#Gasgano's podracer
sw5w · 10 months
Racing Into Laguna Caves
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:01:34
One of the things I love about doing this is spotting something new that I never noticed before - like the wrecked podracer on the side of the cave entrance!
Here's a great close-up shot of the wrecked podracer from page 172 of Creating the Worlds of Star Wars 365 Days by John Knoll, along with the note that it was intended to be an old accident that occurred a while ago and was left there!
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i-draws-dinosaurs · 1 year
Star Wars has three types of guy: Fump Geezgo from the Womflee system, Stabba Badguyman, and Chris
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jestergirlbosom · 10 months
I love how many Sebulba memes there are lately. Sebulba and Taylor Swift are dating Sebulba is crushing star wars character polls and he's got a flamethrower on his podracer (that one's just canon), but give it up for my boy Gasgano
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chongoblog · 2 years
Podracer Tier List
A Tier: Gasgano
Whatever Tier: All The Other dudes
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altcntrlmp · 9 months
Star Wars Racer Arcade
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Racer Arcade features four tracks: Tatooine Bantha Tracks (Easy), Etti IV Smuggler's Cove (Normal), Malastare Pixelito Challenge (Hard), which has four laps, and Tatooine Boonta Eve Classic (Expert), which has three laps. Four Podracer pilots are playable: Anakin Skywalker, Ben Quadinaros, Gasgano and Sebulba. 
The player controls the podracer via two handheld throttle controls, similar to how pods are controlled in the film. Unlike the home console video game Star Wars Episode I: Racer, the player's podracer is indestructible, although it can suffer slowdown from collision damage, and it is possible, yet difficult, to destroy opposing podracers.
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dswcp · 3 years
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This week: No Humans Allowed!
Anakin was, of course, the only human with reflexes fast enough to podrace. So apparently these freaky little guys all have a natural advantage over us clumsy, non-Chosen-One humans!
I wish other media about Anakin, especially The Clone Wars cartoon, would show more of his superhuman ability and zeal for racing. I think it’s really endearing and fun, and a cool reference to George Lucas’ first love, cars. The closest the cartoon gets to this theme is the very first arc, Malevolence, in which Anakin can pilot more skillfully than anyone else, and Ahsoka has to advise him to quit for the sake of everyone else’s safety. There are a couple comics where Ahsoka and Luke get to podrace, and Anakin/Vader gets to react to them in charming and ridiculous ways. I’ll write about these comics later, because they are my absolute weakness! 
The flags featured in the adorable illustration above are:
the shark who says “Ni!” of Clegg Holdfast, a Nosaurian from New Plympto. New Plympto’s tragic fate is shown in the grimdark (by Star Wars standards) Dark Times comics: the planet and its poor little dinosaur population are neglected by the Republic, manipulated by the Separatists, and looted by the Empire. I’m uncertain if Clegg lived to see this destruction, as his pod crashed in the second lap.
the red flag with blue pennants of Dud Bolt (great name!), a Vulptereen from Vulpter. He must have survived, as he is the racer who you can see on the TV at the bar in Attack of the Clones. I think he is a very cute piggy-crocodile.
the matching green flag with red pennants of Gasgano, a Xexto from Troiken. I think this guy is genuinely ugly, but he did come in second place after Ani, so I must respect him. 
the lobster claw on a green field of Mars Guo, who is, hilariously, a Phuii from Phu. Similar to beloved character Hera Syndulla, Mars is named after a Greco-Roman god. Did that ancient empire somehow reach this distant galaxy?
the red hook of Teemto Pagalies, a Veknoid from Moonus Mandel. A Veknoid closer to my heart is the wise, mysterious Master Zao. But Teemto is the original goofy pig-lizard-man.
In the illustration, the podracers bear their own flags, but this is not the case in the movie; in fact, it looks the actual flagbearers mostly appear to be human. The only exception is Anakin’s flagbearer, his loyal creation, C-3PO.
“English-Japanese Dictionary for Jedi Knights,” entry for “Flag.” 2015. Illustrators: Chifuyu Sasaki and Naoko Kawano, aka Gurihiru.
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corellianblues · 7 years
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Gasgano and Sebulba by Chris Trevas
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skygal-178 · 3 years
ENSLAVED [anakin fanfic]
A/N: Hii! so this will be my first fanfic on Tumblr. The uploads will probably be pretty slow, since I tend to take a while with writing. So beware of that. Anyways, I hope you like it and let me know what you think?
