#Fun fact: He wears this underneath a more proper suit
sillypilledkitty · 1 year
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Concept art of my OC Cecchetti!
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doppel-doodles · 6 months
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Since everyone is making their own little version of the characters I thought I would join the fun for my Fallen crown Au! These were supposed to be quick little sketches just to get some ideas down but they still took me the whole day:'D will probably change as I draw them but I wanted at least something down on for the time being and I do like how most turned out!
Single versions plus some info and ramblings about each under cut for those interested:
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My lamb was mainly based on both, yes the actual player character but also the vibes of my own plathrough which were very "oh god who let this child be in charge?-" while I'll still mostly just call them Lamb I figured they should still have a proper name so I went with my friends @/tamaruaart suggestion as it suits them rather nicely! And most note worthy detail is honestly just the fact that they carry something from each bishops realm on their person now, I like to think they treat those items like little trophies:>
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Narinder is probably my weakest I feel like, he definitely needs something to give him some extra "ompf!". I basically made his undertaker fit a sorta reverse or at least loosely inspired by his white robes in game. I imagine he is very boney or a straight up skeleton underneath so he covers it all up beneath heavy fabrics, but because I lack subtly I still covered him in bones regardless-
And yea I kept the veil cause 1. It's a look and 2. It coviently covers up his now sewn shut third eye.
There wasn't much reason behind making him an undertaker, I simply thought it suited him, when your the former god of death you aren't exactly squeamish around corpses. Lastly the dark blues are there to contrast the other followers warm tones, as they kinda seen him as an outcast which is just fine for narinder he isnt exactly thrilled to be here.
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I'll put Leshy and Heket together as they were sorta designed as a set.Since they are both youngest among the bishops I sorta latched onto the headcanon that they get along pretty well and just stick together after getting into the cult so they just share a lot of their duties. So I gave them some matching elements like the puffy shorts but also stuff that contrasts like Leshy having looser clothing and Hekets being more tight. Or Heket getting working gloves with a little belt to hold tools plus a hat for the sun, meanwhile Leshy will happily dig through the dirt bare clawed in the sun for hours-
I debated on giving Heket an apron but honestly I think she would only wear one while cooking or tending the farm plots there is no reason for her to wear it casually, the gloves though stay for I reason I utterly love because its PETTY-
Literally the only reason she keeps them on almost constantly is because when the lamb asks she can be like "ew, I'm not touching you with my bare hands." Yes, my humour is broken moving on-
I also gave Leshy a cane just so he actually has something to feel around with when he is areas he isn't too familiar with so he isn't running into crap- on that note, Heket can speak a bit but not exactly loud or for a very long time without seriously hurting her throat, once I properly learn it I definitely wanna draw her using sign language.
Lastly bodies, Leshy was based off a previous drawing I made of him in bishop form, I simply made it less monsterous but he is in charge of chaos so he had to remain a creature- Heket is more straight forward, she is a frog and she is large and in charge.
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There was one reason why I made Shamura a tailor and that was the mental image of them sewing the bishops clothes when they were younger and dressing them up all cute.
I went for more pink colors mainly because I thought it better suited the purple and would make their red eyes pop! Honestly I really love their colors they remind me of a Berry! I've drawn shamura before but honestly the only things that stuck were the colors,face and then also the hand markings I did tweak their eyes a bit I wanted something more stern feeling.
For clothing I kept everything nice and loose, while they are the tailor I also love the idea that in their spare time they either teach the youths in the cult or are like the champion of the fighting pit because war is also their domain and they can be- so I wanted them dressed pretty comfy to deal with whatever may come! But still keep everything pretty mature and mildly fancy maybe in the future I'll do some fancy gold and silver embroidery to the pants because of that.
As for body type I wanted them to be pretty thin but unlike Narinder who is twink material under his cloak they have a bit more bulk on top to show that they can choose violence if they so wish-
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I adore me some pathetic but still serving men, honestly except for the cross on his belt I completely ignored the fact I made him a medic- If he needs to treat something gross he can throw something over to protect his clothes but just like Heket there is no reason for him to wear that while not working.
Otherwise my main goal was simply to make Kalamar look pretty and fancy. I debated on either short or long bottoms until I realized I'd have to figure out his tentacle situation, then realized I don't hate myself THAT MUCH so bro got put into a floor length gown, work smarter not harder kids.
If I have an excuse to give a character a shawl I will take it so fast.
His body type I mainly wanted to flesh out the roster so I tried making him very squishy and huggable looking, I debated on thinner so he looked more dangly and stretchy but that made him kinda to similar to Narinders build for my liking.
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 6 months
Hey! I'm sooooo happy to finally find another person that ships Scarecrow and Batman! This is ship is so underrated and it deserves MUCH more recognition 👏☺️ Also, I love your art and analysis of these characters!
I don't know if you've answered this before, but what do you think about the Arkhamverse version of them? I would prefer Arkham Knight, but if you feel uncomfortable with it, Arkham Asylum is fine (I love both). I don't know what to think of it at the moment and I'm trying to form an opinion!
I hope you have an amazing day!! ❤️❤️
Can I be 🐓 anon if you allow anons?
hello there!! i’m also happy to meet another fellow-minded scarebat believer out there! scarebat is just such a fascinating ship. i’m honestly go uwu when i see other people enjoying it too! this pair indeed deserve more recognition an’ love! an’ aw, heck, thank you! it makes me blush knowing that someone can have fun with those lil, whimsical things i do! 
an’ oh, nope. i didn’t answer this one! arkhamverse’s content is smth that i see circulating around a lot, but i didn’t see much content for that version of scarebat. i guess, the constant choking, an’ ‘get on your knees now, crane’ wasn’t enough to awaken smth in anyone *besides me an’ 2-3 other fine wine enjoyers*. which is once again too bad, bc even design wise, they’re kinda a banger in their own right. whichever version we take, it’s just a good contrast between batman’s heavy armour an’ jon’s typical rags *with some cyber-punk touch later on*. like, while i’m a simple gal who tends to simp for ‘classic’ outlooks, i do appreciate what the game did. gotta love crane’s freddy krueger syringe glove, an’ how he got it embedded into bruce’s neck an’ chest, an’ then got stabbed with it himself lol. there is a lot of homoerotic stuff, which can be done with it! esp bc it’s such a close range weapon, an’ each version of akrham’s crane used it differently. in arkham asylum, he injected the poison into bruce’s arm. the desperate, angry action kinda reminded me of a pissy, bristling animal, that would bite your hand, when if you try to grab it. in the next game, jon was way more vicious, less of a thrashing opossum that you find in your garage an’ more of a snake, that you accidentally step on, while you climbing down your porch. the vast difference between his mental states then an’ later on is an interesting theme for speculations. esp bc bruce is also worse to wear in the next game. in fact, i’d say that arkham knight sorta depicts them at their subjective ‘worst’ almost. an’ it says smth, bc i don’t think that either of them are ever in good mental place. 
i kinda find it interesting how some people would assume, that if person acts cold an’ detached, it means that they’re ‘in control’, when sometimes, it’s the opposite. in bruce’s case for sure. but i’d like this for some versions of crane as well, bc it suits his psychotype as well. not to mention, that jon’s hygiene in arkham knight is at its lowest too, which says a few things about his mental state right off the bat. or how he didn’t seem to properly treat his own wounds, just instantly throwing himself into his biggest scheme. a man truly possessed by revenge. 
but welp, if we go into specifics of each separate version of arkhamverse, i guess, i will start with arkham asylum! my memories about those games are a bit rusty, but i’ll go with what i remember. providing more emphasis on arkham knight, since they do have more going on an’ you seem more interested in that specific version too! 
still, first things first, i love how jonathan was half-naked during the first game lol. it’s just so funny to me, bc he is usually covered from head to toe, but in there, he was shirtless, wearing pants that held for dear life on those skinny hips an’ i’ll bet dude had nothing underneath them either. he’s never was the most proper person, admittingly, but idk, running around the dirty asylum an’ hunting your enemy while showing off your nips an’ stomach is…smth else. esp for a prude like crane. but i guess, at that point of time, he seemed to be so deranged, that his usual body issues no longer worried him. besides, poison ivy walked around in her underwear an’ blouse that was held together by one durable button, why can’t he do the same? it’s not like batman would comment on it, even if he wanted to. but like, honestly, all the hints of possible spooky + sexy times were there, so it’s a shocker, that no one has done anything about it yet. i mean, you literally have jonathan, who was flashing the bat for 20 minutes straight, an’ it’s not smth that the majority of cranes would ever have the guts to do in any other set-up. btas an’ comicverse ones would downright combust, before they’d be walking around batman shirtless. but not that gremlin. he was all about it. even if i do think, that he wasn't fully aware about what it means, an’ that it’s kinda embarrassing to do smth like that, while you are trying to be intimidating. he’s not bane. it’s not like he has some crazy muscular mass to show off. but it is very stimulating to think about the ways it all can be used in. the cold bat’s armour to exposed skin of a spooky toothpick. batman grips scarecrow’s clothes, when they fight. in there, it’ll be almost all naked skin. that’s a sexy imagery to have! 
as for the substance of the arkham asylum on itself, i don’t think that scarecrow was in there a lot. but then again, maybe i just remember it this way. it is however curious how fast crane goes from campy looney to more serious, jarred person, we see in the next game. an’ his whole motivation shifts from ‘you’re just like us and have fears’ to ‘there is no saviour. no hope’. almost like he was very, very let down, when batman failed to save him that one time lol. but considering that arkhamverse kept jonathan’s comic origin, it’s safe to assume that yeah, he took that very-very personally. he isn’t the joker, who kinda never brings up how many times, batman casually let him ‘die’. the btas alone has like 3 occasions like that lmao. meanwhile, jon went into a scornful cold rage, after just one epic fail, which, at the end of the day, is very him lol. the drugged up bat didn’t save him, that’s it. no one’s supremacy, fuck gotham. an’ i’m only partly jeering here. 
which leads us straight to to arkham knight version, an’ to bruce instantly going up there an’ choking the living hell out of jon, the second he sees him. what a reunion! esp with that whole head hitting an’ throwing crane onto floor, like a ragdoll. batman just had to assert his dominance, even when jonathan barely opened his mouth. *bc yeah, you stay down, bottom*. i like how crane tried his hardest to be serious an’ imposing during that whole deal, but the bat just wasn't super amused. yet, like usual, he did give the scarecrow room to speak later on. allowing him to walk around him. an’ boy, gotta appreciate that ‘bad guy's sly hips play’ as scarecrow circled the bat. it was quite a vision. even with fucked up leg, he managed to pull that off. i wish there were more moments like this. they had a lot of potential for more brutal scarebat interactions, than some other versions of them. all the cues for it were there. batman was hallucinating a ghost of a dead clown, who wouldn’t shut up about whatever, an’ jonathan was all about his ‘end goal’, not caring what he had to do to get to it. what an explosive combo. i was low-key surprised, that bruce didn’t wipe the floor with crane just out of pure frustration, an’ then some. an’ considering how fucked up they both are in that version, it wouldn’t put it past the ghost!joker to suggest they’d do smth else with crane, if batman is unwilling to kill him. there is actually a lot of leeway, with bruce blaming some stuff on his personal brain damage, while joker just keeps on pouring gasoline into the fire. i even had this one idea about the joker playing a horrible matchmaker just to make everyone even more miserable, but mostly just bruce. all while not expecting crane to be able to return the sentiment in his own messed up manner. 
an’ speaking of sentiment, i do think that it can be here as well. it’ll be buried under layers an’ layers of pseudo-resentment, but that’s like typical scarebat. no one ever talk about their real emotions in that ship lol. well, not in a normal way. in arkham knight, i suppose the joker can be a narrator of bruce an’ crane’s relationships. not missing a beat to tell them *well, bruce* how much they suck. an’ he won’t even be wrong, batman abandoning some of his duties, bc well, this. an’ crane as per usual getting confused by feelings, that isn’t hatred or fear. they can enter those intense relationships with the worst kind of miscommunication. bc they awful at it, when they’re not super unstable *or at least one of them isn’t*, an’ now they can be godawful at it, bc batman is close to breaking point, an’ jonathan is at his bitterests an’ pettiest. crane also can assume, that he can ‘unmade’ the bat this way, all while messing up his own scheme in the process. with god’s help, they might even survive this. idk about gotham tho lol. the joker being a third wheel an’ technically a cuck in that situation just adds how messed up it all is. but maybe with jon’s ‘help’, they can deal with that problem too. i don’t think, crane would like to share in any way. i mean, he would have been pissed off, if he learned that batman had a mini-devil on his shoulder the whole time. in a way, it kinda defeats the purpose of it all. it would almost like taking all the credit from him, an’ he won’t stand for it. crane combating bruce’s personal ghosts for his own selfish, possessive needs is smth, i would have liked to see for them. jonathan accidently being a good psychiatrist to bruce is my peak scarebat dark comedy. similar to how in ‘kings of fear’, it was basically ‘i can fix him, but bitch, you’re worse’ kind of deal too. in return, bruce can try an’ help crane actually put some proper garnet for his leg on, an’ look a bit less like a sickly *even if scary-spooky-cool* animal. they can find some middle ground, even if for questionable reasons, or they can have that slow-burn from enemies to lovers thing too. heck, i mean, it’s a wonder how come that scarecrow didn’t kidnap bruce first to try an’ break him a tad more, before making gotham see ‘that they had no hope’ an’ all that. 
on less game plot related notes, i do like to play around with what can be done about jon’s state in arkham knight. like his face being all messed up, half of his body moving way more stiffly, there are a lot of things that can be done with it. an’ the parallel of batman being crippled on the inside an’ crane being pretty much this an’ then also damaged outside of it….mmm, that’s just good. also we all know that nolanverse crane moaned ‘batman’ like a whore while his hair were pulled, but what about arkham knight’s scarecrow lil gay gasps an’ whimpers, when bruce held him by the throat an’ injected him with his own toxin? if gordon an’ jason weren’t there, i wonder what might have happened lol. love scarecrow’s scared expressions in that game btw, somehow they still manage to make him look cute. 
an’ now for a bit of nitpicky bit. when i look back at arkham knight, like some other folks, i do wish there was less…joker in it. he did add some fun elements there or here, but he should have been a background segment tbh. i really wanted to see more of mindbending stuff similar to level in arkham asylum. batman ‘given into’ hallucination joker’s cheers to kill crane, even if it was all a mindfuck bit was tasteless for me. if they wanna make bruce kinda walk that route, i’d rather see him doing it by his own misgivings an’ rage. tho, i do give credit where it’s duo, crane saying ‘you’ve changed’ an’ not sounding esp thrilled about it was curious smth. 
but omg, that’s got long, haha. hope, it’s not too troublesome. i’m kinda chatty an’ rambly kind of person, esp when i talk about things i love. can’t talk short in most cases. 
thank you for the ask btw! i do enjoy talking about scarebat a lot, no matter what version. an’ i hope, that your day is going great as well! i do apologise for how late some of my responses are coming through. i tend to pick at questions for a couple of days or so, just to make sure that i kinda give it my utmost thoughts, haha. hopefully, my answer helped you to form your own vision on the matter better or gave you an idea how different / similar you see smth, when it comes to those two. 
an’ sure thing! that’s a cute symbole btw!
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excellentexecution · 2 years
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Anonymous asked: Come on, you've probably held a few crushes and fantasies for fellow wrestlers, right?
Curious Anons!
Romance was always in the air when it came to the WWF. Love powerful enough to intoxicate any and all within reach, it had broken apart friendships and caused rivalries just as often, too. Poisoned the minds who danced so close - overwhelmed the senses of good men and women alike - cleansed wickedness and made it pure. A wonderful dream that sometimes found terrible end, it had caught the heart of the Hitman once, twice, before. Himself never bulletproof to the bite of love, birds and bees and the scent of springtime, like a bandit had it wound itself around his heart, the very shape of his soul. Dynamite had been the first. Short in stature but mighty in skill, more like a jungle cat than a field mouse, even for the foulness of his mouth, Tom was cute, someone that Bret couldn’t stand to be parted from for long. An attractive person despite all of the issues. A man who could’ve been great had he not been so mean, so cruel to those called friend, facts were hard to swallow, the truth. Dynamite Kid was a wreck. Bret wouldn’t be able to save him. Any help would’ve fallen on deaf ears. 
Miss Elizabeth was the second. Least from within the professional wrestling world, a wild and unpredictable circus of crazy, never had the Hitman met a person so sweet before. Natural and kind in heart - a smile that could just light up a room and bring comfort to all of those who needed it - she was nice. Polite, likeable and a joy to talk to, never did Elizabeth make Bret feel bad about anything. She never teased him for the quirks that had others branding him as weird. Never poked fun at his shyness, the shadow who preferred quiet rather than noise, the man who hated the party scene and just wanted to find peace. Elizabeth was beautiful. Dressed in sparkles, makeup just perfect for her features, she outclassed any other lady who tried to step into her shoes. Other managers left to look like second-rate impersonations, unkempt in their suits or skirts or whatever they had chosen to wear while out and about, Bret never did confess to her his feelings. Perhaps was too afraid to ruin their friendship; was perhaps scared of what Macho Man would do. Never would the Hitman be the cause to his friend’s heartbreak. Reason number one - he loved both Randy and Miss Elizabeth too much - respected them beyond measure. 
Not to be forgotten nor excluded, infatuation had knocked on Bret’s door many times thereafter, when both Tom and Liz had escaped from the WWF and its clutches. Crushes of the past saved as pleasant memories, then - Alundra and Tatanka and Sunny and LaFitte - heroes and villains alike had gotten underneath his skin. For factors that even he couldn’t explain, courtesy and callousness a confusing bunch of emotions, fascinations that didn’t make proper sense yet did so, secrets kept just to himself and none else. Bret wasn’t the sort to admit to such. An unbreakable wall that never trembled - would never bend to the questions asked - serious and professional was the name of the game that the Hitman played. 
“Well, yeah, of course. I think most people would, y’know. Just like any other career or field, you’re gonna find yourself developing feelings for other people. Might not always be romantic, but you will develop an attraction of some sort. I would expect it. That’s just the nature of human beings.”
Bret nodded, smiled and worked his fingers into his hair, untangled the curls a bit. “I won’t name any names, out of respect for my fellow wrestlers, for myself and my personal life, but like I said, yes, I have had a few crushes. When you’re around these people 24/7, it’s hard not to get to know them better than you would otherwise. You get a sense for who they truly are as people. Y’know, it doesn’t surprise me at all, sometimes. Seeing certain wrestlers together, as a couple. It all makes sense when you’ve seen them interact for months and months at a time. I don’t think the fans realize just how often it is. There’s been more love affairs in the WWF than they could probably even begin to imagine. More of an acceptance to certain relationships, too. But it’s all very hush-hush, y’know. Kept between the boys and the girls in the back and that’s it. I don’t mind it. Being a man who likes having his privacy, especially when it comes to dating, I do appreciate when my fellow wrestler gives me that sort of respect, when they don’t go telling the whole world about who I’m with. I only try to do the same.”
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chocominnie · 3 years
One Last Time 03  —  Pjm. (M)
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⇢ pairing: Jimin X Reader
⇢ Genre: Idol!Jimin, Exbf!Jimin, model!reader, sad au, fluff, tons of smut, angst
⇢ Synopsis: Your idol ex boyfriend Jimin cheated on you. You two have been broken up for a while now and the media has been keeping track of you and him. You’re trying to get over him, but the things that happen inbetween makes you re-think the entire breakup, and so does Jimin…
⇢ Song : xxxxx
⇢ Previous : 00  01 02
⇢ Word Count : 4.2k
⇢ Warnings: dominant jimin, makeout sessions, this is honestly a sad angsty au, cheating, pregnancy, unprotected and protected sex, a bunch of sex, no really a LOT of sexual themes too, I know I’m forgetting some but sorry in advance!
⇢ Copyright: please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
⇢ Authors note: This is my mini series for the summer! Get your tissues, things to take your anger out on, and sit back and watch the drama unfold. Shall we begin?
Being  a model isn’t as always what people view it as. It’s not all just fun and prancing around in clothing that’s either revealing or not. It’s about business and fun but you mustn’t mix pleasure in. Every model knows that. But you, you took advantage of that. You decided you wanted to know what would happen if you had did that. And that is how everything went wrong.
You had actually met Jimin through Jungkook. But, BigHit staff did a casting call for one of their music videos. You had gotten chosen and while at the shoot Namjoon had sparked in interest for you. He spoke fluent english that glided of his tongue ever so breathlessly. But his adorable, cheeky dimple smile had put the icing on the cake for you. You two had been friends ever since.
They needed two girls, the protagonist and the antagonist. You were the protagonist while another was the antagonist but the role did fit you well. You aren’t the type to cause trouble and when your manager explained the script and concept to you, she thought it was a perfect match to your real life personality.
You and Jimin had hit it off right then and there. You loved his smile, his way of talking, and his cute little English phrases he would slip in then and there to you on set. It was the most adorable thing ever. He was a smooth talker too. Then Bam! You didn’t know what had gotten into him. Well.. the acting was for the concept music video, but you’ve never seen someone go from adorable to to a dominant personality so quickly. The entire switch up from the persona had fooled you good. Way.. too good.
That was how it hit you. You knew that he had to be yours.
But then yours.. became shared.
Then sharing became permanent.
Now you are single and heartbroken.
“ Long time no see! How have you been?”
You smile and take in his huge bear hug. He smelled so divine. Namjoon has always carried himself like a mature man, but in the inside you knew he’s a child at heart.
‘‘ Im fine. How are you? I’ve been on a little hiatus.” You nervously chuckle, assuming he already knows why. Namjoon nods his head and guides you further into the set.
It’s the inside of an apartment. They’ve set it up so pretty for it to seem like it’s a  real apartment. The LED lights are beaming but not enough for it to be too bright. Just perfect. You take a glance at all around the set you would be soon using.
The bed is a modern day king size in the colour schemes of black, white and grey along with a matching dresser and nightstands. White Jasmine flowers, sit on top of the nightstand along with the book milk and honey sitting next to it.
‘‘ I seen your pictures when they had dropped yesterday.” He pauses, glancing up at you to see your reaction. The way your breath hitches for a moment humored him. “ You looked very good. You did a great job. Welcome back to the business!”
