crownedcaps · 11 months
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★ Fate/Strange Fake -Whispers of Dawn- // Episode 0
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First of all; Damn.
Man... Looking at the titles to these episodes has my head whirling with ideas of where this show is gonna go...
After reading these I decided to make projections for the future and see if I am close or not.
Episode 6.... Sloppy Seconds Ain't My Style..
All I can hear is Johnny from Grease saying this ass a dig to Rizzo so I would want to put money on Richie taking a jab at Jane for not choosing him first, but I think that boy is too far gone for her to really dig in.
The second thought and one I'm REALLY hoping for is the potential Olivia x Gil relationship that's brewing.. He's gotten glimpes of Olivia and Mr. Daniels and when/if an opportunity to talk to Olivia, about this budding romance between them, he will be the one to pull away and say that he isn't the kind of guy who wants to be second choice to a teacher or something.
Richie has yet to have a solo song! And since this perfect boy has just gotten his heart crushed a bit, he's well due for one... Just hope that it's a great deal better than Sandy. I am not hoping for sad and mopey. I'm almost expecting anger, bitterness that ends on a sad note.
Anger because of how he caught HIS girl with Buddy, bitter that HIS girl didn't want to wear his jacket, and I can't unsee him feeling that gutteral heartbreak at the thought that he LOST HIS GIRL, BEFORE SHE EVEN WAS HIS GIRL.
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Do you know what I mean?
Cruisin' for a Bruisin'
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Buckle up if ya can folk, I get a feeling we're gonna see a race or two but with a catch! Now if the creators of the show keep with the theme, Richie and Gil are our Zuko and Kenickie.
Now if I recall correctly, Danny races in Kenickie's place since he takes an injury to the head; but our boys Richie and Gil share the car but Gil hasn't really had a chance to shine as the Co-founder of the Tbirds. This I think is where he shines. I have a feeling that the Birds/Socs/jocks will get into an argument that ends with them racing, slips or bragging rights, don't matter.
What matters is that Olivia is going to be the flag girl. She is the one with neck ties that could work and honestly I would live for it. Gil sees here getting between the cars, share a look and the race is on. I'd want Gil to win just so that when he does get out of the car and everyone rushes around him to congratulate him, he sees Olivia and amongst the adrenaline, kisses her. Richie gets all protective like the good brother he is...
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Though I would like to say that I think Gil would respect both Olivia and Richie enough to say that the way he acts with Olivia isn't because she's almost like forbidden fruit. Best friends sister and all that..
I would almost want Gil and Richie to sit down and for Gil to explain to Richie that he's cared about Olivia for a while, to which Richie would agree and that he's noticed...
I'd almost want a confession out of Gil in that moment where he tells Richie that he'd want Olivia to be his girl.
Or At The High School Dance.
Just classic getting ready for the dance and another time for our lovely lady Nancy to mak some AWESOME outfits for our lovely ladies and maybe get a special date all her own.
Cynthia I hope would rock a funky suit and perhaps I even be seen dancing with Lydia?
Anyway, that's all for now.
I look forward to the upcoming episodes.
If you have any predictions, let me know!
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everyone-with-a-para · 9 months
i hope everyone with a para that loves them has a great day ~! (^^)/
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Me after seeing where Vincent and Gilbert came from after episode 15: NOW THIS IS SOME GOOD PLOT TWIST
(Also Jack being the hottest character in PH>>>> , YES HE IS I DONT MAKE RULES HAVE U SEEN HIM???? Hes probably my fav rn and I don’tcare what shit he did he' so iconic)
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dailyfatefigures · 7 months
here's to hoping that the back to back combination of junao, karna, oberon and juna's altair figs all being superrrrr popular and hyped up leads to a new golden age of type moon figures and a bunch of other male figs
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fyodorkitkat · 1 year
Jokes on you, I'm into that shit
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misty-moth · 4 months
I’m really curious to see how the Gil route’s ranking will go 🤔 especially the top 100. There has to be at least 100 people who have enough tickets to read it all the first night, and the amount of cupcakes eaten after that will be tremendous 😰
So. Many. Cupcakes.
Gil would be proud.
I guess my curiosity stems from how many players will be coming back to the game for him.
