astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations 🟢🟢🟢
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🟢I noticed high number of people that like the idea of saving yourself for marriage have Scorpio over the 8th house, but also often Capricorn Vesta, Vesta at 22 degree or Vesta in the 10th house.
🟢People with Pisces Vesta might have rather low libido. They really enjoy things that are more metaphysical and they are often very detached from their own body, not very in tune with it. They might do just well by watching films, TV series and indulging into their favourite movie snack. They are really fine with being on their own.
🟢Aquarius Ceres people had a mother that emphasized that their identity, personality and body are very unique. These are the people that will always tell you you're one of a kind, special and unique. This placement is very much "No one is you and that is your superpower" quote!
🟢Additionally, on Ceres note, your Ceres sign serves like the 2nd Moon sign. Ceres also shows how you perceived your mother's nurturing. So you could have a Virgo Moon, but Aquarius Ceres. And you might actually more relate to Aquarius Ceres when it comes to your relationship with your mother. Similarly, you can have Aries Moon, but your Ceres is in Pisces. But often times Moon and Ceres are compatible and connected.
🟢Scorpio Ceres doesn't want to think about money, although throughout their lifetime their life revolves A LOT around money. Either in form of debt, financial issues, help others with their money etc. Money for them is a veryy emotional topic. When they receive money they might actually tear up a little. When they give or lend money it's often an investment for them and they might have regrets connected with it or hold resentment later on for giving someone their money. Sometimes they make purchases that they not only regret, but might feel a bit ashamed that they even made this purchase in the first place. Also, this is very much the person to mix sex with money. Or they spend money on the person they are physically intimate with (sexually involved).
🟢Having Venus in someone's 10th house in a romantic Synastry is such an interesting overlay I notice. Often times one person really supports other's career and long-term goals to the point they help the other person set up a business. But I noticed that often that also become a weakness later in the partnership. So they continue the successful business, but the partnership dissolves.
🟢Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house often has a crush on blond/light-haired people or those that have golden highlights.
🟢I'm not saying always, but most often in particular people who have Gemini over the 7th house often assume or very early on when meeting someone assume they the person is interested in them romantically. With Sagittarius over the 1st house (which points to an exaggerated sense of self and ego) they persistently think someone likes them despite clear evidence to the contrary. And Gemini Descendants even more so, they sometimes tend to believe they can "convince" someone if they put enough effort or try hard enough, even when the person verbally expressed that they are not interested in them. Even this Sagittarius Gemini axis can sometimes deal with delusion much like Pisces Virgo axis.
🟢Libra or Taurus over the 10th house: people at your workplace, random co-workers, even your boss will be very interested in your relationship status. Those around you will often speculate whether you have a partner or ask you if you are single. Also, if you have one of these two signs, be mindful with who you are connecting yourself with, because people around you might often make assumptions or jump to fast conclusions to who you are dating, even if the two of you are just friends! They could see you talking with someone and they might already assume you two have something going on.
🟢People with Scorpio Jupiter often go for Capricorn Sun as their spouse or committed partner. If you have Scorpio Jupiter in your Natal chart you are likely to attract a rather controlling partner.
🟢People with Pisces and Aries over the 4th house felt like they had to raise themselves. They are also really late bloomers. They might start raising themselves and working on themselves in late 20s, 30s.
🟢When you have Scorpio over the 7th house or Pluto in the 7th house in your Solar Return chart you will feel like don't receive help from anyone and it will be the year of many rejections, either in your love life, career or you will feel rejected by your loved ones.
🟢Composite Leo Mars in the 7th house make the two of you much more indecisive when together than independently/when you are apart. You often swing from "You choose, I don't mind anything" to "I don't know". When you are together you seem to make a decision much slower and it's harder to even pick to which restaurant you want to go eat. With the sign of Leo, you might have power struggles over making your choice as the final mutual decision. You will both want things to go your own way, not how the other person wants.
🟢Ruler of the 7th house in the 5th house are the biggest flirts that tend to be non-committal, because they value their independence a little too much, but also because they have the enough charming, charismatic confidence that they can get anyone.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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bouquetface · 3 months
Planets in first house. Placement & aspects towards chart ruler will all change the accuracy of this description. Lmk if your experience with or as a sag risings.
Some believe due to Pluto’s influence from 1995 to 2008, sag rising individuals born during this time are likely to appear scorpio-like. In my experience, these individuals still clearly separate from scorpio risings.
A sag rising is a mutable fire sign. They are likely to often change their style. Make impulsive and/or “wild” choices in life and appearance. For example:
🔥 Sag risings tend to gravitate towards tattoos. Due to their fiery nature, they may get impulsive tattoos. Not as likely to be into the style of one BIG piece of artwork tattoo. More smaller, doodle-like tattoos.
🔥 You know how some people plan out their tatts for months & think about a deeper meaning for the art? Sag rising may have a few of those but they’ll also just get what they want just because they fucking want it. A friend pulls out a tattoo gun at a party, yeah they’re probably down. They don’t need months to think about should i or should i not.
🔥 My sag rising friend once said before getting their tatt, “I don’t need to wait until someone dies, I’m just going to get this because I love Fight Club”. The tatt was loosely inspired by the film.
🔥 Sag risings may gravitate towards hair dye. Unlike other signs, sag rising are more likely to go for unnatural hair colours (blue, green, purple, pink, etc). Due to their mutable nature, they may like changing up their hair colour &/or style more often than most.
This is my experience with GEN Z sag risings. Sag risings born before 1995, are almost nothing like this. They do like to change up their look but not in such bold and permanent ways.
For ex: If they dye their hair, it’s a natural colour (brown, black, blonde, red). More likely to get highlights than full on bleach their hair.
When they get a tattoo, they often get it in a common area of the body. Keep it easy to hide. Less likely to undergo a big, bold, permanent &/or transformative physical change. If they do, they generally keep it hidden.
For ex: I know a sag rising born before ‘95, they have a cosmetic surgery done. However, they keep this a secret. They desire both the big, bold look & the natural look.
An old school sag is more likely to express that abundant nature of their ruler Jupiter through hair. Men and women may have very long hair. Yet, they may wake up one day and randomly decide to buzz it.
Keep in mind this will be influenced by the ENTIRE chart.
Generally, these individuals are prone to feel FOMO. They love experiences. Better to regret having done it than regret not having done anything is more their motto. They can be the most entertaining people.
They can develop fun, humorous and charming personality. It’s likely for a sag rising to have friends in various places across the world. They make friends every where they go.
Sometimes, they can be identified through their communication style. Their jokes and language can be vulgar at times. They may swear a lot without realizing it. This is strongly affected by their mercury placement though.
This extroverted nature could be affected by other placements. In my experience, when these individuals aren’t extroverted & popular, they deeply desire to be welcomed.
The sag rising purpose is to wander and gather as much as information possible. Explore various places, ideals, people and philosophies.
They are likely to philosophize their lives. Questioning what is the meaning of this event? Why did that happen?
Generally, they are open minded & optimistic. However, if a sag rising feels they’ve come to a good conclusion from their experiences, they can come off as arrogant & close minded.
They can preach their philosophy - this can be perceived as talking too much & being argumentative. An extreme version of this is a cult leader. A more common version is someone who is passionate and wishes to share their knowledge.
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starseed-twenty · 2 years
💘 Relationships and the 7th house (descendant) 💘
May perhaps possibly also apply to the 5th house
"Action speak louder than words" is the 'mantra' for your relationships. You put in action towards building and maintaining the lovestory you want with your partner, and you expect the same in return. So physical touch may be high up there in the love languages that speak to you.
You want a partner who's able to act out the nice things they speak of doing (lowkey they don't even have to really speak on it prior, surprising you is just as great, if not better). You love a partner who's action-orientated and can make plans for the both of you, but also for themselves as well.
Things that bore you in a relationship include laziness for too long of a time, compromising a lot, sensitivity [like being offended or hurt easily] because sometimes you like to joke or be very honest. You want someone who's up to putting up with your active energy. Also someone who's a little aggressive as well (not too much, just so that passion is ignited) is possibly preferable for you.
A loving, tender and warm relationship is a must in your books. Nothing cold or chilled or harsh or weird. Something relaxing and comforting is what you seek. Affection and being fond of your partner is where your heart lies, and the kind of energy you offer, and the kind of energy you'd like to receive as well.
