#Fuck you Wilbur tntduo is real
rosegoldenatlas · 8 months
What its like being a tntduo fan
Imagine reading a tntduo fic right? Very simple. Then the author mentions wine. Suddenly, Everyone is going batshit crazy because OMG WINE STREAM.
Or imagine how good the enemies to lovers slowburns are. With both of them hating each other with a burning passion and there's a lot of manipulation going on until one o them starts to feel guilty for using underhanded tactics to get at each other.
(Skip next paragraph if uncomfortable w/ smut n shit)
Oh and if its a spicy fic even better because then we get the slow transition from rough hatesex to wow I feel kinda bad kicking you out after all that maybe aftercare should be a thing until suddenly its soft and its not described with physical feelings by instead they're slowing don't and everything is soft because it isn't about physical she anymore but instead about being close and then there's soft fucking cuddles or something similar. I'm rambling now wow.
But this in just a tntduo thing by I feel like the ideal tntduo dynamic for slowburn is always along the lines of- enemies, enemies with benifits, this weird I don't hate you exactly but we're not friends bit, friends but the trust isn't fully there, trust building moment, friends?, fuck a small misunderstanding turned fight, friends but actually this time(also with benefits), wait actually you're on of some he first people who accepts every fucked up piece of me and not just the fake me, wait actually what if I dropped sixty billion hints that I like you but you don't get it, oh fuck it we ball, lovers!
It looks complicated when I write it down but I swear I've seen a lot of tntduo fics written this way and I love it.
Also remember the clip where cc!Wilbur said that c! Wilbur and c!Quackith didn't have any romantic involvments? Well actually mr.'they ad a psychocompetitive relationship' Quackity said that he wanted them to kiss and married you on Qsmp so fuck you also if a rivalry lasts over seven years you are no longer rivals your gay is an extremely true statement an also you bet I saw how Tommy deflate when you denied that c!Wilbur and c!Quackity were gay for each other. So actually its Quackity an Tommy against you so Tntduo is real fuck you.
And that one clip where Phil called Wilbur a homosexual on Qsmp and when Wilbur asks for an example and Phil said 'you've been flirting with Quackity since you got here' and you Didn't Even Deny It.
Thankyou for listening to my ted talk.
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fernlessbastard · 5 months
first time using this ask thing heh and i don’t rly know what to say, but, as a casual tntduo lover to another tntduo lover, i desperately kindly ask what are your favourite fics? dont rly mind if its suggestive/smut, id still like to show dem authors love and support. as a trade offer, ill leave some fic recs on my next ask hehe :]
anyways been following u for a while now (on insta) and id like to say ur art brings me immense joy and never fails to inspire me. hope u and your partner have a nice day! bubye !
i know this aint a prompt or idea or concept but u just seem like a cool person that i want to interact with :]
My guy, I am so sorry, but I hardly have any recommendations...
Why? Well, I went to my AO3 account, and like a solid 1/3 of my history was completely deleted - as in the works were deleted. Additionally, I haven't been reading much lately, so I have no newer titles, unfortunately. But here's the couple I have:
there's always this thing that we're becoming. Brilliantly written, genuinely gorgeous, in character, etc - it is smut though (top notch smut, though)
I'm pretty sure I enjoyed TntDuo Content I Don't Want To Attach My Username To too - also smut lmao
Agape - NOT smut, for once, but never finished lmao
There's also this fic I am completely not connected to ha ha it's called Losing Face and while it is unfinished I heard that the author is doing this like kinda rewrite kinda reimagining sort of thing where tldr it's the same concept just executed better ha haa👀👀👀
Another one is real life au - it's VERY heavy though. Like, I had to stop reading it at some point cause it was legitimately just hitting too hard. It is well written, and it's supposed to evoke those emotions, but just be VERY careful with it. VERY tldr is that it's about Schlatt - Q's abusive ex - becoming Wilbur's sugar daddy. It is VERY dead dove do not eat, and deals with SA and s-cidal ideation. The fic is called Sugar Lips, but I won't put the link here cause seriously, it's fucking heavy - and in a very realistic way, not the fantasy "eating someone's heart while they're alive" type of thing, but in a "this happens to real people in real life" type of way. Idk if you still want to read it dm me for the link but yeah, just please stay safe, guys
And then there's one work which I cannot find for the life of me - I don't know if it got deleted or something but if it wasn't, tntblr please help me find it It was about Wilbur coming to Quackity when his stitches break. Once the guy stitches him up, there's a whole scene when Wilbur has a breakdown and Quackity helps him through it. Then I believe it's kinda this sort of "montage" of how Wilbur and Q kinda grow closer, and (spoiler alert) it ends with some event during which Sapnap and Karl show up and there's arguing and at some point Wilbur and Sapnap start fighting (physically) and Wilbur ends up beating Sapnap to death. It was so well written, and it was one of the earliest fics i've read, and i haven't been able to find it for a long, long time now
Anyway send me asks about absolutely anything, don't worry about it being "right" or anything - all asks are welcome, be it HCs, prompts, ideas, or just some appreciation, sharing something you like, a question to me, etc :]
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rayalahon · 1 year
re: what-could-have-been with Tilín
Okay so Dapper confirmed earlier today that the egg parents assignments got fucked. Quackity was accidentally doubled-counted so we got Quackity + Luzu and Wilbur + BBH. But bc the second pairing was against the rules they just let BBH and Wilbur be single parents
Obviously the single parent relationships we got out of this are really adorable, but the implications are WILD. it means that the Quackity-Tilin saga could’ve gone so differently if either Wilbur or Luzu had been online on adoption day or even the next few days following it. It was clear from the start that Q wouldnt be able to do daily tasks w Tilin (for both character and meta reasons) and that he desperately needed other ppl to take care of her. Roier and Jaiden did what they could but without a dedicated parent who would be more attentive to Tilin, she was fucked. and by the time Luzu and Wilbur got back Tilin was already dead
Its getting a lot of flack on twitter and I get that some ppl really wanted tntduo to be a happy family but the story made it clear that that wasnt gonna happen. at first Tallulah may have been seen as a potential second chance for Q to be a parent again, but at that point he was still grieving Tilin and was desperately looking for a rebound. Tallulah was a potential second chance to take care of a daughter, but not the daughter he wanted. Today’s stream reinstates this. Quackity still considers his ultimate happiness to be Tilin.
(Wilbur clocked this right away, mind you. Q has shown that he is not capable of the single parent lifestyle and was too emotionally unstable to do so anyway. Wilbur was right not to entrust Tallulah to Q)
Its wild how the moment a storyline isnt straightforward linear everyone-is-happy-together people lose their shits trying to justify why it shouldnt have happened that way. people fail to appreciate the very raw and real complications that qsmp is showing in regards to parenting. Sometimes you mess up. Sometimes you mess up so bad it causes permanent damage. Sometimes you get a second chance, or maybe you dont. I think people dont appreciate this storyline just bc the ship they wanted didnt happen!!
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barzfrommarz · 1 month
My honest unorganized thoughts on c!wilburs ending
(2 years late)
tw: mentions of suicide
I would put my thoughts on the apology tour here too but I think that will make this post to long so i'm just going to talk about the finale stream itself.
Also this is very unorganized bc I dont really remember how it exactly played out and I could go back and watch the VOD but ion wanna hear wilburs voice so im using the wiki for this therefore I wont have intricate details
One thing I really like is the flashback at the beginning. Especially the fade from L'manburg to the destroyed L'manburg I love it sm it reminds me of Analog horror series
(That part isn't relevant tho that's just me nerding out over analog horror)
They then go to Las Nevadas to try and apologize to Q but get ghosted and im pretty sure it was bc of conflicting schedules or smth but the fact that c!tntduo never got a proper ending pisses me off to this day. LIKE wdym they never interacted ever again??? Wdym if followin the dsmp ending Quackity probably has no memory of c!wilbur??? !?!?!??!?! I rlly just wish they could've gotten some form of closure either from cc!wil or cc!quackity and sure its funny ig that Q canonically ghosted c!wilbur but still??!?!??!?! ugh anyways
Tommys outburst towards wil..."I never used to be this angry" KILLS MEEEEEEEEEEE. Also c!wilbur getting scared was so....NOT EVEN TWO SECONDS LATER tommy fucking asks "Wil, are you going to kill yourself?" FUCK?????? BRO????????????? WILBUR DENYING IT TO???? Maybe im wrong here but I dont ever remember other characters acknowledging c!wilbur being suicidal and esp the fact it was c!tommy UGH it kills me
Now getting to my criticisms a little bit, I don't like the utah and gas station thing at all. It feels just so random? Out of place even. I would've liked it more if it was just a desert where c!wilbur was from or something
Then wilburs goes to leave blah blah blah don't trust those americans yada yada
Oh but C!tommy asking c!wilbur to forgive the most important person (himself) then a few minutes later we get "I never did forgive myself"OUGDHSHSGHDGDSHUSHGHUHB
Okay now im going to lay out my main criticisms I have with the finale and why I think it was somewhat unsatisfying and we c!wilbur fans were kinda fucked over in the end
-We should've gotten a VERBAL apology to c!tommy
I understand c!wilbur was afraid of losing him or whatever but it would've shown SO MUCH GROWTH FROM HIM IF HE OUTLOUD SAID "Im sorry" TO THE PERSON HE HURT MOST. Im pissed that presumably cc!wilbur decided not to have that happen. Even if it was bad JUST DO IT. c!wilbur was going to leave anyways so him being scared of losing c!tommy if he apologized wouldn't matter!