Only if the business was so welcoming at all. Pictures of you had been posted on all your platforms and the comments came rushing in. Some good, but majority bad, only because the people of the world thought your comeback was revenge for Jimin’s comeback. Turns out, he had a comeback three days before you. You didn’t know, because you don’t keep up with him anymore. His fanbase was actually the ones commenting to the bad comments to leave you alone and that you moved on.
If only you made it that far to move on. 
Namjoon leads you to the hair and makeup station that’s been set up for the both of you. Each of you greet them and take a seat in the two black director’s chair with your name on it. As you sat in your chair you let the stylists and make-up artist do your thing while you read the concept script of the music video.
It’s going to be Namjoon rapping about his first love and how she broke his heart repeatedly. The hazy white flashbacks are of you and him symbolizing a couple doing things of what he had did with her.
“ So you and um.. Jimin did you guys sort things out yet?’’
You lift your head from the script instantly biting your lip. You most definitely don’t want to be reminded of him at the moment.
“ No. I like the way things are now. We shouldn’t see each other anymore.’’ You roll your eyes and look back down at the white sheets of stapled paper that holds your acting skills.
“ Im sorry if I offended. I didn’t mean to it’s just that. It’s been a year and a couple of months since-’’
He means no harm at all, and you know that because its Kim Namjoon you’re talking to. This right now though, isn’t a conversation to be held right before rhe video-shoot. You shake your head letting him know not to continue on. The last thing you want is for the makeup and hairstylists gossiping. Also for your emotions to spiral all the way down again.
The hair, makeup, and clothing stylists does a very good job on you. The make up stylists did a sort of natural look to your face which made your skin look light and dewy. The natural makeup complements the oversize, long t-shirt that is supposed to symbolize Namjoon’s.
The first scene you are going to shoot is the bed scene where you will be straddling a sleepy Namjoon’s lap wearing nothing but his t-shirt and your underwear underneath. Which really isn’t your underwear but just some black shorts that you put underneath the shirt.
You spot Namjoon and the director conversing so you decide to make your way over to the bed by them. As you walk over, his manager glances and goes back to talking. You pay no mind to it but then, he does a double take with his eyes wide looking at your outfit and beauty. You cant lie, you do feel a little more confident than usual with this bedroom look. 
‘‘ My goodness she looks stunning!’‘ His manager smiles, holding his hand out to greet you. You take his hand and do a courtesy greet due to the fact he’s older than you.
Namjoon eyes you up and down, smiling showing his deep dimples and pearly whites. Since when is he all flirty? Where is all this coming from? What’s getting into him?
‘‘ Yes she does. Are you ready?’‘
You nod your head, glancing at the properly messy bed. The director gives you guys one last look before heading over to his place right next to the cameras. Namjoon grasps your wrists as you both make your way to the bed, letting your ears listen to the instructions.
Namjoon gets into the bed first and then motions for you to sit on his waist. You bite your lip subtlety with your eyes not leaving his as you climb carefully over onto his lap. Your core almost inches away from him member, you don’t mean to brush a little too hard against him like that. The way he hisses and stifles his groan makes you feel apologetic.
Oh Namjoon, what is going on with you?
‘‘ I need you to try waking him up with little kisses on his cheek then down his chest.’’
Glancing down at his bare chest, you almost gasp at the muscles he has. Your mind completely had ignored it when you two were chatting with the director.  Namjoon isn’t the kind to work out as much but he definitely prepared for this music video.
You nod your head just before Namjoon closes his eyes to fake his slumber. Leaning down after the director gave you two the green light, you smell his cologne which smells pretty good to say the least. The butterflies in your stomach flutter like no other when you start to leave butterfly kisses on his cheeks, making sure to kiss his dimples then trailing over to his neck.. then chest.
‘‘ Namjoon wake up smiling… right about now.’‘
His eyes flutter open with a smile landing onto yours which makes you smile right back at him.
‘‘ Interlock your hands and hold them up high.’‘
Both of you smile ear to ear and giggle at the awkwardness almost nearly as a real couple except you guys aren’t, and this isn’t real.
It was easy for you to act like you were in love with Namjoon due to the friendship you have with him. Ever since the boys were together in a group, you had connected easily with Namjoon. He has this friendly yet funny aura about him. He’s the sweetest guy you ever met, just before Hoseok. Namjoon was the one who made you feel welcomed and comfortable upon meeting the members for the first time, while you had dated Jimin. 
His eyes roam over your body intimidated by the lack of proper clothing you have on. Soon his hands take over and start to roam your body from shoulders to waist. Namjoon often bit his lip as if was thinking of saying something, but doesn’t.  At this point you didn’t know if the acting was real or not.
A day’s worth of shooting and this was it. You’ve moved locations just for this scene which is supposed to be in the middle of a vacant two way road surrounded by nothing but dust and a few trees. The last major scene. You had seen Namjoon rap his part repeatedly in different sets for him that did not include you. The dark clothing and light colored hair suited him just right.
The closing scene is the one left and ironically, it’s the make-out scene.
To your left, someone had started a bonfire to keep the staff warm as they converse about the scene and read through the scripts. You huff lightly as you get out of the chair instantly regretting it as the cold air hits your nearly exposed legs.
They’ve dressed you into a maroon skirt and a grey knit sweater that is fairly itchy paired with a knit infinity scarf. Your hair was let down to compliment your face.
‘‘ Yn!’’
You turn your head immediately over towards the direction of that voice. To your luck it’s Jungkook holding a big brown bag and two canisters of god knows what. But who trails after him makes your smile drop.
Jungkook smiles jogging towards you, almost slipping from being excited too see you. You open your arms fully to embrace his figure in which in return he provides.
“ Are you still mad at me?’’
You inhale the scent of him with a smile making sure to make eye contact with the one standing further away from him, “ No Jungkook.”
He lets go of your intertwined bodies and gives you one of his bunny smiles making you giggle at his excitement. “ I bought Namjoon and you some hot chocolate and plenty of rice-cake dumpling soup since you are working hard.”
‘‘ Thank you we will eat after this last scene okay?”
The cameras and lights are beaming down on you and Namjoon. It’s all or nothing at this point. The camera crew and director murmur a bit just before calling out that word. Action.
Namjoon looks slightly down at you with his glossy eyes. You challenge him back while not saying a word at all.
“ Are you comfortable with this?” He whispers. No, truth is you aren’t and have no desire in kissing him. To you, you feel like the kiss would make things a bit awkward for the both of you.
He’d been subtly flirting all day with you and of course you pick up on it everytime. It’s not like yourself to do such things with people you don’t have feelings for in a romantic way. Let alone, flirt with your ex’s band brother.
“ Yes.” It’s not like you have a choice to say no to it. You signed the contract, so you have to complete the entire scenes. Just your luck, Namjoon’s song begins to play in the background.
 He leans in for a kiss with your face inches apart from each other. So close that you can feel his eyelashes brush against yours. He’s stalling you, making you try to be the one to start the kiss. A small smirk on his face when you oblige taking him into the kiss. Your lips move in sync with his with his hand on your face caressing your cheek. He thinks your lips taste like strawberry chapstick, but you think his tastes like mint. 
Soon his tongue slips into your mouth to deepen the kiss. You can’t help but to let out a small whimper on accident resulting in Namjoon’s hand traveling to your waist and pushing you closer to him gently.  Excitment takes over you, you haven’t felt like this in a long time. Maybe it’s the lack of dating or all the couple like things you did today, but you feel loved.
And cut! That’s a wrap everyone, please pack and get home safely.
You break away from Namjoon’s lips and chuckle at the sight of him with his eyes still closed and waiting for something to happen again.
“ Joonie we are done shooting.”
Namjoon’s eyes pop open with a smile, cheeks turning coloured from embarrassment. “ Ah really? Im sorry it’s just that i was too into the moment.”
The both of you thank all the staff for their hard work of day. While bowing to another staff, you make sure to look directly in the eyes of the friend that tailed along with Jungkook. Just as expected he looked pissed off. The sight of him biting the inside of his jaw gave you satisfaction. He fucking deserves it.
“ Can we all eat now? I brought thermal blankets and the bonfire the staff lit is still going..’’ Jungkook says, sitting onto one of the logs and placing the bag onto the ground.
“ We need to speak first.”  You say, firmness taking over your tone. You aren’t going to let this slide. Why would he bring him here? After all that happened that night, you’re sure he told Jungkook. 
He sighs and motions for Namjoon to start serving while he’s going to be gone. Namjoon gently smiles and approves just before going to sit next to Jungkook’s friend and starting a conversation.
The two of you, Jungkook and you, start walking away from the small gathering slowly. The moon shines bright down upon the both of you creating black silhouettes from behind.
‘’ I didn’t invite him. You know I wouldn’t do that after that whole situation-’’
You purse your lips and stop walking, “ So he just magically came? I didn’t tell him and I doubt that Namjoon told him.’’
‘‘ He found out Namjoon was having his video shoot and came to support him. He came late due to Isab-”
You shake your head, “ Don’t say anymore. Let’s just go back and not bring anything up. I don’t feel like speaking to him or causing drama Jungkook.”
Jungkook can tell that you’re disappointed but does not say a word all the way back. You keep eye contact away from Jimin as you sit next to Jungkook. The atmosphere is awkward for you but you know it isn’t for them.
You munch on a rice-cake dumpling not making a sound as the three boys talk amongst themselves.
You take this time to think. Why would Jimin come here if he possibly knew that you were the main girl? He just set himself up to be mad at this point. Why didn’t Isabel stop him from going, after all you are his ex.
“ Why aren’t you eating?’‘
You look towards that soft voice, plopping your dumpling down into your bowl of soup. The truth is, you actually aren’t supposed to be eating this at all. Seeing as though your modeling and appearance schedule is getting full you have to maintain a healthy figure once again.
‘’ I guess im not as hungry. I’ll make sure to take it with me if I don’t finish.’’
‘‘ Eat.’‘ Jimin says, not lifting his head up but voice firm.
You roll your eyes out of annoyance, “ Im not hungry Jimin.’’ You were, but you say it just to piss him off even more.
His chopsticks drop his dumpling into his bowl as he raises his head slowly. Anger is written all over his face but you over-power it by keeping a straight face. Part of you is mad that you said that but it’s the truth.
‘‘ Oppa. Im Oppa to you.” His eyes meet yours. You can’t help but notice that his are darker than average. You hated calling him that and he knows it. It’s cringey to you, but respectful in their culture.
He didn’t use to make you say it even while in a relationship, so you know he’s playing along with your little game.
Namjoon rubs the back of his head,‘‘ Hey guys let just eat okay? Yn you should eat more.’‘
‘‘ Rather not. My appetite is no longer here.”  You shrug as you place the lid onto the container of your food.
Jimin rolls his tongue in the inside of his cheek while keeping a death glare on you. You don’t bother to pay it any mind at all. Jungkook lets out a breathy sigh as you gather your belongings to leave.
‘‘ Im taking my leave.’‘
You give Namjoon a hug first then walk over to Jungkook who hugs you really tight. You smile and give a peck onto his cheek.
‘‘ Text me tonight.’ He whispers into your left ear before letting his grip go. You nod your head and glance at an angry Jimin.
“ I’ll take her home.”
That sentence makes you stop dead in your tracks. What the hell does he think he’s doing? 
“ I can get a taxi..”
Jimin finishes his food and throws it into the paper brown bag. Namjoon and Jungkook stare at him in disbelief. The veins on his neck are very noticeable as he makes his way over to you.
You watch in disbelief but angry with your eyebrows furrowed because they all seem to not be listening to you. “ I said I can get a tax-”
“ Yn just go with him. I will feel safer if you went with somebody you know.” Jungkook sighs, throwing him and Namjoon’s remaining trash into the bag.
“ Me and Jungkook have a lot of catching up to do. We’ll be at my house.” Namjoon catches onto Jungkook’s memo.
You roll your eyes as Jimin grabs your arm rougher than expected, dragging you along the vacant two way street to his parked Lamborghini.
You jerk away from him not wanting to be in his grip anymore. Jimin doesn’t say anything as he opens the car door for you. You stand there with your arms crossed refusing to go.
“ Yn you have until the count of three because honestly you are pissing me off. “
Your eyes land onto his with your eyebrows still furrowed in anger.
“ 1.”
You scoff at him. What are you a toddler?
“ 2.”
Yeah right. What could hap-
“ 3 ” Jimin grabs your arm tightly making sure to leave it red as he pushes you into the passengers seat. His cheeks turn a deep shade of red. slamming the car door behind you.
He doesn’t bother to put his seat-belt on before pulling off with Namjoon and Jungkook following behind him. You wince at the throbbing pain where he had marked you red. The soreness is already settling it’s way in.
“ Look..” He sighs, “I didn’t mean to.”
Tears fill the brim of your eyes. This isn’t the same Jimin you knew. He would never even think of hurting you like that.
“ Shut up just take me home.” Your voice cracks, tears slipping down your cheek as you try and massage the pain away.
You don’t say a word to him all the way there to your apartment building. The air is as thick as a slice of home-made cake yet neither of you decide to speak. That is until he decides to follow you out the car and up to your apartment, most likely to make sure you are safe getting in. You stop at the welcome mat that holds your home just beyond the door.
“ Jimin. Leave.” You whisper, audible enough for him to hear.
“ I don’t want to.”
“ I know you’re sorry. Just leave.”
You punch in your code, the date that you and him started dating.  You open it enough for just your body to slip in but that doesn’t work. Jimin pushes the door open wide, letting himself in right behind you.
You don’t say anything at all. You remove your shoes as well as he does to. Clara greets you by rubbing her body against you. You don’t bother to pet her you walk past her and into the kitchen.
Pulling out your phone, you text Jungkook letting him know you got home safely. He immediately responds with a selfie of him and Namjoon with Soju in their hands. You can’t even laugh at the two silly boys.
A harsh cold object is placed on your right arm. You quickly look down to see Jimin’s hand holding an ice-pack against the area he harmed.
“ You didn’t tell me you would be the lead girl in Namjoon’s video.”
‘‘ We aren’t together anymore. I don’t have to tell you anything.”
That’s the truth. You two shouldn’t even be in the same apartment, let alone yours, right about now. His business isn’t yours anymore. Yours isn’t his anymore.
Jimin scoffs, “ You know I will always look out for you and look after you. I’ll be there anytime for you.”
‘‘ I feel as though that’s inappropriate. You have a girlfriend don’t cheat on her like you did me.” You remove his hand and hop onto the white counter-top.
“ How many times are you going to say it huh? I was wrong I know that. But why remind me of it?”
You look him dead straight into the eyes, “ Until you suffer for a year and some months don’t say shit to me.’’
There was a silence for a couple of minutes. Your eyes wander around your fairly neat apartment until he says something again.
Jimin sighs, coming in-between your legs placing his head on your lap. ‘‘ I don’t like this.. us.”
“ Clearly you didn’t because you cheated.” You snap back, pushing his head away from you only for him to go right back. “ That’s not what I mean and you know that.” His voice is soft, just barely above a whisper.
So what does he mean?
‘‘ Im saying that.. I don’t like you being this way and distant from me. I don’t like when you kiss other people. I didn’t like when you had to make-out with Namjoon. I don’t like not being able to talk with you. I don’t like all this anger and tension between us.”
Your mind is telling you this is a red flag but your heart aches for him to go on and say what you want him to say. Could this really be it?
“ The truth is, I do miss you. I miss us. I miss everything about us. I fucked up bad and I have to pay the consequences.” His hands snake around your waist tightly. 
This is it. Finally.
You bite your lip and run your fingers through his hair softly. Small sobs can be heard from him and the wetness of your leg lets you know he finally broke down.
‘‘ Jimin stop that. Don’t cry.’‘
He shakes his head, ‘’ You don’t understand. She’s not like you but I like her. My heart is with you but my mind is with her. I don’t know what to do.’’
“ You can’t love two people at once. You know that. I refuse to get hurt again by you.” You keep your voice low making sure not to get angry with him. His head lifts up showing you his red face and puffy eyes.
You can’t help but to want to kiss the tears away. So thats what you do. You kiss all over his cheeks slowly one at a time. Yes you don’t want to get hurt again, but you want him to realize that what he did is still taking a toll on you all the while you crave him and his love more and more.
‘‘ Yn..” He whimpers, sniffling.
You shake your head to hush him up and move on to his lips. His sweet, soft lips connect with yours. He opens his mouth to deepen the kiss. Both of your tongues fight for dominance making you hold your breath to stifle your groan. This is wrong. He has a girlfriend. You kissing him would make you a hypocrite, so you break away the kiss though you don’t want to.
You sigh, lifting his head up again. Those brown eyes stare back up at you full of tears and sadness. Yet you can’t be fooled by your own mind. “ Jimin go back to Isabel. She’s probably waiting for you.”
You take his arm and lead him towards the door. He slips his shoes on without taking his eyes off of you. It hurt. It hurts a lot seeing him leave out the door each time he comes over. But you still need to face the fact that this isn’t your man anymore, he’s someone elses.
“ What if I don’t want to go back.”
You unlock the door for him and hold it open. ‘’ You can’t love two people at once.’’
“ Baby, just one last time..’’ He says, referring to the kiss you’ve shared earlier.
You shake your head no. Another kiss would surely lead to something more of a messy situation. “ When you make up your mind, you know my apartment well enough.”
And with that you shut the door behind him as your back slides down the door. You bring your hands to your hair and slip them in.
Maybe, just maybe, there could be a one last time with him.
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sserpente · 4 years
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A/N: Request by @sparxxy. Loved this idea! Enjoy, everyone! ♥
Words: 1409 Warnings: fluff and… falling off the roof I guess?
You should have brought your gloves. It was freezing cold, especially now that you were fiddling around with tiny cables and light bulbs on a wobbly ladder. Hypothetically, Tony could have done this in his suit and hypothetically, he wouldn’t run a risk of suffering from hypothermia in the process covered in layers of metal but if there was one thing you were both naïve and proud about, then it was setting up Christmas decoration all by yourself—and that included colourful holiday lights on the roof.
You could do this. It was fun, even more so with so much snow around you. In that hindsight, you were even okay with numb fingers.
You were so focused on setting up the lights that you never heard someone approaching you, even on the crunchy snow. But then again, Loki usually moved with the grace of a cat. Being around him felt like circling a bomb—you never knew if or when it would explode but overall, you were glad the Avengers and eventually even SHIELD had accepted the God of Mischief sticking around after Asgard was destroyed even though everyone but Thor met him with suspicion or even hostility; even you did, for the most part. With Loki, you just never knew. So while the God of Thunder had begun wearing Christmas sweaters, baking horrible gingerbread and asking every single one of the other Avengers what it was they wanted for Christmas to buy them presents with Tony’s money, Loki appeared utterly irritated by the festive season.
“What in the nine are you doing?” He asked, head tilted slightly.
You flinched, holding on to the gutter frantically to not fall off. “Geez, Loki… clear your throat or something!” The God of Mischief only chuckled. “I’m putting up the holiday lights.”
“Whatever for?” You could practically hear his frown.
“So our headquarters will look more festive?” You suggested. “Actually, can you tell me if this is straight?”
“These quarters are in the middle of nowhere. No one will be able to see it.”
“I will. Now is this straight or not?”
“I suppose it is.”
“That is not reassuring.” You retorted.
“Well, what is it supposed to look like? You are only going to injure yourself. This ladder looks rather unsafe and the rungs are frozen.”
“Yes, I know that, Loki, which is why I’m asking you if they’re straight so I don’t have to climb up here again! Don’t be such a Scrooge.” You had gotten him a present—it was nothing too fancy but you had seen him taking notes on a stack of paper he had presumably stolen from your office a lot. Apparently, Loki was quite the scholar. You usually spotted him surrounded by books whenever the Avengers didn’t make him join life-threatening missions. In this aspect, you were quite glad you were only an assistant.
Anyway, you had decided to buy Loki a beautiful notebook bound in real leather along with a fancy green and gold pen with black ink but if he kept going like that, you might reconsider giving it to him after all.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Loki frowned, making you sigh. You were done anyway. All you had to do now was climb off, switch it on with the little remote and see if you had indeed hung it up straight if Loki wouldn’t give you a proper answer.
“Scrooge is a fictional character in ‘The Christmas Carol’ and he hated Christmas. It’s written by Charles Dickens, one of the greatest—argh!” An ear-piercing scream escaped your lips, heart skipping a beat when you slipped on one of the rungs on the frozen ladder, your hands failing to grasp at the cold metal again in time. You hurtled backwards through the ice-cold air so fast you were hardly able to process you were going to kiss the hard ground and likely break your neck in the process, brazing yourself for a painful impact—which never came. Your eyes flew open when you landed in Loki’s arms instead. The God of Mischief, so you realised, must have darted forward to catch you.
Panting, you looked up at him with wide eyes, not even quite able to catch your breath in return.
“I told you so.” He said quietly. Oddly enough though, there was no scorn in his voice—quite on the contrary; you had never heard Loki speak so softly before. His warm breath ghosted over your lips as he talked, his blue eyes glued on your face, likely reddened from the cold.
“T-thank you…” You whispered. Oh Heavens… Had he always been this handsome?
Neither of you moved. Instead, you remained in your awkward position, with Loki still carrying you bridal style and his face only mere inches from yours until a thundering voice ripped you both from your weird trance.
“Loki, have you seen my gingerbread pop tarts? Oh… oh? Am I interrupting something, brother?” He asked with a sly grin. He was standing in the doorway, right underneath a mistletoe and he was holding up an empty box of pop tarts.
“No,” Loki said quickly all the while sighing and rolling his eyes. You only swallowed, finally managing to move your limbs again and struggle just a little so he would put down again. You did not fail to notice that even once your feet were on the ground again, his left hand lingered on your waist just a little bit longer than absolutely necessary—and you would be lying if you claimed it bothered you.
“If I recall it correctly, you ate them all last night.” He continued, clearly unimpressed.
“I didn’t eat all of them.” Thor raised an eyebrow. “Did you eat them?”
“No,” Loki emphasised. “I may be the God of Mischief, brother but I do not have a death wish. Perhaps you should ask one of your mortal companions. Stark likes to steal food quite regularly as far as I am concerned.”
You smirked when Thor pointed at him in a threatening manner. “I am going to rub snow in your face if I find out you’re lying.”
“You do realise I am a Frost Giant, brother?” Oh, yes, you had almost forgotten about that. That must have been the reason why he wasn’t even wearing a jacket.
“M-hm. I’ll leave you two to… whatever then.” Loki rolled his eyes once more. You could hardly complain about his reaction. Thor could be rather sneaky if only he wanted to be and the fact he had interpreted Loki basically saving your life to be something… something… well… what exactly?