wordcount: 2.857
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Mos Espa Grand Arena, Tatooine
Boonta Eve
Nerves strike Shmi, when they arrive at the arena. Anakin on the other hand is filled with adrenaline. “This is so wizard, Ani. I’m sure you’ll do it this time.” Kitster says, the boys walk over to Anakin’s podracer together. Followed by Padmé, who joins the conversation. “Do what?” She asks, confused about what he means. “Finish the race of course.” Kitster replies, in an obvious tone. “You’ve never won a race?” Padmé gets a little agitated. “Well... not exactly...” Anakin states, suspiciously. “Not even finished?” The disguised Queen of Naboo is taken aback by this statement. “Kitster’s right. I will this time.” Anakin remains confident. That’s when Qui-Gon appears behind Anakin, placing his hands on the boys shoulders. “Of course you will.” Padmé gives Qui-Gon a doubtful look, before they all head off the starting positions. All the pilots await Jabba’s arrival. “Chowbaso! Tam ka chee Boonta rulee ya, kee madda hodrudda du wundee.[Welcome! To celebrate the conclusion of the Boonta festivities, we have contestant from the far reaches of the galaxy.]” Jabba kicks off the event. The crowd goes wild and the announcer starts introducing the racers one by one. Meanwhile Shmi is kneeling down in front of Anakin, giving him a big hug. “Be safe.” She says to him, looking right into his eyes. “I will, mom. I promise.” Anakin knows she’s serious and he feels her anxiety rise ever so slightly, whenever she thinks about Anakin racing and the dangers that come with it.
“..Kaa bazza kundee hodrudda![..Let the challenge begin!]” Jabba gives the start signal. And with that the pilots strap into their racing pods. Quin-Gon lifts Anakin into his pod. “Are you all set, Ani?” Qui-Gon asks, to which Anakin nods. “Remember, concentrate on the moment. Feel. Don’t think. Trust your instincts.” Anakin shows him a small smile. “May the Force be with you.” Qui-Gon steps away, as Anakin puts on his goggles. Anakin flips a switch, and his engine starts. The other Pilots start their engines as well. Powerful energy binders shoot between the engines, as the incredible roar of high-powered engines igniting echoes throughout the Arena. On a bridge over the track, a green light at the center flashes. With that the pods shoot forward with a high-pitched scream. Anakin’s engine floods and coughs, then dies. All the other pods swerve around him and disappear down the track, while Anakin struggles to get his racer restarted. After a bit of trial and error, Anakin’s pod finally ignites and he zooms off.
The pods fly across the desert. Sebulba is running neck and neck with racer Mawhonic. They round the first turn in the track, side by side. Sebubla drives his pod into his rival, forcing him into the wall of a large rock formation. On the other side of the track, is Anakin much faster than the back-end stragglers and passes them easily. One of the pilots, Gasgano, won’t let him by. Anakin tries to pass him on one side and is cut off. He then tries to pass him on the other side and is cut off. As they come up on a cliff dropoff, Anakin back off, then guns it as Gasgano goes over the cliff. Anakin accelerates so fast, he sails right over top of Gasgano’s pod and speeds away.
Meanwhile in the Arena Jar Jar, Shmi, Padmé and Qui-Gon all watch the race on a small hand-held view screen. Worried when they don’t see any sign of Anakin anywhere.
On the race track Anakin is powering around corners and over hills and cliffs, passing other racers right and left. Sebulba is still in the lead. As he is being challenged by another racer, Xelbree, he slows down a little. Xelbree pulls alongside him, Sebulba opens a side vent on the racer’s engine and the exhaust starts to cut through the alien’s engine. The blast cuts along the engine until finally it explodes. Meanwhile Anakin is working his way through a dense mass of racers as they zoom over a dune sea, kicking up dust. His pod shakes violently as he goes over a jump. One of the podracers, Ody, catches one of his engines in the sand and the whoel thing explodes.
Qui-Gon has sat down, quietly meditating. Padmé and Shmi search the landscape for any sign of the racers, catching a glimps of Watto laughing with his friends, confident in Anakin’s defeat. That’s when the racers come around the corner. Sebulba is first to enter the Arena, closely followed by all the other racers. Sure enough, coming around the bend is Anakin, quickly gaining on the pack. The corwd goes wild as the pods zoom off into the distance.
Anakin continues to gain on the other racers in the second lap. Shmi and Padmé feel the tension, as Anakin races through the arena for the beginning of the third lap. He is only four or five racers away from Sebulba, keeping his solid lead on the pack.
In the third lap, Terter is getting close to Sebulba, who purposely breaks a small part off his pod sending it into Terter’s engine and causing him to veer into Anakin. Unhooking one of the main straps that links the pod to his engines. Anakin struggles to keep it in control. As the pod swings near the broken engine strap, he manages to grab it and rehook it to the pod. Sebulba cuts the engine of Obitoki with his side exhaust and the racer crashes in a cloud of dust. A third racer, Habba, flies into the cloud and crashes into Obitoki’s pod. Anakin rounds the corner and heads straight into the dus cloud. He hits part of one of the engine, but regains control. Finally catching up to Sebulba, they run neck-and-neck over the rough terrain. Shmi, Padmé, Jar Jar and Qui-Gon all cheer as Anakin zooms through the arena. The lights in the tower indicate this is the fourth and final lap, making Watto begin to worry.
Once again Sebulba uses his exhaust port to try to cut through Anakin’s engines, but Anakin manages to avoid the action. On a tight corner, Anakin dives to the inside and takes the lead. Sebulba is furious. He stays right on Anakin’s tail, crowding him and oushing hom through the turns. He pushes harder and harder, giving Anakin a dificult time keeping keeping control. One of the parts on Anakin’s engine begins to shake loose. He sees it and switches over to an auxidiary system, while he tries to remain in balance. Sebulba takes this opportunity to pass him.
