making sure Amy didn't have her leg or arm in the way. You sat in the front, Ghost closing your door behind you. 
You took a deep breath. Amy seemed to be enjoying herself, not at all weary of her new environment. Ghost took place in the driver's seat, buckling his seatbelt as well. You watched his movements as turned on the vehicle.
"Ghost…" you called. 
He looked at you. 
"Did you… buy a car seat?" You asked. 
"Yes." Was all he said, attention turning back to his task. 
You pushed the Shopping cart where Amy had taken place. Ghost followed you as you tried to remember what you needed. The grocery store on the base was a good thing. It avoided having civilians staring at Ghost. At least here, everyone knew who he was. The fact he was with a woman and a child though, that, caused many to stare. 
The fact that Amy was a little blond, curly haired girl, that was incredibly close in color to Ghost's eyelashes also made everyone stare. 
You tried to focus on the task at hand, Amy and Ghost not caring at all about the rest of the people in the store. 
She kept pointing at things, asking Ghost to explain what It was. It made you smile. The way he was willingly letting himself be questioned by the little girl. 
"Oh, i forgot…" you mentally cursed yourself. 
Ghost looked at you. 
"Can.. you stay with her for a few minutes? I'm sorry… I forgot to grab something." You asked with a sorry look..he nodded. 
You smiled at him before turning around and walking out of the aisle, hurrying up.  As you scanned the new aisle your phone rang. Rummaging through your pocket you grabbed it. It was Amy's mother. 
" Hey! How's everything going?" She asked. 
"Everything's fine. Your daughter met Liteutenant Ghost Riley." You teased. 
"...what?" She asked. 
"Yeah, he's my roommate." You spoke, still searching for the damn thing. 
"... And… is everything going ok?" She asked with a little worry in her voice. 
"Everything is fine…" you sighed " she likes him more than me, and he acts as if she's made of glass." You said. 
"Oh! Thank god! I was worried she might be a bit much for him." She chuckled. 
"Well he's not used to it, but he's extremely patient with her." You reassured. 
"Alright, I might pick her up late… I'm really sorry…"
"It's ok. You owe me though." You teased. 
"Ok, fair." She laughed. 
You bid your goodbyes, her having to rush back to work, and you worrying about leaving Ghost and Amy alone too long. 
You walked back to the aisle you had left him, finding them nowhere. You frowned. You walked around the aisle, suddenly feeling the anxiety coursing through you. What happened? Why aren't they here? You stopped as you turned left into the biscuits section. 
You let out a sigh of relief.
"Ghost!" You walked to him. He turned to you not bothered at all by the situation. 
"I've been looking for-" 
You interrupted yourself as you looked at Amy. 
"Ghost. Why does she have a doll?" You asked.
"She asked for it." He replied. 
You looked at the cart. 
"She also asked for the plush, the Legos and the ponies?" You glared at him.
"Yes." He replied again, as if the situation was completely fine. 
"Ghost. You can't buy her that." 
"Yes I can." 
"No! You can't give her everything she asks for!" 
"Yes I can. She asked nicely. She said please." He explained turning back to lean on the cart. 
"That's not an excuse!" You scolded. 
"It's my money." He concluded. 
Amy smiled widely, hugging the box the doll was in. 
You stood there mouth slightly open, shocked from the situation. 
She had him wrapped around her finger! You rolled your eyes. This was a fight you wouldn't win. You headed for the cashier's, ready to ring up everything. Amy was thrilled with her new toys. Walking back to the car, you dropped the groceries in the trunk, Amy already had her doll out of the box as she had 'asked nicely', and ghost had ripped the box apart to give it to her.  
He had let you buckle her up this time. You headed back home. Stopping at MacDonalds on the way home because, once again, 'she had asked nicely'. 
"Stop spoiling her Ghost!" 
Ghost parked in the parking lot. You both got out of the car. You opened the back door, looking at the little girl. She had fallen asleep on the way home. She hadn't liked waking up early, and it was almost time for her nap. You stood there for a little while watching her sleep. She was so cute. You didn't want to wake her up. 
The breath on your neck made your hair stand, as he whispered in your ear.
"Do you want me to pick her up…" 
You held your breath. He was in your back, cornering you, arms on each side, leaning down. 
You slowly looked to your left, planting your eyes into his. Time froze. You were so close. You could feel his breath though his balaclava on your lips. He frowned. Eyes shifting to said lips. 
"You're always biting your lip…" he noted in a low voice. 
Were you? You didn't even realize you were doing it now. 
"Does it bother you?" You hushed back. 
"It makes them… red." He stated awkwardly. 
"Does it?" You asked. Of course it did. You could see his brows furrowing.
"Makes me…want-" he started, almost growling. 
You were hanging on to his every word. Heat pouling dangerously deep in your stomach. 
"Why does it make whem red?" The little voice made you both separate instantly. Ghost taking a step back.  
You cleared your throat, looking at Amy. 
"Hum… well… hum… it's… complicated. I'll explain another time, ok?" You tried, clearly blushing. 
"Ok!" She smiled. 
God. Keeping children was hard.
The day had gone by pretty fast. You ate lunch, Amy napped leaving you and Ghost time to work a bit. You two were acting as if nothing happened.  On your part at least you were obviously embarrassed. 
