#Geoffrey Rivas
thenerdsofcolor · 28 days
A Los Angeles Theatre Review: 'American Mariachi'
There’s always been a persistent belief that if you want to watch good theatre, it’s all in New York. This particular narrow-minded belief has always been annoying to me because Los Angeles is a unique entity that is thoroughly distinct in all its rich and fantastic ways with so many astounding global majority talent to tell its stories. Such was on my mind after watching American Mariachi at the…
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alexlacquemanne · 10 months
L'Appel de la forêt (The Call of the Wild) (2020) de Chris Sanders avec Harrison Ford, Omar Sy, Karen Gillan, Dan Stevens et Bradley Whitford
Indiscret (Indiscreet) (1958) de Stanley Donen avec Cary Grant, Ingrid Bergman, Cecil Parker, Phyllis Calvert et David Kossoff
Jojo Rabbit (2019) de Taika Waititi avec Scarlett Johansson, Roman Griffin Davis, Thomasin McKenzie, Taika Waititi, Sam Rockwell et Rebel Wilson
Le Verdict (The Verdict) (1982) de Sidney Lumet avec Paul Newman, Charlotte Rampling, Jack Warden, James Mason, Milo O'Shea, Lindsay Crouse et Ed Binns
Mondwest (Westworld) (1973) de Michael Crichton avec Yul Brynner, Richard Benjamin, James Brolin, Dick Van Patten, Anne Randall, Majel Barrett et Terry Wilson
La Grande Lessive (!) (1968) de Jean-Pierre Mocky avec Bourvil, Francis Blanche, Roland Dubillard, Jean Tissier, Michael Lonsdale, R. J. Chauffard, Jean Poiret, Karyn Balm et Alix Mahieux
La Traversée de Paris (1956) de Claude Autant-Lara avec Jean Gabin, Bourvil, Louis de Funès, Jeannette Batti, Georgette Anys, Robert Arnoux, Laurence Badie et Myno Burney
Austerlitz (1960) d'Abel Gance avec Pierre Mondy, Jean Marais, Martine Carol, Elvire Popesco, Georges Marchal, Vittorio De Sica, Michel Simon, Rossano Brazzi, Claudia Cardinale et Leslie Caron
La Bride sur le cou (1961) de Roger Vadim avec Brigitte Bardot, Joséphine James, Mireille Darc, Edith Zetline, Michel Subor, Jacques Riberolles et Claude Brasseur
Hiroshima, mon amour (1959) d'Alain Resnais avec Emmanuelle Riva, Eiji Okada, Bernard Fresson, Stella Dassas et Pierre Barbaud
Quo vadis (1951) de Mervyn LeRoy avec Robert Taylor, Deborah Kerr, Leo Genn, Peter Ustinov, Patricia Laffan, Buddy Baer et Finlay Currie
La Classe américaine : Le Grand Détournement (1993) de Michel Hazanavicius et Dominique Mézerette avec Christine Delaroche, Evelyne Grandjean, Marc Cassot, Patrick Guillemin, Raymond Loyer, Joël Martineau, Jean-Claude Montalban, Roger Rudel et Gérard Rouzier
Beethoven 3 (Beethoven's 3rd) (2000) de David M. Evans avec Judge Reinhold, Julia Sweeney, Joe Pichler, Michaela Gallo, Mike Ciccolini, Jamie Marsh et Danielle Keaton
The Big Short (2015) d'Adam McKay avec Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, Melissa Leo, Rafe Spall et Marisa Tomei
GoldenEye (1995) de Martin Campbell avec Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean, Izabella Scorupco, Famke Janssen, Joe Don Baker, Judi Dench, Robbie Coltrane, Tchéky Karyo et Alan Cumming
The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014) de Wes Anderson avec Ralph Fiennes, Tony Revolori, F. Murray Abraham, Saoirse Ronan, Mathieu Amalric, Adrien Brody, Willem Dafoe et Jeff Goldblum
Le Hussard sur le toit (1995) de Jean-Paul Rappeneau avec Juliette Binoche, Olivier Martinez, Claudio Amendola, Isabelle Carré, François Cluzet, Jean Yanne : le colporteur juif et Pierre Arditi