My next point is that c!wilbur leaving wasn't thought out enough I think. I do personally think c!wilbur should've left the place that ruined him to heal. That's step one of learning to heal but with the apology tour being a flop and him never verbally apologizing to c!tommy it felt unsatisfying and almost underserved and I see why so many people afterward were like "he doesn't just get to leave". What would've helped I think would've been more streams or longer streams if possible. There was so much shit that needed to be retconned but it wasn't given enough time I feel and thats why to so many ppl they were unsatifyed/upset
Going more into the utah shit. I hate it. I hate the "Plot twist" of him being secretly american and from utah. Not even getting into how the real world is now apparently canon to the dsmp in one of the last few dsmp lore streams. I honestly would've liked it more if it wasn't specifically named what the place was instead it was just home. I also had this idea of instead of him disappearing in the middle of the ocean I think it would've been cooler if c!wilbur took a train somewhere almost like a callback to limbo.
I don't like how its somewhat implied c!wilbur killed himself again. It feels cheap to kill of a already heavily suicidal character AGAIN when instead it genuinely could've been a story about how you can learn to heal and forgive yourself even if you did bad things. Maybe this is just me not wanting my favorite character to die but I don't like it at all
Ghostbur was also handled terribly. I understand why alivebur hated him but I also think it would've shown growth if he learned to accept ghostbur in the end. Even if it wasn't fully
Also why the fuck did we never get the contents of the book c!wilbur gave c!tommy?? You throw that shit in just to never tell us what's in it almost 2 years later??
Final thoughts
I might go back and edit this later with more things but for my final thoughts I think c!wilburs finale +the apology tour was a big unsatisfying flop and I belive c!wilbur fans were unfairly fucked over in the end.
Not to sing brighton biter praise, but I do believe he was a good writer and the fact that the last few streams were this unsatisfying is disappointing coming from him. I mean im sure he just wanted to get c!wilburs finale out so he could be done with it but that's not an excuse for fucking your fans over. There was also probably issues with other ccs and characters since (Imo) a lot of the characters he interacted with in the end don't have the best writing (not meant to insult the ccs btw, just saying)
But personally, I somewhat accept it simply bc this is the best we got and I personally don't like alot of other fan re writes on his ending and I also don't like his ending just being "lol he killed himself again"
Anyways that's it, sorry for being unorganized and I apologize if I got anything wrong I might add more to this later. Thx for listening <3
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raindrops-on-concrete · 3 months
Some Fic Recs
I've been reading a lot of fanfiction lately and also organizing my Ao3 bookmarks into collections, so I thought I might as well share some recommendations on here.
Mo Dao Zu Shi/The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation:
if you ever feel alone, don’t - a fun texting fic about the juniors trying to get WangXian together
save a sword, ride a socialist - very unhinged modern au fake dating WangXian, but also very fun and mostly lighthearted
on the unfortunate termination of your betrothal - approx. 15 years post-canon Jin Ling/Lan Sizhui that somehow end up in some sort of situationship after Lan Sizhui's fiancée calls off the wedding; it's very tender and just a lot of emotions
Gremlin Twitter Boyfriend - a lovely multivoice cast podfic, modern au fake dating WangXian, just very funny and lighthearted
Dream SMP/SBI:
How to Smile with Bloody Teeth - bedrock bros fluff where Tommy is the blood god and Techno is his last devout believer; it also has two sequels, one about Phil and on about Wilbur; a lot of very fun dramatic irony in the entire series
It's Not Arson, It's Team-building - tntduo modern au where they're both counselors at a summer camp and Wilbur is very melancholy because it's his last summer as a counselor
six fly amongst bloody stars - Aria Cinabun's lesser known space au, I believe, where Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Purpled, Drista and Lani are a crew of space vigilantes that accept a job to kidnap senator Nihachu in order to save a planet which makes them the number one most wanted criminals in the galaxy
take this compass, follow it home - a sbi foster fic that deals with neurodivergency and self-worth issues; it's not sad but defintely heavy at times
[Podfic] CLASSIFIEDS. - a multivoice podfic, SCP au sbi told through incident reports and files on supernatural beings that are being held at the SCP foundation
Stray Kids RPF:
the book of us: electricity - Seungjin highschool au, they meet by chance on twitter during Seungmin's second to last year of highschool; just a very real down-to-earth story about teenagers, not knowing what the future holds and about not living the teenage dream; it also has a very eloquent writing style imo
pathos prairie - Minsung modern au, slice-of-life, in which Han has OCD and struggles with internalized homophobia, very down-to-earth, has a reoccurring them of the number 3 which ties in with the OCD plot, has its tender moments but also gets quite heavy
The Student Prince - modern university au with magic Merthur, where Merlin is the most powerful wizard of his generation and supposed to protect Arthur, but Arthur is also his roommate and really fucking annoying (I linked the podfic bc it's very lovely, but you can obviously also read it)
FayJay's Merlin fics are generally very good, if you want to check them out after the Student Prince
feel free to also check out my collections for more recs or shoot me a message, I have lots of more fics to rec that I haven't bookmarked yet (bc alas I'm super bad at bookmarking, I usually forget):
1 Fics that rewired my brain | Archive of Our Own - some of my favourite fics of all time that I consider to be masterpieces in their own right
2 Rain's Favourite Fics | Archive of Our Own - all my bookmarks sorted into subcollections by ship or fandom
4 Rain's Podfic Collection | Archive of Our Own - most of the podfics I've listened to, but unfiltered, so doesn't necessarily mean that I enjoyed them
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firesnap · 10 months
I said this on discord but like, I am not a huge shipper person. I never have been. But I do not get the annoyance some people have for q!TNTDuo fans and why people seem annoyed that they fucking feasted on Charlie's bit tonight with the Wilbur bot.
Like, I don't know how to tell you this, but it's completely possible (and happens frequently in fiction!!) to set up a relationship story with a character that isn't there. It's a valid method of storytelling to have a character who isn't there become some sort of representation/goal of the character that is. It's possible to develop the relationship and give it real depth without having that character around.
And like.
Quackity signed on just to make a ten minute bit about wanting his RP guy to find Wilbur. And getting disappointed/relieved that it wasn't Wilbur.
So rather than be like "oh my god q!TNTDuo don't interact, Quackity has interacted more with ____" instead I think the more interesting question is.
What story is Quackity telling here with his character being so attached to this person who isn't around.
And why, tonight, was it El Quackity who was so obsessed with seeing Wilbur when he's never been like that.
And how interesting is that the first time El Quackity has expressed any interest in Wilbur is right after the stream where we see the book that says Wilbur and Roier are the two most important non-egg folks to q!Quackity.
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sixthemeowmeowidk · 4 months
ok I decided to hand pick some fics from The Vault for u (I sincerely apologize for how messy it is)
Libertango by anonperegrine ! Absolute classic royal au with delicious delicious slow burn and well deserved fluff at the end (there is also a sequel I haven't read yet though)
If Lying Feels More Comfortable When Wearing A Suit, So Be It by A_Concerned_Citizen ! Ok so. If u find this fic you will quickly realize it's unfinished BUT trust me when I say it still totally works and you won't feel anything like missing or left out so it doesn't rlly matter so long as you ignore it. It's got some good ol fake dating they get all domestic and shit it's so cute
Silver Sails and Indigo Scales by VoidAvon ! I love their fics and this one is a mermaid au! Beautiful writing and there are a lot of sorta clueless mermaid Wil and Q hijinks (slow burn too!)
It Is Nothing to Die, It Is Frightful To Not Live by Aba_02_Cash ! Q helps Wil out of a horrible winter storm and soft shit ensues, literally my favorite fic of all time and while you're at it go read all their other fics if ur in the mood of hurt Wil getting taken care by Q
the sunrise is sleeping by ghostieZone ! Q coming home from work to see Wil still sleeping in his bed it's super cute and shit they are just sadly yearning here but FOREHEAD KISSES
What Happens in Las Nevadas, Stays in Las Nevadas by Paperturtledove ! Wil and Q doesn't remember what they did drunk last night, and if u read the tags. Accidental marriage baby! Also a little bit of preening at the start
Meet the Minecrafts by Paperturtledove (again! I didn't even realize they wrote this one too until now) ! Wil invites Q to dinner to the Minecraft household! Shenanigans ensue. Phil and techno are done with their shit
Seniors by d0gteeth ! Tntduo as you guessed it! Seniors. It's pretty short and sweet and I always have a soft spot for angsty teenagers tntduo so this is one of my favorites
The Sanguine Shore by VoidAvon ! Another mermaid au! This one's a oneshot and is super fluffy and just cute as hell. Wil is a loser who falls in love ♥️ oh and nearly dies but that's beside the point
October is for soulmates and October is for lovers by Endergirl ! You know it's good if it's by endergirl. Just a collection of oneshots and they're all super fucking good !! Can't summarize them all here obviously so looks like you have to read it yourself to find out 👀
Being Revived Was a Real Pain In My Back by mintitack ! Q massages Wilbur's back and it's cute :3
you're gonna drown in your sleep by lav_endermoon ! Wil has a nightmare and Q calms him down. A classic. Q's sudden transition to being tender and soft when he realizes what's up got me tho I love it
We Are All Poetry, Night Vale by alittlebitofwonk ! Pretty short and sweet but with some good ol pining and Q is a tattoo artist Wil is a barista all that good stuff
Candle eyes by VoidAvon ! Rivalry in a zombie apocalypse! Oh what's this? Wil realizes making Q smile is better than riling him up to a fight? This isn't like explicitly romantic but if you can read inbetween the lines... Pretty Gay (also one of my favorites cause Avon's stuff is great)
Pretend by Endergirl
automate by darkrooms
we got a love that is hopeless by delusionalbutck
The Pain of No Sleep by Bubblemintbabe
no big deal (I love you) by luminouslotuses
All of Aba_02_Cash's works
All of VoidAvon's works
Another glass of whiskey comin' up! by lovelesmae
Ok...that's all I got in me........my final message........ctntduo gay love..dies
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nefkyo · 8 months
This is a wip of a personal project. Please note the tags before reading:
dream smp lore, post Doomsday era, implied character death, implied suicide, necromancy, crimeboys mope around in Limbo, mild description of a panic attack, mild description of body horror, miscommunication, tntduo is real, tntduo family who cheered, avian Quackity, ram Tubbo, Quackity is trans because I believe he can do anything
this is for @werenotacoupleyesyouare.