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noxtivagus · 1 year
once again i implore you to listen to ffxiv ost 🙏
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#i cld ramble on n on about the lyrics n everything n#hdflkasjdflksdfjsad 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼#apollo's logged into my instagram account n vice versa#THE FINAL FANTASY DJ GUY#i ramble so much on tumblr that i'm too shy on even like. close friends on ig i don't rlly put the time#but. bro. wnvr apollo n i nerd out or wtvr he hypes us !!!!#😭😭 dude's so nice i think it rlly does mean a lot to him that apollo n i r like. rlly passionate about. yk interests that he shares#so wait context yes i'm logged into apollo's account ^^ so i see stuff in my notifs#🥺 said smth like yk 'wish i had your confidence when i was about your age' & HE'S GNA. RLLY ACTUALLY PLAY FFXIV SOON#hdfaksldjfl pls.. world transfer.. to materia T_T#ngl if i cld have a free world transfer again to like. idk wherever. i think i'd go to elemental bcs currently problem is kinda ping still#i mean. not that it's actually a problem rn. but. yeah.#elemental wld still be better but the free world transfer to materia.. :^) in the future though i know i'm not staying in materia so#rip gil? 😭 nah i'm a crafter anyways actually hehe. i think dude's just like. ah yeah free trial. but i think he's gna buy again.#sorry i ended up rambling abt that i just get rlly excited when it comes to ffxiv n any of my friends#as much as i ramble on tumblr i don't actually. typically share stuff directly w others? :< maybe some friends but#yeah usually i just have apollo. n before i'd usually be the ones listening n. sometimes i'd even get uncomfortable when i'd#be given the chance or like yk given encouragement to share too (trust issues </3)#WAIT I'M RAMBLING 😭 yeah bcs i rlly wna share ffxiv stuff or ff in general n talk abt it w others aaaaa#like i'm listening to return to oblivion rn n. 🥹😭 T_T :^) HDLSKFJASLKDF#wahh that said though most of the things i have to do this week r. actually today. bcs i'm helping w the script#n my grpmates r gna do more on the video bcs i might fuck up or smth w speaking in filipino T_T then lit's gna be fun#but it's due 10 pm today n i haven't started anything yet#whoops! i guess i'll take a nap first though <3 (pls do not follow my example. i'll get it done anyways but Don't)
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np5enkidu · 10 months
alter making gilgamesh, karna, junao and oberon scale figures, aniplex could neverrrr
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esamastation · 7 months
Part thirty-three of Shizuroth, aka, the SOLDIER General's Self Saving Shizun.
Ao3 link.
Previous parts: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two
Reno hates the fact that in the last twenty four hours he's somehow become the Turk Expert on SOLDIER behaviour. Well, Rude did some of the research too, but still, this is not the way Reno expected to see his career going.
"I think the fundamental problem with the entire SOLDIER corps is that they don't know how to take a fucking break," he decides, rocking his chair back and forth on its back legs while making faces at the ceiling. "I mean, just look at the shitshow that started just because Sephiroth took some time off! They couldn't even let him have that."
Rude hums, shuffling through what looks like all of the camp's paperwork.
Reno continues, crossing his hands behind his neck. "Rhapsodos and Hewley don't leave him alone, everything he does is scrutinised -"
"Mostly by us," Rude comments.
Reno ignores him. "The other Firsts take him out training, because they don't do enough of that in their work hours, clearly, and then Rhapsodos drags him out shopping, and that's just the first day. The second day he goes to train in what was at the time an empty training room not in use, and the moment he does, people call Hojo on his ass," he waves a hand. "The poor schmuck took a break, and all he got was so much stress for it! And that's without even taking into consideration his memory loss!"
Rude hums in agreement and then looks up. "SOLDIERs don't have work hours."
"What?" Reno asks, his momentum halted.
"SOLDIERs aren't paid by the hour - they're paid by the mission. They, technically, pick their own hours. They can and do regularly make thousands of Gil in a matter of hours."
The front legs of Reno's chair bang against the floor, rattling their entire paper hut of a house. "Well, I know that, yes, everyone knows that. It's a big selling point, aside from the whole become a hero by having Mako pumped into your veins thing."
