#Geed Riser
thekaijudude · 3 months
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New and old faces from the OP as sneak peeks for future episodes
I presume the last one is gonna be our Mech for the series, that being Givas, that YouPi is gonna control
Also yeah the OP itself sounds very irritating to me lmao. Its giving me Geed Riser VA vibes
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blairelythere · 1 year
Hiiiii, I’m curious about your Ultraman collection. Care to give me an info dump about all your cool stuff?
I'd love to! Here's a very brief overview of the collection thus far.
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This is the henshin/transformation device shelf. Starting from the top left and working across, there's the Dark Z Riser (from Ultraman Z), Saki's Gyro (Ultraman R/B), D-Flasher (Ultraman Decker), the Sparklence (Ultraman Tiga), and the Reiflasher (Ultraman Dyna). Those last two are tv-prop quality.
The next shelf down is entirely Ultraman Trigger stuff, including the Ancient, Dark, and GUTS Spark Lenses, and a bunch of Hyper Keys.
Below that is the Orb Ring and the Orb Calibur (From Ultraman Orb), and then the Geed Rizer, Ultra Capsules, King Sword, and the Neo Zero Eye (from Ultraman Geed).
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This is the old Ultra Monster Series shelf for figures 2012 and back. I have some vintage figures from the 70s mixed in there, all with the tags.
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This is the new Ultra Monster Series shelf, holding all of the smaller, less detailed figures from the new UMS line starting in 2013.
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Here is a big shot of the SH Figuarts shelves + the new and old Ultra Hero Series lines. The very top has New Gen DX-scale figures. The lower shelves have all the new Blazar stuff as well as some rarer boxed UHS figures.
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This one is kinda messy, I have to work on reorganizing them soon!
Left to right: Techtor Gear Zero, Ultrawoman Grigio, Ultraman Orb Thunder Breaster, Ultraman Geed (Royal Mega Master. Galaxy Rising, and Magnificent), Ultraman Regulos, Ultraman Ribut, Zetton, Gomora, Twin Tail, Ultraman Dyna and Ultraman Decker (With Baltan hiding behind them).
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The Ultraman Z Shelf!!!
Left to right, back then front: Sevenger, Windom, King Joe Storage Custom, then Ultraman Z Delta Rize Claw, Z Alpha Edge, Z Gamma Future, and Z Beta Smash.
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Darkness Heels, a team of villains and anti-heroes.
Jugglas Juggler, Camearra, Evil Trigger, Belial Atrocious, and Absolute Tartarus in the back.
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New Gen base form lineup!
Left to right:
Ginga, Victory, X, Orb, Geed, Zero, Taiga, Fuma, Z, and Trigger. (Missing Rosso, Blu, and Titas ;_; )
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The Ultra Brothers shelf ✨️
Ultraman, Zoffy, Seven, Jack, Taro, and then Astra, Leo, and Mebius in the back. (WHY DID I MISS ACE'S RELEASE GODDAMNIT)
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Bonus Hanejiro!!
That's just a lil slice of it all. Thanks for asking! 💛
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toku-explained · 5 months
Forced Allyship
New Generation Stars: Yuka is struggling with reimbursement paperwork, feeling overwhelmed with Hebikura and Haruki gone, and Ediom offers to show her things about Juggler she doesn't know already, while clarifying dismissing him as a past villain is oversimplifying. He shows her what he was doing during the second Barossa Seijin attack, Yuka despite his actions cannot think badly of Hebikura. Yuka decides to ask about Beliarok, having seen Belial in the records Ediom showed, and realises the connection to Geed, Ediom showing Geed's first battle with his father, then shows another example of an evil ultra, with Tregear's murder of King Guesra, and an evil that is a match for the Ultras, showing Dark Zagi (SD) battle Jean-nine and Ginga. When Ediom mentions Dark Zagi was the result of an attempt to replicate Ultras, Yuka is given pause, before turning her attention to continuing with the Sevengar. As Ginga's data is added to the STORAGE Key, Ediom was to remind her she's meant to doing paperwork.
