#Like he just… can barely move and then he passes out. From a sugar crash.
Bing throws himself into potentially dangerous situations so often. The rest of 341b has to worry about him, right? I know they do, because they do react with some panic or concern when he does these things. But they also just let him wander off on his own in unfamiliar locations so that he can be comically trapped in a chocolate bar. .
I don’t know I’d just like to see a “You’ve got to stop worrying us like that!” Sort of moment, y’know?
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jobean12-blog · 8 months
Next Door to Love
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female reader (Neighbor AU)
Word Count: 3,188
Summary: When you made the move to the city you never expected your new neighbor to be so sweet and helpful...or hot.
Author's Note: Because why not! Moving in across the hall from Bucky would be a dream, one I'd like to live out please and ty haha! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy!🥰
Warnings: fun and flirty, teasing and tension, a curse or two or three, Bucky is impatient and cocky in the best way!
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Last week
Your tired, fuzzy slipper clad feet drag along the floor as you trudge toward the door across the hall. You’re hoping someone is home. Someone who has sugar. Anyone.
You let out a quick exhale and lift your chin before rapping your knuckles against the wood. A frown starts to mar your forehead when you hear a sleepy mumble come from inside the apartment.
Shit, fuck, shit you woke him up. It’s a guy. Of course it is…because you don’t look like you just rolled off your mattress that still has no bedframe and tripped over twenty-five unopened boxes…etc, etc.
The door swings open revealing said guy…a hot-as-fuck guy. Naked, except for his unbuttoned jeans.
Oh hi neighbor.
Before you can stop it, your gaze instantly drops to the dark trail of hair below his bellybutton, framed by a set of abs that you could dry your laundry on.
You reel yourself in and lift your eyes to his which does nothing to help your declining focus. His hair is perfectly mussed from sleep, his chiseled jaw shadowed with dark stubble and his incredible blue eyes lined by dark lashes.
His hands are planted on either side of the door frame and with every passing second you’re mesmerized by flexing muscles in his chest and arms.
He drags a lazy hand through his unkept hair and smiles. Knowingly. Smugly.
“Can I help you doll?”
“Um…hi. I’m sorry if I woke you…it’s just…I moved in yesterday and haven’t gone shopping yet and I have no sugar. I need my coffee.”
“So you’re my new neighbor,” he croons. “Lucky me.”
You audibly swallow and hold up your coffee cup pleadingly.
“I’ll take care of ya doll.”
With a wink he holds up one long finger.
“Come on in and make yourself comfortable. I’ll be right back with that sugar.”
He spins on his heel and walks toward what you’re guessing is the kitchen and it should be considering your apartments are mirror images of each other.
You step inside and stand by the door to wait. You hear him rummaging around and then hear a crash followed by grumbled curses.
Before you can react the cutest white cat saunters out of the kitchen, looking quite proud with his fluffy tail held high and blue eyes unblinking.
“That’s Alpine,” he yells from the other room. “Don’t let his cuteness fool you. He’s a menace!”
You let your laughter ring out and then kneel down to give Alpine some scratches. The cat instantly warms up to you and presses himself against your leg, purring loudly.
“Ah, of course he likes you.”
You look up at the sound of your neighbors voice and reluctantly give up petting Alpine to take the offering of sugar.
“Thank you….?”
“Bucky,” he finishes for you. “Name’s Bucky.”
“Thanks Bucky,” you say with a smile and then introduce yourself.
You look back down at the cat that is now circling between Bucky’s bare feet. “And Alpine really is cute. I can’t imagine he’s a menace.”
“Just wait until you get to know him,” Bucky says. “Can I get you anything else doll?”
“No. Thank you and again I’m sorry if I woke you.”
“No problem at all. I had a late night at the office and I was just being lazy. If you need anything else just come by. Anytime.”
His lips turn up in a boyish grin and he winks again.
You can feel his eyes on you as you turn and walk out into the hall and toward your apartment. Just as you push your door open you look over your shoulder and catch him staring, his teeth dug deep into his bottom lip.
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The knock at your door startles you from your unpacking trance and from your spot on the floor, surrounded by open boxes and a mess of things, you ask, “who is it?”
“It’s Bucky…and I have food.”
Your smile is impossible to hide and you shout back, “come in!”
Bucky appears in the doorway with a pizza box.
“Hiya doll face,” he chimes. “I figured you’d need some fuel.”
You drag yourself out of the mess on the floor and hop up onto the edge of the counter.
“Thanks Bucky. I really appreciate it, but you’re spoiling me. What is it now…the third time this week you’re feeding me?”
He hands you a slice and then stands there, watching while you take a bite.
“And why not? You need to eat and I love to eat, might as well do it together!”
You laugh through your bite. “Then what motivated you to help with my furniture?”
He shrugs and grabs a slice of pizza, shoving half into his mouth before he answers.
“Perfect opportunity to show off my muscles.”
He waggles his brows suggestively and flexes a bicep.
“Double win for me,” you admit, licking your lips. “How will I ever repay you.”
He remains quiet for several moments while he studies you then asks, “how about a real dinner?”
“Pizza is the realest dinner there is!” you state with a mouthful.
“Let me take you out. For something other than pizza.”  
“Are you asking me on a date?”
“Would you say yes if I were?”
Your legs swing back and forth at the knee as you finish your bite and then place your slice of pizza down. You reach over the box and grab the marker you left out on the counter, placing it between your lips.
Watching him from under your lashes, you take his arm and roll up the sleeve of his Henley and when your fingertips make contact with the sensitive skin on his underside of his forearm you can feel his muscles tighten.
Your mouth curves around the marker at his reaction and you pluck it from between your lips and start writing on his skin.
“Now you’ve got my number. Text me and we’ll pick a date for our date.”
“Thank you,” he says, leaning in close and dropping his eyes to your mouth.
Your lips part with your small gasp of air and when his thumb lifts to brush along the corner of your mouth you let out a rush of air.
“Sauce,” he states before he licks his finger clean, his gaze locked on yours.
You nod as he steps back and pulls out his phone to dial your number on his arm. Your phone rings and he says, “and now you’ve got mine.”
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You spend the rest of your weekend unpacking and doing errands, running into Bucky only once in a frantic rush of laundry. He offers to help but you know if you let him you’ll become distracted and never get anything done. The two of you text back and forth, deciding on Saturday for your official date. No pizza involved.
The next morning you get another text from him.
“Morning doll face. Don’t forget an umbrella. Gonna rain later today.”
“Are you the weather man now?” you message back, smiling at your phone.
“Nah. Just a friendly neighbor.”
“Did you tell everyone in the building about the rain and remind them to bring an umbrella.”
“Just you…”
“Thanks, but I’m already half way to work sans umbrella.”
“Damn it. I knew I should have texted earlier. Now if you get caught in the rain it’ll be all my fault.”
“Hardly! I should have checked the weather. Can’t rely on you for everything can I?”
He sends a wink face.
“Is it Saturday yet?”
“Still only Monday morning. What’s Saturday?”
“Don’t tease me doll. I’ve been looking forward to this date since you showed up at my door lookin’ for sugar.”
“Have a good day Bucky.”
“You too doll…stay dry.”
You’re only two blocks from your apartment building when the sky opens up and the rain comes down in buckets. By the time you reach the doors you’re soaked through and cursing at yourself for forgetting an umbrella.
The door attendant lets you in with a sympathetic smile and as you’re sloshing past him and toward the elevator you hear Bucky’s voice.
“Oh doll. Look at you.”
He tugs his mail from the box and slams it shut, rushing toward you and taking your arm.
“Soaked,” you say sadly.
“I can see that,” he muses with a twitch of his perfect lips. “Come on, let’s get you upstairs and dry.”
The elevator doors open and you step inside with a shiver. He immediately starts to pull your jacket from your shoulders.
“What are you doing?” you ask without stopping him.
“You have to get out of this jacket. I’m sure your shirt is….”
He stops speaking when his eyes catch sight of your white button down, soaked through so that you can see the lace of your bra outlined against the fabric.
“Fuck,” he mutters, dragging his eyes back to your face. “Here.”
He shrugs off his damp jacket and then takes off his suit jacket and drapes it over your shoulders.
“But it’ll get all wet,” you protest.
“Don’t care. You can’t walk out of the elevator like that.”
His jaw is set in a hard line as his fingers work over the scruff that lines it. The elevator dings at your floor and he takes your hand, leading you out and checking the hallway.
“Why are you looking around like that?” you ask.
He turns back to you and tugs you closer. “I don’t wanna anyone seeing you.”
“Why not?”
“Because then I’ll have to kill them,” he states.
“Someone is acting a little jealous,” you giggle.
“Yeah well…we haven’t even had our first date yet. Can’t have someone looking at what’s about to be mine.”
“Yours,” you breathe out, not even realizing you’re now standing in front of your apartment door.
With shaky fingers you start to remove his suit jacket but before you can he stops you with a hand on your wrist.
“Don’t doll. Just keep it for now.”
“But we’re at the door. I’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, but if you take that off then I have to see you in your wet shirt again. And I’m not sure I’ll be able to control myself if I do.”
“Control yourself how?” you ask in a breathy whisper.
He responds with a pained groan before his mouth meets yours and he has you pressed against the door.
Even though your shirt is soaked through and your skin is cold you can feel the warmth of his body seep into yours. You wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself and he lifts one hand to cup the back of your neck, tilting your head and deepening the kiss.
Your scrape your nails along his broad shoulders and he moans out your name.
“Fuck, I love having your hands on me.”
The desperation in his voice has you arching into him and you drop your head against the door, giving him access to trail his lips down your neck. Your fingers slide into his hair and tug at the soft strands. He growls into your skin and scrapes his teeth over your pulse point making you gasp his name.
“Oh I like that,” you whisper.
He does it again.
“You’re going to like everything I do to you doll face.”
His lips graze yours and he swallows your whimper, crowding you closer to the door before muttering out a curse and letting you both take a breath.
“Is it Saturday yet?” he asks, still breathless.
“Still Monday,” you answer, feeling just the same.
“Right,” he says, planting his hands on the door above your head and dropping his head forward.
A door down the hall opens and he pauses, straightening his body to hide your own. You both smile at the older lady who walks by with a questioning look.
When Bucky’s eyes return to you they drop to where he spread his jacket open to put his hands on you, your shirt sticking to your wet skin even more now.
He stares before reluctantly dragging his eyes up and taking the sides of the material and pulling them tightly around you.
You tremble.
“Still cold?” he asks, his eyes soft with worry.
“Hardly,” you answer and lean up to kiss the corner of his mouth.
“See you later Bucky.”
“I’m counting on it doll.”
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You spend the rest of the week juggling your time between work, texting Bucky and sleeping. You’ve only seen him once since Monday evening and that was for five minutes when he caught you coming home again but this time he had his friend Steve with him and there was no chance for any kissing.
Saturday morning rolls around and you wake up to a text from him.
“It is finally Saturday or am I dreaming?”
“It’s really Saturday!”
“Thank fuck! Can we start our date now?”
“No…I have to do girly things and prepare.”
“What kinds of things….?”
“I’ll see you tonight Buck.”
You can almost hear his groan through the phone.
“I’ll be at your door at 7 sharp.”
Bucky knocks on your apartment door at exactly the same time your phone clock hits 7:00pm. You grin at your best friend Nat before she gets up and walks toward the door.
“Oh girl. He’s hot!” a muffled voice says from the other side.
It isn’t yours so Bucky assumes it’s your friend.
“He’s at least a nine.”
Bucky scoffs, muttering, “a nine?” quietly to himself.
“Hey, I can hear you in there. Are you gonna open the door?” he asks the unknown voice.
The door swings open to reveal a red head who looks him over with two scrutinizing green eyes.
“Hi,” he smiles, holding out his hand. “I’m Bu…”
“Bucky,” she finishes. “I know who you are…question is…do you know who I am?”
“You must be Natasha,” Bucky answers with a smug smile.
“That’s right and I’m a black belt in jiu jitsu so you do anything I don’t like and I will end you.”
Bucky’s eyes light up and he watches Nat as she moves toward the kitchen.
“You almost ready doll face,” he yells, not taking his eyes off Nat in case she goes for a knife.
“I’m right here,” you say.
Bucky turns to find you standing right in front of him. His mouth drops open as his eyes sweep you up and down.
“This is where you say she looks amazing,” Nat admonishes from the kitchen, dangerously close to the knife rack.
However, Bucky’s eyes never leave you and when he steps into your space and wraps you in his arms, pulling you into his chest, you let out a squeal of delight.
“You look fucking gorgeous,” he says, loud enough for Nat to hear, then whispers, only for your ears, “I want to rip this dress off you.”
Your lips spread into a sly smile. “We made the right choice Nat.”
“Of course we did,” she chimes. “Now go. I’ll lock up.”
“I’m so ready,” he says, ushering you toward the door, but not before turning to Nat, still in the kitchen eyeing him warily, and asking, “I’m good with a nine, but just out of curiosity, what did I lose a point for?”
“You’re really gonna make me say it in front of you?” Nat asks.
“I wanna hear it too Nat,” you say, raising an expectant and skeptical brow.
“You didn’t shave.”
He runs the free hand, the one not wrapped around your waist, over his jaw.
“I didn’t get any complaints earlier this week,” Bucky says, eyes now sparkling with mischief.
“He’s right Nat,” you add. “I like it.”
Nat rolls her eyes and shoos you away.
Once you’re safely in the elevator and away from prying eyes Bucky invades your space, plastering you against the cool metal wall and caging you there with his large body.
“It almost killed me to not be kissing you for the past five minutes,” he says against your lips.
When you press into him and slide your body along his it sucks the breath right out of his lungs and fills them with something else. Need.
The kiss pulls a throaty groan from him and his belt buckle digs into your skin, the muscles hidden beneath his clothes, pressing and flexing over the thin material of your dress.
The elevator door dings and begins to slide open, causing you to give his chest a gentle shove.
“You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” he asks as he lifts a finger and traces your swollen lips.
“That would suck,” you reply. “I kind of like having you as a neighbor.”
After a delicious dinner at a roof top restaurant down town, Bucky walks you along the street, hand in hand, as you listen and laugh to his childhood stories about growing up in Brooklyn.
“Where are we going now?” you ask.
“It’s a surprise,” he says as he twirls you into his side and presses his fingers under your chin to steal a kiss.
As you get closer to your destination the bright lights sparkle and the smell of the ocean is carried on the warm breeze.
“Which bridge is that?” you ask with awe.
“The Brooklyn Bridge,” he tells you and grabs your hand to pull you along. “Come on. I have something to show you.”
When you reach the top of the look out he slides an arm around your waist and pulls your back to his chest.
“This is so beautiful Bucky,” you whisper.
He kisses your cheek and takes your chin between his fingers, turning your face up to his. “I always thought it was the most beautiful thing in the city…but not anymore.”
You’re thankful for his strong arms holding you up and after a sweet kiss you enjoy the view in comfortable silence for a few more minutes but his hands start to wander, soft and sure, and with each passing touch your body aches for more.
His warm breath fans across your neck and his arm moves lower until his hand grasps your hip and he pulls you back to feel the hardness between his legs.
You suck in a breath and fight the urge to move against him.
With a curse he pulls away and grabs your hand, dragging you toward the park under the bridge. The only lights come from the lit-up buildings across the street and when he finds a hidden spot he backs you against the cold stone but you’re too hot to care.
“Bucky,” you whisper as your hands roam over his broad chest.
His mouth brushes yours before he gently nips at your bottom lip.
“I can’t even keep my fucking hands off you long enough to bring you home,” he murmurs.
His fingers find the hem of your dress and he slides them under, slowly teasing the fabric higher until his hand brushes over the wetness on your panties.
“Please, Bucky,” you pant.
“Fuck, I love hearing you say my name like that,” he growls. “I need to get you home so I can hear you scream it for me.”
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@hiddles-rose @littleseasiren @randomfandompenguin @blackwidownat2814 @goldylions @buckysdollforlife @lizette50
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cosmicpiracy · 1 year
Despair in the hotel lounge
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The concert had been over for a few moments and his head hadn’t stopped pounding. Alex stood near his wife in the hotel’s private lounge as Matt’s girlfriend loudly praised them for their performance. God, he loved to see his mate happy, but was she annoying sometimes!
Specially now, when his head was pounding and he could feel all of the contents in his stomach swirl like a devilish soup. He felt lightheaded.
“Are you alright?” He heard his wife whisper in a worried voice. “Al?”
“Yeah, yeah.” He waved her off. “I’m good.”
Truth is: he wasn’t good, at all. His head had started bothering him a few minutes before the concert, but he would be damned if he was gonna cancel on such a short notice. Being married to a doctor had its perks: you learn a thing or two. And one things he learned from his wife’s notes and case reports was how to use light painkillers and antiemetics to completely abolish pain and nausea. He also got those two kinds of medication from her purse, although he refused to tell her about his state and worry her when she had just flown over. Which he would start to regret halfway through, when the music became too loud and he thought he would pass out from the pain.
“Are you sure?” She pressed further, and it felt like she really was testing his patience. His concert wasn’t what he thought it was gonna be and now, his wife was worried.
Great. Wonderful. Fucking fantastic.
“God, woman, not everyone around you needs your worry all the time!”
There was a certain silence in the room, a sort of shock. Alex had never raised his voice at his wife. It was new.
“That was so uncalled for, Alex.” So was her calling him Alex.
Ever since they met, she refused to use what she deemed to be his “fame name”. It was always Al, or Alexander, or Turner. Never Alex - everyone called him that.
So he felt a pang in his chest the moment that word left her mouth, and the hurt intensified as he watched her walk towards Katie, Jamie’s wife, who looked at her with a puzzled expression before glaring daggers at him.
As time went on, his situation got worse. He was more and more lightheaded and doubted he could walk to the hotel room if he tried. Matt was talking his ear off yet he couldn’t understand a word.
And Alex deeply wanted his wife to take care of him. Moved by the idea of telling her what was going on, apologising and going upstairs, he got up to walk towards his wife.
Only to come crashing down to the floor.
He could barely make out sounds or figures, but he knew his wife’s hands enough to know she was the one examining him. And telling the boys to help her carry him upstairs.
“He’s dehydrated. But his pulse is fine, it’s probably just low blood pressure or his blood sugar. Has he eaten?” She fired off, before scrunching her forehead and whispering while looking at Nick. “Has he taken any drugs?”
While Matt would hide any information he possibly could from her, she knew Jamie and Nick would never. So when Jaimie shook his head, she knew that this could be ruled off. “Good. What about his sleep schedule?”
“I wouldn’t know, Doc, I’m not a grown man’s babysitter!” Matt snickered and Alex was sure Helders had absolutely no idea what his missus looked like when infuriated, which is why when he went quiet for a second, Alex assumed she gave him the glare while they lowered him on the mattress.
“Tour’s been hectic.” Nick told her. “Al’s been working nonstop for a few days. He wanted to be free when you got here, since you are only staying till Prague.” Alexander could feel his wife’s guilt from the bed when she saw the boys off, thanking Nick and Jamie for the information, telling Matt to take it out of his arse in a playful manner.
“Al, my love, what happened?” She stroke his cheek affectionately, starting to undo the buttons of his shirt. “Can you talk? Jesus, you are sweating too much. What are you feeling?” Alex did not have the strength to say it, but pointed at his head. “Headache?” He nodded before feeling her sit him up to take off his shirt. Alex took the moment to inhale her scent from her skin, while his weakened arms held on to her when she tried to move away. “Alexander, I’m going to take off your pants.”
With a lazy smirk, he gathered all his strength to snort. “Take me out first.” His wife just rolled her eyes.
“Oh, I will, Mr. Turner.” She said. “I’ll get you some medicine and give you a hot bath for your muscles, ok? Hang on in there.”
And she did. She gave him medicine and waited, to make sure it was going to stay inside and directed him to the bath. It’s was warm, but not enough to make his skin red with the heat. Just pleasantly warm.
Alex admired his beautiful wife, her hair in a bun, her focused eyes as she stripped to her underwear, got a bottle of liquid soap and sat behind him.
“I’m sorry for being such a dickhead to you.” He sighed as she dispersed the soap on his back and squeezing his sore neck muscles in the process. “You were looking out for me and I screwed it all up.”
“C’mon, Al, we’re good. Everything is alright, love.”
“It isn’t! It really isn’t!” He was getting worked up, she could tell. After a few years together, she knew him like the medical schemes she memorised through medschool. “George told me about the horrible shifts you had been havin and the awful cases in the morgue and how you were so tired you were taking the train instead of driving and all I wanted was for you not to worry when you were here!” He sighed, and she rinsed the soap from his skin, kissing his head lightly as he winced at his own volume. “To spend your time with me and rest.”
“Al, you are too sweet!” His wife nestled her face in his neck, kissing a bit of the skin. He intertwined their fingers. “You have absolutely no idea of how good it is just to be around you. How refreshing it was to get on that plane and know I was going to be in your arms soon.” She whispered in his ear, smiling like an idiot. “Thanks for taking care of me. Really. I could just see how tired you were, and wanted to take care of you too.” She got him out of the bathtub, drying his torso sweetly. “Isn’t that what marriage is? Two people caring for one another?” He smiled as she bopped his nose before sealing their lips together.
“No buts, Alexander. You bought the flights, I shoo away your headaches, you sing me to sleep and I shower you in all my love and affection in the morning.” She laughed lowly as they layed in bed, his head resting in her chest. “You have no concerts tomorrow, right?” He just nodded. “Then, I proclaim bedrest for you for the whole day.” He hummed and she carded her fingers through his hair lovingly. “You are sentenced to a whole day in bed with me.”
“Clothes or no clothes?”
“Your choice.”
He hummed, as if analysing his possibilities.
“No clothes it is.” He declared. “Can you sing me to sleep today, love?”
“Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you, tomorrow I’ll miss you…”
@mywritingonlyfans @ohladymoon
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Just for the Weekend 3/10
Summary: Jason makes a pit stop.
Pair: Reader x Jason Todd
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: Mutual pining, swearing.
Part 2
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"Is she here?" Jason asks as he follows you down the steps
"Yes sir, We're just getting her off now and Leslie will see that your bags are delivered to the hotel."
"Awesome, thanks." He says handing Julian what looks to be $100. You just stand there, mostly confused about what is happening and it isn't until someone rounds the corner with a dark maroon motorcycle that you understand who she is.
"No," you say almost immediately, Dick had been trying for years to get you on one of those death traps and you had yet to cave. "I'll just go in the car, meet you there."
"But darling," he says, clicking his teeth like he's trying out the pet name but doesn't like the way it feels in his mouth, "we need to arrive together, how will it look if we aren't?"
"No way,"
"Sugar, you'll be fine. I've only crashed twice,"
"What if the car follows us, sweet cheeks?" his eyes crush up, "the car can follow us and if you want to get off I'll let you off,"
"If the cars going to follow us why can't I just-"
"How far is it to the hotel from here?" He asks Julian.
"30 minutes,"
"Doll, well be there before you know it,"
"If I come with you, will you stop with the pet names?"
"Deal, get her a helmet."
Within seconds Jason has the helmet on and you're climbing on the back of the bike. Fuck, he's so close. That fucking forest cologne permeating your nostrils and making your insides tingles. You reach down gripping the side rail, like Dick had shown you the one time he managed to get you on the bike before you chickened out.
"Hold onto me," Jason says through what you assume is a Bluetooth connection in the helmets.
"Nah, I'm good," you say, glad that he cannot see how red you are.
"If you don't wanna fall off you need to hold onto me,"
"I can hold on here, it's fine,"
He lurches the bike forward before coming to an abrupt stop and your arms fly around his waist, holding on for dear life. "See now isn't that better," you can hear the smile in his voice. Fucking asshole, but God he's so fucking warm and as he takes off you squeeze him tighter, closing your eyes and wishing that you could crawl inside him so you don't have to feel how fast the wind is moving past you.
"Your eyes shut?" He asks and you can barely hear him over the revving underneath you.
"Open them," reluctantly you do as he asks, just in time to see the coastline to your left
"It's beautiful,"
"Would've missed this view in the car," it's only then you realise that you can't see the SUV anywhere and you're traveling up a dirt road.
"Where are we? Where's the car?" You start to panic,
"Took a shortcut, should be there soon."
"You say that-" cut off by a sharp turn, you feel your adrenaline start to pump. "Are you enjoying this?" You start to giggle uncontrollably as he moves faster, zig zagging through the landscape as your laughter goes higher and higher.
