#G-Witch episode 7
lordsmaf · 2 years
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shared from twitter because it made me laugh
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Tall wife and smol wife.
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allottavabassa · 2 years
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So, I don't really know where all the different factions stand as of Witch from Mercury episode 7—
—but I know that Vim Jeturk is mad about it, and that's a-okay with me
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episode 7 - shall we gundam. probably my 2nd fav episode of the 1st cour right after ep 11
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we start off with peil ceos admitting to vim and sarius that yes pharact is a gundam and oh no oops we did something illegal. that call out on vim, i wonder if it's about his initial assassination attempt on delling and like... how is his shit just being broadcast out to everyone?
after showing that perhaps he has a stronger moral compass, sarius seems to be on board with peil and jeturk on something needed to be done with regards to delling
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cut to the OP and we finally have our first OP change with the lfrith ur and thorn ominuosly silhouetted behind delling
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in sulemio relationship development, we now have suletta actively helping miorine grow tomatoes
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cute development only to go straight into suletta being worried about where the hell elan went after he stood her up and of course mio does not want to hear about that
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so she defaults to talking about how the only thing she cares about is leaving to earth, which we all know as the audience that she very well could have done that weeks/months ago but didn't. cut to framing of a green tomato along with ripe tomatoes
i wonder if that's something they ever talked about. i feel like post-series sulemio would likely be the type of couple to share everything no matter how uncomfortable so yeah eventually it'd have come to light and we'd just have heart eyes suletta while apologizing or something
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mio has a heart of gold looking back on this episode lmao like yeah suletta just wanted to see what the fuck happened but for mio this is someone who in her mind suletta is interested in
she makes it clear when the incubation party invites get sent out that they don't have to go (read: she doesn't want to go) and suletta seizes this as an opportunity to play detective and find out what in the world happened
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thank you g witch for not turning this specific scene into stereotypical tsundere gets offended someone subtley said they have small boobs
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oh shit lmao i am just now noticing that's the yoasobi collab demi trainer
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miorine could've just had suletta go find elan herself, but she's going to help too
also no screenshot because i didnt want to reach the post image limit too soon but i like the scene before this one to really show off how much miorine hates the business world as she's explaining the incubation party to nika. the compliment she gets over being the top business student just completely disgusts her lmao
so like mannnn, how much of a gay baby was she for suletta that she just threw all that out the window and took on a whole ass company just to save suletta and her mobile suit
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yeah yeah we know mio's tsun attitude is all a front because of the awful upbringing she's had but seeing it front and center like this is so depressing. like how much shit did she have to deal with from these rich fucks that at this point she can just wave them off like it's no big deal
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so we find out here finally that miorine and shaddiq have a history, so to speak. to her, he's still really nothing because lets face it he never stepped up to the plate to so much as help her not deal with all the shit she's had on her plate throughout the years. i'm certain she wouldn't have married him, but i am sure miorine would be much more content with her life at the time suletta showed up if shaddiq had had been the friend he thought of himself as and actually acted as her shield. but *green tomato being snipped imagery* too little, too late
his comment here too is pretty insightful and if you don't know any better and take it as face value you'd think miorine is selfish but nah. who in the world would she have to help when no one's ever seen her as her own person and she's literally a prize to be won. and of course shaddiq as continues to be the case throughout series acknowledges its all thanks to suletta being suletta
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at some point miorine must have looked back at this interaction and just absolutely fucking hated the trajectory her life took lmao
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we're going to be a family
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interesting that even though she's got the mask on, she pretty much immediately went to take a seat to continue their talk
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one of the most interesting things to me about the initial meeting between miorine and prospera is prospera literally telling miorine to check her privilege lmao and like while she may be right that miorine is afforded all these things by virtue of being delling's daughter, it doesn't at all make everything he's done go away and it doesn't remove the actual neglect and trauma miorine's gone through
i remember reading posts about this scene and people just going off about evil, manipulative prospera but i think miorine literally had to internalize the fact that she has privilege despite the fact that yes she is also still subjected to forms of abuse. realizing that she can take that privilege and use it to her advantage is what lets the rest of the episode unfold. i'd also like to think that her looking more deeply and meaningfully into the privileges afforded to her as the daughter of the benerit group allowed her to later make an earnest attempt and becoming a true bridge between earthians and spacians
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i honestly don't remember if we're supposed to know what he's referring to here or if this is just the introductory scene for the dawn of fold subplot lmao
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oh suletta you're falling for it again
interesting to note that as peil ceos start their presentation, the frame pans to sarius clearly keeping an eye on delling for his reaction
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evil evil ass shit for the space libertarians to just gang up on a clearly super naive teenager lol
also i'm pretty sure i'm gonna end up going past image limit so will likely need to have a part 2 for this episode
so to be continued in part for episode 7 because there's just too many good things here lol
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adracat · 2 years
G-witch ep 7 thoughts
It just occurred to me tumblr might be a better place for my extended g-witch musings. Spoilers below
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We had this alluded to last time, but here it's hard confirmed Vanadis was 21yrs ago so Suletta is indeed not Eri and Aerial is likely the robot homunculus of what remains of her. Suddenly The Blessing and its official video with Eri and Suletta breaks my heart.
