#Suletta is tall
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Tall wife and smol wife.
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amalgamasreal · 1 year
Reminder to artists: Suletta isn't just tall
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She's the tallest Gundam protagonist in her entire age range.
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slamburger · 4 months
I absolutely love when fan artists draw Suletta as tall and buff. Best kind of WFM art.
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sulemio-week-official · 11 months
Miorine: Suletta is too tall for me to kiss her on the lips. What should I do?
Chuchu: punch her in the stomach, then, when she doubles over in pain, kiss her
Aliya: tackle her
Ojelo: dump her
Nika: kick her in the shin.
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pastelraccoons · 3 months
Sulemio Week 2024 Day 4: Fantasy
(If you'd rather read this on AO3, you can do so here!)
The kingdom of Benerit had been the ruling power over the land of Asticassia for as long as Miorine could remember. Her father, King Delling, wanted his kingdom to continue to be prosperous even after his death. And so his plan had been put into action: if any could defeat his daughter's royal knight, they could marry her.
Miorine, on the other hand, despised this system he put into place. Not only because it took away her own autonomy, but she also disliked the possibility of losing her loyal retainer, Suletta. Especially since her father didn't know her true feelings.
Suletta stood tall and proud at her side. The light from the sunset that poured through the castle's stained glass windows splashed a kaleidoscope of color over her pure white armor. Intricate gold details framed each metal plate. A longsword in a leather sheath bumped against her leg when she shifted, and a heater shield bearing Miorine's crest was attached to her forearm.
Miorine straightened her posture in her throne next to Delling. The overly complicated dress she wore made her uncomfortable in her seat, but she grit her teeth and beared it. Any minute now the latest challenger would arrive, so she had to stay.
Eventually, the doors to the throne room opened to reveal the challenger. He marched into the room until he was roughly halfway in. He stopped and bowed his head down low to the king. After the formalities were out of the way, he straightened his back and puffed out his chest. Confidence dripped off him when he smiled.
“I am Guel Jeturk, and I've come to take Miorine's hand!” He reached out towards Miorine as he spoke. His bright red armor clanked together from the action. The only other thing of note was the spear he carried on his back.
Miorine took in a deep breath through her nose. She fought down the want to sigh when she raised her hand.
“Suletta?” She called.
Without a word, Suletta moved from her side to kneel in front of her instead. Miorine reached down to tuck a loose strand of her striking red hair back behind her ear. She smiled gently and let her fingertips linger along the shell of her ear.
“I believe in you,” she whispered between them low enough so only they could hear it.
Suletta returned her smile with a slight nod before standing up. She turned around from Miorine and walked towards Guel until she was in the middle of the large room as well. In a single, smooth motion, she unsheathed her sword and pointed it directly at Guel. He responded in kind by drawing his spear. 
Without turning around, Suletta addressed the king.
“Do I have permission to begin, my lord?”
“You may begin,” he replied in a deep voice that somehow managed to fill the entire room.
With that, the air became stifling and serious. Suletta wrapped both of her hands around the hilt of her sword in preparation for an attack. Soon enough, Guel charged with a booming cry.
Suletta stayed unflinching until he was upon her. With one flowing strike, she deflected his spear harmlessly off to the side. Guel sneered and went in with another strike with the back end of his weapon.
The force of it hitting Suletta's side made her stumble a few steps back. Guel didn't let up the pressure as he went for another charge. She took the flat edge of her sword and smacked his spear down towards the floor. Instead of stopping him like she hoped, he continued pushing forward to slam his shoulder into her abdomen.
Miorine gripped the armrests of the throne and fought the urge to jump to her feet. Suletta seemed fine, though, as she dug her heels in.
The sound of her metallic boots scraping against the stone floor flooded the room. She finally gained purchase, crouched down, and pushed back against Guel with a grunt.
A clang rang out when she managed to break him away from her. Suletta's eyes shone with determination when she swung her sword down at him.
Guel reflexively brought his spear up to block the attack. However, instead of stopping it, her blade cut through the wooden shaft.  He stumbled back from the force and tripped, falling onto his back.
