#Games Worshop
sinister-surname · 3 months
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So I've recently started painting Age of Sigmar minis.
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cam2d · 1 year
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Ogroid Theridons! Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing these models for review.
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oldschoolfrp · 7 months
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I see you have a keen mind; I would like to have you over for dinner and pick your brain (Kevin Bulmer, for D&D "Treasure Chest" column, White Dwarf 30, Games Worshop, April/May 1982)
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countessofravenclaw · 24 days
5, 8 and 20 for the fanfic writer ask game
Is there a tiny detail in one of your fics that you feel goes tragically unnoticed?
Oh my god, this is hard... I am trying remember here what I have actually released and what are still unreleased...
Okay, this hasn't maybe been that apparent quite yet, but it will be and I feel like it has and will end up bit unnoticed. It hasn't been that apparent yet, given that Oscar (Gastón and Nina's oldest and only son) hasn't been that prominently featured yet, when this has to do with him.
There are some certain parallers that appear between Gastón and Nina, Gastón's parents, and finally Oscar and the girl who he will eventually marry (yes, I know who she is. I have though that far, but not gonna spoil things here). So basically, The Perida line kind of rhymes with each other when it comes relationships, marriages and true love
Maybe the most obvious one is the fact that Isla and Marco met at a photgraphy course at University when they were 20, while Gastón and Nina had their first proper interraction during the photography worshops at Blake.
I don't think Gastón realized that paraller himself until he told his parenst about Nina and they pointed it out. Then they knew that Nina was gonna be their duaghter in law
I can't say much about Oscar here, because 1. I haven't written the stuff yet and 2. I don't wanna spoil about the girl, evben thoug it will be obvious when the fics go on.
Is there a story idea you have that you would love if it could appear fully realized but that you do not think you’ll ever write yourself?
Honestly, I am not sure, because like, why I started writing was because the fics I wanted to read didn't exist. I am also such a terriple fic reader with subjects I have my own ideas on, because I keep going: "I wouldn't do it like this" and "I am not sure". I need to keep telling myself that it is not my fic and it is a different interpreteantion.
Is there anything about any one of your fics that you have been dying to discuss but haven’t had the chance to?
I think I kind of talked about this in one of the authors notes of S2AU, but like the whole thing thing with Ambar and Gastón's relationship and why I kind of think Ambar kind of has a soft spot for him.
Even when she was trying to ruin Gastina in S1, she was always just seeking to hurt Nina, never even mentioning Gastón.
This is again something that was mentioned in S2AU and other fics that they have been in the same class since the 3rd grade, and Gastón is the one Ambar has known the longest and they've always been kind of friends.
Okay, so, we see in the show how Ambar looks at the Valentes all sad, because how happy they are as a family, because her life is not like that. What I think she is doing with that, is that she she is justifying it with thinking that the Valentes are servants, low class and don't have money, so it is different and her parental relationship with Sharon is completely normal because they have class and money.
But when she looks at a family Gastón has, she can't really make those argument, because Peridas are a high class family with money and influence in the excatly the same level as Sharon (no mater what she likes to say about them), but they also are totally capable of loving and knowing their child. Sharon didn't even know Ambar's favorite color, while Gastón's parents are able to tell that he is upset about something from how he prounces a letter.
So, it is like this very blatant proof that something is definitely wrong in her relatioship with Sharon. Maybe she is still trying to justify it, by thinking that she is adopted and there is only one parent so it is different, but would probably never actually believe in that. So yeah, she's definitely jelous, but in a way that she knows that she can't change that.
So she more like wants to preserve that, because she likes the idea.
I don't know if this makes any sense, but hopefully you could see what I was going for here
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Maybe it's just the country I live in but I see kids in games worshops a fair bit, obvs local highschoolers but also seen kids that couldn't have been older than 10 happily painting Tau.
Like the whole "kids can't into it" thing you sometimes see is odd to me, also knew a kid who painted tyranids with his dad as a bonding thing so the "too much for the parents" thing isn't 100% true even if that's just one family
Yeah, kids are definitely into it with decent consistency. I've seen quite a lot of kids who are into 40k specifically because one or both parents are also fans, too. GW are aware that they have, at least in part, a younger audience, and they are aware that that audience's interest in the hobby comes partially from osmosis via older fans. By creating a style of figurine that appeals to kids directly and also offers multiple avenues of interest to the older IP fans, they're creating a very safe and decently clever product for themselves.