Other than that, Prospera continued to establish herself as inscrutable. Dubious parenting aside, I enjoyed watching her gauge Miorine's worth. Prospera's assessment of Mio's pride was spot on.
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She calls out that while Mio claims she rejects her father, she still adorns herself with all the trappings that come with being his daughter. It's a blunt observation that hits Mio hard.
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So when Suletta/Aerial are in jeopardy (again) Miorine remembers Prospera's words, casts aside her pride, and throws away the luxuries that mark her as Rembran's daughter alone. She comes into her own here even as she requests his financial aid. It's a great moment for Miorine's character and her relationship with Suletta.
Prospera might be an awful mom whose care for Suletta is questionable, but she acknowledges Mio can protect her daughters. Maybe even though she can't?
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Ok Sulemio and Prospera segment over. The other person I found interesting here was Shaddiq. He's acquainted with Mio though it's clear she doesn't consider him a friend. But they're friendly-ish. Even he knows she's got it bad for her tomato.
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His apparent interest in Nika concerns me though. What will be his end game? All signs point to him being the Touga of the cast, so is this the start of him playing the field and pitting Nika against Suletta somehow? I don't know, but the intrigue is entertaining. Chuchu save your girl 😣 Oh and Elan Prime was there too I guess, but he's a manipulative nothing burger to me
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mayhem-ensues · 1 year
My main takeaway from my G-Witch rewatch so far is that if anything, people have actually undersold how catastrophically down bad Miorine is for Suletta.
Like, she is literally on a ship to Earth in that 2nd episode. This is the closest she's ever gotten to achieving her dream of escaping the Benerit Group and getting to Earth and instead she decides to give it up in order to go back and help out a girl she knew for literally one day. And then of course, when she sees that girl again, she decides to do a running (floating?) leap straight into her arms.
Then in Episode 4 she goes out of her way to teach herself how to do enough mechanics and spotting in one night just to help Suletta pass her test.
And then Episode 7, should very much speak for itself. Girl started an entire company just to protect Suletta and Aerial.
And the funniest part of it all, is that at the start of Episode 7, Miorine has the audacity to tell Suletta that she's never been moved by the plight of another. After she's spent the whole season trying to protect Suletta and going out of her way to help her with all of her problems.
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lilydalexf · 4 months
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You are welcome for the lists! This one is fics recs for "Orison". They are all related to that episode, though they're not all angsty smut fics. So it's not quite the ask, but I hope you and others enjoy the stories! Another Dark Forest by @aloysiavirgata Post-Orison sex Anyone with a Gun by V. Salmone (Punk and Sab) Mulder, Scully, and a gun. Atomic Split by Pteropod The world is glued together by the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and gravity. Better Angels by wonderland (@amplifyme) “She’s okay, Maggie, I promise... No, no, just forget whatever you might hear. Don’t even watch the local news. She’s okay. She’s safe and resting. I got it.” Jesus, how many times had he had this conversation with her, or one very much like it? More than he’d ever wanted to. Black Hole Season by Penumbra (@mashnotesofthemythopoeic) Mulder muddles through the aftermath of Orison. Ceremony by @darwin-xf What’s left when words fail? Cold Comfort by Joann Humby When 3 men die, the killer seems to have a story to tell, but is it the same one that people are hearing? X-Files are dangerous, very dangerous if you're working alone. Exorcist Stairs by Elanor G Scully is adrift and on her own after the events of Orison. A chance encounter forces her to confront the banality of evil... fluorescence and night on all sides by audries (@audriesfic) He steps over a corpse to touch her. Ghast by @leiascully (No summary provided) Glub-Glub-Glub and Calming Spells by PostApocolypticAlien (@scullysexual) “you can stay here, tonight. for as long as you’d like.” / “Hey babe, babe, wake up.” The Devil's Instant by Maria Nicole Post-ep for Orison Incorruptible by Anjou A submission for an epistolary challenge on the Scullyfic/E-muse list in January of 2000. Set mid-season 7, immediately after the events of Orison, when Scully has been faced with an evil from her past. Mytharc heavy. i have your dreams and your teeth marks by audries (@audriesfic) Also in the trunk of the car: the latest edition of JAMA, The Amityville Horror on VHS from Blockbuster, Moby Dick, a Jewel CD, a bag of clementines. Her still-closed Bible. - post-orison. mulder takes scully on a witch hunt. there's nail polish involved. Imperfect Shadow by Nicknoc In a dark time, the eye begins to see, I meet my shadow in the deepening shade. Intuituve Reasoning, I Say Obsessive, You Say Compulsive, and I Can Eat Glass by Mish You can’t fool *all* of the people, *all* of the time. / Kosseff vs. Mulder - one analysis, seven minute time limit. / A late night distress call shatters the calm. The Nearness of You by a_steady_wish Her first night back in her own bed after the events of Orison, and Mulder is there to comfort and love her. Neptune's Ocean by M. Sebasky (No summary provided) Nothing Apart by Dyann Zimmerman What happened after the events in 'Orison'. Noyade by Rocketman Noyade--(french) whirlpool. Of Ladies Most Deject And Wretched by Circe Invidiosa and Helen Quilley (@invidiosa) It wasn't a question worth answering...post Orison. Orison by @scullywolf The aftermath of Pfaster's attack takes its toll in more ways than one. Possession by @mldrgrl Based on this prompt request: Mulder and Scully have both dealt with abductions and kidnappings where they were held against their will. I imagine that it took a while for them to feel comfortable with any type of bondage. I think it’d be interesting to explore how or when they became comfortable with that and if it felt really empowering the first time. I especially see Scully having reservations at first but maybe requesting it. the praxis of a water bed by skuls (@ghostbustermelanieking) Five of the first times Scully woke up in Mulder's bed. Right Here by @smalldisbeliever The soft thud of her duffle bag hitting the floor marks their arrival at her apartment. It’s been a little over a week since Donnie Pfaster tore through the space.
