naivety · 1 year
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doctorcurdlejr · 10 months
Archie Andrews is like a siren for homoerotic relationships. Men pass through town like can you tell me something bout him, that red head, while savoring the taste of their strawberry milkshake, tasting redder than before they saw him. Meanwhile Gay Kevin is handing out earplugs and horse shades like listen don't let Jughead hear you say that okay? no he's not taken, it's far more complicated than that. Are you familiar with the works Jesus Christ Superstar, Deathtrap, or Angels in America?
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davidlikesguys02 · 2 years
Serpent King
Word count: 782
Warnings: 18+, gay sex, unprotected sex, blowjob, fingering, riding, cum in ass.
M/n: male name
GIF not mine
Kinkvember 2022
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You walk out of your house making sure to close the door behind you, you put your keys in your pocket. You turn around and watch as Jughead smiles while you walk towards him “hey Jug” “hey M/n” he walks towards you and pulls you into a kiss. “You look amazing” “thanks” “I have a surprise for you M/n” “what is it” “come with me” he takes your hand in his and the two of you begin walking.
“So are you going to tell me what you have planned?” “It’s a surprise M/n, trust me it’ll be worth it” after a few minutes of walking you arrive at Archie’s house. “Don’t worry no one’s home” you watch as Jughead pulls out a key and unlocks the house. You walk into the house and see small little candles around the room, your turn to look at Jughead “do you like it?” “I love it”
You pull him into a kiss after a few minutes you finally pull away, you look into his green eyes and smile “is this the surprise?” “It’s half of the surprise” he pushes you against the wall and begins to suck on your neck “mhm” you begin to remove his serpents jacket. He pulls away from your neck and looks at you “Do you want this M/n?” “Yes, I want you Jug”
The two of you begin to remove each other's clothes, once the two of you are fully naked he grabs your waist and pulls you closer towards him “I love you M/n” “I love you too jughead” he leans in and pulls you into a heated kiss. You feel as he begins to slowly pull your ass cheeks apart, you finally pull away from the kiss and feel as he slowly inserts his fingers into your hole. You look at him as you let out a small moan “you like that M/n” you bite your lip and nod.
After a few minutes he adds a second finger into your hole, you dig your nails into his shoulders as he hits your prostate with his fingers “mmhm fuck Jug” after a few more thrust into your hole he finally removes his fingers from your hole. You take his cock in your hand and lean in to whisper into his ear “now let me make you feel good” you begin to slowly fall on your knees and look up at him as you take his cock into your mouth.
You watch as he throws his head back from the pleasure, you feel as one of his hands grips your hair keeping your head steady. After a few seconds he begins to thrust into your mouth, he looks down at you loving the view under him “you look so fucking hot” he delivers a few more thrust into your mouth before finally slowly removing his length from your mouth “sorry if I was rough” you slowly stand up “it’s okay Jug”
He takes your hand and walks you towards the sofa in the living room, he lays down on the sofa and you get on top of him. You look down at him and slowly lean in into a kiss, you feel as he grabs you hips tightly not allowing you to move. You pull away from the kiss “you ready?” You nod, slowly you feel as he pushes his cock into your hole. “Are you okay?” You nod “you can move” you feel as he slowly begins to guide your hips into a slow rhythm.
You throw your head back when you feel that he starts hitting your prostate “right there Jug” you look around the room and begin to see white spots. You feel as Jughead begins to jerk you off “are you close M/n” you nod “I want you to cum inside of me Jughead” after a few more thugs to your cock you finally cum all over Jugheads chest.
“Mhm Jughead” “fuck you just got tighter” you feel as he grips your hips and begins to thrust into you at an alarming pace “so close” he delivers one final thrust into your hole “FUCK” you feel as his wamr cum begins to invade your insides. You smile and look at him “I love you” you lean in to kiss him, you pull away from the kiss “I love you more M/n”
You slowly rise off him and fall next to him, you look at each other and smile “that was fun” “yeah, want to go for another round?” “Yes” the two of you begin to hear voices come closer towards the door. You look at each other “fuck”
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girlbossblackbeard · 1 year
s2 ep3 delirious ramblings in honor of eps 4 and 5 coming soon!!
you already KNOW wtf goin on !!!
-the red flag fleet pig tails absolutely slay every single time
-Zheng Yi Sao putting her arm out to shield Olu from the dying guy that just got stabbed has me feeling some typa way (falling in love with her)
-stede just pushing his little bar and charcuterie cart around im obsessed
-Zheng Yi Sao's customer service voice when she says "Hi! I'm Zheng Yi Sao, you're...John?" like she's cold-calling someone is absolutely top tier, I would give her all my money if she were calling to scam me
-"champers?" stede you absolute doofus i love him far too much
-Zheng Yi Sao being all coy with her "ohh...forget it...;)" stop!!!!! im already in love with you please stop this madness!!!!!! i can't take much more of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-okay. we have to talk about stede hearing "the revenge" and his mind going completely blank aside from the one thought of "Ed" replaying over and over and over again to the point that all sense of self-preservation flies completely out the window (as he flies over the side of the ship) because the ONLY thing that matters to him in that moment is seeing Ed again. i can only imagine the looming sense of doom he must've felt as he realized Ed was noticeably absent from the rest of the crew when he found them, and then the cagey way they all spoke about where Ed went. i wonder if seeing Ed's body lying on that table gave him any sense of relief in the way that getting confirmation of something you'd feared was coming finally arrives
-also!!! let's talk about what must have started running through Olu's mind when he realized it was their ship!! did he immediately think of Jim? was he worried about them? did he assume they would've escaped blackbeard's clutches by now and gone on to bigger and better things?
-"she's returned to us...mostly" i wonder how sad buttons must have felt seeing the revenge in such a dire state :((
-"maybe she's gone through that triangle thing by bermuda" wee john my beloved
-I TOLD Y'ALL WHEN THAT MF GNOSSIENNE NO. 5 HITS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS GONNA BE THE DEATH OF ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND IT VERY NEARLY WAS BITCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-oh holy fuck the way the look of excitement on stede's face morphs into a look of horror as he takes in just how wrecked the revenge got in the storm is extremely upsetting
-someone smarter than me needs to do a deeper analysis on the use of gnossienne no.5 as stede is climbing the ladder of the revenge, no doubt with thoughts of a beautiful and loving reunion with ed because surely he'll be there waiting for him, just as overjoyed to see stede as stede is to see him, only for the song and that fantasy to abruptly get cut off once stede realizes how dire the situation on the revenge has gotten
-hey fam do we think there's any significance of the crew being found desecrating that seagull in the captain's quarters or was that just a plot convenience thing bc obviously stede would check the captain's cabin for ed first
-"just thought you'd be taller...mu-muscly, you know...charismatic" bruh ain't NO way Certain People had been either 1) talking about stede in such a high regard it put him up on a massive pedestal or 2) ahem....sobbing so loudly the entire god damn ship can hear it every single night for literal months...that archie fully thought stede MUST have been basically a god amongst mortals to make ed be so downbad it drove him to violent insanity
-"why can't i get a straight answer from any of you" because they're all gay bitch!!!!! you knew this when you first hired them!!!!!!
-OBSESSED with how Izzy is fully down an entire leg and Stede could NOT give less of a shit about it. Literally telling him "Piss off Izzy, I don't wanna hear from you" as if there isn't the biggest possible elephant on the deck basically screaming to be talked about
-side note: for the love of GOD con o'neill looks so stupidly hot in his reaction shot to stede telling izzy to piss off it's actually gonna give me heart palpitations. this is my formal petition to make con o'neill look permanently just a little bit damp and a little bit sad
-"when you get old, if you don't wanna work anymore you can just give up i guess" frenchie my beloved
-love love love love love the parallels between buttons and auntie being the actual paragon of first mates with almost preternatural senses for mutiny a'brewin or the sea shifting
-hey fam do we think izzy actually stabbed stede's painting or was it really ed and izzy was...sparing stede's feelings???? but why??? is it because he's intimately aware of how it feels to lose ed and even though he hates stede (or used to) he still wouldn't wish that kind of pain on anyone??
>>>it turned out to be all parts of himself which did me quite a big ouchie but im still riding the high of having sussed that out so early on im LITERALLY destined to be a writer on this show. djenks get at me i know ur reading this
-i have absolutely no idea what the pig is supposed to symbolize in ed's fever dream someone who has a functioning brain should figure it out and let me know pls & thx
-don't know if this is significant symbolism or not, but: ed is wearing the cravat, his chains, and the pearl necklace in the storm. he is NOT wearing the cravat or the chains in the fever dream, but he IS still wearing the pearls. the best analysis i can do around that rn is that the cravat symbolizes stede and this journey he's about to go on needs to be about Ed and Ed alone, but also Ed *feeling* and *thinking* he's genuinely alone, which is supported by the conversation he has with hornigold later when he reveals he's worried there's no one waiting for him in the real world. the chains im thinking could symbolize his blackbeard persona in a way - presumably he got the gold chains when plundering and gaining/maintaining his reputation for being ruthless and the chains are a physical reminder of that persona and reputation. in the fever dream, ed is stripped down to his most vulnerable state (which is interesting considering his hair and beard aren't in line with the s1 symbolism of his vulnerability - almost as if his heartbreak over stede has become so all-encompassing he's no longer able to hide it behind a beard or face-shielding long hair) so the chains would disappear just as his blackbeard reputation would disappear in order for him to get to the core of who he really is, which brings us to: the pearl necklace. we could literally talk for hours about the nuances of everything the pearl necklace represents regarding ed's fears, desires, identities, hopes and dreams for the future, childhood trauma, etc. etc. etc. but ultimately it represents the parts of ed he holds the closest to his chest and THAT is why he's still wearing it in the fever dream: because it's a representation of who he truly is, stripped down, at his core. and THAT is the person who needed to go on this journey in order to start to heal, without the influence of anyone or anything else making him feel the need to perform or be anything other than his 100% authentic, vulnerable self.
-the way i reacted to seeing how beautiful ed is as he's waking up in hornigold's hut is undeniable proof that i need to be put down
-"what did you do to me...while i was out...anything weird?" edward teach my beloved of all time. we will not be taking this incredibly funny and perfectly performed line delivery and making it sad by thinking about the implications of what past behaviors ed may have experienced from other shipmates when waking up after a night of blacking out
-sorry but the way ed holds his breath so he doesn't eat the soup is so hilarious and adorable to me
-auntie recounting all the details of the mutiny right down to ed's height and silver hair based off of looking at the deck and licking some gun powder is sooooooo sherlock holmes coded but like. if he fucked y'know?
-also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the little sprinkle of what i believe was maori thrown in between auntie and fang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need more of that IMMEDIATELY
-"i'm burnin up here" SICK jobros reference frenchie
-frenchie stopping himself from saying "oh fuck" and instead going with "oh shit tits" i love this man an unhealthy amount
-"it's called you-cal-lip-eh-tusses. you-calamitous." good god i would due for olu in a heartbeat
-okay so. my thoughts on the olu/zheng/jim/archie situation. i never posted this here when the trailer dropped bc i thought i was just going crazy but when i saw the olu/jim shoulder bump i immediately knew it was giving "exes who are still friends and are being supportive of the other person when they admit they've found someone new" vibes. THAT BEING SAID - i can see this whole thing being resolved in 2 ways: either they have jim and olu talk it out and officially decide to split to pursue their respective new flames while remaining best friends/family, or - and this is where i think we all hope this is going - we get a 4-way polycule. im 50/50 on whether the studio would greenlight that given they've already pushed the envelope with having a nonbinary character and basically everyone is gay, but at the same time i would hope the studio would recognize that the show was wildly successful due in large part to those key elements and would be in favor of pushing the envelope even further (in their eyes). i think jim and archie are gonna see zheng being an absolute badass and fall in love with her and zheng is gonna see jim and archie being absolute badasses and fall in love with them while already being in love with olu specifically because he's NOT a badass and olu's gonna admit he's still in love with jim and they're all gonna live happily ever after completely dominating the seas and killing colonizing dipshits :)
-how the fuck did izzy on a crutch and a pegleg sneak up on stede in the captain's quarters lil homie HAS to be sounding like mr. krabs at this point
-"i think the knives really help bring the place together" he literally cannot physically bring himself to not be a bitch around izzy even when he's wallowing in his lost love i am so so so obsessed with him you have no idea
-i know we're all still reeling from the confirmation that stede has ALWAYS known ed - past the rose-colored glasses of falling in love with just the idea of someone - and how his mind works when he asks izzy point blank what they did to ed but. i cannot stop thinking about s1 ed not being able to look stede in the eye as he says "you were always gonna realize what i am" before leaving with calico jack because he was so terrified of the judgement he'd see in stede's eyes. he revealed a less-than-ideal (but comparatively pretty benign) part of himself to the person whose opinion he cares about the most and was too afraid to stick around to see if/when stede would finally reject him for not living up to the standards that ed thinks stede deserves. and yet. we now know with actual proof that stede not only never judged ed for his past and just kinda glossed over any erratic behavior/violent reactions during their time together in favor of keeping an idealized image of ed in his mind, stede understood ed on a deeper level than practically anyone else in the whole world, with the exception of izzy, ever did. stede was so intimately aware of the exact kind of person ed was and what his thoughts and behavioral patterns were that he knew without a shadow of a doubt that there were only two fates for ed if stede didn't reach him in time: he was either gonna watch the world burn or die trying.