He stops and you know you're not at the hotel. The hotel is closer to the city and this seems to be an alcove? Maybe a private beach?. "I don't want to get arrested for trespassing."
"We won't, Bruce owns the house up there," he points up the hill. "We're about 2 hours ahead of schedule so I wanted to go for a swim," retrieving the bag that somehow managed to fit behind your ass on the bike. You assumed it was for the helmets, but as Jason pulls out towels and a bag you realise it's much bigger on the inside.
"What's this?"
"Swimmers and a towel,"
"What for?"
"Swimming? Aren't you meant to be the smart one?"
"Shut up, I mean why are we here?"
"Like I said I wanted to go for a dip." He pulls off his shirt and you think you might pass out. How is he like this? He's so broad, his arms look fucking huge and as your eyes taper down you notice the round curve of his tummy that looks so soft and biteable.
"Is there somewhere I can change?" You stutter, fuck you need to get away, need to breathe for a second.
"Yeah there's a cabin that way," he points to the shack you hadn't noticed.
"Thanks," grabbing the bag, you take long deep calming breaths that do nothing to stop your pounding heart.
The look on your face was worth it, Jason thinks as he quickly changes into his board shorts. The shameless way you ogled him before running away like a kitten in a storm.
He steps closer to the water, diving under the first wave and relishing in the cold kiss of the water. He's always loved the water. It took him a while to get back in after Lazarus, the fear that this time he wouldn't rise back out lingering in some distant part of his brain.
But as you emerge from Alfred's cabin, he can't seem to recall that fear. Instead focusing on you, your hair flowing freely behind you and the tiny swimsuit you're wearing. "Come on in, the waters nice," he calls out to you as you stare down at him. He thanks the universe that the coolness of the water is keeping his face from turn red as he takes you in.
You start to run, knowing that if you stop you're probably just going to turn back into the adorable cabin and stay there. When you hit the edge of the water you keep running, making sure you're deep enough. And when you lose the sandbar you drop, flopping yourself into the upcoming wave and making a huge splash.
A large burst of water splashes into you when you emerge and you know where it came from. You kick hard, splashing Jason back, before attempting to swim away.
This goes back and forth, the both of you enjoying your splash in the water as your arms and legs go weary.
You hear a noise overhead and look up to see a flock of gulls flying over you. You turn to the place Jason was to tell him about it but he's gone, seemingly vanished. It's only when you feel a tug on your ankle and let out a scream, your head is dragged under water.
Two strong hands tugging you back up and Jason's rancorous laughter fills the air when you brush all the hair that falls in front of your face. "Rude!" You shout, splashing him again.
Annoyed that you probably look like a drowned cat and he still looks perfect, somehow maintaining the curls while dripping in ocean water.
“Is there something on my face?"
"No. It's… never mind"
"Coz you're looking at me like there's something on my face."
"It is starting to get a bit pink," you point up at the sun, "maybe we should find some shade?"
"Good idea," he starts trudging up towards the shore, grabbing a towel and laying it out under the trees.
"Drying off?" You question, laying your towel out beside him in a much sunnier position.
"Yeah, don't want to get on her wet," he stops looking at you, seeming to focus on something in the distance.
You like the silence, it's not awkward or filled with tension or anything like that. It's peaceful. Like you're both just enjoying the sun, listening to the waves lapping and when you finally feel your bathing suit dry. You stand, "well we should get going, don't want to be late and I'd like to have a shower before dinner."
"We're still going to be hours early but if that's what you want."
"It is. I'm excited to see Jamie and Sunny. I think you might actually like them too."
"Me? Pfft I don't like anyone,"
"Now I know that's not true. I know you have a secret soft spot for Titus," you tease, you've spotted Jason quite a number of times in the library with the dog's face on his lap. It was a very sweet image.
"Have you been spying on me," he glares at you.
"I dabble," you shrug, grateful that he's already halfway up the path and he can't see how you're watching him.
Jason closes the door to the cabin behind him. Shit. You are so beautiful and that fuckin bikini. He could barely keep his head on straight enough to have a conversation when he first caught sight of you. He thinks as he slips off his board shorts and puts his jeans back on.
You've been spying on him. He thinks aloud, were you trying to avoid him? Learning his habits so you could stay clear of his path?
He steps out of the cabin, noticing you must have changed on the beach. you smile at him like you're actually happy to see him. It's just for the weekend, he reminds himself. It's Just because he's doing you a favor, by Monday you're going to forget all about him and you'll go back to avoiding him. Might as well enjoy it.
Part 4
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Whoops Game Grumps quotes
Crash: Inside, we're all a bunch of sadists.
Bob: No matter how hard you work and how big a celebrity you become, you'll never be as famous as cheese.
Lily: And then.. *pulls the cord on the Beyblade* ..you let it rip!
Lil Coding: I got it! *tries to catch it as it spins off the table* OWW!!!
Lily: Why would you try and catch the spinning metal blade from another country?!
LC: I thought it was like a dredel— Yeah, I really should disinfect this cut..
Mia, to Tulip: Wouldn't it be funny if you... lose a family member? Maybe two?
Mario: I'm the video game boy! I'm the one who wins!
Laharl: You can't open up the story of my life and just go to page 738 and think you know me.
Bob: I've got.. no money.
Lily: Why?
Bob, muffling his voice: Because I spent it all on gambling...
SMG3: You've gotta draw the line somewhere, you've gotta draw a fucking line in the sand, dude! You gotta make a statement! You gotta look inside yourself and say, "What am I willing to put up with today?
Zack: Listen to your elders or whatever.
Abyssal: I'm making lemonade out of a bad situation. You know what I'm saying, ohh gotta add the sugar. Gotta add the goddamn ice cubes!
LC: Dremind me to get my bag then.
Cody: Dremind you?
LC: Yeah, dremind me.
Tartarus, showing Olypmus around TOTK: I just like walking through the world, man.
Olympus: I love it too.
Tartarus: Look at all this stuff we're explorning! *seeing something move out of the corner of his eye* What was that?
Olypmus: Explorning?
Tatarus, leading him over to what sees to be a deactivated Captain Construct: See, I wouldn't-
Tartarus, as the Captain Construct snaps and locks onto them: OH GOD ITS ALIVE!!!
Ash: You speak Fran-ques! (Français)
Tulip, as she laughs: What????
Shantae: Okay, so. Tulip, can I share something with you from earlier today?
Tulip: What is it?
Shantae, pulling up a chat box: Well, I sent you a text early in the morning.
Tulip: Yeah?
Shantae: Because we needed to figure out some stuff for the upcoming meetups, what we're going to do, and all that. And so, I was so, I was like, "Do you have any preference whether we do it this meetup or the next meetup?"
Tulip: Mhm.
Shantae: Your response..
Tulip: *already laughing*
Shantae, trying not to laugh: At 9:30 in the morning; "Motherfucking Jesse Eisenberg Jesus Christ fuck dude motherfuckin Facebook movie bullshit Jesus can you fucking believe this shit"
Shantae: No punctuation. Random capitalization. So I respond, "I have no idea what we're talking about right now"
Shantae: 45 minutes pass, I get a text from you; "God damn created Facebook then fucking lawyers and shit right fucking Winklevoss twins god damn rowing the boat fuck yo shit I can't even fucking believe this shit have you seen this shit fuck I just watched this shit fuck Jesse Eisenberg man"
Shantae, as Tulip is on the floor, laughing: I respond, "Tulip, you're scaring me." An hour passes.
Shantae: You respond; "Motherfucking Spider-man Spider-man you put in the time fuck put in the time motherfucking built shit with this bare hands fucking best friend shit Jesse Eisenberg I'm very tired"
Tulip: *losing her shit laughing*
Shantae: So I'm just like, "No problem, Tutu. I'll let Ash know, and we'll do most of the talking for you today."
Shantae: Immediate response. I'm talkin' like 5 seconds later.
Shantae, barely containing her laughter: "No man I'll just talk about the Facebook movie all day shit man you have to be so interested in the shit I have to say about the Facebook movie fuck dude I just watched it a year and a half ago fuck Jesse Eisenberg man he fucked over Spider-man crazy Winklevoss twins rowing Trent Resin or did the soundtrack fuck this guy who invented Facebook I don't like dying I can't think of who the fuck invented Facebook All I can think is who played the guy who invented Facebook who the fuck invented Facebook"
Shantae: And then, in all capital letters, two hours later;
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hyrules-warrior · 2 years
I hope someone writes a fic focusing on Joel’s recovery too. Like I know Ellie needs so much from him to help with her trauma but Joel IS NOT OKAY.
Like she was struggling to get food and water into him, he has been sweaty and feverish, his wound is still pretty fresh so still recovering from blood loss. 
He is dehydrated, with low blood sugar and blood pressure for sure. Still likely ill from the infection and will need more penicillin and weeks and weeks of healing.
And he has pushed himself far beyond what he should have. He was barely conscious and he got up, killed a shit ton of guys, walks/runs around outside in the cold all running on nothing like not even fumes at that point. I’m sure he is bleeding a bit from pulling his stitches too with all that moving around, so more blood loss that he really can’t afford.
He is getting them somewhere safe, securing the space, cleaning up Ellie and then he is crashing HARD
I want to see him struggling to recover himself while caring for Ellie and trying to help her through her trauma. Trying to hunt and almost passing out from the pain to his wound from the recoil of the rifle shot. Just trying to do anything without getting so tired he has to stop before finishing the task. Popping a stich trying to do something (which causes Ellie to loose it when she sees fresh blood on him there)
Joel needs so much sleep but her night terrors keep him up and it’s a struggle to even get up to check her but he HAS TO
Her fearful struggles and flailing before she realizes it’s him leave him white faced and almost passing out anytime she lands a hit near his wound
And then add on top once she is more coherent her fear for HIM about his wound. 
She obsessively checks it, wakes him up with her checking, can’t sleep without a hand over his chest to feel him breathe and feel his heart.
She has nightmares of David but half her nightmares are her screaming for him and pawing at his shirt until she can see that the wound is healing or her waking him up even though he is so tired and needs to rest but she just needs to make sure he can wake up and talk to her.
I just want the two of them struggling to heal both physically and emotionally together.
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metalbuckaroo · 3 years
Hi! So from the prompt list, could you do the 44th dialogue prompt where reader and roommate!Bucky are talking and bucky just keeps falling in love with her more and more but reader is oblivious to his flirting bc she doesn't think anybody wants her and while they are talking and bonding one evening they fall into the category of relationships as the topic of the conversation (sorry if it doesn't make sense, english isn't my first language)
Bad Night
Summary: After a bad date, Bucky offers his help.
Warnings: Some angst, lil fluffy, pretty cheesy, mentions of sex,
AU: Roommate!Bucky x reader
AN: After 3 days I'm finally letting this go. Not very sure how this got so long, but part of me wants to make a part 2 if that would interest anyone.
Prompt from this list. Requests are always open, reblogs and feedback are appreciated.
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"Hey, dollface, can you look at something for me?" You heard Bucky call, his footsteps getting closer to your room. "If it has to do with your testicles, then no. I will not."
He stopped in your doorway, eyes wide as he looked you over. "Oh, wow. Where you going? Got a hot date you didn't tell me about?" He teased, walking further into the room.
"Yeah, hopefully this one actually goes decent. Now what do you need?"
He turned so his back was to you and pulled his shirt off. "This place on my scar is all itchy. Does it look irritated?"
Until that day you had came home early from work to Bucky standing in the kitchen shirtless. He had expected you to immediately look at the cluster of scar tissue on his shoulder and never see him the same. Instead, you had just greeted him like any other day; a warm smile that made his heart melt before blabbering about your day and asking him about his.
This hadn't been the first time he'd asked for you to inspect a spot on his jagged scar. Although for the first month he'd make it a point to cover it, not wanting to freak you out.
That's when he got more comfortable, walking around without a shirt or just in a towel after a shower. When your smile started making his heart melt even more than before.
You touched your fingers to a small red blotch on the spot where dark metal met skin and he shivered slightly, goosebumps forming on his skin. "Yeah, it is a little. Try putting lotion on it."
He sighed and turned to face you, looking down at your dress. "Who is this guy? Do I know him?" He said cocking an eyebrow at you. "I tried that stupid dating app you suggested." You exhaled, shrugging your shoulders.
Narrowing his eyes at you, he shook his head. "You're not going." He said folding his arms across his chest. You raised your eyebrows and copied his actions. "And whys that?"
"Because, I should've never told you to try it. Dating apps are full of weird people." He muttered, going over to your dresser. "Murderers, stalkers, creepy cat people."
He opened the drawer and pulled out some clothes to stuff into your hands. "Which is why, you're staying in with me." He smiled, sparkling white teeth flashing at you.
Rolling your eyes you put the clothes back in their spots. "If I don't go on a decent date for once, I'm going to end up a creepy cat person. Besides, not all cat people are creepy. Mrs. Lawrey is really nice."
"She's an exception." He nodded, following you towards your bedroom door and down the hall. "If it makes you feel better, I'll text you if he starts acting creepy."
He huffed a breath and grabbed your shoulders, spinning you around to look at him. "Fine, but, that means I get to come rescue my girl if he does."
You felt a slight blush creep your neck and moved away from him to slip your shoes on. "You're just saying that, because I pay half of the bills." You said, opening the front door.
"And you cook pretty good. Now, go on. Be safe." He teased, swatting at your backside as you walked out into the hallway. "Try not to break anything, please." You told him on your way down the hallway.
"Not making a promise I might break."
The date had went horrible, one slip up and he said a few choice words to you before calling a cab to leave.
You swiped your fingertips under your eyes to erase any sign of crying before you got to your front door, wanting to avoid Bucky at all costs.
"Hey, dollface. Back already?" He said from the living room. "Yeah..." You mumbled back, trying to make a break for your bedroom to change.
Bucky could tell something was wrong by how you weren't rambling about everything that happened. "Oh, no you don't. Get back in here."
You exhaled and turned back around to look at him. "What, James?" You sighed, walking closer to where he was sat in a recliner. "What'd he do?" He said, narrowing his eyes at you. "Nothing, I'm fine."
"You're crying, I wanna know why. What'd he do?" You rolled your eyes at his stern voice and shook your head. "Just didn't go very well." You said, sucking in a deep breath.
They never did. As soon as you let one little fact slip, they'd high tail. You would've been better off staying home like Bucky had suggested.
Bucky's voice broke you from your self pity. "C'mere." His hand reached out to grab your wrist and tug you closer. "I'm not sitting on your lap, that's weird."
He scrunched his nose up and shook his head. "Doesn't have to be. Stop being a brat and let me comfort you."
Once you were sat on his right thigh with your side against him, he wrapped his arms around you and leaned his head back against the chair. "This should be our new bonding method. Feels like we're getting closer by the second."
You teetered your head back and forth, pressing your lips into a thin line. "Maybe because, I'm on your lap. That's pretty close."
A soft pat to your thigh and he was looking directly at you, blue eyes dancing back and forth in curiosity.
He wanted to know what made you so sad and torn up about one stupid date. "Tell me about it?"
You took another deep breath and he lifted his head so you could slip your arm behind his neck. "Every single time I go on a date, they mention sex. As soon as I tell them I'm a virgin they're gone. Tonight's was just extra rude about it."
His eyebrows creased together, hand moving to your knee. "You're a virgin? How?"
You looked at the ceiling, tapping a finger to your chin as if you were thinking. "Hm, could be from never having sex." You said the most obvious answer.
"No, I mean-" he huffed a laugh and gestured a hand over you. "Look at you."
You pinched his side and he narrowed his eyes at you. "I thought we told each other everything?" He mumbled, his lips turning down into a frown.
"No, James. You tell me everything. I don't tell you near as much." You said patting his chest, the chain of his dog tags cool on your palm. "You don't have to, I know a lot just by paying attention." He said, giving a nonchalant shrug.
"Now, explain, miss goody-two-shoes. Why hasn't anyone popped your cherry?"
You looked to your lap and pursed your lips. "When I was younger I never felt the need to lose it. Now, I can't seem to find a guy who doesn't want to have sex on the first date. I'm not losing it to someone I barely know."
When Bucky stayed silent you looked at him, he was chewing on the inside of his cheek and you could see the gears turning as he looked at you.
He wanted to offer his help, but didn't want to scare you away. That was the whole reason he hadn't said how he felt over the past couple of months.
Although, he wasn't sure how you never noticed. How you hadn't noticed the lingering touches and looks, everything he'd say.
You had waved it off as mindless flirting because that's how he played it off; as him being a flirt without any serious intentions.
"You're being quiet and it's weird. Say something." You said flicking the tip of his nose. "I'll do it. If you wanna lose it, I'll do it. I know a lot about you."
"Buck-" you shook your head, trying to wrap your head around what he was saying. "You can't be serious." You said breathing a soft laugh.
He nodded and his hand on your knee moved to the back of your thigh.
You felt heat rush to your cheeks as you looked at him, his strong features completely serious. "I'm gonna go to bed. Its late."
Just like Bucky thought would happen, he was scaring you away. "Wait- no, come back." He said as you pulled out of his grip and stood.
You shook your head and cleared your throat. "Nope, not coming back. I know you don't mean it because... You're Bucky and you say shit like that all the time, so..." You inhaled deeply and started towards the hallway. "I'm gonna go get ready for bed."
Bucky stood from the chair and followed after you. "Sugar, wait." He grabbed your wrist gently and tugged you towards him, nearly crashing you into his chest.
In a sudden movement, his hands held your cheeks and his lips engulfed yours, the abrupt motion causing you to stumble a step back; your hands flying up to grip the sides of his shirt.
The kiss was slow and deep, the taste of his minty toothpast flooding your tastebuds when he slipped his tongue pass your lips.
He pulled away after a moment, looking at your shocked expression. "I mean it."
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Hi!! It's me AGAIN! 😝 May I request "OH, you're jealous!" with Gibbs? I love jealous Gibbs so much!! 🤭👀❤️
I love writing jealous!Gibbs!! Thank you for your request! This took an unexpected turn, I hope you'll like it! 👀❤️
Warnings: smut, dom!Gibbs, blowjob
Tags: @hotch-meeeeeuppppp
Oh, you're jealous
You met Leroy Jethro Gibbs a couple of years ago. You had just started as an FBI Agent, and you were Tobias Fornell's partner. The case with NCIS was your first interagencies encounter, and not on your life would you have thought about meeting the most amazing man.
But you did and you spent the next year hoping something would happen with him. Every time you heard about NCIS through a case, you made sure to be involved. It's only after Diane's wedding with Victor that things finally took the turn you were waiting for.
Tobias had a hard time seeing his ex-wife and mother of his daughter getting married again, especially after he learnt that she had cheated on him with that Victor. After the wedding, you invited him for drinks but he told you he already planned on getting at Gibbs's house and he told you to join.
You did, and by the end of the night, Gibbs and you were making out in his basement while Tobias had passed out upstairs on the couch.
That was a year ago and since then, your relationship with Gibbs has been amazing. Unfortunately, you don't see each other as much as you'd liked to. You're both committed to your jobs and you knew about your boyfriend's past. You don't want to pressure him into anything, it may scare him away.
There are actually good sides of not seeing each other much; when you and Gibbs manage to get together, you just enjoy one another's company and there are no fights. What would you two argue about anyway?
You can't say you and him are clearly dating, since you never used that word and actually, you never talked about what the relationship is and where it's going. Eventually, you'll have the talk, but not for now. You don't want to ruin it by asking it to be serious or planning a future.
Finally, a new joined case came in. Gibbs called Tobias and quickly, you two were driving to the NCIS headquarters.
Of course, Gibbs's team doesn't know anything about whatever is going on between you two. To be fair, Tobias was suspicious, but you - or Gibbs - never told him anything.
When you arrive in the bullpen, you can see Tony DiNozzo's face lighten up. He greets you with a huge smile, clearly avoiding Tobias. "Y/N, it's nice to see you again! This case just became very interesting," he winks at you and you chuckle. Tony has been very flirty with you for the beginning, and if you hadn't had a crush on Gibbs at the very first second, you probably would've hooked up with the Very Special Agent.
"Nice to see you too, Tony. I like working with you, guys," you smile and your eyes finally settle on your 'boyfriend', sitting at his desk, already talking with Tobias. He doesn't greet you at all, instead he just asks his team to do a sit-rep.
As you're staring at the screen and listening to McGee, you can feel Tony's body on your left and Gibbs's on your right. Gibbs's fingers are gently brushing yours and you can feel shivers running down your spin.
"You cold, Y/N?" Tony whispers in your ear. "Want my sweater?" he offers and before he knows it, a hand slaps the back of his head. "I'm just being nice, boss," he complains. Boss doesn't answer.
Tim finishes the sit-rep, and orders are given. Of course, Gibbs asks you to be with him and the two of you are on your way down to Autopsy. As soon as the elevator's doors close, Gibbs's mouth is all over you.
"Hey," he finally greets you.
"Took you long enough," you say between two kisses. He smiles against your mouth, ready to kiss you one more time but the ride is over and the doors open.
After that stop in Autopsy, Ziva tells Gibbs that the BOLO they sent gave results and they need to get going. He tells her to go with Fornell. As you need to check a few things in the FBI database, you settle at an empty desk with your laptop and get into work.
Quickly, you notice someone putting a coffee next to you, "Latte, two sugars, am I right?" Tony asks.
"Wow, no one brings me my coffee at the FBI. I'm gonna need Fornell to steal you," you smile at the Agent.
"I'd rather have you joining us. I'm sure Gibbs would be okay," he says. "Although, if I break rule 12 again, I'm a dead man,"
"Wait!" you think for a moment, "Rule 12 is--never date a coworker, right?" Tony nods. "Very presumptuous of you, Tony DiNozzo," you grin at him.
Not that you enjoy flirting with DiNozzo - even if it feels nice that a handsome man like him is hitting on you - but you can see Gibbs's pissed off face in the corner of your eye and you do enjoy that. "Well," as he's practically sitting on 'your' desk, Tony leans over you and whispers, so no one can hear, "You're pretty, I'm pretty. We can make pretty good things together, don't you think?"
You only have time to softly laugh, since Gibbs got up and headslaps DiNozzo again. "Quit flirting at work, got it, boss,"
You watch Gibbs walking to the elevator while Tony puts his hair back in place, "We'll continue this tonight, if you want to join us? We're celebrating Ziva's citizenship at a bar,"
"I'd love that,"
Gibbs comes back half an hour later with a fresh coffee. You can see on his face he’s clearly pissed but you decide not to do anything about it for now.
* * * * *
The rest of the day went smoothly. There was no big breakthrough in the case, for a moment you thought that the celebration might be canceled. But to everyone’s surprise, Gibbs and Fornell decide to call it a night. “We won’t be able to get anything done before tomorrow morning anyway,” Fornell says.
The NCIS team didn’t need much to start packing their things. As you’re putting your laptop in your bag, Abby, Jimmy and Ducky appear in the bullpen, “Celebration night!” Abby exclaims, “Gibbs, Fornell, you’re joining?”
“What are we celebrating?” Your boss asks.
“Ziva David, being officially a citizen of the United States of America!” Jimmy explains, wrapping his arm around Ziva’s shoulders.
Fornell looks over his shoulder, down to Gibbs. “You going?”
Then, Fornell puts his eyes on you, “You?”
“Yup, Tony offered me to join. If anyone minds,”
“Of course not!” Abby happily grabs your arm and walks you to the elevator. You don’t have time to give one last look at Gibbs, as you’re all taking off to the bar.
Only Fornell and Gibbs remain in the bullpen. “You sure you don’t want to keep an eye on DiNozzo?” Fornell teases his best friend.
“Fornell, if you want to go, just--leave,”
“Fine, I’ll protect her myself,” he says, “Unless I get too drunk and don’t see them sneaking out to the bathroom,”
Gibbs growls before standing up, “I hate you,”
* * * * *
At the bar, you and the team got into a booth in the back. Of course, Tony made sure to be right next to you and Abby was on your other side. You all ordered your drinks and when the waiter brought them, you toasted, “To Ziva!” everyone says.
You have barely swallowed the first sip of the Champagne when you see Gibbs and Fornell entering the bar. Abby sees them too and calls their names. “I don’t know what you told him, Fornell, but I’m so glad to convince him to come,” Ziva confesses. It really means a lot to her that all of her team - her other family - is here to celebrate.
Even if he joined, Gibbs is being himself and doesn’t talk much with anyone, except some quick exchanges with Ducky. He’s sitting across the table from you, and you can see his eyes darkening as Tony whispers something in your ear that makes you giggle. He drinks his second bourbon in one swallow and goes to the counter to order another one. You excuse yourself to Tony, and join Gibbs.