Gotchard: Clotho rages, desperate for greater strength, but is dismissed by Atropos, who tells her she can't use Type:Three and that she's now as useless as their brothers. In the World of Legend, Butler tries to inform Kaguya of finishing work on the Legend Kamen Riser, but gets no response, and an Aurora Curtain appears, out of which steps a squad of Hundred's Kasshin lead by Alpha, seeking to claim the Riser, but of its own accord it travels through the Aurora Curtain, the Kasshin pursuing. Gotchard defeats a Chemie and recovers AkumaNocaris, while Renge and Sabimaru restrain the host when he tries to keep attacking. Spanner brings Lachesis to the Academy at Rinne's request, while Clotho ambushes Hotaro on the way back, when he asks why she's still fighting with Greyon gone she can't answer, but things are interrupted by the appearance of the Kasshin squad. Hotaro only vaguely recalls the Kasshin from the previous events, even as Alpha identifies him as Gotchard, and is forced to fight them, Clotho also is beset and attempts to transform again unsuccessfully, before something watching makes Hotaro, Clotho and the Kasshin vanish, Hotaro awakens in an empty space with a mysterious door. Rinne asks Lachesis about Atropos, feeling unable to leave her be, Lachesis thinks she's being foolish, they're dolls, inhuman, Atropos moreso, but Kyouka suggests they could become properly human, and for that purpose aggressively requests to study Lachesis. Lost in a bizarre maze, Ichinose stumbles on Clotho, who is injured from the failed henshin despite trying to put on a strong front, and he instinctively tries to help her when a group of Kasshin find them and attack, after both try fighting, when the next door appears he makes sure to drag her with him. Lachesis cannot recall her creation, but knows she is the youngest sister, Minato and Kyouka conclude they are Homunculi. When safe, Ichinose tries to help Clotho, who is annoyed at his concern for her and the fact this isn't even the first time he saved her, once saving her from Dread overloading her, but he can't look the other way, and tries to ask what her goal is, while her thoughts turn to her sisters she denies having one. The Kasshin catch up, complaining of being trapped there, and seek to eliminate Gotchard as one of "his" allies, Alpha leading them to attack. Gotchard GoldMechanic fights them, then switches to Super Gotchard UFO-X, and convinces Clotho that, the rest can wait, but they need to work together now. Spanner and Rinne arrive where Sabimaru and Renge saw Hotaro vanish, Minato can sense the labyrinth entrance nearby. Kasshin keep coming for the pair, and Gotchard reverts to normal shielding Clotho. When Alpha mocks her as holding him back, she decides she's had enough of people looking down on her, and will fight how she wants, discarding "duty" and becomes Dread Type:Two, trashing the Kasshin. Alpha tries to flee, but Platinum Gotchard traps him using AkumaNocaris and then uses KaryuDos and KaiserBee to finish him alongside Dread, breaking the labyrinth. Alpha's body collapses, leaving a device behind. Hotaro again asks Clotho to stop the fighting, but she claims she was just using him to escape, but before she can leave both are subject to intense gravity, and Atropos presents the Abyssal King, who grants Clotho her desire for escaping his labyrinth, transforming her into a monstrous form before they all leave, the others only find Hotaro when they catch up. 3 Hundred executives arrive, signalled by the device Alpha left, and aim to acquire the Weapon, and eliminate Gotchard.