-feeling BIG emotions over the almost-sigh that stede does when izzy tells him how ed took his leg for merely mentioning stede's name. the way he looks away and swallows down his guilt and grief and shame.
-"you sent him to doggy heaven" ohhhh my god i wanna know if stede was bracing himself for the heartbreak or the relief (or both!!) of hearing izzy say yes. as i mentioned above, stede had to have had a cloud of impending doom looming over him all these months wondering where ed is and worrying if he'll ever find him again, and that cloud must have only gotten infinitely darker when he found the crew on the revenge only to realize that ed wasn't with them. stede isn't stupid, he proved as much when he told izzy he knew ed was going to destroy everything around him or die in the process, and with ed being very noticeably absent it would only make sense for stede to jump to the worst-case-scenario of the crew having to kill ed before he killed all of them. i think he had probably been emotionally preparing himself for that outcome the second he noticed the crew being shifty about ed's whereabouts, so to get confirmation of it would obviously be genuinely heartbreaking but also an end to the sense of doom that had been hanging around him for a while.
-the way stede whips his head around to look at izzy when izzy tells him no, they didn't send ed to doggy heaven is so! heartbreaking! because you can see the instant flame of hope light up his face for a split second before he reads the profound sadness of izzy's expression as he tells stede they deserted him on a beach and left nature to do the rest. interestingly enough, stede doesn't seem at all reassured or renewed in his hope by this, and im wondering if he knows izzy is lying to him at that point to spare his feelings
-"yeah i was there. that cabin boy's name was felix. he was a really nice guy" i love that we're not only getting a crumb of lore about ed's past on hornigold's ship (that isn't frat-bro posturing with calico jack) but that the crumb we do get highlights ed's humanity. not only does he remember the name of a "lowly" cabin boy, but he remembers that the cabin boy was really nice and is angry that he died so senselessly and hornigold doesn't even seem to care
>>>>>hmmmm now im thinking about how hornigold is a representation of the parts of ed that he hates, so is hornigold's story an allegory for how ed hates how he's shut off his emotions/shown little to no remorse for the hurt and suffering he's caused during his breakup era?
-okay there are SO many mentions of soup this season already someone figure out wtf it's supposed to mean
-PLEASE stede's reaction of basically "ya got me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" to Zheng saying the guys on wanted posters are hot makes my brain fizz
-im not ashamed to say i literally get tears in my eyes from how divine ed looks when he's talking to hornigold about selling handmade shoes like what the fuck did the hair and makeup artists DO to make him even more stunning than before when they had already broken the scale in s1???????????? i feel like i should send them a thank-you care package for the gift they've given us
-"im actually just a very simple man" my sweet precious baby darling eddie boy. you are the most complex character i have ever become obsessed with in my entire life, and i was DEEP in the Castiel trenches at the height of SuperWhoLock tumblr from 2012 - 2014 as an unmedicated teenager still developing her prefrontal cortex.
-"like a jailer, but all the prisoners like you and they can go whenever they want" so what im hearing is ed likes having control over other people but also desperately wants them to like him AND choose to stay with him of their own free will and not because they have to. or it's just a funny simile for an inn like he said :)
-the jeff's inn by the sea roleplay scene makes me so insane i actually can't talk about it rn other than to say it's peak comedy and i want it permanently etched into my brain. also ed's little corsage makes me [feral shrieking]
-GODDD the way this season is so expertly slicing in clips from s1 as a quick flash of an image before coming back to the present is so extremely satisfying and also a direct punch to the solar plexis every time
-"grown man covered in tattoos, eh? with daddy issues?" no comment just screaming
-"we've been living second-to-second for a while now. it's actually kinda nice to have a deadline" this!!! this is what im talking about with the looming sense of impending doom hanging over you for so long that once you get confirmation that it's going to be over soon, even if it's because of a very permanent ending, there's a lot of relief that can be wrapped up in that
-"go on, bonnet. gimme your worst" i feel like i don't have the brain capacity rn to break that interaction down and tease out what izzy would've been expecting stede to do or say and what stede would've been thinking in that moment that was too overwhelming to actually voice but maybe someday i'll get to it
-"okay well i feel like im gonna choose...i feel like im supposed to choose...live" bbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooo the intentional writing of ed to say "gonna" at first and then switching it to "supposed to" is sooooooooo insane dude holy shit. i need to know what factors caused him to change his wording. what was he going to say he was gonna do. who or what is pressuring him to make him feel like he's supposed to choose to live. are those two choices - what he was gonna do vs. what he feels like he's supposed to do - at war with each other or is the conflict brewing from the different motivations behind wanting to live vs. feeling like you're supposed to live. the writing is just too good
-godddd someone needs to make a post on hornigold telling ed they're in a judgement-free zone which is basically ed reminding himself that his mind is a safe space for his thoughts and how unbelievably sad it is that ed would even need to remind himself of that in the first place. he's so used to scrutiny and judgement (and it's one of his biggest fears when it comes to the people he cares about the most) that he doesn't even think he's free from it in his own head
-im just gonna say it. ed talking about warmth and intercourse and orgasms is foreshadowing
-"i don't think anyone's waiting for me" i'll actually go lie in the middle of the road right now i swear to god
-it's so interesting how ed gets angry that his fear that no one is waiting for him fucks his pros up
-i don't understand how olu didn't immediately clock that zheng was flirting with him when he's in her office like buddy if i see a very beautiful woman with a very sharp sword and she's pointing it in my direction? that's a marriage proposal
-HOKAYYYY FOLKS WE GOTTA TALK ABOUT OUR FIRST TRUE COMPETENT!STEDE SIGHTING IN THIS EP. he not only devises an escape plan ALL BY HIMSELF, he has the knowledge and foresight to . and guess what? IT ACTUALLY. WORKED. in fact, it was a SWEEPING success where he got EVERYONE safely off the red flag ship and onto his own!!!! this wasn't just some raid won with brute force or a fuckery accomplished due to loony tunes rules, this was an honest-to-god escape plan that required learning the shifts of the guards on deck and at the entrance to the brig to ensure those spaces would be as empty as possible, knowledge of the sleepy-time effects of chamomile in concentrated forms, knowledge of the layout of the ship he's been on for, what? a few days? maybe a week?, knowledge of where they store their weapons and then figuring out how to use the crossbow as a zipline AND remembering to have someone cut the line to prevent any red flag crew from boarding the revenge, figuring out how they can use towels to use said zipline, remembering that the revenge no longer has a wheel and utilizing wee john's strength to secure them a new one while disabling the red flag ship thus greatly increasing their chances of a successful escape. i guess now we know what the hell is going on in towels (it's scheming and plotting)
-jim grabbing archie's hand has they leave the brig
-stede's little hand gesture and "sss" noise he makes to communicate to lucius and black pete they're gonna move forward now even though they're all physically so close it literally would've been quieter if he just whispered his directions to them
-the person at the wheel looking longingly up into the sky. how much do we wanna bet she was thinking about zheng
-"just breathe into it black pe-" WHY ARE THEY SHUSHING MY BOY BUTTONS HE'S RIGHT
-"oy, ya cockeyed -" STOP SILENCING HIM
-"aye look at that, see that black pete -" LET HIM SPEAK
-wee john profusely apologizing to the person he knocked unconscious before knocking them unconscious and then again after stealing their wheel. he is so dear to me
-i genuinely love how buttons wastes NO time in assuming his first mate duties again and directing frenchie and roach to start preparing the ship for sailing. it's just a nice reminder that stede chose him as his first mate for a reason beyond his propensity to attract a motley crew of unique characters - buttons is a genuinely highly skilled, highly competent, and extremely dedicated and hard working sea farer. who may or may not actually be a sea witch that has taken on the form of a humble man
-i actually am very charmed by olu still trying to persuade zheng to spare the lives of his friends while they're making out
-ooooohhhhh the fact that olu had to choose between zheng and jim was such a delightful mini conflict to see him go through. i might wind up making a post about his thoughts and motivations in that moment later on because it's so quick but so profound
-okay 1) the raw emotions in zheng's yell when she sees olu escaping on the revenge literally gave me goosebumps. 2) the look of absolute betrayal on her face in that closing shot gave me even MORE goosebumps. 3) ALWAYS LISTEN TO YOUR SLIGHTLY SUPERNATURAL FIRST MATE Y'ALL THEY ALWAYS KNOW WHAT'S UP
-i can't wait to see how this betrayal plays out in terms of the red flag fleet being an enemy to the revenge, even though we know it's temporary since we've seen Zheng Yi Sao and her fleet fighting alongside ed and stede in the s2 trailer and in the promotional materials for upcoming episodes
-izzy trying to genuinely thank stede is so. Character Arc.
-also archie and jim training/fake sword fighting in the background
-ed realizing that he really just hates himself is going to be MY villain origin story
-what the HELL was up with hornigold doing that howl. hated that
-"i'm not loveable" "and you're scared to do anything about it" i swan to john im gonna start chewing on the steel cables that hold up suspension bridges you literally cannot do this to me right now
-hey so fun fact when kate bush's song kicked in i actually desperately wished someone would've given me one of those neat chamomile towels that makes you pass out instantly because :) i am wholly unequipped :) to hear that song :) in the context of this next scene :))))
-seriously if you haven't read the lyrics to that song yet, first contact your local veterinarian's office and schedule and appointment to be put down whenever their next available time is, then look up the lyrics
-stede calling him a nut again i literally
-UGH the CONFLICT you can see on stede's face when deciding whether or not to remove the fabric covering ed's head or not. does he want to remove the fabric so he can say one final goodbye, face to face? or does he want to leave the fabric on so his last image of ed in his memory will be when he's alive and excited at the prospect of running away with stede?
-the fact that stede is literally pulling the wool from over ed's eyes and waking him back up both physically and spiritually(???)
-like ed, who was resigned to his fate and at peace with his choice to sink into the depths and never wake up again, INSTANTLY finds the motivation to live the SECOND stede interacts with him and he starts fighting as hard as he can to return to the surface, and just when he thinks he's not strong enough and he'll succumb to the darkness anyway, a light appears to pull him back from the brink. stede's voice comes through begging ed to wake up, to come back to him, don't die please don't die, he's here now. and ed's face as he's hearing stede talk to him is so full of love and amusement and admiration and then a little confusion as mermaid!stede appears but goes right back into his fully smitten expression and longing gaze and i just. don't know how we were ever expected to recover from this.
