hobbitunderthemountain · 11 months
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actually-impostor · 3 years
I am so tired
And exhausted. Disappointed. And worried
Jesus christ I'm worried
Because they are kids. They are childrens.
I'm gonna go on a long rant, everything will be tagged as it should, and this post will be behind a read more. Care for yourself while reading.
Tommyinmit. Tubbo. Ranboo. Hell, even Purpled (tho luckily i havent seen him be fucking attacked and hounded and harassed in this way. Small mercies)
They should NOT have to carry the weight of expectation A Bunch Of Adults Have Put On Their Shoulders
Read that again
Should they try to better themselves every day? Yeah, but that's something every human should do
Should they stop being children just because they have a platform?
Im sorry the internet and the world and the adults around you failed you to the point where you think having a mental breakdown everyday for all the struggles around the world you Are Forced To Read About is somehow normal.
Because darling, it's not.
Its not normal, or okay, or something to flex about, that your mental health is being put to such a risk just so you can stay "on top of things"
Im going to re-phrase something i said in 2019 about child actors (i know they aren't "actors" in the traditional sense but they are child celebrities, and it fits)
What you guys have to realize is that the difference between them and... idk, kids you see in your school or in your neighborhood, is that They Have An Audience. They had a sudden spike of people who from one day to the other focused their attention on them and decided "mh, I want to give them attention and a platform for a/b/c reason". You gave them your attention, if you disagree with something they said or their attitudes or whatever, you are in complete liberty to take away your view without feeling like you have to put them on blast.
They are young enough where their personalities, reactions, and opinions are still an echo of the adults and friends who surround them. They are starting to form their own opinions, but its still very much filtered by whichever influence got them first (parents, idols, teachers, older siblings, etc)
We are all ignorants when we are kids, even those who had to suffer thru a lack of privilege are ignorants of things up to a certain point. We grow to educate ourselves in whichever way we can, but we are still ignorant to A Lot Of Issues while we are growing and becoming ourselves.
The difference between us nobodies, and child celebrities (or kids with a following. Twitch streamers, tiktokers, youtubers, actors, etc) is that they have a constant spotlight and millions of eyes on them.
Everyone has access to when they fuck up because its never in private, Because They Dont Have That Privilege.
They are not allowed to mess up, because they are expected to be perfect.
Read that again.
They are KIDS who are Not Allowed To Make Mistakes Anymore.
They aren't allowed to make mistakes, a central point of growing up that helps you become a better person. They are not being allowed to grow and become better because they are not being allowed to fuck up, which is human!
And instead of Actually being helpful, the solution you, ADULTS, have come to... is to send them hate?
Your solution is to call them racist, homophobic, horrible humans who wont better themselves.
What have you done?
Answer that to yourselves.
What have you done?
Have you donated to your charity of choice? Have you given the microphone to the ones that struggle? Have you woke up and think "im gonna do a random act of kindness"?
Or are you just going to waste your energy and yourself bashing a teenager on twitter and staring as his mental health fucks off? In front of a live audience that instead of realizing they were taking things TOO FAR decided to try to "hammer the point"
What are you gonna do if they fuck off?
Because what´s happening is not "EDUCATING"
Is bullying a child.
Thats all there is. You have successfully bullied a child, yay. Now he doesn't want to learn better because no matter how much he educates himself yall still decide he is the worst human being on the planet for not being able to express something in a way YOU feel HE should.
Allow people to make mistakes without them being crucified every fucking step of the way.
Another thing is this need to remind them "i have this mental health situation, now say something to make me feel better"
Fantastic that you found someone and something that can help you out of a dark place. Now do the next part of getting Actual Capable And Profesional Help.
They are children, they are streamers. They dont have the necessary knowledge and equipment and training to help you with something serious. It should not be in their shoulder the weight of actively helping people thru a traumatic event or a shitty situation. If their streams comfort you, great. But thats all they can do.
And if they want to be educated on something Dont Immediately Shut Them Down. Let them educate themselves even if it's on something considered problematic, or something you think "is not important enough", just let them explore their interests without feeling like they have to perform everything for their audience.
Be better.
Do better.
And honestly? I didnt wanted to add this, but after all my sister has a point.
Why are you guys putting so much effort and energy into this? They play video games for a living.
Use your energy into bettering yourself and doing your part for the world. Not into bashing a 16-17 years old child.
Go outside, see the sky, change your scenario a bit. Touch some grass.
I think tomorrow i'll go for a walk.
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etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
But Then Came You - Chpt.1
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Summary: Loki tries to plan his next moves after being dropped off in a post Decimation New York City. Master list can be found HERE.
Content Warnings: A sassy reader not afraid to call Loki out on his bullshit
Word Count: 3.2k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! The first chapter is here! Woo. I know I said 6pm but I literally have no chill when it comes to this fic. There’s no long build up in this one, just straight to our main characters meeting. I hope you enjoy! Chapters will be posted daily. XOXO - Ash
Chapter One
New York is a shell of the bustling metropolis it once was. Loki wanders the half filled streets quietly planning his next move, still unsure of what to do. The Eluskans had been kind enough to drop him off on Earth since he had nowhere else to go. The fall of Asgard still weighed heavily on his mind, his home planet which thrived for millennia gone in a fiery apocalypse. He had been given a few thousand dollars of US currency and a change of clothes to help get him on his way. They really were the kindest people. Loki had to perpetually bite his tongue so as not to lash out at them for trying to help. It wasn’t their fault they didn’t understand what they had done in bringing him back. Their intentions were good but it doesn’t erase the dreams and memories that have haunted Loki since his resurrection. 
The city feels empty in the wake of The Decimation. It had taken Loki a full day of walking through the abandoned neighborhoods to fully understand what had occurred on Earth over the past few weeks. New York was doing what it did best though; the communities were rallying round each other, helping support those displaced by the loss of family and friends. 
The summer heat wears on Loki and he starts looking for somewhere he can cool off for a bit. He’s hesitant to use his seidr to relieve himself of the heat as it’s been spotty at best since he was brought back. The healers advised it would take some time to return to its former strength after all he’d been through. They had encouraged him to practice with it daily to help strengthen it, like one would do for a weakened muscle. Loki wants little to do with his seidr however. It was the reason they had found his body, the incessant little spark that refused to die, and had also led to his resurrection.
The cafe is empty except for the two baristas who are deep in conversation when Loki enters. He’s running on three days of no sleep and needs the small relief caffeine will bring. The icy blast of air conditioning is helping his fatigue as well and Loki hopes he will be able to linger with his drink for a while without disturbing anyone. 
“What can I get you?” The overly cheerful blonde barista asks him. Her name tag reads “Sunny” and Loki almost chuckles at how appropriate that is.
“Espresso, please. A quad shot.” Loki requests. 
“Anything else?”
“No, that will be all.”
“Name for the cup?”
Your head snaps up at the name. It’s too rare to be anyone else. “Holy forking shirtballs you’re him! I mean, you’re… you.” You blurt out at an embarrassingly loud volume. 
Loki stares at you like you’ve sprouted six heads. “I beg your pardon?” His tone is almost offended, but mostly baffled by your outburst.
“Sorry, I binge-watched The Good Place on Netflix last weekend. And I didn’t mean to call you out like that, I just… know of you. Never expected to meet you face to face like this though.” 
“The Good Place? Netflix?” Loki is still lost, now bordering on irritated. You speak in the hurried way he’s come to associate with youth, your gestures animated as you talk. If he can’t be served his drink here he’ll have to trudge along for who knows how long until he can find another cafe or, Norns forbid, a Starbucks. 
“It’s a show. And you know, Netflix. The streaming service?”
Loki stares blankly at you.
You’re certain your face is the same shade as a tomato as you continue to flounder for words around him. “Or I guess you probably don’t know. I’m sorry. You know that filter most people have between their brains and their mouths? I don’t have one of those. So I’m gonna go get your espresso and leave you alone now. Sorry, again, really.” You slink away to the espresso bar and start queuing up his shots, praying that the ground will just open up and swallow you whole so you don’t have to face Loki again. 
Sunny gives Loki a grin and a half shrug, “You’ll have to forgive Y/N. I wish I could say she’s not normally quite that awkward but she totally is. She means well, you just got her a little starstruck.” 
“Starstruck?” Loki raises an eyebrow at Sunny in disbelief. 
