#General carpet maintenance
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Website : https://crjanitorialservices.ca/
Address: 27 McMonies Dr. Waterdown, ON L8B 0A5
Phone : +1 289-288-3635
We provide janitorial services to different commercial facilities all over Ontario. We are based in Burlington, ON but we have clients all over GTA, Peel region, Hamilton region, Halton region, Guelp/Kitchener region, Markham, Vaughan and much more. We have liability insurance, WSIB and we are completely bondable.
Why C&R:
We are reliable and consistent in the quality that we offer
We do not sub contract our accounts, we have the capability in terms of equipment and personnel to attend your needs with our own employees.
We pay employees above minimum wage to make sure they are compensated properly plus we provide health benefits to full time employees with more than 6 months with us.
We train and supervise properly our staff to make sure our employees are doing a good job and our clients are happy with our services.
We provide the right tools for the right jobs to make sure tasks are being handled properly.
You could benefit from quality services such as:
Day porter services (permanent or temporary)
After hours Office Cleaning
Carpet Cleaning
Floors restoration/maintenance (marble, limestone, granite, terrazzo, concrete, etc.)
Tub reglazing (2yrs warranty)
Power Wash services for underground garages
Machine sweep services for Outdoor spaces, parkings, etc.
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johnypage95 · 1 year
Air conditioning cleaning in Dubai:-
Klean Casa is a leading villa maintenance company in Dubai. We provide the best home maintenance packages in Dubai, including installation, repair, and maintenance work for your apartment, villa, building, office, or warehouse. Our team of expert home repair professionals can handle a wide range of activities related to your home maintenance needs. To know more information, visit: https://www.kleancasa.com/AC-Cleaning-Services.html
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dear-ao3 · 1 year
hello and greetings to all my friends moving into college dorms this time of year!!!
while it is a well known fact that college dorms are often not cleaned at all between people, it is important to tell the administration about things that are absolutely Abysmal.
for example: things that are beyond broken, extremely dirty conditions, clear evidence of vomit/bodily fluids, anything that plain doesn’t work, etc.
to be clear, i am not talking about things that can be fixed with a bottle of clorox wipes, some disinfectant, or a screwdriver. these are things that are either a health hazard or are not in proper working condition.
my credentials on this matter: i was a resident assistant for 2 years. i’ve seen some shit.
here’s what you can do!!!
do not try to talk to anyone in person ESPECIALLY on move in day. all administration that can deal with your problems are probably dealing with bigger problems. move in day is an absolute mess. don’t try and bother res life on move in day unless you physically cannot move into your room for some reason (like there’s a clear cut maintenance problem). you can try to talk to someone, but chances are it won’t get you anywhere other than frustration. it sucks, but that’s the reality of it.
take before and after pictures!!! document everything!!! make sure your pictures are clear, take photos, etc. you will need these. show what you did to clean/fix the problem if necessary.
send a long and detailed email to the following people: the director of residential life, the head of facilities/ building management, the office of accessibility/ student services/whatever it’s called on your campus (even if it is not an accessibility issue usually these people are the fastest to respond), and the college president (often they won’t respond but it gets everyone else’s attention). if applicable you can also send the email to the head of campus safety/security and student health services/ health center). include your photos and make the email as long and detailed as possible. send this email ASAP. you need a paper trail. if you got get a response in three business days send a follow up email and go down to the res life office (often they will say they are busy and no one can speak to you, but sometimes you just have to annoy the crap out of them)
tell your ra. tell them multiple times. a lot of the time they can’t do anything about it, but they can tell their supervisor about it.
keep pestering people until you get an answer. don’t feel bad about it. you should not be paying tuition to live in a shit hole that violates health codes. a lot of the time they can’t move you elsewhere, but the school should still know about the problem.
get your parents involved as a last resort. generally offices hate dealing with parents but if you’ve exhausted all other avenues then go ahead and do it.
i wish you all the best of luck, remember that you are in college to learn and learning how to deal with stubborn administration is definitely one of those things. a little dirt is normal, but sticky carpets, broken glass, broken thermostats, etc, are not. you’re paying to go there, get someone to fix it.
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
The OM Cast as Househusbands
Inspired by my recent rant about domestic Solomon.
Contents: Pure fluff and unhinged roasts.
A-tier. Generally a solid choice skill-wise.
Cooks decent, cleans well, budgets FANTASTICALLY, has a good list of connections/spells for all home repair, and even has a stern (but caring) parenting-style if so desired.
In short, Lucifer can run a house very well. He practically already does! Hope you like having a big, extended family because the brothers are coming with.
Really, the biggest downside to Lucifer is that you'll be constantly worried that he's bored... Man can run a house and then some. He probably has the daily chores done by noon, and then what?
He just has so much extra potential, is what I'm saying. Very "big, beautiful bird in a cramped cage" energy. But then again, maybe making him chill the fuck out and have a low-maintenance lifestyle for once is better for his blood pressure in the long run. Your call.
B-tier. He ain't perfect, but he can learn quick.
If you can give Mammon anything, it's that he's a capable guy when he wants to be. He may not be good at cleaning up, cooking, or anything like that on his own, but with some encouragement...?
Big improvements made practically overnight! Shower him in praise and "thank you's" for every little thing he does and he'll start get greedy for it. Then he'll do even MORE around the house and he gets better each time.
Show him how to cook what you like, and he'll never forget. Remind him to fold up the laundry, and he'll get it done. Praise him for keeping the floors clean, then suddenly he's nagging YOU about tracking dirt on the carpet...
And he'll get so proud about it too... Like, he's your first man and you NEED him now. What would you ever do without him?? Now hand over your shirts because he has some ironing to do, dammit!!
The only downside is you'll have to handle the finances... The words "Mammon" and "budget" go together about as well as "grainery" and "match." He'll blow through it and then some. Earners beware.
Hovers around C-D tier. Levi can play the role of good househusband for a VERY particular kind of partner, otherwise he's a lost cause.
He is a surprisingly decent househusband ONLY when sufficiently motivated and playing out his "domestic slice-of-life" fantasies are that motivation.
He can cook (anime-inspired dishes), he can clean (if you convince him to treat the house like he does his figurine collections), he can even sew/mend (though the majority of what he makes may be cosplay related)!
He won't leave the house to shop, but deliveries are fine. He also can't keep to a budget that doesn't include a MASSIVE chunk carved out to maintain his otaku lifestyle. He'll throw a fit otherwise.
Really, Levi's biggest problem is that once those "domestic fantasies" become mundane, he'll get bored and go back to his shows and games again.
Anyone with him would need to keep feeding into his role with new "quests" or different tropes to try out like a DM running an irl campaign. Could be fun for a little while, but it'll be too much trouble for you both long term. Best give him a skip.
S-tier. Very good choice, and he's proud of that fact.
Cooks well, very conscientious of your needs, knowledgeable on many topics from recipes to home repair, actually knows how to do laundry in a timely manner... a very good man indeed.
100% the kind of husband who sees that it's going to rain, so he treks out to wherever the hell you are to make sure you have an umbrella. Can't have you getting sick.
Get him a cat and the house will become his own slice of the Celestial Realm. He'll even text cute pics/updates on what your cat is doing like they're your literal child.
Only downside is cleaning. He's a book horder and will argue until he's blue in the face to keep Every. Last. Pamphlet. An in-house library is a MUST and expect to need expansions. Otherwise, perfect man. Much approval to be had.
B-A tier. Another decent choice, just a little eccentric at times.
Asmo is that partner who will happily play the part of the trophy househusband buuut he absolutely won't do anything too strenuous or dirty.
Cooking? Totally fine! He isn't amazing, but he's not awful either. Laundry? Say no more! Your clothes will never have a wrinkle again. But cleaning...? Like the floors, attic, or ESPECIALLY the bathroom??
Nope. Nuh-huh. His cute-ass hair and his cute-ass nails in his cute-ass clothes will not stand for it! He's going to beg for a maid immediately.
I guess in exchange you'll be hosting some killer dinner parties, though! Asmo has that "suburban wife who flaunts her amazing life" energy. Also keeping his influencer game alive with tutorials galore.
In short, Asmo is willing not just to spoil you, but elevate you as well. You just need to give him a little pampering in return, kay?
B-tier. Most of his problems are, predictably, food related...
Beel really, REALLY tries but you are probably never going to have a meal on time (if there's somehow any food left at all).
It isn't that he won't cooking, arguably, he spends TOO much time cooking because he'll spend just as much time eating! Or running to the store because he ate the ingredients again...
Surprisingly, though, he's actually very good at cleaning and caring for another person. That's because it's what he does for Belphie. You think the seventhborn is picking up their room AT ALL? Don't kid yourself...
Probably a good time to point out that another downside (or perk??) of husband!Beel is you also get Belphie! But he's just as spoiled as ever so... Hopefully Beel's overwhelming amazingness will make up for that.
If you like Belphie and don't mind an empty cabinet, Beel is a good choice. If not, there are better options available, I promise.
D-tier. Shit househusband. Doesn't even try.
Won't clean, won't cook, won't shop, can't fix, can't budget, and don't even get me STARTED on the state of the sheets!!-
He is a decorative plant of a househusband. Meant only to make the room look nicer by his presence. I've seen dogs more capable and self-motivated to maintain a household than this man will ever be.
Should you somehow get him to exert the effort, he will whine and complain the entire time. And even then, he won't do much more than put some things away and order takeout.
The only upside to Belphie is that since he's always asleep, it's not like he's making the house any dirtier. Vacuuming around his unconscious ass is home life now. At least you probably get Beel too.
C-B tier. What he lacks in experience, he makes up for in enthusiasm.
So... he basically can't do anything but since he's never had to, you can cut him some slack. He loves the idea of TRYING though, so you have an eager student!
He finds cooking to be a fun challenge and he isn't terrible at it. Cleaning is a drag but he likes to see you happy. You'll have to teach anything laundry/clothes related, unfortunately, and sending him to the grocery store without a very detailed list may result in him buying an entire aisle if he doesn't know what to get.
At least he'll genuinely love to hear about your day and have the biggest smile and warmest greeting for you every time you come home. He's like a big'ol puppy, just thrilled with your existence!
