#GAHHH that jin!!
lenateliier · 1 year
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Qudu era Shen Lanzhou design 😚🫶💗
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dr-spectre · 1 month
What other games (other than sonic and splatoon) do you like?
I shall show you some of my favourite games! Not a lot but some of them!
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Ultimate Spider-Man is phenomenal. It's a short yet sweet game where you get to play as a really fluid feeling Spidey and a fucking awesome take on Venom. The first Venom mission is him EATING A CHILD AND FIGHTING WOLVERINE! THAT'S SO RAW!
The art style, THE MUSIC!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT THE MUSIC! IT'S SO GOOD! I mean sure there's a couple of missions that make me groan, but most of them? Oh my GODDDD!!!!! Top tier game design and boss design too. You cannot top the Spider-Man vs. Venom fight on top of the Trask building, with all that fire and rain my GOD! IT'S SOOOO COOL!!!!!
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Ridge Racer Type 4... I'm gonna tell you to do something that will change your life.
Listen to 'Move Me' from the OST. Just listen to that single song and it will all come together on why this game is amazing. I am not gonna elaborate on the phenomenal gameplay, controls, track design, art style, etc, just listen to that song. PLEASE!
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This game right here, top tier, a near flawless masterpiece in puzzle design. It's difficult yet fair and i only got stuck at the very end of the game where i feel like it's at it's weakest. Act 1 and act 2 of this game is nothing short of fantastic art direction, storytelling and mechanics. It even has J. K. Simmons bro. J. K. FUCKING SIMMONS! THE GOAT! THE LEGEND! If you don't know who that is i will actually punch you i swear to god....
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Yeah... Yeah this? This is awesome. I was so impressed by it's visuals when i first played it, i was thinking to myself "how the hell is the ps4 rendering all this grass?!?" EVEN ON PS5 IT'S SO IMPRESSIVE! HOW CAN THAT CONSOLE RUN THIS GAME AT 60FPS?!?!? IT'S MAGIC I TELL YA!
The story of this game, holy shit the STORY! It's awesome. It's packed with intriguing character arcs, Jin Sakai, what a phenomenal protagonist.
The combat feels so fluid and brutal, the music is so atmospheric, the world is so dense and packed with so much detail. It's an awesome game.
And the final boss... The last 30 minutes... Don't even talk to me about it because I'm gonna start crying again.
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I mean do i have to really say anything? Do i even need to add any sort of reason or explanation on why i like this game?
I haven't finished the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series and i got stuck at 3. The games are long and can be filled with a lot of cutscenes. But I'm telling you, this game? This game rocks and it's a god damn rollercoaster of fun, drama, insanity, etc.
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I decided to save this one for last. Because this game means a lot to me and it's sequel too. I remember playing the re-release on Switch and i had to have a moment after just sitting around in the Comet Observatory, like i stopped playing and i had to cry for a solid 10 minutes. I'm not sure why i broke down randomly but i can figure out why. This game is the perfect encapsulation of my childhood and the sort of vibe i grew up in.
I had a Wii as a kid and so this game captures that sort of aesthetic and atmosphere that part of my life had. Playing this game, thinking about it, hearing the music, seeing the visuals... It makes me cry. It makes me sob. Space Junk Galaxy, the domes, Freezeflame galaxy, Honeyhive galaxy... Man...
The power of visual storytelling this game has is just... 100/10 for me.
And... Rosalina's storybook.
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I'm actually crying so much looking at this. I'm actually breaking down right now as i type this. Just this single image is enough to destroy a man's soul. It is some of the most powerful pieces of art I've ever had the pleasure of viewing.
And i wanna end it off with this. The Garden. The final dome in the game.
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This is just... I... Man...
I'm crying again.
Anyways, that's all!
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satancopilotsmytardis · 3 months
Lol the giddiness Tomura has when he gets a console. He's just an excited guy, and he shares it with the only person he's close with. It's both weird and refreshing to be in Tomura's head.
