puppyeared · 1 year
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wordsfromthesol · 5 years
Meet Cute
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Summary: Your late night thesis work leads you to meet the ever-charming Dick Grayson. Warnings: Language, implied smut Word Count: 1.6k A/N: I was just remembering my long nights at Starbucks while writing my thesis…and thought of this. A thesis is basically a super long and excruciating research paper you have to write to get a post-graduate degree, for any of those unaware of the term!
All you had wanted was a peaceful night. You knew you could make your next thesis deadline without any all-nighters, as long as you didn’t run into any major problems. Though it seemed the universe just wanted to challenge you. It was pushing midnight, and though Starbucks closed almost an hour prior, your frequent long nights at the coffeehouse allowed for friendships to form. You often stayed while the workers did there closing duties, and tonight was no different. All the baristas had stumbled into the back to finish working when a man clad in a black and blue suit crashed through the storefront window. You watched in awe as he slid back into the counter, trying to cover his head. Another much bigger man staggered in through the new opening.
Both men seemed completely unaware of your presence, as the larger man drew nearer to his foe…still incapacitated on the floor. Without thinking, you picked up your laptop and slammed it into the back of his head. You watched as he slowly began turning towards you, that is, until you once again cracked the computer against his face. He collapsed backwards just as the man clad in spandex regained his composure and jumped to his feet.
You just stood there in shock. I can’t believe I did that. All my work, all my programs, how am I going to finish now? You glanced down at your hands, still clutching the remnants of your laptop, and then up again at the stranger.
He looked back at you noting the panic spread across your face, “Hey hey hey, it’s alright. It’s over.”
You realized he was trying to calm you down for all the wrong reasons. The emotion written on your face was not caused by the man laying unconscious before you, but the realization that anything you had not saved prior to your thoughtlessness was gone. The realization that all the programs you had bought to conduct your analyses were gone. This was a problem that would take weeks of sleepless nights, as well as an ample amount of funds – which you did not have to spare – to fix. You looked down again at your computer, still unable to speak, and gathered your things. Leaving what was left of your computer behind, you got in your car and immediately drove home.
“Did she just…leave?” Dick asked himself in disbelief. He walked over to pick up the broken pieces of your computer, “maybe Timmy can fix this for her.” Quickly, he scooped it up and headed to the manor.
You got back to your apartment and couldn’t even make it to your bedroom. You immediately collapsed on your couch and stared into the darkness. Everything you had been working so hard for had come crashing down on you. Eventually you began running scenarios in your head, because what else could you do? Your presentation was in a week, and your thesis had to be approved by the committee even before that. You had planned to make the final touches today and tomorrow.
“Okay…think Y/N. You can open programs on the school computers, but they would be read-only since the school only has the student license. Then if I printed them, they would have that stupid ‘student version’ watermark.”  You stood up and began to pace in your living room. “Okay, well maybe I won’t need to make changes to my analyses…that will just depend on the committee review. So, how do I get into the program I was using to actually format my thesis?” You sat back down, trying to think of someone who could help. Eventually, you must have fallen asleep because the next thing you know you an unfamiliar sound jogged you awake. Quietly you reached over to the end table and picked up an empty glass, hurling it towards the figure. You ran to turn on the light and noticed it was the same stranger, clad in that spandex suit.
He sat up on the floor and grabbed the back of his head, “I guess I kinda deserved that…though I have to say I’m surprised. Not many people can hear me coming, and even less have that kind of aim.”
“Sorry…I just…well…I live alone…and not in a great area.” You stuttered through your words, still unsure why this masked man was sitting in your living room. “Why, exactly, are you here?”
“Oh right! Well, you seemed kind of out of it earlier…and at first I thought, well duh, crazy people just crashed through the window. Then I realized you may have some important stuff you just lost on that computer, when you, ya’know smashed it into the other guy’s head.”
At the mention of your computer, you instantly froze up. Reading the signs strewn across your face, he continued, “Anyways, my brother is pretty good with the technology thing. He said he was able to recover everything.” Standing up, he picked up the brand-new computer which had landed next to him. “I hope I didn’t break it in the fall,” he chuckled as he handed you the new computer.
Normally, you would never be inclined to take such a gift. But, in this case you couldn’t see any other way around it. “I…I can’t tell you how much this means to me.” You moved to sit on the couch, “My thesis presentation is next week. I thought I was going to miss my deadline. You just saved my life…or at least my graduation date.” You smiled up at him.