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tinyangrynerd · 8 months
im also curious as to how you make your dragons look like Bugsnax characters (since I also want to do it, but not with Bugsnax characters lol) but if you don’t mind explaining how to do it, I’d really appreciate that!
Ah yes, Fandragons, my specialty~
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this isn't even all of them. no i don't have a problem. i don't have a problem. i don't-
Um.. I would say there's not really any sort of method to it? You just kinda pick what colors, breed, apparel, etc. you feel match a character best ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ They don't even have to be spot on, just what you like or vibe with.
And also using a LOOOOOOT of creative liberties, since while FR has a lot to offer, it's still rather limited with what it actually has (i'm looking at you casual clothes and leather jackets...). Especially if you're looking for something highly specific, like a certain weapon or something... You just kinda have to find whatever's the closest thing and work with it.
I can give some examples of what i look for or take into consideration when making a fandragon. But it should be noted that obviously other people will have different ideas of what fits a character or what details matter more. It all really does just come down to personal preference. As does anything in this game.
A good place to start is the dragon breed. Which one fits a character's vibe best? Or maybe which one has in-game lore that matches with the character? You want to also consider poses, as sometimes they can give off completely different moods in the same breed. i have built some fandragons based on a dragon's pose alone.
Another fun thing to play with is what eyes/element do you want them to be? What matters more: picking a Flight element that fits their character (maybe they have lighting powers which is an integral part to their design, so you make them a lightning dragon)? Or maybe you just want to match their eye color (maybe they have striking yellow eyes that stand out in their design, so you go with a light dragon). I personally go back and forth between these two, just kinda depends on the character. But some people will prefer to prioritize one over the other. Especially if you want to use them in the Coliseum, then Flight element matters a little more there.
The tricky part i would say is picking out colors. This is where it really does just come down to personal choice. You just gotta play around in the Scrying Worshop for a bit and find what you like most. Or you can browse the AH until you stumble across a dragon that hits the mark for ya. Some things that can help with deciding is figuring out any specific genes you'd want for them, if you have any. Or building their outfit first (if they are gonna be a Modern breed and you plan to dress them up), and then testing out different scries to see what works with the outfit best. That last one has helped me quite a lot a few times. I've had several instances where i come up with a scry i think works pretty well, but then putting them in the outfit, it clashes horribly, or the genes don't work as well as i thought they would
And speaking of building outfits..
The Dressing Room is another very helpful tool. Letting you have access to EVERY piece of apparel the website has to offer, so you can't put together your perfect outfit without having to buy a bunch of random pieces and hoping for the best (ah those were the days...). Then you can preview that outfit on any active dragon, saved Scrying Workshop scries, or a blank breed mannequin. So long as it is an adult modern breed. It also lets you try on skins!
This is also again where the Game Database becomes super helpful, as it also let's you search through every piece of apparel, but with a more specific set of filters.
And that's about it? Really, just go ham. Go crazy! Make funny little dragon guys!
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jerrys-wbwv · 11 months
What got you into warhammer?:0
Long, long ago, I used to 3D print and paint miniatures for the D&D campaigns I ran. One day, whilst doing this, one of my friends asked if they could come over and paint minis with me, and I said "yeah sure!" While I painted my D&D stuff, he painted his guardsmen. Midway through, he asked if I ever considered trying warhammer out, and I said, "I'd love to, it looks like fun and I've played tabletop wargames before at friends' houses previously, but I'm a broke college student who barely affords food and resin for my only hobby at this point. I can't afford to sell my soul to Games Worshop." And he just looked at me and said,"Why not just print warhammer minis?" Which had me physically take pause and contemplate those words.
So I said "eh, why not" cracked open Battlescribe and made a shitty Nurgle Daemon army, found free proxies online, and used my D&D mini painting experience and a couple 40k tutorials to paint my first couple of minis.
After actually learning how to play the game, I sadly realized, "Oh. I don't like playing nurgle. Which sucks cause I love how the minis look." So logically, my next step was to actually read what the factions do instead of latching onto a faction that I enjoy visually like I did with nurgle.