You and Loki? He couldn’t possibly think you would… or would you? You cleared your throat once the God of Thunder had disappeared inside again and closed the door, if anything to not make matters even more awkward than they already were.
Then, to distract from the embarrassing situation, you finally grabbed the remote of the holiday lights and pressed the button. Dozens of little bulbs lit up at once, some green, some red, some blue, some yellow, some purple, all blinking away happily. It was beautiful—and it definitely was straight.
You hummed in silent triumph.
“I admit, it does look rather pretty.” Loki suddenly said.
“Come on, it looks amazing! Is that really the best you can do?”
He gave you languid look. But nothing could have prepared you for what he did next. “Oh, what a masterpiece you have created, my dear. This is a truly marvellous sight. You must be a sorceress to have constructed such beauty for this Midgardian holiday they call Christmas. What would the Avengers do without your talent and your skilled hands?” Sarcasm was dripping from his voice, along with a downright theatrical tone not of mockery but pure amusement and teasing.
“Okay, okay, stop it.” You laughed, wouldn’t admit, however, how your heart jumped when he called you ‘my dear’. It took you quite a while to recover from your laughing fit. And if that wasn’t enough already, Loki was actually smiling too. “I’ve got two others to hang up, one on the balcony and one on the terrace.” You announced then. “Do you… would you help me?”
There it was again. His blue eyes locked with yours, capturing you both in another moment full of tension and… fascination. Eventually, the God of Mischief nodded.
“I might as well.”
Huh. Perhaps, Christmas miracles were real after all.
A/N: If you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate it so much if you considered supporting me on Kofi! It’s either for caffeine or red wine, I’ll take both. ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years
Request: Could u do one where y/n is a stripper but her and Harry are already together. So Harry and his friends all know y/n works at the strip club because she’s Harry girl and they all go up there and she gives him a lap dance?? Idk I just need something dirty😂✋🏽
Disclaimer: Public infatuation, spitting and teasing.
Do you ever see shit crumbling down infront of your eyes and said, "fuck it." before taking the step that could have a ominous impact on your life? Perhaps Y/N did the same. When she couldn't pay for her UNI she started working at a club as a waitress, scrubbing the awful stickiness of beers and alchol wasn't a nightmare for her at least.
She always admired the girls outdoing themselves on stage, something so fascinating about having men on the tip of their shoes and emptying their pockets just to have a watch of mere skin.
One night when the clock striked past 2 am and the club had barely three people her friend ushered her on the stage, it wasn't sexy and eroticaly mind blogging. She was trying to have fun (she's very socially akward and have a stage phobia). Rather, cute as she danced in her pink skirts and showy apron not caring when her headband slid down as she spinned around the pole with loud giggles.
What took her gasp away was a beautiful man sitting in the corner dimmed away from the bashing lights of the room. Hand adorned in gems and jewels wrapped around the crystal glass of beer as he sat man-spreading in a black suit, a white shirt underneath that gives the glimpse of his tattoos and an evident smirk of ferver for her that made her tummy scorch.
"Y/N!" The bartender shouted for her, "Take this order for the table 22, quick." She tumbles down two stairs hastily and it takes out a chuckle from his lips, his eyes following her constantly. The glass of another bevy is for none other than the man with emarld eyes and chocolate curls.
She approaches him with a bicker between her mind and heart to shut the fuck up, as she slides the glass infront of him without glancing up at him.
"Y'dance gorgeously." His voice sultry and so so supple she couldn't belive it came out from him. "Uhm thank you . . . but 'm not what you're thinking 'm." She fumbles with her apron back treating slowly and he raises his brows not in amusement but in acknowledgement puffering out his bottom red lip she oh so gonna think about whole night.
"Doesn't matter, eh." She nods, "like somethin' else?" Her smile. Harry think her smile lit up his previous grumpy mood and his eyes falls over her shoes, he didn't like that they were literally about to thread into patches.
"Nope. Jus' headin' out, take care, love." Fuck him. There's no way she wouldn't imagine about him, being there in her dainty loft.
He left a bunch of cash as her tip and it made her all blushy.
Their next encounter was rather funny. Bumping into eachother at a grocery shop and her collection of junk food, cans of sweet sodas and candies went flying infront of him making her feel giddy that what he'd think about him? A child of five ready to go back to school?
His apologies were cut short when he sees it's her and his eyes went glowy. She's completely a different person when not under the blazing lights, so soft and clean wearing a cream coloured sweater, curdoury lilac pants and spectacles perched atop her bunny nose.
Him in a rolling stones tee and slacks.
"Y'alright, there?" He asks her with a brush to her elbow and she nods, "oh, Mr. Gucci pants?" That was the point where their love story started not a clićhe one but Harry's head over heels for her to this day. She calls him Gucci pants to annoy him cause his trousers that had a visible gucci label on the hem of them.
Then after few months of them hanging out and their first kiss she got to know that he's the owner of the club she fucking works at. She didn't know what to do, is that okay to date something out of your status and league? Even boss? She ghosted him for weeks and realized that how much she missed him. His thoughts didn't seem to leave her mind at all, his lips and kisses.
They've a most healthy relationship, he doesn't stop her from working at club as a waitress neither does he feels remorseful when she gets angry for paying her extra replying with cheekiness, "can't wait to have our bank accounts together, i like to give y'me lovin' sweet bug."
Their sex life's a proper satisfaction for both of them, Harry's such a caring domineering to her and it makes her cry sometimes when she floats into her sub-space. She loves to have him inside her after rough nights and to have sex in the morning getting sticky due to him hardening while still inside her.
She's public shy so they never try anything outside (harry respects her boundaries and gives her space whenever she needs some) but giving him a blowjob in his car doesn't seem that scary, does it? And the fact she loves to keep him warm and wet in her mouth everytime. He exposed her to the world of sex toys and how to use them, she was hesitant in the start but now loves to play with herself while he caresses his cock infront of her.
She hates being tied up! Always wants to touch him and feel his velvety skin. He ties up when she's being a bad puppy.
She loves when he fucks her from behind on her knees studying and sometimes she likes him harsh too, to be pounded raw, it makes her panties soak with yearn to have him.
But, in general he's all pet names and kisses. Gifting her silks and making her matchas. Cuddles and hugs from behind. Though, he likes to be a small spoon with his face tucked between her squishy tits and likes to have back rubs by her when the work gets a load on him.
Today though she'd like to come out of her cocoon and do something bold to show him that she wanna put the same effort to turn him on as he does. She doesn't know that her only presence stiffens his dick.
Harry was along his friends in his usual spot away from the bustling crowd when the patter of heels distracted them making their heads perk up, "would you guys like something?" She asks them and Nialler who's already miffed bad hiccups, "another bevy fo' me." She rolls her eyes at him sticking her tongue out.
"Then fetch one for yourself." While they bickered Harry admired his girl. The curve of her peach and her fleshy thighs, the stocking she's wearing doing nothing to satiate his burn to fuck her right now on these tables infront of everyone. "Anddd what'd you like to 've, Sir." She dips her knee between his thighs near his crotch whispering sultry-ly in his ear and pressing her wet lips against his earlobe on purpose.
"You." He smiles bashfully running his hands under her skirt and thighs giving it lil smack making her squeal softly, "'m all yours to take." She smooches a kiss to his mouth and presses her panties clad cunt against his man-spread moaning subtly when he groped her ass to assist her in humping him.
"Get a room you guys!!" Their friends hollered and Harry was quick to take Y/N's hand leading her to a private room, "On the sofa legs spread fo' me." She doesn't listen to him and pushes him down instead crawling up his lap.
"No." She tries to use the most intimidating voice, "what? You sound like a kitten, baby." He teases her letting his fingers linger over her garter and she hisses when he snaps it. She pins his wrists between them telling him grumpy-ly, "I - said - no." Her neck stretches giving Harry more skin to plant kisses as she brought his hand to cup them against her pussy.
"Wanna fuck me 'n d'the dirty work yourself? Go on then." He murmures grazing her collarbones with his teeth and palms her chest, stroking the perked nipple again and again to make her wet than she already's. Except of undressing him herself she orders him because she's too far gone to do anything other than have his cock pounding inside her, "Undress." When he does so she wraps her hand around his huge prick and taps his cherry lips with her fingers.
Pulling at his foreskin for some time and coating it perfectly with his own pre-come she sides her panties with shaky fingers and sinks down on him completely, she loves this position. In this way he feels too big inside her, deep to her tummy and could embrace eachother cosily.
"This's what you wanted? To fuck yourself with me prick, to keep it forever inside you?" He grabs her from sides helping her ride him and she hugs his shoulders whimpering with each languid stroke of his thickness against her spongy walls, "yes, yes, yes." His balls slaps against her bum and she squeezes around him with a cry.
He tuts in a mean voice, "Look how 've turned me sweet innocent Y/N into a filthy girl whose cunt's always drippin' with me cum." Her hairline beads with sweat and she muffles her moans by bitting him, he yanks her.
"Let everybody listen how hard ye're bein' pounded." He growls spanking her ass to a plump redness, groping her asscheeks to push harder and it makes her squirt around him.
"More, more, please more." She says in a soft hoarseness thighs quaking around his waist from exhaustion and he chuckles kissing her temple rolling her sensitive clit with the pad of thumb to make her cum, "oh! Harry — " This time she moans without holding back and when she doesn't stop moving Harry takes the hint.
"Bug you're gettin' tired." He flips them. Pressing her thigh against the back of couch with a tight grip of his hands around, so tight it'll leave imprints. Looking down a whimper slips from his throat at the sight of her widely spread for him and her pussy lips wrapped around his rock hard cock, though the sofa is already ruined with their wetness he spits where they're connected.
The dirty, sloppy wet noises of them turns him on so bad and he laps at her nipples like a kitten would do drilling inside her vigorously it makes her gasp in pleasure, moan and cry his name.
She rakes her nails down his spine when he grinds down at her in rough circles, "I'm gonna cum." She cries out cramping around him and their bones rattles with each pound she receives from him.
"Come fo' me darlin', gonna count to three — " He caresses her jaw, kissing her again and again face expression bundling up with the wave of pleasure that's about fluid over him as she thrashes under him, head on the sofa and torso stretching out, "fuck, fuck, fuck." He mutters unloading inside of her in sticky white ribbons that spill out of her because he came alot.
Taking a breather they untangle themselves a little and she whispers snuggling into his neck, "might think we could crash at this sofa tonight." Wrapping her calves around him like a koala.
"But, 'm hungry too." She giggles when her stomach grugled angrily.
"Let's clean up and get fish 'n chips from the next shop." He pets her head.
"Amazing!" She chirps.
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allthatyoulove · 3 years
Dance With Me
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Loki / Reader
Summary: You’re at Tony’s masquerade party, when Loki asks you to dance.
Warnings: cussing and dirty talk maybe? nothing too bad
Words: 1.5k
A/N: The summary is pretty short just b/c this is more of a drabble that I had the idea for like an hour before I wrote it. Also, sorry the gif is so big I’m not sure how to fix it but he’s hot so it’s ok; Hope you enjoy the story! Feel free to leave any feedback and please let me know of any warnings or errors I missed! Thanks for stopping by :)
I ran my hands down the sides of my dress, smoothing it one last time as I looked in the mirror. I grabbed my mask and tied it at the back of my head, checking myself out before I headed back out to the ballroom.
Tony was throwing a masquerade ball and all the avengers were forced to go. He didn’t even really have a reason or cause for this ball, this was all a last minute cover-up party for the kinky stuff Steve had found in Pepper’s laundry the other day. Regardless, Thor wouldn’t let it go after Tony said it was for “party purposes” and insisted that he throw a masquerade.
So, here we are.
Tony rented a gigantic elegant ballroom, ever the billionaire, with only the most expensive alcohol, food, clothes, and people.
The avengers were spread throughout the room. Thor was flirting with some women by the bar who looked uninterested, T’Challa was on the dance floor with Steve and Sam while Bucky stood with them subtly moving to the music, Vision and Wanda were sitting at a table flirting like highschoolers, and Natasha was on her way to steal the hearts of the girls Thor was talking to. Bruce was talking with Tony and Clint. Pepper and Shuri were sitting with me, across the table from Wanda and Vision.
I was searching the crowd for the dramatically dark and mysterious avenger that has yet to be seen.
I’d think he would thrive in a setting like this, being able to dress with flair and saunter all over the dance floor terrorizing people from underneath a mask. Or, maybe he doesn’t want his face to be covered at all, instead wanting all the attention on his prominent cheekbones. Either way, the function was in full effect and he was nowhere to be seen.
It’s not that I’m purposefully looking for him, because I’m not, I just feel…. an absence from the room.
Don’t get me wrong, Tony threw some good parties, and I was having fun, I was just missing out on tormenting my least favorite avenger.
I must have been deep in thought, because I found myself having to refocus my eyes on the room and come back down from my mind when I heard his voice.
“Looking for someone, darling?”
I sighed as I turned around in my chair, seeing Loki straightening after crouching so he could whisper in my ear.
“That’s funny actually, I was just wondering when you would come to ruin the night”
He let out a deep laugh, closing his eyes. I took this second to look at what he was wearing before he made some smart remark about it.
He was in an all-black suit, head to toe. Not a splash of color. Black blazer, black tie, black shirt….black mask.
“I’m glad you decided to bless us all tonight and wear a mask. I would’ve guessed you’d hate to have to hide your brooding underneath something so elegant and pleasing.”
He instantly replied, as if he knew what I was going to say from the beginning.
“Well, I do love to please.”
He paused for a beat before continuing while I smirked and shook my head in disbelief. The song changed from something upbeat and more-danceable, to a beautiful, slow, dancing ballad.
“And, speaking of pleasing,” He made a gesture of looking me up and down in my chair with my legs crossed.
“You look enchanting.”
My face warmed, but I kept my expression as I replied in a flirtatious tone.
“Such a charmer, aren’t you? Is there something you want, Loki?”
He smirked and didn’t take his eyes off of mine.
“Dance with me.”
He held one hand out to me, keeping the other behind his back in proper fashion.
I picked up my glass of wine I had sitting in front of me and chugged the rest of it before grabbing his hand.
Shuri and Pepper laughed, going back to their conversation they were having before as Loki and I walked to the dance floor.
“I should tell you I have no idea how to dance.” I told him as we reached the dance floor.
He let go of my hand and stood in front of me, never dropping his smirk.
“You seem to know how to dance pretty well at Tony’s other parties”
I jokingly rolled my eyes, “Well I can’t exactly shake my ass in a ballroom, can I? No matter how much you’d like it.”
He laughed and grabbed my hand, resting his other hand delicately at the small of my back. I immediately stopped smirking and stiffened a little, not sure what to do with my hands.
“Relax” he whispered, guiding the hand that wasn’t holding his to the back of his neck.
I let out a breath and relaxed into this new position we were in, waiting for something to happen. I wasn’t sure what to expect or what to do, so I was going to let him lead with everything.
We stood still for a second, staring at each other. His eyes roamed my face for a second before he softly cleared his throat and began to dance.
My feet followed his to the sound of the music as we started to waltz across the dance floor. The song was a slower song, and I found my feet interesting as we started to dance.
“Look at me”
I looked up at him, raising my eyebrows in a silent question.
“I meant what I said earlier”
“And what was it you said earlier?”
“When I said that you look beautiful”
I smiled at him as I spoke, “I believe the word you used was ‘enchanting’”
He laughed, switching his gaze from my eyes to my lips briefly.
“Well, there’s quite a few different words that could describe how you look”
I leaned in a little closer, wrapping my hand that was around the back of his neck a little tighter, and whispering like I was telling him a secret.
“Like what?”
He didn’t reply right away, instead dancing a few more seconds before he lightly twirled me, bringing me back to him closer than before. His arm was fully around my waist now, and our faces were centimeters apart when he spoke again.
“I don’t know if some of the ones I’m thinking are appropriate here, with people around.”
He looked at my lips as they slightly parted, in shock of how bold he was being tonight. I didn’t want him to read too much into my pause, so I quickly got myself together and responded.
“Well now I have to know”
He let out a deep chuckle, looking around the room as he thought of what to say next. I smiled a real smile at him, at how he looked. At how we were right now. I smiled up at him, looking at his eyes, waiting for his reply.
He brought his face back down to meet mine, his eyes dark. He had a sly look on his face. The face of the god of mischief. I was even more excited to hear it now. This was going to be good.
“Why don’t I show you? Tonight, in your room? I would offer right here, right now, but seeing as you already brought up the fact that we’re in a ballroom isn’t appropriate, I’m willing to wait.”
I froze, my feet stopping in their place as I looked up at him in surprise. Or shock, maybe? My mouth stayed slightly parted. He didn’t waste any time when I stopped dancing, picking me up with his arm that was around my waist to slowly spin us around. I was completely off the ground, and he picked me up as if I weighed nothing.
His eyes never left mine, as if he was searching for my answer in them. I was scared he would find it, too, with the intensity that he had in his eyes.
After looking at him in shock for a couple of seconds and not saying anything, I gave a dry laugh before I responded.
“Okay then, pretty boy. I guess we’ll see if you’re worthy of being a god after all.”
He smiled at me, setting me down on my feet as the song slowly came to a close. Our faces were still so close, if I leaned in just a little…
Everyone around us clapped for the live performers as the song ended. I was snapped out of my little haze as I took a step back from him, out of his arms. My waist felt cold, felt empty without his touch.
I gave him a mock curtsy, holding my dress out to him. He smirked and did the same to me, holding out his arms as if to show me off.
“I’ll see you tonight, darling.”
He walked off the dance floor and into the crowd, leaving me standing on the dance floor to relive everything that just happened.
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heavenunderthemoon · 4 years
A fic request for Emily and daughter!! Where you are dating a guy and have not told her and she finds out when she comes to you and your boyfriend making out on the couch
“My mom would kill me if she found out I had a boy over. And then she’d resuscitate me, and then kill me again.” You said with a sigh, scrolling through the movie options on the flatscreen.
Harry gave a low chuckle, throwing another piece of popcorn in his mouth.
Harry. You thought dreamily.
You had known him since you were about twelve, a rather annoying boy in your physical education class. You recalled the various times in which the two of you were captains for your respective teams in that class, the rivalries and the fights that ensued. How long had it taken for the two of you to realize that the hatred stemmed from tiny little crushes on each other? Looking at him now, his curly hair overflowing into his eyes- something you adored because it meant you had an excuse to touch it, moving it out of his eyes- you couldn’t imagine hating him.
The two of you had only begun dating three months ago, your mother still didn’t know. You had planned on telling her the minute it became official, really, you had, but she had gone away on a case that night and you didn’t want to tell her over the phone. So then you postponed for when she would be back, staying up late until her flight landed, making her dinner, telling her that way. But, when she had come back you found the case had been a really difficult one and the wariness on your mother’s face, the pure exhaustion, had your lips sealed.
And it went on. Everytime you meant to tell her was just bad timing - and you needed good timing, because your mother really didn’t like Harry. Alright, that wasn’t fair. She didn’t even know Harry, she had never event met him, but you knew she wouldn’t like the idea of him. Your mother wanted you to like nice boys, prim and proper boys, smart boys who had crystal clean records and good intentions and Harry was a little far from the mark.
Harry wasn’t a horrible person, you knew that. He was misunderstood, incredibly so. His past wasn’t very kind to him, and he acted out frequently because of it. He likes to read and write and paint (he was rather good at it but he really only painted for you just to see the smile on your face when he did). He got detentions and was caught stealing (clothes for his little sister, and they let him off with a warning). He rode a motorcycle he found in the dump and fixed up himself, and he was a little rough around the edges appearance wise. But damn, was he good to you. He was caring, like the kind of caring where he always walked you home from school, no matter what. He offered you rides on his motorcycle (even bought a pretty helmet that had plastic bunny ears on the top bc you liked bunnies and he thought you would like it), but you refused. If your mother found out you rode a motorcycle you were sure she’d have a heart attack right then and there. And he was kind. Everytime Emily was away he called you to make sure everything was okay, talking as you walked through the house and double checked all the locks, and sometimes even read to you over the phone until you fell asleep. He wrote you poems and slipped them in your textbooks when he held them on the way to class, and he gave you flowers when you least expected them -no occasion, just because.
He was a boy, a boy you loved, and that was enough to make Emily go a little crazy and you knew that so you kept him away. You kept him a secret. Your little secret love, a piece of you, hidden away and locked up tight.
And that was why he was here, at your house on a Thursday evening. Your mother was off on a case, she had only been gone two days and when Harry had called you, asking how you were (he had been home for the past three days, his sister sick with the flu), you told him how much you missed him. Next thing you knew he was showing up on your doorstep with all your favorite snacks and the gesture had you flinging yourself into him, squeezing him tightly. It hadn’t mattered to you that Emily might get mad because how would she even know? She had been gone for two days, which meant she probably wouldn’t be back for at least another one. You and Harry could have this night.
So, despite the uneasiness in your stomach, you let him in.
“She wouldn’t kill me first? Or is she saving the best for last?” He asked thoughtfully, eyes turning to you. Oh you loved when he looked at you like that, a look thrown your way, a look filled with such...trust. Devotion. Love.
You sighed wistfully. “Me first. She’d be beside herself at the very thought that I hid something from her. She hates lying.”
He snorted. “A little rich coming from an FBI agent. Isn’t her job centered around lying?”
You rolled your eyes, throwing a popcorn at him. He was right. Your mother lied as a profession, bluffing that she had more information than she really did, or even lying that she was dead as the two of you foed to Paris. That hadn’t been very fun. She lied all the time. But that was to protect people. You were just protecting yourself.
“I just feel bad. I don’t want you to think I’m ashamed of you. I just don’t want you to feel her wrath. She’s a lot..you know? She means well she’s just protective.”
Harry didn’t know. He didn’t really get that parents should be protective because he didn’t really have any. Just a dead beat dad that drank himself into a stupor every night and was typically found passed out on the couch. He didn’t get that parents were supposed to love and nurture, and the fact that you had that seemed foreign, but he tried to understand, for you. And you knew that.
He nodded with a frown. “She doesn’t have to protect you from me, though. I would never hurt you. If you ever asked me to go, to leave, all you’d have to do is say the word and I’m gone. But I love you and you love me, our relationship doesn’t concern her.” He wasn’t snippy, just speaking softly, as if not to scare you away because he knew how much you loved Emily and he didn’t want to scare you away by speaking about her badly.