After she had woken up, she insisted on playing with her new Legos. You had moved the coffee table to the side so you could play on the carpet with her. Ghost was sitting on the couch, legs spread, reading a report, occasionally looking at you playing with Amy. Once in a while Amy turned to him proudly showing off her constructions. 
Each time he praised her with a little, 'that's really nice, you did good', it made your heart flutter. 
He was so kind, so gentle with her. 
You could feel his gaze on you when you weren't looking. It burnt through you. 
After a while you had dinner, and put on a Disney movie for her. You sat on the couch with her on your lap cuddling her new teddy and her old plushie. She rested against you. Ghost joined after finishing his report. 
"Move." He asked. 
You frowned. He sat next to you, making you lean on him. You blushed. 
"Are you really gonna watch Encanto?" You teased. 
"You'd rather I go away?" He asked, looking down at you intensely. 
You didn't say anything at all. 
The more the movie played the more Amy seemed to close her eyes. It was getting pretty late. Around half of the movie she was sound asleep in your arms. You smiled down at her, brushing a little strand of blond hair away from her face. 
You looked at Ghost meeting his gaze. 
"Is everything alright?" You whispered. 
He stayed silent. 
"Ghost..?" You asked frowning. 
"What are you doing?" He asked. 
"What.. Do you mean?" You whispered.
"To me…" he finished furrowing his brows in confusion. 
You sucked in a breath, but before you could say anything, a knock on the door made you separate. It took a little moment for him to gather himself and get up to open the door. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your racing heart. A few seconds later, Melisa walked in. 
"Hey!" She whispered to you, walking to where you sat. 
"Hi, how was work? " You hushed back. 
"Hell… but we made it… I'm so sorry to have dropped her off like that…" she said, the sincerest sorry look on her face.
"It's alright Melisa. I understand, and I don't mind helping you out. Amy is adorable." You reassured. 
She smiled at you, feeling slightly emotional by the look on her face. With the utmost care, you gave her the sleeping toddler. 
"I'll help you with the bags." You told her, getting up the couch with her. Looking around at the toys scattered around and then to the new plush she furrowed her brows in confusion.
"Did you buy her all of this?" She asked. 
"No. He did." You said pointing at the man leaning behind the kitchen counter. 
It was absolutely ridiculous to say that the man, in all black, with a mask made of a human skull, with the most terrifying glance you could fall on, had bought so many toys for a toddler after she had simply said 'please'.
You both walked to the doorstep as she stopped in front of Ghost. 
"I'm sorry lieutenant.. I hope she didn't make a fuss. I'm very thankful to you both for keeping her… and for the toys." She said. 
"No problem. She's a nice kid." He said. 
You smiled at him, he noticed. You grabbed the two little bags and followed Melisa out, walking down the stairs to her car. 
"He's pretty nice actually, for a cold blooded killer he is reputed for." She remarked. 
"He's still a terrifying man, who sticks up to his reputation by the reports of missions I've seen. He's just… calmer, here." You said. 
She had put Amy into her car seat. 
"He bought her… a car seat." You said. It sounded more like a thought coming out of your mouth, as if for yourself, it was still something your brain was trying to process. 
"He did? Just… for today?" She asked. 
"Yeah. We went to the store, and I guess he was worried for her safety, and immediately went out and bought her the car seat." You explained. 
Now you remembered how he seemed deep in thoughts during breakfast. He had been thinking about it. 
"Well. He seems like a good man." She said softly, closing the back door. 
"Yeah.. you're right." You smiled at her. "I trust that this stays in between us." You asked. 
"Don't worry. I wouldn't say anything that involves my daughter to anyone. This situation stays knowledge for us only." She assured. You knew that she was extremely worried to have her child on the line. Unfortunately, it's part of the job to earn enemies, and everyone wants to keep their loved one away from it. 
Melisa thanked you again as you handed her the bags. You offered to take care of Amy if she ever needed again. After hugging her goodbye, you headed back up to the apartment. 
Locking the front door behind you, you walked into the living room where you saw Ghost, holding what now seemed to be his favorite mug, standing behind the counter.
"You look tired. You should head to sleep." He remarked. 
He was right. You were tired. Taking care of a child wasn't easy, you were glad for his help. You walked up to him, you saw him stiffen. 
"Thank you Ghost. Your help was really appreciated. And I had an amazing day. Amy adored it. So… again, thank you Gh-"
"Simon." He interrupted. 
You blinked. 
"Wh-what..?" You whispered. 
He stepped closer, barely inches away.
"My name. It's Simon." He clarified. 
Your mouth opened. Then shut itself again. 
"(Y/N)." You blurted out. 
His eyes flashed something unknown. 
"(Y/N).." he whispered, sending a delightful shiver down your spine. Your name, on his lips. Fuck…
"Simon…" you whispered too. 
You felt his fingertips rush to your hip, hovering there, too close yet so far. After a second he lowered his hand back to his body. 
"You're welcome. It was a good day." He added. 
You nodded, smiling at him, trying to hide the obvious way your heart was racing. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you watched him step back, gaining some composure. 
"Goodnight (Y/N)." He said. 
"Goodnight Simon."