“You okay?” you ask him, innocently.
“Perfect,” he mutters.
“Wanna spend the night at my place, tonight?” you whisper in his ears, gently nipping his lobe.
“Why don’t you ask DiNozzo?” he answers.
"Oh, you're jealous!" you exclaim with a chuckle, as the bartender puts the glass in front of Gibbs. His hand grips on the glass hard, his knuckles are turning white.
“Why would I be jealous? We’re not dating,”
This sends you off, you bit your bottom lip to avoid shouting in the middle of a bar. You take one deep breath to remain calm and answer, “Of course. I wonder what you’ve been doing for the past year, if not dating,”
Even with the dim light, Gibbs can see your cheeks turning red from anger. He shouldn’t have said this, because obviously, he has strong and deep feelings for you, but he hates to admit that he’s indeed...jealous. “Maybe I’ll indeed ask DiNozzo. Or maybe I’ll ask a stranger. Or--Or maybe, I’ll ask DiNozzo and a stranger,”
You’re about to leave him here when he grabs your wrist, ever so gently. You can see that his face had softened a bit. Then his hand moves from your wrist to your hand and his fingers intertwine with yours. Gibbs starts to walk away, taking you with him. He doesn’t say a word until he reaches his car. He opens the door for you, “Are we really sneaking out?” you ask.
“Just get in,” he orders, along with smack on your ass.
This gesture sends something right down to your core. You smile and get in his truck, shortly followed by him.
The parking lot is dark, the car is only facing trees and bushes. But you don’t have time to overthink what’s going on, as Gibbs’s lips crash on yours. He immediately asks for access with his tongue, which you happily grant him. One of his hands gets under your top, feeling your skin under his fingers. It keeps getting higher, until he cups one of your breasts and squeezes. You moan in his mouth, and your nails scratch on his scalp. He growls at the feeling, and quickly grabs your hips to make you sit on his lap. “You seriously want to do this in the car?” you ask, but it seems obvious as you can feel him getting hard.
“I want you to make yourself forgiven,”
His blue eyes are dark with lust. You know exactly what that means. You haven’t experienced the dominant side of Gibbs yet and god, is it turning you on. You can feel yourself getting soaking wet in your panties. You approach your lips to his to kiss him again but he only lets them brush. “Your mouth should be busy somewhere else,” he says.
“Yes, sir,” you agree and work on his belt.
You don’t know if he’s ever done something like this before, but his painful erection lets you know how turned on he is. You give him a few strokes, feeling some precum on your hand. He groans under your touch and then, you bend your head over to lick the head of his cock, tasting him. “Fuck!” he mutters. You play with the head for a moment before taking him inside your mouth.
As you blow him, Gibbs has one arm stretching over the seat and his other hand is settled in the back of your neck, guiding you. You can feel him grabbing your hair into his fist from time to time. “You’re so good at this, sweetheart,” he praises you and you hum in response, with his cock still inside your mouth. It sends shivers down his spine, and he bucks his hips, making his length go as deep as possible inside your throat. When he hits the back of your throat, Gibbs lets out such a huge moan, people in the bar may have heard him.
“Who does this mouth belong to?”
You relish him briefly, “You.” you answer.
“Good girl,” he growls. “Now, make me cum in that pretty mouth of yours,”
You go back to your oral ministrations and quickly, Gibbs is coming inside your mouth, shooting his load inside your throat, as your name leaves his lips in the most erotic sound you’ve ever heard. You couldn’t be any more turned on at this very moment. As he’s catching his breath, you make a big show of swallowing every drop of him.
Finally, he grabs the back of your neck a bit roughly to make you kiss him. He can taste himself on you and from the sound you’re making, he understands that you love that side of him. “I’m not done with you,” he says, brushing his lips against yours. “We’re going back inside, like nothing happened, but if you keep flirting with DiNozzo, or anyone else, I’ll deny you for such a long moment, you’ll beg me to shot you,”
You may be crazy, but this makes you want to piss him off a little more.
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han-shinsuke · 3 years
t h e b r e a k f a s t t a b l e
[🔞] k e n t o n a n a m i [‼️]
s m u t • s m u t • s m u t
ᴍɪɴᴏʀs ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴏᴜᴛ ɴsғᴡ
If only you were at home, listening to sleeping at last and maybe with a cup of hot cocoa in hand, you would really appreciate the heavy pour of rain outside. However, you weren’t. Therefore, you must try to not show uneasiness while he’s around— while it was only you and him inside their manor.
“The generator isn’t working,” he informs you after inspecting the machine in the cellar. Kento turns off the penlight then sat on the chair beside you.
As reported by, the thunderstorm will last for two hours. A hundred and twenty minutes of being alone with your principal sponsor, Kento Nanami. “We will be fine. We have enough candles to get us through this darkness.”
Are you sure of it? Can you keep your calm around him? Especially when he’s that close? You can even smell his natural peachy scent.
“Do you not like me?” your face almost slipped from your palm. Why would he think that?!
“No.” you reply, absentmindedly licking your bottom lip. “You sponsor my studies and allowance and you bought me an apartment. How can I not like you, sir?”
Just to clear things, he is not your sugar daddy. You were not obliged to give something in return, though, you’d be glad if he wants to. Besides, you are not the only one he sponsors. There are twenty in total including you.
“Then why are you so distant?” he leans his back on the backrest, searching immediate answer from your intriguing reaction.
Yes, you were not aware but he finds your manners interesting.
You let out a low and defeated laugh.
“It’s because I like you romantically, sir.” you avow.
“Oh.” his response, “you’re only eighteen.”
“Can I not like you just because I’m young?” you sigh, looking away. Watching the rainwater rolls down the glass wall. “I lost my virginity last month, sir. I heard from your exes that you didn’t fuck virgins.”
What were you thinking, really? Spurting private matters like it’s some kind of gossips.
You heard him coughed. You laugh, “whom do you surrendered your innocence to?” he asks.
“Megumi Fushiguro, sir.”
Why do you have to be so polite? It’s driving him mad. His chair creaks. You eye him in question. He transfers the vase to the most secured spot.
“Quit the talking, baby, let’s fuck.”
Your heart races when he sits you on the tabletop, parting your legs. He creates an opening between your thighs. Everything about this man is thick so the width fuels your desires. He’s standing between your legs, sliding his palms up and down your sides.
You remove his shirt. Tracing his beefy muscles using your fingertips. You gasp when you reached his hard packs. You went lower, inserting a hand pass over his waistband. Kento let out a throaty moan when you palm his bulge inside his pants.
You were doing right, just right to make him close his eyes and gasp for air. You run your tongue in between his chest, hand still busy putting pressure on his other head. Damn. You can feel your own heat juicing.
“Do you want more, sir?” you ask, still licking him, moving far to the left, you poke his nipplexx using your tongue then eventually, started sucking it.
“Fuck, baby~ have you done this before with Megumi?” his breath is shaking though he can still speaks clearly.
From palming his head, your hand proceeds stroking his length, stretching its skin down from the tip. Nanami growls like a beast, you did pretty well with your hand so he grabs your nape and tilts your face up.
“I didn’t, sir. But Megumi had a mouthful feast on his study table. He devoured me like a feral man.”
You retract your hand from his pants. He moans in disappointment. He loves how you work your hand underneath his bottoms.
He didn’t talk after that. Nanami helps you with your clothes, stripping you out from your restrictions. You serve yourself... naked and flushed on his breakfast nook. You were no different from those sluts he fucked before. You crave for him so you do the service.
Nanami disrobes the remaining pieces of his clothes before pulling you on your ankles. He leans down to your face, kissing your chin first. That first kiss gives you butterflies compared to how Megumi taught you the basics of kissing. He may be your first of everything but nothing can compete with this man that makes you feel 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 by just kissing your chin.
Your both hands were pinned on each sides of your head. He examines you from head to toe. Your heat throbs, his tip is poking your abdomen. He’s long and thick. Will it fit? Of course, you're this ready for him. You anchor your legs behind him, pulling him down.
“Put it inside, sir, I’m ready.” you beg with your fluttering eyes. He teases your lips with his, brushing slightly. You whine. Pleading again.
He knows you were so desperate for him so he ended the thirst with a very rough kiss. Sucking both lips like its some kind of delights made for him. He surely enjoys kissing you torridly that it makes you thrash for air when he didn’t let go of your mouth.
That made him laugh. When your breathing return to normal, Nanami claims your lips again, this time, he’s moving slow, so slow that you didn’t notice his mouth has already left yours gaping open. He’s now down on your neck, sucking while a hand is palming your folds. You grope his right ass, earning a grunt from him.
His mouth keeps traveling down, it reached your bare chest. He takes in a bud inside his hot mouth. Sucking it, biting it. You moan. You just keep moaning and at the same time grinding your leaking pearl against his erection.
He pops out your first nipplexx, he does the same to the other. Flicking his tongue against it. Sucking it as well unti it turns red.
He goes down again, another spot—the most vulnerable one is waiting for him. He adjusts himself, groping your titsx hard while pinching its both buds.
“Aahh sir~” what? Did you just moan like a slut? You make him smirk and feel proud of himself. He gropes you again, even harder this time. He hears more of your 𝒂𝒂𝒉𝒉𝒔 and 𝒐𝒐𝒉𝒉𝒔. You satisfy him by just moaning his name and how good he makes you feel. He squeezes your sides, moving down to your thighs. He hit you there. He didn’t stop until he sees stars in your eyes. One star rolls down. Nanami licks his lips, planting soft kisses on your face.
“Ooohhh gosh, sir~” your body jolts when he tugs your clitx before latching his tongue between your folds.
Damn. Nanami eats better.
You grab onto his hair, gripping there. He dives deeper into your cunt, tongue lolling in and out of your still tight core.
“Hmm~ you taste like a real lady hmm~” fine, reaper! You can take her soul now.
Nanami’s 𝒉𝒎𝒎𝒔 sounds so sexy and you push more of your drenched cunt toward his face. He seems to appreciate your little movement so he eats deeper and thumb you harder.
“Sir—sir! Aahh~” surprise! You spill in his mouth and he’s grateful for your milk so he slurps everything and gives your clenching cunt a good run using his tongue.
You were panting when he pushes your legs to your chest, locking those tight with his forearms. He joins you on the tabletop, folding you in half. His hands grips tightly on the edge and pressing his knees firmly on the table with you in between.
Suddenly, you remember what Megumi had told you before that if a guy fold a lady to half, he’s been meaning to breed her.
Now. Now. Now.
You start to panic. He notices it. You receive his unusual smirk. You put your hands on his shoulders, shaking your head.
“S—sir— don’t fuck a baby into me, please.”
Instead of a reply or an assurance that he would not, Nanami claims your lips again, masking the slow and eerie penetration of his cockx into you.
He earns a loud gasp from you when he installed completely his length inside you. It stretches you really wide that a lone sob escapes your lips.
“What’s wrong, baby?” he taunts you, caressing your face. “I’m inside you. Full and deep. You will be fine, trust me.”
Your lips quivers when he start pulling out. You can feel how thick he is and how farther his tip reached inside.
He can feel your shaking so he kisses you again, focusing on your neck.
“H—hold—please sir aahnnn~” your whine is pure and appealing. He cannot wait any longer. It’s just that this is not his way. He loves ramming a pussyxx harder and deeper. He loves being in control.
“Be still, baby. I will move hard now.”
Again, what’s the use of shaking your head no? He slams right there. Just right there when he crashes his mouth on yours to drown your cries.
He’s tight. Hard. And strong that with every thrust and every pull and with every ruthless push, the table that supports the weight of the two people atop it, creaks louder.
He shakes your world and uses your womanhood the way it supposed to be fucked. He didn’t stop. He can’t be stopped. Not this time, not at this moment that he loves how you clench around him and how your cunt responds so sweetly.
“Here comes my seeds, baby~ take it all my pretty baby~” he pounds you so hard at the time his semenx spills inside you, combining with your juice. He pumps you even harder, grunting. While you, all you did is moan his name and that he should not cum inside you but he still did.
He fucks his jizz inside you, watching it leaks from your throbbing cunt.
You end up staring at nothing.
You still feel it dripping from your hole.
Nanami takes you in his arms, carrying you to the bathroom. Still in dazed, the both of you dip in the warm water in the tub. You on his lap, legs spread.
“Wha–what are you doing?” you breathe when Nanami slides his hand between your thighs, dipping his fingers between your folds.
He kisses your nape from behind, moving to the side before ending on your shoulder that he licks and bites.
“What else my pretty baby? Finger fucking you hmm~”
Just when he starts rubbing hard circles on your clitx, the rain pours heavily, drowning your moans once again.
You have proven the rumors surrounding his name. Kento Nanami fuck better in the dark.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
The Strings that Bind Us: Chapter One
Marinette Dupain Cheng was tired. She’d fought the same villain for fifteen years. She’d been a hero longer than she’d been just Marinette. It was exhausting. And she was ready for a break. Two years after unmasking Hawkmoth, Paris was finally healed enough for her to move on. To leave.
Which was why she was currently putting fairy lights and pumpkins on the balcony of her new apartment in Gotham. It was quiet, and lonely, but at least she didn’t have the weight of a city on her back anymore. She hums as she places the last pumpkin. Perfect. Glancing across the city, she lets out a sigh. Here she was, in an entirely new city, no connections and no one to talk to when she needed to just talk. But it was worth it, the memories of everything in Paris still too fresh. It still hurt too much. Deciding it’s not too early to go to sleep, she walks back inside. She’s just closed the door when a loud crash from outside has her tensing. She peeks behind the curtain, frowning at the figure on her balcony. She opens the door.
“Uh, hello.” She greets the strangely dressed man. If what she’d read had been correct, this was Batman. Gotham’s resident hero, or vigilante as the papers called him. He probably wasn’t here to fight her, but you can never be too careful.
“My apologies.” He says, his voice gruff. Her eyes narrow at the way he favors his left side.
“Would you like a cup of coffee?” She asks suddenly, her face instantly heating up as the words tumble out without her permission.
“I’m not-” He starts, but she shakes her head.
“I insist. You are out trying to protect citizens, are you not? The least I can do is offer you a coffee.” She says, turning and walking back inside. She doesn’t turn to see if he follows, but she does hear footsteps behind her. She figures he could walk silently, if he really wanted to. After all, even though he’d been around for eight or so years, few had ever seen Batman. She hums, moving around the kitchen and starting up her small coffee pot and grabbing a few of the leftover pastries from earlier. Placing the pastries on a plate, she pulls down two cups before turning to the vigilante in her kitchen.
“How do you take your coffee?” She asks, and she swears his lips twitch slightly.
“Just black.” He says, and she grins.
“Thank goodness. One of my friends in Paris refuses to drink coffee unless it’s half cream and sugar.” She says, trying to keep the conversation light. After all, what do you say to a random vigilante? It was different when Chat Noir, or Adrien, visited her back in collège. He didn’t start doing that until after she’d helped with Evillustrator, which helped it to not be awkward. Like it currently was with her and Batman. God, why did she even invite him in? She turns and almost sighs in relief when she sees the coffee is done. Quickly filling up both cups, she passes one to Batman and then pushes the plate of pastries towards him.
“I own the cafe downstairs.” She says as an explanation when she sees his lips purse. He nods and grabs a croissant, taking a hesitant bite out of it.
“Thank you.” He says, and she just smiles. She may not want to be a hero again, but maybe it would be okay to be friends with a hero again.
The bell over the door notifying her of another customer makes Marinette stick her head out from the back.
“Hello! Welcome to La Petite Tasse, I’ll be with you in just a minute.” She calls, not catching the response before she’s back in the kitchen, pulling a fresh batch of croissants out of the oven. She slides the tray onto the cooling rack before tugging off the oven mitts and rushing out to the front.
“I am so sorry about that, most of my workers are also students so they have class right now. What can I get you?” She rambles, freezing when she looks up into the most attractive blue eyes she’s ever seen. The man just smiles at her, and she swears her knees go weak.
“That’s fine. Could I have... a large black coffee and a croissant?” The man asks, glancing up at the menu before looking back at her. She nods and smiles, cursing the way her cheeks heat up. Sure, this was quite literally the most attractive man she’d ever seen in person, but she was not going to fall for a pretty face. Nope. Totally not. She turns and grabs a cup, filling it up before rushing to the back to grab one of the fresh croissants. After all, they were better warm.
“That’ll be three dollars and twenty seven cents.” She says, passing the man his order. He grins and passes her a twenty.
“Keep the change.” He says with a grin before he turns and walks out. She blinks, slightly confused, but takes the change and puts it into the tip jar. That was weird, she thinks, but she doesn’t think too much into it. It’s not like she’d ever see him again.
She had been wrong, and she was completely okay with it. The man came in almost every day for two weeks before she worked up the courage to introduce herself and ask his name. He’d seemed shocked, but had introduced himself as Bruce. And after two weeks, she was happy to say that Gotham had started to feel a little lighter, that she was a little happier in this dark city. The bell above the door chimes, but she keeps working on filling the macarons since Mack was manning the counter.
“Listen kid, open the register and I won’t shoot your fucking brains out.” A voice says. Oh hell no. She drops the piping back and picks up her rolling pin. Peeking out, she breathes a sigh of relief when she sees it’s only one guy, not an entire group. She tosses her rolling pin lightly before catching it, familiarizing herself with it as a projectile before she actually uses it. She watches as Mack’s hands shake, obviously panicked. Letting out a steadying breath, Marinette aims and manages to hit the man in the head with the rolling pin. He drops instantly, the gun clattering to the floor. She rushes out and grabs a couple zip ties from under the counter, walking over and cuffing the man’s hands behind his back before dragging him towards the handrail and attaching him to it. She glares at the man before she remembers Mack and gasps. She rushes over, frantically checking over the girl to make sure she’s okay.
“Mama M, I’m fine. I promise.” She says, though her voice shakes. Marinette breathes a sigh of relief before crushing the girl in a hug.
“I am so sorry, Mack, so, so sorry.” She apologizes, holding the girl close. She can feel the girl shake slightly, her shirt getting wet as the girl cries. Marinette just coos softly, whispering reassuring words to her. She barely hears the bell signaling a customer ring.
“What the hell happened?” A familiar voice asks. She glances over at Bruce and grimaces.
“Attempted robbery. Would you mind calling the police?” She asks, nodding towards the landline. He blinks, standing frozen as he stares at the tied up man in the corner. “Bruce!” She calls, his attention snapping to her. She nods towards the phone again and he nods, walking over to make the call.
After the police take their statements, Marinette sends Mack home with the tips from the day, despite the girl’s protests.
“Sweetheart, you were just held at gunpoint. I’m not gonna let you stay here. Go home, eat some junk food and watch something funny. I’ll see you on Monday.” Marinette says, giving the girl another quick hug before watching her leave. She turns to Bruce, who had been kind enough to stay, and winces. “You’re not gonna get in trouble with your boss, are you?” She asks. He just grins.
“I was actually off today, don’t worry about me.” He says, his smile falling as he looks her over. “Are you okay?” He asks. She lets out a shaky breath before nodding.
“Yeah, yeah. I was more worried about Mack, honestly. I was in the back, but I couldn’t just stay there. Not knowing she was in danger.” She says, her arms wrapped around herself as she tries to stay calm. It was the first time she’d had an actual gun aimed at someone she cares about.
“You were quite the hero today.” He says softly, and she snorts, shaking her head.
“No, Bruce, I wasn’t. I did what anyone else would’ve done.” She says, waving him off dismissively.
“Only you would actually believe that there are still people good enough to act like that.” He says softly. She blushes and clears her throat.
“Well, did you want your regular?” She asks, moving to go back behind the counter. He frowns.
“Mari, you aren’t seriously going to open the cafe back up today, are you?” He asks and she frowns.
“Why wouldn’t I?” She asks.
“Because your store was just attacked!” He exclaims, and she snorts.
“If my parent’s bakery in Paris closed every time there was an attack, they would’ve gone out of business.” She says flippantly. He frowns, and she worries she’s said something wrong, when his face suddenly twists back up into a smile.
“Spend the day with me.” He says and she blinks in surprise.
“I had set out to ask you on a date when I came in today, but the whole attempted robbery stopped me. I know you want to just get back to work, but what if you spent the day with me instead?” He offers. She stares at him, wide eyed, before a wide smile forms on her face.
“I thought you’d never ask.” She says. It’d be fine to have the cafe closed for a day.
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gaydelusionaltrash · 3 years
Cannolis (Nat x R)
You hit the door twice as a formality before throwing it open.
"Tasha!" You ignored the fact that she seemed to be asleep.
"Tashaaaaa," you whined again. A smile spread across her face before her eyes opened ever so slightly,
"Good morning to you too, y/n." You rolled your eyes, impatient.
"C'mon Tash, I wanna do somethingggggg." She sat up against her head board and wiped a but of sleep out of the corner of her eye.
"Yeah, I'm gonna need a few more details. Last time you said you wanted to 'do something' we ended up in Mexico." You rolled your eyes,
"Aw, come on. You loved parasailing and you know it." She smirked at you.
"I did no such thing." You cocked your head at her and her smile grew,
"Okay fine, maybe it was a little fun, but my point still stands." You rolled your eyes playfully,
"Whatever. I promise we wont leave the state. Cool?" She flipped off her covers and got out of bed.
"Alright, what are we doing?"
"We're gonna make Cannolis!"
You dragged Natasha down into the kitchen. Tony gave you a look as you passed him.
"So, she didn't kill you for waking her up?" You rolled your eyes at him,
"Not even Tasha can resist my charms." Tony looked between the two of you, noting how Natasha watched you with a smile, seeming to ignore the rest of the group. This was something Clint had noticed too. Clint and Nat had been friends for years, but if he tried to wake her up on her day off, he would no longer be breathing. She seemed to have a soft spot for you. You, of course, were oblivious.
In the kitchen, after Friday gave you the recipe, you started to gather ingredients. Tasha grabbed the stuff from the fridge: Butter, shortening, etc., and you began to gather dry ingredients/ You had all of them down and on the counter, but when you got to flour, you realized there was a problem.
Nat watched you, amusement sparkling in her green eyes, as you jumped up to try and reach the flour. After a couple jumps she came up behind you.
"Need some help there, Princess?" You gave her a smile, blush coloring your cheeks at the nickname.
"Here." She reached up from behind you and casually plucked the flour off the shelf, handing it to you. You gave her a smile,
"Thanks. Now, lets do this."
You wanted to read the instructions carefully, but Nat just skimmed them. She reached for the flour and dumped in a few cups.
"Okay, so put it 1/2 cup of this." She handed you a bag and you followed her instructions. You finished the dough and put it in the fridge to rise, then started on the filling. It was just powdered sugar, butter, and shortening. Nothing too complicated.
When it was finally time to mix, you got excited, grabbing out Tony's fancy hand mixer and approaching the bowl.
You turned it on and began to lower it into the filling.
"Y/n-" but it was too late. The filling flung out of the bowl. Luckily you didn't loose too much of it before you pulled it out, but it had splattered all over your face and shirt. You looked down at the mess.
"Oh god, i'm so sorry Tasha. I didn't mean to-" She stopped you with a laugh.
"It's just a little filling. No big deal." You looked at her miserably,
"Yeah, but I made a mess." She stepped towards you,
"That just adds to the experience." She gave you a soft smile, "here, you've got some on your face." She reached up and used her thumb to wipe it off your cheek. She tucked her hand under your chin to make you look at her.
"Hey, it's not a big deal, I promise. We'll just clean it up while the dough finishes." You met her eyes and your stomach flipped. You giggled,
"You've got some on your lip." She leaned in to you, resting her forehead against yours.
"Yeah? Can you get it?" Nat's voice was barely a whisper. She leaned down to kiss you. Out of nowhere, there was a crash. Thor stood awkwardly in the doorway.
"My apologies, did I interrupt something?" You gave Thor a smile,
"Tasha and I are making Cannolis." Thor had half a heart to joke about what he walked in on, but seeing as he wasn't actually sure what that was and Natasha could probably kick his ass (not that he would ever admit it), he remained silent.
"Wonderful. I'm not sure what that is, but I am very happy for you." You giggled,
"It's a pastry. New York has really good ones but it's more fun this way." Thor gave you both a smile.
"Excellent. I'll see you mortals when you're finished."  He exited and you tunred to Tasha with a smile,
"He always talks so formally. Someone's gotta teach him some slang." Natasha let out a half hearted chuckle.