Anakin keeps trying to get around Sebulba, to no avail. Every moves Anakin makes, Sebulba is able to block. Finally, Anakin fakes a move to the inside as like he has been doing, then quickly go around on the outside. They are now racing side-by-side down the final stretch of the track. Sebulba veers toward Anakin and bangs into his pod over and over. The young boy struggles to maintain control as the steering rods of the two pods get hooked together.
A they head for the final stretch , Anakin fights to unlock the steering rods by trying to pull away from Sebulba. But the strain on the steering rods is tremendous. Resulting in Anakin’s rods beaks, and his pod starts spinning. The sudden release of the tension sends Sebulba into the rocks, making his engines instantly explode. Sebulba skids through the fireballs, blackened, but unhurt. He slides to a smoking stop, gets out of his racer, and throws what’s left of a shifter arm on the ground in anger.
Anakin flies through the explosion as the crowd stands, cheering loudly. Padmé and Jar Jar jump up with excitement, screaming for joy. Artoo and Kitster whisly hysterically. Qui-Gon and Shmi smile proudly, watching Anakin race over the finish line. As Anakin stops his pod racer, Kitster runs up hugging his friend tightly. Hundreds of spectators join them, lifting Anakin up onto their shoulders. They march off, cheering and chanting.
Down in Wattos private box, Several aliens walk out laughing and counting their newly earned money. Leaving Watto by himself, defeated. He looks up to see Qui-Gon standing in the doorway. “You! You swindled me! You knew the boy was going to ewin! Somehow you knew it!” Watto exclaims, pausing for a second. “I lost everything.” He adds, flying up to Qui-Gon and puts his face right up against Qui-Gon’s. Who simply smiles back at Watto. “Whenever you gamle, my friend, eventually you’ll lose. I’ll come by your shop later to pick up the parts and so you can release the boy.” Qui-Gon states, turning around to leave. ”You can’t have him! It wasn’t a fair bet!” Watto yells after him. Qui-Gon stops in his tracks and turns back around. “Would you like to discuss it with the Hutts.. I’m sure they can settle this.” “No, no! I want no more of your tricks! Just take him.” Watto backs down in defeat once more, and with that Qui-Gon walks out.
The main hanger is almost deserted as racers depart. A few droids haul in the wreckage from the race. Jar Jar gives Anakin a great hug, followed by Padmé and finally his mother. “Okay gee.. Enough of this..” Anakin squirms out of his mothers grip. “It’s so wonderful, Ani. You have brough hope to those who have non. I’m so very proud of you.” Shmi exclaims proudly to her son. “We owe you everything.” Padmé adds. “Just feeling this good was worth it.” Anakin replies, smiling proudly at himself aswell.
In the background, Qui-Gon has harnessed the containers with the parts from Watto to the borrowed Eopies. “Padmé, Jar Jar let’s go get these parts back to the ship.” He states, climbing onto the Eopie in front. “Good-bye, Padmé” Anakin gives her a little kiss on her cheek, making her smile kindly. Jar Jar grabs Anakin’s hand and starts shaking it vigorously. “Byen, mesa palo. Yousa one bomblaster boyo.” To which Anakin replies with a laugh. “Take care of youself, Jar Jar.” Padmé climbs on behind Qui-Gon and Jar Jar wings up ontop the second Eopie. “I’ll return the Eopies by midday.” Qui-Gon states. Shmi replies with a nod in acceptance, as they wave them off.
Naboo Spacecraft, Tatooine Desert
Artoo cruises ahead of the two Eopies, as they come to a stop in front of the sleek Naboo Royal Starship. Obi-Wan comes out of the ship and joins them. “Start integrating these parts into the ship. I have to go.. bring the Eopies back. I won’t be long.” Qui-Gon states, somewhat unsure. “Another passenger?” Obi-Wan immediatly senses his Master’s thoughts. Qui-Gon sighs deeply, knowing better then to lie to his Padawan. “The boy who’s responsible for getting us those parts. There’s something.. special about him. I sense a strong connection to the Force.” The Master explains. Obi-Wan just nods, and helps him back onto the Eopie.
Slave Quarters Row, Mos Espa
Anakin and Seek, another slave boy, are rolling on the ground, fighting. About a dozen or so kids are surrounding them, yelling. Suddenly, a long shadow is cast over the two boys. The stop fighting and look up at Qui-Gon towering over them. Kitster standing beside him. “What’s the problem?” Qui-Gon asks. Anakin gets up from the ground. “He hit me.” He replies defensively. “And...?” “And it made me angry, sp I hit him.” Were you friends?” Qui-Gon continues asking questions. “NO! The boys scream in unison. “So are you friends now?” “NO!” They yell again. “Then your fighting didn’t solve anything, did it?” Infiltrating pain is not an effective way for change.. Come on, Ani. I have some news.” Qui-Gon finally states and Anakin walks off towards his Hovel. Seek is left standing in the street scratching his head in confusion.
