#George shorty hunt
savvylittlecoxswain · 6 months
Characters Bios for The Boys in the Boat
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Holding You
Boys in the Boat
The cast from the movie: Joe Rantz, Bobby Moch, Don Hume, George “Shorty” Hunt
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Fluffy cuddling sessions with some of the boys
Enjoy this garbage!
Joe Rantz:
He’s such a busy body that it’s hard to get him to slow down for 10 whole seconds. He’s always had to work, it’s the story of his life. So comfort is foreign to him.
The first time he holds you of his own, unassisted accord is during tryouts. He can’t get a good reading on his position and is fretting over the money and schooling. He’s practically tearing out his hair trying to make it all work out. He’s so frazzled that his brain goes numb and he can’t seem to make decision on anything.
He goes for a walk through the library and finds you tucked into a deserted corner. It’s quiet, isolated, and finally a thought pings off the blocked thinking centers of his brain.
How about a hug?
You noticed his labored footsteps approaching and then to him with a smile. And then he’s draping himself over you, letting his arms find the curve in your spine and nestle there. His chin fits perfectly on your shoulder where his cheek can brush past yours.
And then he sighs, leaning more of his weight on you. He’s clearly exhausted. “You alright there, big guy?”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“No, I just…” he closes his eyes and relishes the moment, “just wanna be like this for a bit.”
His rough hands smooth down the back of your sweater. His hair tickles your ear. You can feel the swell of his chest as he takes in deep breathes. He relaxes and straightens up, pulling you against him. His lips meet your temple stay planted there.
This is just what he needed. His brain starts to function again. He takes careful note of how you feel tucked into him, the scent of your hair and sensation of your breath on his jaw.
Eventually he’s back at an equilibrium and pulls away. He presses a kiss to your forehead and fiddles with some strands of your hair, eventually he starts peppering kisses all over your face.
“Thank you,” he says between each peck, “‘feel so much better now.”
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Bobby always kept his room unearthly cold, leaving his windows wide open all day and through the night. It’s because he piles blankets on his bed. And also because he spends a lot of time cuddling with you. He’s a devout cuddler and would prefer to never get out of bed. Most days you get up first and leave him to wallow by himself.
So, he hypothesizes that he can make you stay in bed longer if getting out is much less favorable. Therefore, the room must be frigid.
This is how most mornings go. Bobby shifting slightly in your grasp. His wiggling rouses you. A cold clamminess clings to your cheeks and makes you grateful for the heap of blankets over your shoulders. It’s wintertime, and even the blankets would not be able to keep you warm if it wasn’t for the doubled body heat trapped under them.
Bobby is tucked flush against you. He’s touching you from his face tucked into your neck all the way down to your feet which at sandwiched between his.
You shrug the blankets up a little higher, the morning is still so young that you can afford to sleep in a little.
Bobby grunts, squeezing you between his biceps. You kiss his temple and stroke his shoulder blade, fingers skating over the thickened muscles of his back. He’s a little stiff from the extended practice he had yesterday.
“You’ve got to stop leaving your windows open.” The cold nips at your ears.
Bobby grumbles unhappily, “No.” There’s an audible hiss as he sucks in a frustrated breath and wedges himself into that warm crevice between you and the mattress.
As you’re forced on top of him, coldness rushes to the surface of skin the sheets had protected. “Bobby!”
You can feel his lips curling into a smile against your neck. You cling to him, buying right into his wicked little scheme. It doesn’t help that he’s arguably more comfortable than the mattress. He’s all dense muscle and soft skin and warm smiles and sugary words.
“You’re a menace, an absolute terror.” You pout, letting him hug you fully.
“You love it. Don’t even try to lie.”
You mutter and lift your head so you can look into his sleepy eyes.“I don’t know, might love this a lot more if I could sleep without getting frostbite.”
“I’m not closing the windows. Not ever.”
“C’mon can’t we—”
He peels his hands from your sides and cups your face and says real slowly, “no.” Then his sunshiny smile dissolves as his lips greet yours good morning.
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Don Hume:
He’s a secret cuddler but this surprises no one. I just get the inkling that he’s such a softie and craves touch and gentle words, even just the slightest morsel of affection.
He tracks you down after work, feet aching and back sore. Long day of classes, long day of practice, and then a full shift of tedious labor. He’s been banking on the memory of you all day long.
His feet grow cold, the newspapers stuffed in the bottoms of his worn out boots not insulating the ragged leather. All he can think about is how much his body hurts and how he would just like to drape himself over you and listen to you talk and finally feel better.
You’re lounging on a sofa in an empty common room when he finally stumbles upon you. You peek over the top of your book and see his lumbering figure, hands stuffed deep into his coat pockets and shoulders hunched. The tired has seeped from his stiff gate up into the lines of his face.
“Hey, Donny,” you set the book aside and lean onto the armrest, “long day?”
He hums. The distance between him and the couch seems increasingly difficult to cover. But he’s determined to make it there and he does. He squishes you into the couch cushions, hands still crammed in his pockets. He releases a big sigh. Your heartbeat drums steady in his ear; your fingers comb through his hair, tangled from a windy practice.
Eventually, he works up the energy to abandon his pockets and snake his arms around you. Don revels in the newfound ability to breathe easy. He soaks up the calmness like a sponge. His brain goes numb and all he can think about is the sensation of your fingers in his hair.
He’s always hungry for these moments. Life is hard on him but there are times when it’s kind and you are one of them. Your fingers brush over his nape and he shudders. And then yours massaging his tense shoulders. He grunts as you work at the knots. You want to tell him to take it easy but you know he never will. His conscience worries him into overworking himself. It doesn’t help that he’s been living this way for so long and is now hardwired that way. You know it won’t matter what you say, he’s too driven. So all you can do is take care of him after.
You can feel him melting into you like ice cream on a hot summer day. The fatigue is kicking in. After a while you leave his shoulders be and settle one hand on his lower back and the other on the crown of his head. His hair is gossamer soft and he smells heavily of wood shavings. You wonder what job he’s picked up now.
He’s tucked himself up under your chin, arms still wrapped around you. “Can I sleep?”
“You want to sleep here?”
You sigh, he’s nodding off a soon you won’t be able to get him up. “How about we get you cleaned up and you can stay in my room.”
“Really?” He shifts so you’re now cheek to cheek.
“Really.” You rub his sides, encouraging him to get up. “C’mon. It won’t take too long.”
“Can we…. Can we sleep…together?”
You quirk a brow teasingly which makes him blush.
“I didn’t mean like that.” His eyes match his pouty lips.
“We can sleep whichever way you meant.”
He slowly clambers off, “Not funny.” He mutters, allowing you to drag him by the arm up to your room.
By the time you’re both crawling into bed, his eyelids are drooping and he’s almost knocked out before he can lay his head down. He pulls you onto his chest and takes his turn of playing with your hair. But before long his hand stills and he huffs in his sleep. You eventually drift off too, cradling in his arms.
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George “Shorty” Hunt:
He will cocoon you in a baking hot swath of muscled arms and fluffy blankets. It’s positively sweltering. You worry about sweating to death, passing away of heat stroke but Shorty doesn’t fret over such things.
He’s such a hugger, always touching you really. As much as he enjoys all the attention he gets from the girlies he prefers to hang off your arm like a one-of-a-kind handbag. He doesn’t mind being an accessory as long as he’s yours.
Naturally, George loves cuddling. He was born to be a big spoon. It’s just so easy to curve around you and squeeze you tight. You fall asleep like that most nights. His cheek rubbing against yours as he settles in.
“Have a good day?” He asks, lashes fluttering on your temple.
His hand is rubbing your shoulder, relaxing the muscles, “yeah,” you murmur.
“Tell me about it.”
You grown, “Nothing exciting happened.”
“Tell me the mundane, then.”
He loves hearing about every little thing you do. He’s longs to be involved in absolutely everything but he’s got so much to do in a day that he has to settle for this. Maybe that’s why he clutches you so tight, like you’ll slip through his fingers. He just wants to make up for being busy and not spending each second with you.
As you talk to him, George’s hand leaves your shoulder and rubs down your side. He thumbs at your hip and pokes your ribs. “Do I get to hear about yours?” You squirm as he tickles you.
“Went to class, then I had to row an unholy distance with Moch screaming bloody murder at me. Little prick.” Your laughter fills his ears. Shorty loves Bobby but only outside the boat. “Didn’t know such a small guy could be so loud and lewd.”
There’s hardly room for his chest to expand as he breathes so you feel every flex of his muscles. At this point he’s mostly on top of you. You feel the soft curve of his lip on your jaw whenever he speaks. He’s so warm and smells so good. You both slowly talk each other to sleep, nodding off some time after he finishes complaining about Ulbrikson’s lectures.
He’s awake only a short while after you fall asleep. He can finally feel the tension easing out of his upper body. He’s comfortable and sleepy and the weight of you against him is, perhaps, the most peaceful he will ever feel.
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Dear Reader
This is my first piece for The Boys in the Boat. If you want, feel free to request something for them (meaning the dudettes from the cast). Thank you so much for reading and have a good day.
- the author
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dashesnellipses · 4 months
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When the boys arrived in Germany they didn't stay in the Olympic Village, but rather in these police barracks in the town of Kopenick, where the rowing Olympic competitions would be held.
Credit: The Bobby Moch Family
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kcsplace · 2 months
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The Boys In The Boat + Text Posts (2/??)
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On the Open Water
Pairing: Joe Rantz x OC (Sadie)
Warnings: This is entirely based on the character from the movie and is not meant to disrespect the real person or their families/ experiences.
Description: Joe takes Sadie out for a boat ride. Yes, this is heavily influenced by the scene from the movie. All credit goes to the original writers of the script for the idea.
Boys in the Boat Masterlist
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The first time she'd laid eyes on the tall figure that was Joe Rantz, her heart skipped a beat and her cheeks flushed red. Thankfully, he'd been distracted by his crew who were crowded around him as they walked out to the water. She'd heard about the junior boat, they were one of the hottest topics on campus at the moment - that the 8 of them had managed to beat out so many others was remarkably impressive.
Joe was tall, broad-shoulder and muscular in a way that she'd never seen. His blonde hair looked golden in the afternoon sunshine and he had a laugh that echoed easily in the air. It was plain as day that he was very, very handsome. She allowed herself a few blissful moments to watch as he walked away, but forced herself to turn back to her homework that was due the very next day.
