#Gender feelz
olivine-rain · 8 months
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Every time people say trans and nonbinary didn't exist five years ago I think of these comics I made in 2007 and feel so fucking gaslit I'm gonna morb.
A friend later, around 2011-2012 said "my comics talked about gender before it was cool"
If the language is weird, again: it was 2007
also heehee hoo hoo old art
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coochiequeens · 8 months
For a group that constantly shouts how oppressed they are and how they hate the cops they sure are quick to call them for confusing hurt gender feelz for actual emergencies
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Y'all heard that song "one of your girls" by Troye Sivan its Pining TimKon coded. Cuz like:
"Give me a call if you ever get lonely I'll be like one of your girls or your homies Say what you want, and I'll keep it a secret You got the key to my heart, and I need it Give me a call if you ever get desperate I'll be like one of your girls"
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bizzlebitezlolz · 4 months
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↳ A fictigender identity in which one’s gender is related to the character Blueberror from the UTMV Fandom. This can be kinning/IRL related, or just relating to/liking Blueberror. People with this identity may feel fizzy, hyper, and struggle with FOMO, paranoia, and abandonment. ༉‧₊˚✧
Flag & Coining by: BizzleBitezLoLz on Tumblr.
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catghoulz · 5 months
real shit i think that the only characters in homestuck where the transmasc analysis sits right are dirk/roxy (if one is transmasc the other must necessarily be transfem for the reading to land imo) and then like. jane, sollux, and nepeta. and this is mostly because homestuck is an exceptionally transfeminine story written by a transfeminine authtor in the egg stage
ya pretty much endorsed. personally im too wedded 2 transfem nepeta 2 enjoy 8oynep 8ut i Get why ppl HC it & therez no major dissonance there. also im a mtftm meatroxy truther 8c the transfem reading ov canon roxy iz pretty important 2 me & honestly it feelz pretty real tht a tgirl who got a magical instant dreamself 8iomedical transition at age 15 would Continue to want 2 fuck around with gender past tht point. dirk iz the rare case where i AM actually prety much equally fine with a transfem or transmasc reading. crucially transhet girldirk iz The Funniest possi8ility 8y far. ok syntgesis time. heterosexual ftmtf dirk. Iz this anything
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mmmmalo · 7 months
bit ov wordplay i noticed: i think leprechaun iz a pun on the archon ov many gnostic textz. theyre often portrayed az children/subordinatez ov yaldabaoth who rule over the seven classical planetz, whose realmz the dead must overcome to reach the pleroma. calibornz planet quest haz alwayz reminded me ov it but the chaun/chon wordplay confirmz it 4 me. havent got a deeper analysis yet but i wanna reread felt stuff w/ this in mind
o additional observation on the leprechaun-archon connection. above the seven heavenz ov the archonz iz the eighth heaven or ogdoad, ruled over in some traditionz by barbelo; the androgynous motherfather & first emanation ov the godhead. pretty clear parallelz with cali8ornz final planet 8eing the Eighth ruled over 8y snowman. snowman taking the role ov a gender transcendent deity feelz pretty appropri8 from the reading ov alternia az a Tranny Dystopia. the archonz are ALSO descri8ed az androgynous tho im not sure how tht fitz with the leprechaunz? so iz yaldabaoth which, well, cali8orn IZ a cheru8 after all
I admit I'm not sold on leprechaun/archon -- even if Caliborn is clearly a demiurge, I don't have much a sense of the story's commitment to the greater cosmogeny. I sort of get accounts of Calliope as Sophia insofar as it gives us a feminine creator-mother with a masculine usurper-son, but beyond that I'm ambivalent.
As dope a title as motherfather is, I'm not sure Barbelo needs to be involved to integrate Snowman? Sophia seems sufficient, insofar as her relationship with Jack seems well summarized by the "masculine usurps feminine" narrative that Homestuck keeps reiterating. Sometimes I think Yaldabaoth might be wearing a copy of Jack's face... though I haven't taken the time to do a pixel comparison or anything
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orange-lover · 7 months
yall my huge wings arrived. life is good
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this feelz like gender euphoria i cannot describe how bad ive wanted wings
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cocajimmycola · 2 years
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a zcene related gender that feelz exprezzed by the word "MEOWZERZ!!"