He's trying to be nice, but Dabi's being his usual brand of defensive asshole. No one's ever treated him nicely before. 😢
Oh, that meat... Tomura, buddy, pretty sure that was a person. 😬
Hmm, the defensiveness when Tomura asks about the contract, specifically that line "He really is sinking to a new fucking low" either Dabi thinks Enji sent Tomura specifically to get him to end the 'contract' or he wasn't aware what lies Enji told Tomura. I'm putting money on the latter
Oh, so it is straight up lies. That sounds about right for Enji
Is Dabi just trying to scare Tomura away? Or is he serious about getting sick?
Tomura knows he's fucked at least. Right as he starts comparing porn to Dabi. Watching Tomura fall from his perspective will be fun.
Did Dabi hear anything? He's gonna know right!
Gahhh, so many questions Tanco! How dare you! 😂
He's! Just! A! Guy!!! Like especially in this one, he has achieved peak 'just-a-guyness'.
Dabi has better reasons than usual to be so defensive with Shig, but he does have Toga and Jin being nice to him! He's just being a prick for (what he thinks) is a very good reason 🤫
Also 🤫🤫🤫 let Tomura enjoy his meals, I mean he's never been given such high quality cuts of meat before
I am cackling over the contract, they both definitely have very different ideas about what's going on right now 🫠
And I suppose we'll have to wait and see it Dabi ever says anything about thin walls in the future
Thanks for commenting!
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manawari · 1 year
Dungeon Boss!Jin-woo
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A black gate. . . Not once in the whole history of hunters had such a gate to appear. The first time it appeared was in America, the government quickly sent the country's best hunters to conquer it before whichever monsters had gotten out, but no one survived. The gate closed before anyone could retrieve the corpses.
The whole world knew it was the most dangerous dungeon ever. Not an A-Rank Dungeon, the Black Dungeon. Whenever it came out, it felt like a suicide mission to go into it, but it was the only choice they had to make for the sake of humanity.
The dungeon was like a hungry beast who only came to feed and leave once it was satisfied with the meal.
But every single organization could not afford to lose any more hunters. Especially S-Ranks, who only blessed the slightest amount of people to be awakened. However, there was nothing they could do.
Even three National Hunters hadn't made it out alive.
Needless to say, nobody knew what was hidden in that dungeon. . .
Others had speculated that the Black Dungeon would be the end of humanity, which sparked turmoil among the society. Not even Norma Selner, who was the greatest prophet of the era, could not be able to seek into the inside of the minacious dungeon. The seer shivered until she almost collapsed from her seat.
The Black Dungeon was undefeatable. Terrifying. And most of all, the biggest threat of humanity.
When it appeared in Seoul, everyone panicked. News quickly raided all media. However, there were still a couple of brave hunters who stood up and offered themselves to raid the dungeon. The Hunters' Association commenced a mission and praised the hunters for their souls even though the possibility of them surviving the dungeon would be low.
Ma Dong-wook, the Guild Master of Fame Guild. Lim Tae-gyu, the master archer and Guild Master of Fiend Guild. Baek Yoon-ho, the Guild Master of White Tiger Guild. Choi Jong-in and Cha Hae-in, the Guild Master and Vice Master of Hunters Guild. And several other hunters that volunteered to join the raid.
It was a pity, knowing most of these hunters had bid their last words and will to their beloved ones.
Entering the Black Dungeon sent a strong wave of aura into the hunters. They shivered. But the place was silent like an empty gate. A thick air flushed through the atmosphere and coldness radiated from the ground as their breaths created clouds of mist. They slowly dispersed and scrutinized the area to wait for the enemy.
Everyone instantly whirled their heads and found nothing but a stone.
"GAHHH!!!!" A piercing scream broke the cold atmosphere.