"That sure would be something," she replied. She sounded far away, as if she was lost in her thoughts, but you shrugged it off and grabbed the dish rag up wipe up the mess.
Natasha took the liberty of frying the dough because you and hot oil were a dangerous mix. You watched in fascination as she flawlessly fried the dough you sloppily wrapped around the metal tubes."
"Can I do one?" Tasha looked at you, eyebrows raised.
"Uhhh, okay I guess." She took a step back so you could reach the fryer. She guided your hands to the handle of the basket. You lifted it out of the oil.
"So I just-" you set the uncooked cannoli in the basket, "like that?"
"Yup, that's perfect." She put her hand over your and helped you slowly lower it into the oil. You watched anxiously as it bubble.
"Okay, you wanna lift the basket and I'll take it out?" You did as instructed, lifting the handle to pulled the basket out of the fryer, then Nat used tongs to take the cannoli shell off the tube and set it on a paper towel to dry.
"I did it!" You exclaimed happily, clapping your hands together. Natasha gave you yet another smile.
"You did great, y/n." You blushed at her approval.
The blush was the last straw for Natasha. She couldn't take it anymore. She pulled you away from the fryer so you were standing almost uncomfortably close to her chest. You're brows furrowed.
"Tash, what are you-"
"Would you just shut up," she whispered before pulling you too her chest and lowering her head to yours. Your lips met in a passionate kiss that made your heart leap. Natasha pulled back all too soon.
"I- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-" You cut her off, reassuring her with another kiss. When you broke apart this time, you just stood there, eyes closed, heart racing, trying to figure out how the hell this had just happened.
"Y/n?" Natasha asked quietly. You opened your eyes and smiled at her. She smiled back,
"God, the things i would do to see you smile." You blushed again, but your smile never faltered.
"I believe we have some cannolis to finish." Natasha gave you a smirk,
"So I'll ask you to dinner after that then." You bit your lip and shot her yet another smile, before moving around to finish the cannolis.
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shokobuns · 4 years
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your sugar daddy takes you to the beach.
PAIRING: sugar daddy!sukuna ryoumen x f!sugar baby!reader
GENRE: smut, some angst
WARNING(S): 16+ smut, kind vanilla, unedited, uncharacteristic soft sex, beach sex, exhibitionism, implied dacryphilia, praise, overstim, unprotected sex, marking, creampie, unintended confession, angst if you squint
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He keeps one hand on the while almost carelessly driving top down when he speeds down the highway. The sun shines down on the both of you, providing you with all the warmth you can ever ask for. Your hair blows in the wind and he takes small glances to admire you — the pretty girl who sits in the passenger seat. On the other hand, you don’t make an effort to hide your staring, observing how the top button of his shirt is down, revealing the tattoos on his chest, and how the smoke from the cigarette falls behind him.
There’s nothing but miles of desert that surround either side of the car, but it’s not like you would try to run away anyways. It’s been a year. You trust him. That trust includes him paying your rent in time, him giving you extra money for textbooks, him giving you a much needed vacation. And with time, you trust him to keep you safe — something that he has never failed to do once.
“You’re staring again, Princess.”
“Keep your eyes on the road, Ryo.”
He grins at the sound of you calling him by his first name, enjoying how it rolls off your tongue. Ryo. It’s a name often spoken with underlying tones of spite, but you say it in a way that’s so gentle, he can’t help but yearn to hear it once more. Though, you don’t notice his expression. Instead, you’re looking at the veins adorning his inked arms to his hands to his knuckles, licking your lips at the sight.
“Where are we going anyways?” You ask, resting your head against your arm, basking in the feeling of the sun warmly hitting your face.
“It’s a surprise, Princess,” he brings the cigarette up to his lips, “Don’t worry about it. Just enjoy yourself.”
And so you do, your usual worries leaving you with every passing mile as you anticipate his next move. When the only thing left in his hand is a cigarette butt, his hand frees up, but you don’t quite realize it until his long fingers grip your thigh. He gives it a small squeeze, keeps his eyes on the road and blood rushes to your cheeks. “Pervert.” You mutter, faux disdain evident in your voice.
“What’s that, Sweetheart?” He asks mockingly.
“I said you’re a pervert,” you roll your eyes with a smile, “Do I have to repeat it again?”
“I guess you’re not getting your bonus this month.”
He’s bluffing, just like always and you giggle, bringing the hand  up to your lips, pressing a soft, adoring kiss. For a moment, Sukuna is taken aback at the oddly intimate action, but you bring his hand back down to your inner thigh, placing a little higher than where it was before. He rubs small circles on the flesh and you go back to admiring the marked skin and strawberry blonde hair blowing in the wind.
Around 30 minutes later, a familiar sight of sand and waves come into view. Water crashes on the land, palm trees thrive, different groups of people are gathered together.
“A beach?” You ask excitedly, before your face is pulled into a frown, “I don’t have a swimsuit.”
“I bought one for you, Princess,” he chuckles, “You think I’d come unprepared?”
“You brought me to the beach because you wanted to see me in a bikini, didn’t you?”
“That’s a plus,” he admits,  “But remember when you said that you liked beaches, even if you were doing nothing, you just liked to sit around in the sun and think? Sand between your toes and shit? Thought you needed that right about now.”
“Well, you aren’t wrong.”
He brushes your hair behind your ear right after he finishes parking, kissing your forehead and giving you two flimsy pieces of fabric to slip on for the day. You find an area to change before coming out and he’s ready to walk out on the sand, a blanket in one hand. Spending time with him, being with him, it’s exactly what he paid you to do and you like to think you’re doing a good job.  Either way, it wasn’t just a way to make ends meet anymore. At this point, it wasn’t just a simple transaction.
And for him? It wasn’t the temporary pleasure he had anticipated. It was enjoyable. And when you were gone? He longed for you in a way he hadn’t felt before.
It was calming to lay on his lap, his body slightly propped up by his palm while his hand rested on your cheek, thumb brushing the soft skin. Your body relaxes at his touch, hand coming to wrap around his wrist. He’s confused at first until you’re sitting up yourself, positioning yourself until you’re fully sat on his lap. Your thumb brushes his bottom lip before you lean in for a searing kiss.
This time, you’re initiating all of it, grinding against the imprint on his crotch, keeping your hands on his shoulder as he groans deeply. You’re far enough from the rest of the public, at least you think you are, but it doesn’t matter anymore because this time he lets you get on top, something that rarely happens. Every kiss on your bare neck to your shoulder is sluggish, almost lazy, and every grope on the fat of your hips and the plush of your ass is gentle, almost like you were made of porcelain.
Though, you don’t question it; you don’t see the point in doing that anyways because the material separating your slick cunt from his thigh is thin. Before you know it, his cock is out of his shorts, springing up to his stomach as he pulls on the string of your bikini bottoms, watching the material easily fall off your body. You align yourself onto him, sinking down and taking time to feel every inch of his throbbing length.
Every roll of your hips is languid, contrasting from the many times he usually takes control and abuses your body as he pleases, giving you a fat sum of money after. But somehow, the intimacy of right now was just as good, if not better, than past times. Your breaths mingle together and you forget that you’re on the beach at all, lost in your own euphoria as he pulls your body closer, sucking on the smooth skin of your neck. He never misses a chance to mark you.
His thumb quickly finds your bundle of nerves, massaging soft circles and your walls clamp around his fat cock, swallowing every inch as you ride him. Your back arches, a sign signifying that you’re close, but instead of thrusting upwards like usual, he guides your hips until your high comes to you in waves, causing your walls to flutter erratically. “So cute,” he coos, watching your mouth open as you come undone, “Such a pretty girl when you’re cumming around my cock, aren’t you?”
“Y-Yeah, Ryo,” you reply hazily, “Feels s’good, Ryo.”
“So needy,” he murmurs, “Doesn’t matter where we are, huh?”
You could only reply with a whimper because your mind is foggy, filled with dense clouds of lust and your knees hurt, but he hasn’t cum yet and you want to make him feel good so badly. He senses this, tightening the grip around your ass and biting down on your shoulder just to hear you whine again. He’s successful, the sound setting him off as he holds down your hips until his cock is buried in your warm pussy, shooting a streak of hot white cum into your womb.
One slight movement of your hips causes his length to twitch, stiffening once again. Sukuna can tell that you’re tired, and so he thrusts upwards, harshly driving into your ruined cunny while you muffle your sobs into his neck. He holds you close, inhaling your scent, as he impales you over and over again with his fat cock.
“So good for me, so fucking perfect,” he praises, getting lost in the feeling of your tight cunt pulsating around him, “God, I fucking love you.”
The sound of waves crashing onto the shore layer over the lewd sounds as pure adrenaline pumps in your veins. You chant his name over and over again like a mantra, your creaming cunny sucking him until he’s milked dry. By the time the two of you leave the beach, you’re filled to the brim with his seed with sticky residue remaining on your thighs the whole ride back home.
That’s the last time you ever see him again.
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kashimos-hajime · 3 years
twenty questions (7/8) | r.b.
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summary: No, he refuses to lose someone else. Not again, not you. Never fucking you. Or, after four years, Reiner meets you once more.
WARNINGS: angst, just conversation, a bit of violence, mentions of trauma, children ummmmm yeee, jean also appears <3 true king pairing: reiner braun x fem!reader word count: 8.3k
a/n: reiner returns!! welcome to the penultimate chapter and thank you for being on this journey with me :) again, song is not mine! it’s the wellerman sea shanty hehe
crossposted on ao3 x
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Morning streams through the curtains.
You part the billowy white fabric, pushing open the window breathing in the late morning air. As always, it’s warm and ripe with the aroma of the fresh bread from the bakery you live above, and as you lean on the windowsill, you hear the door below you chiming with new patrons. You smile to yourself, resting your chin on your hand.
Even still, you can’t help but admire how beautiful it is, especially in the streets here, far away from a industrial zone. The Liberio interment zone is small, yes, but it’s no less beautiful. The architecture of brick and glass all hold an austere beauty, and when the sunset is upon you, the shadows they cast and the warmth that embraces the stone is something you’ve never quite seen before. There’s a church, and you’ve sat inside day a few days before, watching the light stream through the stained glass in amazement.
A knock at the door takes you from your thoughts and you let out a sharp noise of surprise, gaze ripping away from the busy streets. A tremor shoots through you and you swallow harshly, waiting in bated breath.
“The shop’s busy as bees, today!” your landlord admonishes on the other side. You let out a relieved sigh, relaxing a bit. “If you want, I can still save you a loaf!”
“No, thank you!” you shout over your shoulder, reaching to close the window and get ready for the day. Sliding a warm vest onto your shoulders, you adjust the hat on your head and grab your bag from the counter, your bare fingers a bit cold and numb.
You burn at the thought of Reiner. You don’t want to see him, even if you live in the same city now, but all the same, it’s hard to avoid him. After all, it’ll only be so long before you’re forced to confront your past, push yourself into his way because how long, really, can you stay away from him? As you slide the white armband onto your bicep, your heart tightens. You’ve seen the man he’s grown into—handsome, tired, lonely. That only reflects in you.
Pulling your arms through your jacket, you stare at the woodgrain beneath your feet emptily.
Why am I even here? 
Coming to Marley, of all places. Some days, you can’t wrap your head around it, before you’re reminded of the reason. It all has a purpose. You just have to keep going—keep moving forward.
Continuing through your loft, you shove your feet into boots and head out for the day. The festival’s tonight—you have lots to do before then.
Night slips in.
Reiner frowns when he realizes he’s walking back to the stage. He’s been trailing after the sound for a good half-hour, but considering they stay relatively nearby his final destination, he’s never felt the urge to detract. 
He still can’t place the tune that’s been hummed, whistled, sang gently and leading him on, and as the sky darkens and the crowd noise grows louder, he realizes that his trail is slowly growing colder and colder.
“Hey, Reiner!” His head swivels to find Gabi waving at him and he meanders over, frowning a bit. “Where’d you go? The others said you wandered off.”
“I took a walk to clear my head,” he says dismissively, ignoring her frown deepening. “I see you’ve recovered from your food coma.” Immediately, Gabi’s frown turns into a pout and she rolls her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. “How are you feeling?”
“I feel fine.” He snorts, turning to survey the area. The others are milling about. Zeke and Colt are talking by the bench, and Pieck and Porco are off together, as usual. They’re not half as inconspicuous as they think they are. Finding Udo and Zofia, his brow wrinkles when he can’t catch sight of a certain blond boy. 
“Where’s Falco?”
“He ran off earlier, saying he saw someone he knew,” Gabi says, waving it away. “He’s always being so weird. Who else could he know besides us?”
“What, are you jealous?” he teases, ruffling Gabi’s hair and she lets out a squawk, smacking at his hand. Chuckling gently, he surveys the area again as they walk towards their seats. Zeke and Colt give him a nod in greeting, one he returns. 
“Why would I be jealous?”
“I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?” he replies distantly. His eyes keep searching, a ticklish feeling at the nape of his neck. He doesn’t know if he’s imagining it or if he can really hear that tune still at the edge of his hearing, nagging for his attention. Sighing, he crosses his arms over his chest. “What Falco does during his free time isn’t on your need-to-know basis, Gabi.”
“I know. I’m just saying—he doesn’t even have any friends besides us,” she says pointedly just as someone calls his name.
“Mister Braun!” Falco skids to a stop in front of him, his forehead gleaming with sweat, even in the cooler night air. Panting, he leans forward on his knees, meeting Reiner’s eyes, and Gabi tilts her head, confused and agitated and betraying her previous aloof words.
“Where the hell did you go?”
Ignoring her, Falco continues to try and catch his breath, barely punching out, “Can you come with me?” before looking down at the floor again, his shoulders rising and falling so quickly Reiner almost feels bad for him.
He frowns. “Right now?”
“You’ll be fine,” Zeke assures. The two look at the older man who glances at his watch. “It shouldn’t start for a few more minutes.”
Reiner debates it for a moment. Then again, it’s not like he’s the number one fan of this show. His presence is for appearance’s sake at this point, and if Falco insists, then it must be something important. Sighing, he nods and Falco takes off again. Telling Gabi to explain his absence to his mom should he not return in time, he walks after the sprinting boy, his mind a whirlwind on the possibilites of why he’s in such a hurry.
Falco stops past a blue curtain that’s near a residential building and points at the arch, smiling. His entire face is flushed and Reiner cocks an eyebrow, approaching closer before hearing a soft voice singing. It only grows as he passes by the blue partition, and his heart picks up as his eyes widen.
“…The Captain's mind was not on greed… But he belonged to the whaleman's creed… She took that ship in tow… Soon may the Wellerman come to bring us sugar and tea and rum. One day, when the tonguin' is done, we’ll take our leave and go…”
He knows that tune. The sailors sang it in the port city after Fort Slava. It’s one of their sea shanties—it’s rare to hear them anywhere except by the water, and when he reaches Falco, searching for that voice, his eyes fix on a figure leaning against the archway underneath the building.
The woman in purple.
Falco runs up to her. A hand is on her bicep when she shifts to look at the boy, and Reiner’s throat swells as his legs move on their own accord. Time seems to slow as Falco turns around, mouth open in words that go in through one ear, and out the other. 
The woman says something, and Falco twists back, frowning a bit, but she only nods encouragingly, and off he goes, running on ahead, down to the end of the pathway out of Reiner’s sight.
A strangled noise leaves his mouth as the blond slips from his view.
The woman in purple’s head snaps up at the sound, and Reiner’s entire body locks when he finally recognizes the face that searches his impassively. The white armband is covered still by her fingers, but when she pushes off the wall, it’s almost as if she bewitches him to come even closer.
And he does, his hand lifting up to reach for her. Reach for what has to be a ghost. No…
No, it can’t be. No. No, I’m seeing things, I am, I—
You lift your hand off your armband, and when his fingers meet your palm, he feels your warmth, the way your skin slides against his as he interlaces their fingers, and he chokes, entire body burning from the inside out as you fold your fingers over his palm, yank him into the shadow with enough force to unbalance him. You side-step and fling his hand off, let him crash to his hands and knees. Pain shoots up his joints and his eyes widen when he realizes his skin has scraped off on the stone.
“Hello, Reiner,” you murmur. He draws himself up, and there’s a strange lifelessness as he looks up to a face barely illuminated by light. You unbutton your jacket and crouch before him, arms on your knees. His skin steams and stitches itself back together and he swallows through a dry throat as your eyes flutter to the white wisps. There’s a raw damage lingering on your face, haunting like ghosts that should be long dead, before you blink.
Your long coat brushing the floor covers black armour, harnesses criss-crossing your legs and body. Your expression is severe, lips pressed in an impassive line, dark shadows under your eyes. The armband around your bicep is slathered in dark red, staining the symbol.
So that’s what you were hiding from Falco.
Reiner half-wonders who’s blood it is. If it’s the owner of the clothes you wear, or someone else’s entirely.
You lift your head, staring at Reiner properly for the first time in years. Clenching your jaw, you only look. You do not speak, you do not move. It’s terrifying. It reminds Reiner eerily of Captain Levi, with the same chillingly placidity, and he remembers how you used to smile so wide you’d complain your cheeks ached, how you would lean against him, clutching your gut ‘cause he made you laugh, and he had never heard a sound so perfect—
The words tumble out of his mouth before he can stop himself. “What are you doing here? Are you insane?” 
You barely move. Only tilt your head mockingly. “Probably.” 
Four years has changed you into a taller, leaner, stronger soldier—and he can only soak that in. You’re…
His breath catches in his throat. 
You’re beautiful.
But you’re crouching right in front of him, and you’re in danger. If Marleyans were to approach now, he’s not sure if he could lie his way out and that blood. How can he explain the blood on your sleeve?
You’d be left for dead, hanged for the crows. 
The image flashes through his mind like cold dread, a trickling drip of an icicle hanging in his mind and freezing his spine.
No, he refuses to lose someone else. Not again, not you. Never fucking you.
It is why he demands again through a hissed breath,“What are you doing here?” Why he stands up quick enough that their heads nearly collide, and you straighten up as well, smoothly running your hands over your coat.
You only look at him deftly as if he is as inconsequential to you as a roach. You don’t even twitch as his hand reaches forward, fighting through the searing ache in his chest. “You need to leave. You shouldn’t be here. I can smuggle you back to the port and take you home, I—.”
Your stare paralyzes him and his hand falters. “I don’t take orders from you. You are not my commanding officer, and I do not need you to tell me what I need.” Your fingers dig into the bloody armband at your bicep and Reiner’s eyes widen as you tear it off, planting it on his chest hard enough his lungs spasm and he lets out a sharp breath. Your fingers spread out over his chest, you step closer. “I don’t need you to save me. Not from Marley. Not from myself. And not from you.”
His hand comes to cover yours, but you slip out before he can touch you, and he’s left with an armband in his palm. Clutching it in a tight fist, he stares down at it for a moment before shoving it in his pocket and turning around.
Your name comes out of him without even thinking as you walk past him, and it must still hold something because you pause, head turning slightly to look at him. “I want to explain myself,” he chokes out, and the corner of your mouth curls into a hollow smile. “Please.”
“Follow me, Reiner,” you order softly, and without question, he falls half a step behind you, eyes trained on the ground. His head is swimming at your presence, and his knees are gummy, stomach convulsing as he tries to come up with what to say. Or maybe, what to say first. He’s had four years to come up with a proper way to say it, and he reaches for his breast pocket, where the letters he’s folded away rest, with shaking hands.
“I don’t know what you think begging will get you.” Something stony falls upon your face. “I’ve had four years to get over the fact that you used me. Now, I think I just don’t care anymore. I’m sure you have your reasons, but I don’t know if it’ll be the truth. You’ve had no problem lying to me before in the past.”
“That’s not true.” He doesn’t know to which part of what you said he means. The last part, every part. “I never lied about how I felt about you.”
“Right. Like I wasn’t just some pawn on your chessboard. Some lonely girl you could use to entertain yourself.” Your pace doesn’t slow, but your tone is laced with anguish you try so hard to cover. “At least Bertholdt had the courage to look me in the face and tell me he was going to kill me.” You stop by a crate, labelled as supplies for the play. Maybe they contain masks, or costumes, and Reiner stops, his shoes skidding against the stone as you reach into your coat.
Pulling out a knife, you wedge it into the crate and pry the lid off and Reiner’s entire body numbs when ODM gear gleams in the straw. It looks refashioned, sleeker, and in two parts, and he catches your hand reaching for the harness. 
Weapons, here.
You aren’t stupid enough to take on Marley on your own, which can only mean—
Shit, shit, shit. 
Dread trickles through his body.
“What are you two doing—Oh, Vice Chief Braun!” You slam the lid shut and press your left arm flush against Reiner’s body, covering it up as someone on their right approaches. Your hand tightens around the knife still wedged between the lid, and Reiner sets a hand on your shoulder, dragging you so he can cover you up better and as a warning.
Don’t do it. You’re stiff against him despite the easy expression on your face, and he sets a harsh glare on the intruder. Let go of that blade. Your entire body is rigid with a hot energy he doesn’t recognize as your fingers only tighten around the hilt. Don’t do it—
“Sorry to interrupt, but those are one of the crates we need for the play. It contains some costumes—“
 The performer looks stricken as you flash him an easy smile and Reiner’s blood freezes when the stranger seems to blush, voice fading.
“I actually work with Lord Tybur,” you explain easily with a tiny laugh, betraying the strength in your fist. “He wants to inspect it briefly before I return it. I think it contains the Helos costume? Gotta make sure every detail’s to his liking!” Your tone, innocent and cheery, floats through the distant sound of the crowd, and Reiner only stares at the performer who seems to shrink in his skin. Your fingers twitch when he hesitates.
“Oh, of course.” He scratches the back of his head, and you give him a gracious nod before he’s walking away.
You watch him go, and Reiner feels the way the air shifts when your smile fades away as soon as it came. You step away from him, loosening the knife from the crate. His hands burn as he reaches for your shoulder again, but you jerk back.
“You know,” you begin quietly, staring at the lid, “all this time, I thought I had actually found people again, you know. I thought you actually cared about me, but really, I realized all you’ve ever done is lie. Even after everything. Even after Marco died, and I told you how I felt about you, you just kept lying. Lying and painting yourself to be a knight in shining armour.”
“I tried—I tried to stop myself from caring about you,” he whispers raggedly, hands rolling into fists tight enough that his nails dig into his flesh, “but it happened anyway. That part of who I was was never a lie.”
“So you never saw me as someone you needed to protect? As this poor, lonely girl who loved you? Who fed your ego and—”
“Of course I wanted to protect you! I loved you, too!” he snaps and distantly, he recognizes this is the first time they’ve ever confessed that what they had… that it was somehow real and too good for him. It nearly makes him shatter. “How could I—“ He closes his eyes, teeth gritting as the flames inside him roar, consuming his heart. “How could I just stand back and watch you get hurt by the consequences of my actions? It’s because of me you were forced to leave the farm, leave that girl. Because of me you knew Marco and Mina and Thomas. You could have been so much happier if you never met any of us—I knew that—I just thought I could somehow—”
“Happier if I never met you,” you echo blankly before nodding to yourself. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds about right.” He flinches but you continue on, “In the end, it doesn’t matter, though. I’ve learned to not let the what ifs haunt me, because my time with you… it still means everything to me.” You shake your head. “That’s the truth. You dropped a building on me and broke my bones. Truth. You left me alone in those walls with Bertholdt dead and Annie comatose, and you did so knowing you are the last damn person I’ve got that I’d kill for. Truth.”
Reiner’s eyes widen as your words sink into his skin like a vicious poison.
So that’s it then. Bertholdt is dead and Annie… Annie’s still alive?
You don’t give him a moment’s breath to ask as you take a step forward. On reflex, he steps back, hands raising, and your eyes flash to his palms. One wrong move, and a Titan will overtake the square. He’s sure he can read the thought in your eyes, but when you look at him again, he only sees cold indifference.
“You nearly killed me, Reiner. So tell me…”
Metal flashes and a breath stalls in his throat as a cold knifepoint digs into the bump along his throat. It bobs when he swallows, lips parted, and you meet his eyes, every inch of agony he’s forced upon you glaring back at him reforged.
“Why shouldn’t I repay the favour?”
His breath stalls, and he looks down at your fingers, wrapped tight around the hilt, nearly shaking. He doesn’t know if it’s because you hold the weapon that tightly, or if you’re just as afraid as he is.
Either way, it doesn’t matter.
“Do it, then,” he whispers. “I’m the reason this all happened.”