Boonboomger: Another chase sees the 3 junior members getting competitive, Chassiro tests the Boonboom Offroad Ghost to get past them, prompting Taiya to test Boonboom Racing's thruster, winning the speed test but crashing after. Mad Rex is overheating with frustration at the disruption of their plans, and partly fearing Wild Spinder's wrath, orders the others to bring him BunRed. Boonboom Racing put a huge strain on Taiya, and there's discussion of Genba's procurement skills. Saibu comes by, and questions Genba deciding to join the team. While she wanted to gift Bundario a Gabora CD, he is absent, and also wants to discuss weapon improvement, confusing Genba, as he knows the Boomboomgers were created for the BBG. Realising Taiya never told Mira and Jou, let alone Saibu, his actual dream, Chassiro and Genba are forced to explain Taiya was creating everything for the sake of creating the Big Bang Grand Prix, an interplanetary race, it's just happened to be useful for the Hashiliens. With Jou, Mira and Saibu now all questioning Taiya's motives, before he can explain they're alerted to the Hashiliens. Foregoing the Kurumaju, Dekotread and Itashar are having the Nejiraiders cause chaos on their own, Yarucar gulping the Gyasoline without going wild. With Taiya slowed down thanks to his injury, the others are lured by Dekotread and Itashar to a warehouse, Chassiro realises the trap too late to stop Mira springing it, and they get tapped in a cage, as do Jou and Genba, but as Taiya points out, Itashar and Dekotread have gotten themselves trapped as well. Trying to Boonboom Change just gets everyone on a cage zapped. Taiya can't free anyone yet, as Mad Rex is there for him. As Mad Rex and BunRed fight, Mad Rex declares them kindred spirits, both seeking someone who can get there engine running, and tries to recruit him, Taiya essentially agrees if Mad Rex can defeat him, to Mira and Jou's horror. After an intense battle Taiya wins, and Mad Rex, annoyed, forces all the Gyasoline out of Yarucar so he can grow giant, in the process destroying the warehouse and the cages. Despite their current reservations, Jou points out to Mira they need to fight right now, so the two pilot the left arm vehicle, with Chassiro and Genba in the right, as Boonboomger Robo Police forms. Unfortunately, Mad Rex outspeeds it easily, and Boonboomger Robo Builder fairs no better. They try to switch to Boonboomger Robo, but Mad Rex trashes Boonboom Wagon before it attaches, leaving Mira and Jou on the ground and Genba tries to substitute with Boomboom Classic, but as soon as it equips Mad Rex forces it off and destroys the Driver from Boonboom Offroad. Mira and Jou try and get them to retreat, and even Chassiro and Genba try to dissuade him, but he uses Boonboom Offroad Ghost to successfully form Boonboomger Robo Puncher, but the untested Boonboom Car causes feedback that forces Genba and Chassiro out. The cross counter ends with Taiya badly injured, and Mad Rex forced to retreat. Mira tries to question Taiya both on pushing himself and risking their lives, before he can offer any explanation he collapses.
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itsupermanti · 1 year
In honor of “Ultraman Z” getting an official English Dub on the Ultraman YouTube channel.
Izuku is seen running through the city of Musutafu, the streets cluttered with rubble as the giant villain, Gigantomachia, rampages through the city as the League of Villains lay siege to the city.
Izuku(running through streets as people run past him): PLEASE BE OKAY, PLEASE BE OKAY, PLEASE BE OKAY!!!
People run past the young hero student as he nears his destination, praying that all his worrying would all be for nought.
As he turns another street corner, a voice speaks to him from within his head.
???: Don’t worry Izuku, I’m sure that they’re ULTRA okay!
Izuku(jumping over a pile up of cars): I HAVE to make sure they are Mr Z!
Izuku(as he nears a building close to Gigantomachia’s location): They were right next to the attack!
Z(trying to reassure Izuku): Don’t worry kid, everything will be fine.
Izuku arrives at the remains of a Café and he immediately begins helping clear out the rubble in order to help those trapped underneath.
Izuku(as he frantically moves rubble aside): MOM?! OCHACO?! ERI?!
Izuku(as he strains himself to lift more): PLEASE BE OKAY!!!
Izuku lefts a larger piece of rubble and catches glimpse of someone underneath. He proceeds to move some more rubble aside and spots a large group that was trapped when the building collapsed, including a young brunette in a black, white and pink hero suit checking on the injured, a white haired child with a horn on her forehead and a green haired woman helping her as she does so.
Ochaco(turning around as light starts to deep in): Deku-kun?
Eri(running up the slope of rubble towards Izuku): Papa!
Izuku(kneeling down to hug his adopted daughter tightly): You’re alright…
Inko(walking up to them with Ochaco and the other civilians): She was brave, even when others thought we were going to die, she knew that you’d come.
Izuku hugs the rest of his family tightly, relieved that they were all in one piece.
Civilian #1: LOOK OUT!!!