Sedimentation by Maria Nicole Musings on the edge of sleep Sins Remembered by rah What happens after they leave her apartment. soap bubble memories by @softnow five times mulder and scully showered together + one time they bathed. Some Nights by otto_tis_eratai Or "Six times Mulder and Scully slept together, and one time they did something more". A collection of seven one shots, all post/mid episode (although it can be also read as one story). Some fluff, some angst, some hurt/comfort elements, eventual smut, a lot of friendship. Submerged by hellsteeth (@wexleresque) Mulder helps Scully cope with her post-Orison anxiety Taller Than Other Waves by amyhit (mayhit) She read Salem’s Lot at ten years old, was brave enough to kiss her partner by thirty-five. That Was Then, This Is Now by @mldrgrl The difference between how Scully deals with the aftermath of Donnie Pfaster in Orison v. Irresistible.
Unintended Consequences by Sarah Segretti Just when you think you know how you’d react to a horrific event, life steps up to surprise you. Scully and Mulder deal with the aftermath of the Pfaster shooting. Untitled by @aloysiavirgata Prompt: alternate post-Orison where Scully doesn’t get to her gun and Mulder is the one that kills Pfaster. Untitled by @aloysiavirgata Prompt: Scully to Mulder: Make me feel alive again... Untitled by @o6666666 Prompt: can't wait to read their argument for anniversary date. who would win??? Walls by Ellie I can't hold out forever; even walls fall down. An Orison post-ep. The Weight of Water by @dashakay The aftereffects of trauma are sometimes unexpected.
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anthurak · 2 years
Shitty Parent vs. REALLY Shitty Parent
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So I think this latest episode has finally given us a pretty good idea as to how Prospera Mercury and Delling Rembran act as dramatic foils to one another as the respective parents of our two main characters.
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On the one hand, while it’s been hinted at ever since Episode 7, this episode confirms that Delling does genuinely care for his daughter underneath all that distant, aloof demeanor he’s always showing. We seem him in this episode take a proverbial bullet for Miorine at what was very nearly the cost of his own life, all while telling her to save herself.
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And on the flipside, this episode also seems to have given us a hint of the true scope of what seems to be Prospera’s manipulation of Suletta. How despite the open care and affection Prospera shows Suletta, it’s clear that she’s also been manipulating and grooming Suletta into becoming an outright killing machine who brutally cuts down her enemies without batting an eye. To the point where it even seems like Prospera may have even subjected Suletta to outright psychological conditioning and indoctrination, given how Suletta bounces back from a major traumatic breakdown once Prospera said a certain phrase to her.
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Now this isn’t to say something like ‘Psyche! Delling was actually a good parent all along and it’s PROSPERA who was the terrible parent!’. Delling is still absolutely a shitty father, plus it’s been pretty clear that Prospera wasn’t going to be a ‘good’ parent given how she’s acted shady as fuck basically from day one, particularly is you read the Star Cradle short story.
Rather, what I think we’re seeing here is that rather than the full-blown antagonistic, villainous ‘Big Bad’ parent he may have been initially set up as, Delling is more simply the ‘dysfunctional’ variety of shitty parent. IE; the kind who’s always loved and cared deep down for their child but has never been able to show it due to their own baggage/trauma/ego.
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Essentially, Delling seems to have a lot in common with Gendo Ikari, complete with a tragic dead wife.
In contrast, in we’re continuing the Evangelion parallels, then Prospera could be likened to one of the darker interpretations of YUI, as the protagonists mother who acts loving and caring but is actually the true mastermind behind everything in the story. Not to mention if Eri really is in Aerial, it would basically be the Unit 01 situation just flipped on its head.