You smiled softly, taking his hand in his. The remote remained abandoned on the table that you had set it upon and he removed the popcorn bowl from his lap, setting it on the table as well, giving you his full attention. “It doesn’t but it also does. She’s my mom, she’s...I don’t know, it’s weird. I shouldn’t need her approval. I don’t. But I want it. I want her to know you, and not just surface level background checks, I want her to know the Harry that I know.”
He scoffed with a smirk. “Oh, you think you know me?” And a twinkle in his eyes showed you a twinge of fear, a fear that maybe you did. That you knew him better than anyone he had ever known. And it was the twinkle that made you nod.
“I do.” You responded confidently, and there was only silence in the room for a small moment. A moment where Harry’s heart was racing, and he was sure it was loud enough for you to hear it, and a moment where you were searching his eyes for an acceptance. Acceptance that he wouldn’t get scared away just because you knew him, knew every part of him, because you knew that it was something he tended to do. He tended to back away when he felt exposed and you were praying that he knew he didn’t have to do that with you.
Finally, he nodded, lips pursing. “Alright. Well then we’ll tell her when she gets back.”
“We?” You asked skeptically, because the thought of him and Emily in the same room had been something you had been trying to avoid for so long.
And he nodded once more. “We. Together. I’ll wear a suit and you can wear that pretty little black dress and I’ll come for dinner. I’ll knock on the door- not ring the bell because that’s a little prentious-“ you giggled and he smiled at the sound. “And I’ll bring her flowers, compliment her home,”
“Compliment her home?”
He gave you an incredulous look. “Well I can’t very well tell her that I’ve been here now can I? Besides, it’s what they do in books. I figure it’s how I’ll make a good impression. And I’ll tell her how very much I adore her daughter.” He set his chin, a blazing look in his eyes, the kind that made you think he might be invincible. One that made you think he could do anything and damn would you follow him to the depths of the earth as long as he had that look.
With newfound confidence, you grinned. “Oh? And just what, pray tell, do you adore about me?” And there was a certain impish tone in your voice that had him smirking mischievously.
He leaned closer, burning his hand up to caress your cheek. “Hmm, well, I love your eyes,” He wiped underneath them, his warm hands making delicious contact with your face. “The way I can literally see into your mind with them. You’re awful at hiding your emotions and just one look into those beautiful little orbs, I know everything I need to know.”
Your breath hitched as he leaned closer. “What else?”
“I love your lips.” And his finger was tracing the contours of your own, claiming his territory. “How you’re never afraid to speak your mind, those words of passion, or humor, or hatred tumbling from your plump lips, ones that I very much like to kiss.” And he bent down and pecked you, lingering just a moment longer to nibble on your bottom lip.
You let out a shaky breath, eyes fluttering shut as you forced them back open. “Is that all?”
He had that god awful smirk on his face and you forced yourself to look away. “Everything about you, baby. Your wit, your determination, your compassion,” and with each word he was peppering your jaw with a kiss and finally you gave out, grabbing his face in yours and crashing your lips onto his. He was grinning into the kiss, savoring his victory but not for long. You wouldn’t let him win.
You flipped positions, pushing him slightly and straddling the boy. Your lips were ferocious against his, a mess of passion and intensity and his hand was going to your sides, sliding under your shirt and running upward. Everywhere he touched was set instantly on fire and you moaned into his lips.
And just as you were about to take it a step further, the door opened. You flew off the boy, landing onto your ass with a groan. Harry was springing upward, readjusting his hoodie and hair, though it was no use. Your hands had gone rampant through his curls and it would take an actual brush to fix it. Both of your lips were swollen from your previous activities, clothes a bit ruffled, and the look on Emily’s face made your heart stop.
She was looking at Harry, and then you, and then back to Harry with an unreadable expression on her face.
She was home. Home incredibly early, and her bag was discarded at her feet, dropped when she saw you and Harry.
No one was speaking, Harry was looking at you as for what to do, Emily was just staring and you...you were standing from your post on the floor, going to Harry’s side as if you protect him. “Mom, this is Harry-you’re home-“ You swallowed when her lips pursed. “He, um-we were- He’s my boyfriend.” And then a look you did recognize appeared on her face.
“Harry, you can go home.”
Your mouth went dry. This was not how this was supposed to happen. Harry turned to you, eyes questioning if that was what y oh wanted, if you wanted him to leave and with a mournful smile you nodded, walking him to the door. He mouthed an “I love you” which you returned before shutting it.
“You had a boy over.”
“A boyfriend, come to find. How long have you been seeing this boy?”
You winced. “Three months. But we were going to tell you, he was going to knock on the door-“ And you were beginning to ramble with panic as she cut you off.
“Three months? Three months of you sneaking around behind my back? And when I’m gone you do...that.” She was shaking her head in disbelief, hand going over her face.
“We weren’t sneaking I just...He came over tonight and that was an anomaly, we don’t do that-“
She scoffed. “And I’m supposed to believe you? You want me to believe anything that comes out of your mouth when you’ve been lying to me for months?” You stayed silent, swallowing. “Go to your room. We’ll discuss this in the morning.”
You sighed, turning on your heel and walking off.
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engekihaikyuu · 3 years
View from the Top 2 - Review
Check out the Read More if you’d like to hear about this show!  Askbox is open as well if you’d like me to elaborate on anything out of this.
Before I begin my review of the final show, I do want to start with some caveats:
So as I mentioned previously, the production once again went with PIA for their live streaming platform, which means that live streaming this show is very inaccessible for anyone living outside of Japan.
PIA is a ticketing platform that requires a working Japanese phone number in order to finish activating/registering a new account because you must call the number provided to finish account verification. So without a Japanese contact or a Japanese phone number, this platform is basically impossible.
I have a generous friend in Japan who was willing to share her account information with me, which is how I was able to pay for a show and use her log-in to watch the stream. I did not see this show in-person; I do not live in Japan and obviously travel is off-limits. Even if I did live in Japan, I would have qualms about going to the theater.
There are some logistical issues with this show because of the current pandemic, with the most visually obvious one being the small face shields the actors wear on-stage. They basically serve as protection against direct spittle, but obviously they do nothing to guard against aerosol spread; putting on the play is still an incredible risk to the performers and staff. Another difficulty they face is the fact that Tokyo is still continuing to maintain a nightly curfew. Every evening Tokyo performance needed to be bumped earlier so that spectators can leave the theater in time to make it home for that curfew. Keeping that in mind, the show is a surprisingly condensed 2.5 hours long, where I would have expected 3 hours given the amount of content it covered. This does affect the pacing in Act 2 noticeably, and I get the feeling that were it not for covid and the current curfew restrictions, it would feel a little less rushed at the end.
So, with all that said, here are my thoughts on Engeki Haikyuu’s final play, The View from the Top 2!!!  This is absolutely not spoiler-free, for both the play’s content and everything that happened in the manga finale, so if you have not finished the series, this is your last chance to turn back.
Now that I think about it, I haven’t written a full review on a show since Fly High, so I’m a bit rusty at this, and I’ll probably leave out a lot so as always, my askbox is open for people’s additional questions!
The absolute main theme of this play (and really of the entire Haikyuu story) is the friendship and rivalry between Hinata and Kageyama, and the theme: I’m not alone. Engeki really did right by our dual protagonists by framing the final show as showing both of their journeys from beginning to end. Act 1 begins with that familiar sequence from the very first show: Hinata seeing the little giant on TV, being inspired to start playing volleyball, his struggle to find a team in middle school, losing to Kageyama in his one and only middle school tournament, and finding him again at Karasuno. They repeated the scene almost exactly as it was in the first show, and I think it was very smart of them to show us Daigo’s version of it, so to speak. That way we have a more cohesive vision of Hinata from the beginning of his journey to the end. Then they absolutely FLOOD the stage with a montage of projections with footage from all of the shows from the past five-and-a-half years. So already it’s pretty emotional for me, seeing how far the play had come as well as how far Hinata had come in the story.
To parallel this, the beginning of Act 2 actually begins with baby Kageyama. Yes, the baby Kageyama flashback with his sister and grandfather and how he started volleyball. We see Kageyama’s volleyball journey from childhood (for this they used a small doll similar to the dolls they used for young Kuroo and Kenma from Revival) to playing at Kitagawa Daiichi, to losing his grandfather, to being labeled the King of the Court, to defeating Hinata, and then having Hinata find him at Karasuno. And then they once again, they flood the stage with projections with past show footage, but this time they are more Kageyama-centric in the way that the previous ones were often Hinata-centric. And it just really highlights how much these two are meant to share the stage as the two main characters.
To see this framework and to know what’s going to come at the end, with the two of them reuniting in the pro-volleyball arena… just the beginning of Act 2 alone had me in tears. Another way they paralleled their respective journeys was to show us who have influenced them. In Act 1, there’s a dance with Hinata, Hoshiumi, and Udai (all little giants… well, Tsukishima’s in there too because he’s feeling a particular competitiveness with Hinata in this part of the match). In Act 2, there’s a dance with Kageyama, Atsumu, and Oikawa, because Atsumu and Oikawa are the setters who have had the most influence on Kageyama, and he’s drawing on what he’s learned from them for this match. They are not alone in their journeys, they have had people inspire them and be inspired by them in addition to having the support of their teammates.
The Karasuno vs Kamomedai match is interspersed with bits of action from the Fukurodani vs Mujinazaka match, so the stage was pretty busy for basically the entire time. The wires are back for some sequences so that both Hinata and Hoshiumi have a chance to fly, and there are plenty of acrobatics and lifts, and the same incredible soundtrack we love. Ryuu’s Hoshiumi is the obvious standout on Kamomedai for how many lifts he had, and they definitely tried to have him running around on the stage about as much as Hinata. It was notable how much they drew on past techniques and music for various parts of this match, since this is meant to be Karasuno at their peak. When Asahi was feeling particularly stuck/trapped against Kamomedai’s defense, they incorporated the tying-up visual they had previously used in Winners and Losers, with Kamomedai basically tying up and holding Asahi in place with ribbon. There was Summer of Evolution music when Karasuno does a great synchro attack, and the extras-wearing-Hinata-masks reappeared to show us Hinata’s “afterimage” as he flashes around the stage. If you’ve seen all the plays, you can’t miss these call-backs.
The flow of the match was fast. They hit the highlight plays and the highlight emotional moments, but we are clearly past the point where they need to narrate the actual volleyball to us. There was more dancing/acrobatics than attempting to place the two teams on either sides of a physical net with more overt volleyball moves. Everything was more intertwined and fluid than that. And actually now that I think about it, they have been sparse with their usage of a physical net in the past few shows, because everything has been a little more fast-paced overall.
They definitely wanted to highlight Karasuno’s rise throughout the game, to show that they were absolutely a formidable team, that they deserved to be at Nationals, and to show us all the ways that Hinata and Kageyama had grown. For most of Act 2 leading up to Hinata’s collapse, it really feels like they could win this. And I think it makes it that much harder for Hinata to accept being benched, because the team is riding this high and doing so well, and even Kageyama’s more visibly having fun. I think Takeda-sensei easily has a third of the best lines in the series. His speech to Hinata during the Kamomedai match is one that was really gut-wrenching to read when those chapters came out, and it was great to hear it said aloud.
And here is something I’ve never been able to point out because I didn’t do reviews for the past two tours, but I think Daigo’s voice is one of the strongest aspects of his Hinata. I’m sure a lot of that has to do with the work he’s done as a voice actor, but when he cries or whimpers, it is genuinely the most pitiful noise. A lot of Kenta’s portrayal of Hinata’s frustrations throughout the story had an undercurrent of anger and frustration. He’s upset, but there’s always something behind it that says, “well next time, it’ll be different.” And I think Daigo replaces most of that with pure sadness, especially for this scene. After Takeda-sensei lectures him good and proper, and he accepts that he needs to leave, he just sounds so broken. It doesn’t have that anger and drive underneath, he’s just in despair. And why wouldn’t he be? A part of him understands this is the last match he’ll ever play with this team, his first real team.
We then see Hinata bundled up in a coat and scarf, watching the rest of the match from the tablet that Kenma gives him. Snow begins to fall on the stage as he slowly wanders through it, with Karasuno and Kamomedai finishing out the rest of the match around him. Engeki Haikyuu has always allowed for the losing team in a match to line up at the edge of the stage, say thank you to the audience, bow, and take their leave. It’s so symbolic, and it’s so emotional for the actors and for the audience who are in the theater. It’s a moment that just barely breaks the fourth wall, when they turn to us, the spectators, to say, “Thank you for your support.” And they mean it both in and out of character. And I was so so so sad when I realized that Karasuno would take their final bow as a team without Hinata in the lineup. He’s in the back of the stage, separated from his team, and he does take a bow, but it’s very lonely.
Now, I’m sure people are very curious about the timeskip material, and mostly I just have to preface with: it’s fast. It does not take up as much of Act 2 as you might think. It’s boom, boom, boom, cameo here, pre-recorded projections there, patissier Tendou interview, Kuroo in a suit doing a promotional commercial for the V-League, Kageyama’s curry commercial, a projected Osamu selling his rice balls, get the old team together, fateful encounters in front of the bathroom, GO! The only thing we see of the Brazil arc is Hinata having a brief flashback to tell Kageyama that he met Oikawa while he was in Brazil. It’s very short, and that’s all we get for his time in Brazil. Basically, the play is not the place to see Hinata’s journey and growth from those chapters because he goes through so much of it alone, and there’s just no time. The Brazil arc also brings back a lot of technical details about volleyball itself, especially as Hinata is learning the beach version, and that’s an area where the manga is the best medium to examine the finer details of the sport. I can see why a play version would gloss over the technical details to focus on the emotional arc, which is in this case, Hinata and Kageyama.
Because of how fast the ending is, it definitely feels made for the people who already read the manga; Previous Engeki Haikyuu shows have always presented the story in a way that was very friendly to those who may not have read the manga or watched the anime. You could watch just Engeki Haikyuu and not feel like you were missing out on references/jokes for the most part, but this ending would be way harder to follow for those not familiar with what’s already happened.  
It’s difficult because I do feel like Act 2 was overly condensed to wrap up this story, but I also don’t think the timeskip material is enough for a whole play on its own. If we had stopped at the end of the Kamomedai match, and had a whole separate play to cover Brazil and the Jackals vs Adlers match… the pacing would’ve been slow and low energy especially in the first half, and it would be an odd choice for the final show of a series like this. My preference would have been for this play to have been three acts, three hours, so that we could linger on some of those timeskip moments a little more, slow it down, and let them land emotionally. But clearly the covid situation prevents that in this case. That being said, I don’t think any of those timeskip moments could really hit as hard as when I first read them in the manga. Narratively, that Haikyuu timeskip was so unexpected and so outside the normal sports anime formula, that the initial shock is extremely hard to top. It was fun to see how they presented everyone in the future (seeing Noya on that boat catching a giant swordfish, or seeing Ennoshita almost break a patient’s back) in stage form, but it’s unreasonable to expect them to give us the same feeling of ?!?!?!? when we first read that Noya was in Italy of all places after waiting weeks and weeks for him to show up.
I still cried in several places, it’s still a great ending to one of the best 2.5D franchises in existence, and it still feels like the culmination of their legacy. I don’t know how it would be possible for anyone to watch that ending sequence with all of the team flags and the chanting of their names, and NOT cry.
There are no more live streams until they complete the rest of their tour and then there will be a live-stream of the very last show, which I will be watching with a towel in hand for my tears. Feel free to send in any questions if you’d like, and if you would like some Strongest Challengers or Trash Heap merch, I have a sales post that I recently made.
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personasintro · 4 years
wrong | myg drabble
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SYNOPSIS; you chose your husband, so why it feels so wrong?
PAIRING: yoongi x reader
GENRE: angst, fluff 
WARNINGS: strong language, cheating
a/n: this is part 2 of one of my drabbles called wrong or right, if you want part 3 don't forget to reblog and let me know!
wrong or right | wrong
m.list / ko-fi
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Life comes with ups and downs, and at the end of the day it's only up to you how you'll stand up to it. Positivity is one of the options – it means bringing and finding positiveness even in the smallest things, or even the saddest ones. On the other hand, there is always negativity which usually brings sadness and anguish.
But you're hit with reality instead and you've no idea how to cope with it. You've surely done the right thing, right? You spend your days and nights asking the same question, or more like persuading your self-consciousness and the guilt flowing in your entire body.
The huge room is filled with guests, a soft jazz music playing in the background that should probably make you relax, but you feel like you could throw up any minute. A part of that desperate need to empty your stomach, is the sight of your husband chatting with a group of people that you don't know. He didn't even care enough to introduce you to them, but you stupidly try to tell yourself that that's for the best. You don't think you can manage to fake smile at anyone for one more second.
The heels and straps around your ankles are killing you, and you wish you would have your fluffy slides instead. You're still shocked that your husband even invited you to this kind of thing, since he usually goes alone. Some part of you thinks, he just wants to show you off as his trophy, which doesn't make sense. You're far from that.
Even the stupid wedding ring mocks you, shining underneath the fancy lightening. It burns your skin and you wish you could just throw it away, and you hate yourself for that. You chose right – so why the hell you feel like an absolute shit?
And then you see the one person you never thought would participate in such thing, or choose his evening to spend it here.
Min Yoongi.
It's been only a few hours since you've seen him, safely behind your desk and from a distance, but he's breathtaking. He wears a black suit matched with beige dress shirt underneath it, his longer hair nicely done and exposing a little bit of his forehead. It got so much longer since you've last seen him from close proximity.
It's hard enough to see him every day, since the two of you are working together but luckily, you never had to talk with him. He never tried to talk to you after you walked away from him, but you can't blame him.
You hurt him. You knew how much he wanted you to be his. But you always pushed him away, thinking you're doing the right thing. You're married for fucks sake. This was never supposed to happen in the first place and you've to live with that guilt for the rest of your life.
And as much as handsome he looks, smiling at every guest that stops and shakes his hand in a greeting, you feel your breakfast in your throat, causing you to painfully swallow.
“Y/N, come here.” Namjoon calls up to you, waving his hand decorated with rings at you.
Gulping, you place your empty glass on the small table and slowly walk up to the group of people, praying Yoongi never heard your name in the first place. There are many people here, he surely won't notice you if you just blend with the crowd.
Your husband wraps his arm around you as soon as you're next to him, showing you off to his colleagues with beaming eyes that's only for the show. He starts to introduce you to every person that's in the circle, a glass of champagne in their hands as they smile at you. You can't tell if it's fake or real, but your mind is too busy to remember their names, nor pay attention to Namjoon's voice filling your ears.
So you blindly stare into the crowd, giving a fake smile every now and then, acting as if you were listening when you are clearly not. You never liked crowds and too many people in the same room.
You don't listen to them, nor even paying attention to a name you've never heard before, until your eyes glances at the new man that seems to catch everyone's attention. It's not him who catches yours though, it's a man that's standing right next to him, boring his eyes into yours as you silently gasp.
Shakily inhaling, you look away from the darkened gaze, wanting to shake off your husband's hands off you. But he's your husband. And Min Yoongi is nothing to you now.
You faintly register them talking about the man Yoongi came with, just to find out he's working in the same company as your husband does. And when he introduces his friend, you can't bring yourself to look up at him, acting as if the jazz music that's nothing else than an empty sound to you, sounds much more interesting. He surely knows, if he's even looking, that you're doing a great job of acting as if he wasn't here. But he is, and he only stands a few meters away.
When the waiters comes with a new set of champagne glasses, you don't fail to notice Yoongi taking one right away, taking a huge gulp of it. If he wants to survive tonight, he probably needs something stronger. He's always been a more hard liquor kind of man. The fact that you even know this, makes you sick.
There are a few glasses left, a young waiter turning to you, ready to offer you some and before you can open your mouth and decline, your husband's voice is like a piercing scream to your ears.
“She can't, thank you.” he waves him off with the same fake smile as you've seen him to have a couple of times, probably more than it's necessarily.
He bows to you, walking off with the tray in his hands, serving other guests.
“Ahh, Namjoon. Let the woman have some fun.” One of his colleagues, that you forgot the name of, teasingly says making a soft laugh erupt in the group. It puts a fake smile on your lips, acting as if it's funny when all you want to do it hide and cry.
“I think she had too much fun,” he speaks up, smirking down at you while you gape at him with opened mouth. How can you react to that? Why would he say something like that? “She's pregnant.”
Your whole body freezes, followed with a choke and subsequent coughing which can't be mistaken with none other, than Yoongi's. His hands drips with some of the champagne, coughing as he tries to calm down himself, his friend worriedly patting him on the back.
“Are you okay?” One of the men asks, the same worried look painting his slightly older face as Yoongi looks up and stares at you instead.
You can't read his emotions, he's probably too shocked to react and realization washes over his face once he notices everyone looking at him. He waves him off, nodding as he apologizes underneath his breath, wiping his mouth and hands with a tissue that his friend handed him.
Shamefully, you look down at you feet not having an ounce of courage to look up. Something tells you, he stares at you. You want to open your mouth, explain him your secret that he was never supposed to know. But it was bound to happen. You work together, it's was just a matter of time until you'd be forced to tell your boss. You'd start showing more and more, failing to hide the growing bump under your skirt and blouse.
Rather than being ashamed by your husband mentioning you had too much fun, you're ashamed that the man you were sleeping with, knows. It's the father of your child. He surely has to have a dozen of questions, because from his point of view you must look like a cheater. But are you a cheater to him when you could be potentially pregnant with your husband? It's just a point of view and matter of opinion.
However, your breakfast and the only proper food that you've managed to put into yourself, is about to go up and you quickly excuse yourself with a hand over your mouth. You don't care how embarrassing that just was, all you can think of is getting it out of you. Soon enough, you're hovering over the toilet, thankful that there's no one in here that can hear your vomits falling down onto the toilet.
Your knees hurt against the marble floor but you don't care, not even about all the germs that could potentially be on the toilet's seat that you hug. The door's open and you're done with emptying your stomach, reaching for the toilet paper to wipe off your lips. Your lipstick is smeared all over it and you probably look like shit, but that's the least of your concern. You flash the toilet making sure there's no trace of you throwing in there. Only if you would stay there, locked up in the small space instead because when the lock clicks and you open the door, you're met with heated gaze and sharp eyes digging into you.
You ignore him, scurrying to wash your mouth and get rid of the taste of your vomits. But he still stands there, watching you with angry and cold eyes. The same ones that were always filled with love and warmth. It makes you sick to think, that you made him like this. Your decision made him like this.