Rude hums in agreement. "With his mission completion rate, Sephiroth regularly makes up to quarter million Gil in a month."
"... By working how many hours, in general, per day?"
"Seventeen - 
"Seventeen?! When does the fucker sleep?!"
Rude shrugs and puts the papers down. "According to his medical file, he generally can do with five hours of sleep while maintaining optimal function."
"And who the fuck determined that - Professor Hojo?" Reno scoffs. "Un-fucking-believable. Also my point is made! SOLDIERs don't know how to take a fucking break."
"Truly a detrimental view on work," Rude agrees.
"It really fucking is! I mean, come on! You take a bunch of jacked up meatheads, give them a system that massively rewards their overwork, you keep them on call all the time, keeping them on edge and hyped up, all the while Hojo looms over them like the fucking boogeyman and can pull them into the labs any time he wants!" Reno scoffs. "Never mind the fact that they're considered, technically, Shinra property, with all the Mako in their veins, so they have fuck all employee's rights."
"Might add to the reason why so few take time off," Rude agrees.
"They do have paid time off, right?" Reno asks. "The program isn't that much of a shit, right?"
"They do, standard rate… which is on average about a fifth of what they'd stand to make working. Or in Sephiroth's case… one-thirtieth."
"Of course it fucking is," Reno scoffs with disgust.
"... And the Science department can still call them in, if they're in Midgar."
"So either work yourself to early death or take a massive hit to the wallet and still Science can just grab your ass if they feel like it! What the fuck," Reno mutters. "Who the fuck designed the SOLDIER program, anyway?"
"According to the paperwork, originally Professor Gast… but its current form is mostly Professor Hojo's handiwork."
"Guess I should've expected that," Reno mutters and rocks back in his chair again, glaring at the ceiling. "The whole fucking system is rigged to blow. Nice fucking experiment you got there, Professor."
And now it's his problem to deal with. Wonderful.
He thinks of the way Angeal said it, time and privacy, like it was a joke, an impossible task. It makes him so fucking mad.
The only fucking reason work as a Turk is worth it sometimes is because it comes with some sweet fucking benefits - including properly paid time off and all the incentive on the fucking planet to use it, too. Because way back when Turks were first put together, then still called the Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department, someone had the common sense to look at these guys, with abilities and access of fucking spies, and go, "yeah, you know what we don't want to see - what happens when these assholes get burnout." Because that's how you end up with your asshole bosses assassinated in the night.
To this day Turks will fight tooth and nail to keep their off work hours off the fucking clock. Because what happens on the clock is bad enough, and if it doesn't justify being able to fucking punch out at the end of the day, then what's even the fucking point?
Time and privacy aren't impossible to get, for the Turks - those are fucking contractually enforced benefits they're entitled to, and just a few of many! They keep them fucking sane! And woe be the fucking asshole who tries to mess with them. Even Heidegger knows better.
It's so damn wild to realise that just a few floors down there a bunch of bastards who just don't… care? Who are incentivised not to care. Who'd rather work themselves to death rather than risk being seen at loose ends. Guess that's how Shinra keeps the SOLDIERs in check - they're clearly all of them too overworked to even think straight anymore. And those who are not working still might be pulled into the Science Department any time. Shit.
Dragging his hands down his face with a groan, Reno rolls out of his chair. "I hate this fucking assignment already. Did you find anything?"
"There are a few potential sites," Rude agrees and shows him a drawn map of the area. "A charcoal burner's house over here has been abandoned for months, and might be in bad condition. A hunter's lodge over here, it's higher up on the mountains and might be within view of Wutai patrols from Fort Tamblin. And here there's an old farm, partially burned in a bombing two years back, abandoned since."
Reno considers the locations. The hunter's lodge is right out… "We'll start with the charcoal place," he decides. "If that doesn't work out, then the farm."
"Sounds good," Rude agreed. "How will we justify it?"
"Do we justify it? It's Turk business," Reno scoffs, taking out his PHS. "And so, it's no one's business."
Rude thinks about that for a moment and then nods. "I'll requisition supplies."
"You do that," Reno agrees, checks his watch to make sure it's office hours back home and makes a call. It takes no time for the call to connect. "Good morning, boss, how's the weather in Midgar?"
