#George Michael full track
thatfandomslut · 8 months
Project Flowers
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Gretchen Wieners x Reader
Word Count: 3k - I got very carried away with this one.
Trigger Warnings: insecurity, explicit language, tooth-rotting fluff
Hello, there! Do you write for Mean Girls? If so, I would like to request a Gretchen Wieners x reader fluff, please? Reader is new to school and has four brothers---the oldest used to date Regina. Regina and the brother, seeing Gretchen's growing crush on the reader, decides to play match-maker. One night, Regina convinces the reader to go with her to a "hang-out" where Gretchen is waiting with flowers.
Mean Girls requests are open.
"North Shore High is all about their cliques, which is why you're so lucky to have us." Lucas pulled on his varsity jacket, fixing his hair in the reflection of his car window. The action made (Y/n) roll her eyes with crossed arms as Michael slung his bag around his shoulders, nodding in agreement. As much as (Y/n) loved her brothers and begged to be able to attend public school, she was being reminded of how conceited and full of themselves her brothers truly were. It was the most amazing but unfortunate experience to have four older brothers while joining a new school where they were high on the social pyramid. "You will have to do a sport though. Maybe you'd like track?"
Daniel gently clapped his back to shut him up before gesturing towards the school. "Ready for your first day, (Y/n)? Sophomore year isn't all that bad. Plus, you're in AP English with James, so you'll at least have someone you know for a period." Daniel offered some comfort. He was the kinder of the four, Lucas being the more narcissistic of them. But she loved them all equally. "I think we all have to same lunch, too. So, hopefully, we'll see you then. Come on, guys, let's leave her be. Let's let her get some experience with normal school and get off her back." He tried to lead her brothers away.
"Don't talk to any of the horny douchebag boys here!" Called out Michael, pointing at her. Some passersby glanced her way, but she shrugged it off. She wasn't planning on talking to any boy if she could help it. If there was anything that her all-girls private school taught her, it was that girls were so much better. Still, she took heed of Michael's warning and attempted to steer clear of all of the boys who looked her over like she was a prize to be one throughout the hallway. Instead, she saw a different familiar face.
Regina George looked just as beautiful as she did when she last saw her. She had powerful red, pouty lips with eyeliner so sharp, it could cut someone. "(Y/n)," her voice cut through the hall, sounding more like a question as everyone stopped to see who she was talking to. Regina was never mean to her, and Regina's breakup with Lucas didn't end messy. Maybe that was because it was a summer fling, though. "I thought you went to North Shore All-Girls Academy?" She approached, two girls following her. One of the girls had dark brown hair with chocolate-colored eyes that had no thought behind them. The other girl, however; caused her breath to hitch in the back of her throat as she made eye contact with her. She had honey-blonde hair that fell in ringlets at the bottom of her hair, and her eyes were a soft amber.
"I wanted to come here with my brothers. It was a regretful idea saying as they want me to hang out with them during lunch." She hummed, a playful smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. Regina wasn't one to hug anyone, so when she hugged (Y/n), everyone was caught off guard. (Y/n) hugged back happily as she allowed the blonde to give her a gentle squeeze pulling away. The other two girls behind Regina stared at her due to how out-of-character Regina was being. However, neither of them said nothing. "Plus, since Lucas was too dumb, I don't get to see you as much."
Regina flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder as she began leading (Y/n) and the other girls away from the ogling crowd. (Y/n) was in a state of awe at how popular Regina seemed to be. It threw her off guard in a way. "This is Karen Shetty and Gretchen Wieners," she introduced the two, grabbing the schedule from (Y/n)'s hand. She seemed to be showing her where to go, so (Y/n) didn't protest the snatch. "And don't worry about spending your lunch with your brothers, you can eat with us. This is your homeroom. Your next class is upstairs, turn right, third door." Regina said simply, passing the schedule back before stopping at a classroom. (Y/n) thanked her before entering the class, many other sophomores staring widely at her. She didn't understand why, still not getting the gravity that hanging out with Regina held on the student body.
Around lunchtime, (Y/n) wandered the halls, and headed towards the cafeteria. It wasn't too hard to find. There were too many signs indicating where it was. Before she could enter, Regina, Gretchen, and Karen found her first. "Hello, (Y/n)," Gretchen waved, smiling brightly. The smile caused a slight flutter in (Y/n)'s chest, heat rising to her ears as she waved back. Normally, Regina would comment on not having the first word, but she noticed how flustered both Gretchen and (Y/n) were acting with each other. So, she said nothing as they went to the lunch line. "So, the rules are, you can't wear a tank top two days in a row, you can only wear a ponytail once a week, jeans and track pants can only be worn on Fridays, and on Wednesdays we wear pink. You have to follow these rules, or you're not allowed to sit with us." Gretchen told (Y/n) as she sat beside her. (Y/n) nodded at her words, Regina still eyeing them closely.
"I got you, then. Those rules aren't too hard to follow. Maybe I can get your number so you can remind me to wear pink on Wednesday?" (Y/n) asked, causing Gretchen to clumsily pull out her phone so they could exchange numbers. Regina smirked slightly, realizing how smooth it was (Y/n). After all, she had Regina's number, she could always have asked her to remind her. She had a feeling by all of Gretchen's questions on the way to homeroom, that it was because the girl was interested in her ex's little sister. "Thanks, I'll just text you tonight to make sure I got the rules down, if you don't mind."
Gretchen shook her head kindly, hoping her hair could hide the blush forming on her cheeks. At this final display, Regina stood up, causing Karen, Gretchen, and (Y/n) to look her way. "I'm going to go get cheese fries." She excused herself before finding Lucas and pulling him into the lunch line with her. "Your sister is flirting with my friend," Regina said, causing Lucas's eyes to practically bulge out of his head as he stared at her for a long moment. "I think they'd be cute together. You're going to help me get them together by Spring Fling, at least." Regina stated, and Lucas could only nod. He knew not to defy Regina, he was smarter than that. And that is how Project Flowers commenced. It was an opportunity, that through time would help Gretchen and (Y/n) get together. Because Regina knew them both, and she knew that they were going to need help. Specifically, they needed Regina's help.
Regina allowed herself a few of weeks in order to let the two develop their relationship as friends before dropping hints to the girls that they liked each other, or she would mention different outfits she knew the other would like. "You know Gretchen, that one crop top you wore to the mall when we took Cady shopping, I overheard (Y/n) telling Karen how good you looked in it." Regina would say as she talked to Gretchen. "(Y/n), Gretchen absolutely adores your smile." She would say to (Y/n). But she was getting relentless with the responses of 'Are you sure?' Of course, she was sure. She was never wrong about anything, and she was not wrong about their feelings. Lucas also played his part, telling Gretchen little things that (Y/n) enjoyed. He would also tell (Y/n) about how he and Regina were talking about things Gretchen liked. Which always confused (Y/n) on why they brought Gretchen up, but she ignored this fact and got everything that was mentioned for Gretchen.
She was getting annoyed at all the gushing and blushing that (Y/n) and Gretchen did with each other. Their inadvertent flirting and their obliviousness killed Regina. It almost made her want to throw up in annoyance. But what was worse was the fact that they would do little things, like touch the other's hand, and then they'd pull away from each other quickly. It made Regina want to take their hands and force their fingers to intertwine together. She never thought she'd care about a relationship other then her own until she saw how disgusting in love her friends were getting for each other.
"Here's the plan, Lucas, listen up. I know you have trouble listening, so please put your listening ears on." Regina spoke to him like a child, but he didn't mind. Instead, he just listened to the blonde as he sat at a desk in the empty classroom they were in. Shane was trailing after Regina like a lost puppy but had no clue what was going on. "Tonight, I'm going to talk to Gretchen, and you need to talk to (Y/n). Then, I am going to ask her to hang out, but I am not going to be there. It's going to be Gretchen. Understood? So, somehow find out what kind of flowers she likes. For Gretchen, of course."
Lucas nodded briefly, stuffing his hands in his pockets. Glancing over at Shane, he raised his brows momentarily. "Okay, sounds good." He stood up, getting ready to leave. After all, he was his siblings' ride, and they would get suspicious if he was any later to leave for the car. Still, he stopped before exiting. "Hey, Regina… You doing this for Gretchen and (Y/n)… It's nice to see you have a heart. But, also, just so you know, you deserve love, too. You and I both know Aaron and Shane are phases. Sorry, Shane." Regina narrowed her eyes at him as he smirked playfully before leaving. He knew she could kill him with that stare. However, he knew that Regina deserved love, too, and he saw the way she looked at Cady.
"Where were you?" (Y/n) questioned, still leaning on the car. Her question was directed at Lucas, but her eyes were on Gretchen talking animatedly to Karen in the distance. The ghost of a smile played on her lips and Daniel nudged her shoulder to let her know they were piling in. Since she was the shortest, she was required to sit in the middle so Lucas could see out of the back windshield. Forgetting her question, and forgetting that it never got answered, she got in. A small part of her wanted to look back at Gretchen, but she forced herself to get in and ignore that feeling of want that settled in the pit of her stomach. Especially because she knew Gretchen would never like her that way. Still, she got out her phone to send a quick text to the girl.
