#German tennis players
conandaily2022 · 9 months
Alexander Zverev biography: 13 things about Russian tennis player born in Hamburg, Germany
Alexander Zverev is a Russian-German professional tennis player who lives in Monte Carlo, Monaco. Here are 13 more things about him: View this post on Instagram A post shared by Alexander Zverev (@alexzverev123) He was born and raised in Hamburg, Germany His Russian parents Alexander Mikhailovich Zverev Sr. and Irina Zvereva both competed as professional tennis players for the Soviet…
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writerfae · 4 months
Books read in January <3
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Wie Wellen im Sturm by Alicia Zett
Die Zukunft ist Nicht-binär by Lydia Meyer
Queer - Eine Deutsche Geschichte vom Kaiserreich bis heute by Benno Gammerl
Der schöne Deutsche - Das Leben des Gottfried Cramm by Jens Nordalm
One of my plans of this year is to read more, so I decided to start this little series where I post a picture of the new book(s) I read each month.
People probably won’t be interested in seeing this all too much, but I still hope it will motivate me to show you my progress, even if it probably won’t be much.
Despite what one might believe, working at the library wasn’t exactly beneficial for my motivation to read in the last three years.
But since I’m through with the apprenticeship and have at least a tiny bit more free time, I hope to make a change this year and pick up one of my oldest and dearest hobbies again.
This month was month of finishing books I started in November/December 2023 that I didn’t have the time to finish. They were all really nice reads.
P.S: I won’t write book reviews or anything, but if there’s ever a title/cover catching your interest I can tell you more about the book!
P.P.S: Expect a lot of German books and books lend from the library in this series, haha.
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bluespring864 · 2 months
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Yannick Hanfmann, R1 Munich 2024
"Oh I just realised it's getting dark" - tennis player tunnel vision is something to behold
(it was getting very dark... a few minutes longer and they would have had to interrupt the match!)
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kdsburneraccount · 4 months
i saw that the dallas open twitter account posted something abt if the mavs need a couple extra players and i was like "unironically yeah they probably do"
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sonny-shine · 8 months
Struff’s a bvb supporter so I wouldn’t mind him winning against Casper that much 🤣
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sebscore · 1 year
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pairings: lewis hamilton x fem!reader / sebastian vettel x fem!reader (with a lovely cameo from Markus Webber) 
warnings: swearing. implied infidelity. 
time stamp: june 21, 2021
author's note: this is an INTRODUCTORY chapter so certain things won't make sense now, but they will make sense later, luvies !! anyway- im so excited about this revamp and i hope old gentle hit readers will like it as well <3 
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''I don't know what you're doing out here, there aren't any courts around.'' 
Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me. 
Y/N glanced up from her phone, being met with the smiling face of Sebastian- a sight she had been able to ignore the ongoing weekend. 
''The courts don't need me today.'' Her words came out more passive aggressive than she had meant to, but the German driver's sudden appearance caught her off guard. ''Don't you think I should be asking you what you're doing here? I'm afraid you're in the wrong garage.'' She plastered a fake smile on her face, something Sebastian noticed in an instant. 
''Yeah, I, uh, wanted to talk to Lewis.'' He explained, leaning his arm on the wall. 
The Frenchwoman looked to where her partner was standing, deep in conversation with Bono and Angela. ''He's a little busy right now.'' 
''It seems so,'' he didn't glance over Lewis, his eyes staying on her, ''it's been a while since I've seen you.'' Sebastian stated, resting his head against his arm. 
Y/N nodded. ''Yeah, that's true. My schedule hasn't been working out too well with all the races this year.'' Her tennis tournaments and Lewis' races had been coinciding rather too much in her opinion. She felt guilty that she couldn't be there to support her boyfriend as much as he had been there for her. 
''That's too bad, but you've been doing really well this year.'' He told her, unconsciously admitting that he had been keeping tabs on her season. 
The tennis player raised her eyebrow, a little surprised at the unexpected compliment. ''Well, I appreciate that,'' she thanked him, ''although, I hope you're not stalking me.'' Despite the sarcastic tone in her voice, there was a truth to her words. 
''I've always been a fan, you know that.'' The Aston Martin driver retorted. 
Y/N let out a sigh. ''You're not here to see Lewis, are you, Sebastian?'' He got goosebumps as his name left her lips, lots of time had passed since the last time that happened. 
''The word was going around that you were here, wanted to see it with my own eyes.'' Sebastian revealed his real reason for his appearance at the Mercedes garage. 