(Honestly, if something has him stumped, he'll call for Barbatos to help. He'll try to hide it because he wants to show that he can do things himself, but at the end of the day your happiness wins over his pride. Now let the butler fix your plumbing.)
SS-tier. So good, it's literally not fair.
He's been caring for another person for centuries. He has every possible skill he would need permanently etched into his DNA. He is the Grand Master of Domestic Life that all others should strive for.
Meals are at perfect temperature by the time you sit at the table. The house is so spotless that you could eat off the broom closet. Anything that breaks gets fixed/replaced within the day. He even leaves words of encouragement in the little notes packed up with your lunch. You'll start to wonder if he's an angel who's infiltrated too deep....
Barbs also seems to have a sixth sense for whenever you've had a bad day. You come back dragging from exhaustion? You favorite meal is already cooked, the bath is ready to be drawn, and would you like a shoulder rub on top of that? Feel free to vent, he loves to listen to whatever stories you have to share!
There are only two downsides to Barbatos: the first is that you are absolutely sharing him still with Diavolo and the young master is his top concern. So sorry.
The second is that moment he gets even the hint that there may be a rat in the house, he'll nuke the place with all of your stuff still in it. So keep some traps out and keep'em fresh, yeah? You'll be fine.
S-tier. He even comes with pre-installed parenting skills! (If you're into that kind of thing).
Simeon may not have Barbs' "live to serve" mentality, but he is truly an angel to a fault. The man already acts as Den Mother of Purgatory Hall, so what would you expect?
He cooks well enough to own his own business and you can't run a business without being good with your cash. He probably has book royalties too... Plus, he cleans up after Solomon's messy ass in canon, so-
He's gonna be that husband you take to the office party and nobody will leave you alone about him for the next week. People are going to ask if he has a brother or some shit (give them Raph's number, I dare you)
Admittedly, home repair (especially of the electronics he's guaranteed to break) should probably go to someone else. Also, he is a package deal with Luke. That child is your unspoken son now, and you'll just have to deal with that.
Otherwise, he's trophy material. Marry him and carry him over that threshold! He's worth it, truly.
I've already ranted about Solomon here. But if you aren't aware, he's D-tier saved only by the fact that he's really trying his best.
800 year-old bachelor be like: "Oh, you're supposed to change those...? They don't smell that bad after a month."
"Of course those dishes are clean! Yes, I can see that there's still food on them, but I washed them with soap. That's what makes them clean."
"What do you mean, 'Don't set the table with beakers on date night?' Isn't this one your favorite??"
"Dinner's almost done, honey! Just let me finish clubbing this octopus!" 😁
Disaster husband. Just leave him to his delusions and get used to takeout...
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lackingspace · 3 months
Chapter 2
Rated: M Word Count: 3.7K Summary: A summons from House Harkonnen is unlikely but never improbable. Warnings: More exposition. Nothing other than talking shit about the Harkonnen. Author Note: Feyd's still bothering me, so take this. ✧
Prev Ch: Pernicious
AO3 link: Admonish
Next Ch: Scurrilous
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The transport was surprisingly warm. Which came as a surprise because that was an unnecessarily expensive add-on amenity. Space was cold. There was no way around that fact. The Guild kept the standard transport temperature above freezing, but not by much. 
It wasn't comfortable for most, but with proper clothing, it was generally tolerable for the few hours trip. The other option available— at an exorbitant upcharge— was the use of our thermostabilizing technology.
As a general rule, Ezhariens never purchased the upgrade. Travel to and from Erif IV was already surcharged when leaving your House's compound port. The only exception was the tropics near the equator. The temperate weather didn't require the fee, but leaving ports anywhere else on your planet caused ships to work harder– which meant more frequent maintenance and a more expensive trip. 
Adding insult to injury of stacking surcharge onto surcharge wasn't cost-effective in the Jarl’s eyes. So we all forgo heat.
Ice was our birthright after all and the low temperature was still bearable. You disliked the practice of charging for heat, but you understood the guild was a business and it cared little for humanity beyond what it could squeeze out of it.
The Baron had seen fit to add it to your passage. It wasn't the only amenity either— a meal and drink service were waiting upon your arrival. Another splurge you were happy for, but typically went without. 
The journey would take half a solar cycle and you were going to enjoy the transit for all its worth. This may be one of the last moments of secured peace you had. Giedi Prime was capricious, just like its ruler. And you weren't stupid enough to believe he'd done this out of the goodness of his heart. 
A snigger left you at that idea. The Baron and goodness in the same sentence was a naive notion. There would have to be good in there to begin with. 
No, this wasn't actually about your comfort. This was another move in politically courting you. If you were weaker-willed the idea would have caused bile to make an appearance.
But you weren't a stranger to how people such as him played the game. This was an attempt to place you in a favorable mood– win your good graces. Whatever reason he had for requesting your presence, he wanted to do everything to ensure your answer was yes. 
Your father's instinct had been right. 
As you sat in the spacious accommodations afforded to you, sipping a Corelian wine and picking at the assortment of dishes, your father's reaction came to mind. Desil hadn't been wrong about your father being displeased either.
Slipping off into a daydream of remembrance was a good distraction to fill the time. Leaning into the plush seating you thought back to why you were sitting here alone. 
He'd called you to his study even before dinner. The look painting Desil's face was grim when he told you of the bidding. There was no protest from you as your earlier annoyance had significantly subsided— replaced by anxious thoughts of what the Harkonnen, the Baron, could possibly want. 
As you walked the dark halls with Desil, your eyes stared down at the lilac carpet runner. Its lightness provided a nice contrast against the hall's heated black stone. The walk was a mindless muscle memory as your thoughts were preoccupied with your anxiety and what your father would have to say. 
If he was calling you before the family meal, either he was more angry with the development than you'd anticipated or he had pressing questions. Questions that needed to be kept private. Away from the prying ears and gossipping mouths of your mother and aunt. 
After rounding another corner, the office door seemed to taunt you at the end of the hall. The black paneling of the door itself blended in with the rest of the compound walls. It was only distinguished by the decorative embossing of three silver roses– our heraldic symbol marking it as a room of import. 
Whatever mood you found him in, you would need to steel yourself for the unpleasant possibility of some plot that's been kept from you until now. You weren't unknown to Bene Gesserit workings and there would be little shock to hear they had a hand in something such as this.
Though, it was common knowledge the Baron had not taken one for concubine nor did he keep one for truthsayer– unusual for a Great House to say the least. Your own house had a Bene Gesserit Truthsayer on retainer. 
Her name was Niamh, a calculating woman with deep sienna skin and golden eyes. You always found her pleasant to be around, but truthsayers could be unnerving to some. 
‘Maybe that's why the Baron refused one?’ the thought was dismissed as soon as it had formed, ‘Unlikely. It's probably simply that if anyone could manipulate the Baron, it'd be one of the sisterhood.’ your lips pursed as you were almost upon the door, ‘That possibility is controlled if he refuses their presence.’ 
Desil turned about-face when you were within distance for the door to be opened, “I'm instructed to wait until you're dismissed. No one will disrupt.” 
The worry was clear in his green eyes. So expressive in their concern for you that a small pang in your chest cut through the fog of anxiety. Reaching a hand towards his nervously wringing ones, cupping the top of his with gentle pressure, “Desil, it'll be fine.” 
His shoulders dropped if only slightly, “My lady,” he paused searching for the right words, “I'm worried.”
That pulled a huff of laughter from you. It was clear from his demeanor, he hadn't needed to voice it. With the chuckles still chasing your words, you agreed, “So am I.”
They echoed in your mind with more severity as you dropped his hands in favor of turning towards the door and pushing it open, ‘So am I.’
The moment you saw your father, trepidation returned. He sat in front of the crackling fireplace with the message capsule gripped tightly in one hand while a glass of liquor was clutched in the other.
Anger, refracted by the crackling flames, shone bright in his eyes. You could see his jaw clenching as his teeth ground. He was clearly agitated by something, either the letter or the meeting with the Jarl. More likely a combination of both. 
When he saw you, his head began to shake. The action caused the weight of anxiety to settle in your chest. What did that gesture mean? Was he trying to deny something or did the sight of you cause such general disappointment?
Clarification was unlikely without prompting if he was in a mood. Opening your mouth to speak, but he lifted the message in a gesture you did understand. One that meant silence.
His lips curled in disgust as he began to shake the cylinder, “Why do you do this to me?” the weight in your chest became heavier, would have been rib-crushing if it wasn't intangible. Brow crinkling in confusion, you took a hesitant step forward, “Father?”
He threw the message into the flames while tipping his head back in a deep pull from the glass. That was the clearest thing he'd done so far. It was standard practice for missives to be cleaned after their contents served their purpose. He'd gotten what he'd needed from it.
The flames wouldn't be enough to melt the capsule itself, only destroying the seal and the ink would slough off into the flames. The metal would remain with no trace of what’d been sent. Ready to be penned again. 
You wished he hadn't done that in an enclosed space though. It wouldn't shock you if the ink Harkonnen used became toxic upon combustion.
But that wasn't important right now. You wanted answers to his reason behind the question. Desperately so because you didn't quite like the feeling of being assaulted by confusion.
Gulping a few pulls of the bronzy liquid before righting himself only to curl the now free hand into a fist and slammed it into the arm of the chair. His voice was vehement as he questioned, “Do I not give you everything?” 
To hear him so strained and full of anguish had a self-loathing heat rise from the pit of your stomach to stain your cheeks. What were these questions about? It wasn't making sense to the bubbling pit in your mind. Feet gained a mind of their own as you stepped closer. Starting again, “Father?” 
The only answer you received was him knocking back the rest of his drink. Setting the glass on the glossy marble table next to his seat, then in a voice cracked with emotion, “Are you not happy here? Is that it?” 
Surprise ate at the self-loathing. He would believe such a thing? Was this about something other than the missive? Heard some false rumor? Did the Jarl know something? Or give an order Father isn't amenable to? Is that what prompted these strange accusations? 
The last question sank to the bottom of your stomach like you'd plunged into your planet's icy seas. Cold and paralyzing. 
Father rarely became emotional about anything, but something was causing him distress. You couldn't let your own emotions match his if you were to gain anything more than a headache from this.
‘Fortify yourself.’ A reminder to calm was your inner mantra. With a slow steady blink and a deep inhale you thought further, ‘Make yourself arduous. Truth does not ring when impetuous.’ Just breathe. 
