#Gets stuck in a spider web in the flowers episode
Bing throws himself into potentially dangerous situations so often. The rest of 341b has to worry about him, right? I know they do, because they do react with some panic or concern when he does these things. But they also just let him wander off on his own in unfamiliar locations so that he can be comically trapped in a chocolate bar. .
I don’t know I’d just like to see a “You’ve got to stop worrying us like that!” Sort of moment, y’know?
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draftingteacups · 3 years
Can I get a oneshot about Jamil? If your answer is yes, ı would like to read he and MC are sitting on Scarabia's balcony and chatting (they are not couple yet, just mutual crush) MC is starting to tell his good behaviors and praising him then Jamil says he is not better than Kalim and tries to decline her praises. After a minute with death silence between them, MC tells "The moon is more beautiful than the sun" to him. His reaction and thoughts after party, please 😖🙏
Oooh 👀 I don't mind the prompt, Anon, but I'm not entirely sure if the prompt is about Yuu or Soni, so I'm going to use the latter because that's what I thought it was based on. Sorry if it was the former 😅
Like all What If Scenarios, this is non canon and written for fun! Minor spoilers for Episode 4 (for the Eng fans on my blog) and tiny bits for "The Eternal Blooming Flower"
It'd become a normal thing for Jamil to see Soni roaming around Scarabia Dorm, usually in handling a roaming Pokemon that wasn't listening to them, or in this particular case, helping him with Joltik who refused to leave him alone for the hundredth time.
"Hold still." The command of the Pokemon Trainer did not give him much reassurance when the little, fuzzy creature on his chest was slowly creeping closer to his face and please get it off of him-
The little Pokemon jumped and he screamed, "SHIT-!"
In a move too quick for his eyes to process, the little spider sat snuggly in the hands of Soni, looking quite content at the reaction. Judging from the way Soni was looking at the Pokemon, it wasn't far off.
I haven't done anything to you. Jamil coughed as he sat up from his position, feeling awkward from the whole thing.
"You're getting better at handling Joltik." The words brought Jamil out of his inner monologue. "You didn't try and fling him out the window this time."
He rolled his eyes. "Well, when you get shot with an electric web and are stunned with a spider crawling on you, then come talk to me."
"I was the one to pull you out of said-web." Soni shot back. "It's not bad once you get used to it."
The retort made him flush for a brief moment as his next words took off the edge of his embarrassment. "...One of the things that Kalim's better at than me, huh."
At that, her face pinched. "...Jamil, you do realize that everyone has their strengths in something right? You basically helped run Scarabia for the past two years and even helped out with Kalim for longer than that?"
Those words did nothing to help the bitterness that built up inside him once more. "So what? He'll always be better than me, no matter what."
"Well, that depends." Soni placed Joltik onto the edge of the window sill, the Pokemon scurrying away into the moonlight. "Are you the one saying that or is that everyone else back home saying that?"
"What's the difference?" Did it really matter if what he believed was heard? He was nothing more than a servant. It was only at Night Raven College that Jamil had a chance of being his own person before it was taken away from him.
"If you've always been surrounded by that type of influence, then no wonder you're angry about it." For a second, Jamil could see a deep emotion that he couldn't quite read flash in Soni's eyes as she turned away from him, rubbing her arm in the process. "...You're not the only one who's ever felt that way."
Jamil stayed silent, crossing his arms and waiting for her to answer. She didn't disappoint.
"I've been there, Jamil." Bitterness tinged her words. "It's really hard to let go of the people that we grew up being, but that doesn't mean that we're stuck there forever."
"...You had your own Kalim, huh."
"The worst person I've ever known in my life." It was as though he released a flood that had been locked away. That was something that he understood, especially with what happened during Winter Break. Her blue eyes came alive as she said, "Bastard was only acting nice whenever we met because of appearances. It was after a certain point that he stopped acting and kept harassing me any way that he could. His groupies weren't much better and always insisted that I wasn't as good as him, but I succeeded."
"I'm not flashy by any means. I don't like to involve myself in trouble." At that, he snorted. Soni had always gotten involved in things in the school ever since she showed up at the beginning of the year. "Hey, don't laugh at me!"