Or put another way if we look at a previous work of G-Witch’s writer: Delling is a subversive take on Charles Zi Britannia who turns out to not actually be the big bad, and Prospera is a take on Marianne who’s allowed to ACTUALLY BE the big bad.
Basically, both Delling Rembran and Prospera Mercury are shitty parents. The key difference is that Delling is the ultimately more benign ‘dysfunctional, stoic distant father who sucks at feelings but does genuinely want his daughter to be safe deep down’. Meanwhile Prospera represents the much more concerning case of ‘basically a cult leader who’s used her open care and affection to damn-near brainwash her daughter in being an actual killing machine’.
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pencil-peach · 11 months
G Witch Onscreen Text Series Masterpost
Here's links to all of the posts in my series where I analyze and discuss all the onscreen text in G Witch episode by episode! (And also just kind of talk about stuff I like...!)
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Episode 1: The Witch and the Bride
Episode 2: Cursed Mobile Suit
Episode 3: Guel's Pride
Episode 4: Unseen Trap
Episode 5: Reflection in an Icy Eye
Episode 6: A Gloomy Song
Episode 7: Shall We Gundam?
Episode 8: Their Choice
Episode 9: If I Could Take One More Step Towards You
Episode 10: Circling Thoughts
Episode 11: The Witches From Earth
Episode 12: Keep Marching On Instead of Running Off
Episode 13: Envoys from Earth
Episode 14: What They Wish For
Episode 15: Father and Child
Episode 16: Cycle of Sin
Episode 17: Precious Things
Part 1: PRE- DUEL Part 2: DUEL
Episode 18: Our Empty Selves
Episode 19: Not the Best Way
Episode 20: The End of Hope
Episode 21: What We Can Do Now
Episode 22: The Woven Path
Episode 23: Unrelenting Tenderness
Episode 24:
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Why are you down here. The episodes are all up there. Go click one and get out of here!!!
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spnsummergen · 2 months
Supernatural Summergen: Week 1 Roundup!
Hi all! In case you missed any the first time around, here's a roundup of the first week of Summergen! At the end of each week, we'll post another roundup so no one misses out on any goodies. :D
Thank you to all the creators and readers who makes Summergen possible!
1. Ab Aeterno for iamianweareme
Summary: Time is never on your side (unless you know what it wants.)
Rating: Not Rated (Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings) Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Rowena MacLeod Words: 1642 Tags: Season/Series 03, Season/Series 10, Episode: s10e19 The Werther Project, Time Travel, Case Fic, Dreams, Astral Projection, Spells & Enchantments, Witchcraft, Curses, Cure for the Mark of Cain, Witches, Angels, Demon Deals, Brotherly Affection, Immortality, Non-Linear Narrative, New Jersey, Parallel Universes, Blood Magic
2. Home is What You Make It for shadowhuntingdauntlessdemigod
Summary: Feeling the need to make the bunker more of a home for himself and Sam, Dean creates a place just for them.
Rating: Not Rated (Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings) Characters: Dean, Sam Words: 2242 Tags: Oblivious Sam Winchester, Files, Organizing, Clever Dean Winchester, Cooking, Home improvements, the bunker, Man Cave, Alcohol, movies
3. Welcome to Canada for sakarrie
Summary: Sam and Dean follow the lead of an old friend of Bobby's into the Canadian wilderness of Golden Ears Park where three hunters have been found ripped to shreds their throats bitten out, while possible bear attacks, the local park ranger and part-time hunter Roger Marsh doesn't think so. The brothers help him investigate an incident that quickly turns out to be very much their kind of problem.
Rating: E (Explicit, Graphic Depictions of Violence) Characters: Sam, Dean Words: 2409 Tags: Case Fic, Canon Compliant, Hunt Gone Wrong, Wilderness Survival, Hurt Sam Winchester, Hurt Dean Winchester, Protective Dean Winchester, Protective Sam Winchester, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Protective Winchesters, Demonic Possession
4. Too Close for Comfort for yoann
Summary: Sam and Dean switch bodies. Bickering, brotherly banter and bad choices ensue…
Rating: T Characters: Sam, Dean, Rowena Words: 3493 Tags: humor, bodyswap
5. Ink for dizzojay
Summary: Rusalka has been killed, but something bad still happens to Dean, and Sam has to pay the consequences.
Rating: G Characters: Dean, Sam Words: 2800 Medium: pastels (piece includes fic AND art!) Tags: Rusalka (Water Spirit), Whump, Hurt Sam Winchester, Possessed Dean Winchester
6. Meeting Your Heroes for brightly_lit
Summary: A hunter gets some unexpected help from the legendary Winchesters.
Rating: G Characters: Sam, Dean, OMC Words: 1563 Tags: Hunters & Hunting, Poltergeists, Humor, Silly, Awkwardness
7. A Perfect Way to Die for canon_is_relative
Summary: Sam's been fighting in the demon wars for as long as he can remember. He doesn't like war and he doesn't like fighting, even though he's the best at it ever since Dean got possessed and joined the other side. The humans are losing this war. He's only seventeen, but he figures it's only a matter of time before he dies, too. He just needs to see Dean -- the real Dean, his brother -- one last time before the end.
