#GRAMMARLY. invest it it.
screampied · 6 months
Any suggestions on how to write smut
yuh! i can’t speak for everyone but these are some things that help me 💛🌟.
tag things properly: tagging your kinks, warnings are really important. it’s normal to forget a few things after you post smth, i have a few times and you can always change it later — but make sure to list every or just about every kink/thing that’s happened (ex: fem! afab! /etc.) and for kinks such as (ex. dumbification, spanking, daddy kink) some things that aren’t tagged properly may end up triggering someone. always specify the reader beforehand.
synonyms are your best friend: i mean like, you’re gonna eventually find yourself thinking you’re repeating words. maybe you’re like “how many variations of 'thrust' can i use?” use a thesaurus! i use wordhippo and its a really good resource to strengthen your word structure, especially if you have a hard time with building up pace.
be dramatic: this is fiction, it’s okay to have fun in your writing. when you’re writing smut, not everything has to be so serious—in real life, there’s lots of awkward and silly moments! have fun, don’t be worried about whether this character won’t do this or say that, it’s your story.
do research: whether you have irl experience or not, it’s completely fine to do research! maybe you’re trying to fully describe a certain position. there’s no shame in it, besides the more descriptive, the better!
don’t rush through it: take your time, it’s different for everyone but i know that writing actual smut takes a bit long sometimes. rushing through smut scenes will make it feel not as natural, a build up in between / during scenes are sometimes very important. sometimes a tip to help not rush through scenes is outline it beforehand. jot down certain brief things you want to happen before fully executing it. once you feel like it’s a good time to end it, you’ll know!
be captivating: when writing smut, you kinda wanna do certain things that may catch a reader's eye. whether it’s aesthetics, a good synopsis, or even a few steamy paragraphs before the read more! your synopsis doesn’t have to be too long, but make it a strong sentence or two giving a brief summary of your piece. before you go to the read more break, write a bit in a captivating way to where someone would want to click read more and read your entire post!
be patient: lastly, be patient. whether you’ve been writing smut for years, months, or even a few days, at the end of the day it takes time. it takes time to build up and be comfortable with your writing and your own personal writing style. there’ll be some days where you feel like you’re not getting enough recognition or feel like your work isn’t good enough compared to others—that’s totally valid to feel that way! the important thing to remember is that, try to have fun. don’t force yourself to write, take breaks when necessary. you won’t be able to master the writing of smut in a single day, just practice and you got this !!!
there’s probably more stuff i’m leaving out but this is the most i could think of heh. hope this helps u love!
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juniper-clan · 1 month
Writing's not easy. That's why Grammarly can help. This sentence is grammatically correct, but it's wordy, and hard to read. It undermines the writer's message and the word choice is bland. Grammarly's cutting edge technology helps you craft compelling, understandable writing that makes an impact on your reader. Much better. Are you ready to give it a try? Installation is simple and free. Visit Grammarly.com today!
No, I'll just keep asking a bunch of people invested in anime haired pixel cats what to write, and depending on if they flood my inbox or scream at me in the comments I'll know if I did a good job or not.
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longing-for-rain · 6 months
I hope you get raped and murder you deserve it. One less zutard to worry about.
Oh hey just so you know, it should be “murdered” rather than “murder” in context to be consistent with the tense.
Also, that first sentence is a run-on. There should either be a period or a semicolon between “I hope you get raped and murder[ed]” and “you deserve it” because both are independent clauses.
Maybe you should invest in Grammarly or something. Then maybe you’ll be capable of writing a threat I won’t just laugh at.
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galpolice · 1 year
honey , u thought u ate with that? a whole ass paragraph like do you not have anything better to do? And I’m not doing anonymous like you did before.
And btw you can respond to this as much as u want with an paragraph but I’ll just return a small: 👍 just so you can shut up
Footage of you talking on tumblr:
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wow you and your friend really are a match made in heaven since you both lack basic literacy skills. good, at least you can both graduate elementary school together. let’s hope you can actually graduate this time. grammarly really spent over 100 million dollars on advertising and you both didn’t seem to get the hint? maybe a cheeky little investment for the future, hmmm?
what are you, your friends bitch now? they getting you to do their dirty laundry for you? too scared to confront me themself? tell your bestie to unblock me first then we can talk luv x
sorry if the reply’s late i’m meeting with your dad later, i can bring you the milk he bought if you want :)
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doukeshi-kun · 4 months
Uggh I 1000% agree about Grammarly, it’s a dumpsterfire. The premium suggestions where it’s just removing the word? Like?? If I didn’t want the word there, it wouldn’t be there?? But chapter 4 of Trash Sugar Magic was so cute, I was giggling so much! My heart is so warm and fluffy after reading it! I’m gonna be rereading it all week!! I can’t wait to read more, I’m so invested!! Wishing you all the best and have a wonderful week! Best of luck with your assignments! 💛
OMG i really hate it when they suggest to remove words like BRO they always tell me to remove 'own', 'really', 'actually' bcs it is considered redundancy. like shut up😭 i have set my style to creative writing and informal but still- it's so flawed and it's hard to proofread and edit when you don't have a beta reader :') i don't buy premium and never plan to because i trust my wording more ☠️
and thank you for reading the latest chapter! i planned to make the whole laundrette scene as something short but boom— 7.0k. sorry for the late tho bcs i actually rewrote the whole chapter. kinda wanna give some cute moment before we traumatise both y/n and nikolai teehee
have a wonderful week as well! 🩶🩶🩶
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scary-lasagna · 8 months
Can you give me writing tips kitty? And how to attract readers 🙏🏾
Of course!! This is just whatever came off the top of my head but I’m happy to share more if asked :]
Writing Tips
I’ve taken two years of Creative Writing in highschool, so I’m calling back from whatever I remember.
