buboplague · 2 years
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bonus + the jungle ones together
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ltwilliammowett · 9 months
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Ghostship, by Wieslaw Wilk, 2021
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lumiidragon · 1 year
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Ghostship is the mate of Seashine and  mother to Crosswaves. She earned the name ‘Ghostship’ due to her love of swimming during foggy periods leaving her to be mistaken as a sailing ship that vanishes underwater. The Water Wing Tribe, however, knows that it’s simply their Alpha Queen enjoying some peace and quiet.
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dreadedender · 10 months
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Oh shit, it's a spooky clothes-stealing ghost! Pretty fishboys beware, you're in for some scares!
(Hehe, drew the spooky pose with my Aradia first, then decided it would be cuter with AraEri (pale) connotations. I really like her expression with this, my girl is UNHINGED.)
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nampeung · 2 months
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TL;DR I officially declare JoongJames my favorite ghost ship.
Full story: My main ship was NetJames. I'm not even a BL fan for long, only a bit over a year, but they instantly robbed my heart and were undeniably my favorites. No matter what others say about having seen it coming, I was utterly surprised by JamesSu pulling out of the couple. And I kinda have a hard time forgiving him (mostly DMD but also a bit him). I'm fine with NetJames growing apart and not working together in the future. Do your solo things, make dreams come true escape the toxic part of your fandom. But why would they not do Love Upon a Time first... T_T I just want a bit of a good-bye present. We were so close... T_T
So I went cold turkey and did not really follow them much, because tbh my heart ist still breaking regularly whenever I see them and I realize I'll not see them together anymore. :')
And then comes Joong, who always was high up in my favorites list and tbh I am very sure that JoongDunk will take over my no. 1 spot from NetJames soon, once that sore spot is ready for someone new... Anyway! While I'm still not 100% over the break-up, I was able to reconcile a bit with James thanks to Joongs interactions with him. Because they are so cute together. They seem fun. I love when they (or pretty much any people from other couples!!) interact and they seem to go well together. I wish they could also work together and... Yes. My favorite Ghost ship.
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msantoniagraza · 5 months
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Building new version of the ship.
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halliescomut · 1 year
A-Bee-Sea random post
So like...I will adore a main couple, but I'm an easy sucker for side characters. I'm absolutely loving the Prince/Bee couple in Between Us because honestly, how could you not??? I mean look at them!!!
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But I was considering my previous post about the sex lives of the Between Us couples, which for Prince and Bee is based a lot around the bathroom conversation in episode 9. In that scene Prince tells Bee he's gay, and Bee's like "well I like you, so I'm gay too."
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And sure sexuality is a bit more nuanced than that most of the time, but Bee is 19, so I'm not really expecting him to deep dive, he's just following his heart (and we adore him for that). But I was thinking about Bee coming out to the friend group. Like they all know about Dean and Pharm and Win and Team, so they themselves, not homophobic, so I'm not worried about their reaction to Bee coming out to them. They'd be hella supportive, the whole swim club is consistently supportive and actively involved in the matching-making of other club members, it's delightful.
But thinking about them essentially setting up the whole swim club to be queer (maybe minus Pruek, but he could be bi or pan, we don't know) and then the drunk scene from episode 10...
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And then wandering back to their rooms...and I had what I think would be the funnest twist. Bee comes out to A and Sea and they're just like "That's dope bro. We're gay too. Actually we're dating." Because this could be boyfriend behavior...the way that A just jumps on Sea.
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It would just be so hilarious if they did that. Like, unnecessary for sure, and I do love a sweet and comfortable friendship....but when you have the chance to make it more gay...why not?
Anyway, that's all.
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micelangelooo · 1 year
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Yo ho it's a pirate's life for me! 
Drawing I made back in 2020. 
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At one point thoguth the episode I was like
Pisaeng, ditch Kawi and just get to know Max more.
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ex1st · 2 years
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kawasiki-jo · 2 years
How Kim finds out he likes pottery
Just a quick Story Time for how I cope with sad boys finally finding a happy ending-
This is Tay’s happily ever after in my mind, or 
How Kim finds out he likes pottery
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I now ship Tay and Kim. 😂
But hear me out. I know Tay deserves a lot better, but I feel like Kim would be the right person. He's all silent and ‘I'll love you in secret’. Whereas Time is all ‘let me love others in public, in front of you’
It'll be the perfect change.
In my head, they start as a one-night stand, just cause Tay was crying his eyes out and drunk and Kim could see he was in pain. So he gives him a night he can't forget, literally.
And then they become fuck buddies, because Time is spending so much fucking time with Tem
And soon Time comes home and Tay is no longer waiting for him like a love-sick puppy
Instead, he walks into the house after Time and Time is confused because Tay is smiling for a reason he can't understand.
Kim would take Tay out to do things he likes. Initially, it was to get over Chay avoiding him, but soon he realises he likes pottery as well.
And they vow to go for pottery classes together, as friends of course.
And Kim for the first time realizes that Tay really really likes art and being creative.
So he takes him to a baking class next
And then a flower arrangements class
And then a photography class
And then a jewellery class
And Tay gives Kim the first pair of earrings he makes.
