spectre79 · 2 years
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Feeling a little lonely this weekend so decided to watch some gay cinema on Amazon, I liked each one for a different reason, Fair Haven was nice however I needed more from the ending. Mario and Geography Club were realistic in that choices don’t always bring the happy ending. Akron was tragic and yet hopeful and made me feel happy. Where are you going Habibi was cute. I’m glad I watched them all but probably won’t watch any again.
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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A story about high school life as LGBTQ teens in very different stages of decisions about their lives. Caught kissing during a school sanctioned trip Russell (Cameron Deane Stewart) and Kevin (Justin Deeley) are summoned by the girl that caught them.
Kevin is deep in the closet, at a stage where though he knows his own desires he doesn't want to be seen as gay. A man with a love of football he wants only to play the game get a scholarship without his sexuality coming to light EVER. So to spend time with Russell he gets him on the football team and also ask him to deal with the girl that caught them.
She means no harm, she's a lesbian and creator of the Geography Club which mask a gay teen support group.
Russell joins the club but is still outed thanks to his selfish best friend who in effort to have sex with a girl who actually likes Russell. When he declines her advances she calls him the f-word making fliers hanging them all over school.
The next day he is kicked off the football team by Kevin and his homophobic teammates.
While Russell decides to take the "Geography Club" public. Kevin digs his feet in about staying in the closet.
There are several people that come to support the new Gay Straight Alliance. Even Russell's asshole best friend but Kevin is a no show. Ending their secret relationship permanently.
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communistkenobi · 8 months
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stealing this screenshot from a post correcting people about what liminal spaces are, because I want to say something kind of unrelated and don’t want to bother the op - it’s funny this wiki article identifies airports as one of these non-places, and one of the “criteria” for a non-place is somewhere where you are able to remain anonymous, because (at least in north america, I can’t speak globally), one of the primary terrors of airports is its ability to render you a known quantity at basically any time, to bring you into public attention specifically by cops and security people identifying who you are. Airport security, bag inspections, police, surveillance cameras, etc do this security theatre routine at airports in a way that is more intense than other public spaces. Like I just don’t think this state of remaining anonymous in the airport applies to muslims or other religious and racial minorities the state deems to be a “high risk population” vis a vis border security, I think if you want to make the argument that these places allow anonymity, a fundamental part of this analysis has to include the fact that this anonymity is premised on visiting state violence, surveillance, and coercion on largely non-white and religious minorities, particularly and especially muslims, to “protect” and secure this space of (largely white) public anonymity 
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tiredflowercrown · 1 month
Elementary school me was that bitch
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spiraljoinsartyt · 23 days
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All of these images are supposed to be posted on DA, because my account needs a 12 digit recovery and it's difficult to retrieve it so, I'll spend my years posting art on Tumblr
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notchainedtotrauma · 2 years
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Adrienne Raquel, Where Dreams Lie
Adrienne Raquel, Kam and Kali
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skrunksthatwunk · 3 months
america sucks but there's something kinda special about billboards' insistence on selling us fireworks at every exit
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There should be more content on the systemic rivalry of Curtain as a theatre kid and Milligan as a
#The other adults can be there too#Like Mr. B as the bookish kid and Garrison as part of the STEM club#(they impeached her as president because she kept pushing them to do *slightly* illegal activities)#OR#Even better it's like all of them being school teachers of different subjects#Curtain's still theatre and Milligan's PE#But. Like. Fun PE where he makes up adventure scenarios to motivate students and plays fun music and gets them engaged#Mr. B's the librarian#Number Two's the shop teacher and she's scary good at it#Maybe she also helps with lunches I'm not sure#And Miss Perumal's the Home Economics teacher and she's fantastic but also teaches self defense because “It counts as Home Econ”#Wait maybe Curtain's the principle too but nobody listens to him and he just sends out crazed announcements through the PA system#And all the teachers listen politely and then are like “Anyways—”#Maybe Rhonda's the Home Econ teacher actually#And Miss Perumal's the geography/social sciences teacher#Actually that's much better#And she takes the kids on the best field trips#But she Rhonda and Number Two still teach self-defense#Curtain doesn't want them to but Milligan lets them into the gym after school's over and hangs out with them while they do it#Actually I've changed my mind Moocho is in charge of the school kitchen#And sometimes he sneaks Number Two in there and they experiment together#Mr. B is the absolute best librarian and he's just so nice and comforting and supportive#He teaches a course every semester about internet safety and how to properly fact-check things so you know what's true#He makes the library super calm and inviting and it's full of soft green plaid plush chairs#And they're not just in the open spaces either#There's lots of little hidden areas where people can go and sit and read if they don't want to be bothered#He lets kids take naps in there sometimes if they're having a bad day#And gives them tea and talks to them#And then of course his brother shows up and tells him off for letting a student skip class#And he apologises as bunch (But he doesn't stop doing it)
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butterfly-winx · 2 years
Hi moya I would like to know what happened to Varanda in your Au
*cracks knuckles* Anon, I have been thinking about her lately and come up with a few thoughts:
Varanda gets introduced as Stella's penpal, whose resignation letter she was supposed to deliver to Alfea, and she is done away with making room for Bloom. Kind of like a throwaway thought, a throwaway character.
