pollonegro666 · 2 years
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2022/08/11 Al día siguiente fuimos al aeropuerto para coger un vuelo a nuestro siguiente destino. Vimos una escultura, un coche de una marca española y nos dejaron probar otro coche. Comprobanos nuestro vuelo y saludamos al comandante antes de subir al avión.
The next day we went to the airport to catch a flight to our next destination. We saw a sculpture, a car from a Spanish brand and they let us try another car. We check our flight and greet the captain before boarding the plane.
Google translation into Italian: Il giorno successivo siamo andati all'aeroporto per prendere un volo per la nostra prossima destinazione. Abbiamo visto una scultura, un'auto di un marchio spagnolo e ci hanno fatto provare un'altra macchina. Controlliamo il nostro volo e salutiamo il capitano prima di salire sull'aereo.
Google Translation into Portuguese: No dia seguinte fomos ao aeroporto para pegar um voo para nosso próximo destino. Vimos uma escultura, um carro de uma marca espanhola e deixaram-nos experimentar outro carro. Verificamos nosso voo e cumprimentamos o capitão antes de embarcar no avião.
Google Translation into French: Le lendemain, nous sommes allés à l'aéroport pour prendre un vol vers notre prochaine destination. Nous avons vu une sculpture, une voiture d'une marque espagnole et ils nous ont laissé essayer une autre voiture. Nous vérifions notre vol et saluons le capitaine avant d'embarquer dans l'avion.
Google Translation into Arabic: في اليوم التالي ذهبنا إلى المطار للحاق برحلة إلى وجهتنا التالية. رأينا منحوتة ، سيارة من ماركة إسبانية وسمحوا لنا بتجربة سيارة أخرى. نتحقق من رحلتنا ونحيي القبطان قبل ركوب الطائرة.
Google Translation into German: Am nächsten Tag fuhren wir zum Flughafen, um einen Flug zu unserem nächsten Ziel zu erwischen. Wir sahen eine Skulptur, ein Auto einer spanischen Marke und sie ließen uns ein anderes Auto ausprobieren. Wir überprüfen unseren Flug und grüßen den Kapitän, bevor wir ins Flugzeug steigen.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Të nesërmen shkuam me makinë në aeroport për të marrë një fluturim për në destinacionin tonë të ardhshëm. Pamë një skulpturë, një makinë të markës spanjolle dhe na lanë të provonim një makinë tjetër. Ne kontrollojmë fluturimin tonë dhe i përshëndesim kapitenit përpara se të hipim në aeroplan.
Google Translation into Bulgarian: На следващия ден отидохме до летището, за да хванем полет до следващата ни дестинация. Видяхме скулптура, кола от испанска марка и ни позволиха да пробваме друга кола. Проверяваме полета си и поздравяваме капитана преди да се качим на самолета.
Google Translation into Czech: Další den jsme jeli na letiště, abychom stihli let do naší další destinace. Viděli jsme sochu, auto španělské značky a nechali nás vyzkoušet jiné auto. Kontrolujeme náš let a před nástupem do letadla zdravíme kapitána.
Google Translation into Slovak: Nasledujúci deň sme išli na letisko, aby sme stihli let do našej ďalšej destinácie. Videli sme sochu, auto španielskej značky a dali nám vyskúšať iné auto. Pred nástupom do lietadla skontrolujeme náš let a pozdravíme kapitána.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Naslednji dan smo se odpeljali na letališče, da bi ujeli let do naše naslednje destinacije. Videli smo skulpturo, avto španske znamke in dovolili so nam, da poskusimo še en avto. Pred vkrcanjem na letalo preverimo svoj let in pozdravimo kapitana.
Google Translation into Suomi: Seuraavana päivänä ajoimme lentokentälle lentääksemme seuraavaan määränpäähämme. Näimme veistoksen, espanjalaisen merkkiauton ja he antoivat meidän kokeilla toista autoa. Tarkistamme lentomme ja tervehdimme kapteenia ennen kuin nousemme koneeseen.