Heat (1995) de Michael Mann avec Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Val Kilmer, Tom Sizemore, Diane Venora, Amy Brenneman, Dennis Haysbert, Ashley Judd, Mykelti Williamson et Natalie Portman
Excalibur (1981) de John Boorman avec Nigel Terry, Helen Mirren, Nicol Williamson, Cherie Lunghi, Nicholas Clay, Paul Geoffrey, Robert Addie, Gabriel Byrne, Patrick Stewart et Liam Neeson
Le Grand Chantage (Sweet Smell of Success) (1957) d'Alexander Mackendrick avec Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Susan Harrison, Martin Milner, Sam Levene, Barbara Nichols et David White
Castle Saison 2, 3
Rire et Châtiment - Le Flic fantôme - La Guerre des cuisines - Doublement Mort - Espion d'un jour - Présumé coupable - Mort par prédiction - Rencontre avec le passé - Duel à l'ancienne - Anatomie d'un assassinat - Triple Tueur - Célèbre à tout prix
Happy Days Saison 1
Échec ou mat - La Première Bagnole - La Première Cuite de Richie - Une visite inattendue - Le Festival rock - Le Club des Démons - Fonzie vient dîner - Nuit au palace - Une rupture difficile - Qui perd gagne - Rendez-vous surprise - Le Tatouage de Richie - Richie et les beatniks - Le Garçon d'honneur - De la bagarre dans l'air - Un homme prudent
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 11
Les Noces de sang - Fusillé à l'aube - L’assassin est servi - Macabres Découvertes - Une alliance maléfique - Le Crépuscule des héros - Le Mystère du bois des moines
Downton Abbey Saison 1, 2
Question de succession - Le Nouvel Héritier - Le Diplomate turc - Entre ambitions et jalousies - La Rumeur se propage - La Fiancée de Matthew - L'Entraide - La Maison des intrigues - Portés disparus - Nouvelles Vies - Épidémie - L'Esprit de Noël
Affaires sensibles
Mai 68, le coup de théâtre du Général de Gaulle - Autoroutes françaises : la machine à cash - William Randolph Hearst : de Citizen Kane à Donald Trump - Orson Welles - La guerre des mondes - François Fillon et le "Pénélopegate" - Contrat Première Embauche, mieux que rien ou pire que tout ? - 31 août 1997 : mort d'une princesse anglaise
Kaamelott Livre II
Spangenhelm - Les Alchimistes - Le Dialogue de Paix - Le Portrait - Silbury Hill - Le Reclassement - Le Rassemblement du Corbeau - Les Volontaires II - Le Terroriste - La Chambre - Le Message Codé - La Délégation Maure - L’Enlèvement de Guenièvre - Les Classes de Bohort - Le Monde d’Arthur - Les Tuteurs - Les Jumelles du Pêcheur - Sept Cent Quarante-Quatre - L'Absolution - Les Misanthropes - La Cassette - Plus Près de Toi - La Révolte - Sous les Verrous - Séli et les Rongeurs - Un Roi à la Taverne II - L'Ancien Temps - Le Passage Secret - Les Mauvaises Graines - La Garde Royale - L'Ivresse - Mater Dixit - Spiritueux - La Ronde - Merlin l'Archaïque - Les Exploités - L’Escorte II - Le Larcin - La Rencontre - Les Pigeons - O'Brother - La Fête du Printemps - La Voix Céleste - L'Invincible - Amen - Le Cadeau - Le Complot - La Vigilance d’Arthur - Les Chiens de Guerre - Always - Arthur in Love - Excalibur et le Destin - L'Absent - The Game - La Quinte Juste - La Fumée Blanche - Unagi II La Joute Ancillaire - Le Donneur - Le Jeu du Caillou - L'Alliance - Le Secret d'Arthur - Aux Yeux de Tous - Immaculé Karadoc - La Morsure du Dace - Les Neiges Eternelles - Des Hommes d'Honneur - Stargate - Feue la Vache de Roparzh - Les Vœux - Le Pédagogue - Perceval et le Contre-Sirop - L'Oubli - L'Ambition - Le Poème - Corpore Sano - Le Havre de Paix - L'Anniversaire de Guenièvre - La Botte Secrète II - Les Parchemins Magiques - L'Enragé - Trois Cent Soixante Degrés - Pupi - Vox Populi II - Le Rebelle - Les Félicitations - Les Paris - Les Esclaves - Les Drapeaux - Le Guet - Le Sort Perdu - La Restriction - La Corde - Le Tourment II - Le Plat National - Le Temps des Secrets - La Conscience d'Arthur - La Frange Romaine - L'Orateur - Les Comptes