Locking eyes with your father the turmoil was clear– the anger that still clung to his demeanor was quickly losing the battle with the desperation on his brow. The fire crackled as the cylinder heated within. The sound added to your calm as you stood straighter than before. 
“Father, I am grateful for all that you give me and perfectly content here with you,” your forceful tone was almost a contradiction, but you continued before he could speak, “Which is why I'm unsure of whatever it is you're alluding to. Could you please be kind enough to enlighten me?” If there was one thing he taught you, it was to be direct if you wanted a direct answer. 
His lips released a heavy sigh, “If you are so happy, then why is that psychopathic Baron threatening to steal you away?” He spat the title like it left a bad taste in his mouth. It probably did. Father wasn't fond of Harkonnen beyond business. He didn't like the carelessness or callousness they treated their own people with.
Then his wording dawned on you and everything clicked.
This wasn't some plot– not one your father was privy to– or an order, rumor, or anything else. This was simply your father perceiving the summons as a threat to your safety from a house he knew gave visceral meaning to the word abuse. 
He had always been protective, sometimes invasively so, but it had never bothered you before— you couldn't really blame him now either. Safety and Giedi Prime were never said in the same sentence. 
Just as well, there was some validity to viewing it as a subtle threat. This wasn't a social function where multiple houses were in attendance, people wouldn't be on their best behavior, and you would not be well guarded.
It would be you and Harkonnen. Their house, their word against yours, their rules. Not to mention the Baron had already breached standard protocol if he was seeking your Suk skills. That didn't exactly inspire confidence.
Father's anger made sense. It wasn't towards you— only that you seemed to be the sought-after prize— but at the Baron for the position he'd placed you in. A sigh of relief as the self-loathing constriction, confusion, and pit in your stomach finally let up. 
As a high-ranking Great House member, the Suk school mediated requests from other Great Houses for your services. A way to maintain social etiquette and boost their claims of imperial conditioning and house neutrality. It had worked just fine…until now.
The Baron saw fit to circumvent that bureaucratic process and use the method more convenient and binding to him. That put your back to the wall so to speak. No wiggle room to refuse.
The seal made it an official ask in the political sphere. The vague request for your ‘skills’ was another clever maneuver on his part. Any backlash he might receive from the Suk School was avoided as the missive didn't explicitly state medical services. But realistically, there was little else that your presence in particular would be warranted for.
‘Something he no doubt knew and took great pleasure in.’ The thought was devoid of the usual bubbling maliciousness as you stared at your father. The only thing registering was resignation of how the Baron played the game. ‘And I'm about to be at his leisure.’
Rapidly closing the small distance, you dropped to your knees in front of your father and placed your hands atop his clenched one. The care he had for you was something you cherished. He might be strict, but he respected you. Only wanting for your safety and happiness. Compassion tugged at your heart as you sighed wearily against his hand, “Oh, Father.”
That was everything he needed for his composure to fully break. With his free hand he leaned forward to stroke your hair, “Not my daughter,” shaking his head as he spoke, “Not my daughter. If it is a Suk doctor the Baron wishes for, he can seek an unaligned one.”
Firelight bounced off his black locks deepening the shadows on his face. He must have shaved that morning because the edges of his beard were uniform. The anger still clinging in his eyes fizzled to embers as your thumb rubbed his wrist. There would be no qualms from you about sending a polite reply of, ‘No, thank you.’ If only it were possible.
It would be both an immense personal and House offense, without answering his call. Once the Jarl heard of this– assuming he hadn't already– you'd be forced to go anyway. 
Ezharien would not risk snubbing Harkonnen.
Lifting your gaze back to your father's blue eyes, attempting a smile, but it was just a sad tugging at your lips, “You know that's not how it works. The call must be answered.”
That stoked the fire back to life and you felt his hand tighten beneath yours, “Absolutely not! The Harkonnen have done us no favors. We should respond in kind.” 
It was an odd turn to be the diplomat between the two of you, “Father,” smoothing your hands over his, willing it to relax, “This is likely nothing more than a request of my profession. It is known the Baron requires frequent procedures and I've been called by other Great Houses in the past. I must go.” 
His fist only balled tighter. He didn't acknowledge you were right aloud, but the next sentence he spat confirmed he knew it was inevitable, “That tyrant thinks he's above due process! And he presumes too much. Already he's made arrangements for your transport– only your transport.” 
With nothing short of a growl he shook his head, “I am not condemning you to suffer a man such as him— or that entire house— unattended. You will take Cleo and the guardsmen.” 
Arrangements? Arrogance or self-assuredness? How smug of the old bastard to dictate when and where I leave.
You couldn't focus on that now however, you needed to reason with your father. Dissuade him from making a smaller, but still egregious error. “I will not be taking them.” You amended. 
Thumping his free hand against the chair, “Do not test me, girl. If there is nothing to be done of your departure, you shall take the protection I can afford you!” 
As aggressive as the gesture was, you weren't moved by it, “Please, Father, be reasonable.” He sneered in response, “This is reasonable.” 
Clicking your tongue in disapproval, you had to contain the amusement that wanted to rise from your chest. Laughter would be extremely inappropriate, but the irony of the situation was not lost on you. How many times have you said that exact thing to him in past disagreements? 
This must be what your father felt arguing with you. Stamping down the feeling in favor of asserting your opinion.
“If I take them, we are insinuating that they cannot protect me or that I need protection from them. Either case leads to a perceived insult that they will no doubt capitalize on.” Father's silent huffs and clenched jaw told you that he knew you were right. 
“We can afford a small faux pas if the Baron can do away with etiquette entirely.” The sharp edge in his voice bespoke his lingering ire. It was your turn to shake your head at him, “We cannot. The Baron is not an idiot and we should do well to avoid giving him any advantage. Our name is protection enough.” 
He lifted his free hand to smooth across his brow, “That is not satisfactory protection.” You purse your lips at his admission in silent agreement, ‘no…it's not....but I must make due.' 
“If I bring Cleo and the guardsmen, it will be taken as a slight and will likely result in their death. They will be collateral I don't want on either of our hands. They don't deserve that death. The Harkonnen cannot harm me the same way.” 
His eyes closed as he pinched the bridge of his nose, “You speak reason.” The begrudging admittance was clear in his voice. Soothing his hand beneath yours as you argued further, “If I'm not mistaken, you said we purchase large quantities of spice from them every month for our attractions in the isles?”
His eyes opened as a brow raised. A slight nod his only confirmation.
“If that's true, why would Harkonnen risk such easy business? They certainly can't afford kanly with Ezharien and Atreides.” your prodding paid off in the form of a frown on his lips, “They're unpredictable. Harm to you could be a risk they think acceptable if there’s some ulterior scheme.”
“Father, we cannot factor the unknowable. A hidden plot is not inconceivable, but we must formulate a response with what we know to be true.” 
Lifting your hands to count upon your fingers as a means to illustrate each point, “I know that if I do not go, politically it is scandalous. I know that if they do harm to me, it has the same result for them. I know it is also grounds for Kanly,” your father was nodding along with each point, “That would certainly be your uncle's response.” 
“I know of Harkonnen propensity to manipulate things to their advantage, but in doing so he reveals part of his hand.” Resting a curled hand beneath his chin your father said in a clipped tone, “Elaborate.”
“There is something he requires that can't be found within his own House. He believes that I have the answers or skills he needs. That provides me another advantage beyond politics or our name.” his face became unreadable for a second before simply saying, “Very good.”
Smiling at his praise, you continued, “Until that purpose is served, I should be relatively immune to their proclivities. If that purpose is quickly completed and I'm detained, I at least know who I'm dealing with. Yes, the Baron is unpredictable– they're all unpredictable, violent, and volatile– but I'm well aware of that. And it's not as if I don't know them.”
The anger and despair had left your father completely, instead, he was gazing at you contemplatively, “If you are detained for anything other than a guild delay, there will be repercussions.” 
“I'm sure the Baron is well aware of that. Which is why I expect things will stay amenable if we don't commit any unnecessary offenses.”
Resignation wasn't something that oft entered your father's demeanor, but the way he sagged back into the chair spoke volumes, “I suppose the youngest nephew has always been courteous enough towards you.” 
The admission all but sealed your victory, “Yes, Feyd-Rautha and I have always been amicable acquaintances.” You couldn't contain the roll of your eyes as you thought of the older brother, “Glossu is benign for the most part. He might forget his courtesies, but Feyd has enough intelligence to correct it.” 
“You shouldn't heckle him that way– you know he prefers Rabban.” The subtle shift of your lips into a smirk was immediate at his chiding and he rolled his own eyes in response to your look, “Daughter, if I'm to send you there, do not harass the Na-Baron. For my own peace of mind, please.” 
You gave him a long look of your own before you caved, “Fine. But I’ve always called him Glossu. It'll be strange.” You would try for his sake though. If it provided him some comfort, it was the least you could promise him.
There was still lingering tension within his jaw and shoulders. The only other thing you could think to do to set his mind at ease was to remind him you could take care of yourself, “Should it come down to it, I'm not defenseless. You made sure of that.” 
The groan he made was pained, “Don't remind me. But should that happen, I'll destroy the Harkonnen myself.” The image that birthed in your mind made you chuckle. Murder wasn't your father's forte, but if there was ever a reason to push him to it, your death would be it. 
You couldn't help but voice the old Erifian threat, “The direwolves will not go hungry.”
A smile graced his lips as he leaned forward to grasp your hands, “When did you become so tactful?”
That finally brought a true smile to your own lips, “It may come as a surprise, but I do listen when you speak.” The laugh he let out was free of his previous worries, “Perhaps it's time I listen more closely to when you speak.” His hand gently squeezed yours as you echoed back, “Perhaps.”
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— “ 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭. ” | Johnny Slaughter x Female Reader.
Headcanon. My take on a nsfw alphabet with Johnny.
Notes. English isn't my native language so typos and grammar issues are likely.
Warnings. This fic is nsfw, minors dni please. Canon gore and cannibalism mentioned.
Enjoy. I hope you enjoy the content. Much love, Cherry. 🍒
- A. Aftercare, what are they like after sex?