Blood oozed from the hunter's mouth. . . While a sword thrusted through his chest. The body fell with a thud. And a monster— no, a knight— no, a shadow— no, a black knight stood. Purple glowed from the creases of its suit and a purple smoke wafted from the helmet, or eyes. Lim Tae-gyu quickly commanded the mages to blast their powers at the knight.
The magic swept through the body and the knight dispersed into smoke. Dread coated their lungs. One down. . . How much was there to go?
Not to mention, the boss.
A large black circle swirled on the ground and more knights appeared. Now, everyone must fight with full force. Flames broke through the darkness and an array of magic clashed against the humanoid demons. Then, another batch of enemies appeared.
This time, it was orcs. Red and large.
Jong-in dragged his right hand to pivot his flames, and unfortunately, a weapon struck his shoulder. He cried in agony and could almost tremble. A green light wafted over the bleeding area and the axe disappeared.
"I got you, Choi!" shouted Min Byung-gyu, the S-Rank Healer.
"Byung-gyu! Stay within the tanks!" Jong-in yelled. "Ms. Ju-hee! Assist the wounded hunters!"
They must not lose healers either. Not when Byung-gyu was the only S-Rank who could heal someone's wound the fastest way as possible. Their group was composed with the best healers the association could afford, so if they were gone, it would be game over.
Soon, more enemies began to surge in like a powerful tsunami. There were lizards, bears, more humanoid beasts, knights, and ants.
When defeated, they just disappeared instead of leaving a corpse just like any other gate. And yet again, the Black Dungeon had proved itself to be not like any dungeon. None of the hunters were confident enough that they had killed one. Now they could see how no hunter outside the country was able to get out in one piece. . . All attacked in a single wave.
But hunters were still humans. They could get injured, feel dread in their veins, and feel exhausted. And regardless of these three aspects, they still kept on fighting.
They signed up for this. They swore their very soul that they would conquer this hell of a gate. They swore their lives for this raid.
"Ms. Cha! Your shoulder!" Ju-hee exclaimed as she rushed to grab the huntress to heal the bleeding wound.
"Thank you, Ju-hee. But you don't need to go this far." said Have in. "You must stay in the circle. We've already lost two healers."
"But there are still four of us left. We can do this." Ju-hee said. "Byung-gyu is watching over the Guild Masters and— KYA!"
Hae-in turned her head around and saw an ant lunging at them. Gritting her teeth, she swung her sword and pierced through its body. The healer whimpered behind her.
She nudged Ju-hee. "Go! Protect yourself!"
More monsters came charging at her like an endless wave. Hae-in fought them with all her might and dodged past the attacks, careful enough not to scar her skin.
Suddenly, the ground rumbled. It was the entryway. . . And it was shrinking.
"The dungeon's closing!" Jong-in yelled. "Everyone! Get out!"
"Who cares if we didn't reach the boss. At least we know what's inside of this hellhole!" Yoon-ho roared and threw a punch at the orc.
The second the order was given, all the surviving hunters sprinted to the exit. They carried the injured and assisted the remaining two healers out. The Guild Masters were next as they kept fighting off the raging beasts. However, Jong-in had been bleeding ever since he had opened his wounds, and yet, he still kept fending the monsters with his fire.
Hae-in ran to his side and grabbed his shoulder. "Let's go!"
"No. These damn monsters just keep on attacking!" Jong-in grunted and drove a blast at the group of orcs. "You go. Someone has to keep them from leaving the dungeon! I—" his shoulders drooped and his breaths grew panting.
"You're growing weak. . . "
"Hah. . . " The flames in his hands trembled. "Just leave me, Hae-in. Take my place."
Hae-in scrunched her face into a glare. "You're always the Drama King." She pulled his arm over her shoulder. "We will leave this place together!"
So, she dragged him away. With Jong-in's decreasing strength, it was easy for her to pull him away from the spot and relied on herself to carry his weight. Hae-in did not dare to look behind. She tried not to look at the dozens of dead hunters laying on the ground.