Your eyes, wide, search his beseechingly and his heart crumbles to dust. Even after all this time, you still hesitate. Why? Because you think he’ll come back? That he’s… redeemable somehow? 
Reiner envies that—he wants to believe that there is still good. But there isn’t. He knows it.
“I have a thousand questions,” you murmur achingly, as if the words are wrenched from your throat. “Over the years, I’ve tried to come up with some incomprehensible list. I couldn’t decide which was the one I wanted answered the most, but I thought why did it matter? After all, it wasn’t like I’d ever see you again. But here I am, now.”
As you lower the knife, the tip of the blade scratches his skin, light enough only to leave a white trail until it falls away, just like when he held you at blade-point four years ago, the tip of a sword digging into your sternum. 
How poetic that he finds himself here, his life in your hands. This is your retribution, he supposes, and your mercy, fighting for control of your arm, but you sheathe your knife again with a sharp, smooth thrust at your hip. There’s a soft scrape before you set your hands atop the lid, sighing softly.
A terrifying glint lives in your eyes as you smile at him faintly, and hoist the crate into your arms. 
“So, Reiner.” You tilt your head, gesturing for him to follow you down the pathway to a set of stairs that must lead to a deeper cellar. Somewhere he can’t transform in. Smart. You always were, but he doesn’t have the heart to tell you he’d never hurt you again, especially when he’s already done so much to prove that his words are empty. Yet, nothing is more important than protecting you, and Gabi, and Falco, but— “What do you say to a game of twenty questions?”
You flip a page. The day’s labour has you sweating into your harness, but all you want to do is just finish this damn chapter. Pulling carts out of mud like a damn mule wasn’t fun, but at least it had you busy. But, God, did you just want to relax for an eternity now.
Even after four years, you’d think your body would grow accustom, but every day, something new tests you.
“Hello?” a voice by your door calls and you look up from your book, smiling automatically at the kid peering into your room. He’s one of the younger orphans who didn’t come from the immediate wreckage of the fall of Trost but rather just a few months ago, you had found him in the woods, walking away from one of the smaller settlements.
You don’t ask, let him come and tell you more, and although you know his name, you know it’s hard for him to talk about anything else.
What you do know is that he is one that still climbs into your bed when there’s a thunderstorm, and that he’s a sweet, yet studious child with a knack for trouble when the girls invite him to hang out with them. 
That doesn’t mean he’s any less attached. He’s probably the one who clings to you the most, and you get up, closing your book. Setting it down on the nightstand, you crouch in front of him and pat his head. 
“Hi,” he says again.
“What’s going on, Xavier?” His red hair is still damp. He must’ve just taken his bath and he shrinks under your hand, probably to protect the clean smell clinging to his skin and locks. Lifting your hand amusedly, you tap his nose. He breaks out into a gap smile. 
He lost his tooth just three days ago, and you remember how proud he was, bursting into the fields during study period to show you as you untied the horses from the plow.
“There’s a man who wants to see you.”
“A man?” You frown, looking over his shoulder. Placing a heavy hand on his shoulder, you pull him into your room, out of the way of the door. “Did he say what his name was? Or if he was military?” The kids know the military insignias. Praying silently to yourself, you glance uneasily at your nightstand where a gun is hidden in the drawer. You could probably arm yourself in time. Xavier tugs at your ear. You look back at him, eyebrows creasing as you glance over his shoulder. 
“He said his name was Jean and that you would know who he was. He’s waiting outside.”
“Jean?” you repeat sharply, standing. Xavier flinches, looking up at you, and you scoop him up before heading to the nightstand, yanking open the drawer and grabbing the gun. Arms worm around your neck, and you squeeze the child closer to yourself as you quietly slip out into the hallway, towards where the other kids’ room is.
“Girls, close the door and lock it,” you order quietly, as you walk into the . The two sisters—Alina and Anya who share the room—look up from whatever they’re doing, and Anya gets up from her bed, but you merely send her a warning look as you  “Everything’s okay. Anya’s in charge until I get back.”
She nods, and you set Xavier down but he doesn’t let go of your neck, hugging you tight to him. Letting out a strangled sigh, you slowly pull him away, cupping his face. Your heart is slow, steady, and you take a measured breath as Alina glances out the window that is right over their desk.
“I’ll be okay. I want to make sure we’re safe.” His eyes flicker over your face and you nod reassuringly.  “You know what to do. Listen to Anya, alright? Try to get some sleep.” The redheaded boy nods and you stroke his cheek with a thumb before he scampers towards Anya’s bed. You stand.
You leave the room, shut it behind you as Alina draws the curtains shut, and your mind is thrumming with ideas of who it could be.
Entering the kitchen, you head to the porch with a quick glance at the window. There’s a figure leaning against the fence, back to you, and your fingers around your gun tighten. Draped in dark fabric and ash-brown hair shining in the oil lamps hanging on the porch, you can’t make out a face as you step into the bracing night.
“What do you want?” 
The figure jolts to his feet, turning around. Edges dulled by the night, you can barely make out his features until he steps into the light, and your finger pad taps the trigger when brown eyes meet yours. Heart lurching, everything rushes back to you and you manage to control the sharp inhale, tempering it into a slow and steady breath that swells up in your lungs.
“It’s been a while,” he comments idly, and you swallow through the hard knot in your throat. Eyes flicking to the gun in your hand, the small smile that had been curving his lips drops away. “You’re a hard person to track.”
“How’d you find me?”
“It wasn’t easy, but Captain Levi saw that some of us were getting desperate.”
Four years.
Four years since you’ve seen any of them except Captain Levi, who only visits to make sure you haven’t been raided by bandits and killed in the months between his check-ins.
In that time, seasons have changed, you’ve sprained your shoulder, it healed; you’ve been thrown off a horse, and gotten back up. You had a period where you would write letters every waking second you were left alone in your room, debating whether or not you should destroy them or send them just for the sake of feeling like you had someone again.
All those letters are still wedged in a box under your bed, so there’s that answer.
Jean stands at the bottom of your porch and you nod, gesturing for him to come in. Your heart plummets as you do so. You don’t know why Jean even bothered.
He closes the door behind you, and you set the gun on the dining table before moving towards the stove, and you ask him if he wants any tea, gracious host that you are. He shrugs and you begin to boil some water. It’ll give you time to look him over as he sits down.
He’s grown the beginnings of a beard since you last saw him. And he’s taller. Way taller than you remember. He’s gotten more muscle, holds himself differently, he’s… still Jean, in all respects, but he’s…
You’re sure that’s one word you’re looking for. 
Migrating to the hearth, you wonder if he’s doing the same to you. Studying you like you’re a stranger. 
You start a fire, feeding it freshly chopped firewood from the day before and stoking it before letting it feast.
You never liked doing that before. Swinging an axe down on wood, watching it split. Now, it’s the only time you get alone to your thoughts. You don’t have to focus on chopping wood. All you have to do is swing an axe until it’s nothing more than muscle memory. You can just… be. 
Maybe it isn’t so bad. Maybe it’s why Reiner liked doing it.
You sigh, and grab the iron poker, keeping an eye on the stove. You don’t know if Jean wants to skip the small talk. You do, but mostly because you don’t like it when your old life comes into your new one. You can make yourself believe you can’t go back when no one’s here to remind you, and that the guilt won’t gnaw you until you’re only bones. 
Absently, you remember Bertholdt used to like small talk—Jean seems less so.
“I have news. I don’t know if you want to hear it, but you’re still military.”
“Not labelled a deserter, yet?” you inquire dryly. Everything is moving so slowly around you, yet so quickly. It’s a terrible sensation. “I feel honoured.”
“Let’s cut the shit, alright. What the hell are you doing here?”
“No idea.”
“You disappeared! No one had seen you in weeks—we thought you were dead until the captain came back with strict orders not to look for you, but do you know how ominous that sounds?” Something bites at your gut as you stare into the flames, and Jean shoots to his feet, chair scraping against the wooden floor. “You were our friend!”
His words sink into your shoulders, but you only blink, staring into the growing hearth.
“Don’t you care? You left!”
“I don’t regret it. It’s not like I’m begging to become a Scout again,” you murmur, looking over your shoulder at him. A sort of tiredness pulls at your eyes, and you stand up again, walking around the table. “I don’t know what you want from me, Jean. You came to me first.”
“I want you to care. I want you to come back and fight. Aren’t you remotely interested in what’s going on?”
“I know we have a train, now.” The pot begins to boil and you move towards it, taking out a tin and small metal spoon. “Historia is doing well as queen. At least, that’s what people are saying. She’s expecting. If you ever see her, tell her I’m happy for her.” Scooping leaves into the teapot, you pour the boiling water into the porcelain and let it steep. 
Turning back around, your eyebrows rise when you see Jean has walked around the table. There’s not even a metre between them as he tosses something at you. Catching it, you realize it’s a rolled up newspaper and your heart drops. At his nod, you pry it open and read the contents, fingertips brushing over two rectangular slips of paper within stating a time and terminal.
“What is this?”
“Eren’s gone to Marley by himself. Probably to do something stupid. I have two tickets to go and rescue his scrawny ass.”
“And?” Dread knots at your stomach as Jean closes his eyes, exhaling softly. Pleading, then: “Jean, don’t.”
“You’re the least compromised out of all of us. None of the volunteers would recognize you or would have been able to relay information about you if they have allies back in Marley, and despite everything, I still trust you. Which is more than I can say for Yelena and the others.” You snap the paper shut and toss it onto the table. Shaking your head to yourself, you walk away from him, but Jean only grabs your arm. “You still have a duty to our nation.”
“Don’t try to plead to my sense of national pride,” you shoot back coolly. “I have other responsibilities.”
“What, like tending to wheat?”
“Everyone wants to kill us, so yes, tending to wheat.”
“If we don’t find Eren, they will kill us. He’s our one chance of getting out of this mess alive. As crazy as he is, he’s our one ticket to freedom and we need to find him.”
Turning around to face him, you pull your arm free of his grasp. The lantern hanging is glaringly bright, and something knots in your throat at Jean’s somber expression.
“I fought for our freedom and you know what I realized? There will always be more people out there who want to take that away from us.” You wish you could sound passionate, but you just sound rough and tired. The bite tastes different. “First, it was Titans, then, it was the people we called our friends. Do you think that we’ll ever be free? That we’ll be able to live without a sword above our necks. Levi told me we’re devils in everyone else’s eyes. What’s it matter?”
“Because we aren’t what they say we are. If you lay down and show your belly, why did you become a soldier in the first place?” You jerk back and Jean leans against the table, crossing his arms. “I thought you fought for a dream. Something. Anything.”
“I thought I did, too. I’m just…” A hissing breath, and you pinch the bridge of your nose, turning away. Images of the lake back from their cadet years flash in your head. “I’m just tired, I guess.”
“Tired?” he repeats icily. “You think the rest of us aren’t tired? We all haven’t had the luxury to sit down on a farm and escape all our responsibilities.” 
Head snapping up, your eyes find cold brown chips staring back. Bitterly, you grit out, “Excuse me?”
“Do you think there’s a day that goes by where I think about Marco and how I wasn’t there for him? We all lost someone. You’re not the only person who’s had to go through it. We’re all guilty of something, but at least, I didn’t give up! At least, some of us decided to do something about it!”
“Shut up!” A hand flies through the air but he catches your wrist and twists, pinning you down to the table. Another hand slams your other hand into the wood and you grunt as Jean wedges himself between your legs to stop you from kicking him. Eyes burning, you stare up into the face of your friend and in that moment, the sorrow overflowing spills into your chest as if you are a well and he is the flood. 
He sinks, elbows clacking against the table as he bows his head. His breath is rushed, cool against your face, and you search his features before uttering out a quiet, “Why did you really come here, Jean?”
His eyes widening, his hands loosen. You try to suck your tears back in, but your eyes are burning so intensely you have to let them fall anyway just as there’s a sharp gasp. Jean looks up before he jerks back as if you’ve really slapped him. Sitting up, you twist to look at the doorframe, and your heart drops into your gut when you see a redheaded boy, eyes shining with tears.
“What are you doing?” he cries, and you immediately launch yourself off the table, crossing the distance towards him as Anya appears over his shoulder, helpless. The brunette girl’s guilt punches through you and you lift Xavier up into your arms, hugging him tight before wrapping another arm around the girl and poking your head into the hall. 
Alina’s figure is a mere shadow at the end of the hall, and you sigh, gesturing for her to come. Taking off at a sprint, she charges down the hall and you bury your nose in Anya’s hair just as another body slams into you, latching onto your waist. You close your eyes as Xavier tries to snuggle even deeper into your neck.
“I’m okay,” you keep repeating. “Just a heat of the moment thing. I promise, he’s not here to hurt us. I promise.”
“Are you okay?” Anya murmurs, and you look down. The eldest girl’s pulled her head back to look at you. Her eyes are narrowed, perceptive as always, and her lips are upturned into a faint scowl. You smile faintly, running a hand over her head. 
“I will be. Why don’t you take them back to your room?” you advise, and her eyes wander from you to Jean again. Catching it, you brush your thumb along her temple soothingly. “Go.” Reluctantly, she lets go of you and turns to Alina who still latches onto you like a parasite, but you rest a palm atop her head. “Alina.”
A sniff, and then she steps back, rubbing at her face. Her older sister takes her shoulders, easing her away and you crouch down as Xavier silently grabs onto your shirt tighter in his tiny fists. 
“Xavier,” you soothe. “I’ll be back in just a moment, okay?” You tilt your head. “I promise.” Wiping at his tears, you wait for him to let go of your shirt on his own accord, and when he does, you brush his hair back from his brow and plant a kiss on his forehead. Anya calls his name softly down the hall, and he lingers for a moment more before walking away, head still over his shoulder so he can watch.
You stay crouched until he’s gone and then you let out a soft exhale, head dropping, eyes closing.
“We need you more than you probably need us,” Jean acknowledges quietly, and your eyes open again to look at him. He’s straightened himself up, watching you with softer eyes. He visibly swallows, and you wonder if it’s pity or jealousy in his eyes. “But, we’re outnumbered in trusted senior officers in the Survey Corps. You’re one of them.”
Quietly: “I shouldn’t be.”
He falters for a moment. “Yeah. Yeah, I suppose not.” He grabs the newspaper again. “But somehow, you are. If Captain Levi trusts you, then so do I. Bertholdt is dead. Annie’s a frozen log in a basement somewhere, and Reiner’s still alive. So are you.” He extends the paper to you. “This is what guilt got us. So what are you going to do about it?”
“Then, how about we go back to my hometown? There’s water nearby. We can go in the afternoons, eat all this food you’ve never had before.”
You haven’t seen a lake in who knows how long. Not since your cadet years, it feels like. Your heart yearns for the blue expanses, to plunge into the cold depths and gasp at how cold it is. You thought you’d given that up, but just there mere thought of it sends your mind spiralling into the images you’ve dreamed of since you were a child. 
“Regret begets regret—don’t have any when you go, and maybe you’ll live a life happier than most.”
You know you’ll never forgive yourself if you never take the chance to see him again. Heart peeling in your chest, you grab the newspaper from him.
“They call it the sea, don’t they?” you finally ask. Jean nods. “A lot of water and there’s… there’s animals in there.”
“Yeah. They live in this salty water and… they eat seafood a lot in Marley. I don’t know if you know.”
“Reiner might’ve mentioned it before,” you say. You look down at the newspaper in your tight fist and swallow. All at once, one door closes and another opens, and you look at Jean, the date and time of the ship already burned into your memory. “He said he thought I’d like it. I guess I’ll keep that in mind when we go.”
Jean’s eyes widen as you hand the paper back to him, your palm scalding as you shove the ticket into your pocket. He says your name softly, but you only hold your hand up, eyes fixed on the floor.
“I’ll meet you there, I promise.” You turn towards the shadows of the hall. In the silence of the night, you hear the hushed whispers of the children you’ve dedicated your life to and your heart disintegrates in your chest. “I just… I need some time to figure everything out.”
“Of course. Whatever you need.” Jean’s feet shift along the floor. You look over your shoulder for a moment to find his eyes on you. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too,” you reply. “Feel free to stay the night. It’s already late.” He nods, and you flash him the weakest smile. 
Then, you walk down the hall to your children. You have a lot of explaining to do.
You stubbornly try to ignore the tears tracing down your face as you reach into the compartment on your pants containing the letters. Reaching for it, you pull it out and crack it open, wondering if it’s even possible to bring yourself to read it.
“It’s not your last question,” Reiner had noted warily as they stood at the top of the stairs.
“Yeah. I guess we have to put a rain check this time.” You had set the box down, looking at him. You couldn’t recall feeling so warm, so empty. So convinced that there was something wrong with how much you still felt for him. “One more question, then?”
A nod, almost hungry for it. “Please.”
“Did you really, really love me?”
The gentlest of sighs, his warm yellow eyes. He had reached out for you, then second guessed, and reached for his breast pocket instead, extending the tin to you. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever stop loving you.”
The entire cabin is quiet as you stare at the ring nestled at the bottom, atop the stack of letters that are wrinkled and must’ve been refolded so many times it’s begun to permanently crease in multiple lines. 
No one’s dared to speak since Sasha died and you look up at the others before back down at the ring again before pinching it between your fingers and lifting it to eye level. You’re not sure what it means to hold it, but you gently close the tin with your other hand, feeling it click shut, and slide it back into your pocket.
The band is silver, rather simple, but it’s pretty, too, in a refined sort of way. There aren’t any gems, but there are simple engravings, lines that curve the metal, causing ripples along the surface and, without thinking, you stretch out your left hand in front of you, trying to gauge which one it’ll fit the best.
Sombrely, you slide it down your ring finger, and let it sit there, lowering your hands and curling them into fists and raising your shoulder, hearing a bone crack. 
You’re exhausted. 
The ODM gear feels strange on your body. It’d been a crash course to get you familiarized with the updates, and you hook a thumb on the strap on your rib cage before glancing at the others. Connie sits with Mikasa and Armin, and Jean is at the back by himself, rubbing at his face hard enough that his skin is beginning to turn red.
You don’t know what to say.
What is there to say? Four years have left you strangely numb.
Jean’s lips pull back into a vicious snarl and his head snaps up to find you looking. Then, everything seems to soften, and he looks away sharply, almost as if to hide his tears.
So you don’t say a thing. Instead, you walk on to the back of the ship, past him, where the prisoners are being held, and you open the door without a noise, first noticing the blond boy. Falco. He looks up at your entrance, eyes wide, and you give him a slight smile as you close the door.
You wish you could hate children for the part they played in killing your friend, but in this moment, you just feel nothing. Not even sadness. You had seen what Marley’s done in the friends you’ve lost.
“Hello, Falco.”
“You lied to me,” he whispers. “You and Mister Kruger—Eren,” he corrects himself. “You used me.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m sorry about that,” you tell him, looking at the walls. It seems like a supply area, and you grab the bucket and rag that’s been left by whoever checked in on them last. There’s a few clean rags and you walk up to them, crouching before the blond first. He seems to flinch back and the brown-haired girl lunges at you.
You have no problem pushing her aside and pinning her down.
“Don’t touch him!” she yells. “You don’t get to touch him!”
“Calm down,” you tell her calmly. “I’m not going to hurt him, and you are in no position to be making demands at me after you killed my friend.”
Her eyes widen. “You’re a devil. So was she!” she spits as you slowly wet the rag and dab at the blood cracking underneath Falco’s nose. It’s clear whoever was here before only used the bucket and rag as a taunt. Probably telling them they could piss in here if they wanted. A coy coil of disgust wraps around your gut. “Don’t touch him. You’re tainted! You give all of us a bad name!”
Your nose wrinkles as the girl squirms under your hand and you let go of her. Cupping Falco’s face, you continue to wipe at his cheek. The water is cold. You hope it soothes what must be a flaring face.
“I don’t understand,” he murmurs dully. Exhausted eyes find yours. “Why?”
“I’m sorry. I have no idea why kids are suddenly soldiers in an adult’s war.” You reach to rinse the rag. Dipping it in water, you begin to wring it out when suddenly, there’s a sharp gasp, and you turn to look at the other child—Gabi. She stares at your hands, eyes wide enough a ring of white is around her irises and you frown. “What?”
“Where did you get that ring?” she asks, voice shaking, and you look down at your hands. “That’s… that’s Reiner’s ring. Where did you get it?” You don’t answer, simply stare at her for a moment, and her breath comes out quivering. “He doesn’t let anyone know he has it. It’s for someone special. That’s—he wouldn’t even tell me. He doesn’t know I saw him with it. He… he —it’s supposed to be for someone!”
“Gabi—“ Falco grabs her arms as you regard her softly, and you have just an idea of what’s going in her head as she points at you. “Gabi, calm down—“
“Why do you have it?” she demands ferociously. “It’s not yours! Give it back!” You drop the rag back into the water, and sit back, drawing your knees up to your chest and resting your arms atop of them lazily as tears begin to trace down the child’s face. “It didn’t even cost that much! You won’t be able to sell it to, you know! Give it!”
“You have no idea what that means to him!“
“You spawn! You devil woman!”
“Are you done?” you ask her quietly, fingers twisting the ring and Gabi inhales raggedly as you look at her flatly. Her eyes widen even more if possible, and she allows Falco to pull her back. Her wet gasps fill the silence and you swallow, tilting your head at your hands. “If you really want to know, I don’t really have an idea why I’m wearing it.” You sigh, dropping your hands and letting your head fall forward. “As for how I got it, if you ever see Reiner again, why don’t you ask him?”
Falco’s eyes widen as you look up and finding him staring at you with a strange scrutiny, and your eyebrows furrow as he lets go of Gabi and straightens up from where he’s sitting.
“Mister Braun didn’t even hear what I said when he saw you,” he murmurs, brow furrowing. “Like he’d just seen a ghost. You and…” He struggles for words, voice unsteady. “Eren said you guys were all old friends. But… but, if he gave you the ring—“
“Shut up, Falco!” Gabi beseeches, grabbing his arm, but Falco only stares at you. “Are you even hearing what you’re saying? You’re accusing my cousin of treason! He wouldn’t!”
“He stayed with you for so long,” he continues, as if in a trance. “Even Eren wondered what was taking so long. He… called it a lover’s quarrel. You…”
“I think you two should get some rest,” you interrupt, pushing yourself to your feet and ignoring the smokey feeling clogging up your chest as tears slip down Gabi’s face and Falco’s face pales at your blatant dismissal. “It’s going to be a few hours until we land, roughly. You’ll want to get used to being somewhere warm before they transfer you to some sort of prison. It’ll be a lot colder there.”
Taking the bucket and the rag, you return it back to its spot before walking out the room and closing the door shut behind you. 
You find the spot you once were standing at now occupied with Floch and his comrades, and then you turn your head to see Jean still leaning against the wall, arms crossed, expression burning the metal floor.
You amble over to him without a word and lean in beside him, sinking to the floor.
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dakarimainink · 3 years
Brownies At 2 AM
WARNING: 18+, smut, explicit descriptions/depictions, fingering, fucking with a hint of roughness, orgasm, bodily fluids, lots of bodily fluids just sayin'
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x You (Reader)
Wordcount: 3.9K
Note: Not betad, all mistakes are my own. I've had this idea for a while and considered doing a fluff for it, but considering the hopeless slut I am, it became a smut instead.
Pedro wakes up to find you missing from your bed.
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Ugh, just look at those eyes😩
Pedro rolls over and reaches to your side of the bed. His hand grasp at the sheets you share. His eyes snap open as he realises you’re not lying there. A sense of panic shoots through him.
It’s still night and a sliver of moonlight crosses the bed as he sits up. His eyes wander over the bed before glancing at the on suite bathroom. He feels his heart drop as he can’t see any light come from under the door. He wonders where you can be, before sliding out of bed.
As he bends down to pick up his shirt from the floor, he finds it missing from where he left it. He furrows his brows and looks around but can’t seem to find it. He walks over to the closet and pulls out a white t-shirt and puts it on. The cotton of the fabric feels soft against his skin. He glances at the bed to make sure he isn’t dreaming before leaving the bedroom to look for you.
He feels a slight tingle of worry spike through his gut as he walks down the dark corridor. He has never found you missing from bed before and his eyes dart to the cracks under each passing door, looking for a light that can shine through. Nothing. He swallows thickly as he picks up his pace towards the stairs.
He stops at the foot of the stairs as he sees the figure of your back and head sitting on the sofa in the dark. Your left side is gently lit up by the silver moon and he admires you for a moment. He feels relief knowing you weren’t gone or that you had left him.