Skywalker Hovel, Slave Quarter Row
Shmi is cleaning up as Anakin bursts through the door, followed by Qui-Gon. “Mom, he;’s back! He sold the pod. Look at all the money we have!” He exclaims in pure excitement, as he pulls a bag filled with coins out of his pocket. “Oh, my goodness. That’s wonderful.” Shmi replies, smiling gratefully at Qui-Gon. “And Anakin has been freed.” He adds, looking directly at Shmi. “What?!?” Anakin asks, in disbelief. “You’re no longer a slave.” Qui-Gon confirms his earlier statement. Shmi is stunned, scared and happy at the same time. Anakin however is jumping for joy. “Did you hear that, Mom?” He quickly turns from his mother to Qui-Gon. “Was that part of the prize, or what?” He asks. “Let’s just say Watto has learned an important lesson about gambling.” Shmi gives Qui-Gon a knowing look. “Now you can make your dreams come true, Ani. You’re free!” Shmi give Anakin a big smile. “Is he to become a Jedi?” She asks QUi-Gon after. “I’m mindful of coincidence here. Nothing happens by accident. He is strong with the Force, but may not be accepted by the Council.” Qui-Gon replies, picking his words carefully. “A Jedi! Mighty blasters, you mean I get to go with you in your starship and everything!” The excitement is staying strong in Anakin’s reaction to this news. Qui-Gon kneels down to Anakin’s level. “Anakin, training to be a Jedi will not be an easy challenge. And if you succeed, it will be a hard life.” “But it’s what I want. What I’ve always dreamed about. Can I go Mom?!” Anakin looks up at his mom, hopeful. “This path has been placed before you, Ani. The choice is yours alone to make.” Shmi tells him. Anakin thinkds for a moment, before looking from his mother to Qui-Gon. “I want to go.” “Then, pack you things. We haven’t much time.” “Yippee!” Anakin jumps up with excitement once again. He runs by his mom for a hug and starts to make his way to his bedroom.
But all of a sudden Anakin stops in his tracks. Shmi and Qui-Gon give eachother a knowing look, seeing that Anakin has realized something. “What about Mom?” He turns around to look at Qui-Gon. “Is she free too? You’re coming, aren’t you, Mom?” Anakin asks, looking between the two adults. Qui-Gon steps up. “I tried to free your mother, Ani, but Watto wouldn’t have it.” He tells the young boy. “But the money from selling..” He pauses, his mood quickly switching. “It’s not nearly enough.” Shmi comes over to her son and kneels beside him. Taking both his hands in hers, she draws him closer. “Son, my place is here. My future is here. It is time for you to let go.. to let go of me. I cannot go with you.” She tries assuring him, but she can see the sadness in his eyes is only growing with her words. “But Watto’s angry, Mom. You’re in danger. I can’t leave you. Not now.” “You’re also in danger, Ani. I will be fine.. you will be fine. We must each find our own way.” She keeps assuring him, but to no luck. Anakin takes a small step back, straightening his posture and looking straight into his mother’s eyes. “I want to stay with you. I don’t want to leave you behind. I can’t.” Anakin states, more serious now. “You can’t stop change any more than you can stop the suns from setting. Listen to your feelings; you know what’s right.” There’s a bit of concern in Shmi’s voice. Qui-Gon comes to stand behind her, laying a hand on her shoulder. “It’s like you said, the choice is his to make. If he wishes to stay, then that’s what he’ll do.” Qui-Gon states, recieving a thankful smile from Shmi as she looks back to her son. Anakin takes a deep breathe, but in he knows in his heart what he wants. And so the decision is made. “I want to stay. I can’t leave you, Mom.” Anakin finally states. Hugging his mother, before turning to Qui-Gon one last time. “Thank you, Qui-Gon sir. For everything.” “Thank you, Ani. And never forget to follow your instincts, they will never let you down.”
When Anakin has made his way into his bedroom, Shmi turns to Qui-Gon. “Do you really think he made the right choice to stay.” She asks him, still a little worried about her sons future in slavery. “If there’s anything I know about the Force, it’s that it always finds a way. Anakin’s connection with the Force remains, that’s not gonna change. As long as we trust in the Force, Anakin will find his purpose.” Qui-Gon tells Shmi. His words settle her worried feelings. Suddenly Qui-Gon’s comlink starts to beep. “Master, are you almost ready? We have ot leave soon, I got a message from the Council requesting a report.” Obi-Wan’s voice speaks through the comlink. Qui=Gon presses a button to reply. “I will be there as soon as possible, Obi-Wan. Get the ship ready to take off.” “Yes, Master.”
Qui-Gon turns back to Shmi. “Thank you again, for everything. You’ve given my son hope again.” Shmi states, before grabbing her poncho from the coat-rack by the door. “Now I will bring you back to your ship, a speeder will be faster.” Qui-Gon nods and follows her out.
next chapter
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padawanlost · 4 years
How advanced was Anakin when it came to his Force abilities people seem to believe he didn't really care about it nor seem that interested besides power which seems kind of true
He was ‘extraordinary’ :P
Don’t ever feel bad for being extraordinary, Anakin. – Obi-wan Kenobi in Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth by Karen Miller.
