#Gene Stealer
lavalamprat · 1 year
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Took a small break and finished this project finally!
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casualevan · 1 year
Army Showcase
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man-worm · 2 years
Huge shout out to my friend Olive for making the system map for my coming narrative crusade! The Scylla System looks great, with my favourite celestial body being New Gork City.
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battle-subway-ghost · 8 months
You want the mods or not? I got plenty of other customers....kinda
-gene-stealer annon
Anon I'm going to be real with you I don't think I've ever wanted anything less.
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hdawg1995 · 1 year
i'm learning 40k lore and getting ready to play a rogue trader game and my character is a void born void-master with Trauma, this 7ft tall string bean saw the horrors of the void and decided he was too scared of the Horrors to stay on planets for too long because he doesn't even know those Horrors, he doesn't want to know the Horrors on planets he wants to stay on the ship.
its canon that the rogue trader player went looking for a void-master for her ship and found my character like a stray feral animal and after seeing the notes from his therapist she said "you're hired".
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jackals-ships · 15 days
thinking more about Warhammer and i feel like the vore ship is one of The Weirder things but not The Weirdest. which feels hilarious as a concept,
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minisandmonoliths · 1 year
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A cult is rising. A Gene Stealer Cult.
Not starting the army, just wanted to paint these cool characters.
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skitariiposting · 26 days
Dear Jerry,
I write to you again to ask for a boon. I am starting up a Warhammer 40k Wrath & Glory campaign, and i wanted to know if i could feature you as a potential NPC in some missions. Also, if you're familiar with the system at all, do you have any suggestions or warnings for new players?
A friend,
I haven't really looked into Wrath and Glory, no, but I am always down to be an NPC! Notes on "Jerry the Character" rather than Jerry the me: Jerry is a Skitarii Alpha designation [JRY-240] (I believe that was the number I settled upon. Either that or I made the 420 joke, but 240 is probably better.)
Jerry's awful with technology, at least by Admech standards. That means he's likely still far more adept with tech than your average human, but he's a black sheep amongst the Skitarii Alphas for being 'just average' at equipment maintenance and requiring his subordinate skits to take a second to help him with it on occasion.
What he lacks in technological skill, he more than makes up for in fire-fights. You don't become a named character in 40k by dying day one after all. His aim with a galvanic-rifle is deadly and he'd ran out of space on his gun to put tally marks after fighting against the notorious uprising of Gene-stealer Cults on his home planet of Morod before the eventual evacuation and Tyranid consumption of it. His performance and his statistically improbable survival during the evacuation netted him a rank up to Skitarii Alpha. (Yes Jerry is a self insert for Day of Ascension by Adrian Tchaikovsky, I love the subtext of an uprising against a machine that uses people as fuel and the story is good.)
More off-putting is the fact Jerry is so cheerful despite the inherit trauma of losing his home-world and the constant day-to-day war on all sides. Jerry is optimistic and typically obeys orders with an "okiedokie" rather than the usual "confirmed." I mean, he hums little tunes while he aims for the machine spirit's sake! What skitarii hums?! Granted it sounds more like the synthesizer from Jump by Van Halen rather than actual humming due to the mandatory vocal cord replacement augmentation; but it's still weird for a skit to do that! The techpriests believe the trauma may have fried some part of his brain or biosensors and now he's stuck as a happy-go-lucky murder solider. But on the bright side, he's fiercely loyal to the mechanicum, efficient on the battlefield, and a zealous omnissiah worshiper, so no need to fix what ain't broke.
Jerry is a xenarite supporter behind closed doors. Despite seeing the results of xeno influence on Morod, Jerry still believes the best way to combat xenos is to use their own tech against them. Will he broadcast this for the nearest Magos and Inquisitor to hear? Absolutely not. But, should the conversation come up somewhere private, he certainly won't shy away from the idea of using it.
Feel free to modify the character however you need to for your setting though, this is just what I have, not a character bible. Also if you want to include Goober, you've also got my blessing. He'd likely be more of a player favorite than Jerry.
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capricoffe · 1 year
Happy early birthday to myself, and so we’re celebrating by writing headcanons about my three favorite ships (Kazuscara, Kaebedo, and Dottolone). ~My birthday is January 5th if you’re wondering~
~Also thank you to @gay-salt-amber for helping me with these~
Kazuscara HC:
- Their pet names for each other are:
Kazuha to Scara is Daffodil
Scara to Kazuha is My Samurai or Tulip
- Once Kazuha got a rip in his pants and thought ‘Shit- Scara’s gonna kill me’ and once Scara saw he was scolding Kazuha while sewing it again and saying “Seriously? A branch?”