“Yeah, totally.” Sunny nods enthusiastically, “You’re a literal god. Who wouldn’t be?” 
“It’s not the reaction I get from most Midgardians.” He confesses. 
“Oh right, because of the whole ‘trying to take over New York’ thing.” 
Loki nods at her assumption.
“You don’t have to worry about that with us.” Sunny assures him, “Matter of fact, Y/N did a whole paper on it our first year at Columbia. I think she did it just to piss off our psych professor but it was some of her best work. She argued that it was proof anyone can be peer pressured into anything.”
“Peer pressure?!” Loki sputters incredulously. 
“Well, yeah. I mean, Y/N can explain it better, but basically she drew parallels between Thanos preying on your weaknesses, ie. your desire to rule somewhere, and getting you to do his dirty work for him, to a bully preying on a weaker kid’s insecurities and pressuring them into doing something bad.” 
Loki scowls over at your back, displeased to have a deeply traumatic event reduced to something so simplistic. “I don’t think it was quite that simple.” Loki grumbles. 
You hear his grumble, unable to ignore the conversation going on behind your back. “It kinda was though.” You mutter beneath your breath. Or at least, you meant for it to be under your breath. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N, was it?” Loki’s tone is bordering on venomous. “Please, come tell me how you know better about a part of my life than I do.” 
The blush that had started to recede flares up again and you force yourself to remain calm and steady as you finish pouring the espresso and turn to face Loki. You spent a whole semester working on that paper and stand by your conclusion. Like hell were you going down without a good fight. “I’m not saying I know your life better than you do.” You clarify, “But I do think the whole ‘Battle of New York’ business is a prime example of peer pressure.” 
Loki’s eyes widen, he’s surprised you’re standing by your preposterous notion even with him glaring daggers at you. “Do I look like an emotionally fragile child to you?” He demands.
“No, but that’s the point. It can happen to anyone. Maybe I’m wrong, but let’s get a few things straight first.” Your brain has gone into investigator mode and you’re in your element now. Loki waives a hand dismissively letting you continue, “Who sought out who? Did you go looking for Thanos or did he find you?”
“He found me.” Loki replies evenly.
“Before you met Thanos had you ever considered attacking New York?”
“Would you have tried attacking New York or any other place by yourself?”
“Well, no. But…”
“Nope. No buts, mister.” You ignore his scowl, you’re on a roll. Excitement is thrumming through your veins, his answers lining up just the way you want them to. “And how did Thanos convince you to try? Did he by chance remind you of all the awful things your adoptive family did to you? Hiding your heritage, denying you of your rightful throne?” 
“It was common knowledge.” 
“Mhmm. And he offered you a place to rule. You only had to help him with one simple, little thing. You knew your brother favored Earth, right?”
“He is overly fond of this planet, yes.”
“And Thanos probably hinted that you’d be ruling the place that was special to your brother. The brother that was given the throne that should have been yours.” 
“Thor and I have reconciled since…”
“But not six years ago you hadn’t.” You shot Loki a cocky grin, you had him right where you wanted him. “So let’s recap, shall we? A more powerful person reached out to you, reminded you of the alienation of those closest to you, played up your supposed right to rule, offered you a chance to do so, and get back at your brother in the process. He offered you everything you could possibly want and the means to get it. Despite the means being wrong and you knowing they were wrong. Sounds like a bully and peer pressure to me.” 
Loki scowled harder to suppress the smirk that was trying to upturn his lips. You had impressed him more in five minutes than anyone else had in five hundred years. “Insightful little Midgardian. I don’t agree with your theory but you clearly put a lot of thought behind it.” 
“I did, thanks. But how are you here? The news said you died in transit to Earth from Asgard. Not like you haven’t fake died before, but still. It seemed pretty legit this time.” 
“The news was correct, I did die. And now I’m here. Waiting on that espresso you’re holding.”
You look down at the steaming cup in your hand, “Oh, right. Sorry. Here you go.” You pass the drink to him and his surprisingly cold fingers brush faintly over yours making goose bumps prickle along your arm. “So, what are you doing here in New York? Other than getting a caffeine fix?” 
Loki takes a sip of his coffee, sighing softly in relief before replying. “I’m not sure yet.” 
You give him a half smile and a shrug, “Well, enjoy your drink.” 
“I will.” Loki nods and moves off to the table in the far corner by the window. 
You turn your back on Loki to face Sunny, eyes wide, your face splitting into a grin. You mouth oh my god to her dramatically and she stifles a giggle. Loki is only across the room and you’re not too keen on making a fool out of yourself again in front of him. Unsure of how long he plans to stay, you busy yourself cleaning the espresso machine to pass the time. You’ll have a lifetime of gossiping with Sunny once he leaves.
Loki sits quietly watching people pass while he drinks his espresso. The dark brew hits his system like a gut-punch and he can feel the drowsiness retreating a little. It’s enough to keep him going a bit longer and that’s all he can ask for at this point. He knows he will need to sleep at some point soon, god or not he’s still flesh and bone. Sunlight hits the curly golden brown hair of a woman across the street and images of his mother blossom in his mind unbidden. The ache in his chest threatens to double him over but he steels himself, clenching the cup in his hand as hard as he dares without crushing it. 
Your eyes keep wandering back to Loki who’s transfixed looking out the cafe window. You try to keep busy but it’s difficult with him so near by. You’d seen many pictures of him and learned so much while working on your paper; it’s no surprise he’s attractive but you had clearly underestimated how attractive he is in person. You notice the second Loki sees something upsetting, the way his eyes darken and his face takes on a haunted expression. You give up pretending you’re unaffected by his presence and head across the room, settling down in the chair opposite him at the table. “You okay?” You ask him softly.
Loki’s eyes remain staring outside and you wonder for a moment if he’d heard you. “I’m fine.” He says finally. 
“I doubt that.” 
Loki’s reply is a perturbed frown in your direction.
“Look, I don’t expect you to talk to me. But I’m guessing some shit went down or else you wouldn’t be sitting here sipping espresso and looking like you’re about to pass out.”
“Some shit indeed.” He bites out deprecatingly. 
“Do you at least have a place to stay?”
“I’ll find one easy enough.” 
“Not right now you won’t. It’s move in weekend for the colleges around here. Plus all the people displaced by The Decimation. There won’t be a free hotel room in the city until at least  next week.” 
Loki curses internally. He can’t just wander around aimlessly until he passes out somewhere like a homeless person. Showing up at SHIELD’s front door asking for a room isn’t an option either, he’s still persona non grata with the organization. He doesn’t think they’re still actively hunting for him though. Loki had been told Thor was unavailable when he’d tried to reach out the day he arrived on Earth and he didn’t push, mostly out of fear of rejection. He’s momentarily consumed with agony and anguish again, thinking of his brother and his current aimlessness in this changed world. This is what he had been brought back into, a painful, useless existence. 
You watch him struggling internally and you can’t just sit idly by. “If you need a place to crash, Sunny and I live a few blocks over with our friend Chelsi. We had another roommate but she graduated and we haven’t found a new one yet. You’d have a bed and a safe place to stay until you find somewhere else to go.” 
Loki looks at you then, meeting your eyes and it makes your breath catch in your throat. He makes a hum sound that isn’t a no and it spurs you on. “I know I’m a stranger but you probably don’t have many friends in the city and I really just want to help. Take your time deciding, we have books over there to be borrowed if you want to just hang out and read for a bit. My shift ends in two hours and….”
Loki cuts you off with a wave of his hand. “Stop talking for a minute, will you.” He knows he’s in a tough spot and you have managed to both intrigue and amuse him in the short time since he met you. It’s entirely possible you’re being genuine and want to help but you could also be an assassin. He can't be too careful and he has to be certain. Taking your hands in his, he stares into your eyes and lets his seidr flow through him into you. You feel a sight rush, like when you stand up too fast and your blood pressure drops, and you hold on tightly to his cold hands. Loki searches quickly through your memories and thoughts, digging deep down to the core of your being until he’s satisfied he’s seen enough. There are things buried deep he knows you probably won’t appreciate him seeing but he can be discreet. 