If you believe that, I have some beachfront property in Oklahoma to sell you.
I took one more look at the factions, saw admech and fell head over heels.
And slowly but surely, that led me to here.
Here's a pic of my Great Unclean One. Since I had a bunch of experience painting monsters and such for D&D, I didn't need to change up my painting techniques too much. It was once I got into technology and guns and whatnot that I had to start upping my game.
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theultimatefan · 6 months
‘Lord of the Rings,’ 'Terminator,' 'Charmed’ Q&As Among Top Programming at FAN EXPO New Orleans
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From celebrity Q&As to industry, cosplay, gaming, anime and entertaining, informative sessions from all areas of pop culture, FAN EXPO New Orleans presents its collection of nearly 150 programming panels and meetups during the event, Friday through Sunday, January 5-7 at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center. There’s truly something for every fan and every taste every hour of the show into the evening throughout all three days of the convention, right until Sunday’s 5 p.m. finish.
FAN EXPO New Orleans celebrity guests such as Lord of the Rings standouts Elijah Wood, Sean Astin, Billy Boyd and Dominic Monaghan, The Terminator franchise cast members Linda Hamilton, Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen, Robert Patrick and Edward Furlong, “Charmed” duo of Holly Marie Combs and Rose McGowan, "Daredevil" tandem of Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio, “Star Trek” standouts Sonequa Martin-Green (“Star Trek: Discovery”), Michelle Hurd (“Star Trek: Picard”) and Jonathan Frakes (“Star Trek: The Next Generation,” among others), Jon Bernthal (“The Punisher,” “The Walking Dead”), Sean Gunn (Guardians of the Galaxy, “Avengers: Infinity War”), Bruce Campbell (The Evil Dead, “Burn Notice”), Danny Trejo (Machete, The Book of Boba Fett), Randy Quaid (National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Kingpin) and, Katee Sackhoff (Star Wars’ “The Mandalorian”) will conduct individual and group interactive sessions with fans, headlining the slate.
There are dozens of informative, entertaining panels by superstar creators as well as cosplay, gaming, trivia, film, horror and other pop culture themed sessions.
Fans can review the entire event schedule at fanexpohq.com/fanexponeworleans/schedule/. Most panels are free with event admission. Just a few of the highlights include:
5 p.m., Too Many to Count! All the Voices of Tara Strong, Theater #2
5:45 p.m., Charmed Ones: Spotlight on Holly Marie Combs and Rose McGowan, Main Theater
6 p.m., Playing with Power! Chainsaw Man’s Sarah Wiedenheft Q+A, Anime Theater
6 p.m., The Backstory of Beetlejuice, Fandom Panels Room 271
6:15 p.m., Spider-Man Psychology: Untangling Webs with Alex Langley, Gordon Schmidt and Travis Langley, Theater #3
6:45 p.m., Turtle Power! Meet the Voices of “TMNT,” Barry Gordon (“Donatello”), Cam Clarke (“Leonardo”), Townsend Coleman (“Michelangelo”) and Rob Paulsen (“Raphael”), Main Theater
7 p.m., The State of Fandom with The Weekend Geeks, Creator Stage
11 a.m., The Overlook Film Festival, Theater #3
11 a.m., Let’s Get Some Shoes: Cosplay Footwear!, Cosplay Panels Room 274
11 a.m., Taking over the World with Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche, Theater #2
11:30 a.m., 100 Years of Magic: Century of the Walt Disney Company, Fandom Panels Room 271
11:45 a.m., Women of Sci-Fi with Sonequa Martin-Green, Felicia Day and Michelle Hurd, Main Theater
12 p.m., Vamanos: Meet Kathleen Herles, Theater #2
12:30 p.m., The Man without Fear: The Legacy of Marvel’s Daredevil, Fandom Panels Room 271
12:45 p.m., Being Badass with Katee Sackhoff, Main Theater
1 p.m., From Kirk to Kraglin: Spotlight on Sean Gunn, Theater #2
1:15 p.m., Fandom Traveler Trivia, Worshops Room 270
1:45 p.m., Born Again: Meet Charlie Cox and Vincent D’Onofrio, Main Theater