As they drove, Lucas looked back at (Y/n) using the mirror, who was still texting. The smile on her face let him know who she was talking to. Then, he remembered he needed to know her favorite flower. The good thing was that (Y/n) was in the social reject group of band nerds. How Regina ever let that slide was beyond Lucas. However, she had a concert that weekend and it was the perfect excuse to ask her what flowers she would like. "Hey, (Y/n), for your band concert this weekend," he got her attention, her eyes flickering up to look at him, even if his eyes were currently on the road. "What kind of flowers would you like us to bring you?" He inquired, delivering a quick glance before looking back at the road.
All of the boys, excluding Lucas, were now looking at (Y/n)- they were very supportive. Still, all of the eyes on her made her nervous. "Well, it's going to sound basic, but my favorite flowers are pink roses. So, I guess, if you all were to bring flowers, I would want those." She answered, hoping this would get their attention off of her. For one of the Plastics, she didn't like all of the attention. Not even from family. But that probably came with being the youngest girl in a family of four older brothers. There was constantly so much attention on her, that it was sometimes suffocating. With that said, when it came to Gretchen's attention, she wanted it. She wanted Gretchen to look at her. She loved it when Gretchen smiled at her. It was like she was Ken in the new Barbie movie.
A text pinged on her phone and she looked down, hoping it was from Gretchen, but instead, she saw it was from Regina. 'Hey, loser <3, meet me at the park at 7,' it read. Typing a quick confirmation, she got ready but before she could, she was stopped by Lucas who had a suspiciously caring smile on her face. She knew a big talk was coming and she dreaded getting elder brother advice from Lucas of all her older brothers.
"I just wanted to talk to you about Gretchen. I know, because I see how you look at her, and how you look at yourself, that you don't feel good enough." He said, causing surprise to grow on her face. How he knew how she was feeling was beyond her. But maybe she sold him out short. Maybe he did pay attention to more than just himself. "You are good enough for Gretchen. You are so kind and caring, (Y/n). And I can see it in Gretchen's face that she sees that in you. You need to go for it. You've got this."
A smile fell on her face as she embraced her brother. "Thank you," she whispered as he hugged back. He left her room as she changed into something more comfortable but still within Plastics standards. As she got ready for the park, she texted Gretchen and asked if she'd be at the park, too. After waiting a few moments, she tried not to pout at the lack of response before grabbing a jacket and making her way over to meet Regina. Maybe it was just a hangout with only Regina. She felt guilty all of a sudden, hoping she didn't make Gretchen feel left out. Then the overthinking came in, and she wondered if she should even go. On the other hand, Regina would be pissed if she didn't make it. Even if she was kinder to (Y/n) than most people, it didn't make her immune to Regina's quips now and again.
Making her way through the park, she was surprised to see Gretchen at the tree. Squinting slightly, (Y/n) could see that she was holding something. Looking around, she noticed that there was no sign of Regina, so she decided to make her way over. "Hey, Gretchen," she greeted, startling the honey-blonde girl. She finally noticed that in Gretchen's hands were her favorite flowers, and she was starting to realize what was going on. She was tricked into coming here to meet Gretchen by Regina and her brother. Her brother wasn't asking about the rose for the concert- though her brothers would still get her flowers. And Regina staged the hangout, and she must've convinced Gretchen to come out here.
"(Y/n), hey! I was waiting for you." Gretchen bit her lip nervously, extending the roses over to (Y/n). (Y/n) blinked before smiling slowly. Looking up at Gretchen with a wide smile, she started to see the confidence starting to circulate in her amber eyes. "I've been wanting to talk to you about something. So, Regina told me to meet you here and to tell you. So I'm going to go for it." Gretchen gave herself a moment, breathing in. (Y/n) wanted to kiss her right then and there, but she also wanted to hear what she wanted to say. "I really like you. You are so caring and kind. You're funny, smart, and creative. You mean everything to me, and I really want to go on a date with you. We could get coffee or boba together. But also, I really want to be your girlfriend."
(Y/n) gently took a step forward, and with one hand (the other was still clutching the flowers), she pulled Gretchen in. The two girls looked at each other for a moment before Gretchen nodded and (Y/n) completed the distance between them. Kissing her deeply, she felt Gretchen's hands cup the back of her neck. Everything felt complete, and (Y/n) had to stop smiling in the kiss. "I really want to be your girlfriend, too, Gretchen." (Y/n) whispered on her lips, causing Gretchen to kiss her again happily.
"About time," Regina said with her arms crossed, standing next to Lucas, who was looking away respectfully. He obviously didn't want to intrude on his little sister's first kiss. "I thought by the time you two got the balls to ask each other out, we'd be in an elderly home," Regina stated with a quick wink, the other two girls red in the face. "I hope you two have a good time at your picnic. Never say I didn't do something for you. Lucas, the basket, let's go."
The words confused the girls until they noticed Lucas holding the picnic basket in his hands, passing it to his sister. (Y/n) smiled shyly, thanking him before Regina and Lucas went their separate ways. Gretchen and (Y/n) laughed for a moment before going through the basket to find a mix of their favorite snacks. Setting up the area, the two stayed out until the night fell, creating their constellation, their hands connecting them like stars in the night sky, (Y/n) looked over at Gretchen, smiling when she turned over, too. (Y/n) noted in her mind that Gretchen was prettier than all the stars before placing a gentle kiss on Gretchen's lips, Gretchen reciprocating gently. Nothing could ever ruin this moment, (Y/n) decided as she pulled away, smiling widely at the girl. Gretchen turned her head once more and (Y/n) did, too, as they continued to stargaze.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 months
4K UHD Review: The Guyver
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Following in the wildly successful footsteps of Batman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Guyver takes a (relatively) grounded approach to its outlandish source material — in this case, a Japanese manga series — without divorcing itself from its comic book roots. Produced by Brian Yuzna (Re-Animator, Society), the 1991 film is directed by special effects wizards Screaming Mad George (Society, A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master) and Steve Wang (Predator, The Monster Squad).
As the Star Wars-esque expository opening crawl explains, mankind was created by aliens as an organic weapon. The evil Chronos corporation is further developing a technology that allows humans to change into "super monster soldiers" known as Zoanoids for world domination. The only viable defense against them is The Unit, a piece of bio-booster alien armor that increases a human's natural powers a hundredfold, turning them into The Guyver.
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Mark Hamill's top billing may lead you to believe that he's the titular hero, but he instead plays a supporting role as a CIA agent investigating Chronos. The real lead is Jack Armstrong (Student Bodies) as Sean Barker, an amateur martial artist who's the only person that can activate The Unit. When his girlfriend (Vivian Wu, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III) is endangered, Sean utilizes his newfound powers to take down Chronos and the Zoanoids.
Armstrong is a bland lead, but it's not entirely his fault. In addition to a mustachioed Hamill channeling Colombo, he has to compete with several scene-stealing character actors. Re-Animator's David Gale chews the scenery as the malevolent head of Chronos, briefly reuniting with Jeffrey Combs as the company's scientist, Dr. East (get it?). Michael Berryman (The Hills Have Eyes) plays Gale's right-hand Zoanoid with Jimmie Walker (Good Times) as his rapping goon. Linnea Quigley (The Return of the Living Dead) cameos as a scream queen.
But the real stars of the show are the creatures, the designs of which showcase boundless creativity. The Guyver looks like Ultraman by way of Clive Barker, and each Zoanoid adopts a different animal's traits. While a number of other artists were employed to pull off the myriad of monsters, George and Wang's fingerprints are all over the effects, imbuing the alien superhero movie with some disturbing body-horror.
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Jon Purdy's script deviates significantly from source material not only in terms of story but also tone. While some of the manga's dark atmosphere and violence remain intact, it's undercut by goofy humor in an attempt to appeal to a younger demographic. Fans of Yoshiki Takaya's original creation were no doubt disappointed (Wang attempted a bit of a course correction with his 1994 sequel, Guyver: Dark Hero), but the tonal confusion is actually charming.
Originally cut down to a PG-13 rating in the US, The Guyver has been newly restored in 4K from the original, R-rated 35mm camera negative with DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 and 2.0 options for Unearthed Films' 4K UHD + Blu-ray release. Far removed from the days of Jaws and Alien in which the monster was largely hidden in shadows, George and Wang put their creations on full display — and even with a crystal-clear restoration, the in-camera effects shine.
Two new audio commentaries are included. The first is a lively one with George and Wang, moderated by Budget Biomorphs: The Making of The Guyver Films author Dom O’Brien. It's not the most informative track — the filmmakers admit to not having seen the film in over two decades — but they're enjoying themselves so much that it hardly matters. The second commentary features creature crew members "Evil" Ted Smith and Wyatt Weed, who delve into the nitty-gritty of the effects.
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Yuzna and George each sit down for thorough new interviews. Yuzna reveals that he's been approached about a remake, but the rights are complicated, while George's infectious energy lasts the entire 56 (!) minutes. Creature suit camera test footage is included with commentary options from George and Wang or Smith and Weed, while outtakes and a gag reel feature George and Wang commentary.
Other extras include: alternate title sequences in English, German and Spanish; English, German, Spanish, and French trailers (all carrying the alternate title Mutronics); and extensive promotional and production galleries. The collector's edition also comes with the soundtrack CD composed by Matthew Morse (Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker) and a booklet featuring liner notes by O’Brien and Morse.
The Guyver is available now on 4K UHD via Unearthed Films.
