wisteriasymphony · 3 months
Chat Noir and The Cynic both run away together after severely pissing off Team Ladybug, and are always transformed to stay on high alert.
After a while Chat Noir starts craving cheese, to the point where he can't function without it.
The Cynic however starts needing blood, and the instant Chat Noir he's like. Finally. I can offer my essense, my very being, to the creature who has bewitched my soul
..you vile beast.
*DRAMATIC SIGH* I've been planning on saving the vampire shit for the defining feature of the CynAdri dynamic (this pairing idiots make love like a phlebotomist's wet dream with their horrendous blood-consuming sluttery). But I can make an exception here. Because I don't give you guys enough of Adrien's masochism.
"I can just take it from someone else," Cynic said, their mouth already dangerously close to Chat's neck. The longer the coyote had stayed in costume, the more all of them had blurred together, until you couldn't really tell whether they were a man or woman to begin with—But that was the least of Chat's problems, anyways.
He winced at the feeling of Cynic's breath on his skin, gripping both of Cynic's hands tightly. He wasn't exactly pinned against a wall of any sort, even if he looked like it; The way their hands were interlocked seemed to push into and pull against in equal amounts to keep both of them still. Terribly still. The anticipation was consuming him from the inside.
"Please." He couldn't look Cynic in the eye when he asked for it. "...Please."
Chat felt Cynic breathe against his neck again—this time in a low, quiet laugh—and he felt his knees grow weak at the feeling. Cynic ripped one of their hands away from Chat's own, gripping him by the waist and pulling him closer to them.
"Fine," Cynic hissed, pulling Chat in to sink their fangs properly into his neck. "You do taste delicious, I guess."
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heybiji · 4 months
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dandelion casually dropping traumatic information while insisting that instead of killing the problem wizard they simply burn his tongue
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ricky-mortis · 13 days
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I’m thinking about supernatural spies again…
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the-woman-upstairs · 3 days
Daniel being both relieved AND disappointed that he and Louis didn’t fuck…………buddy I can’t wait for you to find out which vampire you DID fuck.
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the-art-block · 3 months
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At last this wonderful project is ready for its debut ✨✨✨
An absolutely massive thanks to @crownedinmarigolds and @thesixthplaneteer for bringing me on as the artist to make this idea a reality! I absolutely adore these poor duskborn darlings and I wish them all the best in their continuing nightmare 💙🙏
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murder on the dancefloor
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Louis and performance
something that always stuck out to me about louis’s behaviour in the first episode is how almost thrilled he seems to be doing this interview? he full on laughs at daniel’s “so mr du lac, how long have you been dead?” line and overall seems very put together and calculating.
it appears as if he’s fully prepared for this, only interested in giving an informative and educational account of his life. this interview is a heroic pursuit, acting as a warning to others about the harsh reality of vampire life.
but this is all a facade. this cool calm and collected louis slowly falls apart and is paralleled with 1910 louis’s overly violent and macho persona that also falls to the wayside as the series goes along. in both new orleans and present day dubai, louis is putting up a mask. although this time round he’s exchanged stereotypical masculinity for clinical rationality.
and news flash!! he has neither.
he’s trying to conceal the fact that this interview has come about from a distrust of his own memories and recollection of events. that there’s this much more distressing motivation for the interview of louis not even trusting himself to tell the truth and needing someone else to help him parse out what really happened. furthermore, there is also a personal undercurrent to louis’s intentions due to the second interview picking up from his and daniel’s first encounter. unsurprisingly, all of these reasons he neatly skirts around (until push comes to shove). louis meticulously illustrates this picture of his life in new orleans via vivid narration and metaphor, asking daniel (and the viewer) to “let the tale seduce [him].” as he does this he teeters along a tightrope, swinging between expressing his crazed and immense love for lestat and portraying himself as a reserved intellectual detached from his vampiric instincts.
from the very start it is a performance. no argument about it.
the louis of present day dubai is in such stark contrast to the louis of even the 70s. he’s lost so much joy and confidence. this is not the same man who spent hours chatting with lestat under the moon in new orleans, who cheekily danced with emilia in romania, who torched a whole theatre. and with how quickly louis admits to killing lestat in season two it’s interesting how carefully crafted and persistent his ruse of serenity in dubai is. as he’s grown more adept at concealing his secrets, he’s also evolved into this hollow husk of himself. for the past 70 odd years he’s been stuck in a tumultuous relationship, has not properly killed anyone since the year 2000 and tries to paint himself as a passive figure in the tragedy of his own life.