2 p.m., Sketch Duel: Tom Grummett vs. John Delaney, Creator Stage
2 p.m., Take a Vacation with Randy Quaid, Theater #2
2:45 p.m., What’s the Buzz with Juliette Lewis, Main Theater
3 p.m., Whatchu Love? FAN EXPO New Orleans Cosplayers, Creator Stage
4:15 p.m., Crafting Captivating Comic Book Covers with Clay Mann, Cary Nord, Stephen Platt, and Sway Swaby, Theater #3
5 p.m., All Hail Lana Parrilla, Theater #2
5:30 p.m., Horror Films of 2023, Fandom Panels Room 271
5:45 p.m., The FAN EXPO New Orleans Cosplay Craftsmanship Cup, Main Theater
6 p.m., My Name is Earl: Meet Jason Lee and Ethan Suplee, Theater #2
6 p.m., Why is Anime so Good? It’s the Characters, Dude, Anime Theater
6:15 p.m., Crescent City Paranormal: The Psychology of Ghosts, Theater #3
7:30 p.m., The Four Hobbits: An Unexpected Reunion, Main Theater (general admission free, upgraded experiences available)
8:30 p.m., Rocky Horror Picture Show Shadowcast (18+) with Sweet Sensation Shadowcast & Productions, Theater #3
10:45 a.m., Astonishing Adventures with Sean Astin, Main Theater
11 a.m., FAN EXPO New Orleans Kids’ Cosplay Contest, Cosplay Red Carpet
11 a.m., Let’s Fight over the Best Pokémon with YouTube Content Creator Abdallah, Creator Stage
11:45 a.m., The Man, the Myth, the Legend: Spotlight on Danny Trejo, Main Theater
12 p.m., On Screen to IRL: Translating Characters to Cosplay, Cosplay Panels Room 274
12 p.m., Voices of Gaming with Maggie Robertson, Steve Downes and Xander Mobus, Theater #2
12:15 p.m., Nerdy Women Taking over the World, Workshops Room 270
12:45 p.m., All About Ahsoka with Eman Esfandi and Diana Lee Inosanto, Main Theater
1 p.m., Geeking out with Felician Day, Theater #2
1 p.m., You’re Yor! Spy x Family Q&A with Natalie Van Sistine, Anime Theater
1:45 p.m., One Batch, Two Batch with Jon Bernthal, Main Theater
2 p.m., Devil Hunters! Chainsaw Main Cast Q&A with Ryan Colt Levy, Reagan Murdock, and Sarah Wiedenheft
2:45 p.m., Boldly Go with Johnathan Frakes and Michelle Hurd, Main Theater
3 p.m., Robots in Disguise with Peter Cullen and Frank Welker
3 p.m., Cosplay Your Way!, Cosplay Panels Room 274
3:15 p.m., Horror Entertainment: We Know what Scares You – and Why!, Theater #3
3:45 p.m., A Groovy Panel with Bruce Campbell, Main Theater
FAN EXPO New Orleans features the biggest and best in pop culture: movies, TV, music, artists, writers, exhibitors, cosplay, with three full days of themed programming to satisfy every fandom. New Orleans is the first event on the 2024 FAN EXPO HQ calendar; the full schedule is available at fanexpohq.com/home/events/.
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thefoilguy · 3 years
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Classic Warhound Titan from Warhammer 40k - Aluminum Foil Sculpture
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elfshotthefood · 4 years
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I got the Age of Sigmar starter set "Tempest of Souls" for Christmas - for reference, that's the medium size starter, the one that's about 40-50 quid. I was missing a base (precisely, I had one extra 35mm base, and one 40mm base missing) so I thought I'd experiment with how modern GW's customer service worked. I worked with Lego a bit some years ago, and they were very proud and generous with their missing parts policy, and it struck me that a business that charges as much as GW do and encourages (demands?) such brand loyalty should deal with these requests similarly.
I mailed GW the day after boxing day, got a reply the next day, and received the base in the post today. Thumbs up Games Workshop customer service! (Thanks Diego and Natalie specifically, if you work for GW and are reading this)
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yourpicasso25 · 3 years
Have a little Greece of me
How very Britney, right?
So, first things first: Me not ded.
However, my father did actually die, my mother went full bloom Alzheimer and I’m on my second COVID scare. 2020 was a shitty year.