Faint footsteps echo towards him. He's back from his light jog in the tunnel that loops into itself. He heard him get frustrated fifteen minutes ago but didn't say anything. "Hi again" he says. Even in Limbo, Tommy comes back after arguing with him, sits down next to him and gives him the silent treatment. But at least he's sat down. Does nothing he says ever sting enough? No, never enough. Nothing is ever enough to drive him away, far away enough. Not even a kind invitation to never return. "I have to tell you something about the Overworld, Will." Tommy starts, only to be cut off as usual. "I've already told you, I don't want to know whatever you have to say when you start off like that." "It's really big." Tommy looks up at him, or at least in his general direction, and for a brief moment he sees a sort of pity gloss over those blank orbs. It irks him. "I *really* don't want to know, then." he groans.
"But- How are you not even a little bit curious?"
"With the way you're looking at me, I'd rather keep whatever dignity I have left through ignorant bliss."
"H- That's nothing like you."
"Yeah, well, maybe I've changed."
"You have."
He quickly diverts his eyes back towards the train tracks. Still, cold, unforgivingly grey and dirty. "Will you tell me anyway if I say no?" Wilbur asks, he has before, and he shakes his head, he has before. "Good. Because you told me that it's a secret you were told to take to the grave." he continues. Tommy perks up then, "See?" he says, a knowing smile "That's why I should be able to tell someone else that secret now, especially you!" "You know that's not how the saying is supposed to be interpreted. It doesn't matter how important it could be, Toms," he mumbles into the pitch black horizon, "once you tell me, what would I be left to do about it? I'm dead, we're dead. I'd just spend eternity asking you why you didn't keep your mouth shut." "Yeah, but--" "Just forget about it." Tommy makes a series of noises out of frustration and then stands up, arms crossed, as he starts wandering around again. Wilbur is starting to get tired of watching him do this every time, especially with the way he phases through the shadows of the platform like nothing. "That's such bullshit! How am I supposed to forget?" "By talking about something else?" "No! It's- If anything, it's the evil shit you've been saying lately that makes it harder to choose!" "I haven't said anything necessarily "evil" lately." Wilbur shrugs, angering the blond again. It doesn't take much. "You're constantly praising Dream!" he exclaims, "you praise him, the bastard who took our lands and killed me when I tried to avenge you!" "You weren't avenging me Tommy, we both know you were in Pandora's Box to mock him and avenge yourself." Wilbur corrects him as if he'd seen the whole scene himself. He hasn't, but he got the crude details narrowed down. "Besides, if he's got this necromancy thing down, you have to give him some credit." "Well he probably fucking doesn't, it's been three months! I feel it on my skin!" "Yeah, I know." "And he has not revived me, the green bitch, so my point still stands! A-And you wouldn't feel the same about him if I told you The Thing!" Tommy defends, but once again, Wilbur refuses to hear whatever The Thing. "I'm just saying, if Dream has all this arcane power at his fingertips, then I see him in a new light. I'd be honored to pick his brain at this time." "You would NOT." Tommy groans, but he sits back down.
"...Is The Thing going to make me angry?" he asks suddenly. Tommy nods, his eyes would light up with surprise if there was any life behind them. "Probably." "Is it going to make me hate Dream like before?" "Maybe. Not directly, at least." Wilbur thinks about it for a hard, long minute before he answers. "Fine, tell me." he sighs. Tommy seems to make some mental gymnastics beforehand, then, when he feels ready, he speaks. "I know you and Quackity were dating during Pogtopia, he told me. And... He laid an egg a few days after you died."
Wilbur is stunned into silence, frozen in place as the information makes its way to his brain. Not the first part of the information, of course, who cares about that. "Are you..." he stammers, "...Are you serious?" "Yeah, uh... Yours, obviously. The egg." Tommy shrugs, but this is not a casual matter at all. "I promised Big Q I wouldn't tell anyone you were the father, but you should know. She was doing ok the last time I saw her, she looks like you." "She? I-It hatched, the egg hatched?" "Yeah." "Is she healthy?" he asks, his voice constricts in his throat, and Tommy just nods quietly. It takes him a long time to accept that information. He repeats it under his breath, over and over. "A daughter. I have a daughter." he whispers, and Tommy just stares ahead as usual. Tommy touches the back of his head uncomfortably, where the gash that killed him sits in its crimson glory. "Quackity told her about you, showed her pictures of L'Manberg and everything, but... Y'know, more in a symbolic way, she probably doesn't actually know anything." "So..." he hesitates. It's like someone just tossed his brain onto the train tracks. "...So that whole story you told me about Quackity starting that project, the casino, that was a lie then?" "Oh no, I didn't lie about that. He really was building a casino last I saw him." Tommy says. "He called it Las Nevadas." "Yeah, he.. He told me that's what he would've called it." his voice dies out. Wilbur thinks about Quackity, what he could look like now. Their daughter, their daughter must be a little lady now. Does he make her play in the casino? Does she deal cards with him? "When *did* you guys start dating anyway? Like, before the elections or during Pogtopia?" Tommy breaks his thought patterns suddenly. "Because I'll remind you, *you* were the one saying not to fraternize with other candidates at the votes and I will never let you live it down." "Shut up," Wilbur sighs in response, and he knows he would usually smile at this kind of tease, but he doesn't. Even if the images of those times still make something bloom in him. "We started dating *during* Pogtopia, after the festival fiasco. We'd watch over Tubbo together, console each other, as usual. It just felt different that time around." he mutters.
"Dude, ew. Tubbo was unconscious and you were kissing in there?!"
"No- No no no, what? We didn't kiss in his room, we just- we talked about it, our feelings. *Then*, after he recovered, we kissed. Completely separate occasion."
"Right. I'm gonna believe that for the sake of my sanity."
So Tommy is now stuck answering whatever Wilbur may ask about her, about this kid nobody has ever seen more than once or twice. But when he's voluntarily about to tell him her name, Wilbur orders him not to. "Are you sure?" Tommy says, but he's already moved on to other questions.
"Does she have brown eyes?"
"I don't know, I only saw her while she was sleeping."
"So how could you tell if she was healthy if she wasn't awake?"
"Well, Quackity would've probably said if she was sick with something."
"Did she ever chirp like a duckling?"
"She did a few times."
His baby girl, nuzzled in the arms of her father, chirping in her sleep. He can't picture her, but he wants to. "Does he miss me?" he asks suddenly. "Quackity. Does he miss me?" "Well... I think he did. He was skittish of other people, he didn't really want to talk about you much. He didn't even want Phil seeing her." "Phil doesn't know about her?" Wilbur jumps up a little, and Tommy tilts his head slightly. "I think he's seen her at least once. He doesn't know that she's yours, Quackity didn't tell him." "Why?" Wilbur asks, but then he stops and thinks about it. Of course.
There's another stretch of silence. Wilbur sighs heavily and thinks on how everyone knows about a child that he can't even picture. "Do you... Do you think that I could've been a good father?" he asks with wishful thinking on his tongue. "Yeah, you wish! You couldn't even keep yourself alive, man." Tommy chimes with another tease. But after staring out into the dark for another long few minutes, he shrugs. "Maybe. Maybe you could've been." "Ouch." Wilbur smirks briefly then, only then. They're both contemplating a thousand different thoughts a minute.
"Would I have gotten to see her if I'd lived?"
"I think so, yeah."
"Did he hate me when I...?"
"Oh yeah, a lot." he nods. "He screamed a lot, then he went quiet and didn't say anything about you again." he actually turns to look at him - in his general direction at least - and with a voice below a whisper, with that same, angering pity in his eyes all over again, "Why didn't you tell him?" he asks. "I get that you didn't tell me what you were going to do, but him? Why didn't you tell him if you loved him so much?" he feels the faint taste of bile, just for a split second, before he replies with a very weak excuse. "Because I knew that if I did..." He sighs. Now he sees why he and Tommy keep secrets from each other, why they don't want to hurt each other with the truth. "...I knew that he'd never let me die. He would've done anything to keep me alive, and my brain was so set on it, so sure that I *needed* to die. He would've gotten in my way, just like you always did. And I couldn't do that to him, to you, to anyone else."
He remembers it. The night he had a breakdown so violent he almost told him his plans, thinking he was about to die from rabies anyway. In the dark, damp tunnels, pain stinging in his trembling arm, bite marks and blood and a sensory overload. Quackity held him up and looked at him with eyes of horror and repressed despair and kept telling him "It's ok, it's gonna be ok, it was just a wolf," while disinfecting the wound, pressing hard on the gauze. He looked at him and said "Q, I'm so sorry, I--" but before he could find the word that came after that "I", he froze. He couldn't tell him. So he said "I'm scared", which wasn't really a lie, and Quackity held him through that too.