@lemontails @cabreezer0117 @tomhardy41 @brxghtixghtz @shuttlelauncher81 @pinkdazelight @sirenbunnyloll @snortangeldust @novausstuff @gasstationfifacard @emotion-not-hot-yes-hotel-trivago @simpforavillain @minimisthios @catied32 @poohkie90 @watermaylon-writes @thereealink @meimhem @sorryi-mtrash @gaymistakeboii @bittersw33t-lotus @gh0stm3g @freckledmuffin @itsasecrets-things @xback1021 @connierk690 @feedthefandoms995 @friendlyneighboorhoodgothicpagan @dead-noodles @friendly-reject @critter-mylo @honeymariee @badame0224 @kitty-satan1 @all-good-things-have-an-ending @tianotfound @thriving-n-jiving @hailstrum18 @kiruoris @thats-s0-ravenn @orcasarebigbabies @makastaco @abajointrossyearl @kaylynninice24 @cated18 @swg141 @ghost-2513 @whore4dilfs @yggrid @jaehyacinths @juneitoo @popevickysmainbitch @topgirl17
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vulpisnocturna · 11 months
Heacanons about what Itachi would be like in a relationship with female!reader who's also a ninja?
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- Itachi is CLINGY. He is absolutely, madly, desperately in love with you (he’s an Uchiha, they only feel the deepest, most dramatic love) and he wants to be in contact with you at all times. You’re reading a book? Why are you not lying on top of him? He’ll be your pillow. You’re making lunch? He’s following you around and hugging you from behind. You’re sleeping? Don’t you dare sleep without his arms holding you. You’re strolling around the village? HOLD. HIS. HAND.
- Kisses. Itachi loves kisses. He is one of those guys that will kiss your lips, smile slightly and go “one more” and then “one more” and then just another one. He loves kissing your forehead, your knuckles, your hair. After sex, Itachi needs kisses. He needs you to be prepared to have your face peppered with kisses. And even during sex, he will need you to constantly make out with him.
- Don’t you dare lift a hand in the house. Itachi has got it covered. He will make it his mission to clean, make you the perfect packed lunch, cook your favourite foods. His partner shouldn’t have to do any labour. Just sit back and relax.
- More on this point, Itachi’s love languages are acts of service and quality time. He loves doing the little things with you, whether that’s sitting in silence, reading together, cooking together or going on a nice walk. Sometimes it’s hard with you both being on missions, but he will make time for you
- He never forgets the important dates. It’s your birthday? Itachi’s got the whole day down with activities like he’s planned a chess game. It’s your anniversary? He’s taking you out for dinner and showing up with flowers
- He would 100% pick up all the stray cats and show up with a new one every month
- He loves having a bath with you and washing your hair. Let him pamper you, girl. He’s a self-care king, and he wants to do a hair mask with you
- He loves when you play with his hair
- He’s definitely tailing you when you’re on a mission because he doesn’t think your teammates are good enough and he needs to make sure you’re safe
- He will never tell you that, though
- He brings up the topic of having children at least once a week, even just as a fantasy. He wants to be able to be with them a lot, and he’s busy with missions, but he’s also dying to have a child with you. Give him a break. He’s an Uchiha
- When you’re on your period, Itachi’s making you a hot water bottle, buying you snacks, checking in on you every ten minutes to the point he’s overbearing, but you don’t mind because he’s so sweet and worried :’)
- Loves it when you offer to cook for him. If you’re a horrible cook, he will still eat everything and tell you it was amazing. But don’t worry, he’ll handle it next time
- Anyone treated you badly or hurt you? They have mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again
- He gets shy with pda, apart from holding your hand
- He smiles all the time when he listens to you talk about your day, asks questions and lets you rant to your heart’s content <33
- He’s secretly jealous and possessive. He’s lost practically everything he had in his life, and he doesn’t think he deserves you, so he’s scared of losing you to another man. This leads to a lot of intimidating stares and the occasional genjutsu to get them to back off
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hermaeu5mora · 9 months
My heacanons/reasons for why our best friends group couldn't be in the dlc is that
- Nemona already did the exchange student thing. She is older than us, prez, and has already completed the gym circuit as well as being champion. Like us, she was probably invited already.
- Arven. Arven is behind with his credits. I know this is a kinda of wtf reason from a Pokemon world, but President Clavell clearly states after the final battle that Arven is risking to not pass the year unless he make up for the lost lessons and tests.
- Penny. Well, first Penny already did a year away. Not entirely of her own volition, but at the beginning of the game she just came back, so sending her away so soon seems a bit unjust. Also, she's kinda undergoing punishment while working for the League. While it's not malicious or any kind of thing, it is still a punishment for her previously behaviour, so gifting her an exchange programs would oppose the meaning.
So that's leave us, and while I liked the new setting I'm so hoping to be back to my old friends soon and be with them on the next dlc..!
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
What sort of jobs do you think the mercs would have if they weren't, y'know, mercs?
What Would The TF2 Mercs Jobs Be If They Weren't Mercenaries?
Ough, I love this. It's a very cool suggestion, Anon. Thank you for asking! I've thought about this a couple of times, and I'm glad to get a chance to rant >:)
Demo would get into pyrotechnics for a while, (shocker I know, but bare with me) he'd find himself setting up fireworks shows, making fireworks, teaching safety courses and all that fun stuff, but I don't think he'd be fulfilled in the same way being a merc would. He'd find himself being bored with the monotony of it all, only doing it for the money. After a while of this he'd finally just say fuck it, and try and look for other work opportunities, found an animal shelter in desperate need of new hires, submitted his application, and with in two weeks had become absolutely enthralled with his new job. He finds out he loves working with animals! He makes friends with every animal in the shelter right away, and gets a good chunk of them adopted each year or so.