Google Translation into Greek: Την επόμενη μέρα οδηγήσαμε στο αεροδρόμιο για να πάρουμε πτήση για τον επόμενο προορισμό μας. Είδαμε ένα γλυπτό, ένα αυτοκίνητο ισπανικής μάρκας και μας άφησαν να δοκιμάσουμε ένα άλλο αυτοκίνητο. Ελέγχουμε την πτήση μας και λέμε γεια στον καπετάνιο πριν επιβιβαστούμε στο αεροπλάνο.
Google Translation into Dutch: De volgende dag reden we naar het vliegveld om een ​​vlucht te nemen naar onze volgende bestemming. We zagen een sculptuur, een auto van een Spaans merk en ze lieten ons een andere auto proberen. We checken onze vlucht en zeggen de kapitein gedag voordat we aan boord gaan.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Dagen etter kjørte vi til flyplassen for å ta et fly til vår neste destinasjon. Vi så en skulptur, en spansk merkebil og de lot oss prøve en annen bil. Vi sjekker flyet vårt og hilser til kapteinen før vi går ombord på flyet.
Google Translation into Polish: Następnego dnia pojechaliśmy na lotnisko, aby złapać samolot do naszego następnego miejsca docelowego. Zobaczyliśmy rzeźbę, samochód hiszpańskiej marki i pozwolili nam wypróbować inny samochód. Sprawdzamy nasz lot i witamy się z kapitanem przed wejściem na pokład samolotu.
Google Translation into Romanian: A doua zi am mers la aeroport pentru a lua un zbor spre următoarea noastră destinație. Am văzut o sculptură, o mașină de marcă spaniolă și ne-au lăsat să încercăm o altă mașină. Ne verificăm zborul și îl salutăm pe căpitan înainte de a ne urca în avion.
Google Translation into Russian: На следующий день мы поехали в аэропорт, чтобы успеть на рейс до нашего следующего пункта назначения. Мы увидели скульптуру, автомобиль испанской марки, и нам дали попробовать другой автомобиль. Мы проверяем наш рейс и здороваемся с капитаном перед посадкой в ​​самолет.
Google Translation into Swedish: Nästa dag körde vi till flygplatsen för att ta ett flyg till vår nästa destination. Vi såg en skulptur, en spansk bil och de lät oss prova en annan bil. Vi kollar vårt flyg och säger hej till kaptenen innan vi går ombord på planet.
Google Translation into Turkish: Ertesi gün, bir sonraki varış noktamıza uçmak için havaalanına gittik. Bir heykel, İspanyol marka bir araba gördük ve başka bir araba denememize izin verdiler. Uçağa binmeden önce uçuşumuzu kontrol ediyor ve kaptana merhaba diyoruz.
Google Translation into Bengali: পরের দিন আমরা আমাদের পরবর্তী গন্তব্যে ফ্লাইট ধরতে বিমানবন্দরে রওনা হলাম। আমরা একটি ভাস্কর্য, একটি স্প্যানিশ ব্র্যান্ডের গাড়ি দেখেছি এবং তারা আমাদের অন্য একটি গাড়ি চেষ্টা করতে দেয়। আমরা আমাদের ফ্লাইট চেক করি এবং বিমানে ওঠার আগে ক্যাপ্টেনকে হ্যালো বলি।
Google Translation into Chinese: 第二天,我们驱车前往机场,搭乘飞往下一个目的地的航班。 我们看到了一个雕塑,一辆西班牙品牌的汽车,他们让我们试试另一辆车。 我们检查了我们的航班,并在登机前向机长问好。
Google Translation into Korean: 다음날 우리는 다음 목적지로 가는 비행기를 타기 위해 차를 몰고 공항으로 갔다. 우리는 조각품, 스페인 브랜드 자동차를 보았고 그들은 우리에게 다른 차를 시험해 보게 했습니다. 비행기에 탑승하기 전에 비행기를 확인하고 기장에게 인사를 합니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: למחרת נסענו לשדה התעופה לתפוס טיסה ליעד הבא שלנו. ראינו פסל, מכונית של מותג ספרדי והם נתנו לנו לנסות מכונית אחרת. אנחנו בודקים את הטיסה שלנו ואומרים שלום לקברניט לפני העלייה למטוס.
