#George Cobell
moviemosaics · 2 years
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The Son
directed by Florian Zeller, 2022
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milliondollarbaby87 · 2 years
Last Train to Christmas (2021) Review
Last Train to Christmas (2021) Review
Tony Towers was somewhat of a local celebrity, a successful nightclub manager and is currently engaged to a younger woman named Sue. When they get on a train to Nottingham for a Christmas family reunion everything is about to get a little strange when he moves between the train carriages. ⭐️⭐️ (more…)
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the-collector-blog · 2 years
Famine. Plagues.
Severance was made shortly after the COVID-19 pandemic. Many things during the pandemic are surreal, and parts of Severance evoke the same feeling.
Employees must wash their hands 10 times a day. Departments are isolated in order to contain pathogens. Soap is just weird.
Everything is so empty. Mark's neighborhood, Baird Creek, "never really filled up," and beside it is a massive graveyard. (On Irving's map of Kier, PE, almost all of the severed employees he marked live right by cemeteries.)
Lumon Industries and Kier Eagan are all about perfecting and curing people and the world. Lumon started as a medical company and still seems to be, at least to some extent. Dentistry, medicine, neurosurgery; they were recruiting pharmacology and psychology college students. Mark and Irving's license plates show Kier's face and, instead of a state name, "remedium hominibus". Latin for "cure for mankind". Lumon wants to "save the world".
Kier was sick as a boy, but healed. Dylan's Eagan bingo cards listed "picture of a boy with rickets"- some part of the Eagan history (or Kier's personal history) included rickets. Illness. Everything at Lumon is about "healing".
There is a lot of weird stuff about food, inside and outside of Lumon. At Devon and Ricken's "dinner" party, they don't eat at all. Patton's "friend in Lima hasn't had a food-based dinner event in-" some significant amount of time. Their guests have discussions about food vs. life. The Kier song that Harmony sings says that he "brings the bounty to the plains".
Dylan's theory might've be a little off, but I honestly think he is very close. "Shit must've gotten pretty bad out there. Famine. Plagues."
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Imagine a transgender Severed worker
What if a severed trans person woke up on the table and instantly knew what gender they were, even if their outie hadn't quite figured it out yet? Maybe a trans man wakes up in that elevator every day wearing a skirt and blouse and desperately hopes one day his outie will figure it out soon and stop wearing stuff that's so dysphoria inducing.
Or what if that's why they're severed in the first place? Mark severed because he wanted to get away from the grief about his wife, maybe there's a severed trans woman that did the same thing. Maybe she decided to undergo the severance procedure just so that for 8 hours a day she wouldn't have to be in her body anymore, someone else would. God it would suck if she was doing voice training but her innie didn't know how to do that, so she wouldn't be able to practice while at work.
Maybe there's an outie that knows they're nonbinary, but their innie doesn't know because the Lumon handbook doesn't mention anything about more than two genders, so their innie is just stuck feeling really weird about gender and not knowing why or what to do about it.
Idk if Severance ever explore this kind of thing but I'd love for them to somehow
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warningsine · 1 year
Severance E8 | Dylan's Waffle Party & Harmony breaking down
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rescue-ram · 2 years
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I posted 4,213 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#sorry for reblogging rather than replying but im still in tumblr timeout for sending too many dms last month and cant reply/send messages
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Name Meanings in Severance
Some of these are obvious, but I love name meanings and similar so posting for posterity...
Kier means dark and Eagan means fire, so if you were unsure if he was literally Satan before, be certain.
On a similar note, Lumon means light, Helena means shining light, and Lucifer means 'lightbearer'. On a related but hopefully less Luciferian note, Eleanor, the name of Devon's baby, is a variant form of Helena. Helly's (fake?) last name of Riggs evokes a "rigged system" or game to me.
Mark is named more for the sense of being the "target" of a scam or con, and his last name Scout is obviously evocative of investigation. I think his sister Devon was named more for the unisex tomboyish vibes then any deep meaning. Same with Ricken- his name has that too special/slightly fake quality that suits his vibes, though Hale can mean both "healthy" or "hollow".
Dylan and Irving were probably named more for vibes than meaning as well- Dylan has a very youthful vibe, especially when contrasted with an old fashioned name like Irving. But they do have interesting contrasts in their name meanings- Dylan relates to the Welsh god of the sea (hunting eels anyone?) while Irving means fresh water. Their last names, George and Bailiff, don't seem to have any special significance, meaning farmer and, well, bailiff/officer/manager.