With serious relationships, really all you want is a calm energy that is generous (being considerate is important to you and you'd hate to be with someone selfish or self-centered), and pleases the physical senses (looking good and feeling good, through some comforting affection).
You don't want a partner who's tempremental or moody or brash or dramatic. That deeply annoys you. You want a partner who's understanding and relaxed (but not a pushover). And a partner who understands closeness, and a closeness that's grounded and solid.
Communication is important to you. You like to speak with someone to feel the connection with them. So quality time (and maybe words of affirmation) might be one of your main love languages. Just being able to connect with someone through speaking and sharing intellect, jokes, ideas, etc.
Relationships for you are preferable if there's a number of things done [and most of them done together], than being situated in one place for a looong time. Like a day or two is fine, but longer than week just being in the room having Netflix and chill is where you can grow bored. Activities (in and out of the room) are where you feel great connections.
What gives you the ick is when the mind of the person you like or can have a potential vibe with is kind of closed-minded or just simply boring and sticks to the rules too often. You like when they can grab your attention a bit, in whatever small or big way, but just not starting the connection with a boring energy.
For you, a perfect union is where there is connection through empathy. And you want to able to feel soft (and perhaps even vulnerable) with your partner, that's what a loving relationship is for you. Not having to put on the cold or detached front all the time, but having a bond that evokes empathy.
In relationships you want a partner who has a stern side, but also a tender and soft side (and preferably this tender side dominates). You want someone firm and stubborn about who they are and what they want, but that genuine and emotional side also peaks through too and allows you to feel comfort with them.
What you don't want is a person who's cold and brash, or doesn't understand your emotions. You'd hate to be with someone insensitive and just detached. They must able to know at least some kind of attachments, for that can make you sense that they have a sentimental side like you too.
So, uhm yes, you do shine in your relationships or any connections with people. You have this charismatic aura where people deem you as unforgettable. You're also pretty dramatic sometimes, but in a fun way. On the other side, you can be bossy, or perhaps just a leader in your own kind. You go by the beat of your own drum. So you may end up with a "they think they're better" vibe from people.
In relationships, you want a union with variety and versatility where you and your partner are both able to shine. A nice touch of drama here and there is nice as well. You want a partner who won't dim your light and doesn't dim theirs either; they're enthusiastic and open about who they are.
Some things that make you stray or get bored of the connection include someone who's sort of codependent and also naïve, instead of a perhaps who stands their ground. You like a bit of abnormality as well. In the sense of being smart and 'woke', not someone who'll play follow the leader all the time. Someone respectable instead.
While you do have the facade of a socially unaware and 'in their own world' person, ' in a relationship, or any connction for that matter, you are not to be fooled. You may act dumb but you are completely opposite to that. You're smart, aware and calculative. But you just hide that because of something you call 'let's see how they act if they think I'm stupid'.
Besides the facade, in relationships you are super caring, both emotionally and physically; you like being able to provide and be helpful & useful when your partner needs you. But obviously that comes with equality as well. You want someone can be there for you when you need them as well. And someone who has a side that can emotionally and spiritually connect with you.
You get bored easily by someone who doesn't connect with you in more ways than just the practical stuff. A practical person is good and all (I mean hell, you love a smart partner), but if there's no feel or undertone of the undefined depths of your guys' love, you end up not being sure if they're the one.
For someone who has the face of danger and fierceness, you certainly leave all that behind when you get into a relationship. So, yes, it's just a front for the world. In love? Ugh you're a cutie. A charismatic, cool, sweet and funny cutie. But that's only reeally for close relationships. Before they know this side of you, you are one ruthless human being.
You want a partner who's able to handle your blunt and honest self, but in a not-so-soft way. You don't want a partner who's a pushover. But someone who's able to teach you what partnership and healthy compromise is, and they are confident in themselves as well.
What annoys you more often than not is someone who can't handle how honest you can be, and who is just too sensitive and moody. Emotions, as part of being human, are okay here and there, so if something was offensive you're not scared to apologize. But someone doesn't get your jokes and interesting humor? Out of here.
Your definition of a great relationship is 'something like a lovegame'. A love with a bit of games and war is the interest you have. But not too much, not to the point of it makes you cry/hurts you all the time or that it feels like it's never comfortable. You want the comfort, but you kind of just want power to be at play in your discourses.
You want a partner who's got a sense of power in them as well, someone who's sure of themselves and sure about you and will stick by you even in the darkest of times and through your trust issues or childhood issues. You love it when someone can make you feel safe/secured, internally and externally.
You don't find any interest in boring connections or that are too predictable or don't ignite some kind of fun and depth. You like the thought-provoking and memorable stuff. Which can come with a bit of intensity and games in the relationship. But all of this for you is really masking what's deeper and meaningful to you - passion.
A 'feel good' energy in the relationship is of priority to you. You don't want anything dim and dark, you don't want anything boring and predictable, you don't want anything draining and gives you a lethargic energy constantly, you want a fresh, amazing and fun connection; something where you experience the best of everything with your person
You want a partner who you can be yourself most around and they love you and your random vibe. You're probably the type to optimistic about someone (you choose to see the good side first); you rarely see a person in a bad light unless their energy says otherwise. Consequently you want a partner who sees the good in you as well and sticks by you.
Things that pass as a bore to you (enough to make you become distant from your connection with someone) include pessimism and predictability. You get turned on by an energy enticing and stimulates your mind. Not one that's pragmatic. Oh and something that makes you feel boxed. You want the freedom to be very present in the relationship.
Commitment (in a relationship) to you means more than any other attribute/value. Generosity and trust are high up in your set of values as well. But nothing speaks to you more than the commitment to your relationship with someone. But with that, the commitment contains love and consistency with that love, not just commitment with no love.
Your partnership with the person you love is preferable if it's grounded and a little predictable (even if it's more on the boring side). You just want your partner to be someone you understand the idea of, not too unpredictable or confusing. You want someone who is serious and shows resilience; someone who stands firm on their love for you.
What makes you stray a bit from your connection with someone (vibing or relationship) is when someone shows immaturity or being unserious a lot of the time. I mean, fun and activities and games are fine sometimes, but if the deeper sense of the connection shows a lack of groundedness, it can make you stray away.
Fun. That's it. That must the theme in your relationships. Fun plus something of a breath of fresh air plus a little changeable and not too mundane or predictable. You're probably the kind to want or like a relationship that does trendy stuff like Tiktok or Youtube challenges or just have a cute relationsip on social media.
Your type is most likely a partner to be smart as well as idealistic. You may sometimes be prone to stating (or thinking) the obvious. So you want a partner who's at least a bit like that as well. But open-mindedness (outside of the obvious) and honesty are factors that should take place in the connection.
What can make you yawn is a person who's stubborn and boring and not able to take things lightly and be cool/relaxed. The relationship must be able to spark ideas and opinions and a connection that's like "Yo, I think… You get me? Exactly!" (basically you haven't even finished your sentence but your partner already gets you).
Something I usually see with this placement is that you have a great tendency of seeing the side in a person, especially a partner, and kind of put them on a pedestal (or just fantasize about them a lot if you like them). You put your partners and your relationship with them in a good light until they prove otherwise to you. Even then however you may have hope they a good side to them still (when you care about them).
You want a partner who looks at the good side as well, throughout everything in life. You also want someone who can understand you or basically sense you through the little things and the vague energy you give. In relationships, it's not the easiest for you to be open, honest and put things into solid perspectives or clear speech, so you usually end up (subconsciously) acting out how you think and feel rather than speaking your real truth.
You get bored easily by fast-paced and pessimistic people with no sense of humor; basically people who too realistic and don't know how to connect with their heart and soul. You want someone you can mentally (and perhaps physically) escape with. Go away and dive into the unknown.