Loki holds on to your hands just a moment longer than he needs to, letting your memories wash over him. You at five, running around the playground with your friends and inviting a sad looking little blonde girl to join you. You at ten, laying outside in the dark with the same little blonde girl looking much happier as you study the stars. You and the girl, recognizable as Sunny now, at fifteen when your parents died and you move your things into the guest room next to hers. You at twenty, moving into your first real apartment off campus, excited and terrified all at once. Hundreds of other memories flutter by as well, blurring together to make up your lifetime. School days and old friends, boyfriends and a few bad breakups, vacations and quiet moments spent at home. Loki is soothed by the simple ordinary memories distracting him from his own past. Regretfully he pulls his hands back, breaking the spell of the moment. 
“What did you do?” You ask in a hushed tone. You aren’t angry, just curious.
Loki swallows hard, relieved you have forgiven his intrusion. “I had to be sure you weren’t a threat.”
“You could have just asked.” You point out. 
“And you could have lied.” 
“Touché. So, what did you find?”
“Nothing of concern. I’ll take that room you offered.” 
You’re pleased he’s agreed to come home with you, hoping that you might get to know him a little while he’s there. “Okay.” You agree, unable to hold back your excited smile. “I’ll text Chelsi and give her a heads up. Sunny heard us for sure but,” you raise your voice pointedly, “she’s too damn polite to admit she was listening while she pretends to wipe down a perfectly clean counter top!” 
Sunny laughs and throws the rag down. “Mi casa es su casa, Loki.” She calls back. 
“Thank you, Sunny.” Loki calls back with an indulgent smile. He can’t help but be slightly amused by the pair of you. You’re both so young, the cheery optimism of youth still clinging to you and it's a breath of fresh air to him. He doesn’t look much older than you but he’s pushing 1,500 and after all that he’s been through he feels every single year of his age. 
“Grab a book or play on your phone or whatever until my shift is over if you want. Alex will be in at five so we can head home.” You tell him as you stand up and head back to the barista bar with Sunny. 
Loki wanders over to the bookshelf and pulls down a copy of the first book that catches his eye. Settling into a padded, dark blue velvet chair by the bookshelf, Loki loses himself in the book. He almost doesn’t hear you coming hours later when you stop over with a steaming mug of something topped with foam and sprinkled with cinnamon. “I figured you probably shouldn’t risk more espresso, god or not.” you tell him. 
“What is this?” Loki asks, accepting the warm cup from you.
“Chai tea latte. I don’t know what you like but this felt like it might be a good fit.”
“And why is that?” Loki takes a sip and waits for you to speak before he passes judgement on the taste.
You feel your cheeks heating. You won’t dare tell him your thought process in choosing the drink. Spicy but sweet, complex, an acquired taste, just like the god sitting in front of you. You swallow past the lump of nerves in your throat, “Just a guess, I guess.” 
Loki doesn’t believe your simple answer for a minute but he doesn’t push. “Well you guessed correctly. It’s good.” Loki takes a longer sip, enjoying the rush of sugar across his tongue. He would never admit to something as undignified as having a sweet tooth, but he will admit to himself that he’s enjoying the drink more than anything else he’s had since arriving back on Earth. 
“I’m glad.” you say over your shoulder, walking away to help a new customer who just walked in. 
Loki hums in appreciation, letting himself have just a few more decadent sips before his self control kicks in and he sets the cup just slightly out of reach on the table next to him.
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charredbrie · 4 years
Kurobas Valentine’s Day Event 2020 Day 6: KagaKuro
I am sorry for posting late just because I am quite distracted and I can’t seem to finish this fic lol. But without further ado, I present to you the fan fave pairing, KagaKuro <3
Many thanks to @vanilla-daydreams and @theuglycrybaby for the prompt ( ˘ ³˘)♥
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Day 6 Prompt: Stars/I’m flattered, you’re jealous. (KagaKuro side MuraHimu)
Title: Valentines’ Wish
Summary: Kuroko doesn’t know whether to get pissed or be happy when Kagami-kun finally has the balls to ask him for a date with a catch, of course. 
Rating: T for cursing
Also on Ao3
The sky is glowing hues of red and orange as the sun is beautifully setting off and Tetsuya, of all his sixteen years of existence, has never felt so content. He might not show is on his facade but he knows his feelings better than anyone. Well, maybe, except for Kagami-kun. After all, he is his shadow and he is his light. 
The truth is, they have been going out for more than two months after they play Yosen in the quarter-finals. For the most part, they don’t actually make it obvious that they are together, save for those few friends that actually know. In the Seirin team, only Furihata-kun knows because he accidentally walks in on them in the locker room after practice when Kagami-kun is about to kiss him on the lips. He feels a little bit guilty because the poor guy couldn’t look at them in the eyes for two weeks straight. When asked if they’re together, Tetsuya just gives him his usual poker face but he neither deny nor admit. But it is so evidently obvious though.
He glances at the taller boy who is walking beside him. It’s not the first time he has noticed that he has broad shoulders and psyche to die for. On the other hand, he looks like a wimpy kid when he’s beside him. But Tetsuya doesn’t care. He knows where the taller boy’s loyalty lies.
“Hey, Kuroko.” His line of thinking is suddenly interrupted when Kagami-kun speaks. He looks up at the taller boy in question. 
“Alex gave me tickets to the planetarium and I am thinking if you’d like to go...with me?” He looks away from him with a small blush adorning his face. 
Tetsuya stares at the taller boy with his usual blank expression but nonetheless, his eyes are showing a surprised expression. “Kagami-kun...are you finally going to ask me out for a date after two months of dating?”
Kagami chokes on his breath, his blush getting intense by each moment. Tetsuya does nothing and just stares impassively at him. 
“S-Shut up, Kuroko! Do you want to go or not?!”
He lets out a breath of frustration. Really, when is Kagami-kun going to be honest with his feelings but not without getting embarrassed? Probably, the taller boy is also thinking about their personal time together since they haven’t gotten any between school and club practice. Although they go after practice at Maji Burger sometimes, which they have been doing ever since they have gotten together so he really won’t count it as a date. More like after school hang out as well as the fact that they are rarely alone because the second years or the first-year trio are coming with them from time to time. And as far as he can remember, the only time that they can be alone is during the time that he will help Kagami-kun with his studies just because their senpais have given up and thus, Kagami-kun is left on his mercy. 
He looks up again at the taller boy after the initial shock and says, “Alright. I’ll go but really, Kagami-kun. You should’ve asked way earlier.”
He scratches his head in embarrassment and looks away. “Yeah....that’s what Alex says.”
He raises his eyebrow in annoyance. Really, Bakagami-kun?  “So, if Alex-san didn’t talk to you about it, you wouldn’t have done so at all?”
“S-Shut up, Kuroko. Of course, I would. It’s just that....Ican’tseemtosayanythingwhenIknowIhavetobeembarrasedaboutit.” Kuroko just smiles at the taller boy but says nothing, noting that he has agitated him enough. Together, they just walk in silence until they reach his house. 
“Meet me tomorrow at 9 am at the station.” It is all Kagami-kun has said before he quickly pats his head and bails out. He doesn’t even have the time to say thank you and good night. But tomorrow will be a good day, he thinks. He’s just hoping that Kagami-kun should stop being easily embarrassed all the time. But honestly, he is excited. After all, this is going to be their first date and he hopes that nothing can go wrong. 
The next day arrives and Tetsuya wakes up in anticipation. He does his morning routine and picks out a nice pair of black pants and a long-sleeve white sweatshirt. He looks at the mirror, feeling satisfied with his appearance and heads out after saying goodbye to his grandmother and parents. 
When he reaches the station, he instantly sees the taller boy by the clock outside the station. He greets Kagami-kun and then they proceed to the planetarium. When they arrive, Tetsuya gets the shock of his life when he sees Murasakibara-kun and Himuro-san by the entrance as Kagami-kun waves at them. 
“Yo, Tatsuya! Did you wait long?” Kagami-kun greets them happily when they are finally close. 
Himuro-san shakes his head and says, “We actually just got here. Hello, Kuroko-kun.” He greets him with a smile. Meanwhile, Kuroko is still rooted behind Kagami-kun as he tries to process the situation. So the date that Kagami-kun is talking about is a double date?! How in the world Bakagami-kun is able to think of it as a good idea? He doesn’t know whether to laugh at the situation or get pissed. 
“Ne, Muro-chin, why do we have to go on a double date with them? You drag me here in Tokyo just to see Kagami.” Murasakibara-kun whines as he munches on his potato chips. “But hello, Kuro-chin.”