this goes to show that louis is very particular about how others view him and how he’s presented. consistently, louis is tugging back and forth with daniel over who he truly is, his true motivations, his true desires. this is most apparent in 2x04 when louis is horribly embarrassed by the work of other photographers somehow ending up in a pile of his old photos. although it’s currently unclear how they ended up there, i think it’s safe to assume that louis genuinely didn’t intend to pass off other’s work as his own. he immediately scrambled to explain himself and apologise, even going as far as to demean himself as a mediocre artist. he’s so enraged by this incident because he fears how it reflect on him and how it will cause readers to perceive him. in order to be able to tolerate himself, louis has to maintain this very specific image of himself where he is this vulnerable but restrained vampire who is totally fine. louis is always barely holding this facade together and his ability to swallow his more intense emotions has obviously been something that he’s struggled throughout his life, from lashing out and killing the alderman in new orleans to triggering daniel’s tremors out of spite in dubai.
and circling back to dubai, this is all wonderfully conveyed via his change in accent in the present day. he no longer retains his new orleans accent, now speaking with an accent closer to a general north american one. his tone is also much more subdued and soft-spoken, rarely even raising his voice. this really hits home how weary louis has become and how he’s become so detached from his true self. he’s not energised, he’s not passionate, he’s not happy. the closest we get to pulling back the curtain on louis’s mask is when he lashes out and acts most like a stereotypical vampire. if there is a “true” louis then it’s likely the one who triggers daniel’s tremors, who digs through daniel’s memories about alice, who argues with armand over the misplaced photographs. i’m not trying to say that louis is inherently an violent or angry person but the most emotion we get from him in the present day is when he’s wrathful, bickering with armand, laughing in daniel’s face. it’s far from the whole picture of who louis de pointe du lac is but it’s the most honest portrayal he’s allowed of himself over the course of the interview. he does have much more emotional and somber moments but his repressed anger is poignantly tied to his repressed vampirism. we don’t know who louis truly is in dubai and and i suspect he isn’t sure himself
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So was anyone going to tell me Faust is a bigger menace than EVERYONE in the game put together or like. Was I supposed to play the Impossible Choices event (Vincent and Charles ver) myself. I LOVE that he's the definition of: 'being smarter doesn't make me more mature or helpful, it just makes my inherent lust for chaos/entropy all the more unstoppable' This shit FUCKS
I think this is the first time I've ever seen a character make Shakespeare's life a living hell and the latter didn't expect/see it coming, that was AMAZING. Mf was out here like "What the hell??? You lot don't make me suffer I make YOU suffer. Let a man obsess IN PRIVACY" and then nobody cared. Peak comedic interaction, no notes everyone pack it up
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winepresswrath · 9 days
I think I would need to reread the first book to really commit to this opinion but imo some of the horror of book!claudia is that she really is a terribly inhuman monster. she was a vampire child, so she never learned to be human. she was a vampire child so she'll never grow up and fulfill that potential. companionship is a necessity for her because she can't look after herself and that makes her bitter and disdainful of people who want love for its own sake, especially in the context of Louis and Lestat, who damned her to her current state to fulfill their own emotional needs. it's a stark contrast to show Claudia, who yes, is a vicious mass murdering vampire and has fun with it, but is otherwise a lonely woman who craves companionship and understanding because she's a person. Her beef with Louis is still about his failure to prioritize her and his assorted bad idea relationship choices but the undertones are so different and I really feel like the tragedy is that he didn't put her first and not that he could never have made her happy no matter what he chose.
#tbh i think claudia in the book is perfectly capable of love she's just furious all the time#but there's definitely a particular monstrosity/eatrangement from humanity#which in terms of the other vamps. lol maybe she's just honest!#howevvver#i say again u would not catch her getting love bombed into a theatre cult#she is simply not vulnerable to that particular trap#at the same time i think it honestly was about book claudia. at least more than it's about show claudia. she engineered a situation where#louis had to choose and he did! she had the opportunity to make up with lestat basically whenever and she didn't because she was furious#and unwilling to put up with him.#valid! but imo a much less desperate situation than claudia in the show#who is also i think dealing with a much more serious betrayal#like tell me if i'm wrong but book claudia clocks that he won't give them up without a fight from the get go#in kind of a game recognizes less competent game kind of way#whereas show claudia really thought she could show up and ask louis to leave with her. and if he agreed that would be that#and i think the violence she receives and witnesses in return is what really ruptures their relationship for good. she was mad about the#diaries and the boyfriend and the general state of her existence but unlike book! claudia i genuinely don't think she'd have tried to hurt#him if he hadn't done that. whereas book claudia would gut him for funsies#maybe even a little affectionately if he didn't make her too mad first. however it's lestat he was always going to make her mad moot point#god i love show claudia but book claudia really is an absolutely singular character i should reread just for her#either way always thinking about Her#press says iwtv#interview with the vampire#the vampire claudia
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Me, someone who really wants children at some point in life, any time I play a dating sim with an undead or inhuman love interest: I wonder if this character and my MC can make babies?