-anyway i am both irreparably broken inside and also reborn from this episode. thank you alyssa lane and alex sherman and also i will never forgive you for this
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hbogirls · 3 months
Riverdale characters as taylor swift albums?
cheryl - okay it might seem obvious to say red for cheryl because she invented red and is red etc etc etc BUT consider for a moment: evermore. it deals in many kinds of loss and change, from romantic to familial to historically-tinged tangents that implicate the narrator in a sort of oblique but no less interesting way. ivy stands out as the main reason for this choice (it's a goddamn blaze in the dark! my little gay pyro!!), but i also think it applies throughout. evermore is an album about drama, and it's also the album with the closest aesthetic nod to tapping maple trees for sap, which is a secondary consideration but no less relevant to me here.
archie - 1989! it's kind of tempting to say rep for archie because of the way he is always fighting back against a fate that has befallen him, but 1989 captures his essence more. it's very stripped-back lyrically, which leaves it sort of unable to be characterized as a breakup album or an album of love songs or anything else. it simply is 1989 in the same way archie is a firefighter and a poet and a miner and a boxing gym owner/youth outreach coordinator (among other things). like archie, 1989 brings all of these together into something cohesive and motivated by the same ideals. it's also very flashy and optimistic! sad songs are disguised as upbeat pop numbers. this is very archie, too, as he is generally darling and sweet in the face of torment. also, archie is always somehow just learning about bisexuality for the first time, and that's pretty much also what 1989 is about.
betty - rep!! i could simply point out the fact that her little black bob wig is not dissimilar to taylor's small aesthetic shift toward edginess during the reputation era, and that would be enough. BUT! the album itself is also very betty. she believes herself to have an inherent evil inside of her that must be exorcised, but she's actually outwardly very normal. like she ultimately is falling in love with people and living her life as the girl next door, and then every once in a while she does snap and is like by the way i am still kind of a violent and angry freak!! and you're like oh yeah!! taylor very much entered the rep era feeling like she was a dangerous, unloveable liability, and that's also how the serial killer gene makes betty feel. even during season seven she feels something growing inside her that is strange and inherently destructive to a provincial, buttoned-up way of life, and then it turns out to just be sexual desire, specifically bisexuality, which is also very rep.
jughead - i mean .... he's THE tortured poet. ttpd. like taylor writing ttpd, he's incredibly aware of the narrative surrounding him and the way his pen can influence it. he's a little pretentious and maybe a little too reliant on literary allusions, but real fans get it. one of my favorite things about ttpd that is misunderstood by a lot of people unwilling to give taylor the benefit of the doubt is how tongue-in-cheek and ironic a lot of it is, a fact that is also true of jughead's magnum opus (riverdale).
veronica - can i say something shocking? lover. the man is the obvious jumping off point here, but yntcd is very aligned with our first ten minutes with veronica in the pilot when we hear the exchange "kevin is...." "GAY! thank god." lover is also very sure of itself aesthetically, and it outwardly presents itself as in love and put-together, ready to enter a new adult chapter of, like, guest judging on the voice or whatever. but hidden not too deep below the surface is a churning sea of insecurity and fear about both romance and career. i believe this, too, is what motivates veronica. she's terrified that she'll become her father, but she's also terrified to not be like him at all. she can never quite find a love where she feels totally secure. archie will always have a thing for betty. reggie will never quite meet her needs. veronica really is kind of a lover girl at heart, and she's always making sort of suspect decisions in the name of girlbossery, which is very on theme.
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hillzhqs · 10 months
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'𝚝𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗
hear those silver bells? it's christmas time in los angeles. some families actually do make the yuletide gay, managing to leave their troubles far away. other families have a merry little christmas even when their troubles aren't so far away. some presents might end up returned but some gifts are for keeps. other presents come when you least expect them and everyone knows the biggest present comes in the smallest box. then there are those boxes you wish you had never opened. have a holly jolly christmas, xoxo.
‹   ⅰ.   › you have been cordially invited to celebrate christmas eve at the kennedy estate in hidden hills, california. this year's theme is 'the colors of the season.' there will be different themed rooms throughout the home that will be color coordinated - red, green, white, silver, gold and black. the dress code is to wear one of these colors. admission to the party will not be granted if you are not following dress code. this is not a casual event by any means, so please do dress your best.
‹   ⅱ.   ›  the party will be taking place on discord. please keep an eye out for the link. while the event will be taking place over the span of one night rp time (december 24th, 2023), you can start writing on sunday, december 10th, 2023. threads can continue until everyone completes their writing.
‹   ⅲ.   ›  in the spirit of the season, kathy kennedy hosts an annual 'kathy kringle' where she pairs up people from the party to exchange gifts with one another. under the cut, please find your partner. there will be a channel in the event server where you can drop pictures and edits of the gifts called 'kathy kringle' and you can write out your characters exchanging gifts in the 'grand foyer' channel
‹   ⅳ.   › gossip girl has eyes everywhere, especially in an event as star studded as this one. if there's anything specific that you don't want leaked, please be sure to come to me before hand. if not, everything is up for grabs and can potentially be blasted for everyone to see.
‹   ⅴ.   ›  be inclusive! make sure you're writing/plotting with everyone and most importantly, have fun!!
✳    𝐤𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐲 𝐤𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬   ﹕please see under the cut!
LEX -adrian fitzgerald . - DEE - julian calvary
SOPHIE -mallory wells - T - travis buckley .
KELLY - tyler cobb - SOPHIE -kaya khalid
KELLY - drew monroe - CANDICE -bentley hart
CANDICE -sienna spencer - T - vincent hart .
KELLY - madeline kennedy - CANDICE -genevieve evans
DEE - lilian hawker - CANDICE -sebastian davis
KELLY - roman barlowe - LEX -teddy taylor .
LEX -camryn kennedy . - T - hunter valmont .
BECCA - juliette hart . - KELLY - matteo rossi
SARA- oliver van horn - LEX -madden kennedy .
BECCA - stacey ortiz . - KELLY - franz wanger
SOPHIE -angel griffin - CANDICE - felicity dupont
SARA- avett marie - LEX -keanu carter .
SOPHIE -ford anderson - LEX -jade santos .
LEX -beau calvary - SOPHIE -archie sinclair
DEE - ezra basel - T - james vanderbilt .
SOPHIE -everly blackwell - CANDICE -jackson blackwell
SOPHIE -zion davis - FREY - na-eun seo
T - austen sinclair . - CANDICE -johnny kennedy
KELLY - charlotte windsor - SOPHIE -maddox mckelvie
CANDICE -adelaide windsor - BECCA - erin halliday .
KELLY - ayaz demiric- SARA- caleb khan
DEE - dominic law - FREY - penelope kennedy
DEE - gigi majok - SARA- finley kennedy
T - jordana kennedy . - CANDICE -brooke hawker
KELLY - ethan briggs - T - hana hershey ratanavadi .
SOPHIE -kacey king - DEE - carter talbot
KELLY - afia amoabeng - T - caiden sharpe .
FREY - kwame amoabeng - KELLY - seo sieun
KELLY - merve baysel - CANDICE -persephone sinclair
SOPHIE - ophelia evans - BECCA - farrah osmond
LEX -selene sinclair . - T - alabama messi .
DEE - derek taylor - CANDICE -bianca sinclair
T - bristol decker . - SOPHIE -mackenzie kennedy
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iratesherlock · 2 years
— Sherlock Holmes and John Watson have not yet appeared. — Jeremy Thompson as Hampton Fawx, Chris Vizurraga as James Stallion, Katie McLean Hainsworth as Madge Stallion, and Shawn Pfautsch as Archie Cartwright. — Written and directed by Ian Geers and Lauren Grace Thompson. — A special thank you to Sarah Buchynski for the sound design. — Favorite Episode: (S1E4) Chapter Four: The Case of the Associates of Gentleman.
I take great pride in the fact that I don’t have taste and will read or watch anything regardless of quality; however, I have always been ridiculously selective about which podcasts and radio shows I follow. If I do not have something to look at, it can be difficult for me to pay attention to/hear what is happening in this type of media, and thus my standards tend to be a little unfair. The number of shows I have discarded or given up on because of minute details is more significant than I feel comfortable admitting, but the few that I have gotten attached to mean the world to me. I love re-listening to podcasts, and I don’t tend to go far from my comfort zone, but I am so thankful I made myself listen to Fawx & Stallion. I honestly have no words for how entertaining this podcast is nor how deep my love of Hampton Fawx goes; he scratches the side of my brain that loves earnest, stupid men. The concept of this podcast is that across the street (and to the left) of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson is another detective agency consisting of Hampton Fawx, James Stallion, and Madge Stallion at 224B Baker Street. They aren’t necessarily the best detectives in London, but they’ve got spunk. It also probably doesn’t help that they’re competing with Sherlock Holmes himself; they really can’t be blamed for not excelling in a business field this monopolized. When they finally have the chance to solve their first big case (read: first ever) after Watson and Holmes take a trip to the countryside, Fawx, Stallion, and Madge begin investigating to the best of their abilities, well, probably. When I started listening to this podcast, I wasn’t expecting much, which is how I go into all new shows, but I was surprised at how quickly invested I became in not just the characters but the story. The humor was so spot-on for me that there were points I was giggling loudly at my desk at work, and I don’t normally emote when listening to podcasts. The kicker for me was that there was very little background noise when the characters were speaking, which made it so easy to follow along without having to stop and rewind multiple times, which was something new for me. I understand the desire to make a podcast dynamic, but if I can’t hear anything, it’s not fun for me, and I appreciate the sound design for this podcast (and the detailed transcripts)—even when there was background noise, it was quieter or the focus of the scene. There isn’t much I can say as the podcast is still ongoing, but I am begging everyone to listen to Fawx & Stallion; it has become one of my favorite podcasts of all time, and I am waiting for the rest of the series. Which I would not normally do; I do not like media that isn’t finished, but I’m excited to follow this show as it releases each episode. I would also like to mention that I am viciously happy about the amount of queer representation in this audio drama; I have a lesbian, two gay men, and a rat: the dream team.
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fizzingwizard · 1 year
a brief complaint? observation? complervation? obserplaint
I don't watch Riverdale, but this is tumblr and it was impossible to not hear about the final season hijinks, namely the polycule. alright thats cool but i couldnt help side-eyeing how it's really the boys get to sleep with all the girls, and the girls get to sleep with each other as well as the boys... but the boys aren't physically interested in each other. recently i read a quote from one of the show creators where they said Archie/Jughead would have been "too hot" which, lol, but Betty/Veronica isn't?? but anyway was certainly a joke, as the rest was about not forcing something to happen for the sake of representation.
individually all of that is fine, and i hate to nitpick but... I can't help it. I really can't. You tick all the boxes, not for wonderful lgbtqia couples, but for a male fantasy: you can date more than one girl you find hot and they're also bi and into each other. Not part of the typical fantasy are having to share the girls with another guy, and not actually watching the girls at it yourself. But that doesn't matter, because the fantasy isn't for Archie and Jughead, it's for the viewers. Who get to see everything.
Just a few years ago we X-men fans were treated to the great Wolverine/Jean Grey/Cyclops threesome. This was the culmination of literally decades of pining, envy, and truly epic ship wars. At first I was like, wow, really?? Even Cyke and Wolvie getting it on with each other? But that wasn't it - all three of them weren't together - Cyke and Wolvie just each got a piece of Jean and had to live with each other also having a piece of her. It was the sharing of the woman in the relationship which was seen as so amazing and "progressive." My bf was like "lucky Jean!" Meanwhile my reaction was, holy shit, do not want.
If I really believed this threesome came about because it's what Jean wants, that'd be one thing - and yes I'm aware Jean is fictional and can want whatever the writers want. But not even superhero comics are written in a vacuum. All I could see in my head was the writers throwing Jean to the dogs like a piece of meat. "You both want her? You can both have her!" I didn't, and don't see how Jean mattered in any way except that both Scott and Logan want her. And tbh, if they had done the same thing, but also made Jean in love with Ororo, I would still feel the same way: that the Ororo bit was shoehorned in to make people like me whine less about the curious lack of balance here. Lucky Jean, indeed.
So there's two situations which are canonical in their respective universes. It's kind of stunning to me. We lept right past "gay male representation" to "male fantasy re-spun as gay representation." The guys get the girl. The girls make out with each other. The guys still get to be like "no homo, bro," somehow. And this is like, so progressive. What's progressive about it?? Men have been watching lesbian porn since forever. My brother once told me he didn't believe women who said they were bi were really bi because he assumed they were lying to impress men with their bi-ness. Then there's the "sharing with another man" thing which I guess is such an impressive feat. Isn't that just a form of voyeurism though. Don't lots of people get off just on knowing their partner is wanted by others? I'm not seeing the sexual liberation here. I just see girls being sexy in ways men have always wanted them to be, and the men just kinda existing.
Some people insist the greater acceptance of women-loving-women on screen means women in general have far more sexual freedom than men. But being free because people think you're non-sexual or that your sexuality is for them, thus controllable, isn't freedom. There's a reason people believe Queen Victoria thought it was impossible to be a lesbian. She didn't actually. But people were happy to think she did, because they secretly didn't understand how it was possible for two women who lack the right "equipment" lol. That was culture talking. Furthermore, half of what allowed women to sneak around having fun lesbian times with each other was homophobia itself. Because women (in our strict, transphobic gender binary definition) don't have dicks. In many societies around the world, it was historically okay for men to have sex with other men as long as they were the "penetrating" partner. The one in the "male" role. To be in the "female" role was degrading. (There were also class distinctions that determined which role someone would be, depending on the culture.)