Engie would have most likely gone on to become a very successful engineer. Shocker, I know. He would have probably specialized in biomedical engineering. I think he'd go in with no particular job in mind, but then would be introduced into the idea of building prosthetics and become a prosthetist. He likes being able to help people with his creations. (MINI HEACANON / STORY) The first time he ever made a prosthetic was for a little kid who lost his leg due to a car crash. He was super traumatized from the accident and refused to let anyone near him, Engie spent about a year working with the kid to, one be able to measure and fit him for his prosthetic, and two, to just make the kid smile and make him less scared. When the job was done the kid was so happy, grinning ear to ear, he hugged Engie and was literally crying out of joy, that's when Engie knew he loved his job 😭
Heavy has a doctorate in Russian literature, so I'd assume he'd go into the teaching field with that as his specialty. He'd find a university in need of a professor and work with students to help them better themselves. He just likes being able to share his experiences and perspective with those who want to learn. Very much a "Tuesday's With Morrie" type of teacher. Will literally do anything for his students by the way. He love each year he spends teaching, also loves hearing from his students after they graduate. Really just wants to make an impact on peoples lives anyway he can. He'd probably end up being a writer if he couldn't go into teaching for some reason. He'd write fiction mainly, maybe some life experiences too, for the same reasons above.
Medic would have found a way to get his medical license back, legally or illegally (most likely the latter). And went on to continue practicing medicine, most likely in a country with more lax laws on human experimentation. If that failed, the local morgue is always hiring graveyard shifts, and when no one really cares too much about what happens to the corpses, Medic would find ways to keep himself very entertained. I also think he could be content working as a librarian! I don't know, like the gap between librarian and doctor is huge but I can just imagine him and Archimedes running a little library together, (Kind of like uh Blue and Linda from Rio, I'm really pulling out random media this prompt, 😭) I just feel like even though he's batshit insane nine times out of ten he can still enjoy a quiet, peaceful life if he wanted too. Probably still does a bit medical stuff on the side though, you just can't stop him.
Scout is another case of me being unsurprising. He'd be a baseball star. It's really a toss-up on whether he gets super famous or just enjoys quiet success. If he's super famous you bet he's signing contracts for advertisements and other things you'd expect multimillionaires to be doing (He'd also be so thrilled to be a multimillionaire he'd be giving his mom her dream life) and just generally enjoying the fame. If he didn't make it into the big leagues, he'd still be successful in minor leagues. I'll even go as far as to say that even if he didn't make it big or even semi big, he'd become a coach little league/ high school /college and love it. Honestly, he would cry if one of the kids he coached went pro one day. (Maybe a Twitch streamer would also fit, but that's silly, right?)
Sniper has always been into wildlife photography. He absolutely loves animals. He's naturally good at photography. I think him having good aim and a steady hand are a mix of a natural talent and years of training. His years of training would have just gone into photography instead of, you know. He gets very good very quickly, takes pictures you'd see hung up as decoration pieces, and definitely had a fair share of curious animals wandering up to him to check out his work. For a guy who loves animals, he's living the dream. Haz had a few less than steller run-ins during his time, but generally appreciates being able to enjoy nature and animals as part of his job.
Spy being an actor would come naturally for him. He's great at switching his style, mood, character, etc. So he'd naturally be interested in a job where that skill would be valuable, then he finds out about how much money he can make off of acting and just goes straight in. I think he would end up being a really popular actor, people liking him in almost any role he plays, and would generally have little to no hater or bad press. He loves going over every new script and building up his character in his mind, then giving them a place off the page. He also loves going to fancy parties, so... Also, the first time he got a bad/negative review or comment on his acting, he cried lmao.
Soldier would so be a historian. Like, hands down, only job I think he could have outside of being a merc. He can rant for hours about American history and knows so much about other countries too due to their involvement with America and a general curiosity, that he'd be a perfect to teach about history in museums, classrooms, or even just uploading videos online. Just put someone who needs to learn about history of any kind in front of him, and they'll learn more in the time with him than they ever have. Also! I'm not sure what these people are called, and I'm way too tired to look it up, but I think that Soldier would help new immigrants with leaning English and with getting their citizenship. Solider would also help refugees. Also also, he'd hold support groups for veterans.
Pyro is normally headcanoned as a fire fighter or ex-fire fighter I'm pretty sure, but I think it's easy to forget that while Pyro likes fire, they like making firsvl, you know what else they like? Making art! So naturally, being a glassblower would be a great fit for Pyro. They love the job! The molten glass is mesmerizing to them. The artistic freedom is liberating. It's all just so great to them. They make a lot of flame themed pieces that and animal themed pieces. They mainly do pieces and sell them at markets instead of taking commissions for them. They're super happy with this life and have multiple pieces of their work displayed in their home. They sometimes get this feeling of missing something, like a vague memory, but they just continue to make new art to fix that, but oddly enough, they end up reminding them more of those distant memories. I wonder what that's about.
I swore I'd get this out today, and I held myself to that, even though I almost passed out. (Not me posting this 5 minutes to midnight lmao) I only had three paragraphs left, and I was not giving up on them. I swear I'm trying to get better at consistency 😭
Anyways enough of that, I hope you enjoyed this! I had fun writing it. Trying to come up with different jobs for them is both really fun and oddly difficult. Anyways! The schedule for new posts will hopefully go as follows:
Mercs favorite books
Medic and Creepypasta
How the Mercs would react to a close teammates death
(Then any asks that come in would follow!)