Burt is another light themed name, meaning bright. His last name, Goodman, has an obvious meaning.
Harmony has an obvious meaning, that in context evokes balancing the four humors in the Kier cult. Cobel, meaning rock or famous, sounds very similar to the mythical creature called a kobold or kobalos, which is a sort of hobgoblin or household spirit with an ambivalent nature. Her fake last name of Selvig means seal-cove and evokes selkies, shapeshifting seals who can remove their skin to appear as a woman and marry.
I think Milchick is another vibe name. It just sounds like a substitute teacher or something. It means milk. Same with Graner- the name just sounds kind of scary.
Peter means rock, and Kilmer was a potter's surname, relating to kilns, but while Petey might be meant to evoke a foundation for the start of Mark's journey to the truth, I think Kilmer relates more to Petey being killed then anything else.
There's a few interesting meanings in the Eagan CEO names: Ambrose means honey or sweet. Myrtle is a tree sacred to Venus, sometimes identified with Lucifer as the morning star. Baird means poet. Gerhardt means brave. Phillip means lover of horses, while Pip mean a small seed, and is the name of several variants of apples. Leonora is another variant of Helena/Eleanor, and Jame is an unusual version of James meaning usurper.
Gemma means gem, something precious, and Casey means watchful.
Finally, Angelo obviously means angel, and his wife Gabriela was named for the angel Gabriel, meaning strength of God.
EDIT TO ADD: The closest meaning I could find for Reghabi is open minded and generous!
24 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
Insane Thoughts About Les Mis Below
What I truly cannot get over is the absolute perfect blending of the universal and the specific. Like Hugo does this in a lot of his other works, notably Hunchback, but Les Mis is truly a masterpiece in that regard.
Because it is a profoundly universal story, whose theme resonate across time and culture! It's the story of souls seeking salvation, it's a question about what good and evil are, it's an exploration of morality and nurture vs. nature. You can retell it and readapt it easily because the core narrative around which everything hangs- a man is shown mercy upon his release from prison and tries to redeem himself for his past crimes but can never outrun them, and through his efforts causes a series of coincidences that deeply impact his life and the lives of those around him- that's a good story! If I fleshed out that one sentence summary with more plot points, you could still strip them down and reskin them while keeping the outline recognizable, you can shift the characters between context, because it's just a really strong narrative with compelling character conflicts! Further, it's rebuttal of the "great men of history" narrative is STILL one of the strongest- it so perfectly explores how characters are shaped by circumstance, rather than innate traits, and that circumstance likewise is not earned by goodness- but neither is it totally random- but is rather the sum total of many many decisions made by EVERYONE, and that even the smallest and most inconsequential lives can have huge impacts, and that you shouldn't judge others because you don't know their story.
But by that same token- it is SUCH a specific story!! There is a reason it was written at the time it was written and set in the decades of was set- the fact that Valjean went to prison during the reign of Louis XVI and came out AFTER the defeat of Napoleon- understanding just how much the world changed is critical to understanding his character! The unprecedented social mobility of the period is PLOT CRITICAL- multiple character make and lose fortunes multiple times in the span of two decades, the industrial revolution is both necessary for the plot and deeply symbolic (THE FUCKING JET MAKING PROCESS STILL MAKES ME INSANE), nevermind the climactic very specific political conflict at the end of the novel, nevermind the incredibly context specific jokes and references throughout the novel, nevermind the literal ESSAYS on Waterloo, convents, and sewers which are symbolic but also so so SO specific! Aah!! Screaming!!
Truly, you can adapt Les Mis endlessly, and I think it will be a story told for centuries- maybe even a millenia- because the characters and the core themes they are used to explore are so deeply resonant. But you can never completely "lift and shift" the story and characters to a new setting- you will ALWAYS lose nuance in the process- because they are so deeply entwined with the setting and it's history and with each other- and I think that's beautiful.
26 notes - Posted February 16, 2022
Long Post of Marius Being Awesome and Respected by Les Amis and Generally Well Liked by Enjolras Because the Jokes Are Truly Getting Old By Now
Enjolras trusted Marius with Revolutionary Matters:
"At the Barrière du Maine there are marble-workers, painters, and journeymen in the studios of sculptors. They are an enthusiastic family, but liable to cool off... There is urgent need that some one should go and talk with them a little, but with firmness. They meet at Richefeu’s. They are to be found there between twelve and one o’clock. Those ashes must be fanned into a glow. For that errand I had counted on that abstracted Marius, who is a good fellow on the whole, but he no longer comes to us. I need some one for the Barrière du Maine. I have no one.”