Wilbur sighs as he snaps himself out of it. "Could you tell him that I'm sorry?" he mumbles. "If Dream finally decides to stop playing games and bring me back to life?" Tommy asks "Sure. But how would I let you know what he said?" "I don't need to know." Wilbur replies quickly, then, after a pause, his brother nods. "Ok."
A week, maybe a month, maybe an hour later, a train came to the station and actually stopped. Wilbur was sleeping on the floor as usual when the screech of gears and wheels halting startled him awake. He looked up, at the opening doors, at the bright lights inside the car, and he felt this faint rise in his stomach, this feeling that told him exactly where the train was headed. And he must admit, he got excited. A tall, long figure stepped out, a blank face in a dark green cloak walked past him and grabbed Tommy, whose blind eyes darted around in confusion. "Wilbur?" he said, he spoke and Wilbur said "Toms?" with the same tone. "Wilbur, I think he's taking me back!" he exclaims, but he doesn't sound happy at all. "That's ok, I'm right behin--" he tries to stand up as he says it, but a force he can't explain, a pull keeps him seated. He can't go, of course he can't go. He doesn't deserve to go. So he starts again, trying to use that same voice of enthusiasm. "That's great Tommy, that's great! Be careful out there, don't come back here too soon!" he tries to joke, but Tommy doesn't seem glad to hear his voice so far away, to not *see* him when they're just a step from each other. The tall figure keeps a thin hand on the back of Tommy's head. "Will, I'll find a way to make you come back too!" "Don't do that, Tommy, don't try that!" he warns, but Tommy doesn't seem to be listening anymore already. The train doors start closing, one by one, now Tommy isn't even looking around anymore, he's frozen, catatonic. That's when Wilbur realizes, "TOMMY! You didn't tell me her name! Tommy! Tell me her name!" he screams, his voice rasps and the figure, the long, tall, white face in a dark green cloak puts a finger to his mouth to shush him, though it has no lips of its own. "TOMMY, HER NAME!" he begs, he feels as heavy as the day he died. Tommy mouths something, his lips quiver and make a word but the shrill of the metal doors makes it unintelligible. Then, the train departs. Wilbur feels a gust of wind, of life, trailing behind those giant tin cans that just took his brother back to the land of the living. And then it's gone.
All that's left is an empty train station. Nothing but dust on the track, and the echo of the train's wheels as it leaves the tunnel. Wilbur is alone again. That's what makes it hurt the most, really—he was right there! He had a chance, even the smallest, slimiest chance in hell, that he could've seen his own kid. That he could've kept Tommy safe with him too. Now it's gone. All that he has left is to wait, once again, for the wheels that will bring them all back together. Time is never kind to souls that refuse to move on. Wilbur has lost track, how long has he been here? That's another thing he should've asked him, isn't it ? He can think about a moment in time, remember something about himself on the surface and use it as a measurement, but those memories are all slowly fading away. Maybe that's for the best, he can't keep thinking about the people he knows, can't look back if he wants to move forward, so he waits. He waits, he waits, he waits. One day is another, and another, and another.
The train comes again. This time he's not weighed down by anything, by anyone, but he doesn't want to get on. The long, tall figure with a blank face in dark green cloak walks out, dragging from the scruff a pathetic, limp soul. He throws him out onto the pavement, a ghost that looks exactly like him. They stare at each other and they feel so terrified of the other. They can't tell who is more person, but now there's this twisted realization in both of them, that they're not the original. He tries to say anything to him, but he can't, and he doesn't either. And once they're done stalling, trading places, the figure begins to drag him in. "Wait, wait! H-he's part of me, let me get him!" he protests, but the figure doesn't let him. Some things must be sacrificed. The ghost sits in his place and looks at him with neon blue tears brimming in his eyes. As the doors close, he knows he has the other's mission now, just not what it is. He stares into the mirror image of himself, his face hollowed out from burn scars along his cheeks. It's the same in everything other than that. The way he sits, the way he slumps. He frowns, but he's not mad, really. It's just a part of him that will carry out this burden. It'll have to, whether he likes it or not. The train rumbles to a start again, he waves at himself, he waves back faintly but starts sobbing loudly soon after, almost louder than the train's screams. There's this understanding between them that they are not the same person, they could never have been, and this switch was bound to happen, whether the other thought he'd done enough up there or not. So, cheers to the other guy. Everything goes dark as they enter the tunnel, darker than death has been so far. The figure puts a thin hand on his back and he hates it, he hates it so much.
Time passes incredibly fast, all at once, faster than Limbo, faster than life. He feels vertigo pull his body in all directions, pulling his neck backwards, his chest forward, his back up, his legs down. For the first time in such a very long time, pressure enters his body. His body has depth. He sees a light, ironic, oh so ironic that he wants to go towards it but instead feels himself being pulled away from it. He fights the current, the figure stares, unaffected. He pushes through the barrier, the train shakes and rattles and screeches. He doesn't dare look.
The cold, dewy air of an April's early morning fills his lungs. Lungs, he has those. He has to get used to that feeling again before he opens his eyes. His head spins, his whole body hurts like hell. Air shudders out of him violently, like a spring has just jumpstarted the valves in his system and now he's feeling the reebot. He tries to move his arms and legs, and he succeeds, but the pain that shoots through his body makes it hard to enjoy the discovery. Every joint and bone screams at him, every suture. Suture? He lifts his hand, tentatively, carefully to his eye. Stitches. Along his wrists, the creases of his fingers, his legs, his ankles. He's been pieced back together into a single string of flesh. By who? He knows who. He doesn't care, for now. For now he's alive. He groans, and for the first time in over a decade he hears his voice without echo, he can feel heat around him, his nerves are full of blood. His body aches in places that he didn't even know could hurt, but maybe he's never been more glad. And he's laying in front of a small altar, a memorial to his name, literally. Strangely enough he can still read, and his name is written at the bottom of the marble. There are drapes of the old L'Manberg flag hanging unceremoniously over his date of birth, flowers - mostly wilted - have been left beside pictures of him. And a single, still lit lantern sits near his boots. His boots? It's strange, but he's almost certain this isn't how he was dressed when he died. He uses the flat marble surface to hoist himself up again, the weight of his own body might make him throw up if he thinks about it too hard. He glances all around. Everything is empty, quiet—like a museum. Except it's not, this looks more like a rocky pit overgrown with nature. He groans aloud, the pain is excruciating but he tries to focus on the sights around him. His body wants to shut down once more, but despite the overwhelming weight of the world that's bearing down on him, he can't let his mind slip away again. He must keep going. He stands up, head bobbing slightly. This doesn't feel like any afterlife or secondary plane, it feels like the Overworld. It just *feels* like it. He stares up, he looks as far as he can squint, at the hills of exposed rock covered in dew and moss. These are ruins alright. He wants to laugh, but he just sneers. Someone built him a memorial over the ruins of what he destroyed, it's like making a plaque for the potted plant that fell on the pavement and made a crack, except the potted plant was him, and the crack was more of an abysmal crater. He squints at the ruins in front of him, everything is still and silent. Not one sound but the wind. Not one person but himself. It's all here in front of him, in this broken down splinter of what used to be L'Manberg. There's a sense of finality in the air, but it's not sad, it feels like an ending. He feels the air chill his breath and the cold ground underneath his feet. But it's a different feeling from what he was experiencing when he was dead.
Not anymore, apparently.
He hears those footsteps behind him, hurrying, running on stone and wood. Two, no, three people, and at least one other creature. He turns around in time to find himself smiling at a horrified Tommy, a very drained, jittery Tommy, with a blue sheep on a leash, and then Tubbo and... An Enderman in a suit. Tommy walks towards him carefully, maybe a little cathartically, like one walks up to a heaving rabbit they just shot with an arrow. "Oh, you fuck." "Hello again." he says, and he can't help laugh at his little audience. Tommy is looking *at* him, and he's cussing him out, it's just like the old times. Nothing's changed! Well, besides everything else. "Hi Wilbur!" Tubbo waves from the back of this posse - when did he get so tall?! "Is... is this real?" he asks, breaking the teethering tension. "Yeah. Where's Ghostbur?" Tommy asks back, and he can't answer that. He was expecting anything, a 'Welcome back', a clear indicator that he was anywhere near missed, but instead he's asked where the other guy is. The better version, he imagines. "Oh, he's... He took my place in Limbo." the words just sort of slip out of him. "He WHAT?? How do we get him back??" "I-I don't know, I just got here! I'm back." he shrugs as he speaks, like this was supposed to be obvious. He's still taking everything in, glancing at the blue sheep and the enderman, still mostly paying attention to the sound of his breathing and the feeling of the solid ground underneath his feet. So *real.* "You're supposed to act at least a little bit happy to see me." he mutters. "W-We are." Tommy forces out, but he doesn't want to move towards him any further. "So why aren't you coming here? Hey, it's me! It's me, man!" "I-I didn't think you'd-- trade places with him. I thought you'd be all in one piece together. I didn't even have a ghost, why'd you split?!" "I-I don't know." and Wilbur really doesn't know, but it feels weird not to lie anymore. "Tommy, we just got him back, can you guys not complain about each other already?" Tubbo chimes in, sliding past Tommy to walk over and hug Wilbur. It's an instant regret. It feels strange, uncomfortable, irritating like a stubble rash. But Tubbo's heart is in the right place, so he lets him. He instigated it anyway. Then the sheep tries to sniff his leg. "Oh god don't tell me I have to hug the sheep as well" was not a thought, or sentence in general, that Wilbur ever thought he'd hear himself saying, but thankfully he doesn't have to. "That's Friend," Tubbo says as he steps back "Ghostbur befriended it and we- we thought he'd be here, so we were gonna take it to him." he hears a faint and shy "and I'm Ranboo..." from behind Tommy. "Yeah that's Ranboo. They're here too." Tubbo nods, taking Friend's leash to hand it over to the creature. "...Charmed." Wilbur says, a little too focused on the other matters at hand and, quite frankly, a little unsure whether he can look them in the eyes or not.