"Then give me an instance where you haven't been involved in the school's chaos."
She huffed, "Anyways, you're capable in your own right. Just because no one acknowledged it back home doesn't mean that it's true. I mean, Kalim's kindness is as genuine as it can be. Sometimes it's like looking at the sun. Sure, it's nice, but sometimes, it can be a little much."
He couldn't help but nod to that.
It was at that moment that the crescent in the sky showed itself, bathing everything in a silvery glow. Soni herself shined in the moonlight, her blue eyes almost glowing as she gave him a small smile.
"I'm more of a moon person myself." The admission was easy to hear in the silence that fell between them. "Quiet, peaceful, but more beautiful than the sun when people take notice of it."
He was thankful for the darkness because Jamil could feel his face warming up. As much as he kept his face stoic as possible, that didn't stop the furl of warmth that came from the words. He dared to hope- hell, even dared to think- It was so obvious what she was saying, but even with that, he couldn't get swept away by his emotions. He knew the reason. He didn't want to acknowledge it because that would give him the hope to think there was a chance to get away from it all.
It was painful to think of Soni as someone that was like him once upon a time. To be considered 2nd by everyone for something that they couldn't control. To be seen by someone that understood him and saw him as the person that he wanted to be and become- that was an unbelievable feeling that he struggled to form words for.
In the end, he only breathed, "Is that so."
It was in the comfort of the crescent above that they watched the world fall asleep under the silver blanket of the moonlight to dream of things ahead beyond.
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skellebonez · 3 years
Prompt 69 with Syntax, except he's the one doing the glaring but at who, you decide!
So uh... what would have happened if MK didn’t just run in to get the sign in episode 9? What if, before grabbing it, he heard a certain voice that he recognized and went to investigate? Yeah, consider this an AU. Need a name for this one, I am accruing many now.
You see that death glare means she (he) likes you
This was... not exactly the predicament that Xiaotian expected himself to be in. At all. Not after being chased away from Spider Queen by her spider trio. He had just wanted to get Pigsy’s sign back... and he did! Eventually! 100% A+ marks on that! He just... hadn’t expected to find Macaque there as well.
Or some back with him and another... straggler.
"So... Syntax, was it?" Pigsy said roughly, earning a glower from the spider demon in turn.
They were inside Pigsy’s noodles, away from prying ears but still in their night clothes. Not that they had time to change. Not when Syntax was immediately interrogated and started explaining, and then Xiaotian had tried explaining over him, and then Macaque just. Revealed everything in one sentence. And that lead to a very tense, very uncomfortable explanation of exactly what was going on.
Xiaotian didn’t tell them Macaque was from the shadow play. Or what he did before than. Only that he was someone he knew through Sun Wukong who had tried to teach him before and wasn’t on good terms with his mentor, which wasn’t exactly a lie. And oddly, Macaque didn’t say anything either.
"Care to tell us exactly what the plan was for dealing with this "immense evil power" you were tricked into assisting at the cost of your entire clan's deaths?" Pigsy continued, brandishing his spoon he was using to make an emergency meal at him.
"Pigsy!" Tang chided with an exasperated look. "We don't know if they're dead."
"Could you maybe stop saying dead please?" Xiaotian asked quietly, curled up at a table in a corner away from the others, so quiet that the only person who seemed to have heard him was Macaque.
They wouldn’t be here having this conversation if MK hadn’t heard Macaque yelling in frustration so he supposed that was a slight victory. If Xiaotian was being honest with himself... he probably wouldn’t have told the others anything about what had happened. You can’t exactly hide a suspiciously familiar monkey and a very familiar spider when the three of you crash land on a roof together.
Going to see what was up let him free the immortal from the draining webbing he was tied up in, and had alerted Syntax to their location. If he hadn’t insisted on going back for the sign and that had not lead Syntax after them.. That would not have lead to the Spider Queen almost, almost, agreeing to work with him, and if he hadn’t grabbed the other at the Spider Queen’s insistence maybe...