[ you do not have to be zcene to identify with thiz ]
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chtozaepta · 1 year
I love your OCs with the horns and tails! And all of your non human OCs, if you want could you maybe say a bit about their characters and the world they live in? Only if you want to (also I'm obsessed with your art, you really are a pillar of shaperaverse fan community on Tumblr)
Oooooh this gonna be lömg!
First of all, thank you I’m glad you like them :> These are characters from an original comic I’m about to post (the first chapter is almost ready), but this race does not appear in the main plot for some time, so I can say a few things without spoiling anything. I know it’s not a very original design, I mean, duh, who doesn’t have horns and tails right 🌚 So anyway, these guys are called yáve, and they are like… feral elves in a way. They live in forests/tundras in big clans and build funky colorful térems, mostly out of wood bc permafrost.
They looove all things colorful and worship the spirits of nature. The huge pink moth/dragon/reindeer guy? That’s one of them.
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His/her name is Menerik and he/she is essentially a god(ess) of Northern Lights, the Moon, madness and magic. He/she is very coherently genderfluid, the gender depending on the moon faze. During the full moon she is a female entity, and when it’s a crescent he is considered male. On the new moon it is forbidden to speak of him. Fun fact - this also is reflected in their language, based on Russian, where a word for “moon” is feminine, and “crescent” is masculine). Since Menerik is a he for the most time, that’s what I would usually call him.
Most yave are mortal, their lifespan being close to humans, but there are two ways for them to achieve a sort of immortality. First is joining the Circle of Memories, an order that keeps their knowledge, culture and traditions and become essentially immortal through a ritual, and another way is becoming a mage and learning the ways to prolong life through contact with spirits. Any yave who starts learning magic is introduced to the spirits on the thinner layer of reality and give up their birth name, color and gender. Their new name they choose themselves, their new color is given by the spirits, and from the moment they start learning magic they are all non-binary, body and soul. All this “immortality” tho is really just a longer life, because they can still be killed, fall sick or get cursed, so there is hardly anyone older than 200 years there. There are rumors about mages over a thousand years old, but that’s spoiler territory)
Some stuff here is *very loosely* based on siberian shaman practices, some names and words borrowed from siberian folklore.
Some of the yave characters I’ve drawn so far:
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There’s Chanava, the purple witch with blue horns, around 20 years or so; they will probably appear in the comic. They are a mage, and also joined the Circle, but neither have given them immortality or enough power. Not that they are desperate, just very curious.
Aravellane, their uuum king? Tsar? Prince? Whatever. The one in the crown and a blue fur coal a few posts earlier. A mage, but prefers he/him; he has a blade that can make whatever cut without killing you. Some say, he cut his own heart out with it once to stop feeling sad feelz, and the heart ran away, because he treated it terribly. Since then, an endless winter covered his part of land, and if it weren’t for the mages and trade of diamonds they mine, they’d all be very much fucked.
Myándush, the head of the Circle of Memories. Öld, woise, mistürios, all that. Speaks in riddles. Has a beef with Aravelle, though why, no one can tell.
Ryt’kheo - dabbles in magic, but is not officially introduced to the spirits. Makes airboats, which is basically a boat with a magic sail that can get it into air. The sails he weaves from wool and puts in threads of Menerik’s mane. He is considered one of the coolest craftsmen among the yavi, and everyone wants a flying boat, so he is always very fucking tired and 100% done. Random fact - a “Ryt’kheo” is not a name, it really means “Unnamed”. It is used to address someone who has already given up their name but have not yet taken a new one.
Harrahaye - Ryt’kheo’s brother, not much to say about him except that he is a pain in the ass. I’m still fleshing out their characters, so there you go x)
There is another one, who is more or less complete, but they will appear in the comic and are quite important, so all the info will be there 😌✨
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A post about... autism
With the rise of the pornbot wave, I considered closing down my Tumblr. After all, I don't use it, except to stalk artists who create amazing BotW fanarts, and I can't seem to connect to any other writers, somehow.
I wondered just now if I could possibly have a use for it after all. I like for all of my socials to have a reason to exist; for example, my fb page is about writing and I post writing-related memes; pillowfort, I write about a whole slew of topics and it's become my homebase. Tumblr... is Tumblr. From my end of its world, I feel like it's a sterile place without community.