She must get out of here alive with Jong-in. . . Or even so, it would be her guild partner who would survive.
They hastened their pace. The gate was getting smaller. Hae-in grunted and ignored Jong-in's protests about leaving him behind. Once they got close, Hae-in's heartbeat raced at the size of the gate, and without thinking further, she grabbed Jong-in and pushed him through the gate.
"NO! CHA HAE—" his terrified face was the last thing she saw.
And there she was. . . Left alone in the dungeon itself. This must've been what those hunters felt like. The Black Dungeon was satisfied with the corpses in the ground. Hae-in drew the back of her hand across her chin and looked at the army of monsters behind her. It was as if their numbers remained the same.
Was she going to drop her weapon and accept her impending fate? Or was she going to fight until the end?
Cha Hae-in was born to be conqueror. She had devoted her whole life to being a hunter and protected the innocent humans so the children would wake up to a brighter sun.
She chose the latter.
Even though she was surrounded with death, she took her sword and faced the demons.
Come at me. She thought. Come at me and fight until I am ripped to pieces.
However, the demons descended into the ground. Hae-in widened her eyes. They were gone? They disappeared without a trace?
Then, a large heap of darkness appeared and swept through the dungeon, thus engulfing her surroundings. Hae-in watched in bewilderment. Even the corpses were gone. It was just her.
A purple smoke lit up in front of her eyes. There stood a figure. Tall, bright eyes, an unfathomable aura radiating from his physique, and. . . A human? No, it couldn't be a human. He was behind all this havoc and terror across the globe. He was the Black Dungeon's boss.
With renewed determination, Hae-in sprinted forward. And swung her sword at him. As expected of the boss, he dodged past within a blink of an eye. She moved again and summoned the peak of her powers to carry her through the battle. She did not care how many times he had dodged her attacks as if he had memorized her moves, all she cared was defeating him.
This was her revenge for all those hunters. Hae-in was going to show him her full capability and that she was not a prey.
Hae-in noticed a dagger blocking her sword. And not just that, she caught a glimpse of the face. Tousled hair swaying on his forehead and bright purple eyes with an unreadable expression on his face. As if seeing she was distracted, the boss pulled his weapon and thrusted again. Hae-in blocked it and sprinted to another direction.
Her speed rivaled his and she managed to swing her leg against his torso. He did not grunt or show any change. Another reason why he was no human, but a monster wearing clothes. The faces of the hunters before they fell into the hands of death ran in her mind, which fueled her anger more, and blasted her attacks.
Time passed. The only thing that made her world halt was when she felt her wrist get yanked forward and a sharp blade met the underneath of her jaw. Hae-in was forced to stare into the pair of eyes and black pupils finally show up. A single trail of sweat trickled down her cheek.
"I've been waiting for someone to fight me." He said with a smirk.
The next thing Hae-in knew, her consciousness fell into abyss.
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jenyifer · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 8 initial reaction
Omg everyone I’ve caught up!!!!! I’m gonna get to watch the behind the scenes and first eps again woooooooooooo. Thought this ep would have more answers honestly but I got some big new questions
Let’s get into it
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But hey he told someone before he died hopefully something can come of that. Once again we know Tee’s uncle gets caught.
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Okay so Non’s crying scenes where he’s wearing the bracelet really killed me. Poor baby. So lost and scared no where to go until he mentally snaps. We don’t know exactly what mental disorder he struggles with. I assume it’s bipolar or schizophrenia. It’s sad but I’ve know people who struggled with both. Going off their medication lead to really dangerous places and ways of thinking. I don’t blame non for going to extremes here. Ugh his scream up the stairs really is going to torture me
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Tee does at least extremely regrets what he does to Non. I really don’t think he wanted Non dead or in this much trouble but besides non he’s the one most in over his head. He’s also in an impossible situation. No escape his dad is sick and his uncle is an evil bastard who barely takes care of him.