It was about pride and dominance. (This stood out to me in the comments on the Archie polycule article: fans [whoops it was the writer of the article!] were worried about how Archie and Jughead's actors would have felt about having to do homosexual scenes with each other. But they didn't express any concern at all for the possibility that Betty and Veronica's actresses may have not liked it.) And for some reason, it still is today. You can have TV lesbians, not because you're so progressive and pro-women loving women, but because lesbians are hot. But TV gays are another matter. They're not hot, at least if what you're trying to construct isn't queer representation, but a male fantasy. It's embarrassing to admit you, a man, are attracted to your male friend, let alone that you have soft feelings toward him. Honestly, even the lesbian relationships are often reduced to their sexual aspect and free of any solid foundation for why these two women picked each other. Which, I mean, it's all good to have fun for fun's sake as long as everything is safe sane and consensual. But it is rather playing in to the stereotype that homosexuals are sex-obsessed, and will wind up in socially-acceptable, straight relationships when they decide they want to have families and contribute to society.
I realize I've only used two examples here, Riverdale and X-men. Which don't really have much in common (although also more than you might think, haha). One reason why I fixed on them is that they're both media with a history. They've been around forever. They have fans across ideological and political spectra. We've seen a lot more positive queer relationships in movies and TV over the past fifteen or twenty years, including gay male relationships, and that's awesome. But by and large it stayed away from the most popular characters in these long-lasting brands. Wolverine has an alternate universe self who is gay and in a relationship with Hercules. It is hairy and bold, I guess. But not as bold as Wolverine being gay. And I'm not saying he has to be. I agree that queer relationships shouldn't be forced. I am saying I think it's curious that Wolverine can't be gay, but he can be in a threesome where he and Scott both get what they want, Jean, and the male fans don't need to feel uncomfortable, and can tell their girlfriends that Jean is so lucky. And Riverdale, like I said I'm not a fan, I never watched it, but my impression is that it was pretty weird and strange in a lot of ways... weird and strange enough to let its female characters be in love with each other as well as the boys... but not weird enough for the boys to do the same? I do think that if these weren't media with such a long history, things would be different. But no one wanted to upset the "true fans." And what makes a true fan is not wanting male characters to be gay. Female characters, sure, that's hot! But if you're waggling your brow at the male ones you must be just into it for the hot guys and incapable of fully appreciating the series. Lol. Double standard what?
This is more or less my struggle with poly relationships in media. It's not that I don't think they should be there. I just think that all the ones I've seen have been cop-outs on the writer's part, either because they don't want to disappoint fans by picking one ship to be end game or because they want the media fuss a poly relationship will make. While, ultimately, the poly relationships in question are just the sort that anyone who's used the internet in the past two decades has seen in porn ads way more times than we wanted to. Where is the polycule where the guys are dating the girls, but also dating each other, and the girls aren't interested in each other sexually at all? I can tell you where to find it: fanfiction! On a popular TV show though? You know, a place where men are more likely to see it? Hmm. Maybe tomorrow...
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fredrickzoller · 2 years
How do you think they started hooking up? Due to Dieter internalised homophobia, I doubt he would makes moves towards a man who much more powerful than him in terms of career and rank. Maybe you wrote a story and I just didn’t read. Also I hope you aren’t tired of my questions, im on my “obsessed obsessed obsessed” phase of shipping rn loool
No, I love your questions, anon! I love getting to think about them all over again and I love hearing peoples' takes on them as well.
It took me a while because I can't really go into this without delving into the territory of non-con, and i have to be in the right headspace to like, dive into this. So, yeah, behind the cut because talk of non-con/sexual assault.
(Also, as a note, this is a very abridged version of everything because again I hope to expand upon it more in upcoming fics)
So in the timeline I have for Landstrom, they start hooking up in 1934 (as per "Tease Rough") shortly before the Night of the Long Knives. For those unfamiliar with the event, uh, quick and dirty is that basically Hitler wanted to purge anyone from his ranks he felt was undermining/against him/not conducive to his "vision" for Germany and that included his main homie, Ernst Roehm, who was as "out" as a gay man could be in 1930s Germany. (Like, secret-but-not-a-secret, you feel me?)
So like the point of this is, before Roehm was murdered, homosexuality within the SA and the SS was way more… I mean not "accepted" per se but it was just like, a blind eye was turned to it. Only after Roehm's death and Himmler taking over (the SA was dissolved and what was left was absorbed into the SS) did they start really cracking down on homosexuality within the organization, and then of course persecute citizens who "practiced" it.
In my hcs for Dieter, he joins the SS at a young age (18/19, so around its inception, which would make sense if he's already at major at 34) and at first he's thinking like, okay, discipline and purpose will help rid me whatever the fuck I got going on but then it's like oh. Wait. I can maybe find an advantage here.
For all his internalized homophobia, I think he is also quite audacious (as witnessed in how he interacts with Hugo and Archie, and he seems a bit flippant even with Goebbels, which is… lol probably not wise), and he knows he's attractive in a boyish way. So, yeah he doesn't necessarily proposition officers but he makes it very clear that he's available in exchange for however they might be able to assist him. He's young and reckless and arrogant. He does not think he will be caught or subject to punishment so long as he proves and ingratiates himself, in which case he will have protection (but you know, he's also not above selling people out if need be. I haven't a particular instance in mind but I can ABSOLUTELY imagine he'd play the victim if he were suspected of any of this, because of course he would. His whole life is about playing the victim wah poor me.)
But there's more to it - to him actively seeking out partners (including Hans).
And this is where the non-con/assault comes in. But my hc for him is that he's a victim of rape, his first "boyfriend" when he's 14 and his bf is 17 - and him putting himself out there to sleep with other superior officers to get ahead is yes, exactly what it says on the tin (getting ahead, whoring his way up the ranks) but also self-inflicted punishment, what he feels is deserved for what he "let" happen, and for this behavior he's letting rule him, unchecked. He does not like bottoming but he does it, accepts it, because he feels it's deserved - for this thing he doesn't really want to do (or, shouldn't want to do) but is doing anyway, this is his punishment. It's some fucked up shit that never really gets resolved (of course) and that Hans only sort of? pieces together because he only finds out certain details (about the boyfriend/the rape trauma etc).
As for who starts it, it's addressed in the 2nd chapter of "Preoccupied" that Dieter is the one to proposition Hans (very bluntly, might I add), and this is what draws Hans to him - just that he'd be so brazen about it. Of course, Dieter is a fucking moron and thinks that this means he has any sort of power over Hans, which we know is not true lmao. (Again, this is gone into, in Tease Rough, how Dieter thinks he's in charge and hasn't figured Hans out enough to realize it.)
Hans isn't the first man he tops with, but obviously Dieter is drawn to wanting to continue whatever the fuck they start, because he knows that will rarely, if ever, be an option. He doesn't have to relive the trauma each and every time, which, okay. Like good, I guess? In his mind, any way.
(Also, after Night of the Long Knives, Dieter definitely does not seek out other officers as partners, and lucky for him, many of the men he's been with [I say 'many' but I can't imagine it actually being more than a handful] he either does not see again or they are dealt with. Not all, but most.)
I just personally see Hans as being very turned on and intrigued by people who show that sort of audacity, because it's a nice challenge for him - very stimulating to try and figure out how to one-up them, in the end (tangentially, this is my hc for Hans and Bridget's tryst too, that he's drawn to her being able to keep up with him, banter-wise). I think Hans would be bored by someone who would just give in to his advances immediately, which I have him hinting at has been the case in the past with the few men he's hooked up with - that they submit to him quickly and he's just like yawwnnnn.
And part of the reason Dieter propositions him so confidentally is because he has a Source in re: to the fact that Hans enjoys being with other men.
And this Source will make an appearance in my next Landstrom fic. :)
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reclusivedouche · 1 year
Riverdale 7x10 Thoughts
This episode is so gay holy shit!!
Okay, please understand Archie and Reggie are boyfriends god
And honestly Betty and Veronica, like come on that would work too
Basically that's how it ended up, how it should've been
Reggie and Archie must kiss
This episode was great because no Alice or Hal
Too much Frank
Fuck tho when Reggie came home all late and Archie did the dad talk fuck
The fanfiction I am currently writing in my head
I also love that they're not just glossing over the Betty and Reggie potential over the cars.
Really looking forward to the kissing next week lmao
Also a great no Julian episode. He sucks, like I get it but like he's only good to get punched
Love some Cheryl and Toni (and even Clay) even if it means we have to deal with Kevin, also
Seven seasons and I have never once, not once, liked Kevin
It's fine, his stories are always fodder for better storylines
I do love how delicately they're doing Cheryl and Toni this season. Everyone's one true OTP hahaha
Love to learn Brad Rayburry had a black wife down south.
I love that she showed up and gave good evidence of not suicide
She was so cute
Jughead and Tabitha are so cute
Idk why tf y'all are so mad this is still in the 50's like??
This season is peak, so so good
And fun??? Sorry but the last few season, tho good have been kind of a slog
whatever tho that's just me
I am concerned Tabitha is leaving again because we need a Jabitha kiss asap???
Lest we forget:
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My absolute favorite moment omg I'm still thinking about how great it was
Like yes it was sad, of course, but like it's great for the story
Why does no one like this show for the story like when are you ever given something this bonkers
This is literally written by people from the Glee writer's room like
You all loved that shit but?
I am annoyed we did not get to actually see Fang's concert. Even just a few screens like we just get him singing tuttie fruttie or whatever while he walks to Midge bc ofc he is famous now
Or gonna be
Look tho, Fangs is great this season. He is looking fine af
And like
He and new Midge have great chemistry
I'm sure this plan for him being famous is definitely going to smooth over the pregnancy for Midge's parents like
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I'm here for it tho, I cannot forget the frogs pregnancy test, which is real
I'm also again glad Alice was not in this episode as she is literally my mother (this season specifically) so I cannot
Hear me out, tho - if the next episode is Halloween, I mean Julian has to dress up as like the doll?? Like he has to??
I bring this up bc Halloween is my mother's birthday so it applies
It is almost 4am and I should go to bed but like
Archie and Reggie wrestling in the ROAD
Just kiss
I get that's the straight man's "kiss" but like
Also out here Pops is just giving these kids everything always?
lmao a car to Reggie
Either way, they just need to take one of the cars up to lovers lane so things can get steamy bc
We cannot do anything with Uncle Frank around??
Again, I must ask, what were he and Hal doing that they both showed up in Betty and Archie's rooms during the peep show AT THE SAME TIME
Gay shit
Or KKK things maybe? Yikes. Idk what older white men of this season are doing but
it is gross and I hate it
The full on lack of adults in this episode was perfect also more of that please
Again, I cannot overstate this, but this 50's thing should last most of the season because it is fun and enjoyable and the story is gonna end how it ends so why be stressed
It's so good, I will not get off this soapbox ever sorry
Don't @ me either
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ltlemon · 11 months
here's me live-blogging episode 8 of OFMD for funzies (I have a feeling this episode might kill me) (oh and spoiler warning)
oh...oh no...is he sad...
ok a little but as least he's appreciating nature
hes so cute
aw no bbg
oh that's a nice title card
wow Ricky is a bastard
kinda cunty.
oh so she is alive!!
WHAT?? how were they literally right there???
hi izzy <3
oh Izzy's next to candles once again. what's with that? has anyone done a theory on that yet?
aww <33 it's about belonging to something... <33
stede's letter actually got to land! maybe not in the hands that it was meant to though.