“We were attempting to rebuild the mech from new years, if you must know,” Syntax answered haughtily. There was a shaking in his hands that no one pointed out, but Xiaotian could tell at least Pigsy and Macaque picked up on it from their expressions, as he did something with the gadget on his arm. Schematics, bright digital holograms, displayed in the air before them. “It would have worked, I’m positive of that! The White Bone Spirit is powerful, but not unbeatable as she is right now. Unfortunately, even if the Monkey Boy-”
“Kid, but if you’re going to call him the wrong name at least call him a man,” Tang said, a slight glower shining through his glasses.
“Monkie KID,” Syntax corrected himself tersely, returning to look at the schematics with a frown. He looked... genuinely upset as he reviewed them. “Even if he hadn’t interfered by coming for the sign my bots stole from you, we wouldn’t have had enough time or material to finish it before she found us out. It was... inevitable that something like this happen if we couldn’t convince our Queen to leave. And we couldn’t.” Syntax reached up, massaging his head as the hologram dissipated. “And we weren’t going to leave her alone. If only Huntsman had started asking questions sooner...”
At the mention of the eldest spider demon Sandy frowned, something deeply sad that Xiaotian couldn’t quite understand or parse from it. But clearly something had happened between them when he went to get the flower for his hiccups. He hadn’t hid their encounter from them, even if he didn’t tell them exactly what happened.
Syntax on the other hand went quiet, the mention of his comrade seeming to be the last thing to make him need to sit down at the counter and hold his head in his hands. “You know... he was annoying. Always trying to one up me, get the approval of our queen over me. But seeing him like that... and Goliath... they didn’t deserve that. He was good at what he did and I never got to tell him I didn’t actually hate him.”
The room went quiet after that. Xiaojiao moved to sit beside Xiaotian, wrapping her am around his shoulder. Tang stayed sat at the counter across from Syntax, watching him from the side with the barest tilt of his head. Sandy sat at a table away from the others, pulling something out his his pocket and cradling it in his hand. Pigsy continued to cook, more focused on it than he had been before.
And Macaque... Macaque stood in the middle of the room and scowled. Probably because he was so drained from the webbing that if he sat down he looked like he would pass out on the spot.
“There is... one good thing,” Xiaotian said after a moment, reaching into his jacket pocket. “Maybe? I-I was kinda distracted by the, you know. Spiders. Macaque screaming he was going to ‘send WBS to a realm even she can’t escape from when he escapes’, but I passed this room full of stuff...”
That got Syntax’s attention. “What room full of stuff?”
“It had the Trigram Furnace in it,” Xiaotian continued. “And a bunch of other stuff. Like this.” He pulled his hand back out and uncurled up on top of the table, letting his prize gently float down. Bright and golden-orange and as vibrant as the day Sandy had picked the whole thing. “I thought since Huntsman tried so hard to steal it from Sandy it might be important?”
“You stole back the Crimson Jimsonweed!?” Syntax yelled, jumping up and using his spider legs to nearly catapult himself in Xiaotian’s direction. “That... that may have been the most dangerous thing you could have done! And... and the smartest!”
“What?” Xiaotian asked deadpan, looking at the spider in confusion.
“The White Bone Spirit needs that flower petal to finish whatever she is making with the furnace!” Syntax continued, now pacing back and forth between the table, a smile slowly forming on his face. “Without it, she can’t finish it properly! She may be able to try, but there is no guarantee it would work, if she takes the chance and it does work than she will be significantly weakened by the lack of a key ingredient! She-she probably doesn’t even realize it is missing yet! YOU!” He pointed a spider leg in Sandy’s direction, making him jump in surprise. “Huntsman said you were knowledgeable of the flower’s properties, and I know there is a way to make it into a non-tea like medicine. Do you know of it?”
“Y-yes!” Sandy said after a moment of surprise. “It’s not hard to make, I could make it with what Pigsy’s got.”
“Good, make it immediately before she realizes,” Syntax continued, smirking. “She needs that petal whole and in tact. If you can break it down and make multiple small doses of medicine out of it-”
“Then she wouldn’t be able to use it because it wouldn’t be enough and what is left would be contaminated by the other ingredients!” Sandy finished, jumping up and rushing to the back of the shop. “PIGSY I’M USING YOUR SUPPLY CABINET!”
“What the hell is happening?” Pigsy asked in confusion, looking around.