Le Coffre à Catch
#127 : Dream Match + Kozlov : J'en ai rêvé, Teddy l'a fait ! - #128 : La ECW et Mark Henry nous gâtent de cadeaux ! - #129 : Le pire main event de la ECW : Agius pète un câble ! - #130 : On démarre l'année ECW 2009 avec le Connard du Catch ! - [LIVE] Coffre à Catch Hors-série : ECW December to Dismember
Columbo Saison 1
Idéfix et les Irréductibles
Labienus tu m'auras pas - Une affaire corsée - Turbine encrassée - Une Ibère dans la ville
Biographies WWE Saison 1
Bret "The Hitman" Hart
Batman, la série animée Saison 1
Les Enfants de la nuit - Version originale - Les Oubliés du Nouveau Monde - Fugue en sol Joker
One Night Only : The Bee Gees Live in Las Vegas (1997)
Vies des douze Césars de Suétone
Détective Conan : Tome 12 de Gôshô Aoyama
Détective Conan : Tome 13 de Gôshô Aoyama
Hero Corp Tome 3 : Chroniques - Partie II de Simon Astier et Francesca Follini
Les 7 prochaines vies de Greta Thunberg : Que sera, dans vingt cinq ans, Greta devenue ? de Fréville
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impact24pr · 11 months
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thingsiliketowatch9 · 5 years
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Alex Carter - Lou Vartann
Geoffrey Rivas - Sam Vega
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rndyounghowze · 3 years
Latina’s Christmas Special Brings Laughs, Tears, More Laughs, And Joy
A wacky live event for a really great cause. @toysfortots_USA @latinachristmas
By Ricky and Dana Young-Howze
Combined Artforms
Venmo: @rndyounghowze
Review 170
Latina’s Christmas Special was a special about a special and I was here for it. With host Sharon Gless who kept things moving along so much and kept everyone talking. Here Diana Yanez, Maria Russel, and Sandra Valls talk about their process and give us a deep dive into what made this show work. Each of the ladies got to show a clip of their part of the show and tell a behind the scenes story. This had the effect of smelling great food cooking in the kitchen but being told that you have to wait for it to be ready. My mouth is watering and I want to have it now!
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Hearing about how they teamed up with director Geoffrey Rivas to stage this show that is really three, one woman shows all gift wrapped in one big box. It’s really an evolution of a frame drama where each monologue fits into the other like a nesting doll. On top of that they’re true, vital, crazy and hilarious stories. Hearing Diana, Maria, and Sandra give a candid take on the whole process but in their own special way was so refreshing.
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Sometimes hearing great people talk about a show is an amazing show unto itself. Hearing Diana, Maria, and Sandra talking all over each other, taking audience questions, and laughing so hard made me smile. I could watch a full run of this show about the show. Then maybe they could do another show about doing the show about a show. Can you say meta? I only know that I would stand in line to see that or any incarnation of these three performing together.
