bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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A story about high school life as LGBTQ teens in very different stages of decisions about their lives. Caught kissing during a school sanctioned trip Russell (Cameron Deane Stewart) and Kevin (Justin Deeley) are summoned by the girl that caught them.
Kevin is deep in the closet, at a stage where though he knows his own desires he doesn't want to be seen as gay. A man with a love of football he wants only to play the game get a scholarship without his sexuality coming to light EVER. So to spend time with Russell he gets him on the football team and also ask him to deal with the girl that caught them.
She means no harm, she's a lesbian and creator of the Geography Club which mask a gay teen support group.
Russell joins the club but is still outed thanks to his selfish best friend who in effort to have sex with a girl who actually likes Russell. When he declines her advances she calls him the f-word making fliers hanging them all over school.
The next day he is kicked off the football team by Kevin and his homophobic teammates.
While Russell decides to take the "Geography Club" public. Kevin digs his feet in about staying in the closet.
There are several people that come to support the new Gay Straight Alliance. Even Russell's asshole best friend but Kevin is a no show. Ending their secret relationship permanently.
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moviexwhore · 4 years
Geography Club (2013)
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Duration: 1h 24min
Director: Gary Entin
Starring: Cameron Deane Stewart, Justin Deely, Meaghan Martin
IMDb rating: 6.5/10
Summary: At Goodkind High School, a group of students with varying sexual orientations form an after-school club as a discreet way to share their feelings and experiences. (from IMDb)
Age rating: 13+
My rating: 4/12
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My thoughts: I… was not a fan. The first, like, ten minutes were good. It was all downhill after that. I hated every scene with the main character’s best friend, they made his character so easy to hate. It was honestly unbearable. I found that while the main character didn’t annoy me, all of the characters were pretty shallow and inconsiderate. The main character and his love interest (the main gay romance) had, like, 5 minutes together. I heard that a lot of the character’s development were left out of the movie (it’s based off of a book). Furthermore, one character who was bi in the book was mad gay for the movie. This literally does not affect the story in anyway whatsoever. Bi-eraser? There’s also a character who was abused at home and bullied at school (in which the main character felt pressured to participate in), and they barely go into any depth with his character at all. Finally, the story ends with a bunch of people being pressured to come out before they’re ready and an ultimatum. I’m glad that they did try to include representation, and I feel like this movie was made with a good intent in mind, but it just felt very dated, despite only being released in 2013. If the story interests you, I would just read the book. This movie is just not where it’s at.
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fcinetv · 4 years
Une mission pour Noël (Heaven Sent)
Une mission pour Noël (Heaven Sent) Actors: Lindsey Gort,Derek Theler,Melanie Liburd Director: Edmund Entin,Gary Entin Country: américain Genres: Comédie, Romance Duration: 88
<p>Sarah est une jeune femme volontaire, totalement dévouée aux autres. Même le soir de Noël, elle ne s'accorde pas un instant de répit. Sa vie bascule le jour où elle est percutée par un bus et se retrouve au... paradis. Enfin, elle est plutôt à "La réception", où elle est accueillie par l'ange Daphné, qui lui annonce à sa grande stupeur que malgré une vie entière de dévotion, elle n'es... source https://fcine.tv/une-mission-pour-noel-6972-streaming
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