And in over news, water is wet or somthing like that. But as a result, my concentration was shot, up and including what I need to Sim. Will I be back? Maybe. Probably not like I used to, but TS3 has been my one and only game for so long now I don’t see myself giving it up entirely.
So, in that spirit, I did make a perfume workshop for Pikassos
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It is a farm, close to my Demeter temple.
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A residential lot. The Simmies can’t make perfume, which was a big thing in ancien Greece, but I did put a TON of wild flowers in and around the lot, so the farmers should be able to scrape a living out of the countryside... One hopes.
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Worshop side:
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Gather the herbs and petals, dry them, press them or cook them in oil depending on what the Pharmacopia requires, and then sell the finished product at the market in pretty bottles... Not much changed since then!
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The living quarters are somewhat separated from the shop (even if everything smells very nice!) with indoor/outdoor living, courtyard and veggie patch at the back.
And the all important family altar, with the cut of perfumed oils the various temple require.
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Hope you like, and maybe see you all again soon? One never knows!
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herodiart · 4 years
So what sort of program do you use for this, and where do you download models? I'm interested in making some of my crossovers come to life (The Evil Within x Life is Strange)
The program is Source Filmmaker and it’s free on Steam. I get models mostly from its steam workshop and sfmlab.com, sometimes people share them on their social media profiles too (including tumblr), so if you don’t find specific models on worshop nor sfmlab you might look them up like that. But finding models shouldn’t be a problem with the games you mentioned.
Have fun with your crossovers!
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benichi · 5 years
Games with romance elements: Simulation
The first part of my “Games with romance elements” series. 
For the first two posts of this series I’ll be focusing on games that let you play as a heroine. The last part will be about games that have romantic relationships in general.
The focus of this part are games that would mainly be categorized among the simulation genre. I’m only going to cover those that I’ve played and liked myself, so if there are other games that I should check out feel free to leave a comment!
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Harvest Moon (SNES onward)
[GxB, BxG]
This franchise has been around for a long time and there are a whole lot of entires by now. Initially HM was only a farming simulator, over the years more and more mechanics have been added. From being able to play as a girl to more a more extensive farming experience and eventually dating/marriage. Back in the day it was more commen that the games would be released seperately as a “boy” and “girl” version, however in time they’ve simply implemented the choice of who you want to play as at the beginning. Every HM game has you taking care of a farm, though the circumstances and gameplay mechanics vary each time. I've been a fan of this series since I played Harvest Moon GB (which was released in Europe 1999) and I find all of the entries enjoyable. Though my absolute favorites that I’d like to recommend are: 
Harvest Moon: Another Wonderful Life (Gamecube). This is still my favorite HM title because it has a very extensive system for your child’s growth. I also liked the feel of the game since I found it very realistic, and that unlike most entries in the series it actually has an ending.
Harvest Moon: Animal Parade (Wii). Another favorite of mine due to similar reasons as Another Wonderful Life. They put a lot of emphasis on the life after marriage with events, rival marriages and so on. This game had a lot of very progressive features in my opinion, and I never really understood why they didn’t carry at least some of them over into the following titles.
You pretty much can’t go wrong with Harvest Moon if you enjoy the simulation genre. However as of the last few years you have to be careful when purchasing HM games. The series called Bokujō Monogatari in Japan has undergone some localization changes. While it still retains it’s original name in Japan, that’s not the case overseas. Harvest Moon is the name that the initial publisher Natsume used. Now that the Bokujō Monogatari series has a new publisher, Xseed, the series localization name has been changed to “Story of Seasons” since Natsume did not want to give up the name they invented. Natsume has started publishing their own produced HM games now, however these titles are subpar at best. The last Harvest Moon title they localized that's part of the orignal Bokujō Monogatari series produces in Japan is called Harvest Moon 3D: A New Beginning for 3DS.
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Story of Seasons (3DS)
[GxB, BxG, the games give you the option to dress up as the opposite gender, there are no officially gay characters though]
As stated above Story of Seasons refers to the Bokujō Monogatari series made in Japan, not Natsume’s self made versions of “Harvest Moon”. So far the two latest titles (”Story of Seasons” and “Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns”) have been released for the 3DS, there are rumors that the new entry will be released for the Switch though.