Marius saves Courfeyrac and Gavroche with good marksmanship:
Before the bayonet had touched Gavroche, the gun slipped from the soldier’s grasp, a bullet had struck the municipal guardsman in the centre of the forehead, and he fell over on his back. A second bullet struck the other guard, who had assaulted Courfeyrac in the breast, and laid him low on the pavement.
This was the work of Marius, who had just entered the barricade.
Marius, still concealed in the turn of the Rue Mondétour, had witnessed, shuddering and irresolute, the first phase of the combat. But he had not long been able to resist that mysterious and sovereign vertigo which may be designated as the call of the abyss. In the presence of the imminence of the peril, in the presence of the death of M. Mabeuf, that melancholy enigma, in the presence of Bahorel killed, and Courfeyrac shouting: “Follow me!” of that child threatened, of his friends to succor or to avenge, all hesitation had vanished, and he had flung himself into the conflict, his two pistols in hand. With his first shot he had saved Gavroche, and with the second delivered Courfeyrac.
Marius saves the Barricade:
Marius had entered the tap-room, and had seized the barrel of powder, then he had taken advantage of the smoke, and the sort of obscure mist which filled the entrenched enclosure, to glide along the barricade as far as that cage of paving-stones where the torch was fixed. To tear it from the torch, to replace it by the barrel of powder, to thrust the pile of stones under the barrel, which was instantly staved in, with a sort of horrible obedience,—all this had cost Marius but the time necessary to stoop and rise again; and now all, National Guards, Municipal Guards, officers, soldiers, huddled at the other extremity of the barricade, gazed stupidly at him, as he stood with his foot on the stones, his torch in his hand, his haughty face illuminated by a fatal resolution, drooping the flame of the torch towards that redoubtable pile where they could make out the broken barrel of powder, and giving vent to that startling cry:—
“Be off with you, or I’ll blow up the barricade!”
Marius on that barricade after the octogenarian was the vision of the young revolution after the apparition of the old.
“Blow up the barricade!” said a sergeant, “and yourself with it!”
Marius retorted: “And myself also.”
And he dropped the torch towards the barrel of powder.
But there was no longer any one on the barrier. The assailants, abandoning their dead and wounded, flowed back pell-mell and in disorder towards the extremity of the street, and there were again lost in the night. It was a headlong flight.
The barricade was free.
Everyone likes Marius, he's respected as a leader:
All flocked around Marius. Courfeyrac flung himself on his neck.
“Here you are!”
“What luck!” said Combeferre.
“You came in opportunely!” ejaculated Bossuet.
“If it had not been for you, I should have been dead!” began Courfeyrac again.
“If it had not been for you, I should have been gobbled up!” added Gavroche.
Marius asked:—
“Where is the chief?”
“You are he!” said Enjolras.
Marius is considered a leader:
Marius, fasting, fevered, having emerged in succession from all hope, and having been stranded in grief, the most sombre of shipwrecks, and saturated with violent emotions and conscious that the end was near, had plunged deeper and deeper into that visionary stupor which always precedes the fatal hour voluntarily accepted.
...He looked on at everything as from without; as we have said, things which passed before him seemed far away; he made out the whole, but did not perceive the details. He beheld men going and coming as through a flame. He heard voices speaking as at the bottom of an abyss.
But this moved him. There was in this scene a point which pierced and roused even him. He had but one idea now, to die; and he did not wish to be turned aside from it, but he reflected, in his gloomy somnambulism, that while destroying himself, he was not prohibited from saving some one else.
See the full post
33 notes - Posted February 17, 2022
God House and Wilson really were "It's rotten work" "Not to me. Not if it's you" AND "It's rotten work" "Especially for me. Especially if it's you" simultaneously.
56 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Saw a post about "formative gay books from your youth" which set off my third fruitless quest for a YA novel I read once when I was like 12 and has lived rent free in my head ever since. Objectively, as an adult, when I reflect on the scenes it burned into my neurons, I acknowledge it was probably not that great. But it made 12 year old me have insanely complicated feelings and it's MADDENING I can find no trace of this novel.
