#Galactic overseers
sunset-mp4 · 9 months
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i found i found a series called parasomnia and now I adore a candle and a scarecrow.
anyway this bit was really funny and I thought it would fit well with Archfiend and Sunfish's dynamic. honestly Chandler and percival's dynamic also just hits close to home with these two. only sunfish is more unenthusiastic and wants to get everything over and done with as quickly as possible. i could ramble about these two all day but I would rather not get off topic TTwTT
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OC'S BELONG TO @vampieri AND SCREENSHOT COMES FROM HERE SERIOUSLY CHECK OUT PARASOMNIA IT IS WONDERFUL! (like seriously animating an entire hour's worth of an episode requires a level of dedication and skill I could only dream of! not even including the time and effort put into the other entries it is just, wonderful.)
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"We’d better make a decision fast. We’ve got more of them coming."
Stargate: Atlantis — Spoils of War  {Sentence Starters}
Captain Tarunt stepped out of the wreckage of the transport craft, strongbox in one hand and her side arm in the other, whilst the survival kit rested on her back. They had been shot down after being given the vague orders of delivering the contents of the strongbox to a certain facility. By now, the Captain was getting used to being tasked with little things like this by Vahlen. Important things, clearly, but the misallocation of her skillset had always bothered her, throwing her with people and teams she hadn't needed to work with before. Whilst she wasn't one to refuse orders, she certainly had some opinions on how this little tasking was certainly not suited for a Naval Captain. But the time for those complaints was certianly not now.
As she heard the Clone speak she glanced about, briefly eyeing the body of the pilot. He had survived the crash, but, just as he was pointing something out he had been hit by blaster fire. Fordo had swiftly taken the hostiles out, but it seemed nothing was that easy.
"Right. I'm not familiar with the no-mans land here, let alone this planet. We were heading somewhat . . ." She took a moment, looking at the wreckage of the shuttle once more. "South-East," she continued "Unless you know of a closer friendly position, I reckon we need to continue that path. Or any ideas at all, for that matter."
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merlyn-bane · 4 months
Cody and Obi-Wan spend their evenings watching GPBS (Galactic Public Broadcasting Service) specials on the couch while Cody cuddles him like an oversized teddy bear send post
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wolven91 · 6 months
When humanity joined the rest of the races amongst the stars, it was a cause of celebration across the stars as they paraded the humans through the GC ring world, regardless of the gaunt and tired faces that the ticker tape and confetti fell upon.
The celebration was confirmation that there was yet more to the universe to see! The melancholy that had plagued the races for two hundred years was over! There was yet more life in the galaxy! What humanity learnt in the coming weeks and months, was the reason *why* humanity being found and brought into the fold was so important.
It was because the wider galaxy; had stagnated.
No new ideas were being made. No new technology besides mild improvements of what had already been there. No new fashion, just old things recycled again and again. Not even concepts that were commonplace and obvious to humanity had been even thought about by the wider GC. It was so bad, for so long, there was a statement that confused most humans when they heard it. The galaxy was so stagnant, that not even so much as a new recipe had been discovered in over a hundred years.
So, when humanity appeared, most of the races didn't even *think* of asking them whether they had any new ideas they wanted to share with the galaxy, they assumed that the races had not only thought of everything, but that humanity couldn't have possibly discovered new things on their own.
In the end, it was little things that were slowly added to the combined technology of the Galactic Community.
An 'umbrella' was created on a planet that only ever had rain. A blanket with sleeves in was invented for a long-haul transport trip.
'Unique' and 'inspired'.
So obvious most of the races from the stars merely blinked and wondered how they could have possibly missed such marvellous and simple ideas.
Humanity! The little inventors that *could*!
It was brilliant PR for the little race to buck off the sombre knowledge they were nearly extinct to add their own work into the tapestry of the GC. The heads of state even gave a small speech of how, regardless of whether in a hundred years humanity was still with the GC, their little contributions would mean they were remembered forever!
The console screen snapped off and the remote thrown across the room, hitting a cushion with a solid 'thud'.
"Fucking twats." Growled the human, still glaring at the now blank screen, fuming.