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cherrylng · 4 months
Muse Disc Guide - The Resistance [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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The Resistance
IN MUSIC Having established themselves as a stadium-class national band in the UK, their fourth world tour took them to Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America. They conquered five continents. Having gone as far as they could musically with their last album, it was interesting to see what direction Muse would take next, but this time they decided to venture into new territory by self-producing without using an outside producer.
So far, each album has evolved to become more dense, more exaggerated, more massive, more dynamic, more varied…… at times it leaves the listener shaken, wondering, "Can they pull it off this far!?" How far will they go without a third party to stop them? This album, which we greeted with such expectations and a touch of anxiety, was surprisingly clear-cut with its finish.
After a barrage of songs that mastered electronic elements in a modern way, such as electro-glam (1/ Uprising), 80s-style synth drums and piano with a gorgeous chorus (2/ Resistance) and R&B-style electropop (3/ Undisclosed Desires) that reminded me of Depeche Mode, the following song (4/ United States Of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)) turned into a magnificent and grandiose rock opera. The Arabic music-like interlude with piano and strings in the middle of the song is full of power! This was a result of making use of their experiences in the Middle East. The final section leads into Chopin's Nocturne No. 2, a development that might not have been possible if an outside producer had been present. Similarly, the last three pieces are three-part rock symphonies by Matthew. His classical taste is on full display.
The relatively unprocessed infusion of all three tastes from the trio balances the overall ups and downs of this album, which is generally dominated by mid-tempo songs, except for (6/ Unnatural Selection) and (7/ MK Ultra), where the heavy, intense guitars explode into a gallop. The album became a worldwide smash hit, to the surprise of the band themselves, who said, "We did whatever we wanted." —Sumi Imai
2009 Hit Albums
Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga were the stars of the 2009 scene. Michael was scheduled to perform 50 shows of 'This Is It' at London's O2 Arena from July 13th, 2009, but died suddenly on June 25th. While the world was in a state of surprise and sadness, the documentary film of the same name, featuring rehearsal footage, became an unprecedented blockbuster hit. Meanwhile, the momentum of 'The Fame', released by Gaga in 2008, continued unabated, and the eight-track 'The Monster', released in 2009 as a coupling (A/ The Fame Monster) to the reissue of 'The Fame', was also a big hit, including 'Bad Romance' and 'Telephone' with Beyoncé. Beyoncé and other female artists were also in high spirits, with Grammy winners Taylor Swift (B/ Fearless) and KE$HA constantly making noise on the stage. It was also in 2009 that Susan Boyle, a plain middle-aged Scottish woman, attracted attention on the popular audition programme ‘Britain's Got Talent’ and made her long-sought album debut with ‘I Dreamed a Dream’.
Among rock bands, U2 (C/ No Line On The Horizon), Pearl Jam, Green Day, and Jets released new albums one after the other. Among young artists, Animal Collective's (D/ Merryweather Post Pavilion), The Horrors, and Grizzly Bear attracted attention with their new releases. Among solo artists, the young UK singer-songwriter Paolo Nutini's (E/ Sunny Side Up) and Canadian Michael Bublé's (F/ Crazy Love) were big hits. The latter in particular appealed to a wide audience and was a huge success, topping the album charts in the US, UK, and other countries.
Inseparable from this album is George Orwell's 1984. (2/ Resistance) is about forbidden love under surveillance and information control, and (4/ United States Of Eurasia (+Collateral Damage)) about perpetual war to maintain the power of the rulers (the title is taken from American political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski's 1997 book, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives). Both clearly follow the world of '1984', but in fact the lyrics can also be seen as a reference to the ‘crisis of the moment’ in the sense that they illuminate the geopolitics of post-9/11, with today's controlled society in which individuals and their information can be monitored from every angle, from CCTVs to satellites on the ground and eventually the internet network. The lyrics can also be seen as a reference to the ‘current crisis’. (1/ Uprising) and (7/ MK Ultra), which deal with mind control, also encompass a similar worldview, but at the same time Matthew tries to present a critical perspective on the crisis and hope by confronting the unshakable will and love that lies beyond it, in a situation where the ‘individual’ is being lost. This is the deeper meaning behind the song titles ‘Uprising’ and ‘Resistance’.
"Love" is also the warp of the lyrical universe, with occasional moments of overt expression. In an interview with Q magazine, Matthew says, ‘It's a personal song about me and my girlfriend’ (3/ Undisclosed Desires), which is a typical example of this. The song is Muse's version of a ‘hymn to love’, a sublime love song.
When I heard the news that Muse were to perform with U2's The Edge on stage at Glastonbury in 2010, it occurred to me that ‘The lyrics of both bands share a common language of “protest” and “love”’. Matthew's world will continue to grow in scale within the time axis of ‘now’. —Abe Kaoru
YEAR 2009 January - US Airways Flight 1549 made an emergency landing in the Hudson River in New York, but the captain's quick thinking brought all passengers and crew back safely. It was dubbed the ‘Miracle on the Hudson’. February - Japanese films 'Departures/Okuribito' and 'La maison en petits cubes/Tsumiki no Ie' won double awards at the 81st Academy Awards. March - Samurai Japan [aka Japan's national baseball team] won the World Baseball Classic. April - H1N1 influenza outbreak in Latin America, followed by a worldwide pandemic. May - Twitter, the internet chat service, becomes a worldwide phenomenon. Muse also announced the title of a new song in the works on Twitter. - The jury system (saiban-in in Japan) came into force. June - The H1N1 influenza alert level is raised to the highest, Phase 6. - Michael Jackson's death sent shockwaves around the world. He was 50 years old. July - Longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century. In Japan, it could be seen in the Tokara Islands in Kagoshima Prefecture and elsewhere. August - The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) won an overwhelming victory in the 45th general election for the House of Representatives. September - Muse's 5th album 'The Resistance' was released. It reached No.1 in 20 countries, including the UK. - To celebrate 10 years since the release of their first album, the band played a two-day open-air show at ‘The Den’ in their home town of Teignmouth. It was the first time in 12 years that the band had performed in their hometown, and the triumphant return of the national stars was a major event for the whole town. - After performances in Germany and France, the band travels to the USA to take part in U2's 360°Tour. October - European tour begins. - US President Barack Obama receives the Nobel Peace Prize. - Rio de Janeiro is chosen to host the 2016 Summer Olympics. November - Chris joins the testicular cancer charity ‘Movember’. December - Muse travels to the USA for performances in Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
Translator's Notes: We're... actually not done here yet. We still have their live DVDs to cover.
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carchaseonacarchase · 19 days
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𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚎 & 𝙲𝚊𝚛𝚖𝚎𝚗 𝙸𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚢𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝. 🤎
╰┈➤ this is a list of songs that i think fit very well with carmen and chase, the selection of songs is pretty personal cause it's based on my own music tastes, i appreciate you to recommend me songs and other suggestions to expand it :3 this playlist is full of 60's/90's songs to keep it classic but there's also pop/rock/indie songs on there. enjoy ;)
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⚘ the world we knew (over and over) frank sinatra ❛❛ and the sun and the moon seemed to be ours, each road that we took turned into gold. but the dream was too much for you to hold ❞
⚘ under attack abba ❛❛ under attack, i'm taking cover, he's on my track, my chasing lover ❞
⚘ atomic blondie ❛❛ make me tonight, tonight make it right ❞
⚘ stop the world cause' i wanna get off with you arctic monkeys ❛❛ when you want to escape, say the word. well i know that getting you alone isn't easy to do. get the sense that you're on the move, and you'll probably be leaving soon ❞
⚘ i need a disguise belinda carlisle ❛❛ i need a disguise, to hide my love, i need a disguise, you've seen too much ❞
⚘ waterloo abba ❛❛ and how could i ever refuse? i feel like i win when i lose. couldn't escape if i wanted to, waterloo, knowing my fate is to be with you ❞
⚘ the louvre lorde ❛❛ our days and nights are perfumed with obsession. but we're the greatest, they'll hang us in the louvre down the back, but who cares - still the louvre ❞
⚘ it's no good depeche mode ❛❛ i'm gonna take my time, i have all the time in the world to make you mine, it is written in the stars above ❞
⚘ you know that i'm not good amy winehouse ❛❛ i cheated myself. like i knew i would. i told you i was trouble, you know that i'm no good❞
⚘ some unholy war amy winehouse ❛❛ he can't lose with me in tow, i refuse to let him go, at his side and drunk on pride, we wait for the blow ❞
⚘ useless depeche mode ❛❛ all your stupid ideals, you've got your head in the clouds, you should see how it feels, with your feet on the ground ❞
⚘ rebel yell billy idol ❛❛ what set you free and brought you to me, babe? what set you free? i need you here by me ❞
⚘ diet mountain dew lana del rey ❛❛ you're no good for me, baby, you're no good for me, you're no good for me, but, baby, i want you, i want you ❞
⚘ tainted love soft cell ❛❛ once i ran to you, now i'll run from you. the love we share seems to go nowhere ❞
⚘ love is a battlefield pat benatar ❛❛ but i'm trapped by your love, and i'm chained to your side. both of us knowing, love is a battlefield ❞
⚘ out of touch hall & oates ❛❛ the shades all around aren't the colors we used to see, broken ice still melts in the sun, and ties that are broken can often be one again, we're soul alone, and soul really matters to me ❞
⚘ he can only hold her amy winehouse ❛❛ now, how can he have her heart, when it got stole? so he tries to pacify her 'cause what's inside her never dies ❞
⚘ can't take my eyes of you the four seasons ❛❛ now that i've found you, stay, and let me love you, baby, let me love you ❞
⚘ careless whisper george michael ❛❛ as the music dies, something in your eyes, calls to mind a silver screen, and all its sad goodbyes ❞
⚘ les feuilles mortes duo gadjo and their hot friends ❛❛ oh! je voudrais tant que tu te souviennes, des jours heureux où nous étions amis, en ce temps-là, la vie était plus belle, et le soleil plus brûlant qu'aujourd'hui ❞
⚘ summer wine nancy sinatra ❛❛ she took my silver spurs a dollar and a dime, and left me cravin' for more summer wine❞
⚘ imagination foster the people ❛❛ we can't change the things we can't control, it's summer somewhere, do you shouldn't be so cold. if you want me to stay, don't keep me waiting for it ❞
⚘ why must we wait until tonight? tina turner ❛❛ take your lips and make them mine, tell me why, why must we wait until tonight, why when i've waited all my life ❞
⚘ the lady in red chris de burgh ❛❛ and when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away. it's just you and me, it's where i wanna be ❞
⚘ white teeth teens lorde ❛❛ i know you love it when the hairpins start to drop, i like your reckoning, but we got our methods ❞
⚘ heroes david bowie ❛❛ though nothing, nothing will keep us together, we can beat them, forever and ever. we can be us, just for one day ❞
⚘ knowing me, knowing you abba ❛❛ memories, good days, bad days, they'll be with me always. breaking up is never easy i know, but i have to go, knowing me, knowing you it's the best i can do ❞
⚘ suck it and see arctic monkeys ❛❛ how i often wonder where you are, you have got that face that just says 'baby, i was made to break your heart' ❞
⚘ as the world falls down david bowie ❛❛ as the pain sweeps through, makes no sense for you, every thrill has gone, wasn't too much fun at all. but i'll be there for you as the world falls down ❞
˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
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senualothbrok · 3 months
Thinking of you and sending happy, hopeful, bright vibes over to you💕 (you can always message me if you want to chat)
How did you get into writing? You have such a beautiful style, I love to hear author's 'origin stories'.