I've searched several times over the years, and just tonight spent an hour going through Amazon, WorldCat, Google Books, Goodreads, and like three other book search databases to no avail. My last hope is that someone on Tumblr has also read this novel and recognizes it.
If any of the below ring a bell, PLEASE let me know!
Young adult novel published prior to 2008
Set in a Houston art school. I might be having false memories that it was specifically the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts.
Centered around two boys- an extremely shy visual artist and a very confident but secretly depressed writer.
Very shy boy might've had selective mutism? Definitely had a strained relationship with his family
At the beginning of the novel, shy boy has to submit a portrait for admission to school. He initially draws a caricature of himself wearing art like armor, but his mom laughs at him and tells him he misunderstood the instructions and he was supposed to write a personal essay. Shy boy struggles with this.
There was a weirdly vivid metaphor about social anxiety being like being eaten by wolves? There was also a very vivid description of being a puppet or marionette.
There was a conflict over shy boy wanting to do cartooning but having to learn painting instead?
He was initially intimidated by confident boy, but confident boy sees his cartoons and really likes them
As they get closer confident boy opens up about feeling crushed by pressure and expectations of others, conflict with his family as well? He may have been self-harming?
They keep their friendship a secret and it's either extremely homoerotic or confident boy was explicitly gay. I do not remember clearly. It gets very intense and shy boy is conflicted and uncomfortable about the secrets he's keeping.
At the end of the book, confident boy kills himself in a way that looks like a tragic accident. He intentionally overdoses on medication that induces a heart attack, but injects into a healing injury on his arm so there's no puncture marks. He leaves a suicide note for shy boy, encouraging him to be himself and be a great artist, but to tell no one confident boy killed himself because he doesn't want his family to be upset?
Shy boy is traumatized and initially keeps the secret, but at the end of the book opens up to... Someone. One of the teachers? It ends on a bittersweet but hopeful note that now shy boy is opening up and is forming healthier relationships.
As an adult, this summary sounds rather maudlin, but I remember being really struck by the writing style as a kid, especially the imagery and descriptions. I just feel crazy that this book really affected middle school me and then seemingly disappeared into the ether. If you have any idea what I'm talking about, PLEASE let me know!
150 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
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latestflix · 2 years
The Son
Release Date: January 20, 2023 | Theaters
Peter strives to take care of Nicholas as he would have wanted his own father (Anthony Hopkins) to have taken care of him while juggling his and Beth’s new son, and at work an offer of a dream position in Washington.
Jackman has rarely been better, with him playing an essentially happy-go-lucky guy, a charmer who simply isn’t qualified to deal with his son’s condition. He’s used to being able to persuade or charm people, but he can’t do a thing with Nicholas, and he knows it. We’ve never seen him as vulnerable as he is here, with a standout scene being a chilling moment where he visits his estranged father, played by Anthony Hopkins in a cameo. Initially, the two seem friendly until Jackman starts to confide in his father, and the latter sees it as an attack on him, with him icing his son out in a particularly cold-blooded and cruel way. We see at this moment what a lousy father is, and it’s a reminder from Zeller (who adapted his play with Christopher Hampton) to the audience that regardless of what may have happened in his marriage, Peter is far from a bad father.
Indeed, Dern’s Kate gets the same treatment. We can tell she’s brokenhearted by the fact that Jackman left her, but she doesn’t weaponize that and can put these feelings aside to deal with their son. Ditto Vanessa Kirby as the compassionate stepmother. In a way, her part is the most challenging as she has to convey the frustration of the fact that she has her own child to raise and can’t allow what’s going on with Nicholas to affect her too profoundly, as she has her own very real priorities. She has to protect herself and her child, but you also get the sense that she has a lot of empathy for Peter and compassion for Nicholas. That’s the beauty of The Son, nobody in this movie has purely bad intentions (other than Hopkins – although it’s suggested that he isn’t well), but in the end, love isn’t always enough to save someone.
CAST: Hugh Jackman, Zen McGrath, Laura Dern, Vanessa Kirby, Anthony Hopkins, William Hope, George Cobell, Isaura Barbé-Brown
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pirate-ghost · 2 years
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severance + textposts [1/?]
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panneshirley · 2 years
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severance + major arcana
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seasonofthebxtch · 2 years
Credit to @Spookybri on Twitter. This is cool as hell 👏
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devintrinidad · 2 years
Severance is basically the “walking into another room and forgetting what you’re doing” but taken to a different level.