The second time Sadie saw Joe Rantz was at a school-sanctioned party after he and his crew won their first race. She'd been doing her best to keep her gaze from where he was sitting, but considering the party was in their honor, it was hard not to let her attention wander back to him. Joe was seated between Roger Davis and George "Shorty" Hunt at a circular table just off to the side of the area that had been marked off for the dance floor.
Roger and Shorty were leaning close to Joe, shoving his shoulders a bit and whisper-yelling at him as he shook his head, a red flush tinting his cheeks.
Sadie was sitting comfortably at her own table surrounded by some of her roommates who had become some her best friends. Lily and Angela were laughing as they slowly drank the colorful cocktails in their chilled glasses - the only refuge from the increasingly hot room.
"What do you think, Sadie?" Lily asked her, drawing her attention away from the men of the hour. Lily had always been the more outgoing of their bunch, blonde and as beautiful as she was she drew men to her as easily as she breathed the air around them.
Angela was equally gorgeous with long hair that trailed down her back and dark as a raven's wing. Her lips were always painted bright red in contrast to her bright white teeth. She was incredibly smart, witty, and was always making them laugh with some sort of remark made just under her breath.
Sadie smiled, tucking a loose piece of curled hair behind her ear. "What do I think about what?"
Angela and Lily shared a glance, smirking at one another, "About how Joe Rantz has been glancing over at you every few minutes since he saw you sitting there."
"He has not," She protested. Her eyes widened as she took in their honest expressions and twisted, smug lips. "Really," she continued, "I doubt he knows I'm here. What is more likely is that he's looking at one of you."
Lily shook her head, "Looks like we're about to find out."
"What do you mean?" Sadie asked, turning her head to follow the direction of Lily's quirked brow. Joe Rantz had begun to stand from his seat and George was patting him heartily on his shoulder, while Roger looked straight in the direction of their table. He was leaned back in his chair, rubbing his hands together and grinning like the cat that caught the canary.
Joe's eyes caught hers, eyeing the red that crept into her cheeks for a split second before she looked away from him. Casting worried looks at her friends, "He's not coming this way, is he?"
Sadie was not as confident as Lily or as quick-witted as Angela, but she was enthusiastically kind and had a heart twice as large as anyone else. She prided herself on seeing the best in others even though most times she couldn't quite see the best in herself.
Lily and Angela didn't answer, instead they made to stand giving her a supportive thumbs-up before hurrying away from the table. Angela winking at her and her giving her a large smile.
The sound of footsteps nearing the table drew her attention away from her giggling friends. Sadie felt distinctly aware of every hair out of place on her head and the dampness at the small of her back from the heat of the room.
"Hello," Joe's baritone sounded next to her and Sadie looked up into startlingly, clear blue eyes in answer. His blonde hair was combed neatly atop his head and his mouth was softened into a small, hesitant smile. "My name's Joe - Joe Rantz."
She offered him her hand in greeting and he extended his much larger hand to accept it. "It's nice to meet you," she smiled, proud of how she held her voice steady in front of the man she'd been admiring from afar.
Sadie offered him her own name, which he repeated softly, almost to himself. He seemed to be testing the way it tasted on his lips and she couldn't deny the butterflies that took flight in her stomach at hearing him swirl her name around inside of his mouth.
She gestured towards one of the empty seats in an offer for him to sit down. Joe hesitated, eyes downcast before flicking back up to hers, "I was actually wondering if, maybe, you might want to dance with me?"
Sadie's smiled encouragingly, "I'd love to."
Accepting his outstretched hand, she let him lead her to the dance floor. Where he pulled her close and she wrapped her arms around him, feeling the steadiness of his body against her own nervous one. Her heart was beating so hard that she could feel it in her fingertips and she glanced up at his face to determine if he could hear it.
Instead, she caught a look that was a little bashful and incredulous as he pulled her slightly closer than one might a friend. She stepped forward to make it easier for him, delighting in the red that grew at the tips of his ears.
The third time she saw Joe Rantz was beneath her window.
"What are you doing?" She asked, laughing as she pushed the window open.
He was beautiful in the moonlight, eyes wide in excitement and a broad grin taking over his face. "Do you want to go on a boat ride?" He looked up at her expectantly, no trace of any expectation that she would say no.
"Right now?" Sadie asked, voice full of laughter.
He shrugged, "Sure, why not."
She laughed, "I'll be right down." She hurried into her shoes, flinging her door open and ignoring the questions from Lily and Angela. She half-ran and half-stumbled her way down two flights of stairs to the door where Joe waited for her.
"Hi," she greeted, breathless as she pushed the door open.
Joe's grin was brighter than she'd ever seen. He reached for her and she stepped easily into his reach, one of his hands trailing down her arm to her hand which he took in his own. "Follow me," he said, leading her forward.
He must've already been to the University's shell house, because he led her to the dock where he had a small row boat tied securely. He offered her his arm and she climbed into the boat with unsteady legs.
Joe climbed in after her, the very picture of grace and set them off. The water was calm around them and as Joe rowed them away from shore, the symphony of the open water at night performed for them. Swirling water and soft breezes smelling of fresh spring flowers, carrying with it the smell of Joe's cologne.
She turned her head towards him and found his blue eyes already staring at her.
"You're going to row us into something if you don't pay attention to where we're going," she teased, quirking an eyebrow at him playfully.
Joe smirked, his expression the picture of confidence. "Of the two of us, remind me who has more experience out on the water," his voice drew her attention down to his lips, which morphed into something of a smug grin as he caught her slip.
Sadie glanced up quickly. "Obviously, it's me," she continued, tossing her hair over her shoulder pretending to have all of the confidence in the world.
Joe laughed softly next to her and she couldn't help the giggle that escaped her.
He stopped rowing, letting the current take hold once they were in the middle of the water and the boat began to drift slowly as it did.
"Do you like rowing?" Sadie asked, studying his expression. It was mostly hidden from her but as he tilted his head in contemplation the light from the moon illuminated him in a silver glow.
"I'm getting a job out of it," he shrugged. His voice took on a nonchalant tone but his eyes gave away his enjoyment for the sport.
Sadie nudged him with her shoulder, "You seem to be pretty good at it."
"Do I?" Joe smiled, blue eyes twinkling.
Sadie nodded, "You boys are going to become famous with the skill you have in your boat. Just wait, you'll see that I'm right and you'll forget all about me."
She turned her face away from him, not wanting to show him the expression that was likely painting her face.
Joe's calloused hand slid a long her cheek, gently guiding her gaze back to him. "I don't think I could forget you if I tried," he whispered, his voice so low she was sure she could only hear him because he was so close.
Her gaze dropped down to his soft lips again before flicking back up to his eyes. Joe didn't wait a moment and leaned forward, gently pressing their mouths together.
His lips were warm and so very soft against her own. He tasted of salt and something distinctly Joe that she ached for more of. She reached her own hand up, gliding her hand over his shoulder to the back of his neck and into his hair, pulling him closer.
He groaned softly into her mouth and twisted his head, deepening their kiss. Using the hand that wasn't caressing her face, he gripped onto her waist, just holding her softly against him.
She cursed herself for pulling away first but her lungs were begging her for oxygen. They stayed close, resting their foreheads against one another. Joe's breath kissed the apples of her cheek as he exhaled.
"We should probably get back to the dorms before someone notices I'm gone," she whispered.
"I'll row us back," Joe hummed in agreement, though his hands remained where they were. "But, one more kiss couldn't hurt."
His eyes were dark and heavy-lidded as he looked at her, waiting for her permission.
Sadie slid her hand back into his soft, blonde hair and if they shared a few more kisses than their only witnesses were the full moon above them and the open water that surrounded them.
A/N: Would anyone be interested in reading any more about Sadie and Joe?
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fictional-at-heart · 5 months
Alrighty folks. I present to you:
Go Ahead and Throw Your Stones
Fandom: The Boys in the Boat (2023)
Characters: Bobby Moch, Don Hume, Joe Rantz, Shorty Hunt, Jim McMillin, Johnny White, Gordy Adam, Chuck Day, Roger Morris, Al Ulbrickson
The Varsity rowers have been annoyed with the JV rowers for a while. When three of them catch Bobby alone, they decide to take their anger out on him.
Prepare for some Bobby WHUMP!! I will warn that there’s violence. It’s not graphic, but it is there.
Bobby walked out of the shellhouse, pulling his jacket closer to him. He had decided to take a walk after practice. The January weather had been cold, but the last few days had been a little warmer than it had been. Practice had been a bit rough that day, as Ulbrickson had been trying to get the varsity boat prepared for the upcoming races, hoping to get them to Olympic qualifiers. They had been racing the JV boat as practice, but the JV continued to beat the varsity. As satisfying as it was for Bobby and the boys to beat the varsity boat, it of course ended with Ulbrickson giving them a stern talk; and earning the JV rowers glares from the varsity rowers. Bobby liked the varsity rowers well enough, but the more often his boys beat them, the more tense things got between the varsity boat and the JV boat. More often than not, comments were made in the locker room after practices, which Roger claimed rooted from jealousy. Bobby snorted. It wasn’t their fault they were the better rowers, in his own humble opinion. The varsity boat was definitely good, no doubt about it. But he had to agree there was something different about the boys he coxed. He thought the varsity boat just needed to grow a pair and let it go; a thought he of course had no problem voicing to them. It probably wasn’t the smartest idea, but after the comments they had made towards his boys, he had had enough of their attitudes.
As he walked near the water, he stopped to catch his breath. He leaned against a tree as a coughing fit started- that darn cold air, he thought. He usually stayed inside as much as possible when it was cold, but he felt like he needed the air today- despite what it did to his asthmatic lungs. When the coughing fit finally ended, he sat down underneath the tree. He stood up a minute later as he heard footsteps approaching, figuring Joe and Roger had come to let him know dinner was almost ready. Great, he thought as he turned around to find that it was not Joe and Roger. Instead, he saw Billy, George, and Ralph approaching him- the stroke and seats 3 and 4 of the varsity boat. Bobby forced a smile and waved.
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kennamchugh · 1 year
"The Boys in the Boat" Directed by Clooney
My daughter read Daniel James Brown’s The Boys in the Boat because her swim coach recommended it. She talked incessantly about how good it was, describing it as an underdog story. Bruce Herbelin-Earle stars as Shorty Hunt, Callum Turner as Joe Rantz, and Wil Coban as Jim McMillan in director George Clooney’s THE BOYS IN THE BOAT An Amazon MGM Studios film Photo credit: Laurie Sparham © 2023…
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seasidesandstarscapes · 2 months
can u plz do a joe rantz x fem reader x george shorty hunt smut plz where the boys needed some relaxation after a stressful practice session?