He doesn't even let you finish his name, shivering as he opens his mouth. “Are you really pregnant?” he asks, despite of seeing you in your current state right now, his eyes dropping down to your stomach.
It's well hidden behind the loose fabric of your nude dress, and if he didn't hear about it, he'd never think you are pregnant.
“I...yes,” you answer him in defeat, shamefully looking down at the marble floor. You can't look at him when you confirm it.
He stays silent, too shocked to even know how to properly react and you notice it from the corner of your eyes as he tries to calculate it. He doesn't know how far along you are, but judging by the lack of bump, you could be two or three months pregnant. It fits perfectly, that is if he counted right.
You wait for him to drop the question – that one question that you've feared as soon as you saw those two lines in front of you.
“I'm sorry.” you whimper, speaking first as you see his eyes to flicker between yours.
He almost feels bad for you, seeing your slightly irritated lips from your wiping and tears in your eyes. He has never seen you looking so broken, but he still stands his ground and not moves an inch. You're not his to touch.
“Sorry for what, exactly? For breaking my heart or lying to me?”
You don't blame him for sounding so repulsing, knowing it's his way of coping with his anger and heartbreak. Hearing him saying that you've broken his heart so openly, makes you want to cry out loud. Maybe it's the freaking hormones or your own heartbreak – you don't know and you don't plan on welling about that.
There is a far more important thing to be dealt with right now, and the man in front of you is that.
“Lying to you?” you ask him confusingly, sniffling quietly under your breath as he scoffs.
“You told me you haven't been sleeping with him. You promised me and you lied.” he fires back, a straight and prominent line creasing between his eyebrows as he sends daggers your ways.
He thinks it's Namjoon's baby.
“I didn't lie to you!” you exclaim, too fast to properly realize what you've just said. But it's too late to do otherwise, other than to watch his eyes widen as wheels roll inside his head. “I wasn't sleeping with him.”
You weren't. Because all you wanted was him. Even though you were cheating on your husband, you never were disloyal to Yoongi. At least not the time that you two were together. Or sleeping together – whatever.
“But... that means,” he chokes out, lips puckered in confusion and eyes widened as he slowly looks up at you in question. “Is--is it mine?” he asks you slowly, sounding so fragile that makes you want to cry and hug him.
He's asking a question he knows an answer for, but he still does it to make sure. He wants you to say it out loud, admitting that the miracle growing inside of you is half him. And for a moment, you can't bring yourself to answer him because that would make it real. There won't be no going back. However, when you watch his face to scrunch in desperation and so much hurt that you've caused, you can't watch and break him again.
“Yes.” you whisper, and as on cue, a huge breath escapes his mouth before he leans against the wall.
He just found out he's about to be a father and he's holding up himself good. But the wheels keep rolling, causing him to frown as there are millions of questions and thoughts he has.
“But then... does he know?”
The mocking behind the 'he' word doesn't go unnoticed by you, but you don't blame him. He always hated Namjoon without even knowing him. Not only because he is your husband, gets to hold you every night and call you his, but because you've told him how he treats you. Yoongi spent months trying to tell you that you deserve better. And you knew it. But you still couldn't let go of him and hold Yoongi instead. You weren't scared, you feared. And you still do.
“No,” you whisper, gulping and trying not to throw up again, although your stomach is already empty, from what you're about to say. “After I found out... I had--I slept with him,”
The way he looks at you and then eyes the wall angrily, you can practically see the fume coming out of him. His fingers find their way to his hair, tugging at his roots as his jaw clenches tightly.
“I didn't have another choice!” you exclaim, causing him to punch a wall. You flinch, not believing he just punched a wall that makes his knuckles bleed right away.
But he doesn't hiss at the pain. The pain in his heart is far worse.
“Bullshit!” he yells, leaning his forehead against the wall as he tries to calm down himself. “You could've told me.” he brokenly says.
“And then what? I could leave my husband and raise this child with you?” you ask him, your own words digging into your heart and you don't doubt it does the same to him.
The pain is so visible when he finally looks up, taking a glance at you. “Would that be so hard?” he whispers causing a tears flow down your cheeks in instant.
There's no answer that you could possibly say that wouldn't hurt him, even more than you already did. You wanted to save your marriage but you destroyed and broke a man's heart instead. That was never your intention.
But the door that barge open catches the both of your attention, with your husband barging right into the restroom with angered gaze.
“It's him, isn't it?” he asks, voice breathy and filled with raged, glaring at you with so much hate that makes you dryly swallow. And before you can open your mouth, he's already rushing to Yoongi and connecting his fist with Yoongi's jaw.
A weird sound of bone cracking makes your heart jump, the sight of Yoongi stumbling while gripping the side of his face causing you to yell out.
“Namjoon!” you yell, running towards him and quickly grabbing his arm when he's about to attack him again. “Fucking stop!” you yell again, glancing at Yoongi that glares at Namjoon with the same hatred and fire in his eyes.
He mockingly wipes the blood of his face, his lips already split and bleeding as well.
“It's his child, isn't it?!” he screams at you, causing you to whimper as you let him go and take a cautious step back, just to find Yoongi's hands pressed against your hips softly.
“How did you know?” you whisper, your eyes filled with fear.
You feel disgusted with yourself for having to have sex with him, just to make him believe that you're pregnant with his child. It was stupid and enough to make you cry yourself to sleep for a month straight, your heart breaking at the memory. You panicked and didn't know what to do. You chose your husband just for you to loose him in the next couple of weeks, after finding out about your pregnancy.
When you told him that you're pregnant, he never really seemed to be so happy. In a way, it didn't make a sense for him. The only time that you two have sex, you get pregnant without even trying? You pushed him away every time after that, claiming that you don't feel good – which wasn't that much of a lie. There was just a different reason.
“That you were cheating on me?” he mockingly asks, making you embarrassed but he seems to be pleased by your flushed cheeks and shame written all over your face. “I didn't,” he scoffs, “Not until you got pregnant all of a sudden.”
“But-- how?” Something doesn't add up and judging by his dark eyes you just know, that he's hiding something.
“I'm infertile, Y/N.” he tells you slowly with his deep voice, eyes narrowing at you as you open your mouth in pure shock.
If the situation weren't so serious, you'd probably laugh at it. What seemed like a boring and uncomfortable night turned upside down. A night full of secrets that got spilled is another regret that you haven't stayed at home.
How is it possible that he even knows that kind of information? You never tried to get pregnant with him. It was something you two haven't talked about before. Maybe you should have, considering you're married. Somehow, you thought it would come along the way. Eventually.
And you want to ask him that, although, you don't feel like you're in any position to ask questions. But instead of opening your mouth, your head spins and your vision gets blurry, and if it weren't for Yoongi's arms keeping you stable, you'd fall.
“But that doesn't matter right now. What matters right now, is that you fucking cheated on me with your colleague.” he snaps, causing you to flinch.
“I'm sorry.” you whisper, looking down at your feet before he grabs you, shaking you furiously.
“I gave you everything! I got you a nice house! I got you a car! I got you the fucking job! And this is how you repay me?”
You're crying, silently pleading for him to stop but he doesn't. His fingers dig into your flesh, your whimpers are a silent plead that hides between his furious voice. It happens all quickly, his fingers leaving a red marks as he stumbles backwards, Yoongi's fist meeting his face this time. He's shorter than Namjoon, but he still manages to have a good aim and judging by Namjoon's shock, it's a painful one as well.
Namjoon spits, blood covering the marble floor as he bitterly chuckles. “Shouldn't I be the one who punches you?”
Yoongi ignores him, his eyes glancing at you as he asks if you're okay. All you can do is nod, hugging yourself as Yoongi reaches for your hand.
You've no idea what he's planning and you hate how vulnerable he looks, when you take your time staring at his outstretched hand. He's reaching out to you, in more ways than just with his hands, and you still glance between him and your husband who's wiping off the blood from his face. What's wrong and right? Do you have to choose? Can you just walk away from both of them?
But Yoongi has never done anything bad to you. He filled all those empty spaces that Namjoon created and failed to fill. You were just too scared to leave your husband. You were never supposed to have sex with Yoongi. You were never supposed to visit him and cuddle him afterwards, listening to his late-night rambles alongside with your own. There are a lot of things you weren't supposed to do, things that crossed a line, yet you didn't mind it. Because Yoongi made you feel everything that Namjoon never did.
And that's a fair answer.
You take Yoongi's hand, glancing at his dark eyes that seems to look neutral as he leads you out of the restroom. But Namjoon stops him, grabbing his shoulder rather harshly but it's like Yoongi was expecting it. And in one swift movement and letting go off your hand, he delivers another punch to your husband's jaw.
“That's for how you treated her, you asshole.” he says through clenched teeth, grabbing your hand again as he leads you out of the restroom, this time successfully.
You're not surprised when you see people nearby giving you a worried look, causing your cheeks to flush. Yoongi holds your hand tightly, leading you into the crowd and you just follow him with your head down, not asking any questions. It's until he stops in front of his friend, his eyes widening at the sight of both of you. But he doesn't ask questions, reaching for his pocket before he gives a car keys to Yoongi.
“Thank you, hyung.” he tells him, but his friend only smiles in return.
When you're finally sitting in a car, you allow to tears fall down your cheeks and loud sobs escaping past your lips.
From Yoongi's point of view, he's not sure what he's allow to do but he still reaches towards you, grabbing your face. “Hey, it's okay. We don't have to go anywhere, if you don't want to. I can take you back, if that's what you want. I'm sure he will be able to forgive you... since he knew all along.”
His words are nothing but genuine, even though he hates that bastard for treating you so bad. But he still puts you first, despite of you turning your back to him.
And you get it now. He thinks you're crying because of your husband.
“I was wrong.” you sob, automatically leaning to his touch as he gently caresses your puffy cheeks.
“He's going to forgive you. He's not going to find a woman like you anywhere.” he whispers, his own voice slightly cracking.
“No,” you shake your head, shakily breathing as you prepare to tell him. “I shouldn't have walked away from you.”
“W-what are you saying?” he asks, eyes wide and mouth opened.
“I should've stayed. I chose wrong. Namjoon was a wrong choice.”
He shakily breathes, cupping your face tighter as he pokes your nose with his own, lips hovering over yours. “Kiss me.” he pleads, and you don't hesitate.
Kissing him deeply while tears stream down your face. You're crying, but you finally feel free and that huge pressure is gone from your heart. Maybe choosing to cheat on your husband was terribly wrong, but the feeling inside of chest, full of love just proves you something.
That you chose right this time.
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deobitchxx · 4 years
64 + 83 + 88 for hyunjae pls
[ 00:28 // 03.10.2020 // R.SMUT ] “Do you have fun teasing me?” His voice was a few octaves lower from his usual one, as the smirk that found its way to escape from his lips against your neck seemed to send you shivers all over your body. Your hands were tied up to your head, the expensive dress that you bought for the party was found laying on the floor, crushed into pieces to show how angry the young man was. He grabbed your chin and forcefully made you face him again, “I asked you a question, Y/N.” You could see the mixture of darkness and anger in his eyes through the bangs. He was angry, he was annoyed- But mostly he was sexually frustrated. “Do you think it’s cute to touch me in front of my friends?” Hyunjae’s previous schoolmates just held a reunion for the batch in a luxurious resort. He likes to brag about you with his friends and he would always tell them how thankful he is to open his eyes and see you the first thing in every morning. His friends were curious about you, they asked if it’s possible to bring you along to the reunion and Hyunjae never hesitated to agree with it.
The red coloured midi bodycon dress wrapped around your body so tightly, the curves were clearly giving a free show to the public. You are lucky enough that Hyunjae wasn’t the type of possessive boyfriend who controls his girlfriend’s way of clothing, as a peck delivered to your forehead. “You look so effortlessly flawless, honey.” Your lips formed an angelic smile and adjusted the black coloured of his neck tie, “So do you.” The way he stared down to capture all of you in his mind was driving you crazy and right before he leans for another kiss on your lips, you pulled him away. “We should get going before you lose control of yourself.” You were true though, there was never a time where he didn't bring you to the nearby toilet whenever you wear revealing clothes in the public and you can’t deny that it always excites you though. However, today was an exception. You can’t be selfish and ask him to fuck you in the toilet when in fact he was about to meet his old friends huh?
Pft, as if. Those pure words didn’t match with your sinful actions at all. You sat next to him at the same table with his closest friends, as they casually chatted about the long lasting memories that they created together in the school. You found it boring, plus there wasn’t any female nearby for you to talk with. None of his friends brought their girlfriends to the reunion, leaving you the only woman in the table surrounded by loud men. Your fingers were tapping on the table as you rested your face on your palm, your elbow supported the whole weight. An idea popped in your mind as your right hand noiselessly travelled down under the tablecloth, naturally placing your palm on his thigh. Hyunjae thought you were just doing it out of nowhere without any intention, but he got you wrong once he felt your fingers teasingly ran up in between his thighs, dangerously close to his crotch. He immediately grabbed your wrist, turning to face you with a stern look. You puffed out your lower lips when he pulled your hand away from his body, paying his attention back to his friends.
“Babe.. I’m boring,” you whispered to him and played with the hem of his suit, as the latter didn’t bug with it at all. “Play with your phone or something, don’t you say to me that I should cherish this time since it would be hard to keep up with my friends again? Be a good girl and don’t create a mess, I know you can do it for me, love.” Leaving a peck on your lips, he turned to talk with his friends again. You groaned and lazily laid your head on his arm while staring at them without giving a fuck about their topic. You wanted to have fun so your hand went back to his thigh and without wasting any other time, your fingers cupped his clothed crotch, making him yelped due to the sudden touch. He didn’t want to make it obvious, so he tried to put on a relaxed expression and tried to talk with them nonchalantly. However, the huge hands underneath the tablecloth already gripped your wrist so tightly that you think it might even leave a bruise. 
You ignored his warning, your fingers started to joggle the balls through the fabric. His breath started to get fast, as your fingers now played with his belts. You whispered against his arm, “Babe.. You look so breathtaking with this dress suit, but wouldn’t it be better if you could take it off for me and let me cherish your naked body?” As your fingers skillfully unbuckled the belts, your hand wrapped around his dick inside the boxer in a hurried manner, resulting in the latter to yelp again and this time he turned to give you a warning through the fixed expression of his. You smiled innocently, whispering again, “Don’t you like it when my fingers wrap around your dick? Pump it for a few times to soften the hardening shaft, yummy.” You licked your lips at the thought. The way you licked your lips was so sensual, it was fortunate that his muscular upper body managed to block his friends from seeing the brat underneath him. Your thumb circled his tip, spreading the pre-cum all over, “You told me you like red, that’s what led me to buy this so you can wreck me in this dress.”
Your words were enough to make him aroused, thus being the reason you were trapped in between the table and his body in a dark room next to the ballroom. The sunlight of the moon reflected through the windows, giving you a proper and clear chance to see the angry beast on top of you. He was standing between your legs, as you laid on the table with nothing but your red laces. “Imagine someone comes in and sees you naked, don’t you think it would be a great show?” He smiled smugly as he took off his necktie, wrapping your wrists together on top of your head to prevent you from moving around too much. “H-Hyunjae please..” “Hyunjae?” Another smirk escaped once again, turning you over with force as now your back was facing him. His right hand left a quick smack across your hips, “It’s sir, understood?” One more sharp moan could be heard as he smacked your ass again for the second time, “Do you understand, brat? Give me answers, I don’t like it when you’re being quiet. Where has the loud brat from a while ago been,” the way he purposely used a few octaves lower made his voice more attractive and aroused you more.
His fingers trailed down to the hem of your underwear, tapping your clothed core and teasingly ran his fingers across them. “Mhm,” you let out a shaky breath once you felt a finger insert your pussy without any warning. He pushed the underwear to the other side without taking them off, his finger going in and out from you. He likes it a lot when your wall clenched around his finger so well and he added another one, pistoning into your wet pussy. The sounds of your wet pussy clenching around his fingers drove you insane, leading you to moan in pleasure. “Be quiet or I have no choices but let them know what a whore you are underneath me.” The latter growled, using his left hand to smack your ass before proceeding to push his fingers further. “A-Ah,” your hips moved backwards to match his speed, adding more friction to easen your road to reach cloud nine. “S-Sir.. I’m cl-close..” You tried to speak in between your shaky and even breath, at least hoping the latter will slow down but instead he increased the pace.
“Ah!” You covered your mouth with your hand, biting your pinky finger to prevent yourself from moaning loudly in the public. You cummed on his fingers as he stood up again and licked the cum around his fingers, “I thought I have no appetite to eat, turns out I was craving for you instead.” He held your both shoulders and turned you again to make you face him. “S-Sir..” “Hm?” A soft hum responded to you as Hyunjae gently placed kisses all over your boobs. “Fuck me..” You could feel the devilishly smile against your neck as he stood properly to face the wrecked you laying on the table. “I swear, even this sight of you could pull me off the edges.” He hitched out a breath once he wrapped his fingers around his stiff dick, pumping it while watching you helplessly horny underneath him. He spreaded the pre-cum coming out from his tip and mixed it with the leftovers cum of yours all over his dick, before leaning closer to your body and pushed the tip into your womanhood. Both of you let out a groan, finally could earn the euphoric that both of you had wished of. 
He wasted no time to adjust and jerked upwards, pushing his dick further deeper into you and leaving you into a mess. The way you tried to not moan much and uneven breath playing on repeat turns him on, his fingers travelling to north and placing his both thumbs on your neck to cut off the air supply for you. You once admitted that you are into breathplay and he would never leave that part out whenever he makes love with you. “S-S-S-Ah.. Sir please, fuck me harder.” Your eyes rolled to the back as soon as he increased his pace, thrusting into you as if you were made to be his sex toy. “I’m s-so close,” you bit your lower lips and whined, “T-take the tie off.. I want to h-hold your face and k-kiss you s...sir.” A smile creeped out as he untied the tie off, you hurriedly wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him for a kiss. The way his hips snapped to yours and vice versa made the session more sexual, moaning into his lips once you cummed on his dick.
However, his stamina didn’t make him stop and instead he rolled his hips skilfully against yours. “S-Sir please,” his thrusts were enough to overstimulate you again, but he chose to ignore you and whispered against your lips, “Do it again for me. Cum again with me.” The way he tried to catch his own breath made it obvious that he was on the edges as well. You knew that moaning his name would excite him a lot, “Hyunjae, faster and harder. Fu-fuck me like I’m your one and only cockslut..” “Fuck.. say my name again.” “H-Hyunjae,” you were so tired, so the latter laid you on the table and pulled your leg over his shoulder, the new position helped him to push in more deeper and reach places he never did before. “Louder.” “Hyunjae!” Once again, you cummed again on his dick as the spasms made him so close to reach his own euphoria. “A-Are you in your pills?” You nodded eagerly, grabbing his hair to pull him for another messy kiss. 
A sigh escaped through the kisses as he shot his load into you, jerking his hips in a relaxing pace before pulling it out. He rested his forehead on yours, witnessing the cum spilled out from your pussy. He lazily smirked, running his thumb across your clit to push the liquid back into you. “E-Enough,” you smacked his shoulder, earning a chuckle from the latter. He licked his thumb clean before placing a soft kiss on your lips. “You look so beautiful today, my mind can’t stop thinking of wrecking you in this dress.” You smiled faintly and wrapped your arms around his body, pulling him closer from the coldness of the night that almost dominated the whole dark room. “You look good in your suit too, I know that my man never fails to disappoint me.” He hummed in response and gently caressed your hair, “I’ll call your friend to bring extra clothes, didn’t think that you could walk out with the dress that you just bought for tonight.” 
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wwitbeyondmeasure · 4 years
Summer at the Burrow / r.w. fan fiction
Previous Chapters
Introduction / Author’s Note / Chapter 1: The Journey to the Burrow / Chapter 2: Hidden Letters / Chapter 3: Ron’s Return / Chapter 4: Nighttime Conversations / Chapter 5: A Morning Surprise / Chapter 6: The Quidditch Match / Chapter 7: Girl Talk / Chapter 8: Aphrodite’s Push / Chapter 9: Mistakes and Love Potions
Chapter 10: You Would be Fine
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Author’s Note: Hi everyone! Thank you so much for all the love and support for this fic, it means so much to me :) Get prepared because this chapter is a lengthy one (about 4,200 words I think...oops). Also, the gif has nothing to do with the chapter I just thought Ron looked really cute lol. Okay anyways enjoy!!!
You were fine. Really you were.
Every time Hermione or Ginny gave you a concerned look while passing, you could easily plaster on an "I'm-good-everything-is-good-thanks-for-asking" smile onto your face.
In reality though, your heart hurt ever damn day.
About 2 weeks ago, Ron broke your heart. Under the oak tree outside, he told you that whatever happened between you was a mistake. Mistake. So instead of moping around for the rest of your summer vacation, you tried to be happy. During the day time you would laugh and joke with the Weasleys, help make meals, finish your school work, and do chores. But at night is when you finally let yourself feel your heartbreak. Once everyone fell asleep, you would creep down the stairs and sit underneath the oak tree, and cry.
It was therapeutic, kind of. With each passing night, you felt better. Yes, it still hurt seeing Ron's freckled face every morning at breakfast. And it still made your skin and body ache when he accidentally brushed up next to you in the tight kitchen. But you were okay.
You knew that if you let Ron fully see how heartbroken you were, it would change the dynamic between you. You were best friends, and nothing more. No matter how much you loved him, that's all you would ever be. Instead of jeopardizing the friendship you had come to cherish so greatly, you simply suppressed your love for Ron so you could maintain it. And it was working, king of.
The night after your heartbreak at the oak tree, you started treating Ron exactly as you had before you came to the Burrow, before you had let your emotions run wild. He reciprocated this and before long, you were best friends again. You played Quidditch on each other's team, joked around with Fred and George, tried the newest Weasley Wizard Wheezes products (though you stayed away from the love potions), and played wizard's chess together. Although your heart still skipped a beat whenever Ron leaned closer to you, everything was back to normal with your best friend.
Over the past 2 weeks, you had been alternating between sleeping in Ginny's room for sleepovers, the bed in the attic, or the couch in the living room. Ron didn't offer his room to you again, which made you sad but you understood. If you were alone with him late at night when your emotions were high, your cover of "nope-i-don't-love-him-we-are-just-best-friends" was going out the window. So you stuck to your usual 3 beds.
