#GOP damage
mudwerks · 1 year
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(via One Republican Senator Is Holding Military Promotions Hostage Over Abortion)
"Your talent pool goes down because one, frankly, mediocre football coach lucked into a position where he’s able to do that,” a veterans' advocate told Jezebel.
and no qualms about fucking over the people he is “representing”
today’s GOP motto: Fuck you I hate you - VOTE FOR ME
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botaniqueer · 2 months
Even though I always vote blue as a concession (and also because I'm easily guilted while also absolutely despising the democrats), I'm understanding of folks voting third party and I'm chill with people voting for whoever as long as it's not Trump or RFK, but a criticism I do have of third party voters is that a lot of them still have the problem the main two parties have where they come across as thinking we can vote our way out of this without some of of meta-strategy after the voting is done, and they also get attached to their candidates.
Absolutely all presidents are bad for the same reason all cops are, in that the occupation itself is structurally harmful, and the attributes of the job override whatever personal attributes the person occupying it has– the most personally nice cop in the world still is obligated to remove a homeless person from a bench while protecting capital, otherwise they lose that cop position. This applies to Jill Stein, Bernie Sanders, etc. An except to this is if the incumbent fully intends to dismantle the position, but it's exceedingly hard to gain the position with this goal, and keeping the job longer enough to successfully execute it without the job changing or compromising the person first.
As mentioned in other posts, the absolute minimum job of the US president is to maintain the suppression of a collection of 500+ ethnic groups, and prevent them from having true agency or full access to the land. If this isn't maintained, the United States literally can't keep existing in a meaningful way and ends up evaporating. This will become Jill Stein or Cornell West's job if they are elected, same as when Bush or Biden have the job.
Actually using electoralism as a strategy requires good organizing for after the candidate is elected, and specifically not getting attached to them and thinking of them purely as a means to an end. Liberation and the position of the presidency are inherently at odds, so there will be times you will need to fight against your own candidate. The Democrats are notorious for getting attached despite using the "you're not marrying them!" refrain, shushing people for saying anything vaguely critical.
The metaphor I think of is dungeon crawling roguelike games, or any other game where you choose branching paths in that you're choosing the challenges you think you're best equipped to deal with, but you do still have to deal with them. You can't do what the democrats do and lay down arms immediately after choosing the more favorable path, just being it's better than Trump, and I expect the same from third party voters as well as to not be like the DNC. In the unlikely case in which a third party candidate gets elected, there still has to be a struggle, otherwise the United States and other settler nations will continue to persist and hurt others, even if things are better for most settlers, and there will always be the likelihood of things ending up back where we are now if we don't follow through.
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sher-ee · 2 months
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Achieved by Trump and the GOP.
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sbrown82 · 9 months
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If this white woman dipped in turmeric don’t go sit her ass down!!! 🤔🤬
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tomorrowusa · 9 months
Republican Nikki Haley ignored slavery as a cause of the US Civil War. That's like ignoring flour when baking bread.
She tried to blame the war on the usual 21st century GOP bogeyman — big government. Haley, who is anti-abortion, then went on hypocritically to say that government shouldn't tell people how to live their lives.
Haley, former governor of the first state to secede from the Union, is currently in damage control mode.
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ok with all the good things biden's administration has been doing or tried to do yall americans BETTER fucking not pull out that same motherfucking 'both sides are equally bad' bullshit when voting comes around.
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jonostroveart · 2 years
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Ultra-MAGA Calculus
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softpastelqueer · 2 years
I really wish third party voters would do more research on the two largest 3rd party parties we have, that being the libertarians and the greens
Everyone knows the dumpster fire that is the libertarian movement and party, but the Green Party has a lot of good policies and stances
They’re also the largest Leftist and Progressive party in the US
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randodeadpool · 9 days
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truth4ourfreedom · 1 month
Things not in the news anymore….