I will try my best!!! I haven’t done smut with Joe yet so this def should be an interesting time either way asdffhjffkl
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Powerful businessman Russ Duritz is self-absorbed and immersed in his work. But by the magic of the moon, he meets Rusty, a chubby, charming 8-year-old version of himself who can’t believe he could turn out so badly – with no life and no dog. With Rusty’s help, Russ is able to reconcile the person he used to dream of being with the man he’s actually become. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Russ Duritz: Bruce Willis Rusty Duritz: Spencer Breslin Amy: Emily Mortimer Janet: Lily Tomlin Deirdre Lefever: Jean Smart Kenny: Chi McBride Sam Duritz: Daniel von Bargen Dr. Alexander: Dana Ivey Bob Riley: Stanley Anderson Kenny’s Grandmother: Juanita Moore Giselle: Susan Dalian Clarissa: Esther Scott Governor: Deborah May Newsstand Cashier: Vernee Watson-Johnson Newsstand Tourist: Jan Hoag Sky King Waitress: Melissa McCarthy Gloria Duritz: Elizabeth Arlen Flight Attendant: Alexandra Barreto Hot Dog Vendor: John Apicella Vince: Brian McGregor Mark: Reiley McClendon Herbert: Brian Tibbetts George: Brian McLaughlin Lawyer Bruce: Steve Tom Lawyer Jim: Marc Copage Lawyer Seamus: Rod McLachlan Wedding Guest: Scott Mosenson Governor’s Aide: Brian Fenwick Governor’s Other Aide: Duke Faeger Sushi Chef: Toshiya Agata Josh: Joshua Finkel General Manager: Lou Beatty Jr. Principal: E.J. Callahan Janet’s Husband: Daryl Anderson Best Man: Darrell Foster Security Guard: Michael Wajacs Chef Mike: John Travis Larry King: Larry King Larry King’s Guest: Jeri Ryan Larry King’s Guest: Nick Chinlund Ritch Eisen: Stuart Scott Stuart Scott: Rich Eisen Wedding Singer: Kevon Edmonds Backup Singer: Julia Waters Backup Singer: Maxine Waters Willard Backup Singer: Stephanie Spruill Bridesmaid (uncredited): Tanisha Grant (uncredited): Glüme Harlow Car Driver (uncredited): Paul Moncrief Mr. Vivian (uncredited): Matthew Perry Tim (uncredited): Luigi Francis Shorty Rossi Russ’ Son (uncredited): Gary Weeks Harold Greene: Harold Greene Film Crew: Producer: Hunt Lowry Executive Producer: Arnold Rifkin Producer: Christina Steinberg Director of Photography: Peter Menzies Jr. Producer: Jon Turteltaub Executive Producer: David Willis Assistant Editor: Michael Trent Writer: Audrey Wells Co-Producer: William M. Elvin Stunts: Terry Jackson Utility Stunts: Pat Romano Grip: R. Dana Harlow Orchestrator: Pete Anthony Orchestrator: Jon Kull Stand In: Duke Faeger Stand In: Luigi Francis Shorty Rossi Original Music Composer: Jason White Art Department Coordinator: Al Lewis Digital Compositor: Michael Miller Transportation Captain: Douglas Miller Production Design: Garreth Stover Makeup Artist: Mike Smithson Co-Producer: Bill Johnson Utility Stunts: Eddy Donno Utility Stunts: Manny Perry Stunts: Deep Roy Production Coordinator: Daren Hicks Script Supervisor: Thomas Johnston Supervising Sound Editor: Mark A. Mangini Editor: Peter Honess Editor: David Rennie Art Direction: David Lazan Set Decoration: Larry Dias Costume Design: Gloria Gresham Sound Effects Editor: Richard L. Anderson Supervising Sound Editor: Kelly Cabral Sound Effects Editor: James Christopher Sound Effects Editor: Donald Flick Visual Effects Supervisor: James E. Price Associate Producer: Stephen J. Eads Original Music Composer: Marc Shaiman Second Unit Director: David R. Ellis Utility Stunts: Annie Ellis Stunt Coordinator: Jack Gill Utility Stunts: Matt McColm Utility Stunts: Janet Brady Utility Stunts: Kenny Endoso Utility Stunts: Tommy J. Huff Movie Reviews: r96sk: What a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t expecting to enjoy ‘The Kid’ as much as I did. Bruce Willis and Spencer Breslin team up to solid effect, in a film that produces amusement and wholesomeness. I find the premise very interesting, it’s a cool concept. While they might not executed to 100% perfection, what’s given is entertaining to see unfold. There are some very sweet scenes, also. Willis is, as you’d expect, the best part of this, but I think Breslin does a grand job too. The latter tended to do these sorta roles a lot, but there’s a reason for that as he played them convincingly. Emily Mortimer (Amy) is als...
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google1000 · 6 months
The Boys In The Boat
Oldest~ Top of Section
Youngest~ Bottom Of Section
⭐️-Smut ❤️-Fluff 💔-Angst 🚫-None
🪢- Polyamorous 🍷-Alcohol🩸-Blood ☠️-Death 🤰-Pregnancy
🚺-Female Character 🚹-Male Character ⚧- Gender Neutral Character
Joe Rantz
Don Hume
Piano Man by JakesCakeIsLateForOurDate⭐️🚺
Bobby Moch
George “Shorty” Hunt
Incorrect Quotes
Bobby & The Boys Incorrect Quote by SavvyLittleCoxSwain💙
Bobby & Joe & Gordy & Shorty & Chuck Incorrect Quote by KcsPlace💙
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TV Quiz Questions:
Choose 6 of your favorite tv shows and try this out :
1. Shameless
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Modern Family
4. Élite
5. Hart of Dixie
6. The Hunger Games (no TV show but I don't care)
The first character I fell in love with:
1. Mickey Milkovich
2. Izzie Stevens
3. Cameron Tucker
4. Omar Shana
5. Wade Kinsella
6. Cato
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
1. Mandy Milkovich
2. Lexie Grey
3. Alex Dunphy
4. Carla
5. Lemon Breeland
6. Finnick Odair
The character everyone else loves that I hate: 
1. Debbie Gallagher
2. Derek Shepherd
3.  Maybe Lily, but I wouldn’t say I hate her, she’s just a little bit annoying
4. Samuel Garcia, Marina Nunier, Mencia Blanco 
5. George Tucker
6. Katniss and Gale :D 
The character everyone else hates that I love:
1. Steve Wilton
2. Izzie Stevens 
3.  Dylan :) 
4. Phillipe von Triesenberg (but there was some bad writing)
5. Dr. Brick Breeland maybe, I don’t know if everyone hates him..
6. Cato *_*
The character I would have sex with:
1. Mickey Milkovich, but he is gay; so I choose Carl Gallagher *-* 
2. Alex Karev (but I although wouldn’t say no to DeLuca and Link)
3. Ok Hayley Dunphy because she is hot :D 
4. Carla and Patrick (a girl and a gay boy, perfect match for my straight ass, but  Christian could get on the list, too)
5. Wade Kinsella
6. Cato, again :D 
Five favourite characters (in order):
1. Mickey Milkovich, Mandy Milkovich, Carl Gallagher, Kevin Ball, Sandy Milkovich
2. Izzie Stevens, Alex Karev, Lexie Grey, April Kepner, Cristina Yang
3.  Alex Dunphy, Cameron Tucker, Luke Dunphy, Gloria, Hayley Dunphy
4. Carla, Patrick, Rebeca, Christian, Ander
5. Wade Kinsella, Lemon Breeland, Lavon Hayes, Annabeth, Earl Kinsella
6. Haymitch Abernathy, Finnick Odair, Cato, Clove, Johanna Mason
Favourite minor character: 
1. Sheila Jackson (or Kevin Ball)
2. Joe the Bartender
3. Shorty
4. Nano Garcia (is he a minor character?, but I just love him, without any particular reason)
5. Dash Dewitt
6. Tigris or Pollux 
A pairing that you love (romantic and non romantic):
1. Romantic: Mickey Milkovich x Ian Gallagher (SURPRISE); Non Romantic:  Mickey Milkovich  x Carl Gallagher (actually Mickey and the whole Gallagher family) 
2. Romantic: I would have said Alex Karev x Izzie Stevens, but they ruined it in so many ways so I say Lexie Grey x Mark Sloan; Non Romantic: Alex Karev x Meredith Grey
3. Romantic:  Gloria x Jay Pritchett; Non-Romantic: Claire x Manny as siblings :D 
4. Romantic: Carla x Samuel Garcia; Non-Romantic: Lu x Nadia 
5. Romantic: Wade Kinsella x  Zoey Hart; Non-Romantic: Wade Kinsella x Lemon Breeland  (best friendship ever)
6. Romantic: Cato x Clove (SURPRISE);  Non-Romantic: Haymitch x Maysilee Undersee as allies
Favourite season:
1. Season 3
2. Season 5 
3. Can’t tell - not finished yet
4. Season 2
5. Season 2
6. Book and Move 2 - Catching Fire
Favourite episode:
1.  Season 10 episode 12 or Season 3 episode 11
in both episodes: Mickey gets married :D :D :D 
2.  Season 2 episode 27 or Season 5 episode 24
I just loved emotional storylines with Izzie...
3.  Season 1 episode 9  “Fizbo”
4.  Season 1 episode 8 
The murder of Marina, it was very a good setting
5. Season 1 Episode 22 - Zoe and Wade finally together 
6. yeah, sorry it’s a Book / Movie :D shame on me
Character you would kill off:
1. Debbie Gallagher 
2. Derek Shepherd (already dead, but I think his death was a good decision, if I must kill a living person - I would kill owen hunt, because I hate him, too)
3.  It’s a Comedy :O Pepper or Sal XD 
4. Ari Blanco
5. George Tucker
6. Gale 
The character that I think the show ruined:
1. Veronica Fisher
2. Without a doubt: Izzie Stevens; I loved her so much and they ruined it with her being selfish and totally not her anymore
3. I don't know. Nobody? Maybe because it's a sitcom...
4. Omar Shana - he cheated on Ander with his sister's boyfriend and in season 5 he was such a dick most of the time. In the first seasons I loved him so much, it was so sad seeing this development.