What are some of your favourite books?
Aaaand what's something about you we may not know? 🌻♥️✨
💜🫂 Thank you lovely. I appreciate that so much. I am sending you the same, and the same offer obviously.
As for your juicy questions...
How did I get into writing?
I'm so honoured that you like my style. That is such high praise coming from a poet like yourself! 🥹 When I was a kid I loved reading and words and stories. My first "career ambition" was expressed at 9, I wanted to be an author! And when I was a teenager, I occasionally wrote stories, and I wrote loads of fanfic from 15-17 (it was a lifeline for me at that time too!). But I had really low self esteem so it was a struggle to maintain creativity alongside the self doubt and perfectionism, and trying to be A High Achiever and all the rest of it. So I lost the habit of writing. I did write some poems when I was in my early twenties, and blogged a fair bit, but didn't have the presence of mind to write stories. Life got in the way. I forgot that I have a writer's soul.
And then in 2021 I did a creative writing course, and started writing a novel on and off. I then got BG3 brainrot last year, the novel fell to the wayside (lol) because of fanfic, and now I'm here!
My novel is 2/3 of the way through, and I hope to one day finish it and get it published! I would like to be a full time writer eventually 💜
What are some of your favourite books?
Oh boy I love this question so much!!! This is a curated list.
* Circe by Madeline Miller
* The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
She is my greatest influence. I hope to write like her one day! Every word she writes is poetry. So much wisdom and pain and beauty, so much economy in her writing. Her books have transformed me. I just love her work so much.
* The Greenlanders by Jane Smiley
I love the Icelandic sagas and this book basically reads like a real saga from the Viking age. It's incredible. Like something unearthed from the ancient depths.
*The Hours by Michael Cunningham
When I first read this book I felt like it illuminated a fundamental universal truth and cracked my soul open. I need to re-read it...
Some book series:
* A Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin
* The Witcher by Andrzei Sapowski
* The Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer
All amazing, immersive, meticulous, expertly written. The first two are well known and beloved in fandom. The Southern Reach Trilogy is super weird and fucks with your head - Lovecraftian.
I am also a big fan of Sylvia Plath's poetry.
I'm sure there are more works I'm forgetting but I could go on and on!
Something about me you may not know
Umm I lose track of what I've shared online and what I haven't 🤣 um I guess I used to be an avid kickboxer/boxer! That's probably something semi exciting!
Thank you again my dear for letting me talk about myself and what I love. I feel more "real" and seen. 🫂💜 I'm so grateful.
Hope you're having a good day xxx
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lovelyleclercs · 2 years
Chapter One- Toto 2.0
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George Russell x Fem!Reader
short summary: Everything you had ever dreamed of was finally coming true, but when you learn that George is the new full time driver for Mercedes, you can't help but think back to that early morning in December.
Warnings: NOT proof read, mentions of death/accident, some false information, mentions of alcohol, making out, and being drunk.
Word Count: 2416
Author's Note: This story is a work in progress so if you want to see something specific happen within this story, please don't hesitate to ask!
February 22nd
Ever since you were old enough to understand what a job was, you had dreamed of following in your father's footsteps. Your father, Ross Brawn, was a pretty well known name in the Formula 1 world. Ross was well known for all of his work with Michael Schumacher. The pair had met when Ross was working as a technical engineer for Benetton- the team in which Michael had been driving for at the time. After winning two driver’s championships and one constructors championship, Michael and Ross had moved to Ferrari together where they would win 5 more drivers titles and 6 more constructors titles. After Michael retired from the sport, Ross moved on to start up his own team in 2009- Brawn GP. The team was a success, with Jenson Button winning the championship that year. However, Brawn GP would become Mercedes starting in 2010. 
You used to constantly beg your father to take you along to the factory or to the track. Ross loved how eager you were about Formula 1 and would let you tag along as often as he could. Everyone on the team adored you. You were well known as the girl with many questions as you always had what seemed like a thousand new questions every time you visited the factory. The team however, didn’t mind. Your father had even told them to put you to work- which they did. 
Ross was sure that you wouldn’t be this obsessed with Formula 1 forever, so he did his best to soak up these moments while he could. However now at the age of 23, you are still just as fascinated as you were 16 years ago. 
It was your official first day at Mercedes. You couldn’t believe that it was real life. This was the factory that you had spent hours running around in when you were little, dreaming of being an employee dressed in black pants and a white top with the Mercedes logo on it one day. Here you were all of these years later and those dreams had finally come true. 
It was pretty cold and rainy out in Brackley- nothing too surprising for england. You rested your head on the car window as you watched the small droplets fall onto the glass. You had a lot going on in your mind. You knew people would talk about you, you were Ross Brawn’s daughter. You knew that you didn’t have to work as hard for this job as most did, but you had been working towards this job your entire life, that's why Toto offered it to you. You usually never let people's opinions get into your head, but for whatever reason you were concerned about how your new co-workers were going to perceive you. 
When Toto parked the car, he gently tapped your shoulder. “We’ve arrived,” he said as he looked over at you. When you didn’t move, he knew right away that something was wrong. 
Toto had known you pretty much your entire life, he practically raised you. After losing both of your parents in a tragic accident Six years ago, Susie and Toto took you in under their wing. Without hesitation, they cleared out their guest room and allowed you to turn it into your home. The entire Wolff family- including little jack- had helped you through your darkest moments. You owed a lot to the Wolff family. There were no words you could ever use to express the gratitude you had towards all three of them. 
“What’s going on in that mind of yours, sweetie. Talk to me.” 
You looked over at Toto, a few tears welled in the corners of your eyes. You knew he wouldn’t let you leave this car until you opened up to him so you took a deep breath and looked down at your fidgeting hands. “I just know that people aren’t going to feel like I deserve to be here- that just because Ross Brawn was my father and I have a close relationship with the Wolff family, this job was handed to me and I didn’t have to work hard for it like they did. But that isn’t true, I have worked my entire life for this job. I might not have had to go to school for it or apply several times for it, but I have been working towards this job for years.” You said with a sigh as you wiped away the tears that had fallen down your cheeks. You hated being vulnerable- especially in front of people. “Not to mention the fact that dad should be here with us. This was our dream together, and he can’t be here to see it” you said quietly. 
“That's exactly it, sweetie. None of these people in this factory were running around here at the age of Seven asking questions or helping out wherever it was needed. You have done your fair share of working hard to get to this job, and if anyone has anything to say about it, send them my way. Nobody in this factory should be saying such horrible things about you. They should be respecting you and treating you how they treat everyone else.” Toto handed you a tissue and smiled gently. “I promise you, I have your back always. There is nothing to worry about.”
You smiled a little and wiped your remaining tears away with the tissue, sitting in a comfortable silence for a moment. 
“As far as your dad goes, I know it’s hard, I miss him too. However I do know that your dad wouldn’t want you sitting in this car crying over the fact that he isn’t here. He would want you to wipe your tears away and march into the factory with confidence and pride.”
Toto was absolutely right. You wiped away your tears and forced a smile on your face, telling yourself that today was going to be amazing, no matter what. 