That is exactly my thoughts too, Murasakibara-kun. Tetsuya silently thinks. Thinking that he is getting rude for the greeting the other couple, he gives Kagami-kun a glare first that can be translated to die. 
“Hello, Murasakibara-kun, Himuro-san.”
He sees Kagami-kun gulps but with a confusion swirling around his eyes. He looks away from him and says, “Let’s go in now. I have the tickets.”
Kagami-kun and Himuro-san walk ahead of them, leaving him with Murasakibara-kun. He hears the purple head groans in frustration and Tetsuya just sighs in defeat. 
“Ne, Kuro-chin, why can’t we say no to them?”
“I honestly don’t know, Murasakibara-kun.”
Himuro-san turns to them and softly yells so they can hear him, “Kuroko-kun, Atsushi, let’s go!”
Both of them just look at each other and sigh in defeat as they painfully follow the brothers. 
This is not what I want for a date! Tetsuya yells frustratingly in his mind. They’ve been going around the planetarium for less than an hour and Tetsuya just wants to go home. Might you ask why? It is because he is left alone with Murasakibara-kun who keeps cursing Kagami-kun under his breath for monopolizing his Muro-chin. The two brothers are currently in awe and obviously excited as they go ahead of them in every part of the planetarium, as they passionately argue in every single thing that they can find ranging from planets, stars, milky way, and the galaxy. Kuroko just watches them but he can’t help but feel jealous of Himuro-san. He definitely understands that he is and will always be the older brother figure in Kagami-kun’s life, however, he feels that Himuro-san knows Kagami-kun far better than him. He sometimes wishes that he can be Murasakibara-kun who has no filter on his mouth and will say whatever he wants even if he is offending the other person. He knows that Murasakibara-kun still doesn’t like Kagami-kun because of the fact the Himuro-san is close to him. In a way, he can understand the purple head’s reasoning as he sometimes feels the same way. He also knows that Himuro-san loves Murasakibara-kun so much so he is not at all worried. How ironic, isn’t it? But still, sometimes he can’t help but feel jealous of their closeness. Himuro-san is a very nice person and he has actually gotten close to him but the those negative thoughts are usually creeping in without him intending to do so. His thoughts are interrupted when he hears his company speaks, “Ne, Kuro-chin, do you want to go to the cafe here? I saw it earlier by the entrance. Looks like we’re not needed here.” He looks at the two brothers to see that Kagami-kun is taking a photo of Himuro-san by the Jupiter planet display. He can also see that Murasakibara-kun is pouting as it is obvious that he is puffing his cheeks in annoyance. 
“That’s a really good idea, Murasakibara-kun. I need a vanilla milkshake.”
Taiga and Tatsuya are currently having a blast. It is their first time in a planetarium and they can’t help but feel excited like little kids who just have their first field trip. Taiga actually calls Tatsuya because Alex has given him four tickets and says that the other two are for Tatsuya and that childish giant he calls his boyfriend. When he asks Tatsuya about it, he instantly agrees. He feels a little bit guilty though. He forgets to mention to Kuroko that this is actually a double date. He can see the sour look on the smaller boy’s face when he sees Tatsuya and Murasakibara. 
“Hey, Taiga. I can feel that Kuroko-kun doesn’t really want to be here. Did you even tell him that Atsushi and I are gonna tag along?” Tatsuya asks him as he takes a photo of him by the Saturn planet display. 
He stops on his track and looks at Tatsuya. “W-Well, I didn’t...I didn’t get a chance actually.”
He sees Tatsuya thunks for a bit. “Tell me, is this your first date together?”
He blushes before he answers, “Y-Yeah, you can say that.”
He hears Tatsuya then clicks his tongue as he glares at him. “You...just make a stupid move, Taiga!”
“How is this stupid?”
“Of course, if this is gonna be your first date, I am sure as hell that Kuroko-kun will want to have some quality time alone with you. Even Atsushi is quite pissed when I tell him that you and Kuroko-kun are gonna come with us. If not for me convincing him that I have to use an extreme method like a really good blindfold se-“
“Fuck you, Tatsuya! I don’t want to hear it.”
“...then he won’t agree to come at all. And Taiga, fuck you too! Don’t interrupt me when I’m giving you lessons about dating.”
“Well, excuse me for not having a thick face like you.”
“Excuse me too, for not having eyebrows like you.”
“At least, I don’t have a big dick getting shoved up in my ass.”
“At least, I’m not a virgin.” Tatsuya smugly says to him as he feels his face hot from embarrassment. This fucking guy always knows my weakness. Taiga silently curses Tatsuya as he looks on the ground. 
“Cmon, Tai.” His flirt of an older brother tries to console him. “I think it’s time for us to separate, at least both of our babies will be happy.”
“Yeah. Thanks, bitch.”
“No worries, asshole.”
They look behind them for Kuroko and Murasakibara but are surprised when the two are nowhere to be found. 
“Tatsuya!!! They’re missing!” He panics a little. Murasakibara is easy to find however, it will be harder to find Kuroko. Shit, I think he is really mad at me. 
The two brothers look at each other, nod and scram. Panic is embracing his whole system as he tries to find Kuroko. He fishes out his phone as he dials Kuroko’s number but the little brat turns off his phone. Getting frustrated, he tries to go outside for he has been through every nooks and corner of the planetarium but he still hasn’t found his shadow.  He takes out his phone again and dials Tatsuya’s number instead. After two rings, he answers. “Tai! I found them. They’re here at the cafe by the entrance of the planetarium.”
Quickly, he dashes towards the said cafe and sighs in relief as he sees Kuroko peacefully sipping his milkshake as if nothing happens. This brat! 
It is Kuroko who sees him approaching first. He pulls the empty seat beside Kuroko and slumps himself. “Hello, Kagami-kun.”
“Kuroko! Where the hell have you been? We’re worried about you two.” He doesn’t receive any answer as the smaller boy just continues sipping his vanilla milkshake all the while avoiding looking at him. He looks at Murasakibara who is like a little kid with his head down as Tatsuya is scolding him. 
“But, I want to spend tome with Muro-chin. Kagami has been monopolizing you a lot.” He hears Murasakibara whines. Tatsuya just sighs as he pats his boyfriend’s head and looks at him. 
“Taiga, I guess it’s time to go on separate ways here. Knowing Atsushi, he won’t stop throwing his tantrum until he gets what he wants.” Tatsuya smiles at him in apology and he nods. He still can’t believe that his older brother who always gets into a fight with thugs back in LA is actually so spoiling and soft towards his giant teddy bear. 
“Okay, I understand.”
The couple then stands and bid them goodbye but not without Tatsuya giving him the look. 
“Thanks for today, Kuroko-kun, Taiga. And sorry for the trouble.”
“Bye, Kuro-chin. Kagami, change your eyebrow. It’s annoying~”
He abruptly stands up as he yells, “Shut up, you titan!”
“Don’t be like that, Atsushi. It’s one of Taiga’s uniqueness.” Tatsuya chuckles in amusement as he gets red. Fucking older brother. 
Meanwhile, Kuroko is just looking at the interaction. He bids the two goodbyes as they go to the other direction where there are lots of sweet shops. He looks at the smaller boy after the other two is out of their sight and says, “Hey, Kuroko...I am sorry.”
Finally, Kuroko looks at him. “For what?”
“Y-you know for dragging you in a double date. And I forgot to mention it.”
“Are you listening at all?”
“Yeah, I am. It’s alright Kagami-kun. You should’ve told me ahead for I am actually looking forward to this.”
“I can’t say anything to that. It’s my fault. Sorry.”
“You’re forgiven. I am also sorry for disappearing suddenly. I am a..bit...jealous.”
“Huh? Of what?”
“Of your closeness with Himuro-san.”
Taiga chokes on his breath as he looks at Kuroko in shock, not really understanding how in the world is Kuroko will get jealous of his older brother. “With Tatsuya? You know that he’s my older brother and we’ve been through so much. Y-You don’t have to be jealous of him. It’s clearly platonic and he already has that giant teddy bear as his boyfriend.”
“Not of himself but of your closeness. It feels like he knows you better than I do and I want to know more about you in a deeper sense so I can actually share the same excitement as you do with him.”
He finally understands what Kuroko is trying to say. He can’t help but swell with happiness as he replies, “You know, I still can’t understand how can you say such embarrassing words with a blank face.”
“I’ve always been like this.”