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venus-moon-mars · 9 months
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Gemini Descendant
P16 (FINAL) of the astrology scrapbook chart
Reminder, all descriptions and art used in these scrapbooks are not mine. If you see something that belongs to you in these, feel free to let me know ^_^
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bratzinmoodboards · 10 months
Hi may I request a Gemini descendant in the 7th house moodboard please and thank you
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(7th House)
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black-lake · 9 months
astro observations 11
your astro granny is back, I've been doing this for so long omg. some of it is venting, like always, so ignore that, but maybe don't you may find words of wisdom there. anyway, enjoy. also warning, it escalates to heavier subjects fast 🪐 🔭
🕰️ Virgo and gemini risings can pull off any type of glasses, sunglasses, bug-eye glasses, cat-eye, mirrored ray-bans, you name it. They even look cute with goggles no joke. They also make the smart and academia aesthetics look so cool and elegant in a chaotic way, not in a taurus capricorn way but in a- 'I spilled coffee on my boss's laptop this morning and I'm still talking about it way- because omfg- did you see the way they looked at me? it's like I've done it on purpose or smth but I didn't, not sure if they have a crush on me or they fucking hate me, what do you think? I'm pretty sure they don't hate me tho, but I can't tell, do you think I should quit?' 🎙️🎬
🕰️ I recently looked up George Clooney's chart and omggg, it all makes sense. The moon conj saturn in capricorn, giving him that nostalgic wise aura along his taurus sun, uranus and pluto opp ascendant kind of indicating finding his perfect partner later on in life, venus in aries and mars in leo, he's fiery but that fire so damn well contained with all the earth. His asc and jupiter in aquarius, yeah only an aquarius women with so much air and intelligence can maintain his attention and lock him in lmao. His synastry with Amal Clooney reminds of that of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. Manifesting a relationship like this for everyone reading 🧘🏼‍♂️✨
🕰️ Personal planets in scorpio 10° or 22° is a sexy mf combo, esp moon, venus, mars and asc, it gives bedroom eyes and seductive domineer, also godmade bone structures. 🗿
🕰️ Pluto opposite or square ascendant, a very classic aspect for friends/coworkers/admirers/people in general turning enemies and talking shit behind your back. This aspect can easily make people speculate, overanalyze your actions, assume things, spread rumors and lies about you out of jealousy and intimidation. 
🕰️ Any planet conjunct the desc can bring the physical manifestation to that planet's shadow side, up to 10°. It can conceal traits of that planet in the sign it’s in, as it’s descending and escaping the sun’s light. Pluto on the desc brings a few shadow traits out of people and conceals their true intentions from the native. So the native has to face those traits, learn to see them from miles away, to discern what people’s intentions are and whether it's that or their own perception and fears. In other words, they start from naive to paranoid to bs detectors, and it takes a long painful journey to get there.
🕰️ Even tho personal planets on the desc are much easier to see and handle, venus on the descendant can bring shallow traits and empty promises out of people, mars on the descendant, not as easy, can bring out anger, toxic masculinity and aggression. Saturn on the desc can bring immaturity, irresponsibility, immoral and disloyal behaviors out of people, stagnation, delays in connection and loneliness, pushing the native to learn patience and endurance. The native will meet people with such traits over and over again until they learn to spot and discern them faster and take the right action. ☔️
🕰️ I’ll keep talking about it in this blog cuz it’s always been one of my biggest challenges. What I learned with pluto on the desc is that you will keep attracting the same kind of enemies to challenge you if you don’t own your power and stop diluting yourself for someone else's fragile power hungry ego, because people will have a problem with you anyway. Also don’t hold too tight to anyone, never be afraid to lose people, because trust me you will. Almost no one is meant to stay in your life, they’re meant to transform you and leave. The only thing you’re meant to rely on is your power and independence. The moment you see it the easier cutting ppl off becomes. 
🕰️ I have venus in aries and I find myself always having a girl crush on celebs with this placement, Rihanna, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Jennifer Aniston. They all seem to share that fiery independence mixed with a childlike but fierce demeanor which I admire, plus they never age. 🐈‍⬛
🕰️ I have mercury in aries and mars in scorpio, but for some reason I’m fascinated by people with mercury in aquarius and mars in sagittarius, with mercury in aqua I always expect something fascinating about their minds but I can't guess it cuz it's always different, but females with mars in sag omggg the sass is hilarious, I can’t help but laugh when they get blunt, loud and shady out of nowhere lmfao.
🕰️ Speaking of placements I’m fascinated by, what’s the deal with moon in taurus? I keep thinking it must be… nice.. to have? people that have it are so grounded and serene it makes me think it’s the best moon sign. If you have it please share the emotional difficulties you experience, because I can speak of every moon sign emotional traumas in detail but for some reason I be romanticizing this one. ☕️
🕰️ Another placement I really admire is moon conjunct saturn, there’s just something unspeakable, that isn’t tangible (even tho they have timeless mesmerizing eyes) but on a soul level I can sense their wisdom and nostalgic aura. It’s like there’s a balance of feminine and masculine qualities which come out in their mannerisms. People that have it, Timothée Chalamet, George Clooney, River Phoenix, and every hot man ever. 
🕰️ Have you ever asked yourself why Morgan Freeman has such deep unique and easily recognizable voice? It's his mercury conj uranus in taurus. Who else has an easily recognizable voice, Kim Kardashian, mercury conj uranus in scorpio. 
🕰️ Having the axis of virgo-pisces over your sun-moon, like virgo sun opposite pisces moon, or mercury-moon can give someone a soft voice, their voice can even be therapeutic and healing. Think of Michael Jackson's speaking voice.
🕰️ The hardest aspect in any chart for me are oppositions or squares to pluto, saturn and chiron. These are easily the most challenging aspects you can find in a chart.
🕰️ Those that have lilith/pluto in the 1st, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th tend to have haters in their workplace, in groups or wherever they go often. It’s saddening but I’ve seen it a lot. Can also make ppl copy your style or attitude then hate on it, and never admit they got inspired by you.
-- potential triggers in the following one, pls skip if necessary.
🕰️ Difficult planets on the angles, saturn, pluto and chiron mainly can truly mess with someone's mental health to the point of them wanting to- yeah that. The most drastic effect is when they sit on the descendant and MC, since it deals with connections, groups of people and the public, a lot of it is outside of the native's control, and at times more than what they can handle. Their usually painful past experiences and memories has shaped their perception of the world to a dark and despairing one where they don't see a better future for themselves. A few examples, Kurt Cobain (chiron and saturn conj desc and pluto conj asc all tightly opposing), Mac Miller (chiron conj desc, saturn conj asc and pluto conj MC). Marilyn Monroe (chiron conj MC and saturn close to the IC, pluto conj nn). 
🕰️ I see every major astrological transit as a collective test, lesson and preparation for the next transit. It made sense that corona happened when pluto was in capricorn, a pandemic that restricted our freedom and made us prisoners in our own homes. There was a stellium of mars, jupiter, saturn and pluto all in cap the moment quarantine started in march. It was all about teaching us to respect societal rules and structures that keep us safe, whether it had to do with the government or the medical system, whether it was real or fake or real fake. Yes you have to give up some freedom for safety, that’s how surveillance and security cameras everywhere you go work, for your safety. 
🕰️ It taught us to care for the health of humanity, to live responsibly and respectfully when in crisis, even if that means compromising our freedom and limiting our movement. Trusting that the structure built over the past decades is somewhat reliable and helpful. We saw how some people put their own freedom above anything and anyone out of superiority, that's the selfishness we collectively needed to face before pluto moves to aquarius and we are given freedom we didn't learn how to appreciate or use responsibly. We had to learn the value of personal freedom vs discipline and structure.
🕰️ There are two planets I’ve seen repeatedly in people that manifest like magic, saturn and neptune. To add a third it would be uranus. Conjunctions and oppositions to these planets are like superpowers in manifesting your desired reality. All work in different ways. 
🕰️ For example people that have personal planets conjunct saturn (esp sun and moon) are easily attuned with the physical world and have some sort of control over time, turning it backwards or forwards, making themselves look younger and older at the same time, knowing the actions to take to bring anything into the three-dimensional world.
🕰️ Now this leads me to an astrology book I recently came across, the Alien Constructs the work of Edwin Steinbrecher and Stephanie Jourdan, discovering aspects that constitute an alien chart. The alien construct occurs when one of the outer planets, that is saturn, uranus, neptune or pluto, is conjunct or opposite the sun, moon, ascendant or the chart ruler. An individual that has one or few of these is different from other humans, they possess supernatural abilities, and typically have rough childhoods and adolescence.
🕰️ Every aspect with each of the outer planets has a unique ability, for example when the sun conjoins an outer planet it's called Power Alien Construct, the moon conjoining an outer planet is a Vessel Alien Construct, an outer planet conjoining the ascendant is an Instrument Alien Construct, an outer planet conjoining the descendant is a Shadow Alien Construct. Saturnian aliens are able to manifest things in the physical realm, plutonian aliens are masters of metamorphosis and irreversible change, uranian aliens are able to see the future and raise energetic frequencies. 