'this is lovely' 🥺 'YOU WROTE ME A LOVELY LETTER' 😡
awww the little look into each others eyes they're so sweet <333
meanwhile, Zhengs literally fighting for her life back there
oh wow auntie Is Not Doing Good
olu calling for jim 🥺
aww ed's complimenting her <33
eeee they're bonding !!
oh my god stede stop
he called him babe 🥺 just like in stede's dreams 🥺🥺
Izzy's just sitting there trying not to laugh
'ooh there's a lot of them.' 😬
that's all Zheng's ever really wanted to hear from her
oh my god they all look so cute
did izzy get shot??? and just take it like that????
grade A espionage though
yeah he did!! holy shit dude, wow.
oh oh ed's helping him...!! <33
oh no bbg's dying from the blood loss
'he was a fucking nightmare. what a guy'
he just started to heal he just got fully accepted into the crew
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yes please do murder Ricky :)))
idk if ed's gonna be super gung-ho for that though he kinda just got over doing that sorta stuff so...
these last few minutes are really speed running our emotions
!! the whole crew is marrying them !!
they're officially maties 🥺
gotta love gay pirate marriage :'))
oh my god. they're not on the ship. are they... doing what I think they're doing
'maybe there's a feral animal or something we can cook up for dinner'
I'm going insane
there's gotta be an after credits to this right
aww, cute <3
wow ok hot diggity damn that was a lot.
and I just remembered that that's the end of season 2 so :))
that was a lot.
0 notes
bluelove24 · 3 years
Late night fun: Reggie Mantle (Charles Melton) x Male Reader.
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This work is complete fiction, it’s not meant to be taken seriously. I do not own the gif and every credit goes to owner.
Warnings: this work contains cheating, kinda strong language(?), it’s man on man action, description of genitalia, biting, rough sex.
Authors note: I struggled writing this one, it’s been chaotic so writing was very difficult but I managed to finished it. I’m not that satisfied with how it turned out, I feel like I didn’t do a good job. So please if you like it show some love. Another thing I was thinking about making a Riverdale series. Have Y/N Lodge “interact” with other characters. So if you like the idea let me know! Feedback is always welcomed. 💙
“Yes baby, you like this don't you, you little slut."
I turned on my bed.
“Tell me how much you want this you slut. Beg for my dick.”
Hot, it feels hot in the room.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard that you’ll be feeling the effects of my dick for a couple of days.”
I sit up quickly on my bed, sweating, and hard. I reach over to my nightstand where my phone is charging and check the time, “2:45”, great. Another night where no matter how much I jack off before bed I still dream of that night. The night I had sex with Archie Andrews, my crush for the longest time. It’s been 2 weeks since then, and he still hadn’t call or text me. Veronica has told me that she and Archie have hanged out since then so I know he’s still in Riverdale. I couldn’t stop thinking about him but I’m a Lodge, I can’t be weak, so I haven’t add the first move. I needed to find someone and fast. I lay down again on my bed trying to go back to sleep, trying my best to not think about Archie or his body or his beautiful dick or the way he fucked my- damn it. I couldn’t go back to bed in this condition. I get up and put my robe on, covering my underwear clad body. I didn’t want to run into my step father Hiram only wearing a jockstrap, so it’s better to cover up. I know, I know, if he’s my step father, why do I have his last name? Well the answer is simple, my mom had me before she got married to Hiram. I’m older than Veronica by one year.
I tied my robe and walk towards my door, I’ll go to the kitchen, I’ll drink a cup of water and head back to bed. I took a sit at the kitchen island with a water in hand, looking out the window. I hear footsteps walking towards the kitchen as well. “That’s weird, I didn’t think anyone was awake”.
“Woah! What are you doing here bro?” I turn around looking at the one and only Reggie Mantle, wearing only his tight underwear, in the entrance of my kitchen. Those briefs look almost painted on him. His muscles were out on display. His meaty chest with those perky brown nipples. His rippling abs, with a hairy treasure trail going from his bellybutton down to his great bulge. I look up at his face and I don’t know if he caught me checking him out or it’s because he’s scared of finding someone awake at this hour but he looks confused.
“I live here Mantle”. I turn to continue looking out the window, although I would love to keep looking at him. “What are you doing here?” I ask.
“Uhm…” he grabs a water bottle from the fridge. “Your sister and me were on a date”. He takes a few sips, his adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. “We came back and I wanted to have sex but she didn’t want to pull out”. He scratches his bulge behind the kitchen island, which I can’t see thanks to the dreaded object. “Sorry of its to much information for you. You know how it is when your girl doesn’t pull out am I right”. He laughs a little at his little joke.
“No Reggie I wouldn’t know since I don’t have a girl, in fact I’ve never had a girl, since you know… I’m gay”. I smirk at the end. I can see his mind processing everything I just said and then the realization comes. Poor Reggie he’s always been a little slow but so handsome.
“Oh shit…” he says softly. “I didn’t know, I’m sorry dude”.
“Sorry for what?”
“Well I mean it must be hard to be gay especially with your father being the way that he is”. He whispers that last part, afraid that he could possibly be heard.
“First of all, Hiram isn’t my father. Second of all, it’s not that bad. Being a Lodge has its perks.” We stay quiet after that for a little bit, I can see he’s struggling with something that he wants to say but it’s having trouble saying it. “Regg, you good?”
“Yeah it’s just that… can I ask you something?” I can already feel where this is going.
“Sure! Go ahead.”
“Did… did it hurt?” He whispered softly.
“Hurt? As in sex? I mean the first time hurts a little bit, but after a while it felt good. I mean I like it rough so honestly… I didn’t mind the pain”.
“You like the pain?” Reggie tilted his head to the side like a puppy.
“Yeah I mean I like it rough so I honestly didn’t mind.” I could see that my words were having an effect on him.
“So you like it rough…” Reggie put his left hand on his bulge, still hiding behind the kitchen island.
If he’s getting excited by what I’m saying, then let’s push it a little bit more. “Oh yeah. I mean getting down on my knees to suck a dick, choke on it. Then having a guy bend me over and just fuck my brains out is the best ever.” I could see his hands moving behind the counter, most likely playing with his bulge. “What about you Regg, how do you like sex?” I got up and walked slowly around the counter so that I could catch a glimpse of his bulge.
“We have more in common than I thought, we like sex the same way.” He took a step back showing off his situation. His underwear was struggling to contain that dick inside.
“Why Reggie Mantle… it seems like you have a little situation over there”. I walked towards him, not that close but close enough that I could see his dick twitch.
He looked towards the entrance of the kitchen, most likely seeing if we were alone. Then he took a step closer. “Trust me babe, there’s nothing small about this.” He took another step to where he was close enough that I could feel his body heat.
“Is that so?” I placed my hand on his strong chest, moving my fingers down. He flexed his pecs making then bounce. My hand now touching his rock hard abs. Going lower I felt the beginning of his treasure trail guiding me down towards the promised land. As my hand reached the waistband of his underwear he stopped me.
“I don’t remember saying you could touch”. He grabbed my hand but didn’t let go.
I press my body against his, getting close to his ear I whisper. “If you didn’t want me to do this, we both know that you would have already punched me, so spare me the fake outrage and let me suck your dick”. After saying that I give a lick to his earlobe, kissing my way down his neck, down to his chest where I kiss and suck on those nipples, gently biting the right one eliciting a moan from Reggie. Jackpot. I suck on his nipples for a few minutes and with my hand I pinch and twist the other one. Reggie is moaning from the pleasure and slight pain from me pinching him. I release his nipple from my mouth and stand face to face with him. “If you don’t want my sister to catch us you better keep quiet, we still haven’t gotten to the main event.” I give a quick lick to his lips to see his reaction. After seeing that he didn’t complain about it, I take my chance and give him a quick kiss before kneeling in front of him. I look at his face before lowering my eyes to his bulging dick trapped behind his tight briefs. I get close to his bulge pressing my face on it smelling him. I can feel the heat trapped inside. He smells wonderful, the clean smell of a fresh pair of underwear, the remnants smell of his body wash, and his natural smell after a long night. His natural smell overpowering the others, pure man. I take a deep whiff, taking him in. I rub my face all over his bulge trying to coat my face with his smell. I found the head of his cock behind the briefs and could feel the wet spot from his precum. I started sucking the precum from the briefs. Making the wet spot bigger. I grabbed his briefs and pulled them down, his big bush started showing. I pulled lower and the base of his cock came into view, more and more, until with one big tug his dick was free. I take a look at it, it is beautiful dick. 6.7 inches and really thick with a little bit of an upwards curve. Lowering my eyes a little bit, holy shit, his balls! They’re the size of eggs, they are really big. I grabbed onto Reggie’s balls, they were heavy in my hand. Reggie's sack felt like silk as his nuts rolled between my fingers. The head of his dick was shiny with his precum. He made his dick bounce, making his precum drip onto the floor. I look at his face smiling.
“Do you like it?” His voice is low and deep.
“Yes Reggie, it’s beautiful, I can’t wait to have it in my mouth”. I smiled up at him.
“Then hurry up, I haven’t cum in weeks”. He flexed his dick again. Reggie leaned against the counter and opened his legs.
I grabbed his dick and hold it up, I get closer to his balls and take a deep breath. Taking in his manly scent, they look shiny from sweat. I press my face into his balls, feeling their warmth. I start licking his balls, tasting them. They are salty from his sweat and the taste like pure man. I suck one of them into my mouth and apparently they were sensitive because he started shaking from pleasure. He grabbed my hair and pushed my face harder into his crotch. I started slobbering all over his huge nuts. As my head got pushed around, my own saliva left a shiny film on my face.
“Yes." he moaned, "Fuck yes.” I sucked and licked while Reggie directed my mouth from left to right, under his nuts and above them, into the crease between his legs and then back to his junk. “Oh fuck yeah”. Groaned Reggie. He looked down at me, I was staring right back at him. "You're doing good, baby. I could stand here forever."
“Fuck Reggie this is so fucking hot”. I said and continued licking his balls. Reggie grabbed his dick, giving it a few strokes. He started rubbing the head of his dick on my face, forehead, even my hair. Reggie was leaking precum like a faucet, I could feel a steady steam of precum spilled into my scalp. This is so dirty, I love it. I could feel his balls start to pull up towards his body, letting me know he was close to cumming. I pulled back, I want his cum but not right now, I want to enjoy this a little bit more. I sit back catching my breath, I can feel his precum soaking my hair and forehead. I scoop some up from my forehead and lick it up. Looking up at him I can see he’s also breathing heavily. I look at the clock is almost 3:30 am. I get closer to him and grab his dick and start sucking on the head. His precum floods my mouth instantly. His dick is going to be a problem, what is missing in length it makes up for it in girth. I can already feel my jaw starting to ache. I push more of him into my mouth, until I almost reach the base, my mouth is stretched to its limits. At the base it gets thicker, something I wouldn’t think possible. I started moving my head back and forth, his precum flowing into my throat. Reggie grabbed my head and started picking up speed, thrusting quickly into my mouth. My jaw is hurting stretched to its limit. Reggie was pounding my throat without mercy making me choke my eyes water started to water. I could feel drool spill from my open mouth. Even though it was a struggle I was hard in my underwear. I could feel my dick leaking precum, making my underwear wet. I needed to catch a break so I pull away, catching my breath. “Fuck Reggie, you’re thick.” I wiped my mouth from all the drool. He started jerking his cock, using the mix from my saliva and his precum as lube. Fuck if it wasn’t for the fact that my family is sleeping close by I would let him fuck me. I look at his face and get closer again. Taking over I start jerking him off. I get my mouth close to his dick but I stop. Let’s have some fun. “Hey Regg… have you ever been sucked like this?” I smirk at him, giving his dick a few strokes. “Am I… am I better than my sister?” I stop stroking him immediately. I need him to be needier for this, for me. He looks shocked, I can see the wheels turning in his mind. He opens his mouth to answer but I need to torture him a little bit more. So I place my mouth over the head of his dick and gently suck on the head, not breaking eye contact. I pull back again, “So am I better?” I place him back in my mouth and painfully slowly I start to take him deeper into my mouth. I push through the pain and take him completely, my nose in his pubes, my jaw at its limit. I start moaning, making vibrations with my throat.
“F-fuu-fuck!” Reggie almost yells. “Yes, a thousand times yes, you’re so much better than your sister”. He grabs my head and holds it in place. “Fuck no one has ever taken my dick that far, they always complain about how thick it is.” He’s whispering, his abs flexing, he’s trying to control himself from not cumming so soon. His body is shiny from the sweat, making his muscles that much more highlighted. He starts moving my head back and forth, fucking my throat. I start gagging from the pounding my throat is receiving. Drool leaking from the corner of my mouth making neck and chest wet. I can feel my robe absorbing the spit that’s running down my neck. I take a hold of his balls and start gently massaging them. With my other hand I grab his ass. Looking up I can see that Reggie has his head tilted back biting his lips. He continues relentlessly to pound my throat.