“Your Monkey Man accidentally figured out the best way to mess up everything that was being planned,” Macaque said with a smirk, nodding in Xiaotian’s direction. “Gotta say, Kid, I’m impressed.”
“Wait, won’t this WBS person figure out what happened?” Xiaojiao spoke up. “She probably won’t be happy about it, she’d probably going to come after it!”
“....so we leave,” Xiaotian said, looking to everyone. “Maybe not all of us, but some of us should leave the city, stay in the forest or the desert so that if she does come back for it no one else will get hurt. Besides...” he smiled, finally, kind of sheepish. “I, uh.. think we should maybe stop squashing the city when we train. I think the neighbors are starting to get annoyed.“
“I think... that’s an excellent idea,” Pigsy said with a smile, taking his finished soup off the stove. “And you ain’t leavin me behind!”
“Or me!” Tang spoke up, turning in his chair to smile at Xiaotian as well.
“I DON’T KNOW WHAT WE’RE AGREEING TO BUT I’M IN!” Shouted Sandy from the back.
“And you know your girl is not getting left behind!” Xiaojiao laughed, pulling Xiaotian into a proper hug.
“Great, a whole gang,” Macaque said with a sigh, looking to the everyone before smirking in Xiaotian’s direction. “I know you’re not gonna let me just walk away, so I guess I’m stuck with you. But remember how I told you that you couldn't have too many teachers? That offer’s still open.”
“Tomorrow,” Xiaotian said firmly, more serious than his friends had ever probably heard him before. “We can start tomorrow. Real training, no tricks.”
The answer seemed to genuinely shock the immortal monkey, his un-glamored eyes wide in surprise. “Uh... ok. Tomorrow it is. No tricks.”
If everyone was confused by what they meant they didn’t say anything.
Syntax, moved back to the counter, tapping his hands and fingers against it in nervous energy. “I supposed I am stuck with you, after all my Queen said to go with you, and I can give you any information you need. Help with tech. That sort of thing.”
“As long as you don’t steal my dang sign again,” Pigsy scowled, depositing a bowl in front of the spider. He looked at it with suspicion, like he didn’t trust it to not be poisoned, much the way he looked at Pigsy in turn. “Or I’ll be the one squashin ya.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Syntax countered, his bright tone betrayed the severe lack of threat he felt at the other’s words. His glower though...
“Don’t worry about him,” Macaque said with a laugh, gesturing to Syntax. “You see that death glare means he likes you.”
“I DO NOT!” Syntax protested quickly and sharply, turning back and grabbing the bowl of soup and shoving a spoonful of noodles in his mouth before pausing. He said nothing, just looked down at the bowl before proceeding to devour it like a starving man who had been trapped on a desert island for weeks.
And for a moment everything seemed hopeful again.
It was the first time Xiaotian felt like this in a long time. He just didn’t expect it after revealing his secrets and with two of his enemies in the same room.
As they left to get on Sandy’s drone an hour later, full and ready to get more sleep after landing, Xiaotian couldn’t help but notice that Macaque stood father back from everyone else. Masked in shadow at times but still close enough for him to be seen. Syntax, on the other hand, seemed to have situated himself between Pigsy and Tang, talking to the scholar and the chef spiritedly about his recipes and the science of gastronomy (did this guy just know random stuff?). Which was weird, but at least they weren’t fighting.
Things felt... like maybe they could be alright.
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sunevial · 6 years
The Strings That Bind Us Together: A Needed Vacation
Chapter 3 of the Follower’s Sequel, set in @internetremix ‘s DMP universe. Featuring @miss-goggles​ character, Murder God! Hope you all enjoy!
Warm sunlight beat down on the white sand and crystal clear waters, making the air shimmer and sparkle in the midday sun. Palm trees lazily swayed in the wind, catching the incessant cheering of scantily clad volleyball players and passed out sunbathers. Anyone who wasn’t playing in the sand was holed up in the little tiki bar off to the side, the dark wooden paneling fitting the mood of the patrons trying to drown out their sorrows with alcohol, including a woman with short blonde hair nursing a glass of bourbon.
“Hello there dear, enjoying the vacation?” Old Priestess asked, walking behind the bar counter and grabbing a cocktail glass. Humming a little tune under her breath, she picked up a few bottles and poured the contents into a shaker. “And bourbon? Really? I was under the impression that hell would have to freeze over before you’d drink hard liquor.”