🕰️ Sun conjunct pluto is Plutonian Power, aliens are able to destroy that which is not built upon truth, understand the true nature of birth, sex, death and power, generate energy and power,  integrate polarities, perform psychic surgery, see beneath solid surfaces, shape-shift into animals, minerals or plants, heal utilizing sex, magnets or lasers.. etc. Moon conjunct uranus is a Uranian Vessel, aliens are able to comprehend the cycles and trends of the futures, safely corral erratic energy or electricity, channel high-frequency beings, telepath to imprisoned or trapped individuals or animals, sense the formation of inventions and innovations. Look it up, it's fun and tell me what alien construct are you and how you relate to it. oh it reminds me of a post I did a while back of aspects as superpowers.
Happy pluto in aquarius 🛰️✨ (will come back in years and see how this aged)
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astrologged · 1 year
The Descendant represents how you interact with others in one-on-one relationships, especially in the context of partnerships and marriage.
Aries Descendant (Libra Ascendant): You seek assertive, dynamic partners who take the lead in your relationships. You're attracted to people who are independent and have a strong sense of self. You value fairness and can be diplomatic in conflicts.
Taurus Descendant (Scorpio Ascendant): You are drawn to stable, sensual, and loyal partners. Trust and security are essential to you in relationships. You're especially attracted to people who are passionate and have a mysterious aura.
Gemini Descendant (Sagittarius Ascendant): Communication and mental stimulation are crucial to you. You seek partners who are intellectually curious, adventurous, and open-minded. Variety and spontaneity in relationships are important to you.
Cancer Descendant (Capricorn Ascendant): You're attracted to nurturing, emotionally sensitive partners. Security, both emotional and financial, is a priority. You value tradition and are drawn to people who are responsible and dependable.
Leo Descendant (Aquarius Ascendant): You seek partners who are unique, creative, and open-minded. You are attracted to people who stand out and you have a strong sense of social justice. Friendship and intellectual connection matter to you.
Virgo Descendant (Pisces Ascendant): You value compassion and spirituality in your relationships. You're drawn to partners who are intuitive, empathetic, and artistic. You have a tendency to idealize your partners.
Libra Descendant (Aries Ascendant): You seek balance and harmony in your relationships. People who are confident, assertive, and independent attract you. You really value equality and have strong negotiating skills.
Scorpio Descendant (Taurus Ascendant): You're attracted to intense, passionate, down to earth partners. Trust is paramount for you, and you value loyalty. You're drawn to people who are financially stable and emotionally grounded.
Sagittarius Descendant (Gemini Ascendant): You seek partners who are open-minded, adventurous, and intellectually stimulating. Freedom and a sense of humor are essential to you in relationships.
Capricorn Descendant (Cancer Ascendant): You value stability, family, and tradition in your relationships. Partners who are nurturing, responsible, and emotionally supportive especially attract you.
Aquarius Descendant (Leo Ascendant): You're drawn to partners who are confident, creative, and unique. Intellectual connection and shared ideals are important to you.
Pisces Descendant (Virgo Ascendant): You seek partners who are compassionate, helpful, and practical. Emotional connection and spirituality matter to you. You may be attracted to individuals who are sensitive and detail-oriented. Don't be too critical! ;)
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d4rkpluto · 2 years
𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔡𝔢 [19029]
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𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔬𝔦𝔡 𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔢𝔡𝔢 19029 is mainly about the brides in a wlw relationship [and for a man's chart how their wife is going to be like] along for how the wedding is going to be like. could also speak about the type of wife you are.
and this is also for entertainment/knowledge purposes, do not complain under my comment section if something doesnt fit your desires. [this could work with synastry and composite].
how to find asteroids
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♇ asteroid briede 19029 in aries ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is authentic, passionate and competitive, but their bride could also be someone who is naive, selfish and reckless. if you were to have a wedding, the wedding is likely going to be fun and uncomplicated or it can turn into something that is reckless and accident prone. your bride might also have aries/mars/1h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in taurus ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is productive, dependable and romantic, but their bride could also be someone who is frugal, superficial and someone who is adamant. if you were to have a wedding, the wedding is likely going to be beautiful and stylish, or it can turn into something where people are stingy and lazy. your bride might also have taurus/venus/2h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in gemini ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is youthful, stimulation driven and clever, but their bride could also be someone who is two-faced, one that is nosy and devious. if you were to have a wedding, the wedding is likely going to have a lot of people talking about it and have things that would have people bond with each other, or it can turn into something where people might steal and rudely gossip about it. your bride might also have gemini/mercury/3h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in cancer ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is sentimental, reflective and comfort seeking, but their bride could also be controlling, suspicious and irritable. if you were to have a wedding, the wedding is likely going to have a lot of people there and it could have a lot of light coloured themes, or it could turn into something where a lot of people would be pessimistic about, along with having a wedding where you have to be very guarded about your surroundings. your bride might also have cancer/moon/4h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in leo ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is charismatic, full of life and romantic, however their bride could also be someone who is arrogant, prideful and attention seeking. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would likely be a big event, an event where people would want to show off their style and wealth. the wedding could also turn into something where people are insincere about their gifts or feelings, or it could turn into an event where people just turn up to be spiteful. your bride might also have leo/sun/5h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in virgo ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is health conscious, motivated and well educated, but their bride could also be someone who is irritable, judgemental and socially hesitant. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would likely be well thought out and have people that actually mean something to the spouses, or it could turn into an event where people are overly critical about it and no one is happy with how the outcome of the wedding turned out to be. your bride might also have virgo/prominent ceres/mercury/6h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in libra ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is romantic, diplomatic and graceful, but their bride could also be someone who is skittish, co-dependent and gullible. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would likely be very pretty and balletic, or it could turn into an event where people are flaky about turning up and it could turn into an event where much people argue in. your bride might also have libra/prominent juno/venus/7h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in scorpio ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is magnetic, sexual and mysterious, but their bride could also be someone who is manipulative, obsessive and controlling. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would probably have a lot of money spent on it and have a lot of people attend, or it could turn into an event where people are there just to stalk and critique the spouses, there could be a lot of people who are bitter that attend the wedding. your bride might also have scorpio/mars/pluto/8h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in sagittarius ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is energetic, religious/spiritual and a bride that is humorous, the bride could also be someone who is rude, impulsive and careless. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would probably be very big and might be somewhere foreign or far from the spouse's homes. the wedding could also be a moment where there could be reckless behaviour or where people turn up to show who's better than the other. your bride might also have sagittarius/jupiter/9h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in capricorn ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is down to earth, conventional and ambitious, the bride could also be someone who is cold, curt and hard to reach. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding would probably be well-organised and successful. the wedding [if went wrong], could show that the budget was tight and could be a wedding where people barely show up. your bride might also have capricorn/saturn/10h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in aquarius ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is revolutionary, a bride that is complex and eccentric, the bride could also be someone who is judgemental, might think they are above other people and could be someone who lacks empathy. if a wedding were to happen, the wedding could be considered as very unique and might be posted on social media a lot, if the wedding went wrong, there could be a lot of chaotic behaviour and people instigating negative behaviour. your bride might also have aquarius/uranus/saturn/11h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in pisces ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is kindhearted, idealistic and intuitive, but the bride could also be someone who is delusional, one that is prone to victimising themselves and someone who likes to escape their problems. if a wedding were to happen, it could happen near a place where there's a lot of water and it could be seemed as a really magical/spiritual wedding, if the wedding went wrong, there could even be a runaway spouse or a situation where there could be people who bring a lot of addictive substances. your bride might also have pisces/neptune/jupiter/12h placements.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the first house ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is considered as very beautiful, a lot of people might consider them as wifey material, and this bride could be deemed as someone who is popular, the bride could also be someone who can be selfish, easily-tempered and might care about their popularity too often. if a wedding were to happen, it could end up being a very popular wedding. your bride might also have 1h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the second house ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is money-oriented or even rich, a beautiful bride and a bride that is very vocal, this bride could be perceived as someone who is too materialistic, a spouse that is shallow and might not get along with their family, depends on the aspects. if a wedding were to happen, it could end up being a wedding where a lot of money was spent. your bride might also have 2h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the third house ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is quite popular, one that is intelligent and is likely going to be close to their siblings/cousins. this bride could be perceived as someone who is very anxious, someone who might even steal people's things or ideas and might often perceive themselves as a guru. if a wedding were to happen, it could end up being an event where there is a lot of quick energy and people sneaking in. could be posted on social media a lot as well. your bride might also have 3h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the fourth house ⟶ individuals who have this briede placement are likely going to have a bride that is family-oriented, a spouse that is protective and a wife that could own a lot of things. this bride could be perceived as someone who is greedy when it comes to possessions, someone who is manipulative and as someone who builds emotional walls around them. if a wedding were to happen, it could