wolfythewitch · 5 months
Fucked up that Jon gets to survive a whole building exploding and collapsing on him and Mike gets taken out by a bullet
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lynvole · 1 year
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but i'm still lost in the light
and i dont know what night it is
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vamp1r3gf · 4 months
Just finished Crooked Kingdom…
I am unwell
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itsatorchwoodthing · 4 months
i wanna add that im not a super believer of Groff!Jack, i just think it would be neat if he is, also i want jack back anyway lmao - i mostly just like stirring the pot and show im pro recast!!!
bbc if you’re listening, please recast him
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fiprobably · 1 year
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I miss my wife sigh
Also Bucky taking Sam to a sunflower field/farm? That's canon. Deal with it
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lilacjunimo · 7 months
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I miss the one with the big ol’ puppy dog eyes so much it’s not even funny
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p4nishers · 2 years
me when we go another week without seeing my beloved echo again
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cowboylikesel · 4 months
another week, another episode without tommy: CRIMINAL! don’t they know i need my fix
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mordorlady · 5 months
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Hello, just gonna say I love him and missed him so much! While waiting S2, i watched his interviews again and again and AGAIN! And i love him even more more and more ❤️ Amazon for the love of Eru HURRY UP! Give back to me my DARK LORD 👑
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babyslutbuck · 2 months
get a stomach ache when I think about buck I miss him I miss him I miss him
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the-myrda-weapon · 1 year
Damn I forgot how much I want Ed Teach carnally
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iguessricciardo · 2 years
there aren’t photos of an annoying aussie entering the paddock wearing his own merch
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poisonedfate · 4 months
i have such a love/hate relationship with s5. the episodes are so good. but they're so evil. but they're interesting. but they're completely terrible. ....anyways so i just rewatched the dark tower
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deceptive-daydreams · 2 months
*me, going insane AGAIN because once AGAIN the Eddie and Chrissy scene popped up and I had to hear his little “you don’t remember?” and I was forced to sit here for minutes looking at his big dumb eyes get all sad*
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a-wholelotta-love · 1 year
Totnt 1938 Finale! Part 2!
This one is for my cry fest! Everything I liked about totnt's finale has been discussed in part 1. I am purely going to cry and crib here. So anyone who loved the entirety of it, just skip this post.
Starting off, I am someone who watched the season 2 of Totnt just for Rangie baby! The 2020 Rang who died at the end of the 1st season and kinda took a part of my heart with him while dying. I watched the entire 2nd season in hopes that he will somehow get a better ending. That he will get to come back and live as himself rather than a reincarnation who has no memories of said life. Despite people in the show clearly mentioning that the future won't change; Being extremely optimistic, I kept believing that it has to change. How does the future not change when you alter the events in the past 🥲.
I am forever going to be heartbroken over the fact that my 2020 Rang did not even get a chance. Did not get to ever live happily with his brother or his family. And i can't help but be heart broken over the fact that even 1938 Rang is supposed to somehow meet the same fate in 2020. I really don't know how that makes sense but it sure as hell did not make me happy.
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As long as my boy's fate actually ends like this, I can't be completely happy. It will forever hurt me. Yeon going back to the future and being happy with his love is all fine with me. Coz i knew it would happen. They never disregard Yeon's happiness after all. He got to go back in time and mend his relationship with his brother. And then he comes back to the one he loves the most. Everything working in our hero's favour. Like always.
I just needed my boy to be there too. Why not give us that.. Why not 🥲
Also, Just to make it perfectly clear, I hate 1938 Yeon. I hate that dude. His reaction when he hears Rang has less time left was this. He legit had the audacity to say forget it and then went back to lie down on the freaking sofa.
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And then the moment, our precious yeon hears about Ah-eum. He gets up and packs his bags. At this point, If i could strangle this lee yeon, I would.
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Be it 2020 yeon or 1938 yeon, he does not deserve Rang's love.. The only one who was a little decent to be getting it is 2023 yeon and to an extent his behavior is guided by the guilt he feels.
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Every single time, in the end I have to see my boy crying and saying goodbye to his brother. The brother he loves more than the whole world and the brother who will always love him a little less. I have at this point, obviously, tried making my peace with the fact that Yeon won't ever love Rang the way or the much Rang loves him. But I am so enraged about the fact that my 1938 Rangie will go ahead and give all his love to this douchebag 1938 Yeon who could not even get up from the sofa after hearing that his brother has less time left.
While everything seems so happy about the ending of totnt 1938. This is still the last memory that i shall have of my Rang as per timeline.
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It hurts me. In my mind, I am now going to create two Rangs and atleast try to believe that the 1938 one got to have his happily ever after with his mermaid and that his douchebaggy brother will maybe someday turn out to be a little nicer and that he never died in 2020. Because I can't be happy knowing that no matter what changed, everyone still lives in a 2023 where Lee Rang does not exist.
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qismet · 1 month
haha anyway getō next right? HEEEEE HATH RISEN BABYGIRL … FUCK!!!!!!! 🎵 and i don’t want the world to see me cus i don’t think that they’d understand 🎵
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