He wished he did. If it was a simple matter of Force-leaping the perimeter fence, no problem. But it wasn’t just the fence they had to deal with, it was the laser grid in front of the fence—and more than likely on its other side as well. “You’ll be fine, Anakin,” said Obi-Wan. “I doubt anyone will ever break your Temple leap record.” The one he’d set just over a year ago. The one that had smashed Mace Windu’s leap by nearly fifteen meters. No, probably no one ever would break that. But it wasn’t himself he was worried about.[Karen Miller. Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth]
Childhood in the Temple. Playing hide-and-seek with his fellow students because he was still too young to travel the Republic with Obi-Wan. Vanishing was one of a youngling’s most important lessons—but the Temple Masters hadn’t needed to teach him. He knew that Jedi trick already. Much later, he realized he’d been doing it for years. That slavery had given him this one, priceless gift: the ability to disappear at will. He’d used it to hide from Gardulla—eventually, not soon enough—when she came ranting with her whip. From his mother when he didn’t want to come in to bed. From Watto, when he was tired of chores in the workshop. From Sebulba and Aldar Beedo and Gasgano, when the Podraces’ most vicious pilots were out for blood and fighting them wasn’t an option. He’d even used it twice while racing. Had somehow managed to vanish not only himself but his Pod, startling his targets so badly they’d both crashed out as he zoomed by, laughing. He hadn’t told anyone in the Temple that. Knew they’d never believe him, because that depth of vanishing wasn’t meant to be possible. Certainly not for a child of eight. But it had been. He could do that. So now? A man grown, with the Force obedient to his will? Hiding from a stupid security cam was a piece of poodoo. No sweat. [Karen Miller. Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit: Stealth]
THE NEXT STORM-shield generator overloaded just as Anakin reached it. He had a split second’s warning, one hammer blow from the Force. The storm seemed to hold its breath— —and then exhaled in renewed fury as the generator erupted in a burning light show of sparks. With a scream like a wounded animal the shield directly overhead collapsed and a maelstrom of theta particles poured through the gap. He acted on instinct—and out of sheer bloody-minded terror. Throwing up his hands he used the Force to hold back the stream of theta particles, and with a shout of rage became one with the storm shield. Rejected the storm. He thought he could feel his blood bubbling. He was losing himself, disappearing within the scarlet vortex of the Force as it consumed him and transformed him into fire. And there was his mother, whispering again. He can help you. He was meant to help you. Furious, Anakin stood alone against the storm.  … ON CORUSCANT, in the Temple, Taria Damsin and Ahsoka shadowdance with their lightsabers. Shadowdance within the Force. Open and trusting they swim its light tides—and as one are swept up in a tidal wave of fear. Shock twists them and they stumble, fingers loosening. Lightsabers fall. Shocked younglings whisper and wonder what to do …  … as Yoda, in meditation, is shocked out of his communing by a sense of danger sharp as pain. Hand pressed to his head he seeks for understanding, seeks to see what has happened. But the dark side is a jealous shroud. It keeps its secrets close. [Karen Miller. Star Wars: Clone Wars Gambit: Siege]
Mace took a shallow breath and closed his eyes. “Look inward, Anakin.” “I don’t want to,” Anakin said breathlessly, his voice jerking. “I don’t like what I see.” “Is it possible you see nothing more than the tensions of approaching adulthood?“ Mace asked. “No!” Anakin cried. “I see… too much, too much.” “Too much what?” “I burn like a sun inside!” The boy’s voice rang out in the chamber like a bell. [Greg Bear’s Rogue Planet]
“No! Stop it, please!” Anakin yelled. “Help me stop it!” The rumbling of his ascending power drowned out this plea for his master to come and prevent a hideous mistake. I am so afraid, so full of hate and anger. I still don’t know how to fight. […] Anakin raised his hands in the twin and supremely graceful gestures of Jedi compulsion. Pure willful self flooded his tissues. The urge to protect and to destroy became one. He straightened and seemed to grow taller. His eyes became black as pitch. “Stop it, please!” Anakin shouted. “I can’t hold it back any longer!” […] Ke Daiv stepped toward her and lifted a hand. She was almost too afraid to look at his face, but when she did, she screamed. His eyes had turned white, and the flesh around his head and neck had cracked. He was bleeding profusely, and his dark orange blood dripped down over his shoulders. He was trying to say something. Jabitha backed away, speechless with terror. [Greg Bear’s Rogue Planet]
"Could you give us just a little boost. .," Anakin pleaded. "You know, up and out?" Obi-Wan did, and Anakin lit off their jets at the very same instant. The jolt did not distract him from reaching out with out stretched fingers, grazing a curve of worm skin, and grabbing a scale. Somehow they lifted to the first shield and slipped into the updraft of a discharged canister. Spinning, knocked almost senseless, they were drawn up through a port. Obi-Wan felt Anakin's small arms around his waist. "If that's how it's done. .," the boy said, and then something-was it is his Padawan's newfound skill at levitation? — lifted them through the next shield as if they lay in the palm of a giant hand. Obi-Wan Kenobi had never felt so close to such a powerful connection with the Force, not in Qui-Gon, nor Mace Windu. Not even in Yoda. "I think we're going to make it!" Anakin said. [Greg Bear’s Rogue Planet]
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Conversion Corner: Star Wars Races part 4
 And now we move on to one of the alien races that was introduced as a background character for Episode One, namely one of the Pod Racers for the Boonta Eve Classic: Gasgano, who ended up taking 2nd place in the race after Anakin disabled Sebulba’s racer in the final stretch. (Funnily enough, Gasgano was also my main pick in the tie-in racing game, which may or may not have had anything to do with me picking this race to convert to Starfinder this week).