One of the main things I’ve been trying to do recently is lack filler words. “Was, has, had, were, are, could, etc”. Using these words often will make your writing seem less exquisite than it is, and it can also contribute to the creation of run-on sentences.
Use grammarly. It’s really great and lives up to the hype :]
Writing exercises. They work! Theres different kinds, ranging from simply writing whatever you want, to writing what you don’t want. It will expand your horizons and dip your toes in uncomfy waters that you should be uncomfy in.
Another writing exercise that we did was different styles of writing. Poetry, instructions, descriptions, and even mimicking authors’ writing styles to understand how they write like they do.
A thesaurus is a good investment, not saying you have to buy one, but grammarly has one built in. You can switch out certain words to make them sound more well-thought out and better spoken.
Rereading your work, revising and editing is very important. You will catch your mistakes, and add in words and sentences to accentuate your text.
Another pair of eyes can also help with this, and will also give you an unbiased view of how well your writing flows, as well as any errors you may have missed.
Write convos how you would speak. Dont make it stiff like how the characters are taking, but rather if you were in the conversation yourself. Dont be afraid to add in the spotted “‘Uh, ‘but’, stutters, pauses, and even using ‘voice’ in words.
How to attract readers
Comedy sells! People will always love a quick laugh, no matter what it is. Could be a quote post or even just a shitpost that will take off overnight. Either way, it will guide people to your blog.
Know what people like. Post polls, pay attention to notes and reblogs, and see what’s popular on others’ blogs. Certain audiences may like short headcanons, and others may like long paragraphs, and some will even like full stories!
Play into the algorithm with tags. Tag your heart out, because ultimately this is your blog’s main income for new readers!
Think about what you would type if you’re searching for a certain something. “Creepypasta x reader”, “[Character] x reader”, “Creepypasta headcanons”, “platonic”, “yandere x reader” and the like. You won’t be able to control who reblogs your posts, but you’ll be able to plop your post right into the laps of those who ask for it!
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pygmi-says-hi · 3 days
just wanted to pop in and say that I appreciate the tips you gave on flow. You answered what I needed and the tips are very helpful to me, thank you!
I'm a bit curious though—judging by your other posts, your writing seems so very intentional down to the very words used (I mean, as it should be) but are you typically thinking about all this stuff as you're writing down a first draft? Or do you just kind of word-vomit just to get all the story down first and then you consider all the technicalities when you're editing? I guess this has just turned into a 'what's your process' kind of question haha
oh hi anon! thanks for coming back!
this is gonna be the most disappointing answer ever because my process is all over the place. it depends on what I'm writing, the length, how invested I am in it....
if it's something academic.
I outline the most. I have so many sheets of notes and half-written papers before I even begin the actual rough draft. I write in just the sources, then all the connecting commentary, then I mix it up, I do a bulleted summary and then I start the draft.
If it's multi-chaptered.
I always like to have some kind of list or outline when I start. Just a general collection of plot points and only minor elaboration in case I get lost. That way I have something to stand on if I feel lost.
Big projects sometimes are hard on my confidence so I like to go scene by scene, chapter by chapter, and then the whole story. Knowing the ins and outs of my plot before I start improves my motivation and confidence with sentence choice.
It usually ends up being a word vomit initially, but as I write, I get warmed up and really start looking for the right stuff. I personally don't find the 'write whatever even if it's all messed up' advice to be helpful, because if I lean too hard into that it gets so messy I end up losing the plot.
It's a tricky balance for me, because if I get too caught up in the details before I even start, I get into my own head and lose the motivation because of all of the info. A loose structure is best.
if it's something short.
garbage. hot steaming garbage, honey. Just straight from the can, all over the page. I do not plan out one-shots or drabbles. Usually I was inspired based on a random song or picture and I go off vibes. After a moment I find a groove and go with it, but it is not uncommon for me to write and rewrite like a dozen times.
if it's something I have no idea how to do.
I have written plots that fizzle out halfway through before and at that point all I want is to go off grid from irritation. I've been a part of research papers and anthology collections that are perhaps the most confusing projects on the planet. and that's fine but I hate it actually. It kills the vibe so hard.
In these cases I just stick to what I know and go in baby steps. Taking huge bites to start gives me a writing tummy ache. I'll write a paragraph, edit it till it's polished, and move on.
I do editing phases.
