cam2d · 1 year
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Ogroid Theridons! Many thanks to Games Workshop for providing these models for review.
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rockaroadrolla · 9 months
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FINALLY finished the command models for my 2nd Gor herd, its hard for me to get motivated for painting infantry. Working off a reward system, bought some Ogroid Theridons to proxy as bullgors but i was unprepared for how GORGEOUS these models are.
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Im salivating over here
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casualevan · 1 year
Minotaur Time
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Detail shots of my  Ogroid Theridons
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thewenglishwarlock · 1 year
Also painted up this vampire friend and large friend!
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galgannet · 2 years
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Rest time.  Catahekassa and Hotuehehashteit )))
More details: artstation
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atomskdluffy · 1 year
I love how, in the world of the Witcher, though you play as a monster hunter Geralt's first instinct is never to fight unless directly under attack. If a monster possesses some shred of intelligence he will always try to talk it out first. If a monster is created by a curse he will try to break the curse rather than kill the monster. This allows a great amount of nuance in quests, and leads to such comedy as saving a rock troll from horde of ogroids and being offered ogroid soup as a reward. Geralt checks to see if he put any humans in the soup, and when the troll answers no he determines he's not a threat and leaves him be. Sure, you can choose to be an ass and kill everything that looks vaguely monstrous, but why would you when the other option is so much more fun!
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astaldis · 1 month
WIP Tuesday
Thanks a lot @disdaidal for tagging me! 😘
Here is the beginning of a little one-shot I'm writing for the @witchermonstermayhem. No longer works in progress at the moment.
And yet another safe
Cahir & Gallatin friendship
The monster gives a deafening roar, mouth wide agape, its rotting teeth flashing in the light of his torch. It looks ugly like hell and stinks of death and decay. But he has fought the likes of it before. They seem to be spawning out of the soil like pests these days. Well, they are well fed in these times of contempt, and he himself has provided them with ample dinner. If their mission was not as secret as it is, he would, of course, burn all the corpses of the soldiers and waggoners that accompany the caravans they raid and that end up dead and rotting in the woods. But fires like the ones necessary to cremate a dozen or so dead humans at the same time are too conspicuous and they cannot bury every body deep enough for those corpse eaters not to get to them. At least they try to with their own casualties. Which is more than enough hard work with all the rocks and stones and roots in the forest soil. A pity, these brainless beasts do not appreciate the service they and the Scoia'tael are providing them and keep to a dead-meat-only diet instead of attacking their benefactors.
He swings his sword at the ghoul. The beast roars again and charges at him, the elf lying spreadeagled on the forest ground forgotten. Cahir ducks and spins, then stabs the ghoul in its massive thigh. The monster does not even seem to notice. It lunges at the human. But it is too slow and stupid to do any damage. Cahir evades the monster by jumping to the side in the last moment, then he spins around and sinks his blade into the ogroid's back. This time, the monster does notice. It turns around, its ugly face a grimace of deadly fury. Then it pounces at the human again ...
If you'd like to play the tagging game too, I'm looking forward to seeing snippets of your current WIPs @littlestsnicket @my-jokes-are-my-armour @bookscorpion @i-bermudiana @morriganwarrior @bylightofdawn @bittersweetbark @kuwdora
and anybody else who'd like to take part! But no pressure, only if you feel like it and have some spare time at hand. Have a lovely Tuesday!
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witchermonstermayhem · 3 months
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The Word Prompts are here! Have fun with Witchers & Monsters!
And here is the Ao3 collection for the event: Witcher Monster MAYhem 2024
There you can post your work directly to the collection or use
to add it. You can also find the rules there, an FAQ (which tells you, for example, what necrophages or ogroids are) and a Complete Prompt List with all the picture and song prompts.
If you have any questions or encounter problems with the collection, please feel free to send me an ask!
And don't worry, as monsters don't care too much about rules, you can interprete the prompts in whichever way you like.