Varanda however desesrves to become a person of her own might and her textual story reflects this metatextual thought.
Varanda Fiona de Numor is the elder princess of Callisto, the south neighbour of Eraklyon on Manubra 47. Callisto, in contrast to Eraklyon is ruled by magic using royalty, and theirs is a country of bountiful beaches, grottos and parades; military might hidden under colourful uniforms and feathered hats. They are no less strict and traditional than their northern neighbour: despite being the older sibling, Varanda is not set on inheriting the throne, instead her younger brother is.
Until Mika was born however, Varanda was the only heir and she spent her early childhood off planet for her protection (the war on Manubra 47 and the danger of heir assassinations explained in another post on Eraklyon, pls check masterpost.)
Her paternal aunt took Varanda to another planet, very similar to their own: full of beaches, rocky coastlines and tiny islands. Hopping from boat to boat enjoying the colourful garments of the people in this new place, Varanda almost felt at home. Her aunt took her to a palace here too, but not to live locked up like she would have on Callisto, but to dance. Varanda made friends with the only student of her aunt's who was similar to her in age, but was forbidden from sharing any information about herself. When Varanda turned 7, she received the news of her brother's birth with much heartbreak. She had to say goodbye to the islands, goodbye to sunsets at the beach and to the girl with dark skin and mischievous smile.
From then on, she was barely permitted to leave the palace grounds anymore. Only long pleading and begging could get her free passes to the boat parades and annual masquerade balls (which she attended disguised of course). She took great pleasure in pretty things and fashion and spent her time on the UWW (universe wide web) so much that her parents started to worry for her.
When her powers as a fairy manifested, marking her as Fairy of Glass (which she then expanded to Spun Sands), they set her up with a pen pal partner: another princess from a faraway planet. Why she couldn't talk to any of the other Princes and Princesses of Manubra 47 was beyond her, but she acquiesced. Despite also being 12, the other princess hasn't shown any powers yet and her mother had asked them a favour, if maybe talking to a peer would help her daughter's magical development.
So Varanda and Stella, the princess of Solaria, began their slow exchange of letters. Rarely at first, only making a show for the sake of their parents, like "look I tried". Stella discovered her magic powers over the entire night sky feels like and Varanda had to deal with jealousy and feelings of inadequacy for the first time on her life. Being the Fairy of Glass, a trade associated aspect, wasn't what her parents have hoped for. It was still a good aspect. Varanda took pleasure in creating beautiful glass structures, and they also projected her to be able to use her power offencively should the need arise.
Varanda didn't want the need to arise. She had grown accustomed to the protected gardens of her home, every shaded corner a familiar fold on a cherished map she knew like her own palm. She no longer wanted to scale the walls. The more Stella told her about her wild life, roaming free in the world, the less Varanda felt like she wanted to do the same. She felt like she couldn't, like if she had to talk to a stranger she might fail and faint. How could Stella come up with all those quirky responses in her (sometimes unbeknownst to her, embellished) stories? Varanda felt a stone form in her throat if she even thought about it!