The woman in front of him had an unimpressed look on her face. ''That's the kinda gossip everyone discusses here? It really gets more boring with each year that goes by.'' If her attendance was the biggest topic of the day, she didn't have very high hopes for the other ''gossips'' that went around the paddock. 
''I mean- you've always been the talk of the town here, haven't you?'' The comment made her cringe, a hard time controlling her facial expressions. ''And normally you make these grand entrances so people weren't too sure whether you were actually here or not.'' 
''I'm here for Lewis.'' Y/N stated, a bigger meaning behind her words than seemed on the surface. 
Sebastian let out a weird mix between a scoff and a chuckle, momentarily glimpsing at the ground. ''I don't doubt that you're here for Lewis, Y/N.'' 
He lied, he did doubt it. Many events had transpired between the pair for him to doubt her intentions and support for his longtime rival and eventually turned friend. Or in other words, Sebastian was convinced he had every right to raise his suspicions over Y/N and Lewis' relationship. 
''Can we not do this now?'' She didn't have the energy or interest to engage in a conversation with Sebastian about the obvious elephant in the room. 
The German had an answer ready, but was interrupted by a curious Brit approaching them. ''Hey, Seb! How are you, man?'' Lewis greeted him, holding out his fist. 
Sebastian quickly dropped the agitated expression on his face, wearing a soft smile instead. ''I'm good, and you?'' 
''Yeah, I'm good- feeling ready for today.'' Lewis was blissfully unaware of the tension in the air, happily grinning while putting an arm around his girlfriend's waist. ''Good conditions, I think it's going to be a nice race.'' 
''I think so too, looked really good out there.'' The younger man confirmed his words, glancing in-between the couple. 
Lewis nodded to what he was saying. ''Where are you starting again?'' The Mercedes driver asked, forgetting where his friend had ended up in qualifying. 
''Oh, P12.'' Sebastian quickly answered. 
''Well, I know you're gonna do great, man.'' Lewis had felt bad for the man, going from a top team to one that could barely make it into Q2. However, he knew Seb and that he would extract everything he could from his car. 
An appreciative smile appeared on the driver's face. ''Thank you, Lewis.'' 
''So, uh, what were you guys talking about?'' 
How his ''friend'' is here to see me and not you. 
A small panic flashed through Sebastian's eyes as he looked at Y/N who seemed more calm about her boyfriend's curiosity. ''Apparently, my attendance today has been the talk of the paddock so far.'' She chuckled, her eyes on Lewis. 
The 7x World Champion giggled at her answer, squeezing her hip. ''Really? That sounds like my girl.'' 
Sebastian observed the way they were wrapped up in each other, an ugly feeling resting in his stomach. He hated how natural it looked for them, how easy it was for them to show affection. Above all, Sebastian secretly despised the way she had her eyes set on her partner. She looked enthralled by Lewis as if he was the only person in the world at that moment. 
He despised it, because that is how the woman's eyes used to stare at him.  
The best word to describe Sebastian and Y/N's history was complicated, and even that term didn't do their relationship justice. 
They first met in 2008 at the Italian Grand Prix where Sebastian took his first ever Formula 1 race win. She had been invited by his French teammate to the Toro Rosso garage, ultimately bumping into the 21 year-old German. 
It didn't take them too long to become close friends; they share a birth year, both are incredibly passionate about their sport and the two of them have a special talent in pushing other people's buttons in a charming way. 
It almost seemed like a cheesy rom com where the two protagonists meet and despite their different careers, they fall in love and live happily ever after. 
However, there is a huge emphasis on the word 'almost', because in a traditional rom com the male protagonist doesn't have a long term girlfriend who he swore he was going to marry someday. In an ideal world, that's where their story should have ended. 
But this isn't an ideal world. 
''He's here for you,'' she pointed from Sebastian to Lewis, ''so I'll leave you two.'' Sebastian wanted to protest, suggesting to leave himself, but she was already making her way to Tiffany who was standing on the opposite side of the garage. 
Sebastian's eyes followed her steps, swiftly turning his head once Lewis started speaking. ''What's up, man?'' 
''Nothing, I just, uh, wanted to, uh,'' the German figured he should have come up with at least a probable excuse to talk to Lewis before coming to the Mercedes camp, ''there's, uh, this new project I'm working on and I would love to talk to you about it, but maybe we can do it another time, I think we, uh, have to get ready.'' He rambled on, simply wanting to go back to his own team. 