The family looks towards the sky and rush to avoid a large boulder landing on top of them from the nearby Giant’s rampage.
Z(as the Midoriya family looks upon the battle): This doesn’t look good…
Eri(holding her mother’s hand as she turns to Izuku): You can stop this, right Papa?
Eri(beaming up at him): Cause Papa is an “Ultra Hero”!
Izuku gains a conflicted look upon his face, only for Ochaco to place a hand on his shoulder in concern.
Ochaco(worried): If you merge again, you might die!
Izuku(clenching his fist): But Eri would be safe, you know as well as I do that we’d both do anything we could to protect her.
Izuku(looking back towards the fight): I have to do this…
Ochaco(seeing that he’s made up his mind, leans in and gives him a kiss before she starts leading people to safety): YOU BETTER COME BACK TO US!!!
Izuku(smiling at her as he runs of): I WILL!!!
Z(as Izuku draws closer to the battle): Are you Ultra certain you want to do this?
Izuku simply pulls out a device before answering.
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Izuku(pressing a button on the hilt as a card with a picture of himself appears before him): Even if I die, at least they’ll be safe, so please, Mr Z…
Z Riser(as Izuku inserts the card into the slot): IZUKU! ACCESS GRANTED!!!
Izuku(pulling three medals from a holder that appeared on his belt): LET’S FIGHT TOGETHER ONE MORE TIME!!!
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Z: …Very well, let’s do this ULTRA HEROICALLY!!!
Izuku(smiling): YOSH!!!
Izuku(as he stops close to the battle against Gigantomachia): Swallow the Darkness, Golden Storm!!!
Izuku(inserting the medals into the Z Riser): Master Zero! Geed Senpai! Belial!
Z Riser(as Izuku scans the medals): ZERO BEYOND!!! GEED!!! BELIAL ATROCIOUS!!!
Izuku(placing his arms at his sides as a bright flash of light appears behind him): Okay!
The light glows brightly and catches the attention of the various heroes and villains fighting, as Z makes himself known by appearing behind Izuku.
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Kirishima(supporting Mina as they’re both tired from fighting against the giant villain): This is going to be so manly!
Mina(grinning with cuts across her face as the giant of light appears): YOU’RE IN BIG TROUBLE NOW YOU BIG BULLIES!!!
Ochaco, Eri and Inko stop and turn around as Z appears, the three of them smiling at the sight of the heroic Ultra.
Z(as he crosses his arms over his chest): I ask that you chant my name!
Gigantomachia(rushing towards the other giant): LIKE HELL I WILL!!!
Z(spreading his arms out as the evil giant charges towards him, undaunted): ULTRAMAN Z!!!
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Izuku+Kirishima+Mina+Ochaco+Eri+Inko and Various Heroes and Civilians: ULTRAMAN Z~!!!
Izuku then presses the button on the Z Riser as Gigantomachia draws closer, beginning the merging process.
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A bright flash of light occurs as Gigantomachia throws a wild punch, only for the villain to find himself knocked back and off his feet as a new figure appears in a whirlwind of energy.
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Eri smiles in joy at seeing her father and Mr Z being the heroes she knew they were.
Ochaco(smiling as Ultraman Z marches towards the giant member of the League of Villains): You got this Deku-kun!
Ultraman Z(in Izuku’s voice as he assumes a fighting stance before Gigantomachia): YOU’RE ULTRA FINISHED!!!
The villain gets back up with a roar and charges, while the Ultra warrior simply walks towards his opponent, as many around them, heroes and villains alike, simply watch in silent awe as the clash between giants is about to commence…
Author’s Note; This little idea has been stuck in my head ever since I watched the first two episodes of the “Ultraman Z English Dub”, and I personally love Ultraman Z’s costume designs and his bold cry of “I ask that you chant my name!” And his rise sequence looks incredible! I felt that Z’s story of being a relatively young Ultra who has to prove himself really matches Izuku’s own.
This is intended to be a One-Shot, but who knows, I might end up expanding upon this idea in the future.
Be sure to let my know what you guys thinks!
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washipink · 2 years
Something bothers me about Riku’s transformation
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so, at the start, he’s holding the red part of the Geed Riser in his right hand.