You eventually got out of the car, Toto following suit as the two of you walked side by side towards the entrance of the factory. As you approached the huge sliding doors, you couldn’t help but remember that feeling you always got as a kid walking up to the factory. Curiosity, fascination, and most of all, happiness. 
When you walked inside, you saw Lewis standing at the door waiting for you. Lewis was one of the drivers for Mercedes, and had been for as long as you could remember. Like Toto, Lewis was an important person in your life and someone you shared a lot of memories with. No matter how busy Lewis was whenever you came to visit the factory, he always made an effort to spend some time with you, even if it was only five minutes. 
Lewis approached you with a huge smile on his face, his arms wide open waiting for you to give him a hug. “There she is! There's my favorite Mercedes employee!” ‘
You laughed and hugged Lewis tightly. “You probably shouldn’t say that out loud, Lew. People will start to think you play the game of favoritism.”
Lewis laughed and pulled from the hug. “Fair point, but I have also known you for a little over ten years soooo I think i’m allowed to say you're my favorite!” 
Toto jokingly rolled his eyes at the two of you. “Alright you two, we have lots of work to do today so we should probably head upstairs. George should be up there waiting for us already”
You looked over at Toto, a confused look on your face. When he mentioned the name George, you knew that he had been talking about their reserve driver, George Rusell, but you were confused as to why George would be in the meetings today. “Toto? Why is George here today? Reserve drivers don’t usually sit in on the first few meetings of the season..”
Toto and Lewis exchanged a look and both started laughing. “You didn’t hear the news?” Toto finally said after getting his laughter under control. When you shook your head, Toto handed you a folder that had a contract inside of it. When you looked down at it, you saw that it was a multi-year contract deal between Mercedes and George. 
“Wait, so George is the second driver? What about VB?” 
“He signed a deal with Alfa Romeo last minute instead of sticking around here. You usually know about things before I do, I would have told you if I would’ve known you hadn’t heard about it, i’m sorry”
You shrugged and handed him the folder back. “Don’t apologize. I think this is a great opportunity, though. George is hard working and talented. I think he will be the perfect fit for this team” you said with a smile before walking into the conference room. 
Deep down, you were a bit scared to have George driving full time for the team after the encounter the two of you had at the post season party last year. When you saw George sit down across from you at the table, your mind traveled back to that night in December.
It was nearing 2am. You had several drinks that night and couldn’t exactly think straight. Feeling hot, sweaty, and way too crammed on the dance floor, you decided to go outside to get some fresh air, maybe that would make you feel better. You made your way over to the balcony, picking up your dark red gown so nobody, including yourself, would trip on it. When you walked out onto the balcony, you closed the door behind you and leaned against the railing, taking in a deep breath to try to get the nauseous feeling to go away.
It took you several minutes to even notice that George had been standing next to you on the balcony, but when you finally did notice him standing there, you jumped. “Jesus George!! You scared the hell out of me!!”
George laughed a little and grabbed your hand to prevent you from falling. “I’m sorry, I thought you knew I was standing here. I’ll make my presence more known next time”
As you looked up at George, the response you had thought of suddenly disappeared, your brain turning to mush as you found yourself getting lost in his bright blue eyes. Before you knew it, the two of you had your arms wrapped around each other, both of you leaning in for a kiss. George was the one who decided to break the distance, his lips pressing against yours ever so gently. The two of you had been flirting with each other all year, so this wasn’t a complete shock to either one of you. Both of you had been convinced that the other didn’t feel the same way. Clearly, you were both very, very wrong. By the time you had come to your senses and realized what was going on, it was too late. You were making out on Toto Wolff’s balcony. 
“y/n? Are you listening?” Lewis whispered to you, snapping you out of your thoughts as you felt your cheeks turn a bright shade of red.
“Hm? What oh no sorry I wasn’t. What did I miss?” you whispered back to him, your eyes doing their best to avoid a look at George. 
Lewis let out a little chuckle and showed you his laptop which had a full page of notes typed up on it already. That was Lewis for you. He took his seat in Formula 1 very seriously. During every meeting you could always count on Lewis writing up a Three page essay about what was discussed. You admired Lewis for all of his hard work and determination, hoping to be half as good of a worker as he was one day. 
You turned your attention back up to Toto, telling Lewis that you would look through his notes once the meeting had finished. As you watched Toto write a few different things on the board, you could feel a stare burning into the side of your face. George was staring at you, you could feel it. It took everything in you not to give him one quick glance. Every part of you wanted to relive that moment on the balcony with George, but with you being an employee and George being a driver, you knew that a relationship between the two of you was unacceptable. George was absolutely off limits. No matter what.
When the meeting was over, you followed Toto out of the room, running to try to catch up to him. Toto was a whole foot and a half taller than you, so walking beside him was always a difficult task. “Toto I have a few questions, per usual”
Toto laughed at your comment and glanced over at you before looking back in front of him as he continued walking. “What are your questions?”
“Well for starters… What exactly is my role here at Mercedes?”
Toto smiled and stopped walking, turning to face you. He placed his hands on your shoulders, looking down at you. “You’re pretty much my assistant. If I need help with anything at all, you'll be the one I call. That’s why it’s important for you to be with me during all my meetings. You're basically Toto 2.0”
“Can my name badge say Toto 2.0?”
Toto laughed and continued walking “if you really want it to, then sure”
As the two of you approached a room that was located right next door to Toto’s, Toto handed you a key. “Toto 2.0 even gets her own office”
You smiled and unlocked the door, walking inside to look around. “Holy crap, Toto! This is huge!!” 
Toto laughed and leaned against the door frame. “It’s pretty decent for an office space, I won't lie.”
“What does this door lead to?” you asked once you noticed the door on the wall to the right of you. 
“It leads to my office. Pretty convenient considering the two of us will have to spend a lot of our time together anyways”
“Great so remind me to keep it locked at all times so you don’t bug me like you do at home”
Toto rolled his eyes jokingly and laughed. “Speaking of home, we are all done here today and Susie is waiting for us with dinner, are you ready to head out?”
You smile and look around your office one more time. “Yeah, lets go”
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ilynpilled · 1 year
im curious how you envision bran and jaime's reunion going down? or at least your thoughts on their future relationship? if jaime is making it to winterfell to fight in the long night which i think he does he will certainly have to fight his case. i personally think whats gonna bridge the gap between dany + the starks and jaime is brienne, tyrion and JO bringing the lannister army). but jaime's adwd chapter and the whole idea of forgoing blood feuds is definitely foreshadowing for the starks and lannisters in my opinion. anyway i kinda went off track but yeah bran lol
i do desperately want a bran jaime interaction in the books. and not really like the one in the show. though in some ways the show version is the worst thing jaime can get because it is so ‘neutral’. it is not forgiveness nor is it damnation and judgement/punishment. and from what we have seen in the books and his confessions it does drive him crazy if he does not get an answer. because then he has to fill up the blanks. and that leads to worst case scenario. so that is kind of torturous and sexy to me personally, but what bugs me about the show version is just the handling of bran’s character in general, and also how none of this was fleshed out on jaime’s part either really. in terms of book canon, i actually would really like jaime not receiving forgiveness from him necessarily. bran being unable to fully give it. like i do not think it is necessary for bran for catharsis, though george has his own view of forgiveness, and he expressed it regarding jaime in specific a lot:
“he said something like he wanted to explore the concept of forgiveness (with jaime) and whether it's ever possible to be forgiven for doing such horrible things, and that his goal was to ask the question, not give an answer.” (2006)
“One of the things I wanted to explore with Jaime, and with so many of the characters, is the whole issue of redemption. When can we be redeemed? Is redemption even possible? I don't have an answer. This is one of the areas where I'm asking the next question-just the two of us talking here, but also in my fiction. Is there the possibility of redemption? How do we forgive people? When do we forgive people? You see it all around in our society, in constant debates. Should we forgive Michael Vick? I have friends who are dog-lovers who will never forgive Michael Vick. Michael Vick has served years in prison; he’s apologized … Our society is full of people who have fallen in one way or another, and what do we do with these people? Can they have redemption? Can they rejoin society? Does a good act make up for a bad act? How many good acts make up for a bad act? If you're a Nazi war criminal and then spend the next 40 years doing good deeds and feeding the hungry, does that make up for being a concentration-camp guard? I don't know the answer, but these are questions worth thinking about. I want there to be a possibility of redemption for us, because we all do terrible things. We should be able to be forgiven. Because if there is no possibility of redemption, what's the answer then?” (2014)
Interviewer: Your books have a very strong storyline associated with the atonement of sins. For example, the way of Jaime Lannister, do you yourself believe in karma?