“Y/N, what are you doing up so late?” He walks up to the sofa and places a hand on top of your head, stroking it softly. Your hair feels soft against the palm of his hand.
You can’t help but let out a sigh at his touch and your eyes close, revelling at his gentle strokes. “I just couldn’t sleep.” You explain as you open your eyes. They wander across the garden outside the windows.
“I was worried you had left.”
His words tear at your heart and you turn your head to look up at him. Your eyes immediately lock and you can see a hint of fear lingering on his gaze. “I will never leave you, Pedro.” You reassure him. You have been together for three years and the love between you keeps growing somehow. You find it hard to imagine a life without him now.
He bends down and softly kisses your lips. You straighten your back to deepen it and lift one hand to the back of his head. Your fingers tangle with his unruly locks as you feel a warmth envelop your heart.
He ends the kiss and presses his forehead to yours, his breath mingling with yours as you take a moment to just breathe. “Why don’t we go back to bed?” He rises his hand and presses it to your cheek, his thumb lazily swiping back and forth.
You bite your lower lip, having other plans in mind. “Why don’t we bake instead?” You suggest, a hidden smile spreading across your lips.
He stands back up and you can see his confused expression in the moonlight. You let out a short giggle that made a smile grow on his lips. He can’t resist the wonderful sound coming from your mouth and it makes him want to kiss you again.
“What are we going to bake?” He asks curiously.
You bite your lip again, already knowing what you want to make. You have been thinking about it for a long time, not the actually act of baking, but baking together at 2 AM in your underwear. It had been a reappearing fantasy of yours. You thought it would be somewhat romantic.
“Brownies.” You chime and turn around in the sofa. You stand up on your knees and lean on the back of the sofa, looking up at him.
He wraps his arms around you and pull you over the edge. “Brownies it is then.” He smirks as you squeal out in joy and following it with a giggle. He places you down on the floor and kisses your forehead. He stills, his hands on your hips as his eyes roam the shirt you’re wearing. “Is that my shirt?” He asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Maybe.” You tease and fiddle with the hem of the shirt. “It was conveniently on the floor when I got up.”
“Mhm.” He hums sarcastically. “Very convenient I must say.”
You know he loves seeing you in his clothes. Something in him burns whenever he finds you in any of his apparels, whether it be boxers, shirts, trousers or sweaters, he loves it all. Very often than not, he would end up fucking you in it, but tonight, it was honestly a coincidence you had put on his shirt.
“Go on then, lead the way.” He smirks and strokes his fingertips along your arm. It sends a delicious spike through your spin and goosebumps appear on your skin. You take a deep breath, trying not to fall for his soft touches.
You turn around and begin to walk towards the kitchen, your hips purposefully swinging. As he follows you close by, he gives your ass a light smack and a small yelp escape your lips. You look over your shoulder, giving him a don’t-you-dare-do-that-again look. He reaches forward to smack it once more, but you skip forward as he aims for your ass again.
“I don’t think so, Mr. Pascal.” You wink at him and give him a playful smile. He matches the same look and you know his intentions. He leaps forward to catch you, but you jump to the side and playfully run towards the kitchen as he chases you. Giggles and chuckling filling the silent room.
Rounding the kitchen counter, he grabs your wrist and pulls you to him. He spins you around and crashes his lips onto yours. His hands roam over your body until they settle on your ass and he pulls you closer to his own. He makes sure to squeeze and knead them as your tongues dance. You feel he’s already semi-hard and the dirty thoughts popping into your head makes you smirk.
You push yourself away from his grasp and bite your lip, taking a few deep breaths to calm down. “Brownies.” You remind him and a hint of disappointment flickers in his eyes, but he accepts defeat. If you want to bake brownies then brownies will be baked.
You turn around to the cupboard to find the ingredients you need. He steps over to the fridge and picks out some eggs and the milk carton. As he turns, he finds you have already managed to find all the other ingredients. All you need now is a bowl and a wisp.
“Can you turn on the oven and I’ll get the bowl?” You suggest and turn over to the cupboards again before he can reply. You open it up but can’t seem to find the bowl you are seeking. “Where is the bowl?” You ask.
Pedro stops for a moment to think as he turns on the oven. “Try the cabinet in the corner.” He suggests and walks to the drawers to get the wisp. The light from the oven leaves a warm glow and casting lazy shadows from your bodies.
You step over to the cabinet and open it up. At the very top, the bowl in question is waiting to be plucked down. You let out a sigh before getting on your tippy toes to reach for it. Your fingertips graze the surface of the bowl, but you are not in the mood to get a chair to stand on. You have done it before, you can do it again.
Pedro presses his body up against your back as he reaches over you and grab the bowl. A surprised gasp sounds from your throat. You feel his semi-hard erection press up against your back and a low moan leaves your mouth. Out of instinct, your body moves back against him, feeling his warmth envelop you. He tilts his head down and places his lips near your ear. “Brownies.” He whispers, sending an irritatingly delicious shiver down your spine. He gives your ear a nibble before he steps back, leaving you cold as he walks over to the counter with the ingredients.
He places down the bowl and looks over at you. He leans onto the kitchen countertop with a cocky smirk as he sees the irritation linger on your face. “Your words, love. Not mine.” He teases you before looking for a pot to place on the hob.
You lightly stomp your way over to him and pull out a cutting board and knife. You pick up the butter and cut it up in smaller pieces along with the chocolate. You lick your lips as you anticipate the taste of the brownie, making your mouth water and you swallow.
Pedro places the pot on the stove, halfway filled with water and he begins cracking the eggs and mixing it with the sugar in the bowl provided. He reaches for the last egg when your hands brush up against each other as you reach for the white chocolate. The touch sends tingles through your body and your eyes glimpses at each other.
As you continue to bake, barely saying a word, you brush up against each other, feeling each other’s heat and desires build up. His cock grows harder in his boxers with each passing moment and your cavern continues to drip, soaking your panties. This little dance of a foreplay has you both stepping on the edge, both at the verge of falling over. But you are both determined that this is only about baking and nothing else.
He pours the brownie mix in the form and you make sure it’s distributed evenly before placing it in the oven. The timer is set and now you only have to wait.
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
You wipe the countertop as he washes the bowl. You stand on each side of the kitchen, glancing at one another. It feels like torture, this carnal dance is making you both pant, but neither wants to give in. You are determined, mostly out of stubbornness. If someone is to break, it has to be him. It is painfully obvious to the both of you that the burning desire is on full heat.
His cock is fully hardened in his boxers and it is desperately trying to break from its confines. Your inner thighs are covered in your own juices as it continues to drip down from your panties. It doesn’t help that you keep rubbing them together to get some relief.
He places the bowl on the counter to dry and turns to you, eyes roaming your body. He smirks to himself, finding you incredibly irresistible in your panties and his shirt. His eyes linger on your ass peeking from under the shirt every time you bend over to wipe the surface of the countertop. He licks his lips and imagine fucking you right there, but he didn’t want to be the one to break. He knows you will soon beg him based off of the shimmering juices between your thighs. He has smelled it the whole time you baked; it is an irresistible aroma that made him achingly hard.
You finish cleaning up and sway your hips as you walk towards Pedro to place the cloth by the sink. You make sure to brush up against his side as you fold the cloth and place it next to the bowl. You can smell his lingering cologne and musky scent. You inhale deeply and force yourself to not moan. You love the way he smells, it makes your head swim and all you want is to push yourself up against him.
You turn and lean on the kitchen island, standing opposite of Pedro. You see his eyes are roaming your curves and you know he will break soon. All you had to do, is to reel in the delicious bait.
You turn around and bend over the countertop, making sure your ass is sticking out as much as possible as you rest your head in your hand. You let out a heavy sigh, as if you are bored and lick your lips. You glance over your shoulder and see his eyes are fixated on your ass. You bite your lip and his gaze snaps to yours. The connection sends a tingle through your stomach and your mind is screaming for him to just take you.
He breathes heavily before closing his eyes shut and tilting his head back. He is not going to break. He licks his lips and exhales deeply. Not going to break. He chants it within his head like a mantra, to keep him from just fucking you.
You narrow your eyes at him, knowing fully well he is fighting against his urges. His cock is twitching in his trousers and you let out a shuddering breath. He will break.
You turn around again and unbutton your shirt, leaving it open, but still covering your breasts. You clear your throat innocently to get his attention.
When his eyes open and he looks forward, his gaze drop straight to your body again, trailing along the exposed flesh of your torso and he lets out a groan. “That’s not fair.” He mumbles as he continues to trail along your skin down to your panties.
You tilt your head to the side. “What do you mean? I am just…” You slide your finger along the opening of the shirt, biting your lip with a sly smirk. “Really warm.”
He pushes himself away from the countertop and saunters over to you. “Warm, huh?” He whispers as he places his thumb and index on the hem of your shirt by the collar. As he slowly drags down along the opening, his eyes are locked with yours. “Why don’t you take off my shirt that you’re wearing then?”
You hold his gaze as you feel his fingertips barely graze your skin. “I don’t want to take it off.” You reply breathy.
“No? You want to keep it warm?”
You nod as he lets go of your shirt and lowers his hand to your aching mound. He hovers a mere inch away from your panties. You feel the heat radiating from his hand and he can feel yours.
“Maybe even make it warmer?”
Your lips part as a shuddering breath leaves your lips. “Yes.” You whisper, wanting him to touch you. Your whole body is aching.
He bends forward and tilts his head towards your neck. You instinctively angle your head back, expecting him to kiss your neck, but nothing. He hovers just away from it and you can feel his breath on your skin. He inhales your sweet scent before placing his lips by your ear. Your heart is thumping against your chest as his lips brush against your skin.
“Then you have to break, my love.” His seductive whispers have your knees almost bucking right under you.
You have lost.
Your hips move forward, into his waiting hand and not a split second goes by before his palm is rubbing on your clit outside your panties. You moan out as your whole body is set ablaze and your head snaps back. Your fingers dig into the edge of the countertop as his fingers press between your clothed petals.
He presses his forehead against your temple as he breathes out. “You’re so fucking wet. I love it.” Your jaw trembles and a shuddering breath escapes you. “You’ve been craving this as much as I have.” He pulls your panties aside and slides two fingers into your aching cavern. You whimper as he massages you slowly inside. “Or perhaps even more.” He murmurs as he nibbles on your ear.
You rub your hand on the outside of his boxers, following the outline of his throbbing cock. He groans as you gently squeeze it and lick your lips. You turn your head and you press your forehead to his as your breath mingles. You can feel the faint ridges going across his member.
He is right, you have been craving this the whole time. You thought you could be the stronger one, but he knew exactly what strings to play in order for you to sing for him. If you are to be honest with yourself, you love it when he toys with you like that. It is a dance you had started, but he is definitely the one to lead it.
You lightly kiss him as you gasp for air, his fingers pumping in and out of your soaking cavern. He kisses you back a little harder, testing the urge within you and nibbles on your lower lip. It is all you need to truly make you break.
You throw your arms around his neck and crash your lips onto his. His fingers slip out of you and you let out a small whimper before he presses his body against yours. His hands entangle in your hair as your tongues fight for dominance. You both gasp for air between each kiss and you rub your hips against his groin.
A low growl vibrates in his throat. He grabs a fistful of your hair and pulls back, forcing your head to tilt. He kisses and nibbles on your jaw, down your throat and to your chest. You let out a hoarse moan as he pulls your shirt to the side with his free hand and captures your nipple in his mouth. He flicks it with his tongue before gently biting on it. You inhale sharply as he sucks on it and your hands travel up his shoulders until it reaches his unruly hair.
You pull him up by his locks and he lets out a low moan. You tug him to you as you fervently kiss him. “Fuck me.” You beg between kisses. You don’t have to say it twice.
He pulls his cock out and an aching groan leaves him. He pulls your leg up to his hip and position his tip by your soaking entrance. You press your foreheads together and you close your eyes, anticipating his entry.
He places his free hand on your cheek and you breathe faster at his touch. “Look at me.” He murmurs onto your lips.
You open your eyes and lock eyes with him. There is an ache in his eyes, almost a painful ache and you can see he wants to say something. It feels like time stands still as your gaze is connected.
He slowly pushes into you, letting your walls mould to his girth. The whole time, your eyes are connected and electric tingles sparks through your body. Your moans meld together as he stills inside of you, his tip kissing your cervix. You move your hands to the back of his neck and lick your lips.
His thumb brushes over your cheek as he scans your face. He moves his hips back and your walls try desperately to suck him back in. He slams into you with a growl and your breath is pushed out of your lungs. He slams into you a second time and a cry of pleasure seeps through your lips.
He moves his hips back and forth, his cock massaging your walls as it goes in and out of your cavern. He loves the sounds that comes out of your mouth as he fucks you. Those sweet moans and yelps of pleasure as a fire spreads throughout your body. A shimmer of sweat builds on both of your bodies, reflecting the moonlight peaking in through the windows and the warm light radiating from the oven below.
He slides his hand from your cheek and down to your throat. The palm of his hand lingers on your neck as he imagines squeezing it, but he moves it further down and palm your breast. He kneads it, making you writhe at his touch. A cry leaps out of you as he pinches your nipple between his thumb and index finger.
“I’m gonna come, love.” You gasp as your legs begin to tremble. A smirk grows on his lips as he darts out his tongue to dampen his lips. You press his head close to you and you claim his lips.
He pulls your leg higher up on his hip and his other hand grasp onto the back of your neck. He deepens the kiss as a growl vibrates in his chest. The fervent kisses leave your lips sore, but neither of you wants to lower the passion surging between you. He is so close, but he is determined to let you come first.
He knows exactly how to send you over the edge. He moves his hand from your neck and down your body. He ends the kiss and press his forehead to yours. Your eyes are closed, but you know where his hand is heading. Your whole body is burning and trembling.
His hand slides in between you and rubs circles around your clit. Your pelvic floor tightens and your legs begins to quiver. Your hands at the back of his neck trembles and you gasp for air. He flicks his thumb across your nub, pushing you over the edge you have been dancing along. You snap your head back as you cry out in pleasure and your whole body shakes. It is set ablaze and your toes curl. Your juices run down his still moving cock and down your leg.
His fingers dig into the flesh of your thigh as he continues to fuck you. Your walls tighten around him and he growls through each push until his cum paints your walls. It mixes with your own juices as it flows down your inner thigh and dripping down on the floor. He thrusts two-three more times, making sure to empty himself completely within you.
He stills and pants, leaning his head on your shoulder. His legs are trembling as well and he swallows thickly. He carefully pulls out of you with a groan, spilling the remaining of your juices onto the floor and tucks himself back into his boxers. He places your leg down and straighten his back, looking down on you through heavy eyelids.
You look up at him as you struggle to stand properly. You lean all your weight onto the countertop as you feel the warmth of his cum run down your skin. You are both soaked in sweat as you try to catch your breath.
The alarm on the oven beeps, alerting you the brownies are done. You both chuckle and you tilt your head back to breathe in. He bends forward and kiss your throat. “I imagined squeezing it earlier.” He whispers against your skin. His hands grab your shirt and readjusts it so it covers your breasts. He takes a step back and admire you before walking over to the oven.
You look over at him as he takes the brownies out. “I think I’d like that.” You confess. “Next time… do it.”
He looks at you with a raised eyebrow before smirking. He saunters over to you and catches your chin between his thumb and index finger. “How about round two?” He licks his lips and his thumb tugs at your lower lip.
“Yes please.”
A smirk paints his lips before he dips his head down and claim your lips once more.
(Wanna be added to my tag list for Pedro Pascal and his characters? Let me know and I will happily add you)
TAG: @cynic-spirit, @lililolli
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read on ao3
Kara’s time in the Phantom Zone has always been labeled into two parts. The Going There and The Leaving. In part, because those two things are the things that she was coherent enough to remember but mostly because she doesn’t like remembering the time in between.
Not liking it, was an understatement. Kelly would probably call it trauma. Yeah. That was the word. Trauma. It was 24 years of traumatic experience but it was easier to just refer to it as The Going There and The Leaving. Simply put, just a part 1 and a part 2.
Kara didn’t even know when The Going There began. All this time she thought, Krypton exploding behind her pod was the beginning of it. But later, when her aunt comes back for her, when an entire fleet comes for her new planet, when her hero dies by the hand of her sister, she will learn: The Going There started the moment her mother thought of using Kara to arrest her aunt. That realization was something she didn’t like. Some days she wishes she’d never come to that realization at all.
The beginning of The Leaving on the other hand was something she was awake to remember. She remembers the rumbling, she remembers the hum of the engines as it powers up, she remembers the pod slowly coming to life and then the whoosh!.
The exhilarating, wondrous woosh! that roared into Kara’s ears. Filling her with hope after sleeping a slumber of despair for so long. Of course, she wouldn’t know that ‘so long’ would translate to 24 years till she arrives on Earth and Kal rips her door open. Of course, the hope wasn’t replaced with the utter feeling of failure and defeat, till Kal flies away from her. Some days she wishes she was never awake for any of it.
There were two parts to Kara’s experience in the Phantom Zone; The Going There and The Leaving.
She’d never expected that there would be a Return.
Loss was something the universe had given Kara at 14 years of age. Others received dreams or new siblings but Kara? The universe handed her loss and then left quickly before answering any of her questions. The universe handed her the burden of an annihilated planet’s legacy, a race of dead people that only she can remember.
It was something she’d learned to live with, had moulded into her every day life, a permanent mark on her soul.
In her hands loss used to be a strange thing.
She used to be a daughter of one of the respectable families of Krypton. A high born. The progeny to Zor-El’s brilliance, the successor of the El’s legacy. She had never known loss, until one day she woke up and nothing was left. At first, she didn't know what to do with it except for crying and screaming and waking the entire house of a family she didn’t belong with, night after night after night. But soon, it became a part of her, became a kindling to a roaring fire.
Nobody had expected the last daughter of Krypton to burn, but when she did, it was brilliant and bold and the world had stood in awe of her flames.
And so, as she watched herself lose her father for the second time. She snatched loss from the universe’s hands before it even had the chance to hand it to her, she snatched it and claimed it for her own. That was where this was going all along wasn’t it?
Another loss, another mark, another kindling.
The only difference this time though, was, she isn’t sure whether she wants to burn brilliant, bright and bold or set the entire universe on fire for what it’s done to her for the second time around.
These were the thoughts that chased each other around in her head as she breathed heavily; sagging against the walls of a cave she’d found shelter in. Aside from misery and agony, caves are also one of the most abundant things in the Phantom Zone. The jagged spikes and hard rocks are slowly becoming home to her now.
No, not home. This isn’t home. Home is-
And then her brain stalled. Home is…
Home is?
Home is—
It felt like a headache was ripping her skull. The more she thought about it the more it hurt.
She knows where home is. Home isn’t this place, home is— home is— home is—
It was at the tip of her tongue at the edge of her brain.
She can’t remember. Didn’t she just see home not 30 minutes ago? An hour ago? Two seconds ago? Time doesn’t pass the same way, her brain throws at her and the pain starts anew.
But she refuses to give in. She knows where home is. Home is...is...is
Noonan’s is home! Or at least, it was a part of it??? Kara thinks and thinks and thinks.
And for a moment, Kara could swear that she smells the familiar aroma of coffee beans and sweet sugar in the air but then the thought vanishes just as quickly as it came.
She was grasping at the edges of that little snippet. She tries to picture the logo of the store, tries to recite the branches littered around National City, tries to remember how she had worked there once, tries to remember her order, tries to remember Alex’s order.
Alex!!!! Her brain lights up at the thought.
Alex is home too.
At this point, the pain was unbearable, she was barely breathing. It feels as if the more she’s trying to remember, the more something, someone?? Is blocking her. The chances of it being something seems more likely than it being a someone.
She remembers her father’s words of warning from just days before. Hours before?? Weeks before?
Just before she’s lost him again.
How this place will drive you to the brink of insanity, Kara held her tongue but she wanted to scream that she knew that. She knew what the Phantom Zone did to people. She knew what it had done to all those Fort Rozz escapees, what it had done to Astra, what it had done to her. She was fucking insane for 24 years! 14 year olds weren’t supposed to go through that.
The worst part is, it was her parents who put her there, her mother, her father. The same father she mourned and who not only minutes ago was telling her to give it up.
The same father she’s lost, again.
Pain flares at the back of her head, from her nape slowly snaking its way to behind her eyes. Kara suspects it’s something to do with the cave and the silver glow around the cave’s awning that she’s only just now noticing.
But it was too late now. Too late to get out nor to retreat even further. She has used the last ounce of energy she has in that fight with Nyx and this headache was only making her weaker. Headache, feels too juvenile a word to describe this feeling, this cleaving of her mind from the inside.
Alex, caramel macchiato and sticky buns were the last thoughts in her head before everything turned dark.
She steps out of the portal and the moment her foot touches The Tower, weapons and superpowers alike suddenly poise to strike at her.
Until, Alex whispers, “Kara,” lowers her gun slowly, arms shaking from shock and then she loses track of who crashes unto who first.
Just that she’s home and Alex is sobbing but so was she, and she’s never seen J’onn cry like this before but he cradles her and his sobs rumble out of his chest and into Kara. She can feel it rumbling between their embrace. The three of them stay in that position for what feels like hours until the voices of the others filter through and then next thing she knows M’gann is hugging her.
Brainy lifts her off the ground and it should surprise her that he could do that, but it doesn't. It feels like the most natural thing in the world as Kara laughs and Nia squeals at Brainy to put Kara down so she can hug her too. Nia’s squeals turn into quiet emotional sniffles the minute Kara’s arms wrap around her. And in that moment Kara realizes it isn’t just one sister she lost for a while there, she lost Nia too.
And then, her eyes land to the person in the back of the room. The person who didn’t run at her like the others. Whose heartbeat is now thundering so loud in Kara’s ears, now that her eyes have found her.
She looks as beautiful as ever and Kara feels her heart swell so hard she fears it could burst. For a moment, she thinks she’s survived the Phantom Zone just so Lena Luthor could kill her with one look.
The moment their eyes meet, Lena’s body lurches forward only to stop awkwardly halfway through, leaving her standing there, twiddling her fingers, eyes shining with tears, her whole frame shaking from holding back.
Kara is two steps away from running to her and she was absolutely going to. She realizes Lena is doing the thing she does best.
Shrinking herself.
Kara was about to run to her—
But a shrill ringing breaks through their staredown, Lena breaks away from Kara’s gaze to look at her phone and then she is turning away; phone to her ear.
Later, Kara will think she should’ve run after Lena. She should’ve run after Lena, snatched the phone away from her and wrapped her arms so tight around her and told her how much she loved her, how much she missed her, how hard she fought just to see her again.
If she did, maybe they wouldn’t be here now. They wouldn’t be running inside an abandoned warehouse, trying to find where Lex had hidden Lena.
She wouldn’t be too late.
Maybe, if Kara did things a lot more different, she wouldn’t be here now; clutching Lena’s broken, bloody body to her chest and screaming at the sky.
How dare the universe hand her another loss?
When she opens her eyes, she gasps out Lena’s name. She jerks so suddenly, her head hits a low stalagmite and rattles the ground she’s currently lain on.
It takes her a long time to collect her bearings. She stares long and hard at her hands. It felt so real.
Lena’s blood on her hands. Lena’s pale face getting paler and paler. Lena dying.
She gets approximately two minutes of reprieve. These 120 seconds she uses to breathe in deep, lets herself feel the extent of her fear. The anger seeps deep into her bones but it was nothing compared to the grief in her heart at the thought of losing Lena.
Lena!!! Her brain screams, LENA IS HOME!!! Lena is ho—
And then the moment the thought comes barreling at her, the pain returns. It returns tenfold and Kara doesn’t even try to move.
She knows what’s going to happen next.
Alex finds her unconscious on the ground.
She yells for back-up in her comms.
Dreamer and Brainy and J’onn run to the portal.
J’onn fends off the Phantoms circling Kara long enough for Dreamer to create one of her forcefield tunnels in order to get Kara from the ground and unto the portal entrance unharmed.
These are the things they will tell her once she wakes up.
They will tell her how hard it had been for everyone, how perpetually dim those days without Kara were.
Kara will cry upon hearing all of it. She will cry because she saw her father again and she couldn’t save him, she will cry because why does it always keep happening to her?
What could she have possibly done to the universe that it would give her something this cruel?