Rating: G Characters: Sam Winchester, Jo Harvelle, Ash, Claire Novak, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Kevin Tran, Bobby Singer, Rufus Turner, John Winchester, Dean Winchester Words: 2569 Tags: War, Child Soldiers, Demons, Demon Dean Winchester, Weapons, Brotherly Love, Brother Feels, Brotherhood, Comrades in Arms, Found Family, Possession, Exorcisms
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i am not allowed to watch the newest ep before posting this
ghouls forgive me for over analyzing- but i LOVED how Frankie's place on the leader board doesn't change! The i m p l i c a t i o n s
so the point of the growing ghoulia ep is both Ghoulia and Draculaura are feeling a lot of pressure to do really well at their school stuff:
Ghoulia because zombies in general have a hard time squeezing all the extra stuff that would earn points, and she wants to be first to top the chart. Draculaura, fresh from the ep where her dad was worried her witchcraft would make her life harder, wants to 100% prove she can be a witch AND do well in her other stuff.
(ohhh the DElicious irony of that urge pushing her to accidentally do the thing she NEVER wanted to do- hurt monsters with her magic- i AdORE every time she draws the line of I Will Not Hurt People With This. i LOVE the look at how she realizes Ghoulia shouldn't have to compete against MAGIC along with everything else- AND AND AND how they both decide to be little less frantic about leader boards. we don't even see what the final redone results are! Because that's the point- they aren't THAT important! without the time spell there's a good chance ghoulia stayed in 1st this time, but the episode doesn't care, and the meta of that is vrvrvrvvrrbrrbrbrbrbr)
where was i. Oh yeah, Frankie!
they are second to last before the new points are tallied up- just above Ghoulia- and they're STILL second to last after the new calculation is done, this time just ahead of Heath!
First tally: 1 Drac, 2 Spec, 3 Heth, 4 Lag, 5 Claw, 6 Man, 7 Frank, 8 Ghoul
Second Tally, before drac jumped ahead suddenly: 1 Ghoul, 2 Man, 3 Claw
Second tally after drac did her thing: 1 Drac, 2 Ghoul, 3 Man, - - - 7 Frank, 8 Heth
(forgive, i cannot take scream caps right now)
WHY IS THAT EXCITING??? BECAUSE>>>>>> everyone else that we see DID move on the board. but not THEM!!!
and the only extra curricular thing we see them part of in the ep? the only thing they do that could get them points? It's something they already do and like.
It's a queer club- Frankie, the only openly non-binary monster we've seen, who introduced themselves with their preferred pronouns- there is no way they're doing a queer club for points. they're there because they want to be, it's fun, it's something they enjoy-
so MANY of the kids at monster high are trying to live up to something! or prove something!
Cleo needing to earn a sliver of the respect her big sister gets
Duce trying not to let down the new Gorgon tradition of school excellence
Draculaura desperately wanting to make her dad proud AND be a witch AND earn enough positive interaction so's not to start decaying
Toralei and HER mom who is..... yeah....
heck even Spectra mentions bad grades could get privileges revoked by her family
Clawdeen doesn't have pressure from her dad (or mom, obviously) but she does struggle with wanting to fit in and belong in the monster culture she's still really new to- she's solidly in the middle range for spirit points, showing how active she is in school unlife- and several of her eps are about learning NOT to focus too much on fitting in or going with the monster flow. Instincts. The push to ignore them sometimes for her new home and peers is sTRONG.
but Frankie?
Frankie's got brilliant brain bits. They're smart, perceptive, sometimes VERY intuitive without noticing it-
yeah they have a permanent case of the stumbly clumsies and their brain sparks make them zone out sometimes- and they've literally only been alive for a few months so there's a LOT of normal everyday stuff they don't know about, and...
...... that rarely seems to bother them?
They're made from famous and talented monsters, they know it and are HAPPY to show off all their cool brain bits
and so far they haven't ever worried about living up to those monsters' reputations or legacies. their parents made a teen stuffed FULL with smarts, but getting amazing grades isn't something Frankie frets about?
the implication, the unspoken thing about all that is-
Frankie was made to have fun.
They're here at monster high, also to have Fun. To experience stuff. Make friends. Learn things, sure- but learn things they like, at their own pace
this could change if we ever see their parents but- but for NOW, the way things have been shown-
Frankie at least doesn't seem to be feeling any pressure to be anything more than what they already are. And that's really. Very. Wonderful to see
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lordsmaf · 2 years
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the-eeveekins · 10 months
The 11th Day of G-Witch: Circling Thoughts
Suletta Mercury is a girl so deeply in love. Her expressions in this episode are an absolute treasure.
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Another classic Suletta moment with her now iconic "Suletta... forgetta" line. Once again, she makes the most adorable expressions of happiness over telling a joke to make her friends laugh.