And then, I dunno, it feels like a lightbulb went off in my head:
Hey, what if I use my Tumblr to actually talk about something discovered recently about myself that, maybe, could help other people while helping me to connect to people like me?
What if I use this Tumblr to talk about autism?
I was diagnosed a couple of weeks ago, after a couple of years of grueling search due to a severe decline in health. In short: no one found anything wrong with me. Until I talked to a close friend about autism, with her thinking she had it. The ball rolled real fast in my head. From these first inner whispers round August to testing in November, January brought a conclusion: yep, I am in fact autistic.
I'm apparently the unusual sort (according to my results, at least!) who has real high executive and cognitive functions and a deep understanding of emotions - because, hey, I made it my obsession. That and writing tragedy and death. I live for the feels.
Slowly, I'm absorbing this fact as part of my identity, without making it the whole of it (I hate when people do that, with anything). Coming to terms with the fact it explains the little things that my brain can't cope with - putting my hands on dirty dishes, dealing with sharp, sudden noises, complex gender identities (to name but these!) - while also telling myself: sure, autism explains, but you're not your autism. I'm still an adorable trilingual Belgian writer of 42 who breathes Dark fantasy and writes feelz. That, is me.
But I do notice, more and more, how the people I best connect with... are fellow creative autists/neurodivergents. There's just a mutual understanding that exists by default and doesn't demand nor require explanation. It feels... relaxing.
And so, here's one more voice on the spectrum! I have no idea how much I'll use Tumblr from here on out, but hey. I'm not worrying about that right now. Not when a friend of mine passed away to cancer last week and, this week, another one tried to slash open his arm.
Did I mention I write openly and honestly about basically every type of topic? I guess I don't need to tell fellow autists. You know how it feels like to just... (over)share.
Now, I need to go back to my actual writings. But this felt good to write. Bottle to the sea!
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coochiequeens · 2 years
“Why should our girls be made to feel scared and have to move to other parts of the bus on their daily journey to and from school. The police say no crime is committed which is true technically – but by saying no risk – this tells people that police think its okay to alarm and distress young girls in this manner.” Female socialization
A man in Essex county, England is causing concern amongst locals, especially parents, after being spotted loitering near children’s schools while wearing a schoolgirl uniform. In response to complaints, Essex Police is insisting the man “does not pose a risk,” and has warned the public against sharing photos of him on social media. 
Throughout the week, the unnamed man has been wearing the uniform of a young schoolgirl while wandering in proximity of two schools, one primary and one secondary. In the United Kingdom, primary school ages range from 5 to 11, while secondary school aged youth can be as young as 11. 
It has been noted that the uniforms of the man reflect that of Belfairs Academy, which is in the vicinity of the Highlands Boulevard School and Milton Hall Primary School in Southend-on-Sea. He has been seen near both of the schools this past week, as well as on the public bus when children would be taking it home after classes.
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On January 19, official school uniform supplier Paul’s School and Workwear addressed the fiasco in a Facebook post, revealing that the man had been purchasing some uniform items from their shop.
The post explained to the public that “the full Belfairs uniform did not come from us,” but went on to confirm that the man had been in the store this week purchasing “a Grey box pleat skirt that he said was for his granddaughter.” The supplier announced they had banned the man from their store, and encouraged members of the public to call police if they see him. 
“This is to be taken seriously as he needs help and no-one would know his mind set. Reports say he dresses in Belfairs & Milton Hall uniform. If you see him – STAY AWAY and call 101 to report where he is.” 
Some in the community were appreciative of the uniform supplier’s firm stance on the matter, while others insisted that the man is free to dress as he pleases. One woman responded to the supplier’s post on Facebook, thanking the store for warning members of the public.
“Thank you Paul’s School and Work Wear for taking this seriously. A grown man hanging around multiple schools and staring at young women and girls on a bus used by school children is premeditated for sexual gratification – no matter what the mental health diagnosis is. I agree this man needs help…”
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The commenter continued by invoking the memory of Sarah Everard, a 33-year-old woman who was kidnapped, raped, and murdered by a serving London Metropolitan police officer who used his status to handcuff and kidnap her. 