A canid's head popped around the doorframe at the outburst with his ears perked and eyes attentive. The human was facing away, but the tense shoulders and anger in Ted's voice told Kiv that the human needed him. The scent was acidic and figuratively burnt the back of Kiv's snout.
"You okay Teddy?" Asked the canid, quickly washing his hands and running them down the messy grey fur of his thighs to dry them. Padding into the room, the human now had his hands on his hips but was staring at the blank console screen mounted on the wall. From Kiv's perspective, he was like an ursidain; a living mountain. The tight green shirt running along and highlighting the corded muscles of his back, neck and shoulders.
"Teddy?" Asked the canid again, gently. He stepped around the oversized sofa and tapped the tips of two of his claws together, holding his hands in front of his chest as a nervous tick. Kiv was a nervous soul and despite doing nothing to earn the ire of the human, there was still a part of the canid that blamed himself for anything negative in the world around him.
The human turned to face Kiv and the mostly fleshy face broke into a tired smile, easing Kiv's fears.
Kiv was not your average canid. He was an outlier by a large margin. As a canid, he was considered 'disabled' despite being perfectly capable to exist in society without the need for help. But Kiv wasn't considered 'capable' in his own species' eyes.
Kiv was a runt. Incapable of serving the military or even private security in any capacity.
At barely 5'5, the canid had to look up at the 6'3 human who dwarfed him in all ways. Kiv practically had to bend his back and crane his neck just to look his fellow canids in the eyes, saying that they could reach up to 10 feet in height. The human blinked and sighed through his nose before speaking. 
"Sorry Kiv, I got... annoyed at the TV." Replied the human, gesturing with a limp arm and allowing the tension that was in his broad shoulders to melt away with another sigh. The human merely turned to the canid and wrapped his arms around the short, furry alien. Kiv closed his eyes and rumbled into the nap of Teddy's neck, relishing the thick broad arms of the human, holding him in place. The human, without issue of effort, lifted the wiry canid from the floor and flopped down onto the sofa. It had been built for the titan-esque ursidains in mind; the furniture barely noticed both the human and the tiny canid.
Relaxing into Ted's hug, Kiv didn't know what a 'TV' was but could guess that it was the news that had annoyed Ted. It usually was.
"What were they saying?" Kiv asked quietly after a moment of them both laying there.
"Congratulating us poor, helpless humans and how we're doing *super* and that if we die out, that's okay; we invented stuff." Ted replied with a gruff, annoyed tone. It still made Kiv nervous. The mere tone was enough to set him on edge despite Teddy never *once* raising his voice in anger for frustration at the canid.
Kiv's ears laid flat as he gazed up at his human longingly. Kiv never believed he could be a real canid before meeting Ted. Canids each had an instinctual drive to protect and defend others. It mostly meant one's pack, but when Kiv simply wasn't included in a pack, all he wanted was someone who could rely on him, despite being a runt.
Then he had bumped into the mountain of a creature that was Theodore. Ted or 'Teddy' for short. Kiv liked how only *he* was allowed to call the human 'Teddy'. The human had mistaken Kiv for a cub at first, which the canid couldn't blame the human for. But after that crash introduction, the pair of them had become close friends. Kiv had shown the human around the station in a manner not approved of by the administration and the human had met an equal, one that didn't treat him like a lesser being. Kiv had to admit that he had fallen for the human almost instantly in the beginning...
Moving in together had been pragmatic. Sharing each other's bed was merely the natural progression of things, much to the canid's absolute joy. He had never dreamt that he could have had such a wonderful life when he was growing up.
Kiv gently licked the underside of Teddy's chin, pulling the hulking figure out of his thoughts again.
"You don't need their approval. Since when have you needed anyone's?" Asked the canid carefully, pointing out the truth. The human grinned and planted his soft lips against Kiv's leathery nose once. Kiv licked it as a habitual response.
"You are the only one that matters to me. Just annoyed. I feel called out." Replied the human, merely articulating his feelings for the alien.
"Don't! You're a brilliant inventor! Your invention is going to change the stars! Every canid from here to Anul-6 is going to want one! Even if you only sold them for a single credit; you're never going to have to work another day in your life! We could-"
But Kiv stopped himself and laid his muzzle flat against the human's chest, preventing him from spiralling and talking too fast and too much. He had a habit of getting excited then speaking so much that people found it annoying. Kiv didn't want to annoy Teddy...