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I still find it very frustrating how this little conversation played a big part in viewers willing to look past all the horrible things Delling has done. Yeah, he's being less abrasive to Miorine here and trying to give her sound business advice, but don't forget this dude is still a fascist dictator.
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The first official mention of the Space Assembly League! Unfortunately, the show didn't take this moment to expand on who and what the SAL is and leaves it frustratingly vague until late in the series despite the major role they end up playing. Missed opportunity here, another thing that makes me wonder if S1 was paced under the assumption of getting more than 2 seasons.
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A new character named Bob! He seems happy, I already like him more than that Guel guy.
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I know this is supposed to be showing the ruined and dire state of Earth, but I absolutely love nature reclamation and really vibe with these scenes, they're so pretty.
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I love the contrast in this interaction between Suletta & Elan to "their" earlier ones. While Suletta is happy to see him for a moment, she's immediately clearly uncomfortable with how close he's getting to her. And whereas before she wouldn't take Miorine into account when dealing with Elan, she's at the forefront of her mind now, worrying what she would think. And you can tell how upset she is over the idea that Miorine isn't taking their engagement seriously and she's just using her. The almost kiss is so frustrating when you consider it sounds like execs made them remove the Sulemio kiss in S2.
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A communication misunderstanding between Suletta & Miorine was inevitable, especially with Miorine's difficulties in communication and Suletta being primed with self-doubt about the legitimacy of their relationship from multiple angles. And while it mostly makes sense, I definitely have problems with how Miorine is written in this scene with regards to Elan. She says it's okay if Suletta dates Elan and even encourages it, which makes sense for Miorine before epiosde 7 when she was worried about pushing Suletta away. But I feel like in the months since then, with Suletta obviously moving closer to her, she would have lost a lot of that insecurity, and especially wouldn't want to push her back towards Elan. The only way those lines really make sense to me is if she happened to catch Elan & Suletta earlier, thought Suletta was still more into him than her, and was lashing out at Suletta out of jealousy. Why else would she bring up Elan unprompted?
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Either way, it was a hard way to end the episode, especially as there was a 2 week wait for the next episode when it aired.
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sunnydaleherald · 27 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, August 27 - Wednesday, August 28
Patient 1: Can't hear it. What's the frequency? Empty. All spilled out. Dawn: Please. Y-you see me, right? Look at me. Patient 2: Can't stop it! Dawn: You know what I am, don't you? You all know! Patient 1: Can't hear it, can't hear it, can't hear it Dawn: Tell me! Patient 1: Can't hear it, can't hear it ... Dawn: What am I? Orlando: The key.
~~Buffy Season 5 Episode #91: "Blood Ties"~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Clean-up (Ensemble, T) by badly_knitted
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Lost (Buffy/Spike, T) by RisalSoran
Jealous (Buffy/Giles, T) by The_Crazy_Knight
But It Hurts? (Buffy/Spike, E) by Spikelover4ever
Something New (Buffy/Spike, E) by Spikelover4ever
Sweet Torture (Giles/OC, E) by atommadly
[Chaptered Fiction]
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I Just Wanted to Be Yours (Can I Be Yours?) Ch. 1 - 11/11 (COMPLETE) (Buffy/Faith, M) by thisyearsgrrl
Blood of Kings Ch. 1-2/? (Ensemble, T, Young Royals xover) by LadyInBlackandWhite
Thaumogenesis Ch. 1 (Angel/Cordelia, T) by thepunkmuppet
Aegis Ch. 14 (Xander, T, multiple xovers) by dogbertcarroll, Narsil
Free to a Good Home CH. 1-5/5 (COMPLETE) (Buffy/Spike, M) by though_you_try
Vegas Mishap Ch. 22 (Buffy, T, MCU xover) by mmooch
In the Company of Witches and Slayers: Ch. 145 (Willow/Tara, E) by VladimirHarkonnen (TheLightdancer)
Laid Ch. 4/5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by HollyDB
Midnight At The Lost & Found CH. 3/4 (Buffy/Giles, E) by The_Crazy_Knight
Down With the Sickness CH. 6 (Multiple Pairings, E) by fatalfae
Can't Salvage This Ch. 4 (Buffy/Spike, M) by fatalfae
Don't Swerve Ch. 6/10 (Buffy/Faith, E) by thisyearsgrrl
Situation Normal - All Faithed Up Ch. 5 (Buffy/Faith, M) by QuillBard
Rise Ch. 16/33 (Buffy/Spike, E) by CheekyKitten
hit rewind Ch. 73 (Buffy/Spike, M) by untiljanuary
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Eliza: The Vampire Child Ch. 6 (Buffy, Spike/Drusilla, OC, T) by Puella Pulchra
The Vampire's Daughter CH. 26 (Spike, OC, T) by Puella Pulchra
Into the Initiative Ch. 3 (Buffy/Spike, T) by heckate
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Against All Odds, Chapter 12 (Buffy/Spike, E) by CheekyKitten
Linchpin, Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, ) by
Into his mind, Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, G) by rossshin