Initially I get all of the typos and grammatical errors out of the way. this is when I use grammarly or something like that. it's so hard to even focus on the plot when glaring errors are in the way.
Then I go over sequencing. this is when I do not use editing software. AI does not know what this is supposed to sound like, I do.
** part of understanding how to write critically is knowing how to edit. I usually discourage using software for personal/creative writing because AI is a developing art and cannot understand abstract fiction. work those editing muscles!!!
anyway, that editing phase is for comprehension. does the sequence of events make sense? does it match up with the plot map and if not, is the deviation still comprehensible and interesting? This is when I move around dialogue and do most of my chunk deletion.
The last editing stage is flow and artsy stuff. Any interesting metaphors or text editing to help with the vibe; the finishing touches. I usually do this two or three times.
hope this helps!
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destinygoldenstar · 5 days
☀️THE SLAY PASS GETS USED☀️ - Total Drama Viewer Reacts to Disventure Camp Season 1 Episode 13 “A Heart's Desire” PART 1
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(EDIT: Because the episode is so long and there's a lot to talk about, I'm splitting this up in two parts. Ran out of images.)
Part 2 >>
...Season 1.
I'm actually excited for this. I have been REALLY enjoying reacting to this show and making posts about it.
I mean, yeah, it has problems, that I did complain about, BUT I enjoy watching it and I'm liking it and I think that's what matters more than anything else.
And besides, I never acted like Total Drama was perfect either. I've complained about that too.
It's really interesting how I, as a Total Drama fan, got to this point, you know? I picked up the show when it was on YouTube (the channel is terminated now) during Covid Quarantine to kill the time and get away from my own problems. I was WEIRDED out by the show to say the least when I watched the first season, because I wasn't used to anything like it at the time... but then a couple weeks later I found myself not able to stop thinking about it for the next 3-4 years.
The show was very fun and chaotic and I really enjoy its premise despite its flaws. The show was also responsible for opening my eyes to more psychological research, believe it or not. Because in my fanon mindset that might or might not be canon (depends) the show was about how damaging these reality shows could be to people. So I like to dive into the more interesting characters psyches and how the show changed them for better or worse.
So now that I am grown up, in my 20s, and working to be a producer for indie animation someday, it feels SO RIGHT for me to come across an indie show similar to Total Drama and be invested in it as much as I became. I was NOT recommended this show. I was told to keep my distance because it was bad. But while I do confess there's problems, I DO think the writing in particular is the weakest element of this show, I enjoy it, I've really liked it, and I think that's what matters to me.
I'm definitely going to react to Season 2 & 3 in the future. But before then there's a tier list for every character I want to do, because I have A LOT to say regarding that.
It really does feel like a new era of my Tumblr Blog for me. I started this blog years ago as an advertisement for my writing. But then I took my hobby of making essays about media and started posting here, and because of my Total Drama addiction, I had a lot of people mistaking me for a 'Total Drama Blog'.
I am NOT a Total Drama blog. There's other stuff, and other media, that I talk about. AnalyzGolden is not limited to what she analyzes XD
So it does feel like a new era reacting to Disventure Camp and wanting to talk about it. Even though I'm not caught up.
So thank you for the support of these posts so far. First and foremost. You guys really have motivated me to do these knowing you enjoy them, and my... interesting personality being on display.
Because my posts are usually so analytic, it's a bit harder to showcase the user's personality with them, and in reaction posts, that's much easier to see. I'm not always this stern objective analytical person who acts all calm the entire time XD. I'm actually very emotional and expressive in personality, so some of my followers are probably gonna see these posts and think "What?! Golden is like THIS?! What is THIS side of her?!"
Anyway, enough stalling. Let's finish this season.
*Gets a grammarly ad*
What a way to start the finale. YouTube is mocking my reaction posts.
"But it's not the professional grammarly way, so your contributions here are quite shit."
"Before we go to the final challenge, we asked the last three campers to tell us about their experience at camp!"
Fiore "I killed people in VR. That was the best experience of my life."
Ellie "I psychologically destroyed a man, and I don't regret it one bit."
Miriam "...yeah, it was nice."
"And I'm in the finale against a six year old girl and a seventy year old woman!"
Heyo, don't underestimate those two. Fiore's a psychopath and Miriam was an athlete back in her day.
"Would I have preferred Alec to be here instead of Ellie or Miriam? Eh."
Do you care about him or not?
I think she DOES care, but she's also so caught up in her own ego that she acts like she doesn't. That's how last elimination happened.
🎵"He had it coming, he had it coming, he only had himself to blame, if you'd have been there, if you'd have seen it, I betcha you would've one the same"🎵
It's an all women finale, what can I say?
Miriam "I support women's rights."
Ellie & Fiore "Well I support women's wrongs."
"I have a few tricks up my sleeve."
"I have the slay pass from Golden! And I'm gonna use it!"
Imagine if she does use it. It'll be my fault.
"What will I be remembered for? Not for anything good... probably for betraying people and ruining things with Tom and Jake..."
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"You can eat shit and die."
"You have no right to shame me."