5. George Tucker again. Even if I didn't like him from the beginning there would have been some potential.
6. Katniss Everdeen herself, I hated how she treated Peeta when he came back from the Capitol and all of her self pity.
The most attractive male and female character:
1. Male: Mickey Milkovich; Female: Dominique Winslow
2. Male: Alex Karev or Link or Andrew DeLuca; Female: Jo Wilson
3. Male: Dylan; Female: Haley Dunphy
4. Male: Ivan; Female: Carla
5.  Male: Wade Kinsella; Female: Zoe Hart
6.  Male: Cato; Female: Clove
The character death that was the worst:
1. Frank Gallagher
2. Lexie Grey !!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Professor Ringmaster Al Uzielli
4. Polo
5. Nobody dies
6. Finnick Odair
The character that is the most like me:
1. Amanda
2. Miranda Bailey (?)
3. Alex Dunphy (Not my words, the words of my husband)
4. Rebeca
5. Zoe Hart (?) (would rather be like Lemon Breeland)
6. Johanna Mason (maybe I just wish to be like her :D and nobody would have got me to say Katniss even if it could be a little bit true)
The characters that deserved better:
1. Mandy Milkovich
2. Lexie Grey !!!! (and April Kepner) 
3. Luke Dunphy (sometimes)
4. Guzman
5. Annabeth Nass (something better than George Tucker :D)
6. Finnick Odair
The 4 least favorite characters (in order to the most hated):
1. Svetlana, Debbie Gallagher, Trevor, Samantha Slott 
2. Catherine Avery, Preston Burke, Owen Hunt, Derek Shepherd 
3. Lily, Javier Delgado, Sal, Gil Thorpe
4. Samuel Garcia, Marina Nunier, Mencia Blanco, Ari Blanco
5. Zoe Hart, Candice Hart, Magnolia Breeland, George Tucker
6. Katniss Everdeen, Gale, Glimmer, Peetas Mom
A character I am indifferent about:
1. Trevor
2. Maggie Pierce
3. Jo Pritchett
4. Cayetana
5. Don’t know one :D
6. Mrs. Everdeen
A ship I have never been able to get into / shouldn’t have happened:
1. Ian Gallagher x Trevor 
2. Jackson Avery x Maggie Pierce and Izzie Stevens x George O’Malley
3. Haley Dunphy and every too old man she dated
4. Samuel Garcia x Ari Blanco 
5. Zoe Hart x George Tucker
6. Glimmer x Cato (What was that ??? There was nothing about that in the original story.....)
A ship I have never been able to get over:
1. Ian Gallagher x Mickey Milkovich *__*
2. Izzie Stevens x Alex Karev 
3. Jay Pritchett x Gloria
4.  Samuel Garcia x Carla
5. if friendship counts it’s Lemon Breeland x Wade Kinsella, but as lovers it’s Wade Kinsella x Zoe Hart
6. Clove x Cato (SURPRISE)
A cute low-key ship:
1. Mandy Milkovich x Lip Gallagher
2. Jackson Avery x April Kepner
3. Cameron Tucker x Mitchel Pritchett 
4. Nano Garcia x Rebeca (I know there never happened something and they talked only one time but my fantasy brain loved the thought about it soooo much I can’t get over it)
5. Lemon Breeland x Levon Hayes
6. Finnick Odair x Annie Cresta
My favorite storyline / moment:
1. In season 1 when Ian visits Mickey in jail. “Say that again and I rip your tongue out of your head” There were so many perfect Gallavich moments but that was the first one which catched me! 
2.  When Mark told Lexie about their future and that they were meant to bes while Lexie was dying. It was so fucking sad and unfair but so emotional.
3. Every quote from the  Phil's- Osophy
4. Carla and Samuels Macarrones Scene
5. When Wade and Zoe finally got together in the night George wanted to marry Lemon. The sexual tension was fucking incredible and Wade was so fucking hot.
6. When Clove died and screams Cato’s name and Cato came too late and only found her body and cried. (this scene ist only from the book). But I liked the story of Haymitch’s games, too. His alliance with Maysilee. The idea of him being a hot and smart young guy that couldn’t handle the memory of the games and the loss of his loved ones is so emotional and sad.
A storyline that never should have been written:
1. The break up of Ian and Mickey in season 5 only because of Ians mental health. Mickey tried so much to help Ian and Ian blamed Mickey without any reason. I was so furious.
2. Alex leaving Jo for Izzie and Izzie having kids from Alex sperm ???? This was a fucking joke. Yeah, hated the last Alex and Izzie break up and I would have loved seeing them stay together and grow as persons and lovers. I rooted so much for them. There was so much potential and I have to admit I prayed for her coming back and saving the relationship. Even years after her exit because of all the open questions but I never thought they would do something so bad like this. Him leaving Jo and all his life / friends [MEREDITH] only with a letter ? That has nothing to do with the Alex Karev he had become. It destroys his whole character development. I wanted Izzie back not Alex leave.
3. All scenes Jay disrespects Mitchell and Mitchells sexuality. Yeah you can mention this but sometimes it’s presented as funny and there are many stupid cliches. It’s sad even if it’s only a sitcom.
4. Carlas Dad causing Christians injuries so that he can’t talk about Polos fault. That was too sick.
5. Zoe's relationship with Joel. Not surprising. I kind of liked Joel but what the fuck? There was a love triangle with George why another one?
6. The way Katniss acted in Mockingjay. First of all she was a kid, why the fuck did she think she could make her own thing and kill snow without any plan? And it's written as if she is a war hero and not an abused kid. On the other side I hated how she treated Peeta and she is so self-pity, it's cruel.
Stole the questions from @gelalovesbuddie! Loved it!
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savvylittlecoxswain · 4 months
Okay now I need to pick your brain about what hockey position the boys play? Cause I think previously you said Bobby as goalie? Which I love but I've been thinking about the others too😂😂
Okokok so I’m definitely all over the place but I’ll give my vibes. I can totally see ANY of the boys as being either defense or offense, so please feel free to give your opinions.
Under the cut because I type too much :)
Bobby - Goaltender
small, loud-mouth goaltender, essentially the antithesis of your typical large and much more reserved goalie
always playing the puck even though Ulbrickson tells him not to and def leaves the crease a lot, but isn't totally reckless about it, like it's a calculated risk he takes
chirping at players all the time like I’m getting Marc-Andre Fleury vibes with a bit of Tuuka Rask’s attitude on special occasion, he’s always chirping at the players screening him in front of his crease and isn’t afraid to shove them when the linesman isn’t looking (def gets him in trouble with other team sometimes)
very flexible because of his small size and I can totally see him secretly having some figure skating experience (figure skating has many benefits to hockey players)
Don - Forward (Center)
probably plays Center on the top line because stroke is all about leading the crew at a certain pace like centers set up plays, Don would have the most assists but never takes any of the credit
pretty quiet on and off the ice but his locker is next to Bobby’s, mostly because no one else wants to sit next to the obnoxious goalie but also because he likes how there’s no pressure to speak a lot with Bobby
leads by example on the ice like the other boys will fall into formation behind him and follow his lead
might not be the best on the team but has some of the best, natural hockey instincts Ulbrickson has ever seen like he can see plays developing on the ice
Joe - Forward (Winger)
winger on the first line with Don and Shorty, locker is probably situated between Shorty and Stub
gets a bit rattled by chirping so having Don as a center kind of helps to mellow him out on the ice
doesn’t have a lot of the technique but had a lot of heart and passion, leaves everything out on the ice
gets a little ahead of himself sometimes, quick on his feet, always wants to jump ahead of the play which is where his teamwork is a little lacking (but is definitely getting better now that he’s with these boys)
Shorty - Forward (Winger)
Don’s other winger, very headstrong and has a lot of emotions in the game, perhaps one of the leading goal scorers
very sociable, loved to be the center of attention and is probably the player people simp over
sensitive, never quite sure what might set him off, shut him down, or make him lose his focus so he’s either hot or he’s cold and the other boys are there to help pull him out of it
Ulbrickson was probably worried he’d clash too much with Joe on the same line but instead they clicked really well, like they validate each other’s emotions when they’re pissed over a call or soemthing
Stub (Captain) - Defenseman
“tall and lanky, and he could reach all over the place” thus he’s easily a defenseman, but like a defensive defenseman who comes up big when they need him to show up offensively
has the most experience, like gives total veteran vibes so it’s fitting that the captain of the crew is the captain of the hockey team
kind of a calming presence, doesn’t get rattled and isn’t phased by anything even if one of the other boys is throwing a bit of a tantrum
refs love him because he’s always very civil when they’re talking about a penalty or something that just happened (I’ll find a video if anyone doesn’t quite get what I’m talking about, it’s a college hockey thing)
takes the new players under his wing (ha hockey pun), doesn’t want them to be treated like how he, Chuck, and Bobby were treated when they first joined
Johnny - Forward (Center)
book describes him as poster model for the all-American boy and “pretty boys are always forwards” says my bf so it must be true
lived and breathed rowing hockey thanks to his father who wanted more than anything for his son to become an oarsmen forward, every expectation his father sets Johnny meets (but I bet it weighs on him a little)
probably one of the top scorers on the team, gets a lot of power play minutes
ready to pull Chuck out of any trouble he might get into, and that’s straight out of the book so it totally fits if he’s on the same line as Chuck
Gordy - Defenseman
described as “Big, muscular, and very quiet” so defenseman just makes sense
once rowed the entire two miles of a race with his thumb cut to the bone played an entire game with a cut from a skate blade with needed stitches but didn't tell anyone
probably gets a lot of time on the penalty kill with Chuck and would definitely without a doubt lead the team in shots blocked
Chuck - Forward (Winger)
winger and team enforcer, which is hard because fighting isn’t technically allowed in college (if we’re talking college that is)
absolute chatterbox in the locker room and on the ice, probably the person people want mic’d up but might not be pg enough
If there’s a scuffle, it’s almost guaranteed to be Chuck in the middle of it, probably gets a lot of penalties tbh
the teams “spark plug,” the guy getting the boys revved up and firing on all cylinders both on and off the ice
Roger - Forward (Winger)
a fairly defensive forward, gets a lot of penalty kill minutes and I feel like he gets a lot of short-handed goals
maybe he played defense for his last team but Ulbrickson thought he’d be a great match for Chuck (and they were right)
where Shorty and Joe are great minds think alike, Roger and Chuck are like opposites attract, they balance each other out on their line and carry each other’s slack
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Stealing Kisses
(Actors from The Boys in the Boat)
Joe Rantz, Don Hume, Bobby Moch, George (Shorty) Hunt
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tbitb masterlist
A collection of kissing scenes. Might write something for Chuck Day later, we’ll see, anyway, got carried away with Don, I would die for Bobby
Enjoy this garbage!