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Despite the Latina’s Christmas Special not being anywhere on the digital landscape, they used this live event to connect to old fans and entice new ones like Dana and me. Now we’re hooked and ready to see it whenever we can. Plus they’re trying to raise money for a great charity. If any theatre company was wanting to ask us how to keep engaged with their audience while being dark I would point them to this show.
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Find out more about this show here.
*****A Word From Our Sponsors*****
We have a YouTube Channel. We’re working furiously to get new videos up weekly.
We have official merch now! Keep us fed and get gifts for the family all at the same time!
Wanna be a sponsor? Email us for rates at [email protected]
Checkout our Social Media
Twitter: @rndyounghowze
Instagram: @rndyounghowze
Facebook: Ricky and Dana Young-Howze
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whitewaterpaper · 3 years
Robin Hood (1991)
¡Oi! Spoilers, stavfel och alternativa fakta kan förekomma rakt föröver!
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I KORTHET: Robert Hode är ädlingen som sätter sig upp mot fel personer, skyddar tjuvjägare och vägrar böja sig för andras girighet. Han förklaras laglös och tillsammans med vapendragaren Will Scarlett tar han sin tillflykt i Sherwood-skogen. I Sherwood blir han Robin Hood, en ständig tagg i maktens häl och när hösta hönset i regionen, Baron Daguerre, höjer belöningen för Robin alltmer börjar han dela med sig av sitt byte…
DET BRA: Ingen Sheriff av Nottingham, ingen Guy of Gisbourne utan i stället en fräsch liten politisk intrig om normander (som väl var ättlingar till vikingar vill jag minnas?) och saxare.
DET DÅLIGA: Den här filmen har inga riktigt stora namn, med dagens mått mätt är det Uma Thurman som har den största stjärnglansen. Vilket antagligen är anledningen till att den här föll mot Prince of Thives (med Morgan Freeman och Alan Rickman i rollistan utöver Kevin Coster själv).
SOM HELHET: Det är synd på en bra film att den hamnade i skuggan av annat, för den här är riktigt bra. Den här filmen koncentrerar sig inte på Robin 💘 Marian eller hela grejen med att ta från de rika och ge till de fattiga. Utan har lägger man mer en tyngdpunkt på det politiska planet och maktkampen mellan normander och saxare. Den här filmen avhåller sig från många av de vanliga Robin Hood-momenten. Två kända överlevde dock: pilbågstävligen kokas ned till ett prov för Robin och Will att stanna i de laglösas läger¹, och till och med den obligatoriska envigen på stocken över floden ser man till att riva av så fort som möjligt. Och detaljen att Robin Hood tar från de rika, vilket ju är skattepengar egentligen, och ger till de fattiga handlar helt enkelt om att vinna de fattiga över på sin sida. Skattepengarna har ju i grunden betalats av de fattiga och som Robin själv säger: ”pengarna tillhör dem [de fattiga]”. Det här är också en väldigt bra produktion, bra rekvisita och scenografi tillsammans med miljöer som är dimmiga och råkalla. Patrick Bergins ”Robin Hood” känns också väldigt gedigen som karaktär. Och man har lyckats med att låta Marian vara lite mer än bara ett kärleksintresse: utöver att hon kommer med starka åsikter så rymmer hon dessutom från Daguerre och gömmer sig i Robins gäng som pojken ”Martin”. Uma Thurman (i sin 8e roll) kan inte sägas annat än att hon gör en bra roll, som en stramare och mindre socker söt Marion. Jag skulle avslutningsvis vilja tillägga att det här är en äventyrsfilm som tar Robin Hood-mytoset ett steg längre och att det är synd att många kanske missat den.
PS: Musiken är f.ö. komponerad av Geoffrey Burgon som även komponerade den ikoniska musiken till BBCs barn-/ungdomsserier baserad på Narnia-böckerna.
Många av de kända momenten stammar ända från Douglas Fairbanks stumfilmsklassiker från 1922, och jag blir nästan nyfiken att kolla upp hur pilbågstävligen används där. Jag har vaga minnen av att den användes ungefär lika där som här.
Filmen @ Vodeville.