“I was just robbed of a long game and Vincent is being an ass and I know that bastard is planning something but I have no proof, I am a desperate woman Old Priestess,” Murder God said in something between an annoyed sigh and an honestly rather cute growl. She screamed in frustration and pushed the glass across the counter, planting her head into the polished wood. “It’s not like I can get drunk anyways.”
“What are you feeling, dearest? Death in the Afternoon, Spider’s Kiss, Devil’s Poison?”
“Which is most likely to not taste awful?”
“Spider’s Kiss it is then,” Old Priestess said with a chuckle, grabbing the chocolate syrup and melon liqueur.
“Please tell me Young Priest’s training went well, I need a piece of good news right about now,” Murder God mumbled, rubbing her temples with her perfectly manicured fingers. “Also, what in the actual hell are you wearing?”
“You’re the one that made the beach episode, love. I’m just fitting the theme” Old Priestess replied, sliding the drink across the counter and taking a sip of her own questionably tasting drink. Her normal long, flowing garments had been replaced with a simple flower patterned bathing suit, covered by a see through magenta sarong and light windbreaker. “But I think our newest colleague will be more than ready for the big day. He’s given us quite the enthusiastic showing.”
“Good,” Murder God said through gritted teeth, sitting back up and snatching the drink up. Tipping it back, she drank far more of the cocktail than she should’ve in one gulp. “At least that’s one less thing I need to worry about.” She set the glass down, now almost half empty and smelling very strongly of vodka. “Speaking of which, where is he? And the rest of them? Did you lose them again?”
“Dearie, I’m not that irresponsible. They’re further off down the beach with Nebbie,” Old Priestess said with a casual hand wave, motioning to a little cove through the window. In the distance, a large comically light blue whale was surfaced just off of the coast, the small forms of the Followers lounging in the distance. On the whale themself were Witch and Huntress, the former sporting a frilled purple bikini with orange flowers while the latter covered her simple black swimsuit with a gray t-shirt. Further in, Advisor was dangling his toes into the water with a red and white towel at his side, dressed in a dark purple swim shirt and dark red swim shorts. Lieutenant was seated next to Advisor, sporting just a simple pair of blue swim trunks that exposed a web of horizontal scars crossing his back. The only outlier was Young Priest, dressed just the same as always and reading a book under a large umbrella.
“Oh good, they’re with the void whale, that’s so much better,” Murder God mumbled, drinking more of her cocktail and sighing as she watched the shenanigans go down.
“Need me to take over for a bit again?” Old Priestess asked, pushing her glasses further up her nose and opening her eyes in little slits to let the summer sunlight dance within her irises. “I do love running them. Reminds me of the old days before of all of this fancy magic and reality breaking when it was just you and me and that little strip of land out in the woods.”
“No, no, I’m fine, just leave me here with my drink that does absolutely nothing for my mental state, which by the way, doesn’t taste completely like off-brand moonshine, so thanks for that,” Murder God replied, dragging her finger around the rim of the glass. Raising two fingers into the air, she motioned to a woman floating off in the corner, scribbling endlessly on long rolls of scrolls with her long brown hair brushed back out of her face. “How goes the scribing there, Bookkeeper? Get everything in already?”
The woman glanced over, her quill still scribbling even though her attention was on the bar and the two of them. As like everyone else stuck in this scenario, she was dressed to the theme, wearing an earthy dark green bikini. She wordlessly motioned to the several scrolls floating behind her, all wrapped up with a single red string and lightly colored gold. “There was…not much to record…” Bookkeeper said, her voice low and dripping like honey.
“Good, because it’s time for you to go and meet your newest colleague,” Murder God said with a little more of her normal sadistically cheerful voice. “I’m sure his story will make an excellent addition to your collection. It’s been a bit since we last added something to the Followers’ section of the library.”
“If that is your will…” Without another word, Bookkeeper bowed her head and floated towards the exit of the bar, grabbing her sunhat off of a peg and plopping it over her pointed ears.