To be reglogged on tumblr, please tag @witchermonstermayhem
and also use the tag #witcher monster mayhem 2024 together with any other tags you might want to add.
Under the cut, you can find the prompts list to copy if you prefer that.
Word Prompts:
Day 1: "Don't open the ... !" / Paralysed / Kraśnięta/brownies/Heinzelmännchen
Day 2: "Run!" / Bulging Eyes / Vampire
Day 3: "This is not a chicken egg!" / Pointy Teeth / Necrophage
Day 4: "Please don't eat me!" / Hairy Legs / Werewolf/Werebear/Werecat etc.
Day 5: "Fuck, there's another one!" / Too Many Limbs / Swamp Monster
Day 6: "Your blood smells nice!" / Surrounded / Ogroid
Day 7: "Isn't it cute?" / Wings / Creepy Crawlies
Alt Prompts: "Not all monsters deserve to die." / Monster Infection / Bat Out Of Hell / What happened between Eskel and that succubus... / Flying Spaghetti Monster
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fruit-salad-ship · 1 year
Witcher au: group is out on a hunt, get into a bit of a rough fight, Plum ends up in a corner and calls out for aid, Peach decides to toss her a tonic, only realizing after she’s drunk it that it was the wrong one, either an effect that would be actively detrimental (the drunkenness one seems fun) or one of the not so well made ones that Peach had been saving for herself because she knew she could handle the side effects, Peach goes into overdrive to makes sure the fight ends, Peach and Grey have to take care of Plum until she can get to feeling better
I wanted to draw but brain wrote instead, so be it, maybe if people pick their fav bits I’ll draw some illustrations for this stuff.
Bones of travellers started to show up, this wasn’t adding up. The three started to muse the details, how many had been attacked, what had been seen, hitching the horses and venturing closer on foot. Tracks soon appeared, Plum felt uneasy, these prints were WAY bigger than your average troll. Twice as wide, and not nearly as blocky in form. She took a steady pace around them and continued to follow Greys lead deeper into the location. Peach has slunk away into the shrubs, coming into contact with a path of destruction, trees and shrubs torn apart, a well trodden route in and out of the area. More remains, animal and human alike. It was a shout that broke her focus, forcing her to bolt back to the group, sword drawn and ready.
Grey had expected a troll, shield readied, he wanted to talk, not fight, but his eyes locked onto something in the back of the cave they approached, the thing seemed troll height, watching him, but the eyes reflecting what little light was around got higher, it was…standing. And was in no way squat and built like any troll he’d seen. Plum saw this, saw its form take two strides, coming into the light, and managed to stop herself audibly gasping.
“Its not a troll at all-“ The towering form now exited the cave, and stood even taller, broad, built like a mountain. “It’s a giant!” One mighty swing of its arms lamed into grey and sent him skidding back, luckily prepared for blunt force. His shout in surprise was what peach heard, and soon the duo confronted with this monster saw her emerge from the shrubs, bolting at it, eyes wide in surprise. All of them assumed giants to be extinct.
The brawl was brutality at its finest, the giant had wielded an entire log of a fallen tree, swinging wildly as the three dodged and tried to get in for more precise attacks. Plum was the first to get in close and sink a sword into its torso, but the pain caught the creatures attention, its head snapping to look down at her, sweeping her off her feet with a backhand, the smallest of the three being swatted to the ground. She hurt it, badly, a good strike, her accuracy and patience for the critical shot better than the others, but it earned her its dedicated attention. Plum heard something in her chest snap from the impact, scrambling up in time to dodge the tree log being swung once more, each step agony. In the chaos she reaches for a potion, something to bypass the pain, give her an adrenalin spike to finish this, ducking behind a rock. Her cover however was ripped from the earth. As the giant threw the boulder, it found itself bombarded by the other two. Grey was quick to try to down it, bring its vital points lower to the ground, striking the knees from behind to buckle them. It worked, giving peach the perfect opportunity to vault from a rock above it, coming down heavily with her sword to sink it into the creatures shoulder.