Joe Rantz:
Joe is a gentleman. He plans it’s out, wanting to take you on a decent date beforehand to set the mood and feel out just how much you like him. He doesn’t have money or a nice apartment or cooking skills for that matter. What he does have is his strength and his smarts.
So he takes you for a boat ride one sunny afternoon. He brings his guitar, opting for a little less country than the banjo, and paddles you out to a secluded spot. Despite his protest, you brought a basket full of treats and you talk as you share them under the hot sun.
His blond curls become waves of amber grain in the sunlight. After a while you fall into a comfortable silence which gives him the opportunity to pull out his guitar. Now he’s been planning this date for a little while so he picked some new songs to memorize. Sweet and romantic but not too lovey dovey. Though he doesn’t hide the fact that he loves country music.
As he strums his guitar he catches you intently staring at him. You look at him with so much affection that it makes him blush and stutter and he forget the words to his song.
“You’re cute, Joe.”
It makes him laugh so much he has to stop playing entirely. You tease him, enjoying his laughter.
After he recovers you both decide to venture out onto land. Wild flowers grow along the banks in great colorful bunches. Joe begins collection some, blue and purple and white and yellow, and he begins to weave them together.
It’s a special trick he learned while he lived alone, cutting and clearing trees for a living. During his breaks he taught himself to do this. The braid the delicate flower stems into bracelets and rings and crowns.
Joe makes the finest crown his has ever managed. He carefully lays the creation on your head and tucks away any loose strands of hair. ‘You’re gorgeous’ he wants to say. If he was a little more gutsy he would.
His hands trail down to cradle your cheeks. He’s not gutsy enough to tell you you’re pretty but for some reason he has the gall to lean down and kiss you.
His lips are a little chapped from rowing practices, the heavy breathing dropping his jaw and the wind biting his lips. But they’re gentle and sweet. Joe soaks up the private moment and rests his forehead on yours. He wraps his arms around your waist and sways back and forth with you. He starts singing again and you dance together in the afternoon sun.
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Don Hume:
Let’s be honest here, you’re more likely to kiss him first. You simply make him too nervous to even find the coordination to plant his lips over yours.
After their first win, Don is dragged out to celebrate. Luckily his sweetheart of a few weeks now is already there. You’re happy to see Don out and about whether or not he likes it. Bobby flashes you a wink as he pushes Don into a chair next to you.
It’s too loud. You can’t hear a word the other says. In a blinding moment of courage, Don takes your hand and pulls you out of the hall. His calloused palm is sweaty. His fingers tremble between yours. You remember him first approaching you, Bobby pushing him forward and then abandoning him at your library table.
“Hey, you’re Don Hume right? From the rowing team, right?”
He nodded, swallowing hard.
“What can I do for you, Don?”
His tongue had gone dry. Where are his words? His mouth dropped open “I—” you smiled at him and it made everything worse.
“C’mon, Don!” You heard Bobby whisper shout, a collection of the rowing team has amassed behind a bookshelf, quietly cheering him on.
“Can-can I takeyouonadate?”
He panicked and cursed himself out, thinking he spoke too fast and you don’t catch what he said and now he’s going to have to ask all over again.
“I’d love to go on a date.” Your smile brightened and Don’s shoulders drooped in relief.
He still stutters asking you on dates now.
Don finds himself walking you across campus grounds and the pale light of the moon. “You did so good, Don, in your race.”
“Thanks.” He speaks so softly the whistle of the night breeze in the leaves is almost louder. He turns to you, catching your gaze first and then blushing and nervously glancing down at your lips.
He’s never kissed anyone before, but he thinks he wants to kiss you.
There’s a comfortable silence that fills the space between your faces. Don’s eyes keep flickering to your Cupid’s bow. To that perfect curve. He starts to say something but his words leave him again as he feels soft lips shutting his mouth.
His lips are rough, worn from the blustering winds. He smells faintly of sweat and the river water that sprays up from the churning oars.
Don can hardly think enough to kiss you back. He blinks, stunned and you lean in to kiss him again and again. He’s overwhelmed by the warmth of your lips and the velvet soft press of your tongue. His shaking hands clutch at your cheeks, trying to ensure that it doesn’t end.
“Don, baby—”
“Kiss me again, please.”
There’s a smile on your lips when you wrap your arms around him. “Only if you promise to dance with me.”
“Yes, yes, okay. Just…”
This time he kisses first.
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Bobby Moch:
Bobby is a confident man. He maybe shorter than your average guy but his boldness makes up for it. But I also think you’d kiss him first.
You’re waiting for him to finish up practice, your routine being to go on a long walk and let Bobby blow off some steam before studying together and then going home. Bobby emerges from the shell house, clearly bothered, but he can’t help his smile when he sees you waiting on a bench with two warm cups of tea in your hand.
“Good evening, lovely, should we go to the library or the bridge?”
You hand him a cup and take his free hand. “I think… the library would be nice.”
“Me too.”
He squeezes your hand. He starts his rant and angrily blabbers on until you’re at the steps of the library. Somehow, between all his complaining, he’s managed to chug his whole cup of tea.
The library is fairly empty at this hour. Most students having given up on studying for the day and retired to either their dorms or gone off to work. Bobby drops his bag onto a secluded sofa and the two of you sit down for a nice, quiet study date.
While Bobby reads over his textbook chapter, you notice things about him. The wrinkle that forms on his forehead when he's focused. The tilt of his eyebrows. How his lips purse. You notice the tiny blemishes on his cheeks; they were once little nicks or pimples that he picked. You keep stealing glances of him. Absolutely fascinated by the way lamplight reflects off his skin or the curve of his jaw or the bob of his Adam's apple when he swallows. He hadn't really bothered to straighten out his hair after his shower and it's dried wild, tickling his face.
Bobby catches your gaze and it's stunning, how light pools in his eyes. How his irises brighten. His gives you an adoring look and returns to pouring over his textbook.
Then there's his lips. They look so soft and they're so gently rounded they look hand carved. Occasionally he'll lick his lips and you get a flash of tongue and white teeth. At some point you decide to just go for it. You've been dreaming of kissing Bobby for some time now but he's been content to let you take things at your own pace.
You reach of his textbook, "Need something?" Bobby asks genuinely. His gaze is uncharacteristically kind. He's always yelling at the top of his lungs or bossing around or saying something snappy. That's just Bobby. So why does he look at you like this? Like he's watching the sun rise.
"Yes, actually." And then you deliver a kiss to his lips. Bobby is caught off guard and before he can really even kiss you back, you're pulling away. "Sorry--"
"Don't even think about it." Bobby quips, "Get back here." He cups the juncture of your jaw and throat to bring you in but you hide in his palm. "Finish what you started. C'mon. Don't you feel like trying it again? I'm ready."
When your lips touch again Bobby is gentle in making it last. He never presses too hard but be doesn't let you shy away again either. He kisses you until the taste of him has stained your tongue and the oxygen is gone from your lungs.
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George "Shorty" Hunt:
Sly dog, this one is.
George is highly tactical(he likes to think so) and because he’s so brilliant he hatched a perfect plan to get you to kiss him. He wants to see how bold you can be.
He makes three plans, two of which fail. They go like this. The first time he tries it, you’re walking him to practice. His jacket is slung over his shoulder and he’s telling you about his engineering class. “You know there’s this term we use called osculate which is where the curve of on surface meets the curve over another and they share a common tangent.” You raise a brow. Shorty licks his lips, “It’s also formal code for kissing.”
“Don’t even—” you swat at him and push him towards the shell house. “Go practice and share a tangent with Day!”
“Hey now,” Shorty pouts and disappears into the shell house, defeated. That was attempt 1. The second attempt hardly goes better.
It’s the night after their first win and Shorty is dancing with you. His nerdy pick up lines proved to be a failure so he goes for building some good old fashion romance. He’d gotten you flowers and taken you out for dinner before he brought you here where the music is so loud it blocks out everyone else around you.
Now you’re slow dancing, cheeks pressed together, hands laced with one another. The first thing you notice is that he smells good. You have no idea if he’s wearing cologne or if it’s the soap he uses to wash his clothes but he smells divine. The second thing is how soft his hands are despite the wear and tear of the pad. The third is that he didn’t put any product in his hair. You’ve always loved to play with the dark curls and fluff it up. But sometimes he styles his curls and the products make his hair stiff. But his curls are free today which tells you he’s been thinking about you and all the things you do.
“Watcha smilin’ about?” Shorty asks, his eyes light up as he smiles back. He hopes you’re thinking about it. He hopes you’re wanting to kiss him.
You plant your hands on his chest, “Nothing, you just make me happy.” It’s quite possibly quite possibly the nicest compliment he’s ever received. And then you rise up on your toes a place a kiss on his cheek. It’s not what he expected but he’s as pleased as ever.
The third and actually successful attempt is on the train before he leaves for Poughkeepsie. You’d arrived late and missed him boarding. You force your way to the train and look through the window. George sees you and throws the window open. “I was afraid you weren’t coming!” He shouts of the chatter. He’d actually been heartbroken.
“Had trouble getting here!”
“Can I…” you don’t catch what he says.
Shorty smiles and shakes his head. He turns and gestures for something. He opens the window as far as he can and you see Chuck and Johnny behind him. And then George is falling out of the window. First his shoulders and chest and then his hips and your almost scream but Chuck and Johnny are holding his thighs. He wedges one hand on the window sill to support himself and the other reaches for you.
He pulls you as close as he can and gives you a kiss goodbye. “I’ll come home with a gold medal!” Don’t you worry!” The people who notice give him a cheer and a laugh as he’s pulled back into the train. He blows you one last kiss and then the train starts rolling.
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Dear Reader,
Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this piece please be sure to check out my masterlist and if you want to request something you are more than welcome to. Have a nice day.
- the author
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dashesnellipses · 4 months
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The little village of Kopenick is located southeast of Berlin along a lake named the Langer See. Unknown to the athletes, the town already had a dark history. The Nazis had rounded up Jews and political opponents in the town in 1933, tortured them, killed many, and then dumped their bodies into the local waterways where the boys would row for the gold.
Credit: The Joe Rantz Family
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spaceaceathena · 3 years
nancy drew name meanings
so this is the work i’ve been doing over the past couple days, I want to give you guys a heads up that list will contain spoilers for some of the characters/games so please be aware of all of that. if this garners interest, i’ll do maybe the penvellyn family tree (that thing could not fit in here) or last name origins!