I mean, I get it. You have a hard life. You're just trying to survive. I understand that...
But you could've just stolen that godforsaken idol from Tom and you wouldn't have had to destroy anyone.
"We also visited the losers hotel so they could give their thoughts on their sweet and maybe not so sweet experiences."
Ooh, here we go.
"My stay at Disventure Camp was a lot shorter than I would have liked..."
...is it bad that I forgot you existed?
🎵"I forgot that you existed"🎵
"I've learned not to be swayed by appearances."
"After I got voted out, I was able to continue things with Will and... now we're dating!"
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And I thought Ripper & Axel were such a crack ship.
This came right out of nowhere! OMG...
I mean whatever. You two aren't bad people, so you can be cute, whatever. I don't really care. Hope you're happy.
"What can I say? I was a bloody fool..."
*cuts away*
That's it? Okay.
Aw, Jake! ❤️
"I haven't talked to Tom since we got kicked out... We've bumped into each other a few times at the hotel, but he doesn't want to talk to me."
Yeah... 😔
I can't say I'm surprised though. Tom DID say he didn't want to talk to Jake ever again, so...
"I know I deserve it."
"What did I learn? Well if you have a job to do just do it, without falling in love with some silly boy who ends up ruining your future!"
Yeah, those two are not talking after this show. They're done.
There is no hope for this ship anymore.
I'm eating Toxic Yaoi for dinner tonight.
"I have nothing to say. Get that camera out of my face!"
"Some of them attempted to refuse, but we reminded them it's mandatory."
I expected that honestly XD
Grett would not be here otherwise.
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I'm telling y'all, this experience is gonna make him an asshole in season 3 season and make so many enemies out of it.
I mean that would explain why my feed has had a bunch of people despising Jake so much. I'M CHOOSING TO SUPPORT HIM IF HE WANTS TO HATE EVERYONE.
(As a character direction, not 'excusing every bad action ever')
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*gets coffee creamer ad*
I guess that's one way to act in a depression episode.
"Ima go down a coffee and overstuff it with cream so I have the energy to CRY MY EYES OUT 24/7. WHAAAAAAAAAA, NO ONE LOVES MEEEEEEEE..."
"Jake maybe don't drink that much, you're shaking."
(Why do I enjoy doing my whiny Jake impression?)
"Can someone knock him out? I'm getting concerned."
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Miriam supporters. Not surprised Jake & Tom are there.
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Course Gabby supports her girlfriend.
How does she feel about what Ellie did... cause uh... that's gonna be something Ellie's gonna have to explain...
Also why is Alec supporting Ellie? She ditched him in a cave and caused his elimination.
You'd think he'd have more cold blood than that.
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GRETT is the ONLY Fiore supporter?
That's so funny to me.
Though that IS one that makes sense.
"Yeah, you shot me in the face to get immunity, which was MESSED UP. But you also helped me figure out some things, and I have to acknowledge you for that."
Respect. Respect.
"I'll have you know, I was forced to choose, these three can go-"
"What?! You assholes! Not even you Alec?"
Girl, you confessed to hating EVERYONE multiple times!
This is like Velma expecting everyone to like her when she confesses to not caring for anyone and being a dick to everyone. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?!
Fiore's a much better character though.
"A bowl of spoiled potato salad is more likeable than you, girl."
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"Thanks for the support, everyone! I didn't think I would get that much."
Miriam, you deserve it.
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AWWW... that's so sweet. They actually animated all these Patreons.
"By the way if you want to support us making more of these episodes, you can join our Patreon."
Okay that's just a fourth wall break.
The other characters are like "Um... who are you talking to? What's a Patreon?"
"Each finalist will be able to choose one person to help them in the challenge. Who's it gonna be?"
Miriam's probably choosing Jake.
Ellie's obviously picking Gabby.
Fiore's gonna have to pick Grett my default cause there's no other option.
All three of my favs became helpers XD
"I choose Tom."
Actually, that makes sense cause Tom is more physically capable.
Yeah, I understand that.
"Good decision, Miriam."
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Tom hates Jake so much now. It's so sad.
"I guess I choose Grett. She's my only option."
So I got two right.
"And what if I refuse to help you?"
"Fine, I'll give you a part of the prize."
"That's how I like it."
A penny. She's gonna give you a penny.
"She's not getting a penny."
"GOLDEN, I CAN HEAR YOU, AND I CONSTANTLY DISOBEY YOU. You proud of yourself for making Grett broke now?"
"Fiore! We have to work together to slow Ellie down."
Oh, are they sabotaging Ellie?
"I know. She's the most athletic out of us."
I didn't think they'd STILL be working together.
"Keep your enemies closer" I guess.
Plus I did give Miriam a slay pass on Ellie, so...
"A lot has happened since you left..."
"Ever since you left, I worked WITH the people who stabbed you in the back to destroy my friend's relationship! And I gave him death threats!"
"Oh... is that the Ellie I know...?"
"It has been rough. No lie. But let's focus on the positive."
Okay so I guess Gabby isn't gonna have any feelings about it.