He chuckles lightly as he messes the small boy's hair, “I’m flattered, you’re jealous. But really, we have all the time to ourselves to get to know more each other deeper.”
Kuroko removes his hand from his head and faces him as he gives him a small smile. “So, Kagami-kun, do you want to start over again with the date?”
He grins at him and says, “You bet!”
Valentines’ day comes and Kuroko finally gets the date that he wants. They are about to go home but they decide to stop by the park nearby that is facing the Rainbow Bridge. Since it’s already dark, they will be able to see all the beautiful colors that light up the bridge. They are currently sitting on the bench as Kuroko looks up at the sky being adorned by the stars. As he is basking himself at the beauty of the endless galaxy, he abruptly stands up as he sees a shooting star and tells the taller boy beside him. 
“Kagami-kun, look, a shooting star.” The taller boy looks up too and becomes in awe. Kuroko closes his eyes and makes a wish as does Kagami-kun. When he opens his eyes, he notices that the taller boy is looking at him with a grin plastered on his face. 
“What did you wish?”
He glances at him impassively and says, “I wish that Kagami-kun would groom his eyebrows.”
His grin is instantly wiped out of his face as Kuroko laughs at him. 
But really, what he really wishes is: 
To be Kagami-kun’s shadow until the end. 
NOTE: Uh, yeah. That’s the sixth installment for you all. Hope you guys like it! I really have fun doing this prompt especially the interaction between the brothers. Thank you for reading <3
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bobasheebaby · 5 years
Fight or Flight- The Rise chapter 2
Pairing: Kiara x Penelope (implied); ? X ?; no real pairing
Word count: 2,458
Warnings: character death, gore, blood, biting, zombie
Summary: A walk to Priya’s fashion house is interrupted. They are saved by an unexpected person. 
A/N: First true crossover chapter. MC was sick and never met Liam in this AU, he planned to pick Olivia but she was still blackmailed. They are trying to free Olivia while he’s engaged to Madeline. As previously stated in the Bastien x Olivia One Shot she never grew up at the palace and is not the same Olivia we know, she’s slightly harder but also can be softer. I blame @darley1101 and my muse and the characters for the mystery pair. Oh this is gonna be fun!
Series Warnings: death, rotting flesh, gore, blood, biting, turning, blood consumption, may get NSFW. It’s zombies, it ain’t gonna be pretty! By requesting to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years old and can stomach the gore. 
If you need to avoid The Rise postings, filter #choices zombie au or #the rise to ensure you won’t see my zombie fic posts.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist. 
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters, I’m simply borrowing them for a bit.
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Three months ago…
The crisp leaves swirled along the street as the cool autumn air blew. The occasional crunch of leaves crumbling under foot piercing through the silence. 
“Why is it so cold?” Penelope whined, shivering as she pulled her coat snuggly around her to protect from the biting wind. 
“It’s not cold, you just need to grow a thicker skin.” Olivia quipped, her crimson tresses dancing in the wind behind her. 
“We didn’t all grow up in the tundra Olivia.” Penelope replied a pout on her thin lips.
“We didn’t all grow up with parents either.” Olivia stated under her breath, the words carried away on the wind before they could be heard. 
“It’s not that bad, the breeze is actually kind of refreshing.” Hana said softly, always one to try to avoid confrontation.
“I just don’t understand why we had to come to New York when it was cold. Why couldn’t we have come when it was warmer?” Penelope pouted as the cool breeze bit at her flesh. “I’m glad Liam let me bring Merlin and Morgana, but even they can’t keep me warm in this cold.” 
“Penelope stop your blasted twittering about the cold! It’s not cold! Even if it was below freezing, you aren’t the only one with problems!” Olivia snapped. Some of us have real problems like trying to figure out how to get Liam out of this blasted engagement. Do I even want to marry him anymore? What am I thinking? I can’t let him marry her, that marriage would be bad for everyone! She once thought she loved Liam and wanted a future with him, but now she wasn’t so sure. They had agreed at the beginning of the social season, if he didn’t find a connection with any of the other suitors that she would be chosen. The letter she received had put a halt to their plans, but she wasn’t ready to give up, a Nevrakis doesn’t give up. Yet now she was questioning if she could go through with it now that she was having feelings for someone else. The feelings she felt for Bastien were more real than the ones she felt for Liam. She hated feeling so conflicted, torn between her heart and duty to her country. She was used to having to fight for what she wanted, needed but she never before had to fight with herself.
“Olivia, do you have to be so mean?” Kiara asked as she comforted a sniffling Penelope.
Olivia rolled her emerald eyes at the pair. Of course she’d defend her.  She watched the pair, hand on her shoulder, standing impossibly close. Why did they even bother with the social season?
Morgana and Merlin stopped, pulling their leashes taunt letting out a low whine. “Merlin, Morgana, come!” Penelope commanded tugging on the leashes in effort to get the dogs to move.
“What has gotten into those blasted dogs?!” Madeline demanded, stomping her foot impatiently at the delay. I knew we shouldn’t have let her bring them! Leave it to Liam to give into the sniveling girl.
“I don’t know.” Penelope replied bewildered. “They usually are so good.” She gave the leashes a firm tug. “Merlin, Morgana, come!” Don’t do this now. Madeline will never stop gloating over how she was right that you shouldn’t have come. 
Merlin pulled hard, his leash slipping free of Penelope’s grip, taking off down the street. “Merlin! Come back!” Penelope shouted as she ran after him.
“You can’t be serious!” Madeline said with a huff. “We are going to be late for the dress fitting. Priya Lacriox waits for no one!” 
“NO!” Penelope screamed as hands reached out grabbing her from behind. “HELP!” She pushed at the hands trying to break free as she continued to emit blood curdling screams. She recoiled when the hands felt frigid, even colder than they would be after hours in the cool Autumn air.
Olivia rolled her emerald eyes skyward at the chaos surrounding her. Her head snapped as she heard a loud blood curdling scream. Her eyes went wide as she watched as a sickly pale person sunk their teeth into Penelope’s neck. 
“OHMYGOD! Penelope!” Kiara shrieked moving to run forward.
Penelope’s hands clawed at the face trying to break free, her eyes wide in horror. Bits of flesh came ripping off the face making her let out an inaudible scream. She let out a gurgle as she slowly choked on her own blood, still struggling to break free. 
Olivia reached forward grabbing Kiara by the shoulder, other hand going for her concealed dagger. “If you go in there without protection you will just be hurt too.” More like killed.
A whirlwind of burgundy leather and long silver blade moved inhumanly fast, his long blade easily sliding into rotting flesh. The body went rigid, falling to the ground as the blade was pulled free.
Penelope looked up into the calm brown eyes of her savior, her hands clamping down on the wound in her neck. “Thank y—” her eyes went wide, words trailing off as the katana blade moved in a fluid upward arching motion piercing under her chin, shooting out the back of her head. Blood and brain matter splattered the wall and the stranger as he pulled the blade free, her body slumping on the ground, his eyes momentarily flashing red.
“OHMYGOD! You killed her! Why did you kill her?!” Kiara screamed, eyes wide in terror, body frozen in fear.
“Your friend was as good as dead. She was bit, she would have turned and you all would have been dead before you knew it. A thank you would be nice.” The stranger said wiping his blade clean on his pant leg. 
“Thank you for your help.” Olivia said stepping past a stunned Madeline, Hana, and Kiara. “I’m Olivia, that’s Madeline, Hana, and Kiara.” Her emerald eyes sparkled, she felt a strange attraction to this man clad in burgundy leather with a katana strapped to his back. His speed and agility and skill with a blade made her pulse quicken inexplicably. Will you quit it? You have enough to worry abou! You can’t go falling for tall dark mysterious strangers! “You’re really good with a blade.”
“Jax.” He replied taking her extended hand. “Thanks. It’s best way to take them out.” He winked sending an imperceptible shiver down her spine. 
“Don’t thank him! He killed Penelope!” Kiara screeched.
“Don’t mind her.” Olivia said rolling her eyes. He just saved us you ungrateful brat! “What was that thing anyway?”
“A zombie.” Jax answered. “Long story short, the dead seem to be coming back and they only stay dead if you destroy the brain.”
“Good to know.” Olivia answered smiling. Stop flirting you have to think about Ba— Liam! 