Main Cast
Nancy Drew: Grace (Hebrew)
Bess Marvin: god of plenty (English)
Georgia “George” Fayne: farmer (English)
Edward “Ned” Nickerson: wealth, fortune, prosperous OR guardian, protector (English)
Joe Hardy: god will increase (English)
Frank “Franklin” Hardy: free landowner (English)
Jacob “Jake” Rogers: supplanter (Hebrew)
Daryl Gray: open, from Airelle (English, French)
Connie Watson: strong willed, wise (Irish)
Hal Tanaka: army ruler (English)
Hector “Hulk” Sanchez: holding fast (Greek)
Mitch Dillon: Who is like God, gift from god (Hebrew)
Detective “Steve” Beech: crown, garland (Greek)
Mattie Jensen: lady, mistress of the house, might in battle (Aramaic or German)
Richard “Rick” Arlen: brave ruler (English)
Dwayne Powers: swarthy (Irish, Gaelic)
Lillian Weiss: lily, a flower (English)
Millie Strathorn: industrious (German)
William Pappas: resolute protector, strong willed warrior (German)
Ralph Guardino: counsel wolf, famous wolf (Norse, English)
Rose Green: rose, a flower (English)
Abby Sideris: father’s joy (Hebrew)
Charlie Murphy: free man (Charlie)
Louis Chandler: fame, warrior, famous in battle (French)
Hannah Gruen: favor, grace (Hebrew)
Emily Foxworth: rival, wily, persuasive (Latin, Greek)
Professor Beatrice Hotchkiss: she who makes happy, bringer of joy, blessings (Italian, French, Latin)
Dexter Egan: right handed, fortunate, one who dyes (Latin)
Lisa Ostrum: God’s promise (English, Hebrew)
Jacques Brunais: supplanter (French)
Brady Armstrong: spirited, broad (Irish)
Joseph Hughes: he will add (Hebrew)
Nicholas Falcone: victory of the people (Greek)
Simone Mueller: god has heard (Hebrew)
Maya Nguyen: good mother (Greek)
Eustacia Andropov: fruitful, productive (Greek)
Sherman Trout: shearer of woolen garments (English)
Joanna Riggs: god is gracious (Greek/Hebrew)
Alejandro Del Rio: defender of mankind (Spanish)
Taylor Sinclair: tailor (French)
Henrik Van Der Hune: ruler of the home, lord of the house (Swedish, Danish)
Franklin Rose: free landowner (English)
Poppy “Penelope” Dada: weaver (Greek)
Prudence Rutherford: prudence, good judgement (Latin)
Red Knott: person with red hair (English)
Jeff Akers: pledge of peace (English)
Emily Griffin: rival, persuasive, wily (Latin, Greek)
Sally McDonald: princess (Hebrew)
Vivian Whitmore: lively (Latin)
Mickey Malone: who is like god (Hebrew)
Lucy: as of light (English, French)
Iggy: fiery (Latin)
Vitus: lively (Latin)
Xander: defender of man (Greek)
Yogi: one who performs yoga (Indian, Hindu)
Harlan Bishop: army land (English)
Ingrid Corey: beloved, beautiful (Norse, German)
Elliot Chen: with strength and right, bravely and truly, boldly and rightly (English, Breton)
Joy Trent: joy, happiness (Latin)
Paula Santos: small (Latin)
K.J Perris: Petros-> the rock (Greek)
Tink Obermeier: love (English)
Jenna Deblin: white shadow, white wave (English, Welsh)
Katie Firestone: pure (English, Greek)
Andy Jason: manlike, brave (Greek)
Holt Scotto: woods, forest (English)
Casey Porterfield: vigilant, watchful (Irish, Gaelic)
Dr. Irina Predoviciu: peace (Greek)
Hilda Swenson: battle (Norse)
Dave Gregory: beloved (English)
Tex Britten: from Texas (American)
Mary Yazzie: bitter, beloved, rebelliousness, wished for child, marine, drop of the sea (Aramaic, Hebrew via Latin and Greek)
Shorty Thurmond: a short person (American)
Bet Rawley: god is my oath (Hebrew)
Ed Rawley: wealthy spear, protector, guard, frend (English)
Sheriff Hernandez: son of Hernando (Spanish)
Dirk Valentine: famous ruler (German)
France Humber: free one (French, English)
Meryl Humber: shining sea (English)
Linda Penvellyn: beautiful, pretty, cute OR clean (Spanish/Portugeuse, Italian)
Mrs. Leticia Drake: joy, gladness (Latin)
Jane Penvellyn: god is gracious/merciful (English)
Nigel Mookerjee: champion (Irish, Gaelic)
Ethel Bossiny: noble (English)
Hugh Penvellyn: mind, spirit (English)
Mrs. Petrov: petros-> rock (Greek to Russian)
Emily Crandall: rival, wily, persuasive (Latin, Greek)
Jane Willoughby: god is gracious/merciful (English)
Richard Topham: strong in rule (English, French, German, Czech)
Jim Archer: supplanter (English)
Carson Drew: son of marsh dwellers (Scandinavian)
Gloria Crandall: glory, fame, renown, praise, honor (Latin)
Marion Aborn: star of the sea (French)
Mrs Farthingham: a house supplying food (Scottish)
Josiah Crowley: god has healed (Hebrew)
Lori Girard: bay laurel (English)
Tino Balducci: little, junior (Italian)
Charleena Purcell: free man (German)
John Gray: graced by god (Hebrew)
Jake Hurley: supplanter (Hebrew)
Camille Hurley: helper to the priest (French)
Fatima: captivating, shining one (Arabic)
Minette: star of the sea, love, will helmet, protection (French)
Heather McKay: evergreen flowering plant (Middle English)
Jing Jing Ling: perfect essence (Chinese)
Dieter von Schwesterkrank: army of the people (German)
Jean-Michel Traquenard: god remits (Hebrew)
Lynn Manrique: pond, lake, pool, waterfall (Welsh)
Hugo Butterly: mind (German)
Zu: knowledgeable and voracious reader (French)
Tammy Barnes (Minette): palm tree (Hebrew)
Noisette Tornade: hazelnut (French)
the n*zi will not be appearing on this list
Pua Mapu: flower (Hawaiian)
Big Island Mike Mapu: who is like god, gift from god (Hebrew)
Dr. Quigley Kim: descendant of Coigleach or maybe messy hair (Irish)
Dr. Malachi Craven: messenger of god (Hebrew)
Ollie Randall: olive tree (Latin)
Yanni Volkstaia: god is gracious (Greek)
Bill Kessler: resolute protection (English)
Lou Talbot: renowned warrior (French)
Guadalupe Comillo: river of the wolf (Spanish)
Chantal Moique: stone (French)
Elsa Sibblehoth: pledged to god (German)
Freddie Randall: elf, magical counsel, peaceful ruler (English, German)
Isis: throne (Egyptian)
Henry Bolet Jr.: house ruler (French)
Dr. Gilbert Buford: bright pledge/promise (French)
Lamont Warrick: the mountain (French)
Renee Amande: reborn, born again (French)
Summer: season, half-year (German)
Bruno Bolet: brown (German)
Bernie: strong and brave bear (German, French)
Iggy: fiery (Latin)
Colin Baxter: whelp, cub, young creature (Irish, Scottish, Gaelic)
Margherita Faubourg: daisy (Italian)
Helena Berg: light/bright (Greek)
Enrico Tazza: homeowner, king (Italian)
Antonio Fango: priceless one (Spanish, Italian)
Sophia Leporace: wisdom (Greek)
Kyler Mallory: bowman, archer (Dutch)
Matt Simmons: gift of god (Hebrew)
Kit Foley: bearing Christ (Greek)
Donal Delany: world leader (Scottish)
Alan Payne: precious (German)
Fiona Malloy: white, fair (Gaelic)
RAN - Her Interactive refuses to acknowledge this game and so will I.
Corine Myers: maiden (American)
Danielle Hayes: god is my judge (Latin)
Mel Corbalis: council protector (English)
Megan Vargas: pearl (Greek)
Izzy Romero: god’s promise (Hebrew)
Leela Yadav: play OR night beauty (Sanskrit or Arabic)
Rachel Hubbard: ewe, one with purity (Hebrew)
Kim Hubbard: of the clearing of the royal fortress (Old English)
Rebecca Sawyer (Nancy): join, tie, snare (Hebrew)
Rita Hallowell: pearl (Spanish)
Scott Varnell: from Scotland, a Scotsman (old English)
Debbie Kircum: bee (Hebrew)
Tobias “Frosty” Harlow: god is good (Hebrew)
Chase Releford: to hunt (French)
Shimizu Yumi: reason/cause, beauty; abundant, beauty; evening, fruit; tenderness, beauty (Japanese)
Shimizu Miwako: child of beautiful harmony (Japanese)
Shimizu Kasumi: mist, clear, pure (Japanese)
Nagai Takae: filial piety, obedience and large river (Japanese)
Aihara Rentaro: dependant on kanji used (Japanese)
Savannah Woodham: treeless plain (Spanish)
Karl Weschler: free man, strong man, man, manly (German)
Anja Mittelmeier: grace (German, Russian)
Lukas Mittelmeier: man from Lucanus (German, Greek, Swedish)
Renate Stoller: Reborn (Latin)
Markus Boehm: dedicated to Mars (Latin)
Chief McGinnis: son of Angus (Irish)
Deirdre Shannon: broken hearted, sorrowful (Irish, Gaelic)
Brenda Carlton: sword (Norse)
Alexei Markovic: defender (Russian)
Antonia “Toni” Scallari: priceless, praiseworthy, beautiful (Roman)
Abdullah Bakhoum: servant of Allah (Arabic)
Lily Crewe: lily, a flower
Jamila El-Dine: beauty (Arabic)
Dylan Carter: son of the sea, son of the wave, born from the ocean (Welsh)
Jon Boyle: God is gracious, gift of Jehovah (Hebrew)
Victor Lossett: winner, conqueror (Latin)
Ryan Kilpatrick: descendant of the king, little king (Irish, Gaelic)
Mason Quinto: one who works with stone (English)
Ellie York: shining light (Greek)
Gray Cortright: color, black mixed with white (English)
Niko Jovic: people of victory (Greek, English, Slavic)
Jessalyn Thornton: he sees (Hebrew)
Clara Thornton: clear, bright, famous (Latin)
Wade Thornton: to go, ford (Anglo-Saxon English)
Harper Thornton: harp, son of the harper (Scottish, Irish, English)
Colton Birchfield: swarthy person, coal town, settlement (Old English)
Charlotte Thornton: free man, petite (French)
Addison Hammond: son of Adam, son of Addi (Old English, Scottish)
Alec Fell: defender of the people (English)
Bridget Shaw: power, strength, virtue, vigor, noble or exalted one (Gaelic, Irish)
Ewan Macleod: born of the mountain (Scottish, Gaelic)
Moira Chisholm: destiny, share, fate (English)
Kate Drew: pure (English)
Samantha Quick: listens well, as told by god (Aramaic, Hebrew)
Sonny Joon: son (English)
Patrick Dowsett: nobleman, patrician (Latin)
Leena Patel: young palm tree, tender, delicate (Qunaric Arabic)
Kiri Nind: skin, bark, rind (Māori)
Jin Seung: rise, ascent, victory, excel, inherit (Sino-Korean)
Xenia Doukas: foreigner, outlander, welcomed guest, hospitality (Greek)
Niobe Papadaki: fern (Greek)
Thanos Ganas: immortal (Greek)
Grigor Karakinos: vigilant (Greek)
Melina Rosi: honey, god’s gift (Greek)
Soren Bergursson: severe (Scandinavian) 
Dagny Silva: new day (Old Norse)
Elisabet Grimursdottir: pledged to god (Hebrew)
Magnus Kiljansson: great (Latin)
Gunnar Tonnisson: fighter, soldier, attacker, brave and bold warrior (Nordic)
Burt Eddleton: bright, glorious (Old English)
Alex Trang: man’s defender, warrior (Greek)
Mei Parry: beautiful (Chinese)
Teegan Parry: special thing, little poet (Cornish, Gaelic)
Olivia Ravencraft: olive, olive tree (Latin)
Judge Danforth: hidden ford (Old English) [Last name]
Lauren Corey: laurel tree, sweet of honor, wisdom (English, french)
Alicia Cole: noble natured (Germanic)
Jason Danforth: healer (Greek)
34 notes · View notes
blackjack-15 · 4 years
Hunting For Some Buried Story — Thoughts on: Ransom of the Seven Ships (RAN)
Hello and welcome to a Nancy Drew meta series! 30 metas, 30 Nancy Drew Games that I’m comfortable with doing meta about. Hot takes, cold takes, and just Takes will abound, but one thing’s for sure: they’ll all be longer than I mean them to be.
