#Genealogy Blog
Day of Commemoration for the Acadian Expulsion
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Image Description: A black and white portrait of the Ovillier Guillot and Eve Vice family, circa the early-to-mid 1900s. Top (children), left to right: Eunice Guillot 1922-Dec; Joseph Guillot 1926-2014; Lenus Guillot 1923-1960; Beulah Guillot 1918-1991. Bottom (parents), left to right: Ovillier Guillot 1897-1967; Eve Vice 1897-1950.
The two daughters wear similar dark, button-down dresses with white doll collars. The mother wears a dark, button-down open-collar blouse or dress. The two sons and the father wear white dress shirts covered by fastened suit jackets complete with ties.
Image by [[TBD]].
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Pictured above is my 3rd great-uncle Ovillier Guillot and his family. He is the 4th great-grandson of Jean Baptiste Guillot.
Today is the Day of Commemoration for the Acadian Expulsion.
While I have quite a few direct ancestors who lived in Nova Scotia and ended up in France at the time of the expulsion, there's only one family unit that I have been able to confirm was expelled.
That was the family of my 8th great-grandfather Jean Baptiste Guillot, born in Acadia in 1720 with his body given to the Atlantic Ocean in 1758. His family was expelled from Cobequid, Acadia, Nova Scotia to France during the brutal "Great Expulsion" by the British, who wanted to squelch any potential threats from the Acadians and the Mi'kmaq during the French and Indian War.
His son (my 7th great-grandfather) Charles Olivier Miquel Guillot was only 13 in 1758 when they had to take the long, arduous 75-day journey to France. His father Jean, along with 4 of his brothers, never made it off of the ship.
Charles grew up in France where he married and had 3 children of his own. They left France in 1785 to board one of the seven ships paid for by Spain, Le Saint-Rémi, to take them to Lafourche Parish, Louisiana.
Many members of the Wabanaki Confederacy (I believe predominately it was the Mi'kmaq militia), in addition to other affiliated Indigenous tribes and Acadians, who rallied a resistance were slaughtered or expelled. They refused to swear loyalty to the British crown and surrender to British colonists, refused to convert from Catholicism to Protestantism, and refused to allow themselves to be displaced without a fight. Numerous battles took place to stop the deportation with wins and losses across the board.
While no one has one lineage, I was raised as a proud Cajun despite having often felt ashamed of being Cajun for various reasons (like my accent). I even tried my hardest over twelve years to banish anything that could link me to my roots, not knowing the history behind a part of my ethnicity and culture.
Digging into my ancestry has been a wild ride, and there were many things found within my lineages that were not honorable in any way, but this chunk of my history? This has made me proud to be Cajun again.
I wish I had respected it more when I was still able to be immersed in it. I wish I had asked my pawpaw to tell me more stories. I wish I had kept up with Cajun French (AKA Louisiana French). I wish I hadn't let my cultural heritage fall through my fingers.
Many blessings to those who fought and lost their lives against the British colonists in an attempt to secure the freedom of not only themselves but of future generations to come.
[Disclaimer: I am still only beginning to educate myself about this event and am utilizing my current understanding of how events unfolded and who was involved. I apologize in advance for any misconceptions or misinformation regarding the historical accuracy of my comments.]
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haosketchy · 24 days
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silvergarnet12 · 9 months
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Felt like the colours of the frosbite set would suit Seliph, so here we are.
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lumieron · 1 year
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these clothes make a set with eldigan's? that takes me right back to our academy days.
resplendent eldigurd icons, credit to use!
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anghraine · 2 years
My mother has watched one episode of ROP and is now waiting for her family to leave so she can watch the rest, since she loved the first episode but (perhaps for the best) doesn't have much Silm knowledge.
She thought Gil-galad and Elrond were being very obnoxious to Galadriel, and we were talking about the "let's get you to a nursing home, Grandma" dynamic, even though my mother found Galadriel cooler and more engaging than any of the men.
My mother: And why does this king have any say over her, anyway? He's just some guy.
Me: Well, he's the king of her people.
My mother: That doesn't make it right!! He doesn't have any relationship with her or anything.
Me: I mean, I don't like it, but he is her great-nephew.
My mother: Wait, what?
Me: Okay, in fairness, Tolkien had different ideas about exactly how they're related, but I think he pretty clearly settled on Gil-galad being the grandson of Galadriel's brother.
My mother: And Elrond?
Me: Yeah, he's even further down, he's—her cousin's great-grandson, I think.
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New Blog Article
Hey y’all 👋🏾 my new article detailing my personal Hoodoo journey and the role of ancestral veneration and genealogy is now live on @jaythajujubae blog! Once again thanks to @jaythajujubae for letting me contribute to the blog once again!