''Yeah, that's alright. I can't wait to hear what you've been developing!'' The Brit knew that whatever his friend had been planning, would be a great success and he felt touched that Seb wanted to share his ideas with him. 
Sebastian put up a happy facade to hide his discomfort, ''Thanks,'' guilt crept up on him at the sight of Lewis' genuine excitement over the mere talk about something he had been working on, ''I have to go now, but I'll see you out on track.'' 
They shared a small hug, patting each other on the back. ''Yeah, good luck, man.'' They bid each other goodbye, each resuming their own pre-race routine. 
Y/N has subtly observed the conversation between the two world champions, trying hard not to show her satisfaction at the visible nerves on Sebastian's face and the awkwardness in his behaviour. 
''By the way, I really like your outfit today. It looks great on you.'' Tiffany complimented her, shifting the athlete's focus from Lewis to the Australian cyclist. ''Thank you, I absolutely love your dress! Black really suits you.'' Y/N returned the favour, scanning the woman's dress. 
''Thank you so much, I wasn't too sure about-'' 
''Sorry, Tiff! Can I borrow her for a second?'' Lewis interrupted her, his arms instinctively finding their way around her. 
Tiffany pretended to be offended, but excused them. ''I'll go find my own man.'' She winked, walking over to where Valtteri was getting ready for the race. 
''Seb said that he wanted to talk about some project he had been working on, and I was thinking that maybe we could go and have drinks with him later tonight? Maybe invite Val and Tiffany as well? I don't know, what do you think?'' 
Y/N took in his words, pretending to deeply think about it while already knowing she would not let that happen. ''A project? Did he say what it is about?'' She asked him, attempting to stretch the time she had to think about how she could politely tell Lewis she did not want to get drinks with the Aston Martin driver. 
''He didn't tell me, he said he would tell me after the race.'' Her partner answered, a slight pout on his face. 
Probably something about his bees. 
The younger woman nodded, a bit confused on why Sebastian wouldn't just tell Lewis. ''That's, uh, too bad.'' She noted. 
''So what do you think? You think it's a good idea?'' Lewis asked once again, looking her in the eyes, wanting her validation that it was a great suggestion. 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders. ''Yeah, it's been a while since we've done something with Val and Tiff alone.'' She realised she had to consider Lewis' feelings and if he wanted to get drinks with his friend, he should be able to, even if she didn't like it. 
''I'll suggest it to him when we're done here today,'' he pulled her closer, kissing her temple, ''I have to get ready now. I love you, darling.'' A peck on the lips and Lewis approached Angela who was keeping hold of his gear. 
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The race itself wasn't that eventful beside a podium for Lewis. She proudly watched him with the rest of the Mercedes team as he stood on the second top step, sending him a wink and a flying kiss. 
Afterwards, they met up with each other in his driver's room. ''Mon chéri!'' Y/N embraced him, a strong hold on him. ''I know it's not the result you were hoping for, but I'm proud of you either way.'' She cupped his cheeks, hating the disappointment in his eyes. 
''Thank you, love.'' Lewis gave her a quick peck, knowing she isn't a fan of his sweaty form after his races. ''I still have the debrief with the team, but after that we can go and have those drinks.'' 
''Have you, uh, invited them yet?'' She referred to Sebastian, Valtteri and Tiffany. 
He shook his head. ''No, but I'm gonna ask Val now and I'll ask Seb afterwards.'' 
''That's great.'' She said through gritted teeth. Y/N had a small hope that Lewis had been able to ask Sebastian already, and that the German had cancelled or had come up with a believable excuse as to not having to go. 
Lewis pointed to his changing area. ''I'm gonna get out of this and then I'm on my way, darling.'' His champagne covered racing suit started to give him claustrophobia. 
''Okay,'' she smiled at him, ''you know what? I'm going to take a little walk around the paddock, cause I saw Mark earlier and I didn't have the chance to say hi.'' Y/N used to be a Red Bull athlete for almost ten years, making her an old regular of the Red Bull Racing garage. That's also the place where she became great friends with the Australian driver. 
''That's lovely, I'll text you as soon as I'm done, alright?'' Lewis grinned, delighted to hear she wasn't just going to sit and wait around for him. ''Say hi to Mark from me, darling.'' He winked before disappearing and changing into his Mercedes team wear. 
Y/N swiftly freshened herself up, Lewis and his champagne-smelling sweat still lingering on her body. She grabbed her vintage handbag and was out of the hospitality. 