And then one day Time sees them together, and Kim doesn’t hesitate, he just goes and wraps his arm around Tay's waist. It's childish and is like he's saying 'See what I got! see what I got!' But it makes Tay laugh
And then one day Time approaches Tay and asks him where he's been, what he's doing and everything. But it's been nearly two months since Tay hasn't been there and the fact that Time took so long to ask makes Tay sad again
It's not as bad as how he used to feel when he first saw the way Time looked at Tem
So he's happy.
A little bit. But it's more than he was when he was with Time. Their last six months have been hard for Tay to handle.
It's not like Time didn't treat him right, didn't love him completely when he did. But somewhere along the way, things changed and Tay knew Time didn't love him the same anymore
So he forgives him, because Time is actually a nice guy who just can't stop falling in love
But forgiveness doesn't mean he's willing to put himself through it all over again
Time has cared for him, and loved him, and pleased him, and been there for him so he'll keep him around for their friendship’s sake
He doesn't get with Kim either
He's just earned his freedom, even though it's not the words anyone else would use. He feels free for the first time in a long time
The end
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buboplague · 2 years
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zinru and the spirits
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ltwilliammowett · 9 months
The Squando Ghostship
The Squando a Norwegian merchant ship docked herself 1890 off Embarcadero in San Francisco. A short time later a headless corpse was found floating in the bay and after investigation it was determined that this was the 1st Mate of the Squando who had been decapitated and disposed of by the Captain and his wife. They had hidden the head in a box under the bunk of the couple as a precaution. How had it come to this ? There are two versions, the first says that the wife of Captain Nels Erikson, the 1st Mate Lars Gunderson made beautiful eyes and they committed an affair. Her husband found out and forced her to assist him in the murder. To do this, she lulled her lover with liqueur and held his hands together behind his back as her husband rushed in and cut off the drunken man's head with an axe.
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The other version was that he called the lover into his cabin and cut off his head with a saber in front of his horrified wife. In other versions, the wife does not have an affair with the 1st mate at all, but the 1st mate is stalking the captain's wife and was beheaded by the captain. However the couple was captured and sentenced to death. But the story doesn't end here, the Squando were equipped by her owners with a new crew and the tragedy took its course.
After only a month, 4 crew members mutinied and killed their captain. The next two captains also died unnaturally. One died from poisoning by a cut in the hand and the other from a violent squall at night, another version reports that both died violently in the cabin under mysterious circumstances.
In 1893, the entire crew, fed up with the ship's curse, left the ship in Bathurst, New Brunswick. The ship's reputation as a haunted and cursed ship made it impossible for the owners to hire a new crew. The Norwegian consul finally stepped in and hired two night watchmen to guard the ship until it was decided what to do with the cursed vessel. The night watchmen left the ship on the first night and fled in fear after encountering a headless apparition running around in the corridor outside the captain's cabin.
This is what happened to the next six night watchmen, who were all hired and quit again in the next few weeks. Unable to hire workers for the ship, the owners were forced to tear it down. Another legend has it that the Squando wanted to make one last transatlantic voyage in 1901, but completely disappeared on her journey and never arrived at her final destination - on the contrary, she is said to be still looking for a new crew today. So you could call her a spiritship rather than a ghost ship.
But how do you come to that? considering that spiritships are quite rare, if you believe the superstition. Well, the Squando is said to have been involved in a curse. Several workers were killed during the construction of the ship, and one of the widows cursed the ship and all who were to sail on it, and then committed suicide to make the curse effective. Another version says that the widow desperately turned to the ship for help after the owner refused to help her after the death of her husband. The ship itself is said to have offered to carry out her revenge if the widow spilled her blood on it. No sooner said than done, the widow sacrificed herself and the revenge took its course, as already detailed above.
All in all, an evil ship which, when it goes hunting in the fog off the coast to look for a crew, soon kills them and then looks for a new one. My dear friends, I warn you to stay away from an older Norwegian ship that calls you as a crew member in the fog, she does not mean well with you.
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lumiidragon · 1 year
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Alpha Family Verse
The Water Wing Tribe is a tribe that is protected by a bewilderbeast and its flock. The humans and dragons assist each other with companionship, resources, and protection. As part of a generations-old tradition, the youngest child of the chief is to become the guardian and protector of the alpha dragon’s offspring.
Runa, the youngest of four sisters, has just recently taken this role with the birth of the first offspring of the alpha dragon Seashine and his mate, Ghostship. This new baby named ‘Crosswaves’, by the new protector of the alpha, will need to be kept safe from dragon hunters, other flocks of dragons, and other dangers that it may face.
Runa has also trained female of a newly discovered fury species, the Aura Fury. This dragon, which Runa has named ‘Gloworm’ is an intelligent and speedy dragon, but her most dominating abilities are her speed in the water, a powerful plasma blast, and her ability to make her dark markings glow a vibrant color. No others of her species have been found yet.
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itsmelb · 2 years
Just kill me already.. 🥵🥵
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msantoniagraza · 5 months
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