So yeah! Busy weekend, but I'm not complaining:D
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midnightmoonytales · 1 year
Harry Potter Masterlist
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Lightening Era
Fred Weasley
Sleepy Mornings: Quiet mornings weren't something you nor Fred are allowed very often. Both of you were busy working and didn't allow free time. Settling into a quiet morning, limbs intertwined. No worries, the only focus is on each other.
Apple Pie and Secrecy: Spending Christmas with those you loved after many years of being unable, filled your heart with so much love. Worries of unloyalty floating through the air...what will happen.
George Weasley
**To come**
Bill Weasley
**to come**
Charlie Weasley
**to come**
Harry Potter
**to come**
Draco Malfoy
Last of Us: PT 1 This is the tale of how we children were forced to bear our fangs from a young age, to never trust anyone and icy glares at whoever was a threat. Venom soared through our veins, fulfilling our parents' duty, which was forcibly placed upon us. Wishing for a break, a chance to run. But what happens when we don't run soon enough?
Shut It!: An eventful dinner with your friends in the Great Hall. Slytherin Gang Headcanons Slytherin Gang Headcanons 2 Slytherin Gang as Stiles from Teen Wolf
Fun by the Lake!: It's a hot day on Saturday in April; nowhere you go can you run from the heat. The only solution is a fun day at the lake with your friends.
Pansy Parkinson
Shut It!: An eventful dinner with your friends in the Great Hall.
Slytherin Gang Headacanons Slytherin Gang Headcanons 2 Slytherin Gang as Stiles from Teen Wolf
Fun by the lake!: It's a hot day on Saturday in April; nowhere you go can you run from the heat. The only solution is a fun day at the lake with your friends.
Air So Sweet: Inspired by "Air So Sweet" by Dodie
Mattheo Riddle
Shut it!: An eventful dinner with your friends in the Great Hall.
Forbidden Detention: Mattheo and Theodore drag you into one of their little schemes, resulting in the three of you getting detention. What will they do when they seem to have lost you in the forbidden forest.
Slytherin Gang Headcanons Slytherin Gang Headcanons 2 Slytherin Gang as Siles From Teen Wolf
Fun by the Lake!: It's a hot day on Saturday in April; nowhere you go can you run from the heat. The only solution is a fun day at the lake with your friends.
Theodore Nott
Forbidden Detention: Mattheo and Theodore drag you into one of their little schemes, resulting in the three of you getting detention. What will they do when they seem to have lost you in the forbidden forest.
Slytherin Gang Heacanons Slytherin Gang Headcanons 2 Shut It: An eventful dinner with your friends in the Great Hall. Slytherin Gang as Stiles From Teen Wolf
Fun by the Lake!: It's a hot day on Saturday in April; nowhere you go can you run from the heat. The only solution is a fun day at the lake with your friends.
Marauders Era
Remus Lupin
Golden Love Moodboard
Slipping through my fingers: Watching his little girl grow up had to be one of his favorite things to see, but also one of the saddest. Every pivotal moment of her life flashed through his mind, even to this one now.
Sirius Black
Slipping through my fingers: Watching his little girl grow up had to be one of his favorite things to see, but also one of the saddest. Every pivotal moment of her life flashed through his mind, even to this one now.
James Potter
Jegulily Imagine
Lily Evans
Jegulily Imagine
Severus Snape
Pride and Prejudice blurb: Severus Snape Showers you with love Pride and Prejudice style.
Please let me know if any of the links don't work!
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scrap-brainzone · 23 days
Idk i just think "handsome jack is a poc and If you don't think so you're white" is a crazy ass opinion actually. maybe as a black person i don't feel comfortable heacanoning the violent genocidal colonizer who abused his daughter to the point of mercy killing and is overall a piece of shit as a man of color. like how are you gonna look at him and go "that is so obviously a black man 😡" have you lost your damn mind???
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luwritesomething · 2 years
if requests r still open i would love to request some jealous riff from west side story headcanons! Just some simple stuff of riff meeting genderneutral!readers ex lol. ty for reading <33
Riff Heacanons: Jealousy.
Warnings: Swearing lol
Edited?: Like always, no.
Reader's pronouns: Not stated, gender neautral.
Summary: Just some headcanons with our little boy Riff.
Author's note: again, sorry sorry sorry for taking so long to answer :( i've been busy and unmotivated. i feel like this is very short, sorry again, but i hope you like it!! criticism is appreciated, and request are still open.
riff is a jealous dude.
it's not that he doesn't trust you --- he does, especially if he's daying you for real ---, it's more like he doesn't trust other people around you because, for him, you're everything good in this world, the hope he had lost.
but he still trusts you to tell them to fuck off if they try to make a move.
he's very physical, not only when he's jealous, but when he is you can bet he's gonna have an arm around your waist or directly eat your face out in front of whoever you are.
he's the kind that watches from a corner that interaction he thinks it's shady, narrowing his eyes and with his jaw tightly clenched.
barging into your conversations like that has always get him in trouble with you because you love him but you like your bondaries and the trust, but he swears it's because he loves you.
poor baby is so scared you'll find someone better than him (in his opinion, this is incredibly easy) and leave him.
reassuring is something you had never imagined you would have to do with him, but it's very common for him to end up going mute as you try to tell him there's no one that could steal your attention like he still does everyday.