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Stardew Valley (PC / PS4 / XBOX ONE / Switch / Vita)
[GxB, GxG, BxG, BxB]
Another farming simulator with it’s own twists and ideas for the genre. In my opinion a more mature version of HM due to it’s themes and characters. A very charming and fun experience, if you’ve enjoyed Harvest Moon you’ll definitely love Stardew Valley as well.
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Rune Factory 4 (3DS / Coming to Switch later this year)
[GxB, BxG]
This series is usually described as fantasy Harvest Moon. It combines the farming, taking care of animals etc. mechanics with RPG elements. As you can tell this is the fourth entry. I’ve decided to focus on this title since it’s the first one that allows you to play as a female from the start. Two previous games let you play as a female eventually (RF2 and RF: Oceans) while the other entries have a male protagonist only. In some aspects I even like RF a little more than HM since the farming etc. eventually becomes a little boring for me. So if you love RPG’s and simulation games then this one’s a must-buy!
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My Time at Portia (PC / Coming to consoles this Spring)
[GxB, GxG, BxG, BxB]
This game started out as a Kickstarter project and was available as early access for the last few months, it’s fully launched on PC since January though. The game was marketed as inspired by Animal Crossing, Dark Cloud 2, Harvest Moon, and the works of Miyazaki. The end product certainly does have that feel to it. You take on the role of a builder with your own Worshop that was initially run by your father in Portia. While there are elements similar to HM (farming, animal care, mining, ...) the biggest focus lies on crafting and building. My Time at Portia also has it’s own relationship system, you can ask all the citizens (not only the love interests) on dates and eventually they’ll ask you out as well. There are also different interactions that change depending on your relationship (from playing rock-paper-scissors to hugging/kissing etc.). I’ve been addicted to this game for the last few weeks so I can definitely recommend to give it a shot!
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aboleth-workshop · 5 years
D&D/Worldbuilding Asks!
Hey Friends!  From now on, I’ll be taking regular Worldbuilding and D&D/Tabletop RPG Asks every Friday!  
I will try to answer as many questions as I can that day at @aboleth-workshop, while peppering in a few asks during the week so I don’t overwhelm your feeds.
I take all questions (keep it PG-13 ish please) regarding the following:
Dungeon Master Problems
Tabletop Horror Stories
Perpetual Problem Players
Campaign/World Creation Obstacles
How to get an idea working
D&D/Fantasy Races - discussion of canon, ask for new lore for older stuff, or share your own spin
Recommendations for D&D books and other TTRPGs (I’ve read a good few)
My Game Design: 
Currently playtesting my D20borne (D&D Bloodborne) system
Want to see past D&D Asks?  Click here for #d&d-ask, or the few ask masterposts I’ve done.
I’m deciding to put all my Worldbuilding and Tabletop Writing posts in Aboleth-Worshop, leaving my main blog ( @aboleth-eye ) for artwork, reblogging campaign ideas/stories, and other fun stuff!
And if you want to join my Discord where I post memes, host D&D Bloodborne and other rpgs, etc. Click here!!
Thanks!  Love you all!
-- Aboleth-Eye!
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theonyxpath · 5 years
Now available for order from our partners at Indie Press Revolution: Beckett’s Jyhad Diary Deluxe Edition!
It’s ever been a loaded word among vampires. Jyhad is in force everywhere from lofty, perfumed Elysium to cloying, smoke-filled blood feasts. Jyhad’s the eternal game played by elders, Methuselahs, and worse — it’s the agenda of beings so utterly beyond humanity, one such as yourself could scarcely understand its movements. 
Luckily for you, you’ve picked up a copy of my diary. With my help you may just take a step on the first rung of understanding. Information worth having is information you must earn through blood, and oh, how I’ve bled for what’s contained within these pages. 
— Beckett 
Beckett’s Jyhad Diary serves as the definitive book of setting and plot for Vampire: The Masquerade, containing 30 chapters spanning different geographical regions, encountering vampires of every clan, profiling obscure and profound segments of the mythology, and providing countless story hooks on every page. 