“We have a safe-house, a camp if you will. You are welcome to come, you’ll be safer there.” Jax said sheafing his katana. He never felt more drawn to anyone as he did the woman with the emerald green eyes and crimson hair. Still, he found himself stunned by his own words. Sure he’s taken Maia to one of his safe houses after saving her, but he didn’t invite her to stay long. He couldn’t explain why he felt the need to keep this one close, not that he wouldn’t have to watch her leave someday, a fate he was still learning to deal with.
“We’re not going anywhere with you! You just killed Penelope!” Kiara replied, tears falling freely. Her body was numb from the pain, shaking with fear. How do I know he won’t turn on me?
“Oh Kiara, I’m so sorry.” Hana said pulling a sobbing Kiara into her arms.
“As I’ve already explained, your friend was as good as dead and had I not handled her you would be next once she turned.” Jax countered, brown eyes daring Kiara to question him again. 
“We have friends.” Liam and … Olivia stated, not willing to leave them behind, unknowing of what was lurking in the streets. No you mustn’t think of him. Not if I’m going to save Liam from a life tied to that blonde she-devil.
“Friends like this one?” Jax questioned gesturing at Penelope’s dead body, clearly unconvinced.
“I will be the first to admit some of them can be blithering fools I would be more than happy to feed to those—things, but some of them can more than handle themselves and one...well one is the kind of friend you’d want on your side.” Olivia replied.
“Okay then. Lead the way.” Jax responded.
“Wait we can’t leave her!” Kiara exclaimed, body frozen refusing to leave.
“Kiara we are not dragging her all the way back to the hotel, if we tried we would be easy pickings if anymore of those, things showed up.” Olivia stated, her tone hard, daring Kiara to question her. Her emerald eyes flitted to Madeline, standing, rather cowering in fear. Some future queen she is!
“Zombies.” Jax stated receiving a raised brow in response. “Those things are zombies.” He turned to Kiara. “Now shut up and move fast.” 
“I’m not leaving her!” Kiara insisted standing her ground as her body shook with grief. Hana gently patted her back trying to offer any support to her upset friend.
“Come with me or stay that’s your choice, but the dead stay put.” Jax stated staring her down, his hand going into his leather jacket removing a flask, he took a long draw before dumping the remainder onto Penelope’s body. He pulled a lighter from his other pocket, flicking it open, the flames dancing in his warm brown eyes. He dropped the lighter, the alcohol instantly igniting, the flames engulfing the bodies. 
Kiara let out an ear piercing scream as she watched Penelope’s body go up into flames. Jax turned to her. “If you’re going to keep screaming please stay, noises seem to attract them.” Jax said turning to leave. 
Olivia was beyond amazed with the way he stood his ground unwilling to bend to a distraught Kiara. She found that many men were willing to bend, even break for a crying woman, she admired his strength. Will you quit it?! You have enough issues as is!
Kiara was stunned by his cold demeanor, sniffling as she followed behind, Hana whispering words of comfort at her side. She rolled her eyes as Olivia laughed at something he said. Of course they would get along, they are both cruel. She shuddered as her mind replayed Penelope’s panicked pleas on repeat. Kiara didn’t think she’d ever get the image of the fear in Penelope’s eyes or the way her own blood coated her hands out of her head. She shook the thoughts from her mind, she needed to move forward, no looking back.
They walked towards the hotel to gather the others and alert them of the changes. The air hung heavy around them, the world was shifting, things that once seemed important may not matter for much longer. Now it was time to fight for their survival and they would take any help they could get. Olivia would always accept a strong ally, she couldn’t figure it out but she knew that’s not all she saw Jax as. Her life was already complicated as it was and now there were zombies and a new attractive man who intrigued her in ways he shouldn’t. If you can breathe you can stand, if you can stand you can fight. Her father’s mantra repeated in her mind, a reminder that she could get through anything life threw at her. She didn’t break when she grew up on her own, she wouldn’t break now, no matter how complicated her life got. She could do this, she could make it, she was strong and only the strong survive.
Convincing the others to leave with Jax took some effort. Olivia became increasingly annoyed with the reluctance of some. “Then stay put and let the zombies get you.” She whispered under her breath. She was nearly certain that Jax had heard her despite her low volume, she shook the thought from her mind, we have more important things to worry about. The only reluctance she took to heart was Bastien’s. His questioning glances at Jax every time he looked at her sent twinges of guilt to her heart. She felt like a lovesick schoolgirl with too many crushes, she was more confused than she had been in weeks. She thought her heart and head battling each other over whether she should follow her heart or fulfill her duty to her country was hard, but now she was even more conflicted than ever. How can I be so drawn to a man I just met? Surely it’s temporary.
“Sir, I don’t think going with this man is such a good idea.” Bastien stated, his steel grey eyes observing the man clad in leather covered in Penelope’s blood. Olivia had good instincts, but he had to do whatever it took to ensure the safety of their king, he couldn’t trust this man they had just met without checking him out beforehand.
“Liam, I really think this is the best option. His safe-house is secure, and we will be able to regroup without fear of being attacked by the same thing that killed Penelope.” Olivia countered, if she was going to be Queen she needed to behave like it. Can I be queen though? Can I really let go of him?
“Bastien, I understand your concern but I believe Olivia is correct. This is our best option.” Liam stated. “Your safe-house is close correct?”
“Yes your majesty.” Jax replied, the formal address feeling foreign on his tongue. Now I understand why Olivia didn’t want to leave them behind.
“Bastien, tell the others to gather their belongings, we are moving to a more secure location.” Liam ordered.
Bastien gave Liam a look that said he wanted to question him, oppose him. Liam straightened his back, leveling Bastien with a heavy stare. Bastien tensed, internally battling with obeying his king and questioning him. “Yes sir.” Bastien replied bowing. He left the room shooting Jax a glare. He couldn’t place his finger on it, but it just seemed like something was off with the stranger.
It wasn’t long before everyone was gathered with their things ready to head to Jax’s safe-house. Olivia felt like her eyes might permanently look at the back of her head with the constant eye rolling at the grumbles from some of the others. They will see, this is for the best. They needed to move, get to someplace they knew would be secure. It was time for them to regroup, and then the fight for their lives would begin.
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment reblog or send an ask. Feel free to scream, I promise I can take it. 
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
Tags: @speedyoperarascalparty @liamxs-world @annekebbphotography @syphaxs @hopefulmoonobject @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @riseandshinelittleblossom @cocomaxley @ao719 @blackwidow2721 @katurrade @leelee10898 @stopforamoment @akrenich @cora-nova @gardeningourmet @daniv2278 @bella-ca @gibbles82 @choiceslife @tornbetween2loves @sleepwalkingelite @carabeth @traeumerinwitzhelden @blackcatkita @boneandfur @bobbersb @endlessflame @kadencantarella @innerpostmentality @imma-winchester-addict @strangerofbraidwood @darley1101 @sirbeepsalot @itsalliepg @likethetailofacomet @salt-n-burn-em-all @debramcg1106 @blackcoffe85 @super-secret-fandom-blog
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viulus · 6 years
Master List of All My Blogs and the Tags I Use For Them
So I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, since I want to have all my stuff organized and in one place. In this you’ll find a list of all my blogs, as well as the tags I use for each blog, along with other things I feel are important (in relation to each blog, that is).  Little disclaimer: this post is really long.
Jak and Daxter Shitposting
#jak and daxter
#jnd --Serves the same purpose as the above tag
#precursor legacy
#tpl --Serves the same purpose as the, ‘#precursor legacy’ tag
#jak 2
#jak 3
#jak x
#jak 2 spoilers
#jak 3 spoilers
#not jnd
#reblog --Self-explanatory
#jnd shipping --All of my shippy posts will have this tag; mostly for people who aren’t really into ship-related content so they can filter out the tag if they want
#jakiera --Kiera x Jak posts
#ashejak --Ashelin x Jak posts
#ashetorn --Torn x Ashelin posts
#daxtess --Daxter x Tess posts
#jnd quotes --Quotes that are either taken word-for-word, or paraphrased from one of the games
#veganangst rambles j&d --Literally me rambling about the series
#my jnd experiences
#baron praxis
#flock off --Posts having to do with Pecker, since I don’t want to tag any of my posts as, ‘#pecker’
#jnd discussion
#va4 announcements --Usually important news having to do with me and/or the blog itself
Ships/Pairings (Ships that are crossed out are my NOTPs):
So, I’ve been into this series for a little over 12 years at this point, and needless to say, it was literally my childhood.  When I turned seven years old, I got my first gaming system -a PlayStation 2- and the first video game I ever owned, Jak 3.