In the silence of the night the only sound is gurgling from my throat and Reggie’s low moans. I didn’t care if anyone came out and saw us, I wanted Reggie’s cum. He starts picking up speed, his balls pulling tight to his body, signaling that he was ready to cum. “I’m about to cum, you better swallow this big load that I’m about to give yo-aaaaaaahhhh!” With one final push from him, he pulls my face tightly into his crotch and starts cumming down throat. I can feel his hot load blasting into my stomach, there’s just so much that I feel myself getting full. I push him away but not completely I still have the head of his dick in my mouth. He continues to cum flooding my mouth with his cum. It tastes better than I imagined, slightly salty, but it’s sweet I can tell he eats pineapple, and it’s thick. I start swallowing the shots that he blasted in my mouth but his cum just keep coming. There’s so much that some leaks from my mouth. “Don’t swallow all of it, save some in your mouth!” With one final throb he stops cumming. I counted 8 blasts of his cum. I pull away from his dick, making sure not to spill any of the cum that’s in my mouth. He grabs my hand and pulls me up crashing his lips with mine. After our lips met, he started sucking the cum I didn’t swallow from my mouth, licking my mouth clean with his tongue. After making out with him for a few he pulls away, giving me a sexy smirk. “Don't flatter yourself. I do it when I got blowjobs from women too. Jizz contain protein, and I don't like wasting protein. I need it to get bigger." He said to me as he ruffled my hair. Fuck my dick was so ready to bust. He looked down at my crotch seeing my desperation. “You didn’t cum?”
“No… I focused on pleasing you first before I finished”. I looked at him. He looked at me then looked down the hall to make sure nobody was coming and grabbed me again, pulling me to him. He started kissing me again, pulling back he started licking the cum that ran down my neck. While he was in my neck he started to kiss, suck, and bite my neck marking me up. He opened my robe and grabbed my ass with one hand and the other moved to the pouch of my dick.
“Come on baby, cum for daddy.” He whispered in my ear. “You made daddy happy so now be a good boy and shoot for me. Show daddy how quickly he can make you cum”. He started jerking me off through my jockstrap. The hand in my ass started squeezing my cheeks. His lips sucking on my neck. I was close to cumming.
“Aah! Daddy I’m cumming!” I bite my lip trying not to moan loudly, from fear of waking someone up. Reggie wasn’t making it easy, after I finished talking he started sucking hard on my neck. My orgasm was really powerful that if it wasn’t for Reggie I probably would have fallen, my knees felt really weak. After cumming in my jockstrap, I fell on Reggie, letting him hold me while I catch my breath. After a few minutes I stand up again, stepping away from Reggie. He looked incredible, standing there naked, his briefs on the floor. The sweat making his hair stick to his forehead. His lips swollen and red from kissing. I took a step back until my hip was resting on the kitchen island, across from him. Both of us processing what just happened.
Reggie stood up and walked towards me, he got down in front of me and started taking my jockstrap off.
“Wha-what are you doing Reggie…?”
He didn’t answer he just continued taking my jockstrap off. After removing it from my body he grabbed his briefs and started putting them on me. His briefs felt a little loose on me. After putting his underwear on me he stood up again. He gave me a quick kiss and got close to my ear. “I’m taking these as a souvenir.” He stepped back showing me my cum covered jockstrap. I started walking towards my sister’s room. After making sure that there was no evidence of what we just did I walked back towards my room.
Walking pass my sister room I could see that Reggie didn’t close the door completely. I get close to the door and I can see he was putting my jockstrap in his the pocket of his coat. He looks at the door and winks at me. He gets in bed with my sister, still naked, and I’m pretty sure I could still see my saliva around his dick. I get to my room and get into bed, thinking about what Reggie and me just did. And the fact that I basically just slept with my sister’s boyfriend and said boyfriend is now naked in her bed. As I feel sleep start to take over me my phone vibrates. I grab it and see what it is. Shocked I sit on the bed. It’s a simple text accompanied by a picture. The text says:
“Miss me?” Attached to it it’s a picture of Archie Andrews’s dick wrapped around the underwear he took from me on Halloween. The three dots appear on the screen, he’s typing…
“I’m cumming for that ass again ;)”
The End…
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Archie Andrews X Top Male Reader- Smut
I don't know where did this idea came from, it just did and for some reason, I decided to share it.
-Gay sex ( If you don't like, don't read)
-Sort of bad language (?)
-Writing mistakes
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You thought Archie Andrews was interesting so when he asked you out on a date, you said yes. What you weren't expecting was to start dating him and actually fall in love with him.
(Y/N) was watching Archie wrestle and could help but admire his body so tightly hugged by the gear. It was so hot he couldn't help but start to get hard.
His boyfriend wasn't helping either, once in a while, he would just stare at him with lust in his eyes and showing off his body in compromising positions. It took all of your will not to just fuck him right there in front of everyone.
The practice was finally over, Archie was the last one their. He gave you a kiss and said:
"Sorry for making you wait, I'll go take a quick shower and then we can go home"
He gave you a wink and a sudden squeeze on your crotch, then walking away.
You were stupefied for a second. Your mind has quick to catch up with your body and you started to run after him.
Archie had arrived at the locker room and had just put down his practice bag.
When he was pushed against the lockers.
"(Y/N)!?" Said surprise.
"You are such a tease, making me hard during your training on purpose. I think you deserve being punished, don't you?" Said (Y/N), putting Archie's hands above his head and pushing against his crotch with his knee. Forcing a large moan to be ripped from his boyfriend's throat.
"N-no, what if someone comes in?"
"Don't worry I looked the door" Said ripping apart his gear, making Archie moan even more.
(Y/N) pulled him into a deep kiss devouring his mouth. Then started kissing from his jaw to his neck to his nipples. Which he started to play with, making his boyfriend moan even more.
"Please!" Begging Archie.
"Please what?" Said (Y/N)
"Please fuck me" Mumbled
"What? I can't hear you, say it louder."
"See, it wasn't that hard" Said (Y/N) turning him around and going down on his knees. He removed the remaining of the gear and spread Archie's butt cheeks. He then started liking around the butt hole making Archie arch is back and moan. The jock moaned even louder when (Y/N) started rimming him.
"Come on (Y/N), just fuck me already!" Demand Archie pushing his butt against (Y/N)'s face impatiently.
"Your wish is my command." (Y/N) said getting up and penetrating him without waiting any longer. Archie screamed from the pain and pleasure and (Y/N) started pounding into him quickly.
His boyfriend was a moaning mess, he was crying, his mouth apart and couldn't form a coherent word.
"I'm- I'm cumming!" Screamed Archie, his cum hitting the wall and making his insides clench.
"M-me too" Moaned out (Y/N), cumming inside him.
The two embraced each other in a comfortable silence, only heavy breathing could be heard.
"We should go it's getting late, you can take a shower at Home" Said (Y/N) ending the silence.
"Yeah." Archie quickly agreed and the two here off.
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sequinsmile-x · 3 years
Part of the Whatever Tomorrow Brings series.
Chapter 2: Theo 
This chapter is all about Theo coming out to his family, which I know can be a sensitive subject for people. So I just wanted to give fair warning before anyone reads it. 
Word count: 4.7k
Read here on ao3, or below the cut.
Let me know what you think! 
January 2010
Emily was nervous as soon as the school called, Theo’s teacher, a kind woman called Ms Gorman, wanted to speak to her as soon as possible. Aaron couldn’t make it, a meeting with his superiors running over, so she had a cranky Amelia in her lap as she sat in a slightly too small chair in Theo’s classroom.
“Mrs Hotchher, I understand that the circumstances around Theo’s recent absence from class was...unusual to say the least.” Ms Gorman says kindly. “But I do have a couple of concerns.”
Emily frowns, her heart constricting in her chest, fears about her son being held back a year taking root. She shushes Amelia as she cries out, holding the small toy she had brought to entertain her infront of her.
“I did try my best with homeschooling, I know it wasn’t ideal but we did ok.”
“That’s not what I mean, Mrs Hotchner. Theo is a very bright boy, and he is doing very well academically.” Ms Gorman reassures, and Emily feels a brief moment of relief. “My concern is more around the social side of things.”
“Oh.” Emily says. “He hasn’t said anything. What about Ollie, and his other friends? You couldn’t get them to spend 10 minutes away from each other before.”
The truth rolled around Emily’s head. ‘Before’ was back prior to their world being torn apart and a serial killer almost murdering Aaron in their old home. Before she had spent 6 months in a cramped apartment with her kids, allowed no contact with her husband or anyone else in their lives.
“6 months is a long time when you are their age. They’ve all moved on.”
It felt like a gut punch to Emily, guilt spreading through her body quickly. She swallows against the lump of emotion in her throat. “Does he talk to anyone?”
Ms Gorman smiles sadly at her before shaking her head. “He tried at first, but he just sits alone now at lunch and at recess. I’ve tried to encourage him to play with the others, but all he wants to do is see you or his older brother.”
Emily closes her eyes briefly and takes a deep breath before she looks back at Ms Gorman.
“Thank you for letting me know.” __________
Theo doesn’t want to talk about it at all on the way home from school, despite her attempts to bribe him with ice cream. Jack isn’t even able to pull him out of it with promises of a few rounds of MarioKart. Theo solemnly eats his dinner before going to his room early, asking if he can just go upstairs to play alone.
Emily sighs as she gets Amelia out of her high chair, kissing the sleepy baby’s head as she pulls her into her arms. “Bed time for you I think, sweet girl.”
Aaron walks over to them and smiles, kissing his wife on the lips and his daughter on her head.
“Why don’t I put her down and you go speak to Theo?” He says, a tightness in his voice that had been there since she told him what the teacher had explained to her. He was already lifting the 11 month old from her arms as Emily started to protest. “We both know you’re the only one he’ll talk to.”
Emily opens her mouth to argue, but Amelia interrupts her, mumbling into her fathers shirt as she sleepily lays her head against him.
Emily rolls her eyes as she relents. “I fed her almost exclusively with my body for 10 months and you’re the favourite.” She says, eyebrow raised but no malice in her voice. They both knew she didn’t really mind, that she was delighted that the once strong bond between father and daughter had been repaired after their long separation.
She kisses her daughter’s head again, whispering goodnight and words of love against her skin before she heads upstairs to her son’s room. She knocks lightly on the door.
“Theo? Can I come in?”
There’s a sniff through the door that makes her heart twist in her chest. “No.”
“Theo, baby. I want to make sure you’re ok.” There’s a pause. “Please?”
Emily walks into the room to find Theo sat on his bed, tears streaming down his face and Archie held tightly in his arms. “Oh my sweet boy.”
She walks over to the bed and sits next to him at the head of it. She wraps her arm around him and he immediately curls into her embrace, his wet face pressed against her shirt.
“I have no friends.” He cries, and she shushes him, pulling him fully into her lap so she can hug him properly.
“Your teacher said you have been having some problems with Ollie and the others.”
“They don’t want to talk to me anymore.” He sniffs. “They said I’m weird.”
Emily immediately stiffens, anger spiking in her veins. She hears a voice in the back of her head, that sounded suspiciously like her husband, that was telling her she couldn’t tell off a bunch of 7 year olds for upsetting her son.
“That’s not very nice of them.” She says, kissing the top of his head, surprised at how even her voice sounded. “Have you tried talking to anyone else?”
Theo sniffs again. “There’s a girl called Lucy that seems ok.”
“Well, why don’t you talk to her?”
Theo pulls back from her enough to look at her, an indigent look on his face that she just knew was all her. “Because she’s a girl, Mommy.” He says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
“Well, I’m a girl.” She replies, fake indignation in her voice as she pokes his nose. “You speak to me all the time.”
“You don’t count.”
“Oh I don’t, huh?” She says, tickling him until he relents. He is laying against her again and she runs her hand through his hair. “Just try talking to her, baby. You never know she could end up being fun. Even if she is a girl.”
Emily stays with him until he falls asleep, slipping out from under him with years of practice at not disturbing him. She goes in search of her husband and finds him in their room, laying on their bed, one hand under his head, still fully dressed from his day at work.
“Is he ok?” Aaron asks as soon as she enters the room, his voice tight and his eyes are fixed on the ceiling.
She sighs, joining him on the bed. “I think he will be.” She looks at him, biting her lip when she sees the barely suppressed emotion on his face. “Are you ok?”