“I suppose that’s my cue to leave as well,” Old Priestess said, walking out from behind the bar and heading for the little exit to the bar. As she passed by the little mini fridge, she grabbed a large picnic basket that definitely had not been resting there a minute ago. “Have a good rest of your day, dearest.”
“Don’t think I didn’t see the fanfiction about me and Vincent, we are having a talk about that.”
“Oh Bookkeeper, how lovely it is to see you again,” Old Priestess said, completely brushing past her rather annoyed friend boss and catching up with the floating woman in just two strides. “Tell me, sweet pea, how has it been holed up in the library?”
Bookkeeper just focused on the scroll in hand, not even slightly twitching her ears to indicate she was paying attention.
“We missed you at the summons, you know. Doing things out in the open is never as much fun without our scribe there watching,” Old Priestess continued, letting the warm sand run over her bare feet and toes. “You also missed game night, Uno, poker, me winning…”
A wall would’ve reacted more.
“You know, I hear there was even a small massacre at, well, what little is left of the first game site.”
At this, the corners of Bookkeeper’s mouth twitched into something resembling a smile. “I see…I will…have to consult the others for the events that transpired then,” she remarked, switching out her scroll and continuing to write, the feather dancing along the page with the grace of a hummingbird in flight. “And I heard the summons and met with Lieutenant…I was just too busy catching up on my records to leave for any significant stretch of time.”
“You really need to get out more,” Old Priestess replied, turning a bend in the coastline. As their steps and idle chatter drew them closer to the other Followers, a small flicker tore through the carefully sculpted trees and background shrubbery. Before Old Priestess had the means or the care to patch up the hole so rudely punched through the fabric of the void, a man fell through and landed with something between clumsiness and impeccable grace on the sand. He was scrawny, sickly even, though tall enough to dwarf even the Lieutenant. Like a visual representation of why mortals should not mess with the natural order, the right half of his body was picture of relative health while the left was, at best, showing more muscle and bone than flesh. The nurse scrubs she had remembered seeing him in last were gone, instead replaced by a dark red wetsuit.
“Oh-oh-oh-oh, hello-hello-hello Old-Old Priestess-Priestess, Bookkeeper-Bookkeeper,” the man stuttered as he picked himself up off the ground and brushed the sand off of his arms and out of his curly gray hair.
“Oh gods, not you,” Bookkeeper muttered, aggressively grabbing her new quill and pulling a red string out of her hat. With two quick knots, she tied up the finished scroll with a little bow and set it off to float along behind her.
“Hello there, Doctor, enjoy your stay in the void?” Old Priestess asked, continuing to tread along the coast.
“Yes-yes-yes, it-it was-was-was very en-enjoyable, very-very educational,” he replied, picking up his fallen medical bag and clearing his throat. “Also-also YOU ABANDONED ME THERE.”
“Yeah I did,” she replied with a smirk and a small laugh.
“Builds character and keeps you from trying to help people you shouldn’t be,” she said. She shrugged her shoulders and let a wicked smile cross her face. Bookkeeper smirked a little at the statement before continuing her writing. “Also, I don’t know if you heard, but it saved you from the attempted coup, so you should really be thanking me.”
“So-so-so it seems-seems,” Doctor replied, rubbing his left arm and shuddering. “Did-Did you think-think I-I-I was going-going to find-find my way-way-way out and come-come back-back-back?”
“I mean, you do have the nickname of the Part Timer for a reason, my love,” Old Priestess said, giving him a pat on his good shoulder.
“This-this-this is true-true,” he replied. “Though-though I did-did hear the-the-the summons and-and the good-good news-news-news.”
“Ah, good, we’re headed to meet him right now. Such a jumpy little thing, so compassionate…not unlike you,” she said with a sigh. “By the way...“
Old Priestess reached into the picnic basket and pulled out the bloodspattered dress from just a few days ago, a perfectly round bullet hole in both the front and back of the knitted fabric. “Could you be a dear and fix my dress?”
The stutter dropped. “…did you get shot again?”
Old Priestess suddenly found the giant whale much more fascinating than the current conversation. “...Not on purpose.”
“You said that last time.”
“It’s not like I was trying to ruin a perfectly good dress, he’s the one who fired the gun,” she said, casually gesturing into the air and smiling.