"Hey! Hey, hey hey..." The human coaxed, aware that the canid was once again silencing himself. The human used his arms to hug and squeeze the canid to get his attention. Ted was aware that Kiv was used to being shut down by others, merely because his opinion was worthless to them thanks to his size. "What was it? 'We could' what?" The human asked calmly.
"You'll laugh." Accused Kiv, nervous and feeling vulnerable.
"Never at you darling. *Never* at you. What could we do if this works?" Promised the human, using his finger and thumb to being the canid's head up and catch his gaze, holding it; silently promising nothing but respect and love.
"We could... get a little plot of land..." Whispered Kiv in a tiny voice.
"Oh? That would be nice... Whereabouts?" Whispered Ted right back.
"...I always liked the looks of the ursidain forestry worlds... They sell little parcels... I... um... That was my dream. To earn enough to buy one..." Mumbled the canid directly into the chest of the human, the insides of his ears turning a bright pinkie red, that had the human grinning from ear to ear.
"Alright then. That's the goal." Ted said with a firm tone and a curt nod.
Kiv's head snapped right back up, nearly clocking the human under the chin with the canid's skull.
"But what about you?" The furry, wolf-like alien demanded.
Teddy snorted.
"Like I had a 'plan'. Until you came along, I didn't have anything, or anyone left to make plans *with*. At least now..." He touched his nose to the canid's muzzle again. Kiv licked again. "I have someone to dote on."
The pair laid there for a time on the sofa, merely enjoying each other with their eyes closed. Eventually Ted sighed and with a single hand, reached out to the coffee table where one of his prototypes laid there. Grasping it, he held it up in one hand and turned it over.
'This is so stupid' Ted thought to himself, only to have Kiv, seemingly read his mind and pipe up.
"They're brilliant you know. I mean it."
"You really think they'll be popular?" The human gave it a squeeze and physically felt the response from Kiv as he laid on the human. The rubberised material deformed in the human's grip and forced the air out of the hollow insides through a squeaker. The high pitch squeal gave one note, then drawled another as air flooded back in once Ted had relaxed his grip.
His eyes flicked to the canid, who despite living with these things now for a few weeks, was still; completely and utter enraptured by the object. His eyes and ears were locked on and as Ted held the toy still, raised above the canid, Kiv could help but lick his chops and begin to shake in anticipation.
Ted broke out into laughed and scooped the canid up into a hug and rolled the alien against the back of the couch as he began peppering the smaller creature with kisses, his foul mood; long forgotten.
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elledritchhorr0r · 1 month
I like my job. I hate that working a job that I love doesn't provide me with nearly enough money to even rent on my own, let alone pay for groceries and my HRT.
Begging for benevolent galactic overseers to come annex our planet and fix this shit so I can keep being a Barista for the rest of my life.
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leggerefiore · 2 months
Which of the hybrids poof up as a defense mechanism when they feel threatened?
“Honey, what are you doing?”
“…Making myself appear bigger to fend off danger. … …I can’t move.”
Alolan Persian Nanu, Liepard Grimsely, Weavile Cyrus, Staraptor Larry, Galvantula Emmet, both Zoroark Ingo and Emmet, Zoroark N... Hmmm... Who else?
They all look incredibly goofy, but Cyrus is particularly embarrassed about doing it and wants it to end as soon as possible. Whatever scared him in for its own terrifying moment when the Galactic Boss gains back control of himself.
Galvantula Emmet probably looks the goofiest, arguably. All six of his eyes are shot hide, and he looks less like a giant spider hybrid and more like an oversized cat. He is calm about his instinct, though. It is just part of who he is. Though, Staraptor Larry is certainly the closest contender, but... seeing him so startled is mildly concerning as well since it's rare that anything bothers him...
Liepard Grimsley just makes the
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face the entire time he's puffed up.
Alolan Persian Nanu does it rarely, too, so it is a bit terrifying when something startles him. Though, chances are, it was just Acerola pranking him. Poor guy looks genuinely terrifying when he snarls, though.
(Zoroark N is a sad, fluffy baby who probably will need pets and attention afterwards to calm down. He does not look scary at all... Poor thing just looks terrified.)