"I'm going for the key! Wait for me!"
*Gets a body wash ad*
Ellie the lake is not a bath.
"I don't know how to swim."
"Me neither."
Well you're both screwed then.
Goodbye Fiore.
"Tom, can you go get the keys for both of them?"
Why? Why help her?
Imagine Tom saying he can't swim either XD
"I missed the swimming part of spy school. So uh... yeah I think we're all screwed."
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That's one way to slow her down!
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"If you do that to Ellie again, I'm going to use that key to gouge your eyes out and shove it down your throat!"
"Well Tom, how are things with Jake?"
"What do you think? I hate him now! He fell for someone gaslighting him! That's completely his fault!"
"We haven't talked. I'm still a bit upset about what happened."
"You have every right to be. But I think you'll feel better if you both just listen to each other. Don't let it end on a bitter note."
I don't know if Tom will do that, though?
Are they gonna make up?
"What would I gain from that?"
"Better to have no regrets Not talking to him and never seeing him again after this could leave you feeling terrible about this entire experience."
I mean, I do agree with Miriam, but...
Are they gonna be on good terms at the end? I don't know.
"I know you two are both good people. Trust me as woman who's had many regrets in her long life, if you have an opportunity to change things, you should take it."
"We're in a million dollar challenge! Run more, talk less!"
She's right though XD
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Oh you're a bitch.
*talking about her plan*
"The one Grett's holding is Miriams."
"Do you think they'll penalize you for that?"
"How many times is everyone going to fall for Fiore and Grett's tricks?!"
"Apparently we haven't learned our darn lesson yet..."
"How many times we gotta teach you this lesson, old lady?"
"Wait, why are Gabby and Ellie running in the opposite direction?"
Tom, you are a dumbass. NOW you realize?!
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Oh yay, the demon child wins...
This is where Miriam goes.
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"Tom... I... I can't go any..."
"Wait... I need help!"
Wait what's happening?
"Oh... my heart..."
OH NO. WHAT?!??!
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"What's wrong with her? Is she okay?"
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"I can smell that million bucks calling to me."
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I... I...
*AnalyzGolden.exe has stopped working*
... ... ...
So... let me get this straight...
... ... ...
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You KNOW this was done as revenge for Tom and Jake
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"What the hell was that?! After everything that has happened in this game, I lose a chance of fixing my life because of THAT?!"
I want to feel bad for Ellie, but I just DON'T.
*struggling to calm down*
Continued In Part 2>>
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jaemmphilia · 1 year
I wanna start writing oneshots, series, and mini series. I was wondering if I could get some tips on how to make my writing more engaging or entertaining. If you don’t have any that’s fine. Thank you, any kind of help is much appreciated!
ooo, i got you!!
tip 1: invest in a notebook for rough drafts and ideas
tip 2: use google docs to keep track of your works in case tumblr bugs out and deletes your work
tip 3: grammarly is really really helpful!!
tip 4: don't be afraid of details and background information, sometimes it keeps the reader wanting more
tip 5: ignore the word count until you're finished. if you keep checking it you'll feel pressured to end it quicker, which could mean certain details will be left out
tip 6: have fun with it! if it doesn't make sense, then figure out ways to make it more understandable for your readers
if any other writers have tips, feel free to reblog and comment!! hope this helps!!
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screampied · 28 days
Vegas, do you have any tips of your own when it comes to writing smut? - 🍯
one big tip to start is that, don’t feel discouraged to write smut just because you don’t have experience irl. i’ve had lots of anons ask me in the past if someone can write smut without actually ever having sex before, and ofc you can! it’s fiction at the end of the day, and it’s supposed to be exaggerated and inaccurate. like tbh sex in fiction is not as amazing as it is irl i’ll say that. HAVE FUNNNN WITH YOUR PORN, BE DRAMATIC AND SILLY. we’re all doing the same thing.
invest in grammarly or some kind of writing correction software. this is really helpful! especially if you don’t have a beta reader, and/or you’re like me and english isn’t your first language. also—use a thesaurus. if you feel like you’re repeating certain words, phrases, i’d recommend wordhippo.com
when writing smut, you have a lot of things to focus on at once. (positions, emotions, tension, dialogue, body language, breath patterns, orgasms, minuscule details such as the bed shaking/creaking, the wind, etc.) it’s important to pace yourself when you’re writing smut. it’s a lot, but a tip i’d give is to take breaks every so often. describe to the very best of your ability, i like to visually imagine the scenes i write as if it’s actually happening so it gives me a better picture for when i write—if that makes sense. for breathing patterns, describe how it sounds, is it quick or slow? irregular breaths, panting like a dog? be descriptive, also make sure to write about both reader and the character(s) emotions
read your dialogue out loud. this helps to make sure it sounds right or if you have a typo. try reading backwards too!
when writing smut, this is also important. avoid writing things such as (her cheeks turned rosy pink, he ran his fingers through her straight strands, her blue/specific colored eyes stared into his) not everyone can relate! i know i can’t, and it’s important to be inclusive in your writing because it’s a difference between a “reader” and a “oc”, unless you say you’ve stated prior that you’re writing specific details.