On rare occasions will he cuddle or hold you. After quickies he'll give you a peck on your face or slap your ass and tell you that you've "been a good girl and should go back to your other chores". Or if its after proper sex he might just fall asleep.
- B. Body part, what is their favorite body part on their partner and themselves.
Johnny takes pride in just how strong he is, his arms are probably his favorite part. Especially since he can use them to hold or choke you. His favorite body part of yours is your thighs, he goes wild for them. Also he loves your ass.
- C. Cum, anything to do with cum.
Johnny likes to cum in you, on you, or have you swallow his cum. Depends on his mood. Though no matter where he cums, he likes to make a little show of it and appreciate his own work.
- D. Dirty secret, what's a dirty secret of theirs?
Not the dirtiest of secrets; Johnny could and have had his twisted fantasies come to life before with victims, but he truly likes it when you get all suggestive trying to initiate intimacy or suggest new things to try (usually he is the one telling you he's horny). He wouldn't let a soul know that he enjoys that side of you though.
- E. Experience, how much experience they have?
Johnny has experience sleeping with girls, but they are usually victims he fucks for his own pleasure before slaughtering them for supper, so he isn't very good at first with making you feel good about the sex.
- F. Favorite position, what is their favorite position?
Johnny is always in the dominating position. He likes the power he feels over you. He's top position would be the "low doggy style".
- G. Goofy, are they more serious in the moment or are they more humorous?
Johnny's pretty serious in bed and outside of it. However if something funny happens he won't hold back. However usually the only laugh you'll hear from him during sex is a mocking one whilst he talks nothing but filth to your ears.
- H. Hair, how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drape?
Johnny has a bush that he trims for maintenance and some hair creeps up towards his lower belly. The hair is thick and as dark, matching the hair he features on his head and other body parts.
- I. Intimacy, how romantic are they during the moment.
Johnny is selfish, he mostly thinks of his own pleasure and he is overall very rough and fast. Sometimes he tries to be a little more giving and romantic towards you with some role play and directing the attention towards your pleasure.
- J. Jack off, masturbation headcanon.
Since he now has you he's prefer to do you instead of jacking himself off but if he can't have you for any reason he has no problem to jack off and relief himself.
- K. Kink, one or more of their kinks.
Johnny is a man of many kinks, here are to name a few; light age play (likes to be called daddy by you and in return nickname you baby girl), bondages and blindfolds, dominating, humiliating and dirty talks, knife play, and public & outdoor sex (the thrill of getting caught makes him feral).
- L. Location, favorite places to fo it.
As long as the family isn't at risk of seeing the two of you he'd fuck you anywhere. I'd still say his shed and his truck- which no one else is allowed to use, are his favorite places as he just feel even more so that you belong to him.
- M. Motive, what turns them on.
He gets turned on pretty easily, he strikes me as a generally horny guy. Usually by the end of a hunt or execution he'd get all worked up and would try and seek you out to help him. If you wore some nicer clothes he'd get turn on seeing you all pampered up. Or if you are acting a bit needy he gets turned on. Y/N has no problem turning this guy on.
- N. No, what is a turn off and absolute no?
Johnny will never let you dominate him or for him to be submissive to you in any way, shape, or form. Also Johnny won't share you.
- O. Oral, oral headcanon.
Johnny loves receiving more than giving. Sometime a blow job in the middle of his work day can energize him and help him focus more on the hunts or chores he does for the rest of the day. He isn't a huge fan of eating you out simply because he always puts himself first, including his pleasure. He will eat you out during special occasions, and will make sure you are overstimulated and that you'll be a good girl and cum for him a few times on those nights.
- P. Pace, do they go rough and fast, or slow and sensual?
Johnny can't be gentle nor slow. It's not who he is. He likes to go fast and hard. Every now and then he'd slow down for some rougher trusts but he'd go back to a faster pace not faster after. They only time he slows down is when you give him a blow job, even then he might just up the pace and fuck your brains out.
- Q. Quickie, their opinion on quickies, how often, etc.
Johnny honestly enjoys quickies, depending on what chores he has to do that day, he'd more often than not seek you out in the middle of his day for either a quickie or a blow job. Quickies, however, don't come at the expense of a good, full on session, they are a bonus.
- R. Risk, are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?
Johnny doesn't mind risks or experimenting new things as long as it doesn't involve the family or give you any form of power over him.
- S. Stamina, how long do they last and how many rounds can they go for?
Johnny can go for hours, it depends on his mood and the environment. But when he fully goes at it it lasts for at least an hour or so, he can also go for multiple rounds.
- T. Toys, do they own any? and how do they feel about them.
Johnny doesn't own any toys, and since you didn't plan to be captured by the slaughter family on your way to your camping trip, you didn't bring with you any- that's if you had some. Johnny however isn't necessarily against them, he doesn't particularly need them and stealing them when he visits the city for necessities is not worth it for him.
- U. Unfair, how much do they like to tease?
Johnny likes to tease you in and out of bed- he's pretty unfair but he just likes how you react to him teasing you.
- V. Volume, how loud are they, what kind of sounds do they make?
Johnny does not keep quiet, and with how good he does you you can't really keep quiet either. He groans a lot more than he moans, and he laces a lot of dirty talking with his bedroom sounds.
- W. Wild card, a random headcanon for this character.
Johnny isn't a fan of condoms. He usually goes in raw and needed to ask Sissy for help a few times to craft you from her flower and botany knowledge a knockoff plan b.
- X. X-Ray, headcanon for what's under their clothes.
Johnny is packing, probably around 7 inches, fairly thick and kinda veiny. Not to forget he is also packing in his rear side *wink wink*.
- Y. Yearning, how high is their sex drive?
Johnny's sex drive is pretty high, but he can also hold back if he needs to.
- Z. Zzz, how fast are they to fall asleep afterwards.
After a quickie Johnny gets a boost of energy from the sexual relief, but after a proper session- which he can just go at for hours, he fairly quickly falls asleep. Sleep after sex is some of the best sleep he experiences.
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am0ng-us-sus · 9 months
No matter how 'right' you think it is,it's never okay! Domestic birds,especially parrots,have no idea what is and isn't a threat. I take my budgie's cage down into the kitchen (when nobody is cooking) to clean it because the room he is in is carpeted,and I'd much rather sweep then vaccum every time. Sometimes my dogs get into the kitchen,and this little bird is not afraid of my dogs whatsoever. In fact,this bold little shit was about to go over and bite one of their noses through the bars when said dog got past the baby gate into the kitchen.
Besides this,even if said bird can recognise a threat,they have no idea how to evade it sense they weren't taught to.
And birds bred with unnatural color mutations have no camouflage to defend themselves. This is most common with blue budgies. If you didn't know,budgies are naturally green and yellow,the blue color comes from years of domestication.
Not to mention,most places birds are released are not even the correct habitat. I often see videos of pet parrots being released into cities or towns,when most parrots live in tropical rainforests,while Budgies live in the outback.
These birds often die in a few days of 'release'. Throwing pets into the wild is in general a death sentence,no matter the species.
I know a lot of people don't believe birds should be 'mistreated' in pet stores,but here's the thing: Proper bird owners give their feathery friends happy lives. Birds are often mistreated in captivity mostly by the average person. I know someone reading this probably has or knows someone with a pet budgie or finch that is treated like an ornament. It may suprise many,but budgies need a balaced diet,a large cage,and plenty of exercise and meantal stimulation,just like Macaws and Cockatoos. Birds in general aren't low maintenance pets,and a bird being smaller doesn't mean it has less care needs.
Some might say that an animal like birds shouldn't be domesticated in the first place. And this is partially true,due to all the unintentional mistreatment of birds,and how they are marketed as easy low maintenance starter pets,especially budgies and finches,when in reality,all birds are as exotic of a pet as a koala. Many people impulse buy because of how cheap birds like budgies and finches are,and how supposedly 'easy' it is to care for them,just because they don't require daily walks or grooming doesn't mean they're low maintenance. Before you get any pet,you should do extensive research.
In conclusion; Releasing a pet bird into the wild,no matter the species,is crueler then keeping them as pets and giving them a good life. Please,do not do this.
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betterbooktitles · 4 months
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Guillermo del Toro owns a second home that only has his stuff in it. Though the 59-year-old filmmaker is married with children, he keeps an entire second house to himself and fills it with frightening sculptures, inspiring pieces of art, toys, books, and movies, all of it his own curation. There are no kid’s drawings on the fridge, no side tables picked out by his spouse. It’s his personal playroom. He does most of the upkeep himself after a housecleaner broke the finger off one of his statues. He refers to it as a “man cave” or the “Bleak House” and often spends time alone writing there. Del Toro claims his wife likes it and has always supported his childhood dream house. She also prefers that his horrifying decorations don’t impede the aesthetic taste of the home they share as a family.
Having an entire home as a creative man cave that I am entirely in charge of would sound perfect to me if it weren’t for the fact that owning one home has become a nightmare even the best horror director could not fully capture on film.
I know I am lucky. The stats on Millennials owning their own homes are (if you will) bleak. But whatever I thought was irritating me in the city wasn’t nearly as bad as the physical and mental work required to live in a house. It drains bank accounts and my will to do more than one thing per day. When I was young and lived in New York, I scheduled my days like a CEO or politician: meetings, lunches, podcasts, and stand-up shows all crammed together to the minute as if I could teleport between venues. Now, if Wednesday morning includes a Home Depot run and a painting project, realistically, I’m not doing anything after that until Saturday. The laundry list of what needs to be fixed or maintained in the house grows every day. In the winter, there are rooms I simply don’t use because of a draft I can’t fix. In the summers, the yard becomes something we have to actively fight against lest new trees and mushrooms and 6-foot tall weeds that resemble stalks of asparagus take over everything. The current issue is a dead tree blocking a path to the backyard because wisteria vines are pulling it to the ground. It’s the fastest I’ve ever seen a plant move outside of Evil Dead.
Though we struggle to keep up with our checklists, my wife and I have ambitions for the house outside of general maintenance. We’d like a bigger kitchen, a functional garden, and a fence that looks like a stiff breeze wouldn’t knock it over. The house is fine without these physical flourishes, but the fantasy is always there, nagging whispers in the brain of how nice it could be given unlimited time and resources. That nagging gets into my head about a whole house devoted to my creative dreams.