Plum found her potion stash lacking, she didn’t even have Ogroid oil on her person, this wasn’t suppose to be such a problematic fight. She bolts back, the giant throwing peach off itself, picking grey up and tossing him hard to the ground, its eyes locking back onto the smallest and most injured. Plum bolts, her raspy breath, hearing it catch up with her, thunderous steps on her heels. Its swing and her well timed Quen sign collided, a moment where it didn’t know what happened, make shift weapon bouncing off. 
“Guys! I’m out of Swallow!” The potion responsible for speedy regeneration in mutated creatures, her belt usually had two but one was used in a previous fight, and the other was shattered and lost to the dirt in her collision with the ground earlier. She saw Grey feel around for one, but it was Peach, her quick choice to throw the bottle across while blasting the giant with Igni to distract it, that gave Plum some hope. She caught the vial, uncorked it, and threw it back.
Peach was now its temporary focus, she’d grown quite skilled with Igni over the years, its sustained blast heating the metal on the giants person, she had to hope it was enough to but plum time. Grey was the one to see the unfortunate events unfold first, peaking from behind his shield while there was fiery cover, to make sure plum was ok. She however, hadn’t taken any other potions, yet her toxicity was suddenly through the roof. The dark marks of overuse of Witcher tonics was immediate, she had stumbled to her knees, grasping at her chest as if she’d been struck hard, hands shaking, eyes completely black, unfocused on anything in particular. This was all wrong, swallow shouldn’t do that.
“Peach, What the fuck did you throw her?!” The Witcher heard, dodging a swing from their huge opponent, between the legs to get behind it, closer to their smallest companion. The obvious overdose made peach feel in the front of her gear, pulling the three vials she had left on her person, one between each of her fingers with clear differences, the swallow she was suppose to throw plum was still there. The tonic that was missing however was an experimental version of Maribor Forest, to boost adrenalin to a tightened state, past anything she’d seen in the books. The balance to that potion was way off base. Looking at how plum was reacting to it, it was putting her body into a state of shock from so much adrenalin. Before peach could reach her to try and help the giant returned.
Grey saw this unfold, fear creeping in, ditching the shield, it was slowing him down.
“Go! Help her!” He drew all attacks, jumping between the girls and this monster, silver sword already bloodied, ready to cast a defensive sign. This gave peach time to bolt back, almost skidding to a stop next to this crumpled heap of a woman, still struggling to breathe, as if something was stood on her chest. 
“Hey- hey c’mon-“ what else could she do? Plum got picked up, they had to get to cover, placing her down while eyeing Grey taking the brunt of this fight. Peach never carried White honey tonics on her person, she never had to bring down her toxicity, checking through plums stash. Nothing useful. Swearing under her breath, seeing grey get knocked down once more, back up in a swift motion, another block with Quen. He was running out of time, they all were. Plum slipped into unconsciousness, a worrying lack of movement to her form, slumping to one side, breathing, chest almost hyperventilating. What could be done?! This had to end now, Grey was battered, and finally, even he fell. She had to move.
In one swift motion peach pulled a tonic, one of her three remaining brews, lunging forward, greys defence was faltering, he was casting Quen but he was exhausted, needed to rest. As his shield failed, he spotted his companion dive in front of him, her defence did not give. The giants heavy swing hit the glittering magical barrier, the light picking out the glass vial between her lips, now empty, Quen shifted to Igni once more, this time intense, so hot the flames came out white. Even this temperature would push back a giant, her guttural shout at the monster as it caught light, its hair and ragged clothes becoming engulfed, hurting it, its attention on putting it out. Grey was able to take a breath, scrambling back to get to plum, grabbing his shield in the process. He watched peach dart around at the base of this thing, taking chunks from its legs, so fast, using an ungodly amount of fire not to do damage as such, but blind it. The fire was so bright it couldn’t get a lock on her. Soon the giant fell, a ground shaking slam as it had to take a knee. Her opportunity arose, one good clean shot at the back of the neck.