reading lots of novels def will help strengthen your vocabulary :D in my spare time—i read lots of vintage magazines, novels and books and focus on all the words i see. you never know, you might stumble upon a phrase/word that you like! reading helps a lot, regardless if you’re writing smut or any other genre.
lastly, have fun!!! 🌸 it can be hard writing smut sometimes, especially if you’re new but that’s okay. what’s important is that you’re writing for yourself and you’re having fun doing it <3
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eowynstwin · 8 months
bro grammarly literally has a built in thing now where you type in a prompt and it generates entire passages based on that i’m actually fucking sick. i’m also a visual artist and when i google very basic things to look for reference images FOR MY ART like upwards of 70% of it is ai generated bullshit it actually makes me want to kill myself
I know, it's really terrible. What I'm trying to find encouraging is how unified artists and writers are about how vehemently they all hate it, and in the case of generated writing how terrible that writing is. Hard to feel intimidated by something so bad it's not worth selling.
As for AI art--I'll be honest, I don't see the longevity. AI art cannot replace real artists, and I'm trying to be optimistic and envision a near future in which everyone sees just how little we can get from AI art. Because I think I can guess its use--companies will use AI to generate concept art and writing in order to cut costs for actual human creative work. But I think that that generated content will be so milquetoast that it cannot make a return on the investment put into it.
Think of all the amazing shows that are out right now, all the beautiful artwork and comics. The things that have a very purposeful style and tone, that speak to you in very personal ways. For me, it's The Bear and Succession--all elements of these shows, from the casting to the set design to the costuming to the dialogue and narrative, work together in ways that make the whole far more than the sum of their parts.
From what I've seen so far, AI can't do that. AI can identify basic narrative structure, can figure out how to replicate pixel and hue arrangement, but it can't make anything really meaningful. It can't identify shape languages and motifs that achieve emotional or didactic purpose. It can't speak to us in the ways we can speak to each other.
It also can't come up with anything new. AI only works when we give it something to regurgitate. There is no AI without real art and real writing. It can't produce anything original or interesting that someone else already came up with.
To offer you some practical help, I recommend SenshiStock and other stock artists for references, if it's poses you're looking for. You can also use model lookbooks or fashion ads, those can have some fun poses and perspectives. As for grammarly, there's not much you can do other than not use it.
And yeah, it's gonna be ass for a while. There's already a lot of human-made mediocre content out there that actually is making bank. But I want to have faith that our appetite for human connection will win out, and if not that, then at least we will eventually get so bored of AI's rehashed schlock that we'll go back to making stuff for each other again if only for the novelty.
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leads-view · 6 months
Incorporating Plagiarism Checks into Your Workflow: A Guide for Writers and Editors
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In the field of writing and editing, maintaining originality is paramount. With the enormity of information available on the internet, unintentional plagiarism can sometimes occur, especially when gathering research or fact-checking. To avoid this, writers and editors should make plagiarism checks an integral part of their workflow. This blog will provide guidance on how to effectively incorporate plagiarism checks into your process.
Understanding Plagiarism
Plagiarism occurs when someone uses another person's work, ideas, or words without proper credit or permission. In the writing industry, it's a severe ethical violation which can lead to legal repercussions and loss of reputation
Why are Plagiarism Checks Important?
1. Maintain credibility: Regular plagiarism checks ensure the credibility and honesty of your work, reaffirming your reputation as a skilled writer or editor. 2. Avoid legal issues: Copyright infringement can lead to legal complications. Regular plagiarism checks significantly reduce this risk. 3. Assure originality: By checking for plagiarism, you can ensure the creation of unique and original content. 4. Improve writing skills: Over time, regular checks can help writers become more skilled at paraphrasing, summarizing, and correctly citing sources.
Incorporating Plagiarism Checks in Your Workflow
Step 1 - Perform a Pre-Check Before Writing
After gathering all the necessary research material, it's wise to run a primary plagiarism check on these sources. This initial step aids in identifying potential issues even before the writing process begins.
Step 2 - Paraphrase Carefully and Cite Sources
Avoid copying text directly from your resources. Instead, rephrase the information in your own words while maintaining the original idea's integrity. Be transparent and cite your sources as this adds credibility to your work and respects intellectual property rights.
Step 3 - Use Plagiarism Detection Software
There are many plagiarism detection tools available on the market, both free and paid. These include Grammarly, Turnitin, and Copyscape, among others. After writing a piece, run it through one of these tools to detect any potential plagiarism.
Step 4 - Conduct a Final Review
After making adjustments based on the plagiarism check, perform a final review. This step ensures no portion of copied content slipped through the previous checks, verifying the originality of your work.
Step 5 - Regularly Remind and Train Your Team
As an editor or team leader, regularly remind your writers about the importance of plagiarism checks. Keeping your team trained on how to use these tools can foster a culture of honesty and accountability.