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Investing in T-shirts! The biggest beneficiaries of Gear Adjustments!
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For fashion aficionados like myself, Gear Adjustment is the most exciting part of the upcoming Season. Being able to make small changes to the way your gear is worn is something that opens up a ton of customization while requiring less new stuff (though I'm sure it required a lot of work to add). With that said, for the moment, it is looking like they are limiting the feature to caps and t-shirts. I don't personally think caps are changed very much by the ability to flip them, they're all pretty good as they are, after all. But for t-shirts, being able to oversize them is actually really big. Pun unintended.
T-shirts have the tendency to be modeled in a way that makes them cling really tightly to your character's body, and it is has never looked right to me. Looking at the clothing choices I see in my multiplayer games, I get the impression that is the general sentiment, as well. Oversizing shirts solves their central problem, loosening them up and giving you a less constrained silhouette. In this post, I wanna highlight what I think are the biggest winners of this change are. Shirts I think you should pay attention to once the patch hits.
That said, I should highlight that since we don't have the patch yet I am only assuming these will be Adjustable. We cannot know for sure until the we get the update.
I've picked out ten T-shirts I think are the standouts, split into a couple of different categories, starting with the ones I think you all expected to see here:
Annaki Accessories!
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I have to imagine that the Annaki Bracelet Tee and Annaki Choker Tee were some of the first shirts that came to mind when you think of noteworthy T-shirts in this game. They've got nice, dusty colors, the big Annaki A in slick silver, and of course their signature accessories. Oversizing these I think will amplify their punk aesthetic even more, because there's nothing punk about tight-fitting clothing.
Unless it's leather.
And leather these are not.
High-fives for Tie-Dyes!
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Tie-Dyes are really fun with their bright, trippy patterns, so it's no surprise that the Takoroka Rainbow Tie Dye and the Takoroka Galactic Tie Dye are some of the better T-shirts in the game. We did see the Rainbow Tie Dye get Adjusted in the reveal trailer, and is it just me or does that just seem right for these kinds of shirts? Something about them screams "wear me at one size larger."
Ride the Wave!
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Next up, we've got the Firewave Tee, Icewave Tee, and the Vaporwave Tee. There is also a Duskwave Tee, but I am personally not a big fan of the shade of orange they use for the bottom half of that shirt. That said, I think the gradient on these shirts them really make them stand out from the rest, and their color palettes are just very nice and evocative.
Assorted Graphic Tees!
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These three don't have a common throughline aside from all being graphic tees, but I think they all have something to recommend them by. The Eelzebub Tee has a really gnarly, radiation-green design that is just really cool, giving an outfit something really eye-catching while still staying nice and simple.
The Green Tee is interesting because its big bold graphic lettering actually extend across the side and even a bit onto the back of your character, which gives it a really unique look I don't think any other clothes can replicate.
Finally, I just think the Mint Tee looks nice. Its color is pretty unique amongst shirts, and the white print design is decorative without being overbearing.
And these were my picks for the T-shirts to keep in mind come Drizzle Season 2023. Were there any others you feel I missed? If so, please tell me in the notes!
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talonabraxas · 11 months
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The Sirian (High) Council Talon Abraxas
“We are a delegation of light beings of the Galactic Federation holding frequency at the sixth density, and ours is a group of 144 representatives which includes: illuminated earth souls, Ascended Sirians from Satais, of these we are three primary speakers working through our channel Trydjya, Christed Extraterrestrials, Ascended Dolphin Beings and the Great Whales, Ascended Masters (The Overseers), Angelic beings (the Guardians) and the Masters of the Aghartan Leadership.
Our purpose is to elevate consciousness of the multiverse in which we take part, serving where we can and gleaning what we can of what lies before us. Those who precede us, in turn, help lead us into the bright light. So is the process of soul climbing higher in the journey of infinite return, a process without beginning and without end.” (6, pp.19-20, 9)
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aftout · 4 months
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I JUST REALIZED I DONT THINK I EVER POSTED THESE????????? THIS IS MY HEX OC BAKHITA she is the Squadron Overseer for the DLC lazarus and co. were a part of. Her whole gist was that she was supposed to be like. A plot-twist half crypton soldier but Lionel didn’t really know how to write it properly. She jokes about it a lot but wishes she had more time put into her character. Makes a return in Galactic Squadron. Is this anything.