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God I hate Por he is really despicable. He’s so realistic though the bully with too much money for his ‘friends’ to speak up. Por has 0 empathy for anyone has little concept of others even his ‘friends’ when Top gets attacked you know you didn’t care? Por.
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Oh Non. They did bully and torture you. Non was too good too desperate to make friends to even have one like Jin. He genuinely was doing most of it for Jin. Just to have one friend. So painful. Bullies don’t care what could be going on in your life. I think it’s part of having their brains under developed because later in life they may apologize. I was really bullied in school and when I go home which is 16 hours ago via car sometimes I’ll run into my bullies and they’ll act like we were friends. Or they’ll try to contact me online etc. I think they learn what it means to be bullied later in life or (this actually happened) they have a kid that has ADHD and likes anime and other interests I had and they realize that as a school kid they would have bullied and tortured their own child. So to make up for it they want to talk to me again. Non shouldn’t have gone to that house. He should have just pretended like they were already dead. Change schools. But… if he’s off his medication he can’t be held accountable for his actions here. He’s already obsessed with his story pre everything breaking down. Gahhh I feel so bad for him.
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Is this the last time we see Non? He could still be alive I doubt it though. I can’t believe Jin thinks he’s better than the rest of them. Jin and Fluke should have stopped them. I realize that maybe they didn’t understand the depths of trouble Tee is in. Maybe they didn’t compute the graviety of the situation. Non told them Tee had him do the horse account. But it’s worse than that. I’m sure with time Jin at least can put together the extent of trouble Non was in and know he’s been killed.
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Tee does try multiple times at his own risk to try to find out what happened to non which is something. It’s possible his relationship with White is an idealized penance for what he did to Non. White is also innocent looking and sweet like Non really was.
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Phee’s dad is in an impossible situations the bad guys have proven they are willing to kill and completely cover it up with money. I don’t blame him for backing off to protect his child.
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Gahhhhhjj I hate Por so much. Idk why he acted so upset about Non at the beginning of the series. If anything the one who seemed least upset about Non was Jin. But Jin broke the camel’s back and lead Non into the lions den again and again.
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Come on Phee let’s get those bitches.
So Tan I’m 100% sure he is New. You can change your nickname.
What I don’t know is
1. Why would Top do anything to Por? Top delivered Non with Tee. Top knew about the accounts. Top doesn’t seem involved heavily else where so… idk
2. Where and who is White? Did he really not know anything is he related to the teacher maybe? Cause we know the teacher is dead. I doubt it though.
3. Does Phee have any feelings for Jin? I doubt it.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Ok I just finished the prologue for Ikemen prince and now I’m telling what I think of each character so far.
Leo: He’s cool. I have no grudge against him. But I don’t like his name.
Chevalier: I don’t like him. Seems like a bitch.
Yves: I get that he’s a prince but he needs a manner lesson
Nokto: he’s ok, I think. So far at least
Licht: I relate to him.
Clavis: So far I like him, he’s just vibing
Jin: no comment, just give me one of your lollipops
Luke: I love him already, 10/10
Sariel: keep this man as far away from me as possible
Rio: didn’t like him at first, then he gave me food, but then I went back to not liking him
Gilbert: who? He looks cool, I like his eyepatch
Keith: he looks like a wolf
Silvio: love love LOVE his outfit
I’ll keep you updated
i'll tell you my first impression too!! for funnsies >:D
leon...i didn't think much of him. pretty unremarkable honestly. though i did appreciate how he was like "nah dont be formal with me" that was very nice C: it was pretty obvious he was a prince sigh
chevalier...honestly i dont like him either and he scares me but i have a feeling his route explains a lot. am i going to play through it? no. he's scary!!