And by that, I mean taken several company floors under the basement.
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creativelycomplex · 2 years
Okay so the black goo that Irv’s innie saw oozing out every once in a while was the black paint his outie was using right? Since his outie made paintings of the break room hallway, it seems like he has the ability to transcend the chip to a certain degree
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the-collector-blog · 2 years
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Hi. I can create custom Lumon documents for you.
General announcements list. Outie facts sheet. Senior Refiner Checklist with custom points. Music Dance Experience sheet with custom genres or anything. Custom colored Lumon post-it notes. Lumon employee ID card with custom info.
(I made a template for the card and checklist, but I can pull up my original document files for these and use the correct font/size/color/etc to make it look truly legit.)
This would be free. Just message me here at @tv-analyst with your request & customized info. I won't share it anywhere; it'll get sent to you when done.
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sidleyparkhermit · 2 years
I have made a rough draft of a Severance fanmix. Please enjoy each track equally.
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rescue-ram · 2 years
Name Meanings in Severance
Some of these are obvious, but I love name meanings and similar so posting for posterity...
Kier means dark and Eagan means fire, so if you were unsure if he was literally Satan before, be certain.
On a similar note, Lumon means light, Helena means shining light, and Lucifer means 'lightbearer'. On a related but hopefully less Luciferian note, Eleanor, the name of Devon's baby, is a variant form of Helena. Helly's (fake?) last name of Riggs evokes a "rigged system" or game to me.
Mark is named more for the sense of being the "target" of a scam or con, and his last name Scout is obviously evocative of investigation. I think his sister Devon was named more for the unisex tomboyish vibes then any deep meaning. Same with Ricken- his name has that too special/slightly fake quality that suits his vibes, though Hale can mean both "healthy" or "hollow".
Dylan and Irving were probably named more for vibes than meaning as well- Dylan has a very youthful vibe, especially when contrasted with an old fashioned name like Irving. But they do have interesting contrasts in their name meanings- Dylan relates to the Welsh god of the sea (hunting eels anyone?) while Irving means fresh water. Their last names, George and Bailiff, don't seem to have any special significance, meaning farmer and, well, bailiff/officer/manager.
Burt is another light themed name, meaning bright. His last name, Goodman, has an obvious meaning.
Harmony has an obvious meaning, that in context evokes balancing the four humors in the Kier cult. Cobel, meaning rock or famous, sounds very similar to the mythical creature called a kobold or kobalos, which is a sort of hobgoblin or household spirit with an ambivalent nature. Her fake last name of Selvig means seal-cove and evokes selkies, shapeshifting seals who can remove their skin to appear as a woman and marry.
I think Milchick is another vibe name. It just sounds like a substitute teacher or something. It means milk. Same with Graner- the name just sounds kind of scary.
Peter means rock, and Kilmer was a potter's surname, relating to kilns, but while Petey might be meant to evoke a foundation for the start of Mark's journey to the truth, I think Kilmer relates more to Petey being killed then anything else.
There's a few interesting meanings in the Eagan CEO names: Ambrose means honey or sweet. Myrtle is a tree sacred to Venus, sometimes identified with Lucifer as the morning star. Baird means poet. Gerhardt means brave. Phillip means lover of horses, while Pip mean a small seed, and is the name of several variants of apples. Leonora is another variant of Helena/Eleanor, and Jame is an unusual version of James meaning usurper.
Gemma means gem, something precious, and Casey means watchful.
Finally, Angelo obviously means angel, and his wife Gabriela was named for the angel Gabriel, meaning strength of God.
EDIT TO ADD: The closest meaning I could find for Reghabi is open minded and generous!
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georgedesign2021 · 3 years
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A statement oven-range calls for a equally impressive rangehood. This one we custom designed and coated in liquid metal for our Remuera classic kitchen Design :Shane George Design Photo:Jamie Cobel @subzerowolfnz @blumnewzealand #aucklandinteriors #kitchendesign #nzkitchen #designerinterior #interiors #styleideas #classic #designer #kitchensofinstagram #kitchendecor #kitchenforachef #kitchenappliances #kitchenrangehood #marblekitchens #traditionalkitchen #shakercabinets #designerkitchen (at Auckland, New Zealand) https://www.instagram.com/p/CN86C2zMRL-/?igshid=r3n7yeesl8tn
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