#Gaming Phone 2024
schumi-nadal · 2 months
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Rafael Nadal & Carlos Alcaraz - Olympics 2024 🇫🇷
Next stop, the quarterfinals... Vamos! 🇪🇸
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feralportalmaster · 24 days
From Just Dance on TikTok:
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Whoever their social media manager is deserves a raise
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6kate1bishop6 · 2 months
i just know neil was insufferable the day what does the fox say dropped
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augustus816 · 2 months
race coverage and kimi antonelli’s stood next to toto woolf like it’s bring-your-son-to-work day 🙏
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satureja13 · 5 months
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Saiwa was just about to get Ji Ho ready for his first Therapy Game session, when Noxee called!
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Noxee: "BABIES!" Saiwa: "Noxee?!" Noxee: "Have you forgotten what day it is? We have a surprise! Send Ji Ho home, the others are waiting!" Saiwa: "Eh - ok? ö.Ö' " Noxee: "Oh! Greg is awake, see you!" Saiwa: "Noxee?" Jack: "Omg these two! I'm so going to marry her ingame and make her forget that this Greg ever existed!"
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And so Ji Ho went home to meet the others. He really misses Jeb.
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Noxee ordered Ji Ho and Vlad to port her and Greg over to the Otherworld. Rubyn built something new to try out! Last time they used Rubyn's OTDs (Otherworld Transport Devices) was in January. And only to transport the Boys to the Otherworld. Not to bring someone else here. Lets hope it works!
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Of course it worked, since Noxee and Greg helped a bit. They are able to travel to the Otherworld under special circumstances. For example when they helped Jack and Saiwa to find their horses. Here they are! Haha and Kiyoshi is still so excited when Noxee and Greg kiss. Just the opposite of Jack ^^'
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They still have no clue what their visit is all about. Noxee: "Boys - seriously? It's Beltane!"
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Vlad checks the calendar on his phone. She's right. They totally forgot it over all the crazy stuff that happened lately...
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Noxee told them Rubyn invented something new for them so they can travel around in the Otherworld! That was about time! They are stuck here in Otherworld's Tomarang for a few months now since the Council is still after them... They went over to the garage.
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Noxee: "Greg and Jeb are going to connect Rubyn's device with the vehicle and then you should be able to travel to other destinations in the Otherworld!" Ji Ho: "That would be awesome! What kind of device is it? And which vehicle?" Noxee: "It's right before your eyes!" Vlad: "The ancient, broken TukTuk?" Jeb: "And an old telephone?" Noxee: "Sure, why not? Why build something new when we can repurpose perfectly fine stuff we already have?" Jeb: "And what's in the bread box?" Greg: "That's for the crystals and the meteorites of course." Jeb: "Of course."
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After Greg and Jeb put the crystals and the meteorites in the box and installed the device, they moved the Tuk Tuk out of the garage and Jeb, Kiyoshi, Vlad and Greg climbed inside.
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That's one of the cutest things I've ever seen! Poor Vlad in the middle of the two tallest and broadest ^^' Reminds me when Saiwa was cramped up in the middle between Jeb and Barfolomew in Rita's truck when they drove to San Myshuno :3
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Noxee: "See you soon! We'll call Sai and Jack and meet you there!" And then they vanished.
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To be continued...
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🕹️ 'Therapy Game' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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emilyartstudio-s · 1 year
i thought you guys WERE ON THE KNOW??? lmaoo SNOW DAY is apparently going to be in 3D and it looks so funny JSALSDA
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jinakadaisy · 2 months
*cradles my screen* …. I adore her….
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scribe-of-hael · 6 months
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Blood in the sink, fuck what you think You don't even know my name, what you know about me? 💔💜💔💜 ---- It's ya boi GW looking like a snack 😋 😏 inspired by Corpse Husband song "Fuk u lol"
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sehrgefaelltmir · 3 months
i paid SIXTY of my hard earned euros to watch poland play in the qualifiers. i contributed ok. i have skin in the game. poland do not fucking let me down
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wendelin-utt · 4 months
Slight Update
One: I haven't even really been working on anything important, like writing or drawing. Mainly because I decided to replay a game that I adore.
Two: I'm not gonna be home for a while meaning that I can't even work on these pieces EVEN IF I WANTED TO.
However, I will be writing The Shadow's Legend in a physical form... IE writing it by hand. I will say I have drawn my sona in the outfit of the main character of the game that I've been playing though! Doubt that'll be her final design.
Will, also, draw them in a traditional outfit of just a shirt and shorts. I really liked an outfit that someone else shared... so I might draw that design as well. Anyways, I might have several sketches ready for choice because I just can't decide on an outfit. Maybe having you guys choose what's the best might help.
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sherlock-is-ace · 9 months
#not to be depressing in new year's eve but i feel so shit right now...#all year i've been so out of myself not enjoying anything#and what i do manage to enjoy takes up like an hour of my life and then it becomes disappointing#that's how i would describe the past few months... disappointing#everything feels flat#I can't manage to hold on to a good feeling for more than an hour or two#i have absolutely no hope for the future and I don't even care about that anymore#nothing feels worth anything anymore#and what's really solidifying that feeling today of all days#is the fact that every year since before I was born my family celebrates new years eve#a few years ago the celebrations changed since my extended family decided to cut us out a bit but my mom brother and i still celebrate#we get yummy food play fun games and just spend the night together until midnight when we toast and go to bed#well this year it's 10:30 and we're already in bed doing the same things we do every day#being on our phones or watching a movie or whatever on our own#and it's just disappointing again#idk if it's the break of the tradition or the fact that the new year doesn't feel important this time#but i feel so fucking sad and numb and depressed#i hate it#I don't even feel like saying the usual ''hope 2024 is better'' shit#i just don't care and i don't think it's gonna be better... it's gonna be the same old shit and it's gonna be disappointing#nothing matters anymore and i don't think anyone fucking cares#i feel so numb...#i don't even know what the point of this post is... sorry about that#hope y'all's new years eve is better than mine (or new year's day idk your time zones)#angel talks#personal
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bexisanidiot · 4 months
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Questions for the oc ask game
Motion: Bee's a bit weird and it kinda depends. But if she's unfocused and in a domestic area (like at home w/family) she's kinda wobbly(?). She has had untreated brain damage for years so her correlation is a bit fucked (autisim probably does it too), some has been recovered by parasites. However when she is focused and not in a domestic area she is more still, still a tad bit wobbly but not as much.
Roots: answered
Alternate: Happy💀 if she was a fantasy character I can see her either being a vampire, siren, or hell maybe even a succubus and I would love an au where she's a vampire. I imagine she would dress basically the same she already does.
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6kate1bishop6 · 5 months
started reading the foxhole court to see what all the fuss was about i guess ill see yall in four books time
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smalltownfae · 9 months
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Games played in 2024: A Normal Lost Phone
Rating: 3/5
A very short queer game. The premise is that the player finds a lost phone and slowly finds out about Sam, the person who lost it and that is apparently missing.
There is a lot of text and it touches on queer subjects that would probably be spoilery if mentioned. I enjoyed it.
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spartangadget · 7 months
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volfoss · 8 months
Gnome border reacquired.
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