Suletta planted a foot on either side of his legs. She pointed the end of her sword just beneath his chin. A flash of panic passed through his eyes. They both stayed completely still until Delling spoke.
“Enough.” He pushed off his throne so he could stand. He locked his hands behind his back then turned to the side. “The victor is Suletta Mercury. You may return to your home kingdom, Guel Jeturk.”
With that, Delling walked away and disappeared into the nearby corridor followed by his advisor. Miorine let out a relieved sigh and slumped down slightly in her seat once he vanished. She soon stood to approach the two knights.
Suletta sheathed her sword, stepped back from Guel, and then offered him a hand. He frowned up at her but accepted the gesture nonetheless. He pulled himself up with a clatter.
“You fought well,” he said past the frown. He gathered the pieces of his spear and managed to secure them to his back like before. “I can see why no one has been able to take her hand yet.”
Suletta pressed a hand to her chest and bowed.
“Thank you, Lord Guel. I try to protect Princess Miorine with everything I have.”
Guel’s frown finally broke with a chuckle. He turned his head towards Miorine, who finally joined them. He gestured towards Suletta while addressing her.
“And I see why you chose her as your retainer.” Another chuckle shook his shoulders. The sound broke when he let out a sigh. “But I know when I've been beaten. Make sure you take care of your princess.”
Guel gave them one final bow, then turned on his heel to finally leave the throne room. Once the doors slammed shut, Miorine finally let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding in. She looked up at Suletta with a tired smile.
“Would you take a walk with me? The courtyard garden should have some beautiful flowers blooming.”
“It would be my pleasure.” Suletta gave her a large grin and offered her arm to Miorine.
Miorine slipped her arm through and laid her hand on Suletta's forearm. The armor there had been warmed by her body heat, so she didn't flinch.
“Please, lead the way.”
Suletta nodded and then went towards the doors Guel had entered before. A grand staircase greeted them and led towards several different passages. She guided Miorine down the stairs and took the first right.
The hall had been covered with paintings of kings and queens passed. Armors were on display to break up the monotony. Several workers darted past them, carrying some cloth and a bucket of soapy water. They smiled at Miorine, who returned the gesture with a nod.
Eventually, they reached the end of the hall, where it opened up outside into an extravagant garden. Hedges boxed in several benches, chairs, and tables that were surrounded by the splashes of color from the flowers.
Suletta made her way towards the bench with Miorine. She took Miorine's hand and let her sit before joining her. As soon as Miorine made sure they were alone, she heaved a sigh rather unbecoming of royalty.
“I can't stand these duels anymore, Suletta,” Miorine lamented. She reached over to squeeze Suletta’s hand. “I don't want to lose you.”
Suletta took in a deep breath and leaned into the back of the bench. She stared up towards the sky that had been stained purple by the setting sun. She seemed to be deep in thought until she hummed after a couple of minutes.
“I can think of one way to get around it,” Suletta finally said. She lifted Miorine's hand to her lips and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “Let's run away.”
Miorine's eyes widened at the suggestion. She had thought of that before, but never believed it would be possible. She leaned closer to Suletta.
“Are you sure? I know my father would send his men after me. And if he did, what would happen to you then?”
“That's a risk I'm willing to take to be able to guarantee my place by your side.” Suletta's eyes bore into her. A seriousness Miorine wasn't used to seeing there told her everything she needed to know. “Is it a risk you'd take with me?”
Miorine's mouth went dry. Fear of being caught swirled in her head, but the idea of being free with the one she well and truly loved overpowered it. A burst of confidence made Miorine square away her shoulders.
“I would risk anything for you,” she declared.
Suletta placed a hand on Miorine's cheek. She leaned in but stopped short of giving her a kiss. A soft, disappointed huff slipped out of Miorine. Suletta only gave her a dry chuckle in return.
“We'll have time for that later. Think of it as a celebration for once we make it out of the city,” she whispered. “I need to prepare a few things. Will you meet me back here?”
“Of course I will.”