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then it disappears so he can grab the Ultra Capsules with his right hand
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And then once he’s put both the capsules in, it’s just back. He just has so many things he has to move and hold that they don’t all make sense to be there. Two of these things have belt clips, but 1 doesn’t, so things just have to appear in his hands and disappear as needed. I think it’d be less weird if he wasn’t holding the Riser in the first shot and instead it cut straight to him pulling out the capsules.
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heartvisor · 2 years
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i think i said most of my good thoughts about geed here so i don't have a lot of anything particularly cool to say, even having finished the series. not for lack of enjoyment at all though, i really enjoyed it :)
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the foremost particular thing i'd like to reiterate is how much i like the direction of its textural flourishes. the way riku's close-up shots during battles use microscopic footage of cultures of cells as a background, along with the heartbeat-like pulse to the riser, and his distinct fighting posture as an ultra were all always very fun. nicely directly characterizing!! particularly in confrontations with the primary antagonist, who similarly continually emphasizes these aspects.
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speaking of fukuide, i was spoiled for some major aspects of his character prior to picking up this show in earnest. from that sort of perspective, his character feels more immediately unfortunate. particularly, with such context, every gesture even more clearly points directly to how small of a person he is to himself. that he dies that way as well; he is several times over so thoroughly made empty (very literally here) precisely by the same being he regards so highly.
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as far as takes on inversions go, i'm fairly interested in the concepts of this one. i think very often, that it is the smaller/more mundane cast and their connections that make the "ultra" in ultraman (that the human drama that intersects with and supports the fantastic makes the both shine so much more), and the way it takes form here feels very intentional.
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parallel transformations that harm and make one more monstrous, service that demands more and more before being discarded, and a worship that causes one to disregard everything else of the word. down to the light that fukuide basks in--whereas laiha connects with an energy that restores and sustains the very fabric of the universe, planet sturm is dead.
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it makes that the heroes reach out to their respective opponents in that final episode feel very meaningful. they still don't back down from fighting (and it is very important that they don't: they have been harmed very personally and directly by these people who fully intend to do even worse if possible), but that they choose to recognize them in their final moments didn't feel cheap to me very much because of how sharply the narrative makes these points. it was personally very momentous; to me, showing the strength of their humanity without discarding those difficult feelings..
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riot-in-bloom · 11 months
Trick or treaaaaaat~!
you get another drabble: geed edition! this one is much newer, and thus not too impressive so far.
"Water," Riku grumbles, from under the sheets.
Laiha treads over to the sink for what she'd wager to be the one thousand three hundred and seventy eighth time. Letting the ache of rocking her feet back and forth truly sink in while the sound of running water drowns her ears, she then resorts to slamming the bottle down on the table beside the couch after letting her footsteps clamor against the floor of the Nebula House.
Something's off in the air, if Laiha has to say anything about it. Seeing Riku like this, so listless in his couch, yet unable to move, is far less believable than if R.E.M. were to suddenly announce that Belial had broken out and returned to terrorize the heavens.
"Mou, this is the worst…" Riku groans, "First the Geed Riser's not working, and now this…"
Laiha crosses her arms, bowing forward slightly. The sheath of her katana decides to ebb away the back of her knee, just ever so slightly, akin to the sound of a door's endless knocking.
Instead of focusing on it, she asks, "You're telling me you've never been sick?"
"Nope," says Riku, testily, "I mean, I know why now, but I didn't get why as a kid."