She definitely underestimated how hard it would be to find Mark Webber in a Formula One paddock. Normally, he was quite easy to find or maybe he was always at the right places at the right time. 
The Frenchwoman grabbed her phone from her bag and searched for the Australian's contact, not planning to look like an idiot while searching for him. 
He didn't make her wait for too long, picking up the call after two rings. ''Hello, you cunt.'' Mark warmly greeted, a teasing tone present in his voice. 
''Where the fuck are you? I've been trying to find you for like the past 10 minutes, did you turn into a ghost or something?'' 
''Oh, you would love for me to haunt you, don't you, Y/N?'' She could hear the smirk on his face. 
Y/N almost snorted at his answer. She would have given him a witty comeback if it wasn't for the German man suddenly blocking her way. ''Uh, Markus, I'll call you right back.'' 
''There's a hazard in front of me and I don't know how long it's gonna take before it's fixed.'' She answered with an attitude, looking Sebastian right in the eye. 
The ''hazard'' let out a scoff, her straightforwardness seemed to have grown even more over the years. However, he was impressed by the accuracy of his new nickname. 
Mark chuckled on the other side. ''Alright- well, I'm by the paddock club with David so I'll wait here for you, mate.'' He said his goodbye, seemingly understanding that she was being held up by someone she wasn’t a huge fan of. 
Y/N hung up the phone, placing it in her bag again. She wanted nothing more than to cross her arms and roll her eyes at the man in front of her, but they were in public and she was painfully aware of the eyes on them. 
''I'm only smiling, cause that guy over there has his camera on us and I don't want to go through that again.'' The athlete warned Sebastian, not wanting him to think she was genuinely glad to see him. 
The urge to roll his own eyes had never been bigger. ''I'm really happy to see you too, Miss Y/L.'' 
''I really don't have time for this,'' she sighed, ''what can I tell you that's going to make you leave me alone?'' Her bluntness didn't surprise him, she had never been the one to beat around the bush. 
''I just saw you walking by and thought I might join you, you looked a bit lonely.'' He explained himself, his eyes focusing on hers. 
She momentarily frowned, quickly fixing her micro-expressions. ''We both know that's not a good idea, Sebastian.'' His name rolled off her lips with ease. 
''Why's that?'' He played dumb, he was aware why it wasn't a good idea. 
''You really want to go that route?'' She sarcastically chuckled, a taunting smile on her face. ''Okay. Because us talking to each other like this will bring everything up again and I don't want to open those old wounds again, and I don't think you want that either.'' Y/N spoke calmly, but there was a fire behind her words. 
The driver scratched his voice. ''Y/N, people are much more interested in your relationship with Lewis than they are in anything that has to do with me.'' A lot of time had passed, and Sebastian wanted to be able to talk to his old ''friend'' without being scared of what other people thought of it. 
She was disappointed by his response. ''You really don't get it, do you?'' The athlete shook her head. ''Like I said earlier, I don't have time for this. Now, if you will excuse me- I have somewhere to be.'' 
Y/N moved past him, remembered something. ''Oh, and if Lewis asks you to get drinks with us, you say no. Have a nice evening, Vettel.'' 
Just as in the Mercedes garage, Sebastian watched her leave- not minding that he looked like a lost puppy whose owner left them alone at home. 
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''Too bad that Seb couldn't go.'' Lewis said, his eyes on the road and his right hand on her thigh. 
Y/N nodded to his words. ''Yeah… did he, uh, explain what his project was?'' She too had been curious about what the German had been working on. 
''Yeah, yeah! He's, uh, gonna do this t-shirt project to spread awareness about certain topics. For example, LGBTQ+, women in motorsport and all that stuff.'' Lewis summarised, echoing what his friend had explained to him. 
His girlfriend continued her nodding along. ''That's very interesting.'' 
''I know. I love how Seb is coming out of his shell these days- like since last year, he's been really stepping up and taking a stance against injustices. He would have never done this 10-12 years ago when he was with Red Bull.'' The Mercedes driver had always admired Sebastian, but ever since he took the knee with him the previous year in regards to the Black Lives Matter movement, Lewis had found a new level of appreciation for his rival. 
''That's really great, Lu. You seem very happy about it.'' No matter how complicated her and Sebastian's relationship was, she was relieved her partner had someone to stand beside him in the matters that he cared about. 
Lewis smiled at her words. ''I really am, darling.'' 