In any case, Gasgano is a xextos, a slender six-limbed race from an arboreal world where their light frames and many limbs make them masters of the treetops. Those multiple hands are also what make the species able to succeed in high-speed sports like podracing. (Side note, I always found that the “humans can’t handle the high speed rigors of podracing” explanation for why Anakin Skywalker was a natural adept at using The Force to guide himself was hot bullshit, given the fact that human starfighter pilots exist and those go considerably faster than those racers).
Of course, other xextos have appeared in the universe since then, ranging in a wide variety of careers.
Despite the relatively small size of their actual torsos, xextos easily rival humans in height due to their long limbs and necks. They possess four arms with six-fingered hands, and actually have a secondary brain in their torso that governs their higher cognition, whereas their instinctive and emotional responses take place in their actual craniums. (That last bit is legends-canon, but it’s probably still true for current canon as well.) Most xextos are pale in color, but greens, and purples are also possible. Additionally, while many shave or keep it cut close, they also grow hair from their scalps.
If we go purely by current canon, not much is known about the xextos people aside from living on a forested world. However, if we go by legends continuity, then the xextos are actually fairly new players on the galactic stage, as before their discovery by a scientist who would conduct genetic experiments on their people, creating a secondary species called the quermians which were massive compared to their shorter-than-human-average parent race. Both would develop quickly after the scientist abandoned them, however, and joined the galactic stage. (Side rant: I KNEW there was a connection between that one background Jedi Master and Gasgano’s race!)
We do also know that xextos are brash and brave creatures that enjoy dares, not unlike certain species of primate, and favor low-tech weapons with a high-tech spin on them, such as slingshots loaded with high-power ammo, as they can use them easily while climbing due to their multiple limbs. Additionally, in formal settings, xextos wear clothing which covers their lower pair of arms, though the exact reasons for this are not explained.
 +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Wis
Hp: 4
Size and Type: Xextos are medium humanoids of the xextos subtype
Racial Traits
Arboreal Canniness: Xextos gain a +2 to Acrobatics and Perception checks.
Climber: Xextos have a 30 ft. climb speed.
Four Arms: Xextos have four arms, which allows them to wield and hold up to four hands’ worth of weapons and equipment. While their multiple arms increase the number of items they can have at the ready, it doesn’t increase the number of attacks they can make during combat.
Neural Backup: Xextos possess divided brains. They gain a +2 to any effect that requires a will save, and do not automatically die from vorpal effects. However, a xextos that is missing it’s head cannot gain morale or other emotion-related penalties or bonuses until it is regenerated, in addition to the other complications that come from missing eyes, a mouth, and having an entire part of your brain removed.
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sw5w · 10 months
Dud Bolt Powers Up His Podracer
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:58:33
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silvereddaye · 5 years
Anakin Skywalker and the Seven Clones WIP
Well for Six Sentence Sunday here is something that is not six sentences. I have a plan of doing Star Wars fairty tale au’s that are all set in the SW universe. I’ve actually started the first one, but haven’t gotten around to finish it. I have no clue when I will finish it either. ): But enjoy the first part for now. 
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Once upon a time on the planet Tatooine lived a young man named Anakin Skywalker . . .
The crowds were amped up for today’s podrace. Anakin leaned against his own racer which sat on the sandy track. Usually he would be thinking of the race. He would project a mental image of the map. He would think of the racers. Then he would think on Jabba’s orders. Was he to win or lose. 
When Anakin was nine he entered the Boonta Eve Classic and won. Jabba bought Anakin from his previous master Watto. Jabba gave Anakin anything he needed in making and perfecting his podracer. Then he had Anakin enter the races, but depending on how Jabba placed his bets was how he wanted Anakin to race. 
Sometimes he made Anakin lose several races in a row, so people would stop betting on him. The odds would be against him, allowing Jabba to win a lot of money when Anakin did win. It was all a game. One Anakin was sick of playing, but had no choice in.
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He sighed as he put his helmet on his head. There was a chill growing up his spine. It was an odd sensation considering the Tatooine heat and the leathers he wore while racing. But it was a sensation he knew well. Danger. He looked around and noticed another racer glaring at him. Lanalisi a Xexto pilot was staring at him from her racer. 
Xextos made good pilots. There were thin creatures with long skinny necks and four long spindly arms that they could use at the same time to pilot their racer. Lanalisi was one of the few professional female racers. She was the daughter of the famous Gasgano, a racer who Anakin had competed against in that fateful Boonta Eve Classic when he was nine. 