The Doctor sighed and grabbed the stained clothing out of her hands, stuffing it into his medical bag and zipping it shut. “Fine-fine-fine, but this-this-this is the-the last-last-last time-time,” he replied, slipping back into the stutter.
“You’re an absolute doll,” she said, gently patting his cheek as they rounded the bend and came into view and earshot of the other Followers. She cleared her throat a little, letting the wind and the land remember how to carry the voice of a elder god who once controlled the elements like a sculptor shapes stone and clay. “Young Priest!”
The young redhead just about leapt into the umbrella over his head, scrambling to close the book and get to his feet. “Y-yes, Old Priestess?”
“Come over here, I want you to say hello to the last two of our merry little bunch. They were a little…preoccupied and couldn’t make it to game night,” Old Priestess said with a calm smile, holding up the picnic basket for everyone to see. “Oh, and get something to eat. I brought sandwiches for everyone.”
“Aw sweet! Lunch time!” Huntress said, jumping off of the back of the monstrous whale and swimming back to shore.
Old Priestess set down the basket on a nearby rock, watching the others all get up and walk over, giving their greetings to the remaining two Followers and catching up on events long since past. Bookkeeper and Advisor began comparing notes on the past couple of days, both of them engrossed in their respective reading materials while Young Priest looked on in something akin to mild confusion and curiosity. Huntress and Doctor shared a bottle of wine while he took out a needle and thread for the repair work. Lieutenant simply took Young Priest’s place under the umbrella, lying back and stretching his wings out. Taking three sandwiches and some various cutlery, Old Priestess walked over to join him and promptly sat down out of the sun. She took a napkin and wrapped the turkey sandwich up in a neat little package and set it off to the side. For later.
After all, Witch would probably want something when she got back.
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skyland-story · 4 years
Welcome to Skyland
[[This message is shown to all players, although future game messages may be hidden]]
[Welcome Islanders, to Skyland. In this virtual oasis, you have been given your own private island in the clouds where you can relax, have fun and expand your home.]
[Cutting edge virtual reality technology now allows you to experience your island as if it were real life, not just letting you see and hear, but also smell, taste and touch. Everything here is real now.]
[You are alone on your island, but don't worry. There are three other islanders, floating just out of your sight. Over time, you will be able to build up the resources to make your way over to them. Not only that, but companion mobs may spawn, allowing you to have pets, make friends or even grow a family.]
[But how does all of this happen? Your island is only nine spaces and the only thing on it is you and a tree. That's where tickets come in. Every day, you will be gifted a magical ticket! This will activate an event, which will cause either a very good, or very bad thing to happen to you. You need to use these to survive, but be careful not to lose it all.]
[Since, this is everyone's first day, you will be gifted two tickets. Use them wisely and have fun! Enjoy the Skyland Experience!]
Tumblr media
ZestierChester new upload: A terrible start! You won't believe who dies! Skyland. E1.
Hey, guys what is up? Chester here and are you feeling Zesty? Because I've got something Zesty for you today! As you heard from that rundown, we are in a virtual reality world where everything is sky. Except for me. And this island.
At least I have my tree. I'll call you Bob. Wait... I'm going to have to use Bob for wood aren't I? Rip Bob, I guess.
But we aren't gonna tear him apart just yet, because we have these magical tickets!
*throws tickets from inventory, with one landing precariously close to the edge*
OH! Maybe that isn't a good idea. I want to actually use those. So let's open up these bad boys and see what we get! Don't forget to like and subscribe if you haven't already!
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[[Tree] has caught on fire]
Hey, what? Bob! Bob!
*turns in horror to behold the newly named tree as it burns to the ground*
Wh-wha? *sputters* WHAT WAS THAT? You didn't even give me anything! All you did was kill my only friend! 😭 Rest in peace, Bob. You will be missed. 😔😔😔
*RIP: Bob 2020-2020*
Welp, better use the other one, although, after what happened to Bob, I'm not so sure I want to.
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your new [Water Dome].]
Water Dome? What does that mean?
*suddenly glass surrounds the glass island and water fills the empty space. Chester begins to drown*
*tries to talk, but can't because water rushes into mouth. Starts kicking the top of the glass and it breaks easily. Sticks head out of opening*
E-exCUSE ME??? First you muder Bob and then you try to DROWN ME! My whole island is ruined now!