"There was a storm, but it looks like the worst is over now," Tseng answers. "What's the word for Sephiroth?"
Reno flashes back to the moment he heard the arguably strongest man in the world sobbing into his hands about how fucked he is. "Yeah, so, about that. We're making some new arrangements."
What I love most about the Turks is how they definitely know how to appreciate time off.
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melly-watches-racing · 3 months
Drive to Survive Episode 3 Thoughts…
He’s like 15- look who’s talking
A lot of hype around how young Lando and Oscar are
Will Don’t point out the obvious challenge… he always fails
Lando taking the senior in the team thing and sounding like a fucking grandpa
I actually forgot how shit the start of the season was for McLaren
Claire Williams comes on I smile…
Lando saying he was gonna steal Redbulls front wing- I dare you
Backwards hat, clean shaven Lando my beloved!
Christian looking at Lando likes he’s prey
It’s a stadium Pierre of course it’s huge
Will Buxton still annoys me
Max smiling at and filming Lando with 😍😍
“Some of our competitors” *cough cough Redbull*
Lando didn’t seem too pleased about that meeting
Golf Buddies…
“It’s quicker than our car this”- while referring to a golf cart
George and Lando travelling together
I need a weekly episode of George and Lando private jet talks please and thank you
Lando looking out the window like he’s in a music video
Zak is shaking in his boots during that meeting in the boardroom
Silverstone McLaren I love 🧡
Lando British GP podium was *chefs kiss*
Shout out to Oscars P4 too… he was severely neglected this episode
Say what you want about how awful Zak was to Daniel last year (cause I agree) but he loves and supports Lando unconditionally and that is also important
The dedication to Gil DeFerran at the end was sweet
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kpopscatterbrain · 6 months
Kdramas i've watched this year
Some of these are older dramas but i'm a procrastinator
Black Knight (2023): Loved this one! I have watched it probably 5 times now. Kim Woobin kicking ass is all i need!
Under the Queen's Umbrella (2022): I didn't watch this when it aired (no idea why). I was worried that the plot would be overrun by romance but thankfully i was wrong. Loved Kim Hye-Soo's performance (i cried a little).
Island seasons 1 & 2 (2022-2023): Honestly i only started this one for Kim Nam-Gil. I loved the cast, but the flow of the plot was a little off (don't know how, i can't put a finger on it). Was positively suprised by Cha Eun-Woo's acting, i think he needs more roles like this! Hot villain alert no.1! Sung Joon as a bad guy is either a blessing or a curse. Cgi could have been better.
Taxi Driver season 2 (2023): Loved the first season so of course i had to watch the second one. Love Lee Je-Hoon. Love the main characters. Love the plot and the message of this drama. A masterpiece. Waiting for season 3.
Weak Hero Class 1 (2022): Only heard of this drama wayyy after it aired (thanks tiktok) and god does it deserve every award there is! I was a bit hesitant because Park Ji-Hoon was the main lead, but boy was i wrong because his talent got me speechless (weren't we all). I cried, i cheered, i shadowboxed, i cried a little more and in the end i called my therapist. Thankfully season 2 is coming.
Bloodhounds (2023): Woo Do-whan and Lee Sang-Yi in the same drama beating people up? Yes please! The plot wasn't mindblowing, but sometimes just simple ass kicking is enough. Bromance was bromancing. Park Sung-Woong with another great villain character.
Revenant (2023): After dropping Mr.Sunshine i wanted to see Kim Tae-ri in other dramas, so when this aired i gave it a go. Her range is phenomenal! I have only seen couple spookier dramas, so i made a mistake and watched this at night (slept with the lights on). The eerie vibes and plot twists were well made. Hong Kyung had great chemistry with Kim Tae-ri and his cop role was refreshing to see after his performance in Weak Hero Class (if you know you know).