end up being an event where there is just family involved or chosen family. your bride might have 4h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the fifth house ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is popular, entertaining and a bride that is focused on their inner-child work. this bride could also be perceived as someone who is promiscuous, ego-centric and neglectful. if a wedding were to happen, it would likely be a popular wedding, there might be a lot of children there or it could be an event where a lot of drama happens and people having unfinished business. your bride might have 5h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the sixth house ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is servicing, a bride that is skilful, and a spouse that is very focused on their skills. this bride could also be seen as someone who is lazy, mean and overly-competitive. if a wedding were to happen, it could be considered a small wedding or a wedding where people just get straight to the point, the event could also turn competitive and setting up the wedding might even be burdening. your bride might have 6h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the seventh house ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is business oriented, a bride that is a romantic and popular, the bride could be seen as someone who is a people-pleaser, fake and very ditzy. if a wedding were to happen, it could be considered a very big and pretty wedding, people might give a lot of gifts. it could turn into a wedding that is perceived as very basic and shallow. your bride might have 7h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the eighth house ⟶ having this placement is an indicator of someone having a bride that is rich, charismatic and a bride that is open to psychology, they might also help you dig deep into your trauma. however, you could also have a bride that is seen as someone who is money and power hungry, they might keep a lot of secrets as well. if a wedding were to happen, it might be a very private and secret marriage, or it could be a wedding where the theme is different to other weddings people have seen before. it could also be a wedding where money is the main focus of the bond, is an indicator of a gold-digger. your bride might have 8h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the ninth house ⟶ people with this placement are likely to have a bride that belongs to a different race/ethnicity/religion, could have a bride that likes to travel and likes to trade, on the other hand, their bride could be someone who is ignorant, careless and immoral. if a wedding were to happen it could be seen as very big and devout/orthodox, or it could turn into an event where it is too extravagant and people might not want to come because of how far it is. your bride might have 9h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the tenth house ⟶ people with this placement are likely to have a bride that is successful, popular and they might be older than you [maybe younger] or they could be seen as more mature, on the other hand, the bride could be seen as someone who is status-oriented, power hungry and a workaholic. if a wedding were to happen it could be seen as a very well thought out wedding, a wedding only a specific amount of people can come in and a good amount of money might've been spent on it. or it could turn into an event where money/budget was tight, it could've been considered as boring and there might be some family fallout because of inheritances. your bride might have 10h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the eleventh house ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is friendly, a bride that likes to party and one that has a lot of goals and aspirations for the future, on the other hand, the bride could be considered as someone who is hard to pin down, promiscuous and as someone who is emotionally distant. if a wedding were to happen it could be seen as a wedding where a lot of people were invited to, or as a wedding that has a specific fun theme and a wedding that has a lot of popular people in there, or it cold turn into an event where there's a lot of anarchic energy/people in there, people who dont listen to the rules and there might be some people who critique the event a lot. your bride might have 11h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 in the twelfth house ⟶ people with this placement are likely going to have a bride that is foreign, a bride that is humble and one that likes to help the people around them, on the other hand, the bride could be considered as someone who doesnt like to face their fears, they could run away from their problems and could have trouble with addiction. if a wedding were to happen, there might be a lot of alcohol, a lot of music being played and it could be in a different country or near the water. or it could turn into an event where people are very emotional, where people are very stressed and there could be some theft happening as well. your bride might have 12h placement[s].
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting the ascendant ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trines/sextiles your ascendant, this insinuates that you could be someone who thinks about having a spouse all the time, or you could be considered as wifey material or your spouse could be seen as that. your briede could be considered as someone who is really pretty. but if this aspects conjuncts/squares/oppositions, this insinuates that you could be obsessed with love, and the person you marry could be someone you won't expect.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting the imum coeli ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trines/sextiles the ic or imum coeli in your chart, this insinuates that your bride could be someone who wants to build a strong foundation and family. they're someone who wants to leave a will for the next generations, you could be someone who dreams about having a good future family and being able to express your emotional core. but if this aspect conjuncts/squares/opposition, this insinuates that your bride or you might've not come from a stable home and you project your desires in everyone you meet, romantically.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting the descendant ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trines/sextiles the descendant in your chart, this insinuates that your bride could be someone who is business oriented, or you might meet them through business or by someone you know. they could be someone who mirrors you or have similar traits to you. if this aspect conjuncts/squares/oppositions, it implies that your bride could be someone who doesnt know how to assert themselves in life and achieve what they want, they can be quite destructive and petty.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting the midheaven ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trines/sexties in your chart this insinuates that your bride could be someone who is popular, they could have a reputation of romance or looking attractive. they could do well in the industry they're in. you could meet them in a work place. if this aspect conjuncts/squares/oppositions, it implies that your bride could be someone who abuses their power, not necessarily abuse but they like to show they have power over people, they could be quite distant and rude.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting sun ⟶ to have this aspect conjunct/trine/sextile your sun could imply that your bride would have a very large impact in your life, even though spouses usually do, this person might help you find your soul path and can help you remind you who you are in times when you feel insecure. they could be someone with a big personality, and if a wedding were to happen it could be a very big or prestigious wedding. but if the aspect were to conjunct/square/opposition, they could have a struggle of finding themselves or even understanding what they have to do in this life time, they might have a poor ego.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting moon ⟶ to have this aspect conjunct/trine/sextile your moon could insinuate that your bride/spouse could be someone who likes to express their desires, they might be someone who dreams of their big day a lot. they could be someone who likes to speak about their point of view a lot and you would see them as someone who is nostalgic or nurturing. if the aspect were to conjunct/square/opposition, this person might've not had the best mother-figure around and the best view on love due to how they grew up.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting mercury ⟶ to have this aspect conjunct/trine/sextile your mercury could display the fact that your bride is likely going to be someone who has multiple talents, they could be someone who is really involved with your sibling's lives. they could be considered as someone who is very flirtatious and the wedding service could be very quick. if the aspect were. to conjunct/square/opposition, this spouse could be perceived as someone who doesnt know how to speak their thoughts, they could have internal blockages and anxiety.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting venus ⟶ to have this aspect conjunct/trine/sextile your mercury is a good indicator of this person being your spouse, they're someone who would likely understand your desire and life style and might even have a similar one. they're someone who would know how to dress up well and could be very girly, they're someone who values connections and money. moving to if the briede asteroid conjunct/opposition/squares your venus, you might think of them to be someone who is very materialistic, and they might only care about being someone and not going through the deeper themes of a romantic bond. they might be promiscuous or have a wandering eye.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting mars ⟶ people who have their briede asteroid conjunct/trines/sextile mars could have a fierce spouse, a spouse that is passionate and strong, they could have sharp features and a built body. if the aspect conjuncts/squares/oppositions, the spouse could be someone who doesnt take care of themselves, someone that is easily tempered and could be someone who is easily distracted or they get bored of things or people easily.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting jupiter ⟶ people who have their briede conjunct/trine/sextile jupiter are likely going to have a bride that brings an abundance of good things into your life, they might give you good luck, good business or you might find yourself getting more money, [check where jupiter is for you], you might feel happier around them and they could have the same out look of life or share similar philosophies. but if jupiter conjuncts/opposition/squares this asteroid, you might think of them to lack morals, could be someone who would want an open relationship or you might find it difficult trying to pin them down.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting saturn ⟶ people who have their briede asteroid conjunct/trine/sextile saturn are most likely going to have a bride/spouse younger than them or older than them, they would most likely going to be someone who brings in good lessons in your life and help you with maturity or perseverance with accomplishing something. they might also get along with the older people in your family, however, if saturn conjuncts/opposition/squares your briede asteroid, it is a beacon of it being a long relationship, or if they're not to marry they would definitely teach you life lessons which would still have an outcome of heartbreak.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting uranus ⟶ people who have their briede asteroid conjunct/trine/sextile uranus would likely have a spouse that likes to present themselves differently to the people around them, they're likely going to be a globally aware person and as someone who is gone with the wind. they could have a unique way of doing things [check where uranus is] and they could be someone who is deemed as very friendly, but if briede conjuncts/opposition/squares uranus they could be someone who finds it hard to follow simple rules, they might be gender fluid? or they dont like labels, they could be seen as someone who finds it hard to stay in one relationship. they might do a lot of questionable stuff as well.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting neptune ⟶ people who have their briede asteroid conjunct/trine/sextile neptune could have a bride that seems other-worldly, a spouse that is photogenic or they could be someone who doesnt want to put themselves out there a lot. you might perceive this person to be someone who is glamorous, creative and humble. but if the aspect conjuncts/oppositions/square neptune they could have the habit of running away from their issues, they might victimise themselves a lot and never know how to confront life obstacles. could be emotionally manipulative and two-faced.