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veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Dinluke fic recs
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
three rules (back straight, head forward) by queen_rowenas - Rated T
Leia is helpless to watch as Senator Almen continues on as though nothing is wrong. “Mand’alor, may I introduce you to Senator Organa’s brother, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker.” She can feel all of her hard work crumbling, whatever trust she had formed with the Mandalorians shattering before her as the Mand’alor slowly stands to his feet. Great, she thinks numbly, Another galactic war on my hands. (Leia Organa has never been one to back down from a challenge. Although advising the new Mand’alor in his introduction to the Senate and also trying to keep her Jedi brother from causing an intergalactic incident could prove to be a bigger challenge than expected.)
It Was Always You by subtlehysteria - Rated G
He’s strong, powerful, his footwork far better than just your average person who occasionally skates for fun. As if that wasn’t enough, Luke watches in shock and awe as the man executes a neat triple toe loop, landing near-flawlessly with only a slight wobble. He doesn’t even register what’s happening, just sprints down the last set of stairs and rams into the barrier, hands raised to cup over his mouth and help project his voice. “HEY, YOU!” The man falters, head snapping to Luke. A single thick brow rises in question. “DO YOU WANNA BE MY PARTNER?” Luke yells. * Or, the one where Luke needs a new ice dancing partner and Din just happens to be in the right place at the right time.
begging for you to take my hand by luminouskywhiner - Rated T
Cara could laugh, but Din knew one thing for certain. Luke Skywalker was utterly and unfairly beautiful, and the most captivating person Din had ever met. If only he could manage to get more than three words out around him without the tips of his ears burning. ~ Alternatively titled; Din Djarin is a socially awkward and sleep deprived single father who falls in love with the prettiest pre-k teacher in the galaxy.
I'd like to hang out with you for my whole life by coffeecatsme - Rated T
The first time Din touches his helmet to Luke’s forehead, it's by complete accident. Or, 5 times Luke doesn't know Din kisses him and 1 time he does.
Crystal Tears by Insomniac_with_dreams - Not Rated
“This is going to be awkward,” Luke sighs down at the baby in his arms. R2 beeps besides him and Luke nods in agreement. “Nothing to do but go back.” His X-Wing is almost completely dismantled, sparking where wires hang limply. There is no way he’s getting off of this cruiser until it’s repaired. There aren't even any escape pods on board all of the docking bays empty. He hadn’t anticipated this, and now he was going to have to walk back to the bridge with the baby and explain himself to a heartbroken Mandalorian.
The Weight of Words by subtlehysteria - Rated E
Dim blue eyes stare up at him. Hair that might once have been rich with colour hangs limp and brittle around a gaunt face. A face with a split lip and a fading bruise on one cheekbone. A face that is blank of all emotion and yet simultaneously screams help. No, he doesn’t see danger. He sees only a man trying to meld with the wall and make his body as small as possible while staring down Din with a glare so cold that it could cause anyone’s blood to turn to ice. The man is dressed in thread-bare prison garb that hangs off his slight frame like oversized drapery and around his wrists is a pair of complex-looking cuffs. They’re the same ones Grogu had been shackled with, cuffs that somehow diminished his powers. If this man bears them too could that mean… Din crouches, bringing himself down to the man’s level. “Are you a Jedi?” * In an alternate universe where the name Luke Skywalker has long since been lost, Din Djarin discovers an unexpected prisoner aboard Gideon's ship, finding not only a potential teacher for Grogu but also the man who will change his life, and his heart, for the better.
First Star I See Tonight by snapdragonpop007 - Rated T
“You’re bleeding,” Luke murmured. “I’m...maybe not fine.” Din conceded. Luke gently held his face between his hands while giving Din a very bright, very angry smile. “You think?” -- Or, Din is heavily concussed after that whole darktrooper thing, and it takes him a second to recognize his husband.
i give to you by treescape - Rated G
“They’re lovely,” Luke said, and if the pleasure in his voice seemed genuine, his brow furrowed slightly in consternation. Din shrugged uncomfortably, because what was he supposed to do—bring a gift for the kids and nothing for their teacher? Or, Din's been accidentally courting Luke.