“It’s my fault.”
“Aaron, it’s no-”
“Don’t say it’s not my fault.” He says, his voice too close to begging for her liking. “I goaded a serial killer and he came after me, after us. And now our kids are traumatised, and our son doesn’t have any friends left.” Emily grabs his hand and tugs him towards her. He doesn’t resist, rolling onto his side until he is pressed up against her, his head on her chest. She wraps her arms around him, scratching her nails through his hair.
“Honey.” She punctuates the pet name with a kiss to his forehead. “I’m not going to let you blame yourself for any of this. It’s all George Foyet’s fault. All of it.” She almost feels her own resolve slip when she feels his tears through her shirt, opposite to the side that Theo had cried on only an hour earlier. “Ok?”
“Ok.” He says, his hand moving to her hip to squeeze it. “Ok.” He repeats, sounding more sure.
They lay there for a while, taking comfort in each other that two months after their reunion still felt precious.
“What would we all do without you?” Aaron asks into her shirt, his voice sounding lighter than it had done all evening.
Emily laughs. “I don’t know. I think our kids would all have less of an attitude though.”
“You’ve got that right.” He replies, and she can feel his smug grin against her chest.
“Jerk.” She says, unable to stop herself from laughing. He looks up at her and they kiss, his hand on her hip tightening. They pull back and she leans her forehead against his. “I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.” __________
November 2020
Theo wants to get it off his chest, he wants to tell his family before he leaves for college. He decides to tell Penelope first. Aside from his parents she had always been his biggest supporter, his confidant. Her friendship with his mom and dad had served him well before, a rare teenage tantrum about them being over protective turned around in moments as she reminded them how much they had been through to have him, and to keep their family safe. She had driven him home, his head lowered as he apologised to his mother for their crossed words. Now he needed her advice.
He had sent her a text the day before asking if he could come round after school for a chat, saying he needed some help with something, his insistence that it would be kept a secret from his mom and dad clear. Penelope replied, almost immediately like she always did, with the affirmative and Theo found himself unable to concentrate throughout this classes. His mind focused elsewhere.
Penelope answered her front door in a flurry of bright colours and barely concealed anxiety. She ushers him into her home, a hug and a greeting in quick succession as she guides him into her living room.
“Now, you have got to tell me what this is all about.” She says, already passing him his favourite soda before he can ask for it. “I know you said you wanted to keep whatever it is between us, but if you’ve done drugs or killed someone or something else illegal, I don’t think I can keep it from them.”
“Aunt Pen-”
“Your dad has this way of looking directly into my soul or something. And your mom is terrifying when it comes to you guys. I’d have to go into hiding-”
“Aunt Pen.” Theo says more firmly, finally getting her attention. She stops ranting and stares at him, an expectant look on her face. “It’s nothing illegal. I promise.”
She seems to notice how serious he is and she instantly calms, the concerned look on her face melting away into comfort. “Theo, you know you can tell me anything.”
He takes a deep breath, and he says the words he had never said out loud, but had known were true for as long as he remembered. “I’m gay.”
Penelope doesn’t react for a second, no emotion passes over her face, and Theo very briefly wonders if he had somehow made a mistake. Then all of a sudden he’s in a bone crushing hug, and he can almost feel the relief pouring out of him.
“Am I the first person you’ve told?” She asks, still holding him tightly.
Theo swallows against the lump in his throat, tears of relief on his face. “Yeah.”
“And you want my advice on how to tell your mom and dad?”
There’s a beat of silence. “Oh.” Penelope suddenly exclaims, pulling back from Theo, making him jump slightly. “I have an idea. You could get one of those confetti gun things, fill it with rainbow confetti and just let it off at dinner.”
Theo stares at his aunt for a second, the enthusiasm rolling off of her in waves. “Yeah, I’m not going to do that.”
“A cake?”
“Aunt Pen.” He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I’m not going to do something over the top. I just want to tell them.”
“Teddy Bear.” Penelope says, using the nickname she had used when he was small. She was, without a doubt, the only person he would let get away with calling him that now. “Your mom and dad love you. Nothing will ever change that. You should just tell them, whenever you feel ready.”
He nods, a smile on his face. “Ok.”
She sends him home with enough baked goods to feed a small town, and a fierce hug at the door. “I am so proud of you, Theo.”
It’s the only secret Penelope Garcia ever keeps. __________
The next day Theo comes home from school to a package, Penelope’s recognisable handwriting on the label. He takes it to his room and opens it, something like a mix of a laugh and a sigh coming out when he pulls out a handheld confetti cannon.
There’s a small note attached to it that simply says ‘in case you change your mind.’
He hides it under his bed. ___________
Emily is surprised when she looks up from her never ending stream of paperwork to a knock on her office door to see her son standing there, nerves rolling off of him. There were times when it was hard for her to accept that so many years had passed. That her once tiny baby who refused to be separated from her in the first few weeks of his life, although her husband would argue it was years, was now this 18 year old standing in front of her.
Her nerves were immediately on edge. He would only have finished school just less than an hour ago, meaning he had come directly from school to Quantico. The kids used to visit her at work more when they were younger, Aaron bringing them in on evenings when she was still Unit Chief and they were fresh back from a case, paperwork too behind for her to go straight home. He would walk into her office, Theo and Jack by his side and Amelia resting on his hip with a bag full of food prepared for them all. This was rare, just one of them showing up unannounced, and a number of worse case scenarios were already tumbling around her head.
“Theo, hi.” She immediately abandons her work, pen forgotten on her desk as she approaches her son. “Is everything ok?”
“Yeah.” He chokes out, sounding anything but ok. “I just wanted to talk to you. Alone.”
“Of course. Give me one second.” She walks past him, a hand briefly on his shoulder before she pokes her head out of her office and tells her assistant to give them some time. She then closes the door and pulls the blinds shut giving them total privacy, already completely prepared to hunt down whoever had Theo this upset. She sits on the couch she keeps in her office and pats the seat next to her, encouraging him to join her.
At first Emily just sits there, watching Theo intently as he avoids looking at her, worry all over his face. She lets five minutes of tortuous silence pass. She sees how he is picking at his cuticles, a habit he had inherited from her, how his left knee was bouncing constantly, anxiety rolling off of him.
“Theo, honey.” She places a hand on his knee to stop it from bouncing. It makes him look at her and she gives him an encouraging smile. “You can take as long as you need to tell me whatever it is you want to. I just need to know if you’re ok, because I’m worried.”
“Sorry.” He says, trying to smile at her.
“Oh sweetheart, no.” She cups the back of his head. “Don’t apologise. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
Theo suddenly closes the gap between them and hugs her tightly. He’d always been the most affectionate out of her children, even throughout his teenage years he had still consistently sought her out. A bond between the two of them that Aaron often said even teenage hormones couldn’t fracture.
Emily hugs him back, frowning at what almost felt like desperation in his embrace. “You’re ok, Theo. You’re ok.”
“Yes, honey?”
He pulls back from her, and she instinctively wipes the tear away from his cheek. Something she had done countless times in his life. Something she would do as long as he needed her to.
Theo takes a deep breath. “I’m gay.” He says, his voice shaky but his words certain.
Emily had known this was coming, she always had. She had seen how anxious Theo had been lately but waited for him to come to her, for him to be ready. She smiles at him and wipes another tear away from his cheek. “Thank you for telling me. I love you and I’m so proud of you.”
There’s a beat of silence before Theo furrows his brow, looking so much like Aaron it makes her smile wider. “That’s it?”
“Were you expecting something else?”
“No.” He says, shaking his head. “I don’t know. Lucy came out to her parents lately and it didn’t go well. I guess I was worried.” He swallows the lump in his throat. “Do you think Dad will be ok? What about grandma?”
Emily smiles at him again and pulls him back into a hug and kisses the side of his head.
“Sweetheart.” She soothes, her hand running up and down his back. “Your dad loves you, no matter what. It’s kind of part of the whole being a parent thing. I can be with you when you tell him if you want.” Emily smiles when she feels him nod against her. “Just take it one step at a time. And as far as your grandmother goes, if she says anything even slightly awful you leave her to me. I’m long overdue for a fight with her anyway.”
Theo laughs at that and pulls away, and wipes the few remaining tears from his face. “Thanks, Mom. I don’t think I could go head to head with her.”
“Lucky for you I have 50 years of practice.” She smiles. “Do you want to go home? Talk to Dad?”
“Don’t you have work?”
“You’re more important than any of that.” Emily says gesturing to her desk. “It’s completely up to you though.”
“Let's do it.” __________
Theo is grateful for his mother as she sits next to him on the couch, close enough for him to reach out for if he needs her. She’d always been his favourite person for as long as he could remember. His memories of the time they had been separated from his father were slightly fuzzy, and at this stage when he dreamt about it he wasn’t always sure what was real and what his brain had made up to torture him. What Theo did remember, however, was his mother. How she had held it together, the way she had still let them all know how much they were loved.
It was only as he got older, and he realised how disgustingly in love his parents were, it occurred to him how difficult it must have been for her. He had seen how miserable either of them were if they were separated for a few days at a time, and every time they hugged a little too long in the foyer of their home, only breaking apart at Amelia’s protests, he wondered how they had managed it for 6 months.
When he tells his dad his most closely guarded secret he feels instant relief at his supportive reaction. It was almost, word for word, the same as his mother’s, and a small part of Theo wondered if they had practised it.
He tells his brother over the phone a week later, Jack’s working schedule as a resident at the local was difficult and made getting together tricky at times.
Theo takes a deep breath as he walks into the living room, a small smile on his face as he finds his younger sister sitting on the couch, her head buried in her phone.
“Yeah.” She doesn’t look up from her phone.
“Can I talk to you?”
Theo pauses when she still doesn’t look up at him. “Amelia.” He says, the use of her full name finally drawing her gaze from her phone. “It’s important.”
She holds her hands up and makes a show of locking her phone and putting it down in her lap. “You have my undivided attention.”
Theo takes a seat next to her on the couch. “I’ve already told Mom and Dad, and Jack, so I thought it was important to tell you too. I’m gay.”
Amelia looks at him for a second, expression blank before she picks her phone back. “Are you free right now, or are you doing this with everyone tonight?”
Theo furrows his brows at her. “Sure...I’m free.”
“Cool.” She stands up, furiously texting someone. “Jack thought you wouldn’t come out until after Christmas, and now he owes me $20. Can you drive me to his place?”
Theo stares at her for a second, his car keys already in his hand. “You guys bet on that?”
“Yeah.” Amelia replies, smiling at a text he assumes is from Jack. “Can we go to Taco Bell after?”
She rolls her eyes at him. “To spend my $20. Obviously.” __________
Amelia sits next to him, her feet on the dash of his new car, eating what appeared to be her third taco in as many minutes. She reaches into the paper bag in the passenger seat footwell and passes him one. Theo takes it with a smile on his face.
Amelia nudges him with her elbow. “I’m very lucky to have you as an older brother.” She briefly rests her head on his shoulder, and Theo is taken aback by the out of character sentiment from his sister.
Then as quickly as it happened, she removes her head from his shoulder and takes a sip of her Baja Blast. “So, what’s your type? Big and muscly like Uncle Derek, or nerdy like Uncle Spence?”
“What? I’ve got to be on the lookout for you.” She takes another sip of her drink. “You’re terrible at flirting.”
“You’re not even 12. You shouldn’t even know what flirting is.” He deadpans.
“Oh come on.” Amelia says, rolling her eyes. “I’ve known what flirting is since I could talk. Mom and Dad do it constantly. It’s disgusting.” __________
“It’s rare we get the house to ourselves.” Aaron says as he wraps his arms around Emily’s waist from behind, kissing the side of her head. She was standing at the kitchen counter, cutting up some vegetables for dinner. It was the closest thing Aaron would let her do to cooking, his claim that she could burn water always quickly following his protests that he could prepare meals by himself.
Emily smiles as she briefly leans back into him. “Careful, or it will be your fault when I cut myself.” To make a point she purposely pushes the knife down a little harder than necessary. “And we both know you can’t cope if I’m hurt.”
“That’s unfair.” He says squeezing her a little tighter.
“Do I need to bring up the time my appendix nearly exploded, again? Or do you remember that differently to how I do?”