♇ asteroid briede 19029 aspecting pluto ⟶ if this aspect conjuncts/trine/sextile pluto this could mean that your bride could have a heavy impact in your life, they might've been someone who have dealt with loses and trauma and they have helped that to aid them into a better stage in your life. they could be someone who has this appealing/sexy energy and they could be someone who is domineering and assertive in where they work, you might have strong sexual chemistry with this person as well, to have this aspect conjunct/opposition/square the briede asteroid people might make a lot of rumours of them out of envy, and they might be someone who struggles to have power over them. you might think of them to be someone who is very bratty and spoilt, they might like to play mind games as well.
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malachiteclouds · 2 years
💋(18+) natal astrology observations part 2
✫ I think that your descendant can indicate whether you attract submissive or dominant partners if you partake in those dynamics. (ex: a capricorn descendant would attract more dominant people, libra descendant may attract more submissive people) the planets that are in your 7th house can indicate this as well.
✫ 5th house moons and their breeding kinks lmfao i-
✫ scorpio/8th house venus and venus conjunct/sextile pluto can like the idea of ownership. there is something about giving themselves completely or having someone else give themselves completely that feels intensely gratifying. it comes from the desire for intimate and vulnerable sharing.
✫ moon conjunct venus and moon in cancer could probably finish by their nipples being sucked or played with.
✫ leo/5th house venus can love collars. however, the emphasis is mainly on the PUBLIC indicator. they would like an OBVIOUS collar, the type to wear the big, bulky ones that have all the bells and lace and whatnot attached. they do not want it to be subtle.
✫ libra/taurus/2H/7H venus/lilith are the masters of sensual, purifying vanilla sex. these people know how to go back to the basics and just expand each fractal of the senses. they will make you feel like you are your most beautiful without any toys, spicy lingerie/outfit, or any play equipment.
✫ppl w mars conjunct moon fuck like animals.
✫ virgo/6th house venus/lilith/mars are extremely resourceful in the bedroom. they can get things to feel like a damn fanfiction by their ability to piece together anything that is around them. is there a glass of iced water next to you? they will use an ice cube like 50 shades of grey. is there just a loose bedsheet on your bed? they will tie your hands with it. able to make something out of nothing.
✫ neptune/venus in 12th house/pisces are bulit for sensory deprevation i swear 💀
✫ we all know aquarius/11th house venus loves their public sex, I mean come on. it's a cliche but it's a cliche for a reason. they love the experimentation and unconventionality of it. they are the ones that will try everything at least once, along with sagittarius venus.
✫ saturn conjunct/trine/sextile venus would love to be on money/have money thrown onto them while being fucked. they would also be hellaaa expensive strippers.
✫ super random but gemini venus would be most likely to fuck on a trampoline 💀
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airyknightofcups · 2 years
Astrology observations III
✨Not a professional astrologer, take with serving spoons of salt✨
Highlights: Venus, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, 2h, 3h.
Whatever natal house the ascendant of your solar return chart is in will show the major focus of that year.
Saturn in the first house people are like popular and very friendly, but also not very confident and very softly spoken at the same time?? I don't really know how to describe it but I know a lot of people like this.
High amounts of water and air placements can show a real aesthetic sensibility (not as much as Libra Venus) but with general art, passion and knowledge for music, literature, painting, any art really, but I very rarely meet fire+earth people who have a passion for art.
Libra Mars hate confrontation, they will try so hard to avoid arguments and are the sort of people that say "I don't feel like discussing this right now" any time you try to address a problem
Gemini venus love to talk so much. They will just social butterfly with strangers at the supermarket and everything.
Moon conjunct Saturn is unassumingly observant in my experience, like they can be saying how bored they in a museum or something are but later will recount literally every object they saw in detail.
Dear Venus in the same sign as your ascendant, what is it like to have confidence about your appearance.
Descendant x Ascendant opposition synastry is so powerful. You just pick them out in a crowd of people and can't stop thinking about them, and it's a two way thing. Especially potent when Venus is in the mix.
Saturn in the third house can indicate really bad relationships with siblings.
Neptune and Jupiter in the second house often have very sonorous voices. Loud but kinda soft, and with very interesting vocabulary.
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pallastrology · 2 years
🌖 astro notes 🌖
🥀 the descendant (seventh house cusp) is commonly known to show us what we look for in a partner, but i find it often shows us something we lacked growing up. for example, a capricorn descendant may have had a really unstable childhood with lots of house moves or travel, a gemini descendant might have grown up very lonely, without friends or siblings their own age they could connect with
🥀 taureans are not always conventionally beautiful, but there is an inviting, almost familiar attractiveness to them. they’re like a summer evening
🥀 sagittarius moons are often supremely creative, though in my experience they often don’t explore this to its full potential in the physical world. they live in a different plane to the rest of us sometimes, stretching the limits of their imagination and understanding
🥀 virgo placements are often just as controlling as scorpio placements, though they tend to control through more palatable methods; it looks a lot prettier to the outside observer to see virgo’s perfectionism than to see scorpio’s guarding. they sort of mirror their glyphs in that sense, the pure virgin versus the intimidating scorpion
🥀 venus in cancer is the ultimate rose-tinted glasses wearer. they see everything through a lens of beautiful, treacherous nostalgia, and it can be really hard for them to clearly analyse and interpret their feelings about past situations once they’re out of them
🥀 aquarius suns often have a really “mismatched” group of friends. i think it’s lovely really, that they can connect with just about anyone and create a patchwork-quilt kind of network for themselves, it really illustrates their tolerance and appreciation for the uniqueness of every person they meet
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Astrology observations 🌌🌌
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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🌌 Virgo MC can’t really get away with “bad decisions”. For example, if they don’t eat well, overindulge, they are more likely to get backlash or criticism from people.
💙 Retrograde Mars people can often percieve themselves as not enough sexually desirable. They might think people don’t want to have sex with them.
💜 People with Capricorn Moon or Moon in the 10th house and other Earth Moon feel like their mental health starts get better if they just begin doing chores.
🌌 Neptune in the 4th house and Pisces IC native is that family member that can’t ever be blamed. Family members might even fear hurting this native due to how innocent they are and that they have the most unconditional love out of all family members.
💙 Gemini Suns are scared of gossip. Because they are aware of the fact that even a made-up thing can be turned into “a fact” too quickly and that people can end up taking a misconstructed thing as the whole reality.
💜 To me Virgo Venus has “minimalist” aesthetic, Taurus Venus “quiet luxury” aesthetic, Pisces Venus “coastal grand daughter” or “cottagecore” aesthetic and Capricorn Venus “preppy” or “dark academia” aesthetic.
🌌 I noticed Scorpio Moons most often only have one active social media account. Like they would use JUST Tiktok or just Tumblr, just Instagram and nothing else.
💙 Neptune in the 1st house women enjoy colouring their hair and changing colour. This is even more prominent if they also have Uranus in the 1st house.
💜 Women with Virgo Mars might have a husband that is gluten or dairy free. Also, your partner might have really nice skin if Virgo Mars is located in the 9th house or the 2nd, but if it’s in the 8th house or aspected with Pluto, he could actually struggle with keeping a healthy skin, could be prone to acne.
🌌 Musicians who have Gemini North Node or North Node in the 3rd house were discovered on Youtube or on a social media platform.
💙People with Scorpio over the 12th house or Pluto in the 12th house might help or serve ill people, such as granting the wish of critically ill people.
💜 You might buy food, food brands or meals from people who share your Moon sign. As an example: if you are Taurus Moon, you buy food items made by Taurus Sun people. If you are ans Aries Moon, you support food brands made by Aries Sun.