Masterfully written by the likes of Neall Raemonn Price, Joshua Alan Doetsch, Myranda Sarro, Steffie de Vaan, Malcolm Sheppard, Alan Alexander, Renee Knipe, and Matthew Dawkins, Beckett’s Jyhad Diary is as fascinating to read as to use for your game Chronicles.
Also available for V20: Beckett’s Jyhad Diary V20 Storyteller’s Screen and Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition Dice! The screen is a sturdy three-panel foldout with pertinent charts and quick-reference information for V20 games. The dice are, made by Q Worshop, are elegant grey-and-black featuring the numbers 1 through 9 in the familiar Vampire title font, and the V20 ankh taking the place of the 10, surrounded by thorned rose vines.
Also available: Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition Deluxe Edition!
Judge us not by our seemings for we are never what we appear. Come hither, changelings and join the dream-dance, lest the winter come and the Dreaming pass into memory.
Recall your heritage! Let the games begin!
Twenty years ago, White Wolf published Changeling: the Dreaming, the fifth of their promised five game-lines that together comprised the World of Darkness. Seen by some as a lighter, more fantasy-based setting in the modern-day, and by others as the darkest game White Wolfhad yet created, players had to face the question of what happens once creativity and magic fades from their world.
This 20th Anniversary Edition of Changeling: the Dreaming returns to that deceptively bright yet terrifying world and both compiles and completes the concepts of the previous two editions. Led by veteran White Wolf and Onyx Path developer “Blackhat” Matt McFarland, our writing team consists of longtime Changeling creators like Ian Lemke, Jackie Cassada, Nicky Rea, and Peter Woodworth, as well as familiar names such as Holden Shearer, John Snead, Maggie Carrol, Matthew Dawkins, and Krister Michl. One and all are dedicated to making Changeling: the Dreaming Twentieth Anniversary Edition the most playable edition yet – while not losing the wonder, awe, and majesty that Changeling is known for.
A revised and up to date look at the World of Darkness through the eyes of the Kithain – what has happened to the Dreaming in the last 20 years, and what is the state of Glamour and dreams?
Rules for all of the kiths including in 2nd ed, plus fan favorites from other books: selkies, piskies, clurichaun, and both Arcadian and Concordian sidhe.
Rules for the Gallain: The inanimae, the hsien, the Nunnehi, and others!
An overhauled and reimagined system for fae magic, including new Arts and the powerful but dangerous practice of Unleashing!
New full-color beautiful artwork as well as classic Changeling illustrations including remastered full page pieces of the kiths by Tony Diterlizzi.
Also available for Changeling: Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition Storyteller’s Screen and Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition Dice! Like the screen above, this is a sturdy three-panel foldout with useful reference information for Changeling Storytellers. The Q Workshop dice display the numbers 1 through 9 (with the signature Changeling luna moth on the 0 face) placed in a stained glass motif.
For more about our partnership with IPR, please see Rich’s recent Monday Meeting Notes.
Kickstarter Update
Our next Kickstarter is going to be Lunars: Fangs at the Gate for Exalted 3rd Edition, coming up on February 12 at 2pm Eastern!
Did you miss one of our previous Kickstarters? The following Kickstarted products are still open for preorders via BackerKit:
Dystopia Rising: Evolution: Dystopia Rising: Evolution rulebook
Scion: Scion 2nd Edition (Origin and Hero)
Trinity Continuum: Trinity Continuum (core rules and Trinity Continuum: Æon)
Exalted: Dragon-Blooded: What Fire Has Wrought
Vampire: The Masquerade: V5 Chicago by Night
Chronicles of Darkness: Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2
Geist: The Sin-Eaters: Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition
Community Spotlight
The following community-created content for Scarred Lands has been added to the Slarecian Vault in the last week (to be updated once DTRPG is back up):
Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell?
The following community-created content for Realms of Pugmire has been added to Canis Minor in the last week:
Calling: Librarians
Your product could be here! Have you considered creating your own to sell
5 notes · View notes
zerohitpoints · 2 years
I just ordered Blade usibg some of my hard earned Birthday cash. While the post office fairies work on delivering my new fancy toy, I am preparing the base. I wanted to do something different than the standard “vampire hands coming out of the street” base. I took a standard MCP base and glued the top of an old Games Worshop flip top cap to the base to simulate an open manhole. I used a Mantic…
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