anyways, going to the point,,,
let's say that your ex isn't part of the jets (not of the sharks, either), and neither are you because that would include a whole shit ass explanation of why you ended up with riff --- you just did, alright? :D
okay so let's say you're going on about your day in the jet part of the neighborhood, running some errands, knowing that riff is watching you from the corner of the street where he's at with his boys.
you've grown very fond of his attention, little gestures like those --- he watches over you from the place he's at, so he doesn't overwhelm you contantly with his bubbly persona but showing he still cares.
and uh-oh, now you're facing your ex.
things didn't end up great between you two, although it wasn't too bad either. still, you would've liked to run away from that situation, but before you can turn around and act like you haven't seen them before they lay eyes on you, they wave their hand at you and you're doomed to make some small talk with them.
your ex has always been a very charismatic and friendly person, which leads into you two talking probably more than what you've expected.
and riff noticed this from his place in the street.
he's able to wait for ten solid minutes before he pats diesel in the shoulder and he starts walking towards you two, unbothered face but a strong glimmer in his eyes.
you know it's him as soon as he rests his calloused hand on your waist, squeezing lightly --- the kind of squeeze he gives when he gets jealous.
the signs of him being jealous are easy to pick on, but you still look up to him when he reaches you, watching amusedly how serious yet cool he looks --- he tries too hard, you'd notice even with a blindfold.
"hey, buddy boy."
that's the cue for you to put your hand on top of his, to keep him grounded from saying something too harsh.
it makes him relax every time, that touch of security that let's him know he still has that special connection with you he can't describe.
your ex is a nice person and them doesn't notice that riff is jealous, and you're smart enough to instantly introduce riff as your boyfriend.
the thing ends happily, like it usually does.
sometimes, though, riff would go a bit out of leash when the person talking to you is shamelessly flirty to you with him still there.
he has never throw hands because he knows you don't like violence, especially not when it's about you.
but sometimes his snarky remarks annoy you a bit.
you always forgive him, though, because he ends up apologizing sooner or later and you'll always work things out <3
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simptasia · 11 months
I really think its so funny how one-sided Desmond/Daniel is, like I'm so sorry but even if you take Penny out of the equation he's still not choosing Daniel. He'd be choosing Charlie! Like, I'm so sorry, but it's so funny to me how Sad Daniel must feel, loosing one of the sexiest men alive to fucking Charlie pace. Like loosing Desmond to Penny makes sense, Penny is so Great you couldn't even be mad BUT CHARLIE? You would be so angry, even if you really like his music. Also, the fact you take both Penny and Charlie out of it HE STILL WOULNDT CHOOSE DAN HDUEIDHWIUDHW Im so sorry dan but that is so funny to me
desmond's visit to daniel is one of the most important and defining moments of daniel's life
it genuinely comes across like daniel's existence does not enter desmond's mind at all until the plot makes it so
i love des/dan as a concept but in-universe it would be so fucking one sided, i remember realising this a few years ago
also bless you because this made me realise something that i can't believe never clicked for me before:
daniel faraday was born to be a middle and good lord, he'd love to be in the middle of that sandwich
there are five people total that dan has been attracted to and those are two of them [doing equations in my head] now, if charlotte and miles could be added to this,,, would dan cum instantly or last 12 hours? truely, these are complexities of LOST worth discussing
"the fact that if you take penny and charlie out of the equation, he still wouldn't choose dan" big oof. yeah in that world, he'd probably go with jack. or sayid. or claire. oh, daniel, my love, you're 7th place. 6th place is desmond's own hand, btw
i prefer my version where i fuck with the finale just a tad so daniel can be squished between his sexual awakening and only celeb crush
thank you very much for your time and for yet another combination of lost characters to make fuck in my head
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fixfoxnox · 10 months
Headcanons on how Jackson deals with past life memories? Or any triggers he may have?
Love love love offering Paul Jackson headcanons for you guys, especially sito heacanons!
How Jackson Copes
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Art of Jackson was done by the amazing @meralasan so if you haven't already, please go check them out!
Warnings: Discussion of ptsd, implied self harm, alcoholism, phantom pains
I've talked about it a bit before, but Jackson and Roach had one major key difference in being reborn.
Roach never told anyone about his memories, whereas Jackson tried to tell everyone
When Jackson was old enough to talk he would try to tell his parents and his siblings. They all just thought he was a kid with an overactive and very dark imagination. None of them believed him.
None of them but Jackson's grandmother.
She was an older woman who realized while listening to her grandson that he knew a lot more then any kid with just an active imagination would.
Because of this, Jackson actually had someone in his corner who he could talk to about his past life, and this is something that helped him work through a lot of the issues that were still weighing at Roach when they met.
Thats not to say Jackson was free of everything, but he was doing much better coping then Roach was with the change.
Where they were similar is in their desire to get back to some semblance of normalcy. For Jackson that was returning to the military.
It certainly wasn't a healthy way to cope, and over his time he realized that things would never really be how they once were.
That's what hit him really hard and caused a lot of problems for him. And reminders of his past life because a bit problem.
Generally speaking, for a while he didn't really make any progress. He was sort of stuck in a rut where he just did everything in his power not to think of his past life. This included on several occasions getting himself drunk to help ease the pain of memories.
Certainly not a good way to cope, but one that he did pick up for a bit. That was until Griggs and Roach realized that he'd developed a bit of a problem.