That morning, you had awoken from the attic bed bright and early. Hermione had been getting the girls up at 8am for the past 2 weeks so that you could finish your school work early in the morning and have the rest of the day to relax. Although you hated her every morning for this, you were glad she had such a strict regimen because you had all finished your homework yesterday. Now, for the rest of the summer you were homework free.
By now you were so used to waking up early that it was no longer a surprise for anyone to see you help cook breakfast with Mrs Weasley. Besides Hermione, you two were usually the first awake and in the kitchen right away. This morning was no different as you padded down the creaky wooden steps into the kitchen.
"Good morning Mrs Weasley," you greeted her, tying an apron around your waist. There were four aprons in the Weasley house; a floral one designated for Mrs Weasley, a dark blue one for Mr Weasley when he would attempt to use a muggle grill, a plain white one for whoever decided to help cook, and a yellow one with stars for you. Mrs Weasley even spelled your name, y/n, on the edge in elegant cursive.
"For my newest child," she has said when she showed it to you. She pinched your cheeks, the way she did with all of her kids, and the action almost made you tear up. You threw your arms around her in a tight hug and thanked her profusely.
Mrs Weasley smiled approvingly at you as you started on the breakfast. As the usual morning rhythm took place, you cherished the routine of cracking the eggs, putting them in pans, flipping them, and then doing the same thing again and again.
But soon, Mrs Weasley's voice broke the silence. "Sweetheart, what happened with Ron?" she asked.
Your head snapped up from the frying pan, your eyes meeting Mrs Weasley's. She looked at you with motherly concern, and for some reason you couldn't look at her loving face and lie to her.
"I don't think he feels the same way that I do about him," you stated, turning your attention back to cooking.
Mrs Weasley huffed. "Well, my son has never been the sharpest boy, as you know," she said. You giggled, though you were still sad, and she smiled at you. "Maybe things will change honey," she told you, "love happens unexpectedly."
Before you got the chance to reply, thundering footsteps sounded from the staircase. You whipped your head around to see the twins barreling down the steps, practically tripping over one another in their hurry.
"Where's the fire?" you asked.
Fred ran across the room, picked you up around the waist, and spun you around.
"Percy's home! His work is called off for the week because of his birthday!" He shouted excitedly. You laughed, swatting at him with your spatula until he set you down.
"I didn't know you two were so excited to see your brother," Mrs Weasley noted, fixing her sons with a stern and skeptical stare.
"Oh mother, we're not," George replied.
"We're excited to mess with him for a week straight," Fred added with the largest grin you had ever seen.
As soon as the words left his mouth, more of a promise than anything else, the front door swung open and in entered the most prestigious Weasley of the house. With his rigorous work schedule, you hadn't seen Percy once this entire summer. But now, here he was, standing in the kitchen in a three piece suit with a pocket watch and shiny black shoes at 8 in the morning.
"Hi Percy," you said, trying your best not to laugh at the long tail of his suit coat.
"What the hell are you wearing?" Fred asked, his face shocked as he took in Percy's outfit. George's face was bright red as he held in his laughter.
"This," Percy said, unironically spinning so everyone could see his outfit, "Is traditional Muggle-wear. As I climb higher in the Ministry's success ladder, sometimes I have to encounter Muggles, so I must dress accordingly. This particular suit was a gift from one of my many clients."
He turned to you and you tried to wipe the teasing smile off your face. "Y/n, this is what muggles wear to their jobs, isn't it?" he asked.
You schooled your features into seriousness. "Oh yes," you responded, "definitely."
At that moment, Ron, Harry, Ginny, and Hermione stumbled down the stairs, looking like they had just woken up. Everyone stayed up late last night playing nighttime Quidditch (an especially difficult yet fun game considering the fact that you can't see the bludgers because of how dark it is).  
Ron froze when he saw Percy standing in the kitchen, his shoes so shiny they were reflecting the kitchen lights into the eyes of anyone who looked at them.
"Bloody hell, what happened to your clothes?" he asked incredulously. Him and Harry shared a look and then burst out in laughter.
Percy's ears turned pink at the tips as he huffed before sitting down in one of the chairs around the kitchen table. You and Mrs Weasley decorated the center of the table with plate after plate of delicious warm breakfast food. Proud of your hard work, you took off your apron and sat down next to Percy.
Ron sat down next to you as the others joined the table.
"For your information, Ronald, your girlfriend says my clothes are the proper Muggle attire," Percy said, glaring at his little brother.
"She's not my girlfriend," Ron responded, his ears turning pink now too.
"How's Penelope?" you asked Percy before you could let yourself get too caught up in the fact that you really wanted Ron's response to that question to be different.
Percy smiled at the mention of his longtime girlfriend, who had been a Prefect at Hogwarts with him. "Oh she's fantastic," Percy said before launching into a long-winded story about Penelope's latest project she was working on at the ministry. Words such as "top-secret" "highly important" and "imperative job" floated past your ears.
Ron leaned closer to you and mumbled in your ear, "I wish you hadn't asked him that."
"Me too," you whispered back, giggling behind your hand.
As breakfast began, you were proud of all the compliments you received on your cooking. Waking up early to cook with Mrs Weasley was a part of the day you always looked forward too, and the compliments only made you feel better about it.
After everyone finished eating, and cleared their plates, chairs scraped against the wood of the floor as everyone prepared to go about their daily business.
"Wait!" Percy shouting, using his wand to spell everyone back into their chairs. "Nobody leave this table until we discuss my birthday party details."
Theses past few weeks your brain had been so focused on Ron that you had forgotten Percy's huge birthday party that was taking place at the Burrow next week. From the guilty expressions of everyone else around the table, you could tell they had forgotten too.
"I want this party to be perfect," Percy said. "My bosses are coming to this party, as is Penelope, so I will not tolerate any shenanigans." He fixed his eyes on the twins and gave them an icy glare. "I mean it, no funny business."
Fred and George saluted him, shouting "yes mother" before jumping out of their chairs and running to their room. A memory flashed in your head from the beginning of summer. The twins were showing you fireworks in their room, "special fireworks for Percy's party" they had said. There was definitely going to be some shenanigans taking place.
Increasingly interested about what kind of pranks the twins were going to pull on Percy, you excused yourself from the table and followed them upstairs. You were about to knock on their door before it swung open and Fred dragged you inside.
"Can I have a sneak peek?" you asked them giddily as soon as the door closed behind you. Apart from the twins, you were the most excited about their funny products and pranks they always pulled. You knew Percy's party wasn't going to disappoint.
Instead of reciprocating your excitement, the twins traded nervous glances.
"What is it?" you asked them. You felt a strange sense of deja vu to the time when they picked you up to drive you to the Burrow in the beginning of summer. They were hiding something from you then, and they were certainly hiding something from you now.
"So we take it you're not going to tell Ron about your unconditional love for him anytime soon?" George asked, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish expression on his face. Fred was ringing his hands nervously next to him.
"That is correct," you responded flatly.
"Well, you see," Fred began, "When we ordered these special fireworks for Percy's party, we assumed you two would be dating and in love by the time of the party. And the thing is, there's no refunds on the fireworks, so we kind of have to use them." He spoke so fast that the words were tumbling together in your head.
"Okay...what does that mean? What do the fireworks have to do with Ron and I?" you asked, getting increasingly more upset by the moment.
The twins must have sensed your anger because they traded a quick glance before assuring you "Okay, never mind, love, everything is under control," Fred promised.
"Yep, totally under control," George said, steering you out of the room. You didn't even register what they were saying before you were standing in the hallway.
"What aren't you telling me?" you asked, eyes narrowing into a glare at the twins.
They both gulped nervously.
"Don't worry about it, y/n, everything is fine. Percy's party will be full of lots of laughs and fun," Fred promised, before promptly shutting the door in your face. Once again, you got deja vu.
And with that, you left the twins room, feeling even more confused about your relationship with Ron than ever.
The next week was frantic, hectic, and insane as you all scrambled to prepare for Percy's big party. Decorations needed to be made, food needed to be cooked, and you totally forgot to get Percy a present. After a day trip to Diagon Alley, you had returned home with a bag of more owl food for Dite and a magical watch for Percy. Despite all of the high energy and excitement in the house, the twins words still weighed on you. The party was quickly approaching and you had yet to "confess your unconditional love" to Ron. What would happen if you didn't? You didn't even want to think about it.
It was the night before Percy's party, and you were in the garden helping Bill string up lights around the outdoor tables. You and Bill had been spending a lot more time together over the past week. Bill had always opted to help you in whatever decoration or cooking you were tasked with for that day. Although you could tell that made Ron grumpy, you tried to ignore it. Your feelings were confusing enough without trying to unpack Ron's jealousy at the moment.
You wobbled on the chair you were standing on as you tied the last string of lights around the nearest tree branch. After you finished, you put your hands on your hips and took a look around the garden. It looked amazing. 10 tables were arranged in a neat circle around the yard, completed with white table clothes and centerpieces with Percy's photo in the middle. You bought a couple packs of muggle Christmas lights to hang from the trees to illuminate the area, which Mr Weasley was very happy about. He spent about 2 hours asking you about the mechanics behind muggle electricity.
There was a long table for the buffet to be served at and a short circular table for Percy's gifts to be placed on. At the corner of the garden the twins had set up a firing booth for the fireworks. To be totally honest, the decoration fit more for a wedding than a birthday party, but Percy wanted things to be perfect, so the family followed his decoration ideas to a tee.
While being distracted by observing your handiwork, you weren't really paying attention to what was happening behind you. This was unfortunate because Harry and Ron were practicing disarming charms right behind you.
"Y/n, look out!" you heard someone yell behind you. Whipping around towards the voice, you saw a red ball of sparks sailing towards you from the end of Harry's wand. How did Harry always manage to accidentally attack you?
You dove from your chair to avoid the sparks, and were fully expecting to land roughy in the grass. Instead, you felt strong arms wrap around you to prevent you from hitting the ground. You looked up to see none other than Bill Weasley as your knight in shining armour.
"Thanks," you said quietly.
Bill didn't let his arms drop from around you.
"Anytime," he replied with a grin. His arms were still wrapped around you when you heard angry footsteps marching towards you.
"Get your hands off her, you prat," you heard Ron's voice say. Bill's arms dropped from your sides as you both turned to face Ron.
"Calm down, Ron," Bill told him.
Ron glared at his older brother. "Stop flirting with her, she's my best friend," he said sternly.
Your heart hurt. You wanted Ron to be jealous because he liked you, not because you were just his best friend.
"He can flirt with me if he wants." The words were out of your mouth before you could even filter it.
Ron's gaze snapped towards you and you almost had to take a step back from their intensity.  "Do you want him to?" He asked you, his voice strained.
The answer was easy. No. You knew you didn't want Bill to flirt with you. He had been your first crush and he was beyond attractive, but he wasn't Ron. The only person you wanted was Ron. You said those words not because you wanted Bill, but because you wanted Ron to stop acting possessive if he didn't even love you back. It just hurt too much for him to act like your boyfriend if he was never going to be.
"Ron, I'm sorry," Bill said, mediating the situation. "I know you and y/n have something together, I shouldn't have overstepped. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
It won't happen again.
That's exactly what Ron told you after the night he had taken the love potion. The night that made you believe that maybe he did have the same feelings for you. But in the end, he regretted the moment that you had loved so much.
It won't happen again.
Tears crowded your vision and you tried your best to blink them away, you were not about to cry in front of him and show him just how much power he had over you and your emotions. But soon there were hot tears slipping down your cheeks and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
Bill and Harry exchanged nervous glances as you and Ron just continued staring at each other. They both took a couple steps away to give you and Ron the space you needed to hash things out. Ron was breathing heavily, obviously still angry from the flirting between you and his brother. But you were angry too, angry that he didn't want you the way you wanted him.
"I don't want you flirting with my brother," he said, his intense gaze never leaving yours.
You rolled your eyes, "It's not your choice if I do."
Ron bristled at your comment, taking another step closer to you. You could practically feel the heat and anger radiating off of him.
"You know, you've really been pissing me off these past couple weeks," he said. "You prance around making breakfast in the mornings, but in reality all you're doing is trying to get with Bill. It's so fucking frustrating! I'm your best friend, we were supposed to be together every day you visited, but instead you found someone better to spend your time with."
God, he was thick.  You told him that.
"I'm not trying to get with Bill, you dumb git!" you shouted back. Why couldn't he see that he was the only one you wanted. Bill hadn't even crossed your mind this summer, your heart was too full of Ron as it is.
At this point, you were practically nose to nose with him, your shouting words bringing you closer and closer towards each other.
Ron mimicked you from earlier and rolled his eyes. It was beyond infuriating. You set your jaw and clenched your hands as you tried not to yell more.
"Oh of course you're not. You just spend every waking moment with him and barely hang out with me, but sure you're not trying to get with him," he said, sarcasm dripping from his voice.
Now it was your turn to get angry. "Oh really? I'm the one to blame right now?" You shouted at him. The words were hot rolling off your tongue.
"You're the one who treats me so poorly! You cuddle me in your bed, and then run out the next morning. You almost kiss me and then act like it didn't happen! You told me what happened in your room was a mistake," the last sentence flew out of you, the anger just boiling and boiling up towards your breaking point.
Even though you knew it wouldn't do you any good, you kept talking. "Don't you dare try to put blame on me for this summer going to shit, because it's not my fault Ron! It's not my fault you're jealous of Bill, it's not my fault things aren't the same between us, and it's not my fault you don't love me back!"
Both of you froze as the words left your mouth. You wanted Ron to say something, needed him to say something, but he remained silent. You couldn't read his emotions and it was going to drive you crazy.
Ron stared at you, his eyes full to the brim with turbulent emotions that you couldn't read. All he did was shake his head.
"I don't want you with Bill," he finally said.
"You're not my boyfriend! You've made that perfectly clear!" You shouted back, your voice cracking halfway through the sentence.
Ron raked his hands through his messy hair, obvious frustrated. "If I were your boyfriend..." he started. "If I were your boyfriend... I wouldn't...." He glanced up at you and the words stopped forming at his mouth. You had tear streaks on your face and your eyes were still watery. The look of you must have shaken him too much for him to continue speaking.
"But you're fucking not! So stop acting like you are, because it hurts too much," you responded, all the fire gone from your argument. Instead it was replaced with a sad silence, the only sounds were the rustle in the tree branches and your occasional sniffle.
"I never meant to hurt you," he said, taking a step closer with his hand out to you, almost like he was thinking of reaching out to you.
You couldn't do this. You couldn't stay there, letting him reach out to touch you. It was clear he didn't love you back, so you couldn't stay and let him hold you when there wasn't any hope. You backed away from him, shaking your head as tears continued to fall down your cheeks.
"You did. You do," you said, your voice barely above a whisper. If not for Ron's body suddenly becoming stiff, you would have thought he didn't hear you.
"Y/n, please..." he began, but no words followed. You shook your head again before turning and running back inside to the Burrow.
Nobody moved when you entered the dimly lit house. The family was sitting around the crackling fire, chatting with one another. But all talk stopped as soon as you entered.
Hastily wiping the tears from your eyes, you tried to make yourself presentable.
"Sweetheart," Mrs Weasley said with that loving tone of hers only a mother could have, "are you alright?"
You nodded, despite the fact that you knew none of them believed you.
"I'm just a little tired is all, I think I'm going to head up to bed," you said, before climbing the stairs as quickly as possible.
As soon as you entered your makeshift room in the attic, you slammed the door shut behind you. You couldn't even make it to the bed before you crumbled onto the ground, your back pressed against the door. Drawing your knees up to your chest, you buried your head in your arms and let yourself cry.
Sobs racked your body as you replayed the conversation from outside. Ron didn't want you. He didn't love you back. He was angry and jealous, but he still didn't love you back.
You stayed there, pressed against the door for the next hour. Everyone headed up to bed at some point and Hermione and Ginny came to check on you. They explained how Harry told them about what happened outside but you just asked them to let you be alone for now. Being the good friends they are, they listened to your request, but not before Ginny promised to "beat Ron to a pulp for hurting you" the next morning.
Even Harry came to check on you. He was visibly uncomfortable, crying girls were never his strong suit (as you could remember from his first kiss with Cho Chang) but he still managed to give you a comforting hug. You thanked him and he left almost as quickly as he arrived. You got ready for bed in a trance, your eyes now swollen from the crying. Slipping on your pajamas, you barely noticed you were throwing on the vintage band shirt Ron had gotten you for a gift earlier. This only made you cry more. Dite landed on your shoulder as you lay in your bed. She affectionately pecked your ear and nuzzled her feathers against your cheek.  
"I'm okay, Dite," you told her, petting her soft feathers. Your fingers traced the black heart on her head. Ron bought you an owl named Aphrodite, with a heart literally on her feathers, but he couldn't even tell you he loved you. These mixed signals made your head and heart both throb.
You fell asleep fitfully, waking up every couple of hours and tossing and turning in bed. Tomorrow was Percy's party, and you had to be okay for it. You couldn't let Ron know just how much he had hurt you. You would be fine tomorrow. You would be fine, just like you had been these past few weeks. You would be fine.
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lightneverfades · 4 years
Of Sweaters and Reindeer
Frostiron Holiday Wishes Challenge ❆ 🎅🎄 Prompts by @kimmycup Fic written by @shinindragon
Wish (Prompt/Idea): Loki in Tony's MIT sweatshirt.
When Tony came home in the middle of the night, he just stumbled towards his bedroom, not paying any kind of attention to his surroundings. He just wanted to crawl back into his warm, comfy bed, wrap himself around his boyfriend, bury his face in his soft locks and fall into a state of welcome unconsciousness.
The Avengers had been called away in the middle of the night to deal with Doom, who had thought it was a brilliant idea to wreak havoc in Times Square at a most unreasonable hour. Steve, wide awake and ready for anything, had rudely woken them all and told them to suit up. Tony had wanted to punch him, wipe that irritating awakeness off his stupid face. Who in their right mind was that awake at 1:30 in the morning?! And no, Tony wasn't complaining because he hadn't gotten much sleep when Captain 'I Get Up At 5am Anyway' had pulled him from his sweet, sweet slumber. On the contrary, actually– Loki had made him go to bed early because he had pulled a lab binge and had been awake for nearly three whole days at that point. So they had been passed out in each other's arms in their way too big bed by 10pm.
Loki didn't necessarily stop Tony from his lab binges, because he knew that, when Tony had his mind set on something, he wouldn't be able to rest until he had answers or made something to his satisfaction. The Norse God only intervened when Tony went over the forty-eight hours mark, and Tony did the same when it came to Loki and his reading or magic stuff, because they were both like that, staying awake for too long nurturing their respective interests, and then collapsing and regretting the binge, just to not learn and do it again after having been in a coma for two days. That's why they had made a deal at some point, because it tended to really get out of hand, and that wasn't good for their overall health, or usefulness in battles, or just in general– they wouldn't stop each other from these binges, but when it was longer than two days, they would intervene, insist on a proper meal and rest. It worked. Sure, they still were up for two days straight quite often, but this was easier than intervening after, like, six hours already, because that only made them upset and grumpy. And neither of them liked to be forced to stop tending to their hobbies, but they also knew they couldn't stay awake for a week without it having consequences. The other Avengers (and Pepper and Rhodey) trusted them to look out for each other when it concerned the binges.
And yesterday had been nice.
Tony had been up for a little over fifty hours by the time Loki had come into the workshop and intervened, which was just short for 'he distracted Tony with fleeting, casual touches and kisses and running his fingers through his hair and looking over his shoulder watching him work, until Tony finally snapped and grabbed his hand to go over to the couch to have some fun'.
Yes, a very nice afternoon indeed.
They had fallen asleep on the couch down in Tony's workshop, Tony sprawled out on top of Loki, both very much naked (obviously) and hoping no one would have the questionable luck of entering the workshop and seeing them– which had happened before, poor Clint.
When they had woken up again, they had gotten dressed (Loki's magic really came in handy at times, lots of times) and then had ordered take-out and watched Netflix until Loki had decided it was time to actually get some sleep, and Tony hadn't complained. Going to bed with Loki was wonderful, and he didn't even mean the sex necessarily (which was great, thank you very much). No, one of the best things was that Loki was a cuddler, and falling asleep in his arms was great.
And that's what Tony wanted right now. When Steve had woken them, Tony had to extract himself from Loki's loving embrace, much to the displeasure of the Trickster, who hadn't even been fully awake. Tony had voiced his dismay about having to get up rather loudly and using quite colourful language, including some swear words in foreign languages– Natasha had almost lost it when he had been swearing in Russian, Steve had just stared at him utterly dumbstruck. That look had been worth the disrupted sleep and cuddling, to be honest.
But now he was finally back home, it was a quarter after four, and he just wanted to get back into Loki's arms.
He entered their bedroom and dropped down on the bed, sighing heavily. It was only then that he noticed that the bed was empty. He felt around for good measure, but alas, no Loki.
Tony frowned. "JARVIS?"
"Yes, Sir?" came the voice of his AI.
"Where's Loki?"
"You walked past him, Sir."
Tony's frown deepened. "What?"
"He is on the couch in the living room," JARVIS answered.
So Tony got back up from the bed and walked to the living room, which was only semi-dark now, because JARVIS had turned on the lights but only very dimly, and now he spotted Loki, curled up with a fluffy blanket on the couch. Not just curled up, he was basically a God of Mischief burrito, which was a common occurrence and generally really adorable. Tony smiled and knelt down in front of him and tenderly caressed his cheek.
"Loki," he said gently, brushing some strands of hair out of his man's face and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
Surprisingly, Loki almost immediately woke up, slowly but he did. He blinked a few times and Tony could pinpoint the exact moment he recognized him because he started to smile, it was a very soft, very sleepy smile, and it looked beautiful.
"You're back," Loki mumbled drowsily.
"I am," Tony chuckled, running his fingers through Loki's hair.
"Are you hurt?"
Of course that would be the first thing Loki asked, because no matter how tired, asleep or annoyed by Tony he was, he cared very deeply about him and always worried about him when he went out on missions.
"No, I'm okay." Tony pressed another kiss to Loki's forehead. "What are you doing out here?"
"Waiting for you."
"I'm here now." Tony smiled softly. "C'mon, let's go back to bed."
"No," Loki grumbled, taking Tony's hand. "S'ay here, don' wanna ge' up."
Loki in a sleep-drunk state was quite the experience. His speech was very drowsy, a little slurred, swallowing the T's for some reason, and he had just popped the p in 'up'– it was just so totally different from his usual very sophisticated, sometimes posh, tone. Very amusing, too.