(Version 6)
-Maui wildfires. -East Palestine, Ohio -Joe Biden classified documents as a Senator. -Fauci working with China to create a bioweapon. -Pete Buttigieg’s best friend in prison for child porn. -Cocaine in the White House. (TWICE NOW) -The BLM and Antifa riots during 2020 causing BILLIONS of dollars of damage. -The data collected from the Chinese spy balloons. -Ukraine intelligence documents released that showed they were suffering massive losses and the American taxpayer was being lied to. -Nancy Pelosi’s “documentary” film crew on J6. -Veterans being kicked out of shelters to make room for illegals. -Pizzagate “debunker” jailed for possession of child pornography. -Gay porn film in Senate hearing room. -Veterans Affairs prioritizing healthcare of illegals over Veterans. -THE SOUTHERN BORDER CRISIS. -Afghanistan drawdown and 13 service members killed in an attack on Kabul International Airport, that they hid the severity of it. -Obama droning an American citizen in the Middle East. -George Bush’s false WMDs. -3 service members killed in Jordan. -Hunter Biden making over $1M for “paintings”. -J6 political prisoners that are still in jail. -85,000 missing children at the southern border. -Epstein’s clients. -Obama coordinating with John Brennan and 4 other countries (5 eyes) to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign. -Mail-in ballots were the cause of the stolen 2020 election. -Jeffrey Epstein mentioning that Bill Clinton liked his girls “really young”. -The (NOW TWO) airline whistleblowers that mysteriously died. -Benghazi (I won’t mention anything more about this because I care about my life.) -Nancy Pelosi’s daughter stating that January 6th wasn’t an insurrection. -The January 6th committee destroying encrypted evidence before the GOP took over the House. -Nancy Pelosi admitting that J6 was “her responsibility”. -House Speaker Mike Johnson claiming there wouldn’t be foreign aid without border security in the bill, which was a lie. -The recent riots from illegal criminal aliens at the southern border and the border in general. -Hunter Biden not complying with a Congressional subpoena and deemed untouchable. Democrat privilege. -Vaccine side effects. -“Lab leak” out of China -The Secret Service having to basically guide Joe Biden everywhere he goes. -Who leaked (Sotomayor) the SCOTUS Alito decision. -Federal instigators inside the Capitol including pipe bomb evidence against them. -Obama’s chef “passing away”. -HRC’s chef “passing away”. -The Sheriff that happened to be in Las Vegas (during the mass shooting) AND the wildfires in Hawaii. -P Diddy sex-trafficking allegations. Where’s Diddy? -Gonzalo Lira (an American journalist) that was killed in Ukraine -Congress approving warrantless spying violating American’s 4th amendment rights while they are exempt. -Americans that were left in foreign countries (Haiti, Palestine, Afghanistan). -The billions of dollars of weaponry left in Afghanistan and the Taliban receiving $40M a week in “humanitarian assistance”. -Biolabs found in California. -Joe Biden’s impeachment. -The scum in the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES waving the Ukrainian flag. -The over 300k ballot images that could not be found in Fulton County, Georgia; the same county Donald Trump on trial for “election interference”. -Democrats defunding the police causing massive rises in crime. -Kamala Harris’s record as DA in California. -The Transifesto from the school shooting. -Many U.S. Representatives and Congress receiving FTX funds. -They’re already working hard to bury Donald Trump’s àssassination attempt but we won’t let them bury that story. July 13th is never going away.
The distractions are out of control.
Share to show that legacy media is dead and that WE are the media now.
Please like,share and reblog to keep people aware!
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qqueenofhades · 2 months
I've seen a lot of doom today. Thank you for the bracing positivity!
Look man, idk if I would call it positivity. I'm fucking furious that the media and/or the billionaire class could have chosen at any time, ANY TIME, to carry out this coordinated ratfucking on Trump, and nope, they did it to Biden. Not coincidentally after he openly started espousing even more leftist/progressive tax and wealth policies. I'm also fairly certain that Putin (who is well used to playing the American elections ratfucking game) is involved here somehow, because he desperately wants Biden out and Trump back in. Two plus two, etc.