In the world of writing and editing, originality is key. By incorporating a systematic plagiarism check into your workflow, you not only ensure the uniqueness of your work but also uphold your professional reputation. Remember, plagiarism isn't merely about avoiding similar words. It's about embracing original thought, producing unique content, and respecting creative intellectual property. So, make plagiarism checks a routine - it’s an investment in the integrity of your work.
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bylightofdawn · 7 months
So I'm editing chapter 31 tonight, I'm kinda trying to pre-edit them before my grammarly paid subscription runs out mid April. And I gotta say this scene with Plo Koon is filling my heart with joy.
I just want to hug and squish him. So I'm gonna post a snippet, because why not?
This takes place right after the latest posted chapter where they find out Myles has been kidnapped by Death Watch.
Tyvokka tugged the younger Jedi by the arm a little more distance away so that they could have some privacy. Jaster seemed too involved with what was going on to pay them too much mind.
«He is right. You are too emotionally invested in this situation and making a rash decision. It is unlike you.»
Plo Koon's brow ridges creased even further in a frown.
"They kidnapped someone, Master. Even if Jaster and I had no emotional connection, I would feel obligated to help. Our duty is to protect and assist in times of crisis." The younger Jedi countered.
«He is not a member of the Republic; that is where our duty lies. » Tyokka pointed out with merciless logic. «I understand why you feel compelled to help, my young Padawan, but you must be mindful of your feelings and how they could cloud your judgment.»
The Kel Dor let out a frustrated sigh, which was only further magnified by the antiox mask. "Myles is a good man and doesn't deserve to be tortured or worse at the hands of Death Watch." He stated firmly in his resolve.
"Master, even if he is not a member of the Republic, he is still in danger and has been kidnapped. I will assist them because it is the right thing to do. You taught me to always do the right thing. If you think that means I am compromised because of my relationship with Jaster, then I fear you have lost sight of what our mission is supposed to be. Treaty lines shouldn't dictate who we help."
Tyvokka was surprised and taken aback by the passionate way his former student spoke to him. Worse, he felt shamed because Plo was right, and he instantly regretted his own shortsightedness.
His concern that Plo might be over-invested had clouded his own judgment, but Tyvokka was willing to admit when he was wrong, and he reached out and caught his former student's shoulders in his great hair paws.
«You are right, and I am ashamed to admit I overreacted. It's not every day that the Padawan teaches the Master, but I am proud of the Jedi you have become and, more importantly, the man you have become for being willing to stand by your principles so firmly.»
The mottled color marking Plo Koon's skin darkened to a deeper color in the Kel Dor version of a blush. "Master, you flatter me too much."
«Nonsense, I flatter you the proper amount. Now, go inform your Mandalorian he will have two more people to assist in this crisis while I call the Temple and apprise them of the situation.»
"Master Yoda won't like it."
«I've known Master Yoda for centuries and am less impressed with his rank than you are. I will deal with him.» The Wookie shoved Plo in the direction of Jaster less than gently and wandered back toward the office so that he could make his call in peace.
Jaster looked over at Plo with a strained expression. He hadn't heard their conversation but had read enough of their body language to know they had been arguing.
"I'm assuming Tyvokka tried to talk you out of volunteering for this nerf rodeo?"
"He did, but I pointed out a Jedi's duty is to protect and help in times of crisis."
Somehow, Jaster looked even more pained over that reveal. "Plo… I'm not sure I want you involved in this. The blowback could be bad. I am not going to let Tor Vizsla get away with this. This could reflect poorly on the Jedi Order, and I don't want your position as a Jedi to be endangered in any way."
"We don't do the right thing because it is easy. Sometimes, it is hard and requires sacrifice, but I will stay true to my path just as you would. Even if we were not involved, I would help out because it is the right thing to do and because I will stand by while an innocent man is harmed just because it might be inconvenient. I have faith that the other members of the Jedi Order will see that."
Something complicated and inscrutable flashed across Jaster's face before he leaned up to press their foreheads together in a brief kov'nyn . "I love you so much. And thank you for being the person that you are."
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mariahcarreyyy · 8 months
Story snippet: This one is still a WIP but would love your feedback 🫶🏼 *warning cussing did not include smut in the snippet but might send that next if it's okay, cause I feel like I definitely need feedback on that lol*
My heart seemed to stop as I saw who walked through the door. Those golden flecs in his deep green eyes, the way his brown curls look perfectly tosseled, his incredibly sculpted body. God he is gorgeous he had always been gorgeous but seeing him again, he looks so mature, so manly. "Holy fuck" I whisper to myself, trying to shake the inappropriate thoughts flooding my brain. I slowly slip out of the room trying not to draw attention to myself, and gain some sense of composure. As I step out onto the patio the warm, thick, Monoco air blows gently over my skin, I lean my head back, close my eyes, and take a deep breath, a deep breath that was immediately halted when I take in an all too familiar scent.