Upon seeing the genuine thankfulness on his face, guilt spread through her body. Y/N had never explained the true nature of her history with Sebastian to her significant other. Of course there were rumours about it back in the day that Lewis was aware of, but to him they seemed obviously overdramatised. 
She was keen on keeping everything that happened between her and Sebastian in his Red Bull days, in the past- Lewis didn't need to know about it. That was about the only thing both her and the German could agree on at the moment. 
The vibration of her phone barged in on her clouded mind. 
| UNKNOWN NUMBER I didn't mean to be insensitive earlier, I'm sorry. Good luck at Wimbledon, I know you'll do well! Love from Sebastian. 
Y/N had blocked and deleted his phone number years ago, but the 4x World Champion always appeared to always find a way back to her. 
''You're good over there?'' Lewis noticed her instant silence, quite uncharacteristic for her. 
Her head shot towards him. ''Yeah, sorry- something about Wimbledon.'' She mumbled, unsure of what to tell him. 
''Make sure you're there until the second week so I can come and see you play.'' He smirked, taking a glance at her reaction. 
She rolled her eyes at him, making him giggle. ''Great, now I actually have motivation to make it to the second week, not the fact that I have a title to defend.'' Y/N sarcastically thanked him. 
The tennis player had won the tournament three years in a row now, the 2020 edition being cancelled due to the covid pandemic. There was a lot of pressure on her to win the championship again, being one of the top players. 
''I know you're gonna win.'' Lewis stated, matter-of-factly. 
Y/N sighed. ''Don't say that, you know unpredictable these tournaments are, especially on grass.'' She appreciated her partner's confidence in her, but her own over-confidence had bitten her in the ass a few times in the past. 
''I'm sorry, darling. You know you're my number one, you're always the winner to me.'' He squeezed her thigh, caressing it right after. 
The side of her head rested against her chair, an appreciative look in her eyes. ''Merci, mon cher.'' She gave him a slow wink, one that her boyfriend imitated. ''You're welcome, love.'' 
''It doesn't happen that often that I replace Serena as number one, you know? So I'm gonna enjoy this moment.'' She teased, resulting in a pinch to her side from Lewis. 
''Don't you dare tell her, she'll kill me.'' 
''I'm definitely telling her.''
''Yeah, I know.''
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taglist :: @dannyramirezwife @luligirl_ @mistrose23 @azxulaa @develised @princesselle2111 @topguncultleader @poppyalice2001 @komorebi21
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dozydawn · 1 month
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“German tennis player Steffi Graf (left) and American Mary Joe Fernández congratulate each other after their Women's French Open final.”
Photographed by Jean-Loup Gautreau.
05 June 1993.
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lamaery · 6 months
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100 Portraits Training | Part 3 and 4 These are mostly from my ref folders for Adolin and Renarin :D Part three
15 - 16) Australian actor Remy Hii
17) Filipino-American actor Vincent Rodriguez III
18) German tennis player Alexander Zverev
19) Filipino-Canadian actor Manny Jacinto
20-21) Chinese weightlifter Lü Xiaojun
22) Burmese-Amercian mixed martial artist Aung La Nsang
Next to actors I looked for sportspersons to use as references, because they have enough of a public image that I could reference them with name (which felt better than just using random people from the internet). Actors are often shown often being very attractive (I should take more refs directly from movies...) and it was nice to also try more day-to-day faces. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, of course, but I wanted to look for pictures which didn't having the person they showed looking beautiful as their main objective.
Part four
23 - 24) Burmese mixed martial artist Aung La Nsang
25) Indonesian badminton player Tontowi Ahmad
26) South Korean sabre fencer Oh Sang-uk
27)Philipine pole vaulter Ernest John Obiena
28) Filipino-Canadian actor Manny Jacinto once more
As for links in this one hmm... This page by the Consortium of Asian American Theaters and Artists has shot overview of some terms which are important to be aware of for representation (albeit from a theater perspective, but it's still useful) This piece by Khoo Wei Shawn is a brief look into how racial representation has changed in the cartoons using the Ducktales series as an example. His footnotes could be useful for anyone wanting to get deeper into the topic, too. And lastly another take on racism in animation by Ruth Dubb. This one looks at the depiction of black people in early American cartoons and the stereotypes that came with those. Most sources I could find were from an American view. Or least from people living within a Western and American context. In part that's probably due to the language barrier (I have some in German, but there we go again... difficult to share that with most people here). Different countries have their own history of people being racialised and how that intersects with other issues and themes. So if you know of or have interesting takes from non-American sources and perspectives on the topics, please share. :)
Part 1 – Start of the project Part 2 – Kaladin Part 5 – Dalinar Part 6 & 7 – Shallan and Jasnah Part 8 & 9 - various people and skin tones Part 10 – a little bit for The Lopen Part 11 & 12 - Wit and Navani Part 13 - ofmd und Dev Patel :)
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cissi-sh01 · 2 months
started with just me trying to push my carlos is a german shepherd puppy agenda but here are some pics of tennis players (pairs) as animals:
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sgiandubh · 7 months
Cut the (Ghenea) crap
I have been anticipating since at least last Friday the very recent rumor overdrive about S and Mrs. Mădălina Ghenea, Romanian Horizontal Extraordinaire and I howled like a pack of hyenas in the dull silence of my flat.