So I fell in love with the game, and I of course sought to own, and play, the whole series (when I was first playing the games, I played the third, fourth, first, and then the second game, in that order).  When I was about nine some things went down that caused me, along with my brothers, to have to move out of state to live with our grandparents, thus forcing me to leave my PS2 behind.
So for about eight years I've been waiting to play the games again, and of course, I lost my mind when I heard that they were being ported to the PS4.  They're literally the only reason I bought a PS4 to begin with! I've played all the games in the series except for Daxter and The Lost Frontier (the latter of which I'd only found out about last December, thanks to Wikipedia), but weirdly enough I couldn’t remember much of anything about the games after a year or two of not playing them (until I started playing them again in December 2017, of course!).
Currently, I’ve completed the whole trilogy, as well as X.  I'm more than open to discuss any of the three, so feel free to chat with me about them!
Sly Cooper Shitposts
I got into the Sly series somewhat recently (July 3, 2018).  Since then, it’s been one of my favorite series, and one of the only series I play.  I don’t really have much else to add here, other than this: if you’ve never played these games, either play them or watch a let’s play (play them if you can though).  The entire trilogy can be found on Playstation Now if you have a PS4 and don’t want to hunt down a PS2 and all the games just to play them.
Ratchet & Clank Shitposting
Like the Sly games, I got into this series pretty recently (March 26, 2018).  At the time I was looking to try out some PS2-era franchises similar to the Jak and Daxter series, which is why I initially tried these games out.  My first R&C game I played was the 2016 reboot, and while the humor, characters and all that weren’t the best, it was really fun to play and got me wanting to play the older games.  After a couple months or so I played some of the earlier games on PSN (Quest for Booty, Crack in Time, and Into the Nexus) and enjoyed them a LOT more than the reboot overall (mostly CiT though, since although I played QfB I didn’t especially care about it, and I enjoyed the intro for ItN a lot but got bored with it).
Hamilton Shitposts
#not hamilton
I’ve known about Hamilton since mid-2016 (thanks to a former friend of mine), but I actually kind of hated it for a while, because of said friend (let’s just say that she constantly shoved Hamilton content in my face without properly introducing me to the musical first).
It wasn’t until last December (December 2017) that I finally got interested in the musical.  My brother who lives out-of-state was visiting for the holidays, and he literally blasted Alexander Hamilton and Non-Stop in the house several times during his stay.  After listening to them a few times I actually really liked them (especially Non-Stop), so when I got some free time (sometime on 1/14/18, since of course I still remember the exact day I got into Hamilton), I decided to listen to the whole musical, and I loved it.
Now pretty much all I listen to is Hamilton.  I know I’m going to say this at the end of all these other bios, but seriously, if you want to talk to me about Hamilton, message me.
Guardians of the Galaxy Shitposting
#not gotg --Not Guardians related, but you should probably still see what it is
Ships/Pairings (Ships that are crossed out are my NOTPs):
Starmora (My OTP)
Drax x Mantis
So to start off, I thought I’d just say that I’ve only ever watched the films, but I have read a tiny bit of the comics as well.
I got into the franchise in early June last year (2017) when I saw Guardians 2 with a friend, and let me tell you, I really wanted to see it, despite not caring about the series at all.  If I didn't care about the series at the time, why did I want to see the movie so badly?  Well, let's just say that I only wanted to see it for that sweet, sweet "plot" if you know what I mean. 👀   I also just needed something to distract me at the time, since I had been going through some really difficult stuff around that time (I plan on making a post about what happened at some point, so if I do, then you’ll be able to find it here).  Once it was over I fell in love with the characters, and the franchise overall, since the second film had not only far exceeded my expectations, but it also helped me cope with the bad stuff that had happened to me not too long before.
Feel free to discuss the series with me, since I’m usually more than happy to talk about it.  Thanks in advance!
Ace Attorney Shitposts
#not aa
Favorite Characters (Characters that are crossed out are characters that I don’t like):
Apollo Justice
I’ve been into this series for about two... actually, almost three years now! (where has all that time gone?).
My brother actually got me into this series!  I watched him play Rise From the Ashes one night (I think it was somewhere around March 2015), and I was kind of interested in trying it out after that (although I kept my mouth shut about wanting to try it, since I was really self-conscious about trying new things at the time).
I didn’t get to actually play Ace Attorney until mid-June that year, when my brother one day shoved his 3DS in my hands, telling me to play First Turnabout.  After playing through the whole case, I got obsessed, and I was also really excited, since he was going to buy the trilogy for me on our Wii (he didn’t live with us, so he couldn’t let me play the games on his DS).  I didn’t officially get into the series until July 2nd that year, which is when I started playing the trilogy on our Wii.
I completed the first game in three days, and I was obsessed with Ace Attorney for about a year and a half after that (I think that’s the longest that any obsession of mine has ever been my, “Main Obsession”).  I also had a huge overblown crush on Phoenix most of that time (which is surprising in hindsight, since I couldn’t care less about him anymore).
I’m now just a casual fan of the series, and I’m down to discuss Spirit of Justice any time (since it’s my favorite game in the series), but I don’t really care to discuss the others (not usually, anyways).  So anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy my blog!
Pokémon Shitposts
#not pkm
Favorite Pokémon (Pokémon that are crossed out are ones that I don’t like):
Most of the Fossil Pokémon, honestly
Charizard line
Swampert line
Greninja line
I’ve been into Pokémon for as long as I can remember.  I know that I’ve been into it for at least 13 years, but I feel like I’ve liked it for much longer.
I didn’t start to really obsess over it until the age of 11, after getting Explorers of Sky for my birthday (one of the Mystery Dungeon games).  Once Gen. 5 had started, I only got more into Pokémon.  I mostly collected the cards, but I did also play a lot of Rumble Blast.  And let me just say, I was honestly so into the TCG, that it was kind of unhealthy.
I lost interest in the franchise for a little over a year, starting at the age of 13 (thanks to My Little Pony), but once I stopped liking MLP, I just went right back to obsessing over Pokémon, but with a bit less emphasis on the cards, and more on the games (Who am I kidding?  I was still immersed in the TCG world at this time!  Just, not quite as much as before).
After about a year of being addicted to Pokémon (again), I started to become more of a casual fan of the series, turning my interest towards other things (i.e., Ace Attorney and Steven Universe).
It wasn’t until I started playing Sun (a month after it released) that I started obsessing over the franchise (for the third time).  I became a casual fan again soon after finishing the game, which was somewhere in early March of 2017.
Currently, I’m just a casual fan of the series (aside from my several characters, who I’ve had around for three years at this point).  I can’t really suggest you trying to discuss Pokémon with me, since I am just a casual fan nowadays (Unless if you want to know about my characters I mentioned!).  Thanks for reading!
Favorite generations: Five and two
Favorite types: Ice, Rock, Electric, Ground, Steel
Favorite Pokémon throughout the years (from oldest to my current favorite):
The End
You’ve reached the end of this post; congrats!  I will be updating this as needed, so check back here as often as you feel like.  Thanks for reading, and have a nice day!
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rfsak2 · 7 years
Yay!! You liked it! I’ll guess I’ll keep going then!
Filtered   Summary: The early days told in a series of photos. Jack Lowden/Reader  Warnings: None 
She smiled and even closer to take another photo of the strangely curious squirrel. Straightening, she checked the screen on her camera and chuckled. 
“My, you are cute!” 
She took another picture as the creature leaned into the the lens, little hands grabbing at the camera. 
“Squirrels, Y/N? Really, hen?” 
She jumped and the squirrel skittered up the tree, noisily protesting the sudden intrusion of the big man. She turned and eyed said big man. “Hey, Jack. Welcome to Dunkirk!” 
He nodded and strolled closer to her. “Ye’ve been here all day?” 
“Yeah. I like to wander around a new place and take pictures in the first day. Especially at filming locations. Sorta like visual brainstorming, I guess.” 
He grinned and squatted next her in the grass. “Get guid pictures then, love?” 
She nodded and passed the camera to him so he could flip through her efforts for the day. She shifted to sit cross legged and turned toward him fully. “How was the trip down?” 