Suletta smiled, reluctantly pulled her hand back from Miorine's cheek, then stood up from the bench. She looked back over her shoulder for a brief moment then bolted out of the courtyard.
“Right,” Miorine said to herself. She jumped to her feet then bundled her dress in her hands. “I'll need to prepare myself.”
Her heels clicked and echoed back at her from the castle walls. It wasn't long before she burst into her bedroom. A checklist of what she would need filled her thoughts.
Miorine first went to her wardrobe. Inside were many elaborate dresses, but she pushed them aside to dig out the heavy cloak she would wear in the winter. Alongside that, she tried to find something more practical.
She finally found a rather plain dress that she could easily run in. She hurriedly changed out of the stifling dress she was in and pulled on the far more comfortable one.
Miorine tried to think of anything else that would help them. She grabbed a well worn leather bag she had since she was a child and undid the buckle. Her first thought was they would need money, so she gathered up anything she thought would be valuable.
Other than that, her mind drew a blank. She didn't want to risk potentially getting caught or missing Suletta. So instead she threw on her cloak and pulled the hood up enough to cast a shadow over her face. She slung her bag over her shoulder and held it close to her body.
Now that the sun had set and the castle seemed to have settled, she carefully opened her door to not make a sound. She caught a glimpse of a guard’s lantern coming down the hallway towards her. She cursed under her breath then darted down the hall towards the stairs.
He thankfully didn't seem to have seen her, so she relaxed once she hit the bottom of the stairs. Miorine rushed down the corridor towards the garden once again.
The orange light of a torch illuminated the courtyard. Instead of a guard, however, stood Suletta. She no longer wore her armor, but her familiar longsword still hung on her waist. Once she noticed, her pace quickened.
A smile spread across Suletta’s face before Miorine excitedly threw her arms around Suletta’s waist and gave her a tight squeeze. It wasn't until that moment did the butterflies hit.
I'm really doing this. I'll be able to live freely with Suletta.
Suletta’s expression softened and she ran her fingers through Miorine’s hair with her free hand.
“Come. We need to hurry before anyone notices we're gone.” Suletta unwound Miorine’s arms from her waist with a firm, yet gentle, tug. As she led them away, she placed the torch into an empty sconce on the castle wall.
Miorine held tightly onto Suletta's hand. It wasn't hard to leave the castle grounds, thanks to Suletta's knowledge of the guard patrols, but the city streets would be another story. Miorine wasn't sure what they would do then.
However, Suletta seemed to confidently lead them through narrow alleys and darkly lit streets. Miorine raised an eyebrow.
“Is this why you needed to prepare?” She asked. “You know these streets well.”
“Some of that, yes. But you forget I also used to live in the city before I met you,” Suletta laughed lightly. “But I needed travel supplies for us and to get my horse ready.”
Another turn and another alley. Sometimes Miorine forgot just how large the city was. Soon, the smell of hay and manure finally hit them. They soon arrived at the stables.
Suletta's familiar white horse stood ready and bright-eyed. Its saddle had been strapped to it already, and saddlebags filled to the brim with supplies sagged on either side.
Without warning, Suletta placed her hands on Miorine's waist and lifted her up. She placed her atop her horse with little effort. Suletta slipped her boot into the stirrup and pulled herself up but not fully into the saddle.
She leaned in close to Miorine's face. Her eyes sparkled with a strange mix of excitement and anxiety.
“I think now is a great time for that celebration.”
Miorine smiled warmly. The finish line was right in front of them, so she figured a premature celebration was in order.
She cupped Suletta's face in her hands and finally got the kiss she had ached for since the duel. Warmth flooded her chest and filled her to the brim with love. She soaked in the moment until Suletta broke it off with a dreamy sigh.
Suletta pulled herself up into the saddle. Miorine wrapped her arms tightly around Suletta’s waist. She laid her head against her back and waited for the snap of the reins.
Suletta let out a cry and cracked the reins in her hands. Her horse reared with a neigh before taking off down the empty cobblestone streets.
Miorine lifted her head to look back at the castle that quickly grew smaller and smaller. It felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders that only grew lighter the more distant it became.