Google Translation into Hindi: अगले दिन हम अपने अगले गंतव्य के लिए एक उड़ान पकड़ने के लिए हवाई अड्डे के लिए रवाना हुए। हमने एक मूर्तिकला, एक स्पेनिश ब्रांड की कार देखी और उन्होंने हमें दूसरी कार की कोशिश करने दी। हम अपनी उड़ान की जांच करते हैं और विमान में चढ़ने से पहले कप्तान को नमस्ते कहते हैं।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Hari berikutnya kami pergi ke bandara untuk mengejar penerbangan ke tujuan kami berikutnya. Kami melihat patung, mobil merek Spanyol dan mereka membiarkan kami mencoba mobil lain. Kami memeriksa penerbangan kami dan menyapa kapten sebelum naik ke pesawat.
Google Translation into Japanese: 翌日、私たちは次の目的地への飛行機に乗るために空港に向かいました。 スペインのブランド車である彫刻を見て、別の車を試乗させてくれました。 飛行機に乗る前に、フライトを確認し、機長に挨拶します。
Google Translation into Malay: Keesokan harinya kami memandu ke lapangan terbang untuk menaiki penerbangan ke destinasi seterusnya. Kami melihat arca, kereta jenama Sepanyol dan mereka membenarkan kami mencuba kereta lain. Kami memeriksa penerbangan kami dan bertanya khabar kepada kapten sebelum menaiki pesawat.
Google Translation into Pashtun: بله ورځ موږ هوایی ډګر ته لاړو ترڅو خپل راتلونکی منزل ته الوتنه ونیسو. موږ یو مجسمه ولیدله، د هسپانوي برانډ موټر او دوی موږ ته اجازه راکړه چې بل موټر وټاکو. موږ خپله الوتنه څارو او په الوتکه کې سپاره کیدو دمخه کپتان ته سلام ووایو.
Google Translation into Persian: روز بعد به سمت فرودگاه حرکت کردیم تا به مقصد بعدی پرواز کنیم. یک مجسمه دیدیم، یک ماشین مارک اسپانیایی و اجازه دادند ماشین دیگری را امتحان کنیم. پرواز خود را چک می کنیم و قبل از سوار شدن به هواپیما به کاپیتان سلام می کنیم.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Kinabukasan ay nagmaneho kami papuntang airport para sumakay ng flight papunta sa susunod naming destinasyon. May nakita kaming sculpture, isang Spanish brand na kotse at hinayaan nila kaming sumubok ng isa pang kotse. Sinusuri namin ang aming flight at kumusta sa kapitan bago sumakay sa eroplano.
Google Translation into Thai: วันรุ่งขึ้นเราขับรถไปสนามบินเพื่อขึ้นเครื่องไปยังจุดหมายต่อไป เราเห็นรูปปั้นรถยี่ห้อสเปนและพวกเขาให้เราลองรถคันอื่น เราตรวจสอบเที่ยวบินและทักทายกัปตันก่อนขึ้นเครื่องบิน
Google Translation into Urdu: اگلے دن ہم اپنی اگلی منزل کے لیے فلائٹ پکڑنے کے لیے ہوائی اڈے پر روانہ ہوئے۔ ہم نے ایک مجسمہ دیکھا، ایک ہسپانوی برانڈ کی کار اور انہوں نے ہمیں دوسری کار آزمانے دی۔ ہم اپنی فلائٹ چیک کرتے ہیں اور جہاز میں سوار ہونے سے پہلے کپتان کو ہیلو کہتے ہیں۔
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Наступного дня ми поїхали в аеропорт, щоб встигнути на рейс до нашого наступного пункту призначення. Ми побачили скульптуру, машину іспанської марки, і вони дозволили нам спробувати іншу машину. Ми перевіряємо наш рейс і вітаємося з капітаном перед посадкою в літак.