The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 125 (Buffy/Spike, G) by the_big_bad
Morning Stretches, Chapter 8 (Buffy/Spike, E) by CheekyKitten
I Can Show You Lies, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, E) by tragic
Birds of a Feather, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Maxine Eden
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2], Chapter 46 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Ragini
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I Do!, Chapter 37 (Buffy/Spike, E) by Dusty
The Watcher, Chapter 27 (Buffy/Spike, E) by In Mortal
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It’s a Secret Ch. 3 (Xander, T, Harry Potter xover) by MsSunshine
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Punk Spunk (Spike, NSFW) by ChefsKissXO
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Artwork:”Once More With Feeling” animation () by anparna
Manip:Collage #99 (Buffy) by thedecadentraven
[Reviews & Recaps]
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PODCAST: ATS 222 - There's No Place Like Plrtz Glrb by Another Buffy Podcast
PODCAST: Episode 71: Hush by Gym Was Cancelled: A Buffy Podcast
[Community Announcements]
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Tuesday Prompts: Exploration by comment_fic
[Fandom Discussions]
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At the end of season 12, do Buffy and Spike end up together? by Multiple Authors
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just finished the show for the first time by badmoonrisingg
Why did Sunnydale go from a very small town in season 1 to a not so small town by season 7? by jdpm1991
Could the monks have picked a stupider way to hide the key? by utopian-fir
TW | Seeing Red / How It Trickled Down by NotSoPoisonIvyy
there’s something about the way the scoobies allow spike to partially integrate with them in buffy’s absence by nicollekidman
Vampire Willow by MermaidDaphne
Sounds of the Slayer Website by McCrumbler
What is the best line from each of these Big Bads/Major villains? by Flyestgit
When did the writers decide this for Angel? by Tsole96
Was the First Evil really the first evil? by MonsterTournament
Which character evolved the most during the show ? by sKullsHavezzz
Were Vampire Willow and Xander the Spike and Dru of the Wishverse? by AndrewHeard
Cowboy vampires question from bad eggs by Tsole96
Rename an episode of Buffy to a clickbait YouTube title by SafiraAshai
SFX Buffy Special Edition Portfolio from 2003 by bluepushkin
SFX Buffy Special Edition 2003 Actor Profiles by bluepushkin
Looking for an older fanfic by Smooth-Mulberry9695
What if the subtext between Faith and Buffy was more than subtext? How would that affect season 3? by Flyestgit
Mysterious Buffy VHS??? by ladymadelyn
first time watch, season 7 by juicygrl99
When Angel was Angelus by UpvotesForAnimals
Vampire Weaknesses by Precious_Bee
Something dumb has been bothering me by Trick-Flight-8749
Buffy's Driving Ability by Leebles84
First time watch, season 2 by txn120
Riley Saved Faith. by Muhabba
So was Cordelia and Angel a slap to the face for whom? by foreseethefuture
Angel by One_Waxed_Wookiee
What was the point of her character? Was there any behind the scenes explanation for Olivia Williams sudden introduction or depart? by DebiesDisguise
Watching Xander getting assaulted hit so close to home by Good-Strategy2250
Something Blue Discovery by Randy_Giles1880
whats everyone's thought about glory and buffy by brian5mbv
Dark Willow's comments to others by redskinsguy
buffering on empty places by SafiraAshai
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disneytva · 3 months
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July 2024 Programming Highlights
Saturday, July 6
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series “These Boots Were Made for Willa/Double Troubled” (1-03) (10:00-10:30 a.m.) “These Boots Were Made for Willa” – When Willa’s favorite boots go missing, she teams up with Lost ‘n’ Found Detective Bree to track them down.
“Double Troubled” – Zed’s and Addison’s clones turn on them and try to steal their lives. TV-G
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series “Alien vs. Shredator/A Wyatt Place” (1-04) (10:30-11:00 a.m.) “Alien vs. Shredator” – Wynter and A-spen start a band! But can they reconcile their differing musical visions?
“A Wyatt Place” – Willa and Bucky put Wyatt through an “alpha-dog boot camp” to help him win over Eliza. TV-G
Friday, July 12 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior and Disney Channel Disney Jr.’s Ariel “Copy Catfish/Happy Crabby Day” (1-06) (9:00-9:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior/10:00-10:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel) “Copy Catfish” – Ariel grows frustrated when her little cousin Jewels visits and won’t stop copying her.
“Happy Crabby Day” – When King Triton declares Happy Crabby Day as a day off for all crabs, Sebastian must try to relax. TV-Y
Saturday, July 13 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series “Invasion of the Bucky Snatchers/The Dining” (1-05) (10:00-10:30 a.m.) “Invasion of the Bucky Snatchers” – Bucky turns the school into a Bucky-themed dystopia.
“The Dining” – When Bonzo discovers mysterious blueprints in the diner, he becomes possessed by the desire to build a spaghetti waterfall! TV-G
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series “Training Dae/Youngins & Dragons” (1-06) (10:30-11:00 a.m.) “Training Dae” – Addison is determined to help Dae, the quirky new witch at school, feel welcome.