GRRM: “I don't believe in karma per se, although sometimes I have my doubts because sometimes I think I see things that could be explained by karma. [Laughs.] But no, I don't really have any beliefs in the supernatural. I do believe in the possibility of redemption. And I believe that human beings, all human beings are gray. And I try to remember that when I write my characters. We are all heroes, we are all villains, we all have the capacity for great good and we all have the capacity to do things that are selfish and evil and wrong. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference. In your lifetime, you can be both. And it's making choices that defines us as human beings…There's this sensation of compartmentalism. This eagerness to judge everybody based on the worst thing they ever did, not the best thing they ever did. And you know, I think Shakespeare in Julius Caesar wrote the evil that men do lives after them. The good is often interred with their bones. And sadly that's true. And I think it should be the reverse. We should remember the good things and the noble things that people did, and forgive them for their failures and moments of selfishness or wrongdoing because we all have them. When we forgive them we are essentially forgiving ourselves. Redemption should be possible.” (2018)
the whole concept is a prevalent motif all throughout his chapters very obviously, has been explicitly mentioned since his second asos chapter, and interrogated a lot through his journey in affc. but what i think i would personally like is the reality that sometimes changing does not result in absolution. some actions you cannot come back from like that. you are not entitled to the forgiveness of the individuals you hurt so drastically, even if you have changed. certain things cannot be reversed or undone. but that puts the weight back on you. you might have done things that are unforgivable to certain people. and i like the question that poses. like what then? what is reformation truly about? that should not mean you stop changing. anyhow, the result i would want from a jaime/bran interaction is jaime psychological torture chamber of his own making and some kind of catharsis for bran 😁 jaime is a very mature interrogation of redemption, and george so far did not simplify it or make it easily digestible. despite his personal beliefs, and how they have evolved a little bit over time slightly it seems, i do think george is still posing a question rather than giving a clear cut answer, and i do believe someone like bran not fully forgiving him would fit that. as for the rest, i wont extrapolate that much. we will see, i might change my mind depending on what things happen
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lovesongbracket · 2 years
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Reminder: Vote based on the song, not the artist or specific recording! The tracks referenced are the original artist, aside from a few rare cases where a cover is the most widely known.
Lyrics, videos, info, and notable covers under the cut. (Spotify playlist available in pinned post)
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy
Written By: Freddie Mercury
Artist: Queen
Released: 1976
The song was the eighth track on their album “A Day At The Races” which was released in 1976. The song also appeared on “Queens First EP” released in 1977. The song is about how Freddie is an old-fashioned lover, taking his partners on old-school dates such as dancing or dinner, also hinting at the fact that he is a good lover.
[Verse 1] I can dim the lights and sing you songs Full of sad things We can do the tango, just for two I can serenade and gently play On your heart strings Be a Valentino, just for you [Chorus] "Ooh love, ooh lover boy What're you doing tonight? Hey boy" Set my alarm, turn on my charm That's because I'm a good old-fashioned lover boy [Verse 2] Ooh, let me feel Your heartbeat (Grow faster, faster) Ooh, can you feel my love heat? (Ohh) Come on and sit on my hot seat of love And tell me how do you feel, right after all I'd like for you and I to go romancing Say the word, your wish is my command [Chorus] “Ooh love, ooh lover boy What're you doing tonight? Hey boy” Write my letter, feel much better I'll use my fancy patter on the telephone [Bridge] When I'm not with you, think of you always I miss you (I miss those long hot summer nights) When I'm not with you, think of me always Love you, love you Hey boy where do you get it from? Hey boy where did you go? I learned my passion in the good old-fashioned School of lover boys [Guitar Solo] [Verse 3] Dining at the Ritz, we'll meet at nine (One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine o'clock) precisely I will pay the bill, you taste the wine Driving back in style in my saloon will do quite nicely Just take me back to yours, that will be fine (Come on and get it) [Chorus] Ooh love (There he goes again) Ooh lover boy (Who's my good Old-fashioned lover boy?) (Ooh ooh) What're you doing tonight? Hey boy! Everything's all right, just hold on tight That's because I'm a good old Fashioned (Fashioned) lover boy
Careless Whisper
Written By: Andrew Ridgeley & George Michael
Artist: George Michael/Wham!
Released: 1984
Although officially released by Wham!, this was George Michael’s first breakaway single. The song explores the guilt felt by George after he cheats on a partner, and his inability to “dance” with them in the same way after this betrayal. Despite the song’s ubiquity in pop culture since its arrival on the scene in 1985, George Michael has confessed to having no particular connection to the situation this song portrays. He wrote the song to pass the time on a bus, when he was just seventeen. In his 1991 memoir, Bare, Michael admits he regrets that it “was not an integral part of my emotional development… It disappoints me that you can write a lyric very flippantly—and not a particularly good lyric—and it can mean so much to so many people. That’s disillusioning for a writer.” Later in an interview with People magazine, he made similar remarks about the song. “I’m fed up with ‘Careless Whisper.’ I don’t know why it made such an impression. Is it that so many people have cheated? I have no idea. But it’s ironic that I wrote it when I was 17 and didn’t know much about anything. Certainly nothing much about relationships.”
[Intro] Time can never mend The careless whispers Of a good friend To the heart and mind Ignorance is kind There's no comfort in the truth Pain is all you'll find Should've known better, yeah [Instrumental] [Verse 1] I feel so unsure As I take your hand And lead you to the dance floor As the music dies Something in your eyes Calls to mind a silver screen And all its sad goodbyes [Chorus] I'm never gonna dance again Guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool Should've known better than to cheat a friend And waste a chance that I've been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you, oh [Verse 2] Time can never mend The careless whispers Of a good friend To the heart and mind Ignorance is kind There's no comfort in the truth Pain is all you'll find [Chorus] I'm never gonna dance again Guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool Should've known better than to cheat a friend (Should've known better, yeah) And waste a chance that I've been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you, oh [Post-Chorus] Never without your love [Bridge] Tonight, the music seems so loud I wish that we could lose this crowd Maybe it's better this way We'd hurt each other with the things we want to say We could have been so good together We could have lived this dance forever But now who's gonna dance with me? Please stay [Chorus] And I'm never gonna dance again Guilty feet have got no rhythm Though it's easy to pretend I know you're not a fool Should've known better than to cheat a friend And waste a chance that I've been given So I'm never gonna dance again The way I danced with you, oh [Outro] (Now that you're gone) Now that you're gone (Now that you're gone) Was what I did so wrong, so wrong That you had to leave me alone?
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waterfaery · 2 years
Hiya, since y'all since are out there liking and sharing my Newsies Previews audio I would like to share a new one (:
This one is not tracked (yet, i want to track it but I haven't had the time so far).
Here you go!
This was taken on the evening show of sunday 12-03-2023. It was Jamie Duncan-Campbell's Last show and Bobbie was on for Katherine! I'll share the full cast list under the cut!
This was front row Bronx seats, so got some nice improv/ad-lib lines again, I could talk about hours about those alone haha
Disclaimer: you can download, share link, everything just please don’t re-upload since it’s my own master thank u!
Ps: I also have a 03-12-2022 (previews) audio, if anyone is interested! and a bunch of notes i wrote during the show, so let me know!
Jack Kelly - Michael Ahomka-Lindsay
Davey Jacobs- Ryan Kopel
Katherine Plumber - Bobbie Chambers
Les Jacobs - Oliver Gordon
Crutchie - Matthew Duckett
Joseph Pulitzer - Cameron Blakely
Medda Larkin - Moya Angela
Race Higgins - Josh Barnett
Specs - Samuel Bailey
Tommy Boy - Jack Bromage
Buttons- Alex Christian
Mike - Mark Samaras
Ike - Zack Guest
Mush - Jamie Duncan-Campbell
Splasher - Ross Dorrington
Albert - Jacob Fisher
Finch - Damon Gould
Romeo - George Michaelides
Jo Jo - Mukeni Nel
Elmer - Rory Shafford
Henry - Matt Trevorrow
Morris Delancey / Darcy - George Crawford
Oscar Delancey / Bill - Alex James-Hatton
Spot Conlon / Nun / Bowery Beauty - Lillie-Pearl Wildman
Hannah / Brooklyn Newsie / Nun / Bowery Beauty - Lindsay Atherton
Brooklyn Newsie / Nun / Bowery Beauty - Kamilla Fernandes
Brooklyn Newsie / On-stage Swing - Imogen Bailey
Bunsen - Siôn Lloyd
Snyder - Ross Dawes
Wiesel / Stage Manager / Jacobi / Mayor - Jamie Golding
Nunzio/ Guard / Policeman / Roosevelt - Barry Keenan
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dystini · 1 year
Indycar Driver Lore
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Indycar Driver Lore Masterlist
Callum Benjamin Ilott
Birthdate: Nov. 11, 1998 Hometown: Cambridge, England Residence: Indianapolis, Indiana Height/Weight: 5’10”/136lbs
Rookie Year: 2022
Team: Super Sub (The first driver teams call when they need a substitute driver.)
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Follow him on: Instagram Twitter Twitch YouTube
Career Stats
2021: 3 races with Juncos Hollinger Racing - 38th Overall 2022: Juncos Hollinger Racing - 20th Overall 2023: Juncos Hollinger Racing - 16th Overall
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The Side Pod (with Marcus Armstrong) You Tube
WEC 2024 Hertz Team Jota Hypercar
Callum and Tatiana Calderón were team mates in 2015 with George Russell in European F3. Felix Rosenqvist was the series champion that year
Felix worked with the Prema F3 team in 2017 which was the year Callum raced with Prema in F3
he went to the same school as Devlin DeFrancesco and Enaam Ahmed who drives with Juncos in Indy pro 200 (for anyone interested in F1/F2 Oscar Piastri, Jehan Daruvala and Clem Novalak went there too)
He first met Conor Daly in 2013
he was meant to drive Romain’s Haas car during an FP1 session in 2020 but it was rained off
at the end of April 2022 he was asked on twitch who his friends in IndyCar were and he could only name Conor and Christian Lundgaard
he was karting rivals with Alex Palou
Competing in his second full season in the NTT INDYCAR SERIES with Juncos Hollinger Racing.