YVES :(( okay hes such a bitch and i mean that so affectionately because it literally only takes him four chapters to show his sweeter side. he brought mc CAKE. gahhh hes already making me want to squish him.
nokto is making me so uncomfortable. i do not like people touching me and he's doing that TOO MUCH. its the same ick that arthur gave me EXCEPT nokto's is WORSE. i don't know how to explain it. maybe it's because arthur has shown he genuinely cares about mc and isaac in ikevamp but Man. nokto freaks me out.
licht is sooooo fucking pretty wowowowowoowowowie!! i wante dto play hsi route but i decided to do yves's route first since that was people recommended to me C: HE INTRIGUED ME FROM TEH START i have a feeling he'll be a fav
clavis is so goofy i liked him immediately. hes got that "nuisance pretty boy" vibe and i am HERE FOR IT.
jin scares me next
luke!! he was really kind to the mc in yves's route C: though i cant help but feel like hes depressed or something
sariel...LIKE I SAID BEFORE...he's someone 15 year old me would have found attractive and been in love with. thank goodness my type is dorknerd losers that have a single animal friend and stay in their room all day.
rio seems really sweet but i dont think i can treat him teh way he wants to be treated LMAO i'm constantly yelling at sariel for calling him a dog bc he's NOT an animal. and even though rio seems kidna weird with the whole dog thing bc he lieks it?????? i think hes kind :C although i wholeheartedly believe hes capable of murder.
gilbert do you mean vio's husband. umm my first impression was literally just OMG ITS THE GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bc i havent seen him in teh story yet hagsdhasgdh
silvio is the guy vivi likes i think??? uhh he has a nice color palette!!!! i dont know enough about him honestly ^^;
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samhassanxo · 1 year
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2016. 2023
Excuse me but where did 2016 Agust D go? Gahhh damn!!! Look at that glow up, he just got better. I can’t believe that his first mixtape was released 7 years ago time really does fly and I wasn’t even aware of BTS back then but the second i discovered them, their music I was instantly obsessed and I don’t regret the decision to become an ARMY. This will be my 6th year with them even though all of them are venturing on their own journey yes including Jin and Jhope who are serving in the military.
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withleeknow · 2 months
DARLING HII WHAT IN THE WORLD I WAS WRITING MY REPLY TO YOU AND OUT OF NOWHERE THE INDUSTRY HEAVENS GRACED US WITH OUR GUCCI ANGELS WE SO WON the day they reunite in the same frame I'm doing an icarus and simultaneously bursting into tears and flames
the album - pls indulge yourself bc the self-control I exerted limiting to two - they're the prettiest additions to my shelf we.tl/t-WP67bstBZn (I also love your “not a stan yet” - as if the inevitability of it is waiting around the corner *🍙 running to the microwave* tinyurl.com/4xmf4bsz - today's husband in red? rimless glasses?🧎🏻‍♀️)
don't you dare get me started on sunghoon - every time they post a new vid/en-o'clock I'm floored + the way he's the introverted savage neat-freak honestly sign me uppp
ohhhh WT - you've done so well with it:'))) do you have a gauge of how many chapters there'll be? I think I speak for the entirety of the audience/taglist - the anticipation for this plot is srsly unmatched <3
a 2min hc-esque spinoff to the hyunho Δ 👀 ahahah you know I love 🌱 ideas to fuel our insanity + speaking of, did you seeeee 🥟's IG live this week?? our art collegebf is back with his grown-out mullet + painted nails + silver chain GOD how did you survive that??
no what the heck that's the most wholesome story ever what are the odds 🥺🥺 also i swear yoongi girlies are a rare gem to find in the wild so it was meant to be [the more i speak with you, the more you give off that “angel in another life with puzzle pieces that fit in place at the right place right time bc law of attraction” kinda vibe idk if that made any sense🧚🏻‍♀️✨️]
even tho i still think gucci is ugly a lot of the time, i too will burst into flames if we ever get jin x mimo in the same frame 🤝 who would've thought this could ever be a possibility aaaaahhhhh 😭
OHHH i love your shelf it's so pretty 🥹 ngl i went to my kpop store yesterday and i was standing in front of the enhypen display for like 10 mins lol. i would get either the inceptio ver or the jay ver but i have no idea how to get the jay ver. mayhaps we'll need to go back and do some more sleuthing lmao
look at him go 😭 i fear i love him. a little bit. just a little bit cough cough.