She was finally free. Free to live how she pleased with the woman she loved.
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seakrisp · 1 year
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love thay everyone is drawing Eri as a big sis to suletta also her being rlly tall. They are all tall lady family genes.
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smokestarrules · 1 year
So lighthearted headcanon to combat the g witch Pain
There HAS to have been a fan club for sulemio in that school you cant tell me they didnt see the first duel and then proceed to ship them we already know spacians have 0 boundaries when it comes to the heirs they totally had AMV's made
...Genius idea. A bunch of students canonically cheered Guel on in the duels, why wouldn't Suletta have her own fanbase as well? The tall, shy prodigy from a planet nobody lives on accidentally becoming the fiancé of the cold, stern President's daughter that never seems to hang around anyone willingly until Suletta?
Yeah. Someone write a fic.
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Ask Game: Gonna start with an obvious one: suletta Mercury
How I feel about this character Maybe its because I am POC mixed race person that her and Loran are some of my favorite Main pilots in the franchise or at the least the ones I feel more identified(yeah, the trans girl identifies with the femboy and the bisexual autistic girl, you can clap now). She is so kindhearted and her arc about becoming her own independent person and being able to be speak her mind hit closes to home and I think its great for newcomers in a mainstream franchise to see that cause not only its a common thing in teenage-hood but in some aspects represent old Gundam values about teenage-hood vs adulthood from the original Gundam titles(never become an adult or you will want to throw an asteroid everyone).
All the people I ship romantically with this character If you spend 30 seconds on this blog you know its Miorine without a doubt. Not really interested in other Suletta ships but I respect them.
My non-romantic OTP for this character Chuchu and Guel if I have to follow canon cause I think that they might have been the most supportive to her during the 3 year gap we don't see in the epilogue. If I can pick non canon ending stuff I think in a world where Elan 4 or Sophie survived they would've been great friends with her.
My unpopular opinion about this character idk if its something common nowadays but I was not a big fan of giving masculine features to Suletta when season 1 aired. Like, I am totally fine with Suletta dressed as a groom in fan art and stuff but in canon she is just a tall girl who wants to do feminine things which is why I adore the two dresses daydream she had with Miorine in the middle of season 2.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. Some exploration of Sulettas recovery but sadly only 3 minutes of show left sadly. Oh and also a her going to more classes cause the show barely cares about classes except for Chuchus episode and when she is depressed in s2.
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With Suletta being tall and doing the fighting and all, I understand why some would interpret her as a butch, but looking at the show itself, she seems to be very happy presenting as a femme… I don’t know, I kind of like that subversion?
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astraskylark · 2 years
Miorine: What’s it like being tall? Is it nice? Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Suletta: I live in constant fear of the small ones who, will climb four chairs, two boxes, the coffee table, and six oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Miorine: That was one time!
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onrik · 1 year
The more I think about it the more I want a sequel just to have more friendly Suletta/Eri interactions (possibly involving mechs). Suletta and her 30 meter tall bratty big sister.
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anthurak · 2 years
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...Okay, are we sure that Suletta isn’t at least physically 25? Because DAMN, she is tall.
(like say, what if Eri got Evangelion’d into Lifrith but left her physical body behind and Suletta is some kind of cloned psyche/consciousness inhabiting Eri’s former body?)
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official-megumin · 1 year
Suletta has done more for my height dysphoria than people who go "tall women please step on me" ever will
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mercurywitch · 1 year
☆ The fact that Suletta didn't have a hanger to properly store the Aerial in had been becoming problematic, even if it was only around ten feet tall at the moment. She was using a public parking garage, and while there was no chance that anyone could steal or damage it? She had begun to notice people dropping into the garage to look at it when she made her daily visit.
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"I-I-If you're trying to steal her, I won't let you!" There had been a repeat offender on that day. A boy with blonde hair and blue eyes. She'd seen him observing the Gundam before, so she had to make it clear that she wouldn't let him take her! ...Not that he could if he tried. "A-A-Aerial is mine, you won't be able to make her move!"