Flower of Evil (2020): Okay, this is one of the dramas i procrastinated hard on. It's been sitting on my "have to watch" list since it aired and i'm the only one to blame (i hype up a drama in my mind, then don't want to watch it because now i'm afraid it doesn't go the way i think it does and then i get disappointed blaablaablaa). This year i finally got over myself and why. didn't. i. watch. it. sooner!!!! It is all i ever wanted in a kdrama. 1. serial killers 2. a psychopath (but is he really?) w/ an effed up childhood 3. mindgames 4. marriage problems (but has a lot of soft & cute scenes) 5. Lee Joon-Gi. Also as a plus (hot villain alert no.2) the bad guy is kindaa (i'm sane i swear). I would be lying if i didn't say that i found the wife slightly annoying (might be me, but she went too much back & forth and sometimes i had to take a breather while watching), but all in all this drama will be hard to top and i fell in love with Lee Joon-Gi.
Moving (2023): Honestly one of the best dramas of the year. I don't usually really go for plots that have a lot of romance in them (if you haven't noticed), but i found this one to be really well balanced and the romance scenes weren't "cringy". Although Bong-Seok and Hui-Soo were great and had great chemistry, i looooved the background stories of the parents. Park Hee-Soon also pops up as kind of a non-villain villain. I hope there is a season 2.
Song of the Bandits (2023): Kim Nam-Gil again. 1920s Korea and gunslingers... what more could i need? After Mr. Sunshine left me with a disappointment (this might be an unpopular opinion) i craved for a drama set around the same time period, but with a little less romance (i know, i am defective). I think dramas should explore this time period more, but i understand it might still be a touchy subject. The skills of the cast were obviously great, Kim Nam-Gil killed his role like always, but Lee Ho-Jung as Eon-Nyeon shined with her performance (i am now a new fan). Hot villain alert no.3! I have seen Lee Hyun-Wook in Remarriage & Desires and seeing him as a villain made me feel things. If there isn't a second season i will cry.
The Killing Vote (2023): A "serial killer" in a dog mask making the public vote on punishing criminals and everyone suspects each other? Cyber crime? Chemistry between two cops? Major hot villain (no.4)? Sign me up. I love when crime dramas make you question your people reading skills (i have the tism so i really got none) and have all kinds of theories flying around. I liked that even Kim Mu-Chan and Joo Hyun had obvious chemistry between them it didn't overshadow the main point of the plot. I liked Seo Young-Joo's delivery and i hope he gets more bigger roles. Kim Kwon.... why does the psychopath have to be hot? He also needs more bigger roles. !spoiler! Also Park Sung-Woong killing (heh) yet another morally grey character.
The Worst of Evil (2023): Okay, first of all i have to say... the wife ruined everything (some agree and some don't). We get another bromance duo of the year with Wi Ha-Joon and Ji Chang-Wook. Loved the crime organization infiltration plot, heavily despised the romance plot (sorry Bibi baby). I was constantly on the edge of my seat and the characters started to get so morally grey that in the end everyone needs group therapy. Action scenes were chefs kiss. A honorable mention goes for Lee Shin-Ki as Seo Jong-Ryul (or Chief Seo, knife guy, the man has many names) and Bibi for her performance as Lee Hae-Ryeon.
Evilive (2023): Heavily underrated. Kim Young-Kwang doing what he does best, playing a psychopath. This combined with a bromance plot with the one and only bromance master Shin Ha-Kyun? I'm sold. The dramas literal title "villain story" really sums up the plot. Sometimes you are not sure who to cheer for. Sometimes you are not really sure about your own sanity. But to be fair, so aren't the main characters.
Vigilante (2023): Love it. Currently re-watching it. Needs more attention. Needs more episodes. I'm in love with Nam Joo-Hyuk. The best crime drama of the year, the title is all i needed to hear. Beating up criminals in well made action scenes is my favorite genre. No romance. One sided bromance? Morally grey characters (am i repeating myself now?). Yoon Ji-Tae as a beefy cop and Lee Joon-Hyuk as a slightly insane admirer? If we don't get a season 2 i will start a riot.