- Scaramouche won’t let Kazuha go to the store for much, he grows it in their garden
- Once for their anniversary Kazuha took Scara to a haunted house thinking Scara would end up in his arms. He was wrong, he ended up in Scara’s
• Scaramouche: Tulip you’re fine, it was something tapping on a window. It’s not part of the attraction
• Kazuha- while being held by Scara in a koala hug: I don’t care! I’m scared
- Scaramouche is a shirt, hoodie, and scarf stealer
- Whenever one of them have a bad day, they will make a pillow/blanket fort and watch movies and cuddle
- Once Kazuha had to go out with Aether for an expedition and Kazuha was scared, so after Scara got done scolding Aether he went to make sure Kazuha was ok
- Scara is the househusband
- Kazuha is the little spoon and Scaramouche is the big spoon
- Kazuha wants to be babied whenever he’s sick, which Scara finds adorable
- Scaramouche when he becomes sick (which is rare) he becomes a brat
- Kazuha sings Scaramouche lullabies to sleep
- Once Kazuha overworked himself when he was exploring and ended up passing out and so Scara was worried sick and wouldn’t let him leave the house for the next few weeks
- Kazuha has an overload of problems and so Scaramouche makes him fidget toys and those earplug earring things
- When Kazuha is having a hard time sleeping, Scaramouche does his asmr voice to help him sleep
- They have two swings beside each other on a tree called the “Weeping Tree”
- Scara gifted Kazuha a white cat for his birthday and they named him Tomo
- Kazuha said to Childe once, “You’re the reason why the gene pool needs a lifeguard” and Scara couldn’t stop laughing for 30 mins
- Kazuha does Scara’s makeup
- They have matching maple leaf necklaces for whenever they’re away from each other
Kaebedo HC:
- Kaeya falls asleep to the sound of Albedo painting
- When they were in school, they were academic rivals
- After a long day in Dragonspine, Albedo just wants to be held by his human heater (aka Kaeya even tho he has a Cryo Vision)
- Klee brings Kaeya and Albedo to ‘Bring your Dad to School Day’ even tho neither of them are her dads
- Albedo still does only three strokes for Kaeya’s portrait, even after they got engaged, however for their anniversaries, Albedo will actually make a good portrait of Kaeya as his present
- Diluc (Kaeya’s brother) and Rhinedottir (Albedo’s creator) were the first to know of their relationship
- Their pet names for each other are:
Kaeya to Albedo: My Calla Lily or My Bunny
Albedo to Kaeya: My Ceclila
- Albedo knows how to play the ukulele and puts Kaeya to sleep playing it unreasonably fast
- Kaeya plays the bagpipes to annoy Albedo and to get him to stop working when he needs a break
- Once Albedo overworked himself in Dragonspine so much that Sucrose had to tell Kaeya to come get him because she was so worried
- Kaeya doesn’t understand shit about Albedo’s experiments but will still read his thesis papers and say “They look good Bunny, stop stressing yourself”
- Once Albedo fainted because of the cold in Dragonspine and Sucrose wasn’t there to get Kaeya, so later Kaeya was worried about where Albedo was and found him passed out in the snow and was so worried about him
- Albedo loves squishmallows and so Kaeya will secretly buy him some
- Once Albedo fell asleep in Kaeya’s hoodie and cuddling a squishmallow, Kaeya was jealous of a squishmallow
- Albedo loves piggyback rides and will tease Jean about it cuz Lisa doesn’t like to give her any
- Their house is surrounded by a koi pond and they will have picnics around it
- Albedo only wants comfort from Kaeya
- Albedo paints Kaeya’s eyepatch or else it’s “boring”
- Kaeya is Albedo’s ‘Human Canvas’
- Albedo wants to dye his hair but is too scared of what it’ll look like, and so Kaeya bleached some of his hair to Albedo’s shade and then dyed it to the color Albedo wants so Albedo will have more confidence in dying his hair
Dottolone HC:
- Whenever Dottore needs a test subject for his experiments, Pantalone will either offer himself if it’s not lethal (Dottore refuses to operate on him for experiments if it’s lethal) or offer one of his fatui servants
- Pantalone gives Dottore extra mora for his experiments. The other harbingers doesn’t think it’s fair but don’t say anything cuz then their pay will be lowered
- Once someone said something bad about Pantalone and Dottore had them be his next test subject on an experiment that he knew would be lethal
- Sometimes Dottore gets overstimulated and only wants attention from Pantalone during that
- On their first date, Pantalone spoiled Dottore to as much stuff as he wanted
- Dottore is Pantalone’s protective ‘dog’
- Pantalone gets sick in the winter alot and at first Dottore was super concerned because uh- it gets bad