Member of the Ferrari Driver Academy who served as Scuderia Ferrari’s test driver and one of Alfa Romeo’s reserve drivers in 2021. Also raced in the 2021 GT World Challenge Europe Endurance Cup with Iron Lynx and co-drove an Iron Lynx Ferrari 488 to LM GTE AM class podium at 24 Hours of Le Mans.
Finished second in FIA Formula 2 in 2020 with three wins and five pole positions.
Enjoys swimming, climbing, building remote-controlled cars and video games.
Looking forward to learning American sports.
Favorites - TV Show: "Money Heist;" Movie Star: Chris Hemsworth
Says racing heroes are Ayrton Senna and Michael Schumacher.
Allergic to cats
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Iconic/memorable moments 2022 INSIDE THE RACE // CALLUM ILOTT AT MID-OHIO 'It was a CHAOTIC race!' | Sky IndyCar Vodcast: Callum Ilott Indy 500 Open Test Day 1 Report with Callum Ilott Calum Ilott INDY 500 CRASH - 2022 Indianapolis 500 Screaming Meals - Episode 002 - Callum Ilott Screaming Meals - INDYCAR! ft. Callum Ilott St.Pete IndyCar Race Recap with Callum Illott and Marshall Pruett TRACK WALK // GRAND PRIX OF PORTLAND CALLUM ILOTT GIVES PACERS DRAFT PICKS TOUR OF IMS CALLUM ILOTT: The F2 Star Talks F1, Indy, and Rolling w/the Punches | THE RED FLAGS PODCAST Interview with INDYCAR Driver Callum Ilott from Juncos Hollinger Racing Aeroscreen saves Callum Ilott from debris! | Onboard IndyCar Texas 2022 Callum Ilott Talks About His Indy500 Debut | KC Happy Hour Callum Ilott Interview After Topping Final Practice | 2022 NTT IndyCar Series at Barber ‘How do racing drivers wee?’: Watch IndyCar Ace Callum Ilott Answer Your Questions Callum Ilott becomes friends with a frog…
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Callum is easygoing and happy, with a ready grin. He’s one of the friendliest people in the paddock with fans and other drivers alike. He’s got the typical dry British sense of humor and can be self-depreciating, except when it comes to his racing. In that area, he is analytical, confident in his own abilities and ready to offer constructive criticism to his team every time he gets out of the car. He built his team up from scratch in 2022, often finishing races higher than his car was capable of and with the addition of a second car and driver, is continuing to lead the way. Rumors abound that he is headed for a bigger and better team in the near future. While his current contract is for several years, only 2023 is guaranteed and there are likely several different options available to him and the team concerning where he will drive.
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Fanfic Lore
Paired with Kyle Kirkwood. Ship name kirklott Paired with Marcus Armstrong due to their time together as roommates and in F2. Members of the Ferrari Acadamy together.
Paired with Mick Schumacher (F1). They raced together in F2. Members of the Ferrari Acadamy together.
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michaelmilligan · 11 months
Anyway, Midam Wandavision AU.
Michael is recreating shows that Adam told him about in the cage. Except his grasp on the shows and characters is flimsy at best because it was passed down through the clumsy attempts of Adam's storytelling. The guy who hadn't watched most of those shows for years.
So there's a Seinfeld one, where Adam is Seinfeld and Michael is Elaine. Except Adam keeps asking where the laugh track comes from, and the George character keeps switching between Gabriel, Zachariah, and the recreation of some guy Adam knew in school.
The Seinfeld World crashes when Adam's parents come in, because Adam doesn't believe that Kate and John are married.
Then there's a Full House one where Adam is Jesse and Michael is Becky. But it crashes quickly because Adam knows he would never live with Dean, even if he had recently become a widower.
By the time they get to The Nanny (Adam is babysitting toddler Gabriel, grade schooler Raphael, and teenager Lucifer), Sam and Dean have made it inside the town.
They die quickly though.
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isawthesainz · 3 months
Race Recap 9: Canada
Sunday 9th June 2024
On 3rd June, Esteban Ocon and Alpine announce that they will part ways at the end of 2024 after the conclusion of his contract
On 4th June, it is announced that Sergio Perez has signed a two-year contract extension with Red Bull
On 6th June, Helmut Marko confirms that Yuki Tsunoda will stay at Visa CashApp RB in 2025
On 8th June, it is announced that Yuki Tsunoda has signed a contract extension with Visa CashApp RB for 2025
In Qualifying on 8th June, both Ferraris are knocked out in Q2. George Russell and Max Verstappen set an identical pole position lap time for the first time since 1997 (when Jacques Villeneuve, Michael Schumacher and Heinz-Harald Frentze all set the same lap time in qualifying for the European Grand Prix). Since Russell set the time first, he lines up first on the grid with Verstappen starting from second
Both Kick Saubers opt to start from the pit lane
After rain in Q1, both Haas drivers opt to start the race on full wet tires, whilst the rest of the field start on intermediates
Race Highlights:
On Lap 1, Sergio Perez and Esteban Ocon collide at the first corner. The stewards decide no further investigation is necessary, so both cars continue
Kevin Magnussen moves up from 14th to 5th by the end of Lap 3 after gambling on wet tires. His teammate Nico Hulkenberg moves up to 7th by the start of Lap 7, having started the race in 17th
On Lap 5, Ferrari confirm an issue with Charles Leclerc’s engine
Magnussen pits on Lap 8 but loses the places he had made up due to an unprepared pit crew and an 8.6 second pit stop
Daniel Ricciardo is awarded a 5-second penalty for a false start
Lando Norris overtakes Max Verstappen on Lap 18, then overtakes George Russell on Lap 20 to take the lead. Russell runs wide on the final corner, almost crashing into Verstappen when he rejoins the track
On Lap 24, Logan Sargeant spins at Turn 3, bringing out the Safety Car. Norris’ 15-second lead means he misses the chance to pit as the Safety Car comes out, whilst Russell, Verstappen and Oscar Piastri all head into the pit lane. Norris pits at the end of the following lap, but rejoins the race in third
Leclerc pits to reset the engine software and gambles on new dry tyres. The slow pit stop means he rejoins the race in last place
The Safety Car ends on Lap 29, just as it begins to rain. Leclerc pits again on Lap 32 for new intermediate tyres
Leclerc is lapped by the top 4 drivers on Lap 37. A few laps later, Ferrari decide to retire the car
On Lap 50, Sergio Perez hits the barrier, severely damaging the rear wing, and retires from the race
On Lap 54, Carlos Sainz collides with Alex Albon, ending both of their races and bringing out the Safety Car. The Safety Car ends on Lap 58
On Lap 61, Oscar Piastri and George Russell make contact; Russell is forced to take the exit road, losing a place to his teammate Lewis Hamilton
Russell overtakes Piastri on Lap 67, then Hamilton a couple of laps later
Race Results:
1st Place: Max Verstappen
2nd Place: Lando Norris
3rd Place: George Russell
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chorusfm · 10 months
Broadside – Hotel Bleu
Usually when you check into a new hotel, it has a funny way of changing your outlook and mindset for the days to come. Whether it’s settling down in a hotel for a vacation, work trip, or just a weekend getaway, these places tend to have their own unique personality attached to them. Broadside have this concept well on the top of their mind on their fourth full-length record, called Hotel Bleu. The interesting thing about this album is that it finds Broadside tinkering with their sound and exploring the depths of their songwriting. While their last effort, Into The Raging Sea, took listeners on a journey through the darkest of thoughts, Hotel Bleu may just be the polar opposite. The latest LP by Broadside (Oliver Baxxter [vocals], Domenic Reid [guitar], and Patrick Diaz [bass]) is vibrant, lush, and as colorful as the name implies. The album starts off with one of the most interesting songs on the record, with the synth-laden “Stranger” that features a frenetic beat and steady riffing from Reid before exploding into an emotive chorus by Baxxter. What Broadside do really well on songs like this is to channel their love for big pop hooks and alternative rock guitar parts into a satisfying blend of styles. “Dazed & Confused” follows the frenetic opener with a mid-tempo blend of acoustic guitar (in the opening refrain) that bleeds away quickly into a stomping, guitar-driven attack that reminded a bit of Set It Off’s Midnight style. The instrumental breakdown in this track features a wailing, keyboard-laced solo to expand upon the creative ideas put forth by the band. One of my favorites in the front half of Hotel Bleu comes in the form of “Don’t Lose Faith” that rocks like a George Michael pop song on steroids. Baxxter’s vocals are as captivating as they’ve ever been on this heavenly song that hits all the right notes. “Cruel” features a guest spot by Brian Butcher (The Home Team), and starts off with brooding synths in the opening that fade away for a great guitar groove, much like The Maine did so well on their last two albums. “Bang” rocks along with a steady tempo in the verses and features a stellar hook in the chorus of, “Bang, bang, bang the reaper is at my door / And I don’t wanna run anymore.” The atmospheric vibes of “How To Love, How To Lie” is top-notch guitar pop, and features a nice, pulsating bass line from Diaz to keep interest high. The back half opens with “Lucid,” that features a collaboration with Devin Papadol (Honey Revenge) and continues to explore the magic that happens when Baxxter and his bandmates trust their creative instincts. This dynamic sound on songs like this gets even better as Papadol gets to shine on her own verse in the track, before her and Baxxter harmonize on the chorus. “Feel Love” brings forth the dancehall vibes and rocks like The 1975 paired with the disco dance-pop of Dua Lipa. “One Last Time” was the first song to be released from the set, and it ends up fitting well in the sequencing of the record. More reflective songs like “What Have I Done?” finds Baxxter reminiscing through his life over heavy synths and pounding drums, before launching into a lush chorus. The tender closer of “Bleu” is a nice way of wrapping up this era of Broadside with further self-reflection from Baxxter while Reid’s acoustic guitar shines over the mix. The dreamy ballad is meant for the lighters (or cell phones) moment at one of Broadside’s concerts that get better with age, much like the band has showed their growth on Hotel Bleu. Checking out of this hotel opens a floodgate of great memories, good vibes, and stellar songwriting. --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/reviews/broadside-hotel-bleu/
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
John Wick: Chapter 4 (2023)
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John Wick: Chapter 4 delivers the kind of expertly coordinated, clearly shot action you rarely see in movies today. 169 minutes sounds long but in execution, it isn’t. You’re excited the whole way through. The conclusion, however, leaves me with mixed feelings. Is this the last episode in the series? If it is, there are many elements that ultimately, didn’t go anywhere. If it isn’t, John Wick: Chapter 5 will have to do some serious limbo-ing to get out of the weird corner it's gotten itself into.