Grey bundled up plum, ready to move with her if needed. He’d never seen her this far gone, the dark marks on her skin were so prominent, was peach going to…use a potion like that on herself? Surely not… He looked up in time to see her land the final blow, silver blade sinking so far through into this monsters neck, it grasped for the pained area in a futile attempt to stop the injury becoming worse. Peach now showed very weak signs of even her toxicity rising, feint, the fire light around her picking it out more than normal. She stayed there until the giant stopped moving, before staggering back, wiping her brow of sweat, remembering the actual issue at hand, not stopping, not handling her own injuries, instead coming to Greys side.
“What did she drink?” Peach didn’t ask before rummaging in greys satchel, looking through his tonics, nothing useful to hand.
“It was a experimental Maribor Forest, it wasn’t suppose to do this, fuck-“ she desperately needed to make something to clear the toxicity. “We’ve got to get back to the horses, I’ve got something that’ll help stabilise this, give me her, you grab the head.” He didn’t argue, this was a level of sensibility and urgency he never saw in peach, she was jovial, often making idiotic comments or jokes, but now, you could truly see her fear.
Back at the horses plum was placed down gently, a folded blanket under her head as peach pulled items, started a fire, ignoring the shake in her own hand, and the acidic feeling in her gut from the tonic she herself ingested. There was no time for her own issues, they didn’t matter, not now. Her horse stood alert with the others, keeping their eyes out for danger, all looking towards grey as he returned, one giant head in hand. He watched peach with mortar and pestle, trying to heat ingredients carefully, not letting her impatience get the better of her in this one task. This level of focus scared Grey, he sat beside them both, moving strands of hair from plums face, she wasn’t awake, burning up something fierce, still shaking, sweating, as if her body was rejecting what she consumed.
Peach couldn’t do anything but curse herself, she should have left that tonic on her horse, she should have looked more carefully before throwing her loved one anything she brewed herself. Her experiments were not safe, not in the slightest. Eventually a concoction was created, swilled in a metal mug of sorts to check its consistency, cooled enough and from what peach could tell, and finally ready for use. Getting plum to drink it wasn’t hard, she was out cold, and as they waited, watched, kept checking her vitals, eventually the toxicity started to recede. Her temperature stabilised a little more, there was a notable reduction of her tremors. Both Witchers breathed a sign of relief.
“It’ll help, we need to get to more functional equipment, this won’t last long.” Greys horse held the giants head, a hefty item, and peach’s was by far the bigger mount of the three, so she sat up in her saddle, carefully taking plum from greys arms, pulling her to sit up against her, holding her close to make sure she didn’t slip and fall. It was a quiet, contemplative ride back to town. Peach immediately went back to the inn and started to rummage through the supplies she’d left there, knowing they’d return, while Grey went to claim the bounty, and demand better compensation seeing as this was no troll.
It gave peach a quiet moment to brew while in the little rented room, plum lay in the bed, a cold compress upon her head, now free of her Witcher gear. It pained the larger woman to see her like this, trying to focus on improving the situation, pulling herbs from her bags as she checked her notes on this particular creation. Her eyes wandered, watched the little Witcher sleep, guilt creeping in once more. In the quiet, away from judging eyes, she had a moment to face this. It felt stupid, but also, kind of right, to go back to work, and mindlessly talk to her fallen partner.
“Sorry, I should have paid more attention, you could have died…you still might…” she ground up a root in a mortar, taking her frustration out on the task. “When you wake up, I’ll make it up to you. We can go back to that little town across the marsh, get those sweet pastries you liked so much.” Said in hope, maybe she’d hear and answer back, give her some sass, tell her that now she’s said it, she’s got to keep the promise…what if she didn’t recover from this well? What if the potion was so toxic it did permanent damage? Peach couldn’t help it, her hand was gripping her notes so tightly, knuckles white, staring off into nothingness, overthinking, starting to panic a little. “It’ll be ok.” Self soothing, breathing once more. “I can fix this, you’re going to be fine.”