The next week went by way too quickly, and you were at the school setting up your presentation. One by one your committee members filed in, but just as you were about to begin a stream of students came through the door. Great, more people to watch me stumble through this presentation.
Panic set into your mind as the teachers asked everyone, yourself included, to step out of the room so they could deliberate. This is normal, you knew this would happen. You started pacing in front of the door, when a man approached you. His brilliant blue eyes stared at you just a bit too long, before he spoke.
“Well I thought you did great.”
“Oh, you saw that? How, uhm, or why did you come?”
“It sounded interesting, so I thought I’d check it out! Clearly, a bunch of people thought so.” Mentioning the crowd of students that attended but leaving out the fact that he gave them each fifty bucks to attend. He couldn’t be the only non-committee member there, that would be a little suspicious.
“So do you…” you’re next sentence was cut off by the sound of the door opening. You smiled and nodded his way before heading back into the room. Well that was shitty timing.
“Congratulations! We are passing your presentation, but there are some changes and we would like to make to the analysis to help with comprehensibility.”
Dutifully you took notes, though this milestone was over, you still had work to do before you passed. Almost an hour had passed when you exited the room again, only to find the mysterious attendee sitting back on the bench. Excitedly, for more than one reason, you walked over.
“I did it! I passed! I never have to give that presentation again!” Why you were exclaiming such news to a stranger was beyond you, but it felt right.
“That’s fantastic! I had no doubts, Y/N. Celebratory drinks?”
“It’s ten in the morning…”
“Celebratory brunch?”
“Honestly, coffee sounds amazing.”
Dick was pleasantly surprised by your answer and motion for you to follow. “There’s this great place just up the street.”
Soon the dates grew more frequent and before you know it, over a year had passed. You came home late from work one night to find Dick sitting on your couch, enveloped in the tv.
“Using me for my cable again, Dick?”
“Whaa…” he put his hand to his chest, “Y/N, I would never.”
“Sure…oh I picked up Thai food, I got enough for you too.”
“You know me so well”
“It doesn’t hurt that your here nearly every night.”
“Yeah, about that…don’t you think it would be easier if I just, well, lived here?”
Slightly stunned, you stared at him, not realizing you had yet to answer.
“I mean, I don’t have…” You cut him off once your daze subsided.
“No, that would be great! I’m just surprised you brought it up.” I mean how is he going to hid the vigilante thing now?
Almost as if he read your mind, Dick continued, “There is one more thing you should probably know before you say yes.”
“Okay…what’s up?” You questioned, sitting on the couch next to him.
“I’m Nightwing.”
“Yeah, I know.”
Confusion spread across his face, so he decided that maybe you didn’t understand. “Like, the vigilante, the one from Starbucks, just before we met.”
“Yeah, Dick, I know.”
“But…but how?!”
“Dickie, come on. It wasn’t that hard to figure out. Your ‘sickness’ comes whenever Nightwing appears on the news getting beat to shit. All the cuts and bruises.”
“When did you figure it out?”
“Like a month after we started dating,” the look on his face was priceless. You just shrugged and continued, “I asked around after my thesis. Students told me YOU paid them to watch it.”
A deep crimson spread across his face, and all you wanted to do was worsen it. “That, plus…who couldn’t recognize an ass like that.��
You let out a laugh as he pulled you on top of him. “I’m going to get you back for that Y/L/N.”
“Do your worst, Grayson.” You chuckled as he lifted the both of you up and carried you into the bedroom.