If y’all read it and find that you enjoyed the article and wanna show ya girl some love my Venmo is https://venmo.com/u/SweetieAtTheAltar ❤️
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saviourkingslut · 8 months
CURRY have you played all FE games and if so, what's your personal ranking of them (or a ranking with just the ones you've played if you didn't play all :) ) ?
imma keep it real with you chief ive only legitimately played 3h (i never had a ds) and everything else i know abt fe i know bc i (partly) watched playthroughs and bc of general osmosis. and reading wikis a lot. i still really want to play the other games but im completely digitally illiterate and barely know what an emulator is. a couple of people have reached out to me in the past and provided me with some links to games and/or emulators (thank u) which i still want to get on with but i haven't had the time 😭 id gladly do a ranking once ive played a few tho, both for story and gameplay. actually this will now be my new project gaming-wise, maybe that'll get me to actually make time for it. sorry to disappoint sgdjdhfeh i post abt all these games i haven't played a lot bc i do have Thoughts but i cant fairly rank them with my current knowledge of them
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jdswritersblog · 2 years
How To Start Your Family Search, Part 1.
You could start your family history search with doing a DNA test. But I suggest starting with writing down what you already know about family members from the past. The DNA test wait time is six to eight weeks so in that time ask others in your family what they know or remember; parents, if still living, and siblings. And don’t forget asking aunts and uncles and cousins. Their stories will help…
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The Pilot's Grave
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departedmars · 1 year
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sigurd WIP
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snowflop · 1 year
Honestly off the top of my head the only think I REALLY want from this direct is a Fashion Dreamer release date.
Edit: alright nevermind. Pretty decent direct, but nothing I'm personally super hype for
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twistingtreeancestry · 2 months
Acadian Genealogy Research | My Biggest Regret
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Image by www.epictop10.com. The website is no longer functional and is up for sale. I cannot find another site for this creator. Found on Flicker.com
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I was born and raised Cajun in Southwest Louisiana with my paternal family, all Cajuns and Acadians as far back as I've been able to trace to that period. My paternal grandmother's side was Catholic while my paternal grandfather's side was Baptist.
At some point in my youth, I was given my grandfather's family bible, which had his lineage back to France written on the front inner flap of the cover.
The family bible was roughly 13" tall by 8" wide with a depth of about 1 ½". It had a cream-white background and the title "Holy Bible" was embossed with a shimmery dark golden ink or paint. The title was stylized in large font in the upper center right of the front cover with the "o" in "Holy" aligning over the "B" in "Bible".
Since my family unit was constantly being moved around at the time, most of my possessions lived in boxes that stayed behind at relatives' houses. The family bible was among those possessions, and eventually, the contents of these boxes were largely forgotten.
A few years after my grandparents died, I was finally in a place to receive my boxes. When I rediscovered the family bible, I didn't feel like I should be the steward of it as I wasn't Christian, wouldn't be having kids, and didn't care about genealogy at the time.
Instead, I decided it should go to a responsible family member who would be able to enjoy it and continue to pass it down. Sadly, no one accepted it for a variety of valid reasons. My life then hit some gnarly turbulence and I was again constantly on the move.
I began noticing that with each move, the family bible was becoming more damaged because I could no longer protect it properly. I had since gone no contact with all of my family, and reaching back out was not an option.
A couple months after noticing the accruing damage, I stopped in a random town to donate even more of my belongings to a Goodwill shop. I accidentally gave them a box with my necessities in it, including the family bible. Thankfully, I quickly realized the error and was able to get the box back.
When they saw the tape sealing the box had been cut open, the volunteers suggested I go through the contents to ensure nothing was missing. It had merely been rifled through, likely to take inventory.
The family bible was visible, and one of the volunteers asked about it. I told them a tl;dr version of my experience with it and the fears I had over it being destroyed. The volunteer went over the option of donating it and assured me that it was highly likely to find a good home in that town. I agreed to leave it in their hands and continued on my way.
After not being able to get it out of my head for a few days, I decided to call the Goodwill store to inquire if they still had the family bible. I learned that it had just finished processing the day before and was bought after only 4ish hours of being put out on the sales floor. I've since kicked myself plenty of times, especially once I fell into genealogy.
I no longer remember the ink-etched names of my forebears. I don't even remember the state I was in (though I have a list of likely states*), let alone the city.
I often wonder what ever became of the family bible. I harbor no musings that I will ever again have possession of it, but I hope that it's been cared for and will one day reunite with my grandfather's descendants.
It is indubitably not only the biggest regret I have regarding my Acadian genealogy research but also considering the genealogy research of other Cajuns and Acadians who might have benefitted from such a primary source of lineage.
* — Possible states: Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, Wyoming — Possible time frame: ~2010s
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jenncaffeinated · 6 months
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MEMORY KEEPING 101: SHARE THE LOVE Start Something with FOREVER Talk about a gift that keeps on giving! What if a gift you give this Christmas could tell generations you’ll never meet how much you care. That’s what the gift of FOREVER can do. A Permanent Digital Home Perhaps the perfect gift for your someone is FOREVER’s permanent online storage they own rather than rent. Phones, tablets and…
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