She was a track favorite. She raced ruthlessly and dirty like all podracers had to. She had several wins under her belt, and was on her way to winning a big race. Well she would win if Jabba wanted her to win. Otherwise Anakin would be taking that first place prize, and Lanalisi knew it. Her patron was Jabba’s wife, Nulla. 
Nulla was Jabba’s recent second wife. Anakin had recalled the wedding. The ceremonies had lasted a week and included a podrace. Anakin disliked the Hutt woman. She was greedy and had obviously married Jabba for the wealth and power. But she wasn’t one to simply sit back in Jabba’s palace. She wanted her own things. Her own money. Her own racer. 
Which was fine for Anakin. He didn’t want to deal with Nulla anymore than he had too. No doubt she would be in a foul mood today since Jabba had told Anakin to win. Anakin smiled. Win he shall. He jumped into his pod as the race got ready to start. 
It wasn’t long before the wind was rushing through his ears blurring with the sound of the loud rumble of his twin engines. This was the moment he lived for. The closest he had to freedom. Out here there were no slaves and masters. No one out here to shout orders. It was each man for themselves based on their abilities. Anakin had jumped to the lead early on. He was in an aggressive mood. He wanted to win and win strong.
Behind him was the rest of the pack leaders. He kept spying them out of the corner of his eye. Of course he saw Lanalisi. The other pack leader was Jommar Panturs, an Aleena racer. Anakin was still the only human podracer. 
The racetrack was currently weaving through the desert before it entered a maze like canyon. Lanalisi was starting to get more aggressive. Canyons were a good spot to simply push another racer into a wall. Jommar was creeping up from the otherside. Were they trying to pincher him? 
Anakin swerved sharply to the right towards Jommar. Lanalisi seized the opportunity, surged ahead and took the lead. Anakin bit back a sigh. He would just have to win the lead back after the canyon. But then he felt a bump. He looked over and Jommar’s engines were bumping into his. Anakin had already sunk back into second place, he wasn’t about to fall into third. 
He tried to jerk away from Jommar, but the two engines were snagged together. Anakin cursed. Jommar had metal spurs on his engine. Anakin couldn’t simply pull away. He wondered what Jommar’s plan was. Surely the spurs had to be retractable. Was he hoping Anakin would fall back, so Jommar could jump ahead as they went into the canyons? Anakin would need to think of something qui--
Jommar sharply pulled his pod to the left. Anakin’s racer was pulled along out of the canyon. Anakin shouted and cursed. He was being pulled off track. This wasn’t just a simple trick to get in the lead, this was sabotage. Most likely someone had paid Jommar off just to knock Anakin out. Jomar turned his racer sharply to the left and retracted the spurs. Anakin’s racer spun wildly across the desert. 
The engines slammed into the sand. Anakin cursed and pressed the engine release. The best thing he could now is hopefully walk away with his life. If his engines exploded, which there was a really good chance they would, best be as far away from that as possible. The two engines roared off. The strong cables that connected the pod snapped free. The engines bounced across the sand and then finally landed with a large explosion. 
The pod bounce and slid to stop in the sand. Anakin slammed his head back. Jabba was going to be furious. Not only had Anakin lost the race, but his racer was destroyed as well. 
“Kriff!” Anakin shouted. “KRIFF!” 
He unstrapped himself and jumped out of the pod. He might as well start walking back. He doubted Jabba would send a speeder to come pick him up. Or maybe he would if he was angry enough and wanted to punish Anakin sooner rather than later. But Anakin froze as he heard the familiar sound of a blaster click. 
He slowly turned to see Jommar holding a small blaster in one of his small stubby hands. 
“What are you doing Jommar?” Anakin asked. His voice was almost a hiss. 
The blaster in Jommar’s hand trembled, but didn’t lower. 
“I’m already out of the race Jommar. Lower that blaster.”
<<No!>> Jomar shouted in Huttese. <<I must!>> 
<<Must what?>> Anakin asked.
<<Kill? You don’t have to do this.>>
<<Yes. I am huntsman.>>
Jommar’s racing nickname was the Huntsman. He held a grudge against a fellow racer who cost him a first-place win. After that he entered every race that other racer was in determined to beat them. Determined to hunt them down in the race, and knock them out. 
<<Who?>> Anakin asked. <<Who sent you to kill me?>>
Jommar’s face twisted. <<Nulla,>> he said. 
“Of course,” Anakin muttered to himself. <<Listen, Jommar. You don’t have to kill me!>>
<<Nulla spoke to her statistics droid. A M1R-R0W. Said Anakin win. Anakin always win. Lanalisi always lose. Nulla no like that!>>
Anakin pulled off his helmet and goggles and threw into the sand. <<Well then just kill me.>>
Jommar seemed a bit shaken by this. The blaster lowered just a bit. 
<<I can’t win against the Hutts.>>
The blaster lowered completely. 