Each meta will have different distinct sections: an Introduction, an exploration of the Title, an explanation of the Mystery, a run-through of the Suspects. Then, I’ll tackle some of my favorite and least favorite things about the game, and finish it off with ideas on how to improve it. Like with all of the Odd Games, there will be a section between The Intro and The Title called The Weird Stuff, where I go into what makes this game stand out as a little strange.
If any game requires an extra section or two, they’ll be listed in the paragraph above, along with links to previous metas.
These metas are not spoiler free, though I’ll list any games/media that they might spoil here: RAN; STFD; mention of FIN; GTH; mention of SPY.
The Intro:
We’re two-thirds of the way through the meta series officially (yay for meta #20!), and what a way to cap off that marker: with the last of the Odd Games.
And my land, how Odd it is. And that’s ignoring that in August of 2020, this game was very quietly discontinued — speculated to be because of the…well, pseudo-brownface in the game.
Oh yeah, we’re starting with that little bomb.
Before we truly begin, however, let me state one fact: the controversies over this game do not make it any more interesting, unfortunately. I don’t know how a game can be both this objectively bad and this objectively boring as a mystery, but RAN is an example of many, many impossible feats in the video game industry (boring yet bad, controversial yet uninteresting, finicky yet sluggish in controls, so it might as well begin as it means to go on.
I’m also stating here for the record that I’m not really going to focus on the social aspect of this game; it’s always been out of the scope of these metas to focus on current events or social issues, and race is such a hot button issue that no matter what anyone says, someone gets mad. Besides that, it’s really not an interesting tack to take with this meta, not when there’s so many things to talk about regarding RAN as a game and/or as a mystery. If you came into this meta expecting a breakdown as it relates to any social issues, this might not be the meta for you.
If you came for a beat-down on RAN, however, you’re in the right place. Get comfy.
Ransom of the Seven Ships had all the pieces in place to make it a great game; we’ve got Bess and George in the (weird, plasticky) flesh, a fascinating and beautiful location, a historical background based in Spanish exploration, the Age of Piracy, and treasure hunting…all of these are great, honestly, and it’s part of what makes RAN so offensively bad — it could have been really great.
Instead of a wonderful game based around pirate treasure, however, Nancy plays games with monkeys, drives on the world’s slowest golf cart, and trusts the only other person on the entire freaking island when he says he didn’t kidnap her friend. Even though he is the ONLY OTHER PERSON ON THE FREAKING ISLAND.
This game is based off of a Nancy Drew mystery entitled “The Broken Anchor”, which actually is fairly close to the plot of the game — the girls win a contest (though in this case it’s one they didn’t even enter) to go to the Bahamas, Nancy arrives (with Carson) and can’t contact Bess or George, there’s a mysterious treasure, etc. etc. In part, I think, RAN’s problems come from following the book too closely, as there’s really very little to the plot of the book. Game plots necessarily have to have a little more meat to them, as you can’t spend the whole time with Nancy pontificating on the scenery or food (as she is wont to do), and RAN is missing a lot of meat.
Specifically, the meat that it’s missing is any suspects at all. Like I said, there’s only one other person (other than Nancy, Bess, and George) on the island, and it’s ‘Johnny Rolle’ — a self-professed fisherman and loner who’s boat has been wrecked by the monkeys.
There are way too many effing monkeys in this game, side note. How I wish the monkeys were a side note.
Nancy, despite her normal M.O when a kidnapping of a friend has taken place, just kinda rolls with his story and accepts it, digging pointless holes in the sand while he definitely has Bess trapped. And then there’s the weirdness with the monkeys trying to kill her as she scales a sheer cliff wall.
Honestly, if I go any more into it, I’m just going to end up tearing it apart piece by piece, and that’s for the Fix section. So let’s move on to the specific things that make this game truly the capstone of the Odd Games.
The Weird Stuff:
This game is, first and foremost, a story about personal revenge — or, at least, that’s the big takeaway, no matter what HER actually intended for it to be about. After being busted by Nancy (and Lillian, and Ralph, but he apparently doesn’t care about them), Dwayne sat in prison stewing over his ignominious defeat at the hands of a teenaged sleuth until he heard about the supposed treasure on Dread Isle. His greed for the treasure combined with his hatred of Nancy began to fester together, culminating in a slightly complex but ultimately stupid plan to get both money and revenge.
This is a motivation unlike any we’ve encountered. Sure, a handful of Nancy Drew villains have sworn their revenge on Nancy (most notably at this point in the series Helena from VEN), but no one has actually done it — until Dwayne.
This should have made the whole game feel intensely personal — and indeed, bringing back tokens and things from Nancy’s past cases and locations should have built to that. However, the game never really comes to a fever pitch of a feeling of someone is watching Nancy and actively hates her, even though it makes a few attempts. More than any other game, Nancy should have been scared here — and it’s odd that she isn’t.
The second odd thing here is the returning villain. I don’t think this is a bad thing at all — I love the idea of a returning villain — but I do think it was a mistake to pick Dwayne Powers. At this point in the series, STFD was hardly a well-known game, and was generally unplayable due to technological advances.
Yes, later STFD would get a bit of a sprucing up and become playable again (and this game, funnily enough, would be relegated to the ‘unplayable’ pile — Dwayne never can win, I guess), but that didn’t matter at the time that RAN was coming out.
There were several better choices — VEN’s Helena, SHA’s Shorty, DOG’s Emily (who had already received a mention recently in DAN) — so why go with Dwayne? Did they pick him on purpose because no one would suspect (or rather, remember) him? Was he the most obscure villain they could think of? Mitch Dillon (who never appeared really) from SCK would have been an equally obscure but somehow more frightening choice. I’m really at a loss to figure out why they chose Dwayne, of all people.
The third thing that makes this game odd is the lack of suspects. Sure, they give a hat-tip to the Gibsons perhaps being hidden on the island (which, let’s just say, they shouldn’t have — never use as a red herring something that would have made the game so much better), but Dwayne/Johnny really is the only suspect.
I have no idea if they were rushed, if they thought that his different identities counted as extra suspects, or if they just wanted to try something different with this game, but it in no way worked. It’s so mind-bogglingly simple to figure out who kidnapped Bess that it makes Nancy look like she’s quite a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
The last Odd thing that I’ll hang on is how incredibly out-of-character Nancy is in this game. We’ve only seen Nancy work kidnapping (or supposed kidnapping) cases a few times in the series as a whole — FIN’s Maya, RAN’s Bess, and GTH’s Jessalyn — but in both FIN and GTH Nancy takes them very seriously, being harsher and more impatient with less time for people’s lies and stories than she usually is, and really feeling the pressure of the clock.
It makes sense; even discounting the Missing Mom trauma that sits deep within Nancy, the first 48 hours of a kidnapping are basically the only window that she has, statistically speaking, to find the victim still alive and okay. She nearly flies off the handle at the suspects in FIN, and digs uncomfortably deep even at very touchy subjects in GTH.
It then stands to reason that, with FIN in the past and GTH in the future, that Nancy would react similarly in this case. Bess is one of Nancy’s best friends, and the friend that we’re shown most often (think of the flashback in SPY; Bess is the one who comes over after Kate and Carson’s fight) around Nancy, like in CRY.
You’d think that, in the face of Bess’ unambiguous kidnapping, that Nancy would be raising hell — contacting anyone she could, taking no prisoners, ripping Dwayne’s tarp down, turning the island upside down, etc. — but instead, she’s calm, almost relaxed, spending time playing games with monkeys and driving aimlessly around the island.
It honestly makes no sense that she’s like this. This is one of a small handful of games where Nancy is deeply, personally invested, where she has a quick running clock, and where the stakes are deadly yet somewhat unknown.
Nancy comes into this with no background, no contacts, no ability to really look things up, and no help — George’s meager efforts do not count — and yet she acts like there are really no stakes. It doesn’t make me dislike her, it doesn’t make me fold that into her characterization — it just makes me say “wow, the writing is really bad here, huh”.