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corttana · 4 years
hello gamers @canidrook​ was interested in how i made this gifset so here’s a (hopefully not too long) tutorial under the cut :^)
this won’t cover how to make gifs, just the rest of the process, and i guess there’s also a couple of photoshop tips in here too okay let’s gooo
i started with the two gifs of chief, then both gifs went into their separate 540px panels with dark gray backgrounds (resized and put together in one gif for the purposes of this tutorial). i recommend sharpening the gifs at this (or any time after this) point because starting at 540px and scaling down will cause the gif to lose its sharpness. i did not do this myself because i was too lazy to correct my error lol
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coloring came next, i used clipping masks to affect the coloring of only the gifs. honestly you probably won’t be using clipping masks a lot when making gifs, but for anyone interested and/or unaware, clipping masks are layers that alter and are visible only on the layer below it
for example, if i were to create adjustment layers without clipping masks, the canvas and layer tab would look like this
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however, by clipping the adjustment layers to the layer directly below it, the coloring affects only the Gif group. you can create a clipping mask from any layer by right clicking the layer in the Layers tab and selecting “Create Clipping Mask”, or by holding down ALT and clicking the bottom border of the layer
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here’s the canvas and Layers tab with clipping, where there are now little arrows inside the adjustment layers on the left to indicate that they are clipping masks
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of course, there are other ways of achieving this same effect, but i find clipping masks to be faster. and again, not always applicable for making gifs, but i do use it often when painting or editing
here are the colored gifs
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then i moved on to adding text. i used two fonts, Couture which is the bigger, chunkier font and Avenir LT Std (not actually the exact link where i downloaded it from because i can’t remember anymore, but i think it’s close enough) which is the smaller, skinnier font
the default settings of Couture weren’t wide enough for my liking, so i edited the vertical scaling through the Character tab (found in Window -> Character)
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the left is 100% vertical scaling, the right is 70%. i kept this setting for Couture for the whole gifset
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a lot of fonts (~*technically*~ they’re called typefaces if you wanna be TECHNICAL) have variations included within its family, e.g. italic, bold, light. some fonts have an outline variation as well, but since Couture does not, i had to do it manually. i won’t go over how i did it though because... it’s kind of a dumb method LMAO
honestly i would just find a font that already has this outline variation included, it’s way easier. the Swiss 721 typeface has this, which might be a default font already installed? also i would have used this Outer Sans font, but i found it after i posted this gifset rip
anyway these are the gifs with all the text included
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there’s also a purple to pink gradient on top of the tiny text on the bottom of the first gif. to add gradients to text layers, right click on the layer in the Layers tab -> Blending Options -> Gradient Overlay
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the last thing i’ll go over is that little animated soundwave (it’s not really a soundwave but Whatever) in the first gif, which is basically just overlayering a gif on top of one another. it’s actually stock footage that i cropped to get rid of the watermark lol shoutout iStock
1. is a screencap of the original video, 2. is the cropped portion that i used
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i won’t go over how to overlay gifs, so here’s a tutorial on how to do it. no i did not specifically choose this link because it’s of destiel, but it does use the same method of gif-making as i do, which is the frame animation timeline. it’s just a thousand times funnier that it happened to be a destiel gif
at this point, the soundwave gif should be layered on top of the original gif, and the Layers tab should also be grouped similarly to this (as the above tutorial suggests)
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it’s actually important that the Soundwave frames are grouped because it’s how i changed the group’s blending mode to screen, which will make the black background turn transparent. to change the blending mode, click the necessary group, navigate to the menu next to Opacity in the Layers tab, and switch to Screen
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the black should now be transparent, and the gif will look like this
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to make the waves purple, i added a gradient map and clipped it to the group, at which point the gif and Layers tab should look like this
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there are some other shapes like the plus signs and the colored squares and stuff, but you don’t really need reference pictures for that. one last tip is to use ruler guides to make sure everything is lined up with each other. you can access the ruler with CONTROL + R, then dragging from the ruler out to the canvas, which should create a cyan line that runs infinitely. you can also snap objects to it to make lining up elements like shapes or text that much easier
and that’s it :^) save that bad boy and post it on tumblr dot com !
i apologize if this was confusing, too short, too long, or otherwise incomprehensible, so if anything was unclear/if there are any questions, you can always message me or send an ask! good luck!
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shapetorn · 6 years
lux dissects ‘the truth about tan.a.con’ in detail 
these details / rant is going under a read more because as someone who’s worked in the media / entertainment industry and has worked on planning full festivals - this is incredibly frustrating to me to see how poorly executed this was:   content warning:  potential swearing, idk whatever. just be prepared for a rant. 
tana literally curses vidcon. talks so much shit about it. she is partly responsible for this. for seeing that it was set for the same days that vidcon was to happen. to try and one up vidcon. this was a spiteful move on her end, 100%. we can’t even act like it’s not. 
to even advertise and promote this event for FREE - yet to charge people money. obviously this is a fucking idiotic thing. you can’t do that, logically. especially when you have expenses that occur - venue rental, security, adequate food and water - WHICH THERE WAS NONE. all of this should have been properly executed and set up before the vent was able happening. 
also no. no there was no 20,000 people.  im not even going to touch that. 