No one heard this conversation, it was between her and sleeping beauty. She returned to her quiet state when Grey returned, working intently through the night, refusing to rest, so caught up in a fix for this mess she’d made. Grey brought her breakfast which she hardly touched.
“You need to eat, youre not going to help her if you get sick too. Whatever tonic you took back there was enough to tip even you into a state of high toxicity….I’ve never seen you fight like that, it must have been quite the effect.” His finger brushed past her face gently which caught her attention, the dark lines presented like subtle cracks on her skin. She wanted to lean into it, but it was distracting, forcing her hand to shoo him away, trying to focus.
“I’m fine, it’s not important right now.” Nothing would stop her working on this. “This is trivial compared to what she’s going through right now. I have no room to complain, and no time to stop.” He huffed, sat, stayed with her, offered help when possible, and showed nothing but his usual patience. Ever the calm presence.
Three days passed. The multitude of ingredients needed were scavenged by grey, who was happy to do the leg work while peach continued to brew, cautiously measuring and mixing. The final product was no more than three table spoons worth of liquid, a vibrant yellow colour, thick like tree sap. Peach held it up in the glass vial and watched the light glint off it, grey peering over her shoulder.
“You sure this will work?” Truth be told, peach didn’t know, it was countering a level of toxicity that she’d never seen before, certainly never dealt with either. 
“it has to work.” The pair turn to plum, grey had redone her hair in a much neater state while she slept, the way she liked it, a tidy braid, cleaned up the scrapes she’d gained during the fight, he did his best while peach agonised over the fix. Finally the time came, mixing the tonic with water and honey, making this easier, it was less than palatable. The drink went down, all that was left was waiting. The pair sat, neither daring to speak, waiting for any sign of improvement.
First was a twitch, the hand shifted. Then a small groan, a sound that brought the other two to her side in an instance. Before too long, plum opened her eyes, a sight that brought grey to his knees beside her, and drove peach to stand and pace over to the window, rubbing her eyes to stave back tears.
“ugh…” plums glance around was hazy, feeling her hand be scooped up in greys. “feel like…feel like I got trampled by a herd of cows.” Her voice was so groggy, catching sight of her companions smiles, too sore to focus on details, just aware of how tired they both looked.
“we thought we’d lost you.” Plum gave a weak cough as she struggled, body still so tired, managing to push herself up to a seated position. 
“feels like you nearly did.” The little witcher revelled in the gentle hold of her hand, grey handing her fresh cool water, an actual delight to her, a terrible taste in her mouth. Peach had said nothing, very unlike her, stood with her arms crossed, leant on the desk that had a myriad of ingredients and equipment still out on it. “what was in that tonic?” Plum looked to her fellow fighter, referencing the hideously imbalanced mix she’d been tossed back with the giant, trying to make light of this situation with a smirk and a chuckle. The only words peach could think of, could manage to say, to even find in the hideous mess of thoughts stuck in her brain were a pair.
“I’m sorry.” Was uttered. Plum held her free hand out after a moment of registering her words, a gesture that beckoned peach closer, an invitation to hold it, one that was not ignored. She couldn’t bare to say no to that.
“its ok.” Nothing about this felt ok. Grey and peach sat with her, got her some stew from downstairs, and helped her start to pick up the pieces.
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farsight-the-char · 8 months
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Makes sense. Stormcast are the "Elite Generalists", Kruelboyz are "Sneaky/Ranged Hoard", Nighthaunt are "Fast Horde with Resurrection tricks", and now we have the "Ranged Wizard Bastards" with Tzeentch.