He was sent to mandatory therapy where they essentially worked to help him get through the drinking problem. It worked in helping Jackson find better and healthier distractions, like sewing and embroidery (both skills he picked up from his grandma)
When Jackson lost his leg, he took the opportunity to leave the military. It wasn't helping him and he realized that by staying he was just holding himself back from healing.
Jackson started getting tattoos as a form of self expression. It was suggested by his brother who is a tattoo artist and honestly helped Jackson a lot.
There were months after Jackson left the military where he had extremely low moments. Moments of calling Roach so that someone would be on the phone with him to keep him from doing something he would regret.
Eventually he turned those impulses toward the tattoos. Any time he found his mind going down that path, he'd call his brother and set up an appointment.
Working out also helped him. Keeping his mind and body active and working up his adrenaline was a good way to help him transfer from military to civvy life.
Really Jackson just had an amazing support system that helped his transfer go a lot smoother and helped him get on his feet. So by the time Roach rejoins the 141, Jackson is doing extremely well
Of course he's still dealing with ptsd from both of his lifes and the occasional, though much less often then when he first lost his leg, phantom pains from his leg.
But he does pretty good. The only major low point he ends up having is when he hits 27 and has officially outlived his first life.
He has a full spiral this day and Roach ends up finding him drunk out of his mind and throwing and trying to destroy anything military related in his house.
After that incident, he goes back to therapy and, in the end, finds himself doing much better then he ever has by the time everything happens with Roach and Makarov.
As for Jackson's triggers:
Loud noises can be pretty bad for him, especially right after he lost his leg. I feel like he probably has some hearing loss from the explosion, so anything that is actually loud enough to get past the hearing loss probably fucks with him a lot
In the realm of loud noises, its pretty common for him to have in headphones or earplugs of some sort to just help take the edge of things off.
Intense heat. If its too hot outside he genuinely has to stay inside, otherwise the sun on his skin will freak him out. Similarly he really really hates having a fever because the heat freaks him out. All of this is from when he died in the nuke
Absolute no no to planes and choppers. He'll sooner swim somewhere then try to get on a plane. It definitely caused some problems when he rejoined the military, and several times when he was forced into a plane, Roach had to help him through panic attacks.
Throwing up. All he can think about as he's heaving is is first life and feeling blood and bile forced from his throat as he crawled out of that crashed plane. Of seeing his friends choking on their own blood as they died.
Also something rather simple, but Jackson struggles a lot with anything burnt. Burnt smells all smell mostly the same to him, and all his nose picks up is the smell of burning flesh from after the nuke. Anything gets burnt and Jackson is like to be dry heaving in the yard within a few minutes which only triggers him further.
Another simple thing, but any sort of news network is pretty hard for Jackson to watch. If he isn't fully focused, he finds that the voices become blurred in his head and before long all his mind will hear is that stupid broadcast that Al Asad had going while he and the other USMC boys tried to find him.
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strykingshot · 11 months
Is Kat supposed to be hiding she's a trained dragoon? Yes
Does she purposefully find an excuse to leap high into the air when she's alone because she misses the rush of leaping? Absolutely yes
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my0vershareworld · 1 year
𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡!
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Pairing: Julie Joyful x GN!Reader (platonic)
Genre: Fluff, Heacanons.
CW: None
Requested by anon: Can you do julie friend headcanons please 🌈:)
being around her is. is chaotic.
everyday she'll come to your house the moment you woke up and almost immediately she wanted to hang out
she very forgetful and sometimes she wanted to bring something to play and hang with you but she forgot too, and she'll spent hours to think of what she wanted and what she need, you'll probably have to help her a lot
she sometimes randomly have random burst of energy and started running around like a child and being all hyper and she can't stay still. ya gotta help her with that too
she LOVES rambling to you, she'll rambles about her other friends and about her day and a lot of stuff!! she's a very hyper girl who get lost in her own world so easily but please listen to her rambles she would appreciate it!!
she can be hyper and all but sometimes she can lack a lot of energy and be pretty tired and gloomy, ya just need ta' help her through it
overall she's a good friend to have! she can be loud and yell but not in a mad angry way she just hyper! so please appreciate her!! she loves you as her friend a tons and she wish you'll never leave her side never and ever :))
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moiteneia · 9 months
Only mortals are capable of forgetting- Headcanon: Hg!Bagi; Hg!BBH e Hg!Cell
I have as a headcanon that hg!Bbh was the one who took care of hg!Cell during the war, when hg!Cell was only 14 years old. But I ALSO HAVE the heacanon that q!Bagi is q!Cell's sister. Let's connect them both, okay?
What if he was never truly alone? Imagine before of all the chaos, deaths and betrayals, before he even met hg!Bad, he wasn't alone. hg!Cell had a twin sister. Both were selected, however, for different experiments. To be guinea pigs for different things. This is what broke hg!Cell and hg!Bad remembers. He watched his desperate partner, being shocked by the guards to stop trying to save his sister. Being held down while being forced to watch her being taken onto a train into the unknown. hg!Bad heard the screams and cries of that child during the nights while he missed his sister. Hg!Bad remembers the promise hg!Cell made about finding her and saving her from whatever could be happening. And Hg!Bad was the one to make sure that the promise could be fulfilled in any way. He taught everything he knew so the boy would survive, even the most unforgivable sins. If he had to become a cannibal to keep from starving, so be it. They would get out of that arena and the three of them would survive. He silently promised the boy. But he didn't expect f!Cell to be taken. hg!Bad didn't expect the boy to scare those who controlled the arena so much. And he blamed himself knowing he was now in f!Cell's hands, he would need to get out of prison himself.