Continuing his campaign of vengeance against the High Table, John Wick (Keanu Reeves) provokes the Marquis Vincent de Gramont (Bill Skarsgård). His plan? Challenge him to a duel. If John wins, he will be free of all obligations towards the High Table. Unfortunately, John can only do this if he is readmitted to a crime family, a feat easier said than done.
John Wick: Chapter 4 is an action movie but I’d also compare it to an art film. The plot almost doesn’t matter. The Marquis, Elder (George Georgiou) and Harbinger (Clancy Brown) all fulfill complex roles and enforce policies/rules I’m not sure anyone understands. Narratively, the secret (?) society has all sorts of honorary traditions, which makes the plot complex but also not really. If you miss why this person is now on John's side when they weren’t before, that’s ok. What matters is the stunt coordination, cinematography, special effects and the way the results make you feel. Why do civilians keep dancing while men kill each other in the middle of a club? Because it looks good. That's why.
A world as obfuscating as this one should push you towards not caring about anything but this third sequel engages you with crazy characters and concepts that make you go “Where is this going"? Donnie Yen plays Caine, a blind assassin forced out of retirement to kill John Wick. How can someone who can’t see belong in a world that begins and ends with guns? You want to know. You want to find out what his ties to our hero are and what circumstances turned him into this Zatoichi-like warrior. Did he lose his eyesight? Was he always blind? Similarly, Scott Adkins plays Killa Harkan, this supremely greasy member of the German Table you just know has a thousand stories to tell just looking at him.
As nice as it is to have colorful characters living in a world that stretches beyond the borders of the screen, what you came for are the action scenes. Can they top what we saw before? Yes. The biggest and most impressive is a long battle shot from above which has John making his way through seemingly endless ruined rooms, taking out opponents with incendiary rounds while tracking - and being tracked - by two other opponents. You can’t even imagine how it was choreographed. The fights are flashy, full of bone-crunching stunts that will make you wince and often end in some kind of wild turn that takes you completely by surprise while giving you a tour of multiple cities. The film isn’t all that concerned with realism and is that much the better for it.
My primary criticism is that John Wick: Chapter 4 is both too close- and open-ended. This film's fallout should keep the story going but it's also very definitive as a final chapter. It's like director Chad Stahelski couldn't pick one or the other. If this is the end, it's not fully satisfactory. John Wick doesn't even share a single scene with his dog and his relationship with man's best friend is what started this campaign. Elements and characters introduced previously are forgotten (Halle Berry's Sofia, for example) or don't have the kind of payoff that makes the detour we took to get there seem worth it. Shamier Anderson as Mr. Nobody for example. His interactions with John and the Marquis are terrific, but at the end, he feels like a cool character writers Shay Hatten and Michael Finch wanted to include but ultimately, didn't know what to do with.
Anyone who has seen the previous John Wick films should see this latest installment. Even if you haven't, the visual razzle-dazzle of John Wick: Chapter 4 is worth it. Whether this is the last time we see John Wick and this world is hard to see but I hope not. Despite everything good about this picture, there are still many unanswered questions. (Theatrical version on the big screen, May 12, 2023)
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aboutmisery · 2 years
🦋 my first impression of f1 drivers 🦋
since i'm slowly getting into formula one, i wanna present you all my first impressions of the drivers:
lewis hamilton:
- he intimates me cause he's too cool. def said "swag" unironically in 2012. idk i just feel like he's bigger than f1 itself and probably the only one who is successful both on and off track.
george russell:
- his face is snatched, his waist is tiny and his abs are shiny. homeboy races like a pro but talks and dresses like a grandpa. i like that.
charles leclerc:
- i didn't realize monaco was its own country. so, shoutout charles. same like george - snatched face, tiny waist and AMAZING eyebrows. i hope he gets the title soon :(
carlos sainz:
- i feel like he's charles sidekick, but in all honesty ferrari is the pussy-slaying team, cause he's also gorgeous. he's in the gravel a lot tho so idk maybe next year he'll prove himself 🥰
sebastian vettel:
- he seems like a nice person, who knows a lot about racing! idk he kind of reminds me of iron man 🤔 sad that he leaves and i didn't get to see him in his prime, but maybe he'll come back again!
lance stroll:
- i like him :) but he scares me a little :(
esteban ocon:
- i think he's neat! he's super tall tho, so that's kind of ehhh for me. but i think he's a good driver and always consistent
fernando alonso:
- idk why he's still here tbh. it's like a tv show bringing back a character who died and is now suddenly alive again. like, gtfo.
daniel ricciardo:
- amazing driver, amazing smile, i am in love with him. he's super cool and is very professional. i also heard he gave mclaren the first win since 2012 so that's awesome too! 🥰
lando norris:
- at first i thought he was some OC from a fanfiction, cause who tf in the world is called after some star wars character? haven't had the time to ~get to know him yet, but i saw him in a "call of duty" commercial so i think that's enough
valterri bottas:
- he reminds me of the sauna-guy in "frozen" 😸 i do believe he's a good driver and is showing off what he can do in the alfa romeo :)!
zhou guanyu:
- cool guy, i hope he goes to a better team soon and can prove himself!
pierre gasly:
- gives me the ick unfortunately:( also i heard he... nvm 🤫
yuki tsunoda:
- i have a feeling he can't fully prove his full potential :( but imo he's a great driver and can be one of the best soon! 🥲
alex albon:
- i like his pets! every race i've seen so far, he missed the track limits but nobody is perfect so i understand :)
nicholas latifi:
- i feel so sorry for him, because he keeps being overlooked. but afaik he's not in f1 next year? i hope we see more of him in maybe another race series 🙂
kevin magnussen:
- i think he's good. i saw a video where he said "suck my balls, honey" and i thought that was beautiful
mick schumacher:
- son of michael schumacher, he should go out and start punching people just like his dad did!
i think those are all, so many names to remember 🥲😅
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
People are getting excited about Merc Mick and I'm just like 😬😬. They, Ferrari and McLaren have a shitty track record of bringing drivers through the ranks. Charles is definitely the exception, not the rule in regards to Ferrari. For all Zak said about the red bull driver academy and for all the drivers he's collected like freaking pokemon, the last driver McLaren actually nurtured through the ranks before Lando was Lewis, a full decade and a bit prior. Oscar won't count as he went through Alpine's driver academy and well the shit show between him and them says enough about Alpine right now. Nyck has been in the Merc garage for years now waiting for his chance, and yet it apparently took one race and one conversation to get the Alpha Tauri seat. Sure he might've gotten the open Williams seat but that's a maybe and if, we'll never know but he got guaranteed the Alpha Tauri seat while Pierre prepares to move to Alpine. Even George is lucky to have his seat with Mercedes because he does only have it because Bottas wanted to leave and because Mercedes' first picks said no. Merc has only had established drivers, Michael and Lewis were both world champions when they joined, Nico had been around for a couple of years, George is the first driver they've both brought up and brought on and they apparently didn't even want to do that. Makes him getting them their first and hopefully only win this year a little bit funny. Years ago Esteban was promised the Merc seat, if he had waited for it, he'd still be waiting. He fought for Renault and got Renault now Alpine. I'm not saying the red bull umbrella is perfect but Jesus Christ they have a better track record, a track record that speaks for itself. I'd much rather have Mick with red bull as a reserve than with Merc. I don't want to see him become the meme Nyck was becoming in the garage the last couple of years. He actually stands a chance with Red bull.
If mick goes to Merc I’ll be fuming lmao just simply because I hate them. And if mick had of gone to reserve for Red Bull I could have seen him in the AT seat in 2024.
But I agree with all you said. Red Bull get so much abuse for how they have two teams but thanks to that they’ve giving so many drivers chances to be on the grid.
There are 7 drivers on the grid who have come up through the academy and simply not been good enough for Red Bull but have found a team. The Mercedes program, Ferrari and Mclaren ones are not at all’s great compared to Red Bulls.
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