I kind of wish we had some Slaves to Darkness stuff to fill some aestetic gaps/roles, but that will probably be DLC. Ogroid Theridons, for instance, to compliment the Thaumaturge.
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lichpaints · 2 years
Ogroid Thaumaturge.
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rockaroadrolla · 8 months
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First of my Bullgors, the Charge-Caller. Back to the gor grind.
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nightbringer24 · 6 months
I do hope that some of the more esoteric Chaos models from Age of Sigmar are able to be used in Old World. Like the Ogroids. Even if it's just the Ogroid Thaumaturge or the Ogroid Myrmidion Champion, or the three Ogroid Theridons, I think they'd look awesome in a Chaos amy.
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lichfindergeneral · 1 year
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I painted a bunch of stuff in the past few days! I‘m pretty excited about this minotaur ogroid dude being done bc I‘ve had him on my desk for months, unfinished
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anonthefold · 1 year
I had the most pleasant nye in a while last night. I made a lot of chicken curry, cooked up a bunch of rice and got to hang out with my friends and play overwatch. We did really well last night as well. I went back from silver 5 to silver 2 ( I finished my last placement match this morning in O-ass-us) and my friends also climbed. To top it all off we each got a play of the game which was really cool. I have a pretty optimistic outlook for this year. Right now I should be sleeping but instead I'm putting together my Ogroids then maybe my chaos chosen for my s2d army. I'll probably play some overwatch later but I think I'm going to go for a walk in the woods first because it is such a beautiful day.
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dragon-heisters · 2 years
Session 20: 17 Sep 2022
There is a rumour that Giles might be joining us tonight! He shows up a bit late, but still just about before Pfenig. Something has happened to his character sheet, so we wait while he re-rolls his stats.
We catch him up on what he’s missed, and what he’s been doing - mostly standing in a corner of the taproom reading orcish Jilly Cooper novels.
We make Perception checks; Nuri hears something coming from the east that reminds him of sounds he’s heard coming from the toilets after a long night at the Portal. It sounds like retching. It’s either close, or… big.
We move west and post a guard. There are some steps up which Thorvin ascended and left. Nuri goes up to have a look - there’s a courtyard and a hostel, so he’s found a way out of the sewers. We go up, leaving Giles on guard and reading his copy of Tall Green and Handsome while we rest.
We take one last deep breath of fresh (ish) air, and head back down to the sewers. Giles wants to know if the retching has continued; he makes a Perception check. He hears it; the DM asks if he grew up with other orcs, or with other races? Orcs, and he can make an Insight check at Advantage. He thinks the retching might be coming from some sort of ogre-creature.
Giles goes first, and hears something ogre-adjacent (apparently, ‘ogroid’ is not PC) behind a door. He opens it - and sees a pair of feet, the owner of whom is bent over vomiting. Does Giles speak ogre? Or perhaps his new friend might speak orcish?
Giles makes an Investigation check. It’s bad. He gently shuts the door and turns to the rest of us. What do?
Pfenig thinks perhaps we could hire him. We do need door staff.
As the most monstrous among us, Giles thinks he should be the one to talk to him. Absolutely none of us have any problem with that, so he goes ahead. Giles opens the door and makes a big show of not expecting to see a puking ogre in the place he definitely hangs out in all the time. He makes a Performance check, against the ogre’s Insight (at Disadvantage, as he is somewhat distracted). The ogre isn’t buying it, but he is drunk - there are three empty wine casks in the room with him.
Perhaps Giles MD can help? Or, Pfenig has Lesser Restoration? But if we have to fight him, Pfenig would rather he was drunk.
Giles starts pulling things out of his pack and pretends to be making some medicine. The ogre seems to be reaching for his weapon. Giles does Lay On Hands by rubbing his ashy hands on the ogre’s knees.
He removes the poison, but the ogre seems suddenly angry and demands to know what Giles is doing in here. The ogre accuses him of trying to get to Xanathar! We roll Initiative…
Nuri goes first. He does a fire thing - carefully, remembering the incident from last week.