Where There's a Will There's a Way by xiaq - Rated M
Luke walks straight to Din and Din suddenly feels like he should be doing something with his hands. “Hi,” he says. “Hi,” Luke agrees, grinning. “So. I didn’t get your name, before. Grogu just calls you ‘Daddy’ in his head but I’m assuming I should call you something else.” Din chokes a little. ***** This is basically an Accidental Warlord Din Djarin fic in which Din plays the role of reluctant DILF leader with a heart of gold and Luke plays the role of initially distrusted twink who quickly becomes beloved by all (especially said warlord). The Mandalorians are like, "we've only had Luke Skywalker for a day and a half but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself."
The Way in the Sky by ShyOwl - Rated T
The man, the Jedi, the individual who had been so calm and detached just moments ago now tripped back out of the elevator, cloak tangling around his feet, with a panicked look on his young face, “I forgot to tell you where we’re going!”
Yoda’s Academy for Li’l Padawans by MissDinahDarling - Rated T
Being a new student is hard. Being a new student whilst your socially awkward father avoids the school at all costs and your new teacher pines uselessly over a man he’s never met before is even worse. But by god, Grogu is gonna get through this.
unstoppable force, immovable fathers by godbinder - Rated E
“I just need a refuel,” Luke tells the droids, carefully throwing his legs over the edge of the cockpit to slide to the ground. Grogu coos softly, his hands opening and closing his three fingers. “Not a problem, we’ll have you—ready to go...” She trails off when she gets a look at the child, who begins babbling. The Force moves around her in happiness then surprise, shock, then something akin to anger sparking faster than a thermal detonator. Before he can open his mouth, in a move that would have left Han impressed, she has a blaster in hand and shot him in the face.
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sunset-mp4 · 8 months
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overseers doodle page ::>
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pluralzalpha · 3 months
Galactic Gazetteer: Deenaxi
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Class: M
Quadrant: Beta
Location: near Romulan Neutral Zone
Affiliation: Xindi-Reptilians
Inhabitants: various species
Terrain: tundra
Settlement: Denaxi Depot
Appearance: PRO "Crossroads" (2022)
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Fun fact: the Denaxi Depot is a transport station that acts as a safe haven for smugglers and those avoiding the local governments.
Another fun fact: Xindi-Reptilians act as guards and overseers at the Depot, although why a bunch of lizards would run a station on an ice planet is anyone's guess.
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jolyne-best-jojo · 9 months
While my brains still on SWTOR I have to gush about the Sith Inquisitor. The story of a slave rising through the Imperial ranks, growing a powerbase which includes a cult and a Moff with access to a superweapon able to destroy multiple ships in a single shot, killing a Sith traditionalist who wants to kill them just because of their masters actions and then taking that Sith seat on the dark council is so good. Every SWTOR class stories hook me at some point but the Inquisitor does it the best.
Aside from the main story the companions are also great, specifically Talos Delrik and Ashora. While Ashora only works if you play the Inquisitor light side, as otherwise you've got her telling am person who kills everyone they come across that their a good person, I really like how it her conversation helps delve into the Inquisitor's own mind a bit letting you decide if their in it for the power or to change the Empire. Ashora becoming disalusioned with the Jedi and their insistence on inner peace over galactic peace and eventually admitting the Sith tennant of Peace is a lie is really good, although it would've been better suited to the main story where they're trying to corrupt her.
As for Talos his more upbeat personality is great considering the inner turmoil of Khem and Ashora and Xalek's stoicism. The best part of him though is, like Ahorsa, the development given to the Inquisitor in them having an interest in history and knowledge and getting a chance to express that intrigue with someone who shares it, especially fitting considering the Council seat they take is the sphere of knowledge.