"Y'know, you look like you haven't aged." he tells Tubbo as they accompany his out of the caved in rock. "Really? I reckon I actually look different, like, my horns came in, fuckin' finally. Didn't you notice?" he asks when he puts his head down to show him. A set of horns, already scratched in. "I mean, yeah, I did. Looking good." "Thanks bossman." "It's just... I thought you'd be... Older, older than... This." Tommy and Tubbo share a glance, then look back at him. "How long have I been dead?" he has to ask the two. He has to ask before he starts moving his legs in any direction and he doesn't stop, it's getting hard to sit still. "About a year and a half." Tommy says something finally. "A year?! A year and a half??" he spits out. "A fuckin' lot's happened, Will, and I need you to promise that you're not gonna say some weird shit about Dream being cool or--" but Wilbur is too busy laughing incredulously at how little time has passed since he died. "A year and a half, are you kidding?? I was dead for thirteen and a half years, Tommy!" "I- No, Will. You weren't dead that long, it's just a Limbo thing."
He stares at them both, his smile evaporating, his breath catching. "No, there's no way. I feel so... I feel jaded, jaded and stuffy, Tommy!" There's no way he was only gone for so little time, it's impossible. He could swear on his life that he was alone for so much longer, there's no way his own memory could deceive him like this. But Tommy looks almost the same as when they last saw each other in Limbo, Tubbo's just a little taller than before. It's the landscape, that's what really changed. He can feel the rushing of wind from nearby cracks in the stone, he can feel the need to look through them. "I mean, no offense, you look older than you're supposed to be..." Tubbo says, cocking his head slightly. "Did you know you've got white hair?" "I got white hair too, after I was revived." Tommy points out. Wilbur hasn't even had the chance to think about a mirror, he's just wandering off, staring out into the sky, the blooming dawn. If he's not thirteen years older, then his daughter, who's out there somewhere, isn't a teenager. She might still need him. Quackity might still need him. His soles find a step and he stares down at a sea of glass. If regret needed a preview, it would look like what's underneath it. "Is this L'Manberg?"
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anonperegrine · 8 months
Do you research what you put in Libertango or does it just come out of your head? Also I’m so obsessed with that universe so much, married royal tntduo my beloved *giggles and kicks my feet*
It's a mix of both!!
You'll probably notice Pogtopia is very obviously Scandinavian inspired: particularly Finnish, with a little bit of Sweden and (Kola) Russia thrown in for spice.
The Yrimi are based on a real life indigenous group in Scandinavia called the Saami (also spelled Sami and Sámi)! I have a special attachment to this part of the Libertango universe because of my ancestry. My family can definitely no longer be considered Saami as we do not participate in the culture and have lost our heritage, because my most recent Saami ancestor was sent to residential schooling in Sweden and erased his culture.
So as follows, the Yrimi culture and language are heavily Saami inspired! I would love to be able to use my ancestral language Skolt Saami as inspiration, but unfortunately, this language is severely endangered, with less than 1,000 speakers in the Skolt/Inari region :( and thus it's very difficult to find information on.
So instead, the Yrimi language is based on the Northern Saami language (or Davvisámegiella). This is easier to find resources for, as it continues to be the lingua-franca of all Saami people, sitting at about 25,000 speakers.
As far as like, technology and history goes, obviously Libertango is set in a fictional 1830s. I've purposefully put myself in 1832 for the beginning of the novel, as it perfectly contains all the technology I want (IVs, trains, widespread steam power, etc) but also all the "historical" feels of the regency era. The fashion and culture of non-Saami pogtopia is meant to be reminiscent of Romanov-Russia. (Oh no, they Alexander Romanov II-ified my Wilbur Soot oh fuck)
I love when people question my technology usage because it gives me the opportunity to infodump! Like did you know the first documented attempt at intravenous medicine was in the 17th century? That's crazy! And wheelchairs have been documented in early forms as far back as 600BC China?
But additionally, some things, like the Northern Lights lore, are partially my own. In real Saami culture, the Northern Lights are the souls of our dead, but the bit about the meaning of the colors of the Lights? Like how the green Lights are "reaching down" to claim another sould? That's my own personal thing. Not rooted in Saami lore, but definitely related to it.
Hmmmmm what else... ah! You can't have my eighth grade hyperfixation on Napoleon and never use it for anything! The whole conflict the novel is centered around is very Napoleonic-wars-era inspired. Especially the bits of scorched earth, the encirclement movements, allowing the enemy to believe they've won before hitting them at full force.
Okay I need to stop no one is gonna read all of this
Thank you for the ask! Infodumping has been completed (for now)
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silverblade87 · 11 hours
Things from the Dsmp Era i remember as someone who wasn't a part of the fandom back then
Context: i remember in 2020-2021 i really wanted to be part of the fandom but i had no idea where to start and my english wasn't one of the greatest at the time, but i did watch some things about it and this is most of what i remember
C!tntduo animatic on tiktok of them threatening each other
Clip of tommy asking tubbo how he felt about people people shipping them, tommy was like "i dont mind it" & tubbo was like "Fuck No"
C!wilbur. He was literally everywhere
The tommy lesbian incident (i was on his side (i think))
Clip of gnf calling dream's mom or something?? and telling her he's his boyfriend
Animation of them singing and passing the phone to each other idk how to describe it
I remember seeing a lot of Ranboo's tiktoks
Dude i just checked and for some reason i had save two sad-ist animatics on my phone?? I did not remember this holy shit (Dream SMP War & Dawn of 16th)
I also apparently saved the "Centuries" animatic by the real squiddo, which i also have no memory of doing
This screenshot i dont have the context of:
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Tommyinnit gacha life au where he was a god or some shit
And for the last but not the least: watching some manhunt videos for 10 seconds and then stopping because they were really boring (i thought the manhunt videos were the actual dream smp and was like How The Fuck Do You People Enjoy This Shit)
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inspired by this art by @skretri
PAPERWORK // A tntduo swap fic
WORDS: 1530 / No Warnings
TNTduo but less heavy on the, "I wanna kill you"
A small pounding on the door grabbed Wilbur's attention. He registered the kind of knocking, the pattern, and all kinds of dread began to fill him. 'Please no. I ask of one thing, not let it be him, please please please'
Just like God to not answer his prayers, an undead duck burst into Wilbur's office to make his life hell. "Wilbur, you slimy fuck, why didn't you show up yesterday? I had such a fun get together for us planned!"
Wilbur scowled, removing his eyes from his desk work. "Well, Mr. Quackity, you seem to misunderstand the concept of responsibility, something I can't just write off." He gestured to the mountain of paperwork on his desk. "Also, I never agreed."
Quackity leveled him as he was in fact, talking bullshit, and he would not deny that. Not about the paperwork, which was very much real, but the idea that he did not flake on him last night. Because he did. Tommy even pointed it out when he found him sitting in his office. But he wouldn't just admit that. God no. So to prove himself, or at least, the very real work, Wilbur began rifling through the papers and reading aloud.
"Alright, let's see.. The fountain in the east wing of L'Manberg is due for unveiling with my name required in pen-"
Before he could finish, Quackity snatched the felt-tip from Wilbur's desk, along with the document and scribbled down Wilbur Soot in perfect cursive. Wilbur's eyes widened.
“That it?”
He snatched it back, straightening his glasses to read, and he flushed a confounded red.
"When'd you learn to copy my signature?!"
"Doesn't matter." Quackity pointed down at the line. "You should really invest in a stamp or something if this is all you do all day."
Wilbur frowned, still concerned of all the crimes in his name and other what have you, but that was an actual fantastic idea. (It was times like this he couldn't stand Quackity.) He grumbled and leaned towards the intercom to his secretary. "Willow, could you please put down 'stamps' in my-"
The duck's eyes lit up, and he exploded into laughter, and if they had it, Wilbur would be one step away from calling security. "See? See? I have good ideas!"
"Fuck off, Quackity."
He leaned against the desk, Wilbur instinctively pushing away, and smiled. "Ah, can't get rid of me that easily, Soot."
Wilbur rolled his eyes. "God," he spat, "I wish I could sometimes."
He laughed, duck teeth on full display. "Oh yeah?"
Wilbur bit back any more foul words, instead electing to grab a paper off the pile and ignore the duck shooting him a self-righteous gaze hidden behind perfectly-framed magenta glasses.
He picked up his pen, trying to read the small print (that was definitely small and nothing else in the room that was making it difficult to read.) Both of these were snatched out of his hands as Quackity started scribbling down answers and all Wilbur could do was watch.
"Quackity, that's not just my signature-"
"Oh, I know."
Within record time, the paper was handed back to Wilbur, and he quickly scanned over it. He realized in both dawning horror and fascination that Quackity had not only his name but his entire form of handwriting down. He looked up, the man's smug smile on full display.
"That was for the new apartment complex right?" Quackity asked.
"Uh- Yes," Wilbur swallowed, reading over the paper just one more time. Everything was perfectly in order, exactly how he would've done it.
"Yes actually..."