She will cry because it’s been so long since she’s heard Alex’s voice and now she is right here, telling Kara that she did nothing wrong, that the universe just sucks. But it’s okay, because the universe can suck all it wants and Alex will always be there through all the sucky parts.
After the teary reunion, Brainy will come running into the room, just as the two of them are untangling from their embrace.
Brainy will then tell them that Sentinel needs to suit up. Brainy will be too emotional to say the words, “It’s Lena- Lena has- Lena’s been-”
“Brainy what is it? What's wrong with Lena?”
M’gann will say it for him.
“Lena has been killed.”
Kara will cry and cry and cry.
You know that painful lump in your throat that makes it hard for you to breathe because you are holding your sobs in?
That was how Kara woke up, with a painful lump in her throat that made her want to throw up. She didn’t even get to see her this time. She just woke up to a world where Lena was killed, and all she could do was cry about it.
And so, she cried. She cried and cried and cried and punched the walls of that cave. She screamed so loud and let the echoes of her screams resonate all around the hollow space.
The hollow space so similar to the chasm inside Kara’s chest.
Her screaming is cut off by a sharp pain shooting from her temple and immediately spreading. This time, the spread was much faster than the last. It knocks the breath out of Kara, steals the voice out of her shout and makes her submit.
She curls into herself. She struggles to fight off the call of slumber. Her eyes close against her wishes.
There are no portals this time.
All Kara remembers is that she touched a glowing stone on the murky soil west of her cave and then the next moment she is standing in The Tower.
Something was wrong.
Kara knew something was wrong, because the moment she was zapped in. Alex didn’t come running to her. Nobody did. They just stared at her. All of them wearing black.
“I’m back, I-I’m home.”
It alarms her that she felt the need to verbally say it. J’onn comes up to her, “Kara,” he says and he swallows, puts a hand on her shoulder.
J’onn looks like he’s going to tell her something. And that this something isn’t easy for J’onn to say. Alex takes one look at J’onn, realizes what J’onn was going to do and walks out.
“Wait— Alex! What- Where are you— J’onn what is happening?”
She wishes she never asked.
She wakes up again. This time she doesn’t bother to get up, doesn’t try to scream, doesn’t try to cry.
She just lays there.
The ceiling of the cave is the same shade of grey as of Lena Luthor’s tombstone. Never would she have thought that Lena Luthor and tombstone would be two things she says in the same sentence. It was J’onn who flew her there. In the dream? In the vision?? Kara doesn’t know anymore and frankly, Kara doesn’t care anymore.
Somebody left plumerias at the foot of her grave.
Plumerias, like her mother’s favorite flower. Like—
Like the one in Lena’s office.
Like the one back home.
She lets the dark claim her willingly.
The Tower is destroyed. There are no survivors. Just Kara. Standing there in the ruins of what once used to be their hideout. Behind her the still gaping portal is blowing puffs of cold air from the Phantom Zone.
It’s Alex, this time. A role reversal. Lena breaks the news to her.
“S-she died, Kara. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Kara wants to die too.
It’s Lena and Alex.
Kara wants to laugh.
Of course, there would be a version where both Alex and Lena would be taken away from her. There was already a version where nobody survived. Why not this one too, right?
She should’ve known.
Eventually, she comes to one where it’s her who dies.
Isn’t it funny? That the thing she’s wanted—has been begging for—has come to life right in front of her, and Kara realizes, turns out it wasn’t what she wanted after all.
From where she's fallen on the ground she sees Alex bark orders. She hears hysterical screaming. She feels Lena kneel by her side.
Nia is slowly crumbling next to Alex’s side; she’s removed her Dreamer mask to let her tears flow freely.
“Don’t leave us, please, don’t leave us. Fight back, goddamnit, Kara fight back! We just got you back. Please, please, Kara, please. Not yet.”
She feels Lena’s tears fall down on her own cheeks.
She looks beautiful even with tears in her eyes.
Kara wishes she can move her thumb to wipe the tears from Lena’s eyes.
“I found her!”
Nia shoots up from where she was sleeping. Alex runs into the room. Brainy steps aside and lets her punch in the coordinates.
“Where is she?” Lena asks, suddenly materializing out of nowhere, startling Nia, green eyes frantically darting around at the monitor, waiting for the map to appear.
“There!” Nia shouts and points. There’s a little red dot blinking on the screen.
Lena shoves her, fingers flying across the console, zooms in and makes a 3 dimensional version of the landscape appear.
It’s a cave.
Kara’s inside a cave.
“I believe that’s what the Klamarian’s refer to as Caverna Tim-or,” Brainy states upon closer inspection.
They hadn’t noticed Alex behind them already gearing up.
“Then what are you nerds gawking around there for?! Suit up. Come on, let’s go!”
It spurs the whole team into action.
Nia was already in her Dreamer suit. She’s been sleeping in it for 2 nights in a row, now. Refusing to be woken up, just getting up to eat a power bar or to go to the bathroom. It was slowly nagging at Brainy, the way Nia wouldn’t move for extended periods of time until she jerks awake, exhausted and depleted from overusing her powers.
But this time, this time Nia doesn’t feel tired at all. She is pumped. She is hyped. She knows where Kara Danvers Zor-El is and they will bring her home.
The only one not running about the place in a flurry of guns, ammo and armor is Lena.
She is sitting perfectly still, in front of her monitor. She has to stay back, that has been the plan. If they ever find Kara’s coordinates, someone has to stay back and prepare The Tower for their return.
Lena knew it was going to be her. She didn’t have training to fight. She didn’t have any powers. All she knows is to throw a punch and she guesses that wouldn’t be helpful when faced with soul sucking creatures.
So, there she stays; controlling everything with her just a flick of her fingertips.
Besides, all their suits wouldn’t be upgraded if it weren’t for her. It was fine that she had to stay. She’s waited for Kara long enough, what’s a few more minutes of holding down the fort, right?
Lena might not have superpowers but she’s been gifted with enough intelligence to build the Superfriends trackers into the fibers of their suit, even have all of them linked directly to Lena’s supercomputer.
The one she’s had installed in The Tower much to J’onn’s protests. Lena didn’t have a job. She didn’t have responsibilities, she didn’t have to wake up at 7, go to work at 8 and be stuck in stuffy meetings.
She has free time and tonnes of money to rebuild The Tower’s entire tech department.
Brainy almost drooled when Lena pitched the plan to the team.
Lena also brought them Jess.
Or rather, Jess brought herself and nobody was man enough to tell her no. Who says no to a formidable American-Asian woman anyway? After Lena had emailed Jess about the recent developments regarding LuthorCorp. Jess had emailed her back almost instantly, telling her that she’s also just turned in her resignation and before she starts applying for another job, she asks, Ms. Luthor, do you need help with anything else?
Lena was floored with the loyalty that Jess had shown her. Instead of replying to the email, Lena called Jess. Upon answering, Jess expected many things from her boss, an eloquent thank you, a huge last pay, but she never expected to hear Lena Luthor sobbing into the line.
Jess asks if she could visit Lena in her flat.
“Like I mean, right now Ms. Luthor.”
“Lena, please, call me Lena.”
“Okay, Lena. Can I please go to your penthouse? Because, no offense, but you obviously do not sound okay, and I think I can help.”
“I’m actually not at my penthouse as of the moment.”
And that was how Jessica Huang was brought into the fold.
And also, if it weren’t for Jess, Lena thinks the rest of them would be lost.
As much as Lena was the brains of this operation, logically and legally speaking she wasn’t doing well.
The woman wasn’t eating and sleeping for fuck’s sake. For a woman who built a state of the art tech system in under three days, you’d think she’d realize that humans need to be healthy in order to function.
And so, it was Jess who handled Lena like she's done so many times before, handled all finances, handled all the press that all of them were bringing unto themselves. Jess enforced a No Flying Through the Balcony Unless Absolutely Necessary Rule and thus far it has worked.
Nobody was also allowed to use the main entrance. Only J’onn, the owner of the building, was allowed to be seen coming and going.
There were rag reporters at every turn and just one photograph of Dreamer, Sentinel and Guardian all going into the same building, would be a catastrophe. The young woman wanted to tear her hair out when she pointed it out and everyone was like, “Oh, yeah. Yeah, you’re right. Oh my god, yes, that makes sense.” As if the thought had never occurred to any of them before. Although, they were distracted with tracking a missing hero after all. So, Jess lets it go. She just shakes her head and makes sure each one of them has access to the secret entrance Lena designed.
Jess had also taken the time to go into the building opposite them, talked to the tenants and bought their silence. And then at the last minute, Jess thought, Hm, why not buy the whole block's silence?
The last thing these people—this team—needs right now, is a media frenzy.
She’s had enough practice with the youngest Luthor on that front.
Jess was also the one who organized them into shifts, pushed Alex to try to find a job at a local research center or even teach a bunch of self-defense classes. She made Nia go to CatCo on time and actually monitored all her deadlines, told J’onn to go do his private investigation stuff and made Lena eat three meals a day and sleep for about 6 hours every night.
Her and Kelly shepherded the team into a more reasonable routine.
Alex took the longest to warm up to her, though. Until the day Lena and Alex had a fight on whether or not they should tell Eliza.
It was a brutal screaming match.
Alex shouting that Lena has no right telling her what to do when it comes to her own mother. Lena screaming back that Alex has an obligation to tell her mother what really happened to Kara.
They all knew what it was really about, though. It was about Alex still being in denial. It was about Alex’s fear of Eliza labelling her a failure for not protecting her younger sister.
She didn’t want to tell Eliza. Because telling your mother news is one of the best ways to make that news a reality.
It was Jess who offered to find accommodations for Eliza once Alex finally found the courage and called her.
She bought Alex a six-pack of her favorite beer and sat with her till 4 am.
“Just once,” Jess says, “You get to drink this away, just once. And then you talk to Kelly about it, okay? I know we’re not really close, but well, I’m no stranger to family drama.”
“Thanks, Jess.”
Jess was not a stranger to loss too. She knows none of them are in their right minds with Kara gone. Everything happened so fast. And it really didn’t help that on every billboard and every LuthorCorp commercial you’ll hear about how perfectly perfect Lex Luthor is.
Everything happened so fast that Lena didn’t even question when she had known about Kara being Supergirl.
As if a ponytail and glasses would ever fool her, not to mention she’d seen Kara use a bit of superspeed now and again when she thought her best friend’s secretary wasn’t looking.
And so, the moment the Superfriends left for the Phantom Zone to find Kara. Lena Luthor immediately dialed one of her most trusted people in the world.
“Jess, I need you in The Tower, now.”
In twenty minutes, Lena was monitoring the team’s progress a thousand lightyears away, in the other room Eliza and Jess were preparing the med bed and the sunlamps.
It is now, in this moment, that it sinks in to her. This is real. This is real, they’re really bringing Kara back. They’ve found a way to find Kara, built a safe transport system into the Phantom Zone and if things go well, in less than fifteen minutes she will see Kara in the flesh again.
And she can’t help but feel the stirrings of fear begin in the pit of her stomach.
Sure, Kara had said that she trusts her again, but where exactly do they stand?
Does she even have the privilege of Kara’s friendship? Or are they merely allies?
It’s ironic, Lena knows exactly where her place is with the Superfriends, it took a long time and a lot of long talks but Lena now knows without a doubt that she belongs here, but well, now she doesn’t know where she belongs when it comes to Kara.
Kara’s been coaxing her to join them for years and now that Lena has, she’s now uncertain of their friendship with each other.
That’s always been the question with Kara isn’t it?
Are we really friends?
The red dot on the screen is joined by six more others on Lena’s screen.
They’ve arrived. They’ve located Kara. They’re right there with her right now.
Lena’s heart starts to race in her chest as the moment.
She tries not to imagine what Kara looks like once they find her there.
She tries not to imagine all the times she’s had nightmares about her being the one who finds Kara in the Phantom Zone.
Nia has been learning to project her dreams. Lena’s seen glimpses of what that piece of the universe looked like. She didn’t like what she saw, not one bit. She remembers how casually Kara had talked about it.
Whenever Alex asks Nia to project her dreams or asks Brainy to run the simulators, Lena walks out.
She takes it as her cue to leave. Don’t get it wrong it isn’t that Lena is afraid of the Phantom Zone. Oh no, if she could she had long rode a rocket ship there and rescued Kara.
It’s the visual coupled with the feeling of powerlessness along with the thought that Kara is out there, she’s there in that hell in outer space and it’s all Lena’s fault that she can’t stand.
That last one took a long time to shake off, it took a lot more than shaking off actually.
So, Lena leaves when they start to explore more about the Phantom Zone in VR and Nia’s dreams. She gets all of her information about the place, reading atlases from Brainy’s 31st century archives and other alien records, instead.
She has no idea what her friends are seeing there right now, what kind of creatures and all kinds of traps are set up for them. She hopes and prays to whoever it is up there that they bring Kara safe. That none of them gets hurt in the process.
She prays her family returns home to her in one piece.
Lena was brilliant enough to fix their suits with trackers that can remain linked back to her even if they were literally in outer space, but she didn’t have enough time to build a secure communication link.
Which means that the three of them, Eliza, Jess and her are staring at the screen. Watching seven multicolored dots move across the map, while they hear absolutely no news of how the team is doing.
The red one, Kara, remains unmoving, Lena notices, while the other colors circle around her. Lena does not want to think of the implications of that visual.
It either means Kara has been seriously injured and isn’t well enough to fight or Kara is…
She doesn’t dare finish that thought.
No, they will bring Kara home. They’ve got two Martians, a twelfth-level intellect Coluan, a human-Naltorian hybrid and two of the most elite human soldiers to fight for Kara.
They will save her, not to mention all of them are armed with tech made by Lena Luthor. There is no way Kara wouldn’t return home if she knew how hard they’ve been fighting.
Eliza must’ve noticed how tight she’s been gripping the edge of the console, because the older woman puts a hand atop hers.
“They’re going to be fine. We’re going to get them back. Don’t worry.”
Lena gives her a smile.
And then a portal opens in the middle of the room.
A strong woosh! comes out of the portal and immediately the three of them are running to the center of the room.
Inside, Lena sees Nia holding an entire ten yards of force field between where she's standing and the entrance of the portal.
J’onn is zipping around them fast, throwing off and assaulting Phantoms, Brainy is holding the portal open and there, in a dark awning of a cave she sees Kelly shielding Alex and M’gann.
A figure on the ground. Kara.
There was Kara. Kara was right there, lying unconscious on the ground and it’s taking every ounce of Lena’s willpower to not barrel through and carry her back here herself.
What good would she be if those creatures catch her? So, she stays there and she shouts, “Brainy, do you need help getting the portal stable?! I can hook you up to a closer power source if you keep it open long enough till all of you get back here!”
Brainy shouts something back but he is being drowned by the howling wind, so Lena takes it upon herself to do what she told Brainy.
Runs to the console with shaky fingers and with just a series of clicks and codes the portal opens much brighter and glows much more stable.
She hears Brainy shout and she smiles. Until she hears Nia say something that sounds like -can’t keep it up any longer, Alex! Alex! Now!
And then M’gann is heaving Kara unto her shoulders and Alex and Kelly are running for the portal, J’onn covering the four of them, Brainy waiting for Nia.
For a moment, Lena thinks, “This. This is what my life has become. I have alien friends. We are saving a superhero and there is a portal right in front of me right now. This is my life now.”
She shakes that epiphany out of her head
Alex sees her mother and shouts, “Mom, gurney! Gurney, she’s unconscious!”
Jess and Eliza run to fetch the gurney and Lena meets the four of them at the portal’s opening.
God, Kara was so pale, she was so pale being carried like that on M’gann’s back. Her cape is in tatters and her suit is soiled and dirty, there were cuts all around and her face, her wondrous beautiful face was so grimy and so was her hair.
There was nothing else in the world Lena wanted more than to cradle Kara in her arms.
Kara’s consciousness comes to her slowly; piece by piece. A bright light, a buzzing room, the quiet hum of an air-conditioner, and oh, her back is on a mattress, a soft, soft mattress. It makes her want to cry. She’s been sleeping on rocks for so long, she’s forgotten what mattresses feel like.
Her eyes remain closed but she’s lucid enough that she can decipher the buzz into separate voices.
“I cannot believe you didn’t change out of your suit! What did I tell you about hygiene and rest?”
“But, Jess— “
That was weird, was that Nia and Jess? What was Jess doing here?
For a brief window of a second, Kara’s heart drops. She’s in another dream-vision. She’s in—
“Would the two of you keep it down? Go yell at her in the living room.”
That was Alex. Wait— living room what?
“How’s she doing?”
Eliza! Eliza was here!
“Her vitals are fine, but I don’t think she has her powers. I was able to insert her Dextrose without using the red sunlamps.”
“She didn’t have sun there, honey.”
“I know.”
And then the conversation turns quiet and Kara hears Alex let out a quiet sob.
Then it gets muffled and Kara knows Alex is clinging to their mom. She wants to open her eyes now, she realizes.
So, she does.
She opens her eyes and she gets the frontrow view to Eliza and Alex sharing a teary embrace. Alex sitting down both arms wrapped around Eliza's torso, face soaking her mother's blouse.
“Hey, what about me?”
Her voice sounded scratchy and weak even to her own ears.
Alex breaks away from their mother, turns to look at her, gasps and flings herself forward to hug Kara.
Kara lets out a wet laugh, “I missed you, I really, really missed you, Alex.”
“I missed you too, loser.”
And oh, how she's missed this.
Eliza steps in to give her a hug too and Kara sobs in her arms and she lets herself fall apart in the arms of her mom.
Because that’s what Eliza is to her. A mother.
Her mother.
“Don’t you scare me like that, ever again, you hear me?”
“I promise, never again, Mom.”
It doesn’t matter that all of them know it isn’t true. Kara will be in far more dangerous situations again. Kara will risk her life again and again. But that doesn’t matter right now.
What matters is she’s safe and Eliza’s asking her to tell her what she wants to hear, even though they all know better.
She still wants to hear it anyway.
“Good,” Eliza says, squeezes her one last time and then pulls back to brush the hair out of her face, “I’m going to get you some food, you must be hungry.”
When Eliza said that, it was like Kara’s body remembered all of its functions likewise all of its needs, she’s never felt this exhausted and this hungry before.
Eliza sees her eyes light up at the mention of food and chuckles before exiting.
And now, it’s just Alex and her.
Her sister doesn’t look good. She looks older somehow. She looks tired.
Not that Kara can blame her, she understands what it must’ve felt like to Alex to lose her in a split second and not see her again for almost—
Her train of thought stops when she realizes she doesn’t know how long she’s been gone.
“How long have I been out?”
“12 hours. You need more hours under the sunlamps, so don’t even think about—”
“No, Alex,” she cuts her off, sits up on the bed, “I mean— I meant to ask, how long was I gone?”
Alex refuses to meet her eyes, swallows hard.
Kara moves her hand over hers and squeezes.
“It’s okay, I’m here now, we can go through it together,” she says and Alex eyes well up in tears again before letting out a strangled, “3 months, Kara. You’ve been gone for 3 months.”
“Oh, Alex, come here.”
At first, the mention of the time doesn’t even bother her, she was more concerned about Alex. She lets her climb in bed with her, careful not to jostle her IV.
Her sister says she's been dehydrated and she needed a boost. Kara knows that it’s no ordinary Dextrose. Lois must’ve given them some of Kal’s stuff from Argo.
They lay side by side in that cramped bed and Alex catches her up on everything.
And then and only then, does Kara realize she’s missed 3 months of her life.
“How’s Kelly?” she asks, not for her but for Alex because she’s missed the way her sister's eyes light up when she’s talking about the person she loves and besides, Kara doesn’t really want to talk about her side.
And so, Alex tells her that Kelly is now Guardian, and then she tells her—albeit more shyly—that she also has a hero name now.
Kara likes the sound of that.
“It suits you,” she tells her, “You’ve always watched over me.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Eliza finds them like that, feeds Kara soup and she's taken in approximately 20 swallows before she passes out again.
The next time Kara wakes, everybody is there.
Brainy bought her 3 dozens of donuts, Nia brought her flowers, Kelly bought her potstickers.
All of those made her cry, the colors of the flowers were so vibrant, she’s missed seeing colors. The Phantom Zone was all black and gray and sad. Nia almost pulled away in fear of doing something wrong that might’ve upset Kara when she started sobbing at the sight of roses. Kara just gave her a big ole bear hug and a wet kiss on the cheek.
But, there was one person though, one person that she hasn’t seen around and to be honest? She’s been too scared to ask about.
She still hasn't told Alex about the visions. How can she explain her fear of seeing Lena if Alex doesn’t know about the visions? Her sister would start asking questions soon, though.
Why hasn't she talked to Lena yet? Why she hasn't asked? Why was she so scared of—
And then, as she was just inhaling her third box of potstickers, mind going over how to talk to Alex and Kelly is snorting over whatever it is that Brainy said, Kara’s world stops.
Her supersenses—it seems—are back and the first thing it chooses to focus on is a familiar heartbeat.
Her head whips to the door and there, Lena Luthor, her best friend—the most beautiful soul Kara’s ever seen—is standing there.
She’s fiddling with her thumbs and it reminds Kara so much of the first time she’s fallen victim to those horror show visions.
Fear grips her and refuses to let her go.
She knows this. She’s seen this sight way too many times.
Lena takes a step forward, then pulls back, holds herself back and then—
Her phone rings.
Kara shoots out of her bed, in the next instant she is right in front of Lena.
Distantly, she hears Nia shriek and Kelly shout, “Kara, oh my god!”
It doesn’t even register to her that she’s used superspeed that her superspeed is back.
All she feels is that she knows who’s on the other side of the line and she’s got to stop Lena from taking the call and she really, really, really just wants to hug her.
Lena’s eyes are wide when she realizes the quick woosh she’s heard is Kara.
“Kara, what—“
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” she is quick to amend, “I just- I-” and then more eloquently, “Can we please talk?”
“I—” Lena hesitates, looks down at her phone, “I- I have to take a call.”
“No. Please, no don’t take the call, please trust me?”
“Kara, what are you talking about?”
Lena’s brows are furrowed in confusion now.
“Please,” she pleads, “Trust me, give the phone to Brainy, let him check it for you.”
“Kara, what—” she stops herself but then Lena takes a deep breath, looks straight into her eyes and says, “Okay, okay.” and then calls, “Brainy? Could you come here for a second?”
She lets out a sigh of relief and tension leaves her body and that’s when she realizes the cold tile of the floor beneath her feet and looks down to find that she’s barefoot.
Lena hands Brainy her phone and Nia hands Kara a pair of familiar fuzzy slippers. Alex must’ve made a run to her apartment, this morning.
“So,” Lena says, Kara can tell she’s nervous.
“You said you wanted to talk?”
“Yes,” Kara breathes out, “But first, can I hug you?”
This, Kara thinks, as Lena’s arms wrap around her and her shampoo invades her sense of smell and her warmth seeps into Kara’s body...
This is home.
Lena led her through the ‘living room’ and out to the balcony.
“I’m sorry I’m confused, living room?”
Lena chuckles and god, Kara’s missed that sound. Out of all the sounds on Earth, it was Lena’s laugh, Lena’s words, Lena’s voice she’s missed so much.
“Well, uhm everybody started camping out, there two weeks after you’ve…”
Lena's smile falters a bit but then she braves on through; omitting the words the both of them already knew, “And then Nia just started calling it living room, I mean, I guess it does look like a living room more than a heroes’ lair, now.”
And then Kara takes a good look around and Lena’s right, it does look more of a messy living room than a heroes’ lair.
There was a tangle of chargers on the cushions besides Nia’s laptop and Alex’s leather jacket draped over a couch, a couple of mugs sat on the coffee table. There were other knick-knacks too littered around, a Rubik’s cube here, a stress ball there, a couple of discarded pens and a lot of scratch papers filled with gadget designs.
She knows who to credit with those.
She’s missed so much. It hits her then She’s missed how all of this happened. How everyone had grown comfortable enough in The Tower that everyone considers it their second home.
Lena must’ve seen the way Kara’s eyes were roaming the place. Because she places a hand on Kara’s arm and the touch grounds her.
“Hey,” Lena says, “It’s your home too.”
She doesn’t know how to feel about that, but the way Lena says it makes Kara aware that Lena considers this place her home too.
Lena feels part of the team. Lena’s at home here, with her people, with her team.
The thought fills her with so much happiness but then—
If Lena became family while she was gone, what did Lena think of her now, then?
They stay quiet for a moment, which is driving Kara crazy, because she dragged Lena out here and now, she doesn’t know what to say.