Eventually she confided this fear to Stella and her penpal wrote her an essay length letter, with pages upon pages trying to entice her to leave the country. Slowly, Varanda let herself be convinced, that this is a good idea. Stella revealed that even the Prince of Eraklyon would be attending a school on Magics, so it couldn't be that dangerous, could it?
And maybe exactly because of that information, or completely independent from it, her parents spoke their final word. There were plenty good teachers and schools in Callisto anyway. She could get to Enchantix here if she wanted to.
So much was true, but still, Varanda had just missed her chance to go to school with Stella, a friend as support. Stella kept updating her about her adventures dutifully, about meeting prince Sky and other fancy members of high society. Then, towards the middle of her second semester, Stella's letters have stopped. King Radius and Queen Luna announced their divorce. Varanda could put two and two together.
The next letter arrived from Queen Luna instead: Stella would be attending Alfea next year again (heed no mind to the rumour of her expulsion). There was no request, or implication. Just a simple statement.
This time Varanda tried, she really tried. She had her application accepted by the time she told her parents about her plans. She talked to Stella at length, read up about Magics. But then the Duke of Callisto, her cousin had been the target of an attempted assassination while on holiday off planet and Nishi increased their border patrols. Her parents had to respond in retaliation. Sending her away now would only invite trouble and harm to her.
Varanda understood. Heavy-hearted, she composed a letter of resignation she entrusted Stella with, since she couldn't leave the planet to deliver it herself. Despite it all, the control, the isolation, the social anxiety, Varanda was a pragmatic girl. She understood when sacrifices were necessary, and kept herself dutifully blank, but ready for when her time would come.
The world would change, and how it did. Mostly thanks to Stella and her school friends. For the longest time all Varanda had heard was that Stella had used Varanda's name to smuggle a girl to Alfea from Earth of all places who was badly in need of magic education but had zero means to get it where she was from. From Earth? Go figure. All of this, she received notice of in post. The more Stella spent in her second year with a better set of friends, the less she wrote to Varanda, and Varanda herself also felt less and less inclined to pick up the pen.
She studied magic in Callisto and trained as a home defense guard behind her parents back.
Magic returned to Earth.
Mika started his magic training and Varanda tutored him after his official classes. If they were confined together, they might make the best of it.
Calamities came and went, then one day everyone woke up with a fragment of their memories fundamentally altered. Or restored? Old books became legible again the knowledge that nymphs existed in near past and the possibility of an ascension into nymphhood shook the world.
Varanda was finally allowed outside into this renewed changing world, to celebrate the restoration of Domino, a kingdom everyone thought just as gone as the nymphs. She met Stella in person and the Princess of Domino, one of Stella's many school friends who remarked there to be no similarity between them at all. How could there? The princess of Domino, while also red haired, was pale as powder! Varanda was mixed but she inherited a good heap of melanin from her father thank you very much!
Then the Trix happened to... pretty much every country and planet of the inner universe and people were forced to introspect about their treatment of witchcraft users. Varanda had an encounter with the rescued ex-exiled Lady of Isis of Eraklyon, who was in many aspect more her equal than Stella had been. Diasprom in the shadow of her two brothers, disgraced as the fiance of Prince Sky, had not many avenues left in life, especially not now, confined to only being able to use witchcraft for a good while. Yet she clung to her homeland, to making an honest life there.
"At least we don't shackle our magic users over here."- Varanda had said, carelessly cold thinking about the magicless hegemony of Erakyon.
"I'll take the shackle and honest work over a gilded cage any day."- was her response and the fire in Diaspro's eyes sparked a longer and truer friendship than Varanda ever had in her entire life.
As some general notes, Varanda is shy and naive when brought outside of her comfort zone, but her nature is naturally reserved and level headed. Even while in contact with Stella and absorbed in fashion, Varanda was never as surfacially frivolous as her friend. Deep down she does love all sort of gaudy knicknack tho is the thing. She just doesn't say it out loud. Her love language is definitely receiving gifts.