When I fantasize about what I’d like most if money and time were no object, I find myself thinking about a home theater. Unfortunately, money is an object, and the “fun budget” was consumed by the “necessities budget” a year ago. We already replaced the furnace and AC, dug up tiles in the den, painted nearly every room, replaced doors, one of which was rotting the wood at the edges because it hadn’t been replaced since 1986, the year I was born. Still, the list grows. A dedicated line to the kitchen needs to be added by an electrician so the fuse doesn’t blow whenever I use the toaster and the electric kettle at the same time. The fence and what it nominally protects behind the house needs to be reworked before bunnies consume everything that isn’t a weed. The ancient carpeting needs to be ripped up, bathrooms need to be redone by professionals so my body can actually fit comfortably inside one. Walls need to come down to make living spaces seem less like hallways, and the bay window on the second floor that appears to be melting toward the ground needs to be addressed by a professional architect before the wind rips it off the bedroom wall like a giant scab. After all of that is finished, I’d still need to move into a newer, much bigger house if I want to have a home theater. 
Where did the yearning for a private theater come from? Unlike Del Toro’s childhood fantasy of having a house all his own, my wish for this extravagance came much later. I was 30, and I remember exactly how the seed was planted: Zillow. I spent hours on the site, letting the mortgage/insurance calculator tell me what I could afford for the same amount I paid in rent in Brooklyn. On my phone’s screen, I saw a $400,000 mansion in my wife’s hometown outside of Pittsburgh that was the most beautiful house I’d ever seen. It had high wood ceilings and multiple fireplaces to make the whole giant house feel like a cabin. I had 8 bedrooms and a home theater. Imagine, I thought, how good a movie must be in a theater in your own home. Imagine the parties with friends. Imagine movie nights where you force your kids to watch Back to the Future for the first time in a close approximation to the space where you saw it. Playing an old cartoon and a few YouTube’d trailers from the 80s. A little popcorn machine in the corner. Speakers that are way too loud. The dream.
I’ve realized recently, however, how silly the longing for a home theater is for me specifically. I don’t like watching sports at home. I need the atmosphere of screaming people either in the arena itself or in a bar. I need the game to be live. I need to be out among strangers or friends. I feel the same way about movies. I need other people with me, laughing, crying, gasping, clapping. 
Read the rest here.
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xxlemon-chanxx · 6 months
On the spicier side, ever thought about doing a full NSFW alphabet for Beardo Philip?
Sorry this took me so long! I was having a lot of trouble with some of these lol
Anyways, NSFW alphabets for Philip and Belos!
Philip NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I hate to say this, but nonexistent. He's incredibly rough with S/O and then he leaves them to be sore and shaking while he goes off and does…whatever the hell he thinks needs to be done. The only time the effort for aftercare is made is in two scenarios:
• The S/O is VISIBLY pregnant with his child
Philip is so rough with S/O that he feels he must do general maintenance to not have his partner break on him.
Unfortunately, Philip is really shitty and neglectful towards his lovers
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Anything that's chubby—stomachs, breasts, thighs, etc… being plump or chubby was considered very attractive I'm Philip’s time, so I imagine that he would enjoy the warmth and softness that comes from having a partner with excess fat on them. He loves to bury his face in S/O’s breasts/bosom or their belly. He loves to grab handfuls of it with his hands and knead and squeeze it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He paints S/O. Whether it be on the inside or out, he enjoys seeing them quivering as he pumps his length, aiming towards whatever spot he hasn't covered yet.
D = Dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
Philip keeps a secret “sin journal” of all of the fantasies he wishes he could make a reality with S/O but refuses to actually do it in real life because it goes against what he believes is “proper.”
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's most likely a virgin before he meets S/O. His experience is limited to what S/O is willing to show him and how much he is willing to LEARN from them. He's stubborn, rude, and needs to have things done his way. He's a very selfish lover, is what I'm trying to say in so many words.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary. He will change it up sometimes, but usually when he does it's because he feels too ashamed by his urges to want to look S/O in the eye, so he’ll push them face-down on whatever surface is available and fuck them that way.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
He's usually very serious. Very rarely is lovemaking something he’s playful for. When he is loving, he practically WORSHIPS S/O, but for the most part, he's usually all business and no play. Puritans, am I right?
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I've made another post about this, but no…he’s not well-groomed at all. He actually has a constant dirt cloud swirling around him like Pig-Pen from Charlie Brown. When Lilith punched him in the nose, she kicked up a small flurry of grime that swirled around his head for hours. His hair is greasy and probably has a dead moth somewhere in it, and he smells like he would hiss and scurry to hide if someone held up a soap bar.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
He's either very emotionally detached or he's angry-fucking. Philip hates the idea that he's succumbing to his lesser impulses when he's having sex. The only exception to this is if him and S/O are properly married, ONLY THEN he will allow himself to be more emotionally present and warm towards his partner.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He does not, and he actively forbids his S/O from masturbating either. Sits down with S/O and makes them pray with him if he catches them doing it. Continues to shame them after.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Breeding. He loves the idea of getting his partner pregnant and making lots of babies. A strong bloodline needs lots of healthy babies.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
This is really funny, but considering we see Philip’s home is mostly stationed in a cave, that's also where I headcanon he's most willing to do the deed. He doesn't like staying in towns in the Boiling Isles because of the denizens, so he's going to stick to the series of cave hideouts that he's carved out across his journey in the Demon Realm. Philip shagging on a cave floor is just really funny to me.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Stress. He's most likely to seek out his partner for sex if he's under an insane amount of stress. Something about all of that stress boiling over REALLY puts him in the mood to angry-fuck to get all of his frustration out.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
He would hate not being the dominant one. He NEEDS that control over the situation because God forbid he gets caught unawares or someone is able to have an iota of power over him. He likes holding all the Aces. He won't even entertain the idea of his partner PRETENDING to be the dominant one for the evening. Its also partially an ego thing.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
This is similar to masturbation. He doesn't, whether that's giving or receiving. His view on sex is very narrow and he's very resistant to trying new things. He doesn't give oral and he's downright offended if his partner asks him to go down on them.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough. This ties back in to the “angry-fuck” or “stress-fuck” idea, but he really does treat these things as annoying urges that he should get over with so he can go back to ignoring them.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
kind of self-explanatory lol. He doesn't do slow and sensual sessions. Every time he fucks his S/O it's like he's speedrunning.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
No. He doesn't really want to differ from what he deems as “appropriate.”
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
His rounds never last too long, but he usually has at least two or three in him before he's done. So think three nuts over the course of 7 minutes.
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
No, kind of self-explanatory.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
His ‘teasing’ is very mean. Borderline insulting with what he says. He's very much the type to use abusive language and then frame it like his partner is the one in the wrong for being upset over it.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's very quiet, but the sounds he does make are very ragged. A lot of grunts and growls. Occasionally he’ll mutter something like “take it” or “c’mon,” but for the most part it's silent with the occasional grunt.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If Philip accidentally hurts his S/O during sex, he’ll actually take the time to take care of them until it was clear they were going to be okay. Puritans were very much against physical spousal abuse, so he’s not going to raise a hand to you to hurt you intentionally if it's not a situation where he deems death as being the only resort.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's not particularly muscular, but he doesn't look emaciated either. He has some clear definition where you can see his ribs poking out, but he also has a bit of a gut. For anyone who doesn't know, if you’re malnourished, that can cause a lot of problems for your gut health, which can lead to inflammation and swelling, which results in a distended, rounder belly. Because Philip has a completely messed up eating schedule where his body never knows what it's gonna get or when it's gonna get it, he is showing some signs of malnutrition.
And of course, he's covered in dark, curly hair, and some spots where his veins would be showing are subtly tinted that sickly cursed green.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Non-existent until it's there. Anyone with ADD or autism may be able to relate to this, but it’ll very much be like when you go a day without eating and then have your body scream at you at 2am because it's starving. Essentially that. He doesn't feel the urge to engage (and is actually generally repulsed when his S/O tries to instigate) until it hits him like a truck at the most inopportune times.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He’s either awake for several hours after or he conks out immediately. It entirely depends on if he was in the middle of something when he felt the urge.
Belos NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He's actually incredibly good at aftercare, which is surprising. Whether it be massaging a sore muscle, cuddling, drawing a bath for S/O, or anything else they need done.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Same as Philips, anything soft and squishy, so stomach, tits, etc
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
As much as he would love to paint his partner like he used to be able to, his shots don't have the same oomph that they used to. Cum just sort of oozes out in waves. He’ll likely pull out just enough so the head of his cock is slowly leaking onto his S/O’s entrance before pushing back in.
D = Dirty secret (a dirty secret of theirs)
He enjoys subtly guilting S/O into putting on “special outfits” for him when they’ve been “misbehaving” in his eyes (aka not blindly listening to what he says). He likes to make sure he gets what he wants in the least confrontational way.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's not very experienced before meeting S/O, but he's very eager to learn and he's very gentle, so even his most noticeable shortcomings in the bedroom are more endearing than anything else.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He likes S/O on his lap facing him. His hand finds its way to their lower back and firmly presses their hips against his. Even after completion he could sit like that for hours with them.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Still kind of serious, but it's more light-hearted and loving than what Philip would be. He can whisper in S/O’s ear, call them little endearments, make little quips here and there depending on how noisy/responsive his partner is, etc.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He's immaculate. He's the emperor. He lives in a massive castle with dozens of people waiting on him hand and foot, there's not a chance in hell that man is not the most well-groomed man on the boiling isles.
His hair on his chest and naval is going to be patchy because there are several scars on his body (both from his curse and otherwise) that leave bare patches of skin where hair doesn't grow
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Super gentle and compassionate. I headcanon that Belos will actually be so gentle that it's maddening. He actually has to hush his S/O because they will often whimper and beg for him to please go harder/faster and he just…doesn’t. He likes his pace. It gets him where he needs to be by the end of the night and he doesn't have to worry about throwing out his old man back.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Unfortunately, he’s still a lot like Philip in this regard. He doesn't masturbate and he doesn't believe his S/O should either. But, instead of shaming his S/O if he catches them, like younger Philip would have, he takes it as a sign that he's neglecting them, and immediately interrupts them to “fulfill their needs for them.”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks
Once again breeding. Man loves the idea of his partner having babies.