*climbs out onto the glass roof*
This is such a bad start, guys. I bet everyone else has awesome drops and I'm here with nothing but pain.
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Bootscoot new upload: Alone on an island with just an eel? New Series. Skyland episode one.
Hello, everybody. It's Bootscoot here and today I'm playing Skyland. It's a really cool new game, and you could probably get the basic idea from that little intro. I am just so excited to get started.
Should I cut down this tree and start making a base or open a ticket first? I'll open one first and then cut the tree down and open the other one after that.
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your new [Garden Eel].]
A garden eel? Oh it's a FLOWER!
*looks excitedly at an eel, poking it's head out of the dirt. It has petals around it's head, giving the impression that it is a plant.*
I love him! He's so cute! Maybe I can make a whole eel garden! You guys leave some comments for what I should name him!
Now, let's get this tree down. I assume I can just punch it until it falls over, since that's how most survival games work.
[You have acquired 5 [wood]]
Nice! Not sure if I can build a base with that. Now I'm wishing for a tutorial. Maybe I'll get more supplies with the next ticket.
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your [4 gold]]
Gold! 💛 I have no idea how much gold is worth in this game, but I feel rich. Do you feel rich, little eel?
*the eel does nothing*
Ohmygosh you are so cute! This has been so lucky so far! Maybe they get harder as time goes on. I better learn how to play fast and take advantage of the peaceful events.
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LizzyXDGames New Upload: I'm Spider-Liz! Skyland: E1
Huloo! It's Liz here. Welcome to a brand new series! This is a cool new game called Skyland and judging by that intro, I guess the goal is just to survive on this little island.
It's pretty nice. Cute little tree. Maybe it'll be a cool vacation. What do you guys think?
Anyway, I better open this ticket.
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your new [Potion of Poison].]
What? Am I poisoned? Wait. No. Oh it's in my inventory! Oooh.... 😈 Maybe I can use this...
Episode one and I'm already turning towards the dark side.
Next ticket!
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your new [Spider Power].]
Spider power? What does that even mean? Am I like Spider-Man now?
[Extend your hand and tense your forearm to shoot webs]
Oh cool! I am Spider-Man! Let's try this out, guys!
*points hand at tree in Spider-Man pose and fires a web. It sticks to the tree*
Oh GUYS! I'm a SUPERHERO! Yesss!!!
This is a dream come true already I'm so happy! Now I just need a city to swing through!
Okay, guys, here's my goal. Not sure if this is possible, but I'm going to build a city that I can swing around in and be a superhero. That's more of a long-term thing. Right now, I'll just get some wood to make a shelter.
[You have acquired 5 [wood]]
Nice! Now I've just got to figure out how crafting works in this thing. Because as of right now, I am unsure.
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HeyitsKeith New Upload: Welcome to Mud Island. Skyaland 1
Hey, it's Keith. Today I'm playing Skyland. Me and three other players are stuck on these little tiny islands and we have to survive and stuff.
So, uh, let's get started I guess. Punch wood.
[You have acquired 5 [wood]]
Nice. Successfully deforested my entire island and I'm not even a minute in yet.
Not sure how to craft, maybe that's something I'll unlock later. Anywhooo, let's redeem these tickets. If these end up being loot boxes, I am going to quit here and now.
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your 5 [Emerald]]
Emerald? Neat. I wonder if these can be traded like in Minecraft. Or maybe I can make emerald gear. Hmmm. Interesting. Veeery interesting. I guess we'll see.
[You have opened [One Ticket].]
[Enjoy your [swamp].]
*the ground becomes boggy and muddy.*
Eww! This is awful no! Look, my island is ruined! I probably have the dampest island now!
*distant laughter*
Look, guys, I can't live with this. The island is nine spaces, so I'll put down my five wood and make a little floor on one side. Because I am not sleeping in the mud.
*places the five wood onto the ground.*
There. Nice and dry. Although that completely wastes this wood. Hopefully tomorrow's ticket will be nicer to me. 
Join me next time here on the shining shores of Mud Island.
0 notes