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barber100dr · 1 year
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Ultra Z Riser bonus forms: • Ultraman Z Sigma Breastar • Ultraman Geed Tetrite Cross #toyphotography #ultraseries #ultraman #ultramanz #ultramangeed #ultramanzsigmabreastar #ultramangeedtetritecross #ultramantiga #zoffy #ultramanmebius #ultramanjack #ultramannexus #ultramanmebius #ultrazriser #ultramedal #harukinatsukawa #rikuasakura #tsuburayaproductions #ultramanfusionfight #ウルトラシリーズ #ウルトラマン #ウルトラマンゼット #ウルトラマンジード #円谷プロ (at Land of Light/光の国 - Nebula M78.) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cqh6Eu3t2c-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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leopauldelr · 6 years
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"Shift into Starlight Maximum" https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?illust_id=72557298&mode=medium
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Review: Ultraman Geed DX Ultra Capsule Magnificent Set Here we go again, as we look at the next item I purchased in the Ultraman Geed…
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melto · 2 years
trying to clean my shelves and i knocked one thing over, setting off all my toku toys in the area and making my head explode
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thekaijudude · 11 months
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Ultra Replica Geed Riser revealed
This set features Z, Trigger, Decker and Blazar capsules
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writingpaperghost · 3 years
By this point I want ultraman x to be saved from the phone and back in his OG body so he can properly have Daichi as his host.
Okay I just want mother of ultra asking how this happened. Never had that happen before.
I presume the weirdness of X has to do with where he came from. If I remember correctly, he comes from somewhere with Ultras, but has never heard of Zero. This does not narrow it down. I presume whatever's going on with X's whole "Daichi is my host because we have compatible 'frequencies' and now I'll live in what is essentially a phone" is some mix of where he came from and just... X weirdness. I X's case, being in the X-Devisor is kind of his thing, and I don't mind it because it gives great comedy. The interactions between X and Daichi are my favorite part of of the series.
Personally, it wouldn't really matter to me if X ditched the X-Devisor, so long as he and Daichi kept the interactions (unsurprisingly, I love Zero and Leito's interactions in Geed). Though since it's kind of his thing, it would never happen. I do appreciate how unique the whole "existing in a phone" thing makes X, it definitely stands out at least partly because of it.
Though I suppose it's probably likely the reason X exists in the X-Devisor could simply be as a form of communication. Daichi is his host and he just uses the X-Devisor to more properly connect with him, be it to transform or to communicate. A bit like what Zett and Haruki do with the Zett Riser, but more direct and not requiring a psychic space or whatever.
I do imagine that it's a very weird thing for other Ultras to see.
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toku-explained · 5 months
The Rider's Identity Revealed
New Generation Stars: Yuka moans about the brass pressuring her to get the Sevengar upgrades done, feeling they have it easy. In order to illustrate they probably have their own worries, Ediom shows her footage from Geed and Zero battling Thunder Killer, and moreso showing Riku and Leito have their own struggles, enabling Yuka to stop complaining and focus.
Gotchard: The 3 Hundred executives intend to deal with Gotchard while in this world, payback for his defeat of Gengetsu. Minato and Spanner are forced to confront the fact the Abyssal King has awakened. Clotho reports on the Hundred to Atropos and the Abyssal King, Atropos asking what Gigist seeks to do. And Hotaro is surprised by the arrival of Butler. Brought to the Academy, Butler explains to the Alchemists about the Hundred invasion, as Hopper1 detects the attack. The 3 executives introduce themselves before the crowd of terrified onlookers, Tasogare, Mimei and Saigetsu, and summoning a Kasshin army, declare once their Aurora Curtain opens fully they will destroy this world. The 3 Riders try to fight, Mimei handles the spares, using the stolen powers of Kamen Rider Glare, and Tasogare and Saigetsu become Eternal and Dark Kiva to fight Gotchard. As the battle continues, Ichinose goes from SteamHopper to Super X-Rex, Fire WrestlerAnt and then Iron Gotchard, and Lachesis joins the battle, using Repli-MadWheel to become Valvarad. Kajiki stumbles on the battle, excited to see Kamen Rider in action but confused by Butler's resemblance to him. Glare Hacks Madjad, setting her on the two Valvarad's but Clotho arrives, takes on them all, and knocks Rinne out, and drives Mimei off, but then turns on the others, but still finds herself unable to harm Lachesis and leaves. Meanwhile, Mimei is attempting to escape when she is suddenly confronted by a Kamen Rider she doesn't recognise, Zein, who defeats her when she tries to fight, and dismisses her as a false Outsider. Gotchard is defeated by the other Hundred, revealing his identity to the crowd and especially Kajiki, but still acts to defend a girl from a King's Moon Break. Refusing to give in, and with the encouragement of the crowd, Platinum Gotchard fights against Eternal and Dark Kiva. Eternal initiates the Never Ending Hell, but is defeated by Gotchard, and also fades. Saigetsu declares Gotchard is too late, the Dai-Mazines are coming, but the only thing that emerges from the Aurora Curtain is Houou Kaguya Quartz, having destroyed the machines, and becomes Kamen Rider Legend, and fights the Kasshin using the powers of Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz, Blade, Hibiki, Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva and Decade. With his intended destruction method gone, Saigetsu opts for a last resort and initiated a forbidden King's World End. Kaguya summons the Legend Kamen Riser, which knocks Dark Kiva out of the air on the way to him, and uses it to become Kamen Rider Legendary Legend.