<<Go,>> Jommar said defeated. <<Run.>>
<<I can’t run. I’m a slave.>>
<<Can’t blow up if think you dead.>> 
Anakin’s eyes went wide. This was true . . . As long as the detonator was never pressed, the slave chip inside of him would never blow. But that was a risk. A huge risk. But what would happen if Anakin returned to Jabba? He’d get beaten. Probably thrown in a cell for a while. That would be the best scenario. The scenarios got worst from there including being fed to Jabba’s rancor. 
Or he could . . . run . . . Be free . . . 
Anakin nodded, but then Jommar’s blaster came back up. 
<<Need proof,>> Jommar said. <<Nulla demands proof Anakin dead.>> 
<<What is she expecting? You to bring back my remains from my smoldering racer?>>
Jommar’s face only darkened. 
<<Kriff,>> Anakin said softly. Of course Nulla would suggest that. She was a Hutt. 
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zekeyspaceylizard · 6 years
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(star wars episode 1 podracer game for the n64 has been officially ported to PC by the way. i am very pleased at this.)
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chongoblog · 5 years
Top 5 podracers? Ben Quadinaros will always hold a special place in my heart.
1. Mars Guo
2. Gasgano
3. Neva Kee
4. Ben Quadrinaros (I got taste, don’t worry)
5. Ratts Tyrell
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gamex2020 · 4 years
N64 Games
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                N64 Star Wars Games Ranked
Just like The Simpsons video games we mentioned in our last article, Star Wars games have found their way onto almost every game console for all generations. Four Star Wars games were released on the Nintendo 64, which is more than its predecessors (3 on SNES and 2 on NES). Of the four Star Wars N64 Games, two revolved around Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, one around the original trilogy, and one around Star Wars Legends.
Here are the Star Wars N64 games ranked:
4. Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Release Year: 1996UPC:
Current Value: $10-$12
Are you shocked that this game is ranked lowest? Although Shadows of the Empire is the most popular and well-known Star Wars game on the Nintendo 64, it was rated the lowest out of the four Star Wars games released, with an average rating of 6.5/10 across reputable review sites.
The game has a great story that’s divided into 4 chapters. The first chapter takes place at the beginning of the fifth Star Wars film – Empire Strikes Back. The second chapter involves a face-off against Boba Fett to save Han Solo. The third chapter has players protecting Luke Skywalker while recovering the secret plans for the second Death Star. And finally, the fourth chapter requires players to rescue Princess Leia from Prince Xizor in order to beat the game.
Unfortunately, the game received its low reviews due to poor controls, awkward camera angles, and mediocre level designs after The Battle of Hoth.
3. Star Wars Episode I: Racer
Release Year: 1999UPC:
Current Value: $6-$8
The first Phantom Menace video game released on the N64 with an average rating of 7.5/10. Based on the pod race movie scene, players must race around different circuits, each set becoming progressively more difficult (think Mario Kart 64). Players can earn money by winning races and can spend this on upgrades for their podracer at Watto’s shop.
The game has 23 playable characters, 17 of which need to be unlocked. Competitive players should note that the best Star Wars Racer character is Ben Quadinaros. Not only is his podracer huge, he also has the strongest and most effective boost in the game.
Star Wars Episode I Racer Tier List
Ben Quadinaros
Bullseye’ Navior
Mars Guo
Ebe Endocott
Boles Roor
Elan Mak
Aldar Beedo
Anakin Skywalker
C-Tier & Lower
Dud Bolt
Ody Mandrell
Ark “Bumpy” Roose
Bozzie Baranta
Clegg Holdfast
Fud Sang
Neva Kee
Ratts Tyerell
Slide Paramita
Teemto Pagalies
Toy Dampner
Wan Sandage
Fun Fact: Star Wars Episode I: Racer had its own limited edition bundle for the N64!
2. Star Wars Episode I: Battle for Naboo
Release Year: 2000UPC:
Current Value: $19-$21
The follow-up to Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Battle for Naboo follows the events of the film Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. The game offers 15 levels for players to complete with the following available aircraft: Naboo N-1 Starfighter, the Naboo Bomber, and Police Cruiser. Land and watercraft are also playable on various levels.
The game received positive reviews, with an average rating of 8/10. It’s commonly praised for it crisp controls, addition of ground vehicles (which Rogue Squadron didn’t have), and story line.
1. Star Wars Rogue Squadron
Release Year: 1998UPC:
Current Value: $10-$12
The first installment of the popular Rogue Squadron trilogy, which was concluded on the Nintendo Gamecube. Rogue Squadron was the 2nd Nintendo 64 game to support the Expansion Pak (after Donkey Kong 64).
The story takes place between A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back, and revolves around the missions of Luke Skywalker and Wedge Anitlles to form the Rogue Squadron. Similar to Shadows of the Empire, the game is divided into four chapters. The final chapter takes place six years after the Battle of Endor with Wedge Antilles battling the remnants of the empire; this was the first post Return of the Jedi content in a video game!
The game received great reception with an average rating of 8.5/10 and holds a special place in the heart’s of Star Wars fans. We highly recommend playing this game if you haven’t!
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yeubli-yaujre · 7 years
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Lego Star Wars 7171 Mos Espa Podrace Anakin Sebulba Gasgano Incomplete http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337410315&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=132265582436
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