- Once Childe punched Dottore cuz Dottore wanted to see what would happen. Childe’s pay halved for a year, it would’ve been 2 if Dottore didn’t tell Pantalone to just do 1 year
- On Dottore’s birthday, Pantalone spoiled him rotten
- During Signora’s funeral, they had to stop the ceremony many times cuz Dottore wouldn’t stop flirting with Pantalone
- During the Fatui Christmas, Pantalone and Dottore couldn’t be found. They were then found later making out in their room
- Their pet names for each other are:
Dottore to Pantalone: Sugar Daddy
Pantalone to Dottore: Sweetheart/Darling
- The first time Dottore called Pantalone ‘Sugar Daddy’ he wasn’t seen or heard from in weeks, he was spotted coming out of him and Pantalone’s room weeks later (He also called Pantalone ‘Daddy’ once and the other Harbingers wouldn’t let him live it down)
- Pantalone hated Dottore’s clones before they got yeeted from existence
- Pantalone draws on Dottore’s arms with markers whenever he’s bored
- Pantalone can do gymnastics really good and Dottore finds it hot
- Pantalone loves cats but Dottore hates them, he still lets Pantalone gets cats though
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lavalamprat · 1 year
Wrapped up my patriarch tonight, finally decided on a name for my cult as the Twisted Tide Cult
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krakenburger · 6 months
Latest mini done. Nickname "Krak" after the time he dumped a ton of krak nades down a sewer pipe to flush out a possible gene stealer
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casualevan · 1 year
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Gama Sector Coalition of freedom fighting rebels. They have had enough of the totalitarian regime of the Imperium and they’re not gonna take it. They’re not gonna take it anymore. 
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I’m bored so here’s some of my jackets IG, pretty much all of these were jackets that I got on sale super cheap or that I was given.
The purple jacket is my newest and still very much a work in progress, (all of them are escrow the Donnie Darko one actually, purple is jsut the newest) and I need to redo the back patch (Polkas Not Dead by The Dreadnoughts, fave album by my fave band) next to it is my other main jacket which has a Danger Days back design. “Do Good Recklessly” is a saying that has resonated with me a lot so I figured it would be cool to have it there. I got a Reel Big Fish patch coming in the mail soon and I wanna get a Ska Dream patch for it, trying to decide if I wanna add some colored/patterned panels to it bc that night look cool. Gotta figure out what other bands I wanna put on it but it’s kinda hard to find colorful patches lmao
The gray jacket actually started off as a cosplay item for a Killjoys OC that I never got around to doing. I consider this my first jacket even tho there was a really shitty vest that I wore one singular time before I got this one. My boyfriend actually made a few of the patches that are on the gray jacket (Days N Daze and Polkas Not Dead above the spider) as birthday gifts when we first met, I don’t put a ton of patches on that jacket and it’s all bands that are v important to me for various reasons, the Frank Turner one was from the first show I went to with my boyfriend and he has one on one of his jackets too. Mischief Brew is one of my fave bands and their music means a lot to me, LS Dunes (the pyramid) has a really cool community surrounding it so I thought it would be cool to put that there. It also has zippered sleeves which makes it really nice for year round use!! Also has a Billy Idol pin because I grew up listening to Generation X and I still adore that debut album. Im immunocompromised and have a kidney transplant so I decided to add the pins to represent that because they are a big part of who I am.
On the bottom two pics, the left jacket is my queer horror inspired jacket. I am at some point gonna get a backpatch of The Old Dark House of a scene at the end of the movie with Morgan (Boris Karloff) holding Saul’s body (Brember Wills.) It also has a few Rocky Horror related items on it such as the “creature of the night” patch coming from the song Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me as well as the iconic lips and Frank-N-Furtor. Also have a The Lost Boys pin and the Babadook as well as a Beetlejuice pin. The Elm St. pin is specifically for Nightmare 2 and Gene Co is from Repo the Genetic Opera, a movie with a bisexual face stealer. It’s a fun time. Frankenstein and the Bride are classic queer coded cinema and James Whales was an openly gay man who directed both (as well as The Old Dark House) in the 1930s.