Now there's an added worship kink. He loves tracing his beloved’s body with his lips and lingering on the parts he likes the most.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bedroom. He's a very private man and doesn't even want to RISK the chance of being spotted doing the do out in public. Imagine the scandal and shame.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Sometimes seeing his partner naked is enough to get that ball rolling, other times it can be something as simple as his partner sensually tracing his shoulders and spine as they pass by that make him ready for action.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Being totally submissive. He could NEVER be fully submissive. He doesn't feel safe not having some semblance of control. Even if he trusted S/O more than he's trusted anybody in his life, it's not enough for him to be completely at their mercy. He will always need one hand on the wheel.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Will most definitely need to be coaxed into it, but if his partner frames it as something popular that human’s do in modern times, he *might* be convinced to try it out. He might even like it! Even if he does like giving/receiving, that will have to be for very specific circumstances.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual babyyyyyy
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Sometimes he likes to get a load out before he has to start his day. Morning wood and all. Definitely at least a weekly occurrence.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Anything Belos experiments with are things his S/O pleaded with him to try. He's a very old man who is mostly blind to the world of sex.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
One and the round will last around ten minutes.
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Again, he likes to tease when his partner is begging him to go faster/harder. He absolutely refuses to be any faster than a snail's pace.
“My my, someone is impatient.”
“Don’t rush, darling. Enjoy this time with me.”
“Be at ease, my sweet. There's no need to fuss.”
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Very quiet with the slightest moans and gasps.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He reaaallly enjoys praying in the bedroom. I once had the headcanon that he prays in Latin and I have not since been able to imagine a sex scene with him where he doesn't sing praises to the heavens in Latin at least once.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Slender, but with old man sagginess on his abdomen, under his arms, etc. His scar wraps around him like a spiral with branches, cutting across his chest, naval, one branching down his arm and another one halfway down one thigh.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He will want sex at least 4-5 times a week, maybe less if he's incredibly busy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
If it's a nightly fuck, he's out like a light as soon as he's finished with aftercare.
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A stitch in time
“A stitch in time saves nine.”  This old saying is still very applicable and fits right into our sustainability mindset.  Making repairs as soon as possible not only saves effort but can also reduce the amount of materials you need for the repair and the amount of waste generated during the repair.  A timely repair can rescue something that would otherwise become trash.  Here are some examples.  I’m sure you can think of a lot more. 
Mend a tear or split seam in clothing while it’s small. A small repair might not even be visible.  
Leaks don’t get smaller if you ignore them.  An unattended leak can rot wood in walls and floors and could eventually result in major rip-out and replacement.  And leaks waste whatever resource is being leaked.  Check for water leaks under sinks and showers, in attics, around windows (air leaks can also increase your heating and air conditioning bill) and doors, and in basements and crawl spaces.
Repainting a building or item before the material under the paint is damaged will reduce effort and materials required for repairs.
Check your car tires for unusual wear patterns.  Proper tire inflation and wheel alignment will help your tires last longer and help your gas mileage.  Proper routine maintenance will help your car last longer.
Clean spills right away so floors, cabinets, carpets, and clothing are not damaged.  Regular cleaning with mild cleaners can prevent the need for harsh cleaners after soil builds up.   
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johnypage95 · 2 years
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At Klean Casa, skilled home repair professionals work collaboratively to deal with the various maintenance-related issues of your property. You may relax while we take care of the repairs and routine maintenance because we know a well-kept home can make a significant impact on your quality of life. To know more about our services visit: https://www.kleancasa.com/AC-Cleaning-Services.html
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narrators-journal · 3 months
Tatsuya Suou NSFW alphabet
I’ll probably come back to this and maybe tweak it, add to it, subtract, whatever I feel is needed. But, for now, have some of my thoughts for the dude who’s been haunting my thoughts lately.
CW: Nsfw content, monsterfucking, vanilla sexual acts, generally just don’t read if you don’t like spice.
A= Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Tatsuya Suou is a bit of a contrast. From the outside, he looks like he’d be rougher than he actually is in bed. He looks like he’d not give you a shred of aftercare, but in reality, he would, without complaint. he is shockinglysoft. Gentle touches, soft kisses, cleaning up, apologizing for any accidental pain. All of that, and for someone who comes off as such a bad boy troublemaker, that’s a surprise.
B= Body part (favorite on themselves and their partners)
If Tatsuya was made to choose, he’d probably choose his hands as his favorite. They’re strong, compotent, they fix up his bike.
When it comes to Jun, he can’t choose. He likes his mouth, because he’s cute when he uses it, Tatsuya enjoys being bitten, and his noises are cute, but also, his thighs are rather nice, very soft and nice to lay on, and they’re very fun to grab. But, well, while it’s not the most polite or honorable thing to enjoy about his boyfriend, he does like his ass.
C= Cum (Anything to do with cum)
Tatsuya isn’t exactly a fan of cum in any form. It’s sticky, messy, tastes bad, he just doesn’t strike me as someone who enjoys it.
D= Dirty secret (Their dirty secret)
Something Tatsuya would never admit to anyone outside of Jun, is that he finds Joker, even in his most deranged, violent form, insanely hot.
Aside from that, less of a dirty secret maybe, but a slightly embarrassing, maybe impractical one. Seeing Jun on his motorcycle, or when he’s playing Backpack, or when he’s just wearing his helmet, it drives the brunette crazy a lil. He’d probably like having sex with him on his bike somehow.
E= Experience (How experienced are they?)
While Tatsuya Suou isn’t as virginal and awkward as he acts, he doesn’t have more than one partner outside of Jun. He may say some downright filthy shit, intentional or not, but he’s just a little too caught up on Jun, and...well, it’s the 90s...
F= Favorite position (self explanatory)
Cowgirl. It allows him to see his partner’s expression, it allows him to grab ass or thigh as he wishes, and he doesn’t need to worry about his personal skill with moving. Win-win.
G= Goofy (Are they more goofy or more serious in the moment?)
Tatsuya is the type to be unintentionallygoofy. He’d try his best to be serious, sexy, and all of that, but his skill with words, innuendo, and flirtation is most potent when it isn’t intentional lol.
H= Hair (How well groomed are they? Do the carpets match the drapes?)
He definitely tries to keep himself well groomed. His pubes are definitely not unruly, but...he could probably do with more frequent maintenance probably lol
I= Intimacy (how are they in the moment? Romantically)
Tatsuya Suou can be rather dominating in bed. With how husky his voice can get, how blunt and short his words can be, and his sheer height, he can be rather intimidating when he’s got a feral look of pure lust in his eyes. However, intimacy is almost a necessity for him.
While he can be gruff with it, if Jun wants Tatsuya to get fully in the mood, really into it, right into that horny no-thought space. Seduction and a setting of the mood is needed. Time is needed for build up, body exploration, and appreciation. That’s how he unlocks a very compotent Tatsuya in the bedroom.
Once they’re married and settled, it’s easier to get him in that state, but Tatsuya still thoroughly enjoys intimacy in his sex.
J= Jack off (masturbation habits)
He’s pretty average on the masturbation front. Got the usual stash of erotic materials you’d expect for an eighteen year old.
K= Kink (one or more of their kinks)
On the surface, he’s almost criminally vanilla. Despite how blunt he is when horny, he’s not particularly into bossing people around, insulting, or hurting. He’s also not really into receiving praise, pet names, bondage, anything like that.
However, he’s pretty much at Jun’s mercy. Anything his husband wants to do, whether it’s knives, whips, handcuffs, he’ll give it a shot. It’s actually a bit of a joke that he’s a shockingly good actor when it comes to playing into a commanding, dominant Master or something of that sort. Plus, while he won’t acknowledge it, being bitten, threatened, and manhandled sort of...does something to him.
L= Location (favorite place to do it)
At home, for sure. Tatsuya prefers privacy for his sexual encounters, so while he probably wouldn’t complain about a quicky in a bathroom, or a secluded section of dungeon, if he had the choice, he’d likely choose to just, do it at home on the couch.
M= Motivation (what gets them going and in the mood?)
Tatsuya’s got the pretty classic turn ons. Touching his inner thigh, seductive whispers, running a hand down his chest, things like that. However, he...does have a weak spot for Jun’s Joker form, being threatened, bitten, and shoved around a bit. And, well, seeing Jun dressed up in feminine clothes. But he’d never admit to those, even on his death bed.
N= No (What are their turn offs)
There’s a lot of things that disgust Tatsuya in the bedroom. You’ve got your pretty expected turn offs, scat, vomit, piss, along with the expected distaste for step-brother or familial shit. If the word ‘brother’ comes up at all in his horny times, Tatsuya will combust in a bad way. On the more particular to him things, probably the biggest no for him would be a too shy, innocent partner. Some people love to play up the cute shy act for roleplay or stuff, but skittish, doe-eyed partners are just, not for Tatsuya. He likes his men compotent and confident. Please don’t force him to take complete control because you’re too shy and virginal.
This is compounded by the fact that, while Tatsuya can get into a sort of ‘mode’ where he’s more assertive, that comes with the trade off of him being pretty thoughtless. So, he can’t really get into that rhythm if his partner is fighting him to seem shy and nervous. Plus, when pushed too far, he just starts to feel like it’s less kinky roleplay, and more coersion if his lover is fighting him to maintain some cutesy modesty.
O= Oral (preferences on giving/getting, skill, etc)
Tatsuya...would suck Jun’s dick if he asked, because he loves him and he would want to make him happy. However, it’s probably his least favorite sexual act. Honestly, getting head is similarly not that high on his list of faves. He wouldn’t refuse if Jun wanted to suck his dick, but he wouldn’t request it.
P= Pace (are they fast, rough, slow etc)
He’s pretty much just, goes with the flow. He’s pretty versatile, so he can be rough, fast, slow, gentle, whatever Jun wants. But, when he’s given control, he tends to be very slow in a hesitant sense. He’s just not good at taking charge.
Q= Quickie (Their opinions on them, how often)
Tatsuya is not a fan of quickies. To an extent, they are hot, but being rushed, likely in a cramped, semi-public spot, isn’t for him.
R= Risk (Are they game to experiment? Take risks?)
Jun is definitely the risk taker between them. Tatsuya may warm up to handcuffs, being tied up a bit, blindfolded, but when it comes to riskythings, the knifeplay, the biting, the choking, Jun is definitely the one who would request that. Tatsuya’s just not that type of man in bed.