Hazel hides and shoots, natty-20s it and kills the ogre outright. “I dance on his corpse.”
… Holy shit.
Nuri loots the corpse and finds a folded cloth containing ten gold leaf sheets, worth 7sp and 5cp each.
Pfenig heads back to the door where we came in - and spots a door directly opposite it, on the other side of the sewage river. On the other side is a spacious cellar, it looks like that of an inn. There’s a half-demolished wall, so it looks like it used to be two rooms.
He is zooming around the map when the DM shouts “Okay stop there!”
There is a disgusting smell in here; Thessalie is reminded of a dwarfish spelunker’s writings when he described a smell as like ‘an orc’s loincloth’.
Pfenig hears horrendous noises as the stink gets stronger - he looks slowly up at the ceiling to see whatever is about to get a surprise round on the rest us…
(There would be a handout but the DM has lost it.)
Pfenig knows, after a good Nature check, that this is a troglodyte. And so are its friends.
They attack all of us, doing a bit of damage all around and grossing us out with the smell.
The first of us to get a turn is Pfenig, who has to make a CON save (DC12) against the troglodyte’s stench. He succeeds! Must be somewhat inoculated against bad smells after all the time he’s spent with Jod. He uses Symbiotic Entity to get some temporary HP, and casts Shillsdhjgkdfhlhh.
Hazel goes down…
Nuri makes his CON save and Hexes the one that hit him. “And then I’m going to… stab him a bit.”
Hazel succeeds her first Death save.
Pfenig gets attacked, and the troglodyte takes some necrotic damage from his spores.
Thessalie takes a potion and kills a troglodyte with Firebolt, earning herself a suspicious and disapproving look from Nuri.
Giles casts Shield of Faith, and then debates with himself. “Which one shall I stab…” 13 hits the unfortunate one he chooses, and he impales it for 9 damage.
The one Thessalie slipped away from turns its attention to Nuri. He Hellish Rebukes it and immolates it where it stands.
Pfenig bludgeons one with his Shillhsdkgjhlh and batters it to death. He is so disappointed to get the how de do dis before he’s rolled his necrotic damage that he rolls it anyway.
Another troglodyte appears and takes Nuri out. He makes a Death save and passes; Hazel rolls a nat 1 for hers and fails two. Thessalie gives her a potion and brings her back for 9HP.
Giles stabs one with a trident and kills it, poking out his eyes. He runs around a pillar and gets to Nuri to bring him back up. He takes an attack of opportunity as he goes, but only takes 5 damage.
Pfenig does Shilljgklhljhh and kills another. Another attacks him and takes some necrotic damage - max damage on 2d4, woah. It attacks twice more with a crit miss and a crit hit, but only does 7 damage. Pfenig: “Oh no, I’m nearly out of temporary hit points!”
Nuri succeeds a Death save, and hands over to Hazel for her turn: “I’m not rolling your dice for you any more.”
Hazel stabs one with her rapier and hits - only 11 damage. “You wretched knave. You’ve stank your last.” It’s still up, so Hazel bravely retreats.
Thessalie takes care of it with a Fire Bolt, leaving an ashy stain on the wall behind it.
Giles is up. “Golly. That came around quick.” Nuri wouldn’t balk at a little medical care, yes? He would not, so Giles lays hands on him, returning him to consciousness with 15 HP.
Pfenig winds up the Shillsjgkdghgljh, and natty 20s the troglodyte on the floor in front of him, dealing 20 damage.
DM: “Even at her best, she only had 14.”
He golf-swings the head into the pile he’s been making.
Before we call it, the DM asks us all to make Perception checks…
Hazel hears something like singing; Pfenig recognises it. He’s heard this in the cellar of our business! It sounds just like the amalgamated voices of the dead orphans in our basement - the Gibbering Mouther. Fabulous.
We call it there!
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