"No’ bad a’tall.” He grinned at something on the camera and smiled. “Look at this cheeky li’l git!” 
She sat forward so she could see the camera and Jack widened his stance so she fit neatly in the circle of his arms. She nodded and smiled. “He was a blast! His mom said he was a bit of a ham normally. Wanted to show me everything he was learning in school!” She turned and realized just how close he was to her. “He was adorable…” 
He nodded and hummed, a noise deep in his chest that she felt vibrate along her shoulder. “Ye look happier than a month ago, Y/N.” 
“Yeah, well aside from that just being a shit day anyway, I am.” She blushed. “It’s a wonder what will happen when you drop dead weight. Thanks for your help with that by the way.” 
He nodded and backed up a bit, giving her room. “He didn’t text ye again, then?” 
“Nope. No contact at all. I’m free!” 
He smiled. “I’m glad he’s left you alone, hen.” He stood and held a hand out to her. “The lads wanna go get dinner and get to know one another betta’ ‘for filmin’. I was told to come find ye and brin’ ye along. Fancy dinner then?” 
She nodded and took his hand, reveling in how much bigger it was then hers. Once she was standing, he handed back her camera and led her towards the cafe, hand brushing hers the entire way. 
She sat, straddling a bloody plane, and Jack couldn’t think of a time he had had a harder time focusing during filming. 
Bloody hell. 
He shifted in the cockpit, shifting his long legs around to get comfortable. 
She caught the movement out of the corner of her eye and she turned for her assistant to face him fully. She studied him quietly and Jack felt a brief moment of panic as if she could know what he was thinking. 
She smiled and spoke to her assistant, eyes still on him. “Grab my still camera please? Jack, stay still.” 
He nodded dumbly and watched the way her body stretched and balanced on the nose of the plane as she moved to safely grab her camera. She adjusted her position and pointed the camera at him. 
“Is this official filmin’ business, hen?” 
She smiled and shook her head, adjusting the focus of the camera. “Chris isn’t ready yet and the lighting is perfect.” 
She took a test shot and the adjusted her own positioning, leaning forward so she was all but lying fully on the nose of the plane.  
Jack wanted a picture too. 
He could see right down her shirt and could feel his face turning red. Having been raised to be a gentleman, he turned to the side.
“Nuh-uh. Straight ahead, baby.” 
He turned back to her and she was looking over the viewfinder of her camera. Their eyes met and she blushed and, safe and secure in the knowledge that she was as affected as he was, he grinned. 
 There was a rapid fire clicking as she shot half a dozen photos in the space of a second or two. 
 She sat up and flipped through the photos. Smiling, she showed him the results. “Damn you are fine as hell, pretty boy!” 
 He smiled and shifted some more. “Guid light.”
This damn cockpit.
 She passed the still camera back and accepted the filming camera. “Good light only does so much, honey.” 
 He blushed. 
This damn woman is gonna kill me. 
 She rolled her neck and rubbed at her shoulder as she sat at what was quickly becoming their table. 
Jack slipped in next to her and smiled, hand coming up to softly massage the back of her neck. “Tired,Y/N?”
 She nodded and opened her eyes to study him. Beautiful man. “Can I hire you as my personal masseuse?”
 He grinned. “For you, free.”
 “So generous.” 
 He chuckled. “Can I get ye a drink, lovie?” 
 Nodding, she pulled her purse into her lap. “That would be great, thanks.” 
 He batted at her hands. “I’m payin’.” 
 “You don’t have to.” 
 “But I’m goin’ too.” He shifted around to grab his wallet from his pocket. “What do’ye want?”
 He paused as if digesting that bit of news and turned toward her. “Ye havin’ me on?” 
She shook her head. “Why? Don’t think a girl can drink Guinness?”
 He huffed. “Lots of people dinna like th’taste, is all.”
 She chuckled and shrugged. “Well I do.”
 He nodded as if he didn’t believe her and went to the bar, Harry and Fionn sliding in on the opposite side of the table with their own drinks. When Jack returned with her beer, there were a whole new slew of disbelieving comments. 
 “Are you trying to get her sloshed, Jack?” 
 Jack held his hands up in front of him. “No, th’lady insisted.” 
 Harry eyed her. “Guinness, darling, really?” 
 She huffed, pretending to be offended. “Is it because I’m a woman or because I’m American?” Then she took an ironically ladylike sip of her beer. 
 Harry smiled and backed off. “Whatever you say, girlie.” 
 A spare five minutes later a bowl of chips landed on the table between her and Jack. “What’s this?” 
 “Donna wan’ it said that I let you get tipsy, hen.” He sipped his own ale. “Unless, tha’s yer intention, then I’d happily get drunk with ye.” 
 She smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek, perhaps too close to his mouth to be purely platonic. “You’re a gem, Jack.” 
 He grinned and laid his arm on the back of her chair. “Take a selfie wit’ me?”
She laughed when he nodded hard enough to cause his sunglasses to fall onto his nose. 
 She grabbed her own shades from her purse and put them on, then mimicked his posture by grabbing her beer and leaning back against his chest. 
 He passed his phone from his free hand to the one on her other side and snapped a few photos. He shifted, sitting up straighter and leaning over her shoulder. He gathered her a bit closer and as he took this final picture, she felt his lips connect with her cheek. 
 She smiled reflexively against the rim of her pint and giggled. 
 “Ye laughin’ at me, lovie?” He all but rumbled in her ear and smiled down at her. 
 Setting her beer down, she shook her head. “Your stubble tickled a bit.” She rubbed a thumb over the line of his jaw. “You’re so blonde, I didn’t even know it was there until now.”
 He set his sunglasses back on top of his head and smiled down at her. “M’beard actually grows in red.”
 “Really?” She smiled. “I’d like to see that.”
 “I’m sure you will one day.”
 There was companionable silence for a while as she sipped her beer and chatted with Tom on her other side.
 Her phone dinged and she picked it up. She smiled against her pint and glanced at Jack, finding him looking at her over the rim of his own drink. 
“It’s a guid picture, love.”
 “It is.” 
 Jack had posted the last photo he had taken to instagram, tagging her personal account. It was frankly adorable, but also suggestive. His lips pressed to her cheek and her in mid-giggle. Her family and friends were going to eat this up. The caption was simple, but again suggestive. 
 Gotta love a woman who loves good booze. #guinness #myfavouritelass
Who the fuck is that in that picture? Also you’re cute and I miss your face.
 Are you dating someone? Details needed!!
 Damn is he fine! Who is he?
She smiled and beat back the part of her that wanted to jump to conclusions about what this meant or that meant. She had made that mistake before. 
No. She would let him come to her. She would enjoy this for what it was until it became something else. She responded quickly and gathered she would need for the day’s filming schedule. 
 As she closed her hotel door behind her, Jack opened his in front of her. “Guid mornin’, hen.” 
He took her bag from her hand and slung an arm over her shoulder. 
 She wound her arm around his middle. “Good morning, rooster.” 
 He laughed. “Sleep well, didya?”
 “I did indeed, you?” 
 He shrugged with a cheeky smile. “My phone was blowin’ up all night.” 
 She chuckled. “Mine too. Through no one’s fault but your own.” 
 “Does it bother ye?”
 “What?” She looked up at him. 
“Tha’ I caused a bit’o a tizzy wit tha’ photo.” 
 They slowed as they approached the lift. He pulled away from her briefly to push the button and then set his hand in the small of her back. 
 She shook her head and squeezed him in a one armed hug. “No… let ‘em wonder. What about you? Do you regret your choice of photo? There were other options, you took a few.”
 He grinned and guided her into the lift before him. “No’ a’tall, love. That was the only photo ye smiled in.” His smile softened and she felt her heartbeat speed up. “T’would be a shame to waste that bonnie smile.” 
 She blushed and there was a silent moment as the doors closed and the lift started it’s descent.
 He coughed into his fist and rubbed the back of his neck. “Y’know, Y/N… we dinna haf te leave ‘em wonderin’…”
 She turned toward him, blush back full force. “Hmm?”
 He smiled shyly and she was charmed. “We can-” 
 The lift dinged and the door opened and Harry came in, one hand clutching a Starbucks cup.
 He stepped into the lift and cast looks between them. “Am I interrupting something?”
How was that? If y'all have any ideas, holler my way! Bad Day Blues Up Next: Embraced
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