Filmen @ PlayPilot.
Filmen @ IMDb.
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rabbittstewcomics · 3 years
Episode 287
May 2021 Solicits
Comics Reviews:
Young Hellboy 1 by Mike Mignola, Thomas Sniegoski, Craig Rousseau, Dave Stewart
Avatar: Toph Beifong's Metalbending Academy by Faith Erin Hicks, Peter Wartman, Adele Matera
Marvel Action: Origins 1 by Chris Eliopoulos, Lanna Souvanny
Aria: Heavenly Creatures by Brian Holguin, Jay Anacleto, Brian Haberlin, Drew Posada, Raymund Lee
Immortal Hulk: Flatline by Declan Shalvey
King in Black: Planet of the Symbiotes 2 by Marc Bernardin, Kyle Hotz, Rachelle Rosenberg, Geoffrey Thorne, Jan Bazaldua
X-Men Legends 1 by Fabian Nicieza, Brett Booth, Adelso Corona, Guru eFX
Snow Angels 1 by Jeff Lemire, Jock
GI Joe Castle Fall by Paul Allor, Chris Evenhuis, Brittany Peer
Black Cotton 1 by Patrick Foreman, Brian Hawkins, Marco Perugini
Black Friday 1 by Jon Clark, Travis Williamson
Mapmaker 1 by Francesca Carita, Ben Slabak
By the Horns 1 by Markisan Naso, Jason Muhr
White Ash Presents: Glarien 1 by Charlie Stickney, Conor Hughes, Romina Moranelli, Yishan Li, Fin Cramb
Recount 1 and 2 by Jonathan Hedrick, Gabriel Ibarra Nunez
Hollow Heart 1 by Paul Allor, Paul Tucker
Savage 1 by Max Bemis, Nathan Stockman, Triona Farrell
Shadow Doctor 1 by Peter Calloway, Georges Jeanty, Juancho!
Father of All Things by Sebastian Girner, Baldemar Rivas
Not Forgotten Anthology by Jeff Leeds, Omar Morales, Joel Cotejar, Marco Maccagni, Paula Goulart
Forever Home GN by Jenna Ayoub
Girl Haven OGN by Lilah Sturges, Meaghan Carter, Joamette Gil
Additional Reviews: WandaVision ep7, Drowned Earth, Class Action Park, Cecil Hotel documentary, Surviving Joe Exotic documentary
News: DC buy-out madness, War of the Bounty Hunters (Star Wars crossover), Superman '78 and Batman '89 comics announced, Infinity Train renewal, Wednesday Addams: Teen Detective from Tim Burton, Constantine reboot from HBO Max, Die ending with #20, Spawnverse expansion, Supergirl cast for Flash movie, Netflix Marvel shows back to Marvel Studios, ATLA reboot catastrophe, DC teases, Falcon/Winter Soldier casting rumors, Department of Truth optioned as TV series, Palmiotti/Conner take over Red Sonja
Trailers: Cruella, Mortal Kombat, Invincible
Comics Countdown:
Girl Haven by Lilah Sturges, Meaghan Carter, Joamette Gil
Barbalien: Red Planet 4 by Jeff Lemire, Tate Brombal, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, Jordie Bellaire
Snow Angels 1 by Jeff Lemire, Jock
Batman/Catwoman 3 by Tom King, Clay Mann, Tomeu Morey
Stillwater 6 by Chip Zdarsky, Ramon K Perez, Mike Spicer
Thor 12 by Donny Cates, Nic Klein, Matt Wilson
TMNT: The Last Ronin 2 by Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird, Tom Waltz, Esau, Isaac Escorza, Ben Bishop, Samuel Plata, Luis Antonio Delgado
Haha 2 by W. Maxwell Prince, Zoe Thorogood, Chris O'Halloran
Once and Future 16 by Kieron Gillen, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain
Stranger Things and Dungeons and Dragons 4 by Jody Houser, Jim Zub, Diego Galindo, Msassyk
Check out this episode!