Boonboomger: Taiya is still unconscious, and while Bundario tries to restore the Boonboom Cars, Mira and Jou are both still in shock and don't feel they can support Taiya if he's risking his life just for the BBGP, and Chassiro and Genba almost argue before Saibu interrupts, informing them that, in light of learning Taiya created the Boomboomgers just to serve his dream, the ISA are invoking Article 25 of International Space Law and commandeering all the Boonboomger's tech. No one is particularly willing to follow the ISA's orders, but when Saibu dismisses the importance of dreams, Bundario snaps, and reveals the BBGP was originally his dream. He was a racer in the BBGP until an accident got his license revoked, and roamed the universe until he crash landed on earth and was found by Taiya with the Super Car. Taiya took him to the Garage and fixed him up, and learnt from him about the Big Bang Grand Prix. Inspired, Taiya promises to deliver his dream to him and get him back into the BBGP as his mechanic, and so they developed the Boonboom Cars together. Dekotread and Itashar patch Yarucar up, but Mad Rex is angry, determined to destroy BunRed next time. Taiya awakens and arrives in the Garage, Bundario confirms the maintenance of Boonboom Racing is done, but his suit isn't fixed, but Taiya notices the others are gone, and Saibu explains they're already fighting Mad Rex. Taiya says he fights so he can chase his dream once it's over, and tells Saibu he might explain his devotion to delivery after making the next delivery. Mad Rex defeats the Boonboomgers fighting him, but the Boonboom Super Car arrives, driven by Saibu, with a delivery of Taiya. However, the others aren't prepared to let him to do it solo, now understanding his dream to deliver Bundario's own, and all 5 Boonboomgers fight together. Mad Rex is soon beaten enough he demands the rest of the Gyasoline, which Yarucar has to be pressed to give him, and grows giant once more. Taiya takes Boonboom Racing, Chassiro and Genba take Boonboom Trailer and Mira and Jou take Boonboom Classic, and together they form Boonboomger Robo Knight. With unmatched speed and support from the rest of the Boonboom Cars, they are able to defeat Mad Rex, who warns BunRed he won't be able to beat the boss at only that strength. Later Saibu returns and reports the ISA has relented, denying outright credit, but she is now nervous to give Bundario the Belora CD, leading Chassiro to make the delivery so she isn't debating any longer.
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the new generation eye is so funny bc it’s Taiga’s ultimate item and the thing that lets literally every pre-Z new gen hero combine into an ungodly powerful being but it’s just, fucking, a recolour of the Zero eye from Geed and it even still has the clips on the back that let it go on the Fusion Riser
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himitsusentaiblog · 7 years
I Did like Ultraman Geed Frist ep just the fusion thing of his it looks to much the toy they sell I thought they least give a more difrent kind of look more like a prop than they just got it out the box.
That’s actually a trend I’ve noticed a LOT lately with the role-play toys from various series, they look more and more like the toys based on them.  Just look at the Gamer Drivers from Kamen Rider Ex-Aid:
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Aside from being the most toyetic henshin belt in the history of Kamen Rider, it’s pretty much EXACTLY what we see on screen.  There is something to be said for what you see on screen is what you get and it does tend to prevent a more expenseive, higher-end version of the same device being sold later but at the same time it takes a bit of the wow factor away from the in universe version when you realize Ultraman could be thwarted by a couple of bad AA Batteries in his fusion device.
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