Of all the rumors featuring S and divers representatives of the International Fitness Harem, this one stroke me as the most ridiculous ever. Downright scraping the bottom of the barrel, here, to be honest.
Now, as all of you know, I happen to be Romanian and if anything, you should at least grant me the benefit of a flawless knowledge of the terrain, so to speak. And as far as erotically ambitious Romanian chicks go, let's just say I am a sweet summer child, compared to this one.
Mădălina hails from Slatina, a small town in Oltenia, one of the most fascinating parts of the Romanian Southwest (I have a good quarter pint of Oltenian blood myself, so I think I know what the hell I am talking about: quick-witted, ambitious people, with a devastating, sarcastic sense of humor). She comes from virtually nothing: a working-class family of former farmers drawn to the nearest town by the quick and demented industrialization of the country during the Sixties, which is to say, the Lumpenproletariat our German friends can immediately relate to. But when you spend your childhood in the dull and poor anonymity of a non-descript block of flats (matchbox upon matchbox upon matchbox - think of it as a dignified favela of sorts), the only thing you want to do is to get the damn out of there, at all costs. Which, I have to say, she brilliantly and ruthlessly managed to, almost in record time. Granted, she is beautiful (to me, she is very cliché, but for any foreign male she is a Wanton Goddess of Sex, I suppose) and she does have the street smarts to safely get her through any urban jungle of this planet, too.
You can peruse her war credentials here, for a quick overview of the character, if you really, really, really need to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C4%83d%C4%83lina_Diana_Ghenea.
I will just add (and you will have to trust me on this one), a couple of things:
Cynically speaking, she could be a decently plausible beard for S. After all, she did beard for di Caprio (an info I just corroborated over the phone with a friend who is a cinema & TV journalist, back home). Problem is, a woman like this is way over budget. I am afraid The Boy doesn't qualify, bless his heart: too meh for her eclectic, but high-end tastes (local cardboard millionaires, Bulgarian tennis players of the light mafioso type, Philipp Plein, Italian TV beaux and yup, Gerard Butler - but it did not end amicably, enough said). You have to understand that woman saw it all and she won't settle for a pap walk in the pishing drizzle of GLA, or even NY. This one knows perfectly well diamonds are a girl's best friend. And if you doubt me, maybe you won't doubt her, when she declared three days ago for the Daily Fail something along these lines:
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[source, LOL: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12681539/EDEN-CONFIDENTIAL-Sexiest-woman-world-Madalina-Ghenea-yearns-real-man-stealing-hearts-Leonardo-DiCaprio-Gerard-Butler-Michael-Fassbender.html]
Read my lips: not going to happen. Not in a million years, not even for the sake of the fucking Narrative. Not even on a desert island. Never. Nuh-oh. No way.
At any rate, if God knows what sick plot twist happens, you'll learn it here first, probably: the Romanian gossip press would put to shame poor Deux Moi, with its needlessly chatty, exuberant, salaciously detailed style.
So I will say again here what I did say in a comment to an Anon who brought it up first @bat-cat-reader's :
TERMINAȚI CU TÂMPENIILE. Which is simply translated as CUT THE CRAP.
Of course.
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imoonf1 · 2 years
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Open request
Leclerc family Masterlist
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x F! Tennis player reader
Summary: The family enjoys the winter break
Request: yes
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"Maybe we can go to New York, it's a very nice city" Charles said
They had spent an hour talking about where they should go on winter break this year, and they still hadn't decided on a place, or even a country.
"Umm I don't know Charles, we went there the year before, i think we could change, maybeeeee netherlands?" it was a beautiful country after all, there were many mountains and green places to spend time playing with family
"It's good, but we went this year for the race, we should cross those places for a while, what do you think?"