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I have a big google doc thing where I keep track of media and stuff (putting everything in loosely ranked categories), which is mostly just for my own reference so I know what tv shows I've already seen before, etc. and I never really look back through it, typically just a quick "okay, watched two movie in the past 8 months, need to quickly slap them somewhere in the lists. okay. done. save document. exit". But today I was actually reading through some of the old notes and there are like... MULTIPLE places where my comment is basically "It would have been good if it were about elves" or "I wish there was a fantasy show made in this same style" or "It's well made, but I just keep thinking about how I would like it more if everyone was an elf or was in old 1700s costumes" or etc like...... lol.... Most biased media ranking system on earth blatantly made by someone with an extremely hyperspecific range of narrow interests. It'd be like if a food reviewer only had 5 foods they actually liked, so they'd just go to a pizza place and be like "eh, the pizza was okay, but I just think it would be better if it was cereal instead. :/ ...2 out of 10"
#Which.. I mean... I am allowed to be biased because literally it's just for my own personal reference (or occasionall#y to send to friends or something if we're discussing the topic) so like.. nowhere am I saying 'I am the god of perfect taste and these#rankings are objectively the absolute truth and everyone should have my same opinion' or anything#BUT still.. it's funny to me sometimes#'Succession would be 100x better if it had the same cast/character quirks and shaky camera style and#acting choices/weird dialogue and general concept etc. EXCEPT it takes place within an elven noble family or something#managing the family business and everyone is in fantasy costumes now'' like.....okay...... but it's NOT that way..soo... thats not the show#''I like the acting style/general tone of Fleabag but i don't care for any of the characters or any of the subject matter and I wish it was#set in the 1800s and had vampires and was about magic instead'' okay..... again... you are making up an entirely new show in that case lol#OR my other beloved typical complaint ''The concept is good but theres too much plot and action and not enough people just sitting#around doing nothing and exposition dumping world and character lore'' ''this needs more goofy sideplots and filler episodes''#''this Drama was too dramatic I think it should be more lighthearted & people need to sit around doing nothing just being weird more often'#''the Action Movie was ok except for the action scenes - which I skipped through all of- but I liked the costumes and worldbuilding'' etc.#ERM sorry your plot has too much plot. also elves have to be included somehow. bye#BUT SERIOUSLY!!!!!! I literally genuinely believe that any show I like (or even dislike) could ALWAYS be improved greatly by#putting people in fantasy or historical costume/setting/etc... why the FUNK would I want to see bland jeans and cars and cell phones#when I could see elaborate velvet cloaks and fantastical landscapes and interior design and innovative takes on historical or#magical technology or etc. etc. etc. I LIVE in the modern day. I see it all the time!!! BORING! stinky!! boo!!!#ANYWAY... another social divide for me.. People love to bond by discussing media. which is hard when I'm like#'I literally will not watch something at all unless it fits into one of these 10 extremely specific categories which are all i care about i#the entire world''.. I say this and yet I still dislike most fantasy or historical things I've watched lol. ok TWO main criteria then!!#it must 1. be in a different world or time period. 2. be goofy silly. Nothing ever has BOTH. It's always overly serious boring drama action#fantasy/history stuff OR it's comedic lighthearted but with modern day characters... WHY.. anguish and woe and so on..#ANYWAY jhjnk... at least I can make that divide. Some people seem to project their own personal preferences and get really emotionally#defensive if you say you didn't like something - as if the fact that they DO like it is some Objective Truth or something rather than just#opinion/preference based. I can still easily say ''this is well made/well written/acted/good in a technical sense/has a lot of#points of appeal that most people would be drawn to/etc'' and admit that it's a GOOD show probably. I just PERSONALLY think its#bad because my tastes are very narrow. Some things ARE actually made badly but. things are not bad INHERENTLY just bc they dont suit ME lol#Better to recognize/accept whats odd about you and be peacefully aware of it than just being mad at everyone all the time for not fully#agreeing with you even when you're the one with the Weird opinion in that case lol.. I am right though :3 but.. lol... still. i get it
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cloctor-doodles · 5 months
Finished Evil West and did my fave thing after finishing games, looking at fanart and cosplays now spoiler free! 🤠
Only to discover the gutting truth that apparently no one cares about this game whatsoever, and here I was expecting to please my eyeballs with Chester fanart... dang 💔
There aren't even good quality pics of him on Google images like bro why did no one love this game?? I loved it a lot???
Well, anyway, I'll provide... whether people care or not lmao
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thevelominati · 7 months
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anyway, i discovered IWTV is on bbc iplayer now soooo
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Louis becoming numb and dissociating was heartbreaking
He decided that he was never going to get out or find something better and he just fucking surrendered and gave in to Lestat’s nightmarish love
But thankfully Claudia is a fucking godsend and though she tried to leave, she refused to give up on Louis and told him to find her if he needed her. She knew he’d go back to him but she wasn’t going to stand there and blame him. She just offered reassurance, love, and a safe haven if he needed it. And then when Lestat forced her back she refused to give up and made the ultimate decision to free them both for good and I fucking love her for that
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graaid · 1 month
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calyshine · 2 months
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Some art of my new coterie mate, Ross! He’s a Lasobra and I’m excited to meet them!
(RIP Cal)
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