He takes the knife from her hand and turns her round so she’s facing him. Her arms automatically wrap around him, her hands trailing up his back to rest at the edge of his shoulder blades. Aaron leans down to kiss her, determined to wipe the smug look off her face, when they hear the scrape of a key in the front door. He groans and rests his forehead against hers.
Emily laughs and briefly presses her lips against his. “We’ll carry on this conversation later, Mr Hotchner.”
“That better be a promise.” He says, pulling her slightly closer, hearing Theo and Amelia’s voices drift into the house.
“Always, my love.” She kisses him again before extracting herself from his grip. She walks towards where she can hear the kids talking, and she arrives to find Amelia going upstairs.
“Does she not want dinner?” Emily asks Theo, watching her daughters retreating figure up the stairs.
“I think Mills just ate more tacos than anyone ever has in one sitting.” Theo says, smiling at the look of bewilderment on his mother’s face. “She bet Jack $20 that I would come out before Christmas, she made me take her to Taco Bell to spend her winnings.”
Emily raises an eyebrow. She knew Ameila had very little tact, and a part of her was concerned at what she could have said to her brother. “Do you need me to have a word with her?”
“No it’s ok.” Theo shakes his head. “Mom, did you and Dad already know?”
Emily flushes slightly, averting her eyes from her son before she looks back at him. “Yes. We did. We were just waiting for you to feel comfortable enough to tell us.” She laughs at the look of confusion on his face. “Honey, I think you sometimes forget what your dad and I both used to do for a living. Plus, your first ever crush was Joe Jonas from Camp Rock.”
Theo laughed at that, the relief blooming in his chest. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“It wasn’t our place, honey. This is your story to tell.” She opens her arms up for a hug which he gladly accepts. “We’re both so proud of you.” ______
After dinner Aaron goes to the home office to mark some papers for the class he taught at Quantico. Full retirement had never quite suited him, so he taught one class a semester. Theo finds himself standing outside the office just before he went to bed, after watching a movie with his mother, knocking to say goodnight to his father.
“Come in.”
Theo opens the door and walks in, hovering in the doorway. “I’m off to bed. Mom says she’ll meet you in your bedroom to finish the conversation you started.” Theo says. Aaron tries to hide the smile on his face, but obviously fails when his son makes a noise of disgust. “I should have known that was something gross.”
“Sorry, you know she thinks it’s funny to freak you out.” Aaron laughs, his amusement at his wife's antics still as strong as they were when they first met. “If you need me as backup the first time you bring a boyfriend home let me know. We both know what your mother is like.” Aaron says, smirking as Theo’s face pales, images of Jack’s first attempts at bringing a girl home flicking through his brain.
“Oh God, she’ll find a way to bring up the you vs Foyet thing won’t she.”
Aaron smiles as he takes a sip of his drink. “Without a doubt.” __________
Aaron sneaks into his bedroom a couple of hours later, well aware that his wife was likely fast asleep by now. He smiles when he sees her curled up in the middle of the bed, mouth slightly open as she snored lightly, her hand under his pillow.
He quickly gets ready for bed before joining her. The movement of the bed wakes her enough for her to make a disgruntled noise before she moves closer to him, her thigh pressed over his waist.
“Go back to sleep, sweetheart.” He soothes, securing her to him with a hand on her back.
“I think I promised to do something dirty when you came to bed.” She mumbles, face pressed into him.
Aaron chuckles, his hand drifting under her sleep shirt to press against her skin. “Another time, baby. You’re tired.”
She hums into him. “I’m glad Theo is ok, he seemed happier at dinner.”
“I think he’s just relieved it's out there.”
They lay in silence, and he thinks she may have fallen asleep until she speaks again. “He told me that Penelope sent him an explosive prop to come out to us with.”
“She did what?” __________
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fazar234 · 3 years
Chapter 4: Mrs. Croaker - Helping Hand
Oh wow that was fast. I didn't think I'd manage to get another chapter out already but here we are. (if it's a bit rushed I'm sorry)
Summary: When Archie goes missing, Mrs. Croaker and Sasha look high and low for him.
Tags/Inspirations: @writingamongther0ses, @eclipsewarrior101, @d-blue02, @dawn-is-gay, @hughjidiot, @eeveearoace, @eeveearoace-creative, @sonofrose, @iamthelordoftime, @shikokiomi, @space-lynn, @astro-inthestars, @waybrights, @skibs-scribbles, @casswithmywholeheart, @starsfic, @luna--dragon, @mira-blue, @thatonedorkthatdraws, @dodelidoo, @issabolical
Sasha is not a morning person.
It’s very easy figuring that out, especially when she groans after waking up, covering her eyes as the barn doors open, sunlight coming through, and Grime steps in with her breakfast, which is worm waffles, the mere sight enough to make the blonde lose her appetite.
Man, Grime really needs to start expanding his recipes. And preferably ones that aren’t filled with bugs or worms.
After politely refusing her breakfast, which Grime doesn’t mind (because, hey, more food for him), she heads out to attend to her daily tasks: training the frogs to fight, tending to the Plantars’ farm, giving Bessie and MicroAngelo their usual baths, and annihilating any Frobots that disturb the peace.
All in all, it’s a pretty normal day for the warrior, until she hears a shriek. She immediately traverses to the source of the noise, which is Sadie Croaker’s house, only to find a purple elderly frog of the same name frantically searching underneath a…dog bed?
“Uh, Mrs. Croaker?” Sasha calls out, the old frog immediately perking up at her name being mentioned. “Is everything ok?”
“Bless my socks, if it isn’t Sasha Waybright!” the frog exclaims, though there’s an underlying tone of worry in her voice. “Have you seen Archie? I left him back home, but when I got back, he went missing! I checked all over the house, but I can’t find him!”
“Uh, nope.” Sasha replies. The only experience she’s had with pets are with Domino III, a cat owned by Anne Boonchuy who was very feisty around other people. She’s had to try looking for her multiple times, up to the point where she basically knew of every hiding spot. “I could help you find him though. Where does he usually like to hang around?”
‘Well, he usually tends to wander around near the woods, so maybe we could start there?”
Sasha snapped her fingers. “Got it. Follow me.”
The rest of the afternoon is spent searching for the lost spider and asking of his last known whereabouts. Sadly, no one seems to have noticed him.
“No clue where he could have gone, I’m afraid.” Wally replies, after asked about the presence of Archie. “Though I did see him messing with my accordion this morning. Tell that spider of yours to back off!”
“Well, I dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo’nt. I’m afraid I don’t. But I could carve a statue of him if ya like!” Loggle responds.
“Unless you’re referring to that pet flea I resurrected a while ago, I’ve got nothing.” Maddie answers. “But I have been working on a spell that can summon spiders. Would that suffice?”
They check outside of Wartwood. They check in the woods (and beat up any creatures that try to eat them), they check in the residents’ homes, they check at Stumpy’s, and they even check in Maddie’s brewing pot, much to the aforementioned witch’s annoyance. Unfortunately, after a long day of looking and questioning, they turn up empty.
“Oh, this is hopeless,” Mrs. Croaker mutters. “My poor Archie is out there somewhere, alone and afraid, and we don’t even have a clue about his whereabouts! At this rate, I’ll never find him.”
“Hey, don’t say that,” Sasha counters. “He’s bound to turn up eventually. How about we head back to your place and check again? Maybe he’s found his way home.”
“Your call, honey,” the elderly frog replies, though she doesn’t look convinced.
As they head back to Wartwood, Sasha immediately stops in her tracks. “Wait. Something’s wrong.” She says as she unsheathes her sword, and upon further trodding, soon spots Frobots near the old frog’s residence. The pair take shelter behind a bush to spy on them.
“More of those metallic husks?!” Sadie hisses. “What do they think they are, walking around like they own the place, and—” Squinting further, she sees something that makes her blood boil – her pet Archie, bound in a net from the captors, and unable to break out, his venom having no effect on the material. “OH FROG, THEY HAVE ARCHIE!”
The Frobots immediately turn towards the source of the noise, who thankfully ducks in time, courtesy of Sasha.
“Will you keep it down?!” the blonde hisses. “We don’t want them to—”
“Screw that!” Sadie insists. “If they wanna take my Archie, they’ll have to go through me first!” And with that, she lets out a war cry as she jumps out of the bush and charges towards the Frobots, waving her cane in the air, damaging them with it and her fists, while Sasha watches in awe.
Even to this day, the Slavic girl finds it hard to comprehend that Mrs. Croaker, despite her age, is a master in combat. Her agility and speed are impressive, and she manages to inflict some serious damage onto the metal hulking soldiers, who try to fire at her, only to miss and get a dent in their bodies.
Eventually though, the old woman’s luck runs out, and she finally gets captured by one of their nets. She struggles to break free from them, but to no avail, and watches nervously as one of the bots points its cannon arm at her. “Uh oh.”
Sasha’s eyes widen, and without thinking, she leaps out of the bush, and sinks her sword right through the bot about to fire, causing it to short circuit. She immediately pulls it out with a grunt, and ducks underneath another bot before stabbing it from behind, and swinging her blade horizontally, cuts the bot in front of her from behind. After taking care of the rest of the bots, she cuts the nets, freeing Archie and Mrs. Croaker, who hugs the former dearly.
“Oh, Archie, you’re ok!” she exclaimed with joy, her spider yapping happily in response. The old woman turns to the blonde, who sheathes her sword. “Young lady, you are a lifesaver! How can I ever repay you for your service?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Sasha replies, waving her hand in dismissal. “Though you should probably leave someone to take care of your pet the next time you go on a trip.”
“Fair enough,” Mrs. Croaker agrees. “Oh! As a matter of fact, I have another important trip to make tomorrow. Would you like to take up babysitting duty while I’m gone?”
Sasha looks down at Archie, who playfully nuzzles against her leg, and she smiles, stroking its head.
“I don’t see why not.”
Two more chapters left! We're already almost there fellas!
Leave your thoughts in a relpy or reblog (constructive criticism is welcome) and I'll see you all soon!
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writhingcreature · 3 years
Oooh for the character thing- Jughead Jones
From this post
1. Favorite thing about them?
My favorite thing about him is how gentle and passionate he is. The way he says Sweetpea’s name and holds Fangs’ face When Fangs thinks he’s about to die. The way he makes promises to Toni and defends his dad and fights for Archie and listens to Veronica. His sass is a close second - he has a bite! - but I love it when he’s soft much more.
2. Least favorite thing about them?
The way his loyalty blinds him to red flags. Specifically with Betty. I think she has a lot of very very toxic habits and personality traits and that they’re just so fucking bad for each other. Like they’re comfortable together and it drives them to keep coming back, but they also bring out the worst in each other and I really wish he would just move on. They both deserve better.
3. Favorite line
“I’ll figure it out, dad. I always do.” That was when I just really gave him my whole heart.
4. BrOTP
Cheryl, Archie and Jughead as like a sibling group? God I would kill for this. The show never does it properly but I have so many hc’s about it and so do my friends and I wish they’d done it more in the show.
5. OTP
Uh. I’m into a few Jughead ships tbh. Jugpea just as the two of them goes HARD, but Jugpea + Reggie also makes me go absolutely bananas I love them so much. Recently I’ve been getting into Varchie too. None of them canon but wh
6. Notp
Bughead. They literally need to pair these kids up with anyone else. ANYONE else I don’t even care at this point. After the first Barchie arc I was full done but I have been struggling with them since the Joni kiss in season two. I’m not even sorry.
7. Random headcanon
I think Jughead can REALLY cook. Like he’s just great at improvising and taking care of himself. I hella hc that before Gladys and JB moved away Juggie did most of the cooking because Gladys and FP were too preoccupied with other things. And I think he cooked for the Andrews’ while he was there as well. The better the ingredients he has and the more time the better he does (obviously) but honestly he can make a meal out of the shittiest of circumstances and you can’t convince me otherwise.
8. Unpopular opinion
Jughead is either gay. The show RUINED that, so now I ship him with some females (Veronica specifically) but comic book Jughead is not into females in any sense of the word and if gay romance was allowed,,, this isn’t TOO unpopular except that many people stand on him being aroace instead of gay and that’s fine too, I just like the hc that he’s gay? I always preferred aro Betty but no one wants to hear about that skfksjdndndn
9. Song I associate them with
I have a whole playlist oh my god. Uh let me shuffle real quick and pick the first one that comes up. -> “brutal” by Olivia Rodrigo
10. Favorite picture of them
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