"For me it's fine, we can forget many places, but I still don't have an idea hon" you said already frustrated, you had no idea what could be possible
"We can make a game to choose, I say the alphabet in silence and you say when I stop, wherever I am we are going to look for a country with that letter" said excited
"Okay star"
Before starting charles says A and begins to say the alphabet silently, what we were doing was quite strange, it could be something that Tony did to decide something, but we are not so different from him after all, we are his parents.
"STOP, What letter??"
"G, Any ideas??"
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DanielRicciardo, Maxverstappen, Lewis Hamilton and 1.273.322 liked
CharlesLeclerc: That the Last one closes the door, we are going on vacation in winter break, guess where?
YnVerstappen: Umm idk New York???
↪️ Maxverstappen: Really yn??
↪️ YnVerstappen: 😔😔
DanielRicciardo: Umm Australia??
↪️ CharlesLeclerc: cold cold Dan
↪️ YnVerstappen: You can do it Danny!!
Ferrari: Italy???
↪️ YnVerstappen: Sorry but nop guys, we have failed you
LewisHamilton: idk if you're traveling to London, but if you aren't, you should, winter is soo nice there
↪️ CharlesLeclerc: I'll take note Mate, but we won't go there for now
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Danielricciardo, Kellypiquet, Maxverstappen and 1.294.392 liked
YnVerstappen: No one guessed!!! We are here in Germany 🇩🇪🇩🇪 danke for the welcome ❤️
MickSchumacher: That's amazing guys!!! Enjoy the travel, you are welcome if you want to meet one day here
↪️ YnVerstappen: Thxx so much Mickk, see you then❤️❤️
DanielRicciardo: Try to use your German skills yn, they are really fantastic
↪️ YnVerstappen: Fuck u Daniel
↪️ Maxverstappen: 😆😆
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DanielRicciardo, Arthurleclerc, Kellypiquet, PierreGasly and 1.124.421 liked
CharlesLeclerc:I think mom has more fun with Tony's new friends than Tony
PierreGasly: She enjoys all the moments lol
↪️ YnVerstappen: For sure Pierre,no shame
Danielricciardo: When you get back he could spend some time with uncle Daniel, he's going to have a lot more fun
↪️ Arthurleclerc: If he has time with him I want too, but I want more time
↪️ Maxverstappen: I'm his fav uncle He will have more fun, he can play with baby P
↪️Lorenzolcr; I'm not going to argue I know I'm going to lose
↪️ YnVerstappen: Don't say that Lolo, You can spend all the time with him, we could spend couple time with Charles
↪️ CharlesLeclerc: yes yes couple time😏😏
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steffigraf · 4 months
tell me why my german class prof decided to randomly mention “a tennis player with a german sounding name who was actually from italy” like PLS i perked up like a dog 😭
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mchiti · 7 months
i have two questions about tennis
when is novax retiring? when do tennis players usually retire? why was he celebrating like that in the face of sinner my boy like
is berrettini guy still alive. the third guy I know
no I also know the german guy who wanted that nazi in the crowd out of the venue because I saw a video about it..... got me hyped ngl [edit: scrap the last point I was informed he has an history of being abusive and I didn’t know!]
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Round 2
Michael Kaiser (Blue Lock) vs Kineshi Hairo (The Disastrous Like of Saiki K)
Michael Kaiser
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Sport: Soccer
Appearance: Blonde hair with blue streaks, light blue eyes, German
Propaganda: Kaiser is a character that most people hate at first, only to later reluctantly accept how amazing he is. He is arrogant, but he has every right to be so. He’s a prodigy forward in the under-20 division and is regarded as one of the top 11 best players in the world in his age group. He has amazing spatial awareness and great shooting skills. In one chapter of the manga, he literally kicked the ball in midair with a bicycle kick (where you’re upside down), and the ball then passes under a defender before landing into the goal. With strength like that, you can’t help but close an eye on him being an asshole. But although I keep roasting his personality, he also has his good points. He is quite charismatic when you’re on his side, and this is best displayed in his relationship with Ness, his partner midfielder. In one match, Ness was on the verge of breaking down in fear of losing, but Kaiser easily pulls him back up. He tells Ness to just move like how they practiced and leave the rest to him. And seriously, who wouldn’t feel relieved when someone offers to remove the pressure off their shoulders and tells them, “And believe. For me, nothing is impossible.” Kaiser is such a complex character that even my feelings for him are complex. I hate how he treats Ness like trash most of the time, I hate how he keeps getting in the protagonist’s way, and I hate how he’s always so full of himself. But at the same time, like Ness, I can’t help but be drawn to him. Aside from being an insanely good player, he’s also a very compelling character. We are yet to get his backstory, so I really wonder how his superiority complex came to be. Right now, I am following the manga, eagerly waiting for the moment I see him break and lose it.