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astro-can · 5 months
i was hyped for some korean when seung gil came out in yuri on ice (im korean) but to no avail everyone is fluent in japanese (for some odd reason)
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the-dancing-coeurl · 24 days
Mayqo'te- Moonlight
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Mayqo'te prompt list I'm following can be found here ----------
E'venna gazed up at the moon, trying her best to distract herself from the bruises all over her body. Another loss in the ring, another poor payout, she didn't even break the top eight competitors this time. It all came at the worst time, just as the deadline for the triplets' tuition was approaching... Ears drooped and tail fell motionless as Venna silently let the tears fall on her face. She couldn't let herself get like this normally, not around her family. She's this unbreakable hero to them, when she loses she's supposed to gets right back up with a smile. She's supposed to...supposed to... Tears drop from her face to her bruised arm, glistening in the moon's pale light. They'd all find a way to make up the difference. Maybe Bana's mining crew found that new ore vein he'd been hyping up for a while? At the very least Venna was sure she could live without a few meals in the meantime...every Gil mattered.
Blinking through the tears, she could barely make out the shape of the moon above. Everything seemed to go wrong today...and yet the moon keeps traveling, with the sun following close behind. Another day is starting. A bright, hopeful new day. Venna smiled as the tears kept falling, keeping watch of the moon as it danced through the sky. A new day...another day they all get to see. That's all that matters.
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A Race, A Challenge and Some Bonding.
These guys need more scenes where the gangs are together.
Shy guy stepping forward with HEAT at the fact that Buddy swung first. I gotta say for him as a former boxer, he would be the guy to point that out. And the shyest guy spoke up first.
Susan.. keeping the peace.? I will try not to hold judgment for her since she literally was trying to throw Richie under the bus to the principle..
The grin that spreads on Gil's face at the mention of a race.
The Soc's knowing of Gil's ability's to race. "No World where you beat Gil Rizzo." I don't know about you guys but now I GOTTA see this guy behind the wheel racing for real. Like.. Even when his car was missing parts he was THAT good!
The Huddle!
"I'm Hungry." Me too, Potato. Me too...
"Pancakes would be nice." "Should we get a table?"
They aren't even worried or talking strategy. Well, they are but a different kind of strategy. Breakfast Strategy.
When Gil steps forward to shake on it, I was like 'there is the co-leader of the T-Birds.' He is confident and in a way, profesional about this. Though I love Richie, I gotta say... Gil looks pretty good here. It may be the fact that he is confident as he steps up to the plate as Richie's second. It also shows that he still thinks of Richie as the leader and hasn't given up on his boy.
Buddy having to take a second before he shakes after hearing 'May the best man win.' Just makes me think of when he talks to his dad and states that he doesn't wanna 'win be default'.
Rizzo and Frenchy getting hyped up seeing 'older kids' doing cool stuff.
Rizzo and Frenchy starting to show that they want to be Pink Ladies and ask to join.
Gil and Rizzo ribbing eachother as siblings do when they are just talking.
And I love the way they are starting to build a repoort with Gil and Jane when they step aside to talk to Frenchy and Rizzo.
The shared look they have hits on several levels.
From being older (responsible) siblings, leaders of gangs and just being in highschool in general, they react in classic sibling denial laugh at the idea of them joining.
"Absolutely not."
"There's a height requirement." Now this one made me roll my eyes when I first heard it and its not until Gil steps up behind them that you CAN SEE THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE! Im sure there are a few of us on here that would turn into Frenchy if Gil put his arm around their shoulder and said he'd give em a ride.
Jane's "Never gonna happen." It may be to discourage Frenchy from mooning over Gil, but I think she is also a supporter of #Oil.
More Interactions between these guys please...
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happycamper72 · 1 year
in ep 5 when Gil asks "what are we missing" at the Halloween party and Ed answers "the girls" (my) first thought was the pinks but I think he means Cynthia and Olivia ??
we haven't really seen any evidence of the pinks and t birds hanging out as one group at this point (I don't think) but Cynthia will have obviously been a part of all of their pranks since they first started being little shits all together and in ep 1 Richie says he spent all day convincing their mum to let Olivia come with, I bet he did that all the time and dragged her out constantly, especially on Halloween (or alternatively might have been encouraged to take Olivia with him to try keep him out of trouble) !
The t birds are probably so used to having the two of them - Cynthia's a natural born hype man and an ideas guy, and it's so in character for Olivia to not really take part but to keep making sarcastic comments to not get over excited and use all of the loo roll/eggs etc. too soon so they can keep going - for the first time the t birds are on their own and the vibe is way off, balance thrown, tradition unfulfilled
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