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pastelraccoons · 3 months
Sulemio Week 2024 Day 2: Idol
(If you'd like to read this on AO3, you can do so here!)
“We'll be ready for your rehearsal soon, Miss Miorine,” A woman notified Miorine while hugging a clipboard close to her chest. “Our tech crew will be finished up in no time!”
“That's fine.” Miorine brushed some hair out of her face and back over her shoulder. It caught slightly on the pastel blue ruffles of her idol outfit before settling back into place. “I'm in no rush. I'd rather have everything be ready and perfect for the performance, even if it's a rehearsal.”
The woman nodded before adjusting her headset and mic. She muttered something into it as she walked away while pointing at something in the distance towards the stage.
Miorine now stood awkwardly amongst the bustling crew around her. One man hurried past with a bundle of wires in his arms. Another followed quickly behind while pushing a cart with a large speaker on top. She watched them with curiosity as they kneeled down to connect the cables.
While she was distracted, something suddenly bumped into her back, making her stumble forward.
“Sorry! I'm sorry!” A frantic voice managed to cut through the cacophony of noises and the other distorted, mashed together voices.
Miorine turned to see another speaker. However, instead of it being on another cart, someone held it in their arms. It was tall enough that she couldn't see their face. She carefully stepped to the side so she could see them.
It was someone she didn't recognize. They were a woman with deep red hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had a zip-up sweatshirt tied around her waist, and a black tank top showed off her muscular arms.
Miorine felt a slight blush rush to her cheeks.
What the hell? She's kind of cute.
“Oh! Miss Miorine!” The other woman smiled then put the speaker on the floor. “I'm sorry again. I couldn't exactly see where I was going.”
“No, you're fine. You clearly had your hands full, uh…” Miorine paused and gestured towards her in an attempt to get her to introduce herself.
“Suletta!” She beamed. She eagerly extended a hand out towards Miorine. “I just started today.”
“Suletta,” Miorine repeated with a hum. She accepted the handshake and gave a small smile in return. “I'm glad to have you on board during my tour.”
“And I'm glad to be here!” Suletta’s grin widened.
She soon jumped then pressed a finger against the earpiece hidden in her ear. A few muttered words were hastily exchanged before she turned back towards the speaker she placed on the floor.
Miorine watched as she lifted it then braced it against her chest with little effort.
“I'm sorry again, Miss Miorine. I need to take this to the stage.” Suletta shifted her grip on the equipment. “Maybe we can talk more later?”
Miorine hummed again.
“I'd love to.”
She couldn't see it, but she was sure Suletta smiled at her again because she did a slight bounce on her toes.
“Talk to you later, then!”
With that, Suletta rushed off to the stage with a spring in her step.
Miorine couldn't help but watch Suletta move about the other workers. Her eyes stayed locked onto Suletta's flexing muscles that were on full display thanks to her tank top when she pushed the speaker she had been carrying into place. She had somehow been completely captivated by this stranger.
She crossed her arms over her chest and let her gaze linger a moment longer. As one of the lighting crew members walked past, she reached out and gently pulled them aside by the forearm.
“Hey, do you think you could help me out with something tonight?”
Miorine stood front and center on the dark stage. Silence surrounded her in the now empty space. If she didn't see it herself, she wouldn't have believed it was packed with people only a few hours earlier.
A blip of light could be seen high up in the rafters. Miorine knew it was the lighting member she recruited for her plan. The light clicked on and off several times to signal they were ready.
A loud creak from the heavy metal doors that led into the venue broke the silence. Light poured through the opening and pierced through the dark in a cone shape. Someone stood in the doorway and cast a long shadow straight down the middle of it before it all disappeared when the door closed.
“Miorine?” Suletta's voice echoed slightly in the large space. Footsteps could be heard coming closer. “You wanted to see me?”
Miorine smiled to herself. She grabbed the microphone from the nearby stand with one hand then pointed her free hand up towards the ceiling. The spotlight flicked on with a loud clunk. It lit up just enough of the stage for Miorine to be able to see Suletta in front of it.