When they met on the island, hg!Bad felt relief, his partner was not only alive, but he had managed to save his own mind. He had grown up. But something in him had disappeared, just as it had disappeared from the demon's own mind - their memories were confused, erased, jumbled together. And that hurt q!Bad, because the boy had forgotten the promise, the reason they had gone through all that horror. q!Cell had his own sister erased from his memory.
This was horrible to realize. He wanted to shake the boy's shoulders and remind him. But...What would be the point? They were trapped on that island, far from any possibility of finding q!Cell's twin sister. And that's what kept q!Bad silent. It was preferable that q!Cell forgot and never felt that loss again, the loneliness, the part of his soul that was missing. But, he, q!Bad, would keep his promise for him. He would remember hg!Bagi until they could both look for her outside the island. Until...They met her. He went into shock seeing the two fighting and playing with each other... Without recognizing each other. Q!Cell looked good next to her. Wow, they were...The same. However, q!Bad noticed the naivety in q!Bagi. Yeah... She had not suffered anything similar to what her brother had gone through, either outside or inside the island... Or, just maybe, the Federation preferred to erase her memory to the point that she didn't even remember that. Honestly? What did she remember besides her name and her love of animals? - Q!Bad wondered, noticing the twins' similarities, especially the gray strands in their hair. The Federation Marks. Marks of what they had lost. Brands that made them even more similar...But more distant. He took a deep breath once more. Silently promising once again. He would tell, not now, but when they were ready for the truth of those who cannot die. That despite the time, the marks, the pain and tears... Ties will never be erased. Then, he ran again with the twins following him, playing tag inside the maze... Just like the old days. And he smiled with this thought.
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wrenwrights · 8 months
Konig Heacanons Part 3 (Learning to Trust)
Hello, dear reader! Since we didn't get to finish feeding our hyperfixation yesterday, it's the perfect moment to do so today! Yo
u can find part 1 of Konig Headcanons right Here. Now, enjoy these lovely headcanons about our favorite war princess!
Konig didn't trust easily, and learning how to trust was the hardest thing he had ever done. He was doing it for you though, and that made every crumbling wall and broken boundary worth it to Konig. He hated to admit it, but vulnerability wasn't Konig's strong suit.
There was a moment, after your little kiss in the office, that your relationship felt fragile. Something new had broken between you. It was there during training sessions and briefings and down time. Your pretty eyes would catch Konig's heart would pound, or your thumb would collide with his when you needed a pen and his skin would tingle.
He'd figured out exactly what it was after a long day on base; he was strangely tired and he didn't want to talk to anyone else for the rest of the night. But there you were, tucked into the corner of his bed, in your comfy civilian clothes and typing away at your laptop. You were in his room, his private space, a habit you've developed over the last week.
Konig realized it had been so long since he'd touched you, held your hand, or fully enveloped you like that time in his office. God, he felt... well, Konig didn't really know what he was feeling, but he knew that he needed to touch you. You had asked for his trust, practically begged for it, and yet he couldn't move. He was staring at you wide-eyed and frozen in the doorway to his bedroom, lost in what to do.
You finally noticed him after a moment, your eyes tired and your smile small. That smile was enough encouragement for Konig to at least take a step forward, to let the door close behind him. His eyes roamed over every dip and curve your body had to offer.
"Konig? You okay?" you sounded concerned at his lack of response, closing your laptop and setting it on the flimsy bedside table. Your attention was entirely on him.
He needed to say something. Konig couldn't leave you worried and your emotions fester knowing that you'd just explode and start pestering him. "I'm okay, Liebling" he muttered, kicking off his boots. Something out of habit for him, usually Konig was very meticulous with his things.
"You sure-?" you'd started to say something, your eyes tracking Konig's every movement, but he wasn't really listening. He was more concerned about being in your arms, that strange feeling settling in his skin and needing some kind of release.
Your eyes widen, taken aback as Konig joined you in bed, crawling over you and pulling you close. Your warmth was like a soothing balm over his tired nerves. You'd said many times that you weren't afraid of Konig's size, that his own sheer bulk couldn't hurt you. Konig had scoffed at this, had insisted he could, in fact, hurt you. You were so small compared to him; but you'd asked for his trust, begged for it, really. Like Konig could ever really deny you anything you asked for.
He settled over you gently, almost hypervigilant that he wasn't hurting you. Konig felt your breath hitch in your chest as he tucked himself under your chin; it made him freeze, asking if his weight was too much. You only nodded in response, too stunned to really speak.
Your arms wrapped around Konig's shoulders, your fingers wandering over the plain of his back. It was enough to release the tension there, making a soft sigh escape past his lips and his eyes flutter closed.
"Long day, love?" You whispered into his ear, using a pet name he'd never heard you use before but it still made his heart swell and swoon. You loved him. You loved him and you felt safe with him.
It was enough for Konig to finally piece together what that little, new wriggling thing was between the two of you. It was love and security, and it was so much patience on your part.
Alright, dear reader! That's all for this headcanon. I really liked writing this one, it was so sweet and made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I hope you enjoyed it, dear reader.
Until next time,
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