His mouth went dry. Quackity was in fact, very good at this. All the shafting he had done of Las Nevadas while it still stood seemed to be extremely unjustified. Before he could reach a conclusion that would've given Quackity the second ego trip of a lifetime, Tommy, his second in command, rolled in a cart's worth of assorted binders and folders. And for once in his life, Wilbur was both grateful and anguished at the idea of more paperwork. For all the wrong reasons.
"Alright," he said, huffing and puffing as though they didn't have an elevator that cut down half the travel, "The blue folders are specifically supposed to be filed and accounted for by end of the month while the red-"
He stopped, seemingly registering Quackity in the room, and a Wilbur in despair.
" 'Ello, Big Q."
Quackity smiled. "Afternoon, Tommy."
Tommy looked between them, as if trying to get a grasp on the situation. What were little brothers for?
In an instant, his face went from mild curiousity to horror as he ran out the room, and Wilbur remembered, 'Oh right, literally everything but help.'
"Tommy, get back here!!"
Quackity made eye contact with Wilbur, a clear question in his head, and Wilbur mouthed for him to ignore it.
A very suspicious Tommy poked back in, looking between the two, and Wilbur answered for him, bridge of his nose pinched between his fingers. "Quackity was just helping me with paperwork."
And god, he wished he wasn't.
"Oh." He scanned the two of them. "Really? That's all?"
Wilbur and Quackity both nodded.
"Oh, oh good!" Tommy motioned to the cart again. "Because these are a two person job."
Wilbur frowned. "I thought you were my second person?"
"Yeah, but with Q here, I don't have to be!"
With no reason to stay, a very happy Tommy dropped off the last of the files, remarking, “The red folders are due by next week but you should really get them done tonight and if you need anything call Juno- the binders should all be proofread,” before wheeling out the cart and waving goodbye to the both of them.
Wilbur's counterpart grabbed a pen, his again, only pen, and smiled. “Let’s get to work!”
Wilbur groaned and picked up the first copy.
And so, because there was no reasonable way to say, “Actually, I want to do all this paperwork by myself tonight, mhm, you can leave now,” the two were sat next to each other, Quackity rambling on and on about the work he used to do in Las Nevadas and Wilbur very subtly trying to scoot to the edge of the desk.
“You can stop avoiding me like I have the goddamn plague,” the duck said without looking up, and Wilbur finally noticed just the amount of unconscious space he put between them. “Seriously, just because I'm dead doesn't mean I'm diseased.”
He colored. “My apologies.”
Quackity shrugged, and Wilbur attempted to very carefully find a spot that wasn’t too close nor too far from him. Quackity took one look at him, said, “Fuck that,” and dragged him into spot himself. He shot Wilbur a look.
"Right, right, haha, could you hand me—"
He glanced at his now work partner and laughed, nervous giddy all but bubbling in his stomach. “I’ll just get it myself..”
He reached across the table and tried to grab a red folder labelled, “Manchester Square,” but crashed out of his seat.
“Jesus, Soot, even baby ducks aren’t this helpless.”
Wilbur glared.
Quackity held out his hand and as he took it, he realized how coarse revival could make a person.
Now realizing that, he blinked. “This isn’t going to pop off if I pull too hard right?”
“If it does, it’ll be news to the both of us.”
Quackity lugged Wilbur up, the momentum nearly knocking both of them over.
“Christ,” he said, “You are so fucking tall.”
“Fuck you,” Wilbur spat. Quackity shoved him back into his chair before placing the red folder in his hands. Falling back into silence and the monotony of work, Wilbur’s mind began to wander.
“So..” He began flipping through the papers and clicking his pen. “How’s being ‘revived’ going for you?”
Wilbur blinked, suddenly aware of what he asked and how it looked. “I’m— I apologize if that was too blunt—“
“No, no, you’re fine..”
Quackity leaned back in his chair while fiddling with the pen in his hand. “It’s..”
He let out a long, drawn sigh and brushed hair between his fingers.
"It's better than being dead."
“That doesn’t sound very positive, Big Q.”
Quackity chortled.
“No, I guess it doesn’t.”
Despite his relaxed posture and expression, there hid a flurry of emotions hiding behind his eyes Wilbur couldn't place; a storm brewing made of maelstrom winds and thunder as loud as lions on top of what used been a calm ocean. What was being dead like?
They made eye contact, and Wilbur quickly dove himself back into his work. Quackity laughed. "That paper on employee tax more interesting than me?"
Caught off guard, Wilbur cleared his throat and fidgeted with the papers nervously in his hand.
"No, it's- Wait, fuck- Y- No-"
As Wilbur dug his way into a hole, he smiled.
"Shut up."
"You're really something you know that, Wil?"
He stopped, nearly dropping the pen. "I'm what?"
Quackity however, didn't leave time to linger as he got back to work. When Wilbur found Tommy, he thought that boy was gonna be the death of him. But this? This was a whole new ordeal.
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qjaiden · 2 years
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hiiii anything wilbur or q related writing idea wise or snippets 👀
heres my tntduo royalty au rough rough draft i hope to finish… one day..
“I’m Wilbur, nice to meet you.”
This guy, Wilbur, dared to smile as Quackity had him pinned to the ground. The knife only got raised higher to his throat but Wilbur remained dauntless regardless of him being a trespasser on royal property.
The prince examined the idiotic man below him while his legs were still on both sides to keep him put. Illuminated by the moon, he was able to see the man’s messy brown hair with a shy white streak, old circled glasses, and the slightest bit of stubble that kept around his chin and the sides of his jaw. The shadows kept his neck hidden from Quackity’s vision but something silver reflected the gray light that nearly blinded his good eye.
“What are you doing here?”
The other didn’t struggle against him and Quackity found it odd. Easily with the height difference between the trespassar and himself, the other could at least try to push him off (though he’d lose against if he were to try Quackity (or at least Foolish for that matter)). This entire situation was weird and off-putting, to be honest. Quackity wants this to be over.
“If you move the knife then maybe I can answer your question.”
“Who are you to tell me what to do?”
Wilbur dared to roll his big, brown, menacing eyes before giving him a dead stare, looking exasperated. “How am I to respond”, the trespasser paused, letting the knife rest differently on his throat, “if there is a weapom blocking my breathing?”
In all fairness that was true. Hesitantly, Quackity slowly moved the blade away from the other’s throat and let it rest a bit closer to his chest. For just a second, the other sent an appreciative smile up in the prince's direction before he cockily answered. “Thank you for being somewhat reasonable.”
Quackity let the spark of a flame start his fire of emotions all over again, the small amount of alcohol and the mix of emotions tonight led the weapom back against the other’s throat.
“Watch who you're fucking talking to, Wilbur. Remember who’s not supposed to be here.” He was close enough to let his breath touch the other’s mouth but he remained silent. He assumed he was glaring at the other as he studied him. He doesn’t seem afraid or even off-put.
The other shifted below him but remained with calm composure. How irritating. 
“I’m sorry”, the taller man croaked out, his voice restrained but arrogance still subtle. Quackity pressed the blade further to his throat, not enough to bleed but to show he was in control. 
Or perhaps Quackity is letting his emotions get the best of him as they have been all night. What kind of future King takes his emotions out on innocent bystanders? How is Quackity to be King when he cannot control his emotions to the point of holding a man to knjfe point? Even though he’s a trespasser, he was still sadly a person.
With a loud sigh, Quackity got off of the other and brushed his dress pants off. “Just go. Don’t come back or I’ll have the guard on your ass so help me God.” A fake harshness clouded his voice in hopes the other would go before he had a breakdown over the night.
The trespasser, Wilbur or whatever the hell his name is, got off the ground and took his time in doing so. Quackity was naturally taken back by the other’s height and some may argue it's because he's shorter but who the fuck is that height? “I’m sorry I ruined your night”, the taller man spoke quietly, “My curiosity got the best of me, it wasn’t my intention to see anybody.”
Quackity looked up at him, confusion settling on his features. “You came to the palace on a night with many people attending a party. What were your plans exactly?” How foolish. That apology seemed genuine but had no real thought behind it. His knife remained in his hand in case the other wasn’t telling the truth. Quackity cannot quite figure out the other’s angle here.
“None of your business.”
Hold on. “Excuse me? What do you mean none of my fucking business?” 
Wilbur crossed his arms and kept his glare straight. “It’s none of your business. I don’t know why you’re even here and I don’t know what even gives you the right to hold that blade to my throat.”
“Are you being serious?”, Quackity asked, his arms crossed now too. This has to be some type of joke. Surely Wilbur has heard of him, everyone knows him. After a beat the other man just simply kept looking ahead at him, it dawned on him that he truly doesn’t know Quackity. 
He doesn’t know about the power, the crown, the engagements, or the fact Quackity is to be King in nearly a mere month.
“I’m a Duke”, he lied through his teeth, “and I’m here as a guest. Unlike you.” Quackity wasn’t one for lying but then again, when does an opportunity like this ever arise? To be someone close enough to normality that isn’t too out of reach. 
Wilbur narrowed his eyes at the shorter man and seemed to examine him the way he had done to him earlier. Surprisingly, this isn’t the first time someone has examined him but not in this way. In a way of trusting him, people typically just do it out of fear. Interesting. Quackity can’t seem to put how he feels about this.
“What are you going to do about me breaking in on the property? Going to get a guard to come to harm me? Kill me?”
Quackity was taken more aback. “What? No. Why would I get you killed? This isn’t even my palace.” Wilbur approached him and for a moment he seemed like someone trying to pet a feisty cat. “How do I know I can trust you? You’re just another snob with too much money and no direction.” 