Back to the main story and Darth Thanaton works so well as a the main villain. There's the obvious fact that he's a traditionalist Sith and your a slave who previously wouldn't have become Sith if the empire wasn't desperate for soldiers but it's moreso the fact that he, like real world traditionalists, is hypocritical. He challenges the Inquisitor to a fight between their powerbases but when he loses and the Inquisitor is about to kill him he runs away and begs the rest of the Dark Council to help him kill the Inquisitor. While some may argue this is bad writing as you've already beaten him twice, once in the battle between powerbases and earlier using the uncontrolled power of ghosts, it really works for me as the final fight is more so humiliation as you've already beaten him infront of his powerbase and now you're killing him in front of the most powerful Sith in the galaxy beating him into the ground leading to him crawling towards his fellow Councillors for help that will never come. There are only two real issues I have with the story one is how the Inquisitor's ancestor Lord Kallig just disappears after the start of Chapter 2, it would've been so much better if he at least appeared after beating Thanaton for the second time asking the Inquisitor to bind him and use his power to help defeat Kallig. The second is how, unless I missed something, they can't kill Overseer Harkun, the man who repeatedly called them a slave, tried to get them killed, tried to trick their would-be master that they failed the trials, called them a slave to their face again when they've become a Lord of the Sith and cries to Darth Thanaton that your breaking the Sith Acadamy rules by letting Xalek live and become your apprentice.
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Similer to the IDW universe does there exist a wider alien community, not just cybertronians? Like the galactic councel, that group black block con-something,...if yes, what will they think of the humans, since in idw organic spicies feared and hated cybernetic spieces (cough*cybertronians*cough) and cybers (mostly) didn't care for them.
Given how big the universe is, there most definitely is some larger community.
In OUAT, cybertronians would likely be viewed as oversized toddlers by fellow aliens. The mess that no one really wants to deal with. The neighbors and everyone else are just side-eyeing and blaming tanking housing prices on. Just, stay on your side of the fence, please? And try not to blow up the universe while you're at it? The annual potluck is in five solar cycles and Jenny's bringing her wovlerdesh casserole. So good the recipe was used in a peace treaty, and then the food was requested in another planet's trade agreement. If you can't play nice just stay in the yard and let the adults enjoy life's casserole, dang it!
So the galactic policy is "we aren't touching that with a 10-light-year-long pole!"
The policy works pretty well and cybertronains, the obnoxious and arrogant species they are, don't really notice.
I'd imagine the galactic community didn't know about Earth, or maybe they did and were waiting for the best time to approach until we fully reached out to the stars, or until we calmed down on interplanetary warfare, or maybe they were coming until Cybertronians started flocking to the mudball planet and friggen Unicron is part of-?!?!?
So, Earth was basically written off as "do not approach."
I'd imagine the organic side of the galactic community is reasonably freaked out by the cyber formation of a previously organic world, while the cybernetic is discerningly curious. One side could see it as a threat to themselves and their worlds, what would stop that devastating weapon from being turned on them? Would they be enslaved? Reformated? Intergrated against their will? The cybernetic have less to lose, it's not so much an identity issue, as the potential for a new galactic power being born. One created from a race they might see as unnecessarily violent (millennia-long war anyone?) but born from a world seeded by an embodiment of chaos.
Humanity is just frothing at the mouth and clawing at the stars in an effort to reclaim their lost.
When alternative aliens come across a lone human, they send them back to Earth with some of Jenny's casserole. The policy was quickly updated to flatter and plan contingencies for an inevitable human empire.
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Having listened to the Graphic Audio full-cast audobook for All Systems Red, it was fun but I have some thoughts about the voice acting and direction. So now I’m just daydreaming about “if I had Billionaire Money I would buy the audio rights to TMBD and direct and produce another full cast audio version with voice actors handpicked and paid lavishly by Me.”
The cast being:
All Systems Red:
Murderbot: Kevin R. Free is the voice of Murderbot to a lot of people. I would think very hard about this but it would be a foundational return to form. However I feel like I want to reach out and find a non-binary VA because it's a niche that's been tragically underrepresented in Murderbot VAs. I joked before about Vico Ortiz playing live-action Murderbot but do they want to try their hand at voice acting?
Mensah: Cecilia Lynn-Jacobs. Voices Captain Lovelace on Wolf 359. Has incredible talent and range and does the Intrepid Galactic Explorer so well.
Pin-Lee: Emily Woo Zeller. An audiobook narrator I've consistently liked.
Ratthi: Stephen Dookie. He plays the part of Polites in Epic: The Musical and he's excellent in a very sweet, upbeat, friendly way.