🌌 Leo Rising hair always stands out. Even if they are bald, have buzz cut, thin or frizzy hair. People tend to remember their hair the most.
💙 Gemini Mercury loove saying “fun fact…”. 😂
💜 Sagittarius Mars natives might really like their first time (having sex).
🌌 And also a side note, I noticed a pattern that people tend to describe their first time mostly with their Mars sign traits. If it’s Cancer Mars, they felt really comfortable and it was probably with someone they really, really liked and had a crush on for a very long time. Virgo Mars could point that it might have been a quickie or you paused and had a second round. It could also mean that you first started with a hand job, oral. Taurus Mars could also mean your first time started with a blow job (Taurus rules throat). Like 8th house sign also comes into the consideration.
💙 Taurus Moon people love having a drink with them. They love a cup or glass in hands. Such as grabing a smoothie, a cup of coffee, tea or a matcha. It just comforts them.
💜 Pisces Venus looks really good in emerald green clothing.
🌌 I noticed that one MC that is really common among celebrities that almost never (or very rarely) receives hate is Taurus MC celebrities. Real life examples would be Emma Chamberlain, Selena Gomez, Emma Stone, Margot Robbie, Eddie Redmayne, Blake Lively, Gemma Arterton etc. These people are really, really loved by the public. Also sometimes Capricorn Venus or Venus in the 10th house, but not to the same extent as Taurus MC. They can’t do wrong in the public’s eye. It’s like it’s very NOT to like them.
💙 Virgo Lilith women enjoy wearing bows and ribbons in their hair.
💜 People with Gemini Descendant or Gemini over the 7th house often talk down on their own beauty. They might have really glowing skin, but would still say “Yeah, but it’s still not *perfect* looking skin”. Or they might point out more their “beauty/appearance quirks” (uneven teeth, frizzy hair etc.) just so that people don’t end up idealizing them too much or build expectations for them.
🌌 I noticed Capricorn Moons with time love more luxurious pieces, otherwise in younger years (before Saturn Return) they quite love rather cheap stuff.
💙If you have Gemini over the 7th house people can often question the character of your spouse, committed partner. If you have Gemini over the 4th house people can question your mother's character or that of your loved ones, close friends.
💜 Men with Libra Moon often feel threatened by beautiful, conventionally attractive women. However, they also have this deep need of satisfying perfect beauty so they often pick models as their partner or women that look well-balanced, harmonious and have striking physical features, which sometimes intimidates them even more.
🌌 Pluto in the 8th house people or Scorpio over the 8th house might have regrets if they quit a sport they were really passionate about. They have more guilt than others of not sticking with it.
💙 I can’t stress enough how important is for Cancer Moons and Moon in the 4th house to stay in touch with the things they grew up with. It soothes them the best and it really benefits their emotional and mental wellbeing. If you have this placements, watch movies or series you enjoyed when growing up, build a pillow fort, listen to top hits from that time that remind of childhood/teenage nostalgia.
💜 The public and people always want Virgo MC to leak that daily routine👀 Like people are so interested in how they spend their day and what their day-to-day life looks like.
🌌 Virgo Moon (but also Gemini Moon to a certain extent) can act very stingy in their home. They would keep the lights off just so that the electricity bill will be smaller.
💙 I noticed people that are the most consistent with daily work outs tend to have Capricorn Moon or Moon in the 10th house. Because they can detach from feelings, even when they don’t feel like working out.
💜 Leo Risings often end up doing a job, profession or have a career that doesn’t really feel like a regular job. It’s like one of their hobbies for them. They also are found in jobs where they entertain, not necessarily on stage, it can also be on a social media platform.
Credit goes to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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bouquetface · 3 months
How to Identify Someone’s Rising Signs:
This is a series I will slowly update. Take it as fun. It is incredibly difficult to assume one’s rising because the entire chart influences accuracy of every placement.
If you are struggling to guess your rising, I suggest paying attention to the transits. You may want to check the transits & predictions section of my masterlist (pinned post).
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blossomandglow · 29 days
Personal Power of the Rising Sign
To empower yourself and your life, empower and express your RISING sign and ruling planet, and avoid expressing qualities of your DESCENDANT sign, or the ruling planet of your descendant. What does this mean? Ok--
E.G. If you are a Cancer Rising, your ruling planet is the moon, your descendant is Capricorn and the ruling planet of the descendant is Saturn. If this is your rising sign, wear moon colors (grays, soft golds, pastels in general and soft metallics, black and white together, muted dark colors, but no pure stark black.) Embody the aesthetic of the moon as far as it feels authentic to you. Embody your unique moon sign-- this is your ruling planet. If you are a Cancer Rising, do NOT lean into your Saturn sign which rules your 7th house; give it little personal representation: it is meant to represent the Other in your life. Do not wear starkly tailored clothing (Capricorn aesthetic) or pure black (Capricorn aesthetic.) Do not live a very ambitious or strictly structured life; this all would be Capricornian. You are not rejecting these energies, you may better appreciate them in others in your life.
If you embody and express your descendant sign it does two things: it strengthens your enemies, weakens your Self, and repels your true partner and comrades who are meant to bring that energy into your life for you. You must be yourself so that you can receive what you want and need.
As always, take all of this with a grain of salt, but just think about embodying your rising sign vs. your descendant sign and whatever that means for you. (All signs below the break)
(Continued here:)
Let's try another example. If you are a Leo Rising, your ruling planet is the sun, you have Aquarius on the descendant, and the ruling planet of the descendant is Uranus. So, your aesthetic should be Leonian and sunny in whatever way that works for you: bright, deep and/or vivid colors, artistic, even dramatic, fun, happy, free, reds, oranges, golds, nothing is "too much" as long as it's authentically felt. Also all sportswear and athleisure is appropriate since Leo rules sports. (Sorry, Aries.)
The opposite Aquarian aesthetic is for shock value which can be mistaken as the same as the sometimes flashy/dramatic Leonian aesthetic. However, intention matters. Leo Risings should be dressing to express themselves and not to annoy the mainstream and make a political point (that's Aquarian). Both are great, no judgement, it's just the intention is a little different. Aquarius aesthetic and lifestyle is weird, quirky, avante garde, punk, revolutionary, counter culture, subversive, community-oriented or peer-oriented, experimental. Uranus represents a spontaneous, "whatever", erratic energy; again, revolutionary, reactive, oppositional, community and peer-oriented vibe. If Aquarius is your rising sign, go for it! But if you have the more common Leo Rising, do not embody your descendant. Instead you can embrace your friends who carry this energy and you express your own energy. Leo Rising energy is about leadership, art and entertainment, fun, creativity, warmth, radiance, life and growth. It is important for Leo Risings to avoid being peer-oriented. You should be passion-oriented. If you are, others will gravitate towards you, (YOU are the sun, everything does revolve around you lol) but if you are others-oriented, and not true to yourself, others will be repelled from your energy. More than any other placements, you must embody your sun sign whatever that is, because for Leo Risings the sun is your ruling planet. Now for the rest:
Aries Risings. Who skimmed that whole intro until they saw their own sign because no one has time for all that. Aries Rising-- do wear: Sports wear, athletic wear, the brightest colors, especially red, also orange, even neons. Crop tops and skin-baring outfits definitely when it's appropriate. The least amount of clothing possible that does the job. A suit, even, if that's what it takes to win. Tattoos of scary things, mainly as a means to intimidate your enemies, ideally on places you can't easily cover up, like your neck or face. Ok, obviously I'm kidding, and if you have a corporate job, you probably need to think a little more conservatively. Whatever it takes to win, and this is not selling-out for the Aries Rising because it's all about achieving that true goal, whatever that is for you. Avoid Libran aesthetic which is fancy and lazy and lacey and whatever (don't be offended, Libra Risings, I got you below ;). Aries Rising should avoid "aesthetics" in general. No one has time for that nonsense anyway if they have a real goal. You dress for winning. That's it. That's the aesthetic. Other than that, your own natural God-given body is the aesthetic. For Taurus Risings, embody your Venus sign, and embrace a Taurean vibe: earthy, sensual, practical, simple, homespun but luxurious in texture and substance-- and do not embody the opposite Scorpio energies which are intense, emotional, extreme, dark, polarizing-- avoid wearing deep, dark colors-- traditional old astrology/pagan devotees taught that Taurus Risings and Libra Risings were not to cut their hair nor get tattoos but to preserve their natural state as much as possible-- just a thought. Gemini Rising: one of Tumblrs favorite aesthetics, lol, the bookstore/academia/bookworm aesthetic, or teacher aesthetic: no color/style is off limits for Gemini Risings but do mix it up, don't lean into any one style too much, play around, keep it eclectic and rather light-- nothing intense unless you have mercury in Scorpio.