The Title:
Ransom of the Seven Ships is an amazing title; there’s really no getting around this fact. And for the bare bones of the game, it’s more than a suitable title. You’ve got the word ‘ransom’ doing double duty — meaning both treasure and the price to return someone who’s been kidnapped — you’ve got the ships indicating pirate treasure, and that also tells us we’re probably on an island.
Honestly, this is a far better title than this game really deserved (which is half the reason for this meta: turning the game into something that deserves its title). It’s certainly far better than “The Broken Anchor”, its source material, while keeping a pirate-y nature about it. While it’s a little different than most Nancy Drew games’ titles have been up to this point — as they’re usually “The (Adjective) Noun of Location” or “The Adjective Noun”, that’s not a bad thing at all.
This title really does make me sad with how wonderful it is. It deserved so much better. Same with Ship of Shadows, which is also boss.
The Mystery:
Having won an all-expense paid vacation to Dread Isle in the Bahamas (which should have been their first clue that something hinky was afoot), Bess invites Nancy and George along with her. Nancy arrives the day after the cousins, having stayed for a later flight because of a prior engagement with Carson, and is greeted by a frantic George who tells her that Bess has been kidnapped, that the owners of the resort – the Gibsons — aren’t there, and that she’s been worried sick.
  Nancy, naturally, senses something Amiss, and sets off to explore the islands, beginning from the pink sand beach where Bess’ water powered golf cart (yes, I know) is still sitting. She discovers Bess’ shoe next to the only other person on the island — a fisherman named Johnny Rolle from Jamaica — and sets off to explore the rest of the island.
Along the way she finds notes from Bess’ kidnappers, instructions on digging for treasure, twisting island paths, and monkeys. So many friggin monkeys. All of whom Nancy must appease in order to progress in her hunt for one of her oldest friends.
As a mystery…well, what is there really to say about the mystery? It should have been over the second Nancy found Bess’ shoe right outside Dwayne’s camp where a Suspicious Tarp Just Big Enough To Hide the Body of a Young Adult was hanging. An intelligent way to draw it out would be to have Nancy discover Bess there, but for Dwayne to pull a fast one on her and trap her below…but this isn’t the fix section, so let’s just move on past that.
If you weren’t going to add in any new characters or suspects, it might be best to have this game flip from a whodunnit to a howdunnit/howcatchem after the first third; as it is (aka since I’m going to add far more characters in The Fix section), we’ll move right along to the suspect in question himself.
The Suspects:
Yes, I know that this part should just be “The Suspect”.
Believe me, I know.
Wearing a whole cornucopia of masks, Johnny Rolle — aka John E. Poole — is an Australian accountant, hiding from ‘bad clients’ by painting himself brown and adopting a horrible (and horribly stereotypical) Jamaican accent. Nancy discovers his ‘true’ identity by finding an ID with his name on it while he’s still in the ‘Johnny’ disguise. Of course, this ‘true identity’ isn’t his true identity as all…
Dwayne Powers —aka Owen W. Spayder — is sitting underneath the bad wig, bandana, brownface, and horrible accents, and is voiced in this go-around by HER’s chameleon of many voices, good ol’ JVS. After hearing about Dread Isle’s rumors of treasure and their monkey research lab shutting down from a volunteer at his prison (yes, we’re already way too complicated for this game), Dwayne started planning to get the treasure and get revenge on Nancy at the same time.
As the culprit…man is Dwayne horrible. He’s so stupid that it really kills me that Nancy actually falls for his act, because it makes her even stupider. It’s not a good plan, it’s not well thought out, it’s not even a complete plan — it relies on too many unknowables. What if Nancy and George had just stormed his camp and found Bess? What if Nancy figured out it was him? Like, I know Dwayne is an egotist, but this is just dumb.
Before I eviscerate any more, let’s just move on to the few good things in this game.
The Favorite:
The best thing about RAN (other than its music, which as always is super good) is honestly its location. Dread Isle is beautifully and uniquely rendered, and doesn’t look like any other game with the pink-sand beaches, beautiful horizon line, and foliage all befitting a Bahamian resort.
I also like the idea of a returning culprit; while it wasn’t handled well here, I do think it’s a great idea as quite a few culprits have promised revenge on Nancy at the end of their games. Do I think it would have been better if it was Helena, who promised revenge only 2 games ago, rather than going back 18 games to a game that most hadn’t played due to lack of availability? Of course; but the idea behind it was sound.
I don’t have a favorite puzzle or favorite moment; even Dwayne’s dramatic reveal is ruined by the fact that Nancy is at all surprised that he was wearing a disguise and, once again, that the only other person on the island was responsible for kidnapping her friend.
The Un-Favorite:
As far as this section goes…there’s a lot that I don’t like, but there are a few things that stand out more than the rest as truly un-favorite.
My least favorite thing about this game, as you might be able to guess, is that it makes Nancy seem so stupid. We’ve had 19 games of Nancy (mostly; this meta series does go over the exceptions) figuring out clues, chasing bad guys, and solving puzzles without breaking a sweat, and then for this game she’s fooled by some makeup, a wig, and a bad accent? At least in STFD Dwayne put some effort into his work; this is just sad, and it’s even sadder that Nancy falls for it.
My least favorite moment in the game is probably the first conversation with ‘Johnny’. Nancy finds Bess’ shoe, gets strung up in a trap, and then believes that the guy sitting a few feet away is innocent and telling the truth? It’s a moment that truly sets up what a crap shoot this game is about to become, and that alone is enough to make it my least favorite.
My least favorite puzzle is anything to do with the monkeys; playing games with them, scaling the cliff, talking to them, talking about them — literally anything. I don’t like monkeys on a good day, but to have so many puzzles in the game revolve around playing their stupid little games with them? Not a good thing at all. Especially since getting around the island (and, of course, the monkeys live quite far away from anything else on the island) is so aggravatingly slow and clunky — it makes everything feel like a total slog.
The Fix:
So how would I fix Ransom of the Seven Ships?
My gosh, just remake the game.
More seriously, there are quite a few things that I would do in order to make playing through RAN a little more enjoyable and a lot more story-driven (and in line with Nancy and George’s characters). As always, I’m trying to keep this as close to the actual game as possible with few or no huge changes, so Dwayne will still be our culprit, Bess will still have won his giveaway, and Dread Isle will still be the spot of El Toro’s treasure.
The first thing I would do is get rid of Dwayne’s brownface/first disguise, and have him be the Australian accountant named John E. Poole, running from Bad News clients who he didn’t allow to cheat come tax day. That sets him up as a good guy to begin with (if a little foolish to cross such powerful clients), and gives a reason why he’s not staying at the resort (he’s trying to hide and not leave a paper/money trail at the same time). He should be staying in a little homemade hut, not with a Suspicious Tarp Obviously Hiding Bess, as he would have had to been on the island for a while to perfect his disguise (and seem trustworthy to the people at the resort).
I would also have the game take place on Nancy’s 19th birthday; if we assume she was barely 18 at the time of STFD, that makes it about a year that he would have been plotting and escaping and setting up this contest and such. It also makes sense as to why Nancy would have a banquet-thing with Carson and why Bess invited her and George — it’s a fabulous birthday party trip, even for the well-off Nancy Drew. That would also add to her anger — this was a great present that Bess (and George) gave her, and Dwayne has just straight-up ruined it.
Another change that would help the atmosphere is to have at least half the game take place at night. I would have the game take place over roughly two days — it ends the night of the second day — so that you can see the island at night. A lot of the demands made by ‘the kidnappers’ should be done at night — treasure digging, in particular — so as to not be more disruptive to the island than a missing persons case would already be.
Of course, one of the biggest things to do would be to add more suspects.
The Gibsons — both of them — should definitely be there at the resort. I’d have one half of the couple be in the resort during the day, and the other at night, so Nancy can interact with them both differently and have different tasks/discussions with them. Perhaps Mrs. Gibson is an expert on the island’s ‘lore’ — El Toro’s treasure and stuff — while Mr. Gibson is more up on island life and is the law enforcement liaison for the island (who can effectively deputize Nancy to help with the search for Bess).
I would also add one other guest who was supposed to check out right before the first note from the kidnappers came in, and is now stuck on the island until the case is solved. What I’d probably do is make them a Secret Australian (to contrast with Dwayne’s fake Australian accent) — sporting an English accent due to a posh upbringing and studying in England for most of their school life, living in England somewhere (maybe near Blackmoor Manor for a cool Easter egg) — who is Very Grumpy about this and thinks Bess ran off to explore and just got lost. I’d probably make them unhelpful to the last — even when Bess is found and had definitely been kidnapped, to just shrug it off and to board the plane to get home as quickly as possible.
The last person I’d add in is someone working the desk — specifically, an older teenager who is very cagey about themselves and how they know what they know, but who seems to know a lot more than they let on. This person would, of course, end up being a member of ATAC, and once Nancy figures it out, would be able to connect you with help from the Hardy Boys. This ATAC member would be scoping out the Gibsons for evidence of getting guests under false pretenses, but would ultimately change their suspicions to Dwayne and help Nancy and George catch him. Through this ATAC teen, the Hardy Boys could use outside information to give Nancy information about monkeys, the island, treasure, El Toro, and anything else that she encounters, as well as spread their feelers out about the Gibsons, the other guest, and John E. Poole.
I would of course want to improve the tone, which would be helped by having more people on the island — Nancy should feel scared that Bess disappeared with this many people around, and it should feel personal. As the game goes on, even with the added help, the walls should feel like they’re closing in. I would include way more second chances, traps, threatening notes, maybe even recordings of Bess screaming or scared or in pain — something that might push the rating to E+ because, quite frankly, the situation calls for it.
Mechanically, I would put way less focus on the monkeys; they really shouldn’t control everything on the island. Keeping them for a minigame and location is cool, but they definitely shouldn’t have their place of prominence in the game.
I would also remove the fact that you can control George. Out of all the games where I think controlling people other than Nancy would be great, this is not one of them. As worried as Nancy should be, this is George’s cousin — practically her sister, from how close their families are and how much time they spend together — and George would probably be in a State. Sure, she can help with some of the tech stuff, but the player definitely shouldn’t be playing as her in this game. It just feels forced, and it’s not necessary.
Would these changes make RAN a fantastic, award-winning game? No, honestly, they wouldn’t. In order to do that, you’d probably have to scrap the game entirely and start over with even barer bones. But I do think it would help to make it at least better and more playable, and I think that’s a win. Let RAN be remembered for its returning villain and its kidnapping plot, not for being the game that everyone skips during a replay of the series.
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