The elected Democrats who went along with this and/or who contributed to fucking Biden over also have a hell of a lot to answer for, and I hope we, the voters, let them fucking know. The only way this makes sense is if Biden is actively dying of Covid right now and/or if it's bad enough to permanently damage him. In that case, he might have had a modicum of actual say about this, rather than falling victim to the Anonymous Sources who stabbed him in the back every step of the way.
That said: Kamala is a genuinely good candidate. I am excited to have the chance to vote for her. This does turn the whole Referendum on Two Old White Men With Mental Issues narrative on its head. She might be able to reach some constituencies that Biden couldn't. I don't know for sure if all the Democratic/never-Trump GOP votes will translate, but I am so motherfucking tired of fascists thinking this will be a walk in the park. They asked for this, they fucking got it, people are really fucking mad (including me and like, everyone), and if all this maneuvering gets our first female AND Black president, the fascists are going to absolutely fucking lose it and cry for eons. And idk about you, but I want to see some sore loser fuckboys cry cry cry. I want revenge for 2016. I want Trump dead and fucking gone and yknow, Black women have played a huge role in his bad bad times so far. So it's only fair, I suppose, that Kamala gets the chance to finish the motherfucker off. I don't know if it's positivity, but that's what is fueling me right now. So yeah.
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liberalsarecool · 7 months
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Restore the fair tax rates. End the GOP tax cuts that have damaged the country's shared social safety net and ballooned the debt/deficits.
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reality-detective · 2 months
Things that are not in the news anymore… 👇
-Maui wildfires.
-East Palestine, Ohio
-Joe Biden classified documents as a Senator.
-Fauci working with China to create a bioweapon.
-Pete Buttigieg’s best friend in prison for child porn.
-Cocaine in the White House. (TWICE NOW)
-The BLM and Antifa riots during 2020 causing BILLIONS of dollars of damage. And yes I brought this up on Juneteenth.
-The data collected from the Chinese spy balloons.
-Ukraine intelligence documents released that showed they were suffering massive losses and the American taxpayer was being lied to.
-Nancy Pelosi’s “documentary” film crew on J6.
-Veterans being kicked out of shelters to make room for illegals.
-Pizzagate “debunker” jailed for possession of child pornography.
-Gay porn film in Senate hearing room.
-Veterans Affairs prioritizing healthcare of illegals over Veterans.
-Afghanistan drawdown and 13 service members killed in an attack on Kabul International Airport, that they hid the severity of it.
-Obama droning an American citizen in the Middle East.
-George Bush’s false WMDs.
-3 service members killed in Jordan.
-Hunter Biden making over $1M for “paintings”.
-J6 political prisoners that are still in jail.
-85,000 missing children at the southern border.
-Epstein’s clients.
-Obama coordinating with John Brennan and 4 other countries (5 eyes) to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign.
-Mail-in ballots were the cause of the stolen 2020 election.
-Jeffrey Epstein mentioning that Bill Clinton liked his girls “really young”.
-The (NOW TWO) airline whistleblowers that mysteriously died.
-Benghazi (I won’t mention anything more about this because I care about my life.)
-Nancy Pelosi’s daughter stating that January 6th wasn’t an insurrection.
-The January 6th committee destroying encrypted evidence before the GOP took over the House.
-Nancy Pelosi admitting that J6 was “her responsibility”.
-House Speaker Mike Johnson claiming there wouldn’t be foreign aid without border security in the bill, which was a lie.
-The recent riots from illegal criminal aliens at the southern border and the border in general.
-Hunter Biden not complying with a Congressional subpoena and deemed untouchable. Democrat privilege.
-Vaccine side effects.
-“Lab leak” out of China.
-The Secret Service having to basically guide Joe Biden everywhere he goes.
-Who leaked (Sotomayor) the SCOTUS Alito decision.
-Federal instigators inside the Capitol including pipe bomb evidence against them.
-Obama’s chef “passing away”.
-HRC’s chef “passing away”.
-The Sheriff that happened to be in Las Vegas (during the mass shooting) AND the wildfires in Hawaii.