If you have Gemini Rising then your mercury sign is your ruling planet so embody that. Avoid and do not embody Sagittarian energies which are adventurous, outdoorsy, travel aesthetic, foreign, international, the aesthetic of religious iconography (seriously, if you are a Gemini Rising and you are not Christian do not wear a cross as a cute little aesthetic thing, or a nun costume, or anything like this-- it will weaken your true essence--) Gemini Risings strongly need to watch out for and avoid appropriation in general, which they are prone to since Gemini Risings tend to take nothing seriously. Gemini risings, think about who YOU ARE, and be THAT, instead of cosplaying everyone and everything else. Virgo Risings: you also get the bookstore/teacher/academic aesthetic, yay Mercury vibes! You can also lean into work wear/office wear aesthetic if you like that kind of thing. Your look should be more even and predictable than Gemini's (predictable for you, not necessarily for others), you should consider creating a capsule wardrobe. Your colors should generally be muted or earthy but whatever is comfortable for you. Express your mercury sign, that's your ruling planet. Avoid the Pisces aesthetic and lifestyle: dreamy, ethereal, lots of blues and greens and flowing fabrics, maybe a little dark or unsettling, your vibe needs to be the opposite of unsettling. Your vibe is nesting. You do better with a slightly more tailored or structured aesthetic and lifestyle, grounded and earthy. Avoid the wishy-washy, lazy, lackadaisical, dissipant Piscean lifestyle, which can work well for people with Pisces energy, but for you, keep to your routines and personal rules that you know work well for you.
Libra Risings: you are Venus-ruled, so magnify and embody your Venus sign and all things aphrodisian: your aesthetic is romantic, elegant, sophisticated, luxurious, literally nothing is too elegant or luxurious for you. Pinks and/or blues are your very best colors, and soft colors in general, but whatever is stylish. Take great care of your hair (I don't even need to tell the Libra Risings this, but I am validating it). Avoid Aries energy (bright reds and oranges, bright attention-getting looks, athletic wear, sports clothing, a competitive. aggressive or exertive lifestyle) and do not lean into your Mars sign. This Aries or Mars energy is meant to represent the Other in your life so you can appreciate these energies in others.
Scorpio Rising: you know you just want to wear black all the time, and that's cool, you should do that. And the dark sunglasses of course. No one must ever see your eyes until the moment of death. I'm kidding, you're not laughing. Okay, may I also suggest a lovely deep burgundy color, or very bright or deep dark reds in general? Possibly also dark blues. Well, it's just a suggestion, anyway. You can also benefit from the capsule wardrobe. Definitely go for tattoos, if it resonates, the more the merrier, but of course they must be meaningful. Everything you do should be deeply imbued with Meaning and layers of symbolism. Avoid embodying the Taurus energies, which are simple and plain and boring and very run-of-the-mill-- for you. These should be represented in your life via other people. See the advice for Taurus Rising above and then don't do that.
Sagittarius Rising: your ruling planet is Jupiter so lean into your Jupiter sign. Your best aesthetics are adventurous and/or celebratory. Your clothing is meant to express your joy for exploring life. You may dress like it's your birthday or Christmas every day or like you're performing in Vegas. Or alternatively, like you're going on an adventure around the world, on foot, like cargo pants with 20 pockets. Sportswear is in, loud fun playful prints are in, nothing is too silly or fun, everything should have pockets. Sagittarius Rising should still avoid appropriation obviously, but I don't really need to tell you that-- as a Sagittarius Rising you do gain inspiration from other cultures in a respectful and appropriate way where it resonates. Religious iconography is on too, rock that little aesthetic cross if you want to! Do not embody that bookish, experimental Gemini energy, this is for your friends and partners to bring into your life. Avoid the eclectic vibe or the lifestyle of "dabbling". Dabbling is for Geminis. Your energy is to pursue things ardently and at full throttle, no dabbling. Only exception is for those Sagittarius Risings who do have Jupiter in Gemini. Then you can be an ardent dabbler. I don't know how that works but it sounds cool.
Capricorn Rising: my nemesis (affectionate). You can really rock the stark black and white colors, or all black; tailored looks, suits and suitwear, office wear, film noir aesthetic: no structured look is too much for you. Even bondage wear, yikes. You can also rock a dark academia look or "old money" look. These suggestions are very Western-coded but any traditional look is good, really, whatever is considered quite stuffy or uncomfortable in your culture is the right note to hit. The darker and more structured the better. You can also wear snotty, elite brand names and jerseys of successful athletes, and generally anything that celebrates worldly success.
Avoid the Cancer vibes unless you have that Saturn in Cancer-- this means avoiding the soft draping clothes, the dressing for comfort only, the ratty old clothes with holes, that worn-in old tee-shirt-- the girl next door vibe-- this vibe is not for you and will weaken your energy. And you must achieve success and defeat your peers, right? Right? RIGHT? No, I know, I get you, so go befriend a tailor and start dressing for success like the boss that you are. Remember to gatekeep your tailor so no one else looks as good as you do. Let's see who's left. Oh, Aquarius Rising! It doesn't matter what I tell Aquarius to do, they'll dress however they want to anyway, and they should. My only caveat is basically the opposite of what I told Leo Rising: whereas Leo Rising should not dress to shock, but simply to express their creativity, and thereby they also encourage others to be true to themselves-- so cute-- Aquarius Rising SHOULD dress to shock and disturb, and not just for funsies. Funsies are for Leo Risings. You, Aquarius, are tasked with the weight of the calling to tear down the existing structures of the war machine via your aesthetic. So fuck it up. Whatever that means for you. I don't care what anyone else says, I think you CAN fit another sticker on your community-share car/scooter/skateboard, and you should. Weirdly, and this feels VERY weird to say-- do NOT lean into your sun sign. So weird, right? Yeah. IDK, just be yourself. Literally anything goes for Aquarians, as long as it's authentic and true to your principles, which I know it is.
OMG I almost forgot Pisces Rising. Do you know why? The Pisces Rising aesthetic is like a ghost. You may often dress to blend into the wall. Your other available aesthetics are Swamp Creature that just rose from the Deep and Fairy Enchantress/Enchanter, on the hunt for another human soul via trickery. Johnny Cash was a Pisces Rising who somehow embodies all of the above. So think ethereal and otherworldly. Any colors are fine, although blues and greens work best. Light or dark colors depend on whether you're blending into the wall or the Deep. Your other aesthetic is Baby which is useful when you're hungry and want people to buy you lunch or buy your album. This is mostly in the eyes, and is not gender-specific-- Pisces Rising men do the Baby aesthetic very effectively: Michael Jackson, Richard Pryor and Ryan Gosling all have those baby eyes. So does Billie Eilish, with her Ocean Eyes. Ocean is definitely another Pisces aesthetic. Whatever you do, Pisces Rising should avoid Virgo aesthetic and lifestyle, which is routine, data-driven, conscientious, practical, and boring. Be impractical and morally gray-- as an aesthetic, please, in no way am I condoning actual predatory behavior, which some Pisces Risings have been known for. :(
Well on THAT note, the point of all of this was to think about what it means to express your own true self, and not to embody things we like in others that aren't really authentic to our own selves or our own way of moving in the world. We all carry different energies and that's a beautiful thing.
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bloodofasteria · 2 years
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fire descendants flirting w their crush vs earth descendants flirting
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vs water descendants flirting vs air descendants flirting
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fairena · 1 year
Mercury Ruling the 7th House
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Alternative interpretation for 7th house in a Mercury sign is being drawn to or attracting partners who have a habit of infodumping.
Gemini in the 7th house • the partner who is always dropping very random bit-sized fun fact on you out of nowhere just to hold a conversation (may lie about the fact just to tease you).
Virgo in the 7th house • the partner who is always dropping family-sized fun fact on you because you are currently doing something related to the fact yet somehow, it turns into a lecture session (may spend too much time explaining the fact with the believe they are being helpful/informative).
— Disclaimer • Strictly for entertainment purposes.
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