His anger started to simmer again. How dare he? Quackity was showing him sympathy by simply not calling Foolish and getting his ass beaten and then thrown out or put into prison. This is what Quackity gets for feeling anything-
It took him a mere moment to realize he was acting just as the other said. His jaw was clenched and he could just feel the angry expression he has on his face whenever he gets too irritated. 
“You can call me whatever you fucking please but don’t just assume everyone in this palace is the same. Not all of us are like that.”
Wilbur shrugged and took a seat on the nearby bench, the one Quackity was peacefully sitting on before he’d found this absolute idiot at the gate. “Tell me then, what are you like?” Why does he speak to Quackity as if they are equals or even friends? Tonight was far too strange for him to truly comprehend.
“What are you talking about?”
“Let me pick your brain”, Wilbur said far too casually, “clearly you aren’t inside for a reason and I have nowhere else to be.” He then patted the area of the bench as if Quackity was his guest.
His initial instinct was to inch away and leave because this isn’t Quackity’s normal. His normal was conversations with Charlie, though it’s typically Charlie rambling and random conversations with Foolish. None of the conversations are about him or “picking his brain”, just general royal fucking duties, whatever that means. 
Hesitantly, against his instinct, he sat down next to the stranger who seemed far too welcoming. Wilbur raised an eyebrow near Quackity’s side but Quackity knew it was the blade that stayed by him. “I’m not a fool, I need self-protection.” With that, the other rolled his eyes and sat back.
The moon was shining in the garden and the plant leaves seemed to be a bit more lively regardless of it being near midnight. The environment was calm and almost relaxing if it wasn’t for the uncomfortable conversation with the trespasser. 
“So, why are you out here instead of joining the party?”, Wilbur asked as Quackity avoided eye contact with him. 
Maybe because I just met two men I’m supposed to want to marry but instead I feel no emotion towards them and those palace walls feel like a prison cell. 
“Because it’s too crowded.”
Why was he entertaining this? Sure it was lying but it was still a conversation. Quackity should tell him to leave and then he should go back to the party where he was supposed to belong.
The other shifted in his seat and nodded. “I understand that, really, but I assumed that wouldn’t be the reason.” Quackity looked over Wilbur, to defend himself. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? Why would you think I was out here?”
“Aren’t you-”, he questioned, “-supposed to be used to big parties like this? I would suppose being a Duke would mean you attend things like these quite often.”
Quackity could sit there for hours explaining how much he dislikes coming to events, especially when they’re focused on him becoming King soon. The center of attention becomes arguably worse when it's on you for a reason you dislike.
Instead, he avoided it. “You look different when you’re not pinned to the ground”, he decided to change the topic entirely. And besides, he wasn't wrong.
The trespasser looked a lot softer in the white light and didn’t seem as menacing. Maybe it’s because the anger from Quackity somewhat faded but the other began to actually look like a person and not just an intruder. Quackity never thought the man was ugly but to be quite honest a lot of things happened in a matter of moments, so looks weren’t the exact focus.
He looked nice for some guy.
Wilbur ran his fingers through his hair, the light shining on specifically the white streak. “Thank you, uh- most people don’t see me pinned anywhere. Typically they take me to dinner first.” The other joked and Quackity fought down a smile while rolling his eyes. “Whatever, don’t take it as a compliment.”
“Shall I take it as an insult then?”
“Take it as neutral as you can. You seem to have an ego.”
That earned him a laugh that seemed close enough to being genuine. It was a pleasant noise that Quackity didn’t often hear around the palace. “I seem to be called egotistical often, though I believe people call me pretentious.” By the looks of the other man, besides the typical brown ubiquitous tunic and pants, he had a beaten-down satchel that had a book sticking out of it. “I believe pretentious would be fitting for you.”
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jinx-blackout-84 · 1 year
The Shady Kid From the Alleyway
Chapter 2
Interlude: The Ace and the Man With the Silver Tongue
My TNTduo stuff really kicks off here.
Much shorter chapter
TWS: cursing, yelling, alcohol consumption
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Wilbur was not a happy man.
His father had sent him to do trade deals with Las Nevadas.
The country was loud and bright, home to the richest con-man on the server.
The receptionist looked at Wilbur with a look of disdain the he didn't think she even tried to conceal. She clicked a pen, "who are you and why are you here?" She paused, "Actually, I don't care. Go home kid."
Wilbur made and held unblinking eye contact with the receptionist, "I am Wilbur Soot, heir to the Myncraft Tech Corporation, son of Phillip Watson, and, as you may know, your sole provider of all of the technology in this building." The words dripped with malice.
He blinked, "And I am here to speak with Quackity Nevadas."
Quackity noted that his office window was very large.
This was not new information, but very difficult to not take note of. It spanned from floor to ceiling, showing him a view of /his/ empire, one he had built from the ground up and killed to protect.
The buildings glittered.
Blood dripped off of his hand onto the tiles of his office floor.
The receptionist Wilbur was speaking with hesitated, picking her words carefully, "Mr. Nevadas is on break."
Wilbur grit his teeth.
"Where?" He hissed.
The elevator dinged.
Wilbur watched as a man left the elevator. His coal-black hair covered by a navy beanie was the first sign that this was the man Wilbur was looking for.
The second sign was the way that the man immediately turned around and stepped back into the elevator, jamming the buttons frantically.
Wilbur strode over, putting his hand over the elvator doors so he could walk into it.
Quackity sighed.
Wilbur smirked at the shorter. "That scared of me, Mr. Nevadas?"
"That scared of this shitty conversation. I can already feel myself losing flirting skills by talking to you," Quackity bit back.
"Well, I don't really care, Quackity," Wilbur replied.
"That's Mr. Nevadas to you, Wilbur."
"Oh, I see. I would never disrespect you, sir" Wilbur snarked.
"Good," Quackity said.
The elevator dinged.
The doors openened to the 81st floor of Nevadas Tower.
"So," Quackity said, "Do I have to talk with you in my office or can we get this over with while we have a drink?"
Wilbur pondered, "Probably an office matter."
Quackity ignored him. "Great, we're going to the bar."
"If you take me to that fucking casino-"
"In the new Navadas Casino."
The lights were bright enough that Wilbur would not be shocked have a migrane later, but perhaps that was Quackity too, insufferable bitch.
"So," Quackity said, stirring his drink, something with vodka in it, Wilbur didn't recognize the name, "what did you need to talk to be about so badly, Wilbur?"
Wilbur glared. "I need information about Dream."
Quackity put a finger to his cheekbone, sipping his drink. "Okay, what do you need to know?"
"His real identity." Wilbur said.
"And why do you need to know that?" Quackity asked.
"He poses a threat to my company."
"And what are you willing to give me?" Quackity asked, making eye contact with Wilbur.
"The ability to have my company's products sold to your residents," Wilbur said.
"Huh. You don't need the sales to Las Nevadas?" Quackity smirked.
"Oh no, we do, but I think you need us more." Wilbur said.
"Oh, so eager to walk in dad's shoes now Will. What happened to that kid who wanted to stay with me after you ran away?" Quackity tapped his finger on the side of his glas,. "Plus, dad's shoes won't ever fit. Maybe Techno could take over, but you? Emotionally unstable, unreliable, and lazy." Quackity smiled.
People's heads were beginning to turn, eyes locked on their country's leader. Quackity stood up, walking over to a poker table."Play me?" He asked Wilbur.
Wilbur nodded, curtly.
"By the way, how'd that latest product release go?"
"Oh you mean the one you tried to sabotage?" Wilbur smirked, venom dripping from his tone, "great actually"
"I wonder what happens when daddy can't clean up your messes anymore, Wilbur," Quackity spit.
Quackity dealt the cards.
"And you'll never know," Wilbur said.
"I mean, it wouldn't be inconvenient for me to have one less market rival" Quackity said, blurring the line between sarcasm and truth.
"When dear old dad is dead, will you be able to pick up your own messes? Can you run a country? You can't run your own life, Wilbur. You're some stupid fucking kid who got lucky enough to adopted by some rich prick because he was bored."
"I am an owner of the company thay provides you all of the technology that keeps this city of yours functioning, Quackity," Wilbur spit.
"Mr. Nevadas," Quackity corrected.
He then raised his eyebrows "No, Will, you aren't. Your father is, and when he dies, It's your job to keep the company running, along with the entire country that depends upon it for their economy," he said.
"What will you do when it's you job," Quackity tilted his head, "to be your father? All I see is a melodramatic drama kid with no real future without his rich dad."
Wilbur flinched.
"Ooooh, I strike a nerve?"
Quackity watched an easy smile slip across Wilbur's face.
"Well," Wilbur dragged the tip of his finger ove the edge of his glass, "I see a sniveling man in a suit bought with new money, in a casino built with lies. I see a man that is so scared of losing his precious city full of scammers and con-men that he's willing to lose the most important connection he has to the largest company in L'manburg."
Quackity smirked, "Okay, well, orphan boy, do remember back when you used to ring my doorbell and stand on my porch, begging for somewhere to stay because you couldn't defend yourself against your foster parents? You owe me, darling," he drawled.
"No, darling, I really don't, I can protect myself well enough now. "
"What about Tommy? You protect him?" Quackity said, freezing when he saw a blankness dawn across Wilbur's face.
Wilbur saw red.
He pinned Quackity to the side of the poker table, game forgotten.
Wilbur bent down and whispered, "Quackity Nevadas, I could blow up this entire country. I could stop selling to Las Nevadas. I don't need you, Quackity. Not anymore. There was someone who did at some pont, right? What was his name? Greyson? What happened? He trusted you and then you betrayed him. You drive away everyone who loves you, Quackity Nevadas"
Quackity moved to push Wilbur.