Gurathin: Sungwon "ProZD" Cho. I'm picturing somewhere in the range of his Miles Edgeworth voice for this.
Arada: Michelle "Vixy" Dockrey. She's a singer not a VA but her voice sounds so nice.
Overse: Tanja Milojevic. Her range is incredible.
Bharadwaj: Rukhmani Desai (Captain Tripathi, The Strange Case of Starship Iris. She has that calm, reasonable, rational, desperately kind character voice she plays well in Starship Iris that I think would go well for Bharadwaj)
Volescu: Zach Valenti. The vibes are right.
Additional voices by Tanja Milojevic and Zach Valenti. Yes all of them.
Artificial Condition:
ART: Janelle Monáe and I mean it
Tapan: ItMe of InCo Podcast
The ComfortUnit: also ItMe because an important part of listening to faer acting is realizing in awe how fae voices so many characters at once and make them all sound distinct.
Tlacey: kinda thinking Ariela Rotenberg. she does smugly confidently evil very well. However we cannot discount casting ItMe for this role also
Additional voices by Tanja Milojevic and Zach Valenti.
Rogue Protocol:
Don Abene: Emma Sherr-Ziarko. She also deserves to be an intrepid space leader again.
Miki: ItMe again in InCo Season 2 Updated SAWA mode
Wilken: me. I want a part. I could totally be a badass evil space assassin
Gerth: does Gerth even have any lines.
Additional voices by Tanja Milojevic and Zach Valenti.
Exit Strategy:
Serrat: Zach Libresco. this casting + Janelle Monáe as ART were what drove me to make this post in the first place.
The Combat SecUnit: Ellen McLain in GLaDOS mode. All 2 lines it has.
Network Effect:
Amena: Ishani Kanetkar (The Strange Case of Starship Iris, The Godshead Incidental, excellent VA for a proud and curious but scared young person)
Iris: Jordan Cobb (Janus Descending, Primordial Deep, excellent VA for a gritted-teeth calm scientist in a strange and dangerous place)
Seth: Avery Brooks (I know it is not the 90s anymore. but. Captain Sisko. I can imagine <3 )
Martyn: Alexander Siddig / Siddig El-Fadil (Dr. Bashir). They're TV actors but! I want them as the Ship Captain Husbands
The rest of ART's crew: other podcast VAs I love who I haven't come up with a role for yet. Kristen DiMercurio, Beth Eyre, James Oliva.
Supervisor Leonide: Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova on Babylon 5 <333 )
Eletra: Michaela Swee who is very busy working at An Actual Hospital but I have a billion dollars in this dream scenario so I can pay her to take a day and record like 4 lines
Ras: Zach Valenti. This is very important.
Three: Jackie Andrews who plays R. J. McCabe on Starship Iris and Elinor Lopez on The Pasithea Powder has the right Vibes For This
Zach Valenti as the Additional Voice of every goon and target who gets the shit scared out of them and/or dies.
Fugitive Telemetry:
Indah: Molly Olguin maybe. she could Be Indah. Absolutely means we need Jackie Hedeman to have a role in FT too.
Tifany: Michelle Agresti (Wolf 359, Arden)
Aylen: Tracey Sayed (also Arden)
Jollybaby, Tellus, Balin: I would open the floor to the delightful Murderbot fandom. Who wants to voice a Preservation bot
Additional voices by--well you know the drill.
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talonabraxas · 11 months
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Galactic Council Of Light 🌀 Talon Abraxas
“We are a delegation of light beings of the Galactic Federation holding frequency at the sixth density, and ours is a group of 144 representatives which includes: illuminated earth souls, Ascended Sirians from Satais (7), of these we are three primary speakers working through our channel Trydjya, Christed Extraterrestrials, Ascended Dolphin Beings and the Great Whales, Ascended Masters (The Overseers), Angelic beings (the Guardians) and the Masters of the Aghartan Leadership. Our purpose is to elevate consciousness of the multiverse in which we take part, serving where we can and gleaning what we can of what lies before us. Those who precede us, in turn, help lead us into the bright light. So is the process of soul climbing higher in the journey of infinite return, a process without beginning and without end.” (6, pp.19-20, 9)
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