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badgaymovies · 4 years
Today's review on MyOldAddiction.com, Notes From Underground by #GaryWalkow starring #HenryCzerny, "a giant bore" GARY WALKOW Bil's rating (out of 5): BB.  USA, 1995.  Walkow-Gruber Pictures, Renegade Films…
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fountaintheatre · 5 years
VIDEO: Funny and poignant 'Body Beautiful' explores love, aging, and gender confusion
VIDEO: Funny and poignant ‘Body Beautiful’ explores love, aging, and gender confusion
The Fountain Theatre will host a workshop production of a new play by Leigh Curran,  Body Beautiful on June 5-6 and 12-13 at 8pm.
Thayer, a 72-year-old, gay psychotherapist and his ex-wife and great friend, Emma, decide to move back in together to take care of each other through their old age. Emma is still secretly in love with…
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ramascreen · 7 years
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Let’s Watch This Trailer for Horror/Thriller, RESTRAINT Ahead of AFM, Devilworks has released this first trailer for horror-thriller #Restraint, which the genre specialist is shopping at this year’s market.
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moviesandmania · 7 years
Restraint (USA, 2018)
‘Some things weren’t meant to stay inside.’
Restraint is a 2018 American horror thriller film written and directed by Adam Cushman. The BYT MEdia production stars Caitlyn Folley, Dana Ashbrook, John Hensley and Geoffrey Rivas.
A mentally ill woman who’s been submerging her violent impulses for years unravels after she marries a controlling older man and relocates to his suburban home…
Main cast:
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Título Original: Eye for an Eye
Año: 1996
Duración: 101 min
País: Estados Unidos
Director: John Schlesinger
Guion: Amanda Silver, Rick Jaffa
Música: James Newton Howard
Fotografía: Amir M. Mokri
Reparto: Sally Field, Ed Harris, Kiefer Sutherland, Olivia Burnette, Joe Mantegna, Beverly D'Angelo, Alexandra Kyle, Charlayne Woodard, Philip Baker Hall, Darrell Larson, Keith David, Wanda Acuna, Geoffrey Rivas, Armin Shimerman, Natalija Nogulich, Nicholas Cascone, Stella Garcia, Justine Johnston
Productora: Paramount Pictures
Género: Crime, Drama, Thriller
TRAILER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJjRn_GH9R8
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persinsala · 7 years
Tristan & Isolde « Salue pour moi le monde »
Tristan & Isolde « Salue pour moi le monde »
La chorégraphe Jöelle Bouvier s’est chargée d’un défi extraordinaire : celui de concevoir un corps dansant sur la musique cérébrale de Richard Wagner. Et son Tristan & Isolde, présenté à la Maison de la Danse, a montré le courage de ce choix et la parfaite rencontre entre une corporalité à la fois légère et ancrée dans la terre et une musique communément considérée comme imperméable à la danse (mo…
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diandrareviewsitall · 4 years
Theatre Review: Latina Christmas Special Warms Hearts At Soho Playhouse
Theatre Review: Latina Christmas Special Warms Hearts At Soho Playhouse
Directed by Geoffrey Rivas, Latina Christmas Special, truly is for Latinas, which is super refreshing. In typical fashion, my people came through; all you have to say is that somebody in the cast is Latinx, and we come to SUPPORT! Yet, LCS, playing at Soho Playhouse until December 31, was specifically tailored to make us, Latinas, laugh at our big hearts and crazy ways.
I don’t like stereotypes,…
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randybenedict · 5 years
Final defendant sentenced in insider trading case
Federal prosecutors have wrapped up an insider trading case based on alleged tips from a Bank of America consultant on pending corporate transactions, including Abbott‘s (NYSE:ABT) $25 billion acquisition of St. Jude Medical.