Kineshi Hairo
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Sport: Tennis, dodgeball, judo, track and field, basketball... Honestly probably every sport.
Appearance: He has red, spiky hair and sharp eyebrows. He always has his sleeves rolled up, showing off his muscles (when he's even wearing a shirt). His name is a pun referring to pyrokinesis.
Propaganda: Hairo is the archetypal sporty character. No, really. He's a parody of sports anime characters. If there's a sport to play, he has done it... and put in 110% to do the best that he can! Hairo is intensely passionate about everything he is involved in, often to the point of literally generating large amounts of heat. He's often seen doing pushups (unprompted) or running in place (unprompted) or with his pants down (unnecessary). He's dedicated. He's inspiring. He's intense. He's ambiguously gay. Truly the whole "sporty character" package!
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kirsteninthesun · 2 years
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Remember Isabel and Nicki Hoffman/Cohen? Well, it looks like they might be 90s historicals. Two reliable leak accounts have posted about them.
You can see the list of items better here. On the first image, they are marked HC for historical characters.
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All of this screams 90s, and the presence of the Pizza Hut set suggests that AG has already been working with the brand to create the set- meaning that if this leak is real, a lot of preparation has gone into these girls that won’t be scrapped. 
I think what we’re going to see is this: twin girls with identical face molds, different hair, and possibly different eyes. One might have freckles or curls as opposed to straight hair. Nicki will probably be more of a tomboy and a skater, while Isabel will be a tennis player and a little more girly. AG will tap into their own history and give both girls exclusive mini AG dolls. One might have a TM, one might have a historical. The girls will be Jewish (Hoffman is German/Jewish and they were originally Cohens) and probably have another sibling as well. 
The labeling of “Journal” next to Nicki Doll suggests that their story might be told in journal format. Maybe the girls share a journal, or they each have one that contains a slightly different version of the same story.
Sharing, technology, and balancing your time will be big themes, designed to cater to the iPad kids of today (except with a big ol desktop computer instead).
I think Isabel might be nicknamed Izzy but hate it, while Nicki is a Nicole and prefers Nicki. 
I think we’ll see them in late summer/early fall of 2023. 
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scotianostra · 5 months
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On January 19th 2010 Bill McLaren the voice of rugby died.
The BBC commentator known fondly as the voice of rugby, McLaren was the best rugby commentator of all time and by many has been described as one of the best men the world has ever seen.
He was unbiased, clear, knowledgeable, and his voice is part of the fabric of rugby in its greatest era. Scotland is proud that a Scotsman was the best rugby commentator, but he was more than that, he fought at Monte Cassino, one of the Second World War's bloodiest battles, and at one stage found himself in a ditch when he heard German voices just feet away. He was 20-years old.
I think most of us know that he should have been capped at the game he loved but tuberculosis robbed him of the chance. McLaren was born in that Borders and grew up to be a talented flanker.
Having made the Hawick first XV before the war, he played in a Scotland trial in 1947 and was on the verge of a full international cap when he contracted the tuberculosis which nearly killed him.
He was desperately ill and fading fast when the specialist asked him to be a guinea pig for a new drug called Streptomycin along with four others, three of them died but McLaren made what amounted to a miracle recovery. His first commentary was made while convalescing from TB, describing table tennis matches for the hospital radio.
McLaren studied Physical Education in Aberdeen, and went on to teach PE right through to 1987, coaching several players who went on to play for Scotland - Jim Renwick, Colin Deans and Tony Stanger.
It was through his junior reporting with the Hawick Express that he launched himself into a career of commentary, making his national debut for BBC radio in 1953, when Scotland were beaten 12-0 by Wales. The switch to television came six years later.
Scotland and Hawick sorely miss McLaren who died aged 86, he described his home town regularly by saying that a day out of Hawick "is a day wasted".
A proud moment in Bill's life would have no doubt been in 2002, when the press gallery at Murrayfield was named the Bill McLaren Press Gallery.
A proud moment in Bill's life would have no doubt been in 2002, when the press gallery at Murrayfield was named the Bill McLaren Press Gallery.
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