“Kara,” Lena says the same time Kara says, “Lena,”
She smiles shyly at Kara and god, that smile. Kara wants to kiss that smile.
She doesn’t.
Even though Lena’s caught her staring at her lips.
“Okay, uhm I’ll go first,” Kara decides, averts her gaze and Lena gives her a small nod.
“Look, I’ll be honest, I- I don’t know how to do this and frankly, I’m not sure where I stand in your life anymore,” she admits and that seems to get Lena’s attention which just makes Kara’s palm get sweaty.
“Lena, I—”
“There you are!” Alex shouts at the two of them and whatever was about to happen, whatever Kara has to say becomes completely eclipsed by the next words Alex says.
“Lex is back. We have to hide Lena.”
“What?” Lena retorts back, loudly, “What do you mean hide?”
“Your phone, you gave it to Brainy right?”
Lena nods slowly at Alex, then looks at Kara and holds her gaze as if to say something.
“Yes, and?”
“We have reason to believe that he’s targeting an attack mainly for you,” Alex says and Lena isn’t really surprised.
The whole team is gathered now and Brainy is pulling up the details on how Lex had planted a bomb in her penthouse.
How original.
“Wait, you gave your phone to Brainy. How did you even know something was up?”
It was Kelly who asks and Lena realizes that it really wasn’t her it was—
“She didn’t.”
Kara speaks up for the first time since they’ve been gathered here and Lena somehow finds herself wanting to close in on Kara’s space.
“Lena didn’t know. I did,” Kara tells everyone and Alex frowns for a minute, trying to comprehend.
She sees Kara tense up at the question and this time she lets herself be pulled into the gravity of Kara. She takes the three step gap between and sidles up to her.
Kara seems to notice their close proximity and proceeds, “I uhm— I had these…”
Kara’s struggling to find the word, “Visions, I guess you can call them that, when I was uh- when I was stuck in this cave in the Phantom Zone. It was— they were very, very awful dreams. And in each and every one of them I lose somebody I love. But—”
She stops again and the pause seems to kill Alex but Lena’s attention is all on Kara, Kara’s staring at her like she’s trying to tell her something, Lena reaches over and squeezes her hand.
It works. The gesture gives Kara the push she needs.
“But mostly, they were about Lena.”
A tear falls from Kara’s face and Lena aches to wipe it away.
“Cavena Tim-or,” Brainy interrupts, “In Latin, timor stands for fear. You were stuck in the cave of fears, Kara.”
“But didn’t you say it was Klamarians' who named the place?”
“Yes, well, you’d be surprised at who was present during humanity’s past civilizations.”
After that, Alex quickly asks the question she’s been dying to ask since Kara told them about her experience two seconds ago.
“What did you see?”
“In one of them, the first one actually, I came home. I came back here, though a portal. Lena’s in the back of the room. She steps out to answer a call, but she never comes back,” Kara chokes up and this time, Lena presses up against her and wraps an arm around Kara.
“I’m here,” she says quietly.
“She never comes back because Lex abducts her and then kills her. And every time I fall asleep in that cave, it was that. Again and again and again. Lena dies again and again. And I lose her each and every time. I- I lose you each and every time.”
Before anybody else can speak up after Kara’s little revelation.
Lena tugs at her, makes her look at her. Lena’s wearing heels, Kara’s wearing fuzzy slippers, it allows Lena to put a hand on Kara’s cheek and finally wipe away her tears.
“I am right here. I am not going anywhere, you will never lose me. You always have me, Kara. You’ll always have me.”
Lex planting a bomb was such a fucking insult. It’s infuriating. But Lena wasn’t mad that he wanted her to die but because that was the lamest attempt ever. It was an insult to Lena’s intelligence.
She knows her brother. He wouldn’t settle for something as pedestrian as this.
And so, Lena does something she hasn’t done in a long time.
She calls her mother.
“Your favorite child is attempting sororicide again.”
“Yes, I’m aware. At least tell me you’re clever enough to have run into a discreet location?
“I don’t run, Mother.”
“Hm. For this one I advise you do.”
“What is he planning?”
“Well, that’s a surprise, I thought you already knew. Given the fact that you weren’t running.”
“I have an inkling.”
“I’m telling you now, Lena. You should run.”
“Why would I?”
“Supergirl’s back, Lena. Think about it.”
How the fuck did Lillian knew they got Kara back?
It turns out Lex's grand plan was to make the Girl of Steel choose.
The city or Lena Luthor.
It took them a while to figure out how Lex knew Kara was home.
Because of course, it’s always the things right on your nose that you don't see.
Remember the story about Jess making the occupants around the whole block sign NDA’s and buying their silence?
Apparently, Lex Luthor bought them at a much higher price and made them talk. Money makes the world go round, indeed. Or in this case, makes the world explode.
He planted moles and surveillance cameras all round the area and when the team got Kara back, somebody made the call to Lex Luthor.
He was staging a series of explosions using all of the National City’s residential areas. If there are victims, there would be a need for a saviour. And who would be a better saviour than Lex Luthor?
The explosives were all planted throughout a group of small-income businesses that can be found in most residential areas. A salon, a bakery, a dentist clinic, you name it.
Lex bought out these properties one by one under a pseudonym. Goddamn pretentious bastard. And then had his goons plant the bombs.
And the most irritating thing is, they weren’t the simple kind of bomb. Cut the red, save everybody kind of bomb. No, this one was a high-tech, highly volatile kind of bomb. Lena would soon discover that the bomb was one of Lex’s designs.
A compact, almost the size of a notebook, a plastic rectangular thing that nobody would notice. If you left it in the dentist's office, they’d just assume somebody has left a power bank in their hurry. But as soon as one goes near it—
Game over.
Lex succeeds in taking Lena.
The plan was to get to a safe house before anything happens. Make use of the transmatter portals because Kara says she doesn’t trust any of them driving Lena and she was still too weak to fly her anywhere.
Lex abducts her in the middle of transporting. Her entire being felt like they were turned upside down during that. He hacked her coordinates and grabbed her in the middle of the process. Her brother defied Laws of Physics just to get to her.
“You’re forgetting, I was the one who made those watches.”
She is gagged and cuffed, not the police kind of cuffs but the DEO kind of cuffs, the heavy biometric access ones.
She can only imagine Kara’s horrified face when Lena fails to turn up at the other side of the portal.
Lex drops the bomb on the floor, 5 steps away from her and makes his mandatory villain speech. Lena tuned out about halfway through.
Every hour that the Girl of Steel fails to show up for Lena and saves another neighborhood instead, the bomb gets closer and closer to Lena.
Don’t save me, Kara. Save the lives of others. Don’t save me.
The thing about using tech for bombs is that Brainy will most likely have a solution on how to solve it, fast.
"We encountered a similar problem back when I was part of the Legion."
"Well, you know what to do then?"
"I do."
It’s Alex who saves her and...Lillian.
“Only you?” Lena jokes breathing heavily, as Alex removes her cuffs and Lex is down on the floor.
“Where’s the rest of the cavalry?” she says, standing up from the monobloc chair. Alex in all her Sentinel glory, waving a device that Lena suspects is for detonating the bomb.
“Actually…” Alex trails off, gestures somewhere to the entrance.
And like some well-timed cue, Lillian Luthor rounds the corner.
Her mother was wearing a long black coat and heels, hair flowing, half in an updo. She looked as she always looked, an expensive calculating cold bitch.
“Lena,” she coos, gracefully kisses Lena on the cheek as if she hadn’t just sidestepped her son who was lying on the floor unconscious with a broken nose, as if Lena wasn’t just held hostage fearing for her life and for countless others, as if half of National City almost didn’t blow up.
Just a typical Tuesday for the Luthors.
Alex was too busy detonating the bomb on the ground to explain what the hell Lillian was doing here.
Her mother leans in closer, Lena feels the cold metal of a gun being thrust in her hands, she whispers, “I told him not to harm you.”
And in that moment in time, Lena realizes what this is. Her mother didn’t come for her because she cared if Lena lived or not. This was Lilian’s cheap shot at redemption. Lex had obviously failed her. But Lena? Lena might just be her saving grace.
Lillian must’ve thought if she played her cards right, Lena would pull her up from the depth of her sins. But no more, Lena knows better now. She isn’t the same woman who Lillian Luthor can manipulate into her traps.
Lena knows better now.
The sun is harsh on her face as Alex, her and Lillian make their way out of the warehouse.
Lex was being taken care of by a SWAT team. Old agents of the DEO that remained loyal to Alex Danvers and just like her had a hunch that Lex Luthor was bad news.
They pile up inside a nondescript van.
Alex’s first words to her as she shuts the vehicle doors close and the van lurches, are, “‘You’ll always have me?'” she mocks, “I mean Christ, Luthor, I had a hunch that you were gay for my sister but I didn’t know you were that ‘gay’.”
Alex rolls her eyes, makes air quotations around the word ‘gay’. Lena snorts. Lilian looks like she was going to throw up.
On the ride back, Alex tells her that Lillian stepped forward saying she knew where Lena was, snuck into The Tower, which J’onn or any of the Superfriends didn’t appreciate.
“Your security system is predictable, Lena. I’m your mother not to mention I’m a Luthor.”
Lena pushed down the urge to punch her in the face.
“Kara was this close...” Alex holds her index finger and her thumb in a pinch. “-to heat visioning her.”
Of course, it would be Lillian Luthor who would know where Lena would be taken by Lex.
Apparently, the others were scattered around National City helping to evacuate residents.
They all know Brainy could undo all of Lex’s bombs and avoid any casualties, but still, better safe than sorry.
It was only when they are already stepping inside the Tower’s elevators that it occurs to Lena that she still doesn't know where Kara is.
“She solar flared looking all over National City for you,” Alex tells her as they walk into the medbay and she sees Kara’s sleeping form under the glow of the sunlamps.
Alex excuses herself after changing out of her suit, muttering “Idiots, goddamn idiots I swear to God-” under her breath and Lena pretends she doesn't hear.
Flying around National City all night long exerting her supersenses fresh from a 3 month stay in a sunless hell and after only 12 hours under sunlamps, resulted in this; Kara unconscious yet again, powerless and weak.
Lena pulls up a chair next to Kara's bed. Grabs her right hand and puts it against her cheek, her palm warm against Lena's skin and there, with only Kara and the hum of the sunlamps, Lena cries. The events of the last few months finally catching up to her.
She falls apart, clutching Kara's hand tightly like an anchor.
Kara wakes up exhausted and parched. She blinks her eyes open to bright yellow lights.
She groans, rubs her eyes trying to sit up. The moment she sits up she realizes she isn’t alone.
Lena was here, sleeping on folded arms on the side of her med bed.
That does not look like a comfortable position.
“Lena,” she tries, nudging her gently on the shoulder.
“Hey, baby, wake up.”
Lena rouses, hums a confused, “Mm?” and slowly opens her eyes. Kara is shocked to see Lena’s emerald eyes have turned into bloodshot, tired ones.
“Were you crying?” Kara whispers, shuffling on the bed to get close enough to cup Lena’s face.
Lena doesn’t answer, just lets her head be tilted, Kara’s thumb softly rubbing at her cheek, concerned blue eyes burning into her. Kara looks like she’s going to ask once again but Lena cuts her off, half-afraid that if she doesn’t do it now, she will never do it.
“Kara, I love you.”
There. She did it. It’s done. She's said it. She can't take it back.
Immediately, Kara’s thumb stills and her eyes widen.
“And I’m so tired of this, I’m so tired of you and me getting separated. With you not knowing how much I love you. How much it hurts every time you’re away from me. I’m so tired of not being with you, Kara.”
Her voice is heavy with emotion; exhaustion and overwhelming love bleeding into each other. She stares at Kara who’s still frozen, tears slowly falling, making her eyes shine like sapphire.
She feels Kara resume the movement of her thumb and only then does Lena realize she’s crying as well.
“I have you, right here, right now, but for how long? For how long? Because I know, I fucking know, Kara, this life. Your life. Our life. One way or another some disaster is going to get us again and I don’t want that to happen without me having told you how I feel. So, here I am,” she breathes out, “Here I am, telling you how I feel.” Lena puts a hand to Kara’s hand and cradles it, leans in to the touch, kisses her palm.
“I love you and I can’t hide it anymore. I don’t want to hide it anymore. I love you.”
“Lena,” Kara finally replies, breathless and emotional, “You saved me, do you know that? You’re all I’ve dreamt about the whole time I was away. You're the thing that's kept me alive. My home is you, has been you, for some time now and I didn’t even have the chance to tell you.”
Lena breaks when she hears this, as her mind takes her back to the past three months of missing Kara, of feeling so fucking lonely, of feeling so fucking scared.
“I love you, Rao, I love you so much. I can’t not love you. You’re everything, Lena. You’re my home.”
Kara has moved so close to her that she’s able to press their foreheads together as she murmurs, “I love you,” again and again and again.
“I’m tired of all of this too. I just want to love you, Lena.”
These are the words Kara utters before she presses their lips together.
“Hm?” Lena hums, distracted. It was a good day today. She woke up to Lena making pancakes in her kitchen, wearing nothing but Kara’s old yellow hoodie. The sight almost made her turn to goo.
It was her third day back after spending so long confined to The Tower’s bed under the sun lamps. She was sure it would be longer if Alex had her way.
Tomorrow, Lena will be arranging her affairs in taking L-Corp back. They both know she has a long way to go. Kara’s not worried though, if Lena did it once, she can do it again and just like before Kara will be with her every step of the way.
Now, they’re just lounging around lazily in Kara’s apartment. Lena curled up on her couch with a book and Kara on the floor writing on her laptop.
She came back to CatCo last Monday and now she’s trying to come up with a good enough email to send to Cat Grant and ask her for a favor. She loves Nia but Rao, did she really have to say Cat Grant to Andrea?
“Why was Jess yelling at Nia last week? I woke up to Jess’s voice, actually. And more importantly, Jess knows???!”
“Oh, darling, Jess has always known.”
Kara stops typing and turns around to prop herself up on the couch.
“What? I’m sorry what?” she blurts out, incredulous. Lena puts her book down and looks at her.
“Apparently, you haven’t been very subtle.”
“Wha- No! I can be sneaky! I’m sneaky!”
Lena snorts at her protests.
“Sure you are,” she purrs and if Kara wasn’t writing an urgent email, that voice would’ve made her destroy the couch
“—and uh Jess was yelling at Nia for not following Tower rules.”
“W-we have rules?” she says, Kara shakes off the straying thoughts out of her mind and focuses back on what Lena is saying. She hauls herself off the floor and unto the couch, Lena making room, lifting her legs and then putting it back down on Kara’s lap once she’s comfortably seated.
Kara’s hands start trailing up and down Lena’s bare legs on her lap.
“Will you tell me? I don’t want Jess to yell at me.”
Lena flashes a smile at that and Kara blushes adorably.
“Okay, okay. I’ll tell you, come here,” she answers and makes grabby hands at Kara. Rao, it’s a miracle Kara hasn’t died from the sheer cuteness that is Lena Luthor.
Kara shifts positions and fits herself horizontally, draping half of herself on Lena and Kara listens to the 5 cardinal rules of Jessica Huang. It mostly just says all of them should eat, sleep and balance superhero work and real work.
She wants to ask if somebody is paying Jess, but then realizes Lena Luthor is next to her and she would never let somebody like Jess work for free.
The thought of how utterly good and compassionate Lena is, makes her smile.
“Lena?” Kara mutters, nosing at Lena’s neck.
“Have I ever told you I love you?”
Lena laughs, “Once or twice.”
“Well, that wouldn’t do. From now on, it’s my mission to tell you I love you till I’ve said it a billion times,” Kara declares.
“A billion?”
“Mm-hm. And even a billion doesn’t even feel like enough.”
“You’ll always be enough for me, Kara,” Lena says, looking down to her and kissing her temple, “You’re more than enough for me.”
“I love you, Lena.”
“I love you too.”
There are two parts to Kara Danvers' story The Searching and The Coming Home.
She never even knew she was searching for something, someone, till she found Lena, till she found somebody to come home to.
uhm so, @uselesslesbianfr submitted something to me and my brain just started churning and then before i knew it i've written a 10k one shot about the brief plot she's sent me. so yeahhh.
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shlutnutt · 3 years
Aisle 7
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loved the way this one turned out hope you enjoy!
warnings: public oral sex, robbery, masturbation, overstimulation mention, etc, just regular smutty shit
Warren Lipka and you were inseparable. You were best friends, boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife, soulmates, enemies, lovers, but for most you were fuck buddies. You'd travel around together, even if that were to be across the globe or for a quick joint wrap to the nearest corner store. No matter what you guys' were up to the adrenaline was always there, leading you guys to do unholy things in the most unholy places. Even if that were to be in a church, a kids' playground or even in the middle of fucking nowhere, to clubs, reunions, rooftops or a stranger's left open garage. But there was one place you and Warren haven't tested yet, and it was very much needed to be checked out of your bucket list.
Waking up to Warren's angelic self laying beside you, taking a moment to breath in his masculine heaven sent scent and his beautifully unique facial features you soon realize a cute perfect curl resting on his forehead, using your finger tips to swipe it softly behind his ear so it doesn't bug him, hearing a soft groan fall out of his pink lips. Shifting a little, Warren pulled you in close to him wrapping his muscular arms around your bruised naked body, causing a small whimper to fall out of you as he accidentally held a little too hard on your contused waist, from your guys' long night.
"S-sorry." apologized Warren in his adorable morning voice, half awake kissing your shoulder caustiously, loosening his grip on you as you're now the little spoon. Warren wasn't the type to apologize, his way of apologizing was pleasing you through sex, he never wanted to show his vulnerability to you.
"Since when do you apologize, Warren Lipka?" you asked as he replied with "God. I love the way you say my name.." completely avoiding your question lifting his huge pointer finger to your lips to shush you nicely, still half asleep.
Getting up now and getting dressed for some food you look over at the man shifting aggressively looking for his most comfortable position peeking over at you discreetly, you ask him what'd he want from Dunkin's. "Gonna go to dunkin's, want a coffee, a bagle or something?" "Yeah.. no sugar and a bagle.. maybe get some wraps while you're out, hm?" Warren mumbled under his breath lazyly lifting an eyebrow to your sudden silence and unmovibility. "wanna come.. maybe?" you fill in the silence, in hopes to him agreeing since you feered going out alone.
Warren just strecthed and hummed pushing the blue striped covers to the side as he lazyly dragged himself out of the bed, unaware he was still butt naked from the previous night you rested your head on the windowsill, unable to keep your eyes off of his morning wood, in which was fully hard for you to see. Your arousal was soon arising, causing you to tighten your legs in amusement.
Clothed now, Warren points at the keys signaling you to pick them up and get the car running while he looks for some money he had misplaced. As you speed walked to your car, tripping along the way. You struggle to catch your breath as you sigh in sexual frustration. Even after your guys' long overstimulated night you couldn't bare the need of wanting more. So, unwilling of simply asking Warren to fulfill your needs you pull up one of his old nudes that you had saved on your phone, satisfying yourself quickly before he'd notice.
You groaned to yourself lowly as you massaged your clothed clit, not daring to take your eyes off of his nudes. So lost in the moment you hear a faded knock on your car's window, taking you by surprise. With the knocking fading in now, you look up to Warren who's eyes were lustfilled and lips were smirked signaling you to open the door and slide over to the passenger seat.
"I- I–" "Shh, princess." Warren shushed you as he buckled up his seatbelt, reaching out for yours and buckling it in for you also, his hand swiping pass your lower abdomen making you jump slightly.
The ride quiet and awkward you look over to him, only to catch your focus onto his hands now, which were swiftly and roughly operating the steering wheel. His hands veiny and pale, you zone out to only get zoned back in to a harsh grip onto your upper thigh.
"Dare or dare, Y/N?" Warren dares you, sharp stare suited on his eyes, which move from your own to the road in a rapid manner. "Bring it on, baby." you tease, knowing he had evil plans coming for you after what he's witnessed.
"Suck me off in the supermarket."
Warren only chuckled to your reaction but he was dead fucking serious. This man is literally crazy. It amazed you how you've put up with him for all that time, but you matching his level of crazy you accept his dare, causing Warren to give your thigh a little slap as he parked in the empty parking lot an evil grin glued to his face. "I'll go in and order if you want." he tells you whislt shoving a couple hundreds in his green coat, you nod in response. Him now jogging into dunkin to place your orders as fast as he possibly could, he stops a little to give you a wink before going in, an evil ass wink.
As Warren took a little longer than usual you predicted that he were to be committing yet another crime, so you prepare to be his getaway driver for the third time that week, it only being Thursday.
Rolling your last blunt to waste some time, you spot Warren from the corner of your eyes running like a maniac towards your car, dozens of bags and coffee placers in hand, bright big smile suited on his face as he sped to the passenger seat. Throwing all the bags to the back seat he slaps your thigh repeatedly demanding you to go.
"Fuck Y/N! I fucking love you!" Warren yelled in between pants, the huge wide smile still placed on his face as he sweated like a pig, taking off his heavy green coat replacing it with a brown one to semi-cover his identity, as you guys sped off uncautiously manefesting a ticket.
"Yeah, yeah. I fucking love you too." you sighed in between giggles.
The adrenaline now going to its norm you feel a sharp familiar gaze on you. Keeping your eyes on the road, you hear Warren's breathing escalate inconspicuously, making your curiosity grow by the second you attempt to ask the man what was going on, only for him to shush you once again.
"Park right there." ordered Warren, pointing at a supermarket's uninhabited parking lot. You follow his orders instantly, carefully parking your car near some trees, making the parking lot appear more blank than what it should've been.
Warren's stare only intensified as you grew in curiosity. With him placing his huge hand on your thigh once again, you couldn't bare the need to kiss him, crashing your lips onto his sloppily to soon straddling ontop of him. Warren didn't hesitate to kiss back, placing his hands on your waist grinding his rising clothed boner onto your clothed pussy roughly.
"Fuck me.. baby please" you insist in between the makeout, panting pathetically against his shoulder, as you two humped for several minutes now.
"You owe me a dare, Y/N." replies Warren in between heavy grunts, referring to his previous 'Give me head in a supermarket' dare.
"But- bu-" "No ifs or buts Y/N, dare or nothing?" Warren teases giving you no other option,you needing all of him desperately you accept his dare getting off of him to unlock the car and walk out of it.
Warren only looked up at you in amusement, with the coincidence of you guys' being parked outside of a supermarket he only grew excited, jumping out of the car walking behind you exhilaratedly.
Now entering the unoccupied supermarket you look around to make sure there wasn't a soul around to witness the unholiness you were about to commit to. Not a single person around other than the 2 cashiers up front you grab Warren's hand and drag him down aisle to aisle speed walking almost, as you search for the most hidden aisle in the back of the supermarket.
"Aisle 7." you murmured under your breath as you pull Warren in for a kiss, the kiss transforming into a unconditional make out. Warren suddenly held onto your waist firmly once again as you kissed down his neck, him leaning his head back, giving you more access. You lose no time to fidget your fingers curling on his sweats strings, to massaging his shaft softly.
This producing some soft groans to fall out of your comrade's mouth you push him slightly onto the tide pod shelf behind him, lowering yourself smoothly. Your face now confronting his clothed member you look up to him in concern of getting caught. He only whispers "No cameras." to give you comfort.
Pulling down his sweats you are suprisingly tapped across your nose with your lover's tip, in which is leaking in precum, turning you on incredibly. Twirling your wet tongue around his reddened tip you take time to give his balls attention also, massaging them thoughtfully. "Oh fuck." moaned Warren to your delicate and thoughtful touch on him as he struggled to keep an eye out for anyone coming.
You sucked on him desperately, now allowing his shaft to torture your throat leisurely. The situation becoming heated by the time you lightly tap on Warren's thigh to shush him from his loud disturbing moans and groans, struggling to not come too quick.
"Come for me." you order, soon feeling a creamy warm liquid drip from your lips. You intentionally keep sucking to make his manly self beg for you to stop.
"W-wait." stuttered Warren, looking down at you with squinting eyes, you ignore him supposing he wanted you to stop overstimulating him, continuing since he hadn't said his safe word. "Y/N!" he called for you once more, causing you to annoyingly stop to face him.
"Camera.." was all he said, looking up to it nervously. You get up to face a security camera pointing directly at you guys.
"Well fuck, we can cross that off the list now, can't we?" joked Warren as you wanted to instantly die from embarrassment leaving through the emergency back door unable to look at the cashier after what you've just done.
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