The sudden light and sound seemed to have surprised her as she stared wide-eyed up at Miorine.
“If you don't mind, Suletta, I have a show just for you.” Her voice poured out from the speakers when she spoke into the mic. Miorine’s smile widened when she reached out towards Suletta. She quickly looked up towards the crew member waiting on her. “Hit it!”
Flowing music filled the large room. Instead of following her usual routine, she simply moved towards the end of the stage. Her lips barely brushed against the microphone as she started to sing along to the backing track.
It was one of her more famous songs from when she started out. It was about falling in love at first sight and not knowing what to say or do. When she first sang that song during her debut, she found it cliche and even unrealistic. But she understood it now, thanks to Suletta.
Miorine carefully knelt down before she sat on the edge of the stage. Suletta took a step forward, slowly closing the distance between them before stopping in front of Miorine.
Miorine leaned forward, making the gap between them even smaller. Without second guessing herself, she caressed Suletta’s cheek and stared hard into those innocent blue eyes. Her heart raced. She gripped the microphone tighter but didn't stop her singing.
As the music began to fade and her last line started to come to an end, she traced along Suletta’s jawline and let her fingertips drag slowly under her chin. Suletta’s cheeks flushed red with a blush.
Once the music finally ended, Miorine finally registered just how frantic her heartbeat was. Despite everything, she kept Suletta's chin cupped in her palm. She gulped then cleared her throat.
“Ahem. If you couldn't tell, you've really captivated me.” Miorine kept their eyes locked in an attempt to hold on to her confidence. “I'd really like to get to know you better, if you'd let me.”
She felt Suletta swallow against her fingers, even though it was a light grip. Suletta fidgeted and finally looked off to the side. She paused while biting the corner of her lip. Miorine held her breath until Suletta eventually met her eyes again.
“I'd love to,” Suletta stammered out with a bright smile of her own.
The genuine warmth that radiated from it and into Miorine’s chest made her even more smitten to the point she felt dizzy.
“Then tomorrow, after the concert?” Miorine finally fired off the question.
Suletta reached up and gingerly took Miorine's hand from under her chin. She gave her fingers a reassuring squeeze.
“It's a date.”
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wxtchpilot · 3 months
— Get to know Kia !
what's your phone wallpaper:
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last song you listened to: I Want It All by Karmin
currently reading: Chinese Mythology book
last movie: Uhhhh, I barely watch movies so I don't even remember xD. I'll just say Men in Black since I think I saw it on TV again last weekend.
what are you wearing right now?: Camo slim pants, a burgundy PINK jacket, and a shirt that says "Talk Nerdy To Me" with a little Nerd (the candy) on it lmao
how tall are you?: 5'5'' I believe
piercings / tattoos?: Nah. I have my ears pierced but haven't worn earrings in over a year.
glasses / contacts: I wear glasses XP
last thing you ate?: A ham and cheese hot pocket lmao
favorite color: blue and purple
current obsession: A mixture, so I will say: Haven, Tekken, Mortal Kombat (fighting games in general tbh),
do you have a crush right now?: Nope
favorite fictional character: TOO MANY. Suletta is one, obviously, but here's others: Ling Xiaoyu (Tekken), Ayane and Hitomi (Dead or Alive), Jennifer Mason (Haven), Miu Hinasaki and Mayu Amakura (Fatal Frame Series), Hibiki Tachibana and Miku Kohinata (Symphogear), MOMO (Xenosaga), Shana and Meru (Legend of Dragoon), Pyrrha Alexandra and Yan Leixia (Soul Calibur), All the Flamechasers lmfao (Honkai Impact), Seele, Firefly, Lynx, Robin (Star Rail), Tanya, Kitana, Mileena and Raiden (SPECIFICALLY the MK1 version of Raiden) (Mortal Kombat) etc.
last place you travelled: Don't remember actually. No where all that exciting outside of work.
tagged by: @yukikorogashi ! Thank you so much ^^ ♥ Took me a couple of days BUT I GOT IT.
tagging: For anyone that feels like it!
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