S= Stamina (How many rounds can they go?)
He maxes at out at two consecutive rounds before he needs a longer break. Sadly, unlike someone like Ryoji, or Minato, or even Eikichi, Tatsuya is not the king of going for hours at a time before he needs water and maybe a nap lol.
T= Toys (Do they have them? Do they use toys on themselves or partners?)
While Tatsuya is pretty vanilla on some things, he doeskeep a good selection of toys on hand. Both for himself, and to use at Jun’s request.
Some of them are less...humanoid in shape.
He has at least one cocksleeve-type toy. One of those things you put over your dick to change the, like, texture or size, or change it into a monster dick. That type of toy.
U= Unfair (Do they like to tease?)
Tatsuya Suou is definitely a tease. While he’s not very into taking control, he’d happily take his time in getting to what Jun requested. He enjoys his sounds, squirming, and agitating Jun as much as he can.
V= Volume (How loud are they? What noises do they make? Etc)
Tatsuya is real simple to explain here. He’s not that loud at all. You might sometimes get the occasional weird machine noise, but nobody would hear him outside of his room.
W= Wild card (Just a random headcanon about the character)
Tatsuya Suou is a monsterfucker. Apollo, Chronos, Joker, Joker’s persona, he would fuck them all if no one could know.
With Jun specifically, Tatsuya’s a different person in bed. He’s still not very dominating, but he’s far more confident in his actions. That’s why he can allow him to do such trust-heavy kinks such as knifeplay or blindfolding and bondage.
After the first year or two of marriage, Tatsuya’s confidence in the bedroom goes up a remarkable amount compared to during the dating phase. Once he knows he’s got your ass, he’s more comfortable.
X= X-Ray (What’s going on underneath those clothes?)
Tatsuya definitely grows into a more impressive, built physique. Size-wise, he’s pretty good, at around 6 inches, maybe 7 on a good day lol.
Y= Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Unlike Jun, Tatsuya does not have the highest sexual appetite. He can easily go three weeks without getting a strong desire to fuck.
That’s not to say it takes that long just for him to feel the desire, if Jun propositions him once a week, he wouldn’t deny him. But, he wouldn’t be bitter if he had to wait a while to get laid.
Z= Zzz (How quickly do they fall asleep after?)
Tatsuya is pretty notorious for conking out pretty easily after sex.
Being all cuddled up after the aftercare, Jun playing with his hair, maybe, and he’s out like a candle. Good ol' nut n' nap.
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robotrightsactivist · 6 months
A sewage leak anywhere was an unwelcome thing, but the loss the gravity generators made the situation considerably more daunting. Sam had done it a few times before, but this one was pretty nasty. If he were just another maintenance bot, he would at least be able to turn off his smell. But unfortunately for Sam, he was designed to imitate human biological processes as closely as possible, and the maintenance firm he was employed by specialized in what the others refused. And he was a janitor, and janitors on this level of Brightstar Station were rarely able to authorize a maintenance bot to do the job for them. Too valuable, get a human to do it. Better yet, get an illegally employed non-human worker to do it for cheap. Which left Sam.
Thankfully they let him shower afterwards, which was nice even if he was in a full protective suit. The fact that it would recycle the air meant that it still let the air in, and that the suit was fifty years old meant the filters half-worked about half the time. Sam was just grateful that no one bothered him at work. Not that anyone would talk to him anyways, because even in the impossible scenario where he was human he was still awkward. Too nervous to say the wrong thing. To not know the right thing. It was easier to be quiet than to step into an interaction that would reveal how obviously non-human he was.
Sam had overheard through the conversations of off-stationers that other bioroids existed, elsewhere in the Sol System, but the way and how of their existence so wildly varied between total subjugation (Saturn, Uranus, most moons of Jupiter) and full citizenship (Venus, Mercury, some places on Earth) that leaving seemed too risky. Out here, in the Oort Cloud, all machines were product, which was good or bad depending on where you were and who you were with. And after what he had been through, an uneventful and repetitive existence was a luxury.
Once the common areas had thinned out and everyone else had left for home, Sam checked all the empty corridors that were more common towards main generators. Once he was sure there were no wandering groups of ill-intended human teenagers, dealers, and other folk he’d rather not bump into, he quickly made his way through the passages.
Eleven floors down and seven halls space-side, there was what appeared to be a stunted hallway. There, Sam looked over his shoulder, checked the cameras and when he was again sure no one knew he was there, he used the old janitor’s key to unlock the closet.
The long and narrow room was Sam’s home, a collection of discarded utilities and repurposed treasures delicately fitted into a living space where he had spent almost a decade. The welcome mat made of many pieces of fabric, he found that in the trash after an art fair, the antique wooden coat hanger holding all the outfits Sam could possibly wear, the metal shoe rack where all three of his shoes lived when he wasn’t working. His small collection of discarded carpets, lining the floor, each a different texture and feeling on his bare feet. The mattress in the far corner was discarded for being a few centimeters too short, that was an amazing find. Sam had no shortage of discarded blankets, but he especially loved the quilt he snatched from the mouth of the carbon recycler, and pillows were easy to refurbish if one knew how to do it. He had many books, some very new and others very old. Sam needed to eat eight hundred and sixty one calories every four days, so he was thrilled to find a battery operated freezer-chest, where inside he kept a rotating assortment of frozen meals he could heat up in the mini stove. The tablet with the slightly-fractured screen, where he could watch media on the public channel. He enjoyed watching old movies if he could find them. Sam avoided the news and anything that reminded him of the world outside his little home.
And of course, there were dioramas. Every corner and every unused space of the closet had a different diorama, of landscapes, of houses, of buildings, of gardens and trees and fantastical worlds. A city square in a magical town populated with different non-human creatures, that took almost nine months. A group of tentacled aliens on a camping trip, sharing stories while a unicorn watches from the trees, four months. The inside of a garden cottage where a friendly witch was teaching her apprentice how to cook eggs, six months. The temple of a crystalline goddess visited by a pilgrim of stone, he was still working on that. A treehouse where a family of mice lived happily, fourteen months. Those were his favorites, but there were many others, all beautiful and intricate and engrossing. Sam read books on painting, sculpting, and organic chemistry so he could make the right adhesives, the right paints, the right techniques, the exact materials to make his little pockets of reality. Sam loved them all.
Near his bed was a small wooden frame, and inside it was a photo of a ten-year-old boy with red hair beaming while holding a trophy. It was when Samuel won the junior station judo tournament, two months before the accident that killed him. To Sam, the memories were like the grainy clips of media civilians pirated from visiting ships, translated fictions conveyed through filters of understanding. When Sam awoke for the first time, he knew he wasn’t Samuel, but Sam did his best to play the part his parents wanted, because he wanted to be loved by them and make them happy. But after a year, and subsequent visits to the synthetic reproduction firm that had made him, Sam became his parents’ preferred object of scorn. Mother asked him questions designed to humiliate him, as if his pretending to be their son was something he plotted. “You’re hurting my feelings,” Sam would say to dissuade her. Eventually, Sam’s efforts to defend himself would be catalyst for Father to start hitting him. This continued for years, and even as Sam grew older and his body became taller and stronger and his voice changed, Father would continue to find reasons to hurt him. Sometimes Mother sat and watched it happen, that was agonizing. They spent almost half their wealth into seeking out a black market designer and commissioning them to recreate a dead human from neural scans, creating a bioroid engineered to love them as a human child would, why would they hurt him? When Sam was legally fifteen, he saw that Father was looking for him with a knife in his hands. Sam remembered what the warranty said about accidents, that if he was brought back in decent condition he could be harvested for parts. That night, Sam fled his parents’ pavilion, resisting every program and every cloudy memory telling him he loved his parents and they loved him. Samuel was loved by his parents, and he loved them. Sam wasn’t sure he did, not anymore, but when Sam recognized Samuel’s face in an old print magazine, he cut it out and found a frame to put it in. Around it, Sam placed little objects Samuel would like: action figures, interesting stones, the occasional old coin. Sam liked to believe that somehow, somewhere, Samuel appreciated this little shrine.
When he remembered it, Sam fished his latest find from the deepest pocket in his overalls, and set it before the frame.
“I found this today,” Sam said to his ghost. “Can you believe they’d throw out an action figure like this? Look, he can do a butterfly kick!” Sam tapped the foot of the action figure, and it sprung into a perfect butterfly kick and landed on two feet. Samuel often practiced those and hoped to get it right someday, when he was big and strong.
Sam remembered Samuel not wanting to die. He remembered being pinned under the column that would crush him to death as soon as his arms couldn’t hold it up anymore, how he held on even as his arms went numb. How he had so much to live for, how could it end right now?
So, Sam would live as best he possible for as long as he could. If things on the Brightstar got too rough, there was a little wallet where he had hoped he saved enough money to leave, maybe to one of places some rumored to be friendly to machine beings. But for now, this was good.
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smallestbubs · 1 year
hi! im thinking about getting rats, is there any advice you could give?
You wanna get more than 1 they need friends for a healthy life.
Girls are more playful and rambunctious than boys, boys are more laid back and chill.
Girls I recommend getting spayed because of their high chance of getting mammary and uterine tumors/cancer. It has to be done less than 5-6 months of age or it won't really help. Boys can get mammary and testicular tumors but it is not as common.
this cage can hold 3, this 5, this 10. When its time to clean I like to use dilute chlorhex. (the link is concentrated, dilute 1-2 capfuls in 16 oz water sprayer.)
for bedding i use a layer of cotton fabric under a layer of fleece, the fleece is soft for their feet and the cotton's absorbable. Then they have hammocks and castles and i use extra cut up fleece as little blankets to put in them.
For food I use oxbow rat food, (there are smaller bags) which can generally be free-fed but sometimes you can get one who eats too much so you have do do maintenance for them. That is their weight in grams divided by 100 times 5. that number would be the amount of oxbow crackers in grams they get a day, which can be split into two feedings. If they need to lose weight just cut the final number in half and feed them that for a couple weeks before going back to maintenance.
They can have most fruits and veggies. for treats i don't use rat treats because they tend to have too much sugar, I just use baby food, so like the mush or puffs just things without too much sugar or sodium. They can't digest lactose very well so little to no dairy products
pretty much any oxbow toy is fine for them, I will also use bird toys with the paper they can shred.