"C'mere," Loki purred, followed by a huge yawn, and pulled Tony down on the couch.
Tony chuckled but let Loki do whatever he was doing, because honestly, this side of Loki was just too cute to disrupt. Loki pulled at the sleeve of his shirt, signalling him to lean down, where Tony was greeted with soft lips on his, meeting for a very lazy, rather sloppy kiss, and it felt wonderful.
When their lips separated again, Tony saw that Loki was halfway off to dreamland again, his eyes droopy and his lips slightly parted, which could be from the kiss, but it was also just how he slept. So Tony decided that it just wasn't worth the effort to get Loki awake and up, just to go sleep in bed, and tried to get Loki to open his blanket cocoon for him, which thankfully Loki did, more unconsciously than anything else though– like mentioned, the Loki playing blanket burrito was a common occurrence. Tony slipped underneath the blanket and settled on top of Loki, noticing with a quirked eyebrow the bold letters on the sweater his lover was wearing, which said 'MIT', and he was fairly certain that he hadn't worn that shirt when Tony had left. But it wasn't important right now, he'd just ask about it tomorrow.
JARVIS turned off the lights again, which was Tony's cue to rest his head under Loki's chin. He sighed content and closed his eyes.
"I love you, Loki," he muttered into the darkness.
Arms wrapped around him and a soft hum came from Loki, who was already asleep again, and Tony quickly followed suit.
Tony woke up a few hours later when JARVIS decided it was time to get up and have breakfast, and he did that by opening the blinds covering the window front and let in the daylight, which was just such an evil, devious thing to do. Tony fought against waking up for a bit but ultimately failed and let out an exasperated sigh. Well, Loki was still underneath him, sleeping soundly with a soft, peaceful look on his face, and Tony didn't want to disturb him because, first off, he looked adorable, and secondly, Loki was sleeping after having trouble with it for the past week because of nightmares.
So Tony very slowly, very carefully, like he was on a frozen lake, got up and climbed off of Loki, who had no reaction at all, thankfully. Tony's gaze fell on the MIT sweater the God was wearing and once more found himself raising an eyebrow. Yes, he was absolutely sure that Loki hadn't worn that when they had gone to bed the evening before. He had worn Tony's Black Sabbath T-shirt, which he had nicked a few months ago. Tony didn't mind Loki wearing his clothes, in fact, he loved it. Loki had to make them bigger using his magic or else he would walk around with a crop top, which was a very wild image. Tony was convinced it would look great, very sexy, but he knew Loki would never sink so low, probably. But he wanted to wear Tony's clothes and that was just so unexpected and wonderful.
He covered Loki with the blanket again, which caused Loki to subconsciously curl into himself again, once more turning himself into a blanket burrito. Tony chuckled, kissed Loki's forehead and then silently crept off to the kitchen to make himself some coffee.
A little later, he was sitting in the armchair next to the couch, his legs up, cradling a StarkPad on them and reading the news, about to finish his second cup, when he noticed Loki starting to stir and slowly waking up. He finished his coffee, put the tablet on the table and went back to the kitchen to make Loki a cup of tea. And as he had expected, just as he was about to put a splash of milk into the tea, Loki came padding into the kitchen, immediately wrapping his arms around Tony's waist and nuzzling his hair.
"Good morning to you too, Comet," Tony said smirking and turned his head to let his lips be claimed in yet another lazy, sloppy kiss.
Loki hummed. "Is that another reindeer name?" he asked, his voice still very drowsy from sleep.
Tony smiled. "It is."
"I told you before, Anthony," Loki answered, interrupted by a yawn as he pulled away to lean against the counter, "reindeer have antlers" – he put his hands to his head, mimicking said animal part – "not horns, so the nickname doesn't make sense. Goats have horns, or sheep, or ibex."
Tony grinned at him. "You will always be a reindeer to me, Bambi."
"Bambi was just a regular deer," Loki sighed.
Tony chuckled and just kissed him on the cheek as he handed him his tea. Loki completely forgot the 'reindeer discourse' (which was a regular thing as well) at the sight of his beloved tea and brought the cup up to his face, just to inhale the scent for a moment, before he then finally took a sip and hummed happily.
Meanwhile, Tony leaned against the kitchen island opposite of Loki and stared at him, or rather his MIT sweater. Loki didn't notice as he was distracted by his tea, a very happy, yet still quite sleepy smile on his lips as he drank it with noises of content after every sip. Tony honestly loved watching Loki in the morning, because it was like he was a completely different person, very soft and adorable. To be fair though, Tony got to see Loki from a different side than all the other Avengers anyway, he even bet that Thor didn't know this side of Loki, but he was convinced Thor didn't really know Loki anyway.
When Loki finally finished his tea, after seemingly ages, he put the cup down and looked at Tony.
"Why are you staring at me? Something wrong with my hair?" he asked, instinctively reaching to check if his hair was weird in some way.
Tony shook his head smiling. "No, I'm staring because you're wearing my MIT sweater. Why are you wearing my MIT sweater?"
Loki looked at him surprised for a moment and then looked away, very clearly blushing and he started to fidget, which was odd, because there was nothing to be nervous about right now, was there? Yet, Loki very clearly was nervous about something, which was probably him wearing Tony's shirt, and Tony wondered why because it wasn't news? Loki wore Tony's clothes a lot actually, see him having nicked the Black Sabbath T-shirt Tony had worn when he had confronted him here in this very penthouse back in 2012.
Maybe his nervousness was only linked to the MIT sweater? But he wouldn't be nervous about wearing it, he actually liked to show off wearing Tony's clothes, which Tony guessed had something to do with pride and spite, like "Look at me! I have a boyfriend who, unlike all of you, has impeccable fashion sense!"– okay, to be fair, that was Tony's point of view on the situation and wasn't necessarily the truth of why Loki liked to walk around in Tony's clothes. Fact of the matter was though, that he did like it, so why was he nervous now?
Maybe it was the reason why he wore it? Maybe it was more than just 'he is my boyfriend, so I'm gonna steal his clothes and wear them, like every good boyfriend does'? If he was nervous about it, then this option was very likely.
Tony reached out and took Loki's hand. "Loki? Why are you wearing it? I mean, it looks good on you. You know I love it when you wear my clothes."
Loki turned his head to look at him again and flashed him a shy smile. "I… It smells of you, and it comforts me when you're gone," he finally answered, and Tony might just melt because of the answer. "It's not like it is with the other shirts. I only put it on when you're gone and… and you weren't supposed to know, because if you do, you won't continue wearing it, as it is 'legally mine now', as you told me. You stopped wearing all the other shirts I started wearing, and I don't want that to happen with this one. It still smells of you and it comforts me and I need that because I worry so much when you leave to do your hero thing, and I'm scared you won't return or that you get hurt badly, and that just… it upsets me, but I can't stop thinking like that, no matter what I try, and I just–"
Loki gasped surprised when Tony, without any kind of warning whatsoever, cut off his rambling by pressing his still of coffee tasting, soft lips on Loki's, claiming them in a passionate and loving kiss. Loki moaned and closed his eyes, burying a hand in Tony's thick hair (so fluffy!), while Tony moved his hands from Loki's face to his waist and brought their bodies together, so that there was no space left between them.
In Loki's opinion, Tony ended the kiss way too soon. Loki kept his eyes closed, his hands dropped to his sides.
There was a peck on his cheek, and then Tony said, "I love you, Cupid."
Loki rolled his eyes behind his eyelids but smiled nonetheless. He felt Tony wrap his arms around his waist and finally opened his eyes, Tony smiled at him warmly and lovingly.
"I will keep on wearing it if that's what you want," he said and Loki blushed again, which only made Tony smile more and kiss his temple. "I think it's incredibly sweet that it comforts you and I wouldn't want to take that away from you."
Loki smiled and leaned into Tony's embrace.
"Keep the size though," Tony remarked. "Oversized sweaters and hoodies are amazing."
"You don't own any hoodies," Loki pointed out.
Tony gasped. "Then I need to change that!" Loki chuckled. "Or better yet," Tony continued, "we get you a hoodie, and then I get to wear your clothes finally."
Loki laughed. "Our clothes."
"Yeah, exactly, our clothes. Our sweaters and hoodies and T-shirts."
"My leather armor though."
"Yeah, I wouldn't look good in that anyway."
"Oh, I don't know. I think leather would look rather… ravishing on you." Loki smirked and actually had the audacity to lick his lips– his soft, tasty, very tempting, very inviting looking lips!
Tony stared at him and then grinned. "Only one way to find out, I suppose."
"Right you are, love."
Loki took Tony by the hand and went to the bedroom to prove his theory about Tony looking good in leather. (Spoiler alert: he does!)
If they weren't seen or heard of for the remainder of the day, what about it?
If Tony didn't show up for the debrief with Fury, what about it?
If Steve walked in on them having fun because he was upset Tony missed the debrief and didn't answer calls, and also because JARVIS refused to give any information on him, then what about it? The consequential trauma that followed seeing Tony and Loki naked and in the middle of some quite kinky 'fonduing' was entirely on him, okay.
The next day, Tony had JARVIS order an oversized, even for Loki a little, green hoodie with a reindeer on it, which Loki accepted happily and wore proudly. And when it was Tony's turn to wear the hoodie, he chose to smack Steve with the sleeves whenever he inevitably annoyed him, much to the delight of literally everyone around, especially Loki, because he thought that was an excellent choice of non-lethal, not-especially-harmful weapon, and also because he thought Steve deserved to be smacked in the face with hoodie sleeves.
Meanwhile, even though they enjoyed watching Tony smack Steve in the face with sleeves, everyone else was convinced that Tony and Loki were actual five years olds, trapped in the bodies of grown men, one of which was supposed to be a thousand year old Norse God, and the other a genius inventor.
But what did it matter anyway? Tony and Loki were happy, and no one could deny that they deserved it, and it was also a wonderful sight to watch those two idiots be so incredibly in love with each other.
So if they annoyed the other Avengers with their antics sometimes, what about it? They were happy and that's what mattered in the end, alright.
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mrsdobrik · 4 years
Not Clickbait - Chapter 29
This is my favorite chapter! I can’t believe it’s finally out! It’s about David and Y/n going on a trip together and sleeping together for the first time. You can totally read it as a one shot too but it’s better if you are up to speed with the series! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did 💕💕💕
Y/n and David had just landed in Miami and gotten their rental car. David (Natalie) had made reservations at the Ocean's Edge Resort in Key West. They got to their room just as the sun was starting to rise which made the view even more spectacular than it already was.
“Dave, this… this is so perfect. Thank you for this, thank you for being such an amazing boyfriend” she said wrapping one of her arms around his waist as they walked over to the balcony. “We should go swimming, right now before there are a bunch of people at the pool!” Y/n beamed.  
“Sure, whatever you want to do.” David agreed leaning down to kiss her.
“I’ll go change.” she whispered and walked over to her travel bag to get her swimsuit out.
She went into the bathroom and David just stood there on the balcony looking at the amazing view. A few minutes later Y/n came out of the bathroom in a flesh colored two piece. She had her hair down and her cheeks were slightly flushed. The golden light of the rising sun hitting her skin, still dewy from rubbing sunscreen all over. David thought she had never looked better, more relaxed, happier.
“Can you rub this on my back?” She muttered handing him the tube of sunscreen. She turned around as David put some lotion on his hand, she shivered a little when the cold product first hit her skin but then she started enjoying the feeling of David’s hands running through her back. David started spreading the cream and as he came across the strap of her bra he started running his hand under it. “You can untie that” she said holding the fabric by the front and he did, leaving her back completely bare for him to explore.
“Done” he whispered after a couple of minutes. Y/n turned around and leaned in for a kiss, it started off light but it soon deepened, her bra falling to the ground as she forgot she was holding it. They started moving towards the bed, his shirt falling on the ground on the way. David took a step back to look at her.
“You are so beautiful.” He muttered in her ear as he started kissing down her neck and clavicle. “I love you” he whispered on her lips. She broke the kiss to look at him for a second.
“I love you too.” she smiled against his lips.
“Are you sure you want to do this babe? We can stop, it’s okay if you want to wait.” David said breaking the kiss once again.
“I’m sure, I love you” she nodded. More pieces of clothing fell to the ground, as their hands got to know each other's bodies. It was sweet and gentle, filled with kissing and caressing, soft laughter and smiles.
A while  later Y/n and David were still in bed, wrapped in nothing but each other's arms and white sheets.
“Was… did… “ Y/n started, not completing her thoughts.
“Babe, just ask, you’ve been trying to get it out for like an hour” He smiled, putting his head on the crook of her neck.
“Did you like it? I mean you have more experience than I do so… Was it good for you?” She said feeling her cheeks get hot.
“Yes, it was great.” He smiled sweetly at her “Was it good for you? Did it hurt?”
“It was perfect. And no, it didn’t hurt.” Y/n said remembering how kind and gentle he was during the whole thing.
“You are so perfect, so amazing. I love you. This last couple months have been so wonderful.”
“I love you too, Dave. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect boyfriend.” She smiled running her fingers through his hair.
As tempting as spending the whole weekend in that hotel room sounded, after some room service breakfast it was adventure time. They rode all the way to Key West, visited the Hemingway Home and Museum, went canoeing and window-shopped through the luxurious boutiques before sitting down to have lunch.
“Most of these things have seafood!” David complained.
“Well, yeah babe, that’s kind of the point…” Y/n said giggling.
“Do you want to go parasailing after lunch?” His eyes gleamed.
“Nooo, pleeeease! I don’t like dangerous activities!! We are both too young to die…”
“We are not going to die, it’s going to be fine! You’ll love it, it’s fun!”
“If we die I am going to haunt your spirit for eternity…” she said giving up. She knew there was no point in arguing, when something got in his head…
“Good, that way not even death will do us apart”
“Funny…” She gave him a light push.
“Tell me again why we are doing this…” Y/n said squeezing David’s hand so tight it would probably leave a bruise.
“Because it’s fun and we only live once and because your face is funny when you are scared.” He replied giving the girl a quick peck.
Y/n actually really enjoyed herself, the views were amazing, it was really fun and it turned out to be the perfect thing to get her head off of what was coming. The wind blew her hair and blushed her already suntanned skin.
Night time came way too soon and David was at the bar waiting for Y/n, who was still in their room getting ready. He smiled down at his phone as he read Natalie’s text.
Assistant #1: How is the trip going, Romeo? Reformed Bieber: It’s great, the hotel is perfect! Thank u! Assistant #1: I am the best assistant, I know. U should give me a raise! Reformed Bieber: Haha v funny! U r a great friend! Assistant #1: OMG! Is that a compliment or just a way to get out of the raise? Reformed Bieber: Exactly. Assistant #1: U lil bitch, wait till u come home! Changing the locks tonight Reformed Bieber: I told her I loved her… Assistant #1: WHAT?? OMG!! I am so happy for u Dave!! Did she say it back? Reformed Bieber: Yes :)
As he sent that message he looked up to see Y/n approaching him. His jaw literally dropped, as did the ones from most of the attendants. She was wearing a silk emerald green tight dress, it was calf long and left little to the imagination as the fabric hugged her figure like a second skin. The color complemented her skin beautifully and had a sheen to it as the light reflected off the dress. Her skin had taken a golden tint, which was emphasized by the shimmer in her body oil. Her hair fell in careless curls and a proper amount of gloss made her lips look extra juicy. She was a gorgeous young woman, and David was used to her sweet pastel colored dresses but in that outfit she looked like a completely different person.
“WOW! Let's get out of here before my girlfriend shows up!” He whispered in her ear as she reached his seat in the bar.
“Sorry sweetie, I don’t do committed guys.” She muttered with a seductive little smile.
“Bummer.” He said before leaning in for a kiss, it was passionate and short lived.
“I take it you like my new dress.” She smiled teasingly.
“You should never take that off” He said, looking her up and down.
“If that is what you want! And here I was thinking you would enjoy what is underneath more than the dress.” David knew there was no way she could have anything under that dress because it would show through the fabric. So the thought of the only thing that could be under her dress appeared in his head.
“There is no way we are getting through dinner if you keep this up. I might need to throw you over my shoulder and take you back to our room.”
“Didn’t your mom teach you that you can’t have dessert before dinner?” She scolded, running her hand through the collar of his shirt.
“I’m a slow learner.”
The next day was spent at the beach enjoying the clear skies and warm water. Y/n put her book back inside her bag under the gazebo and looked over to her boyfriend.
“Are you coming to the water with me?” She asked as David played with his phone.
“No babe, go ahead. I’m too tired, I want to rest a bit.” He replied before kissing her goodbye.
It hadn’t been half an hour when David looked up from his phone to see two buff guys talking to Y/n  by the shore. He could feel the familiar green monster making an appearance. She looked too pretty in her mint green bathing suit and wet hair. He didn’t like the way those guys seemed to be eating her with their eyes. She seemed totally oblivious to that last part though. He stood up and made his way to his girlfriend.
“Hey babe! Was the water nice?” He said, grabbing her by the waist.
“It was perfect! You should go swim a bit before it starts getting cold! Oh, by the way… these are Chad and Trent! We went to high school together… isn’t it a small world?”
“Hey! Nice to meet you!” Dave smiled holding out his hand.
“Holy fuck! You didn’t tell us that the guy you were dating is David Dobrik!” One of the guys said
“Yeah, well it's kind of a secret or at least it was until he called me babe.” She explained, giving him a look. She had caught what he was trying to do and couldn’t wait till they were alone so she could tease the fuck out of him. He blushed a bit.
“Hey, don’t worry! We are not going to say anything! We still owe her big time for all the times she helped us with homework and exams! She was always the smartest little nerd in the class” The other guy said.
“Well except for gym class, those were not her brightest moments”
“Ohh god please don’t ever mention that again!! David destroyed me in tennis a few weeks ago!!” She laughed.
“Hey, so I know you two are on vacation but would you mind taking a picture with us?” Guy n°1 said
“Sure!” David said and after a few more minutes of chat both pairs went their separate ways.
“Look at you being all jealous! You are like a little puppy marking your territory! That is hi-la-ri-o-us!! OMG!! I can’t wait to go back and tell Natalie about this she is going to laugh so fucking hard!!”
“Whatever. The fact that they know you doesn’t mean they were not flirting with you!! They were eyeing you up!! You are just too naïve to notice.” He shrugged, grabbing at her waist.
“No, I am not! I did notice which is why ten minutes before you joined us I told them I came here with my boyfriend” She said giggling.
“That didn’t stop them staring then.”
“Maybe it didn’t, but I don't care. I only have eyes for one guy, and he is amazingly handsome and talented.”
“Let me guess, it’s me.” He said leaning down to kiss her.
“No, it's Ryan Gosling. But you are a close second place.” She giggled pulling him in.
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gb-fics · 4 years
A Christmas Miracle
Kiryuuin Shou x Kyan Yutaka (Golden Bomber)
Note: Merry Christmas, everyone! (^-^)
“Can’t you hurry?”, Shou muttered.
Yutaka was still fixing his hair in the mirror. Everyone else had already left the dressing rooms.
It was actually nice to take a shower right after the concert, remove the makeup and slip into more comfortable clothes. Usually, the routine felt rushed, with the fans cheering outside and wanting to catch the car before anyone could get the idea to wait up for them. That at least was an advantage of the digital lives they held nowadays. Shou missed seeing the happy faces of the fans while he sung to them, but he felt slightly less worn out after the shows. Right now, he didn’t feel sweaty and disgusting and rushing to get home. He felt like maybe a beer and some company would be nice. It was Christmas Eve after all.
“Will that take much longer?”, Shou kept nagging. “Because I think almost everyone else already left. I’d feel bad to make them wait just for us.”
“It takes time to look this good”, Yutaka said jokingly and finally straightened himself.
Shou had to admit that he was looking good. Usually, he’d change into baggy clothes after the live, but tonight he wore a proper button-down shirt. The collar had glitter on it as if Yutaka had tried to capture the Christmas spirit. He hadn’t buttoned the shirt all the way up. Shou wondered, why he was dressed like that. It wasn’t Yutaka’s style at all. It suited him, though. Shou liked the look on him.
“Why are you dressed up like that anyway?”, Shou asked.
“Well, why are you dressed up?”, Yutaka wanted to know. “It’s Christmas, that’s why.”
Shou lowered his eyes and hoped the heat of his face wouldn’t show on his cheeks.
It was true, that usually he would have changed into something more homely as well. He wasn’t dressed up like Yutaka was, but at least he wore jeans that actually fit. It was a look he could wear out to a bar, in case Yutaka was up for drinks.
Shou was dressed like this for the same reason, that he was still waiting up for Yutaka now, although he took ages getting ready and everyone else had already left and Shou was annoyed with him.
Christmas was for lovers.
Of course, Yutaka and him were not lovers. They were not dating, or at least, they hadn’t outright called it that yet.
The last weeks something in their relationship had changed significantly, though. But it was very well possible, that it meant nothing to Yutaka other than killing time until their normal life was able to resume.
Both of them had felt lonely without the fans nor being able to meet friends. And they both got tested for the recordings anyway and during the shootings, they already got close. Yutaka was among the very few people, with whom Shou had been able to meet up without feeling too guilty about it. So, they had hung out at Yutaka’s place sometimes and sometimes at Shou’s place. Sometimes drinking, sometimes playing videogames, sometimes just chatting. It had felt like back in high school, when they used to meet for no other reason but the fact that they enjoyed each other’s company.
And then, one night after one beer too many, it had turned out they both craved more than just company. They craved physical touch, just feeling another human being right there next to them. Shou couldn’t even recall whom of them had initiated the first kiss. It had all felt so natural.
From there on, they had fallen into a routine without quite being able to name the point at which they started kissing on the nights without beer, too. It had been greedy and sloppy and their hands had clawed into fabric and slipped underneath shirts. That was all that had happened so far, though. Neither of them had addressed what it meant.
Shou assumed that it was just loneliness and that they would call it off silently as soon as they found other tasks and other people to keep themselves busy with. It irritated him, though, that they had met up for other things, too. A walk in the park for example. And that they called each other on almost every night they didn’t spend together. At times, it felt as if they were actually dating.
Shou wasn’t sure if that was what he wanted, but he knew that he didn’t want to spend Christmas Eve on his own. More precisely, he wanted to spend it with Yutaka, drinking and chatting and maybe going home together afterwards and finally taking off each other’s clothes for good. The drinking and chatting and laughing and hearing Yutaka’s voice was as important as the undressing in Shou’s mind, which probably meant that he would like to date. There was no point in forcing a decision now, though. They still had time. He didn’t need to put pressure on Yutaka right away. He could just make it casual. If Yutaka was still up for it, they could hang out together after the concert. Just two friends and bandmates, who had been forced to meet up today anyway. They didn’t have to label it as a Christmas date.