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nordic-language-love · 9 months
So many people saying online check in isn't reliable but literally I have never had issues checking in online before which is why I'm stressing to high heaven lmao
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taxitoairportservice0 · 15 hours
Stress-Free and Comfortable Taxi Service from Oslo Airport Gardermoen
Traveling can be stressful, especially after a long flight. Taxitoairportservice offers the perfect solution with its premier taxi service from Oslo Airport Gardermoen to any destination. Whether you're heading into the city or venturing beyond, you can count on a smooth, comfortable ride with our experienced drivers at the wheel.
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Our taxis are not just about transportation; they are about delivering an experience. You’ll enjoy a clean, well-maintained vehicle, while our professional drivers ensure punctuality and friendliness, making your journey relaxing from start to finish.
At Taxitoairportservice, we prioritize customer satisfaction. Our booking process is seamless and hassle-free, letting you reserve your ride in advance. Plus, our services are available 24/7, guaranteeing that no matter when you arrive, we’ll be ready to pick you up.
Book now to experience the unparalleled comfort and reliability of Taxitoairportservice and make your journey from Oslo Airport Gardermoen a breeze!
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Taxi Oslo Airport Gardermoen
Taxi Munich Airport
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u-rent · 13 days
Løfteplan Gardermoen | u-rent.no
U-Rent.no tilbyr omfattende løfteplaner på Gardermoen, skreddersydd for ditt prosjekts spesifikke behov. Vårt team sikrer at hver løfteoperasjon er nøye planlagt og utført for maksimal sikkerhet og effektivitet.
Løfteplan Gardermoen
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pcgamer · 7 months
Watch This Amazing Landing At Oslo Int. Airport - Norway - Norwegian Air...
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davidstanleytravel · 2 years
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David Stanley taking a hike in the Ravinedalen Gardermoen near the airport at Oslo, Norway.
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aimeedaisies · 4 months
Court Circular | 20th May 2024
St James’s Palace
The Princess Royal this morning departed from Royal Air Force Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, for Norway and was received this afternoon upon arrival at Royal Norwegian Air Force Air Base, Oslo Gardermoen Airport by His Majesty’s Ambassador to the Kingdom of Norway (Her Excellency Ms Jan Thompson).
Colonel John Boyd is in attendance.
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pigs-in-art · 2 months
Karsten, Ludvig (1876-1926) - 1924 Pork (Private Collection)
Karsten, Ludvig (1876-1926) - 1924 Pork (Private Collection) by Milton Sonn Via Flickr: Oil on canvas. Ludvig Karsten was a Norwegian painter. He was a neo-impressionist influenced by Edvard Munch, Henri Matisse and the contemporary French painting. He first participated at the Autumn exhibition in Kristiania in 1901, and had his first separate exhibition in 1904. He is represented at museums in many Scandinavian cities, and with several paintings at the National Gallery of Norway. Karsten was known for his bohemian lifestyle and pending temper. Karsten grew up in a wealthy home in Christiania. He started taking drawing lessons 13 years old. In 1893 he made a study tour to Telemark, where he made landscape sketches and portraits, and also joined painter Halfdan Egedius. After graduating from secondary school in 1895, he travelled to Rome, and later to Firenze and Munich. In 1896 he travelled in Spain, and settled for a while in Madrid. He left Spain in 1898, and was enrolled in the military services at Gardermoen for some months. He then travelled to Munich, where he painted En mann og en kvinne, also called Adam and Eve, which has later been located at the Stenersen Museum. He visited Paris in autumn 1900, where he trained on models. In 1901 he was