“Youngins & Dragons” – Zed and little sister Zoey must team up to fight a monster hunter. TV-G
Wednesday, July 17 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior and Disney Channel Pupstruction “The Petsburg Music Festival” (1-25) (7:00-7:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior/7:30-8:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel) The pup crew is excited to perform at the Petsburg Bowl, but the big show is almost ruined when Bobby thinks he’s not invited and sets out to steal everyone’s instruments. TV-Y
Friday, July 19 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior and Disney Channel Disney Jr.’s Ariel “Smoothie Shake-Up/Family Picture Day” (1-07) (9:00-9:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior/10:00-10:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel) “Smoothie Shake-Up” – Ariel and her friends volunteer to run Ravi’s Juice Stand while he’s away, but their lack of communication stirs up a big mess.
“Family Picture Day” – Ariel tries to help Ayanna with a hair emergency on their family picture day. TV-Y
Saturday, July 20 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series “Foul Play/Catch Meat If You Can” (1-07) (10:00-10:30 a.m.) “Foul Play” – The stress of directing the school play causes Addison’s alien energy to fritz.
“Catch Meat If You Can” – Wyatt teams up with Eliza to help him keep a secret from the wolf pack. TV-G
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series “When Bucky Met Barky/The More, The Burier” (1-08) (10:30-11:00 a.m.) “When Bucky Met Barky” – Bucky adopts a zombie dog named Barky to boost his followers online.
“The More, The Burier” – Wyatt teams up with a monster who promises to help him get over his fight with Eliza. TV-G
Wednesday, July 24 Original Series – Extended-Length Episode Premiere on Disney Junior Firebuds “The Camp Fire!” (2-16) (7:55-8:20 p.m. EDT) The Firebuds must battle a forest fire while attending a family summer camp. TV-Y
Friday, July 26 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Junior and Disney Channel Disney Jr.’s Ariel “The Cuttlebaby Sitter/Flounder the Leader” (1-08) (9:00-9:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior/10:00-10:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel) “The Cuttlebaby Sitter” – Ariel volunteers to watch cuttlebaby eggs to prove that she’s a good babysitter. *Alanna Ubach (Disney’s “Coco”) guest stars as Ms. Cuttles
“Flounder the Leader” – Flounder is chosen as the team coach for the Royal Family Cricket Game. TV-Y
Saturday, July 27 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series “No Woman BFF’d Behind/Pet Peeves” (1-09) (10:00-10:30 a.m.) “No Woman BFF’d Behind” – Worried that they’re drifting apart, Addison and Bree set out to rekindle their BFF connection.
“Pet Peeves” – Addison and Zed open a supernatural pet-sitting business. TV-G
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD ZOMBIES: The Re-Animated Series “Something to Tok About/Last Fan Standing” (1-10) (10:30-11:00 a.m.) “Something to Tok About” – Zed watches funny videos on ShrimpTok and ends up having to save humanity.
“Last Fan Standing” – Dae and Bree use dark magic to prove they are their favorite band’s number-one fans. TV-G
Monday, July 29 Original Series – Extended Length Episode Premiere on Disney Junior and Disney Channel Mickey Mouse Funhouse “Happy Campers” (3-10) (7:00-7:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Junior/7:30-8:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel) On a camping trip, the gang must help restore Orion the Hunter and other constellations when they accidentally knock them out of the sky. TV-Y
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ladygwyndolin · 4 months
1. Utena: no because of traumatic memories stemming from someone who hurt me that I associate closely with the series and as such I am unable to watch it without doing damage to my mental health so I am choosing to prioritize said health
2. Nanoha: I have it downloaded and want to watch it and will eventually I've just been daunted by the number of episodes, be patient
3. Kitanai Kimi ga Ichiban Kawaii: no and I'm not going to, stop trying to give me shit for not wanting to read it
4. Citrus: go fuck yourself
5. Noir, Madlax, Cazador, Kannazuki, strawberry panic, oniisama e, simoun, devil lady, g witch, marimite, shattered angels, yurikuma, flip flappers, miyuki-chan, cutie honey, spec ops asuka, shin sekai yori, sailor moon, girls last tour, happy sugar life, etc.: yes
6. bloom into you: no and I don't plan on it because it doesn't particularly interest me
7. Otherside Picnic: I'm waiting until I have time to read the LNs because I promised a friend that's how I would engage with the story
8. Madoka: yes, I love the series but it's bait, kyomami > kyosaya, rebellion fucking sucks because of its reliance on the gay devil trope present in homophobic media for decades (see also: devilman, berserk, PPG) and the manga ending is the only ending in my eyes
BONUS: favorites
Favorite yuri anime: El Cazador de la Bruja
Best yuri anime: Oniisama e
Favorite yuri manga: Murcielago
Best yuri manga: Gunjo
Check back now and then as I'll probably add to this
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