“Why should our girls be made to feel scared and have to move to other parts of the bus on their daily journey to and from school. The police say no crime is committed which is true technically – but by saying no risk – this tells people that police think its okay to alarm and distress young girls in this manner. This is not okay I do NOT want my children exposed to this.”
Another comment under the post from Paul’s reads: “We keep pushing the boundaries of acceptability. Grown men in children’s clothes hanging around schools is not acceptable and yet again police do nothing.”
Paul’s School and Workwear even addressed those who were defending the man’s behavior and added a comment to their own post.
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As reported by Echo, the Essex police have identified “the person dressed in an inappropriate outfit in the vicinity of a school in Leigh,” and “have discussed the incident with the person,” saying they understand the community’s concerns but reiterating “this individual does not pose a risk.”
This was paired with Essex police’s urgent request to stop sharing photos of the man on social media citing that they “could have a detrimental personal impact on those concerned.” 
Essex Police did not refer to the man with any gendered language like “man” or “he,” but worded their statement in carefully-chosen neutral terms. 
As photos of the individual began to circulate on social media, many began to express disappointment with Essex Police’s seemingly relaxed attitude on the matter, with many taking it as a failure to protect young children and, in particular, young girls. 
One mother posting under an alias on motherhood forum Mumsnet said, “He’s been seen around schools – both primary and secondary – dressed as a schoolgirl (in their uniform). I am fucking outraged that the police don’t seem to think that’s an issue. God forbid we offend men or shame their fetishes.” 
Popular UK-based Twitter account @ripx4nutmeg has also called attention to the fact that Essex Police are trained by Stonewall, an LGBTQ activist organization which heavily focuses on trans rights. 
On their official website, the force states “Essex Police believes in dignity for all and are on a journey of incremental improvements, including how we can better include and enable the aspirations of people who are LGBTQ.” 
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As noted by some women keeping an eye on the situation, the lack of apparent concern for safeguarding women and girls seems to be a pervasive problem amongst UK police.
As of 2021, there were hundreds of allegations of sex-based violence perpetrated by police officers in the country being recorded every year. Following the Sarah Everard tragedy, the Femicide Census revealed that they did not feel tackling such violence was a “police priority.” Since 2013, there have been at least 16 women in the United Kingdom killed by a serving or retired police officer.
In the past year, there have been multiple cases of police officers in the Metropolitan force serving the Greater London area were convicted of rape.
In the past week alone, a long-serving Met police officer has made international headlines for a campaign of rape he committed against vulnerable women.
David Carrick, who worked with the Metropolitan Police for almost two decades, carried out “a relentless campaign” of violence over 17 years against 12 women. On January 16, Carrick admitted to 49 counts of rape and other sexual offenses. Just weeks prior, Met constable Rupert Edwards was charged with raping two women in two different communities.
By Yuliah Alma Yuliah is a junior researcher and journalist at Reduxx. She is a passionate advocate for women's rights and child safeguarding. Yuliah lives on the American east coast, and is an avid reader and book collector.
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teen-idleeeee · 2 years
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lacedollgender ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
˚ ༘♡ ·˚꒰ᥕᥱᥣᥴ᥆꧑ᥱ t᥆ ꧑ᥡ bᥣ᥆g꒱ ₊˚ˑ༄
lacedollgender iz a xenogender connected to lace, dollz, and being a doll. Thiz gender feelz fragile, intricate, lacey, and doll-like. Lacedollgirl haz a feminine vibe, lacedollboy haz a mazculine vibe, and lacedollneutral haz a neutral vibe!! Pleaze credit if possible <33
pronoun ideaz! ༘♡ ⋆。˚ ❀
lace/laces, doll/dolls, button/buttons, love/loves
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jalebi-likes · 2 years
Channa Mereya Liveblog | E3: Trauma & Grief
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Thanks to @aye-masakalii​‘s relentless PR of this show and with @tellywoodtrash​‘s blessings - for she is the OG liveblog queen - I begin the short and sweet summary of today’s LB. Today’s episode left me more reflective than in funny mood. Which... is good. 