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emiwuaidmslomc · 8 months
I love replying to my geo teachers ig comment in the club
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brknghrts · 10 months
–––– 💔 tags // verses pt 1 💔 ––––
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koiketto · 1 year
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ringneckedpheasant · 2 years
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communistkenobi · 2 years
I think when people describe dark hallways or all-grey office cubicles as “liminal,” they’re using it as a synonym for creepy, which is not really accurate. What’s being reached for is a sense of dislocation, of being in a place that is not meant for you or is otherwise hostile to you in some way. “Liminal” is limited in its ability to describe those feelings, because the word is typically meant to refer to a place that exists only to get you somewhere else (like an airport, for example, or an interstate highway). “Liminal” isn’t synonymous with “a place of horror,” but I think it’s become that in the tumblr lexicon.
I think a much more robust term for what people are trying to describe is ontological (in)security. Ontological security in geographic scholarship means “a confidence that the world exists as it appears to be.” To give a very basic example, there are handles on doors because the function of a door is to act as a gateway to another space, and the handle is there to open that gateway. You trust that doors with handles are meant to be open and stepped through, and you also trust that door handles will always be placed at a standing person’s waist height - if you’ve ever seen a character try to open a door that leads nowhere in a story, it’s playing with your ontological security. Likewise, you see a flight of stairs and understand implicitly that it exists to facilitate pedestrian traffic to and from a specific place. It’s not a place to have a party with your friends, and you wouldn’t think to go to a stairwell to socialise.
To be ontologically insecure, on the other hand, is to exist in a place that is built for purposes that are not available to you. This is most commonly used in disability scholarship to refer to inaccessible entrances or stairwells - these things exist for able-bodied people only, and the structure of the built environment is now acting as a mechanism to divide people into groups who can use the space and groups who cannot. This is part of the way that ableism essentialises disability, which is then reproduced in the built environment - urban structures are taken as neutral, and if you can’t navigate them effectively, something is wrong with you individually (which of course is not true).
But this idea can be deployed for a variety of contexts - suburbs once built for the wealthy car-driving middle class typically do not have sidewalks in them. And now in many places in North America, suburbs are being inhabited by much poorer families (who are much less likely to own a vehicle), who are being driven out of the city core because now that same wealthy middle class has decided a condo is more fashionable than a detached house. This leaves people to live in places that aren’t built “for them,” to walk in the middle of roads or on lawns because there’s no space for them to walk, forcing them into hostile situations to either be hit by cars or yelled at by neighbours for walking on their grass. These spaces produce ontological insecurity, a sense that you are inhabiting a place that is not meant for you, and because of this you are frequently made less safe as a result.
This is where the critique that cities are structurally ableist, or racist, or misogynistic comes from. Urban environments are usually built by the ruling class, whose interests and aesthetic sensibilities get reproduced in the roads they build and houses they erect, and if you don’t happen to fit the profile of the ruling class (ie most people), some parts of a city are always going to be less safe for you. This is why in extremely spread-out, low density cities (LA for example), public transit is difficult to implement on a structural level (on top of all the political pushback), because these spaces are structured in such a way to be hostile to certain modes of travel or behaviour (eg any mode of transit that isn’t a car). They are built for a specific ideal archetype of person, and if you don’t fit into that, you’re much less safe and much less secure.
So if you want to use this in fantasy settings or horror or whatever, you need to approach the built environment as a historical process the same way that a government or law is. Office spaces are not “liminal,” but they can be sites of horror because their physical structure compels certain modes of social behaviour, and trying to work against that grain can make you feel “out of place” - i.e., ontologically insecure.
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grad school is funny bc like we did bar trivia on thursdays at a realy smokey dive bar that was next to a club that did thursday undergrad night stuff and every week we would leave the bar at like 10 pm all giggly but like averting our eyes bc WE didn’t want to see if any of our students were lined up for the club next door and we didnt want them to see US coming out of a bar thursday night before we taught them Friday morning 
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malusienki · 1 year
might be reconnecting or at least talking to an old friend from middle school :’0
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