-P Diddy sex-trafficking allegations. Where’s Diddy?
-Gonzalo Lira (an American journalist) that was killed in Ukraine
-Congress approving warrantless spying violating American’s 4th amendment rights while they are exempt.
-Americans that were left in foreign countries (Haiti, Palestine, Afghanistan).
-The billions of dollars of weaponry left in Afghanistan and the Taliban receiving $40M a week in “humanitarian assistance”.
-Biolabs found in California.
-Joe Biden’s impeachment.
-The scum in the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES waving the Ukrainian flag.
-The over 300k ballot images that could not be found in Fulton County, Georgia; the same county Donald Trump on trial for “election interference”.
-Democrats defunding the police causing massive rises in crime.
-Kamala Harris’s record as DA in California.
-The Transifesto from the school shooting.
-Many U.S. Representatives and Congress receiving FTX funds.
-They’re already working hard to bury Donald Trump’s àssassination attempt but we won’t let them bury that story. July 13th is never going away.
The distractions are out of control.
Share to show that legacy media is dead and that WE are the media now. 🤔
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Critics are saying a new bill introduced into the Texas Legislature this year will only encourage a bounty-hunting trend that targets drag queens and transgender people. Texas state GOP Rep. Steve Toth filed House Bill 4378 on Thursday, March 9 that will allow anyone in Texas to sue people who perform in drag or host a drag performance where children are present.
The bill targets events like family-friendly brunch shows at restaurants or drag queen story time events at libraries or other family-oriented drag queen events. The bill says that people who sue a person or venue can be awarded $5,000 in damages.
Erin Reed, a transgender rights activist and independent reporter, tweeted about HB 4378 on Saturday, March 11, saying that the piece of legislation could easily be used to target transgender people who perform.
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The bill defines drag as "a performance in which a performer exhibits a gender that is different than the performer’s gender recorded at birth." It goes on to say this performance can involve using makeup and clothing to dance, lip sync, or perform "in a lascivious manner."
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The bill joins 17 other proposed pieces of Texas legislation that targets transgender people, drag queens, and the LGBTQ+ community. The Advocate reported in November 2022 that Texas legislators have proposed anti-LGBTQ+ bills for the upcoming legislative session. This now includes HB 4378 and the recent heterosexual tax cut bill from state Rep. Bryan Slaton.
That proposed bill would provide massive tax cuts, up to 100%, for straight families that stay married and have children. Slaton also pushed a bill that would have outlawed minors at drag shows.
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What is the current status of KOSA? As of last night, 2024-04-20, this is what congress.gov had to say about it:
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I'm seeing lots of posts fearmongering about how it's passed the Senate and is now in the House.
I've seen coordinated attacks against the democratic process over the past 8+ years. It would not surprise me in the least to learn that this might be part of a coordinated attack to get us to let up pressure on our Senators, letting them think that we're suddenly okay with it.
Please remember that Tumblr can just as easily be used to spread misinformation as Twitter or Facebook or Instagram or TikTok. Check authoritative sources.
What I would do? Call your senators, your representative, and the White House switchboard to leave comments on pending legislation.
The government website says it's still in the Senate. Call your senators to oppose it as a current issue.
Call your representative to oppose it as a heads-up to ensure they are aware of it and your opposition.
Call the White House to ensure that President Biden knows not to sign it if it crosses his desk.
Former President Trump already destroyed 50 years of women's rights, and presided over the initial hysteria of the anti-trans groups. He appointed enough justices to the Supreme Court that we're guaranteed social regression until at least two conservative justices retire and are replaced with new Ruth Bader Ginsbergs. He and the GOP (he is basically synonymous with the GOP, after Laura was elected as co-chair) have done a huge amount of damage to our ways of life and our ability to address climate change and global warming. We need to say that enough is enough, and that they won't deprive us of our abilities to discuss the topics they find uncomfortable and want to prevent any kids from hearing about in any online spaces their kids could possibly stumble into.
We must stand united, or divided we shall surely perish.
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