“Alright, let’s go”, Yutaka announced and made his way towards the door.
He did not comment on the fact, that Shou had obviously waited up for him and Shou was grateful for that. He didn’t want to explain why he had waited, although Yutaka could probably tell easily.
“Today was fun, wasn’t it?”, Shou said lamely.
He wished he had anything more interesting to say. This way, he couldn’t blame Yutaka, if he would want to call off the whole thing in a couple of months. Shou was probably not the most interesting person, who would like to go out with Yutaka. Certainly not the most handsome, Shou would have betted on that.
“Yes, though of course it would be more fun with the fans right here.”
“Yeah”, Shou agreed. For months now, it felt as if they were just repeating the same sentences over and over again until they became practically separated from their meaning altogether. Although Shou still felt it, it was starting to sound like an empty truism in his ears.
He led the way down the corridor to the front door of the venue. They usually played at bigger halls, but currently they didn’t need to fit a large audience. The place had a backdoor, too, but they hadn’t even opened it today. Carrying the equipment in that way would have been a hassle.
Shou pushed against the door. The corridor had been empty and he assumed the staff would wait for them outside.
The door didn’t open.
Shou stared at it for a moment.
He pushed again. The only result he caused was a rattling sound.
“Let me, stupid”, Yutaka said and reached past him to pull on the doorhandle. The door didn’t move that way either.
“Great job, idiot”, Shou scolded him in return. He was annoyed that Yutaka had obviously thought he was too stupid to open a door.
“Where is everyone?”, Yutaka asked and turned his head now.
“Seems they locked us in”, Shou stated the obvious.
“No way”, Yutaka said.
Shou gritted his teeth.
“Well, someone here took hours to get ready.”
“The good news is that while we are locked in, my hair looks fabulous”, Yutaka chimed.
Angrily Shou stared at the door. He didn’t like the feeling of being locked in. Sure, it was a big space, so there was no need to feel claustrophobic. It helped that Yutaka was here with him, too. He couldn’t shake the anxiety of being caged in completely, though.
“I can’t believe they forgot about the band!”, Shou muttered.
“They took Jun and Kenji at least”, Yutaka said lightly.
He sounded way too cheerful. It pissed Shou off even more.
“They forgot me!”, Shou hissed out, turning towards Yutaka angrily. “You guys could rot somewhere, but they should remember me. I’m the only person that is actually irreplaceable at these lives!”
He glared at Yutaka, fully aware that the stress turned him mean. He used to lash out at his bandmates more often in the early days, when their success still seemed unreal. It wasn’t fair to attack Yutaka just because the locked door made him uncomfortable. Moreover, since his feelings towards him had changed recently. Shou was better at driving people away than at keeping them close.
Yutaka raised his open palms in defence.
“Calm down”, he said and his voice sounded more serious now. “Don’t stress, okay? I’m sure it was an accident and they are waiting for us outside. They probably don’t know someone locked the door. I will call our manager and ask to be let out. It will be alright.”
Shou felt guilty immediately, because Yutaka didn’t lose patience with him. He seemed aware of how much the situation was stressing Shou. He had grown better at handling Shou’s temper over time. Back in the old days, Yutaka would have picked fights whenever Shou acted cranky. That was the reason why Shou didn’t regret not kissing Yutaka sooner. They had both needed to mature in order for it to work at all.
Yutaka got out his smartphone and paced down the corridor to get out of Shou’s direct earshot as he dialled. Shou assumed he was trying not to stress him by giving him the feeling he would take care of everything himself.
It actually did help. Shou felt himself relaxing. Yutaka would talk to their manager. Shou didn’t have to worry about it. He had organized the whole thing today; he was allowed to leave this small task to Yutaka now. And Yutaka was probably right. It must have been a misunderstanding. The staff was most likely waiting for them outside.
Yutaka turned back. His face did not speak of good news.
“Oh no, they forgot us”, Shou concluded, before Yutaka could say anything.
“Yeah, they totally did”, Yutaka confirmed and pulled a face. “The problem is that they don’t have a key. They need to call the owner of the venue, but obviously, he already went home. We might be a while.”
Shou groaned loudly and tilted back his head.
“What did I do to deserve this?”, he complained. “I want to go home already.”
Yutaka gave him a funny look.
Shou realized it was a stupid thing to say after he had obvious waited up for Yutaka. Of course, he hadn’t meant to go home right away. He had hoped to grab casual drinks and maybe a small snack somewhere with Yutaka. But he could hardly say “I want to go out with you already”, because then it would sound like he wanted to go on a Christmas date and he could not say that out loud, because they hadn’t talked about that yet. It was best to just let it stand there like that.
“I don’t know”, Yutaka said vaguely. “It’s kind of romantic, isn’t it? Getting locked in together on Christmas Eve and being forced to spend time together. Could be the plot of a movie.”
“Sure, it’s romantic”, Shou huffed. “If you are a tough career woman, who forgot about the true meaning of Christmas. In our case, it just sucks.”
Again, it was hard to read Yutaka’s expression. He seemed somewhat offended. Shou realized that maybe, he shouldn’t have been that dismissive of the romance aspect of their situation, if he actually wanted Yutaka to like him. It might seem as if he was turning him down.
To soften his reaction, he looked at his phone.
“It’s past 10 pm already after all”, he added. “I really don’t want to hang out here any longer.”
This time, he left it open on purpose, where he wanted to be instead.
“10 pm already?”, Yutaka repeated, suddenly sounding alarmed. He checked his own mobile. “Fuck”, he swore.
“What is it?”, Shou asked. “Got somewhere else to be?” He had meant to sound teasing, but he felt very cold as soon as the words were out.
Yutaka was dressed very nicely. And it was Christmas after all. Shou hadn’t considered it yet, but it wasn’t impossible, that Yutaka actually had a date.
“Well, yeah”, Yutaka admitted. He avoided Shou’s eyes, which didn’t fit in with his usual provoking attitude. He seemed embarrassed. “You remember that new barbecue place that opened close to my apartment? The fancy looking one with the meat specials.”
Shou nodded. He had eyed the menu longingly on their last walk. Shou loved meat.
“I made a reservation at 10:30 pm. If they don’t let us out in time, they’ll surely give away the table.”
“Hm.” Shou tried to create a neutral sound to cover up how hurt he felt.
Of course, they hadn’t agreed on anything definite. It wasn’t as if they were in a relationship, just because they had made out quite a lot during the past weeks. Yutaka had every right to see other people. The fact that he had chosen a restaurant, of which he knew it was a place Shou would have liked to go, made Shou feel betrayed nonetheless.
He hadn’t expected his chest to hurt like this. He was interested in Yutaka, but he hadn’t gotten his hopes up. He had no right to throw a tantrum now.
“So, a Christmas date?”, he assured as offhanded as possible. His voice came out flatly.
Yutaka shrugged. He seemed as uncomfortable as Shou.
“Yes. I mean, I guess”, he admitted.
“Is it serious?”, Shou wanted to know.
He wondered where Yutaka had met someone anyway, when their social contacts were currently so limited.
“Ah.” Yutaka exhaled. It was more than obvious he felt troubled by Shou’s inquiries. Maybe he did feel guilty after all. “I’d say so”, he confessed. “We’ve been dating for several weeks now. And, I mean, it’s Christmas.”
Shou inhaled a little too sharply and turned his face. Several weeks? Several weeks?! So, Yutaka had been seeing someone else the whole time while sneaking around with Shou, exchanging kisses and talking to him on the phone until late at night?
Shou hadn’t assumed they were dating of course. He wasn’t that delusional. He had known all along that for a guy like Yutaka he could be hardly more than a pastime.
He hadn’t thought that Yutaka would have the audacity to go behind someone’s back that openly, though. Even if he had assumed that Shou knew what he had signed up for, it didn’t seem fair to his partner – Shou pictured her as a cute, lively girl, who had no idea that the guy she was dating also got it on with his bandmate occasionally. In his mind, he named her Mariko.
Shou had known that Yutaka was carefree, but he hadn’t thought he would toy with people like this.
“Is that a problem for you?”, Yutaka asked.
Shou shrugged. He didn’t want Yutaka to think that he was pathetic. If Yutaka didn’t care for their arrangement, Shou shouldn’t care either.
“It’s fine”, he said. “If that’s what you want.”
“It is”, Yutaka confirmed.
There was a moment of uncomfortable silence.
Shou realized they would probably have to wait around quite some time. It felt awkward to just stand in the corridor like this.
“Want to …?”, Yutaka started and pointed back to the concert hall.
“Yes, definitely”, Shou confirmed, relieved that Yutaka had taken the decision away from him.
He followed Yutaka back into the venue.
They could have returned to the dressing room as well, sitting down on the chairs there. But Shou was glad Yutaka chose the live room instead. He himself felt drawn back to the stage as well, as if the familiar space could provide him with some sort of comfort.
“It’s smaller without the people, isn’t it?”, he observed, looking around.
Yutaka had switched on the lights overhead, that remained turned off during the live. The spotlights stayed dark, though.
Yutaka climbed onto the stage and looked down onto the audience room.
“You’d expect it to be the other way around, wouldn’t you?”, Shou carried on, not sure if he really expected an answer from Yutaka at all. “That it seems larger when it’s empty. But it’s smaller somehow.”
“It is”, Yutaka confirmed. “Though I think it feels the largest when there are only about five people in the audience. It makes the empty space seem worse for some reason.”
Shou laughed.
He remembered their first gigs at clubs and how deserted the floor had seemed with only a few people listening. Now he could laugh at the memory, but back then, the sight had troubled him immensely.
“Seeing only the cameramen now gives me flashbacks”, Yutaka went on. He didn’t seem quite sure if he was really talking to Shou either. It felt nice, though. It was nice to be allowed to just think out loud with someone.
“For me it’s different”, Shou said and took the stairs up to the stage as well. “I keep imagining everyone at home in front of their screens.”
“You’ve always been more imaginative than me”, Yutaka said. Both of them were looking out onto the empty room. “I can only see what’s right in front of my eyes.”
Shou turned to look at Yutaka.
“Sometimes that’s enough”, he said quietly.
He wished Yutaka could see what was right in front of him right now as well. That he would realize that he didn’t have to rush out to a Christmas date to maybe find love, but that Shou was right here with him and that he might just be enough. Shou had been his friend for so long, and after all those years, he finally felt ready to love him, too. Maybe he wasn’t a fantasy, but he was right here.
Yutaka stretched his arms in front of himself like he sometimes did to loosen the tension from his shoulders after a live. Shou thought that it was nice, that he knew those little habits and understood what they meant.
Yutaka sat down on the pedestal at the centre of the stage. Shou couldn’t help thinking that he indeed looked very handsome tonight. He averted his eyes. When he stared at Yutaka for too long, he wanted to kiss him. Since they had started kissing each other, it had become a lot harder not to think of it constantly in his presence.
“I wish there was something to do to keep us busy”, Shou observed.
He had meant it to come out sharply to remind Yutaka that his company alone was not enough to entertain Shou and that in no way he had romantic feelings for him nor cared with whom he went out for Christmas.
“Yeah, there is only you and me here”, Yutaka said. He dragged out the words in a manner, that was clearly suggestive. “I wonder what kind of activities that leaves us with.”
Shou looked at Yutaka slightly astonished.
Did he really have the nerves to suggest getting physical with Shou, while planning to go on a date with someone else within the same hour? At first, Shou wanted to react offended, but he couldn’t help feeling a little gleeful at the thought as well. He pictured Yutaka sitting at that fancy restaurant with Mariko, his lips still slightly swollen from kissing Shou. It would be something that she couldn’t take away from him, a mark to ensure that Yutaka still thought of Shou even if it was on a date with someone else.
And Shou thought, that just maybe, they wouldn’t be let out of the venue for another hour. That Yutaka had been right and this was the plot of a romantic movie. Maybe being locked in with Shou was the Christmas miracle that was supposed to show Yutaka whom he really wanted to spend Christmas with. This might be Shou’s chance to make Yutaka see what was right in front of him.
“I would have a suggestion”, he announced and walked towards Yutaka.
Yutaka shuffled back on the pedestal, allowing Shou to put his knees on its surface to straddle Yutaka’s lap. He made sure not to put his full weight on Yutaka, though. Yutaka had to look up to him this way.
“Have you ever fantasized about making out on stage?”, Yutaka asked cheekily.
Shou snorted and shook his head. He reached up to push a lock of hair from Yutaka’s forehead.
“Of course not, pervert”, he said.
“It’s hot somehow”, Yutaka said and grinned up to him. “Just picture everyone watching us.”
Shou’s stomach took a small leap and he wasn’t sure, if it was because of Yutaka’s words or because of how low and hoarse his voice sounded right now.
He put his hand on the small of Shou’s back, pulling him closer.
Shou lowered his head, finally allowing their lips to meet. Yutaka returned the kiss immediately. His lips were warm and soft. Shou was crazy about kissing him.
He assumed that it was just part of his personality. Shou was the kind of person, who listened to the same song for days straight after discovering it. If he found a dish he liked, he ate it at least four times a week until he was absolutely sick of it. It always took him some time to find a healthy measure to enjoy the things he liked. Currently, he was obsessed with Yutaka’s lips. His desire for them would surely sink to a reasonable level over time, but right now, Shou just wanted to kiss him for hours every time they met, like a song stuck on repeat.
Yutaka’s hands slid down his body now, both of them coming to rest on Shou’s butt. He squeezed him playfully and Shou sighed into their kiss. His lips were starting to tingle like your hands in winter when you finally entered a warm room. They felt numb and very alive both at once.
His hands were resting on Yutaka’s shoulders. He could sense the heat of his body against his palms.
It seemed surreal that they were actually kissing this greedily with Yutaka about to head out to another date. It was as if neither of them had any sense of shame. Shou enjoyed the sensation too much to seriously bother right now, though.
He slid his hands down a bit further, so his palms were resting against Yutaka’s chest. His thumb was brushing against Yutaka’s neck right above the collar of his shirt and the sensation sent a warm shudder down Shou’s spine. Even the slightest touch with Yutaka’s skin made him feel electricized.
He wished he could just take off Yutaka’s shirt completely. He wanted to tumble down on top of him, their naked bodies pressed against each other. Yutaka’s hands were still on his butt.
For a brief moment, Shou wondered, if Yutaka would cancel his date, if Shou offered him to go all the way tonight. But then, he’d feel miserable, asking Yutaka to fuck him only to not loose against Mariko. It wasn’t that he didn’t desire Yutaka. But he didn’t want to rush things just to take part in a competition he couldn’t win anyway. If Yutaka had wanted to be with him tonight, he wouldn’t have set up another date.
Still, Shou couldn’t keep himself from hoping anyway.
He kissed his way from the corner of Yutaka’s mouth across his cheek until he reached his ear.
“We could continue this at my place”, he whispered. “They probably won’t let us out in time anyway. Let’s go home right away. Skip the date.”
He managed to keep his voice from sounding like he was begging, although he was. Luckily, he sounded hoarse enough to cover the despair in his tone. He was scared to death that Yutaka would decline.
“It’s bothering you”, Yutaka observed, his voice irritatingly clear.
Shou had hoped that in the worst case, Yutaka would brush off the suggestion with a quiet laugh and pretend that Shou had been joking. But instead, Yutaka reached up to push Shou away from himself to meet his eyes.
“The date”, he clarified.
Shou looked away, but sitting on Yutaka’s lap, there wasn’t much else to look at but his face.
“A little”, he admitted. “But it’s fine.”
“If it’s bothering you, I’ll cancel the reservation”, Yutaka offered.
Shou looked up in surprise. He hadn’t expected Yutaka to take it this far.
“Really?”, he assured in disbelieve.
Yutaka shrugged. He didn’t look exactly happy.
“You are my friend, Shou”, he said seriously. “And even more importantly, you are my bandmate. I don’t want to risk what we have. So, most of all, I want you to be comfortable.”
Shou bit his lip. It did feel sore. He had kissed Yutaka for several minutes without interruption.
He wanted to be happy, that Yutaka was willing to put Shou’s wellbeing above anything else. But it only made him feel guilty. Yutaka was scared of breaking up the band. Shou didn’t want to feel like he was blackmailing Yutaka – dating Mariko or his career.
“It’s alright”, he said weakly.
“Are you sure?”, Yutaka wanted to know.
Shou nodded seriously, although it was almost killing him. He wanted Yutaka to be happy. Even if that meant spending Christmas on his own, and every other day to come.
“Okay”, Yutaka said quietly and leaned in to kiss Shou again.
Shou turned his head to avoid his lips.
“I think it’s better if we stop here”, he said flatly and awkwardly climbed off Yutaka’s lap.
He wanted to keep kissing him, he wanted to do so badly. But if Yutaka really liked Mariko, he should give it an honest try with her. If Shou was already giving up on him, Yutaka should be serious about this. He shouldn’t kiss Shou behind her back.
Shou walked up and down the stage to calm himself. He always started pacing when he was stressed.
Yutaka had gotten up as well as if he considered going after Shou, but then he just remained standing in place. He did seem awkward, as if he couldn’t remember why he had gotten up in the first place.
For a moment, both of them were silent.
“Did I ruin it?”, Yutaka finally asked. “This thing between us?”
Shou looked up. They were standing apart now, but he could hear how sad Yutaka sounded.
“I don’t know”, Shou said and lowered his gaze again.
He had assumed that Yutaka was the one, who wanted to break it off. When he was seeing other people – seriously seeing them, for weeks and taking them on Christmas dates – then there wasn’t much of a thing to ruin in the first place.
“Shou”, Yutaka said. He sounded pleading. “I don’t know what to do, when you close down on me like that. You need to talk to me, so I can do the right thing. Please, just tell me how you feel.”
Shou licked his lips. They still felt weird, as if they weren’t really part of his body. It felt as if they belonged to Yutaka as much as to himself.
“Okay, so”, he started. Yutaka was right. Shou couldn’t expect him to guess at his feelings. He had to be honest, even if he didn’t like it. “I didn’t think we were dating.”
“I figured”, Yutaka confirmed dryly.
Shou shook his head, annoyed that Yutaka had interrupted him, although it was him, who had paused midsentence.
“I just want to clarify, that I understand that”, Shou picked up again. “I know I have no right to be mad at you, since we didn’t agree on anything. I knew from the beginning, that someone like me wouldn’t be able to hold someone like you. But I think we got along well and I thought, I don’t know, I thought you respected me.”
He paused again.
“You lost me”, Yutaka said. “Of course, I respect you.”
“I’m just saying that it hurts to know you’ve been seeing someone else this whole time we’ve been together. It’s not like I was expecting us to go on a Christmas date or anything. But I think kissing me to kill time while we are waiting for someone to unlock the door and then going off on a date with someone else is not fair to me nor to your date.”
Shou inhaled deeply, glad that the words were out now. He felt like he hadn’t done so badly. Of course, he had secretly hoped for a Christmas date, but Yutaka didn’t need to know that. Shou thought he had brought across his point, though, making it sound like it was more about the general immaturity of Yutaka’s behaviour than about his hurt feelings.
Yutaka stared at him blankly.
“Wait”, he said. “Hold on.”
Shou waited. Yutaka seemed to need a moment to sort out his thoughts.
“So, you are mad at me for two-timing?”, he then assured.
Shou crossed the arms in front of his chest defensively.
“Well, I don’t know what you’ve told the other person, but if you’re seriously dating them, you’ve technically been cheating”, he pointed out.
Yutaka took a step towards him. He was trying to hide a smirk, but he did so poorly. Shou could tell that he was enjoying himself. He seemed to be happy that Shou was so openly jealous now, even if he tried to act outraged on Mariko’s behalf. Yutaka being this smug pissed Shou off even more. He seemingly cared for neither of them. Mariko and Shou both deserved better.
“Oh yes, the dating has been quite serious”, Yutaka confirmed. He sounded mocking, although Shou didn’t understand what was supposed to be funny about that. “In fact, I would already call it a relationship. So, yeah, I have a boyfriend. And I was meaning to take him out on a Christmas date tonight after our show.”
“A boyfriend”, Shou repeated numbly.
Somehow, that was worse than a girlfriend. A cute girl with whom you could be seen in public was something Shou could get behind. But another man made the rejection even more painful. It made Shou wonder, why he wasn’t good enough to take his place.
“Yeah”, Yutaka said and took another step towards Shou. He was pretty close again by now. Another step and he would be close enough for kissing again. But even Yutaka wouldn’t have that kind of nerve after what he had just told Shou. “I’m pretty crazy about him. Although, honestly, sometimes I think he is the dumbest person alive.”
“What?”, Shou asked.
Somehow, that was not what he had expected. Yutaka wouldn’t talk that badly about his boyfriend, would he? He usually only took that teasingly insulting tone with Shou.
“God, you are so slow”, Yutaka said. He sounded affectionate. Shou felt like he was missing out on something important right now.
Yutaka took another step forward and reached up to touch Shou’s cheek. Shou wanted to back off, but he felt so confused, he just stood frozen in place.
“This whole time, I was talking about …”
“Kiriyuuin Shou? Kyan Yutaka? Are you in here?”, someone shouted.
Shou took a step backwards instinctively. He didn’t want to get caught with Yutaka in a suggestive position like this. They didn’t need rumours to spread.
“We’re here”, he called out and a man stepped into the live room. Shou had seen him around earlier, although he didn’t belong to their staff as far as he recalled. Probably the owner of the venue coming to rescue them.
“Sorry for locking you in”, the man said. “The door is open now.”
He turned around again, making it more than obvious that he had no intention of waiting for them much longer. They had called him back on his way home already after all.
Yutaka turned to go after him.
Shou remained standing on stage. His brain was still trying to puzzle together the missing pieces of information. What had Yutaka been talking about? What had he wanted to tell Shou?
Yutaka looked over his shoulder to check on him.
When he found him still standing in place, he rolled his eyes and walked back towards him.
“Come on now, hurry. Don’t just stand there!”
Without warning he took hold of Shou’s hand to drag him along. Shou started walking and only when it became clear that Yutaka had no intention of letting go of his hand, did he realize that they wouldn’t have needed a Christmas miracle after all.
“The two of us have a dinner reservation to catch, dumbass.”
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