Rodolfo Sablon, 39, of Miami, Fla., was sentenced Friday to six months in prison for his role in the insider trading scheme based on tips from Bank of America technical consultant Daniel Rivas. U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan also sentenced Sablon to two years of supervised release, including six months in a community confinement center, and ordered him to pay $923,566 in forfeiture and a $5,000 fine. Sablon pleaded guilty in July 2018 to conspiracy to commit securities fraud and fraud.
In August 2017, U.S. authorities accused seven individuals of reaping more than $5 million in illicit profits based on tips from Daniel Rivas. Prosecutors said that childhood friends Rivas and Roberto Rodriguez conspired to trade on confidential information and colluded with Sablon, Rodriguez’s friend and roommate, to create an investment fund using proceeds from the inside trades with an ownership stake going to Rivas.
Rodriguez pleaded guilty in September 2018 to conspiracy to commit securities fraud and fraud in connection with a tender offer and was sentenced to one year and one day in prison, according to federal prosecutors. Michael Siva pleaded guilty in October 2018 to one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and fraud and was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Jhonatan Zoquier pleaded guilty in August 2018 to conspiracy to commit securities fraud and was sentenced to three months in prison. Jeffrey Rogiers pleaded guilty in August 2018 to conspiracy to commit securities fraud and was sentenced to three months in prison. The scheme brought in some $2 million in illegal profits, according to prosecutors. In all, tips from Rivas led to about $5 million in illegal gains, they said.
“Today’s sentencing of Rodolfo Sablon closes the book on this multimillion-dollar, multi-pronged insider trading scheme,” U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman said in a prepared statement. “Sablon and his co-defendants acted as though the securities laws that are designed to keep our nation’s marketplace fair did not apply to them. However, as they all have learned, our office is committed to identifying and prosecuting these types of insider trading networks.”
The post Final defendant sentenced in insider trading case appeared first on MassDevice.
from MassDevice http://bit.ly/2VuoFyd
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investmart007 · 6 years
New York News: Florida Man, ROBERTO RODRIGUEZ Pleads Guilty To $2 Million Insider Trading Scheme Involving Confidential Information Misappropriated From An Investment Bank
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/gy6RwD
New York News: Florida Man, ROBERTO RODRIGUEZ Pleads Guilty To $2 Million Insider Trading Scheme Involving Confidential Information Misappropriated From An Investment Bank
New York – Geoffrey S. Berman, United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that ROBERTO RODRIGUEZ pled guilty today before United States Magistrate Judge Henry B. Pitman to conspiracy to commit securities fraud and fraud in connection with a tender offer for his role in an insider trading scheme involving material nonpublic information misappropriated from an investment bank by Daniel Rivas, a former employee at the bank.
In August 2017, RODRIGUEZ, Michael Siva, Rodolfo Sablon, and Jeffrey Rogiers were arrested and charged in a 54-count Indictment for their involvement in three insider trading schemes, all stemming from securities trades based on information misappropriated by Rivas. Rivas and an additional participant, James Moodhe, had previously pled guilty and are cooperating with the Government in this investigation. Since the unsealing of the Indictment, Sablon, Zoquier, and Rogiers, in addition to RODRIGUEZ, have pled guilty and will be sentenced by U.S. District Judge Alison J. Nathan.[1]
U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said: “As Roberto Rodriguez admitted today, he traded on confidential corporate information stolen by his longtime friend Daniel Rivas, reaping millions of dollars in illegal profits. Further, Rodriguez and another conspirator, Rodolfo Sablon, planned to use these illicit proceeds as seed money to start their own investment fund, intending to give an ownership stake to Rivas. Our Office is committed to identifying and prosecuting insider trading networks that undermine our nation’s securities markets.”
According to the allegations contained in the Indictment filed against RODRIGUEZ and his co-conspirators, and statements made in related court filings and proceedings:
The Investment Bank and Rivas
From August 2013 through May 2017, Rivas was employed as a technology consultant in the Research and Capital Markets Technology Group of an investment bank (the “Investment Bank”). In this role, Rivas had access to an internal, proprietary system maintained by the Investment Bank (the “Deal Tracking System”) containing material nonpublic information (“Inside Information”) about potential and unannounced merger and acquisition transactions, including tender offers, involving the Investment Bank.