in Åsgårdstrand, where he painted Two Men and Three Boys, which were both shown at his first appearance at the Autumn exhibition in Kristiania in 1901. Karsten returned to Paris, where he spent several years. He was known for his boozing and temperament. After a fight with the poet Nils Collett Vogt he was temporarily expelled from the circle of Norwegian artists residing in Paris. He visited the museum Louvre, where he paraphrased Ribera's painting of the burial of Christ. The painting was bought by Frits Thaulow, and came to be Karsten's the first important sale. It was resold to the National Gallery in Oslo in 1909, after Thaulow's death. Karsten's first separate exhibition, at Blomqvist in Kristiania in September and October 1904, received mixed critic in the newspapers. In 1905 he visited Edvard Munch at Åsgårdstrand, where Munch made a large portrait of him. After a night of heavy drinking, possibly on Midsummer Eve, it came to quarrel which led to a violent fight between Munch and Karsten. Munch later made an etching of his version of the incident. From 1910 Karsten lived mostly in Copenhagen, where he married in 1913. He bought a house in Skagen in 1920. Karsten is represented at the National Gallery of Norway with several paintings, including Kristi gravleggelse from 1904, Vårkveld i Ula from 1905, Tæring from 1907, Det blå kjøkken (English: The blue Kitchen) from 1913, Det røde kjøkken (English: The red Kitchen) from 1913, and Flukten fra Egypt from 1922. He is represented at the Bergen Museum (with Søsken, and Batseba), at Nationalmuseum in Stockholm (with the painting Den lyse og mørke akt), at Statens Museum for Kunst in Copenhagen (with Golgata from 1923), and at the Stenersen Museum in Oslo (with the paintings Adam og Eva and Gobelin). Karsten was also well known for his paraphrases of works by elder painters, including 16th century artist Jacopo Bassano and 17th century artists Jusepe de Ribera and Rembrandt. His last painting was a portrait of his daughter Alise, when she visited him in Paris in 1926. He died in Paris in 1926, after having fallen down a steep staircase.
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ginandoldlace · 6 months
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The only remaining Northrop N-3PB in the world is at Flysamlingen Gardermoen, outside Oslo. Salvaged in the summer of 1979 in Iceland, restoration at Northrop's factory in Hawthorne,
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bearsgrove · 7 months
2, 12, & 20 ehehehehe
thank u!!!
2. three last songs you listened to hollow — hauntologist gardermoen — hauntologist uuden kuun aika — kallomäki
12. three favourite songs from video games only three????????? far horizons, from past to present — both from skyrim athanasia — destiny 2 these 3 come to mind first because they make me feel unspeakable things…….
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one i Cannot listen to this without thinking "ah thats the track my friend jackie loves": kaer morhen returning — gustavo santaolalla dawn — black hill and silent island
send more c: “the three songs” ask set
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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge met with Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit at the Oslo Gardermoen Airport | February 1 2018
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roviellworld · 5 months
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Travelers to Oslo Airport can use either the R10/R11 Regional Train or the L12 Local Train. Both trains stop at Lillestrøm station and Oslo Airport (Gardermoen). The estimated travel time between the airport and central Oslo is 23 minutes. There are more than 50 daily departures from Oslo to Oslo Airport.
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nordic-language-love · 11 months
Lmao your Danish gate reminds me of when I had a layover in Stockholm once. I was so blown away bc until then I thought airports in general had international crowds, but literally every single person there looked like Agnetha from ABBA
Sometimes the stereotypes are based in truth!