They can be potty trained, I've only been able to get mine to poop in their litter boxes but not pee yet. Just pick up the poops and put them in the box they eventually get the hang of it. I use this potty and this litter. An air purifier is a good thing to have around too, make sure they don't get to the wires.
I do let mine free roam my room when i'm in it, they have cat trees to climb on but the room has to be rat proofed. they will chew on everything, cords, carpet, walls, gotta be prepared to have a few things ruined. they will climb everything to get to a place they haven't been so you have to watch for that. also any little places they might be able to squeeze into. I have a heavy carpet under my door 'cause they can squeeze under and that thing is torn up so much.
Health wise respiratory infections are gonna be your main one, they can get sprains just from climbing and being curious. tumors: mammary, uterine, testicular can all be removed. lung and pituitary cannot. ear infections are rare but can happen those need to be taken care of fast bc they can quickly eat through to the brain an kill the rat. With them chewing on things they're not supposed to they can get abscesses which can resolve on their own, but they can also displace the jaw if they're bad enough and then cause tooth issues, and since their incisors are always growing that may mean frequent tooth trims.
But I think that's about all I got right now.
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johnny-slaughter-me · 8 months
— “ 𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭. ” | Danny Gaines x Female Reader.
Headcanon. Spicy alphabet with Danny.
Notes. English isn't my native language so typos and grammar issues are likely.
Warnings. This fic is nsfw, minors dni please.
Enjoy. I hope you enjoy the content. Much love, Cherry. 🍒
- A. Aftercare, what are they like after sex?
The sweetest, Danny will always make sure you are ok, help you get cleaned up and will make you a cup of tea and cuddle you fir hours after if he can. Will always shower you with compliments afterwards and he gets super touchy, kissing, hugging and cuddling are a must after sex for him.
- B. Body part, what is their favorite body part on their partner and themselves.
Danny's favorite body part of his is his hair, he loves when you play with it gently or tug on it a bit during sex. When ever you run your fingers through it or massage his scalp he gets so insanely turn on. His favorite body parts of yours is your hands, he is a very touch-starved person and he constantly likes his s/o to be in some form of physical touch. He loves when your hands run through his hair, when you do small circles on his back, when you hold hands in public or when you hold his face whilst kissing. He just loves your hands.
- C. Cum, anything to do with cum.
Prefer to either cum on you, like your stomach or back, or inside you if you are ok with it. Not a huge fan of cumming in your mouth but if you'd want that he definitely do it for you.
- D. Dirty secret, what's a dirty secret of theirs?
Danny talks a lot during sex, some dirty talk but never degrading. Will usually just shower you with compliments.
- E. Experience, how much experience they have?
Danny has decent experience, and he adapts fast so after the first few times you had done the deed with him, he had figured you out and uses all the knowledge he has to make sure you have a great bedroom experience with him.
- F. Favorite position, what is their favorite position?
His favorite position is Caramel.
- G. Goofy, are they more serious in the moment or are they more humorous?
Danny is a chatter and he is pretty loud, he wouldn't be opposed to some lowkey bedroom time that's not a serious and more goofy as long as he knew you're ok with it. If you are a more serious type of person he'd make sure to match the energy so you won't feel uncomfortable at any point.
- H. Hair, how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drape?
Danny is on the hairy side in general, and he does have a bit of a bush down there. He does do a maintenance trim every now and then but if you'd like for him to groom a bit more he will, otherwise, if it's not an issue with you, he'd keep a bit of a bush.
- I. Intimacy, how romantic are they during the moment.
Danny thinks very highly of sex, its more the flesh and pleasure; its a bonding moment. Whilst he can enjoy more light-mooded sex or quickies, to him as long as he and his s/o are always in communication and are both enjoying the sex, its the greatest form of love. He is very romantic and lovey-dovey outside the bedroom, but in the bedroom it is even more so intense.
- J. Jack off, masturbation headcanon.
Danny is pretty horny, and if he knows he cannot have you for whatever reason, he'd have no issues putting his right hand to use. Probably fantasizing about you <3.
- K. Kink, one or more of their kinks.
Danny is into role playing, cockwarming, and edging.
- L. Location, favorite places to fo it.
The bedroom is a classic Danny definitely enjoys but he will also do you in different areas of the house such the kitchen and the living room, as long as you are comfortable with it and its within the walls of your home, he wouldn't mind. He will sometimes have car sex with you but thats as far as he will venture in public places, and even then he'd park in very secluded areas that have no people in them.
- M. Motive, what turns them on.
Touch, if you play with his hair you cling onto him when the both of you are alone. You can also speak your way into Danny suddenly getting an erection. As long as its the two of you Danny needs very little to get going, however he has an insanely great self control in public and whilst he does like to share some pda when you and him are out and about it will never turn into anything sexual until you both are alone.
- N. No, what is a turn off and absolute no?
Anything that can harm you, anything that you are uncomfortable with, anything in public or sharing. Sex is something he shares only with his partner and he will constantly make sure you and him are comfortable with your sex life. It is not necessarily vanilla, but every aspect is done in good taste.
- O. Oral, oral headcanon.
Will eat you out anytime you let him, he loves eating you out. He loves the moans and grunts he can get out of you, he learned some techniques with his tongue and his fingers that make you shake with pleasure but he will always change it up a bit so it will feel special every time. He also loves when you suck him off but he prioritizes eating you out everytime unless you are treating him for a quickie.
- P. Pace, do they go rough and fast, or slow and sensual?
Danny can do it all, whilst he mostly prefers a faster pace, of you wanted one night to be slower he'd do just that. He adapts pretty fastly and so he'd change pace accordingly to the mood or vibe, but generally is a fast thruster type of guy.
- Q. Quickie, their opinion on quickies, how often, etc.
He loves quickies. To him, its like a treat/reward. It's not something that happens often because he likes to take his time with you, to tease you, to eat you, to do you, to make sure you came at least twice. But unfortunately quickies aren't ideal for that, so whenever you offer him a quickie he will take it, and reward you later with a nice dinner or a gift. And next time you two have sex he will make it all about you.
- R. Risk, are they game to experiment? Do they take risks?
Danny is always willing to try new things and spice up the experience as long as it doesn't involve anything that could harm you or that involves sharing you/doing it in public.
- S. Stamina, how long do they last and how many rounds can they go for?
Danny can last for a good while and go for about 3 rounds.
- T. Toys, do they own any? and how do they feel about them.
Danny doesn't own any, but if you do he will 100% use them in the bedroom with you.
- U. Unfair, how much do they like to tease?
He loves teasing but he does so in good taste, he tease enough to built you up and get you warm, wet and ready. If you'd prefer he didn't he would stop, but he's teasing acts as some sort of role play to get you both in the mood and elevate the experience for you two.
- V. Volume, how loud are they, what kind of sounds do they make?
Danny is really loud, he is will talk a lot during sex, as mentioned before. And he will grunt a lot, with some moans every now and then.
- W. Wild card, a random headcanon for this character.
Danny gets a bit nervous whenever you guys try something new because he fears he might let you down, but even the slightest affirmation drives him to explore more and try some new things with you.
- X. X-Ray, headcanon for what's under their clothes.
5 inches and thick.
- Y. Yearning, how high is their sex drive?
Very high, Danny can almost always get hard on the spot.
- Z. Zzz, how fast are they to fall asleep afterwards.
Depends for how long and how many rounds, but as long as its not a quickie Danny usually gets pretty tired afterwards. He doesn't usually fall asleep though, he tends to check on you and make sure you are ok and taken care of before resting and taking care of himself.
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(Usual disclaimer, feel free to leave this if you're too busy) Could you share your favorite warding methods?
Thanks for asking!
I haven't worked much with this, which is surprising because I am certainly someone who needs to use warding spells and methods. At its core, warding is all about protecting your boundaries and maintaining self respect. There is a lot of intention and commitment involved so it can take years to get into the habit and rhythm.
My first line of defense is often jewelry. I have an evil eye necklace that I brought back with me from Greece a few years ago and that seems to help. I also have a mirror necklace which is also effective. And of course my favorite, Cernunnos. I often wear lockets with loved one's pictures in them because I feel like they're with me that way.
I don’t have much knowledge of incantations and spell craft, but reciting meaningful poetry has often helped me. It keeps me alert and comforted. And I think that incantations and spell craft is similar.
Apotropaic magic, or protective magic, has been in use in many cultures for thousands of years. So I've always done things like knocking on wood (and touching wood, the British tradition) which is often called a superstition.
Creating barriers for bacteria, illness, and pests is a valid, if more scientific approach, to warding. Cutting off trails left in your home by ants, guiding mice outside your home by leaving no-kill bait that forces them to go outside in search of water, removing dust that can be harmful to your lungs and that can be a breeding ground for pests in general, etc. Cleanliness is a kind of banishing.
Visualization is also very powerful. Find or create a safe space in nature or in your home. Close your eyes and envision physically blocking or fighting manifestations of negative energy. You can even create a magic wand to help you as well.
Plants are often said to absorb negative energy if they are cared for by a witch. According to some, if a plant in your home (or even outside your home) is doing poorly it means that it is taking the negative attack instead of its human. On a more scientific note, some plants can be wonderful air purifiers.
Witch marks on buildings are good if want to focus on home protection. Read more here. Conversely they can be used to ward off witches when we were associated with evil practices, but if you're a witch yourself you can simply use it to ward off negative forces. These marks can be whatever you want them to be.
I've been reading a little about house guardians recently. Aside from deities on altars, people use figures, often two at a time outside the home to guard against various negative forces. This is common for people who aren't even witches: lions, griffins, sphinxes, angels, and saints are used all the time to guard the front steps of many homes across the world.
Salt circles are great, especially during meditation and tarot reading. Needless to say, this doesn't work so well on carpet but you can use a circle of gems and stones to have the same effect.
I work with fire magic a lot, so lighting candles and bonfires is important for me and burning things that you need to let go of like paper, sigils, or dried plant offerings - there's an association with cleansing and bacteria removal too.
TL;DR: Maintenance is something that you have to keep doing regularly like cleaning. Protecting your energy with regular spells and rituals is key. Blessings to you!
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