- thanks love xx 🪼
HI ELLY!!!! So so sorry for the late response im a bit sick right now, i hope this feedback is still beneficial for u🫶🫶 they'll be extremely specific and take em with a grain of salt bcs 1. im a picky reader and 2. im definitely not even certified to be giving out writing advice lol
Okay so i just wanna start off by saying the potential i see with u and writing is insane. Heres some feedback to improve it:
don't compliment the driver too much -> obviously theyre gorgeous but from a reader viewpoint, it could come across as a bit too much. you have to mention the attraction the reader has to the driver, ofcourse, but maybe try and make it a bit subtle.
show, don't tell -> i honestly think you shouldn't live by this phrase because sometimes telling is necessary but in this snippet i think showing would be more beneficial. (e.g. instead of describing the drivers features in the beggining and then saying that he looks much more attractive now that hes grown up, you can describe it from the very start. So, it would go something like, "Familiar golden flecs in his emerald eyes, slightly longer curls cascading perfectly down to his ears, and stubborn baby/teenager fat no longer hiding his lean, sculpted body.") ***btw im guessing that the driver is lando bcs of the green eyes + curls but i may be completely wrong & also is this a childhood friends to lovers type situation or??? just curious💙
sentence structure variations -> honestly i should take my own advice because i struggle so so much with this. basically what this means is that when ur writing, every sentence shouldn't be short and at the same time, every sentence shouldn't be long. There has to be a balance. A short sentence here and there. Maybe a slightly longer one to get the read more invested in your writing. And, then, once the reader i fully engaged and hooked onto your words, you can transition into longer sentences. Ha, see what i did there. I played with sentence variations!!! (E.g. you could rewrite, "As I step out onto the patio the warm, thick, Monoco breeze blows gently over my skin, I lean my head back, close my eyes, and take a deep breath, a deep breath that was immediately halted when I take in an all too familiar scent." into, "When I step out onto the patio, the warm, thick Monaco air blows gently over my skin. Relieved, I lean back. My eyes close and I breathe in the refreshing air; a breath almost immedietly halted when the all too familiar scent fills my lungs.") ***thats not the best example of sentence structure variation, i'll admit, but again, im so shit at it.
Anddddddd thats it!!! Well, make sure to pop it into grammarly b4 u post it but im not gonna focus on that bcs u should SEE my shit grammar and spelling in my WIP's 🙈🙈 also, i know this seems long so please dont be disheartened. its literally only three points im just a natural yapper LMFAO. and if u want to send me the smut, feel free, but i'm even worse at writing that so idk if i'll be of much help💙💙
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creweemmaeec11 · 1 year
If you make spelling or grammar mistakes in your writing do you want people to let you know or would it make you upset?
It wouldn't make me upset at all!
However I must warn you that, most of the time, I know theres mistakes, especially with my older stuff. I write a lot of stuff on my phone(prone to mistakes) and I'm also just pretty bad at spelling and grammar to begin with. I usually try to run everything I post through grammarly first, but sometimes it's more of a throwaway snippet I'll just throw up. I'm far from a professional and if I held myself to the standard of no mistakes, it would be a lot more stressful for me you know? The more I write, the more I improve to begin with, so I usually just let things slide.
Like for instance, I dont think posting a snippet with "cant instead of "can't" because I was typing it quick on my phone and forgot to fix it, is really going to ruin anyone's reading experience. Same for using "then" instead of "than", or missing a capital letter.
On my main project over on AO3 however, I hold that to a much higher standard, and invest more time into polishing each chapter and it shows. That, however, just isn't what I use tumblr for generally, you know? As I just don't have the energy to put that into every snippet.
However, if theres a word or something I'm constantly misspelling or have mispelt multiple times in the same snippet, then you can absolutely let me know, so I can practice spelling it right and update it!
But as far as "you used you're instead of your there" or other more nit-picky sort of stuff, while theres no way I'd get upset, I just usually don't care enough about the small imperfections :)
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enby-hawke · 2 years
I see some of people in Facebook writer's groups saying they can't afford an editor so they plan to only use grammarly. The fuck? That's why self published authors have no trust.
There are valid reasons to self publish. I myself might self publish, but capitalism has you thinking so limited. Everyone has a set of skills they can offer. And if you don't you should at least be doing your best to get beta readers and trades but you're all creative people. Don't limit yourself. Think of what you can offer to someone else and go back to the basics and offer a trade.
I recently found an editor willing to charge me way less in exchange of a partnership where I provide character art and book covers. Think of what you can do. Can you build a website? Can you provide accounting experience? Can you provide contracting advice? Your life has already given you the tools within yourself to succeed.
But don't sabotage your success by being so arrogant that you think you can live without an editor. Their jobs are vital and they are important for a reason. Yes, even professionally edited stories make mistakes, but can you imagine what those drafts looked like without that polish.
Don't damage the trust you have with your readership by jumping the gun and debuting a subpar product. Be patient and do it right. Give yourself the best chance of success by treating your writing like a business and investing in it.
If all you have is your story why not make a gofundme/kofi/whatever and start telling people about it to save up? If people believe in your work they will want to help you. But if you think a vital service such as an editor can be replaced by a robot you're sorely mistaken and you should not be surprised if you get nowhere. Success isn't earned half assing things.
I know this came across as bitchy but I say this as someone who wants to see you all succeed.
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