The last jacket is my Donnie Darko jacket. Donnie Darko is one of my fave movies, everting except the pins were done by hand. The pins are all artists who are actually featured in the soundtrack of the movie.
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battle-subway-ghost · 8 months
Pst Wana buy some bio mods?
-gene-stealer anon
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Book two of the Word Bearers omnibus down.
To figure out how to use the Necron device they have, Marduk must lead his host to an ice world to recover a tech priestess.
Just some minor problems, mainly hive fleet Leviathan and an Imperial blockade ready to exterminatus the planet, so bit of a time crunch.
Oh, and there are Drukhari there.
So things are complicated, Warriors die, they run across a gene stealer cult... But they where more of a road bump, some actual Genestealers, they where some trouble, grab the tech priestess... Or at least her brain and get out.... Well, almost.
Marduk is captured by thep Drukhari.
But don't worry, he escapes and for stealing a Necron artifact that can fuck with warp travel, is made a full dark apostle.
Yay, everything is looking up.
So on to book three, where things will probably get complicated and go down hill in a hand basket.
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etherhart · 11 months
Hey, you seem to know about warhammer 40k right? I have a simple question about it. What are the basic factions? I want to get into the lore, but I don't even know of anything other than the imperium of man. Could you please help me? (This is an invitation to infodump btw)
Oh my god someone ASKING me to infodump??? This website is amazing ok so
The Imperium of Man is the biggest one, and the one most people know. A whole lot of humans who worship an emperor who may or may not be alive as a god, most live in huge hive cities on planets loosely held together by nightmarish bureaucracy and fascist cruelty. Space marines, Sisters of Battle, The Inquisition, all them. They’re led by a council of lords from earth, and as a rule genocidally hostile to anything that isn’t an emperor worshipping human. Tied to the Imperium is the Adeptus Mechanicum, an allied faction obsessed with ancient technology based out of mars. They worship a machine god and try to replace their own body parts with implants as much as possible, in addition to maintaining colossal war robots called titans.
The Chaos Gods or Ruinous Powers are 4 warp beings so powerful they have become able to spread their influence into real space, and have become immensely influential by doing so. Their societies are generally made up of corrupted humans and demons (manifestations of tiny fragments of a particular god) and exist primarily to spread the power of the warp. The four are Khorne, god of war/violence (and the blood god of skull throne fame), Nurgle, god of life in the bacterial sense, Slaanesh, god of excess, and Tzeentch, god of ambition. They were the Imperiums main threat for a long time and caused the state of decay it is now in.
The Eldar or Aeldari are space elves. They live a long time, control warp magic better, and some of them can see the future. They were once the dominant power in the galaxy, but their society was corrupted by excess in post-scarcity and they gave birth to slaanesh, killing most and destroying their home worlds. The three surviving groups were those who avoided the disaster - the Craftworld Eldar who had flown away on huge ships, preserving their way of life through discipline, the Dark Eldar or Dhrukari who escaped into pocket dimensions and preserved their way of life through torture orgies, and the Exodites, who had already fled to custom planets populated with beautiful nature and dinosaurs.
There are the Tyranids, an impossibly vast galactic invader hive mind that just wants to consume everything it finds. Mostly just Zerg type space bugs, but they do have “gene stealers” that infiltrate human planets and create cults designed to destabilize before an invasion.
The Necron were once the most powerful beings in the galaxy, slept for 60 million years on tomb worlds, and are just now waking up to recreate their empire. They are soulless killing machine robots for the most part bc of some ancient mythological trickery, but the few nobles with personalities are typically pretty funny.
The T’au are a relatively minor faction that get a lot of attention because they are so unique - they are technologically advancing, which is rare, and tolerant of other species in their society, which is UNHEARD OF. They aren’t very big, but they get a lot of fanfare because (they’re cool) they figh alongside humans and other alien species as the only diplomats in the galaxy.
The Leagues of Votann are space dwarves - they’re also very new, and have not been well established. They are led by ancient AI that knew everything but is now going senile, and have a grudge book they hold forever.
There are also thousands of rogues, one of planets, strange ancient enemies, etc. these are just the big ones.
Feel free to ask if you have specific questions :)
I love talking about this shit
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