shane and every other ‘speaker’ advertised to be speaking at this shit show have EVERY right to be upset and bothered by this. they weren’t involved in the planning of this event but had to watch their fans get ripped off, get burned by the sun, heat exhaustion, etc etc. they have every right to be upset. to not be able to help these people in any way - it really puts them in a tough position. it’s taking advantage of these presenters and content creators as well - using their face and name as a means of promotion and not being able to deliver on that promise. 
there should have been adequate medical supports on site - dehydration and the fact that these people have been BURNED! heat exhaustion and heat stroke are incredibly real and deadly. this entire thing is a lawsuit waiting to fucking happen. 
i’d like to briefly touch on the ‘is there a shooter’ comment that i heard in one of these videos. shane even touches on how i feel exactly - michael and tana are so very fucking lucky that were WAS no shooting. with the increase in gun violence, the probability for that to occur was very high and without security and police assistance - there is nothing safe about the execution of this event. 
tana, thank you for being able to at least admit that you were a fucking idiot. i hope that it was a sincere admittance of fault. your planning of this event was completely out of spite for your distaste in vidcon and being banned. you did not properly do your research into who you were going to work with. EVEN SHANE TELLS YOU THAT! this was planned entirely as a revenge act with no thought for the fans coming to this event or the other content creators for this event. 
michael. lets address Good Times or whatever the fuck his company is called. 1) i had the hardest fucking time actually finding his damn website online. it was on the second page of google for me. i found a good times company in new zealand which mislead me for a moment into thinking that tana blindly trusted a company in new zealand to organize her event. 2) once i actually found this damn website. it is so poorly created with images that don’t contain watermarks and could have easily been snatched from other creators / brands.  even the brands listed on the bottom on his damn website: disney, coca cola, nike, universal, etc. these are huge fucking companies - global. uh some that have been around longer than michael has even been alive AND companies that handle their own branding or hire their own team / are very elite in their hiring process. michael provides no actual proof on his website that he’s worked with these companies. also not to mention the COUNTLESS videos that i’ve managed to find of clients of michael getting scammed and ripped off by him. 
michael is attempting to sue the marriott because he claims that they lied about capacity. no. im sorry.  when planning any event / convention / festival that requires use of a venue - there is - by law - a paper that dictates the maximum capacity of a certain space - PROVIDED AND SIGNED BY THE FIRE MARSHALL. there are also floor plans and maps outlining secure fire exits, etc. all of this information would have been readily available to him in the planning stages. he is either grasping at straws or is purely lazy and irresponsible - my guess is both. 
sponsorship! sponsorship! sponsorship! to minimize finances in planning an event - seek sponsorship. honestly had they planned this right...could have been a lot better. 
michael has no idea what he’s doing. he’s tripping over his words, he’s dodging questions. he’s lying through his teeth. michael you scam your clients. 
MICHAEL - AGAIN! CAUGHT IN A LIE!!! says that they gave him no capacity / lied about it but openly admits on camera that HE IGNORED CAPACITY TO MAKE MONEY! but tana!  she also knew the capacity and still ALLOWED him to ignore it. she supported it. 
okay so we know there were no free tickets and tana claims that she had no knowledge of this yet there was a snap video of her making some joke about being a scammer and then trying to brush it off as just being drunk? no she makes a point about michael saying that he’s a liar and wanting to say anything to cover his own ass but she is just as capable of doing the same thing. i believe both of them are in the wrong for various reasons - obviously michael for a much bigger and more crucial reason. especially his gross need for publicity. 
i don’t even have the mental capacity to understand. how the fuck do you fuck up this badly unless the entire thing was set to be doomed from the start. this is not how you execute something. there are LEGAL steps that are needed. proper contracts and permits with your venues, ensuring that you deal with the fire marshals to keep capacity and safety measures in check. NOT OVERSELLING YOUR FUCKING VENUE!!!!!! hiring adequate security and medical teams. branding, sponsorship. i’m 22 years old, i’ve been working in this industry since i was 15 years old on my own, learning from industry elders in my area and even learning more gaining a college education to hone my skills and learn more. i’ve managed artists and musicians, i’ve helped organize and run festivals and even smaller scale shows. it’s not impossible. the heart was not into this event, it was created clearly out of spite with people who had ill intentions with no understanding of what they were doing.
too much lying and bullshit. this just made me so annoyed and angry to see things executed so poorly and to see people get HURT here when all they wanted was a good weekend with their idols. 
and fuck. if michael can scam tana and the likes of bella thorne - send them here. i’ll fix it.
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