The Investment Bank’s written policies prohibited the unauthorized disclosure of confidential information, which included Inside Information. Rivas had a duty, among other obligations, to maintain the confidentiality of all of the Investment Bank’s confidential information, including the Inside Information.
Overview of Insider Trading Schemes
From August 2014 through April 2017, Rivas violated the duties of confidentiality he owed to the Investment Bank by serially misappropriating material nonpublic information from the Investment Bank’s Deal Tracking System and passing that information along to friends so that they could utilize it to make profitable trades.
On more than 50 occasions between August 2014 and April 2017, Rivas provided Inside Information about contemplated but unannounced merger and acquisition (“M&A”) transactions and tender offer transactions involving clients and prospective clients of the Investment Bank to friends who used that information to purchase and sell securities. In total, the insider trading based on Inside Information misappropriated by Rivas resulted in illicit profits of more than $5 million through trading in more than two dozen securities. The Inside Information was passed through three tipping chains.
The Rodriguez Tipping Chain
RODRIGUEZ was a member of the second of three tipping chains outlined in the Indictment. In this tipping chain, Rivas passed inside information to RODRIGUEZ, a childhood friend of Rivas with whom Rivas had maintained a close relationship as adults, and Sablon.
Since 2014, RODRIGUEZ lived and worked in Miami, Florida, with Sablon, with whom he was also friends. In 2015, RODRIGUEZ introduced Rivas to Sablon. Rivas and Sablon then communicated with each other directly and developed an independent relationship.
In the fall of 2015, Rivas disclosed to RODRIGUEZ that Rivas had access to Inside Information by virtue of his position as a corporate insider at an Investment Bank. At RODRIGUEZ’s request, Rivas also agreed to share Inside Information with Sablon. While Rivas had originally agreed to divulge Inside Information to RODRIGUEZ because of their history of friendship, Rivas also learned that RODRIGUEZ and Sablon intended to start an investment fund with the proceeds of the insider trading scheme. Rivas understood that in exchange for the Inside Information Rivas was providing to RODRIGUEZ and Sablon, Rivas would be invited to join the investment fund as a partner once it was successfully launched.
At first, Rivas communicated with RODRIGUEZ and Sablon primarily via phone and text message. As the scheme progressed, however, RODRIGUEZ and Sablon increased their efforts to hide their illegal activity. On several occasions, Rivas met personally with RODRIGUEZ and/or Sablon in Miami in order to provide them with Inside Information. Rivas also provided RODRIGUEZ and Sablon with Inside Information using an encrypted mobile messaging application (the “Messaging App”), which allows users to set a timer to messages to irretrievably “self-destruct.”
In order to maximize the illicit profits that could be earned using Rivas’s Inside Information, RODRIGUEZ and Sablon, in consultation with Rivas, initiated an aggressive strategy of purchasing short-term, out-of-the money call options. In total, from 2015 through April 2017, RODRIGUEZ and Sablon earned more than $2 million in illicit profits through insider trading in more than two dozen securities based on Inside Information divulged by Rivas.
* * *
RODRIGUEZ, 33, of Miami, Florida, pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and fraud in connection with a tender offer (Count 21), which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a maximum fine of $250,000, or twice the gross gain from the offense. The maximum potential sentences in this case are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencing of the defendant will be determined by the judge. RODRIGUEZ will be sentenced before Judge Nathan.
The allegations contained in the Indictment as to Michael Siva, the sole defendant who had not pleaded guilty, are merely accusations, and he is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.
Mr. Berman praised the investigative work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and thanked the Securities and Exchange Commission for their assistance. He added that the investigation is continuing.
This case is being handled by the Office’s Securities and Commodities Fraud Task Force. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Andrea M. Griswold and Samson Enzer are in charge of the prosecution.
SOURCE: news provided by JUSTICE.GOV on Friday, September 7, 2018.
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