for wt i've always kinda planned to limit it to 10 chapters, which is still on par with our current trajectory! i'm really glad i made wt a thing bc it used to be just an idea over on the other blog that was sitting there collecting dust never knowing if it'd ever see the light of day. but then i crossed over to here and i thought it wouldn't be half bad to turn it into a mimo fic instead. and i'm glad i did!! bc it brought me so many good people here 🥺
THE LIVEEE 😭 i love him i love him i think i have romantic feelings for him 😭 look at him he's so pretty and he looks like the perfect college babygirl bf gahhh i definitely did not survive this
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she was so so nice it was such a wholesome interaction :((( she was staying closer to the stadium so she made sure to walk me to the bus stop :((( finding stans in the wild really is just the best. when i was in budapest for coldplay a couple months ago i saw a guy with a baby wolf chan on his backpack !!
STOPPP i'll get emo if i think about it too much 😭 you're genuinely one of my favorite people, your asks always always make my day and i am so glad you're my pocket fren 😭 you are an angel and i love you and i appreciate you very much, you're the 🍙 to my 🌱 which doesn't make sense but yk lolllll
anddd sharing with you my own favorite nook in my room heheheh my comfort corner with my emotional support kpop bois 🥹 (there’s no mimo here bc he’s on my bedside shelf and scattered over my room lol)
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kithtaehyung · 9 months
Hey Ryen! I hope you're doing well ❤️ I just wanted to say that I'm SO excited about your new Jin fic and 3tan12 omg!!!!!!! As well as everything that's coming in 2024 that we don't know about yet hehe
I've been reading your works since December 2022 I guess, so it's been a year since I've been sticking around here on your blog <3 And I have to say that your stories keep me sane, so thank you so much for that
You are a super talented and amazing person :) You deserve all the good things in this world ✨
Happy Holidays, Ryen ❤️
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hi, my love! i'm busy still but overall, can't complain. hope you're doing well yourself!
i'm glad you're excited bc I AM TOOOO GAHHH holiday seokjin is my jam and 3tan12 is just... yeah. sdsdklfjsdl. can't say much else about that one but hell yeah let's goooo!
dang.. that's awhile! thank you for being here and sticking around, and these stories will always be here if you ever need a place to just get lost in, or somewhere you can go to just get away from everything. (and the inbox is always open, as well!)
happy holidays, babe. you deserve all the love and good things, as well!
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bonvoyagenoona · 2 years
“In the new tab, Jin looks up the old Camp Kanu website, wondering if there would be any photos from his time there.
Their time there.”
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! YES! Will it play a big role in the story??? 👀
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Read A Map of Mrs. Kims / AMOMK here!
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lenateliier · 1 year
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So much for saving Dazhou, huh!
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the8skermit · 3 years
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5eokjin · 5 years
What was the comment that Jin made that got everyone so jizzled up? I’m ready to fight anyone in the parking lot at 3am if they think they can bully my sweet boy 👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻
a reporter asked what they thought about the unprecedented nature of bangtan’s accomplishments as a kpop group and jin answered that the reason bts are able to pioneer (pave the way) is because artists before them have helped to lay the foundation and then people started shitting on him because!!!!! the audacity of him to not claim all the credit!! how dare he thank senior artists for their contributions that made it easier for bts to lead the movement!!! also here is a thread of people who were ballsacks and who you should probably block :-) https://twitter.com/hopesrkive/status/1118381717289611265
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luvmaze-bts · 7 years
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taejin being cute af~
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sexyfluffykpop · 6 years
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Jin, such a beautiful man 😍 -Admin ARMY
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sugawithtae-blog · 7 years
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request: the hyung line when their gf calls them oppa for the first time
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