Wilbur caged him with his arms.
"stay, darling," Wilbur said, letting his voice slip for a moment, "you will tell me who Dream is, or I will cut off your access to my company's products."
Wilbur let the shorter man go, and Quackity straightened before he downed his entire drink, "and if I don't know?"
"Then you will find out within the next week."
"Look man," Quackity said, leveling with the taller man, "i'm not even shitting you right now, I can't get that kind of intel in a week while running a country. Especially not without some motivation."
"Then you have two weeks," Wilbur said, "Or I'll blow up your cute little casino. That motivation enough?"
"Oh," Wilbur put cash on the bar beside the poker tableI want reports monthly, "I'll come down every other day to check on your progress."
The taller pulled on his trechcoat before walking out the door, leaving Quackity to watch.
-----------11:09December 3
Ace seemed quieter than usual, Techno noticed.
"Hey Ace, you good?" Mercury asked over the comms.
Ace was silent for a moment "I mean, not really. Job's pretty stressful right now to be honest."
Wilbur jumped over an alleyway. "Boss pushing you around again?"
"Not quite. Trying to manage alot right now. Pretty high tension situation"
Wilbur sighed behind his mask.He continued to run across the roof, "Yeah I know how that feels, man."
"It's pretty tough," Ace said, "They want me to do something really difficult right now," Ace paused, "and I could get in pretty serious trouble if I can't"
The moonlight caught Wilbur's Mercury mask as he nodded, not that Ace could see it. He had always had a soft spot for Ace, finding his jabs and jokes funny and laughing at his endless dick jokes. "Well, you could always come crash at my place and I could get you a job," Wilbur offered.
Ace was silent, replying after a pause, "I know, and thank you, Mercury, but I prefer to keep work and play seperate. Plus, I like my current job, if not my associates."
Wilbur nodded.
"Hey, Ace," Techno said "You're our best hacker."
"Okay, thank you?" Ace said, a lilt of a question in his voice.
"Do you think you could figure out Dream's civillian identity?" Techno asked.
"Okay, I'm gonna be honest, Blood God," Ace said, with a sigh, "I have no idea. I could get killed while looking into it, and It's risky. I can try, but no promises."
Techno figured that made sense. "Okay, that makes sense," he said.
4:08 AM
The lights blurred as Quackity tried to breathe, back pressed against the cold tile wall.His chest had constricted and he couldn't seem to get air to his lungs.
He was going to die.
He had to figure out Dream's identity.
Dream would kill anyone who dug too deep.
Quackity was going to die.
Wilbur was going to kill him if he didn't find out who Dream was.
Quackity was not going to see twenty-three. He had two weeks.
He was going to die.His chest was tight and his panic was crushing down on his ribcage. The lack of air slowly gathered into dark spots in his vision as the flourescent lights of his office bathroom ran in streaks down his vision.
Quackity was so tired. Greyson had trusted him. He had failed Greyson. Now he was going to fail Mercury. He was going to fail himself. He was going to get himself killed along with his entire country.
Quackity slumped back against the tile, his head hitting the wall with a hollow thud.
Quackity's fingers flew over the keyboard as he combed over private records from the Dream Team HQ. He had been in front on the computer for hours, his blue light glasses hopefully effective enough to save his vision. Villain fights, wounds suffered, all things mostly available to the public, and most heavily redacted, black bars covering important information to the point that some documents only had 20 visible words on them.
He reverse searched for any info pertaining to Dream, grinning when he came across something that seemed useful.
He knocked a monster can from the desk as he fist-pumped.
It was a number.
An IP adresss.
Quackity knew the IP adress for Dream's work phone.
His fingers danced on the keys as he poked around the coded protections on Dream's phone, searching for a loose thread or backdoor he knew had to be there.
This was gonna be difficult.
"Did you talk to Quackity?" Philza asked.
"Yup, he was a bitch like always," Wilbur said.
"You're just saying that because you're in love with him," Techno said.
"I am not. He is the scum of the earth. I talk about him so much because I hate him," Wilbur defended.
"It's okay mate we'll accept you even if you love Quackity," Phil teased.
"I DO NOT!" Wilbur insisted.
"Okay, mate," Phil agreed.
"I'm gonna visit him every two days to check his progress," Wilbur said.
"But you don't have a crush, no way," Techno accused.
"Shut the fuck up I hate him so much," Wilbur said.
"Okay," Techno said placatingly.
Wilbur glared, walking out of the lobby of Mycraft Enterprise.
"Hey, dad, when do we get a new Tech manager?" He called behind him.
"Oh, Monday. I think you'll like the new guy," Phil said, smiling.
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transbeeduo · 8 months
ask game... uhhh lets see what are some ships. i know you like Foolbur so maybe that? Foolbur and if you feel like it, Tntduo
What made you ship it?: It originally started as a joking thing for me, where I and a friend were like “haha hey what if Wilbur washed up on Foolish’s shores and they kissed” and then the more we did with it the more we were like “oh shit this fucking rules actually” and it went from there!
What are your favorite things about the ship?: GODDD ITS SO GOOD ITS SO GOOD becoming close with someone who has no prior opinions on you, no real connections to the person you used to be. Sure they’ve heard of what you were like, but they care so much more about what you’re like now than what you once were. Like a second chance. A chance to be a new person. Goddd theyre everything
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?: ITS LITERALLY PEAK C!WILBUR SHIP PLEASE. Come into the foolbur pits with me
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kaiokentimesten · 2 years
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accursed-worm · 2 years
I hope you don't mind me saying, but I did see a post once where someone described Tntduo's relationship as "a cursed thing with no head or tail," (or something of the sort, I forget the exact wording.) and I think that fits them really well. They came barging into one another's life with quite literally no fucking warning, and their first interaction (at least the first interaction with any real depth) was Quackity running for office in a country he knew... Basically nothing about, against Wilbur, who knew basically nothing about Quackity. And in the end, they were separated purposefully without so much as a word (as much as they may have liked to speak, but nothing's fair in their lives, really.)
Their relationship was... quite literally a learning experience, all completely centered around learning the other person and their struggles, knowing and understanding them, and their last few interactions showed that they did know each other. They learned to hit each other where it hurts, but that's all it really was, and after they completely knew the other person, the experience was over.
It's true that they didn't get to hash all that out in the end, but I think that's okay because I think there was a mutual understanding between them. Wilbur came to las Nevadas and was met with silence, Quackity left a letter at the peninsula and was met with silence, but they probably already knew everything the other wanted to say. They just don't get to say it.
A cursed thing with no head or tail.
I don’t mind at all! And I think I actually saw that same post as well! And while I absolutely do get what you’re going at, and I really do like that interpretation—the idea that their mutual, unsaid apologies indicate an understanding beyond words—it’s like… the fact is that ccWilbur wanted to include cQuackity in his finale. I don’t know exactly what that would have entailed, but ultimately it was scheduling conflicts—with Tommy going to America etc etc—that got in the way. That’s literally it. And… I know that that’s something out of the CC’s control as well, I know that I know that but god. It just leaves me feeling so fucking hollow, man. A cursed thing with no head and tail except… to me it feels a bit like what we got doesn’t even have haunches, if that makes sense. I’ve reread the final scene of the Wilbur Van so many times, and no matter what happens in this potential ctntduo stream, that is still going to be their final canonical interaction. And that’s so fucking awful. I think that fistfight being their last true interaction is what has really caught me up. For however many unspoken words can hang between them, mutually understood, ultimately the last time they saw each other was. It was that. And to me, that’s not simply having no tail. It’s just (and I feel awful about saying this) bad storytelling.
Fuck. I KNOW I SHOULDN’T BE SAYING THAT. I know it happened due to things out of their control, and I know it’s entitled, that I’m one fan amongst millions and I know the CCs don’t owe me anything. I would never, ever actually like. Hate on the CCs for this sort of thing. I would never go to twitter and @ their accounts to try to make any demands or anything, I wouldn’t. But full transparency… yeah.
But I’m not simply going to be negative in this response! I know that this will mean absolutely nothing, BUT!! Believe it or not, I’m actually not against the idea of tntduo’s ending paralleling their first meeting, their relationship being something that has no real tail. I just think that their fistfight in the Wilbur Van is just a terrible way of going about that. Something that might have worked, something that would have very closely drawn that tie between the fact that Quackity was, at the start, the one who initially barged into Wilbur’s life, is if Wilbur went to apologise and Quackity just said—no. If Quackity’s didn’t even let him get a word out, just fucking slammed the door in his face (or however they might express that in minecraft) and sent him on his way. And as you pointed out, their mutual unsaid apologies can very much be interpreted as exemplifying this idea. But I think I would want it to be an actual character moment, y’know? Something we see, on screen, as a decision that cQuackity has made. I think it would be in character for him, something that might line up with him creating all the slime clones and so in the moment he is so much more focused on the future, on the power he will have with these slimes rather than hearing out what Wilbur has to say. And then it would also make the moment in his finale, after his death, of writing out his apology to Wilbur one that has so much more impact.
Keep in mind that is something I just came up with in like 5 minutes so it’s probably not even close to perfect or anything. It honestly might’ve just been even more upsetting, and I’m sure I would’ve found plenty to complain about if that was the ending but like. Yeah. Ah well. While I am (as clearly shown) upset with what we got, I really am aware that like. Ultimately it’s just a silly minecraft roleplay server that I’m taking way too seriously. It is what it is. And I’m still excited for the non-canon ctntduo stream!
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