The reason why I titled this episode between trauma and grief is because that’s the fundamental difference between Adi, Ginni and the way they perceive their parental loss. Adi’s trauma of losing his mum, coupled with his father’s abusive nature has shaped him. While Ginni’s grief of losing her is there, but it is also what motivates her to move further in life and make her father’s dhaba a success.
Episode 2: Trauma & Grief
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Bhai killer vibes. Mum says I also hold knives in killer vibes.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAA DID HE LITERALLY LIFT GHAR KA HEAD CHEF. This is how you know Adi’s true love is anything related to food. Cause ITV usually starts with heroes carrying heroines - Adi begins his day by carrying chefs *chefs kiss*
Ok, I am very soft and love that Adi starts his day in the kitchen like his mother. YES THE NON GENDERING OF COOKING IS SO GOOD. 
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I love Ginni’s look really - after a long time a show convinces me of the character and their lives and economical status. 
Ok I love how the show shows Ginni mirrors her dad and Adi his mother. It’s telling about how children emulate their parents that is beyond genetics. It also shows the difference between trauma and grief. Adi is traumatized by his mother’s death and makes a conscious decision to keep her memories alive. Ginni has moved on from her father’s death but follows the principles her father set - sometimes she gets behaviorally similar, but otherwise her life is shaped very much by her dad’s belief system. 
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But sidetone - Ginni’s home is such a prime property - full view of Golden Temple is a great real estate. AND ADI (in Precap) IS OFFERING ONLY TEN LAKHS - THAT IS THE BIGGEST CRIME IN THE SHOW NOW. I now don’t want ginny clothes - I also want her house. Sheesh I sound like a 4lions hero. *unlocks Arnav Asad Singh Rathore Khan Khurrana*
But on serious note, the dialogues and feelz are definitely better here. In the sense I feel that these characters do live these lives - esp ginny and her mum.
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Lol, Goldie lying to all about how apparently he was beating the goons up. OK I LOVE THIS DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY SETUP because it’s been the longest time that something actually resembles a family. Goldie attempts to set his impression to his younger siblings. Ginni plays on while subtly delivering a threat to Goldie - because she doesn’t want her young siblings to know the truth. And the mother just has no chill. She isn’t hiding her son’s flaws, she is just disappointed that Goldie has no sense of realization. And once the kids are out of sight we see Ginni actually yell at Goldie.
Also Ginni did you try to give Goldie your kasam to not do anymore shady stuff? 
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few episodes later
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(next in reblog)
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nightlist · 2 years
love that having hving hair that goez down to my zhoulderz at itz longezt and wearing a zkirt and unbuttoned flannel w mo binder actually feelz gender affirming now akjs
gender of pretty boy achieved
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moviegeekmomhere · 1 year
Barbie (2023)
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I remember my Barbie, convertible and beach house included. I loved all that. I never had a Ken doll. So, when buzz about the movie circulated, I was ready. I never knew that Barbie was intended to revolutionize how women are perceived. Women didn't have to focus on being homemakers, but also be career women who were financially self-sufficient. Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling are hilarious in California. America's Ferrera does have the moments of all moments with her speech about the balancing act of being a woman (that really hit me in the feelz). I wish I had a Weird Barbie as a little girl.
I knew that I would enjoy this movie. I enjoyed Great Gerwig's take on Little Women, breathing new life and a depth into the March women. I figured that she would take Barbie and give us something that no one would expect.
There were so many AHA and WOW moments in the movie. How would a "Ken" feel in a world where is an accessory? How does that play out with discovery that there is something more?
I am sure that if I saw this movie a second time, I would find things that I missed. I think the movie had a timely message about gender roles and equity.
Is it for the younger girls? Not so much. But, could young girls still enjoy it? You bet!
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wakadaily · 2 years
Martins Feelz Biography : Full Name, Age, Career, Net Worth
Martins Feelz Biography : Full Name, Age, Career, Net Worth
Olawale Ayodeji Martins (born on September 23, 1998) professionally known as Martins Feelz is a Nigerian rapper, singer, and songwriter. Martins Feelz is an indigene of Kwara State, born and raised in Ilorin; a city in Kwara State.   Real Facts About Martins Feelz Full Name: Olawale Ayodeji Martins Stage Name: Martins Feelz Born: September 23, 1998 Age: 24 years old (2022) Gender: Male Place of…
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