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daydreamtofiction · 1 year
Playlist #2 // Glass
Listen Here
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Chapters 1-10
Opening Titles - David Arnold, Michael Price
Don’t Dream it’s Over - Crowded House
Amber Eyes - Jon Winterstein
Crates of Books - David Arnold, Michael Price
Ala - Joep Beving
Gardermoen - Julia Kent
Intro - The xx
Wicked Game - Chris Isaak
Closer - Kings of Leon
The Game Is On - David Arnold, Michael Price
Irene’s Theme - David Arnold, Michael Price
LDF - 100 Monkeys
The Woman - David Arnold, Michael Price
Hurt For Me - SYML
Back To Work - David Arnold, Michael Price
You Are a Memory - Message To Bears
you should see me in a crown - Billie Eilish
Me and the Devil - Soap&Skin
listen before i go - Billie Eilish
Blood on the Pavement - David Arnold, Michael Price
Chapters 11-19
Timshel - Mumford & Sons
Mary - Kings of Leon
#SherlockLives - David Arnold, Michael Price
I Gave You All - Mumford & Sons
When Anger Shows - Editors
Wind Song - Ludovico Einaudi
Run Boy Run (Instrumental) - Woodkid
To Build A Home - The Cinematic Orchestra, Patrick Watson
Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) - John Lennon
Security Cameras - Michael Price, David Arnold
Zoetrope - Joep Beving
April - The Lumineers
Sinnerman - Nina Simone
Sewn - The Feeling
Potential Clients - Michael Price, David Arnold
Fear of the Water - SYML
You Won’t Feel a Thing - The Script
Status Symbol - David Arnold, Michael Price
Tell Her This - Del Amitri
Domestic Pressures - Jóhann Jóhannsson
Dream 1 (before the wind blows it all away) Pt. 8 - Max Richter
Stag Night - David Arnold, Michael Price
Divenire - Ludovico Einaudi
Waltz for John and Mary - David Arnold, Michael Price
Amber Eyes - Poor Saint Lazarus
hostage - Billie Eilish
Chapters 20-33
I Wanted to Leave - SYML
Eros - Ludovico Einaudi
Hotline Bling - Gibran Alcocer
Magnussen - David Arnold, Michael Price
ceilings - Lizzy McAlpine
Prepared to do Anything - Michael Price, David Arnold
Youth - Daughter
Blackbird - The Beatles
In the Kitchen - Mree
Always the Grown Up - Michael Price, David Arnold
Can’t Keep It Inside - Brett Dennen, Benedict Cumberbatch
Library Books - Michael Price, David Arnold
Female of the Species - Space
Etude - Joep Beving
Seduction - Adam Hurst
Tell Me The Truth - Two Feet
Truth - Balmorhea
Nicest Thing - Kate Nash
Driving With The Brakes On - Del Amitri
In Between Breaths - SYML
Appledore - David Arnold, Michael Price
Experience - Ludovico Einaudi
Letters From The Sky - Civil Twilight
Chapters 33-39
The Stranger - David Arnold, Michael Price
Solas - Jamie Duffy
Nocturnal - Joep Beving
Signing - David Arnold, Michael Price
Slide - Jake Bugg
AGRA - David Arnold, Michael Price
Gunshot - David Arnold, Michael Price
Icarus - PHILDEL
Chapters 40-50
Everybody Dies - Billie Eilish
Angst - Agent Fresco
Margaux - Matilda Mann
The Problems of Your Future - David Arnold, Michael Price
Lay All Your Love On Me - The Butterfly Effect
The East Wind - David Arnold, Michael Price
Stayin Alive - Bee Gees
Bitter and Sick - One Two
Brother Mine - David Arnold, Michael Price
Hearing - Sleeping At Last
Forsaken - Adam Hurst
i love you - Billie Eilish
No Fait Awaits Me - Son Lux, Faux Fix
everything i wanted - Billie Eilish
Next To Me - Civil Twilight
That Home - The Cinematic Orchestra
Glass - Hania Rani
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tarjeismoeworknews · 1 year
Some news about Tarjei's performance as Olav den Heldige in Stiklestad
"Tarjei is currently studying at the Norwegian Film School in Lillehammer and does not have the time or opportunity to attend large parts of rehearsals at Stiklestad. That's why Mathias has been hired to be Tarjei's understudy and will act as Olav for the entire trial period, says Patrik Asplund Stenseth, who is the artistic director of Olav den Heldige. Mathias and I studied at the same time at the HINT (Nord University) and I know that his caliber as an actor and his sharp head could understand this role quickly and then be a good placeholder for Tarjei in rehearsals, continues Stenseth."
"Tarjei will come up to Verdal at the weekends and will then be guided by director Nils Petter Mørland, but also by understudy Mathias Rydjord, who goes fully into the role of Olav and will be able to guide Tarjei in a great way.  We hope that the flight between Gardermoen and Værnes will be on schedule on Thursday afternoon, then the plan is for Tarjei to quickly get to Gardermoen after school and fly up to make it to the dress rehearsal on Thursday evening (24 August)."
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1 February 2018 | Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge are greeted by Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway as they arrive to Oslo Gardermoen Airport on day 3 of their visit to Sweden and Norway in Oslo, Norway. (c) Chris Jackson/Getty Images
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